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A Monthly Journal of Botanical Notes and News

JOHN TORRHY, 1796-187J






Volume XIX



Secretary and Treasurer
Columbia University. N. Y. City.
Associate Editors
Delegate to the Council of the New York Academy of Sciences
M. A. HOWE. Ph.D.

Committees for 1919.

Finance Committee Program Committee

R. A. Harper. Chairman. Mrs. E. G. Britton, Chairman.
J. H. Barnhart, Prof. Jean Broadhurst
Miss C. C. Haynes B. O. Dodge
Sereno Stetson Michael Levine
Budget Committee F. J. Seaver

J. H. Barnhart, Chairman.
Membership Committee
R. A. Harper J. K. Small, Chairman.
N. L. Britton T. E. Hazen
A. W. Evans E. W. Olive
M. A. Howe Local Flora Committee
H. H. RusBY
N. L. Britton. Chairman.
Field Committee
Phanerogams: Cryptogams:
F. W. Pen'NELl, Chairman.
Mrs. L. M. Keeler E. P. Bicknell Mrs. E. G. Britton
Michael Levine N. L. Britton T. E. Hazen
George T. Hastings C. C. Curtis M. A. Howe
Percy Wilson K. K. Mackenzie Michael Levine
F. J. Seaver
Norman Taylor W. A. Murrill
Chairmen of Special Committees on Local Flora
Ferns and Fern Allies: R. C. Benedict. Lichens: W. C. Barbour
Mosses: Mrs. E. G. Britton Sphaeriaceae, Dothideaceae H. M. :

Liverworts: A. W. Evans Richards

Fresh Water Algae: T. E. Hazen Hypocreaceae, Perisporieae, Plectas-
Marine Algae: M. A. Howe cineae, Tuberineae: F. J. Seaver
Gasteromycetes: G. C. Fisher Fungi-forming sclerotia: A. B. Stout
Hymerromycetes W. A. Murrill
: Imperfecti: H. M. Richards. F.
Except Russula and Lactarius: Miss G Seaver. Mel T. Cook
Burlingham Oomycetes: C. A. King
Cortinarius: R. A. Harper Zygomycetes: A. F. Blakeslee
M. Levine
Polyporeae: Chytridiaceae.
M. Richards
Exobasidii: H. Myxomycetes: Mrs. H. M. Richards
Rusts and Smuts: E. W. Olive Yeast and Bacteria: Prof. J. Broadhurst
Discomycetes: B. O. Dodge Insect galls: Mel T. Cook
Vol. 19 January, 1919 No. I

A Monthly Journal of Botanical Notes and News





(OHN TORREY, I796-1873.

The Pala or Mule's Foot Fern in the Hawaiian Archipelago : Vaughan Mac-
Caughey I

Pleistocene Plants from Tennessee and Mississippi: E. W. Berry 8

Notes on Lycaste ; T. D. A. Cockerell lo
Shorter notes:
Plants in flower in the Autumn of 1918 on Long Island, N. Y.: W. C. Fer-
guson 12
Concerning duplicate types: F. W. Pennell 14
Boerker's Our National Forests: C. Stuart Gager 14
Harwood's New Creations in Plant Life O. E. White : 16
Proceedings of the Club 17
News Items 19

Published for the Club

At 41 North Qwkbn Strkbt, Lancastkr, Pa..
BY Thk tisrw Era Printing Company
'Ejitered at the Post Office at Lancaster, Pa., as second-class matter.



Secretary and Treasurer

Columbia University, N. Y. City.
Associate Editors
G. E.
Delegate to the New York Academy
Council of the of Sciences
M. A. HOWE, Ph.D.

Official Organ of the Wild Flower Preservation

Society of America

Torreya is furnished to subscribers in the United States and

Canada for one dollar per annum ; single copies, fifteen cents. To
subscribers elsewhere, five shillings, or the equivalent thereof. Postal or
express money orders and drafts or personal checks on New York City
banks are accepted in payment, but the rules of the Ncav York Clearing
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other local checks that may be sent. Subscriptions are received only
for full volumes, beginning with the January issue. Reprints will be
furnished at cost prices. Subscriptions and remittances should be sent
to Treasurer, Torrey Botanical Club, 41 North Queen St., Lan-
caster, Pa., orColumbia University, New York City.
Matter for publication, and books and papers for review, should
be addressed to

Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Brooklyn, N. Y
Vol. 19 No. I

January, 1919


lasii (Presl.) Baker) IN THE HAWAHAN

By Vaughan MacCaughey
College of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii

The Hawaiian ferns have constituted an interesting subject

of botanical investigation for over a century. There have been
few studies, however, of specific ferns or fern groups.^ The
present paper aims to give a concise account of the "mule's-foot"
fern or pala {Marattia Douglasii (Presl.) Baker). This species
is of particular interest because it is the sole representative, in
the present Hawaiian flora, of an extremely important group of
pteridophytes, namely, the Marattiales. Moreover, it also oc-
curs in the Fiji Islands, and this fact raises some interesting ques-
tions as to its geographic dissemination. The pala was also used
as food and medicine by the primitive Hawaiians. Finally,
Campbell's^ studies of the gametophyte stage have given local
workers a special interest in this fern.

In early geologic periods Marattiaceous ferns abounded, and

comprised an important element in the luxuriant fern jungles of

those times. They were very abundant in the Pennsylvanian

(Upper Carboniferous), and in the Meso-
in the Triassic (Rhetic),

zoic of India. A survey of the geological record shows that the

present-day Marattiales are but scant and skrunken remnants
of a magnificent vanished flora.
The ancient and primitive family Marattiaceae is represented
' MacCaughey, V. Genus Gleichenia in the Hawaiian Islands. Torreya i8:
41-52. 1918.
2 Campbell, D. H. Observations on the development of Marattia douglasii
Baker. Ann. Hot. 8: i. 1894.
[No. 12, Vol.18 of Torreya, comprising pp. 231-258, was issued 21 January 1919I

in the Ha^vaiian flora only by a single species, AI. Douglasii.
The geographic range of the famih '^•
^cheated by the following
Genus Xo. of species Range
Marattia 25 tropics
Angiopteris I (or 60!) Old World tropics, Australasia, S. Japan
Archangiopteris I southwestern China
Kaulfussia I Indo-Malaya, Philippines
Alacxoglossum I Borneo
Danaea 20 Tropical America

From this table will be seen that Hawaii, isolated in the vast
stretches of the Xorth Pacific Ocean, and lying on the rim of the
tropics, is the northernmost limit of the family's range in the
entire Pacific basin.
Three theories may be presented to explain the occurrence of
M. Douglasii in the Hawaiian Islands. First: It also occurs m
the Fiji Archipelago. Inasmuch as the bulk of the native Ha-
waiian flora shows affinities with that of the southwest Pacific,
it is possible that the pala was introduced through natural agen-
cies, — ex. wind, —from the South Pacific. Second: The native
Hawaiians habitually used the pala for food and medicine. The
natives originally migrated to Hawaii from Tahiti, and for many
centuries maintained intercourse with their southern kinsfolk.
During and intercourse, numerous food
this period of migration
plants^ were introduced into Hawaii. It is not at all unlikely
that the pala was deliberately introduced, by the natives, during
this epoch. Its present distribution in the islands is in no way
incompatible with this hypothesis.
Third: The entire Hawaiian Archipelago has undergone pro-
found subsidence during recent geologic time.^ In early times
the islands were united by land connections. This formed a
"Pan-Hawaii-land," very much larger in area, higher in eleva-
tion, and diversified in topography and climate, than the present
archipelago. On the warm
lowlands of Pan-Hawaii-land may
have existed great tropical jungles of Marattiaceous ferns and
* MacCaughey, \'. Food Plants of the Ancient Hawaiians. Sci. Monthly 4:
75-80. 1917-
' MacCaughey, V. Outstanding Biological Features of the Hawaiian Archi-
pelago. Amer. Nat. in press.
their allies. All ha\c vanished sav the lone M. Douiilusii, that

was able to survive under the changing ecologic en\'ironment.

There is ample evidence elsewhere in the Hawaiian flora to show
that many elements of the present flora are but remnants of the
far richer flora of Pan-Hawaii-land.
The genus Marattia Sm. ( Dicostegia Presl., Eiipodium J. Sm.,
Gymnothcca Presl., Marattia Presl., Myriotheca Bory, Stibasia
Presl.) was named in honor of an Italian botanist, J. F. Maratti,
of Vallombrosa, Tuscany, who li\ed in the seventeenth century
and wrote on ferns. The genus comprises about 25 species,
which are scattered throughout the tropics, and into the southern
hemisphere. The following table shows the distribution of the
better-known species.
Old World
Jraxinea Sm.—west coast of Africa to Polynesia.
Schrad. — South Africa to the Cape.

Boivini Mett. — Madagascar.

purpurascens de —Ascencion Island.

East Indies
salicina Sm. — East Indian Archipelago.
sambucina Bl. —Java.
pelliicida Presl. — Philippine Islands.
melanesiaca Kuhn— Melanesia.
attenuata Labill — New Caledonia.

Douglasii (Presl.) Baker — Fiji, Hawaiian Islands.

New World
cicutifolia Kaulf. —^tropical America.
Kaulfussii J. Sm. —
tropical America.
alata —
Sm. West Indies, Mexico, northern South America.
Weinmanniifolia Liebm. — Mexico.
laevis Sm. —West Indies.
Marattia Doiiglasii (Presl.) Baker^ is called pala by the Ha-
waiians. It may also be called the Mule's-foot Fern, or Doug-
Marattia. It was named in honor of the Scotch botanist,

David Douglas, who visited Hawaii in 1833, and lost his life by
. falling into a native cattle-trap.
It is a large, coarse-leaved, showy fern, easily recognized in
the forest. Although not as large as the Marattias of other
countries, it attains generous size, with a stocky trunk 1-2 ft.

high, and wide-spreading leaves, 6-15 ft. long. In Hawaii Ma-

rattia is surpassed in stature and spread by some of the arbor-
escent species {Cihotium, Sadleria^). Aside from the strictly
arborescent species, however, Marattia and Angiopteris may be
ranked among the largest of the ferns.
The pala is abundant in the mountain-forests of Hawaii, and
in the moister parts of the lower forests. It inhabits the humid
zone lying between 800-3500 on both windward and leeward

slopes. It favorite haunts are cool, heavily shaded, humid, steep-

sloped ravines, where it forms little colonies or patches. It

seems to prefer sharply sloping banks and ravine-sides, although

it is also found in level places. The pala is strongly hygroph^'tic
and shade-loving; it is never found in dry or exposed situations.
Representative regions where is abundant are: the pala
Hanalei and Na Kaala and Punaluu dis-
Pali districts, Kauai;
tricts, Oahu; valleys of northeastern Molokai; mountains back

of Lahaina and Wailuku, Maui; forests of windward Haleakala,

Maui; forests of Hilo, Hamakua, Olaa, and Kona, Hawaii. '

There are no places where it is excessively abundant; it is scat-

tered rather sparingly through the forests and groves.
The stem or trunk is tuberous, barrel-shaped, or almost glob-
ular. It is stocky and erect, as is also true of Angiopteris.
DancEa and Katilfiissia have more or less horizontal rhizomes.
The pala stem sometimes half buried under leafmould and earth,

but on the steeper slopes, where the pala best luxuriates, it is

almost wholly exposed.
^ VV. J. Hooker and J. G. Baker. Synopsis Filicum. London, i868, p. 441.
Also called Stibasia Douglasii Presl., Gymnotheca Douglasii T. Moore, M. alala
Hook. & Arn.
^ MacCaughey, Y. Tree Ferns of Hawaii. American Botanist, 22: 1-9. 1916.
The stem is completely covered by the conspicuous, dark,
fleshy auricles (stipules) and leaf-bases. The petioles arise from
among the brownish or purplish auricles. After the fall of the
leaf the fleshy base remains ali\c and often gives rise to adven-
titious buds. Hooker, in descrii)ing the stipules of M. piirpur-
ascens De Vriesc states that they may become "leafy at the mar-
gin, lobcd and crestd, green, sometimes even becoming sorif-

erous pinnules." The leaf-bases of the pala have been well de-
scribed by Camptell •}

leaves are furnished at the base with very conspicuous
which remain adhering to the stem after the leaf
fleshy stipules
has fallen away, and these leaf-bases, with their attached stip-
ules, more or less completely cover the surface of the stem. As
the leaves fall away they leave a characteristic scar marked by
the remains of the vascular bundles. The leaf-base as well as
the stalks of the leaflets show a more or less marked enlarge-
ment, recalling the pulvinus which occurs so comm.only in the
Leguminosae. It is at this point that the leaf-stalk separates,
the smaller divisions of the leaf often breaking away from the
main or secondary rachis, in the same fashion as the main leaf-
stalk falls. In the large species of Marattia and Angiopteris
this enlarged leaf-base with the two thick, fleshy stipules curi-
ously resembles in shape and size the hoof of a horse,"
The present writer would suggest that the comparison with a
mule's hoof would be more apt, and proposes as the common
name, "Mule's-foot" Fern.
The with starch and
thick, fleshy auricles are richly supplied
mucilage, and were used by the primitive Hawaiians as an article
of food, when other food supplies were lacking. The "mule's
feet" were baked in hot ashes, whereupon they became very pal-
atable. The writer has frequently eaten baked pala, and can
testify to its excellence. The pala stipules were also used med-
icinally, for bronchial and intestinal catarrh. Slices soaked in
cold water soon impart their mucilage to the liquid, and form a
pleasant drink.
In cross section the starchy, watery stem shows a complicated
system of steles, arranged in concentric circles. Sclerenchyma
is absent from its ground tissue.
1 D. H. Campbell. The Eusporangiatae, 191 1, p. 118.
The pala roots are short, thick, and fleshy. They originate
with reference to the stele circles in the stem. The central cyl-
inder of the root has several alternating groups of xylem and
phloem. Tannin sacs are abundantly developed in the roots,
as well as in other parts of the plant.
The pala foliage is stately and somber. The leaves are few in
number (5-150), spirally arranged, and with close-set bases.
The young leaves are enclosed in the prominent stipules; the
leaves are circinate, and slowly unfurl in the typical fern manner.
The leaves develop very slowly, —a period of 3 to 6 months being
required for the unfurling of a single leaf. Indeed, all of the
vital functions of the pala, like those of other rain forest plants,
are very sluggish.
The petioles are 3 to 5 feet long, stout, smooth, and shining.
At the base they are conspicuously swollen, articulate, and 2.5-3
ins. in diameter. The "mule's-foot" base, with its two large,
fleshy, auricular stipules, has already been described. Lenticel-
like structures are of common occurrence on the older leaf-bases.
They arise beneath the stomata, and form small cavities, the

become detached and dried up. Large

peripheral cells of which
mucilage ducts and numerous tannin sacs are developed in the
petioles of the older leaves.
The leaf-blade is 3 to 8 ft. long, deltoid or ovate-oblong, and
2-3-pinnate. The base is 3-pinnate; there is a terminal pinnule.
The blade is a characteristic dark green, smooth, glossy, and not-
ably fleshy. The color and texture are quite distinctive. A
cross-section of leaf reveals a thick layer of collenchymous
hypodermal tissue.

The pinnae are oblong-lanceolate. The lowest pinnae are 6-

24 in. long, on stalks of .5-2.5 in. The upper portion of the
rachis is narrowly margined or winged. The secondary pinnae
are linear, 3-6 in. long, with a broadly compressed or winged
rachis. The ultimate pinnules are substipitate, ovate or ob-
long, .5-1 ins. long by .25-. 30 in. wide, and bluntly serrate. The
apex is obtuse or acuminate; the base is cuneate or subtruncate.
The veins are simple or dichotomously forked.
All the leaves are sporc-beaiing or potentially so. The spor-
angia are large, fleslu', aiul borne in boat-shaped groups Csyn-
angia), on the under surface of the pimiulc, near the margin.
The sporangia, each of which arises from a number of superficial
cells, are incompletely separated from one another, and remain
together in the oblong or capsule-like synangia. The walls of the
sporangium are several cells in thickness. The annulus is want-
ing or greath' reduced; there is no indusium. The synangium
is adnate to the vein, or very short-stalked. Dehiscence is first

by the opening of the synangial valve, then slits along each

Campbell has made detailed studies of the gametophyte.
The spores are very small, bilateral or tetrahedral, and yellow-
ish-brown. Under suitable conditions they germinate promptly.
Within a week they begin to show a greenish tint, due to the
developing chlorophyll. The mature gametophyte is large,
fleshy, massive, dark-green, and heart-shaped. It grows on the

surface of the soil and closely resembles such liverworts as Pellia.

It is broad heart-shaped, tapering to a narrow base. The \ery
old gametophytes branch dichotomously exactly as in the thal-
lose liverworts. "A broad midrib extends for nearly the whole
length of the thallus and merges gradually into the wings, which
are also several-layered, nearly or quite to the margin" — Camp-
bell. Rhizoids, —brown, unicellular, and thin-walled, —are pro-
duced abundantly from the cells of the lower surface.
The gametophyte is monoecious. Antheridia appear first,
sometimes on the upper surface, but usually along the lower side
of the midrib. The archegonia are confined exclusively to the
lower surface of the midrib. Campbell points out that the re-

productive organs are very much like those of Ophioglossum, and

are "marked indications of the primitiv^e nature of these ancient,
The Marattia gametophyte is always infested with a specific

endophytic fungus. Campbell states that it is probably iden-

tical with or very closely related to the fungus which occurs in

Ophioglossum. "In the infested cells of the green gametophyte

the starch and chromatophores are destroyed by the action of
1 D. H. Campbell. The Eusporangiatae, 191 1. Mosses and Ferns, 1905.
the endophyte, but the nucleus of the cell remains intact." The
duration of the gametophyte is apparently unlimited, so long as
fertilization does not take place. The young sporophyte con-
sists at first mainly of the primary leaf and root, which are tra-
versed by a single axial vascular strand. A stem apex is de-
veloped at an early period, although it remains relatively incon-
The pala does not occur in cultivation, to the writer's knowl-
edge. It undoubtedly would grow successfully under humid
fern-house conditions, as do many other Hawaiian ferns. M.
fraxinea Smith, which ranges from west Africa to New Zealand,
is cultivated in American conservatories. The Hawaiian pala
would likewise give a magnificent tropical effect in northern
greenhouses. It deserves attention.



By Edward W. Berry

I have published, from time to time, brief accounts of Pleisto-

cene plants from our Atlantic and Gulf states as they have passed
through my hands, since the amount of material likely to be
available does not warrant a more comprehensive treatment.
For this reason I wish to place on record the following new oc-
It is to be hoped that the distribution of our floras in the era
immediately preceding the present be considered by botanists
dealing with the existing flora. Even in the present unsatis-
•factory state of our knowledge of Pleistocene plants, woefully
behind that of other civilized countries, much is to be gained in
insight and many pitfalls may be avoided by looking back of the
This note relates to small collections made by Bruce Wade
in 191 5 at Adamsville, McNairy County, Tennessee, from
next to the highest terrace of the Tennessee River (elevation
about 500 ft.), and by E. W. Shaw from the Loess just west of
Vicksburg Militar\- Park, Warren County, Mississippi (the Bluff
formation of Hilgard).
The number of species in these tAvo collections is small and
the forms are not especially noteworthy in that the\' do not
occur outside the existing range of the forms invoh^ed. The hack-
berry {Celtis mississippiensis) is recorded for the first time from
the Pleistocene; Lesquereux's old determination of the chin-
quapin froni the banks of the Mississippi River is in a measure
corroborated by finding it fossil in western Tennessee; and the
range of the Pleistocene ancestor of the Spanish oak is consider-
ably extended. Following are the species recognized with brief
OSMUNDA (?) sp.

Based upon roots tocks collected by Mr. Wade at Adamsville.

Similar remains, likewise referred to Osmunda, were described
by Hollick^ from the late Pleistocene (Talbot formation) of
Maryland, and the foliage of Os?nunda spectahilis Willd. occurs
in the Pleistocene of Alabama.^


This form, the supposed ancestral type of the existing Quercus
digitata and Qnerciis pagodaefolia, has been recorded previously
from the Pleistocene of North Carolina,^ Mississippi,'* and Vir-
ginia.^ It is represented at Adamsville by leaves, cupules and
acorns, thus considerably extending its known range.
Castaxea pumila Miller.
The small chestnut or chinquapin has been recorded by
Knowlton^ from the Pleistocene near Morgantown, West Vir-
ginia, and by Lesquereux''' from the early Pleistocene near Co-
lumbus, Kentucky. Although I have collected materials from
Lesquereux's locality and adjacent outcrops^ I did not meet
1 Hollick, A. Md. Geol. Surv. Pleist. 217. pi. 67. f. 3- 1906.
- Berry, E. W. Am. Jour. Sci. 29: 391. 1910.
' Berry, E. W. Jour. Geol. 15: 342. 1907.
* Berry, E. W. Torreya 14: 162. 1914.
' Berry, E. W.
Am. Jour. Sci. 34: 22. /. 4, 5. 1912.
* Am. Geol. 18: 371. 1896.
Knowlton, F. H.
Lesquereux, L. Am. Jour. Sci. 27: 365. 1859.
* Berry. E. W. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 48: 293-303. pis. 12, 13. 1915.

with this species. Nevertheless I see no reason for doubting

Lesquereux's determination beyond the fact that he queried it.

The present occurrence is based upon characteristic nuts collected

by Mr. Wade at Adamsville.
Celtis mississippiexsis Bosc.
This species, so far as I know, has not previously been found
fossil. The present occurrence is based upon beautifully pre-

served, reticulate surfaced stones collected from the Loess at

Vicksburg, Mississippi, by E. W. Shaw at a horizon lo feet be-
low the surface. The related Celtis occidentalis Linne is repre-
sented by stones in the late Pleistocene (Talbot formation) at
Tappahannock, Virginia.^
The Johns Hopkins University.

By T. D. a. Cockerell

Among the various neotropical orchids, few are more attrac-

tive than the species of Lycaste. Several years ago Mrs. Cock-
erell brought three foyns from Guatemala, and we have had
abundant opportunity to study their characters, as they flowered
each season in the greenhouse. The plants were purchased in
Guatemala City, but were brought from the surrounding coun-
try by the natives. The most interesting and beautiful is the.
one known in horticulture as Lycaste Skinneri var. alha. After
comparing the living plants with typical L. Skinneri, flowering at
the same time, I came to the conclusion that the so-called var-
iety alha was a distinct species. It apparently occurs wild, and
in spite of assertions to the contrary, it certainly has structural
as well as color characters. The lateral lobes of the lower petal

or lip are much larger in Skinneri than in alha; while the bract
of Skinneri is much shorter, not reaching the middle of the upper
sepal. I wrote to Mr. R. A. Rolfe concerning the matter, and
he discussed the question briefly in Orchid Review, 1915, p. 224.
He did not believe that alba could be a distinct species, and I

Berry, E. W. Am. Nat. 43= 435- I909-

hesitated to combat his opinion, althoujjh he presented no de

cisive evidence. As no more light has come to clear up the mat-
ter, and it still seems to me at least probable that the white form

should be separated, I offer a brief description from our material.

^ Lycaste alba sp. nov.

Scapes light green, 4.25 mm. thick; posterior bract sheathing,

the sides infolding, so that the long apical part is hollow, apex
tapering, sharply pointed, base 10.5 mm. wide, the back very
obtusely keeled, length of bract about 72 mm., light green; an-
terior bract represented by a small projection about 2 mm. long,
pointed with a membranous appendage; sepals pure white, upper
erect, about 75 mm. long and 36 broad, lanceolate ovate, obtusely
pointed, keeled beneath apically; lateral sepals similar, faintly
greenish apically beneath, about 77 mm. long and 38 broad,
meeting below and slightly overlapping to form a gibbous chin
the upper sepal goes 24 mm. beyond tip of bract; petals pure
white, the lower one (lip) suffused with orange at extreme base;
lateral petals about 50 mm. long and 30 broad, the broad apices
curled over baclavard; lip with a broad downwardly directed
median lobe, lateral lobes hardly developed, basal part bulbous;
column with anthers about 28 mm. long, very stout, the rounded
apex very faintly suffused with purplish; the four pollinia bright
orange, on a clear white stalk; callus of lip very thick, about 7.5
mm. broad, suboval, pale orange tinted. The flowers are not
sicky or aromatic.
In addition to the above and the true L. Skinneri Lindley, we
have Lycaste cruenta Lindley, belonging certainly to a distinct
section of the genus. The sepals are very sticky on the outer

side, and the flowers have a strong aromatic odor. It is also

peculiar in that one of each pair of pollinia is about a third
smaller than the other. The following description of the flower
is from life:
Lycaste cruexta Lindley
Scapes about 14 cm. long; bracts 4-5, dark red brown, sheath-
ing, loose, pointed, uppermost about 22 mm. long; flowers erect,
about 40 mm. long, brilliant orange, with the broad sepals pale
yellow-green; sepals about 50 mm. long and 24 broad, oblong,
rather obtusely pointed, bearded at base within; petals shorter
than sepals, more ovate, with a larger apical angle, lightly speck-
led with crimson at base; lip abundantly spotted with crimson

within, but the extended, downwardly curved median lobe not

speckled, its apical margin slightly irregularly crenulate but not
fimbriate; column about i6 mm. long and 7.5 broad, flattened,
but thick, dark crimson at base, the contiguous part of the lip
also crimson, and the at base of the lip on the outer side is a
transversely elongate crimson patch.

Plants in flower in the Autumn of 191 8 on Long Island,

N. Y. Weather Bureau records confirm the observations of
everyone that October was the warmest ever known in this vi-
cinity. Certain days of almost summer heat were warmer than
any October day for as far back as the records go. It is probably
due to these unseasonably warm October days that the following
list of plants in fresh flower on October 28-30, and November 1-2,
can be recorded.
Plants in fresh bloom at Garden City, L. I., on October
28-30, 1918:
Trifolium pratense Solidago juncea
" repens Brassica sp.
" arvense Daucus carota
Linaria Linaria Melilotus alba
Taraxacum Taraxacum Achillea millefolium
Aster paniculatus Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum
dumosus Neopieris mariana (Nov. 4)
" ericoides Baptisia tinctoria (Nov. 4)
During a walk from Pine Lawn to Lake Ronkonkoma on
November 1-2, with Mr. Norman Taylor, the following were
also found in fresh bloom:
Aster ericoides Houstonia longifolia
undulatus Cichorium Intybus
divaricatus Taraxacum Taraxacum
cordifolius Prunella vulgaris
novae-angliae Daucus carota
lateriflorus Achillea millefolium
patens Chrysopsis mariana
vimineus Linaria Linaria
Tradescanti Oenothera biennis

Solidago juncea Oenothera luuricata

" nemoralis Melilotus alba
" bicolor Nabalus sp.
" puherula Rubus sp.
" rugosa Erigcron ramosus
" caesia " canadensis
lonactis linariifoHus Gnaphalium obtusifolium
Centaurca Jacea Plantago lanceolata
Tri folium repens " aristata
" pra tense Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum
" agrarium Brassica sp.
" arvense Lepidium
Rudbeckia hirta Hieracium scabrum
Viola pedata Polygonella articulata
Verbascum Thapsus Dianthus Armeria
Persicaria pennsylvanica Eriocaulon septangulare
William C. Ferguson
Garden City.

Concerning Duplicate Types. In the extensive array of
names compounded with "type," all of which agree in present-
ing some idea derived from or modifying the meaning of that
word, it seems strange that the conception which we taxonomists
most often have occasion to designate appears not to have re-
ceived any mononomial term. I allude to that which some of us

have erred in calling "co-type," and to which others, more con-

sistent, have applied the phrase "duplicate type" or "duplicate
of type."
In 1905, Dr. A. S. Hitchcock indicated the distinction between
duplicate type and co-type. In Science 21: 832, he defines a
duplicate type as a specimen "of the same series or set as the

type as indicated by the number or other data," and a co-type

as a specimen "cited with the original description in addition
to the type specimen." In actual practice, in explaining our
application of names, we continually need a short expression for
the former —something as simple and easily remembered as the
really less important word co-type. To meet this need I sug-
gest the term isotype.

The word Isotype, compounded from the Greek, means "equiv-

alent to the type." To offset the objection that a dupHcate is

not necessarily equivalent to the type, indeed too often is quite

different, is the fact that it always should he the same and so for
the purpose of comparison should be its equal in value. Per-
haps the best raison d'etre which can be urged for a word is its
suggestion of an ideal; such a term should emphasize the import-
ance of all duplicates being thoroughly like the type. -Francis
W. Pennell.

Boerker's Our National Forests*

A short popular account of the work of the United States For-

est Service on the national by the arboriculturist of the

Department of Parks, New York City. The introduction (pp.

xiii-xlvii) is followed by four chapters on the creation and or-

ganization, the administration, and the protection of the national

forests, and the sale and rental of national forest resources. An
Appendix of six pages contains a tabular statement of land areas
within the national forest boundaries.
The book, well illustrated, brings together in small compass,
reliable information on a subject about which every citizen should
be intelligent, but which has hitherto been largely inaccessible
on account of being widely scattered in Government bulletins

and reports. Some of the information will be a revelation to

perhaps the majority of readers. For example, we learn (p. 72)

that the Forest Service has, since 191 1, collected over 175,000

pounds of tree seeds for planting, and that 21 tree nurseries, in

1916, had in them over 37 million young trees to be planted in

reforestation work. The average layman, who possesses chiefly

misinformation concerning the relation of forests to climate, will

profit by reading the author's paragraphs on that subject (pp.

89-92). Those who are still skeptical (and there are many such)
as to the practical value of preventive and remedial measures
for tree diseases and pests will be enlightened to learn, merely
as an illustrative example, that an expenditure of only ^3,000
* Our National Forests. By Ri(luu<l II. Donai Bocrkcr. New York. The
Macmillan Co. 1918. $2.50.

lor insect control on abotit t)00 acres in the Klamath National

Forest, resulted in a saving of timber to the \ahie of cner
i?6oo,ooo (p. 96).
Friends of conservation will be interested to learn (p. 114;
that a single issue of a New York Sunday paper consimies the
trees on about 15 acres of forest. Apropos of this, one may per-
haps be pardoned for questioning the wisdom, or the advantage
from any point of view, of using eleven pages (pp. lix-lxix) to
repeat in full the legends of the 80 illustrations. The analytical
table of contents hardly makes up for the absence of an index.
Incidentalh- it might be remarked that the fringed edges (tech-
nical term unknown to the reviewer —chewed would be appro-
priate) make it necessary to use the carpet sweeper and whisk
broom after one has spent an hour with the book.
But the few features that may be noted adversely are minor
matters in comparison with the general excellence of the book.
It gives a terse and readable surve}^ of the history and acti\ities
of the Forest Service, and makes clear the need and value of
this work. It will be invaluable as a reference book in all col-

leges and universities, and in public and private libraries. Both

the author and the cause of forestry and conservation are to be
C. Stuart Gager.

Harwood's New Creations in P/ant Life*

The revised and enlarged reprint of the first edition of \V. S.

Harwood's "New Creations in Plant Life" reads like a Florida
land investment prospectus or a modern version of "The Arabian
Mr. Harwood tells the story of Luther Burbank and his work
with all the enthusiasm, all the veracity, and all the inspiration
one expects from one whose years have been devoted to journal-
istic effort. In Chapter I is recounted the struggles and tribu-
lations of Burbank, the man, toward accomplishing his life's
ideal. "Now
and again," Mr. Harwood writes, "arose some
pseudo-scientific man who, professing unlimited friendship,
* Harwood, W. S. New Creations in Plant Life. 2d ed., Revised and Enlarged.
Pp. xviii + 430. Illustrated. The Macmillan Co.. X. V. 1918. Price $2.00.

sought for means to filch the rapidly increasing reputation.

Others visited him -^-ith him as
the covert purpose of exposing
a charlatan after inspecting his methods, but, confounded by
what they saw, went down the little hedge-bordered walk that
leads to his quiet home shamed into silence."
Chapter II details the methods of work of this horticultural
wizard. On pages 40-43, a list of some of the miracle-like ac-
complishments are set forth. Among these are "The improved
thornless and spiculeless edible cactus, food for man and beast, to
be the reclamation of the deserts of the world"; the union of the
plum and the apricot, said to be an impossible accomplishment;
a plum with a Bartlett pear flavor; a tree which grows more
rapidly than any other tree ever known in the temperate zones
of the world; a dahlia with the scent of magnolias, a calla lily
with a Parma violet's fragrance, a chestnut tree that bears in

eighteen months from seed, an amar^dlis with flowers nearly a

foot in diameter, a calla with flowers 10-12 inches across, a rare
fruit called the pomato, "which grows upon the top of a potato,"
and so on. This genius, according to Mr. Harwood, so remark-
ably possessed with horticultural intuition, has bred the pits out
from the plum, the bitter tannin from the English walnut, given
a trailing-arbutus perfume to the verbena, created new species
long thought impossible, taken the horrid thorns oft' from black-
berries, and make them beautifully white in fruit. All these
have been accomplished and the "half has not yet been told."
On page 51 is computed the gross financial returns for 160
acres of average farm land for 12 years if planted to one of Bur-
bank's hybrid walnut creations. The sum is ^485,000, very
nearly half a million. The expenses to be deducted from this
in the form of care, taxes, etc., are said to be small. On
page 68, a paragraph is devoted to Mr. Burbank's work on the
chestnut. Ordinarily, we are told, the chestnut trees raised from
seed are from 10 to 25 years old before they bear nuts. Now
thiswas altogether too slow for these modern days, so Mr. Bur-
bank produced a tree that bears nuts when seven months to a
year and a half old. The readers of this review, possessing desert
properties not accessible to irrigation will l)e interested in state-

ments of an annual yield per acre of 20 tons of spineless cactus

which can be utilized for cattle food. In tropical climates, where
the land can be irrigated lightly once or twice, an annual yield
of 150-180 tons per acre may be expected. As contrasted with
100 acres alfalfa under the best conditions, the yield of Burbank
cactus under equally favorable conditions would be 30 to 40
times, we are told on pp. 390-391. And the best of it all, ac-
cording to our author, is "that once established, the new cactus
may remain for years uncultivated and undisturbed, constantly
growing on and adding to its vast store."
To the flower lover, the account of Burbank's work with pop-
pies will surely be of absorbing interest. On page79, a Burbank
poppy is described with flowers, a dozen of which placed one

upon another, would effectually conceal a man seven of these
magnificent blossoms placed end to end in a row are as high as
a tall man.
The volume is well and quite copiously illustrated and no one
interested in flowers, fruits, and plant life in general can help
being fascinated and very much impressed with this account of
the wonders an untrained and comparatively uneducated man
has produced in the plant world through using his intuition.
Orlaxd E. W^hite.


October 30, 1918

The meeting was held in the Morphological Laboratory of the

New York Botanical Garden, at 3:30 P.M. There were thirty
persons present. Vice-president Barnhart occupied the chair.
The minutes of October 8 were read and approved.
The nomination and election of M. Nishimura, Columbia Uni-
versity, N. Y. City, and Dr. Thos. Owen, Dept. Archives and
History, Montgomery, Alabama, followed.
A communication from Prof. J. E. Kirkwood relating to the
publication of a paper as one of the Memoirs of the Club was
read and referred to the Board of Editors for a report.
The scientific program for this meeting consisted of an "E.x-

hibition of a Collection of Flowering Plants and Mosses from

North Star Bay" made by Dr. E. O. Hovey on the Macmillan
Expedition. Dr. Hovey then gave an illustrated lecture on "De-
scription of the Habitats of the Plants Forming this Collection."
"The collection of plants made by Dr. Hovey at North Star
Bay, 78 degrees 30 minutes N. latitude, was exhibited by Mrs,
N. L. Britton. It included a few flowering plants, Arnica alpina,
Cassiope tetragona, Dryas integrifolia, Papaver radicatum, Ranun-
culus nivalis and Saxijraga oppositifolia, as well as three dwarf
willows, Salix herbacea, S. groenlandica, named by Dr. Rydberg,
and a larger species of willow still undetermined. Of the flower-
less plants, 25 are mosses, 8 are hepatics, five are lichens, and two

are fungi, one a Mycosphaerella, parasitic on the leaves of one of

the willows and the other a mould (Mucor sp. ?), which seems to
be abundant at North Star Bay. The collections were studied
by Dr. Evans, Dr. Andrews, Dr. Seaver, Miss Coker, Mr. Wil-
liams and Mrs. Britton. After examining the specimens the
Club adjourned to the lecture-room, where Dr. Hovey showed
some beautiful views of North Star Bay and its flora, including
some excellent photographs of birds and a few of the Esquimaux
and their dogs."
Adjournment followed.
B. O. Dodge,
November 12, 191

The first meeting in the month was held at the American

Museum of Natural History. There were twenty-one persons
present. Prof. R. A. Harper was elected chairman and called
the meeting to order at 8:20 P.M. The usual order of business
was dispensed with.
Dr. Geo. E. Nichols delivered the lecture of the evening, the
subject being, "The Sphagnum Moss and its Use in Surgical
Dressings." The speaker first described and illustrated several
of the more common species of Sphagnum, to be found in North
America, calling attention to the differences in size, color and gen-
eral habit existing between species. The marked variation in
individuals of the same species was also noted as being due to

climatic or environmental influences. The morphological char-

acters of the stems and leaves were described and the particular
features by \irtue of which the dried moss is able to absorb such
large quantities of water were pointed out. It was shown that

dried Sphagnum is capable of absorbing as much or more per dry

weight as the ordinary absorbent cotton used in making dressings.
The cells of the leaves are of two sorts. The smaller or nar-
rower cells making a network, are green, while lying between
the green cells we find much larger, empty cells whose walls are
provided with large pores through which water may be absorbed
from the outside. These cells are also characterized by thick-
ened bands which serve to strengthen the system.
Numerous specimens of Sphagnum were exhibited. The meth-
ods by which the moss is harvested, dried, sorted and made into
surgical dressings were described.
A number of the various kinds of dressings made with Sphag-
num or with cotton were shown. The lecture was illustrated
with lantern slides. It has been published in part in the Journal

of the Xew York Botanical Garden.

Adjournment followed.
B. O. Dodge,

At the annual meeting of the Club held on January 14 the fol-

lowing ofificers were elected: President, H. M. Richards; Vice

Presidents, J. H. Barnhart and C. Stuart Gager; Secretary and
Treasurer, B. O. Dodge; Editor, A. W. Evans; Associate Editors,
Jean Broadhurst, J. Arthur Harris, M. A. Howe, M. Levine, G.
E. Nichols, A. B. Stout, and Norman Taylor. Dr. M. A. Howe
was elected as the delegate of the club to the Council of the
New York Academy of Sciences.

Prefessors Edward W. Berry and J. T. Singewald, Jr., of the

Johns Hopkins University are planning to leave in April for a
six months trip of geological and paleontological exploration in

the Andes. The region that they will cover extends from Peru
to southern Chile.

Dr. E. W. Olive, of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, spent some

time during the past summer assisting government and state
agents in locating plant diseases and instructing farmers how to
combat them. An account of his experiences in part of New
York and Virginia was given in a public lecture at the New York
Botanical Garden on October 26, and was accompanied by lantern
slides illustrating some of the most important and recently intro-
duced diseases. Among these were the nematode disease of
wheat found in Virginia and the potato wart disease discovered
in Pennsylvania.

We learn from Science that Professor F. C. Newcombe of the

University of Michigan "has been granted leave of absence for

the second half year on the condition that he supply a substitute
at his own cost." Professor Newcombe has been at the Uni-
versity since 1890.

Dr. L. T. Knight has been appointed plant physiologist in

the division of plant pathology at the Minnesota experiment

Barrington Moore, formerly Associate Curator of Woods and

Forestry at the American Museum of Natural History, and for
sixteenmonths with the American Expeditionary Force in France,
has received his discharge from military duty. Major Moore
assisted Lt. Col. H. S. Graves, chief of the United States Forest
which produced lumber
Service, in organizing the forestsy troops
for the A. E. F. Major Moore later had charge of all purchases
of wood in France and other European countries for the Ameri-
can Army. At the Baltimore meetings he was elected president
of the Ecological Society of America.

Dr. F. W. Pennell, of the New York Botanical Garden, is

spending some time at the United States National Herbarium

studying the collections made in South America by Dr. J. N.

The conservatories of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, which,

owing to shortage of coal and consequent crowding of the col-
lections have been closed for over a year, have been reopened.
The Torrey Botanical Club
Contributors of accepted articles and reviews who wish six gratuitous copies
of the number of Torreya in which their papers appear, will kindly notify the
editor when returning proof.
Reprints should be ordered, when galley proof is returned to the editor. The
New Era Printing Co., 41 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa., have furnished the
following rates:
2pp 4pp 8pp 12pp 16pp 20pp
25 copies $ .79 $1.14 $1.78 $2.32 $2.87 $3.28
50 copies 1.03 1.43 2.23 2.82 3.52 3.92
100 copies 1.45 2.03 2.73 3.50 4.23 4.55
200 copies 2.15 3.24 3.92 5 25 6.52 6.92
Covers: 25 for $1.00, additional covers 1^ cents each.
Plates for reprints, 50 cents each per 100.

Committees for 1919.

Finance Committee Program Committee

R. A. Harper, Chairman. Mrs. E. G. Britton, Chairman.
J. H. Barnhart, Prof. Jean Broadhurst
Miss C. C. Haynes B. O. Dodge
Sereno Stetson Michael Levine
Budget Committee F. J. Seaver

H. Barnhart, Chairman. Membership Committee

R. A. Harper J. K. Small, Chairman.
N. L. Britton T. E. Hazen
A. W. Evans E. W. Olive
M. A. Howe Local Flora Committee
H. H. RusBY N. L. Britton, Chairman.
Field Committee Phanerogams: Cryptogams:
F.W. Pennell, Chairman E. P. BiCKNELL Mrs. E. G. Britton
Mrs. L. M. Keeler N. L. Britton Hazen T. E.
Michael Levine C. C. Curtis M. A. Howe
George T. Hastings K. K. Mackenzie Michael Levink
Percy Wilson Norman Taylor W. A. Murrill
F. J. Seav^er
Chairmen of Special Committees on Local Flora
Ferns and Fern Allies: R. C. Benedict. Lichens: W. C. Barbour
Mosses: Mrs. E. G. Britton Sphaeriaceae, Dothideaceae : H. M.
I-iverworts: A. W. Evans Richards
Fresh Water Algae: T. E. Hazen Hypocreaceae, Perisporieae, Pkctas-
Marine Algae: M. A. Howe cineae, Tuberineae: F. J. Seaver
Gasteromycetes: G. C. Fisher Fungi-forming sclerotia: A. B. Stout
Hymenomycetes: W. A. Murrill Imperfecti: H. M. Richards, F.
Except Russula and Lactarius: MissG Seaver,Mel T. Cook
Burlingham Oomycetes: C. A. King
Cortinarius: R. A. Harper Zygomycetes: A. F. Blakeslee
Polyporeae: M. Levine Chytridiaceae,
Exobasidii: H. M. Richards Myxomycetes: Mrs. H. M. Richards
Rusts and Smuts: E. W. Olive Yeast and Bacteria: Prof. J. Broadhurst
Discomycetes: B. O. Dodge Insect galls: Mel T. Cook


A monthly journal devoted to general botany, established
1870. Vol. 45 published in 1918, contained 519 pages of text
and I 5 full-page plates.Price ;^4.oo per annum. For Europe,
18 shillings. Dulau & Co., 47 Soho Square, London, are,
agents for England.
Of former volumes, only 24-45 can be supplied entire cer- ;

tainnumbers of other volumes are available, but the entire stock

of some numbers has been reserved for the completion of sets
Vols. 24-27 are furnished at the published price of two dollars
each Vols. 28—45 three dollars each.

Single copies
(30 cents) will be furnished only when not
breaking complete volumes.

The Memoirs, established 1889, are published at irregu-
lar intervals. Volumes 1-15 are now completed; No. i of
Vol. 16 has been' issued. The subscription price is fixed at
^3.00 per volume in advance; Vol. 17, containing Proceedings
of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the Club, 490 pages, was
issued in 19 18, price $5.00. Certain numbers can also be pur-
chased singly. A list of titles of the individual papers and of
prices will be furnished on application.

(3) The Preliminary Catalogue of Anthophyta and Pteri-

dophyta reported as growing within one hundred miles of New
York, 1888. Price, ;^i.oo.

Correspondence relating to the above publications should be

addressed to
Columbia University
New York City
Vol. 19 February, 1919 No. 2

A Monthly Journal of Botanical Notes and News




JOHN TORREY, 1796-1873.

Botanical Study of Skunk Cabbage: Katherine A. Williams at

Some Remarks upon Limosella: F. W. Pennell 3°

In the Wake of the Enemy! 3=

Proceedings of the Club 33

War Memorial Trees 34

News Items 3^

Published for the Club

At 41 North Qvebn Stkebt, Lancastkk, Pa
BT The N)rw Era Pkikti»*g Comtakt
'Entered at the Post Offic^at Lancaster, Pa., a* second-class matter.


Vice- Presidents.

Secretary and Treasurer

Columbia University, N. Y. City.
Associate Editors
G. E.
Delegate to the New York Academy
Council of the of Sciences
M. A. HOWE. Ph.D.

Official Organ of the Wild Flower Preservation

Society of America

ToRREYA is furnished to subscribers in the United States and

Canada for one dollar per annum ; single copies, fifteen cents. To
subscribers elsewhere, five shillings, or the equivalent thereof. Postal or
express money orders and drafts or personal checks on New York City
banks are accepted in payment, but the rules of the New York Clearing
House compel the request that ten cents be added to the amount of any
other local checks that may be sent. Subscriptions are received only
for full volumes, beginning with the January issue. Reprints will be
furnished at cost prices. Subscriptions and remittances should be sent
to Treasurer, Torrey Botanical Club, 41 North Queen St., Lan-
caster, Pa., or Columbia University, New York City.

Matter for publication, and books and papers for review, should
be addressed to

Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Brooklyn, N. Y
Vol. 19 No. 2
February, 1919


By Katherine A. Williams

The skunk cabbage is a plant of unusual interest and wide

distribution, and although its general growth and morphology
are pretty well understood, little has been done in an exact study
of the plant. A recent study of its western congener, Lysichiton
Kamtschatcensis, has emphasized the importance of a detailed
investigation of the eastern swamp plant. This study was begun
early in the spring of the present year (1918) with a view tomakiag
known some of the features of the plant which have not been
emphasized in previous descriptions of it. In the prosecution of
this research, I have been assisted by the helpful suggestions of

Prof. John W. Harshberger, under whose direction the work has

been prosecuted throughout.

Phytophenology and Distribution

Phytophenology —The skunk cabbage is one of our earliest
forest plants, for records show it blooming even in the late fall,

or early winter. According to the records made by Dr. Marion

Mackenzie and presented before the Botanical Society of Penn-
sylvania, flowering specimens have been found as early as Novem-
ber twenty-first. Also when the year is backward for any reason,
the flowers have been even as late as March before opening.
The average date of first blooming seems to be about the middle
of January, as seen from the following table. This year the
flowering was somewhat later than usual.
(No. I, Vol. 19 of ToRREYA, Comprising pp. 1-20, was issued 21 February 1919I


Date of Opening of
Year First Flower

1899 March 8

1900 February 22
1901 February 18
1902 January 27
1903 January 15
1904 January 23
1905 January 18
1906 January 5
1907 January 10
1908 January i

1909 November 21 (1908)

1918 March 9

Daily more and more flowers open until about the latter part
of February and early March when they are at their height.
Then the greatest numbers may be found open. Of course the
date varies slightly owing to the general weather conditions.
Distribution. —
In general the plants are found in the eastern
coastal states, although a closely allied species is found through-
out the west and is there spoken of as the western skunk cabbage,
or Lysichiton Kamtschatcensis. It is common around Vancouver.
In general, though, Symplocarpits is distributed along our eastern
states, ranging from Nova Scotia down to Virginia and is also

reported by the Gray Herbarium of Harvard University, as

having been found in Amur and Japan.
The following table gives in general its distribution.

Number of Herbariums
States Reporting

Canada 2

Maine 3
New Hampshire 2

Vermont i

Massachusetts 4
Rhode Island 2

Connecticut 4
Long Island 2

New York 3
New Jersey 3
Pennsylvania 2

District of Columbia i

Maryland i

Virginia i

Number of Herbariums
iJtates Reporting

Tennessee i

Iowa I

Indiana i

Ohio 2
Michigan ... .2

Wisconsin 3
Minnesota i

Nova Scotia 2

Quebec i

Amur I

Japan i

Symplocarpiis, like some other members of the Arum family,

grows best with a great deal of moisture. And it is in the swamps,
marshes and bogs or stream beds, that these sturdy plants are
usually found.

General Study
The skunk cabbage, or Symplocarpiis foetidus, is really our
earliest spring fiower.

Odor of Plant. Knuth in his classification of flower odors
describes it as nauseous and of mephitic, or viverrine, t>'pe. In
another case, I found it described as an odor that combines
the skunk, putrid meat and garlic. Still another writer describes
it as being a combination of a mustard plaster and raw onions.
To me the odor is not especially repulsive. It suggests that of
fresh cabbage with a slight suggestion of mustard. To some,
however, the smell is quite repulsive.
The odor \aries in intensity and quality quite widely. Those
plants in which the stamens are ripe seem to have the stronger
odor. This is probably due to the greater maturity of the plant
at this stage of flowering and it has the added significance of
attracting a greater number of insect visitors.
Origin of name. —The origin of its common name is not diffi-

cult to ascertain, for on crushing the plant immediately an odor

arises something like that of the cabbage with yet a suggestion
of the mephitic skunk.
The name of the plant, Symplocarpiis was
generic given to it

by Richard Anthony Salisbury, and is derived from tvvo Greek


words av/j.-irXoKT], meaning connection and Kapwos, fruit. This is

quite appropriate, since the ovaries unite to form a compound

fruit. Linnaeus gave us its specific name of foetidus. Many
scientists use the term Spathyema, as given by Rafinesque. A
point interesting in regard to its name is that the early Swedish

settlers around Philadelphia called it bear-weed, because the

bears relished the early green food and feasted on its leaves,
which are'quite large and cabbage leaves.
conspicuous, like coarse

Order and family. We have heard so much about its disagree-
able odor that we hardly realize that it belongs to the same family
as our Calla lily, for it is a member of the family Araceae. Ac-
cording to Gray, "they are plants with acrid or pungent juices,
simple or compound often veiny leaves and flowers crowded on a
spadix which is normally surrounded with a spathe." Other
closely allied plants, which we find around here, are the golden
club, so common in Jersey ponds and the familiar jack-in-the-
pulpit. Neither of these, however, possesses the pungent odor,
but the Jack, or Indian turnip, is like Symplocarpus in that it has
many crystals found in the root, which give it a biting clawing
Early growth
Flower, spathe. —^The first signs of the plant are the sessile
hood-shaped spathes which come up though the ground early
or late in the winter, even when the ground is hard with
ice at a foot's depth. The flowers are included in a thick
leathery spathe. This in general is like a hood, or even shell-
shaped. and grows close to the ground. In most
It is sessile

instances, it has the same general form, although there is a wide

variation in contour, size and coloring. Some of these leaf-like
spathes are deeply curved, others stand more erect. Some are
found which are double. In this case there seems to be a
spathe inside a spathe, the open part of the outer spathe
coming against the rounded back of the inner spathe. Also in
such cases the innermost spathe seems to have a longer, more
leaf-like tip which projects backward and out beyond the outer

spathe tip. One plant was found this spring (1918) at South
Springfield, Pa., with four double spathes.

The greatest \ariati()n is st-i-n in llie coloring. Usually this

ranges fromadeep purpHsh-nd, almost black, to a pale yellowish
green. Spathes may he found showing the different colors and a
complete gradation shown from the light to the dark. The
lighter spathes are rarely e\-er pure pale green, hut more fre-

quently are mottled with the deeper purple. In some instances

the inner side of the spathe is deeper colored than the outer.
The mottling is such that it closely resembles the flickering
lights and shades often seen on the undergroMth, as the sun
filters through the leaves of the trees overhead. "
This frequently
makes it hard to find them on the forest floor. Reed suggests
that this variation is due to age, the younger blooms being those
lighter in color, while those which are darker are the older ones.
This did not seem to hold true as regards the plants observed
by me. Out of about fifty examined for this peculiarity,
withering and decay was not limited to the dark ones alone,
but was seen in spathes of all intermediate shades of coloring.
Again it was suggested that the water content of the soil might
lead to this variation. Some time spent on this study did
not seem to prove this to hold true, as two spathes from the same
plant, side by side, showed one a deep reddish purple and the
other quite pale.
The flowers themselves are crowded together on a short stalk
or spadix. They are really quite inconspicuous. It is the spathe
that is the attractive portion, as far as coloring and conspicuous-
ness are concerned. The flowers themselves are closely crowded
on the spadix, so closely crowded that they hardly appear as
individual flowers. The stamens and pistil only are conspicuous.
The flower cluster varies in size and in the number of flowers
produced. Showing this variation we have the following table.

Size relatively Size in inches No. of flowers

Small 5/8" 38
Medium 7/8" 73
Large 7/8" 69
Very large 13/16" 61

The.flowers as shown by the figures are closely crowded together.

In this case, the spadix of medium size had the greatest number
of flowers. And the largest spadix had only 61 flowers.

It is due mostly to this crowding that the flowers have departed

somewhat from the usual monocotyledonous habit of having
three, or its multiple, in their floral parts. In general the flowers
showed four perianth parts. These were almost cuboidal in

shape, when pressed close together, and they overlapped each

other, making a box-like arrangement. The four stamens have
long flat, broad filaments and straw-colored anthers, which pro-
trude beyond the perianth segments. The stamens are arranged
opposite the perianth parts. The anthers are two-celled, opening
lengthwise and are extrorse and rather free in their movement.
The flowers are protandrous, the anthers developing earlier
than the pistil. The pistil is unusual in its general structural

form. The stigma is three-lobed, the style is cuboidal and the

ovary is one-celled.
In a cluster of about 73, some flowers showed a few variations.
These were either near the lip or the base where less crowded.
It seemed an attempt to revert to the usual number of parts in
the lilaceous monocotyledones. Four specimens w"ere found
having six stamens and six perianth parts. Another flower showed
five stamens and five perianth parts. And still another specimen
was found having four stamens, but with six perianth segments.
The color of the flowers, according to one author, resembling
decayed flesh, combined with the odor which is doubly suggestive,
attract carrion-loving flies of the family Diptera, which are useful
in the pollination of the closely crowded, otherwise inconspicuous
Insect visitors. — From a recent article in American Forestry
by R. W. Shufeldt, I find that a variety of bee introduced into
this country from Europe is one of the earliest visitors, since they
must have food early in the spring. The article further states
that the honey bee, if able at all to enter, finds the exit too narrow
and slippery and the bee perishes miserably. Another curious
fact he has noted also is the frequent presence of spiders' webs
at the entrance to the spathes. This fact was also noted by me.
It is a case where the flower odor attracts the flies, and they in

turn are entangled in the spider's web and so furnish food for
the spider.

Shortly .ittiT pollination begins to decay and

the spatlic
wither and the spadix to swell. becomes soft and spongy and

the individual fruits are covered with a papery skin-like sheath

under Avhich the seeds develop. These Avhen mature are hard,
roiuul, dark brimii and somewhat irregular in shape. In fact,
the\- look a little like pebbles or stones. When fully ripe they
break the sheath, fall to the ground and germinate the following
spring, giving rise to new plants. A parent plant may be found
having many seedlings coming up close around it.

In germination a small pointed, closely coiled shoot first

appears above the ground. This is carefully wrapped in the

thin papery sheathing leaves. When about a week old this
shoot is about an inch in length. A few slender fibrous roots,
rather long and thin grow downward into the ground. As yet
there are not many roots to nourish the plant; these few primary
roots have thread-hke secondary^ roots.
By the second week, the seedling has grown much larger and
the tip of the shoot has become freed from its papery sheath.
This however grows along with the young plant. Also by this
time a rootstock begins to develop. There are also many more
roots, long, thin and tapering.
At the third week, the shoot has broken through both
sheathing leaves and is quite large. •
At this time the seedling is

about four inches tall. It has severed its connection with the
remains of the seed by this time. From now on development
consists of growing larger and larger rapidly. This plant how-
ever does not bloom the first year. Nor am I able to tell by
actual observation, since my study has covered only a period of
five months, how many years elapse before the plant has grown
old enough to produce its first inflorescence. Probably the
flowers are produced the fourth year.
That the plants develop more rapidly and better in warm,
light places is seen by the table given by Dr. Mackenzie in her
report before the Botanical Society in 191 1. Also in some speci-
mens which I brought in from the wood, the uncurled spire of
leaves, just barely sticking above the soil, soon came into full
leafage, in the warmth of the greenhouse. The plants had been

set aside in a bucket of water, as of little further use. In less

than a week after bringing them in about six leaves were fully

uncurled and widely spread.

The leafage of the plant is quite interesting. Soon after the

blossoms appear, a small whitish shoot is seen forcing its way

above ground. On going one can see that it consists of two

almost whitish sheathing leaves. These show the monocotyle-

donous character in having parallel veining. Closely rolled inside
of these are the true leaves. They form a light hard-coiled

center. The tips, when they have broken through the enveloping
sheath-like leaves, are frequently colored purplish like the
spathe of the plant. Such coloring may show on the outside
of the tip of the first and even the second leaves. These inner,
or true, leaves seem to break away from the monocotyledonous
and tend toward the netted veining of dicotyledonous plants.
The first three leaves unfolding show a gradual transition toward
the netted veining of the later leaves. In all the cases the veining
is palmately netted. Also in specimens planted under dry con-
ditions, in a pot in a frame, and those under moist conditions,
the plants grown under dry conditions tended to show the netted
veining earlier than those of the moist environment.
The leaves when fully developed are quite large, being some-
times over a foot in length and at least eight or nine inches broad.
They have an entire margin and are of a bright green color, rather
shiny in appearance. They grow rankly in a rosette form, in the

damp stream beds. Their great size makes them very con-
In a microscopical study the leaves show rather large air
chambers and loosely packed cellular structures. Throughout
the leaf are various rhaphides occurring in the large bundle
masses. There are also several other types of crystals, a few
cuboidal in shape, and even some spherical in shape may be
found scattered loosely here and there sphaerocrystals. —
Juice. —
The juice of the skunk cabbage is very bitter and
acrid. This when tasted in the fresh plant had a peculiar garlic-
like taste and seemed biting. By biting I mean the prickly
sensation very much like that experienced on eating the root of
Plate 1
Plate II

the jack-in-the-pulpit. When

tlie plant was cooked, the water

was the color of and the plant itself lost most of its
weak tea
flavor and the property which gave it the biting character.
Roots. —The plant is a very difificult one to collect in its

entirety, owing to its ininiense rootage. One must dig over a

foot down into the soil before there is even the slightest sign of
the roots giving way. There is a large central root-stock almost
the size of a potato and from this great numbers of roots arise
and grow downward for almost two feet in length. They are
very long, rather straight and unbranched excepting for a few
almost thread-like offshoots.
All the older roots are peculiar in having ring-like markings or
wrinkles on them. These are especially seen near the upper or
older end of the root. They are contractile roots and are peculiar
to a few plants. Their general purpose is to pull the plant back
into the ground as it grows up every year. By a process of
contraction the roots wrinkle up and draw the plant down into
the soil. The roots are permanently wrinkled after this con-
The root structure shows large loose cells and a single, radial
central stele. The cells around the outer cortex, near the epi-

dermis are particularly loose. This is due to the contraction

of the epidermis.
Department of Botany,
University of Pennsylvania

Explanation of Plates
Fig. I. Outside of Spathe of Skunk Cabbage.
Fig. 2. Double Spathe.
Fig. 3. Dissection of Spathe to show Spadixw'th Flowers. Spadix with extra
long Peduncle.
Fig. 4. Single Flower of Skunk Cabbage.
Fig. 5. Flower with depression of two outer Perianth Segments.
Fig. 6. Flower laid open showing four Stamens and Pistil.
Fig. 7. Floral Diagram.
Figs. 8, 9, 10, 14. Early Stages in the Germination of the Seeds of the Skunk
Fig. II. Closely rolled Leaves with Netted V'eining.
Fig. 12. One of the first and outermost Leaves with Parallel \'eining.
Fig. 13. A contractile Root.


By Francis W. Penxell

Professor Fernald's interesting discussion of our eastern coastal

species of LinioseUa reached me as I was on the point of taking
up the same problem. I had suspected, and had tentatively so
marked it in my notes, that our eastern species would prove
distinct from L. tenuifoUa Wolf of Europe, and should be called
L. subulatu Ives. That it was specifically distinct from the plant
of the Rocky Mountains I was certain, having studied and made
descriptions of both in their native environments.
My notes, made from living plants and supplemented by
herbarium study, show the following contrast between Limosella
aquatica of the Central Rockies and nearby plains and L. suhiilata
of the Atlantic seaboard
L. aquatica. —Corolla about 2 mm. wide; lobes somewhat
spreading, acute or acutish, dull-white. Anthers about i mm.
long, purplish. Capsules 2.5-3.2 mm. on spreading
long, borne
pedicels. Seeds .5 mm. long, dull amber-brown, about 6-7
ridged, relatively coarsely transverse-lined. Calyx-lobes uni-
form. Leaves about 3 cm. long, consisting of a petiole and a
more or less dilated lanceolate blade about i cm. long. Plant
rosulate, 10-20 leaved, surrounded by numerous radiating few-
jointed stolons.
L. snhulata. — Corolla about 3 mm. wide; lobes widely spread-
ing, obtuse, white, tinged with lavender-blue. Anthers about
2 mm. long, dark purple-blue. Capsules 2-2.3 rnm. long, borne
on arcuately decurved pedicels. Seeds .6-.7 mm. long, bright

amber-brown, about 8-9 ridged, more finely transverse-lined.

Calyx-lobes upcurved, in fruit the tube tending to split on the

anterior side. Leaves 1.5-2 cm. long, nearly filiform, terete,

obtuse. Plant chain-like, consisting of plantlets borne on joints

of extensively creeping filiform stolons, each plantlet usually
5-10 leaved.
In agreement with Professor Fernald, I am unable to distin-
guish the plant of the Rockies from that of Eurasia. The
western plant sometimes has pinkish corollas, but, so far as I can

between white and p\uk is characteristic

find, variahilit\' of color

of the European plant,* rather than a normal "pink or flesh-

color." This species, Limosella aqnatica, appears to be the most
cosmopolitan member of the Scrophulariaceae, and its simple
flower-structure and acaulescent habit mark it as primitive.
It occurs to-day upon all the continents, and is even credited to
New Zealand. Whether eventual knowledge will show that it
has held conservatively true throughout its supposed range may
be doubted, but certain it is that deviations are mostly slight
and remote. However in widely scattered parts of the earth
it has "thrown ofT " suggestively parallel species. Thus Limosella
subidata may be closely duplicated in the Vancouver Island
region, and in Argentina— but a priori assumption would be that
these are not identical with it.

My field-acquaintance with Limosella siibulata has been con-

fined one colony, but that fortunately extensive, growing
about the margins of Old Sams Pond, Point Pleasant, New
Jersey. This is a small pond of fresh water lying in the lea of
the coast sand-dunes. The Garden herbarium shows a consid-
erable series of specimens from sandy margins of such fresh sand-
dune ponds, ranging from here northeastward to Nantucket.
These plants are partially, though inconstantly recognizable,
from the species of muddy saline tidal habitats by their pedicels
being more recurving, their capsules blacker; their sepals more
* The following quotations, chosen from various countries, confirm this: Baxter,
Brit. Phan. Bot. pi. 212, "pale rose-colored or white," illustrated as white; Sowerbj',
.Engl. Bot. 5: pi. 357, "whitish without, red on the inside," illustrated as pink;
Reichenbach, Ic. Fl. Germ. 20: 54. pi. 1722, "corolla albida; maculae brunneae sub
basi cujusvis laciniae corollae, suppositae intus saltem maculae citrinae," illustrated
as described; Coste, Fl. France 3: 27, "blanches ou rosees"; Murino, Fl. Galicia
100. "blanca"; Schinz & Keller, Fl. Schweiz 456. "weisse od. rotlichweisse";
Parlatore, Fl. Ital. 6: 546, "bianchiccio."
t A letter from Mr. E. P. Bicknell, concerning Limosella on Nantucket, em-
phasizes its occurrence about the sandy margins of "closed," that 'is completely
land-locked ponds. Some mentioned as probably
of these are freshwater, but one is

at least partly brackish. He calls attention to the fact that in ponds which stretch
some miles inland from the shore Limosella will occur only at the shoreward
extremities. Specimens sent from the deeper water of certain ponds much exceed
in length of leaves the dimensions of the key above, and in coarseness of growth are
like the tide-water plant. The halophytism of Limosella subiilala would make a
valuable physiological study.

frequently obtuse, and the leaves more slender. If these modi-

fications be wholly ecological, are they mainly a response to a
sandy instead of mud substratum, or to the lack of salt, or in
good part to freedom from periodic inundation?
The range must be extended southward
of Limosella suhulata
to Chesapeake Bay. H. Shull jo6 is from the "northeast
shore of Gunpowder River, one third mile northeast of its mouth,"
Maryland, and certainly from between high and low tide. This
collection and most of those from the tide-water of the Delaware
River are of plants coarser, usually with longer and wider leaves,
than the typical New England form. While the plant occurs
on the Delaware between Philadelphia and Trenton, as near
Burlington, New Jersey, this is much above the usual limit of
salt water. As a general statement, we may say that Limosella
suhulata is primarily a plant of brackish soil, but that it Is fully

able to meet a dilute or even quite non-saline environment.

New York Botanical Garden


This dirge for the orchards of France may be familiar to many of our readers,
but losses described by the letter immediately followiftg the verse, are just as
indefensible. Can there still be found in this country people who, in spite of acts
like these, cherish pre-war delusion about the " The Kindly German?" Ed.


Hush, little leaves, your springtime dance,
Sigh for the murdered trees of France.

Friends were they of the peasant folk,

Friends whom the birds and kine bespoke.

Spoil are they of destroying lust,


Not of the battle stroke and thrust.

They are a garden still to see,

They are the world's Gethsemane.

Hush, little leaves, your springtime dance.

Sigh for the murdered trees of France.
— McLandburgh Wilson.

(The following extract from a letter of M. Jules Cardot, the

noted French bryologist of Charle\ille, France, was recently
transmitted to me through M. Theriot, of Havre. I am sure
that friends of M. Cardot will he glad to learn tidings of him.
— E. B. Chamberlain.)
"Depuis notre arrivee ici, je vis des jours qui compterons,
certes, parmi les plus penibles de ma vie, et si nous n'avions pas
la victoirc, qui nous console de tout, je me demande si je n'aurais
pas ete tente d'en finir avec I'existance. Vous ne pouvez vous
imaginer le spectacle que presente notre pauvre maison, I'etat
de salete repoussante et de devastation dans lequel elle se trouve.
Partout des meubles brises, les portraits de famille laceres, des
livres en lambeaux epars de la cave au grenier, les armoires, les

secretaires fractures, quoique tous les clefs etaient sur les portes;
tous les beaux meubles anciens disparus et remplaces par d'autres
meubles qui ne nous appartiennent pas. Les livres qui n'ont
pas ete dechires formaient dans le grenier une indescriptible
salade; on se demande comment on peut arriver a melanger
ainsi une bibliotheque; ce doit etre un travail tres fatigant!
A cote de cela des choses deconcertantes. Mes collections qui
on avait dites evacuees sont la, en partie du moins.
Je les a'
retrouvees, entassees dans le fond du grenier et recouvertes par
ma bibliotheque scientifique, qu'on a jetee pele-mele par dessus.
Malheureusement mes pauvres collections sont loin d'etre au
complet. II manque, outre tous les materiaux non etudies, une
enorme collection du Japon, de plus de 5,000 N°, contenant des
centaines d'especes nouvelles, une collection de Juan Fernandez,
une autre des iles Sandevich et une autre encore de Saghaline,
tout cela probablement detruit et perdu sans retour."


November 27, 191

The meeting was held in the Morphological Laboratory of the

New York Botanical Garden at 3:30 P.M., with Vice-President
Barnhart in the chair. There were tu^elve persons present.

The minutes of October 30 and November 12 were read and

The nomination and election of Bro. AI. Victorin, Longueiul
College, Quebec, Canada, followed.
The announced scientific program was then in order. Dr.
on "The Distribution of the ^Montane
P. A. R^-dberg read a paper
Plants of the Rocky ^Mountains." This paper will be published
in the Bulletin of the Club.
Meeting adjourned.
B. O. Dodge,

December 10, 1918

The meeting was held at the American Museum of Natural
History at 8:15 P.M. President Richards occupied the chair.
There were twenty' eight persons present. The minutes of
November 27 were read and approved.
The nomination and election of Dr. George E. Nichols, Yale
Universit>^ and President R. B. von Kleinsmid, Universitv^ of
Arizona, Tucson, followed. No other business was transacted.
The announced scientific program consisted of an illustrated
lecture on "The Botanical Gardens at Buitenzorg, Java," by
Dr. H. A. Gleason.
Adjournment followed.
B. O. Dodge,


At the annual meeting of the Managers of the New York
Botanical Garden on January 13, 191 9, the following suggestions
by Mr. Edward D. Adams were approved and ordered printed:
At this time, when permanent memorials to the defenders of
our flag by land and sea are being considered throughout our
land, and projects for community monuments of various designs
are planned, we venture the suggestion that individual, as well as
associated, action can effectively and economically be taken in

* Reprinted from the Journal of the New York Botanic.\l Garden, 20:
1-2, Jan., 1919.

honor ot all who Ikuc scr\ecl or of those who have made the
supreme sacrifice, by planting memorial trees.
Such trees may properly be planted in the front yard, on the
street, at the home entrance, in a park, as the decoration of an

avenue, in single specimens or in groups of different species for

artistic effects of form and color.

As representing sentiments to be long cherished, such me-
morials would be tenderly cultivated and protected.
Their shade and fruit would yield comfort and satisfaction.
Their growth would add \-alue to the home and become an asset
that succeeding generations would inherit.
Naturally, only those trees should be selected for memorials
to family, school, church, and municipal honor, that will grow
best in each locality and of those species that will be appreciated
for their beauty, grandeur, long Hfe, and utility.

The number of kinds of trees suitable for memorial planting

is large. The widely different climates of different parts of the
United States require the selection of such kinds as will grow
vigorously, and the character of the soil should also be taken
into consideration; such information to those not versed in tree
planting can usually be had from the nearest nurseryman or from
officials of the Agricultural Experiment Station.
Those who live in homes without available grounds for plant-
ing, might contribute to the cost of a tree for its planting as

part of a memorial grove in a park or garden.

The selection of the tree, the preparation of the location, and
the design of the label or honor roll, may be considered and car-
and wnth the participation
ried out in family conferences of each
These preparations should be made as our men return, so that
the signing of the treaty of peace may be celebrated over the
nation wide by the simultaneous planting of the honor tree of
each family and community that has cherished a service flag in

the period of our war.

At the New York Botanical Garden, a war memorial planta-
tion of Douglas Spruce, a characteristic American evergreen
tree, will be established this spring; about one hundred trees

five feet high having been secured for this purpose. For those
who do not have land available and who would like to have a
memorial tree planted, the offer is made to designate one of
these spruces as desired on receipt of ten dollars, which will cover
cost of tree, of planting, and of its care, which will be the same
as that of other trees in the Garden.

Professor Henry Allan Gleason,of the University of Michigan,
recently spent two months in the study of North American Iron-
weeds, the genus Veronia and near allies at the New York
Botanical Garden. Professor Gleason published some years ago
a preliminary revision of Vernonia and he is now preparing the
manuscript of the tribe Vernonieae for the North American Flora.
Dr. Gleason spent a day at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, where
he revised the collection of Vernonia in the herbarium of that

Mr. Charles Piper Smith, who has published several papers on

Liipinus in the Bulletin, spent ten days recently in studying
these plants at the herbarium of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden,
and at the Gray Herbarium, Cambridge.
We learn from the Michigan Agricultural College Record of

the death on December 6 of Miss Rose M. Taylor, instructor in

botany at the College.

We learn from the Evening Sun that because of the similarity

of climate and soil conditions of Texas and the land upon which
the Jewish " Republic of Judea " will be built, the Zionist Society
has retained Dr. J. J. Taubenhaus, plant pathologist of the
Texas agricultural experiment station, for a high agricultural

post in the new nation.

Much of the data compiled during his service here will be
available for use in Palestine Dr. Taubenhaus says.
The Torrey Botanical Club
who wish six gratuitous copies
Contributors of accepted articles and reviews
of the number of Torreya in which their papers appear, will kindly notify the
editor when returning proof.
Reprints should be ordered, when galley proof is returned to the editor. Tlie
New Era Printing Co.. 41 North Queen Street, Lancaster. Pa., have furnished the
following rates:
2pp 4pp 8pp 12pp 16pp 20pp
25 copies S .79 SI. 14 $1.78 $2.32 $2.87 $3.28
50 copies 1.03 1.43 2.23 2.82 3.52 3.92
100 copies 1.45 2.03 2.73 3.50 4.23 4.55
200 copies 2.15 3.24 3.92 5 25 6.52 6.92
Covers: 25 for $1.00, additional covers l}4 cents each.
Plates for reprints, 50 cents each per 100.

Committees for 1919.

Finance Committee Program Committee

R. A. Harper, Chairman. Mrs. E. G. Britton, Chairman.
J. H. Barnhart, Prof. Jean Broadhurst
Miss C. C. Haynes B. O. Dodge
Sereno Stetson Michael Levine
Budget Committee F. J. Seaver

H. Barnhart, Chairman. Membership Committee

R. A. Harper J. K. Small, Chairman.
N. L. Britton T. E. Hazen
A. W. Evans E. W. Olive
M. A. Howe Local Flora Committee
H. H. RusBY N. L. Britton, Chairman.
Field Committee Phanerogams: Cryptogams
F. W. Pennell, Chairman E. P. BiCKNELL Mrs. E. G. Britto n'

Mrs. L. M. Keeler N. L. Britton T. E. Hazen

Michael Levine C. C. Curtis M. a. Howe
George T. Hastings K. K. Mackenzie Michael Le vink
Percy Wilson Norman Taylor W. A. Murrill
F. J. Seaver
Chairmen of Special Committees on Local Flora
Ferns and Fern Allies: R. C. Benedict. Lichens: W. C. Barbour
Mosses: Mrs. E. G. Britton X Sphaeriaceae, Dothideaceae: H. M
Liverworts: A. W. Evans Richards
Fresh Water AJgae: T. E. Hazen Hypocreaceae, Perisporieae, Pit eta s-

Marine Algae: M. A. Howe cineae, Tuberineae: F. J. Seaver

Gasteromycetes: G. C. Fisher Fungi-forming sclerotia: A. B. Stout
Hymenomycetes: W. A. Murrill Imperfecti: H. M. Richards, F.
Except Russula and Lactarius; Miss G Seaver, Mel T. Cook
Burlingham Oomycetes: C. A. King
Cortinarius: R. A. Harper Zygomycetes: A. F. Blakeslee
Polyporeae: M. Levine Chytridiaceae,
Exobasidii: H. M. Richards Myxomycetes: Mrs. H. M. Richards
Rusts and Smuts: E. W. Olive Yeast and Bacteria: Prof. J. Broadliuisi
Discomycetes: B. O. Dodge Insect galls: Mel T. Cook


A monthly journal devoted to general botany, established
1870. Vol. 45 published in 19 18, contained 519 pages of text
and I 5 full-page plates. Price ^4.00 per annum. For Europe,
18 shillings. Dulau & Co., 47 Soho Square, London, are,

agents for England.

Of former volumes, only 24-45 can be supplied entire cer- ;

tainnumbers of other volumes are available, but the entire stock

of some numbers has been reserved for the completion of sets
Vols. 24-27 are furnished at the published price of two dollars
each ; Vols. 28—45 three dollars each.
Single copies
(30 cents) will be furnished only when not
breaking complete volumes.

The Memoirs, established 1889, are published at irregu-
lar intervals. Volumes i — 15 are now completed; No. of i

Vol. 16 has been issued. The subscription price is fixed at

$3.00 per volume in advance; Vol. 17, containing Proceedings
of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the Club, 490 pages, was
issued in 19 18, price $5.00. Certain numbers can also be pur-
chased singly. A list of titles of the individual papers and of
prices will be furnished on application.

(3) The Preliminary Catalogue of Anthophyta and Pteri-

dophyta reported as growing within one hundred miles of New
York, 1888. Price, $1.00.

Correspondence relating to the above }jublications should be

addressed to
Columbia University
New York City
Vol. 19 March, 1919 No. 3

A Monthly Journal of Botanical Notes and News





JOHN TORREY, 1796-1873.


The Japanese Honeysuckle in the Eastern United States: E. F. Andrews 37

Variations in the flowers of Erythronium Propullans Gray: C. O. Rosendahl 43
New names for species of Phanerogams: J. C. Arthur 48
Bryological Notes: A. LeRoy Andrews 49
Notes and News 51

Published for the Club

At 41 North Qubbn Street, Lancaster, Pa,
BT The Nbtt Era Prii»ti»*c Comtamy
"Entered at the Post Office at Lancaster, Pa., as seconti-class matter.


Vice- Presidents.

Secretary and Treasurer

Columbia University, N. Y. City.
Associate Editors
Delegate to the Council of the New York Academy of Sciences
M. A. HOWE. Ph.D.

Official Organ of the Wild Flower Preservation

Society of America-

ToRREYA is furnished to subscribers in the United States and

Canada for one dollar per annum ; single copies, fifteen cents. To
subscribers elsewhere, five shillings, or the equivalent thereof. Postal or
express money orders and drafts or personal checks on New York City
banks are accepted in payment, but the rules of the New York Clearing
House compel the request that ten cents be added to the amount of any
other local checks that may be sent. Subscriptions are received only
for full volumes, beginning with the January issue. Reprints will be
furnished at cost prices. Subscriptions and remittances should be sent
to Treasurer, Torrey Botanical Club, 41 North Queen St., Lan-
caster, Pa., orColumbia University, New York City.
Matter for publication, and books and papers for review, should
be addressed to

Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Brooklyn, N. Y
Vol. 19 No. 3
March, igig


By E. F. Andrews

The rapidity with which introduced weeds can multiply and

take possession of new territory has been repeatedly demon-
strated by such examples as the Russian thistle {Salsola pestifer) ,

bitterweed (Heleniuni tenuifolium) and the Sida {S. Spinosa and

S. rhombifolia) —plants which have become such common pests
in certain parts of our country. As a general thing these un-
welcome intruders belong to the class of herbaceous annuals and
biennials, whose frequent succession of new generations, with
the opportunities for seed production and distribution which
this affords, makes them much more efficient travelers than the
slower-growing woody shrubs and vines.
A notable exception to this rule, however, is furnished by the
Japan honeysuckle {Lonicera japonica), an exotic from Asia,
which I remember to have known in my youth only as a care-
fully cultivated and highly prized ornamental plant, twining
about the piazzas of the old plantation mansions and covering
the "summer houses" —
pergolas, they would be called now in —
old-fashioned southern gardens. The flowers are very fragrant
and showy, and was a profuse bloomer under cultivation, but

since it has run wild and taken on the weedy habit, it has to a
large extent given up flowering, and propagates chiefly by vege-
tative means. Wherever a shoot touches the ground it strikes
root and then sends forth a numerous progeny of young shoots
to repeat the process. The prostrate stems and those in con-
tact with the soil, even on high banks and ledges, where there

[No. 2, Vol. 19 of ToRREYA, Comprising pp. 21-36, was issued 19 March, 1919I


is plenty of light, never, or very rarely produce flowers, but ex-

pend their surplus energy in adding to the netw^ork of tangled
cords that covers the ground wherever this ruthless invader gets
a foot hold. It will climb as high as heaven if it can find any-
thing to lean on, converting the wooded areas in the moist river
bottoms into an impenetrable jungle with its tangled cords of
interlacing vines; or if forced to accept an humbler position,
crawling with equal facility over the gullied slopes of arid hill-

F:g. I. —Japanese honeysuckle covering the side of a railroad cut near Rome,
Ga. The white patches in the foreground are not snow, but naked portions of
the very sterile yellow clay soil.

sides or along the borders of dusty roads. This faculty might

be turned to good account in stopping washes and covering un-
sightly clay banks, though its utility for such purposes seems never
to But while accommodating itself readily to
have been tested.
almost any conditions, it shows a marked preference for moist
woodlands and the borders of streams, and as its presence in
such places does not interfere with the crops, or threaten any
direct pecuniary loss, it has not attracted the attention of either
the economist or the agriculturist.

But to the botanist engaged in an\- kind of lield work (his for-
eign immigrant most undesirable accession to our plant po])-
is a
ulation. It infests his fa\-orite hunting grounds and besets his

steps with a tanglefoot of snares even more exasperating than

the barbed wire fences, sometimes forcing him —
and more espe-
cially her — to cut short such explorations. But the chief indict-
ment against it is the ruthlessness with which it is overrunning

and destroying our native plants wherever it comes in competi-

tion with them; and it is no uncommon thing to see acres upcMl
acres of brushwood and haw thickets, sometimes including trees
of considerable size, buried under the rank growth of this ag-
gressive invader. As it has no way of climbing except by coiling
around a support, which is a rather tedious process in the case
of large stems; it can reach the crown of high-branching trees
only by climbing upon the under brush of shrubs and young
shoots until it comes in contact with some overhanging bough
and then it has a free right-of-way. It also utilizes the stems and
branches of other climbers that have already made good their
ascent — trumpet vine, catbriars, grape, Virginia creeper, and the
like, not excepting those of its own kind. As the stems of both
the twiner and its support grow larger, the tension often becomes
so great that the coils are tightened like a noose, and become so
deeply imbedded in the supporting stem as to give it the appear-
ance of a huge corkscrew^ and unless themselves broken or loos-
ened by the strain, may cause the death of the parts above.
More frequently however, it kills by smothering its victims under
a dense network of interlacing cords, commonly from 3 to 6 mm.
thick, loosely twisted together. I have counted as many as 27
strands of all sizes, from i to 10 mm. thick, twined into one of
these living ropes. A single stem is rarely more than ior 2 cm.
(about ^ of an inch) thick, though in one instance I have seen
a single honeysuckle vine 18 cm. (7 in.) in girth, smothering a
wild plum tree (P. nigra) 1.5 dm. (6 in.) in diameter. It began
by gripping a shoot from the base of the plum, in a spiral of 4
rings which have been drawn so tight by the continued growth
of both stems that the honeysuckle, the more elastic of the two,

has been flattened out like a piece of tape. As for the plum

shoot, it is now dead, and from the end of the stub the chmber has
reached out to the main stem and spread over the crown a net-
work of luxuriant branches under which the tree is being slowly
smothered to death.
This sort of piracy is no uncommon thing in the vegetable
world, any more than in our own, but what surprised me in this
case was the unusual size of the climbing stem. I took it for a

grape vine at first, as the bark is fibrous like that of the grape,
and it was not until I had plucked off leafy twigs actually grow-
ing out of it that I could feel sure they really belonged there and
were not merely "hangers-on" of a hanger on. The bark is of
a lighter color and softer texture than that of the grape, and
also more easily detached.
On this lusty vine only one flowering sprig, with but two ber-
ries, was found. This was on November 7, 191 7, and is the second
specimen of fruit recorded in my notes for that year, though
others may have been observed without being mentioned, and
others may have escaped notice on account
still of the difhculty

of distinguishing them among the dark, evergreen foliage. But

while all this may be so, I have kept up such a constant lookout
for the fruiting sprays, and their scarcity is the subject of such
frequent comment in my notes that although their presence may
sometimes be overlooked, this is not a satisfactory explanation,
and the fact remains that the production of fruit (and conse-
quently of seed) is m.uch less than would be expected of so pro-
lific a stock. But while the flowers appear to be highly special-
ized for insect pollination, they seem, in the wild state, to

have no set time for blooming. Even in spring it is unusual to

see a honeysuckle vine loaded with flowers like the jessamines
and clematis, but it continues to blossom sporadically throughout
the greater part of the year (in this latitude, from April to De-
cember) producing a few sprays here and there hardly more in —
May than in October. In this way, many of the late bloomers
may "waste their sweetness on the desert air" so far as pollin-
ation and the perfecting of fruit is concerned.
But the most puzzling thing about this successful invader is

how it has managed, with such imperfect provision for transpor-


tation {)\XT k)ng distances, to spread over so vast a territory

within the memory of persons still living. No mention is made
of it in either "Chapman's Flora of the Southern States" (1884)
or in the Vlth edition of Gray's Manual (1889), and it was not
until about this period that my own attention was aroused by
the discovery that it was beginning to run wild in low, damp
places around Macon, Ga. Since then it has spread over prac-
tically thewhole of the Eastern States, from the Gulf of Mexico
to the estuary of the Hudson, making itself equally at home in
the low hammocks of the Coastal Plain, on the old red hills of
the Piedmont region, on the stony ramparts of the Lookout
Plateau, and onward for a thousand miles up the great Appa-
lachian Valley. A writer from Texas in the American Botanist
(Vol. 24, p. 5) mentions it as having "established itself in the
brush around dwellings" in some parts of that State, and Dr.
R. M. Harper also writes me that he has seen it growing along
roadsides in Hingham, Mass.
The ease with which it propagates by runners will account for
the rapid dispersal of the species locally, but for those distant
migrations by which it has spread from Texas to New England
and from the mountains to the sea, some more expeditious means
of transportation is needed. The dissemination of seed through
the agency of birds is the most natural means that suggests it-
self, and probably the one employed, though the adaptation

for this purpose is not very apparent. The berries, in addition

to their infrequency, are "conspicuously" inconspicuous, being
small, black, and sessile, or nearly so, in the axils of the dark green
leaves, where it is difficult to see how they could attract atten-
tion even in a real "bird's-eye view." The small nutlets are
embedded in a mucilaginous pulp like that of the mistletoe, but
of a dark greenish color and an insipid, bittersweet taste, that

would not seem likely to tempt a fastidious palate. It is not

unlikely, however, that this pulp may play an important part
in the distribution of seed,by sticking to the feet of birds and
insects, and being carried about from place to place like the
mistletoe. The plant is spread to some extent, even locally, by
seed, and I have occasionally found a new colon\' forming in

places 200 meters (about 620 ft.) or more, from any others of
the species which could have given rise to it. The seedling starts
by sending out a number of prostrate branches which creep along
on the ground sending out runners of their own in every direc-
tion until they find something to climb on, and in an incredibly
short time will overrun everything that stands in their way.

Fig. 2 —A honeysuckle junj on the borders of a small stream in Wilkes

County, Ga.

But after all has been said, the paucity of fruit in a plant so
widely distributed has always been a puzzle to me, and as the
flowers are dependent upon insect fertilization, I have some-
times wondered whether this might not be a case like that of the
Smyrna figs, in which a particular insect partner was needed to
insure pollination. The most reasonable explanation, however,
seems to be that wherever the honeysuckle can propagate itself
vegetatively, it employs that method in preference to wasting
its energies in the more exhausting and expensive process of seed

production. In other words, nature, here, is economizing effort

and following the line of least resistance. This accords with the
fact that prostrate and low climbing branches do not bloom and
that fruit and flowers are found only in positions where the op-
portunity for vegetative multiplication is restricted or wanting.
In fact, themost remarkable crop of both fruit and flowers that
I remember ever to have seen, was on a vine climbing over a

wire fence between a cotton field and a potato patch, where the
farmers were giving it such a hard fight that it had no chance
to spread over the ground and was obliged to find some other
outlet for its vital energy.
Rome, Georgia


By C. O. Rosexdahl

Several species of the genus Erythronium are characterized by

certain structural peculiarities of the flowers chief of which is

the marked heteromorphism of the stamens. This has been dem-

onstrated in two of our common eastern species, E. alhidum and
E. americaniim by Meads* and Graff f and in a number of west-

ern and mid-western species by Pickett. t Among those studied

by Pickett is E. propullans, a somewhat peculiar species which,
so far as definitely known, is limited in its distribution to a small
geographical area of southeastern Minnesota. In this restricted
area it has been found only in a few places in the valleys of the
Cannon and the Zumbro rivers, where it grows on wooded, allu-

vial bottomlands.
As a result of the very limited distribution of the species there
are comparatively few specimens of E. propullans in the herbaria
of the country and Pickett states that his observations on it were
* Meads, M. E. The Range of Variation in Species of Erythronium. Botanical
Gazette i8: 134-138. 1893.
t Graff, Paul W. The Stamens in Erylhronium Americatiitm. Torreya 16:
180-182. 1916.

J Pickett, F. L. The length of Erylhronium Stamens. Torreya 17: 58-60.


confined to only a few plants. He makes the suggestion that it

would be desirable to examine more extensive collections to see
If stamen dimorphism is characteristic of the species and accord-
ingly the writer made
it a point to look over the specimens of

it herbarium of the University of Minnesota to see if ad-

in the

ditional proof could be obtained. The observations on the

herbarium material were supplemented by a study of numerous
specimens in the field in May, 191 8.
These observations show beyond any doubt that the stamens
of Erythronium propuUans, like those of several other species of

the genus, are characteristically heteromorphic. In fact there Is

perhaps an even greater proportional difference in the lengths of

the two sets of stamens than is found In the other species, for in
E. propuUans the outer whorl of stamens reaches scarcely above
the base of the anthers of the inner set. The accompanying
stereoscopic photographs, which were made with a Zeiss stereo-
scopic camera with regular binocular objectives and with the
flowers. Immersed in water, show this fact clearly. (The value of
the figures is enhanced by examining them through an ordinary

In the field material the average length of the outer stamens
Is 6.32 mm. while that of the Inner is 7.99 mm., a difference of

1.67 mm. There Is considerable variation in the size of the

anthers ranging from 1.9 mm. to 3.5 mm. in length. The aver-
age length is about 2.46 mm. In some flowers the anthers of
the outer stamens are regularly about .5 mm. shorter than those
of the inner but this is not generally the rule and many cases

were noted In which the anthers of the inner stamens were smaller
in size than the outer. For the most part the anthers of one
whorl of stamens differ as much from one another in size as they
differ from those of the alternating whorl. This marked ten-
dency to variation in the length of the anthers does not seem to
affect the filaments for in all flowers examined the outer filaments
were found to be constantly and uniformly shorter than the inner
While examining the flowers for stamen heteromorphism an-
other feature was brought to light which apparently has hitherto

Fig. I. —A flower of Erylhroniiim propullans with four perianth segments and

four stamens, showing the pronounced difference in the lengths of the two sets of
stamens. Fig. 2. A flower with five perianth segments and five stamens, two of
which are long and three short. Fig. 3. Three plants of E. propullans showing
flowers with four, five and six perianth segments. On two of the plants the
young offshoot can be distinctly seen.

been overlooked in E. propuUans, namely a remarkable varia-

bility with regard to the number of the perianth segments,
stamens and carpels.
Of a total number of 51 flowers examined in detail only six had
six complete or norm_al perianth segments and only three of
these had the full complement of stamens. Three flowers had
five norm_al perianth segments and one of reduced size. There
were ele^'en flowers with five perianth segments and tweh-e with
five stamens.By far the largest num_ber of flowers, namely
thirty-one, had four perianth segments and there was a total of
thirty-four which had only four stamens. One flower had three
stamens and another one had only two. The following tabu-
lation shows the variations in a more graphic way:

No. of perianth seg-

ments 615-1-1 ab-
normal 5 4 No. of stamens. 6 5432
No. of flowers 1 6 3 1
II 131
3 j
12 j
34 j
I j

It is thus ob\-ious that only about 12 per cent, of the flowers

possess the fullnumber of perianth parts and only about 6 per
cent, the full number of stamens. On the other hand about 61
per cent, of the flowers have only four perianth segments and
fully 67 per cent, have only four stamens. About 21 per cent,
of the flowers have five perianth parts and 23 per cent, have five
stamens. Where there are only four perianth segments and four
stamens each series is arranged in two alternating whorls of
two each, the two shorter stamens occupying the outer whorl.
In most cases where five perianth segments and five stamens are
present the suppression has occurred in the inner whorl of the
two respective series, thus leaving three short stamens and two
long (Fig. 2). In at least one case the reverse condition with re-
gard to the stamens was observed.
In the typically trim.erous flowers the ovary is 3-celled but in

the flowers having onl\- four perianth parts and four stamens the
pistil is reduced to two carpels and the oxary is 2-celled. In the
flowers with five perianth parts and generally five stamens the
pistil is usually made up of three carpels with three cells in the

o\ar\- l)Ul sometinic's oiu- of the- carpels is onh' ])aiiiall\- (k'\i'l-

opcd, rcsultinti in a somewhat irregular sti^iua and oiiK' two

complete cells. In one case a flower with two separate pistils
was observed. The however, shows the least variation in

si7-e of all the organs of the llower of E. propullans, the style being
uniformh- 5 mm. in length and the ovary about 3 mm. when the
flowers are in anthesis.
So aware the flowers of /;;. propullans are
far as the writer is

considerably smaller than in any other species of the genus.

They \'ary in length from 9 to 13 millimeters but the majority
are a little over 10 mm. long. Attempts to ascribe to other
factors than heredity the difference in the size of flowers of var-
ious related species of a genus are mostly futile, yet the hypothe-
sis put forth by Blodgett* in explanation of the reduction in the
size of the flowers of E. propullans seems to the present writer
at least very plausible.
As is well known the offshoot in E. propullans pushes out from
the stem near the middle (Fig. 3), itsbud originating "at the
base of the peduncle in the axil of one of the leaves." Thus the
"vascular system of the peduncle supplies, through branches,
the necessary strands for the offshoot." This side-tracking of a
considerable amount of the food supply going up the peduncle
may have had, in the opinion of Blodgett, "considerable influ-
ence in the reduction in size noticeable in the flowers of this form
in contrast to the rest of the genus."
It seems very probable that the prevalent reduction in the

number of the floral organs is due to the same cause and we have,
at least in this species, a very simple physiological explanation
for the fluctuations in the floral structures.
In conclusion it is worth noting that the genus Erythronium
belongs to a subfamily of the Liliaceae in which the trimerous
plan of the flower is quite consistently adhered to. The char-
acteristic variations in the number of the perianth segments,
stamens, and carpels and especially the preponderance of dimer-
ous flowers in E. propullans are therefore very striking.

* Blodgett, F. H. The Stem Offshoot in Erylhronium propullans Gray. Johns

Hopkins Universitj' Circular, 3-5. June, 1909.


By J. C. Arthur

While studying the Uredinales and hsting their hosts for pre-
sentation in the North American Flora a number of phanero-
gamic species have been encountered, which have not been trans-
ferred, so far as the writer can ascertain, to the genera under
which related species are being listed. As it is desirable to have
these transfers made for the sake of uniformity, and as no one
else seems desirous of making them at this time, they are here
recorded. The advice of Mrs. x'\gnes Chase, Mr. Percy Wilson
and Dr. F. W. Pennell has been followed, although the writer
is to be held responsible for any errors that may occur.

Senites Hartwegi (Fourn.) nom. nov. {Zeugites Hartwegi Fourn.

Mex. PI. 121. 1886). A grass of Central America, and known
from Mexico by the type specimen only, Hartweg ^6p. It bears
Uredo Zeiigitis Arth. & Holw. from San Rafael, Guatemala,
7000 feet alt. (Am. Jour. Bot. 5: 538. 191 8).
Sanguinale pruriens (Trin.) nom. nov. (Panicum pruriensTr'm.
Gram. Pan. 77. 1826). A grass of Hawaii, that has been re-
ferred to Panicum sanguinale. Professor A. S. Hitchcock holds
it to be clearly distinct. He observed in the field that the racemes
are erect, not spreading as in P. sanguinale, and Mrs. Chase has
found that the first glume is wanting and the second very minute.
It bears Puccinia oahuensis Ellis & Ev., which was only known
from the type collection, obtained on the slopes of Makiki, Is-
land of Oahu, by A. A. Heller, in 1895, until it was detected by
Mrs. Chase on two collections of the grass made near Honolulu
by Prof. Hitchcock, one along a ditch, June 16, 1916, no. 13735,
and the other as a weed in shady places. Halfway House. Mt.
Tautalus, June 24, 1916, no. 13862. Puccinia oahuensis is

scarcely distinguishable morphologically from P. suhstriata Ellis

«& Earth.
Nymphoides Grayanam (Griseb.) nom. nov. {Limnanthemum
Grayanum Griseb. Cat. PI. Cub. 181. 1866). A West Indian
aquatic plant in the family Menyanthaceae, on which aecia of
Puccinia Scirpi DC. were found in C\iba by Charles Wright in

1858. It still remains the onK- rust collection on this genus of

hosts known for America.
^ Aureolaria virginica (L.) nom. now [Rhiuanthiis virginicus L.
Sp. Plant. 603. 1753; Dasystoma virginica Britton, Mem. Torrey
Club 5: 295. 1894). A common Scrophulariaceous plant of the
northeastern United States, which bears aecia of Pnccinia An-
dropogonis Schw.
^ Dasystephana spathacea (H.B.K.) nom. nov. (Gentiana spath-
acea H.B.K. Nov. Gen. Sp. Plant. 3: 173. 1818). A Mexican
species, which bears the widely distributed rust Pnccinia Gen-
tianae Link.
^ Dasystephana Menzesii (Griseb.) nom. nov. {Gentiana Men-
zesii Griseb. Gen. Sp. Gent. 292. 1839). A Californian species,
which bears the rust Puccinia Geniianae Link.
Purdue University,
Lafayette, Ind.

V. Scapania nimbosa from Norway
By a. LeRoy Andrews

Of the remarkable "Atlantic species" of the northwestern

European coasts washed by the Gulf Stream, obviously relicts
of an older flora, two Scapanias stand out sharply from their con-
geners. The one of wider distribution, commonly known as
Scapania planifolia (Hook.) Dum., should according to Pearson
bear the earlier specific name S. ornithopodioides (Dill.) Pears,

It is known from various stations on the west coasts of the Brit-

ish Islands, from the Faroes and a few localities on the west
coast of Norway. According to tiller* M it is certainly identical
with species known from isolated stations in Hawaii and the
Himalayan region of India. f S. nimbosa Tayl. was hitherto
known only from relatively few places on the western coasts of
the British Islands.
* Rabenhorst, Kryptogamenflora, VI, 521. 1915. The author's earlier (1905)

monograph of Scapania is not at present accessible to me.

t This conclusion is also accepted by Stephani, Spceies Hepaticarum, I\\ i36f.


In the summer of 1907 the Norwegian bryologist, Herr B.

Kaalaas, kindly permitted me toaccompany him on a collecting
trip on the western Norwegian coast in Romsdals Amt. His
main purpose was to establish more definitely the northern limit
of the Norwegian range of the "Atlantic species," many of which
he had himself been the first to find in that country. While I
was with him we found one new station for S. planifolia, by the
lake Gusdalsvand in Vanelven, a point which we reached from
temporary headquarters at Aaeim. Our most northerly oper-
ations, and the last before I was obliged to leave, began with a
trip by water from Molde to the small fishing village on the low
cape Bud. From there we walked to the little settlement of
Farstad, as I remember, where we succeeded in finding quarters.
It was Herr Kaalaas' idea to investigate from here particularly
the high promontory of Stemshesten. We learned, however, of
an area of limestone to the southward in the Tverfjeldene* and
decided to divide our forces for the one day we had available,
Herr Kaalaas investigating Stemshesten, while I tried to reach

the marble of the Tverfjeldene. With the time consumed in

going and coming, together with a certain amount of climbing,
I was not able to make a thorough survey of the place, but did

find a number of interesting bryophytes. Among them was a

Scapania which I took from its general appearance to be S.
planifolia, and it was so recorded b}' Kaalaas as the most north-
erly station for this species. t Miillert also records this as the
northern limit of the species. On more careful examination my
specimen proves, however, to be S. nimbosa. The descriptions
of Macvicar§ with figures show two quite distinct species, and
I have also been able to compare authentic material of both dis-

tributed by the English hepaticologist, W. H. Pearson, so that

there is no question as to the identity of the plant. The record

* The gneiss of western Norway is varied by occasional outcrops of limestone

(marble), which are in some enough to support a distinctive calcicolous
cases large
flora. We
had previously driven from Molde to such a locality north of there con-
taining a cave (Troldkirken), from which the Tverfjeldene are not far distant.
t Lat. 62° 56' N. Untersuchungen iiber die Bryophyten in Romsdals Amt, 26-

X Loc. cit.

§ Handbook of British Hepatics, 368f. 1912.


represents a considerable extension of the limited range of 5.

nimhosa, which had been known onh' from the British Islands,
and at the same time adds one to the list of "Atlantic species"
known from Norw^ay.
Ithaca, X. V.


Dr. \V. A. Cannon, of the staff of the Department of Botanical
Research of the Carnegie Institution, reached San Francisco in

the last week of April after an extended trip to Australia for the

prosecution of his work on the root systems of desert plants.

A specimen of Panicum urvilleanum Kunth in the National

Herbarium collected by W. L. Jepson (no. 6049) near Edom in

the Colorado Desert, southern California, show's se\-eral spike-

lets bearing two sterile florets below the well-developed fertile

floret. The florets resemble each other as to pubescence. The

upper of the two is slightly longer and less pointed than the lower
and has a well-de\eloped palea. In the lower no palea has been
observed, thelemma only being present. Sixteen other speci-
mens from North and South America in the National Herbarium
have been examined but in all the spikelets appear to be normal.
So far as known this is the only species of Panicum showing a
departure from the single sterile (or staminate) floret, character-
istic of the tribe Paniceae. In Lasiacis anomala of the same tribe
recently described* the spikelets normally bear two sterile florets,
this being the first case known of the presence of a second sterile
any member
floret in of the Paniceae. In Pamctim amalurum
Hitchc. & Chase and in species of Ichnanthus the glumes are
sometimes multiplied but in these there is no fertile floret, a
terminal staminate floret only being present. Katharine D.
Kimball, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. Agric.

The New York Botanical Garden is at present engaged in the

preparation of a descriptive guide to the collections in the eco-
nomic museum. In the course of its preparation, we ha\e found
so many omissions of common and important articles thatwe are
* See Hitchcock, Journ. Washington Acad. Sci. 9: 35. 1919.

making a special effort to complete the list before printing the

Guide. It would be a great favor if readers of Torreya would
either collect for us such of our desiderata as may occur in their
respective localities or notify us where they can be obtained.
The following are desired for preservation in the fresh state
in a mixture of one part of formalin to sixteen of water. They
may either be placed in the solution at once, in ordinary fruit
jars with the tops securely screwed down, and suitably labeled
with name, locality, date and name of collector, or they may be
sent to us wrapped in paraffin paper, provided they can arrive
in a fresh condition.
Wild leek (Allium tricocciim) plants bearing their bulbs.

All wild gooseberries.

Wild red currant.
The sand blackberry.
Vanilla grass {Savastana odorata)
Sorghum cane, sugar and molasses.
All huckleberries and blue berries of the south and south-
eastern states.
Mitchella re pens in fruit.
Chiogenes in fruit.

Wild cranberry in fruit.

Batodendron arboreum in fruit.

Ripe olives on the branch.

Yucca haccata fruit.
Chinquapin twigs with ripe burs.
Wintergreen berries on the stem.
Orontium aquaticum, fruiting tops.
The following may be sent in in the natural condition as col-
lected :

Rhizome of Dryopteris marginalis.

Roots of Asclepias tuber osa.
Roots of the wild chicory plant.
Cultivated plants of the large horse sorrel (Rtimex acetosa).
Bulbs of Calochortus, any species.
Yucca baccata roots.
Eurotia lanata, dried and bundled.

Atriplcx pdtuld, dried and Imndlt-d.

Tubers of Psoralea esculenta on tlic plant.
Tubers of Solan iim Fcudleri on tlic plant.
Tubers of Sohniiim Jamcsii on the plant.
Tubirs of Hoffmansegiiia on the plant.
Grain of wild rice in the hull.
The same, cleaned.
Chufas, about two pounds.
Each specimen will be placed in the cases prominenth' labeled
with the name of the donor and the same acknowledgment will

be made in the printed Guide Book. — H. H. Rusby, Hon.


Dr. Henry Allen Gleason has been appointed the First Assist-
ant of the Director of the New York Botanical Garden, succeed-
ing Dr. W. A. Murrill, who has been transferred to the new pos-
ition of Supervisor of Public Instruction.

Camillo Schneider, whose botanical explorations in China were

cut short by the war, and who has been studying Salix at the
Arnold Arboretum, recently visited the Field Museum at Chicago,
the New York Botanical Garden, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden
and other institutions. Mr. Schneider has been working on the
native American willows, of which he reports the number of
probable wild hybrids to be very great.
The Torrey Botanical Club
Contributors of accepted articles and reviews who wish six gratuitous copies

of the number of Torreya in which their papers appear, will kindly notify the
editor when returning proof.
Reprints should be ordered, when galley proof is returned to the editor. The
New Era Printing Co., 41 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa., have furnished the
following rates:
2pp 4pp 8pp 12pp 16pp 20pp
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SO copies 1.03 1.43 2.23 2.82 3.52 3.92
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200 copies 2.15 3.24 3.92 5 25 6.52 6.92
Covers: 25 for $1.00, additional covers l}4 cents each.
Plates for reprints, 50 cents each per 100.

Committees for 1919.

Finance Committee Program Committee

R. A. Harper, Chairman. Mrs. E. G. Britton, Chairman.
J. H. Barnhart, Prof. Jean Broadhurst
Miss C. C. Haynes B. O. Dodge
Sereno Stetson Michael Levine
Budget Committee F. J. Seaver

H. Barnhart, Chairman. Membership Committee

R. A. Harper J. K. Small, Chairman.
N. L. Britton T. E. Hazen
A. W. Evans E. W. Olive
M. A. Howe Local Flora Committee
H. H. RusBY N. L. Britton, Chairman.
Field Committee Phanerogams: Cryptogams:
F.W. Pennell, Chairman E. P. Bicknell Mrs. E. G. Britton
Mrs. L. M. Keeler N. L. Britton Hazen T. E.
Michael Levine C. C. Curtis M. A. Howe
George T. Hastings K. K. Mackenzie Michael Levinb
Percy Wilson Norman Taylor W. A. Murrill
F. J. Seaver
Chairmen of Special Committees on Local Flora
Ferns and Fern Allies: R. C. Benedict. Lichens: W. C. Barbour
Mosses: Mrs. E. G. Britton Sphaeriaceae, Dothideaceae: H. M,
Liverworts: A. W. Evans Richards
Fresh Water Algae: T. E. Hazen Hypocreaceae, Perisporieae, Plectas-
Marine Algae: M. A. Howe cineae, Tuberineae: F. J. Seaver
Gasteromycetes: G. C. Fisher Fungi-forming sclerotia: A. B. Stout
Hymenomycetes: W. A. Murrill Imperfecti: H. M. Richards, F.
Except Russula and Lactarius: MissG Seaver, Mel T. Cook
Burlingham Oomycetes: C. A. King
Cortinarius: R. A. Harper Zygomycetes: A. F. Blakeslee
Polyporeae:M. Levine Chytridiaceae,
M. Richards
Exobasidii: H. Myxomycetes: Mrs. H. M. Richards
Rusts and Smuts: E. W. Olive Yeast and Bacteria: Prof. J. Broadliutst
Discomycetes: B. O. Dodge Insect galls: Mel T. Cook


A monthly journal devoted to general botany, established
1870. Vol. 45 published in 1918, contained 519 pages of text
and I 5 full-page plates. Price ;$4.oo per annum. For Europe,
18 shillings. Dulau & Co., 47 Soho Square, London, are,
agents for England.
Of former volumes, only 24-45 can be supplied entire cer- ;

tain numbers of other volumes are available, but the entire stock
of some numbers has been reserved for the completion of sets
Vols. 24-27 are furnished at the published price of two dollars
each ; Vols. 28-45 three dollars each.
Single copies (30 cents) will be furnished only when not
breaking complete volumes.

The Memoirs, established 1889, are published at irregu-
lar intervals. Volumes 1-15 are now completed; No. i of
Vol. 16 has been issued. The subscription price is fixed at
$3.00 per volume in advance; Vol. 17, containing Proceedings
of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the Club, 490 pages, was
issued in 1918, price'^5.00. Certain numbers can also be pur-
chased singly. A list of titles of the individual papers and of
prices will be furnished on application.

(3) The Preliminary Catalogue of Anthophyta and Pteri-

dophyta reported as growing within one hundred miles of New
York, 1888. Price, ;^i.oo.

Correspondence relating to the above publications should be

addressed to
Columbia University
New York City
Vol. 19 April, 1919 No. 4

A Monthly Journal of Botanical Notes and News






JOHN TORREY, 1796-1873.

Botany in the City High Schools: F, T. Hughes 57
Changes in Teaching Biology in Our High Schools: Cyrus A. King 65
The Relation of First Year Botany to Advanced Work Paul B Mann : . 72
Trelease's Plant Materials and Winter Botany: A. Gundersen 78
Proceedings of the Club 79
A Correction 83
News Items 83

Published for the Club

At 41 North Qveen Strbkt, LA^ecASTKlt, Pa.
BT The N»w Era PKiKTit«c Comtakt
'Entered at the Post Office at Lancaster, Pa., a« second-class matter.

President .


Vice- Presidents.

Secretary and Treasurer

Columbia University, N. Y. City.
Associate Editors
G. E.
Delegate to the Council of the New York Academy of Sciences
M. A. HOWE, Ph.D.

Official Organ of the Wild Flower Preservation

Society of America

Torreya is furnished to subscribers in the United States and

Canada for one dollar per annum ; single copies, fifteen cents. To
subscribers elsewhere, five shillings, or the equivalent thereof. Postal or

express money orders and drafts or personal checks on New York City
banks are accepted in payment, but the rules of the New York Clearing
House compel the request that ten cents be added to the amount of any
other local checks that may be sent. Subscriptions are received only
for full volumes, beginning with the January issue. Reprints will be
furnished at cost prices. Subscriptions and remittances should be sent
to Treasurer, Torrey Botanical Club, 41 North Queen St., Lan-
caster, Pa., or Columbia University, New York City.

Matter for publication, and books and papers for review, should
be addressed to

Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Brooklyn, N. Y
Vol. 19 No. 4
April, igig


By Francis T. Hughes

Just at present high school biology in general and high school

botany in particular are in a very critical position. The cause I

belie\-e is both external and internal, but largely external. Pre-

judice, the child of ignorance, jealousy, and even patri(jtism,
strange as it may seem, are among the forces that are working
against us from the outside. While from the inside our failure
to recognize the changed conditions existing in our high schools,
due to a certain complacency and false sense of security in the
standing and permanency of our subject, has left us in a pre-
carious situation.
To be more specific: I shall try briefly to outline what I

consider the external situation and the internal conditions that I

have just enumerated, and may, a few remedies

to point out, if I

that may relieve the situation and bring botany back into its
own in the New York City high schools.
First as to prejudice and ignorance, which are practically the
same thing. I heard an eminent physician say the other ev^ening
that the layman's knowledge of medicine was always one genera-
tion behind that of the specialists. And so in high school
botany we are accused by people who really ought to know
better, of teaching a kind of botany that was in vogue twenty
years ago, and which we never think of teaching now. Their
idea of botany is what they themselves studied years ago. It

consisted of memorizing long scientific names, learning endless,

minute classifications, and incidentally plucking a few flowers.
* This and the next two papers were delivered at a meeting of the Club on March
II devoted to a conference on Botanical Education in the Secondary Schools. Ed.
[No. 3, Vol. 19 of ToRREYA, Comprising pp. 37-55, was issued 14 May, 1919.]

Next as to jealousy, or rather let me call it competition among

the various high school subjects for a permanent place in the
curriculum. In the New York City high schools we have had
until recently three sciences in our course of study —biology in

the first year, chemistry or physics in the second and physics or

chemistry in the third, with sometimes an elective in the fourth

year. Suddenly, however, from out of the west came a gay

young Lochinvar, known as general science and then things
began to happen. I shall not attempt to enter into a detailed
discussion of general science here this evening. That is a topic
calling for a special meeting by itself. Suffice it to say that our
friends the physicists and chemists, especially the physicists,
at once seized upon it as the solution of many of their problems,
and in their magnanimous and altruistic spirit worked for its
introduction into first-year high school in place of biology.
For years the physics and chemistry people have been worried
over the immaturity of their pupils and the time it took them to
learn elementary physical and chemical principles. They could
do none of their cherished advanced work and they certainly
were in a quandary. Therefore, when general science appeared
over the horizon they seized upon it with avidity as a preparation
and a preliminary subject for their own courses. Here, said they,
is just the thing to give the first-year pupil the proper apper-
ceptive mass of physical facts and principles upon which we can
later construct our real physics and chemistry. Here is our
looked-for opportunity. Did they ever consider what this would
do to biology? I don't believe they ever deemed it worth
thinking about. What I have just said about general science
and the physical science folk may seem a trifle exaggerated.
If, however, you wish to substantiate it, just look over the general

science text-books that are being published and see the relative
amount of space devoted to physics, chemistry and biology, or
examine the topics taken up in the high schools where general
science is now being taught. In one high school in Brooklyn
first-year general science is actually being taught by physics and
chemistry teachers. That, I think, should show which way the
wind is blowing.

what way does patriotism affect us? As you all

Finally, in
know there has been more or less Bolshevism in the schools, espe-
cially in the high schools. The authorities have been at their
wits ends to stamp it out and they are going to try the following
remedy: The>- are going to try to conquer Bolshevism by teach-
ing concrete practical American patriotism. They are going to
try to show our high school pupils that their political and eco-
nomic salvation lies in upholding the principles upon which this

government is founded. To this no patriotic American would

think of objecting or even disagreeing. But what is the specific
program to be followed? In the first place economics is to be

put into the last year of high school and no student may graduate
without passing it. An excellent and patriotic idea, we all agree.

Secondly community civics is to be taught in either the first or

second year of high school with a minimum requirement of two

periods per week for a year, and thisis where we are directly

affected. Several high schools are giving all of the community

cix'ics for four or five periods per week in the first term or first

year, and biology is being forced out to make room for it. Now
what we biologists contend is, that while community civics

should be taught to our pupils, the place for it is in the elemen-

tary or junior high schools and not in the regular high schools.
I am saying this not simply because I am a biologist, but because
I firmly believe that no other subject in the curriculum has those
qualities which adapt it so peculiarly to first year high school
students as does elementary biology.
I seem to be digressing somewhat from my topic, but I feel

that the situation is serious enough to warrant it; and unless we

are prepared to meet it, and, meet it right now it will not be at all

necessary to consider the kind of botany that is best for our city
high schools.
But to get back to my subject. What kind of botany should
we teach in New York City high schools? In the first place we
should begin with the pupil's environment, the environment of
his home, if possible, or the environment of his school or of the

neighborhood of his home or school. This, it seems to me, is a

fundamental principle, a sort of pedagogical commonplace, but

some teachers seem to consider it practically im.possible. In its

place they tr\- to construct a course or series of topics which,

though and necessan,^ in the eyes of the teacher, either have
to be forced upon their pupils or given to them camouflaged with
all sorts of more or less interesting appendages. And what is the
result? The pupils dislike it; they get ven,- little good from the
work; the subject becomes unpopular, and finally it has to fight
for its very existence. And the whole trouble has been started
b^' its friends.

In most of our high schools where a regular course in botany

is given, we find the following methods in vogue: Some tr^^ to

follow the order of nature. They start with seeds and seedlings
and working their way through roots, stems, leaves, flowers,
fruit, wind up with a little on forestry-. In other schools the
start is with made soil composition and chemistry-. In others
the parts of the plant receive only enough attention to furnish
the structural basis for teaching the vital processes. In other
schools little or no time is spent upon botany as such but most;

of it is occupied with foods and nutrition, bacteria, sanitation

and kindred subjects.
In contrast with the above my idea would be to include most of
the foregoing topics, but to utilize them by linking them up with
the most accessible and obvious botanical object the pupils meet
with in their daily lives. Let that object be a tree or shrub or
even a potted plant in the class all means let it be
room; but by
some tangible concrete some plant whole, something
that they can see, something that they can examine and some-
thing that they can watch grow. Let them give it a name, its
correct botanical name. There is nothing like a name to give a
thing individuality. Let them consider it a member of a class,
—a non-resident member if need be — but a member just the
If the pupils are fortunate enough to be raising a war garden,
then let that be the center or nucleus upon which their botanical
work is based. Children of the first-year high school age are
and matter-of-fact in many ways, and while it is
ver>' practical
sometimes a hard job to get them interested in plants in general,

it is the easiest thing in the world to get them interested in some

one particular plant. It is like their instinct for keeping pets.
The average boy' is not so much interested in dogs in general,
in the way a grown-up lover of animals is apt to be. What he
cares particularly about is his dog Jack and in his mind all the
other dogs in the neighborhood are just plain dogs.
If the object selected for study be some particular tree or
shrub, the next thing to do would be to get a picture of it and

hang it up in the classroom. If one of my pupils had a camera

I would have him take a photograph of it, or in lieu of that I

would have one of the pupils make a large drawing of it. At any
rate if I could not get the plant into the classroom, I would have
its picture there.
Some may ra'se the objection: What concrete botanical object
can be found in the environment of a lower East Side high school
boy? What trees, for example? Let us see. A great many of
such boys go to either DeWitt Clinton or Commerce or Stuy-
vesant. None of them have trees or shrubs about their homes
and so far as I can recall there are none either near or on their
school grounds? But do you realize that DeWitt Clinton, situ-
ated as it is in one of the most congested and botanically unde-
is only two blocks from Central Park
sirable sections of the city,
and many of the boys pass the park on their way home. Com-
merce also is but a short distance from the park. Ever>' other
high school that I can think of either has trees around it or has
one or more small parks in its neighborhood. If the high school
is in the suburbs or outskirts I would select a tree or shrub from
in front of a pupil's home.
,But why begin with a tree? For one reason because it is large.
There is something about size or bigness that seems to appeal to
the average high school pupil. It is his idea of greatness or value.
Did you ever notice the smile or look of contempt that comes
over a boy's face the first time you hand him a bean to examine?
To him a bean is something to eat or to play with, but not to
study. It may be all right for elementary school pupils to raise
seeds in a cigar box, but not for him.
Another reason for selecting the tree is that it is likewise the

botanical object most familiar to the pupil's parents and there-

fore the most likely to maintain their respect. On the other
hand a seed suggests the farm and the average city parent, thinks,
if he thinks about it at all, that farm topics do not belong in a

city high school. I may seem to be emphasizing too much the

parent's opinion of things, but the strongest ally of any subject

is the sympathy and cooperation of the parents. I am not saying
this in a spirit of opportunism. But ifwe believe our subject is
worth while and good for the pupils we should do everything
possible to disarm criticism from the home and by a judicious
amount of tactand resourcefulness lead both parents and school
officials around to our way of thinking. There is an old saying
and a true one: "You cannot catch flies with vinegar." So
do not begin your subject with an altogether strange or uninter-
esting topic.
In connection with this let me repeat a story I heard a short
time ago about a parent's objection to botany. This parent had
a daughter studying botany in one of our suburban high schools.
One day he asked her the name of the tree in front of his house.
The girl did not happen to know the name and the father began
to wonder what kind of botany his daughter was studying.
Thereupon he called upon his daughter's teacher and politely
told him that botany should be thrown out of the schools and
something more useful put in its place, since his daughter could
not tell one tree from another. In answer to this complaint the
teacher said: "My dear Sir, naming and identifying trees is but
a small and insignificant part of botany, ^^'hatwe teach is the
more fundamental life processes; then later the on if we have
time we take up classification." Was that teacher right?
Substantially and in the matter of content, yes. But in the
manner of approaching his subject or parent as the case may be,
I think that he was wrong. The parent's criticism may have
been captious and insincere, but he had some grounds for it just
the same.
Now as to the way in which we should go about the detailed
treatment of the tree or shrub. If I began with the fall term I

would start with the leaves and their structure. After that I

would take up respiration, transpiration, photosynthesis, etc.

But how would I get enough leaves from a city tree to supply
all of my classes, especially when there is a park ordinance against
picking leaves? I would not try to get them from the city tree.
I would get them in the country during vacation time or on
Saturday' or Sunda\'. That. I do not think, is too much to do
for one's subject.

How are we to teach the vital processes? Are we to rig up a

set of apparatus on one of the park trees for the wonder and
admiration of the passing throng? would demon-
Not at all. I

strate the dififerent functions in the classroom with the same

materials and apparatus that I always use, but I would refer
everything to our chief object of study and constantly remind
the class that they were observing not only what trees in general
are doing, but also what one tree in particular was doing in order
to keep itself alive.

What about the flowers and fruit of a city tree? That seems
an almost unsurmountable obstacle but it is not. Its ver^'

difificulty gives zest to its solution. If the average city person

knew that oaks and elms had flowers and fruit he would pay
little attention to it. But the element of surprise that strikes
him upon first being made aware of the fact first excites
curiosity, then arouses interest and finally holds his attention.

It is not the entirely new that arrests our attention, nor the
completely familiar; it is rather the one in connection with the
other. It is the old in the midst of the new, as when a traveler
hears his own language in a foreign country —or the novel in
the midst of the customary — as when we hear a strange tongue
spoken in our own country— that attracts attention.
But to get back to the flowers: I would not attempt to teach
them at all directly. I would have a chart or drawing of the
flowers of that particular tree or shrub. But I would give a
complete set of lessons on the most available flower, I could get
at that time of the year, but as with the leaves I would constantly
refer them to our main object, the tree.
The fruit I would treat in the same way, using the tree's own
fruit if available; if not, then some common fruit in its stead.

The next topic is the stem. To teach this we should have cross
and longitudinal sections of the same kind of wood. Branches
of almost any kind can be secured from the Park Department;
their wagons will deliver them to the schools and the boys will
be only too glad to saw them up into sections and even varnish
them for you. This I have had done several times. All that it
requires is a letter to the Park Superintendent. As for the other
parts of the tree I would not spend much time on them, but I
would put most of the emphasis on the leaves, flowers and fruit;
and would treat the rest only enough (in a general city course)
to show their functions and their relations to the food making
and reproductive organs.
Having thus taken some common shrub or tree as our type
form and taught the structure, functions and adaptations of the
principal parts, I would then take up any other botanical topic
best adapted to the needs and environment of my pupils. With
one set of pupils I should emphasize the economic importance of
plant products and by-products as food; with another group,
especially where there was a manual training department I
would spend much time on woods, their kinds, uses, etc. and ;

so on selecting my topics according to the needs of the various

My some one particular plant
idea in advocating the study of
as outlined above is we have been studying
this: Heretofore
seeds with the bean and corn as types, roots with the carrot and
parsnip as types, and stems with the oak sections and horse-
chestnut twigs, but somehow or other the pupils never linked
them together. To them the bean did one thing, the carrot
another, the horsechestnut twig a third and so on. They did
not connect them all with the plant as a whole. On the other
hand I think, that if we take one complete object, treat it as a
whole and in detail, we will secure greater concentration and
develop more fully the fundamental mental processes of analysis
and synthesis. We can show the relation of the whole to its

parts and the parts to the whole.

Paralleling all of this work and in close connection with it, as
one of its most valuable features, I would use to the very fullest

extent possible our botanic gardens and museums. I would not

look upon them mere adjunct to our work or as factors in a
as a
method I would connect them as an integral
of teaching, but
part of the subject and in one sense the most important part.
If the training and botanical knowledge that we give to our

pupils is going to amount to anything it must not stop at the end

of the first year course in elementary botany. How then are we
going to continue it, especially with those pupils who cannot go
to college? The answer is, teach them how to use the gardens
and the parks. Teach them so that in later years and even
during the rest of their high school course, they may find in
them a place for recreation and a source of inspiration, a means
of avocation, and in some cases, let us hope, a field for serious
study. What the public libraries are to the English and history
departments, the gardens, parks and museums should be to the
biology department.
In conclusion let me say that though the present outlook is

none too bright, and we may have to fight for the very existence
of our subject, the future is not hopeless. If we believe in our
subject let us vitalize it.meet the needs, solve the prob-
Let it

lems and arouse the interests of our pupils. If we do this, if we

vitalize it properly, botany will compel its own recognition.
Boys High School,
Brooklyn, N. Y.


By Cyrus A. King

To graduate from a city high school, a pupil is required to pass

and receive credit for 17 units of work. Of these units, eight
are required of all pupils. Three are in English, three in history
and civics and two are given for work in drawing and physical
training. The other nine units are selected from the following
groups: Three from a foreign language group, two from another
language group, two from the mathematics or science group,
and the remaining two from any group.

This seems an admirable arrangement, and at first glance, one

might think it offered a wide range of selection to suit the indi-
vidual wishes of different students. However, when we con-
sider the traditions of the high schools, and the still more rigid

traditions of our eastern colleges, we find that the sciences are

practically cut off from our best class of pupils, the ones who
intend to go to our higher institutions, and who, in consequence,
are ultimately to be our most influential citizens.
I propose to illustrate this by selecting three typical examples.
Let us suppose that a boy wishes to prepare for an engineering
school. In addition to his eight credits, which are required, he
selects a language and carries it three years; this leaves six units.
Our best engineering schools require four years of preparatory
work in mathematics; this leaves two units. These are usually
taken in physics and chemistry because they are often required.
This boy has no chance to select the biological sciences, unless he
takes them as extra subjects.
Let us now take the case of a girl who wishes to enter one of
the better girls' colleges, for example, Mt. Holyoke, Smith,
Vassar or Wellesley. In addition to the eight required units,
she must have four units in Latin, at least two in a second lan-
guage, and two and a half in mathematics. This leaves one half
point for science work.
For the third illustration, we will select a pupil who does not
intend to go to college. The traditions of most of the academic
schools will cause him to elect a modern language, which he will

carry for three years; he will also take at least two years of mathe-
matics; this leaves four units to be selected from a second lan-
guage, from courses in stenography and typewriting, and from
the different sciences. Let us suppose that he selects two sciences
the question is shall one of them be a general course or a course in

The biology courses that are now offered in our city high
schools are, relatively speaking, new. They have no inheritance
and no traditions. Unlike Greek, Latin and mathematics,
they have not occupied for centuries an important place in our
educational institutions. They are so new that we have scarcely

had time to staMli/i' tluiii. However, there has never been

such an age as the present. Days count ahnost as years of
certain earher periods, lender such conditions, a modem subject
is rapidly adapted to our educational needs. Furthermore,
biology certainK- has the merit of haxint^ had no opportunity to
become fossilized.
Our elementary course in biology was Ijorn about 1900, was
revised thoroughly in 1905, again in 1910, and a new revision has
just come from the press. The advanced course in biology was
approved three or four years ago. It is now undergoing a
During this interval of twenty years, the aims of the course
have broadened and the work became more definite. And now at
the end of this time, when we have the best courses that we have
ever had,when we have a corps of highly trained ef^cient teachers,
and know that ours is one of the most valuable subjects in the
whole curiculum, it is actually being forced out of the schools for
a conglomeration of every thing in kingdom come which for lack
of a better name is called general science. The New York City
schools are now teaching general science without a syllabus and
without specially trained teachers.
I have looked over about a dozen text-books in general science,
some good, some fair, and some poor, and have the honest con-
viction that the subject, at the present time, is not well organized.
True to their name, our biology courses center about life and
li\ing things. Their aim is to teach the fundamental principles
of life and it is impossible to develop these principles hi the limited
time given to the subject in a general science course. To accomplish
this it is necessary to study a number of forms that are widely
different. This is why we have put into our courses a consider-
able amount of plant study, a somewhat less amount of animal
study, and, finally, a study of man wath an application of these
principles to him. We believe that a pupil who has proved
that respiration takes place in germinating seeds, that it takes
place in higher plants, that it is necessary in the life of the Para-
mecium, who understands how the insects, the fish and the frog
are adapted for breathing, and who knows something of the organs

of respiration in man and their adaptations, sees a deeper meaning

in respiration as a vital process. The same thing applies to the
great facts of sex reproduction, inheritance, and eugenics. Our
course requires that we work with living things that throw light

on the fundamental problems of life.

At the risk of being called old fashioned, I do not hesitate to

say that the foregoing kind of work is the most important that
can be offered in any course in biology. And what are the reasons
for not having such a course in every high school? What kind
of an education is it that fails to recognize the value of the study
of man as a living organism. Mentally and physically, he is the
center of all education and he is unified with and bound to these
lower organisms by the laws of life. Furthermore, if an addi-
tionalargument were needed, we know that the study of plants
and animals trains him in observation, develops his judgment, give
him the method to reason logically, and finally furnishes him with
important information about himself. It also opens up a new
living world that he will appreciate all his life.

Recently a father, who by the way is a strong advocate of

general science, said to me: "Your biolog>^ work is not making
good." I asked him why he thought so and he said that his
daughter had taken the course for a year and did not know the
names of the trees on the block where they live. This, in his
opinion was a serious criticism. My answer to this is that our
course requires that we place the emphasis chiefly on important
biological problems and that this leaves little time for such
superficial work as learning names, even though this is desirable.

However, before passing in the course, that daughter had to

know the general structure of a root, the way it gets water from
the soil, and she had seen this illustrated in the laboratory.

She had to know the course of the water through the root, stem,
and leaves; and she had seen experimental proof of this. She
learned by experiment how plants give off water and something
of how food is manufactured. She knew, too, that this tree took
in and gave off certain gases and the reason for this exchange.
This incident illustrates the type of criticism that we are re-
ceiving. In the main, it comes from persons who have no con-

ception of ihv xaliic of our work, who arc more or less antago-
nistic to it, or who liavc (hrir cars on tin- ground listening' for

something new.
A second aim of the course, is to emphasize tiie relation (jf

biology to human welfare. This brings out the commercial

importance of plants and animals and our dependence upon
them; especially upon plants. It is a re\-elation to our city
boys and girls to find that the annual \-alue of our corn crop is

greater than any liberty loan except the fourth, and to learn that our
wheat and oats crop in 1917 were about two billion dollars each.
Only after they realize the tremendous importance of our crops,
do they appreciate the damage done by plant diseases and insect
pests. One writer, for example, estimates that the hessian fly
and the wheat rust each destroy one tenth' of the crop. While
this may be an exaggeration, it nevertheless suggests the im-
portance of biology to our daily life. It is an introduction to
the study of agriculture in its various phases, to pharmacy, to
dentistry, and to medicine, and it also interests them in the laws
of inheritance and in plant and animal breeding.
The study of bacteria gives a second important relation to
human welfare. The names and structure of bacteria are of
little importance to our pupils. But it is important that they
know the conditions under which bacteria thrive well and the
conditions that cause their death. Pupils should know how
abundant they are, and the common ways of distributing them.
These lessons are necessary to emphasize the third point in my
paper and that is that our biology courses are an excellent train-
ing for citizenship.
Twelve years ago, when the American association met here in

New York, one of the foremost biologists in this city read a paper
in which he emphasized the importance of biology in the develop-
ment of citizenship. While I will confess to you that I had not,
up to that time, thought of our courses as especially valuable in
this respect, have never since lost sight
I of its possibilities.
Heretofore, I have been quite willing to let the philosophers
and the theorists discuss the subject matter best adapted for the
development of citizenship. The subject belongs largely in the

field of the general and the abstract where the philosopher

It is my opinion that the biological sciences can supply excellent
material for the development of citizenship and I propose to
offer some definite suggestions that show what we can contribute
to this work. A citizen is a person who is born in the United
States or who has been naturalized here, who owes allegiance to
Jiis country, his state, and his city, and who is entitled to their
protection. The is an alien. Our war has
opposite to a citizen
emphasized the importance of eliminating the aliens and edu-
cating the citizens.
Mention has been made that we teach the importance of
bacteria in relation tohuman welfare. Our pupils know the
danger of infection from milk, why unsanitary stables are a
menace and why the men working in the stables should not come
from homes where there are communicable diseases. They
know that milk should be subjected to a low temperature at once,
why it should be Pasteurized, and the care it should have while
on the way to the city. This is equally true of meats and vege-
tables. Our pupils know the danger from inattention to the
water supply. They appreciate the importance of clean streets.
Their knowledge of epidemic diseases will cause them to favor
and insist upon an efficient board of health. They have sane
reasons for supporting regulations relating to quarantine vacci-
nation and disinfection. They have a more intelligent interest

in the care of Such educa-

our parks and the trees of the city.

tional institutions as the botanical gardensand the American

museums will get their hearty support for they appreciate what
these institutions stand for. They have a more intelligent
interest in, and a greater loyalty for their city. The}' are better
equipped to assume the duties of citizenship.
It is possible that the advocates of general science, who by the
way, are chiefly teachers of physics and chemistry, will tell you
that their course does all this and' a great deal more. My answer
is that it would be better to have two years to do the work out-
lined in biology. When they give the biology work a minor
place in a year's course, they simply mutilate it. Pupils grasp

the great questions of life only after having studied them in a

reasonably wide range of indi\iduals. In comparing the \alue of
the two courses, do not lose sight of the fact that our work is a
matter of record and we are perfectly willing to be fairly judged
by what we have done and are doing. Theirs is all theory and
argument. I have never heard a general science advocate give a
concise, constructive argument for its substitution for biology.
They will tell you that it has made good in the West, and that it
is spreading e\erywhere. There are several reasons why I am
not much impressed with that argument. First, the West is a
long way ofif and it is not possible to get definite facts as to how
successful their work is. Second, the universities of the Middle
West are less exacting in their conditions for admission. This
leaves plenty of time for three or four years in science courses.
Such conditions will offset the handicap of one inferior course.
In the third place, I have personally admitted to our courses
pupils who have been trained in general science in schools
at Minneapolis, Chicago, Washington, D. C, Massachusetts,
Connecticut, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. This list includes
one pupil who was taught by the author of one of the well-known
books in general science. In every instance, I examined the
laboratory note book, in case the pupil made one, and the results
make me more emphatic in saying that general science, as taught
at the present time, is not well organized.
And now, in conclusion, to revert to the title of my paper, the
changes that would suggest are not so much the content of the

course a.9 the question of emphasis. I would urge, first, more

time on the fundamental processes of living things. This is the

most important part of the work and unless we get our pupils to
understand them, by teaching them over and over again, we will
lower our course until 't is on a level with general science. Second,
wherever possible, I would teach these principles by means of
forms that have an important relation to human welfare. Third,
I would emphasize facts in our course that train for citizenship.
Erasmus H.all High School,
Brooklyn-, N. Y.


By Paul B. Mann

The present fluid and even kaleidoscopic status of elementary

biology in New York City high schools, reminds me forcibly of a
bit of doggerel which appeared years ago in Harper's Magazine.
A colored man had been exercising his mule in the plantation
garden, but an altercation arose between them, resulting in the
sudden juxtaposition of Rastus' head with the distal extremity
of one of the mule's hind legs. Rastus went to sleep. Later
consciousness began to dawn and he sat up and soliloquized in a
mournful way, beginning:
"Is dis yuh me, or not me.
Or hab de Debil got me?"

We will all grant that the world needs men and women of
scientific imagination and better viewpoints. "Where there is
no vision, the people perish." The march of progress can be
checked by observing the scrap heaps along its highway. But
one might well be perplexed when one finds any inconoclastic
authority throwing bodily to the discard-pile, a vehicle which is
having one of the most conspicuous careers in advancing human
achievement and aspiration.
I have not only hope, I have faith that even arbitrary action
can not finally overthrow biology nor displace it permanently
from its position as a science of fundamental values for adoles-
cents, as well as adults.
The most discouraging phase of the present situation in the
New York seems to me, is the possibility of
City high schools, it

a hasty, unpedagogical ipse dixit, unsupported by judicial and

scientific investigations.

Dr. Josephine Baker, in a recent lecture, spoke of the tre-

mendous need of conserving the Belgian children noiv, from
rickets and tuberculosis, if Belgium is to be! We know, but
sometimes forget, how truly the structure of the nation of to-

morrow is being builded today. But how can the nation have
well rounded and stalwart thinkers in its tomorrow if the edu-
cators are given the children (the raw jnaterial), and then imme-
diately handicapped not only as to tools but as to methods of
development? The men and women who were pupils in such a
system, will some day declare the bitterness of such injustice.
Of the many contributions which elementary botany and
biology jnake for ad\-anced courses in the school and for later life,

I wish to refer briefly to five.

In the first place, the subject of human reproduction is

intimately associated with the highest hopes of humanity, and

yet is connected with some of the most sordid problems of the
race. The very insistence of the sex problem compels a genuine
answer from the schools. That answer must be sound, thorough
and immediate. Let me quote a line from a letter just received
from a Y. M. C. A. worker in France. " It is our former American
interpretation of those two terms [morale and morality] that
disturbs me in trying to consider what America will feel toward
and do for her men who are soon to return to her. Is she going
to continue to say that there is no sex problem in life, or is she
going to face it Those who have
squarely and try to solve it?"
studied the problem of presenting sex matters to children and
have taught biology, know that to avoid the pitfalls there must
be a natural and unforced approach. There is absolutely no
substitute for the normal, logical procedure of our elementary
biology courses, dealing first with fertilization in the flowering

plants, then in a typical animal like the fish or the frog. Neither
of these topics when presented is tied up with sex-hygiene, there
is no self-consciousness, and there is built up a natural foundation
for all later applications, whether of sex-hygiene of one sort or
another, or the justifiable expectations of the instructor in

advanced botany or zoology.

In the second place, the stress given to hygiene, now con-
tinued throughout the entire high school course, might lead some
to a presumption that elementary biology could fairly be dis-
pensed with, in \'iew of the probable(?) duplication of subject
matter and treatment. However, the situation is far from being

so palpable. There need be little duplication. In addition,

since the hygiene is largely deductive, it presupposes thorough
grounding in biologic principles and bases. Military autocracy
can be exemplified b}^ the lines "Theirs not to reason why,"
but the full cooperation of the average hygiene student, and
indeed every adult as well, in health endeavors as in other lines

of action, is gained not only by knowing that "there's a reason,"

but knowing what that reason is. First year biology supplies
abundant reasons. There is neither time, with only one hygiene
period a week, at the most, nor is there continuity enough
possible, to teach the content of a full year of biology by means
of such a hygiene subterfuge. Daily contact with the experi-
mental evidence of the laboratory is requisite for mental digestion
and assimilation of principles, and to develop the scientific view-
point. Last term, for instance, one of my hygiene classes had
to be excusedfrom one week's recitation on account of a holiday,
and the next week did not recite for another reason. That
meant that they went three weeks without a single recitation
Nor is there much encouragement for the man who feels on
the other hand that general science presents enough biology to
be a worthy substitute. I shall not enter into the relative merits
of these two subjects. Each has its place. However, the amount
of biology presented in a year of general science is too frequently
In the third place, have we any moral right to deprive
students of the cultural values which are unquestioned by-
products of elementary biology? Whatever philosophy of life

each student comes eventually to formulate, early or later, will

hinge on living things and their relation to metaphysical ques-

tions. The drama of life is unbalanced and ill-proportioned if

viewed through anthropocentric lenses. Literature is full of

references to nature. Shall we send our pupils out into the
world, into nature itself, refusing them the key to the inter-
pretations of biologic phenomena? For each student, is due at
least the opportunity of an esthetic appreciation of the wonder of
life and of the utility and beauty of its types, whether diatom or

humming bird, scaled mosaic from a butterfly's wing or the


perfect spiral of the chambered nautilus. In this connection,


Professor Curtis writes as follows:* "The writer remembers how

when a student he was taken by the Mosquito-Malaria Theory,'

as it was then called; and at a later date the esthetic appreciation

with which he contemplated the apparent explanation of Men-
delian segregation and of the determination of sex in terms of
the bcha\-ior of chromosomes. In spite of uncertainties and
the need for further investigation, one felt himself gazing at a
picture near enough completion to show what it might become
— a sequence so wonderfully ordered as to call forth an esthetic
Then again, how without studying elementary botany, can
we count on an intelligent citizenry, a citizenry personally
interested in forest conservation, individual, municipal, national
and inter-national nutrition, including problems of soil fertility,
crop production, plant diseases and insect pests, improved
methods of transportation and preservation of foods, selection
and utilization of proper woods, and a host of related problems,
such as the substitution of kelp as a potash source, the ascer-
taining of new plants yielding rubber, etc., not to speak of applied
bacteriology and commercial products. The balance of the
year of biology includes the bases for the conservation of fishes,
birds and other wild Hfe and the economic relations of hundreds
of animal types, from parasites to makers of silk, producers of
fur, buttons, oiland so forth, together with an intelligent appre-
ciation of rational living for humans, themselves.
The significance of botanical training has been lately tested
in a large way. We know how thousands of boys and girls
sprang with avidity to the gardens and farms of the nation,
during the past two years, and applied there the laboratory
methods of their botany and biology courses. Furthermore,
they were trained and ready to interpret the dietetic problems
for the rest of the family and thus they kept up the family morale
by doing their full share in emphasizing all phases of Hooverizing.
Then there are legislative opportunities. For instance, to
refer to only one example among many, last year we needed

Science, June 14, 1918.


intelligent legislators, with biological training to pass the Week's

Bill, prohibiting the uninspected importation of nursery stock
into the United States, and thereby preventing the introduction
of plant diseases and obnoxious insects. New bills of biological
import will continue to be introduced at Washington and in the
state legislatures and there will be even more call for their in-
telligent consideration. Shall we turn back the hands of the
clock and parallel the situation in Pennsylvania in 1885, when
an unbiologic legislature spent in hawk bounties, directly and
indirectly, nearly $4,000,000 to save a paltry $1,875 worth of
Finally every one recognizes the growing emphasis that the
latest decade has given scientific achievement and progress. This
appreciation has been reflected in many ways. From a botanical
standpoint alone, professional activities have had to grow by
leaps and bounds, in order to keep pace with the demands of
the hour. Forestry has expanded into a ranking science, the
Bureau of Plant Industry has had to continuously increase its
staff, plant pathologists are called upon daily to save thousands
of dollars' worth of plants by prophylaxis or treatment, phar-
maceutical stations have been inaugurated, new plants are being
originated by scientific breeding, the Office of Foreign Seed and
Plant Introduction have brought to us valuable exotics and
have also raised the bars of quarantine against "undesirable"
foreign? plants, physiological chemists and bio-chemists are
everywhere at work on problems of soil fertility, fabric utiliza-

tion, by-products of plant origin, and the like. Yet I have

merely suggested some of the types of botanical activity, without
reference to even a complete resume.
Some of us may not realize the extent to which the national
government and the states have fostered the development of the
agencies calculated to answer the agricultural demands of this
In one of the weekly news letters of last summer, Secretary
Houston, of the Department of Agriculture, pointed out that
there are 67 agricultural land grant colleges and experiment
stations in the United States, with an equipment of $195,000,000,

a teaching stafT of 5,(;oo ami a resident stiKKiit Iiody of o\-er

On May 15, 1862, Abraluun Lincoln signed the act, creating
the great Department of Agriculture. In the 57 years inter-
vening, there has never been a time when the country at large
has been so appreciative, as at present, of the value of this
department, nor so cheerfully contemplates the expenditure of
approximately $65,000,000 for its supporting annual budget, to
maintain its staff of more than 20,000 people.
Furthermore, on May 8, 1919, there was enacted the Ex-
tension Act, which provides that all extension and demonstration
work shall be coordinated and carried on cooperatively by the
state colleges of agriculture and the Federal Department of
Agriculture. After 1922, there will be available approximately
ii58,7oo,ooo for a the support of this Act. The field work in each
state is supervised by a director of extension and is done by (i)

men county agents, (2) women county agents, (3) boys' and
girls' clubs, (4) corps of specialists.*

If, as Professor Amesf and many others contend, the war was
really won by science, either pure or applied, then there is an
everlasting debt which humanity owes to the men of science:
the physicians, engineers, sanitarians, meteorologists, geologists,
botanists, zoologists, physicists and chemists. Their service
sustained the world at the time of its greatest need. What I
want to emphasize is that the careers of these men and women
were made possible to them and to the country by their courses
in the high school period of their education, when they were
self-discovered and when they unquestionably got the trend for
their particular vocation.
Shall we not continue to need trained botanists, not to speak
of other biologists? Let us keep wide open the door marked
"Biologic Science" and let all the students of our high schools
have an unobstructed view of whatever perspectives and vistas
they can see.
This then is what I have attempted to present:
* Weekly News Letter of Department of Agriculture,

t Science, Oct. 25, 1918.


First, the imperative need of a natural biologic approach for

the presentation of rational sex hygiene.
Second, the weakness of the attempt to teach hygiene without
previous biology foundation, also the impossibility of successfully
substituting either hygiene or general science for biology.
Third, the moral demand upon us to supply through biology
courses, the working material for individual culture and philos-
Fourth, the necessity of popular biologic education to insure
worthy legislation.
Fifth, the loss to the country and to the individual concerned,
of not discovering those whose talents and genius lie in the line
of biologic heritage.
New York City.

Trelease's Plant Materials and Winter Botany*

These two valuable pocket volumes contain a great amount of

clear and condensed information about trees and shrubs. The
former takes up 247 genera, 782 species, 1,150 forms. It is
intended to enable any careful observer to learn the generic and
usually the specific name of any tree, shrub or woody climber,
likely to be found in cultivation in the eastern United States,
except the extreme south. The concise key to genera, separate
for trees, shrubs, undershrubs and woody climbers, emphasizes
vegetative characters. In themain part of the work the genera
are more fully described and keys lead to the species and forms.
In a few genera such as Crataegus, Cotoneaster, Philadelphus
and Rosa, only the most easily recognized species have been
admitted. Trees and shrubs of the orchard are traced to their
The larger "Winter Botany" much surpasses any existing work
as a practical means of identifying cultivated trees and shrubs in

* Trelease, William. Plant Materials for Decorative Gardening. The Woody

Plants. Pp. 204. 1917. Price, Si. 00.
Winter Botany. A companion volume to the above. Pp. xi + 394. Illus-

trated. 1918. Price, S2.50. Both published by the author, Urbana, 111.

winter. The introductory key to genera by winter characters

covering thirty pages is ver>- interesting, the first division being

according to whorled, opposite or alternate arrangement of leaves.

The genera and species are then taken up with. It contains
numerous excellent line drawings especially of leaf-scars and
buds. There are many references to other works. The nomen-
clature follows Bailey's Standard Cyclopedia of Horticulture,
synonyms being gi\en where manuals differ.
The implied future publication of a similar work for herbaceous
plants will be awaited with interest.


January 14, 1919

The annual meeting was held in the lecture room of the De-
partment of Botany at Columbia University. President Rich-
ards called the meeting to order at 8:15 P.M. There were 20
persons present. The minutes of Dec. 10, 1918, were read and
The nomination of Dr. George E. Osterhout, Windsor, Col., />

Mr. S. A. Lurvey, South West Harbor, Me., and Miss Anna G.

Runge, 577 Ninth Av., Astoria, N. Y., followed.
Mr. Percy Wilson read the report of the Field Committee
which was accepted. The report of the Program Committee,
Mrs. E. G. Britton, chairman, was read by Dr. Seaver. A sug-
gestion that in the future some
Tuesday meetings should
of the
be held at Columbia University was discussed by Prof. Harper,
Prof. Hazen, Dr. Barnhart and Mr. Taylor.
Dr. M. A. Howe reported briefly for the Committee on the
Fiftieth Anniversan,- Celebration. A statement of the receipts
and expenditures, as follows, was read:

Semi-Cexten.vi.\l Fund
Amount received in 191 7 $1,580.50
Amount received in 1918 548.00



Paid the New Era Co. Printing Memoir, Etc Si, 373.67
Engraving 153-87
Cartage 2.00
Envelopes 3.60
Editorial Expense 3.85 11,536.99

Balance 59i-Si

The treasurer reported on the estimated cost of reprinting

Vol. 15, No. 9, of the Bulletin. It was voted to have this number
reprinted at a cost not to exceed $40 for 100 copies. The secre-
tarywas directed to call the editor's attention to the announce-
ment on the cover of the Bulletin, relating to holding the Tuesday
evening meetings of the Club at the American Museum or Colum-
bia University.
The resignations of Miss Henrietta Lisk, Dr. L. O. Kunkel
and Mr. James G. Scott were read and accepted.
Miss Runge, Mr. Lurvey and Dr. Osterhout were then elected.
Reports of oflficers.

The was accepted.

secretary read a report which
The was read and referred to an Auditing
treasurer's report
Committee consisting of Mr. Norman Taylor and Dr. Francis
Pennell. A statement of the receipts and expenditures of the
Club follows:

Balance, Corn Exchange Bank, January 7, 1918 $1. 735-27

Members dues' $ 970.00
Sustaining members ' dues 90.00
Bulletin 1,043.22
toRREYA 183.98
TORREYA, gift 100.00
Advertising 72.00
Memoirs 641.01
Index cards 170.28
Sundries • i -05

Semi-Centennial Fund 548.00

Interest, Underwood Fund:
From Bank $50.00
From Bond i4-90 64.90

$3,884.44 $3,884.44


Bulletin $2,473.29
TORKEYA 625.41
Index cards 307.29
General expenses 440.62
Advertising 3.20
Memoirs 1,512.97

fS.362.78 15,362.78

Balance, Corn Exchange Bank 256.63

Funds on deposit Union Square Bank
Union Square Savings Bank Fund 576.55
Underwood Fund 769.82
Underwood Fund Bond 1,000.00

2,346.37 12,346.37

Total cash on hand '


The treasurer was directed to ascertain the cost of insuring the

stock of the Club's periodicals which are stored in the basement
of the library.
The report of the editor, A. W. Evans, was read by Dr. M. A.
Howe. This report was accepted.
Mr. Norman Taylor gave a brief report as editor of Torreya
and Dr. M. A. Howe reported upon his work as delegate to the
council of the New York Academy of Sciences.
Dr. Howe brought up the question of the publication of a
paper offered by Dr. F. W. Pennell for publication as a Memoir
of the Club. A motion was made by Mr. Taylor to refer the
question to the Budget Committee and to the Editorial Board
for their joint consideration and report. The motion was
Election of Officers. —The following ofificers were elected for
the ensuing year:

President, H. M. Richards.
Vice-Presidents, John Hendley Barnhart,
C. Stuart Gager.

Secretary and Treasurer, Bernard O. Dodge.

Editor, Alex. W. Evans.


Associate Editors,

Jean Broadhurst, M. Levine,

J. A. Harris, George E. Nichols,
Marshall Avery Howe, Arlow B. Stout,
Norman Taylor.

Delegate to the Council of the New York Academy of Sciences,

M. A. Howe.
The president appointed the standing committees for the year.
A list of these committees is regularly published in Torreya.
Adjournment followed. B. O. Dodge,
January 30, 191
The meeting was held in the Morphological Laboratory of
the N. Y. Botanical Garden at 3:30 P.M. President Richards
presided. There were 17 persons present.
The minutes of Jan. 14 were read and approved.
The following report of the Budget Committee was read and
Report of Budget Committee, 1919
The Budget Committee of the Torrey Botanical Club met at
the New York Botanical Garden at 2 P.M., on January 29, 1919.
Present, Drs. Barnhart (chairman), Britton, Dodge, Evans,
Harper, Howe, Richards and Rusby. The following budget
was suggested for the year 191 9:

Estimated Income Estimated Outgo

Dues Si, 000 Bulletin Si, 400
Sustaining members 100 Torreya 525
Bulletin 750 Memoirs 000
Torreya 180 Index cards 200
Memoirs 100 Secretary-Treasurer 300
Advertisements 50 Sundries 120
Index cards 200 Total '
Interest 90
Sundries 75
Total S2,545
Respectfully submitted,
Marshall A. Howe,

Dr. Barnhart, chairman of the Budget Committee, reported

that all Jiiembers of the committee were present at the meeting.
The treasurer was authorized by vote of the Club to insure the

stock of the Club's publications, against loss by fire and water,

for four thousand or five thousand dollars.

Dr. Britton moved to appoint Dr. M. Levine, business manager

of the Club's publications for purposes of increasing advertising
and circulation. Motion carried.
Dr. Pennell reported that the Auditing Committee had ex-
amined the books of the treasurer and had found them to be
The program was then in order. The program

consisted of "Abstracts and Criticisms of Botanical Papers read

at the Baltimore meeting of the A. A. A. S."
Prof. R. A. Harper, Dr. E. W. Olive and Dr. A. Gundersen
each reported on several papers which he had heard read.
Discussions followed.
The meeting adjourned at 5 P.M.
B. O. Dodge,
Syntherisma pruriens, error in publication. By an unfortunate
slip of the pen in transferring Paniciim pruriens Tr'in. to another
genus in the preceding March number of Torreya (19: 48. 14
May 1919) the generic name was made to read " Sanguinale."
This orthographic error should be corrected to Syntherisma
pruriens (Trin.) nom. nov., the date of publication remaining 14
May 1919, the actual date of issue of the March number of
the journal. — J. C. Arthur.

Dr. William S. Cooper, of the University of Minnesota,
expects to spend the summer in a study of the ecology of the
dunes at the mouth of the Salinas river, near Monterey, Cali-
fornia. As the climax vegetation of these dunes is chaparral,
Dr. Cooper's work will be an extension of his former study of
that formation.

The Ecological Society of America will hold a meeting at the

Throop College of Technology, Pasadena, California, on June
19, 20 and 2 1st. A joint session for the reading of papers of
general interest will be held with the Western Society of Natural-
ists. Field trips have been arranged to Mt. Wilson and to the
fossil deposits at Rancho La Brea.

The Ecological Society of America announces in its Bulletin

the appointment by the president, Barrington Moore, of a " Com-
mittee on Cooperation." The aim is to further different phases
of ecological work by combined effort on a concrete problem and
to suggest a list of problems where such co-operation would
prove of value. The problem decided upon is "The factors
limiting distribution on the mountains in the northeastern
states." The members selected represent the three main lines
of work of the society, plant ecology, forestry and zoology.
They are: for plant ecology, H. L. Shantz of the Bureau of
Plant Industry, Washington, D. C, and Norman Taylor of the
Brooklyn Botanic Garden; for forestry, George P. Burns of the
University of Vermont, Burlington, Vt., and Barrington Moore
of the American Museum of Natural History, New York; for
zoology C. C. Adams of Syracuse University, and one other not
yet appointed. During the week in June, Messrs. Moore,

Adams and Taylor visited Mt. Mclntyreand Mt. Marcy in the

Adirondacks, and a more extended trip of the whole committee
is scheduled for July.
The Torrey Botanical Club
Contributors of accepted articles and reviews who wish six gratuitous copies
of the number of Torreya in which their papers appear, will kindly notify the
editor when returning proof.
Reprints should be ordered, when galley proof is returned to the editor. The
New Era Printing Co., 41 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa., have furnished the
following rates:
2pp 4pp 8pp 12pp 16pp 20pp
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50 copies 1.03 1.43 2.23 2.82 3.52 3.92
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200 copies 2.15 3.24 3.92 5 25 6.52 6.92
Covers: 25 for $1.00, additional covers IJ^ cents each.
Plates for reprints, 50 cents each per 100.

Committees for 1919.

Finance Committee Program Committee

R. A. Harper, Chairman. Mrs. E. G. Britton, Chairman.
J. H. Barnhart, Prof. Jean Broadhurst
Miss C. C. Haynes B. O. Dodge
Sereno Stetson Michael Levine
Budget Committee F. J. Seaver

H. Barnhart, Chair7nan. Membership Committee

R. A. Harper J. K. Small, Chairman.
N. L. Britton T. E. Hazen
A. W. Evans E. W. Olive
M. A. Howe Local Flora Committee
H. H. RusBY N. L. Britton, Chairman.
Field Committee Phanerogams Cryptogams:
F. W. Pennell, Chairman E. P. BiCKNELL Mrs. E. G. Britton
Mrs. L. M. Keeler N. L. Britton Hazen T. E.
Michael Levine C. C. Curtis M. A. Howe
George T. Hastings K. K. Mackenzie Michael Levine
Percy Wilson Norman Taylor W. A. Murrill
F. J. Seaver
Chairmen of Special Committees on Local Flora
Ferns and Fern Allies: R. C. Benedict. Lichens: W. C. Barbour
Mosses: Mrs. E. G. Britton Sphaeriaceae, Dothideaceae: H. M.
Liverworts: A. W. Evans Richards
Fresh Water Algae: T. E. Hazen Hypocreaceae, Perisporieae, Plcctas-
Marine Algae: M. A. Howe cineae, Tuberineae: F. J. Seaver
Gasteromycetes: G. C. Fisher Fungi-forming sclerotia: A. B. Stout
Hymenomycetes: W. A. Murrill Imperfecti: H. M. Richards, F.
Except Russula and Lactarius: Miss G. Seaver, Mel T. Cook
Burlingham Oomycetes: C. A. King
Cortinarius: R. A. Harper Zygomycetes: A. F. Blakeslee
Polyporeae: M. Levine Chytridiaceae,
H. M. Richards
E.xobasidii: Myxomycetes: Mrs. H. M. Richards
Rusts and Smuts: E. W. Olive Yeast and Bacteria: Prof. J. Broadhurst
Discomycetes: B. O. Dodge Insect galls: Mel T. Cook


A monthly journal devoted to general botany, established
1870. Vol. 45 published in 1918, contained 519 pages of text
and 15 full-page plates. Price ;^4.oo per annum. For Europe,
18 shillings. Dulau & Co., 47 Soho Square, London, are,

agents for England.

Of former volumes, only 24-45 can be supplied entire cer- ;

tain numbers of other volumes are available, but the entire stock

of some numbers has been reserved for the completion of sets

Vols. 24-27 are furnished at the published price of two dollars
each; Vols. 28-45 three dollars each.
Single copies (30 cents) will be furnished only when not
breaking complete volumes.

The Memoirs, established 1889, are pubUshed at irregu-
lar intervals.Volumes 1-15 are now completed; No, i of
Vol._i6 has been issued. The subscription price is fixed at
^3.00 per volume in advance; Vol. 17, containing Proceedings
of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the Club, 490 pages, was
issued in 1918, price ^5.00. Certain numbers can also be pur-
chased singly. A list of titles of the individual papers and of
prices will be furnished on application.

(3) The Preliminary Catalogue of Anthophyta and Pteri-

dophyta reported as growing within one hundred miles of New
York, 1888. Price, ^i.oo.

Correspondence relating to the above pubhcations should be

addressed to
Columbia University
New York City
Vol. 19 May, 1919 No. 5

A Monthly Journal of Botanical Notes and New&





JOHN TORKEY, 1796-1873

A New Riccia from Peru: Alexander W.Evans 85
What is Ecology: H. A. Gleason 89
A New California Cypress: L. R. Abrams 92
Macfarlane's Causes and Course of Organic Evolution: C. Stuart Gager 93
The Swiss League for the Protection of Nature: E. G. Brixton 10:
Proceedings of the Club 102
News Items. ' 105

Published for the Club

At 41 North Qubek Stkeet. Lancastbr. Pa
BY The New Era Pkinttkc CoirrA?n-
Kjitererl at the Post Office at Lancaster, Pa., as second-class matter.


Secretary and Treasurer

Columbia University, N. Y. City.
.ALEX. W. EVANS. M.D., Ph.D.

Associate Editors
Delegate to the Council of theNew York Academy of Sciences
M. A. HOWE. Ph.D.

Official Organ" of the Wild Flowek Preservation

Society of America

ToRREYA is furnished to subscribers in the United States and

Canada for one dollar per annum ] single copies, fifteen cents. To
subscribers elsewhere, five shillings, or the equivalent thereof. Postal or
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furnished at cost prices. Subscriptions and remittances should be sent
to Treasurer, Torrey Botanical Club, 41 North Queen St., Lan-
caster, Pa., or Columbia University, New York City.
Matter for publication, and books and papers for review, should
be addressed to

Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Brooklyn, N. Y
Vol. 19 No. 5
May, 1919


By Alexander W. Evans

Through the kindness of Mr. W. R. Maxon, of the United

States National Museum, the writer has received for study an
interesting collection of Peruvian Hepaticae, made by Messrs.
O. F. Cook and G. B. Gilbert in 191 5. One of the most re-
markable of the species represented is the Riccia noted below,
which seems to be undescribed. The remaining species are not
yet wholly determined, so that a complete account of the col-
lection can not be published at the present time.

Riccia bistriata sp. nov.

Plants growing in irregular patches: thallus simple or once
or twice dichotomous, strap-shaped to obovate, mostly 0.5-
1.5 cm. long, 2-4 mm. wide, and 0.5-0.6 mm. thick in the median
portion, distinctly areolate and dull green above, a marginal
band becoming bleached with age, more or less pigmented with
purple below, especially toward the margin, median sulcus in
the apical region only, 1-1.5 mm. long, the older portions of the
thallus plane or nearly so above and convex below, gradually
thinning toward the margin, where the two surfaces meet at an
acute angle; ventral scales inconspicuous, hyaline, scarcely pro-
jecting beyond the margin cells of the primary dorsal epidermis

subhemispherical, the upper part soon collapsing and disappear-

ing, leaving the basal portion in the form of a thickened shallow
cup; green tissue of the usual Riccia type, consisting of upright
rows of cells separated by narrow (usually) four-sided canals
not constricted at the dorsal surface of the thallus, each row of
cells usually connected longitudinally with four other rows and
composed of five or six cells, the longitudinal walls common to
two rows being marked by two colorless bands, of thickening
* Contribution from the Osborn Botanical Laboratory.
[No. 4, Vol. 19 of ToRREYA, Comprising, pp. 57-84, was issued 25 June, 19 19]


extending from the compact ventral tissue to above the middle of

the uppermost green cells, united at their upper ends and some-
times at various points along their length; compact ventral
tissue mostly eight to ten cells thick, composed of uniform paren-
chyma without oil-bodies: inflorescence (so far as known)
dioicous, the antheridia not seen: spores dark brown to almost
black, becoming very opaque with age, more or less angular,
1 10-130 )u in diameter, with a narrow, irregular and often in-

terrupted wing-margin, 4 ^t or less in width, spherical face covered

over with a fairly regular reticulum formed by low ridges 3 fx
or less in height, the meshes mostly 10-15 m in diameter, plane
faces with lower ridges, usually irregular but sometimes forming
a more or less distinct reticulum. [Fig. i.]
On soil, Santa Ana, 900 m. alt., June 25, 1915, Cook & Gilbert

1 48 1.
The peculiar bands of thickening which are found in the walls
of the green cells represent a feature which has not before been
noted in the Marchantiales. In a section cut parallel with the
surface of the thallus (Fig. D) these bands are especially con-

spicuous. They appear form of minute circular structures

in the

situated in the walls common to two cells and projecting into the
cavities, this appearance being due to the fact that the thicken-

ings deposited by one cell correspond with those deposited by

its neighbors. In most cases each cell is octagonal in section and
is bounded by four other cells alternating with four air-canals.

At its periphery it shows normally eight thickenings, two for

each bounding cell. The thickenings are usually distinct and
definitely two in number, but they sometimes have vague out-
lines and may be increased to three. In a section cut at right
angles to the surface of the thallus (Fig. i, E) the true form of
the thickenings becomes evident. They now appear as parallel
bands, running longitudinally with respect to the rows of green
cells. Each pair of bands begins at or near the lower end of a
row and extends upward to the cells just beneath the epidermis.
A short distance above the middle of these cells the two bands
coalesce and form a narrow arch. During their course they
sometimes unite here and there but are usually quite free from
each other.
Although thickened walls have not before been observed in the

green tissue of the Marchantialcs, thick-walled cells of \arious

types ha\e repeatedly been noted in other parts of the thallus,
especially in the more complex genera of the Marchantiaceae.

Fig. I. RicciA bistriata Evans.

A. Cross section of thallus in apical region, X 22. B. Cross section of same
thallus near basal end of median sulcus, X 22. C. Cross section of same thallus
in older part, X 22. D. Section of green tissue parallel with surface of thallus,

X 300. E. Section of green tissue perpendicular to surface of thallus, showing

bands of thickening in section and surface view, X 300. F. Spore, X 400. The
figures were all drawn from the type specimen.

In addition to the tuberculate rhizoids which are of almost uni-

versal occurrence, the epidermis in many cases is distinguished
by a definite cuticle and conspicuous trigones, while the cells

surrounding the pores sometimes show thickened radial walls.

In the compact ventral tissue, moreover, thick-walled cells

with elongated pits are not uncommon, and a number of species

are known in which pointed sclerotic cells with pigmented walls
can be demonstrated. Of course none of these cells bear much
resemblance to the green cells of the Riccia. Perhaps the latter
are more directly comparable with the parench3-matous cells
found in the costa of Pellia epiphylla (L.) Corda and P. Neesiana
(Gottsche) Limpr, Here, as in all the Jungermanniales, the
gametotype is destitute of air-spaces, but the interior cells of
the thallus show distinct vertical bands of thickening in their
longitudinal walls. The bands, which are narrow and often
pigmented, undoubtedly serve in a mechanical capacity, and
the same thing is probably true of the much longer bands of
Riccia histriata.
According to Stephani* tw^enty-three South American species
of Riccia were known in 1898, thirteen belonging to Riccia
proper and ten to Ricciella. Not one of these species is accredited
to Peru. In 191 1 Weberbauerf was able to report two species
from the vicinity of Mollendo, listing them under manuscript
names of Stephani. Since these species have not been adequately
published, so far as the writer knows, they need not be further
considered. Among the species described by Stephani, R.
Weinionis Steph., collected by Welnio at Rio de Janeiro, is

perhaps the most closely related to R. histriata. In the Brazilian

species, however, the spores are smaller, measuring 102 ju in

diameter, the inflorescence is described as monoicous, and the

dorsal sulcus is not restricted to the apical region. It is unfor-

tunate that Stephani makes no allusion to the anatomical features

of his species, nothing being said about the epidermis, the green
cells, or the compact ventral tissue.
Sheffield Scientific School,
Yale University
* Bull. Herb. Boissier 6: 310-343, 361-378. 1898.

t Engler & Drude, Vegetat. der Erde 12: 145. 1911.


By H. a. Gleason

At a recent meeting of a well-known botanical society it was

suggested somewhat jocularly that the field of plant ecology is
not well defined, and that the speaker would welcome a further
definition of the phases of plant life that are covered by it. Now
the botanist who made this remark certainly does know what
ecology is. So do also the various botanists who have made and
are still making similar public statements on the same subject
and to the same effect. They know from actual experience with
the subject itself and with the men who work in it. The difficulty
is that ecology is so different from the more familiar divisions of

botanical science, morpholog>^ physiology, and the like, that

some of them fail to classify the subject properly in their own
In order to present the matter, let us attempt a definition of
botany, to be used as a point of departure in formulating later
a definition of ecology.* Botany is the accumulation and or-
ganization of knowledge of plants. This definition holds for the
student who learns from the printed page or the observer who
takes his knowledge directly from the plant; for the beginner
acquiring the most elementary rudiments of the science or the
investigator extending the limits of knowledge. Botany does
not properly refer to the plant itself, although it is sometimes
used in that sense. A speaker may refer to the interesting
botany of Mexico when he really means the interesting flora.
Morphology, as one branch of botany, may be defined by the
addition of one limiting phrase to the definition of botany: it is

the accumulation and organization of knowledge concerning the

form and structure of plants. Strictly speaking, the term does
not refer to the plant itself, yet in common usage it has frequently
been applied in that way. For example, a teacher may ask of
a student "Describe the morphology of the corn-kernel," when
he really expects a description of its structure. Or he writes an
article on the morphology of the vascular bundle of corn, and
the title is accepted without criticism as referring to the structure
* In this connection see Torreya for May, 1912. Ed.

of the bundle and not to our knowledge of its structure. This

sounds mere quibbling over the meaning of words: so it is

introduced to show that a word originally applied to a division

of knowledge is now applied to certain features of a plant. The
same thing is true of physiology, of pathology, of various other
-ologies, not merely in the general field of botany but in other

sciences as well.
To revert to the original subject, plant ecology may be defined
as the accumulation and organization of knowledge concerning
the correlation between the plant and its normal environment.
It now becomes difficult to divert the word from the meaning
given here into a concrete application as has been done so suc-
cessfully with morphology and physiology, because the subject
isbased not on the plant alone, but on the plant and its environ-
ment together. Nevertheless, the attempt is frequently made.
A botanist announces that he is studying the ecology of Smith's
Bog. Narrowed down to an exact statement by careful question-
ing, he admits that Smith's Bog has no ecology, that he is really
interested in the environmental relations of the plants there,
and that he discovers these relations, at least in part, by observa-
tions on their form and behavior. Undoubtedly the original
statement has brevity and is clear in its meaning, but it is im-
possible to include consistently any measurable or visible process
or structure in a plant exclusively under the term ecology.
Two common expressions of this correlation between plant
and environment are found, as just stated, in the structure and
behavior of the plant. They must be studied by the methods
of morphology and physiology, they must be described in the
same terms used in morphology and physiology, yet the result
of the study is neither: they deal with the structure and behavior
of the plant, the result deals with the correlation between its
structure and behavior and the environment. The elongation
of the dandelion scape is a study in physiology, the structure and
development of the pappus a study in morphology, the dissemi-
nation of the dandelion a study in ecology. But since the ob-

servable effect of the interrelation of plant and environment is

frequently termed the morphology or physiology of the plant,


there is a not unnatural tendency on the i)art of niorpholoji^ists

and plnsiologists to consider ecology, or at least this part of it,

as equivalent to or included in their own subjects. Since these

subjects have accepted names, they ask "What is ecology?"
Another expression of the interrelation between plant and
environment is seen in the restriction of a species to a particular
type of environment, that is, to a particular habitat. This
phenomenon can not be observed on a single indixidual, which is

of course restricted to a single station, but must be studied from

many individuals of one race. In this case the visible result is

apart from either morphology or physiology, and to some botan-

ists this alone is ecology, just as the behavior of a plant is physi-
ology*. But after all, the habitat-relation of a species is only
one type of behavior, dependent upon the physiological functions
of the single individual, but measured and tested by the behavior
of many individuals or of the race.
It is hardly necessary to say that tangible or visible phenomena
are frequently noticed before the underlying processes or correla-
tions are discovered. Starch was known before photosynthesis;
growth of trees before cambium. The morphological effect of
ecological relations, such as alpine dwarfing, was known before
the causes, which are even yet not fully understood. Plant
associations were described long before their fundamental nature
was appreciated.
In conclusion, let it be repeated that ecology is a division of
knowledge, to be studied only through perceptible phenomena,
which are frequently structural or functional in nature and there-
fore subjects for morphology and physiology also, but that the
questions which ecology seeks to answer, the knowledge which
it aims to supply, deal not with structure and function alone
but with the correlation between the plant as a whole and the
environment in which it grows.
New York Botanical Garden


y Cupressus nevadensis

By L. R. Abrams
sp. nov.

Small tree attaining a maximum height of 20-25 m. and a

diameter of 6-8 dm., with spreading branches forming a broadly
conical crown. Bark fibrous, longitudinally fissured, 15-25 cm,
thick, reddish brown within, weathering light gray-brown on
the exposed surface. Leaves light green and somewhat glaucous,
closely imbricated on the slender distinctly 4-angled branchlets,
1.5 mm. broad, sharply acute and keeled, with a conspicuous
active dorsal resin duct. Cones solitary or clustered, broadly
oblong to subglobose, 20-25 mm. long about 20 mm. broad,
light gray with a brown undertone scales 6-8, rugosely roughened

with the wrinkles converging at the umbo, the upper lateral

longer than broad and acute at the upper angle umbose on the ;

lateral scales near the apex, scarcely pointed, those of the upper
pair elevated and pointed; seeds numerous, 4-5 mm. long, light
brown tinged with purple and somewhat glaucous, rugosely
wrinkled and sparsely papillate; hilum oblong-oval.
In its resinous character it suggests Cupressus Macnabiana
Murr., but the larger cones and glaucous seeds show a closer
relationship to Cupressus Sargenti Jepson of the California Coast
This species, the first to be reported in the main Sierra Nevada,
was first discovered by Mrs. Leo Polkinghorn in 1907, who for-
warded specimens to the late Professor W. R. Dudley. In 1915,
recognizing the peculiarities of these specimens, the writer
visited the grove for further material and notes on the living
trees. It grows on Red Hill, Piute Mountains, near Bodfish,

Kern County, at an elevation of 5,000 to 6,000 feet. Associated

with the California juniper, blue Oak, digger pine, and such
desert plants as Pinus monophylla and Ephedra viridis. Type:
Abrams 5368, July 29, 1915.
Stanford University

Macfarlane's the Causes and Course of'OrKanic'.Evolutlon'*'

This is an unusual book in several particulars, and notably in

its wide scope, covering ncarh' the entire field of exolution on

the earth, from "Ether and Energy in the evolution of matter"
(Chapter I) to such topics as "Morals as a factor in organic
evolution and their biological origin" (Chapter XXIII), "Re-
ligion as a factor in human evolution " (Chapters XXIV-XXVI),
"Human organization in relation to environment" (Chapter
XXIX), and "Probable future advances in human evolution"
(Chapter XXX). Chapters I to VIII deal with the evolution
of energy and of matter, inorganic and organic Chapter IX with ;

the idea and term (first by this author) of

elaborated and used
"Proenvironment"; Chapters XI-XIII with "The evolution
of plants"; Chapters XIV-XVIII with "The evolution of
animals"; and Chapters XIX-XXX with the evolution of man
and questions closely connected therewith in the realms, not
only of the physical, but of the intellectual, moral, religious, and

It is unusual to find a recent book dealing with the evolution

of plant and animal forms, and having only 28 illustrations;
and equally unusual to find a book of such pretensions as this
one disregarding, or considering only briefly or incidental^, some
of the working hypotheses that loom largest in contemporary
research and in recent scientific periodicals and other publi-
cations —such hypotheses as, for example, the mutation theory
and Mendelism, and the recent work in genetics, and eugenics.
This is in harmony, however, with what appears to be the author's
attitude toward some of this later work. For example, noting
that Mendel and "nearly all of his followers have treated of
naked eye appearances" to the neglect of cytological details,
and referring to his own well known study of "unisexual and
bisexual heredity" (1883), where "there is no dominance or
recessiveness shown," he "considers that most of the cases of

* Macfarlane, John Muirhead. The causes and course of organic evolution.

A study in bioenergetics. New York, The Macmillan Co., 1918. Pp. i-ix -|- 875.
28 figs., three colored plates, and one uncolored. S4.00.

'Mendelian inheritance' in plants and animals will probably be

found to conform to such conditions, where they have been
studied microscopically." This not only implies that dominance
and recessiveness are the essence of Mendelism, as conceived by
present day geneticists, but is also contrary to certain published
results of Mendelian studies. It must be kept in mind that

macroscopic characters (e. g., color and coloration) are often mass
effects of histological detail. In fact, the author states definitely
his opinion "that most of the discussion on the possible acquisi-
tion of new characters, on the hereditary- transmission of such,
on dormant (sic) and recessive factors, have mainly been of value
in stimulating research" (p. 150), and he considers that "varietal,
specific, generic, and wider characters resolve themselves into
the waxing or waning of definite substances, according as en-
vironal stimuli act on certain constituents of the cells."
The keynote of the volume, as stated in the preface, is that
"energy, continuity, evolution may be said to constitute the triune
basis of existence"; and, further on (pp. 170-171), that "Rela-
tive distribution and relative condensation of energy . . . are
the important factors at the foundation of all organic as of all
inorganic changes." In fact, the viewpoint throughout, as the
subtitlewould lead one to expect, is that of energ\^ rather than
form, and the elaboration of this conception involves the use of
an unfamiliar nomenclature, originating with the author, and
running throughout the book. Thus, "in passing from the
inorganic crystalloids and colloids to those composing organic
bodies, the fundamental need of the case was the evolution and
increasing activity- of an energy that would as far excel electricity
in its perfect quality as does the latter excel chemical afiinity,
and it again heat" (p. 77). Heat, light, chemical affinity and
electricity, as phases of energy, have been unequal to the task
of energizing "the inert ether particles that form the centers of
the atomic and molecular structures" (p. 81) and the author
formulates it as a working hypothesis, "that the transition from
the inorganic colloid to the organic colloid body was gradually
accompanied by the evolution of a new and more condensed
phase or modification of energy, the 'biolic'" (p. 33). Biotic

energy is "the basic encrgizer of organisms, "and its "foreiunncr

and anticipator" was "a redistribution of electric energy,"
which "tlistinguished chemists" consider "can be traced round
each molecule" (p. 8i). Biotic energy is "a more condensed,
perfect, and powerful type of the all-pervading energy than even
electric" (p. 26). The reviewer does not quite understand how
one kind of energy can be more "perfect" than another. This
adjective is frequently used throughout the book in comparing
various kinds of energy (pp. 80CH-805). What is a "perfect"
form of energy? How any of the lower forms of energy are con-
verted into biotic energy is not known (p. 102).
Eight ditYerent kinds of energy are enumerated, viz., thermic,
lumic, chemic, and electric, acting in non-living bodies; and
biotic, cognitic, cogitic, and spiritic, acting only in living bodies.
Biotic energy energizes protoplasm {i. e., cytoplasm); cognitic
energy energizes chromatin, it underlies the phenomena of ir-

ritability, awareness, response, and sense-perception. Cell

division is "due to steady discharges . . . from the center of
the nucleus or the nucleolus of cognitic energy," and conjugation
"seems to be due to the establishment of unlike or differently
charged amounts of cognitic energy," etc. In fertilization the
"mutual" attraction of sperm and egg is not due to their mole-
cules "as physical entities," but to definite discharges of chemic,
electric, biotic, or other energies that transverse the particles,"
etc. Cogitic energy energizes the substance of the nerve ganglia
(Nissl substance, neuratin). It is a "more perfect" (p. 801)
form of energy than cognitic, and enables "organisms to form
more complex and interlocked impressions of a mental kind''
(p. 801). "There evidently exists a more complex form of
energy than the biotic, cognitic, or even cogitic, and which we
have termed the spiritic'' (p. 801) and there is probably a speci-

ally complex substance in "the gray frontal matter of the brain,

and which hypothetically we may call spiritin " (p. 804).
We have given considerable space to this unique conception
and terminology because it is the unifying thought running
throughout the book, and indicates the angle from which the
entire question of evolution is concei\-ed and discussed by the

author. Without implying any real analogy, one cannot help

but recall here Harvey's statement in his epoch-making book,
"The motion of the heart and blood in animals," viz: "Fer-
nelius, and many others, suppose that there are aerial spirits
and invisible substances . . . but Medical Schools admit three
kinds of spirits: the natural spirits flowing through the veins, the
vital spirits through the arteries, and the animal spirits through
the nerves ; . . . but we have found none of all these spirits by
dissection, neither in the veins, nerves, arteries nor other parts
of living animals." One is also reminded here of the primordial

units of "mind-stuff," in which Clifford believed, though on

evidence (so James tells us) that seemed quite worthless to Bain.

It seems to the reviewer as though the author were reviving for

the microcosm a conception analagous to that formerly held of
the macrocosm, but long since abandoned in the light of the
scientific investigation and interpretation of nature. The
ancient polytheism, for example, postulated a spirit presiding
over every natural process, and over every act of daily life -a —
god of the east wind, and of the west wind, of the sea and of the
depths of the earth a god of going out, and a god of returning

home, a god of planting, and a god of harvest. So the book under

review postulates a special kind of energy for the various kinds
of functions, and each kind differs from all the other kinds in
its "perfectness." A botanical reviewer may prudently re-

frain from a critical discussion of the purely physical question of

kinds and qualities of energies, but it would be interesting and
no doubt profitable, to hear what comments a physicist would
make. An acceptance of the author's theory would demand a
considerable readjustment of the mode of thought of contempor-
ary experimental physiologists.
Another idea to which the author assigns much prominence
and for which he coins a new term (as noted above), is "proen-
vironment" (Chapter IX, and passim). -This is defined (p. 242)
as "that great and ever-expanding law of organic life, by which
varied environal stimuli are linked into a summated and uni-
fied response, that brings each organism into satisfied relation to
the environment;" or again (p. 629), "the capacity of an or-

ganism for perceiving and then positively growing or nioxing

toward an en\ironnient that is the most satisfying for it." The
various tropisms, and the response of Mimosa leaves to shock are
acts of proenvironment. "In all moral acts, as in simpler and
more primitive actions and reactions amongst plants and ani-
mals, the fundamental outcome of moral resfDonse is a satis-
fied state" (p. 664). "Moral attitudes all represent proen-
vironal efforts by individuals" (p. 656). "Enterprise is varied
and vigorous proenvironal planning that is being put into prac-
tice" (p. 641). "Sex fusion is a proenvironal act" (p. 789).
"So the building of nests above ground, the excavation of nests
below the surface, or the hollowing of trees into nests by ants and
other insects the gradual elaboration of complex log houses and

dams by beavers; the planning and erection of a lake dwelling

by medieval man are all proenvironal acts," etc. (p. 790). "Man-
kind has proenvironed the law, "Thou shalt love thy neighbor
as thyself" (p. 791). The idea of proenvironment, or something
closely akin to it, was proposed by Cockayne and Foweraker in

their paper on "The principal plant associations in the immediate

vicinity of Canterbury College Mountain Biological Station"
(Trans. New Zealand Inst. 48: 166. 1916). The term there
proposed was Epharmonic variation, which was defined as "a
change in its form of physiological behavior beneficial to an
organism, evoked by the operation of some environmental
stimulus." For the intellectual realm the idea is also stated by
James in "The Will to Believe," where he says (p. 76): "...
of two conceptions equally fit to satisfy the logical demand, that
one which awakens the active impulses, or satisfies other aesthe-
tic demands better than the other, will be accounted the more

rational conception, and will deservedly prevail." The con-

ception, however, appears to have been nowhere so thoroughly
elaborated as by the author under review.
In Chapter VIII the author postulates the law of "Pen-
tamorphogeny," that is, that there are five factors or cooperative
agents in organic evolution, namely, heredity, environment,
proenvironment, selection, and .reproduction (p. 204). This is

somewhat in contrast to Osborn's law of "Tetraplasy," the


"four inseparable factors of evolution" (heredity, ontogeny,

environment, and selection). Macfarlane rejects ontogeny as a
cause or factor in evolution.
In accepting the hypothesis "that living and non-living bodies
are alike irritable" (p. 44), no reference is made to Bose's full
development of that idea in his Response in the Living and Non-
living, and other writings.

On page 81 "inert ether particles" are referred to as forming

"the centers of the atomic and molecular structures." No
reference is here made to the electron theory of atomic structure,
which regards the atom as, in figurative sense, a miniature "solar
system," with negative electrons moving in orbits around a
nucleus of positive and negative electrons — chiefly positive. This
hypothesis, based upon studies in radioactivity and related in-
vestigations, has been the one in most general favor with physi-
cists for a decade or so. Attention may also be called here to a
present tendency of some physicists to question the older con-
ception of a universal elastic ether, in light of the theory of
relativity, which originated in the famous experimentum crucis
of Michelson and Morley (1887) to obtain evidence of an ether
drift." In fact, a physicist friend has assured the reviewer that
the expression "inert ether particles" does not convey any
meaning to a physicist.
Adhering to the energy point of view, and the point of view of a
granular or atomic ether, protoplasm is defined (p. 86) as "a
definitely correlated rotatory motion of variously energized
(or linked) and highly complex groups of ether particles of col-
loid nature, in which the specific rates of motion between the

groups are an expression of biotic energy." This would seem to

define protoplasm as a mode of motion rather than as a substance.
In harmony with this conception, life is defined (p. 97), as
"Relatively similar complexity and synchronism of motion of
quinary, hexary, and heptary compounds, that represent similar
complex definiteness of structure and similar lines of flow of

biotic energy."
The different tropisms shown "by living organisms depend each
upon a special class or kind of plastids or energids which "show a

special sensiti\ily and polarit\' to cmironal stimuli (p. 121);

these plastids evolved in the probable order of Icucoplastids
(chemoenergids), helioplasts (chromoplasts and chloroplasts)
or photoenergids, geoplasts (geoenergids), thigmoplasts (me-
chano-energids), and parohelioplasts, which "are only known in
their energizing results, not as yet as definite structures. Thus
for ever}' class of physiological function there is postulated by
the author, not only a particular kind of energy, but also a
particular structure. Some of these structures are known
only by inference from a given function. This granular philos-
ophy is extended to include the notion that there is "a large
series of bodies common which can at any
to all plants . . .

time be gradually reproduced by the joint action on, and re-

action of protoplasm and its related ferments under the more
fundamental action of appropriate environmental stimuli."
These bodies may at times be reduced to ultra-microscopic
bodies (p. 150). This conception would appear to be a form of,

or analogous to, pangenesis. Its acceptance, according to the

author, leads logically to a rejection of the concept of "acquired
characters," and therefore the troublesome problem of the
inheritance (or otherwise) of acquired characters vanishes.
In the discussion of heredity, on pages 175-179, no reference
is made to much modern work —Spencer's definition, for example,
being quoted, but no reference made to Johannsen's fruitful
definition and studies. Johannsen's definition, "the appear-
ance, in successive generations, of the same genotypical con-
stitution of the protoplasm," is suggested by the author's
definition: "the like continuity of molecular structure in relation

to like outgoing and incoming currents of energy, so long as a

body is exposed to the same environment, or to an environment
that, within definite limits, fails to alter its average constitu-
tion" (p. 179). This definition involves the conception that
variation, or disturbance of heredity (p. 178) is "due to changed
environal condition," which is the prevailing conception of
geneticists as to the cause of variation. On page 187 both
heredity and variation are defined in terms of energy.
The theory is maintained (p. 301, and elsewhere) that "the

simpler animals evolved as offshoots from colorless bacterial

lines of plant organization. A review of the chapters on animal
evolution is not here attempted.
The statement that, when spores mature, "they throw off
and break down so much chromatin material" (p. 335), is apt
to mislead, if indeed it is not incorrect as referring to the reduction
division resulting in the haploid number of chromosomes.
The phenomenon of alternation of generations is erroneously
limited to "classes of plants higher than the algae" (p. 336),
Hoyt's work with Dictyota, Harper's with Ascomycetes, and
Blackman's with rusts, for example, being overlooked. In the
genealogical tree (facing page 356) the now generally recognized
group, Cycadofilices, does not appear to be mentioned. The
hypothesis that monocotyledons and dicotyledons "all sprang
from the great Cordaital stock" (p. 367) is at variance with a
mass of evidence and opinion to the effect that the Cordaitales
are not in the ancestral line of the angiosperms at all, but only
of the gymnosperms.
Pages 598 to 850 of the book are devoted to psychological,
archaeological, anthropological, religious, and sociological ques-
tions of which only brief mention can be made in a botanical
magazine. It is interesting to note that the author postulates
morality for the lower animals (p. 660), "Why," he asks,
"should the maternal care of the bird ... be denied the praise
of being That morals " do not originate with man
moral?" . . .

is shown by the many moral acts of bees, beavers, crows,

ants, and apes." In Chapter XXVII on "The competitive
system amongst the lower animals and with man," the social sym-
pathies of the author seem to be indicated by the dark picture
which he draws in the following quotation (p. 764) "The papers, :

the press, the universities and the churches are nearly all com-
fortably subsidized in diverse and skillful ways, in order that
they may support ' the system.
' '

' (The italics are the reviewer's.)

This is not the place to discuss such statements, nor perhaps
even to refer to them, except that they tend to inspire confi-
dence, or otherwise (according to the reader's own convictions),
in the author's judicial attitude of mind, and the logicalness of

his conclusions with reference to purely botanical or zoological

The book is a very thoughtful, sincere, and scholarl}' treat-

ment of the entire range of evolutionary thought.

C. Stuart Gager

The Swiss Leatfue for the Protection of Nature *

A delightful book has been published in England and translated

into French, giving descriptions and illustrations of the Alpine
Flora of Switzerland. The pictures include snowy peaks and
evergreen slopes and are in the daintiest pastel colors, tinged with
the blues and purples of the distant views, and in the foreground
beautiful with charming groups of alpine flowers, filling the
slopes and meadows, clinging and rocks
in crevices of steep cliffs

and filling the spaces among the stones of the dangerous moun-
tain trails. Here will be found in April, the hepatica and the
crocus, or the primroses with the Matterhorn in the distance
and the gentians at the foot of the glaciers; in June the anemones
and spikes of purple orchids, wild geraniums and globe flowers;
the edelweiss and Alpine rose with marguerites, hawkweed, and
rampion filling the alpine meadows in July; lovely ravines,
fringed with evergreens, with a gorgeous carpet of rainbow
colors in the foreground melting off into the pale blues and
snowy peaks of the dim distance.
One of the chapters is devoted to the work which has been
accomplished in the last twenty years by the Swiss League
for the Protection of Nature, of which M. Henry Correvon is the
president. The League has been instrumental in setting aside sev-
eral alpine gardens as sanctuaries for animals and plants and a
most interesting account may be found of its experiences with the
tourists on whose favor and numbers the prosperity of Switzer-
land so much depends. Instructions are given to the guides to
prevent depredations, but sometimes even they have to look the
otherwayand ignore the peccadilloesof rapacious tourists ("/oz^m-
* Sur L'Alpe Fleurie, Promenades Poetiques et Philosophiques dans les Alpes
par G. Flemwell, adapte de L'anglais par L. Marret et L. Capitaine, Avec 63
illustrations dont 20 planches hors texte en couleurs. Soc. D'Edition des Sci-
ences Naturelles. L. Marret et Cie, Paris. May, 1914.

tes-arracheur"). By dint of "sweet persuasiveness and moral

arguments" they have arrived at a happy solution and are plac-
ing signs in all hotels and pensions, exhorting them to spare the
fauna and flora. " If some people consider this an attack on their
'liberty' they are giving a false interpretation to this word; for
the society attacks neither a sane joy nor the elements of true
liberty; it attacks only license. It fights for law and order;
without them there is no trueWithout the League for
liberty. '

the Protection of Nature' the edelweiss would have disappeared

from around Zermatt as the chamois has from around Chamonix.
Here is the lesson of history, history that repeats itself, whether
in the jungles of Asia or the forests of Africa and which has neces- ;

sitated the creation of preserves for the fauna and flora, similar to
the national parks of America the history which has led to the
' ;

closed season in the shooting of birds and game and necessitated

the creation of gardens of refuge
' for the alpine flora of Switzer-
E. G. Britton.


February ii, 191

The first meeting in February was held at the American

Museum of Natural History. President Richards called the
meeting to order at 8:15 P.M. There were 28 persons present.
No business was transacted.
Dr. E. W. Olive gave an illustrated lecture on "Some Plant
disease survey work in New York, Virginia and Pennsylvania."
The following abstract was prepared by the speaker:
The speaker spent the summer of 191 8 in plant disease survey
work, cooperating with the offices of the Plant Disease Survey

and Cereal Disease Investigations, of the U. S. Department of

Agriculture, and with the state departments of plant pathology
of various experiment stations.
The special lines of investigation taken up in New York in-

cluded studies on the prevalence of fruit diseases, of oat and

barley smuts, of onion smut and other truck crop diseases in

the Hudson River X'alley. In X'irginia, the special problem was

the determination of the extent of prevalence of a newly dis-
covered serious disease affecting wheat, causing galls of the
wheat grains.
In Pennsyhania, the work was on another recently discovered
and very serious disease, the wart-disease of the potato. Al-
though these two diseases seem to be fairly well established in
restricted localities, \-igorous measures for control and eradica-
tion, including strict quarantine against the shipment of these
crops outside of the areain which they now prevail, have been

by both federal and state agricultural authorities.

Adjournment followed. B. O. Dodge,
February 26, 191
The meeting was held in the Morphological Laboratory of the
New York Botanical Garden. Dr. Barnhart called the meeting
to order at 3:30 P.M. There were 18 persons present.
Mr. R. W. Woodward, 22 College St., New Haven, Conn., was
nominated for membership by Prof. Evans. The treasurer
reported upon the probable cost of insuring the stock of the
Club's publications.
Prof. Harper called the attention of the club to a set of botani-
cal notes taken by Prof. Newberry while attending the university
at Paris a number of years ago. These notes were presented by
Prof. Kemp through Prof. Harper to Dr. Britton. Dr. Britton
responded briefly in accepting these valuable notes and promised

to report upon them further at a later date.

The resignations of Dr. A. H. Chivers and Mrs. W. E. Damon ^y^
were read and accepted.
Mr. Woodward was then elected to membership.
The scientific program was then in order. Dr. J. K. Small
and Dr. N. L. Britton presented a joint paper on "The Prickly
Pears of the southeastern United States." This paper was illus-
trated with photographs and living plants.
After adjournment, Dr. Britton led a party through the
gardens, inspecting the Japanese witch-hazels which are in bloom.
Meeting adjourned at 4:45 P.M. B. O. Dodge,

March ii, 1919

The meeting was held at the American Museum of Natural
History, President Richards called the meeting to order at
8:15 P.M. There were 57 persons present.
The Club voted to authorize the program committee to call
the second meeting of the Club in March on Tuesday evening,
March 25, instead of Wednesday.
No other business was transacted.
The program for the evening consisted of a "Symposium and
Conference on Botanical Education in the Secondary Schools."
The following is a list of the speakers with the title of the paper
read by each
Dr. Otis W. Caldwell, Lincoln High School, Teachers College.
"Present Tendencies in High School Botany."

Dr. Francis I. Hughes, Boys' High School, Brooklyn, N. Y.

"Botany in City High Schools."
Dr. Cyrus A. King, Erasmus Hall High School, Brooklyn.
"Changes in the Teaching of Botany and Biology in the High
Dr. Paul B. Mann, The Evander Childs High School. "The
Relation of First Year High School Botany to Advanced Work
with Reference to Certain Applications and By-products."
Dr. C. Stuart Gager, Director of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden,
lead the discussion.
Prof. R. A. Harper, Dr. Caldwell and others also took part in
the discussion which followed. Prof. Harper introduced the
following resolution which was adopted:
Resolved, that the best interests of biology and of secondary
education in New York City would be served by a conference on
biology in New York City schools, to be held at the earliest
possible date.
The papers read will be published in full in Torreya.
Meeting adjourned.
B. O. Dodge,

The Board of Governors of Harvard University have appointed
Mr. E. H.Wilson as assistant director of the Arnold Arboretum.
Mr. Wilson returned recently from an extended exploring trip
in the Far East.

My mycological friends have heard much of the fungi that have

appeared from time to time on my lawn during the past ten
years or more. Now it is Selaginella apus that takes first place,
having occupied during recent years an area of over 500 square
yards, forming a soft, delicate, green carpet beneath the grass.
It began to spread from the shaded side of the lawn, but did
not stop spreading when it reached the sunny open spaces. By
the middle of June, the large spore-cases are quite evident under
a hand lens at the base of the short, crowded spikes.
A testimonial dinner to Dr. N. L. Britton, director of the New
York Botanical Garden, given by the managers at the Metro-
politan Club on the evening of May 7, was attended by men of
science from all parts of the country. Dr. D. T. MacDougal,
director of the Desert Laboratory of the Carnegie Institution of
Washington acted as toastmaster, and speeches reviewing the
history of the organization of the garden by Dr. Britton twenty-
three years ago, and of his widely inclusive and important re-
searches were made by Dr. W. Gilman Thompson, president of
the board; Professor R. A. Harper, chairman of the scientific
directors; Professor H. F. Osborn, president of the American
Museum of Natural History; Provost William H. Carpenter, of
Columbia University; Dr. Arthur Hollick, director of the Staten
Island Institute of Arts and Sciences, and Professor Geo. T.
Moore, director of the Missouri Botanical Garden, at St. Louis.
At the conclusion of the ceremonies Mr. Robert DeForest pre-
sented Dr. Britton with a loving cup appropriately inscribed on
behalf of the board of managers. Congratulatory letters and
telegrams from distinguished scientific men were read.
The Torrey Botanical Club
who wish six gratuitous copies
Contributors of accepted articles and 'reviews
of the number of Torreya in which their papers appear, will kindly notify the
editor when returning proof.
Reprints should be ordered, when galley proof is returned to the editor. The
New Era Printing Co., 41 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa., have furnished the
following rates:
2pp 4pp 8pp I2pp 16pp 20pp
25 copies S .79 SI. 14 $1.78 S2.32 $2.87 $3.28
50 copies 1.03 1.43 2.23 2.82 3.52 3.92
100 copies 1.4S 2.03 2.73 3.50 4.23 4.55
200 copies 2.15 3.24 3.92 5 25 6.52 6.92
Covers: 25 for $1.00, additional covers 1 J^ cents each.
Plates for reprints, 50 cents each per 100.

Committees for 1919.

Finance Committee Program Committee

R. A. Harper, Chairman. Mrs. E. G. Britton, Chairman.
J. H. Barnhart, Prof. Jean Broadhurst
Miss C. C. Haynes B. O. Dodge
Sereno Stetson Michael Levine
Budget Committee F. J. Seaver

H. Barnhart, Chairman. Membership Committee

R. A. Harper J. K. Small, Chairman.
N L. Britton T. E. Hazen
A. VV. Evans E. W. Olive
M. A. Howe Local Flora Committee
H. H. RusBY N. L. Britton, Chairman.
Field Committee Phanerogams Cryptogams:
F.W. Pennell, Chairman. E. P. BiCKNELL Mrs. E. G. Britk
Mrs. L. M. Keeler N. L. Britton Hazen
T. E.
Michael Levine C. C. Curtis M. A. Howe
George T. Hastings K. K. Mackenzie Michael Levine
Percy Wilson Norman Taylor W. A. Murrill
F. J. Se.wer
Chairmen of Special Committees on Local Flora
Ferns and Fern Allies: R. C. Benedict. Lichens: W. C. Barbour
Mosses: Mrs. E. G. Britton Sphaeriaceae, Dothideaceae : H. M.
Liverworts: A. W. Evans Richards
Fresh Water Algae: T. E. Hazen Hypocreaceae, Perisporieae, Plcctas-
Marine Algae: M. A. Howe cineae, Tuberineae: F. J. Seaver
Gasteromycetes: G. C. Fisher Fungi-forming sclerotia: A. B. Stout
Hymenomycetes: W. A. Murrill Imperfecti: H. M. Richards, F.
Except Russula and Lactarius: MissG. Mel T. Cook
Burlingham Oomycetes: C. A. King
Cortinarius: R. A. Harper Zygomycetes: A. F. Blakeslee
Polyporeae: M. Levine Chytridiaceae,
Exobasidii: H. M. Richards Myxomycetes: Mrs. H. M. Richards
Rusts and Smuts: E. W. Olive Yeast and Bacteria: Prof. J. Broad liuisi
Discomycetes: B. O. Dodge Insect galls: Mel T. Cook


A monthly journal devoted to general botany, established
1870. Vol.45 published in 19 18, contained 5 19 pages of text
and I
5 full-page plates. Price ^4.00 per annum.For Europe,
18 shillings. Dulau & Co., 47 Soho Square, London, are,
agents for England.
Of former volumes, only 24—45 can be supplied entire cer- ;

tainnumbers of other volumes are available, but the entire stock

3f some numbers has been reserved for the completion of sets
Vols. 24-27 are furnished at the published price of two dollars
each ; Vols. 28-45 three dollars each..
Single copies (30 cents) will be furnished only wh^n not
breaking complete volumes.

The Memoirs, established 1889, are published at irregu-
lar intervals. Volumes — 15 are now completed; No.
i of i

Vol. [6 has been issued. The subscription price is fixed at

$3.00 per volume in advance; Vol. 17, containing Proceedings
of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the Club, 490 pages, was
issued in [918, price $5.00. Certain numbers can also be pur-
chased singly. A list of titles of the individual papers and o^

irices will be furnished on application.

(3) The Preliminary Catalogue of Anthophyta and Pteri-

dophyta reported as growing within one hundred miles of New
York, 1888. Price, ^i.oo.

Correspondence relating to the above publications should be

addressed to
Columbia University
New York City
Vol. 19 June, 1919 No. 6

A Monthly Journal of Botanical Notes and News





JOHN TOKKEY, 1796-1873.

Scrophulariaceae of the local Floral: Francis W. Pens ell 107

Tumion taxifolium in Georgia : Roland M. Harper 119

Proceedings of the Club 122

News Items 124

Published for the Club

At 41 North Qubkn Street, Lancastbr, Pa.
BT The Nbw Era Priktii»c Comtamt
'Elmered at the Post Office at Laacaster, Pa., aa second-class matter.


Vice- Presidents.

Secretary and Treasurer

Columbia University, N. Y. City.
Associate Editors
G. E.
Delegate to the Council of the New York Academy of Sciences
M. A. HOWE. Ph.D.

Official Organ of the Wild Flower Preservation

Society of America

ToRREYA is furnished to subscribers in the United States and

Canada for one dollar p>er annum ; single copies, fifteen cents. To
subscribers elsewhere, five shillings, or the equivalent thereof. Postal or
express money orders and drafts or personal checks on New York City
banks are accepted in payment, but the rules of the New York Clearing
House compel the request that ten cents be added to the amount of any
other local checks that may be sent. Subscriptions are received only
for full volumes, beginning with the January issue. Reprints will be
furnished at cost prices. Subscriptions and remittances should be sent
to Treasurer, Torrey Botanical Club, 41 North Queen St., Lan-
caster, Pa., or Columbia University, New York City.

Matter for publication, and books and papers for review, should
be addressed to

Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Brooklyn, N.Y
Vol. ig No. 6
June, 1919


By Franxis W. Pennell

In commencing the systematic study of a family of plants for

North America there is logic in studying first those species which
occur in the eastern seaboard of the LTnited States. These were
the plants first known in detail, if not necessarily those earliest
discovered, on this continent. From Massachusetts to Carolina
we are on classic ground, and here the plant-life has been worked
over so many times, and each species so often collected, that
we may now speak with certainty of nearly all specific identities.
The present study is concerned with but a portion of this
territory, the counties included within the local flora range, of
the Torrey Botanical Club and of the Philadelphia Botanical
Club. These combined include all of Connecticut; New York
southeast of Columbia, Greene and Delaware counties inclusive;
all of New Jersey ; Pennsylvania southeast of Pike, Wa>Tie, Lacka-
wanna, Luzerne, Schuylkill, Lebanon, Dauphin and Lancaster
counties inclusive; Newcastle county, Delaware; and Cecil
county, Mar>'land. This area is in main part represented in
the Torrey Club collection at the New York Botanical Garden,
and the portion within approximately fifty miles of Philadelphia
in the remarkably full and valuable collection of the Philadelphia

Club at the Academy of Natural Sciences in that city. To both

collections I have had free access, and the records below include
data from these, the herbaria of Columbia University, the
Brooklyn Botanic Garden, the University of Pennsylvania and
several other institutions. To the curators of all I am appre-
Nearly all the species native or naturalized within the area
[No. 5, Vol. 19 of ToRREYA, Comprising pp. 85-105 was issued 9 July 1919.]


of this study I have myself collected and of each made descrip-

tions of fresh corollas, and noted other features to be gained only
in the field. The importance of such work in taxonomic study
needs emphasis.
In the present revision keys are given to the genera and species.
These are detailed These keys
for points of definite contrast.
apply only to the species of our and the warning must be

made that the generic and tribal contrasts may be of little or no

assistance beyond this territory. But just such keys as these
are of most value to the local worker, and moreover it is by
combining such analyses from various regions that we may hope
ultimately to build more thorough family keys. An inductive
For each genus the type-species is stated. For each native
species information of its type is stated, quoted from the original
describer. This includes the statement of the particular speci-
men from which the first description was made and of the place
of its collection. The later history of each name is traced.
Extra-limital synonyms, even if the names have been current
here, are not included except by brief mention. But all names
ever proposed based upon plants occurring native in this area are
supposed to be included.
With respect to distribution I should like to undertake a study
for which the data at hand in our herbaria is not yet sufficient.
Moreover my own observations have not as yet been sufficiently
prolonged over this area. The counties best represented in
herbaria are those of Connecticut; New York, from the High-
lands southeastward, including all Long Island; New Jersey,
with considerable gaps to the northwest; Pennsylvania south-
east of the Blue Ridge; and northern Delaware. Northwest
of the Highlands and of the Blue Ridge botanical collections
have been few and scattered, the regions best known being the
Pocono Plateau of Pennsylvania, and sections of Ulster, Greene
and Delaware counties, New York.
Dr. Witmer Stone, in his Plants of southern New Jersey, has
traced with a master-hand the distribution of vegetation for the
Coastal Plain portion of that state. That regions of as sharp

delimitation occur northward aiid westward, through the land

of hills, of parallel mountain-areas with intervening trough-like
valleys, of red soil (leri\edfrom Triassic rock or (jf black soil
from OrdoN'ician limestone, of various soils derixed from the
ridges of shale, gneiss and sandstone, appears self-evident. In

the northern portion of our territory glaciers, building lake and

gravel habitats, have left us a new series of environmental con-
ditions. Mr. Taylor's suggestive Flora does not attempt the
detailed analysis of distribution which is demanded. I believe

that the careful working-out of the ranges of the species of a

few well-selected families of plants will give the knowledge we
need for the dividing into phytogeographic areas of this varied
inland —knowledge which will be nearly as definite as if multi-
plied by such a wealth of data as is presented by Dr. Stone.
The problem isand it is with reluctance that I realize
that the Scrophulariaceae have not yet been observed over a
sufficient area or with sufficient thoroughness to warrant basing
upon this study any contribution toward such a survey.
Our present study then attempts but these three goals: to
present keys contrasting the genera and species of Scrophulari-
aceae in our flora, to make certain the nomenclature, and to give
preliminary observations of distribution.

A. Corolla with the posterior lobes external in the bud.

B. Filaments five. Stigma capitate. Capsule septi-
cidal. Sepals five, distinct.

C. Corolla rotate, slightly zygomorphic, its lobes

much longer than the tube. Filaments all with
fertile anthers. Leaves alternate. I- Verbasceae.
I. Verbascu7n.
CC. Corolla tubular-campanulate, zygomorphic, its

lobes shorter than the tube. Posterior fila-

ment without anther, the others didynamous.

Leaves opposite. 11. Chelon'e.\e.
Corolla white, lavender or pink, pubescent or
puberulent within, its anterior lobes pro-
jecting. Sterile filament slender, filiform,
Corolla membranous, white or lavender,
puberulent or somewhat pubescent within
over base of anterior lobes. Sterile fila-

ment as long as the others, pubescent on
its posterior face. Anther-sacs distinct,
glabrous or barbate with short hairs.

Sepals lanceolate to ovate, acute to acumi-

nate. Seeds wingless. Inflorescence com-
pound, a raceme of cymosely branching lax
flower-clusters. Stem-leaves clasping. 2. Penslemon.
Corolla semi-fleshy, white or rose, densely
pubescent within over base of anterior
lobes. Sterile filament much shorter than
others, glabrous. Anther-sacs becoming
confluent, densely lanose. Sepals ovate-
orbicular, rounded. Seeds winged. In-
florescence simple, a spike-like raceme of
single flowers on short several-bracted
pedicels. Stem-leaves narrowed at base,
short-petioled. 3- Chelone.
Corolla red-brown, glabrous within, its antero-
lateral lobes vertically projecting, the anterior
lobe deflexed. Sterile filament shorter than
wide, two-lobed, yellow or red-brown. In-
florescence compound. •
4- Scrophularia.
B B Filaments four or two, the
. posterior one being lost.
C. Acaulescent. Corolla rotate, slightly zygo-
morphic, white or lavender-tinged. Capsule two-
celled at base, septicidal. Stigma capitate. Small
herb, spreading b3^ stolons. III. LiMOSELLEAE.
5- Limosella.
CC. Caulescent, with leaves mainly cauline. Corolla
zygomorphic, the lobes shorter than the tube.
Capsule two-celled throughout. Inflorescence
simply racemose.
D. Leaves opposite. CoroUa without a spur.
Stigma of two usually plate-like lobes.
Capsule septicidal, or somewhat locuUcidal
by a simple split down median line of
carpel. I^'- Gratioleae.
Corolla yellow or white, with throat four-
angled, its orifice open; pubescent within
at base of posterior lobes. Postero-lateral
stamens perfect, antero-lateral reduced to
sterile filaments or wanting. Several
bractlets at base of the five distinct sepals.
Capsule septicidal, or tardily slightly

loculicidal. 6. Gratiola.

Corolla yellow or lavender-blue, with throat

somewhat flattened into a horizontal
plane, channeled beneath and arched
1 II

posteriorly; pubescent within at base

of anterior lobes. No bractlets below
Perfect stamens four, with slender straight
filaments. Corolla 15-30 mm. long,
its orifice nearly closed by the raised
anterior lip; the posterior lobes round-
ed and nearly equaling anterior. Style
v%ithout tubercle-like base. Capsule
loculicidal, tardily somewhat septicidal.
Sepals united over one-half length. 7. Mimidiis.
Perfect stamens two; the antero-lateral
filaments fused with corolla ridges,
from near apex of which abruptly
upcurving. Corolla lavender, 2-10
mm. long, its orifice open; the pos-
terior lobes acute and shorter than
the anterior, or else wanting. Style
with white persistent tubercle-like
base. Capsule septicidal, the thin
plate-like septum persisting.
Corolla 6-10 mm. long, with two pos-
terior lobes developed. Postero-
lateral stamens perfect, antero-
lateral filaments without anthers.
Sepals five, united at base. Plants
erect or ascending, with leaves 1-3
cm. long. 8. Ilysanthes,
Corolla 2 mm. long, with two posterior
lobes lost. Postero-lateral stamens
lost, antero-lateral filaments with
anthers. Sepals four (the posterior
lost), united nearly four fifths their
length. Plant repent, with leaves
.3-.5 cm. long. 9. Hemianthus.
DD. Leaves alternate. Corolla with a spur at
the base of the anterior petal. Stigma capi-
tate. Capsule loculicidal, the septum with
adjacent capsule-wall persisting, the remaining
wall splitting irregularly. V. Antirrhixeae,
10. Linaria.
AA. Corolla with the anterior lobes external in the bud.
B. Stamens two, the postero-laterals present, the
antero-laterals completely lost. Antero-lateral
lobes of corolla external in bud. Not parasitic.
Sepals four, the posterior lost. Posterior lobes of
corolla completelyfused. VI. Digitaleae.

Leaves whorled. Corolla white, its lobes shorter

than the tube. Capsule acute, longer than broad,
not flattened. Plant 10-20 dm. tall. 11. Veronicastrum.
Leaves opposite or alternate. Corolla blue, its lobes
longer than the tube. Capsule acute to deeply
notched, broader than long, flattened. Plants
lower. 12. Veronica.

BB. Stamens four, didynamous, the antero-laterals

usually slightly the longer. Parasitic on roots of
other plants.
C. Sepals five, alike, more or less united. Corolla-
lobes all somewhat distinct, the posterior

spreading or broadly arched; anterior lobe

external in bud. Stigma elongated. Capsule
locuHcidal, splitting through septum. VII. Buchnereae.
Corolla yellow or pink, campanulate, with in-
flated throat and open orifice. Stamens
all perfect, the anthers two-celled,- lanose.
Two stigmatic lines down each side of

style-apex. Filaments and style nearly

as long as the tube of the corolla. Capsule
exserted from the calyx-tube.
Corolla yellow. Capsule acute to acumi-
nate. Leaves lanceolate to ovate, entire
to bipinnatifid, petioled. Stem stout,

over 4 dm. tall. Perennials or annuals. i3- Aiireolaria.

Corolla pink, with red spots within on an-

terior side. Capsule rounded, with a
mucro. Leaves filiform to lanceolate,

entire or auriculate-lobed at base,

sessile. Stem slender, usually lower.

Stem ascending-scabrellous to glabrous.
Leaves linear to filiform, entire. Pedi-
cels over I mm. long. .Calyx-lobes
linear to subulate, slightly longer to

usually much shorter than the tube.

Corolla with two yellow lines within
throat anteriorly. Anther-sacs of both
pairs of stamens uniform. Capsule
globose to globose-ovoid, 3-7 mm. long.
Seeds closely reticulate. i4- Agalinis.

Stem retrorse-hispid. Leaves lanceolate,

usually auriculate-lobed at base. Pedi-
cels less than i mm. long. Calyx-
lobes ovate, longer than the tube.
Corolla without yellow lines within
throat anteriorly. Anther-sacs of pos-

terior pair of stamens shorter. Cap-

sule broadly ovate, 10-13 rnm. long.
Seeds reticulate with raised ridges. 15. Otophylla.

Corolla purple-blue, salverform, the tube very

narrow and densely pilose, the lobes widely
spreading. Postero-lateral stamens becom-
ing rudimentary, the antero-laterals with but
one anther-sac. Stigmatic area over entire
surface of style apex. Filaments and style
less than one half length of corolla-tube.
Capsule equaled by and enclosed within calyx-
tube, i*^- Buchnera.
CC. Posterior sepal shorter or wanting. Corolla
decidedly two-lipped, the posterior lobes united
and arched nearly to apex, the anterior lobes
usually shorter; anterior or one antero-Iateral
lobes external in bud. Stigma short, capi-

tate. VIII. Rhinantheae.

Posterior sepal shorter than others. Capsule
turgid, septicidal, only tardily' slightlj- loculi-
cidal. Seeds linear, flat, 2 mm. long. 17. Schwalhea.

Posterior sepal wanting. Capsule flattened,

loculicidal, splitting through septum.
Corolla with posterior lobes projecting, not
hooded at apex, the anterior lobes very
short, thickened, deep-green. Seeds vaany,
reticulate. Bracts foliaceous, distally

scarlet. 18. Castilleja.

Corolla with posterior lobes arched, hooded

at apex, the anterior lobes membranous,
flat, colored. Seeds few, not reticulate.
Bracts not colored.
Corolla j'ellow or pink throughout, the
anterior lip not raised into a palate.
Seeds more than two. Sepals of
each side united nearlj^ or quite to
apex. Leaves crenate-serrate to
Corolla 12 mm. long. Anthers lanose.
Capsule circular, equally two-
celled, splitting on both posterior
and anterior sides. Seeds 5 mm.
long, circular, flat, broadly winged.
Sepals as long as the capsule, on
each side united nearly to apex.
Leaves crenate-serrate. Annual. 19. Rhinanthjis.
Corolla 15-20 mm. long. Anthers
glabrous. Capsule ensiform, un-

equally two-celled, splitting only on

posterior side. Seeds i mm. long,
oblong, cylindric, not winged. Sep-
als than one half length of

capsule, on each side united to

apex. Leaves bipinnatifid-lobed.
Perennials. 20. Pediciilaris.
Corolla white, the anterior lip raised into
a j-ellow denseh" pubescent palate.
Seeds maturing two to a capsule.
Sepals united at base onlj-, the two
postero-laterals longer. Leaves lance-
olate, entire or setaceous-toothed near
base. 21. Melampyriim.

I. Verbascum L., Sp. PI. 177. 1753

Type species, T". Thapsus L. of Europe.

Leaves glabrous. Stem above and calyx with simple glandular

hairs. Corolla yellow or white. Filaments all denseh- lanose
with knobbed purple hairs. Pedicels 10—15 mm. long. Cap-
sule subglobose, glandular-puberulent. Seeds .8-. 9 mm.
long, dark-gray. i. T'. Blaltaria.
Leaves, stem and cah-x more or less pubescent with stellately-
branched non-glandular hairs. Corollas always yellow.
Filaments: three posterior lanose, two anterior sparingly
lanose to glabrous, with fiUform yellow hairs. Pedicels
less than 10 mm. long. Capsules ovoid or oblong, stellate-
pubescent. Seeds .4-7 mm. long, brownish-gray.
Leaves dark and becoming glabrate above, whitened be-
neath, sessile or the lower petiolate, not decurrent. Pedi-
cels reaching 10 mm. long, clustered three to twelve in an
axil. Sepals linear, 2-2.5 mm. long,much shorter than
the mature capsule. Corolla 18 mm. wide. Capsule 4
mm. long. Seeds 6—7 mm. long. 2. V. Lychnilis.
Leaves dull- or yellowish-green and permanently pubescent
above, scarcely paler beneath, sessile, more or less

decurrent. Pedicels reaching 5 mm. long, one to five

inan axil. Sepals ovate, 6—8 mm. long, slightly shorter
than to equaling the mature capsule. Corolla 20-35
mm. wide. Capsule 6-8 mm. long. Seeds .4-. 5 mm.
Stem-leaves broadly ovate, strongly crenate, dull-green,
moderately pubescent. Pedicels reaching 5 mm. long,
three to five to an axil. Inflorescence interrupted.
Corolla 30-35 mm. wide. 3. V. phlomoides.

Stem-leaves lanceolate, finely crenate, yellowish-green,

very densely pubescent. Inflorescence crowded.
Pedicels very short to none, one to an axil. Corolla
20-22 mm. wide. 4. V. Thapsus.

Flowering from mid-June to mid-August, fruiting from early
July on.
Loam soil, cultivated fields, common throughout the area
above the Fall-line, rarely recorded from the Coastal Plain.
Naturalized from Eurasia.

2. Verbascum lychnitis L.
Flowering from late June to August, fruiting from August on.
Loam soil, roadsides, local in the area above the Fall-line,
especially near the cities. Naturalized from Eurasia.

3. Verbascum phlomoides L.
Collected in flower in July and August.
Probably sandy soil, cultivated fields; rare. Garden City,
L. L; Lindenwold, N. J. Adventitive from Eurasia.

4. Verbascum thapsus L.
Flowering from mid-July to late August, fruiting in August
and September.
Mainly in loam soil, fields and roadsides ; common throughout,
mainly above the Fall-line. Naturalized from Eurasia.

2. Pexstemox [Mitchell Schmidel, Icones Plantarum 2. 1762

Type species, Chelone Penstemon L., " Habitat in \'irginia."

Corolla funnelform; throat tubular; lobes widely spreading;

puberulent within. Leaves entire or the upper slightly
serrulate, glabrous, under a lens evidently puncticulate.
Seeds strongly ridge-angled. i. P. Itibiflorus.

Corolla with throat tubular near base, then abruptly inflated;

pubescent within at base of anterior lobes. Leaves more
or less denticulate, not evidently puncticulate under a
lens. Seeds not strongly ridge-angled.
Corolla with throat inflated, its mouth open, not closed by
the anterior lip. Sterile filament slightly to moder-
ately densely bearded. CaljTC-lobes ovate-lanceolate
to lanceolate. Plants taller, glabrous to puberulent.

Corolla white, rather stronglj' inflated. Anther-sacs

usually barbate. Stem glabrous or nearly so. 2. P. Digitalis.
Corolla light violet-purple, moderately inflated. Anther-
sacs glabrous. Stem puberulent. 3. P. Pentstemon.
Corolla with throat scarcelj' inflated, its mouth closed by the
anterior lip, which closes as a convex arc. Sterile fila-
ment very densely bearded. Calj'x-lobes ovate.
Plants lower, the stem pubescent or hirsute.
Corolla 15-20 mm. long, white with violet lines. Anther-
sacs oval. Calyx-lobes obtuse to short-acuminate.
Stem and leaves soft-canescent. Leaves lanceolate. 4. P. pallidus.
Corolla 23-28 mm. long, lavender-purple, unlined. An-
ther-sacs triangular-orbicular. Calyx-lobes acumi-
nate to caudate. Stem and frequently midrib of
leaves beneath more or less lanose-hirsute. Leaves
lanceolate-attenuate. 5. P. hirsuUis.

1. Penstemon tubiflorus Nutt.

Flowering in June.

Fields, seen only from Spring Valley, Rockland Co., N. Y.

Introduced from the southwestern Mississippi Valley.
2. Penstemon digitalis Nutt.
Flowering from mid-June to early July, fruiting in late August
and September.
Fields and meadows, frequent above Fall-line. Introduced
from the southwestern Mississippi Valley.
3. Penstemon pentstemon (L.) MacMillan.
Flowering in June and July.
Fields and meadows, seen only from- Rockland Co., New York
and Bergen and Gloucester counties. New Jersey. Introduced
from the South Atlantic states.
4. Penstemon pallidus Small, Fl. S. E. Un. St. 1060, 1337.
"Type, Bedford, N. Y., Britton, June, 1900, in Herb. N. Y.
B. G." Type seen; also the plant re-collected and
studied at the type-station.
Flowering from mid-May to late June.
Sandy or barren soil, occasional, mostly above the Fall-Line.
Certainly introduced from the central Mississippi Valley.

5. Penstemon hirsutus (L.) Willd.

Chelone hirsuta L., Sp. PI. 611. 1753. "Habitat in Vir-


ginia." Based upon Clayton n. 39 in the Gronovian

Herbarium. The Linnean characterization certainly de-
notes the plant here considered.
Penstemon hirsutus (L.) Willd., Sp. PI. 3: 227. 1800.
Flowering from late May to early July, fruiting from July on.
Dry fields, usually sandy, in potassic soil, occasional or local
through the area above the Fall-line. Ranges from southern
Vermont and southern Ontario to upland Virginia, Kentucky and
southern Michigan.*

3. Cheloxe L., Sp. PI. 611. 1753

Type species, C. glabra L.

t^^i, Cheloxe glabra L., Sp. PI. 611. 1753. "Habitat in Vir-

ginia, Canada." Based upon a plant grown in the Clif-

ford garden in Holland.
Chlonanthes tomentosa Raf., Xew Fl. Am. 2: 20. 1837. "In
the mts. of Virginia." Leaves tomentose or pubescent
beneath; a condition of more frequent occurrence south-
ward, specimens noted from Monmouth, Burlington and
Camden counties. New and frequently through
southeastern Penns34vania. Here treated as a form,
tomentosa (Raf.) Pennell, forma nova.
Flowering from early August to early October, fruiting from
mid-September on.
Moist loam to sandy woodland, in potassic soil, frequent to
common throughout above the Fall-line; frequent or occasional
through the Coastal Plain, outside of the Pine Barrens. The
leaves tend to be narrower in the Coastal Plain. Ranges from
Newfoundland to Manitoba, northern Florida and Kansas.

4. ScROPHULARiA L., Sp. PI. 619. 1753-

Type species, S. nodosa L., " Habitat in Europae succulentes."
Petioles stouter, evidently wing-margined. Leaves cuneate
to truncate at base, coarsely serrate to dentate. Inflores-
cence narrowly elongate, 4-8 cm. wide, its branches rela-

* Paulownia tomentosa (Thunb.) Baill.

A tree with lavender flowers, an occasional escape from cultivation to road-


sides, railroad-banks and thickets. Adventive from eastern Asia.


tively stout. Calj-x-lobes triangular-obtuse. Corolla 8-12

mm. long. Fertile filaments more evidentlj' pulverulent.
Sterile filament 1.8 mm. wide, 3-ellow. Capsule pyramidal-
acuminate, s-io mm. long. Seeds .8-1 mm. long, reticu-
late with transverse areas. Flowering in early summer. i. S.leporella.
Petioles slender, scarcely margined. Leaves narrowed to cord-
ate at base, more finely crenate-serrate. Inflorescence pj'ra-
midal, 5-18 cm. wide, its branches slender. Cah-x-lobes
more broadly rounded. Corolla 6-8 mm. long. Fertile
filaments very finely pulverulent. Sterile filament i mm.
wide, purple-brown. Capsule ovoid, acute, 4-7 mm. long.
Seeds .5-.8 mm. long, plump, reticulate with more nearly
hexagonal areas. Flowering in late summer. 2. 5. marilandica.

ScROPHULARiA LEPORELLA Bickn. in Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 23:

317. 1896. " Common near New York City. . . .I have

met with it within eight miles of the Connecticut line and in

the Pocono region of eastern Pennsylvania." Specimen
from Bronxville, Westchester Co., New York, collected
by E. P. Bicknell June 15, 1895, seen in herbarium Colum-
bia University at The New York Botanical Garden.
Only inconstantly to be distinguished from S. occidentalis

(Rydb.) Bicknell of the Rocky Mountain and High Plains states

by its and more evenly serrate (in
leaves being less coarsely
occidentalis frequently coarsely toothed at base), and the branches
of the inflorescence being usually less stoiit and less densely
glandular. Probably better considered as a geographic variety.
Flowering from mid-May to mid-July, fruiting from late June
to late August.
Meadows and thickets, loam, in potassic soil, frequent through-
out above the Fall-line; less frequent or occasional on Long
Island, and in the Middle and Cape May district of New Jersey.
Ranges from Quebec to Connecticut and Virginia, westward to

North Dakota and Nebraska where it appears to pass into S.



tat in Virginia." Linne had no specimen in his her-

barium in 1753, but his description is copied from Hortus

Upsalensis 177. 1748. From the diagnosis there given,
especially the mention of leaves cordate serrate, and of

petiolebut very slightly decurrcnt, the plant of the

Upsala Garden would appear to have been the species
now considered.
Scrophnlaria lanceolata Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 2: 419. 1814.
"In wet meadows and woods: Pennsylvania." Descrip-
tion apparently of this. The type of this should be veri-
fied, but the description of the petioles as not ciliate, and
the lateness of the time of flowering would indicate that
Pursh described as new the original marilandica.
Scrophnlaria nodosa marilandica (L.) A. Gray, Syn. Fl. N.
Am. 2. 1:258. 1878.
Scrophularia nodosa lanceolata (Pursh) M. E. Jones, Contrib.
West. Bot. 12:67. 1908.
Flowering from late July to late September, fruiting from
early August into October.
Open woodland, loam, in potassic soil, frequent or northward
rare through the area above the Fall-line; occasional in western
Long and near the Delaware River in the Middle District
of New Jersey. Ranges from Massachusetts and southern On-
tario to Georgia, Arkansas and Nebraska.
(To be continued.)


By Roland M. Harper

The Florida "savin" or "stinking cedar," Tumion taxifolium

(Am.) Greene (Torreya taxifolia Am.) an evergreen tree closely
related to the yews, ever since its discovery by H. B. Groom
near Aspalaga in western Middle Florida about 85 years ago,
has been celebrated in botanical circles on account of its very
restricted distribution and its belonging to a genus which was
widespread in pre-historic times but is now practically confined
to Florida, California, China and Japan.*
* Existing knowledge about this tree is pretty well summed up in the following
works: Asa Gray, Am. Agriculturist 34: 266-267. 1875 (reprinted with some
alterations in "Scientific Papers of Asa Gray," i: 188-196. 1889); A. H. Curtiss,
Tenth Census U. S. 9: 521. 1884; A. W. Chapman, Bot. Gaz. 10: 251-254.

1885; G. V. Nash, Bull. Torrey Club 23: 96. 1896; H. C. Cowles, Rep. 8th

For many years previous to the time herein noted it was knowTi
only on the east side of the Apalachicola River in Gadsden and
Liberty Counties, Florida, from Chattahoochee to i\lum Bluff,
a distance of about tw^enty miles. (There have been unverified
rumors of its occurrence away from the ri\-er in Jackson and
Wakulla Counties.) Its usual habitat is shaded bluffs and
ravines, in the neighborhood of outcrops of the Chattahoochee
formation (an argillaceous limestone), and most of it is close
to the river, though some specimens have been seen a mile or
two up the valleys of tributary creeks. The locality oftenest
visited is near River Junction, a small place near the northern

edge of the state, which has had one railroad for over forty years,
and four for the last twelve years. On account of the restricted
range of the some writers have imagined it to be on the
verge of extinction; but it is quite abundant yet, especially in
the vicinity of Aspalaga, where it was first discovered, and it
does not seem to be in any immediate danger. (Its near relative
Taxus Floridana, curiously enough, grows in the same region
and is much rarer, but somehow it has attracted very little
attention among botanists. The Tumion may have achieved
notoriety mainly through being named first for Dr. Torrey, and
having been made the object of a pilgrimage by Dr. Gray in
the days when it bore the name of Torrey a.)
In August, 1903, while botanizing in extreme southwestern
Georgia, I remembered that this famous tree grew within a mile

or two of the Georgia line, and thought it would be a simple

matter to find it on the Georgia side, a matter which no one
apparently had made any special effort to do. So I went one
day to River Junction and had a native guide me to the nearest
colony of the tree, and after taking a good look at it I spent nearly

two days walking up along and near the river to Bainbridge;

but I saw no Tumion outside of the colony first shown to me.
In the light of subsequent developments it is now evident that
after crossing the state line I stayed in the alluvial bottoms of
the river too long, and did not turn out into the bluffs until I
Int. Geog. Cong. 599. 1905; Sellards & Gunter, Ann. Rep. Fla. Geol. Surv. 2:
262. 1910; R. M. Harper, Bull. Torrej' Club 32: 149. 1905; Torreya 11 : 225-
226. 1911; Ann. Rep. Fla. Geol. Surv. 6: 212, 215, 354, 411, 412. 1914.

had passed beyond the northern liniit of the tree, perhaps a mile
or two from the line. No detailed maps of the neighborhood
were available then (or now), which made it difficult to get my
The imaginary which forms the greater part of the bound-

ary between Georgia and Florida is supposed to take the most

direct course from the confluence of the Flint and Chattahoochee
Rivers to the head of the St. Mary's, bearing about S. 87° E.;
but surveying a straight line to connect two points over 1,50

miles apart involves serious engineering difficulties, and three

lines were run at difTerent times in the last century, varying a
mile or so near the middle. The northernmost was finally
selected as the boundary, but at the point under consideration,
about a mile from the western extremity of the line, the possible
error is only a few yards.
While working between 1908 and 1915 I visited
in Florida
River Junction a few times, and saw the Tumion near there, but
made no further effort to determine its northern limit. But
on August 16, 1918,while on business for the U. S. Bureau of
Plant Industry, I had a few hours between trains there, during
which I explored the neighborhood a little, not having been
there at that season since 1903.
The northern boundary of the grounds of the Florida Insane
Hospital at Chattahoochee, about a mile and a half north of
River Junction, marked by a stout wire fence which is said

and terminates on the west about a

to be exactly on the state line,
mile from the river, at a road running approximately north and
south. Having followed the boundary fence until I came to
the road, I turned north into Georgia, and about a hundred
yards farther on, seeing some interesting- looking woods at the
left of the road, I entered them. A few steps down the slope,
a ravine appeared at my right {i.e., north), and in that I found
several trees of Tumion taxifolium, some about a foot in diameter
and forty feet tall, together with its common associates, Magnolia
grandiflora, Fagus, Liriodendron, Ilex opaca, Acer Floridanum,
Pinus glabra, Quercus alba, Pinus Taeda, Cercis, Ostrya and
Liquidambar (to mention trees only).

The mere extension of the kno\vn range of this tree northward

about a mile would hardly be worth mentioning, but for the fact
that the species has been written about so much, and the new
locality being in a different state will necessitate a modification
of the statements about it in books about North American trees,
Georgia plants, etc. The present indications are that it does
not extend into Georgia more than a mile. A few specimens
were collected and afterwards distributed to the leading Ameri-
can herbaria, for the benefit of persons who may attach more
importance to the possibility of identifying the species (even
such an unmistakable one as this) wrongh- than to that of making
a false or erroneous or inadequate statement on the label about
the locality. (In other words, there are probably some tax-
onomists who if no specimens existed to back it would not take
cognizance of this report of a new locality, but seeing a specimen
labeled Georgia in large type would not worry about the possi-
bility of a slight error in latitude.)

University, Ala.


March 25, 1919
The second meeting for March was a special evening meeting
held in the Laboratory Building of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden,
Tuesday, March 25, under the joint auspices of the Club and
Garden. \'ice-president Gager called the meeting to order at
8:25 P.M. There were 53 persons present. No business was
The program consisted of a series of motion pictures on plant
lifeshown by courtesy of the U. S. Department of Agriculture,
whose representative. Dr. R. B. Harvey, of the Bureau of Plant
Industry, Plant Physiology and Fermentation Investigations,
gave the lecture.
The first film showed a series of views of various operations
performed in connection with strawberry culture in Kentucky,
cultivating, hoeing, inspecting, picking, sorting, packing, load-
ing, refrigerating and consuming were among the operations

The second picture shoAved the movement of the protoplasm

in the cells of a leaf of Elodea. Another view showed the flow
of protoplasm in the hypha of the fungus Pylhiiim.
Dr. Harvey then spoke of the disease of potatoes known as
leak caused by the parasite Pythiiini which is doing so much
damage in the potato region of San Juaquin Valley in California.
The speaker explained in considerable detail how the pictures
were obtained. The pictures showed the behavior of a hypha
during the act of penetrating the wall of a cell of the potato
Informal discussion followed the lecture. Meeting adjourned.
B. O. Dodge,
April 8, 1919
The first meeting in April was held at the American Museum
of Natural Histor>\ President Richards called the meeting to
order at 8:15 P.M. There were 25 persons present.
As there was no business to be transacted, the reading of
minutes was postponed.
Dr. J. N. Rose, National Museum, Washington, D. C, gave
an illustrated lecture on Botanical Explorations in Equador.
The following abstract was prepared by the speaker:
"Dr. Rose gave an account of his recent botanical trip to
Ecuador where he went in 191 8 to inaugurate the cooperative
investigation of the flora of South America which has recently
been organized by the United States National Museum, The
New York Botanical Garden and the Gray Herbarium of Harvard
"He described in some detail the flora which is seen in going
from Guayaquil on the coast to the high Andean Valley. He also
described his trip to southern Ecuador, where he traveled over
the old route followed by Humboldt and Bonpland more than a
hundred years before. On this expedition he re-collected many
of the species obtained previously some
by Humboldt, collecting
of them from the exact locality from which they had been
reported by him.
"His chief work was done about the little town of Huigra,

situated at an altitude of 4,000 feet, which he found a most

convenient base from which to make excursions,
"Dr. Rose also told of his trip across southern Ecuador from
Loja to the coast when he collected a number of very interesting
cactus types of which quite a number were new to science.
"Among the plants which were especially interesting were a
species of Juglans similar to the black walnut of the United
States, several mountain species of Carica, a species of Zamia,
various Cinchona species, four or five species of Brugmansia,
some of which deserv^e cultivation as ornamentals, a striking
species of Gunnera, several species of Tropaeolum and various
species of Riibus and Berheris. He collected about two thousand
numbers of plants."
Adjournment followed.
B. O. Dodge,
Oliver A. Farwell, instructor in botany in the Detroit College
of Pharmacy has been appointed Professor of botany and
phamacognosy vice Walter H. Blome, M.S., Ph.C, professor of
materia medica and pharmacognosy, resigned.

Dr. B. M. Duggar, of the Missouri Botanical Garden, is

spending the summer at the Coastal Laboratory of the Car-
negie Institution, Carmel, Cal., engaged in a continuation of
his work on hydrogen ion concentration in plant cultures.
The Torrey Botanical Club
Contributors of accepted articles and reviews who wish six gratuitous copies
of the number of Torreya in which their papers appear, will kindly notify the
editor when returning proof.
Reprints should be ordered, when galley proof is returned to the editor. The
New Era Printing Co., 41 North Queen Street. Lancaster, Pa., have furnished the
following rates:
2pp 4pp 8pp 12pp 16pp 20pp
25 copies S .79 $1.14 $1.78 $2.32 $2.87 $3.28
50 copies 1.03 1.43 2.23 2.82 3.52 3.92
100 copies 1.45 2.03 2.73 3.50 4.23 4.55
200 copies 2.15 3.24 3.92 5 25 6.52 6.92
Covers 25 for $1.00, additional covers 114 cents each.

Plates for reprints, 50 cents each per 100.

Committees for 1919.

Finance Committee Program Committee

R. A. Harper, Chairman. Mrs. E. G. Britton, Chairman.
J. H. Barnhart, Prof. Jean Broadhurst
Miss C. C. Haynes B. O. Dodge
Sereno Stetson Michael Levine
Budget Committee F. J. Seaver

H. Barnhart, Chairman. Membership Committee

R. A. Harper J. K. Small, Chairman.
N. L. Britton T. E. Hazen
A. W. Evans E. W. Olive
M. A. Howe Local Flora Committee
H. H. RusBY N. L. Britton, Chairman.
Field Committee Phanerogams Cryptogams:
F. W. Pexnell, Chairman E. P. Bicknell Mrs. E. G. Britton
Mrs. L. M. Keeler N. L. Britton HazenT, E.
Michael Levine C. C. Curtis M. a. Howe
George T. Hastings K. K. Mackenzie Michael Levine
Percy Wilson Norman Taylor W. A. Murrill
F. J. Seaver
Chairmen of Special Committees on Local Flora
Ferns and Fern Allies: R. C. Benedict. Lichens: W. C. Barbour
Mosses: Mrs. E. G. Britton Sphaeriaceae, Dothideaceae: H. M
Liverworts: A. W. Evans Richards
Fresh Water Algae: T. E. Hazen Hypocreaceae, Perisporieae, Plectas-
Marine Algae: M. A. Howe cineae, Tuberineae: F. J. Seaver
Gasteromycetes: G. C. Fisher Fungi-forming sclerotia: A. B. Stout
Hymenomycetes: W. A. Murrill Imperfecti: H. M. Richards, F.
Except Russula and Lactarius: MissG. Seaver, Mel T. Cook
Burlingham Oomycetes: C. A. King
Cortinarius: R. A. Harper Zygomycetes: A. F. Blakeslee
Polyporeae:M. Levine Chytridiaceae,
M. Richards
Exobasidii: H. Myxomycetes: Mrs. H. M. Richards
Rusts and Smuts: E. W. OHve Yeast and Bacteria: Prof. J. Broadhurst
Discomycetes B. O. Dodge
: Insect galls: Mel T. Cook


A monthly journal devoted to general botany, established
1870. Vol. 45 pubHshed m 1918, contamed 5 9 pages of text 1

and I 5 full-page plates. Price $4.00 per annum.

For Europe,
18 shillings. Dulau & Co., 47 Soho Square, London, are,
agents for England.
Of former volumes, only 24-45 can be supplied entire cer- ;

tainnumbers of other volumes are available, but the entire stock

of some numbers has been reser\'ed for the completion of sets
Vols. 24-27 are furnished at the published price of two dollars
each; Vols. 28-45 three dollars each.
Single copies (30 cents) will be furnished only when not
breaking complete volumes.

The Memoirs, established 1889, are published at irregu-
lar intervals. Volumes 1-15 are now completed; No. i of
Vol. 16 has been issued. The subscripfion price is fixed at
$3.00 per volume in advance; Vol. 17, containing Proceedings
of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary' of the Club, 490 pages, was
issued in 19 18, price S5.00. Certain numbers can also be pur-
chased singly. A list of titles of the individual papers and of
prices will be furnished on application.

(3) The Preliminary Catalogue of Anthophyta and Pteri-

dophyta reported as growing within one hundred miles of New
York, 1888. Price, $1.00.

Correspondence relating to the above publications should be

addressed to
Columbia University
New York City
Vol. ig July, 1919 No. 7

A Monthly Journal of Botanical Notes and News





JOHN TORREY, 1796-1873.

The Sedges of the Lake George Flora: Stewart H. Burnham 125

Some Western Columbines: T. D. A. Cockerell i37

Shorter Notes:
Rhamnus dahurica in Michigan: H. A. Gleasox 141

News Items 14*

Published for the Club

At 41 North Qvben Strbbt, Lancaster, Pa.
BT The Nbw Era PRiKTittc Comtany
'Entered at the Post Office at Lancaster, Pa., a» second-class matter.



Secretary and Treasurer

Columbia University, N. Y. City.
Associate Editors
Delegate to the Council of the New York Academy of Sciences
M. A. HOWE, Ph.D.

Official Organ of the Wild Flower Preservation

Society of America

Torreya is furnished to subscribers in the United States and

Canada for one dollar per annum ; single copies, fifteen cents. To
subscribers elsewhere, five shillings, or the equivalent thereof. Postal or
express money orders and drafts or personal checks on New York City
banks are accepted in payment, but the rules of the New York Clearing
House compel the request that ten cents be added to the amount of any
other local checks that may be sent. Subscriptions are received only
for full volumes, beginning with the January issue. Reprints will be
furnished at cost prices. Subscriptions and remittances should be sent
to Treasurer, Torrey Botanical Club, 41 North Queen St., Lan-
caster, Pa., orColumbia University, New York City.
Matter for publication, and books and papers for review, should
be addressed to

Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Brooklyn, N. Y
Vol. 19 No. 7
July, 1919


By Stewart H. Burnham

The and study of the Cyperaceae was begun in

1 891. was Dr. Alvan Wentworth Chapman who awakened

my interest in carices: and who named and verified my earlier

collections, March 11, 1892 and Januar\' 18, 1893. In Gray
Memorial Botanical Chapter of the Agassiz Association Bull.
j: 7-8. 1893, there is a list of sixty-five "Carices" of Vaughns
and vicinity, compiled March 29, 1893. In this list Carex aperta,
C. Oederi and C. squarrosa should be eliminated.
The region covered by the Flora includes the counties of
Washington, Warren and Saratoga. There are a few additional
records from Mt. Defiance, Ticonderoga, Essex County. Dr.
E. A. Burt collected carices about East Galway, Saratoga County,
about 1880: these are preserved in his herbarium and have been
verified by Dr. Ezra Brainerd. Mr. Frank Dobbin has collected
many sedges near Shushan and Cambridge in southern Washing-
ton county, specially from 1903 to 191 1. Dr. Chas. H. Hall
collected sedges in 1880 at Lake George, probably near Bolton:
these are preserved in the Herbarium of the Brooklyn Botanic
Garden. Dr. E. C. Howe collected about Fort Edward and in
Hartford, from 1863' to 1866: and some of these specimens are
presumably preserved in the N. Y. State Herbarium and in the
Herbarium of the N. Y. Botanical Garden. Dr. Smith Ely
Jelliffe collected sedges about Huletts Landing, Lake George,

in 1 887-1 888: these may be found in his herbarium in New

York City. Dr. Chas. H. Peck also collected many sedges in
the territory; which are preserved in the N. Y. State Herbarium,
There are many sedges, particularly carices, that have not
[No. 6, Vol. 19 of ToRREYA, Comprising pp. 107-124, was issued 7 August, 1919]


been recorded for the Lake George region that undoubtedly

occur there. A careful survey of the higher mountains in the
vicinity of North Creek, Warren county would probably add
some additional species to the following list.

List of specxES
Cyperus diandrus Torr. Wet places and about ponds; not com-
mon. Providence (E. A. Burt); Mud Pond near Pattens
Mills; Vaughns; Shushan; Waterford.
Cyperus rivularis Kunth. Habitat similar to the preceding
species; common. Presumably the plant reported as " Cyperus
Nuttallii Torr. Luzerne, 1867: G. W. C(linton)" in N. Y.
State Cab. Rep. 20: 408. 1867 belongs here.
Cyperus inflexus Muhl. Banks of rivers, vicinity of Cambridge,
N. Y. (Stevenson). Torrey, Flora of the Northern and Middle
Sections of the United States, vol. i: 59. 1824. Furnace
creek,South Bay, Aug. 20, 1908.
Cyperus Houghtoni Torr. Fort Edward (E. C. Howe) ; Hague,
1878 (W. H. Leggett in Columbia Herbarium); sandy fields

near Bacon Pond also near the Five Combines, east of Hudson


Cyperus dentatus Torr. Sandy shores. Trout Pond (C. H.

Hall); Assembly Point; Bond Pond, Warrensburg; Mud
Pond; along Hudson River west of Glens Falls.
Cyperus esculentus L.Cultivated soil. Shushan (F. Dobbin)
east of Fort Ann; Kingsbury St.; Moss Hudson Falls;

Coveville ; Waterford ; Poebles Island, mouth of Mohawk

Cyperus strigosus L. Sandy fields and along streams; abundant.
Cyperus filiculmis Vahl. Sandy fields, sometimes in rocky
places; not uncommon. The plants are referable to var.
macilentus Fe rn a d 1

Eleocharis olivacea Torr. Mud Pond near Pattens Mills, growing

in miry Determined by Dr. C. H. Peck.
Eleocharis diandra Wright. Hudson River at Bakers Falls,

Sept. 13, 1899. Determined by Dr. Peck.

Eleocharis obtusa (Willd.) Schultes. Muddy places, along
streams and about ponds; common.

Eleocharis paliistris (L.) R. Si S. Wet places and shallow water;

frequent. The Gray is found at-
var. gjaucescens (Willd.) A.
Providence (Burt) wet clay; bank north of Hudson Falls
railroad station. Along Hudson River west of Glens Falls;
and Copeland Pond. Determined by Dr. Peck. The form
with stout culms, var. vigens Bailey, is found at Bacon and
Mud Ponds.
& S. Stream and pond bottoms,
Eleocharis aciciilaris (L.) R.
where the water has subsided; common.
Eleocharis tenuis (Willd.) Schultes. Stream banks, bogs and
about ponds; abundant.
Eleocharis acuminata (Muhl.) Nees. Shushan (Dobbin).
Eleocharis intermedia (Muhl.) Schultes. Copeland Pond, de-
termined by Dr. H. D. House; Shushan, down the Battenkill
Stenophyllus capillaris (L.) Britton. Sandy and gravelly soil.
Day (Peck) ; slopes of Mt. Defiance (Peck) Fort Edward ;

(Howe) ; Providence (Burt) ; southwestern W. Fort Ann

north of Glens Falls; north of Hudson Falls; Moreau; north-
west of Waterford; north of Cambridge.
Fimbristylis autumnalis (L.) R. & S. Mud Pond; moist sandy
roadside north of Hudson Falls; along Hudson River west of
Glens Falls.

Eriophorum alpinum L. Sphagnum marshes. East Lake

George, at Brayton; marsh near road, north of Glen Lake;
Rich'sswamp, southwest of Shushan.
Eriophorum callithrix Cham. Sphagnum marshes. North part
of Salem (Dobbin); E. Lake George; south of Glen Lake;
Inman Pond. {E. vaginatum of Am. auth.)
Eriophorum gracile Koch. Lake George (Hall); Shushan, "one
or two mucky situations" (Dobbin); sphagnum marsh, E.
Lake George.
Eriophorum viridicarinatum (Engelm.) Femald. Sphagnum
marshes and low swales; frequent. {E. polystachyon of most
Am. auth.)
Eriophorum virginicum L. Sphagnum marshes and low swales;
frequent. The var; album A. Gray often occurs.

Scirpus suhterminalis Torr. Aquatic. Roadside pond, demons

to Black Mt.; Mud Pond; Glen Lake.
Scirpus dehilis
Pursh. "Luzerne, 1866: G. W. C(linton)"
inN. Y. State Cab. Rep. 20: 409. 1867. Copeland Pond;
Hudson River at Bakers Falls; Shushan, down the Battenkill
Scirpus Smithii A. Gray. Mud Pond near Pattens Mills.
Determined by Dr. Peck.
Scirpus americanus Pers. Near the mouth of Pike brook,
South Bay; Waterford; Poebles Island.
Scirpus Torreyi Olney. Dresden (Peck).
Scirpus validus Vahl. Streams and ponds in shallow water;
Scirpus occidentalis (S. Wats.) Chase. . Clarks Pond west of
Scirpus fluviatilis (Torr.) A. Gray. South Bay, forming swales
along Dresden trestle north of Whitehall.
Scirpus sylvaticus L. Low
grounds. Fort Ann to Flat Rock;
northwest Hartford; Moreau, opposite Fort Edward; along
the trolley, Wilton to Ballston Lake; along the Battenkill
River south of Shushan.
Scirpus atrovirens Muhl. Low grounds and moist grassy places;
abundant. The heads are often proliferous late in the season.
The form synchocephalus (Cowles) S. F. Blake occurs in Free-
man's pasture, Kingsbury St. to Fort Ann.
Scirpus microcarpus Presl. Low grounds and swamps; frequent.
"Fine specimens were obtained near Wilton, Saratoga county"
(Peck). N. Y. State Mus. Rep. 45: 30. 1893 Bot. ed.
(S. rubr(Hincius Fernald.)
Scirpus polyphyllus Vahl. Moist woods. Gansevoort (Peck).
N. Y. State Mus. Rep. 41: 82. 1888. Mt. Hope road north
of Lake Pond; road to Three Ponds.
Scirpus Peckii Britton. Shushan (Dobbin).
Scirpus lineatus Mx. Wet m-eadows. "Low moist ground
near Middle Grove" (Peck). N. Y. State Mus. Rep. 47:
30. 1894 Bot. ed. Northwest of Stone schoolhouse, W. Fort
Ann; Vaughns; near Kingsbury St.; Rosecrans swamp north

of Glens Falls; along the D. & H. railroad, Rallston to Mechan-


Scirpus cypcriniis (L.) Kunth. Low grounds, along creeks

and about ponds; abundant. The var. condensatus Fernald
is occasionally met with,
Scirpus pediceUatus Fernald. Lake George (Hall); "Lake
Champlain, along railroad between Whitehall and F"ort Ann
and between Schuylerville and Bemus Heights" (Peck).
N. Y. State Mus. Rep. 54: 144. 1901. Fort Ann; W. Fort
Scirpus alrocinctus Fernald. Whitehall (Peck); W. Fort Ann,
about ponds; swamp woods. Fort Edward reservoir; An-
aquassacook meadows, south of Shushan. This species ma-
tures its fruit earlier than the two preceding species.
Dulichium arundinaceum (L.) Britton. Borders of sphagnum
marshes, margins of ponds and wet woods; common.
Rynchospora alba (L.) Sphagnum marshes and borders
of ponds. Inman Pond; Podunk Pond; Copeland Pond;
E. Lake George; Glen Lake; Rosecrans swamp; Fort Edward
reservoir; Rich's swamp near Shushan.
Rynchospora capillacea Torr. Along Hudson River west of
Glens Falls, Sept. 12, 1900.

Rynchospora glomerata (L.) Vahl. East of South Glens Falls;

roadside northwest of Hadlock Pond; Copeland Pond.
Rynchospora fusca (L.) R. & S. Sphagnous border of Dolph
Pond, west of Comstocks, June 13, 1900 (young). The station
is probably destroyed.
Marisciis mariscoides (Muhl.) Kuntze. Borders of ponds.
Lake George (Hall); Inman Pond; Podunk Pond; Copeland
Pond Mud Pond. It has not been seen at the last two stations

for several years. {Cladium mariscoides (Muhl.) Torr.)

Carex chordorrhiza Ehrh. Peat bog, Moreau (Howe) ; E. Lake
George marsh at Brayton.
Carex retroflexa Muhl. Peaked Mt. copse west of Vaughns.

Carex rosea Schk. Woods and copses; common. The form

known as var. staminata Pk. occurs at Vaughns and vicinity:
and the var. radiata Dewey, in northern Washington county.
Both of these varieties, determined by Dr. Peck.

Carex convoluta Mackenzie. Silver Bay, Lake George, June

1901 (J. F. Kemp in Herbarium of N. Y. Botanical Garden).
Recorded in Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 43: 429. Aug. 1915.
(C rosea pusilla Pk.)
Carex cepJialophora Muhl. Dry woods; frequent.
Carex cephaloidea Dewey. Southern base of Woodruff's hill,

13^ miles west of Fort Ann, June 1892, 1893 (not seen, June,
1914) woods southwest of Ray Farm, west of Fort Ann, June,

Carex sparganioides Muhl. Copses and rich shaded soil; com-
mon. The culms are ver}^ weak at the time of the falling of
the perig^mia.
Carex vulpmoidea Mx. Low grounds; common.
Carex xanthocarpa Bicknell. Dry fields and pastures. Gan-
sevoort and Middle Grove (Peck) ; southern W. Fort Ann
Vaughns. The var. annectens Bicknell is found at Vaughns.
Determined by Dr. Peck.
Carex prairea Dewey. East Lake George marsh; Copeland
Pond; Rich's swamp near Shushan. Specimens found in
low grounds, sometimes forming tussocks in shallow water
at Huletts Landing (Jelliffe) Warrensburg (Peck) Fort
; ;

Edward (Howe) ; southern W. Fort Ann, formerly known as

Carex teretiuscula Gooden., have not been verified. Un-
doubtedly Carex diandra Schrank occurs: but probabl}^ the
majority of our plants are referable to Carex prairea.
Carex stipita ]\Iuhl. Swamps and along streams; common.
The form known as var. crassiciirta Pk. is found in southern
W. Fort Ann ; woods
the var. suhsecuta Pk. occurs in Devine's
at Vaughns and at Tripoli. Both of these varietifes were
determined by Dr. Peck.
Carex disperma Dewey. Sphagnum bogs and mossy woods;
frequent. (C. tenella Schk.)
Carex trisperma Dewey. Sphagnum marshes and cool mossy
woods; frequent. The var. BilUngsii Knight is found in
the swamp north of Glen Lake.
Carex tenuifiora Wahl. Sphagnum marsh, Hartford (Howe);
E. Lake George marsh at Brayton, June, 1897, and 1900.
Recorded in N, Y. State Mus. Rep. 54: 161. 1901.

Car ex canescens L. Wet bogs, sphagnum marshes and shaded

places, rarely in dr>' woods; frequent. The var. disjuncta
Femald is the common form.
Carex brunnescens (Pers.) Poir. Wet woods, rarely on rocky.
Southern slopes of Peaked Mt. in loose tufts on rocks; Mott's
and Dailey's woods, north of Hudson Falls; Rich's swamp
near Shushan. The var. gracilior Britton has been found at
Inman Pond; bog west of Stone schoolhouse, one mile north
of Tripoli; Devine's woods, Vaughns.
Carex Deweyana Schwein. Copses and rocky woods; common.
Carex 'bromoides Schk. Wet woods and along streams, forming
tussocks; common.
Carex exilis Dewey. Sphagnum marsh at E. Lake George,
Brayton; marsh near the road, north of Glen Lake.
Carex Leersii Willd. Low grounds and sphagnum bogs; abund-
ant. The var. angustata (Carey) was found Dolph Pond,

^ June 19, 1900; and var. cephalantha (Bailey) in Mott's woods

near Hudson Falls, June 28, 1897. Both these varieties were
determined by Dr. Peck. {Carex sterilis of Am. auth; C.
stellulata Gooden.) ^ ^

Carex Femald. Dry and open places. Southern

W. Fort Ann; rocks at head of Dunham's Bay, Lake George.
Carex scoparia Schk. Swales and low meadows; common.
Carex tribuloides Wahl. Marshy places. Dunham's Bay;
Vaughns; Powers Ferry; Fly Kill south of Shushan, The
forma glomerata Olney from Fort Edw^ard (Howe) and the :

var. turbata Bailey from Middle Grove (Peck), are preserved

in the X. Y. State Herbarium.
Carex cristatella Britton. Grassy places near streams and
ponds; common.
Carex projecta Mackenzie. Copeland Pond; northeast of
Tripoli; Devine's woods; Dailey's woods. (C. tribuloides

moniliformis Britton.)
Carex straminea Willd. Dry woods and fields; abundant.
Carex normalis Mackenzie. Low woods, southern W. Fort
Ann; Mott's woods. The var. perlonga (Femald) is found
on Haynes hill, Vaughns. (C. mirabilis Dewey.)

Carex festucacea Schk. Sandy plains northeast of Hudson

Falls; and gravelly north of Copeland Pond. Determined

by Dr. House. The var. brevior (Dewey) Fernald has been

found at Warrensburg (Peck) East Galway (Burt) South
; ;

Bay; rocks east of Fort Ann; Peaked Mt.; Peaked Rock, near
Dry sandy soil, East Galway (Burt)
Carex Bicknellii Britton.
and Middle Grove (Peck). N. Y. State Mus. Rep. 48: 45.
1896 Bot. ed. and N. Y. State Mus. Rep. 51: 282. 1898 as
Carex straminea Craivei Boott.
Carex foenea Willd. Grassy places, Vaughns, 1893. Deter-
mined by Dr. Peck. The var. perplexa Bailey has been found
on "rocky hills near Whitehall" (Peck). N. Y. State Mus.
Rep. 46: 52. 1893 Bot. ed. and N. Y. State Mus. Rep. 48:
44. 1896 Bot. ed.
Carex leptalea Wahl. Swamps and marshes; frequent.
Carex pauciflora Lightf. East Lake George marsh at Brayton,
June 20, 1917.
Carex communis Bailey. Dry woods and fields; common. The
var. Wheeleri Bailey is found in southern W. Fort Ann and at
Vaughns. (C pedicellata (Dewey) Britton.)
Carex pennsylvanica Lam. Dry woods and fields ; abundant.
Carex varia Muhl. Woods northeast of Tripoli, May 28, 1897.
Determined by Dr. Peck.
Carex Novae-Angliae Schwein. Devine's woods, Vaughns, fer-

tile spikes 1-4 flowered. May 15, 1897. Determined by Dr.

Carex albicans Willd. Warrensburg (Peck).
Carex umbellata Schk. Dry pastures and sandy fields. East
of Fort Ann; southern W. Fort Ann; Vaughns; Hudson Falls;
Crescent. The var. vicina Dewey has been found at Vaughns.
Carex hirtifolia Mackenzie. Dry woods and thickets. Shushan
(Dobbin) Vaughns; east of Crescent.
; (C. pnbescens Muhl.)
Carex peduncidata Muhl. Dry woods and copses abundant.

Carex eburnea Boott. Limesto^ne rocks and cliffs. Skene's

Mt., Whitehall; northwest Harford; Fort Ann and rocky
hills 2 miles west; cliffs north of Lake Pond; Long Island,
Lake George.

Carex aurea Nutt. Dry hillsides and fields. Southern W.

Fort Ann; X'^aughns; west of Kingsbury St.
Carex plantaginea Lam. Dry hilly and rocky woods, rarely in
low shaded places; frequent.
Carex platyphylla Carey. Dry hilly woods; common.
Carex digitalis Willd. Woods and hillsides. Southern W.
Fort Ann; Vaughns; VVillard Mt.
Carex laxuulmis Schwein. Grassy woodlands and fields; scarce.
Vaughns. Determined by Dr. Peck.
Carex alhursina Sheldon. Rich woods and copses. Bacon
hill, west of Fort Ann; near Tripoli; Vaughns; Anaquassacook

hills, Shushan.

Carex blanda Dewey. Lake George (JellifTe) southern W. Fort ;

^ Ann; \'aughns. The var. varians (Bailey) has been found

in southern W. Fort Ann northeast of Glens Falls; Vaughns.

Carex laxiflora Lam. Grassy places and open places common. ;

Carex anceps Muhl. Shushan (Dobbin); Tripoli; Vaughns.

(C. laxiflora patidifolia Carey.)
Carex gramdaris Muhl. Woods and dry fields; common.
Carex Hitchcockiana Dewey. Rocky shaded places. \"aughns
and vicinit>^ The var. triUora Pk. has been found on Mt.
Defiance (Peck). N. Y. State Mus. Rep. 46: 51. 1893 Bot.
ed. and X. Y. State Mus. Rep. 48: 66. 1896 Bot. ed.
Carex conoidea Schk. Grassy places; frequent.
Carex grisea Wahl. Fields and shaded places; common.
Carex gracillima Schwein. Woods and fields; abundant.
Carex prasina Wahl. Grassy and wet places, specially along
streams. Southern W. Fort Ann; eastern Queensbury;
Vaughns; east of Crescent.
Carex formosa Dewey. Grassy banks. Near Vaughns school-
house; 3^ mile east of Tripoli. Determined by Dr. Peck.
Carex flextiosa Muhl. Woods; frequent. (C. tenuis Rudge.)
Carex arctata Boott. Moist woods. Mt. Defiance (Peck) .

Silver Bay (Kemp, in Herbarium of N. Y. Botanical Garden)

Providence, also path to Lake Desolation (Burt) Fort Ed- ;

ward (Howe) near the falls, West brook, W. Fort Ann.


Carex castanea Wahl. Grassy places; rare. Fencerow i}/^


miles east of Vaughns, June 1892, 1893; woods west of Smiths

Carex Sprengelii Dewey. Shaded places, usually calcareous
rocks ; rare. Mechanicsville (Peck) ; Shushan (Dobbin)
Haynes hill and in woods west of Vaughns. (C longirostris
Carex Swanii (Fernald) Mackenzie. Dry pastures and woods.
Vaughns; Shushan; north of Cambridge.
Carex virescens Muhl. Dry hilly woods. Warrensburg (Peck)
Crosset Pond; southern W. Fort Ann.
Carex complanata Torr. Old pastures and dry open woods;
abundant. (C triceps Mx.)
(^ Carex complanta Torr., var. robusta var. nov.
Culms rather stout, erect, i5'-3° tall; leaves i}/2"-2)" wide;
spikes 2 (rarely 3), oblong, very dense, 3"-i2" long, 3^-5" in
diameter, the terminal one conspicuously staminate at the
base; scales brownish, scarious-margined, as long as or ex-
ceeding the few but distinctly nerved perigynia.
This distinct variety grows with the species, in the north-
west corner of Alaric Freeman's meadow, next to Charles
Bentley's pasture, about i mile north of Kingsbury Street.
It was first found June 18, 1892 and several tufts of plants
were seen in 1918. It matures a week or two earlier than the
"A form with oblong spikes. Mt. Defiance" (Peck) is
probably referable to this variety. N. Y. State Mus. Rep. 34:
^56. 1881.''

Carex pallescens L. Clayey meadows and open woods; fre-

Carex scahrata Schwein. Cold swamps and along mountain
streams; frequent.
Carex limosa L. Southern part of E. Lake George marsh, June
20, 1917.
Carex paupercula Mx. Sphagnum marshes. The plants are
referable to the var. irrigua (Wahl.) Fernald. Hartford
(Howe); E. Lake George; marsh north of Glen Lake; Inman
Pond. (C magellanica of Am. auth.)

Carex stricta Lam. Wet places, forming tussocks in shallow

water; common. The var. angustata (Boott) Bailey some-
times occurs with the species.
Carex torta Boott. Shushan (Dobbin). Determined by Dr.
Peck. Rocky bapk of Battenkill River at East Salem, June
15, 1907.
Carex gynandra Schwcin. Middle Grove (Peck); eastern
Carex crinita Lam. Along streams, marshes and borders of
ponds; common.
• Carex lacustris Willd. Low grounds and about ponds forming
swales; common. The plants are usually sterile. (C. riparia

of Am. auth.)
Carex vestita Willd. Sandy clearing in Five Combine woods,
east of Hudson Falls, June 2, 1892.
Carex lanuginosa Mx. Wet field, north of Hudson Falls, near
Tefft's comer. May 23, 1896.
Carex lasiocarpa Ehrh. About ponds and mossy bogs; frequent.
(C. filiformis of Am. auth.)
Carex Houghtonii Torr. Sandy field near Shield's estate, East
Galway, July 11, 1880 (Burt). This is also recorded in N. Y.
State Mus. Rep. 47: 41. 1894 Bot. ed.; N. Y. State Mus.
Rep. 48: 87-88. 1896 Bot. ed.; and N. Y. State Mus. Bull.
176:23. 1915.
Carex trichocarpa Muhl. Shushan (Dobbin).
Carex cryptolepis Mackenzie. Marsh north of Podunk Pond;
Dolph Pond. Carex flava, var. graminis Bailey, with erect
bracts has been found at Warrensburg (Peck). (C lepidocarpa
Carex flava L. Wet
and low meadows; common.
Carex folliculata L. Wet
woods. Moreau (Howe) Galway ;

(Burt) near Fort Edward reservoir, probably Howe's station


Five Combine woods and Dailey's woods, near Hudson Falls.

Carex monile Tuck. Wet places, often in water. Lake Desola-
tion (Burt); Mud Pond near Pattens Mills; Flat Rock near
Fort Ann; Dailey's woods; Anaquassacook meadows, south
of Shushan.

Carex rostrata Stokes. Wet

Shushan (Dobbinj Dolph
bogs. ;

Pond; Xew Michigan Pond "Talman marsh." Not rare at

Copeland Pond; determined by Dr. House-. (C utriculata
Carex Tucker mani Dewey. Wet shaded places; uncommon.
Assembly Point (Dr. Geo. D. Hulst, in Herbarium of Brooklyn
Botanic Garden) Huletts Landing (Jelliffe) Mechanicsville
; ;

(Peck) between Copeland and Hadlock Ponds northwest

; ;

Hartford; Daile^^'s woods; copse north of Devine's woods,

Vaughns; along Battenkill River south of Shushan.
Carex retrorsa Schvrem. Wet places ; frequent. The va.r . Hartii *

(Dewey) Gray was found north of Vaughns, Sept. 4, 1891.

Carex lurida Wahl. Wet places; abundant.
Carex Baileyi Britton. Shaded swamps. Lake George (Hall)
along road between Chestertown and Warrensburg (Peck)
Lake George to \A'arrensburg ; lower Black Mt. trail from
Clemens; Dailey's woods.
Carex hystricma Muhl. Wet places; common. The var.
Diidleyi Bailey has been found at Galway (Burt).
Carex Pseudo-Cyperus L. Lake Lauderdale, Juh" 3, 1904.
Carex comosa Boott. Borders of ponds and marshes frequent. ;

Carex intumescens Rudge. Wet woods, moist fields and swamps;

common. The var. Fernaldi Bailey has been found in the
copse north of Devine's woods; woods north of Cambridge.
Carex Asa-Grayi Bailey. Wet places in Devine's woods, Vaughns.
Carex lupulina Muhl. Wet places; common. The var. Bella-
villa (Dewey) Bailey has been found at South Ballston (Peck).
The var. pedunculata Dewey is occasionalh' found with the
Carex liipidina X retrorsa Dudley. South Ballston (Peck).
Specimen in X. Y. State Herbarium.
Carex lurida X lupulina Bailey. Charlton. N. Y. State Mus.
Rep. 33: 35. 1880 as Carex tentaculata, var. altior Boott.
Specimen in X. Y. State Herbarium.
Hudson Falls, X. V.


By T. D. a. Cockerell

Last year (Contrib. U. S. Xat. Herbarium, 20: Part 4) Mr. E.

B. Payson published a most interesting revision of the genus
Aquilegia as found in North America, and this will naturally
serve as a point of departure for new investigations. The sub-
ject is a difficult one, owing to the fact (as it seems to be) that
any species in the genus will freely cross with any other; and, at
least in our experience, the hybrids themselves are perfectly
fertile. Thus, on grounds similar to those which convince us
that there is only one living species of Homo, it may be main-
tained that there is possibly only one genuine species of Aquilegia.
Nor is this all ;
just as Bursa bursa-pastoris var. heegeri (commonly
called Bursa heegeri) is a form lacking the most prominent
character of the genus to which it belongs,* so Aquilegia vulgaris
var. stellata and A . caerulea \'ar. daileyae lack the generic character
of spurred petals, so that but for their obvious general affinities
we might not regard them as columbines at all. This plasticity
is remarkable in a genus which in many respects seems highly
modified. The long spurs are adapted to the visits of butter-
flies, but I up a spur from
have seen a bumble-bee (Bombus) slit

the side, and thus get at the nectar illegitimately. The colum-
bine in which this occurred was A. caerulea. Mr, Payson sug-
gests that "the modem species of Aquilegia seem to have been
developed from species having blue flowers. These seem first
to have given rise to white-flowered, these to yellow-flowered,
and these finally to red-flowered species." There is apparently
no basis for such an evolutionary sequence, for the yellow in
the flowers is due to plastids, readily visible under the microscope;
while the blue and red are equally due to anthocyanins, held in
solution in the sap.Gaston Bonnier, in his scheme of relation-
ships of Ranunculaceous genera, indicates an affinity between
Aquilegia and Helleborus, while the latter leads back to Caltha,
etc. The suggestion might be, that the original columbines were
* For a good figure, see Shull, Zeits. f. indukt. Abstamm. u. Vererbungslehre.
12:98. 1914.

yellow or white, if there was any well marked sequence in the

evolution of color. Purple, however, is already a prominent
color in species of Helleborus, and it is evident that anthocyanins
and yellow plastids both antedate the evolution of Aqtdlegia.
A few years ago* I described a hybrid between A .desertorum and
A. chrysantha. Our plant of A. desertorum, obtained in Santa
Fe Caiion in 1912,and then evidently of considerable age, is as
vigorous as ever in 191 9. It proves fertile with its own pollen,
and we have seedlings from it already in flower, perfectly true
to type. It has been and still is a question whether the differ-

ences between A. desertorum and A. elegantula may be due to

environment and hence not truly specific. Mr. Payson treats
them as distinct species, but declares that desertorum is knowoi
only from Arizona, though he quotes my remarks on the New
Mexico plant. A specimen obtained by Heller nine miles east
of Santa Fe, and therefore very near the locality of my desertorum
plant, is referred by Payson to elegantula. An analysis of the
characters of my plant, with Payson 's descriptions before me,
appears to indicate desertorum rather than elegantula, but it

agrees perfectly with neither. The leaves are early glaucous,

but at maturity clear green above. Only the leaflets of the

flowering stems are small; the basal leaves have them very large,

the apical leaflet 40 mm. long and 38 wide. The better developed
flowering stems bear well-developed leaves, but this can hardly
be a specific character. The leaflets have a quite dense erect
pubescence on the under side, which is a desertorum character.
{A. chrysantha has this pubescence less dense, but still very evi-
dent; but singularly enough the chrysantha X desertorum hybrid
has only a very few widely scattered hairs.) The spurs are
about 22 mm. long, thus agreeing better with desertorum, and
the sepals are red, pallid at tip. The original elegantula, as
described by Greene, had light green sepals. The sepals how-
ever are erect, not spreading as they should be in desertorum.
The follicles have the tips widely spreading.
On the basis of the above characters, it might appear that the
Santa Fe Canon desertorum should be separated both from the
* Botanical Gazette 62: 413. 1916.
true desertornm of Arizona and the typical elegantula from near
Mancos, Colorado. It seems more probable, however, thaj:
all three represent phases of a single species. Mr. D. M. Andrews
has recently collected elegantula in Colorado, and thinks that it
is separable from my plant on account of the habit of growth.
We do not yet know how far this may be due to differences in

The Fo plants irom desertornm X chrysantha, raised by my wife,
flowered this year. The most curious form shows doubling,
with twisting of the spurs. The spurs vary from 6 to 9, but the
laminae of the petals are supplemented internally by a variable
number of emarginate laminiform appendages.
This year we have an authentic^, caerulea X desertorum in
flower. The flowers are formed as in caerulea, with pure white
laminae; but are smaller, the sepals pale lilac tipped with white,
the spurs rosy-lilac. In bud the spurs are suffused with red.
The leaflets are pubescent beneath, the hair short but abundant.
Spurs 28 mm. long, laminae 11 mm; sepals about 20 mm. long
and a little over 8 mm. wide. In full flower the spurs are moder-
ately divergent. The leaflets are large, even on the flowering
We also have this year a varied series of F2 plants from A.
caerulea X A. chrysantha has yellow flowers, often
with some anthocyan tints, which then are red, but never suffi-
ciently to affect the general yellow effect. The sepals are pre-
vailingly narrower than in caerulea, but variable. The Fi from
caerulea X chrysantha is pale blue with the laminae yellow, fading
to nearly white. The F2 plants include such as the following:
(a) Form of caeridea, w'ith broad sepals, but laminae entirely
bright lemon yellow; sepals dilute rosy purplish, more or less

suffused with yellow, especially at tips; spurs pale yellow, apically

suft'used with dilute purplish; buds strongly pinkish, including
spurs. Thus the buds show the acid state of the anthocyanin,
which is retained to maturity in chrysantha, but the hybrid is
affected by the caeridea ancestry. This type of Fo hybrid occurs
only in a small percentage of the plants.
(6) Sepals broad as in caeridea; flowers white, very delicately
tinted with purple on sepals and often on spurs.

(c) Similar to the above, but with less of the purplish tint

(more on spurs), and the whole flower (especially laminae) is

very pale yellow. Others show more of the purplish and brighter
yellow, intermediate between a and c.

The factorial analysis of these forms cannot yet be clearly

made. A. caerulea in the range is not blue but
western part of its

white, but there no evidence that the plants we used carried a


recessive white. We can however postulate that yellow plastids

(chrysantha) are allelomorphic to their absence (caertdea), and
abundant anthocyanin (caerulea) to little or none (chrysantha).
It we call the factors respectively P, p, A, a, the Fi hybrid will
have the formula PpAa, and will combine blue with yellow, as
it actually does, with non-acidity also dominant over the acid

condition of chrysantha. In the F2 9 out of 16 should look like

theFi; three should resemble caerulea, three chrysantha, and one
might be expected to be white, feebly or not tinted with antho-
cyanin. Evidently other factors are involved, for as a matter
of fact the pallid (supposedly double recessive) flowers are

Genuine A. caerulea produces some hitherto unrecorded
variations. Mr. D. M. Andrews has at Boulder, Colorado, a
large stand of very fine and typical caerulea, the seed having
been obtained from the Blanchard ranch in Boulder Canon.
The strain originated in the nearby mountains, and is in general
extremely uniform. But as Mr. Andrews pointed out to me,
there are a few plants abruptly and conspicuously varying from
the type:
1. Laminae of petals blue like the sepals, elongate, narrow
(e.g., 40 mm. long and 8 wide); spurs normal, varying to small
and more or aborted. A few plants. This is more or less

intermediate between the typical form and variety daileyae,

but distinct from both.
2. Flowers very pale, light yellowish or greenish in bud,
eventually delicately tinted with, purplish. Sepals and petals

9 to 10, the sepals reflected at maturity, placed just below the

outwardly-turned spurs; laminae remaining erect, lanceolate,
about as long (20 mm.) as the spurs. The sepals are mainly

pale green, the laminae delicate purplish one plant only. This
has an atavistic appearance, and is quite without the beauty of
normal caendea.
These obser\-ations indicate that AqtiiJegia is an unusually
favorable genus for the investigation of genetic problems. Some
of its advantages are the following: (i) The ready hybridization
and fertility of the Fi; (2) the tendency to mutate, apart from
crossing; (3) the existence of spurred and spurless forms, and of
forms with and without colored plastids and anthocyanin colors;
(4) the heterozygotes can be easily preserved and propagated by
dividing the crowns; (5) incidentally, beautiful and interesting
garden plants are produced.

Rhamniis dahurica ix Michigan. — South of Ann Arbor,
Michigan, is an extensive area of
ground formerly occupied
chiefly by tamarack, black ash, and other hydrophytic trees.
The ground water lies always near the surface and parts of the
area were originally very swampy. Recent construction of
drainage systems has destroyed much of the swamp, which has
been put under cultivation, but the rest of the tract is still in

Five years ago a forestry class of the University of Michigan

discovered in the heart of the swamp a tree unknown to them.
It was submitted and proved to
to the writer for identification
be Rhamniis dahurica. It was then supposed that the tree had
been planted by Mr. J. B. Steere, who owns part of the land and
had travelled extensively in the Orient. In 1916 Mr. Steere
pointed out a second tree to the writer, some two miles from the
first one, with a request for its identification. He was surprised
to learn its name and disclaimed any knowledge of its origin.
Only one tree of the species is known in cultivation in the vicinity,
which, since it is a smaller tree, can scarcely be considered as the
parent of these two individuals.
The two apparently wild trees are 500 yards or more from any
residence, either past or present. One is in the middle of a forest

tract; the other along a small ditch separating tv\-o cultivated

fields, but it obviously antedates the construction of the ditch.
Each is about thirty feet high, with widely spreading branches
in healthy condition, and bears a good crop of fruit. Seedlings
have not been seen. —H. A. Gleasox.

According to The Cambridge Tribune of June 28, Harvard
University benefits from the will of the late Dr. W. G. Farlow,
professor emeritus of cryptogamic botany. All of his books,
papers, manuscripts, etc., are left to the University, to constitute
the Farlow Reference Library. The sum of $25,000 is left in
trust to his assistant, A. B. Se^onour, who will enjoy its income
during his life. On his death this fund will be added to a gift
of $100,000 previously made to Harvard and knoT\Ti as the John
S. Farlow Memorial Fund. On the death of Professor Farlow's
widow, ^100,000 will be given to the University and added to
the John S. Farlow Memorial Fund.

In connection with the commencement exercises of the Uni-

versity^ of Vermont, held in Burlington on June 25, the degree
of doctor of letters was conferred upon Dr. Liberty Hyde Bailey,
formerly director of the College of Agriculture of Cornell Uni-
versit>'-,and the honorar^^ degree of doctor of science was con-
ferred upon Dr. Marshall Avery Howe, curator of the museums
of the New York Botanical Garden.

Dr. H. N. Whitford, of the School of Forestry of Yale Uni-

versity, has recently returned from Central America, where he
was one of a commission detailed by the State Department to
investigate the economic resources of the boundary region in
dispute between Guatemala and Honduras.
The Torrey Botanical Club
Contributors of accepted articles and reviews who wish six gratuitous copies

of the number of Torreya in which their papers appear, will kindly notify the
editor when returning proof.
Reprints should be ordered, when galley proof is returned to the editor. The
New Era Printing Co., 41 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa., have furnished the
following rates:
2pp 4pp 8pp 12pp 16pp 20pp
25 copies S .79 $1.14 $1.78 $2.32 $2.87 $3.28
50 copies 1.03 1.43 2.23 2.82 3.52 3.92
100 copies 1.45 2.03 2.73 3.50 4.23 4.55
200 copies 2.15 3.24 3.92 5 25 6.52 6.92
Covers: 25 for $1.00, additional covers 1}4 cents each.
Plates for reprints, 50 cents each per 100.

Committees for 1919.

Finance Committee Program Committee

R. A. Harper, Chairman. Mrs. E. G. Britton, Chairman.
J. H. Barnhart, Prof. Jean Broadhurst
Miss C. C. Haynes B. O. Dodge
Sereno Stetson Michael Levine
Budget Committee F. J. Seaver

H. Barnhart, Chairman.
Membership Committee
R. A. Harper J. K. Small, Chairman.

N. L. Britton T. E. Hazen
A. W. Evans E. W. Olive
M. A. Howe Local Flora Committee
H. H. RusBY N. L. Britton, Chairman.
Field Committee Phanerogams Cryptogams:
F. W. Pexnell, Chairman E. P. Bicknell Mrs. E. G. Britton
Mrs. L. M. Keeler N. L. Britton HazenT. E.
Michael Levine C. C. Curtis M. a. Howe
George T. Hastings K. K. Mackenzie Michael Levine
Percy Wilson Norman Taylor W. A. Murrill
F. J. Seaver
Chairmen of Special Committees on Local Flora
Ferns and Fern Allies: R. C. Benedict. Lichens: W. C. Barbour
Mosses: Mrs. E. G. Britton Sphaeriaceae, Dothideaceae: H. M
Liverworts: A. W. Evans Richards
Fresh Water Algae: T. E. Hazen Hypocreaceae, Perisporieae, Plectas-
Marine Algae: M. A. Howe cineae, Tuberineae: F. J. Seaver
Gasteromycetes: G. C. Fisher Fungi-forming sclerotia: A. B. Stout
Hymenomycetes: W. A. Murrill Imperfecti: H. M. Richards, F.
Except Russulaand Lactarius: Miss G Seaver, Mel T. Cook
Burlingham Oomycetes: C. A. King
Cortinarius: R. A. Harper Zygomycetes: A. F. Blakeslee
Polyporeae: M. Levine Chytridiaceae,
Exobasidii: H. M. Richards Myxomycetes: Mrs. H. M. Richards
Rusts and Smuts: E. W. Olive Yeast and Bacteria: Prof. J. Broadhurs
Discomycetes: B. O. Dodge Insect galls: Mel T. Cook


A monthly journal devoted to general botany, established
1870. Vol. 45 published in 191 8, contained 519 pages of text
and I 5 full-page plates. Price ;^4.oo per annum. For Europe,
18 shillings. Dulau & Co., 47 Soho Square, London, are,

agents for England.

Of former volumes, only 24—45 can be supplied entire cer- ;

tain numbers of other volumes are available, but the entire stock

of some numbers has been reserved for the completion of sets

Vols. 24-27 are furnished at the published price of two dollars
each ; Vols. 28-45 three dollars each.
Single copies (30 cents) will be furnished only when not
breaking complete volumes.

The Memoirs, established 1889, are published at irregu-
lar intervals.Volumes I-15 are now completed; No. i of
Vol. 16 has been issued. The subscription price is fixed at
$3.00 per volume in advance; Vol. 17, containing Proceedings
of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the Club, 490 pages, was
issued in 191 8, price ^5.00. Certain numbers can also be pur-
chased singly. A Hst of titles of the individual papers and of
prices will be furnished on application,

(3) The Preliminary Catalogue of Anthophyta and Pteri-

dophyta reported as growing within one hundred miles of New
York, 1888. Price, $1.00.

Correspondence relating to the above publications should be

addressed to
Columbia University
New York City
Vol. 19 August, 1919 No. 8

A Monthly Journal of Botanical Notes and News





JOHN TORREY. 1796-1873.

Scrophulariaceae of the Local Flora II: F. W. Penxell 143
Reminiscences of Orchid-Hunting: Herbert M. Dbn'slow 152

Proceedings of the Club 157

News Items i5»

Published for the Club

At 41 North Queen Strhbt, Lancaster, Pa.
T Thk Nbw Era Printi>*g Comfant
'Eatcred at the Post Office at Lancaster, Pa., aa second-class niatter.



Secretary and Treasurer

Columbia University, N. Y. City.
Associate Editors
Delegate to the Council of the New York Academy of Sciences
M. A. HOWE, Ph.D.

Official Organ of the Wild Flower Preservation

Society of America

Torreya is furnished to subscribers in the United States and

Canada. for one dollar per annum; single copies, fifteen cents. To
subscribers elsewhere, five shillings, or the equivalent thereof. Postal or
express money orders and drafts or personal checks on New York City
banks are accepted in payment, but the rules of the New York Clearing
House compel the request that ten cents be added to the amount of any
other local checks that may be sent. Subscriptions are received only
for full volumes, beginning with the January issue. Reprint^ will be
furnished at cost prices. Subscriptions and remittances should be sent
to Treasurer, Torrey Botanical Club, 41 North Queen St., Lan-
caster, Pa., orColumbia University, New York City.
Matter for publication, and books and papers for review, should
be addressed to

Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Brooklyn, N. Y
Vol. 19 No 8
August, 1919


By Fran-CIS W. Pennell

Continued from June Torreya

5. LiMOSELLA L. Sp. PI. 631. 1753.

Type species, L. aguatica L., of Europe.

i^ I. LiMOSELLA SUBULATA Ives in Trans. Phys. Med. Soc. X. Y.
1:440. 1817. "First observed in 1 8 16. . . It flourishes

in great abundance in the Housatonic, and in most of

the rivers which empty into Long Island Sound, within
the range of the tide."
Ygramela (or Limosella) maritima Raf. Atl. Journ. 199.
1833. " Discovered this year in thewet sand of the sea
islands of New Jersey." As a new genus, this was based
upon specimens the flowers of which bore but two stamens.
Certainly an abnormal form, as the plant of such situa-
tions has normally four stamens.
Flowering from late August to November, and soon ripening

Tide-water river-beaches, saline, brackish or fresh, and about

borders of ponds, brackish or fresh, along the coast. Margins
of ponds back of sand-dunes, growing inundated or somewhat
emersed on the sandy coastward margin of these. Long Island
and southward to Ocean County, New Jersey; on the sandy or
gravelly flats between high and low tide, along the Housatonic,
Hudson, Passaic, Delaware, and doubtless other rivers. The
plants of the two environments differ slightly, as has been indi-
cated in Torreya 19: 51. 1919. This species ranges from
Labrador to Maryland.
[No. 7, Vol. 19 of ToRREY.A., Comprising pp. 125-142, was issued Sept. 10, 1919]


6. Gratiola L. Sp. PI. 17. 1753.

T3'pe species, G. officinalis L., of Europe.
Corolla slightl}' exceeding caXyx., externally glabrous.
Capsule nearly p3-raniidal, acuminate. Pedicels very
Stem pubescent with several-celled hairs. (Pilosae.)
short. i. G. pilosa
Corolla more than twice as long as the calyx, externally more
or less puberulent. Capsule broader, acute to rounded.
Pedicels longer. Stem glabrous or puberulent with one-
celled hairs, these frequently gland-bearing.
Pedicels exceeding 10 mm. in length. Corolla within
throat on posterior side densely pubescent with
knobbed hairs. Capsule ovate, equaled or ex-
ceeded by the sepals. Seeds 3-5 mm. long, semi-
globose to oblong.
Capsule 1-3 mm. long, exceeded bj- the sepals.
Stem-leaves clasping by a broad base, usually at
least the upper with resinous dots. Roots
perennial, slender. Stoloniferous. (Ramosae.)
Corolla golden-yellow throughout. Capsule
3 mm. long, little exceeded by the sepals.
Leaves lanceolate to nearly ovate, entire or
distally obscurelj^ denticulate, with blackish
glandular dots.
Leaves linear to lanceolate, frequently denti-
culate distally, usually strongh- puncticulate.
Sepals obtusish to acute. 2. G. aiirea.
Leaves lanceolate to nearly ovate, entire, ob-
scurely puncticulate distally. Sepals very
obtuse. 2a. G. aurea obtusa.
Corolla with throat dull-yellow, the lobes white.
Capsule 2 mm. long, much exceeded by the
sepals. Leaves ovate, serrate, the upper some-
times with sparse glandular dots. 3. G. viscidula.
Capsule 4-5 mm. long, about equaled by the sepals.
Stem-leaves narrowed to a sessile or slightly clasping

base, not resinous-dotted. Roots annual, the

main root thick and giving off numerous fibers.

Not stoloniferous. (Neglectae.) 4. G. neglecla.

Pedicels less than 5 mm. in length. Corolla within
throat on posterior side pubescent with knobless
hairs. Capsule globose, 5-6 mm. long, slightly ex-
ceeding the sepals. Seeds 7 mm. long, linear. Leaves
and root as in Neglectae. {Virginianae.) 5. G. virginiana.

I. Gratiola pilosa Michx. Fl. Bor. Am. i: 7. 1803. "Hab.

in Carolinae inferioris uliginosis." Description suffici-

ently distinctive.

Sophronanthe pUosa (Michx.) Small, Fl. S.E. Un. St. 1067,

1338. 1903.
Flowering mid-July to late September, and soon ripening

Moist sandy pineland, in potassic soil. Cape May District

and locally in Camden County in the Middle District, of the
Coastal Plain of southern New Jersey. Ranges from New Jersey
to Florida and eastern Texas, in the Coastal Plain.
2. Gratiola aurea Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. i: 12. 1814. "In
sandy wet places, in the pine-barrens of New England,
New Jersey and Carolina ... v. v.; v. s. in Herbario
Banksiano." Description distinctive, here restricted to
the northern first-mentioned plant.
Flowering from early June to late September, and soon ripen-
ing fruit. Apparently fruit is sparingly matured, the plant
increasing mainly by stolons.
Wet sandy potassic soil, margins of ponds; frequent in the
Coastal Plain of Long Island and New Jersey, especially in the
Pine Barrens; occasional about lakes in the glaciated region
above the Fall-line, at least at Lake Hopatcong, Morris Co., New
Jersey. Ranges from Maine and eastern Ontario to Virginia.
2a. Gratiola aurea obtusa Pennell, var. nov.
Plant erect, 1.5 dm. tall. Leaves lanceolate to ovate, 1.5 cm.
long, obscurely puncticulate distally.
entire, Sepals 3 mm.
long, very obtuse. Corolla 10-12 mm. long.
Type, gravelly shores of Delaware River, between high and
low tide. Fish House, Camden Co., New Jersey, collected in
flower by Stewardson Brown; in herb. Academy of Natural
Sciences of Philadelphia.
Gravelly or sandy shores of Delaware River, between tides,
Mercer and Camden counties, New Jersey, and Philadelphia
Co., Pennsylvania.

3. Gratiola viscidula Pennell, nom. nov.

Gratiola viscosa Schwein.; Le Conte in Ann. Lye. N. Y. i

106. 1824. "Inhabits Virginia, and the upper parts of

North Carolina." Apparently the plant now considered,
although the description appears inaccurate in stating

that the capsule is as long as the sepals. Not G. viscosa

Hornem. Enum. PI. Hort. Hafn. 19. 1807.
Flowering from mid-July to September, and soon ripening

Swales and swamps> along streams, in potassic soil, at a few

stations in the Piedmont of northern Delaware. Ranges from
Delaware to upland Georgia and eastern Tennessee.
4.Gratiola neglecta Torr. Cat. PI. N. Y. 89. 1819. "With-
in thirty miles of the City of New York." In the her-
barium of Columbia University are two sheets, probably
representing but one collection, both labeled "Gratiola
virginica Linn., Torr. Fl. N. Y., 2, p. 37." It is possible

that one or both of these are Torrey's plants of G. neglecta.

The latter was described as distinct from G. virginiana
because of the lack of the rudimentary antero-lateral
filaments. Five years later, in his Flora of the Northern
States, Torrey was persuaded that this lack was true of

G. virginiana, and on that account reduced his earlier

species. Still later, in 1843, in his Flora of New York,
he described such rudiments as present, and held as
erroneous his previous observations. The truth, as
confirmed by an extensive examination of fresh flowers,
is that these rudiments may be small, or reduced to one,
or altogether absent; all stages are to be found in the
same colony. The name is here used for the species
which has long been known as G. virginiana.
Conobea borealis Spreng. mNeue Entdeck. S- 26. 1822. "Hab.
in locis humidis prope Noveboracum. ..." This is

virtually a. re-description of Gratiola neglecta Torr.,

although sufficient new matter is added to indicate that
Sprengel must have seen a specimen of this. The change
of generic classification is doubtless due to the discovery
of sterile rudiments of the antero-lateral filaments.
Flowering from late May to late September, and soon ripen-
ing fruit.

Wet loam, woodland or open, in potassic soil, common above

the Fall-line; and through the Middle District of the Coastal

Plain. Ranges from Maine and Quebec to British C\j!uml)ia,

southward to Georgia, Texas and California.
5. Gratiola virginiana L. Sp. PI. 17. 1753. "Habitat in
Virginia." Although Linn6 had specimens of the plants
here called G. neglecta in his herbarium in 1753, his de-
scription is taken solely from Gron. Fl. Virg. 6, 1743, and
so based upon Clayton J7p. This, as shown by Dr. S.

F. Blake in Rhodora 20:65, 1918, is the plant which has

been known as G. sphaerocarpa Ell.

Flowering from mid-May to September, and soon ripening


Wet loam, in shade, occasional in the Middle and Cape May

Districts of the Coastal Plain of New Jersey, and below the Fall-
ine in Delaware. From Burlington, N.J. southward to Florida
and Texas, extending inland to the southern Appalachians.

7. MiMULUs L. Sp. PI. 634. 1753

Type species, M. ringens L.
Corolla yellow. Capsule dehiscent laterally, apex persistent and
valves permanently attached to axial cell-wall. Seeds ellip-

soid-orbicular. Stems pubescent. Species introduced.

(Simiolus Greene.)
Corolla 12-20 mm. long. Leaves 3-4 cm. long. Stems
loosely lanose, slender, lax. i. M. moschalus
Corolla 30-35 mm. long. Leaves 4-5 cm. long. Stems
glabrous to finely glandular-pubescent, stout, erect. 2. M. giiUalus.
Corolla lavender-violet. Capsule dehiscent laterally from very
apex, and its valves splitting from the persistent axial cell-

wall. Seeds oblong. Stems glabrous. Species native.

Leaves ovate, petioled. Angles of stem slightly winged.
Pedicels stout, in fruit 5-10 mm. long. Calyx-lobes seta-
ceous-tipped, 1-2 mm. long. Corolla 35 mm. long.
Seeds pale-yellow. 3. M. alaliis.

Leaves lanceolate, clasping. Angles of stem not winged.

Pedicels slender, in fruit 30-60 mm. long. Calyx-lobes lan-
ceolate, 3-5 mm. long. Corolla 30 mm. long. Seeds
brownish. 4. M. ringens.


Aquatic in running streamlets or in bogs; rare; seen only from
Queens and Sullivan counties. New York and Lehigh County,

Pennsj-lvania. Certainly an escape from cultivation on Long

Island, but in the mountain habitats it appears as if native. A
native of the Rocky Mountains, occurring eastward in northern
Michigan, Newfoundland and northern New England.

Meadows and along streams, rarely escaped from cultivation;

seen from Litchfield County, Connecticut, and Delaware County,
New York. Native of western North America.
3. MiMULUS ALATUS Ait. Hort. Kew. 2: 361. 1789. "Nat.
of North America. Introd. 1783, by Mr. William Mal-
Flowering from late July to early September, and soon ripen-
ing fruit.
Shaded swamps and along streams, in potassic soil, frequent,
becoming rare northward, through the area above the Fall-line;
occasional in the Middle District of the Coastal Plain of New
Jersey. Ranges from Connecticut to Ontario and Kansas,
southward to Florida and Louisiana.
4. MiMULUS RiXGENS L. Sp. PI. 634. 1753- "Habitat in Vir-
ginia, Canada . . . Hort. ups. 176. t. 2." In the Hortus
L'psalensis 176, pi. i, 1748, Linne described and figured
our plant.
Flowering from early July to mid-September, and soon ripen-
ing fruit.

Open swales and along streams, more rarely in shaded swamps,

in potassic and calcareous soils, common throughout the area

above the Fall-line, of more rare occurrence through the Middle

District and Coast Strip of the Coastal Plain. Ranges from
Nova Scotia to Alabama, Minnesota and Kansas.

8. Ilysanthes Raf. Ann. Nat. 13. 1820

Type species, /. riparia Raf., of the Ohio valley.
Leaves 1-3 cm. long, obviously attenuate at base. Pedi-
cels relatively stout, at least in fruit, shorter than the
bracts. Sepals usually finely pubescent, usually about
equaling the capsule.
Leav^es lanceolate to ovate-lanceolate, usually only the
lowermost obtuse. Fruiting pedicels 5-10 mm.
long. Plant diffuse. i. /. diibia.

Leaves elliptic-oval, all obtuse. Fruiting; i)tMlitt.ls

3-5 mm. long. Plant erect. la. I. diihia inundata-

Leaves .5-1.5 cm. long, rounded at base, or at least broadest
much below the middle. Pedicels filiform, longer than
the bracts. Sepals glabrous or nearly so, shorter than
the capsule. 2. /. inaequalis.

1. Ilysaxtiies dubl\ (L.) Barnhart.

Gratiola dubia L. Sp. PI. 17. 1753. "Habitat in Virginiae
aquosis." Type, Clayton 164, identified by Dr. B. L.
Robinson in Rhodora 10: 67. 1908, as the species here
Capraria gratioloides L. Syst. ed. X. 11 17. 1759. Based
upon Gratiola dubia L.
Ilysauthes gratioloides (L.) Benth. in DC. Prod. 10: 419.
Lindernia gratioloides (L.) Llo^^d & Folic. F1. Ouest Fr. ed.
IV. 246. 1886.
Ilysanthcs dubia (L.) Barnhart in Bull. Torr. Club 26: 376.
Flowering from early July to October, and soon ripening

Swamps, in potassic soil, frequent above the Fall-line and in

Middle and Cape May Districts of the Coastal Plain. Ranges
from New Brunswick and Ontario to Florida and Texas,
la. Ilysanthes dubia inundata Pennell, var. nov.
Plant erect, 1.5-2 dm. tall. Leaves elliptic-oval, obtuse, 1.5-

2 cm. long Pedicels in fruit but 3-5 mm. long.

T\-pe, sandy Delaware River above Delair, Cam-
tidal flats of

den Co., New Jersey, collected in fruit September 3, 1915,

Pennell 64Q6; in herbarium New York Botanical Garden.
Tidal flats of Passaic River, New Jersey, of the Delaware
River in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. Also seen
from along the Potomac River near Alexandria, Virginia.
2. Ilysanthes inaequalis (Walt.) Pennell, comb. nov.
Gratiola inaequalis Walt. Fl. Carol. 61. 1788. Probably
from lower South Carolina, a district where the plant
here considered is frequent. Identified by Michaux,
Fl. Bor. Am. i: 7. 1803 as questionably his own Gratiola

anagallidea, and by Elliott, Sketch Bot. S. C. & Ga. i :

i6. and carefully described under the

1816, identified
name Lindernia dilatata Muhl. Both the latter specific
names are synonyms of this.
Flowering from late June to late September, and soon ripening

Swamps, in potassic soil, frequent throughout the Coastal

Plain excepting the Pine Barrens, and, occasionally extending
somewhat above the Fall-line. Ranges from Massachusetts
to Florida and Texas.

9. Hemianthus Nutt. in Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. i: 119.

Type species, H. micranthemoides Nutt.
I. Hemianthus micranthus (Pursh) Pennell, comb. nov.
Herpestis micrantha Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 2: 418. 1814.
"On the banks of rivers, at the edge of low water mark:
Pennsylvania to Virginia." Described as with five-

leaved calyx, but no other plant can possibly be intended.

Hemianthus micranthemoides Nutt. in Journ. Acad. Nat.
Sci. Phila. i: 119. pi. 6. 1817. "Habitat on the
gravelly banks of the Delaware, overflowed by the tide,

near Kensington [Pennsylvania]." Type seen in the

herbarium of the Academy of Natural Sciences.
Micranthemum micranthum (Pursh) Wood, Class-Book 525.
Micranthemum Nuttallii A. Gray, Man. Bot. N. Un. St. ed.
V. 331. 1867. ''Hemianthus micranthemoides Nutt.
. . . Tidal muddy banks of the Delaware River, and
southward." Typified by plant of Nuttall.
Micranthemum micranthemoides (Nutt.) Wettst. in Engl. &
Prantl, Natiir. Pfianzenfam. 4^'': 1891.
Globifera micranthemoides (Nutt.) Kuntze, Rev. Cen. 461.
Flowering from early September to October, and soon ripening

Gravelly or sandy river-shores, between high and low tides,


Delaware and Chesapeake drainage. Along the Delaware

River in New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Delaware. Also along
the Potomac River in Virginia.

10. LiNARiA Mill. Card. Diet. ed. IV, 1754

Type species, Antirrhinum Linaria L. of Europe.
Corolla, excluding spur, 15-18 mm. long, yellow; posterior lip
arched over anterior; anterior lip forming a conspicuous pro-
truding orange palate; spur tapering from a broad stout base.
Capsule 10 mm. long, much exceeding the sepals. Style 8
mm. long. Seeds 1.7 mm. long, flattened and circularlj'
broadly-winged. Stem 3-10 dm. tall, densely leafy; without
sterile prostrate branches from the base.
(Linaria, sensu strictu.) i. L. Linaria.
Corolla, excluding spur, 7-8 mm. long, blue; posterior lip erect;
anterior lip broadly spreading, but not forming a definite
raised palate; spur very slender throughout. Capsule 2 mm.
long, equaling to slightly exceeding the sepals. Style .8 mm.
long. Seeds .3-.4 mm. long, cylindric, prismatic-angled,
not winged. Stem very slender, i2-8 dm. tall, less leafy; with
sterile prostrate branches from base.
(Leptoplectron, sect, nov.) 2. L. canadensis.

1 LixARiA Linaria (L.) Karst.

Linaria pensylvanica Scheele in Flora 26: 586, 1843. "Aus
Pensylvanien." Described as differing from L. vulgaris
( = L. Linaria) by having the raceme axis and pedicels
quite smooth instead of glandu'ar-pubescent. L. Linaria
varies freely betw^een these two states.
Loam or sandy soil, fields and waste ground, common above the
Fall-line, less common through the Coastal Plain. Naturalized
from Eurasia.
2. Lixaria caxadensis (L.) Dum.-Cours.
Antirrhinum canadense L. Sp. PI. 618. 1753. "Habitat in
Virginia, Canada." Specimen
Linnean herbarium cred-

ited to Canada should be the type. This is probably a plant

collected by Kalm, and as Kalm spent much time near
Philadelphia, especially on Raccoon Creek, Gloucester
Co., New Jersey, in a district where this plant is very
common, his specimen is probab'y from there. In Kalm's
Travels i: 358. 1770, this species is mentioned as if

common at Raccoon. Moreover it is a plant of rare

occurrence and obviously recent introduction in any part
of Canada.
Linaria canadensis Dum.-Cours. Bot. Cult. 2: 96. 1802.
"Lieu. Le Canada, la Virginie." Doubtless based upon
Antirrhinum canadense L.
Flowering from late April to October, and soon ripening

Open sandy potassic soil, frequently a weed; thoughout the

Coastal Plain of Long Island and New Jersey, but likely intro-
duced into the Pine Barrens; above the Fall-line occasionally
introduced along railroad-tracks. Ranges from Massachusetts
to Florida and Texas.*
{To he continued.)

By Herbert M. Dexslow

One who has much to do with orchids garners a store of happy

memories. The writer's acquaintance with this fascinating
family began in the 3'ear 1867 and extends over a period very
nearly the same as the life of the Torrey Club. These recollec-
tions,however, do not really cover this half century, but are
concerned chiefly with about a dozen years at the beginning of it
and as many more since the year 1905. The interval was too
much occupied with professional duties to leave more than
occasional scraps of time for any hobbies. They were not barren
years, for they included some fascinating excursions and thrilling
discoveries; but they are not so crowded, in retrospect, with
memories of orchid-hunting as are the earlier and the later periods.
The earliest picture is of an extensive cranberry bog, long
since drained and cultivated, in East Haven, Connecticut, in
which on one unforgettable summer day, the novice, who had
* The following plants are to be considered as scarcelj' established.
Cymbalaria Cymbalaria (L.) Wettst., from Eurasia, is occasional along roadsides,
and elsewhere near old gardens.
KiCKXiA Elatine (L.) Dumort. and K. spuria (L.) Dumort., both from Eurasia.
are occasionally seen, mostly on ballast.

never seen even one orchid before, was introduced to three most
attractive species, Pogonia ophioglossoides, Calopogon pidchellus
and Habenaria ciUaris. There were other interesting plants in

that bog, but no Vaccinium nor Andromeda nor Cassandra, nor

all the rest, made any impression, in comparison with the orchids,
all of which were in great profusion and in perfect l)loom. From
that day the writer dates the incomparable joys of orchid-study
in field and and bog, and in books and conversations,
during more than fifty years. There were many botanizing
excursions near New Haven during the next few years, but no
memories are particularly vivid, except those of collecting
Arethiisa in abundance, including one plant that bore two scapes
and three flowers, in a bog that is now dry land, and of finding
an occasional plant of Isotria verticillata in fruit, never one in
flower, in the woods adjacent to Edgewood, the home of Ik

On Manhattan Island there were native
the upper end of
orchids in those days. In a bank by the side of a private road
leading up through the woods from the New York Central Sta-
tion at Inwood, was a small colony of Tipidaria. Between that
spot and "the Kingsbridge Road," were found occasionally
Liparis liliifolia, Goodyera puhescens, Corallorrhiza odontorhiza,
Spiranthes gracilis and Spiranthes cerniia; authentic specimens
of which are preserved in the local herbarium of the New York
Botanical Garden. The writing of these names reminds one of
the changes in nomenclature, as well as in the region, since those
earlier days; but these binomials are adequate for identification.
Most of the writer's orchid-hunting in recent years has been
done town of Fairlee, Orange County, Vermont, where
in the

within about two square miles thirty-three species have been

found, nearly one half of those listed in Gray's Manual. This
surprising result began just ten years ago with the finding of
Cypripediiim arietinum in a most unexpected place. There
hadn't been any search for it; the writer was scrambling up a

steep mountain, and there, on a dry slope, appeared this rara avis.
The books report it as growing in bogs. It does; but it thrives
on this stony declivity, where the slope is from 45° to 60°, where

the ground dry almost at once after rain. It is restricted to


an area of a few square rods, at an elevation of about looo feet.

There are more than two hundred plants. They grow chiefly
in groups of from three to six, and multiply apparently by
seed, which falls straight or is scattered a few feet by wind.
This year scores of plants blossomed and nearly every blossom
was fertilized, promptly; the anthesis is not longer than ten
days. Evidently this orchid can get along with very little
water. If we knew more about some species we should hesitate

to indicate for them any restricted environment; and we shouM

know more about them and less often call them "rare," if we
could go oftener to the secluded spots in which they delight to

The most frequent orchid in Fairlee is Habenaria Hookeri.

It is found on every wooded hill, sometimes even on roadside
banks. In one morning's ramble of three hours up and down on
a small mountain, two hundred and seventeen plants of this
species were counted, of which about one seventh were blossom-
ing. H. orhiculata grows in the same woods. It is less frequent
and is now being exterminated by the logging that is stripping
the hillside. Of these two related species, H. orhiculata seems
to prefer to grow on a slope, H. Hookeri, in more level or sunken
spots. The size of the leaves at anthesis, is no indication of the
species; even H. macrophylla sometimes has leaves smaller than
are found on some plants of H. Hookeri. Where H. orhiculata is
fairly abundant, as it was on that now denuded hillside, it is a

fine sight to look up the slope and see the many tall scapes with

their striking flowers. This species is more readily discerned at

a distance than H. Hookeri, not only because it is taller, but
because it generally grows in more open spots. H. macrophylla
is much rarer; though, in the summer of the year 1918, near

St. Johnsbury, Vermont, it was found oftener than H. obiculata.

Perhaps these are not specifically distinct.

The latest species to be discovered, of the thirty-three now
known in Fairlee, are the two northen Listeras, L. convallarioides
and L. cordata, the former flourishing in a high, open swamp, the
other, dying out, quite in contrast to its appearance on Mt.

Killington, thirty-six years ago, where, in a mossy belt that

encircles the peak at an elevation of 3,500 feet, itwas as frequent
and as strongly intrenched as dandelions on a lawn.
The pleasures of recent discovery have not all been experienced
in Fairlee. They include the sudden view of a sunny hillside in
open woods, in Albemarle County, Virginia, fairly studded with
prosperous plants of Liparis liliifolia; the finding of Orchis
spectabilis in the bloom on April 30 and of Isotria
same woods in

verticillata in a farm yard, a week later;

not far away, almost
the meeting of Cypripedium arietimim as frequently as H.
Hookeri, in dry woods again, and even on exposed rocks, in
Essex County, New York; and the much prized opportunity of
studying Aphctrum during one whole summer, from the wither-
ing and decay of the old leaves until the appearing in early
September of the reddish-brown tips of the next winter's foliage.
This plant is perhaps local rather than rare. Its peculiar habit

helps to hide it. For three months, the months

in which the

collector is most busy, one could walk over the temporary graves
of this abnormal species without suspicion of its nearness, un-
less there had been a flowering scape and some of its ovaries had
become fertile. These exceptions are^ infrequent; for only a
small percentage of the bulbs send up scapes and, if these are
not promptly visited by the proper insects, they shriv^el and die
within a few days. If, however, any one of the six to ten flowers

on a scape is fertilized all are apt to share the benefit; and the
strong stalks with their big capsules become conspicuous during
the next summer or in the ensuing spring. Like many of the
Aphctrum is more likely to be found by apparent
rarer orchids,
chance than by search.
For, orchid-hunting is an adventure always. It is impossible
any species will be found in a certain locality or
to predict that
environment, however right and proper they may seem to be.
Some lack or superfluity, in soil or surroundings, the crow^ding
of some alien neighbors, the failure of a sheltering umbrage, the
disappearance of some insect life may have caused extermina-
tion ; or the species may never have found the apparently favor-
able habitat, where you seek for it in vain. The orchid-lover in

a new region is a true pioneer. Every step is an adventure,

every moment pregnant with possibilities of delightful surprise.
He may ramble or scramble for an hour without one cheering
sight; when he pauses to take breath or to get his bearings, he
may look down and see a Listera or some rarer Habenaria waiting
to be admired. He may even hesitate to gather the treasure,
for he knows thac it will never present again an aspect so al-
together charming as in itschosen place of growth. The col-
lector of terrestrial orchids is bound to be something better than a
hunter. In the tropics, gathering orchids may be chiefly com-
mercial; in our zone, it is aesthetic in good part. The diligent
searcher for these alluring denizens of meadow, bog and forest
is not desirous simply to find herbarium specimens or to add to
the number of local species; he enjoys the living plants, appre-
ciates their oddities, is charmed by their almost bewildering
v^ariety of form and function, studies them in their homes, in
their life. He enjoys the hunting, too, even when it is for the
time unrewarded, for his search takes him into secluded places,
where the silence sometimes is "wide, velvety, complete";
where, with happier frequency, the solitude is vocal with the
songs of birds or thrilling with the myriad, incessant, little noises
of the wild or his footsteps wander over a carpet of Linnaea or

sink with cushiony comfort into fragrant beds of sphagnum;

he tiptoes around or over quaking bogs and pauses to scrutinize
tuft and tussock for an Arethusa or a Listera; while every moment
he is pleasurably aware that his next glance may fall on some de-
sired species that he has hunted for years or, with almost equal
on one well-known, but beautiful, and not dises-
teemed because familiar. Each orchid-lover who is able to
roam the woods and fields and traverse the bogs finds in his
own wishes and activities a perennial fountain of joy. While
he is making new friends or renewing old acquaintance, he 'is

storing fragrant memories; many, a remote woodland spot be-

comes as clear, to grateful recollection, as his own dwelling; he
becomes too full perhaps of reminiscence, but never quite re-
plete with adventure or ready to give over the search,


April 30, 1919
The meeting was held in the Morphological Laboratory of the
New York Botanical Garden. Vice-President Barnhart called
the meeting to order at 3:30 P.M. There were fifteen persons
The minutes February 26, March 11, March 25 and April
8 were read and approved. Mrs. Britton, Chairman of the
Program Committee made a report. She also asked for authority
to call a special meeting on Tuesday, May 15, at 3:30 P.M., to
be held at the Mansion of the New York Botanical Garden in
cooperation with the Wild
Flower Preservation Society of
America in order to organize a local chapter and have the Club
become an associate member, as Torreya has already been
authorized as the organ of the Wild Flower Preservation Societ\-.
On motion of Professor Harper the Program Committee was in-

structed to call a special meeting.

Dr. Howe moved to instruct the Treasurer to donate to the
L'niversity of Louvain through Columbia University such of

the Club's publications as are available.

Mrs. Britton exhibited a plant of Sisyrhynchium bermndiana,
grown at the New York Botanical Garden from a plant collected
in Bermuda, and called attention to the fact that the color had

a definite tone, much less blue than any of our native species.
The announced scientific program consisted of a paper on
"The Scrophulariaceae of the Local Flora," by Dr. F. W. Pen-
nell. An abstract furnished b}' the speaker follows:
An account was given of the species of Scrophulariaceae occur-
ring within the local flora range of the Torrey and of the Philadel-
phia Botanical Clubs. Comment was made of specific characteris-
tics and of distribution. Within this area there are native: 40
species belonging to 19 genera; introduced: 24 species belonging
to 7 genera —
in all 64 species and 22 genera.

A key proposing a more evolutionary^ sequence of genera was

here first presented. This with a summary of the species it

is proposed to publish in forthcoming numbers of ToRREYA,

Specimens were shown illustrating all species of the area.

May 13, 1919

The Club met at the American Museum of Natural History.
President Richards called the meeting to order at 8:15 P.M.
There were twenty persons present.
Dr. F. W. Pennell, chairman of the Field Committee, dis-
cussed the proposal to announce a joint field excursion with the
Philadelphia Botanical Club to Farmingdale, N. J., on May
30. He proposed to make the excursion a one-day trip with
the provision that anyone wishing to stay over could do so.

The motion to adopt this suggestion was carried.

President Richards announced that the 90th birthday of
Capt. J. Donnell Smith would occur in the near future. Dr.
Pennell moved to appoint a committee to write a letter of felici-

tation to Capt. Smith, expressing the Club's appreciation of

the memorable work he has done in advancing the knowledge of
plantfe. The President appointed Dr. N. L. Britton, Dr. R. A.
Harper and Dr. M. A. Howe, members of the committee to draw
up this letter.
No other business was transacted.
Dr. Isaac Levin gave the lecture of the evening, "Neoplastic
Diseases in the Animal and vegetable Kingdoms."
The was illustrated by lantern slides.
Adjournment followed.
B. O. Dodge,
Dr. D. S. Johnson of Johns Hopkins University, accompanied
by three of his students, has just returned from Jamaica. Col-
lections for morphological work were made in the Blue Moun-

tain region and in Liguanea Plains.

W. H. Blanchard wishes his botanical friends and correspond-

ents to know owing to the development of cataracts on
both eyes, his botanical work seemis at an end. Mr. Blanchard
was a frequent contributor to the American botanical press from
1902 to 191 1, most of his published work relating to the genus
Rubus as it occurs in eastern North America; his summary of

his conclusions regarding the species of this genus in that area

was published in the Bidlethi of the Torrey Botanical Club (38
425-439- 1911-)

Messrs. Harrington Moore, G. P. Burns, C. C. Adams, T. P.

Hankinson and Norman Taylor, spent a week in August study-
ing the ecological relations of the plants and animals near the
summit of Mt. Marcy in the Adirondacks. This trip was to
continue work started during the first week in June by the com-
mittee on cooperation of the Ecological Society in America.

One most dangerous diseases of Irish potatoes has been

of the
discovered in the United States. Rough, spongy outgrowths of
varying size are produced on the tubers, especially at the eyes.
These warts are light brown at first, but become black and
decayed with age. Sometimes all potatoes in affected hills are
worthless. The disease does not attack the vines above ground.
The wart is caused by a parasitic fungus (Chrysophlyctis endo-
biotica Schilb.), which was named and described by Schilberszky,
a Hungarian scientist, in 1896. It is one of the lowest members
of the Chytridiaceae, a group of parasites that attack the stems,
leaves, and especially the roots of many wild and cultivated
plants. Although it belongs in the same great group of fungi
as the common bread mold, it produces no mold growth and is
so small that it can hardly be seen with the naked eye.

The first volume of The Cactaceae by N. L. Britton and J. X.

Rose was issued by the Carnegie Institution on June 21. The
work will comprise four volumes. The first contains descrip-
tions and illustrations of groups allied to Opnntia and of the
prickly pears themselves, and is one of the most sumptuous
botanical publications recently issued. It will be reviewed in

an early issue of Torreya.

The Torrey Botanical Club
who wish six gratuitous copies
Contributors of accepted articles and reviews
of the number of Torreya in which their papers appear, will kindly notify the
editor when returning proof.
Reprints should be ordered, when galley proof is returned to the editor. The
New Era Printing Co., 41 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa., have furnished the
following rates:
2pp 4pp 8pp 12pp 16pp 20pp
25 copies $ .79 $1.14 $1.78 $2.32 $2.87 $3.28
50 copies 1.03 1.43 2.23 2.82 3.52 3.92
100 copies 1.45 2.03 2.73 3.50 4.23 4.5S
200 copies 2.15 3.24 3.92 5 25 6.52 6.92
Covers: 25 for $1.00, additional covers IJ^ cents each.
Plates for reprints, 50 cents each per 100.

Committees for 1919.

Finance Committee Program Committee

R. A. Harper. Chairman. Mrs. E. G. Britton, Chairman.
J. H. Barnhart, Prof. Jean Broadhurst
Miss C. C. Haynes B. O. Dodge
Sereno Stetson Michael Levine
Budget Committee F. J. Seaver

H. Barnhart, Chairman. Membership Committee

R. A. Harper J. K. Small, Chairman.
N. L. Britton T. E. Hazen
A. W. Evans E. W. Olive
M. A. Howe Local Flora Committee
H. H. RusBY N. L. Britton, Chairman.
Field Committee Phanerogams: Cryptogams:
F. W. Pennell, Chairman. E. P. Bicknell Mrs. E. G. Britton
Mrs. L. M. Keeler N. L. Britton Hazen T. E.
Michael Levine C. C. Curtis M. a. Howe
George T. Hastings K. K. Mackenzie Michael Levine
Percy Wilson Norman Taylor W. A. Murrill
F. J. Seaver
Chairmen of Special Committees on Local Flora
Ferns and Fern Allies: R. C. Benedict. Lichens: W. C. Barbour
Mosses: Mrs. E. G. Britton Sphaeriaceae, Dothideaceae: H. M
Liverworts: A. W. Evans Richards
Fresh Water Algae: T. E. Hazen Hypocreaceae, Perisporieae, Plectas-
Marine Algae: M. A. Howe cineae, Tuberineae: F. J. Seaver
Gasteromycetes: G. C. Fisher Fungi-forming sclerotia: A. B. Stout
Hymenomycetes: W. A. Murrill Imperfecti: H. M. Richards, F.
Except Russula and Lactarius: Miss G Seaver,Mel T. Cook
Burlingham Oomycetes: C. A. King
Cortinarius: R. A. Harper Zygomycetes: A. F. Blakeslee
Polyporeae: M. Levine Chytridiaceae,
E.xobasidii: H. M. Richards Myxomycetes: Mrs. H. M. Richards
Rusts and Smuts: E. W. Olive Yeast and Bacteria: Prof. J. Broadhurs
Discomycetes: B. O. Dodge Insect galls: Mel T. Cook


A monthly journal devoted to general botany, established
1870. Vol. 45 published in 1918, contained 519 pages of text
and 15 full-page plates. Price $4.00 per annum. For Europe,
18 shillings. Dulau & Co., 47 Soho Square, London, are,
agents for England.
Of former volumes, only 24-45 can be supplied entire cer- ;

tainnumbers of other volumes are available, but the entire stock

of some numbers has been reserv^ed for the completion of sets
Vols. 24-27 are furnished at the published price of two dollars
each Vols. 28-45 three dollars each.

Single copies
(30 cents) will be furnished only when not
breaking complete volumes.

The Memoirs, established 1889, are published at irregu-
lar intervals. Volumes 1-15 are now completed; No. i of
Vol. 16 has been issued. The subscription price is fixed at
S3. 00 per volume in advance; \^ol. 17, containing Proceedings
of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the Club, 490 pages, was
issued in 19 18, price S5.00. Certain numbers can also be pur-
chased singly. A list of titles of the individual papers and of
prices will be furnished on apphcation.

(3) The Preliminary Catalogue of Anthophyta and Pteri-

dophyta reported as growing within one hundred miles of New
York, 1888. Price, ;$i.oo.

Correspondence relating to the above publications should be

addressed to
Columbia University
New York City
Vol. ig September, igig No. g

A Monthly Journal of Botanical Notes and News





JOHN TORREV, I796-1873.

Scrophulariaceae of the Local Flora, III: F. W. Pennell 161

A New Cuban Sida : Brother Leox 172

Flora of Southern British Columbia and the State of Washington :

J. C. Nelson 174
News Items 185

Published for the Club

At 41 North Qvbbn Street, Lancaster. Pa.
BT Thk Nbw Era Printing Comfant
'Elntered at the Post Office at Lancaster, Pa., as second-class matter.



Secretary and Treasurer

Columbia University, N. Y. City.
Associate Editors
Delegate to the Council of the New York Academy of Sciences
M. A. HO'vVE, Pa.D.

Official Organ of the Wild Flower Preservation

Society of America

ToRREYA is furnished to subscribers in the United States and

Canada for one dollar per annum ; single copies, fifteen cents. To
subscribers elsewhere, five shillings, or the equivalent thereof. Postal or
express money orders and drafts or personal checks on New York City
banks are accepted in payment, but the rules of the New York Clearing
House compel the request that ten cents be added to the amount of any
other local checks that may be sent. Subscriptions are received only"
for full volumes, beginning with the January issue. Reprints will be
furnished at cost prices. Subscriptions and remittances should be sent
to Treasurer, Torrey Botanical Club, 41 North Queen St., Lan-
caster, Pa., orColumbia University, New York City.
Matter for publication, and books and papers for review, should
be addressed to

Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Brooklyn, N. Y
Vol. 19 No. 9
September, 1919


By Francis W. Pennell

{Continued from August Torreya)

II. \"eronicastrum Heister; Fabr. Enum. meth. pi. Hort.

Helmstead. ill. 1759
Type species, Veronica virginica L.
I. \'eroxicastrum virginicum (L.) Farwell.
Veronica virginica LJ,, Sp. T*1. 9. 1753. "Habitat in Vir-

ginia." Grown in the Cliffond- garden.

Veronicastrum album Aloench, Meth. 437. 1794. "

Veronica virginica L."

Calistachya alba Raf. in Med. Repos. N. Y. H. Hex.
5:352. 1808.
Based on Veronica virginica L. Type of Calistachya
Raf., not Callistachys Vent., 1804.
Leptmidra virginica (L.) Nutt. Gen. N. Am. PI. i: 7. 1818.
Type of Leptandra Nutt.
Eiistachya alba (Raf.) Raf., Cat. 14. • 1824. Eustachya
Raf. in Am. Mo. Mag. 4: 190. 1819, was a new name
for Calistachya Raf. Preoccupied by Eustachys Desv.,
Leptandra alba Raf. Med. Fl. 2: 21. 1830. "The true
V. virginica of L The most common species
being found all over the United States."
Paederota virginica (L.) Torr., Fl. N. Y. 2: 44. 1843.
Calistachya virginica (L.) Farwell in Mich. Acad. Sci. Rep.
17: 176. 1915.
Veronicastrum virginicum (L.) Farwell, Drugg. Circ. 61
231. 1917.
[No. 8, Vol. 19, of Torreya, comprising pp. 143-159. was issued Sept. 17, 1919]


Varying, in number of leaves in whorl (five, reducing to four

or three), in inflorescence of one or several racemes, and in
leaves from lanceolate to nearly ovate, pubescent to nearly or
quite glabrous beneath.
Flowering from mid-July to early September, and soon ripen-
ing fruit.
Sandy or loam soil, swales and moist meadows, in potassic,
magnesian and calcareous soils, frequent above the Fall-line;
in western Long Island, and occasional in Middle district of

New Jersey. Ranges from Connecticut and Ontario to Missis-

sippi, Minnesota and Texas.

Veronica L. Sp. PI. 9. 1753

Type species, Veronica officinalis L., of Europe.
Flowers solitary, axillary, frequently approximating
so as to form a terminal raceme. Leaves alter-
nate through the inflorescence.
Filaments not exceeding the lobes of the corolla.
Bracts leaf-like or slightly reduced. Plants
less than 3 dm. tall.
Pedicels longer than the sepals, usually exceed-
ing the bracts. Sepals' ovate. Capsule
turgid. Seeds few, 1.3-3 mm. long, con-
vex-arched, roughened. Leaves petioled
(rarely the uppermost sessile), primarily
palmately 5-7 nerved, mid vein
usually with some radiating pinnate
veins; mainly alternate, the lower some-
times opposite.
Leaves broadly cordate, 3-5 lobed, the
lobes rounded. Sepals broadly ovate,
conspicuously ciliate. Capsule verj^
turgid, scarcely notched at apex, only
slightly 2-lobed. Seeds 2.5-3 mm. long,
blackish. i. V. hederaefolia.
Leaves ovate, serrate to dentate. Sepals
more shortly ciliate. Capsule slightly
flattened, deeply notched at apex, thus
strongly two-lobed. Seeds 1.3-1.5
mm. long, brown.
Petals not exceeding the ovate sepals.
Capsule-lobes rounded, the most
distal point of each about midway
between the style and the lateral
margin. 2. V. agreslis.

Petals exceeding the narrowly ovate

sepals. Capsule-lobes acutish, the
most distal point of each near the
lateral margin. 3. V. Tourneforlii.
Pedicels shorter than sepals or bracts. Sepals
linear to narrowly ovate. Capsules
flattened. Seeds many, less than i mm.
long, flat, smooth or nearly so. Leaves
sessile (or the lower petioled), scarcely
palmate; alternate only through the
Perennials. Repent, with ascending stems.
Leaves oval or ovate, obscurely cre-
nate. Inflorescence spike-like, re-

stricted to the distal portion of the

stem. Sepals ovate. Corolla blue
or white, with deep-blue lines on
posterior side. Capsule retuse or
shallowly notched, glandular-pubes-
Leaves prevailingly oval. Stems dis-
tally and pedicels minutely pubescent
with appressed hairs. Corolla 2 mm.
long, white, with blue lines on pos-
terior side. 4. V. serpyllifolia.
Leaves prevailingly ovate. Stems dis-
tally and pedicels finely pubescent
with mostly spreading hairs. Corolla
3 mm. long, blue on posterior side,

anterior lobe nearly white; with deep-

blue lines on posterior side. 5. V. ruder alts.
Annuals. Erect, much branched below.
Most leaf-axils flower-bearing. Se-
pals lanceolate to linear. Capsule
deeply notched.
Lower stem-leaves ovate, crenate-ser-
rate, the lowermost frequently pet-
ioled. Corolla deep violet-blue.
Capsule pubescent with slightly
gland-tipped hairs. Plant pubescent
with glandless hairs. 6. V. arvensis.
Lower stem-leaves oblanceolate, entire
or distally remotely toothed, all
sessile. Corolla whitish through-
out. Capsule glabrous. Plant
glabrous or with short gland-
tipped hairs.
Stem glabrous. 7. V. peregrina.

Stem pubescent witit gland-tipped

hairs. 7a. V. peregrina xalapensis
Filaments much exceeding the lobes of the corolla.
Bracts linear, abruptly reduced from the lanceo-
late foliage-leaves. Plants 6-10 dm. tall.

Perennial. 8. V. longifolia.
Flowers all in axillary small-bracted racemes. Leaves
opposite throughout. Perennials.
Stem, pedicels, leaves and sepals pubescent. Cap-
sules pubescent. Leaves oval or ovate,
serrate to dentate. Plants of dry soil.

Leaves sessile or nearly so, ovate, dentate, the

largest cordate at base. Sepals 4-5 mm.

long, linear-lanceolate, exceeding the
capsule. Capsule not glandular, its

lobes broadly rounded. Ascending or

Stem erect, 3-5 dm. tall. Leaves coarsely.
dentate. Racemes 30-60 flowered, the
pedicels scarcely exceeding the bracts.
Largest corolla-lobes ovate, 6 mm. long,
violet. 9. V. Teucrium.
Stem ascending, dm. tall. Leaves
crenately dentate. Racemes 10-20
flowered, the pedicels much exceeding
their bracts. Largest corolla-lobes
nearly orbicular, 3.5-4 mm. long, violet-
blue. 10. V. Chamaedrys.
Leaves oval, crenate-serrate, narrowed to a
petiolar base. Sepals 2-3 mm. long, lanceo-
late, shorter than the capsule. Capsule
glandular, the most distal point being near
the lateral margin of each lobe. Exten-
sively repent, at apex ascending. II. V. officinalis.
Stem, pedicels, leaves and cepals glabrous (or in
V. glandifera slightly pubescent with gland-
tipped hairs). Capsules glabrous. Leaves
oblong-ovate to linear, obscurely crenate-
serrate to entire. Aquatics.
Capsule scarcely or not wider than long, and
scarcely or not two-lobed. Sepals equal-
ing the capsule. Leaves oblong-ovate to
broadly lanceolate, obscurely crenate-
Leaves all pctiolcd. Racemes usually 10-
25 flowered. Plant emersed. 12. V. americana.
Leaves sessile and clasping (or only the
upper or lowermost petioled). Ra-

ccmcs usually longer, 25-50 flowered.

In deeper water, usually mostly sub-
Stem and pedicels gla-
distally, rachis
brous. Leaves oblong-ovate, mostly
broadest about the middle, the low-
est, especially if submersed, narrow-

ing to a petiolar base. Capsule

globose-ovoid, not or scarcely cmar-
ginate. 13. V. BriUonii.
Stem distally, rachis and pedicels
sparsely pubescent with glands, borne
upon jointed stalks. Leaves lanceo-
late, broadest near the base, the low-
est submersed ones elongated-lanceo-
late, clasping. Capsule broad-glo-
bose, emarginate. 14. V. glandifera.
Capsule much wider than long, strongly two-
lobed. Sepals shorter than the capsule.
Leaves linear or nearly so, remotely setace-
ous-toothed to entire. 15. V. sciUellala.

1. Veronica hederaefolia L.
Occasionally introduced into waste ands, mostly near cities.

From Eurasia.

2. Veronica agrestls L.
Occasionally introduced into waste land, mostly near cities..

From Eurasia.

3. Veronica Tournefortii C. C. Gmel.

Veronica precox Raf. Atl. Journ. 79. 1832. "Grown in
the [Bartram's Botanic] Garden [near Philadelphia]
from seeds received from a place unknown; but has spread
all over the garden like a weed, and even become spon-

taneous on the banks of the Schuylkill." Not V. praecox

All., 1789.

Veronica diffusa Raf., New Fl. Am. 4: 38. 1838. "Native

of naturalized on the Schuylkill near Philadel-
phia." Re-naming of V. precox Raf.
Occasionally introduced into waste land. From Eurasia.

4. \'eronica serpyllifolia L.
Common in moist grassy soil, meadows, fields and lawns.
From Eurasia.

5- Veronica RUDERALis Vahl, Enum. PI. 1 : 66. 1805. "Habi-

tat in ruderatis versuris et humidis locis frigidis Peruviae."
Type not seen nor verified, but specimens from Ecuador
and those collected by the writer in Colombia show the
identity of this with the plant here considered.
This is the plant identified in the seventh edition of Grays
Manual as Veronica humifusa Dickson. This species, published
in Trans. Linn. Soc. 2: 288. 1794, and found by James Dickson
on "very high mountains of Scotland," was described by him
as a plant wholly prostrate, with cordate-subrotund minutely
scabrous leaves which often occur in threes or fours, and with
a short raceme of a few crowded flowers. Whatever this may
be, it surely cannot be our plant.
Veronica ruderalis appears to be the most cosmopolitan species
of the genus, and doubtless V. serpyllifolia must be considered
as a Palaearctic derivative from it. It is a boreal or mountain
species through Eurasia and the Americas. One European
description which I have had no opportunity to see, that of
Veronica neglecta F. W. Schmidt,
Fl. Boem. i: 12. 1794, may
give a name which must supersede ours. This is identi-
fied by Koch, Syn. Fl. Germ. & Helv. 529. 1837, as a larger
'Dvate-leaved form of V. serpyllifolia. However in the fifth

(Hallier's) edition of the Flora von Deutschland of Schlechten-

•dahl and Others, 17: 150, while this is similarly characterized,

the glandular-pubescent plant is distinguished as var. borealis

Laestad. So it would appear safer to consider neglecta as but
a robust state of the appressed-pubescent serpyllifolia.

I agree with Prof. Fernald, in Rhodora 4: 194. 1902, that

"the evidence at hand indicates that this large-flowered variety
is the only indigenous form of V. serpyllifolia in Northeastern

America." I judgment as expressed in the Grays

follow his later
New Manual, and in Rhodora 13: 124. 191 1, in according this
specific rank. However I see no basis for the decision of the
new Gray that serpyllifolia is likewise indigenous. Its occur-

rence -in North America is south of the region normally occupied

by species common to both this continent and Europe.
Apparently this has been collected in our range by C. F.

Austin in Sullivan Co., Xcw York in i860. It was labeled by

him "large form."
6. Veronic.\ arvensis L.
Common in cultivated soil. From Eurasia.
7. Veronica peregrixa L. Sp. PI. 14. 1753. "Habitat in
Europae hortis, ar\isque." Described, as the specific name
would suggest, from specimens of an introduced plant.
Certainly American in origin, but it is difficult or impossible
to say of what portion of this hemisphere it is indigenous. An
abundant weed in moist cultivated soil.
7a. Veronica peregrina xalapensis (H. B. K.) Pennell, comb,
Veronica xalapensis H. B. K., Nov. Gen. et Sp. 2: 389.
1 81 7. "Crescit in Regno Mexicano prope Xalapa
(alt. 630 hex.), in nemoribus Liquidambaris Styraci-
Occasional in cultivated soil. In the western half of the conti-
nent this glandular-pubescent plant completely replaces true
peregrina. In the east it is only occasionally seen, and that
probably as an introduction. Intergradation to the species
seems to be complete.
8. Veronica longifolia L.
Rare in From
waste land. Eurasia.
9. Veronica Teucrium L.
Rare in grass or waste land. From Eurasia.
10. Veronica Chamaedrys L.
Occasional in grass land. From Eurasia.
iL. Veronica officinalis L.
Common and waste lands. In colonial times
in pasture fields
this was grown as a medicinal plant, and very early became es-
tablished as if From Eurasia.
12. Veronica Americana Schwein.
Veronica Beccahiingi americana Raf., Med. Fl. 2: 109.
1830. " It grows from Canada to Virginia and Kentucky,
near water, brooks, &c."
Veronica americana Schwein.; Benth. in DC, Prod. 10:
468. 1846. "Veronica americana (Schweinitz! m^ss.)

• • •
. In America boreali a Canada et Carolina usque
ad flum. Oregon et in ins. Sitcha • • •
(v. s.) " Speci-
men seen in herbarium of the Academy of Natural Sci-
ences of Philadelphia, labeled "Bethl." [Bethlehem,
Pennsylvania], collected by Schweinitz, may be of collec-

tion seen by Bentham.

Flowering from late May to mid-August, and soon ripening
Springheads in woodland, and along cool streams, in potassic

soil, frequent throughout the area above the Fall-line; in nor-

thern and westernmost Long Island. Ranges from Quebec to
Alaska, south to South Carolina, New Mexico and California.
13. Veronica Brittonii Porter sp. no v.
Veronica AnagaUis latifoUa Britton in Bull. Torr. Bot.
Club 12: 49. "In the latter part of September,
1883, near Mahwah, Bergen Co., New Jersey, I
• • •

noticed [this] in a small stream which crosses the N. Y.

L. E. & W. R. R., half a mile or so north of the station."
Type seen in herbarium of Columbia University at the
New York Botanical Garden.
Stem 3—9 dm. long, glabrous, succulent, hollow. Leaves
oblong-ovate to oval, acute, crenate-serrate to nearly entire,
5-10 cm. long, 3-5 cm. wide, clasping, the lowest narrowed to
a petiolar base. On autumnal shoots all the leaves are ovate
and definitely petioled. Racemes axillary to the upper leaves,
6-12 cm. long, 40-60 flowered. Bracts narrowly lanceolate,
4-5 mm. long. Pedicels 3.5-4.5 mm. long, glabrous. Sepals
3-3.5 mm. long, lance-ovate, acute. Corolla 4 mm. long, with
a few hairs within throat, pale-blue, paler anteriorly, with longi-
tudinal reddish-violet lines. Capsule 3-3.5 mm. long, globose-
ovoid, acutish. Seeds .4 mm. long, oval, yellow-brown.

Type, base of Marble Hill, above Phillipsburg, New Jersey,

collected in flower and fruit June 24, 1892, T. C. Forter; in her-
barium Columbia University at the New York Botanical Garden.
This specimen shows the summer state. Specimens collected
at the same station October 9, 1892, show excellently the autum-
nal condition.
In the herbarium of Columbia University is a manuscript

description by Dr. Thomas C. Porter, the diagnosis of which

includes such field knowledge as to make it worth quoting in
full: "Veronica Brittonii, n. sp.
" (V. Aiia»allis L., var. latifolia Britton). Glabrous, perennial,
growing in shallow, shaded rivulets; In its summer state (June),
the stems are erect, simple or branching, 2 to 3 feet high, round,
often half an inch in diameter, succulent, fistular, brittle; the

leaves ovate or obl()ng-o\-ate, variable in size, 2 to 3 inches in

length, more or less clasping at base, the lowest pair sometimes
contracted into short petioles; racemes numerous, many-flowered.
In its autumn-state (October), the stems are procumbent at
base and rooting at the joints, rarely producing racemes of
flowers; the leaves large, orbicular, i^ to 2 inches in diameter,
abruptly narrowed into broadly margined petioles, )4 to an
inch long, shining, thickish when fresh, with prominent veins
beneath, thin when dried, crenulate, those of the slender branches
similar but much smaller, petioles of the uppermost very short
or wanting. Inflorescence, fruit and seeds scarcely to be dis-
tinguished from those of V. and V. Beccahiinga;
flowers pale blue, the three large lobes marked with reddish
stripes; capsules orbiculate, acutish." Then follow citation of
specimens from northeastern Pennsylvania and northwestern
New Jersey, and considerable interesting comment.
From a series of letters of Dr. Porter to Dr. Britton, the
history of the former's interest in this plant may be traced. It
commenced with finding on October i, 1891 at Pot Rock, near
Easton, Pennsylvania, a colony of the autumnal petioled-leaved
form. On the 5th he wrote of having visited a colony of the
plant in "the little run beside the tavern above Pot Rock,"
a station whence in "in midsummer two or three years ago"
he had obtained "a very different form." The plant was abund-
ant, and exactly that of the first discovery. On the 12th, Dr.
Porter was "fully convinced that this plant is genuine V. Bec-
cahiinga, L.,"and accordingly sent a note for the Torrey Bulletin
to urge this opinion. He had even convinced himself of its
introduction from the Old World. But for us the most interest-
ing paragraph of this note is that contrasting the autumnal
state of this plant with Veronica americana:

" Veronica Americana Schwein., a nearly allied species, which

has likewise petioled leaves, was growing with it in some places,

but its procumbent, far less robust stems and its smaller, ovate
or lance-ovate, sharply serrated leaves furnished a striking con-
trast. In seeing them thus together even an unpracticed eye
could not have failed to distinguish the one from the other.
Intermediate forms were wholly wanting, so that the conjecture
that it either must be an abnormal growth of that species, or

a new variety is wide of the mark."

Flowering from late May to early October, and soon ripening

"Shallow shaded rivulets," through Piedmont Region above

the Fall-line, western Connecticut to Northeastern Pennsylvania;
reported by Porter from Franklin County, Pennsylvania, and
seen from Keweenaw County, Michigan, collected July 8,

1 91 5 by 0. ^. Farwell 4003
Connecticut.* Litchfield: North Canaan, E. B. Harger
6238 (A).
New York, Greene: New Baltimore, N. Taylor 128Q (Y).
Queens: Flushing, /. A. Bisky (E, Y) ;
Jamaica (Y). Rockland:
Spring Valley (Y) ; Tappan, W. H. Leggett (Y).
New Jersey. Bergen: Carlstadt (Y); Carlton Hill, G. V.
Nash 244 (Y) ; Mahwah (Y) . Hunterdon banks : of Delaware
River above Stockton, C. S. Williamso7i (A). Passaic: Passaic,
E. W. Berry (Y). (P) Warren: Flatbrookville, (A); Manunka
Chunk, Phillipsburg, T. C. Porter (A, Y).
Pennsylvania. Northampton: Pot Rock, etc., near Easton,
T. C. Porter (A, P, Y) Johnsonville (A) Martins Creek (A)

Riverton (A).
14. Veronica glandifera Pennell sp. nov.

Flowering stem 3-9 dm. long, glabrous or distally glandular-

pubescent. Leaves lanceolate, acuminate, more or less serrate,
* Localities for specimens seen are grouped by counties, and these listed in

alphabetic sequence.
Herbaria cited : A. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia.
E. Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Brooklyn.
P. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia.
Y. New York Botanical Garden, New York.
7-IO cm. lonji. 1.2-2.5 <^"'"- ^vidc, all clasping, the lowest sub-
mersed ones elongated. Racjmes axillary to the upper leaves,
10-20 cm. long, 30-60 flowered. Bracts narrowly lanceolate,
4-6 mm. long. Pedicels 3-6 mm. long, glandular-pubescent
with scattered hairs. Sepals 3-4 mm. long, lanceolate, acute to
acuminate. Corolla about 3 mm. long, not seen fresh. Cap-
sule 2.5-3 mm. long, 3-3.5 mm. broad, broad-globose, emargi-
nate. Seeds .4 mm. long, oval, yellow-brown.
Type, vicinity of Suffolk, Nansemond County, Virginia,
collected in flower and fruit May 27, 1893. .Y. L. Britton and
J. K. Small: in herbarium Columbia University at the New York
Botanical Garden.
Flowering from late May to late July, and soon ripening

Shallow flowing streams, mainly m calcareous soil, through the

lower Piedmont from the Delaware valley southwestsvard.*
Ranges from Xew Jersey to North Carolina, Minnesota and
New Jersey. Warren: Warrenville, C. S. Williamson (P).
Pexn'sylvania. Bucks: Rockhill, A. MacElivee (A); Sellers-

ville (A). Chester: West Chester, IT'. Z)ar/iw^/o« (A, Y). Lan-
caster: Swamp, /. K. Small (Y). Montgomery:

Conshohocken (A) Manayunk, Shannonville /. Crawford (A)


Philadelphia: East Park (Pj /. C. Martindale (A). Wayne

Junction (A).
15. Veronica scutellata L., Sp. PI. 12. 1753. "Habitat in

Europae inundatis."
Flowering from late May to September, and soon ripening

Swales and along streams, through the area above the Fall-
line, becoming common northward. Ranges from Newfound-
land to Yukon, south to Virginia, Wyoming and California;
also through Eurasia.
{To he continued)
* In the herbarium of the Charleston Museum, Charleston, South Carolina, is a
sheet of glandifera bearing the inscription "Marl indicator!! Va. M. T." Dr. Barn-
hart identifies this comment as that of Michael Tuomey, a teacher in \'irginia, who
afterward became State Geologist of South Carolina, My only finding of this
plant has been on limestone at Natural Bridge. Virginia, Pennell q8o2.

By Brother Leon

Sida Brittoni Fr. Leon, sp. nov.

Perennial; stems hirsute-strigose, diffusely branched at the
base, prostrate, 3 to 4 dm. long, the branches ascending or pros-
trate; leaves oblong to elliptic or obovate, rounded at apex,
serrate above the middle, i to 2 cm. long, 4 to 9 mm. wide,
subcordate at base, long-ciliate, hirsute on both surfaces, with
long scattered stellate hairs beneath; petioles 4 to 7 mm. long;
stipules linear or somewhat spatulate, long-ciliate, little longer
than the petioles; flowers clustered at the end of the branches;
pedicels shorter than the subtending petioles; calyx 5-lobed,
5 mm. long, its lobes ovate, acute, long-ciliate, slightly longer
than the tube, densely hirsute within; petals yellow, about 13
mm. long, puberulent; style-branches 5, red, slender, 4 mm.
long; carpels 5, 2.7 mm. long, puberulent, sharply reticulate-
wrinkled, 2-pointed at apex, i-seeded, partially 2-valved; seed
3-angled, 2 mm. long, brown, filling the cavity.
Dry savanna, Chirigota, Pinar del Rio, Leon & Roca 'J466.
This species was collected by the writer in company with
Father Modesto Roca Masden, on x'\ugust 9, 191 7, in the savanna
of Chirigota, near Santa Cruz de los Pinos, Pinar del Rio pro-
vince.* This locality is well known to the botanists who have
studied the flora of Cuba, a number of rare plants having been
collected there by Charles Wright, who, for several years, had
his quarters not very far away, at Retiro, at the foot of the
western mountain range.
North of the road which connects Havana with Pinar del
Rio, lies the higher and drier portion of the Chirigota savanna.
In its gravelly soil more or less mixed with grains of limonite,
is growing a palm (Sabal sp.) closely related to the palmetto of
the southeastern States, and, among lower plants, Sporoholus
indicus is predominant in many places. In that environment,
* The following specimens from other localities arc in the herbarium of The
New York Botanical Garden: pine-woods, Herradura (Earle 748); royal palm
savanna, Herradura (Brillon, Earle &» Gager 6342); coastal plain near Coloma
(Brilton &» Gager 6oq6). The plant is also in the herbarium of Columbia I'nivcr-
sity, as found by Charles Wright (2046), presumably in Pinar del Rio, and this
was the collection recorded by Grisebach as Sida ciliaris L. —F. W. Pennell.
1 7;}

thi' plant on whicli tlu- new species is based attracted (jur atten-
tion by abundant and hirsute foliage and its relatively large

yellow perhaps the most showy of all Cuban Sidas.


The specimens collected had been at first tentatively referred

to Sida ciliaris L., man\- characters being common to both
species: Stems prostrate, hirsute-strigose, diffusely branching
at base; leaves crenate or serrate above the middle; flowers clus-
tered at the end of branches; long-ciliate linear or spatulate
stipules. Remembering how the living plant differed in aspect
from S. ciliaris I thought it likely to be a distinct species.
In fact a more accurate observation revealed a number of dis-
tinct characters. At first sight, the mode of branching and the
distribution of leaves appear very different; in 6". Brittoni the
numerous stems which branch only near the base and have
their nodes approximate, are leafy and nearly simple most of their
length, while in 5. ciliaris the stems, shorter and thinner and
with relatively long internodes bran^rh repeatedly throughout
and most of the leaves are crowded near the extremites of the
branches and around the inflorescence.
Among other differences are the following: 5. Brittoni has the
leaves hirsute on both surfaces, the corolla yellow, the style-
branches red and 4 mm. long, the top of the fruit puberulent
and sharply reticulate-wTinkled in S. ciliaris the leaves are

glabrous on tb^ upper surface and stellate-pubescent beneath,

the smaller corolla reddish purple, the style-,branches pale
yellow-, 2 mm. long, the top of the fruit tubercled and stellate-

As to the habitat it appears to be also different, Sida ciliaris

being mostly confined to the sandy or rocky limestone soil of

coastal thickets and adjacent hillsides.

This species is named in honor of Dr. Nathaniel Lord Britton,
who has contributed so much to the knowledge of the Cuban

CoLEGio DE La Salle,
Vedado, Habana.


By James C. Nelson

The Pacific Northwest, by which rather elastic term may be

understood the region extending from the northern boundary of
Cahfornia to Prince William Sound, Alaska, and including the
present States of Oregon and Washington and the Province of
British Columbia, has been a fruitful field for botanical research
since the days of Archibald Menzies, and still afifords ample
opportunity for scientific investigation. Not only does it possess
a vastand diversified flora, with many species of restricted range
and habitat, but there exists a marked tendency toward vari-
ability, indicating that in* this geologically recent portion of
the continent, the process of evolution is still active also in the
plant world, and affording strong support to the upholders of
the "mutation" theory. As a result of this tendency to varia-
tion, the limits of many species are not yet defined, and the
relatively few students of the native flora have found themselves
unable to cover the field adequately, so that anything like a
comprehensive treatment of the flora of the entire region has
not yet appeared. The rapid introduction of foreign species,
which find in our genial climate and fertile soil conditions almost
ideal for their speedy naturalization, still further complicates
the situation. The Flora of Howell, that indefatigable pioneer,
whose lack was compensated for by a bound-
of scientific training
less enthusiasm and a keen and accurate power of observation,

has now become almost obsolete, so that the present-day student

of the Northwest flora is compelled to have recourse to a com-
paratively scanty list of local manuals, of very uneven scientific

merit. It is a matter for congratulation therefore that Professor

Henry has given to the scientific world in his recent manual*
* Henry, Joseph Kaye. Flora of Southern British Cohimbia and Vancouver
Island. Toronto: W. J. Gage & Co. Ltd. 1915. Pp. 3O3. $1.00.

the result of his long and careful stu(l>- of the Northwest flora.
The hook has been adopted for use by the schools of the Province,'
and in fact grew out of Professor Henry's desire to provide for
>'OUthful students of the local flora a guide such as in his own
youth he was unable to secure. The limitations of a school
text have of course made it impossible for him to enter into
technical taxonomic discussions, to give detailed statements
of geographical range, or to confirm the included species by lists
of specimens examined; but the descriptions are full and accurate,
the keys carefully constructed, and a considerable number of
new species and varieties are added to those already known to

The author displays a sound and sane conservatism, and has

not looked with fa\"or on the minuter classification of the Xorth
American Flora. The tendency toward excessive subdivision
of genera and multiplication of species has gone very far in the
last two decades, and must, to use Professor Henry's words,

"soon give place to the broader conception of what the 'lumper'

considers constitutes a species." We accordingly find that
many recently proposed genera are restored to their original
position. Piperia and Limnorchis are replaced in Habenaria,
Batrachiiim in Ranunculus, Gormania in Sedum, Comarum,
Dasiphora, Argentina and Drymocallis in Potentilla, Sieversia in
Geiim, Anogra and Onagra in Oenothera, Oxycocciis in Vaccinium,
Harrimanella in Cassiope, Collomia in Gilia, Thalesia in Orohanche,

Rapuntium in Lobelia, Eucephalus and Machaeranthera in Aster,

and Ptilocalais in Microseris. Perhaps an excess of conservatism
is shown in the return of Schizonotus to Spiraea and Navarretia

to Gilia; but on the whole the tendency is toward a thoroughly

sane conception of taxonomic relations. This is further illus-

trated by the refusal to recognize the recent union of Papaver-

aceae with Fumariaceae and Lobeliaceae with Campanulaceae,
or the attempt to segregate Rosaceae into a group of too-closely
related families. The nomenclature is throughout that of the
International Rules, in strong contrast to the prevailing tendency
among Western botanists to adopt the provincialities of the so-
called "American" Code. While the Rules adopted at Vienna

are far from being adequate, they still represent the only method
by which a satisfactory nomenclature can ever be attained, that
of international agreement: and the attempt of any nation to
herd by itself in these matters cannot hope for any greater success
than the proposal of the " f ree-silverites " in the matter of a
monetary standard.
Perhaps a more just estimate of the scope and value of Pro-
fessor Henry's work may be attained by comparing it with
another manual covering an adjacent field. In 1906 Professor
C. V. Piper published a Flora of Washington (Contr. U. S. Nat.
Herb., Vol. XI), which still remains in many ways a model of
scientific accuracy and thoroughness. Since Washington ad-
joins British Columbia on the south, considerable resemblance
between the floras of thetwo regions would be expected, and the
majority of the species mentioned in the one manual might with
reason be looked for in the other.
A glance at the map, however, will show that this expectation
of similarity must not be carried too far. Washington extends
240 miles south of British Columbia; and no tendency in plant-
distribution is more marked than the increase in the number of
species away from the arctic regions and toward the tropics.
The distinctively Californian flora which extends northward
through Oregon and into Washington with a steadily diminish-
ing number of representatives, seems to have reached its northern-
most limit, in the case of the vast majority of species, in the
neighborhood of a boundary which coincides more or less roughly
with that of southern British Columbia. What may be termed
the Alaskan or sub-arctic flora in like manner seems to have
reached the limits within which it may be called dominant some-
where north of the 49th parallel; and although many of its mem-
bers continue southward in the Rockies, this region lies too far
eastward of the eastern boundary of W^ashington to have much
influence on the flora of that state.
The exact limits of Henry's manual are not very clearly de-
fined to the northward. In his own words, "The region covered
is mainly the southern part of the province extending from Van-
couver Island to the Rockies, with a rather indefinite northern

liiiiil, to about the Skecna." Since the valley of the Skeena,

with its emi)()uchiire at Prince Rupert in latitude 54"^, does not
cross the entire breadth of the Pro\ince, but is replaced on the
eastern slope by the valley of the Peace and its tributaries, it

becomes somewhat difficult to fix an exact northern But limit.

in any case the territory covered by manual cannot be less


than twice as large as the State of Washington, and extends far

enough to the east to take in the entire western slope of the
Rocky IMountain region, which lies far to the eastward of any
part of the State of Washington, so that the casual observer
would not unreasonably assume that of the two Floras, Henry's
would surpass Piper's in the total number of species. But over
against this hasty generalization must be set the fact, not only
of the steady increase of species from the poles toward the
equator, but the further consideration that the Upper Sonoran
Zone, which dominates the semi-arid portion of eastern Washing-
ton, and which is remarkably rich in number of species, is very
scantily represented in the Province, extending but a short
distance into the central plateau along the valley of the Okanogan.
More than this, Washington is characterized by an endemism
that is far less marked in the part of British Columbia under
consideration. The number of species that ha\"e been reported
from their t>'pe-locality only is surprisingly large; the Olympics,
the \A'enatchee Mountains, and Mount Rainier are all charac-
by a strongly local flora; and the general region of the
Columbia Gorge, including the greater part of the Columbia
Valley from the Great Falls at Celilo to the sharp northward
bend of the river at Pasco, contains a surprisingly large number of
species with a very restricted local range. Xo such marked
tendency to endemism seems to be displayed in any part of
British Columbia. W'hile the flora of \'ancouver Island is

perhaps the richest in species of local occurrence, and while

there is a well-defined succession of botanical areas as we ad-
\ance eastward from the region of coast forest into the dry in-

and then through a second humid belt to the subalpine


and alpine Rocky Mountain zones, the fact remains that the
tendency to diversity is less marked in British O^lumbia than in

We must not be surprised therefore to find that while the

total number of species, varieties and named forms included in
Henry's Flora is 2,359, the total enumerated b}' Piper reaches
2,511. Of this number, allowing for differences in nomenclature
and in the views held by the two authors regarding specific
limits, and excluding 28 of Henry's species that are definitely
rejected by Piper, there are common to both manuals 1,517
named forms: in other words, at least 60 per cent of all the species
mentioned are common to both districts.
In Henry's Flora there are 764 species and forms not men-
tioned by Piper; in Piper's Flora 928 not mentioned by Henry.
Doubtless if the present reviewer were thoroughly conversant
with the taxonomic history and bibliography of all these forms,
it would be possible to reduce these figures materially by detect-
ing identity in names that seem wholly unrelated; but neither
his knowledge nor the resources at his command permit such an
Retaining the above totals therefore, a few remarks may be
offered on the species which appear in but one of the two manuals.
In presenting these observations, the reviewer must presume that
both authors have covered their territory with equal thorough-
ness. In Professor Piper's Flora, the author has appended to
each species a full list of ''Specimens Examined," so that it is

possible to confirm very definitely each and ever^^ one; but the
scope of a school text-book has not permitted Professor Henry
to do this, so that a full confirmation of his species cannot be
Assuming therefore that the 764 species mentioned only by
Henry are all essentially diff^erent from any forms included by
Piper, and that their existence within his territory can be defi-
nitely confirmed, we find that they can be grouped approximately
as follows:
Two hundred and ninety-six belong to the Rocky Mountain
flora, of which at least 40 may also be regarded as Alaskan, and
21 occur also on V^ancouver Island; 130 are distinctly \'ancou\'er
Island species, including the 21 found also in the Rockies and 12
which are also Alaskan; 123 may be regarded as Alaskan, in-

eluding the 40 which occur also in the Rockies and the 12 also
on Vancouver Island; 52 species, judging from the localities indi-'
cated, are purely local (doubtless in many cases an unwarranted
assumption); 11 are mentioned without definite locality or range;
III are introduced species, of which 48 are personally known to
the reviewer as occurring in Oregon, and therefore to be expected
in the intervening territory of Washington: 50 are included and
assigned to definite Washington stations in the two recent
manuals by Piper and Beattie, the Flora of Southeastern Wash-
ington and Adjacent Idaho (1914) and the Flora of the North-
west Coast (191 5). Several others of Henry's species appear
in the last-named work, but assigned only to Canadian stations.
In addition to the above, there are 57 species which are given
a range by Henry that either explicitly refers them to Washing-
ton, or brings them so near the border that it would seem reason-
able to expect them on the other side, but which find no mention
in Piper's Flora or the two later works of w^hich he is joint author.
This comparatively small margin of discrepancy would be
doubtless further reduced by a wider knowledge of the specific
and varietal limits of these forms, and a more thorough explora-
tion of the territory.
Turning now and ex-
to the reverse side of the comparison,
aming the 928 forms included by Piper but not mentioned by
Henry, we find that they fall into several clearly-defined groups.
Beginning with those of the most restricted range and proceeding
outward, we may roughly group them as follow^s:
1. Species that have been reported from the type-locality
only, 67.
2. Species that belong to regions of marked endemism, with-
out being restricted to the original station:
In the Olympics, 15
On Mount Rainier, 8
In the Wenatchee Mountains, 21
In the Columbia Gorge and
Klickitat County, 96.
3. Species occurring only in Washington, without restric-

tion to one of the above regions, 107.


4- Species not occurring south of Washington, but with an

eastern range, to Idaho, Montana, Colorado, etc., ']2.

5. Species occurring in Washington and Oregon only, 114.

6. Species not occurring south of Oregon, but with an east-
ward range, 67.
7. Species extending from Washington to California, Nevada
or Arizona, 364.
Of the above list, 115 are species that are definitely referred
by the author to the Upper Sonoran Zone.
The number of these Washington species which are either re-
ferred Columbia in Piper's statement of
outright to British
range, or given a range that would justify us in expecting them
in the Province, is 107, of which 19 are introduced. In both
manuals therefore, the extreme margin of probable error is not
careful study of all these differences and discrepancies leads
to two conclusions:
1. That Washington, partly because of the different climatic

conditions due to its more southern position, and partly because

of its topography, is a region of more marked endemism than
British Columbia.
2. That although boundaries are usually wholly

without significance determining plant-distribution, the 49th

parallel seems to come very near to a line that marks the extreme
northward dominance of the Californian flora on the one hand,
and the extreme southern extension of the Alaskan or sub-arctic
flora on the other. As far as the introduced plants are concerned,
their occurrence or non-occurrence is a matter of very slight"
significance, since their establishment at any particular station
is usually the result of pure accident, and no obstacle to their
further spread will usually exist. Some further details of the
differences between the two Floras may be of interest.
Fifty-five genera represented in Henry are not found in Piper,
but 30 of these include only introduced species (among these
Ulmus with 3 species, Dianthus, Cynosurus and Vinca with 2
each, and 26 others with one each). Androsace with 4 species is
the largest indigenous genus not represented in Piper, next come
Limnanthes and Primula with 2 each, and 22 others with one each.

Piper's Flora on the other hand includes 76 genera ncit men-

tioned b>' Henry, of whicii only 3 {Syntherisma, Dipsanis and
Cnicus) are introduced. The hirj2;est indigenous genus not
represented in Henry is Sitanion with 11 species. Next to this is

Capnorea with 5, Sphaerostigma and Frasera with 4, Ilemicar-

pha, Ilorkelia, Taraxia and Madronella with 3, and Parrya,
Thermopsis, Elatine, Pachylophus, Trichostema and Tonellawith 2;
59 other genera are represented by a single species.
The following table represents the discrepancies in the two
Floras in the case of a few of the larger genera, particularly of
those that reach their widest extension in the Northwest:

No. Forms No. Forms No.

in Piper in Henry Common Piper Only ! Henry Only

Poa 33 27 15 9
Carex 108 140 61 52 65
Juncus 33 31 24 10
Salix 23 39 18 7
Eriogonum 28 10 6 23 4
Polygonum 34 30 24 12 6
Ranunculus 30 34 21 9 13
Arabis 20 12 10 10 2
Saxifraga 18 32 12 7 20
Potenlilla 29 28 18 8 10
Lupiniis 35 22 15 20
Astragalus 33 19 13 20
Viola 20 23 15 6
Lomatiiim 23 II 9 15
Pentslemon 27 12 10 17
Aster ! 32 27 16 16
Erigeron 1 25 37 18 8 19
Senecio ! 31 32 17 14

These figures seem to show that in genera with a predominantly

northern range, Henry's total of local species will exceed Piper's;
while in those with a southern range the converse will be true.
In the case of Carex, about all that seems to be illustrated is

the fact that neither author had been able to make an exhaus-
tive study of the genus or arrive at any clear understanding of
its species. It is to be hoped that the much-needed clearing-
up of this difificult problem will be attained by the careful work
which K. K. Mackenzie is now doing on the genus. In matters
of form and technique, which with a few notable exceptions
remain the weak point of American authors, the reviewer re-

grets to note considerable carelessness In Professor Henry's

book. He announces in his preface his intention of capitalizing
only "some oi'd Linnean generic names still retained for species

and those derived from the names of persons"; but on the one
hand we find him writing Italica, Monspeliensls, Major, Sibiri-
cum, Beeringianum, Andina, Daviiricum, Moschatus, and on
the other convolvulus, paronychia, cymhalaria, aguifolium, malus,
parthenium as specific names.
Occasionally he overlooks the fact that under the International
Rules trinomials are not written without an indication of the
category of the third member, as subspecies, variety or forma,
and we read Popiilus nigra Italica, Anemone patens Wolfgangiana.
In general, however, the subdivisions of species are more clearly
differentiated than in Piper, whose disposition to regard the
terms "subspecies" and "variety" as identical has led to much
confusion. But Henry does not always avoid the absurdity of
identical binomials, as Phegopteris phegopteris, Hypopitys
hypopitys (misspelled in the text). Failures in grammatical
agreement are far too common, such as: Equisetum arvensis,
Equisetum variegatum var. Alaskana, Pleuropogon refractum (an
error to which most Western writers stubbornly cling), Cypri-

pedium parviflora,Gormania oreganum, Sedum rosea, Rubus

viburnifolia, Geum humilis, Acer circinatum var. fulva, Malva
moschatus, Phyllodoce glanduliflorus, Mimulus Lewisii var. alba,
Mimulus Langsdorfii var. minima, Symphoricarpos racemosa,
Aster Lindleyana, Erigeron membranaceum, Agoseris villosum.
This carelessness is the more regrettable, since several of these
blunders are found in the case of new species and varieties pro-
posed by the author!
Orthographical blunders are so common as to make us wonder
whether the author read his proof at all. In the case of generic
names we are compelled Hordum, Commandra, Hesperus,
to read:
Hypopites, Asperuga, Eriganum, Seriocarpus: and in specific
names: Poa Fenderiana, Papaver sominferum, Alyssum alysoides,
Cakile edulenta, Philadelphus Lewesii, Boykiyiia circinnata,
Potentilla monspielensis , Cymopterus terebinthus, Boschniakia
strobiliacea, Campanula rotundifolia var, petiotala, Xanthium

candense and Coreopsis Atkinsoyiia. The name of the Water-

Lily Family is spelled Nymphaceae. name appears
as "Trealease," Betckc'.s as "Betche," and Moquin is abbrevi-
ated "Mog."
In this iiiatttT of abbreviations the author seems to have pro-
ceeded on the theory that variety is the spice of life, and along
with the accepted forms he occasionally treats us to the following:
Haus. for Haussknecht, Bick. for Bicknell, Wat. for Watson, Par.
for Parlatore, Mich, for Michaux (wholly forgetting that this
abbreviation belongs to Micheli), Scrib. for Scribner, Mer. for,

Merrill, Thur. for Thurbcr, \^il. for Villars, Buck, for Buckley,
Hitch, and Hitche. for Hitchcock, Brit, for Britton, Beuth. for
Bentham, Fer. for Fernald, Englem. for Engelmann, Ren. for
Rendle, Walle. and Walls, for Wallroth.
Often the abbreviation is written without the period, as if it

were the full name, as Rosen, Lindl, Schrad, Bickn, Led, Hook,
Kaulf, Lamb, . . . On the other hand, full names are fre-

quently written as if abbreviations (Hoppe., Presl., Morong.).

Presl also appears as Prisl and Wiegand as Weigand.
The authority for species is often omitted entirely, as in the
case of
Polygonum Niittallii, which should be assigned to Small
Polygonum minimum Watson
Myosurus minimus Linnaeus
Onobrychis sativa Lamarck
Papaver somniferum Linnaeus
Medicago arahica Hudson
Erigeron filifoliics (Hooker)
Citations of authorities are frequently incorrect.
Puccinellia angustata (R. Br.) R. & R. should be (R. Br.)
Lysichiton kamtschatcense Schott should be (L.) Schott.
Corylus californica Rose should be (A. DC.) Rose.
Sagina occidentalis Green [sic] should be Wats.
Vancoiiveria hexandm M. &. C. should be (Hook.) Morr. &

Athysaniis ptisillus Greene should be (Hook.) Greene.

Cytisus scoparius Link should be (L.) Link.
Circaea pacifica Arch, [sic] should be Aschers. & Magn.
Valerianella samolifolia Haeck. should be (DC.) A. Gray.
Chrysopsis villosa Nutt. should be (Pursh) Nutt.
Such miscellaneous inaccuracies as "Fallarone Is." for Faral-
lone: "L. Her." for L'Her. and "D. C." for DC. are also encoun-
tered. The species Mo?itia parviflora appears tsvice, and M.
parvifolia as a consequence wholly disappears. After Epipactis,
"R.BR." is written where the common name is usually given.
Elsewhere authors of genera have not been cited.
A praiseworthy attempt has been made to indicate the deriva-
tion of generic names; but 141 genera are left unexplained, and
in the case of others such absurd blunders as Peramium from
''per, through, amium, love, in allusion to medicinal properties"
(no such word as "amium" exists in the Latin language), Hu-
mulus, "dim. of humus, the ground, because sometimes pros-
trate" (the root is Teutonic, and has no relation to the Latin
hunnts) and Mahastnim from " Malva and aster, a star" (when
it is simply the contemptuous diminutive) are perpetuated,
evidently all borrowed from
and Rigg's Northwest Flora,
which as a masterpiece of etymological inaccuracy can hardly
be surpassed. Nuttall and Pursh are hardly to be regarded as
"English" botanists, when their period of greatest scientific
activit}^ was spent in the United States.
In spite of these regrettable defects of form, however, the
impression left by Professor Henry's book is, that it is a praise-

worthy and valuable effort to contribute to the fuller knowledge

of the Northwest flora, and that the work has been surprisingly
well done considering that the author makes no claims to being
a professional botanist. It is only by such local studies that a
full understanding of the fascinating but difficult fiora of the
Northwest can ever be reached; and it is to be hoped that at
some future time Professor Henry may shake off the limitations
imposed by a school text, and revise his manual in strictly sci-
entific form.
Salem, Oregon

Mr. A. O. Garrett, head of the department of Botany, Salt
Lake High School, had an appointment and worked as Field
Assistant in the Blister Rust Control during the past summer.

During the early part of the year Mr. Joseph F. Rock's

Monographic Study of the Hawaiian Lobelioideae, a splendidly
illustrated quarto volume, was issued by the Bernice Pauahi
Bishop Museum, Honolulu.

The United States National Museum has volume

just issued as
21 of its Contributions a Flora of the District of Columbia by A.
S. Hitchcock and Paul C. Standley. The authors had the assist-
ance of the botanists of Washington in the undertaking. Over
1600 species and 649 genera are noted in the book, which treats
of the species growing in the District and their distribution.

Mr. Camillo Schneider, after spending several years in this

country and naming the willow collections in most of the larger
herbaria of the country, sailed for Vienna on September 3.

Dr. Carl Skottsberg has assumed the directorship of the new

botanical garden at Goteborg, Sweden.
The Torrey Botanical Club
Contributors of accepted articles and reviews who wish six gratuitous copies
of the number of Torreya in which their papers appear, will kindly notify the
editor when returning proof.
Reprints should be ordered, when galley proof is returned to the editor. The
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Covers: 25 for $1.00, additional covers 1}4 cents each.
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Committees for 1919.

Finance Committee Program Committee

R. A. Harper, Chairman. Mrs. E. G. Britton, Chairman.
J. H. Barnhart, Prof. Jean Broadhurst
Miss C. C. Haynes B. O. Dodge
Sereno Stetson Michael Levine
Budget Committee F. J. Seaver

H. Barnhart, Chairman.
Membership Committee
R. A. Harper J. K. Small, Chairman.
N. L. Britton T. E. Hazen
A. W. Evans E. W. Olive
M. A. Howe Local Flora Committee
H. H. RusBY N. L. Britton, Chairman.
Field Committee Phanerogams Cryptogams:
F.W. Pennell, Chairman E. P. BiCKNELL Mrs. E. G. Brittc n
Mrs. L. M. Keeler N. L. Britton Hazen T. E.
Michael Levine C. C. Curti* M. a. Howe
George T. Hastings K.K.Mackenzie Michael Levine
Percy Wilson Norman Taylor W. A. Murrill
F. J. Seaver
Chairmen of Special Committees on Local Flora
Ferns and Fern Allies: R. C. Benedict. Lichens: W. C. Barbour
Mosses: Mrs. E. G. Britton Sphaeriaceae, Dothideaceae: H. M
Liverworts: A. W. Evans Richards
Fresh Water Algae: T. E. Hazen Hypocreaceae, Perisporieae, Plectas-
Marine Algae: M. A. Howe cineae, Tuberineae: F. J. Seaver
Gasteromycetes: G. C. Fisher Fungi-forming sclerotia: A. B. Stout
Hymenomycetes: W. A. Murrill Imperfecti: H. M. Richards, F.
Except Russula and Lactarius: Miss G. Seaver, Mel T. Cook
Burlingham Oomycetes: C. A. King
Cortinarius: R. A. Harper Zygomycetes: A. F. Blakeslee
Polyporeae: M. Levine Chytridiaceae,
Exobasidii: H. M. Richards Myxomycetes: Mrs. H. M. Richards
Rusts and Smuts: E. W. Olive Yeast and Bacteria: Prof. J. Broadhuis
Discomycetes: B. O. Dodge Insect galls: Mel T. Conk


A monthly journal devoted to general botany, established
1870. Vol. 45 published in 1918, contained 519 pages of text
and 15 full-page, plates. Price ^4.00 per annum. For Europe,
18 shillings. Dulau & Co., 47 Soho Square, London, are,
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lar intervals. Volumes i— 15 are now completed; No. i of
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$3.00 per volume in advance ; Vol. 17, containing Proceedings
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issued in 1918, price $5.00. Certain numbers can also be pur-
chased singly. A list of titles of the individual papers and df
prices will be furnished on application.

(3) The Preliminary Catalogue of Anthophyta and Pteri-

dophyta reported as growing within one hundred miles of New
York, 1888. Price, 31.00.

Correspondence relating to the above publications should be

addressed to
Columbia University
New York City
Vol. 19 October, 1919 No. 10

A Monthly Journal of Botanical Notes and News





JOHN TORREY, I796-1873.

Notes on the Grasses of Howell's Flora of Northwest America J. C. Nelson... 187

Roosevelt's Notes on Brazilian Trees 194

Shorter Notes
Helianthus Besseyi Bates T. D. A. Cockerell
: 197
The Supposed Southern Limit of the Eastern Hemlock R. M. Harper : 198
Britton and Rose's Cactaceae : The Editor 2co
News Items 203

Published for the Club

At 41 North Qwbbn Street, Lancastbr, P*..

BY Thk Nmv Era Printinc Comfanv

"Ejitered at the Post Office at Laacaster, Pa., as second-class matter.



Secretary and Treasurer

CoLiTOEBiA University. N. Y. City.

Associate Editors
Delegate to the Council of the New York Academy of Sciences
M. A. HOWE. Ph.D.

Official Organ of the Wild Flower Preservation

Society of America

ToRREYA is furnished to subscribers in the United States and

Canada for one dollar per annum; single copies, fifteen cents. To
subscribers elsewhere, five shillings, or the equivalent thereof. Postal or
express money orders and drafts or personal checks on New York City
banks are accepted in payment, but the rules of the New York Clearing
House compel the request that ten cents be added to the amount of any
other local checks that may be sent. Subscriptions are received only
for full volumes, beginning with the January issue. Reprints will be
furnished at cost prices. Subscriptions and remittances should be sent
to Treasurer, Torrey Botanical Club, 41 North Queen St., Lan-
caster, Pa., or Columbia University, New York City.

Matter for publication, and books and papers for review, should
be addressed to

Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Brooklyn, N. Y

Vol. 19 No. g
October, 1919


By James C. Nelson

Every student who makes a serious attempt to become familiar

with the flora of Washington or Oregon, must acknowledge his

obligation to the great work of Thomas Howell. The adjective

is used advisedly. When we take into account the author's
lack of scientific training, the very limited herbarium and library
resources at his command, the scarcity of congenial associates,
and the constant financial burdens under which he labored, and
then observe the total of species and forms which he was able to
recognize, the number of new species which he published, the
keenness of his observation and the soundness of his critical

judgment, we can hardly avoid the conclusion that' here was a

scientist who with better preparation and under a more favor-
able environment would have been worthy of rank with John
Torrey or Asa Gray. With all its inevitable defects, his Flora
must remain a land-mark in the history of Western botany, and
the essential soundness of his fundamental conclusions is being
vindicated daily. Nor do we detract in any way from the value
of his work, or cast any aspersion on his scientific conscience,
when we venture to point out that the Flora has from the be-
ginning been in need of revision, and has in many respects be-
come almost obsolete since its publication in 1893. Howell
himself, had he lived, would have taken full account of the
advances in botanical knowledge, and would have been the
first to suggest a revision of his Flora.
en In the course of an attempt to become familiar with the grasses
of Oregon, particularly of that part of the state included in the
[No. 9, Vol. 19 of ToRREVA, comprising pp. 161-185, was issued October 28, 1919.]


Willamette Valley, the present writer has found it necessary to

make the following notes on the Gramineae (pp. 713-781) in
his interleaved copy of Howell's Flora:

I. Species Not Included which have Since been found in

Various Localities in Oregon
1. Paspalum dilatatum Foir. On ballast at Linnton.
2. Panicum harhinode Trin. With the last.
3. Panicum pacificum Hitchc. & Chase. On gravelly prairies
and along streams throughout the Willamette Valley.
4. Panicum thermale Boland. On rocky shore of Rogue River
near Agness, Curry County.
5. Panicum miliaceum L. On rubbish-heaps about Salem.
6. Digitaria humifusa Pers. On sand-bars in the Willamette
River, and beginning to appear on lawns in Salem.
7. Phalaris minor Retz. On ballast at Linnton.
8. Phalaris paradoxa L. var. praemorsa Coss. & Dur. With
the last.

9. Phalaris hrachystachys Link. With the last.

10. Cenchrus carolinianus Walt. With the last.
11. Setaria imherhis Poir. With the last.

12. Anthoxanthum Puelii ^&coc\ Si l^SLxnotte. Not uncommon in

dry, especially alkaline, soil throughout the Willamette
13. Agrostis pallens Trin. On sand-dunes along the coast.
14. Agrostis alba L. var. maritima (Lam.) Mey. Common on
sand-dunes and in salt-marshes along the coast.
15. Cynodon Dactylon L. On ballast at Linnton, and beginning
to appear in cultivated ground about Eugene.
16. Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link. On ballast at Linnton.
17. Apera spica-venti (L.) Beauv. On a lawn at Salem.
18. Nassella chilensis Desv. On ballast at Linnton.
19. Eleusine tristachya Kunth. With the last.

20. Chloris radiata Sw. With the last.

21. Stipa littoralis Phil. With the last.
22. Stipa Lemmoni Scribn. var. Jonesii Scribn. On dry slopes
in southwestern Oregon.

23- Leptunis incurvatus Trin. On ballast, Linnton.

24. Aira capUlaris Host. On sand-bars along the Santiam

River, and in cultivated ground at Salem.
25. Deschampsia holciformis (Presl) Steud. On dry soil at
summit of ocean bluffs on Yaquina Head.
26. Avena harbata Brot. Becoming common along the rail-

road near Salem.

27. Eragrostis cyperoides (Thunb.) Beauv. On ballast at
28. Eragrostis Orcuttiana Vasey. With the last.

29. Panicularia occidentalis Piper. Common in ditches in

the region about Salem.

30. Cynosurns cristatus L. Occasional on lawns at Salem and
Eugene. C. echinatus L. is reported by Mr. \'. R. Brad-
shaw as spreading rapidly in the vicinity of Eugene.
31 Poa trivialis L. Not uncommon in shady places throughout.
32. Poa alcea Piper. In rocky woods at Elk Rock, Multno-
mah County.
33. Piicchiellia paupercida (Holm) Fern. & Weath. var. alaskana
(Scribn. & Merr.) Fern. & Weath. Not infrequent in
salt-marshes and on sea-beaches along the coast.
34. Festiica megalura Nutt. Abundant in dry soil almost
35. Festiica hromoides L. Common in cultivated ground and
along railroads.
36. Festiica rubra L. var. megastachys Gaudin. Occasional on
37. Scleropoa rigida Griseb. Around old buildings in the
business district of Salem.
38. Lolium muUiflorum Lam. Abundant in waste and culti-

vated ground everywhere.

39. Lolium perenne L. var. cristatum Doell. A single specimen
in a wooded ravine near Eola, Polk County.
40. Agropyron caesium Presl. Dry soil about light-house on
Yaquina Head.
41. Agropyron junceum Beauv. On ballast at Linnton.
42. Agropyron glaucum R. &. S. With the last.
43. Agropyron pungens (Pers.) R. & S. With the last.

II. Species Whose existence in the Territory Does Not

Seem to be Confirmed
1. Panicum capillare L. Although some of the Oregon forms
seem to approach this species, it seems best to refer them
to P. harhipulvinatum Nash.
2. Panicum pubescens Lam.
3. Panicum dichotomum L. Both of these seem referable to
P. occidentale Scribn.
4. Panicum, scoparium Lam. Evidently P. Scrihnerianum
5. Aristida fasciculata Torr. Probably A. bromoides HBK.,
and its occurrence very doubtful.
6. Melica interrupta Trin. The name seems to be incorrectly
7. Panicularia fluitans Kuntze. Probably P. leptosfachya
(Buckl.) Piper.
8. Poa glauca Vahl. An introduced species not confirmed —
by any later collector.
9. Festuca heterophylla Lam. Probably F. occidentalis Hook.
10. Elymus dasystachys Trin. Apparently not correctly applied.

III. Species whose Taxonomic Limits are now Generally

Understood Differently
1. Panicum sanguinale L. = Digitaria sanguinalis (L.) Scop.

2. Panicum crus-galli L. = Echinochloa crus-gaUi (L.) Beauv.

3. Phalaris amethystina Trin. = P. califomica Hook. & Arn.
4. Sporobohis cuspidatus Wood = vS. Richardsonii (Trin.)

5. Sporobohis depauperafus Scribn. = Muhlenbergia squarrosa
6. Sporobohis Bolanderi Vasey = Poa multnomae Piper.

7. Sporobohis gracilUmus Vasey = Muhlenbergia filiformis

8. Sporobohis simplex Scribn. = Muhlenbergia filiformis Rydb.
9. Sporobohis filiformis Scribn. = Muhlenbergia filiformis
10. Agrostis asperifolia Trin. = A. exaratn Trin.

11. Agrostis grandis Trin.= A. exarala Trin.

12. Agrostis Scolder i Trin. = .4. exarala Trin.
13. Agrostis densiflora Vasey = A. glomerata (Presl) Kunth.
14. Agrostis vertiallata Vill. = A. stolonifera L.
15. Agrostis tenuiculmis Nash = A. idahoensis Nash.
16. Agrostis Pringlei Scribn. = A. Ilallii Vasey var. Pringlei
(Scribn.) Hitchc.
17. Agrostis geminata Trin. = A. hyemalis (Walt.) BSP. var.
geminata (Trin.) Hitchc.
18. Agrostis attenuata Vasey. = A. oregonensis Vasey.
19. Agrostis scabra W'illd. = A. hyemalis (Walt.) BSP.
20. Agrostis varia7ts Trin. = A. Rossae Vasey.
21. Agrostis viresce7is HBK. Probably = A. ampla Hitchc.
22. Gastridium australe Beauv. = G. lendigerum (L.) Gaudin.
23. Cinna pendula Trin. = C. latifolia (Trev.) Griseb.
24. Calamagrostis lactea Beal = C. Langsdorfii Trin. var.
lactea (Beal) Kearn.
25. Spartina cynosuroidesWiWd. = S. Michauxiana Hitchc.
26. Stipa Ki7igiiBo]a.n6. = Oryzopsis Kingii CBoland.) Beal.
27. Stipa Bloomeri Boland. = Oryzopsis Bloomeri (Boland.)
28. Stipa oregonensis Scribn. = S. occidentalis Scribn.

29. Stipa viridua Trin. = S. minor Scribn.

30. Oryzopsis cuspidata \'asey = O. hymenoides (R. & S.)
31. Alopecuriis geniciilatus .1^. var. robiistiis Vasey = A. geni-
ciilatus L.

32. Alopecurus pallescens Piper = A. californicus Vasey.

33. Avena fatua L. var. glabrescejis Coss. = var. glabrata

*34. Avena Smithii Porter = Melica Smithii (Porter) Vasey.
35. Trisetum barbatum Steud. = Bromiis Trinii Desv.
36. Trisetum subspicatum Beauv. = T. spicatum (L.) Richter.

37. Deschampsia calycina Presl = D. danthonioides (Trin.)

* Farwell has recently established the genus Bromelica for this section of
Melica (Rhodora 21: 76-78).

38. Holciis lanatus L. = Notholcus lanatus (L.) Nash.

39. Eatonia ohtusata Gray = Sphenopholis obtusata (Michx.)
40. Eatonia pennsylvanica Gray = Sphenopholis pallens
(Spreng.) Scribn.
41. Melica hiilhosa Geyer = M. hella Piper.
*42. Melica hromoides Gray and var. Howellii Scribn. = M.
Geyeri Munro.
*43. Melica Harfordii Boland. var. minor Vasey = subsp.
tenuior Piper.
*44. Melica acuminata Boland. = M. subulata (Griseb.) Scribn.
45. Melica scahrata Scribn. = M. spectahilis Scribn.
46. Distichlis maritima Raf. = D. spicata (L.) Greene.
47. Paniculnria nervata PCuntze = Glycerin elata Hitchc.
48. Poa reflexa Vasey & Scribn. =
P. leptocoma Trin.
49. Poa incurva Scribn. & Williams = P. Sandbergii Vasey.
50. Poa occidentalis Vasey & Scribn. = P. nervosa (Hook.) Vasey.
51. Poa purpurascens Vasey = P. paddensis Williams.
52. Poa flava L. = P. triflora Gilib.
53. Poa invaginata Scribn. & Williams = P. gracillima Vasey.
54. Poa Buckleyana Nash and var. stenophylla Vasey = P.
scabrella Benth.

55. Eragrostis reptans Nees = E. hypnoides (Lam.) BSP.

56. Festuca microstachys Nutt. var. ciliata Gray = F. Grayi
(Abrams) Piper.
57. Festuca microstachys Nutt. va.r .pauciflora Scribn.
. & Vasey =
F. reflexa Buckl.

58. Festuca denticulata Beal = F. subuliflora Scribn.

59. Festuca californica Vasey = F. aristulatu (Torr.) Shear.

60. Festuca Jonesii Vasey = F. subulata Trin.
61. Festuca brevifolia R. Br. = F. ovina L. var. brachyphylla
(Schultes) Piper.
62. Festuca ovina L. var. polyphylla Vasey = F. occidentalis
63. Festuca ovina L. var. ingrata Hack. = F. idahoensis Elmer.
64. " " " " columbiajia Beal = F. idahoensis
* See note on no. 34 above.

65. Festiica ovina L. var. oregana Hack. = F. idahoensis Elmer.

66. Festiica scabrella Torr. = F. altaica Trin.

76. Festiica rubra L. var. piibescens Vasey = var. Kitaibeliana

(Schultes) Piper.
68. Festiica rubra L. var, Uttoralis Vasey = var. prtiinosa Hack.
69. Bromus racemosus L. var. commutatiis Hook. = B. com-
mntatiis Schrad.
70. Bromus hordeaceus L. var. glabrescens Shear = var. lep-

tostachys Beck.
71. Bromus Gussoni Pari. = B. villosus Forsk. and prob. var.
Gussonei Aschers. & Graebn.
72. Agropyron divergens Nees = A. spicatum (Pursh) Scribn.
& Sm.
73. Agropyron brevifolium- Scribn. = A. violacetim V^asey.

74. Agropyron Elmeri Scribn. = A. lanceolatum Scribn. & Sm.

75. Agropyron dasystachyum [(Hook.) Scribn.] var. siibvillosum
Scribn. Sm. = A. siibvillosum (Hook.) Piper.
76. Hordeum maritimum With. = H. geniculatum All.
77. Elymus saxicolus Scribn. & Sm. = Agropyron flexuosum
(Piper) Piper.
78. Elymus mollis Trin. = E. arenarius L.
79. Elymus Uttoralis Turcz. = E. arenicola Scribn. & Sm.
80. Sitanion elymoides Raf. Prob. = S. Hystrix (Nutt.) Sm..
81. Sitanion glaber J. G. Smith = 5. rigidum Sm.
82. Sitanion villosum J. G. Smith = S.jubatum Sm.
83. Sitanion Leckenbyi Piper = S. planifolium Sm.
84. Sitanion flexuosum Piper = Agropyron flexuosum (Piper)
85. Sitanion Brodiei Piper = Elymus canadensis L.
To assert that all the above changes are accepted as universally
valid is simply to assume the existence of a nomenclatorial tribu-
nal Avhose decisions are everv'where accepted as final. Since a
species is not an objective entity but a subjective concept, its

must in the end remain a matter of private judgment.

Doubtless some modern agrostologists would retain many of
Howell's names: but it is believed that the changes suggested
above approximate the present consensus of opinion regarding
specific limitations.


Theodore Roosevelt was admittedly the world's authority
on the big game mammals of North America and he was always —

greatly interested in birds but his interest in trees and plants
was not so keen. His observation of the fauna, however, did not
prevent him from giving a thought to trees, particularly when
they were striking or unusual. His book, "Through the Brazilian
Wilderness" is full of interesting references to trees.
was always the dramatic that appealed to Theodore Roose-

velt. He was interested in animals because they were full

of action. Like Roosevelt himself, they did things. Even in
his descriptions of trees it is interesting to note that it was their
dramatic element and "not still charm that usually attracted his
attention. For instances, here is a graphic description of
parasitic fig-trees engaged in strangling a group of palms. It is a
picture of still life, yet it is dramatic:
"In one grove the fig-trees were killing the palms, just as in Africa they kill the
sandalwood trees. In the gloom of this grove there were no flowers, no bushes; the
airwas heavy; the ground was brown with moldering leaves. Almost every palm
was serving as a prop for a fig-tree. The fig-trees were in every stage of growth.
The youngest ones merely ran up the palms as vines. In the next state the vine
had thickened and was sending out shoots, wrapping the palm stem in a deadly
" Some of the shoots were thrown round the stem like the tentacles of an immense
cuttlefish. Others looked like claws, that were hooked into every crevice, and
round every projection. In the stage beyond this the palm had been killed, and
its dead carcass appeared between the big, winding vine trunks; and later the palm

had disappeared and the vines had united in a great fig-tree. Water stood in
black pools at the foot of the murdered trees, and of the trees that had murdered
them. There was something sinister and evil in the dark stillness of the grove; it
seemed as if sentient beings had writhed themselves round and were strangling
other sentient beings."

Later on he gives a more cheerful picture of tropic vegetation.

"We passed through wonderfully beautiful woods of tall palms, the ouaouaca
palm —wawasa palm, as it should be spelled in English. The trunks rose tall and
* It is a pleasure to print this as a contribution to the movement to memorialize
our greatest recent American, whose untimely death removed a much needed man
of the hour. The Roosevelt Memorial Association of i Madison Avenue, New York,
has kindly allowed, through the courtesy of Mr. Roosevelt's publishers, the re-
printing of these notes on trees collected during the now famous Brazilian Ex-
pedition. Ed.

strong and slender, and tlie fronds were branches twenty or thirty feet long, with
the many long, narrow green blades starting from the midrib at right angles -in
pairs. Round the ponds stood stately burity palms, rising like huge columns with
great branches that looked like fans, as the long, stiff blades radiated from the
end of the midrib. One tree was gorgeous with the brilliant hues of a flock of
party-colored macaws. Green parrots flew shrieking overhead."

In this same book of Brazilian exploration, Colonel Roosevelt

up a stream picturesquely
gives a fascinating picture of a journey
described as the Ri\er of Tapirs." He and his party went

up this river in a launch, and the Colonel's description of the

scene reminds one of Joseph Conrad's "Heart of Darkness."

"Ahead of us," wTote the Colonel, "the brown water stream stretched incurves
between endless walls of dense tropical forest. It was like passing through a gigan-
tic greenhouse. Wawasa and burity palms, cecropias, huge figs, feathery bamboos,
strange foliage as delicate as lace, trees with buttressed trunks, trees with boles
smooth and straight to lofty heights, all woven together by a tangle of
vines,crowded down to the edge of the river. Their drooping branches hung
down to the water, forming a screen through which it was impossible to see the

bank. Rarely one of them showed flowers large white blossoms, or small red or
yellow blossoms. More often the lilac flowers of the begonia-vine made large
patches of color. Innumerable epiphytes covered the limbs, and even grew on
the roughened trunks."

There are frequent references to the wawasa palms and the

Colonel noticed on one of them, a veritable giant in height, a
mass of purple orchids growing from the side of the trunk,
half-way to the top. On another big tree, not a palm, he saw
more than a hundred troupials' nests (the troupial is the South
American oriole). He also mentions seeing palms of different
varieties with short fronds. Wild plantains were plentiful and
there were huge trees like those that grow in California.
At other times the trees would be few and far between, or
.else they would be scrubby and unprepossessing.

"Day after day; we rode forward across endless flats of grass and of low open
scrubby forest, the trees standing far apart and in most places being but little

higher than the head of a horseman. Some of them carried blossoms, white, orange,
yellow, pink; and there were many flowers, the most beautiful being the morning
gloiies. Among the trees were bastard rubber trees, and dwarf palmetto; if the
latter grew more than a few feet high their tops were torn and dishevelled by
the wind."

Members of the Roosevelt party also found many fossil-tree

trunks which the Colonel believed to be of Cretaceous age.


Here is a pretty picture that the Colonel paints:

" In the deep valleys were magnificent woods, in which giant rubber-trees towered,

while the huge leaves of the low-growing pacova or wild banana, were conspicuous
in the undergrowth. Great azure butterflies flitted through the open, sunny-
glades, and the bell-birds sitting motionless, uttered their ringing calls from the
dark stillness of the columned groves."

While going down the famous River of Doubt, now the Rio
Teodoro (River Theodore), the undergrowth was so dense that
trees leaned over the river from both banks, forming barriers,
which the men in the leading canoes cleared away with their

axes. There were many palms and the Colonel noticed a hand-
some species of bacaba. He also gives an interesting descrip-
tion of stopping at a bee-tree to get honey.

"The was a towering giant of the kind called milk-tree, because a thick
milky from any cut," he wrote. "Our camaradas eagerly drank
juice runs freely
the white fluid that flowed from the wounds made by their axes. I tried it. The
taste was not unpleasant, but it left a sticky feeling in the mouth."

He also speaks particularly about the cajazeira tree, whose

fruit he found delicious, and makes the suggestion that this fruit

would make a valuable addition to our orchards, pointing out

that, although tropical, the tree thrives when domesticated and
propagates rapidly from shoots. He advises the Department of

Agriculture to experiment and see if this tree would not grow in

Southern California and Florida.

While going down the Rio Teodoro, Colonel Roosevelt saw
many trees, the tops of which were covered with yellow-white
blossoms and red blossoms. Then he mentions a peculiarity
that demonstrates his closeness of observation

"Many of the big trees were buttressed at the base with great thin walls of wood.
Others, including both palms and ordinary showed an even stranger peculi-

arity. The trunk, near the from the ground,

base, but sometimes six or eight feet
was split into a dozen or twenty branches or small trunks which sloped outward in
tent-like shape, each becoming a root. The larger trees of this type looked as if
their trunks were seated on the tops of the pole frames of Indian tepees."

While it was the fauna more than the flora that interested

Colonel Roosevelt, as has been remarked at the beginning of this

article, nevertheless his remarkable powers of observation were

always in evidence, which lends interest to everything that he


describes, whether it is a lion charging upon him with the speed

of an express train, trees that strangled each other, or trees that-
dripped with honey when wounded. This observation was
instinctive with Theodore Roosevelt because he was a born

Heliaxthus besseyi Bates. —
Helianthus besseyi J. M.
Bates was described in American Botanist, February, 1914, p. 17,
from specimens collected at Red Cloud, Nebraska. Last spring
Mr. Bates was kind enough to send me some of the tubers, which
I planted in my garden at Boulder, May 5. The tubers are
elongate-fusiform, and yellowish. Today (September 14) the
plants are past flowering, though the closely related H. alexandri*
a few feet away, is in full bloom. The plants are about 5 feet
high when well grown, and are strict, with comparatively few
fioriferous branches, entirely in the style of alexandri. The
stems are reddish and scabrous, as in alexandri, but rougher.
Leaves opposite, alternate above, as in alexandri. Leaves
subovate, conspicuously broader than in alexandri, and some-
what paler, the bases broad-cuneate, the petioles fairly long and
distinctly winged. As in alexandri, the upper surface is rough,
the lower soft-hair>% with the hairs on the midrib appressed.
The rays are orange, as in alexandri, but are much shorter,
about 30 mm. (in alexandri 41 mm. long and 14.5 wide). The
achenes are the same in both, but the disc-corollas of besseyi are
shorter, with paler lobes. The involucral bracts are spreading,
but short (about 9 mm. long, base of involucre to end of longest
phyllary about 12 mm.), with blackish bases (entirely pale green
in alexandri), and there is the appearance of an extra row. The
leaves are entirely dull above. The plant is quite distinct from
H. nehrascensis (Ckll.), which also occurs at Red Cloud, and
although it is close to the Michigan H. alexandri, it must evi-
dently be separated from it, having a number of salient charac-
ters. It adds one more to the assemblage of closely related
species grouping around H. tuberosus.
* Helianthus tuberosus alexandri Ckll., Amer. Naturalist, LIII: i88; H. alex-
andti Ckll., Monthly Bull. Calif. State Comm. Hoiticulture, VIII: 249. (1919.)

A matter for investigation is the relationship between H. besseyi

and H. apricus Lunell, Amer. Midi. Nat, 1910, 237. The latter
species, found on the open prairie in North Dakota, differs from
besseyi by the narrower leaves, and the involucral bracts in two
rows. The description is not sufficiently detailed to permit
adequate comparisons. In the herbarium of the New York
Botanical Garden I have examined H. apricus camporum (Lunell)
from the type lot. This variety has leaves shaped as in besseyi,
but more remotely dentate, and (according to the description)
scabrous beneath. H. nitidus Lunell, from the description,
seems more like H. nebrascensis, but the rays are less than half
as long. —T. D. A. Cockerell
Boulder, Colorado

The Supposed Southerx Limit of the Eastern Hemlock. —

The common hemlock of the eastern United States — or spruce
pine as it is often called in the South Tsuga Canadensis, has
long been known to range farther south in Alabama than in any
other state. Dr. Charles Mohr knew it in this state only from
a few Winston County, at altitudes exceeding 800
localities in

feet, where was probably first made known by Judge T. ]\L


Peters about fifty years ago.* In March, 1906, I found it near

Spruce Pine, in Franklin County, f and in November, 1911,
in the northeastern portion of Marion County and at the great
natural bridge in the southwestern part of Winston County.
About tw^elve years ago a friend in Tuscaloosa wrote me that
he had seen a hemlock tree floating in the Warrior River near that
place at a time of high water, and wondered where it had come
from. The nearest known stations for it at that time were in
Winston County, about 60 miles from Tuscaloosa in a straight
line and at least 100 by water, but the tributaries of the Warrior

River there are so small and so rocky that it was hard to believe
that a tree could have floated all the way and remained recog-
nizable. The how such
facts set forth below, however, explain
a tree could have reached Tuscaloosa with a much shorter
* See Mohr's Plant Life of Alabama (1901), pp. 34, 72, 159, 208, 324, 325.

t Bull. Torrey Club 33: 524-525- 1906.

X Geol. Surv. Ala., Monog. 8: 49, 136. 1913.

On September 2, 1919, with a parl>- of xisiting geologists, I

had a boat ride on the reservoir from which water is pumped to'
most of the iron furnaces and roUing mills of the Tennessee Coal,
Iron & Railroad Co. in the vicinity of Birmingham. It was con-

structed eight or nine years ago by building a dam about 90

feet high across Village Creek just above the mouth of Venison
Creek, about three miles southwest of Adamsville, in Jefferson

County, Alabama, and about 500 feet above

in latitude 33° 34',

sea-level. This creek is a tributary of the Locust Fork of the

Warrior River, and the dam is about twelve miles from the river
by the course of the creek, which flows in a general northwesterly
On the shady side of the reservoir, with a northeasterly .ex-
posure, and also in the gorge just below the dam, we noticed
several specimens of the tree in question. I did not have time
to go down the creek below the dam, but judging from the avail-
able topographic maps conditions should be favorable for the
hemlock all the way down to the river. The whole country from
there to Tuscaloosa is in the Warrior coal field, characterized
by shaly sandstone of the upper Carboniferous. This creek,
like several other tributaries of the Locust Fork, takes its rise in

a limestone valley, but that may have little to do with the oc-
currence of the hemlock.
At one point a long-leaf pine, was noticed on
Pinus paliistris,

some of the hem-

the sunny side of the reservoir directly opposite
lock and scarcely a stone's throw away. That pine is common
on many hills and mountains in Jefferson County, and extends
inland to the northern part of Walker County,* but this is
probably the first time that its range has been recorded as over-
lapping that of Tsuga Canadensis. Incidentally, there seems to
be a wide gap between the knowm stations for the latter in Ala-
bama and those in Georgia and Tennessee, a fact not easily
explained at present. Roland M. Harker.
* See Geol. Surv. Ala., Monog. 8: 54, 140. 1913.

University, Ala.

Britton and Rose's Cactaceae*

The Andrew Carnegie, who lived only a few

recent death of
weeks after this volume was issued, recalls the publication of
Carnegiea gigantea in 1908, when the senior author first associated
the iron master with the cactus family. To many the assign-
ment of his name to the giant cactus appeared at that time a
doubtful compliment either to the cactus or to Mr. Carnegie.
It is not without interest, then, that the chief agency which he
set up for the advancement of science should have sought out
the authors of the present great volume who have abundantly
justified the wisdom of that association. For the Carnegie
Institution has issued, and the authors have prepared, the most
sumptuous botanical publication since Dyke's "The genus

The book, as was to be expected, deals with the systematic

botany of the cactus family, but more thoroughly than any other
as yet issued. The only other work of monographic pretensions
is Karl Schumann's Gesamtbeschreibung der Kakteen issued in
1903. As an illustration of the difference in the volumes,
Opuntia proper in the new book contains 254 species, in the
old one, 162. Not all of the increase is due to the newer taxon-
omy; in fact a surprising amount of it is due to exploration, and
to the consequent discovery of new kinds of prickly pears. This
group occupies the major part of the volume, and segregates
from it, with Pereskia, the whole of it. The extent of the ex-
ploration, from British Columbia to the Argentine, its com-
prehensive nature, including hundreds of the islands and keys
of the West Indies, its personnel which has included nearly all

the botanists with tropical experience in the United States and

many South American and West Indian neighbors, this
of our —
has given the authors who have done a tremendous amount of
exploration themselves, an opportunity for comparative study
* Britton, N. L. and Rose, J. N. The Cactaceae. Descriptions and Illustra-
tions of Plants of the Cactus Family. Vol. i, pp. 1-236. Plates 1-36 (many in

color), figs. 1-303. Carnegie Institution of Washington, Publication No. 248.

21 June 1919. Price $18.00.

of tlu'se puz/lini; plants, that thc\' have used to spleiKhd ad-

Detailed cominent of such a large work is obviously impossible,
but mention should be made of the scheme the authors have
followed. There are, of course, keys to the tribes, genera under
the tribes, and to the series and species where the genera are
large enough to need such subdivisions.
For each of the species there is a complete synonymy, and
where, as in Opmitia, there are 900 names known for about 250
plants this will be of great value. There follows a description of
the species, a statement of its type locality and the distribution
of it. Notes of its variants, its affinities to related species,
illustration of it and other items, complete the record of the
treatment. Very nearly all the species are illustrated by photo-
graphs of mature plants, drawings of significant parts, or by
colored illustrations of the joints or filowers or fruits. No recent
botanical work has such a wealth of illustrations, and in such
plants as the cactus, which exhibit different characters at different
periods of growth, these are of paramount value in aiding iden-

The prickly pears, comprising four fifths of the volume, are

grouped into 3 subgenera and 46 series, the characters of which
are based on a study of living plants of which the New York
Botanical Garden and the Department of Agriculture now ha\e
the largest collections known. Scores of cases of mistaken
identity, of the description of stages of one species as several, of
mistaken ideas of distribution and the other hazards due to the
difificulty of the group and early misconceptions, are now straight-
ened out. The gardener, field botanist, plant geographer and
ecologist can now find for the first time an accurate record of the
species and their distribution. Such a work and its changes
will produce shocks to the mentally well-intrenched, as for in-

stance, that the supposedly widely distributed Opuntia tuna is

actually confined to the lowlands of Jamaica; that 0. vulgaris

Mill, long supposed to be native here-abouts, does not occur in
North American except as an escape in Cuba, and many other
errors that have passed current.

An interesting tabulation could be made by those interested in

endemism on the number of prickly pears with a relatively
restricted distribution.
Scores have been found only in isolated
regions, a few scattered through neighboring cactus deserts,
still fewer of very general distribution in tropical America, of

which Opuntia ficus-indica seems to be the most ubiquitous.*

As the group is wholly American, the distribution in North or
South America, or in the West Indies, plotted out as to the apparent
centers of distribution of some of the significant species, would be
of particular interest. As a partial aid to such an understanding,
the reviewer lists the chief cactu's regions of the area covered by
the book with the number of species recorded from there by the

Southwestern United States and adjacent Mexico 63

Mexico and Central America 62
The Argentine, including Paraguaj', Uraguay & Chile 61

As between these two great centers of cactus species, for the

first two are probably inseparable, the links are very few and
scattered. The authors record only three species that are
common, as natives, to both regions and are found in the inter-
vening area. There are, of course, other prickly pears between
these two great centers as, for instance, 14 in 12 in Bolivia,
Peru, 9 in Ecuador, 7 in Brazil, 5 in Colombia, and 4 in Venezuela
and adjacent islands.
These 56 endemics nearly all, and often separated by
rain forests,seem a somewhat slender thread to stretch across the
three or four thousand miles between the northern and southern
culminations of the cactus flora. As a matter of record, the
figures for the rest of the genus are given herewith. West Indies
15, Bahamas 4, Tropical America generally 3, Southeastern
United States 11, Central United States 6, Northeastern United
* An interesting case of apparent endemism is that of 0. SkoUsbergii, a species
described as new in the book. It is native in Santa Cruz territory in the Argentine,
and, apparently unknown to the authors, was described briefly, it is true, by Skotts-
berg in his Die Vegetationsverhaltnisse Langs der Cordillera de los Andes, which
was published on April 26, 1916, in Kungl. Sv. Vetenskapsakadcmicns Handlingar,
Band 56, no. 5, at page 268. Dr. Skottsberg credits the species to the authors of
the present volume, so there is fortunately only a question of priority of publica-
tions involved in the case, not another name added to the nine hundred!

States I, Galapagos Islands i. TIk- (jther genera of the Cac-

taceae ma\- rexeai, when (he authors have completed the four,
volumes which will comprise the work, some further data on
these problems of distribution. Not the least valuable feature
of the book is the basis it will furnish for such studies, and in the
finalvolume it is to be hoped the authors will include such data.
Something has recently been issued or spoken about coopera-
tion in science. This attack upon the problems of the Cac-
taceae, largely engineered by Messrs. Britton and MacDougal,
has secured the cooperation of the Carnegie Institution, New
York Botanical Garden, U. S. National Museum, U. S. De-
partment of Agriculture, and the Gray Herbarium. Add to this
hosts of individualswho have contributed notes or specimens
and wonder that, under the guidance of the authors,
it is little

the book should have grown into incomparably the best one on
its subject that has yet appeared.
N. T.

Professor Edward W. Berry, of the Johns Hopkins University,
has returned to Baltimore after six months exploration of the
Andes of Peru, Bolivia and Chile.

At the New York Botanical Garden the lectures for the latter
part of November will be held in the Central Display Green-
houses at three-fifteen o'clock. They will occupy half an hour,
wnW be illustrated by living plants and followed by demonstrations
in the greenhouses. The dates and subjects are as follows:
Nov. 15. " Cycads and Sago Palms," by Dr. N. [L. Britton.
Nov. 22. "Tropical Orchids," by Mr. Geo. V. Nash.
Nov. 29. "Tropical Ferns and Their Relatives," by Dr. H.
A. Gleason.

In a recent flight from Italy to Paris an aeroplane, which was

carrying as a passenger Mr. Aaron Aaronsohn, was wrecked,
killing both occupants. Mr. Aaronsohn will be remembered by
the Club as the director of the Jewish Agricultural Experiment

Station in Palestine. He lectured at the American Museum of

Natural History on February 15, 19 13, on "The story of the
Wild Wheat and its practical development."

Professor A. H. Cockayne, a son of Dr. L. Cockayne of Wel-

lington, New Zealand, is now in the United States, visiting the

more important botanical institutions. He delivered a lecture

before the Club on November 11, on " Botanical features of the
flora of New Zealand."

In the September number of the Journal of the International

Garden Club there are two articles of interest to botanists. One
is Carl Purdy's " Pacific Coast Wild Flowers " which contains a
wealth of material on the ornamental wild plants of that region
and a brief history of their earliest collectors. The other is by
Mrs. Zelia Nuttall of Coyoacan, Mexico, on " The Flower lovers
and gardeners of Ancient Mexico." While it is an important
contribution to a rather obscure subject, the author, who has
lived for years near Mexico City, has written with a delightful
style that will interest all who enjoy accounts of the early races
of Americans and their relation to the flowers and plants of the

The Torrey Botanical Club
Contributors of accepted articles and reviews who wish six gratuitous copies

of the number of Torreya in wliich thei^ papers appear, will kindly notify the
editor when returning proof.
Reprints should be ordered, when galley proof is returned to the editor. The
New Era Printing Co., 41 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa., have furnished the
following rates:
2pp 4pp 8pp 12pp 16pp 20pp
25 copies S .79 SI. 14 S1.78 S2.32 J2.87 S3.28
SO copies 1.03 1.43 2.23 2.82 3.52 3.92
100 copies 1.45 2.03 2.73 3.50 4.23 4.53
200 copies 2,15 3.24 3.92 5 25 6.52 6.92
Covers: 25 for $1.00, additional covers 114 cents each.
Plates for reprints, 50 cents each per 100.

Committees for 1919.

Finance Committee Program Committee

R. A. Harper, Chairman. Mrs. E. G. Britton, Chairman.
J. H. Barnhart, Prof. Jean Broadhurst
Miss C. C. Haynes B. O. Dodge
Sereno Stetson Michael Levine
Budget Committee F. J. Seaver

H. Barnhart, Chairman. Membership Committee

R. A. Harper J. K. Small, Chairman.
N. L. Britton T. E. Hazen
A. W. Evans E. W. Olive
M. A. Howe Local Flora Committee
H. H. RusBY N. L. Britton, Chairman.
Field Committee Phanerogams: Cryptogams:
F.W. Pennell, Chairman E. P. BiCKNELL Mrs. E. G. Britton
Mrs. L. M. Keeler N. L. Britton Hazen
T. E.
Michael Levine C. C. Curtis M. A. Howe
George T. Hastings K. K. Mackenzie Michael Levine
Percy Wilson Norman Taylor W. A. Murrill
F.J. Seaver

Chairmen of Special Committees on Local Flora

Ferns and Fern Allies: R. C. Benedict. Lichens: W. C. Barbour
Mosses: Mrs. E. G. Britton Sphaeriaceae, Dothideaceae: H. M.
Liverworts: A. W. Evans Richards
Fresh Water Algae: T. E. Hazen Hypocreaceae, Perisporieae, Plectaa>
Marine Algae: M. A. Howe cineae, Tuberineae: F. J. Seaver
Gasteromycetes: G. C. Fisher Fungi-forming sclerotia: A. B. Stout
Hymenomycetes: W. A. Murrill Imperfecti: H. M. Richards, F.
Except Russula and Lactarius: Miss G Seaver, Mel T. Cook
Burlingham Oomycetes: C. A. King
Cortinarius: R. A. Harper Zygomycetes: A. F. Blakeslee
Polyporeae: M. Levine Chytridiaceae,
Exobasidii: H.M. Richards Myxomycetes: Mrs. H. M. Richards
Rusts and Smuts: E. W. Olive Yeast and Bacteria: Prof. J. Broadhuts
Discomycetes: B. O. Dodge Insect galls: Mel T. Cook


A monthly journal devoted to general botany, established
1870. Vol. 45 published in 1918, contained 519 pages of text
and 1 5 full-page plates. Price ^4.00 per annum. For Europe,
18 shillings. Dulau & Co., 47 Soho Square, London, are,
agents for England.
Of former volumes, only 24-45 can be supplied entire cer- ;

tainnumbers of other volumes are available, but the entire stock

of some numbers has been reserved for the completion of sets
Vols.24-27 are furnished at the published price of two dollars
each Vols. 28-45 three dollars each.

Single copies (30 cents) will be furnished only when not

breaking complete volumes.

The Memoirs, established 1889, are published at irregu-
lar intervals. Volumes i — 15 are now completed No, i of ;

Vol. 16 has been issued. The subscription price is fixed at

$3.00 per volume in advance; Vol. 17, containing Proceedings
of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the Club, 490 pages, was
issued in 1918, price ;^5.oo. Certain numbers can also be pur-
chased singly. A list of titles of the individual papers and of
prices will be furnished on application.

(3) The Preliminary Catalogue of Anthophyta and Pteri-

dophyta reported as growing within one hundred miles of New
York, 1888. Price, ;^i.oo.

Correspondence relating to the above publications should be

addressed to
Columbia University
New York City
Vol. 19 November, 1919 No. 11

A Monthly Journal of Botanical Notes and News





JOHN TORREY, 1796-1873

Scrophulariaceae of the local Flora. IV: F. W. Pexnell 205
The Grasses ofSalem, Oregon, and Vicinity: J. C. Nelson 216
Notes on Coelogyne T. D. A. Cockerell
: 227
Book Reviews
Rock's Lobelioideae of Hawaii The Editor :
Proceedings of the Club 230

Published for the Club

At 41 North Qvbbn Street, Lancaster, Pa.
'Entered at the Post Office at Lancaster, Pa., aa second-class matte



Secretary and Treasurer

CoLXJMBiA University, N. Y. City.

Associate Editors
Delegate to the Council of theNew York Academy of Sciences
M. A. HOWE, Ph.D.

Official Organ of the Wild Flower Preservation

Society of America

ToRREYA is furnished to subscribers in the United States and

Canada for one dollar per annum ; single copies, fifteen cents. To
subscribers elsewhere, five shillings, or the equivalent thereof. Postal or
express money orders and drafts or personal checks on New York City
banks are accepted in payment, but the rules of the New York Clearing
House compel the request that ten cents be added to the amount of any
other local checks that may be sent. Subscriptions are received only
for full volumes, beginning with the January issue. Reprints will be
furnished at cost prices. Subscriptions and remittances should be sent
to Treasurer, Torrey Botanical Club, 41 North Queen St., Lan-
caster, Pa., or Columbia University, New York City.

Matter for publication, and books and papers for review, should
be addressed to

Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Brooklyn, N. Y
Vol. 19 No. II
November, igig


By Francis W. Pennell

{Continued frotn September Torreya)

13. AuREOLARiA Raf. Xew Fl. Amer. 2: 58. 1837

Type species, A. villosa Raf.

Annual. Stem, leaves and calyx with stalked or sessile glands. Leaves bipin-
natifid, more or less pectinately cut. CaljTc-lobes dentate to pectinate.
Corolla externally glandplar-pubescent, within pubescent over bases of the
posterior lobes; more or less marked or tinged with purple-red. Anther-sacs
2.5-4 mm. long. Capsule ellipsoid, 9-12 mm. long, 1/2-2/3 enclosed in the
cal\-x-tube, glandular-puberulent. Seeds .8 mm. long, not winged. Pedicels
10-28 mm. long. {Panclenis Raf.)
Stem closely pubescent above, not or scarcely glandular. Leaves puberulent,
not or slightl^'^ glandular. Capsule narrowly ellipsoid, 9-1 1 mm. long.
Leaves 3-6 cm. long. Pedicels mostly
shorter than to equaling the bracts.
Stem (frequently) glandular-hirsute be-
low. A. pedicularia.
Leaves 1.5-2.5 cm. long. Pedicels longer
than the bracts. Stem not glandular-
hirsute below. la. A. pedicularia caesariensis.
Stem glandular-pubescent above with scat-
tered glands. Leaves glandular-puberu-
lent to pubescent. Capsule ellipsoid,
11-12 mm. long. lb. A. pedicularia intercedens.
Perennials. Not glandular. Leaves entire to
pinnately cut, and slightly bipinnatifid,
though not pectinate. Corolla externally
glabrous, within glabrous or d iff used-pubes-
cent; not marked or tinged with red-purple.
Anther-sacs 4-6 mm. long. Capsule ovate
to globose-ovate in outline, not enclosed
within the calyx-tube, not glandular.
Seeds 1.5-2.7 mm. long, broadly winged.
(No. 10, \'ol. 19 ot ToRREY.A, comprising pp. 187-204, was issued Dec. i, 1919.]

r-A 205

Pedicels 1.5-10 (-15) mm. long. (Euau-

Capsule densely rusty-pubescent. Stem pubes-
cent and leaves downy-pubescent. Ped-
icels 1.5-3 mm. long. 2. A. virginica.

Capsule glabrous. Stem glabrous and leaves

glabrous or minutely puberulent on the
upper surface. Pedicels 3 mm. long or
Stem slender, not glaucous, rarely pur-
plish. Petioles very short, less than 10
mm. long. Lower leaves lanceolate
to ovate-lanceolate, widest below the
middle, long-acuminate. Pedicels 3-8
mm. long. Corolla 30-35 mm. long.

Seeds 1.5-1.7 mm. long. 3. A. laevigata.

Stem relatively stout, glaucous, frequently

purple. Petioles mostly over 10 mm.
long. Lower leaves ovate-lanceolate
to ovate, widest about the middle, not
long-acuminate. Pedicels 5-10 (-15)
mm. long. Corolla 35-40 mm. long.

Seeds 2-2.7 mm. long. 4. A. flava.


Gerardia pedicidaria L. Sp.. PI. 611. 1753. "Habitat in

Virginia, Canada." Type not seen, but description

sufficiently distinctive.
Panctenis pedicidaria (L.) Raf. New Fl. Amer. 2: 61. 1837.
The specific name spelled by Rafinesque "pedicularis."
Aureolaria pedicularia (L.) Raf. I.e. 61. 1837.
Dasystoma pedicidaria (L.) Benth. in DC. Prod. 10: 521.
Agalinis pedicularia (L.) Blake in Rhodora 20: 70. 1918.
Flowering from early August to late September, fruiting from
September into November.
Dry oak-woodland, thin sandy or rocky, occasional or

local above Fall-line, more frequent southwestward in the ;

Coastal Plain of Long Island and New Jersey, passing into var.
caesariensis . Northwestward the species passes into var.

intercedens. Ranges, southward and westward mainly through

its varieties, from western Maine to North Carolina and Minne-


Torrey riul) 40: 413. 191 3. "Type, Atco, Camden-

Co., New Jersey, Sept. 7, 191 1, F. W. Pmnell 354;; in

Herb. University of Pennsylvania."

Sandy open woodland, Coastal Plain of Long Island and New
Jersey, mainly in the Pine Barrens, where it replaces the species.
Occurs northeastward to southeastern Massachusetts.

lb. Aureolaria pedicularia intercedens Pennell, var. nov.

Stem glandular-pubescent above, with spreading or recurved
short hairs, scattered among which occur glands which are
borne on stalks shorter than or longer than the pubescence.
Leaves somewhat puberulent with short-stalked glands. Calyx-
lobes 8-13mm. long. Capsule 11-12 mm. long. Otherwise as
in the species.
Type, Mt. Arlington, Morris Co., New Jersey, collected in
flower August 26, 1906, K. K. Mackenzie 2jj6; in Herb. Missouri
Botanical Garden.
Environment of the species, between which and the densely
hirsute western A. pedicularia ambigens (Fernald) Farwell it

forms a connected series of intergradations. Occasional in

northern New Jersey and eastern Pennsylvania, to be expected

with the species in our northwestern counties in New York.

2. Aureolaria virginica (L.) Pennell.

RJiinanlhits virginicus L. Sp. PI. 603. 1753. "Habitat in Vir-

ginia." As specimen in the Linnean Herbarium bears the

handwriting of Linne the younger and so appears to have
been a late addition, Gronovius's plant must be taken as
the type. Clayton 48S, recently identified by
This is

Dr. S. F. Blake, in Rhodora 20: 66. 1918, as the plant

here considered. Our traditional applications of the
names virginica and fiava must be transposed.
Aureolaria villosa Raf. New Fl. Amer. 2: 59. 1837. No
type locality given, nor type known to exist. Description
sufificiently distinctive.

Dasystoma pubescens Benth. in DC. Prod. 10: 520. 1846.

"In Americae sept, civitatibus orientalibus frequens."
Type not verified, but description sufificiently distinctive.

Gerardia virginica (L.) Britton in Prelim. Cat. N. J. PI. 40.

Dasystoma virginica (L.) Britton in Mem. Torr. Bot. Club 5:
295. 1894.
Aureolaria virginica (L.) Pennell in Bull. Torr. Bot. Club
40:409. 1913.
AgaUnis virginica (L.) Blake in Rhodora 20: 71. 1918.
Flowering from early July to mid-August, fruiting from August
to October.
Dry open oak-woods, usually sand or a sandy loam, frequent
or common throughout our area, less general within the Pine
Barrens. Ranges from New Hampshire to Florida, west to
Michigan, Kentucky and Louisiana.

3. Aureolaria laevigata (Raf.) Raf.

Gerardia levigata Raf. Ann. Nat. 13. 1820. "It grows

on the knob hills of Kentucky, the Cumberland mountains
and the Alleghany." No type known to exist, unless it

be a specimen in Herb. New York Botanical Garden,

labeled in Rafinesque's handwriting, "Gerardia — n. sp.

Aureolaria levigata (Raf.) Raf. New Fl. Amer. 2: 59. 1837.
Dasystoma laevigata (Raf.) Chapm. Fl. S. Un. St. ed. H:
636. 1883.
AgaUnis laevigata (Raf.) Blake in Rhodora 20: 71. 1918.
Oak-woodland, usually rocky, along streams or on mountain-
sides along the Susquehanna River in Lancaster Co., Pennsyl-
vania. Ranges through the Appalachians from central Pennsyl-
vania to South Carolina and Tennessee.

4. Aureolaria flava (L.) Farwell.

Gerardia flava L. Sp. PI. 610. 1753. "Habitat in Virginia,

Canada." Specimen in Linnean Herbarium identified

by Bentham; see in Comp. Bot. Mag. i: 198. 1836.
Gerardia glauca Eddy in Med. Repos. N. Y., Hnd Hex. 5:
126. 1807. Plandome, Long Island. C. W. Eddy.
Type not seen nor known to exist, but description quite

Gerard'ui qiicrcijolia Piiisli, l-'l. Aiikt. Si-j)!. 42,^ i'Si4.

"Oil the banks ot ri\crs, in rich sha(l\' places, I*cnsyl-'

vania to Carohna." T>pe not seen, hut description

Aureolaria glauca (Eddy) Raf. New Fl. Anier. 2: 60. 1837.
Dasystoma quercifolia (Pursh) Renth. in 1)(\ I^rod. 10: 520.

Dasystoma flava (L.) Wood, Class-Book 529. 1861. As to

synonynu", not description, the latter applying to Aureo-

laria virginica.
AgaUnis glauca (Eddy) Blake in Rhodora 20: 71. 19 18.
Aureolaria flava (L.) Farwell in Rep. Mich. Acad. Sci. 20:

188. 1918.
Flowering from late August to late September, fruiting from
September to November.
Dry to rather moist oak-woodland, usually on rocky hillsides,

loam or sometimes in sand>' soil, frequent or locally common

through the counties above the Fall-line, especially toward the
mountains; on northern Long Island, but rare in southern Long
Island and ver}' rare in the Coastal Plaia of New Jersey. In-

cluding varieties, this species ranges from Maine to Florida,

Illinois, Arkansas and Louisiana.

14. Agalixis Raf. New Fl. Amer. 2: 61. 1837

Type species, A. pahistris Raf.

Corolla with lobes all spreading, pubescent within at base of posterior lobes.
Seeds dark-brown. Plants tending to blacken in drying. Cal\TC-tube not
evidently reticulate- venose.
Pedicels less than 12 mm. long. Inflorescence of normal racemes. .Seed-

coat with dark-brown ridges, between which are broad areas, paler
and minutely reticulate.
Leaves and calyx-lobes obtuse to acutish. Anther-
sacs obtuse to acutish. Plant fleshy, bushy-
branched below, with elongated racemes above.
Pedicels 5-12 mm. long. Corolla 12-17 rnm.
long. I. A. marilima.
Leaves and calyx-lobes acute to acuminate. Anther-
sacs mucronate to minutely awned. Plants not
fleshy, more uniformly branched. Pedicels
rarely over 5 mm. long.

CaljTC-lobes 4/5-7/8 the length of the tube, tri-

angular-lanceolate to lanceolate. Corolla

12—20 (—23) mm. long. Stem 1-6 dm. tall.

Anther-sacs somewhat pubescent to glab-

rous. 2. A. paupercula.
Calyx-lobes 1/6-1/2 the length of the tube, tri-

angular-lanceolate to subulate. Corolla 20-

38 mm. long. Stem 3-12 dm. tall. An-
ther-sacs densely lanate.
Stem relatively stiffly branched, sparingly
scabrellous. Calj-x-lobes triangular-lanceo-
late to subulate. Corolla 20-38 mm. long.
Leaves linear, 1-3 mm. wide. 3- A. purpurea.
Stem slender, virgately branched, glabrous.
CaljTC-lobes triangular-subulate to subulate.
Corolla 20—25 mm. long. Leaves narrowly
linear to almost filiform, .5-1 mm. wide. 4. A. virgata.

Pedicels 15—40 mm. long. Inflorescence a short raceme,

one pedicel (bj^ arrested growth of the rhachis)
appearing terminal. Seed-coat with dark-brown
ridges, between which are narrow scarcely paler
areas. Corolla 18-25 mm. long. Leaves narrowly
linear to filiform. 5. A. Hohniana.
Seeds yello\yish-browh. Plants scarcely tending to blacken
in drjdng. CaljTC-tube evidently reticulate-venose.
Corolla 13-15 mmH long.
Calyx-tube campanulate, 3 mm. long, firmer in texture,

2/3-3/4 the length of the capsule, its lobes .5-1 mm.

long, triangular-acuminate, not or scarcely callose.
Seeds .4-6 mm. long, strongly reticulate. Pedicels
mostly 1-2 times the length of the bracts. Stem
usually 1-4 dm. tall. 6. A. acuta.
Cal3TC-tube hiemispheric, 2.5-3 mm. long, thinner in tex-
ture, 3/5-2/3 the length of the capsule, its lobes
minute, .05-.2 (-.3) mm. long, strongly callose. Seeds
.6— .8 mm. long, obscurely reticulate. Pedicels mostly
2-3 times the length of the bracts. Stem usually 2-5
dm. tall. 7. A. decemloba.
Corolla with the posterior lobes ascending-arched over- the
stamens and style, glabrous within at base of the posterior
lobes. Racemes elongated, normal. Pedicels 12-27 mm.
long. Seeds dark-brown. 8. A. lenuifolia.

I. Agalixis maritima (Raf.) Raf.

Gerardia maritima Raf. in Med. Repos. N. Y., Ilnd Hex. 5:
361. 1808. "Found in the islands of Egg-Harbour, in

New Jersey." No type known to exist, but description


quite distinctive. An unpublished plate of Rafinesque's

is in the library of the New York Botanical Garden.
Gerardia purpurea crassifolia Pursh, Fl. Amer. Sept. 422.
1814. "In salt marshes, near New York." Type not
seen, but description sufficiently distinctive.
Agalinis maritima (Raf.) Raf. New F"l. Amer. 2: 62. 1837.
Flowering from mid-July to early September, fruiting Sep-
tember to October.
Salt marshes, along the Atlantic coast, Connecticut, New
York and New Jersey. If separable from the much larger plant
of the Southern and Gulf coast, our species ranges from Virginia
northward to Maine, becoming progressively smaller and simpler
2. Agalixis paupercula (A. Gray) Britton.
Gerardia purpurea paupercula A. Gray, Syn. Fl. N. Amer.
II. i: 293. 1878. "Lower Canada to Saskatchewan
and southward from coast of New England to Penn.,
N. Illinois and Wisconsin." Numerous specimens labeled
by Gray seen, but none indicated as typical. In synon-
ymy is mentioned the name intermedia Porter in herb.,
so selecting a type.
Gerardia paupercula (A. Gray) Britton in Mem. Torr. Bot.
Club 5: 295. 1894.
Agalinis paupercula (A. Gray) Britton in Britton & Brown,
III. Fl. ed. II. 3: 210. 1913.
Flowering from early August to September, fruiting September
to October.
Moist soil, borders of lakes and in bogs, especially where
sandy, in the glaciated region; through the area east of the Hud-
son River, occasional in Connecticut and northward in New
York, very rare southward and on Long Island only at Lake
Ronkonkoma; near Dingmans Ferry, Sussex Co., New Jersey
{W. M. Van Sickle (E) ), and doubtless occasional elsewhere in
the glaciated region west of the Hudson, especially in New York.
Ranges through glacial bog country from New Brunswick to
Minnesota, but seems to be much more common in northern
New England and in Michigan than through the intervening

area. Along their lines of contact in southern New England,

our area and in northern Indiana and llHnois, this intergrades

somewhat with its obvious parent, A. piirpurea.

3. Agalinis purpurea (L.) Pennell.

Gerardia purpurea L. Sp. PI. 610. 1753. "Habitat in

Virginia, Canada." The Linnean diagnosis includes

both long and short-pediceled plants, so could include all

pink ( = "purple") flowered species. The first citation

accompanied by a figure, Plukenet's "Digitalis virginiana

rubra, foliis &" facie Antirrhini vulgaris,'' evidently the

prevalent plant of the Atlantic seaboard now under
consideration, is counted as the type.
Gerardia purpurea grandiflora Benth. in Comp. Bot. Mag. i:

208. 1836. New Jersey." Type, labeled "New

Kew Herbarium.
Jersey, Torrey 1834," seen in
Agalinis palustris Raf. New Fl. Amer. 2: 62. 1837. "Near
marshes .... From New England to Carolina." Type
not known to exist. Evidently intended for the prevalent
plant of the Atlantic seaboard.
Agalinis longifolia Raf. I.e.62. 1837. "Near streams New
Jersey to Virginia." Type not known to exist. A smaller
Gerardia purpurea f. albifiara Britton in Bull. Torr. Bot. Club
17:125. 1890. New Jersey. An albino state. Plants
with pure white corollas are occasional in any species of
this genus.
Gerardia purpurea parvula Pennell in Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.
Phila. 62: 572. 191 1. "Serpentine, Wawa, Delaware
county, Penna., F. W. Pennell 268g, coll. Sept. 25,
1910, in Herb. Acad. Nat. Sci. of Phila." The'smaller-
flowered depauperate plant characteristic of the Serpen-
tine Barrens.
Agalinis purpurea (L.) Pennell in Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 40:
126. 1913.
Aureolaria purpurea (L.) Farwcll in Rep. Mich. Acad.
Sci. 20: 189. 1918.
Flowering from late August to mid-September, fruiting Sep-
tember to October.

Moist sandy soil, edges of salt-marsh, of lakes, or of rivers,

in depressions anione: sand-dunes, or locally on barren magnesian
loam in the Sorpentine; abundant through the Coastal Plain of
New Jersey ami coninion in southern Long Island, in llu- Pine-
Barrens replaced by A. virgata; above the Fall-line occasional
near ponds and bogs of northern New Jersey, in the bogs of
Lancaster Co., Pennsylvania, and in meadows and on dry
grassy upland of the Serpentine Barrens of Delaware and Chester
counties, Pennsylvania. Ranges from Massachusetts to Florida,
Minnesota and Texas, mainly in the Coastal Plain or at low
elevations inland.

4. Agalinis virgata Raf. New Fl. Amer. 2:62. 1837. "Glades

of Pine woods in South New Jersey near Mullica Hill, &c."
Type not known to exist.
Gerardia racemulosa Pennell in Torreya 11: 15. 1911.
"Type— Parkdale, Camden Co., N. J., F. W. Pennell
26g2 Coll. Sept. 27, 1910, in Herb. Acad. Nat. Sci. of
Flowering from September to mid-October, fruiting slightly

Moist sandy pine-barrens, or occasionally in open sand, in the

Pine Barrens of Long Island (Great River, Suffolk Co., R. P.
Bicknell) and of southern New Jersey. Ranges from Long
Island to South Carolina, in the pine barrens of the Coastal
Plain. An obvious derivative of A. purpurea.

5. Agalixis Holmiana (Greene) Pennell.

Gerardia Holmiana Greene, F'ltton'ia. 4: 52. 1899. "Plentiful
in open pine and oak groves along Michigan Avenue

south of the Soldiers' Home grounds near Brookland,

D. C, collected by Mr. Holm and the writer, 20 Oct.,
1898." No specimen of this date seen, but one in the
herbarium of the New York Botanical Garden, of Dr.
Greene's collecting, from Brookland, D. C, dated Oct.
16, 1898, ma}' stand as the type. I have collected this

plant at the type station.

Agalinis Holmiana (Greene) Pennell in Bull. Torr. Bot.
Club 40: 429. 1913.

Flowering early September to mid-October, fruiting slightly


Dry sandy pine-land, in the Coastal Plain. Occasional on

Long Island, and common through the Pine Barrens of southern
New Jersey. Ranges from Long Island to Alabama, through
the Coastal Plain.

6. Agajlixis acuta Pennell in Bull. Torr. Bot. Club 42: 338.

1915. "Type: dr>' sandy downs, Edgartown, Martha's
\'ineyard, Massachusetts, collected in flower September
12, 1901, M. L. Fernald 45 in United States National
Flowering from late August to mid-September, fruiting Sep-
tember to October.
Dry sandy soil, sterile sandy loam, local in the Coastal Plain
of Long Island, and known inland from Farmington, Hartford
Co., Connecticut {Bissell 14, 48, 439)- Abundant on the Hemp-
stead Plains of Long Island, one of the most distinctive plants
of that prairie.

7. Agalixis dece-MLOBa (Greene) Pennell.

Gemrdia decemloha Greene, Pittonia 4: 51. 1899. "Plant
not uncommon about Brookland, D. C, inhabiting grassy
knolls and hillsides bordering on pine woods." A speci-
men in herb. Xew York Botanical Garden, collected by
Dr. E. L. Greene at Brookland, D. C. in Oct., 1898, may
stand as the t>-pe.
Agalinis decemloha (Greene) Pennell in Bull. Torr. Bot.
Club 40: 434. 1913.
Flowering from early September into October, fruiting late
September an October.
Dr>^ soil, sand or clay, in our area only in southern Lancaster
Co., Pennsylvania. (New Texas and Wakefield.) Ranges from
thence southwestward to northern Alabama, but with a distri-
bution much broken, though, like the last, locally common.
8. Agalixis texuifolia (Vahl) Raf.
Gerardia tenuifolia Vahl, Symb. Bot. 3: 7. 1794. "Habitat
in America septentrional!." Type in Herb. Universi-

tetets Botaiiiske Miisciiiii, Copenhagfii, Dtiiinark, col-

lected b\- ]^oit Rohroi, and said to be [)r()l)abl\- from

Philadelphia, is by Dr. C. H. Ostenfeld as
identical with nn- number 2681 from Secane, Delaware Co.,
Agalinis temiifolia (Vahl) Raf. New Fl. Anier. 2: 64. 1837.
Gerardia tenuifolia f. albiflora Britton in Bull. Torr. Bot.
Club 17: "Found by Mr. Leggett
125. 1890. at South
Amboy, and by Mr. Schuh at Rosemont, [New Jersey]."
An albino state.
Aureolaria tenuifolia (Vahl) Farwell in Rep. Mich. Acad.
Sci. 20: 189. 1918.
Aureolaria tenuifolia albiflora (Britton) Farwell, I.e. 190.

Flowering from late August to early October, fruiting Sep-
tember and October.
Dry loam, or at times sandy soil, usually in open deciduous
woodland, common throughout the area above the Fall-line; on
northern Long Island; in the Coastal Plain of Long Island and
New Jersey occasional, or frequent in heavy soils, not in the
Pine Barrens. Ranges from Maine to Georgia, Louisiana,
Michigan and Missouri, and in its varieties westward to North
Dakota, Colorado and Texas.

15. Otophylla Benth. in DC. Prod. 10: 512. 1846

Type species, Gerardia auriculata Michx.
(?) Tomanthera Raf., New Fl. Amer. 2: 65. 1837. Type
species, T. lanceolata Raf.
I. Otophylla auriculata (Michx.) Small.
Gerardia auriculata Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 20. 1803.
"In pratis regionis Illinoensis." Type not verified, but
description sufificiently distinctive.
Seymeria auriculata (Michx.) Spreng. Syst. 2: 810. 1825.
(?) Tomanthera lanceolatn Raf. New Amer.
Fl. 2: 66. 1837.
"My specimen of Collins' herbarium was collected by
Dr. Cleaver in New Jersey." The description of this is

erroneous for our plant in describing the anther-sacs as


unequal; actually they are alike in each stamen but those

of the posterior stamens are smaller. However I am
convinced that ours must be the plant of Rafinesque, and
that such an error is due either to a lapse of memory in

recording his observation or more likely to confusing in

his dried specimen the sacs of two different stamens.
This opinion is confirmed by Rafinesque's inclusion in
his new genus of Michaux's plant. However for anything
less than a certainty and for an untrue name it may be
unwise to dispossess Bentham's well-chosen name.
TomantJiera auriculata (Michx.) Raf. 1. c. 66. 1837.
Otophylla Michauxii Benth. in DC. Prod. 10: 512. 1846.
New name for Gerardia auriculata Michx.
Otophylla auriculata (Michx.) Small, Fl. S.E. Un. St. 1075,
1338. 1903.
Agalinis auriculata (Michx.) Blake in Rhodora 20: 71.
Aureolaria auriculata (Michx.) Farwell in Rep. Mich.
Acad. Sci. 20: 189. 1918.
Flowering from late August to mid-September, fruiting Sep-
tember and October.
Old fields and railway banks, occasional in New Jersey and
Pennsylvania. Certainly introduced from the prairies of the
Mississippi Valley states.
{To be concluded.)


By James C. Nelson

The following list represents the result of five seasons' col-

lecting in the general region adjacent to Salem. Although the
work has been done in the all-too-brief moments that could be
snatched from arduous professional duties, and makes no claim
to completeness, the writer ventures to believe that most of the
grasses growing spontaneously in the territory under consider-
ation have been included. In the case of the introduced species,
there is the constant possibility of the establishment of new
forms, which make themselves at home here witli surprising
The area covered inckides the city of Salem and that part of
the Willamette \'alley in Alarion and Polk Counties contiguous
to the cit}', extending to the foothills of the Cascades on the
east and those of the Coast Range on the west, and up to an
elevation of perhaps 1,000 feet. The Santiam River may be
regarded as the boundary to the south, and no collections have
been made more than ten miles north of Salem. No attempt
was made to reach the grasses of higher elevations. A number
of mountain species would be added by a survey of the subalpine
and alpine zones of the Cascades.
The Willamette Valley in this part of its course is in general
a wide alluvial plain, lying not more than 200 feet above sea-
level, with \ery slight undulations of surface. From the foot-
hills on the east to those on the west the average width of the
valley is about 25 miles. The greater part of the area is under
intensive cultivation. Hops and grain were formerly the chief
crops, but fruit-growing is rapidly becoming the leading industry.
Immediately south of Salem a range of hills, known on the
west side of the Willamette as the Eola Hills, with a maximum
elevation of about 1,100 feet, crosses the valley from southeast
to northwest. This range seems to represent a very recent geo-
logic upthrust, and the basaltic rocks which form its core are
heavily charged with iron, giving to the soil a characteristic red
tinge. The Willamette River seems to have originally made
its way through these hills along the valley now followed by the
Southern Pacific Railway from Jefiferson to Salem, and later to
have been diverted into the present channel, which has cut a
deep gorge through the hills north of Independence. The soil

along this old riverbed is made up of stratified boulders and gravel,

with a comparatively small admixture of sand and loam. In
other parts of the valley there is a subsoil of tough yellow clay
overlaid by a rich friable loam, in many places beginning to
show exhaustion after se\enty years of continuous cultiv-ation.
Numerous small streams tra\'erse the area. Mill Creek being
the most considerable. These are fringed with a heavy growth

of ash, dog^voocl, alder, willow, and other low shrubs. On the

lighter gravelly soils, Querciis Garryana is the prevailing tree.
Many fine groves of the "Douglas fir" (Pseudotsnga taxifolia)
still exist in the level areas, and cover the steeper slopes of the


The climate is more oceanic than continental in character.

There are two sharply contrasted seasonal periods. During the
autumn, winter and spring months, the rainfall is heavy, some-
times as much as 14 inches in a single month, with a minimum
winter temperature of not below 20 degrees Fahrenheit. The
summer on hand is almost rainless, and temperatures
the other
of 100 degrees are not unknown. During the long dry season
the porous soil becomes thoroughly desiccated, and all herbaceous
vegetation not under cultivation, with the exception of a few
drought-resisting plants and those along the streams, is dried up.
On the setting in of the fall rains, however, the vegetation
speedily revives, and continues green and luxuriant during the
mild winter, reaching its maximum development 'Wax and

June. These conditions make it any of the

ven.' difficult for

introduced pasture-grasses to survive the summer; and while a

few of the native species seem better adapted to the arid environ-
ment, little attention has hitherto been given them.
Xo comprehensive attempt to catalogue the grasses of this
region seems to have been made. This will be evident from the
number list which have not
of species included in the following
found mention in any of the published manuals dealing with the
flora of Western Oregon. These species are marked "X."
Introduced species are designated by an asterisk (*). The
nomenclature conforms to that used in A. S. Hitchcock's treat-
ment of the Gramineae in Jepson's Flora of California (i : 82-189.
1912). The writer is under obligation to Professor Hitchcock
and Mrs. Agnes Chase kindness in examining and verify-
for their

ing practically all of his specimens. Professor C. \\ Piper has

kindly placed the results of his long and careful study of the
flora of the Xorthwest at my
and Professor M. E.
Peck of Willamette University, who is probably more thoroughly
conversant with the flora of Oregon than an}' other Western

botanist, has \t'r\' generously contributed the results (jf his own
collection and Specimens of practically all these grasses

may be found in the herbarium of Willamette University at

Salem, and many of them have also been deposited in the Gray
and the National Herbaria.
1. *Digitaria humifusa Pers. Not uncommon on sand-bars
along the Willamette River, and beginning to appear on
lawns about Salem (X).
2. *Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) Beauv. Not infrequent along
ditches and in low ground, and occasional in cultivated

3. *Setaria viridis (L.) Beauv. An occasional specimen is

found in cultivated ground and along railroad tracks,

but it is still to be regarded as a stray in this district.

4. Paspaliim distichiim L. Common on muddy and sandy

shores of the W'illamette about Salem, and apparently
indigenous, although far out of its ordinary range.
5. Panicum harbipulvinatiim Nash. Common on river-shores,
and occasional in sandy fields. Formerly referred to
P. capillare L., with which it seems to intergrade.
6. Panicitm Scribnerianiim Nash. Not infrequent in dry
soil, especially where sand or gravel predominates.
7. Panicum pacificum Hitchc. & Chase. On gravelly prairies
about Salem, and more frequent toward the mountains.
8. * Paniciim miliaceiim L. An occasional waif on rubbish-
heaps about Salem (X).
9. Leersia oryzoides (L.) Sw. Along slow streams and on
muddy rivershores, sometimes forming extensive colonies.
10. * Phalaris arundinacea L. Occasional in waste places
about Salem. The var. picta L. is not uncommon in

11. '^'Phalaris canariensis L. A waif on rubbish-heaps about
the State Prison, Salem.
12. * Anthoxantlium odoratum L. Not infrequent in pastures
and on lawns, appearing very early in spring.
13. * Anthoxanthum Pueln Lecoq & Lamotte. Occasionally
found in dry alkaline soil along the road-side. It has
probably been taken for the preceding (X).

14- Hierochloe macrophyUa Thurb. In rich woods in the foot-

hills both of the Cascades and the Coast Range.

15. Stipa Lemmoni (Vasey) Scribn. On dry rocky hillsides on the

Eola Hills in Polk County, where it is locally abundant.
16. * Phleum pratense L. Occasionally cultivated, and fre-

quently running wild along roadsides and borders of


17. * Polypogon monspeliensis (L.) Desf. In ditches and low

ground especially in alkahne soil. Not common.
18. Alopecurus aristulatus Michx. Very common in wet places
and borders of ponds. The nomenclature of this species

is much confused.
19. * Alopecurus pratensis L. Found only in one station, along
the S. P. tracks about a mile south of Salem, where it is

well established.
20. ^ Aristida oUgantha Michx. In dr}- sandy soil and on
sand-bars along the Willamette, evidently a recent
introduction from the south (X).
21'. * A per a spica-venti (L.) Beauv. .A single specimen was
found on a lawn of Poa pratensis in Salem (X).

22. * Agrostis alba L. Very common along roadsides and in

pastures. The form known as "creeping bent" (A.

stolonifera auth. not L.) is common on lawns in Salem.
23. Agrostis HalUi \^asey. Xot infrequent on dry banks and
borders of woods.
24. Agrostis foliosa Vasey. A grass of the seashore and moun-
tains, but following the Santiam River down to an eleva-
tion of over not 600 feet.
25. Agrostis microphylla Steud. \'er\' common in ditches and
low ground, and extremely variable.
26. Agrostis hyemalis (Walt.) BSP. Rarely found outside of
mountain districts, but occasional along streams at low

27. Agrostis oregonensis Vasey. In marshes in the old bed of

Lake Labish, east of Brooks.
28. * Notholcus lanatus (L.) Nash. Abundantly cultivated
throughout our range, although of comparatively little

value, and escaping freely to fields and roadsides.


29- * Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) Beauw Common in flr\-

fields and on roadsides, and spreading rapidly.

30. * Aira caryophyllea L. Abundant everywhere in dr>^ or
rocky sterile soil.

31. * Aira praecox L. Common in a tract of waste ground east

of the S. P. station at Salem, but not observed elsewhere.
32. * Aira capillaris Host. On sandbars in the Xorth Santiam
River at Xorth Santiam Station, and also in flower-beds
on the campus of Willamette University at Salem (X).
33. Danthonia californica Boland. In open meadows, scarce
in our limits, but becoming more common southward.
34. Dantho7iia americana Scribn. Very common in dry
35. * Avena fatua L. Introduced along railroad-tracks and
in waste places (X).
36. * Avena fatua L. var. glabrata Peterm. With the last, but
more common.
37. * Avena barbata Brot. Frequent along the S. P. tracks

south of Salem probably a recent introduction (X).
38. * Avena saliva L. A ^ery common escape along railroad
tracks and in waste places.
39. Deschampsia caespitosa (L.) Beauv. A ven.- handsome and
variable grass, common in low ground, especially in

roadside ditches.
40. Deschampsia danthonioides (Trin.) Munro. Common on
sand-bars and in dried-up pools along roadsides.
41. Deschampsia elongata (Hook.) Munro. Common on the
borders of woods and in roadside ditches.
42. TriseUim cernuum Trin. Infrequent in low woods.
43. Trisetiim canescens Buckl. Occasional in dr>^ open wood-

44. *Gynerium argenteum X'ees. Although this shows no

disposition to spread, it has persisted for years in vacant
lots where dwellings once stood (X).
45. Eragrostis hypnoides (Lam.) BSP. Very common on muddy
shores of the Willamette River.
46. * Cynosurus cristatiis L. Occasional on lawns and street-
parking about Salem.

47- * Koeleria cristata (L.) Pers. Rather scarce in dry gravelly


48. Pleuropogon refractus (Gray) Benth. Along streams in moist

woods in the foothills, not common.
49. Melica suhulata (Griseb.) Scribn. In open rocky woods,
common. Flowers very early.
50. Melica Geyeri Munro. Occasional on roadsides near
Salem— -probably its extreme northern extension (X).
51. * Briza minor L. Well established in the State Fair Grounds
at Salem. Probably introduced from Southern Oregon,
where it is very common (Xj.
52. Brovins carinatus Hook. & Arn. Very common in dry soil

everywhere, and probably often confused with the next.

53. Bromiis marginatus Nees. In dry open places, especially
near dwellings, very common.
54. Bromus polyanthus Scribn. In waste-places and on street-
parkings about Salem, appearing as if introduced (X).
55. Bromus vulgaris (Hook.) Shear. Common in dry open
woods. A difficult species, very variously understood by
Western authors.
56. Bromus vulgaris (Hook.) Shear var. eximius Shear. With
the last, but less frequent.

57. * Bromtis tectorum L. Becoming common along railroad-

tracks and in waste places (X).

58. * Bromus tectorum L. var. nudus Klett & Richter. With
the last, but much less common.
59. * Bromtts villosus Forsk. Becoming very common along
the railroads and in waste places, and threatening to
become a serious menace if not checked.
60. * Bromus rubens L. An occasional specimen is found along
railroad tracks.
61. * Bromus sterilis L. Very common in dry sterile soil.
62. * Bromus hordeaceus L. Perhaps our most common grass
abundant in dry soil everywhere, and very variable.
63'. * Bromus hordeaceus L. var. leptostachys Beck. In similar
situations with the last, but not so common.
64. * Bromus secalinus L. Not uncommon in grain-fields,
and occasionally cultivated.

65. * Dactylis glomcnita L. A very common escape to fields

and roadsides.
66. * Poa annua L. Extremely common along waysides, in

cultivated fields and in lawns. F'lowers almost continu-

ously throughout the year.
67. * Poa compressa L. Not infrequent in sandy soil,

along the Willamette.

68. * Poa pratensis L. Our commonest lawn-grass, and
escaped to meadows and pastures everywhere.
69. Poa nervosa (Hook.) Vasey. A mountain species that
has been found in our limits only at Silver Creek Falls in
the Cascades, on moist rocky banks.
70. *Poa trivialis L. Not infrequent in damp shady places.
71. Poa triflora Gilib. Common along streams in low ground.
72. Poa leptocoma Trin. In damp thickets at Silver Creek

73. Poa scabreUa (Thurb.) Benth. Not infrequent in dry

gravelly soil about Salem (X).
74. Poa Hoivellii Vasey & Scribn. Not uncommon in dry
coniferous woods.
75. Poa miiltnomae Piper. A grass of the Columbia Gorge,
but collected on rocks in the bed of Silver Creek, one mile
above Silverton (X).
76. Festuca octoflora Walt. Rather scarce in dry open places
near the Willamette.
77. Festuca megalura Nutt. Very abundant in dry soil along
roads and in waste places everywhere, appearing as if

78. * Festuca myitros L. Has been found only at one station,
on railroad tracks at West Salem, Polk County.
79. * Festuca bromoides L. Occasional along roadsides and
railroad tracks.
80. Festuca caUfornica Vasey. On dry hillsides at Eola, Polk
County, not observed elsewhere.
81. * Festuca rubra L. Occasional on lawns about Salem,
where plainly introduced'; but the form on gravelly prairies

appears to be native.

82. * Festuca rubra L. var. megastachys Gaudin. Occasional

along railroad tracks (X).
83. Festuca occidental-is Hook. Not uncommon in dr>^ open
84. * Festuca elatior L. Common on roadsides and borders of

85. Festuca siibulata Trin. In open thickets and borders of

woods. A species of ver\' rapid growth, often reaching
a height of 5-6 feet after the first warm daj^s of spring.

86. Festuca idahoensis Elmer. Occasional in dr^^ gravelly soil

87. * Scleropoa rigida Griseb. Around old buildings in the
business district of Salem (X).
88. Phragmites communis Trin. In swampy soil in the old bed
of Lake Labish, two miles east of Brooks (X).
89. Glyceria leptostachya Buckl. Borders of ponds and slow
streams, not common.
[/ 90. Glyceria occidentalis (Piper) comb. nov. First described as
Panicitlaria occidentalis in Piper & Beattie, Fl. N. W. Coast
59 (1915). was originally collected by Hall in the

vicinity of Salem, where it is not infrequent along wet

ditches. Easily distinguished from G. leptostachya by
the acutish lemmas. So far as I know it has not )^et been
transferred to Glyceria, and the combination is accordingly
91. Glyceria paucifiora Presl. Common along streams and in

wet places.
92. Glyceria grandis Wats. With the last, but less common.
93. Beckmannia erucaeformis (L.) Host. In ditches and wet
meadows, not common.
94. * Loliiim temidentum L. Rather scarce, but occasionally
too abundant in grain fields.
95. * Lolium miiltiflorum Lam. Abundant in dry soil almost
everywhere. Apparently long confused with the next.
The species is very subject to teratological variations.
An apparent hybrid with Festuca elatior has been collected.
96. * Lolium perenne L. With the last, but less common.

97- * Lolium percnue L. var. cristatum Docll. A single speci-

men was collected in a wooded ravine near Eola, Polk
County, at considerable distance from any dwelling or
cultivated ground.
98. Agropyron tenerum Vasey. Not uncommon in dry soil in

meadows and grain-fields.

99. * Agropyron repens (L.) Beauv. Beginning to appear in

gardens and fields, and threatening to become a serious

100. Elymns glaticiis Buckl. Very common in dr}' soil, and
extremely variable.
loi. * Triticiim vulgar e L. A common escape along railroads
and in Both the bearded and beardless
waste places.
forms occur. It does not seem worth while to maintain
Host's T. compactuni for the Western "soft" wheat (X).
102. * Horde nm murinum L. Very common in waste places.
103. * Hordeum Gussoneanum Pari. Common, especially in

dried mud along roadsides.

104. * Hordeum juhatum L. Only a few isolated specimens
have been found in waste places.
105. * Hordeum nodosum L. Common along ditches and on
banks of streams.
106. Sitanion jitbatum J. G. Smith. Occasional on dry gravelly
prairies about Salem (X).
In addition to the cereals mentioned in the above list, Zea
mays L. is a common field crop. An occasional farmer attempts
the cultivation of "Sudan-grass" (Andropogon Sorghum (L.)

Brot. subsp. sudanensis Piper). Miscanthus sinensis Anderss. is

sometimes cultivated for ornament. A beautiful hardy Japanese

bamboo of the genus Phyllostachys is a favorite among the local
landscape-gardeners, but has never flowered.
It will be observed that of the 106 species and varieties listed

above, 55, or over half the entire number, are introduced, and
number may be regarded as fairly
51 native; and while the latter
constant, the former may be expected to show a steady increase*
* This finds further illustration in the fact that since writing the above Digitaria
sanguinalis (L.) Scop, and Setaria glauca (L.) Beauv. have both appeared spo-
radically in Salem.

Nothing is more striking to the casual observer than the vast

predominance of introduced individuals in the more densely
settled areas. Often the native species have been entirely
crowded out, and the grass-population over large sections is
made up exclusively of immigrants, among which the genera
Bromtis and Lolium will show the greatest number of individual
The following attempt to group our grass-species ecologically
is far from being exhaustive, but may serve to throw a little

more light on the general phenomena of distribution. The

following associations may be distinguished
1. Riparian society, growing on the sand-bars and islands in
the Willamette and Santiam Rivers, and along their muddy or
gravelly shores, often in very dry soil: Digitaria humifusa,
Paspalum distichiim, Panicum harhipulvinatum, Aristida oligan-
tha, Agrostis foliosa, Aira capillaris, Eragrostis hypnoides, Poa
compressa, Festiica octoflora.
2. Hydrophyte society, growing only in water or wet ground
along streams, borders of ponds &c. Leersia oryzoides, Alopecurus

aristulatus, Agrostis microphylla, A. oregonensis, Deschampsia

caespitosa, Poa triflora, PJiragmites communis, Glyceria leptosta-
chya, G. occidentalis, G. pauciflora, G. grandis, Beckmannia
3. Xerophyte society, found usually only in dry soil, especially
on the gravelly prairies: Panicum Scribnerianum, P. pacificum,
Stipa Lemmoni, Aira caryophyllea, DantJionia americana, Koeleria
cristata, Bromus sterilis, Poa scabrella, Festuca megalura, F.
rubra, F. idahoensis, Agropyron tenerum, Elynius glaiicus, Sitanion
4. Silvicole society, generally occurring only in or at. the
borders of open woods: Trisetum cernuum, T. canescens, Melica
subulata, Bromus vulgaris, B. vulgaris var. eximiiis, Poa Howellii,
Festuca occidentalis, F. subulata.
5. Submontane society, restricted to the wooded lower slopes
of the mountains, and not extending out into the valley: Hieroch-
loe macrophylla, Agrostis hyemalis, Pleuropogon refractus, Poa
nervosa, P. leptocoma.

6. Riideral society, most ahuiulant in waste places, and often

associated with culti\ated plants: Echinochloa cnis-galli, Art-
thoxanthnm odoratum, Phleum pratense, Agrostis alba, Notholcus
lanatus, Arrheyiathenim elatins, Avena fatiia, A. saliva, Bromus
carinatus, B. margitiatus, B. tectoriim, B. villosus, B. hordeaceus,
B. secalhius, Dactylis glomerata, Poa annua, P. pratensis, P.
Irivialis, Festuca elatior, Lolium temulentiim, L. multiflorum,
L. .perenne, Triticum vulgare, Hordeiim murinum. Most of the
others are either casual and sporadic, or occur indiscriminately
in more than one of the above associations.
Salem, Oregon.

By T. D. a. Cockerell

Coelogyne is a remarkable genus of palaeotropical orchids,

with over a hundred species, distributed from India to the
New Hebrides. The type species, C. cristata Lindley, comes
from the base of the Himalayas, and has beautiful white fiowers,
the lip marked with orange. The most remarkable thing
about the genus is, some of the species is
perhaps, that the lip in

marked with black. I have before me a number of fresh fiowers

of C. pandurata Lindley, from Borneo. The profuse marking
of the pale greenish lip is dull black, with a very faint rusty tint.

The small concavity at the extreme base is cinnamon-brown.

The other petals, and the long sepals, are pale yellowish green.
The column or gynostemium is suffused with apple green, espe-
cially at the tip. The bright orange pollinia rest on a broad
crenulate or subfimbriate base. The lip is described by Nash*
as 2-keeled, but Pfitzer and Kranzlint treat it as 3-keeled in their
key. There is actually a well-developed median keel, but it is

smaller than the others. CostantinJ gives a colored figure of

C. pandurata, but unfortunately it is colored bright bluish-green,
whereas the color should be like that of Trias oblonga on the
same plate.

Standard Cyclop.. Horticulture.

t Das Pflanzenreich, 1907.

X Atlas des Orchidees Cultivees, pi. 25, f. i.


On examining the black markings of C. pandiirata under the

microscope and in sections, I found that they were entirely
superficial, situated on innumerable closely placed small papillae.
By transmitted light they appear brown, and the cinnamon
color of the basal depression is doubtless due to the same pigment
in dilute form. The pigment gives none of the anthocyanin
reactions, nor does it look like anthocyanin. It is soluble in

strong alkaline solutions, and produces a cherry-colored liquid.

This readily stains paper, but does not change color on drying.
Acid almost entirely discharges the brown color. I am indebted
to Dr. F. Ramaley for the suggestion that the reactions resemble
those of turmeric, derived from Curcuma (Zingiberaceae). The
pigment in turmeric is curcumin, CuHieOy. It seems evident
that Coelogyne possesses a . closely related though doubtless
distinct pigment. Even in species such as C. speciosa and C.
asperata, in which the lip is marked with red or cinnamon, there
is probably no anthocyanin at all. Pfitzer and Kranzlin remark
that blue or blue-violet colors are lacking in the whole tribe
Coelogyninee, but the genus Pleione, to judge from the descrip-
tions, must certainly possess anthocyanin.
In the case of Coelogyne sparsa Reichb. f., Ames* quotes a
collector to the effect that the flowers are white with lavender
spots. This would suggest anthocyanin, but itmust be an error,
as others found the markings to be light brown or purplish
Boulder, Colorado

Rock's Lobelioideae of Hawaii t

The flora of the Hawaiian Archipelago has long been known

as one of the most peculiar in the world, not alone for its fan-
tastic forms of relatives of well known plants, but for the large
number of species that are endemic there. Its isolation is so

* Orchidaceee, fasc 2, p. 70.

t Rock, J. F. A
Monographic Study of the Hawaiian Species of the Tribe
Lobelioideae, Family Campanulaceae. Pp. I-XVI + 1-394- 217 full-page
plates. Publication of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum. Honolulu. 20
February, 1919.

complete, the depths of the sea surrouiuhng it so great, that there

has been a long continuing opportunity for the fixing of types
and the preservation, sometimes almost unchanged from the
earliest geological times, of ancient forms of vegetation. From
Gaudichaud who wrote in 1826, to Wallace, Guppy, Campbell,
and the author of the present volume, this endemic nature of
a large part of the flora of the islands, has always been among the
chief interests in their studies. That these few little dots in the
limitless expanse of the Pacific should contain plants found no-
where else in the world, and such curious plants, has almost
dramatic significance in the general scheme of plant distribution
in that quarter of the earth.
Mr. Joseph H. Rock, who has studied for years the species
and varieties of what he calls the tribe Lobelioideae of the Cam-
panulaceae, has written a monographic quarto volume on these
plants that clears up many points of identity which no doubt,
have bothered some insular and continental botanists. Such
a study, involving comparison with the types, of which there
are photographs; delving in the literature, for which there is
a bibliography; and settling specific and generic limits, for which,
of course, there are keys, must be thorough to be really useful.

Those who study the present volume can well understand that
these features of the book have been prepared with great care
and attention to details. Perhaps such a scholarly work will
come as a surprise to those who have noted with not very envious
astonishment the effects, no doubt, of the exuberant climate of
these islands upon recent botanical production in Hawaii.
Nearly one hundred pages are taken up with a discussion of
the affinities of the Lobelioideae of Hawaii with those of their
nearest relatives, which, in many cases, are geographically remote.
The baccate genera, Clermontia, Cyanea, Delissea and RoUandia
of American affinity, and the capsular genera Lobelia, Tremato-
lobelia and Brighamia, all woody plants except the latter, com-

prise the tribe which is synonymous with the family Lobeliaceae,

in the islands. These seven genera contain 149 species and
varieties, the genus Cyanea being larger than all the others com-
bined. It is of interest then that Mr. Rock considers this still

in process of evolution, not, likesome of the other genera,

decadent, or almost extinct as he shows for Delissea. Six of the
Hawaiian genera are endemic there, only Lobelia being found
elsewhere. This highly endemic generic proportion naturally
opens up many problems of distribution, "age and area" possi-
bilities, and that part of the volume which discusses these
problems is naturally the most readable.
The reviewer recently had occasion to look over two papers on
these islands for Botanical Abstracts (Nos. 822 and 832, Decem-
ber, 191 8) which showed that for Hawaiian ferns and their allies
the relationship was mostly with the east apparently because
they are unfitted for overseas transportation; while for strand
plants, of which there is a high percentage of endemics the
affinitiesseem to be with America. Mr. Rock shows that four
of the Hawaiian endemic Lobelioideae, among them the numerous
Cyaneas, are related to American genera. Not very closely
related, however, as no Hawaiian lobeliaceous genus is actually
in America. Lobelia, being rather generally distributed, is there-
fore not significant in this connection.
Of course the main portion of the book is taken up by the keys
to species and their description and illustration. There are also
discussions of the insect and bird visitors of the plants, flowering
season, root systems, altitudinal range, and some account of the
cultivated species. The book, then, is truly a monograph in
the best sense of that much misused word. — N.T.


Meeting of May 28, 1919
The meeting was held in the Morphological Laboratory of the
New York Botanical Garden, beginning at 3:30 P.M., with
Vice-President Barnhart in the chair. There were thirteen
persons present.
The minutes of the meetings of April 30 and May 13 were read
and approved. Mrs. N. L. Britton gave an informal report of
the special meeting of the Club in conjunction with the Wild

Flower Preservation Society, which was held at the Mansion ol

the New York Botanical Garden on May 15 and at which Mr.
Stewardson Brown of Philadelphia gave an illustrated lecture.
Dr. N. L. Britton, chairman of a special committee to write a
letter of congratulation to Capt. John l^onnell Smith of Baltimore
on the celebration of his ninetieth birthday, June 5. read a copy
of a letter which had been drafted and this report of the committee
was accepted by the Club.
Dr. F. W. Pennell, for the Field Committee, referred to the
plans for the Memorial Day excursion, in cooperation with the
Philadelphia Botanical Club.
Dr. M. A. Howe, for the Editorial Board, referred to a project
for publishing the correspondence between John Torrey and
Louis de Schweinitz and suggested authorization for its publica-
tion in the Club's Memoirs. On motion of Dr. N. L. Britton
itwas voted to refer the matter to the Editorial Board with
power to publish, if the financial means could be secured.
The resignation of Miss Amelia R. Goodlatte, Passaic, N. J.,
was accepted.
Dr. Britton exhibited the remarkable seed-pods of a Cen-
irolobium recently collected in Ecuador by Dr. J. N. Rose.
The announced scientific program consisted of four communi-
cations, as follows:
1. "Morphogenesis in Dictyosteliiim'' by Dr. R. A. Harper.
(No abstract furnished.)
2. Dr. Seaver showed specimens of Btdgaria glohosa collected

by Mrs. H. T. Gussow in the Lievre woods of Quebec and com-

municated by Prof. J. H. Faull, of the University of Toronto.
While the species has been recorded once from Ottawa, Canada,
this is the first living specimen seen by the speaker and so far
as he knows only the second record of the species from North
America. The American specimens dififer from the excellent
European illustrations by Schmidel in that the hymenium of the
American form is much more expanded. This, however, is
thought to be due to a difference in age and is not regarded as of
specific importance. In all essential details the American plants
seem to be identical with European. The speaker was especially

glad to receive specimens of this plant since a monograph of this

group for Xorth America is in process of preparation.

3. "Canadian Arctic. Mosses," by Mr. R. S. Williams.

A list made by the speaker enumerates 68 species of mosses
collected by various members of the expedition sent out by the
Canadian Government, in connection with the Geological Survey
of Canada, to the northern coasts of Alaska and British Xorth
America in I9i3-'i6. The genus most largely represented is
Drepanocladus with 11 species, all sterile; next comes Bryum
with 9 species, 5 of which are fruiting: all the other genera, 35
in number, are represented by i or 2 species except Dicranupi,
of which there are 3, one of which, D. elongatiim, is in fruit.
The greatest number of species (7) separated out from one
collection and growing more or less intimately associated occurs ,

under no. 60, representing a piece of sod, some 4 by 6 inches on

the upper surface, cut out from the tundra on Barter Island, on
the coast of Arctic Alaska. The species, all sterile and men-
tioned in the order of their abundance, the commonest first,
are as follows: Catoscepium ntgrittim, Swartzia montana, Dre-
panocladus brevifolius, Bryum neodamense, Chrysohypnum stel-

latum, Encalypta hrevicoUa, and Drepanod-adus scorpioides.

Under no. 23, a small collection made 50 m.iles inland from Cam-
den Harbor, Alaska, the following were separated out: Bryum
pallescens, Leptohryum pyriforme, Mnium afp.ne, Drepanocladus
aduncus, and Rhyiidiiim rugosum, the Bryum and Leptohryum
bearing fruit. The specimens are sterile unless othersvise stated.
One species, Bryum nsodamense, found in Europe, from the
Pyrenees to the Arctic coast, does not seem to have been credited
before to America. Another, Drepanocladus brevifolius, has
been noted from Greenland only, while two others are described
as new. The region collected over extends from about 68° to
70° 35' X'. and from the northern Alaska coast eastward to about
long. 110° \V.

4. "Types of Sterilit>' in the Radish," by Dr. A. B. Stout.

Dr. Stout exhibited living plants of cultivated races of the
radish, illustrating three types of sterility as follows: (i) blasting

of flowers, (2) self- and cross-incompatibility, (3) embryo abor-


tion after iVrtilization. A brief report was made of the [)rogress

and results of experimental studies on these types of sterility

in this species.

After the presentation of the papers, they were discussed

by some of the members present.
Adjournment followed.
Marshall A. Howe,
Secretary pro tern.
The Torrey Botanical Club

who wish six gratuitous copies

Contributors of accepted articles and reviews
of the number of Torreya in which their papers appear, will kindly notify tfic
editor when returning proof.
Reprints should be ordered, when galley proof is returned to the editor. The
New Era Printing Co., 41 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa., have furnished the
following rates:
2pp 4pp 8pp 12pp 16pp 20pp
25 copies S .79 fl.l4 $1.78 $2.32 $2.87 $3.28
50 copies 1.03 1.43 2.23 2.82 3.52 3.92
100 copies 1.45 2.03 2.73 3.50 4.23 4.55
200 copies 2.15 3.24 3.92 5 25 6.52 6.92
Covers: 25 for $1.00, additional covers 1}4 cents each.
Plates for reprints, 50 cents each per 100.

Committees for 1919.

Finance Committee Program Committee

R. A. Harper, Chairman. Mrs. E. G. Britton, Chairman.
J. H. Barnhart, Prof. Jean Broadhurst
Miss C. C. Haynes B. O. Dodge
Sereno Stetson Michael Levine
Budget Committee F. J. Seaver

H. Barnhart, Chairman. Membership Committee

R. A. Harper J. K. Small, Chairman.
N. L. Britton T. E. Hazen
A. W. Evans E, W. Olive
M. A. Howe Local Flora Committee
H. H. Rusby N. L. Britton, Chairtnan.
Field Committee Phanerogams: Cryptogams:
F. W. Pen'N£LL, Chairman. E. P. Bicknell Mrs. E. G. Brittc n
Mrs. L. M. Keeler N. L. Britton Hazen T. E.
Michael Levine C. C. Curtis M. a. Howe
George T. Hastings- K. K. Mackenzie Michael Levine
Percy Wilson Norman Taylor W. A. Murrill
F. J. Seaver
Chairmen of Special Committees on Local Flora
Ferns and Fern Allies: R. C. Benedict. Lichens: W. C. Barbour
Mosses: Mrs. E. G. Britton Sphaeriaceae, Dothideaceae: H. M
Liverworts: A. W. Evans Richards
Fresh Water Algae: T. E. Hazen Hypocreaceae, Perisporieae, Plectas-
Marine Algae: M. A. Howe cineae, Tuberineae: F. J. Seaver
Gasteromycetes: G. C. Fisher Fungi-forming sclerotia: A. B. Stout
Hymenomycetes: W. A. Murrill Imperfecti: H. M. Richards, F.
Except Russula and Lactarius: Miss G Seaver, Mel T. Cook
^urlingham Oomycetes: C. A. King
Cortinarius: R. A. Harper Zygomycetes: A. F. Blakeslee
Polyporeae:M. Levine Chytridiaceae,
M. Richards
Exobasidii: H. Myxomycetes: Mrs. H. M. Richards
Rusts and Smuts: E. W. Olive Yeast and Bacteria: Prof. J. Broadlu/s
Discomycetes B. O. Dodge
: Insect galls: Mel T. Cook


A monthly journal devoted to general botany, established
1870. Vol. 45 published in 191 8, contained 519 pages of text
and 15 full-page plates. Price ^4.00 per annum. For Europe,
18 shillings. Dulau & Co., 47 Soho Square, London, are,

agents for England.

Of former volumes, only 24-45 can be supplied entire cer- ;

tainnumbers of other Volumes are available, but the entire stock

of some numbers has been reserved for the completion of sets
Vols. 24-27 are furnished at the published price of two dollars
each ; Vols. 28—45 three dollars each.
Single copies
(30 cents) will be furnished only when not
breaking complete volumes.

The Memoirs, estabhshed 1889, are published at irregu-
lar intervals. Volumes 1-15 are now completed; No. i of
Vol. 16 has been issued. The subscription price is fixed at
^3.00 per volume in advailce ; Vol.- 17, containing Proceedings
of the Semi-Centennial Anniversary of the Club, 490 pages, was
issued in 191 8, price ;^5.oo. Certain numbers can also be pur-
chased singly. A list of titles of the individual papers and of
prices will be furnished on application.

(3) The Preliminary Catalogue of Anthophyta and Pteri-

dophyta reported as growing within one hundred miles of New
York, 1888. Price, ^i.oo.

Correspondence relating to the above [)ublicati()ns should be

addressed to
Columbia University
New York City
Vol. 19 December, 1919 No. 12

A Monthly Journal of Botanical Notes and News




{OH^• TORREY, 1796-1873.

Scrophulariaceae of the local Flora. Francis W. Pennell .... 235
The Occurrence and Distribution of Vasey's Pondweed in Northeastern Ohio.
L. S. Hopkins 243
Shorter Notes
Carpolites macrophyllus a Philadelphus. T. D. A. Cockerell 244
Flora of the District of Columbia. N. L. Brixton 244
Proceedings of the Club ... 247
News Items 248
Dates of Publication .
Index . .

Published for the Club

At 41 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa.
BT Thk Nbw Era Printing Company-
"Entered at the Post Office at Lancaster. Pa., as second-class matter.



Secretary and Treasurer

Columbia University, N. Y. City.
Associate Editors
G. E.
Delegate to the New York Academy
Council of the of Sciences
M. A. HOWE. Ph.D.

Official Organ of the Wild Fi!ower Preservation

Society of America

ToRREYA is furnished to subscribers in the United States and

Canada for one dollar per annum ; single copies, fifteen cents. To
subscribers elsewhere, five shillings, or the equivalent thereof. Postal or
express money orders and drafts or personal checks on New York City
banks are accepted in payment, but the rules of the New York Clearing
House compel the request that ten cents be added to the amount of any
other local checks that may be sent. Subscriptions are received only
for full volumes, beginning with the January issue. Reprints will be
furnished at cost prices. Subscriptions and remittances should be sent
to Treasurer, Torrey Botanical Club, 41 North Queen St., Lan-
caster, Pa., or Columbia University, New York City.

Matter for publication, and books and papers for review, should
be addressed to

Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Brooklyn, N. Y
Vol. 19 No. 12
December, igig


By Fr.\ncis W. Pennell

Concluded from November Torreya

16. BUCHNERA L. Sp. PI. 630. 1753

Type species, B. americana L,

I. BucHXERA AMERICAXA L. l.c. 630. 1753- "Habitat in

Virginia, Canada." Based upon Gron., Fl. Virg. 74.
1743, typified by Clayton 142 from Virginia. Type not
verified, but description distinctive.
Flowering August and September.
in July, fruiting in

Sandy or sterile loam soil, occasional in the Piedmont Region

in the southwestern extremit>' of our area. Delaware County,
Pennsyhania (Williamson School), Lancaster Co. (Pleasant
Grove), and in Newcastle Co., Delaware (Centreville). Ranges
from Pennsylvania to Florida, southern Ontario, Illinois and
17. SCHWALBEA L. Sp. PI. 6o6. 1 753
Type species, S. americana L.
I. ScHWALBEA AMERICAXA L. l.c. 606. 1753- "Habitat in
America septentrionali." Linne had in his herbarium no
specimen of this, so that his species isbased wholly upon
Gron., Fl. Virg. 71. 1743, typified by Clayton jj from
from Virginia. This from the description of the leaves
as lanceolate and the plant as quite pubescent would
appear to have been the species now considered.
Flowering from mid-June to early July, fruiting in September.
Sandy soil, usually rather damp, in pineland and about edges
of salt-marsh, in the Coastal Plain of southern New Jersey and
[Xo. II, Vol. 19, of Torreya, comprising pp. 205-233, was issued i8 Dec, 1919]

in central Delaware. Ranges from southeastern Massachusetts

to Virginia, so is to be expected in eastern Long Island.

i8. Castilleja Mutis; L. f. Suppl. 293. 1781

Type species, C. fissifolia L. f., of Colombia

I. Castilleja cocciNEA (L.) Spreng.
Bartsia coccinea L. Sp. PI. 602. 1753. "Habitat in Vir-

ginia, Noveboraco . . . Hort. Cliff. 235." From L.,

Hort. Cliff. 325. 1737, "Crescit in Virginia, unde

delatam communicavit DD. Gronovius," and from
Gron., Fl. Virg. 69. 1743, " Clayt. n. 293."
Clayton 2QJ,
the type, must be certainly the species here considered.
Khinanthus coccineus (L.) Lam. Encyc. 2: 60. 1786.
Euchroma coccinea (L.) Nutt. Gen. N. Am. PI. 2: 55. 1818.
Type of the genus Euchroma Nutt.
Castilleja coccinea (L.) Spreng. Syst. 2: 775. 1825.
Flowering from late April to early June, and soon ripening

Meadows and moist grassy slopes, loam or sandy loam, through

the Piedmont Region, more frequent westward; in the Coastal
Plain occasional in the Middle District of southern New Jersey.
Ranges from Maine to Manitoba south to South Carolina and
19. Rhinanthus L. Sp. PI. 603. 1753
Type species, R. Crista-galli L., of Europe
I. Rhinanthus Crista-galli L.
Flowering in May and early June, fruiting in late June.
Fields and open places near Stratford, Connecticut. Probably
introduced from Eurasia, although said to be native north-
eastward .

20. Pedicularis L. Sp. PI. 607. 1753

Type species, P. pal us tr is L., of Eutope
Stem 6-8 dm. tall, glabrous. Leaves' shallowly lobed, the
sinuses narrow, the lobes with minute regular crenations.
Bracts auriculate near base. Rachis of inflorescence glab-
rous. Fused sepals of each side terminating in a slightly
enlarged crenate foliar tip, glabrous or with a very few long
hairs near base. Corolla with truncate apex of posterior

lobes without tooth-like processes. Capsule brown, scarci-Iy

exceeding calyx, slenckrly beaked. Flowering in late
summer. i. p. lanceolala.
Stem 1-3 dm. tall, hirsute, especially above. Leaves deeply
lobed, the sinuses broad, the lobes with more prominent
irregular crenations. Bracts entire near base. Rachis of
inflorescence lanate. Fused sepals of each side broadly
acute, entire, pubescent along the veins. Corolla with apex
of posterior lobes each with a tooth-like process. Capsule
straw-colored, twice as long as the calyx, scarcely beaked.
Flowering in spring. 2. P. canadensis.

1. Pedicularis lanceolata Michx. FI. Bor. Am. 2: 18. 1803.

"Hab. in regione IlUnoensi [A. Michaux]." Type not
verified, but description distinctive.
Pedicularis auriadata Sm. in Rees Cycl. 26: 1813. "Sent
by the Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg, from the neighborhood of
Lancaster in Pennsylvania." Description distinctive.
Pedicularis pallida Banks; Pursh, Fl. Am. Sept. 424. 1814.
"In a swamp near Kings-bridge, New York. . . . Ph. [
Pursh] . . . V.V.; v.s. in Herb. Banks." Description dis-
Flowering from late August to late September, fruiting late
September and October.
Swales and moist meadows, loam soil, in the Piedmont region,
more frequent southwestward occasional in the Middle District

of the Coastal Plain of southern New Jersey, extending nearly

to Cape May. Ranges from Massachusetts to Manitoba,
North Carolina and Nebraska.
2. Pedicularis canadensis L. Mant. 86. 1767. "Habitat in

America septentrionali, Kalm." Description distinctive.

Pedicularis gladiata Michx. FL* Bor. Amer. 2: 18. 1803.
"Hab. in Pennsylvania [A. Michaux].'' Description
quite distinctive.
Flowering from late April to late May, fruiting in late May and
early June.
Woodland, or on knolls in meadows, loam or sandy loam,
common throughout above the Fall-Line; in the Coastal Plain
frequent or occasional in Long Island and in the Middle District
of southern New Jersey. Ranges from Nova Scotia to Manitoba,
south to Florida and Texas.

21. Melampyrum L., Sp. PI. 605. 1753

Type species, M. cristatum L. of Europe
Main stem-leaves linear or lanceolate-linear. Bracts
conspicuously fimbriate near base, with teeth fre-

quently as long as the width of the blade. Capsules

mostly 6-7 mm. long, curved and usually attenuate-
beaked. Seeds 2-2.5 mm. long,brown to blackish. i. M. lineare.

Main stem-leaves linear-lanceolate to nearly ovate.

Bracts slightly or not fimbriate near base, the teeth
shorter than the width of the blade. Capsules fre-

quently larger, reaching 8-9 mm. long, slightly or

not curved and less or not attenuate-beaked. Seeds
often larger, reaching 3 mm. long, usually black. la. M. lineare latifoUum,

I. Melampyrum lineare Desr. ; Lam. Encyc. 4: 22. 1796.

"Rapportee de la Caroline par M. Eraser . . . (v.s.)

Description made from a very small and young plant,

but certainly of the form here considered. Characteriza-
tion of calyx as 5-toothed surely erroneous.
Flowering from mid- June to September, and soon ripening

Sandy soil, pineland and in open deciduous woodland, common

throughout the Coastal Plain; inland occasional and mostly
Ranges from Massachusetts to
transitional to var. latifoUum.
North Carolina, and, including varieties, inland northward
across the continent.
la. Melampyrum lineare latifolium (Muhl.) Beauverd
Melampyrum americanum Michx. Fl. Bor. Amer. 2: 16.

1803. "Hab. a sinu Hudsonis ad montosam Carolinam.

[A. Michaux]." Description evidently of the prevalent
inland broader-leaved plant.
Melampyrum latifolium Muhl. [Cat. 57. 1813. nomen
nudum]] Eaton, Man. Bot. N. & M. St. ed. II 316. 1818.
From Muhlenberg's Catalog, the type station is in Dela-
ware. Type not seen, but evidently is of the inland
broader-leaved plant.
Melampyrum americanum latifolium (Muhl.) Eaton, I.e. ed.
III. 350. 1822.
Melampyrum pratense americanum (Michx.) Benth. in DC.
Prod. 10: 584. 1846.

Melampynim lineare latifoliiim (Muhl.) Bcauverd in Mem.

Soc. Phys. Geneve 38: 474. 191 6.
Melampynim lineareamericanum (Michx.) Beauv^erd, I.e.
476. 1916. Beauverd distinguishes /a///'o/«<wwith bracts
broader, the lower entire, the upper entire or few-toothed,
and the first flower placed at the third or fourth node,
from americanum with bracts narrower, the lower entire
or slightly toothed, the upper always toothed, and the
first flower in the axil of the fourth to eighth node. His
americanum is transitional from latifolium to lineare
itself, from which he distinguishes both these varieties as

having corolla whitish, tinged with purple, instead of

pale-yellow, tinged with purple. The corolla of the
species, as well of var. latifolium as I understand it, has the
corolla white, posteriorly more or less tinged with red,
especially in age,and only the palate yellow. His color
distinction cannot be maintained, and I should consider
the broadest, most entire-leaved plants as an extreme of
this variety.
Flowering from late May to mid-August, and soon ripening

Dr\' open woods, in potassic soil, sandy or sterile, locally

common on sandstone or shale ridges, etc., throughout the area
above the Fall-line; in the Coastal Plain occasional on Long
Island and in the Middle District of southern Xew Jersey.
Intergrading to the species.

Local Specimens of the Author's Collecting

As my own collections illustrating our local species of Scro-
phulariaceae in part have already been, and in part are soon to
be, distributed to various herbaria, it may be well here to present
a summary of the numbers of these. The specimen numbers
will be grouped by species and states. All are from the local
flora as defined in the introduction to these studies.

Agalinis acuta (N. Y.) 5292, 6551, 6552, 9340, 10126.

Agalinis Holmiana (N. Y.) 10167. (N. J.) 1662, 2695, 3544,

3583, 3628, 6483, 91 17.


Agalinis maritima (N. Y.) 9359. (N. J.) 1807, 2157.

Agalinis purpurea (N. Y.) 5291, 6549, 6647, 9366, 10146. (N. J.)

2602, 2603, 2604, 4004, 6492, 6524, 6637, 9294. (Pa.)

476, 750, 786, 838, 847, 1660, 2682, 2689, 3598, 3609, 5182,
5272, 8984.
Agalinis tenuifoUa (Conn.) 8578. (N. Y.) 6651, 6698, 9226.
(N. J.) 1664, 6534, 9870. (Pa.) 658, 837, 1642, 2681, 2688,

2690, 3543, 5289, 8906.

Agalinis virgata (N. J.) 2692, 2694, 3584, 3626, 3808, 6521,
^wreo/anayZam (N. Y.) 5293, 8434, 9407. (N. J.) 8358. (Pa.)

3541, 3624, 5225, 5260, 5284, 5286, 6791.

Aureolaria pedicularia (N. Y.) 9225, 10171. (N. J.) 10040.
(Pa.) 583, 991, 1948, 3542, 3559, 3585, 3589, 3625, 5192,
5226, 5261, 5262, 5265, 5288, 8831, 8860. (Del.) 1519.
(Md.) 1619.
Aureolaria pedicularia caesariensis (N. J.) 1837, 3545, 3627,
6487, 9155-
Aureolaria pedicularia intercedens (Pa.) 676, 4982.
Aureolaria virginica (N. Y.) 5294, 6868, 8459. (N. J.) 3546,
3986, 6489, 7363, 7428, 8345, 9208. (Pa.) 337, 4985, 5021,

5067, 5227, 5259, 5283, 6503, 6793, 7850, 7912, 8847, 9412.
(Del.) 7754- (Md.) 1615.
Castilleja coccinea (Pa.) 1290, 2034, 2772.
Chelone glabra (N. Y.) 6643, 6678,. 6745, 6833, 6898, 8604, 9239,
9308, 9397. 9400. (N. J.) 6485, 6525, 6543, 9223, 9224.
(Pa.) 6794.
Chelone glabra f. tomentosa (Pa.) 901, 6480, 8827, 8861, 8912.
Gratiola aurea (N. J.) 6500, 6527, 9929,
Gratiola aurea obUisa (N. J.) 9897.
Gratiola neglecta (Conn.) 8579. (N. Y.) 9930. (N. J.) 7367,
9445. (Pa.) 1495, 2822, 5013, 6477, 6994, 7256, 7861.
Gratiola pilosa (N. J.) 6486, 6491.
Gratiola virginiana (N. J.) 6495.
Hemianthus micranthus (N. J.) 6497.
Ilysanthes dubia (N. Y.) 6704 p.p., 8429. (N.J.) 6493. (Pa.)

6467, 6474 p.p., 8014, 8837.


Ilysauthcs duhia inundata (N. J.) 6496.

IlysantJies inaequalis (N. Y.) 6704 p.p. (X. J.j 3987, 6494,
6636. (Pa.) 6474 p.p.
Limosella subiilata (N. J.) 6635.
Linaria canadensis (N. Y.) 7747, 10143. (N. J.) 6488, 6520,
6971, 6972, 8182, 9438, 10012, 10021, 10077. (Md.) 8882.
Linaria Linaria (N. Y.) 6699, 70i4. 7679, 8710. (N. J.) 6526,
6548, 7408. (Pa.) 7303, 7968. (Md.) 8881.
Melampyrnm lineare (N. J.) 3572, 3818, 3836, 6499, 6522, 6587,
8167, 9050. (Pa.) 1883, 6481.
Melampyrnm lineare latifoliiim (N. Y.) 6795, 6798, 8440. (N. J.)
7429, 9219, 9460, looio, 10054, 10118. (Pa.) 1561, 6501,
6795. 7880, 7956, 8852.
Mimulus alattis (N. Y.) 7683, 8209.
Mimiilus ringens (N. Y.) 6550, 6642, 6683, 7636, 8687, 9190,
9305- (N. J.) 6537. (Pa.) 6472, 6476, 6502, 7857, 7889,
8028, 8842, 8958.
Otophylla auricidata (Pa.) 5229, 5230, 5285, 5290.
Pedicularis canadensis (N. Y.) 2386, 6761, 6823, 6905, 7153,
8433- 9951. 9968, 10141. (N. J.) 6974, 9995. (Pa.) 2612,
6792, 8753.
Pedicularis lanceolata (Pa.) 1839, 6469.
Penstemon Digitalis (N. Y.) 9423. (Pa.) 6471.
Penstemo7i hirsiitns (N. J.) 7409. (Pa.) 3645, 6716, 7006.
Penstemon pallidus (N. Y.) 7130.
Schu'albea americana (N. J.) 9028, 10086.
Scrophularia leporella (N. Y.) 6790, 6888, 6910, 7732, 8323.
(N.J.) 10098. (Pa.) 4993.
Scrophularia marilandica (N. Y.) 8220. (N. J.) 9904. (Pa.)
6468, 6504, 8108.
Verhascum Blattaria (N. J.) 7053. (Pa.) 6475, 7971.
Verbascum Lychnitis (Pa.) 6478.
Verhascum Thapsus (N. Y.) 6684, 8324, 8496. (Pa.) 6479, 7970.
Veronica americana (N. Y.) 6824, 6887, 7186, 7740. (X. J.)
6533, 9437- (Pa.) 5069, 7238.
Veronica arvensis
(N. Y.) 6787, 6867. (N. J.) 7062, 9993.
(Pa.) 6719, 6999, 7254.

Veronica Brittonii (N. J.) loioo.

Veronica Chamaedrys (N. Y.) 6768.
Veronica officinalis (N. Y.) 6880, 7023, 71 18, 7623, 8423. (N. J.)

6528, 7414. (Pa.) 6718, 7965.

Veronica peregrina (Pa.) 6995.
Veronica scutellata (N. Y.) 6641.
Veronica serpyllifoUa (N. Y.) 6788, 6830, 691 1.
Veronica Tournefortii (Pa.) 6466.
Veronicastrum virginicum (N. Y.) 7731, 8697, 9851. (N. J.)

6529, 10104. (Pa.) 373, 4980, 4981, 6470, 7778, 8003, 8082,

9000, 9016.
Additions and Corrections
Page III, line 19. — Delete word "persistent." The tubercle-
like base of the style lasts but a short time after anthesis, not
until the fruit is mature.
Page III, last line.^VI. Veroniceae, not "Digitaleae."
Page 112, Hne 9. —Add word "usually" before "parasitic."
Page 112, line 19. —Add word "one" so as to read "Two stig-

matic lines, one down each side of style-apex."

Page 112, line 22. —
Add to characterization of genera contrasted
with Buchnera, " Calyx not bracted at base."
Page 113, line 12. —Add to characterization of Buchnera, " Calyx
bibracteolate at base."

Page 113, line 19. Add to characterization of Schwalhea:
"Calyx bibracteolate at base."

Page 113, line 22. Add to characterization of genera contrasted
with Schwalhea, "Calyx not bracted at base."

Page 114, line 10. Add phrase "to four" so expression reads
"Seeds maturing two to four to a capsule."

Page 152, line 13. Add " Lin aria ca^iadensis occurs occasionally
in a pink- flowered form."
Page 168. — 13. Veronica Brittonii Porter and Page 170.^— 14.

Veronica glandifera Pennell. It should have been stated that

both these newly described species are segregates from the
complex known as Veronica Anagallis-aquatica L. This
name belongs to some one of several Palaeartic species, all

of which differ from our plants.



By L. S. Hopkins

So far as a\ailable records show the first collection of this

interesting little pondweed Potamogeton Vaseyi Robbins
was made at Brady's Lake, Portage Co., by the writer on June
22, 1912, it being in flower at the time.
The was new to me at the time of its col-
fact that the plant
lection signified little sinceI had given no attention to the mem-

bers of this genus. Moreover it occurred in such abundance

that I never surmised that it had not been collected before and
it was not until later that I learned that this was the first authen-

tic account of its occurrence in the state.

It has since been collected by Mr. John Bright of Glenshaw,
Pa. at the mouth of Cowles Creek, near Geneva-on-the-Lake in

Ashtabula Co. on July 28, 1918, and by myself in August, 1918,

and again in 1919 at Sandy Lake (also called Lake Stafford),
Portage Co.
Although the Gray's New Manual, 1908, page 76, gives its
distribution as being from "Me. to Ont., s. to Ct., N. Y., O.,
111., and Minn.," SchafTner does not include it in his "Ohio
Catalogue of Vascular Plants."
Briefcomment may be made upon two statements commonly
m^ade in connection with this plant. The first is found in Britton
and Brown's Illustrated Flora, 1913, page 83 to the effect that
"emersed fertile forms (occur) in shallow water." The other is
found in the Gray's New Manual, which states that the "fruiting
form with floating leaves (is) rare."
With reference to local material as studied at the lakes men-
tioned, it seems worthy of note that it does not agree with the
manuals quoted in three essential particulars.
I. Fruiting stems are not rare. On the contrary they are very
abundant. It is no exaggeration to say that enough fruiting
stems to fill an ordinary row boat could have been collected at
Sandy Lake in August, 1919.

2. Unless the term "floating leaves" is used merely to distin-

guish the larger leaves from the smaller it is a misnomer, for
they do not always Thousands of these "floating leaves"

were seen in 1918 and again in 1919, which by actual measure-

ment, were submerged at varying depths up to twenty inches.
3. Fruiting stems are not limited to shallow water. It pro-

duced fruit abundantly at Sandy Lake in 191 9 in water of such

depth that the combined length of an ordinary oar —6 ft, 6 in.

and my arm with the sleeve rolled up as far as I could get it did
not suffice to reach the bottom. In this particular lake for the
past two seasons it has fruited most abundantly in water over
six feet deep.

As northeastern Ohio abounds in small lakes it is not improb-

able that other stations for it will be discovered.
Several sheets of herbarium material were prepared from
specimens collected at Sandy Lake and will be given to any one
who may care to send postage for it.

State Normal College,

Kent, Ohio.

CarpoUthes macro phyllus a PHiladelphus — In Torreya, 191 i,

p. 235, I described a fossil fruit from the Miocene of Florissant,

giving it the name CarpoUthes macrophyllus, and leaving its

classification uncertain. I now find that it agrees in every

particular with Philadelphus, except that the sepals are longer
than in any living species known to me. It must be called
Philadelphus macrophyllus, but it very likely belongs to the
same species as P. palaeophilus CkW. 1908, based on leaves from

the same rocks. T. D. A. Cockerell

Flora of the District of Columbia*

Washington botanists are to be congratulated upon the

publication of this important contribution to the regional botany
of eastern North America, containing, as it does, the record of an
* Hitchcock, A. S. and Standley, P. C. With the assistance
of the botanists of
Washington, Flora of the District of Columbia and Vicinity. Contriljution U. S.
Nat. Herb. 21: pp. 1-329, pi. 42. 1919.

immense amount of original obser\ation by many stucl(?nts over

many years. There is a brief introduction, describing the geo-
graphic, geologic, and ecologic aspects of the area, which is in a

general way a circle of fifteen miles radius with the Capitol as

the center and which has yielded 1,630 species of native and
naturalized plants here formally listed, with records of habitat,
distribution, and common names. Numerous other species, found
adventive or as waifs are mentioned in notes and there are
occasional critical comments on relationship, morphology, uses
and other features.
The Catalogue is preceded by a key to the families based
mainly on vegetative characters and by another key to the
families based mainly on floral characters, these two keys occu-
pying 30 pages of the book, and they have been very ingeniously
worked up; there is a generic key for each family and a species
key for each genus. The families have not been grouped in

orders, which is to be regretted. As a rule, the ke^'s are detailed

and complete enough to effect the determination of species,

assuming a general knowledge of the flora by the student using
the work. V'^arieties or races are ver^^ sparingly admitted and
the recognition of species is commendably sane. Thus only
seven species of Crataegus are listed, only 6 Ruhi, only 3 Lacin-
arias, and only 6 Antennarias, with an apology for one of them.
OenotJiera biennis is very properly disposed of as "an extremely
variable species . . . considered to consist of numerous 'ele-

mentary' species.' " Generic ranks are for the most part liberally
recognized, perhaps not in all families consistently, this doubtless
referable to the very considerable number of collaborators
(twenty-two). It would be most unfortunate to have any-

thing like that number of students of the same turn of mind;

thus Padus is not separated from Primus, while Persicaria is

kept out of Polygonum.

A few names replace those in ordinary usage, as
Bilderdykia for Tiniaria and Campe for Barbarea, having priority
of publication. Several specific names are likewise strangers,
due to bibliographic research and the more correct application
of names to type-specimens, noteworthy those ferreted out by

Dr. Blake in his studies of Linnaean species while in London a

few years ago. One of these I have supposed might be based
on some ancient error or mixture; that is the application of the
name EleocJmris capitata to what we have long been calling

Eleocharis tenuis; it seems incredible that Linnaeus could have

meant to describe the spikelet of that sedge as subglobose and
to have assigned the name capitata to it. Linnaeus reached
some results which seem queer to us, like his classifying Lysi-
machia terrestris as a Mistletoe and Comptonia peregrina as a
Liquidambar, but these flukes are brilliant as compared with
calling the spikelet of Eleocharis tenuis subglobose.
without saying that the nomenclature of the District
It goes

Flora follows the American Code, rather than the so-called

International Code forced down the throats of the Vienna
Botanical Congress by a German majority and further manipu-

lated by the same majority at the Brussels Congress; we can

well understand why the French have never recognized it as

valid, and why anybody but Germans or Austrians should so

regard it has always been a puzzle, especially as the American

Code is much more logical and cuts out autocracy. Internation-

alism is proving a dangerous principle to play with, and in many

aspects has much to condemn it.
The Washington botanists have followed the American Code
consistently in almost every item except the use of duplicate
binomials; they do not say why these have not been used;
zoologists have used them for many years without losing sleep,
and Sassafras Sassafras runs well with Corvus Corvits. We must,
I suppose,conclude that our colleagues of the fifteen-mile
circle around the national Capitol, or most of them, simply do

not like to say Catalpa Catalpa, although by refusing such

diction they lose the valuable suggestion that Linnaeus named
the tree Bignonia Catalpa. Or may it be that they are influenced
by the line of thought advanced by Engler at the Vienna Con-
gress when we asked him why he objected and he told us prin-
cipally that such names had made some of his students laugh!
And so the risibility of juvenile Huns prevented their adoption
at that highly amusing convocation.
N. L. Britton.


October 14, 1919
The meeting was held in the lecture room of the Department of
Botany, Columbia University, President Richards presiding-
There were seventeen persons present.
The minutes of May 28 were read and approved.
The following persons were nominated and elected to mem-
bership: Mr. Hilary S. Jurica, St. Procopius College, Lysle,
Illinois; Mr. Frederick Kobbe, 103 East 86th St., New York City;

Miss Ella McNeier, 260 Convent Ave., New York City; Mr.
Charles Brown, 762 Courtlandt Ave., New York City; Mrs.
D. W. Johnston, 206 East 200th St., New York City; Miss
Nessa Cohen, 2094 Fifth Ave., New York City; Miss Marguerite
Gluck, 2010 Seventh Ave., New York City.
Dr. Seaver called for suggestions regarding the programs for
the evening meetings of the Club.
The announced program called for reports by members on
their summer work.
Professor R. A. Harper exhibited a number of very excellent
photographs of species of Boleti collected at various times during
the summer in the vicinity of Woods Hole, Mass.
Dr. M. A. Howe gave a brief account of the life of C. C. Frost
mentioned by Dr. Harper. He also spoke of his own work in
connection with the establishment of the dahlia border at the
New York Botanical Garden. He has obtained for the garden
some 343 varieties of dahlias.
Dr. H, B. Douglas remarked on the various species of Boleti
he had collected in Maine.
Professor T. E. Hazen spoke of his work on the Pontederias
at Woods Hole. He had gathered nineteen plants from the
field and transplanted them successfully in a small pond where
they could be studied and photographed conveniently. •
showed a number of pictures, using his negatives as lantern
had not been finished.
slides as his pictures
Mr. A. T. Beals spoke of collecting mosses during the summer.
His material has not been worked over as yet but contains many
interesting species.

B. O. Dodge exhibited a few photographs of Gymno sporangium,

Sporodinia and Exobasidium which had been taken at Woods
Hole by Professor Harper, Professor Hazen, and himself.
Professor Richards exhibited several beautiful specimens of
Bnellia geographica which he and Mrs. Richards had collected
at Glacier Park, Montana, during the summer. The gas analyses
which he had been making during the summer have not been
completed sufficiently to warrant reporting at this time. He also
exhibited a large specimen of Calvatia gigantea collected recently
in this vicinity.

Adjournment followed.
B. O. Dodge, Secretary.

At the St. Louis meeting of the Ecological Society of America
The Plant World was taken over by the Society and will be
merged with Ecology, a new journal which will be issued as the
official organ of the Society.

Beginning with volume 20 Torreya will be issued bi-monthly.

This has been decided because of the greatly increased cost of
production. As heretofore its pages will be open to all who have
something to say of interest to botany, but if more material is
offered for publication than we have room for, preference will be
given to members of the Club, and to notes on local botanv.

No. I, for Janiiar>' Pages 1-20 Issued February 21,1919
No. 2, February 21-36 March 19, 1919
No. 3, March 37-56 May 14, 1919
No. 4, April 57-84 June 25, 1919
No. 5, May 85-105 July 9. 1919
No. 6, June 107-124 August 7, 1919
No. 7, July 125-142 September 10, 1919
No. 8, August 143-160 September 17, 1919
No. 9, September 161-185 October 28, 1919
No. 10, October 187-204 December i, 1919
No. II, November 205-234 December 18, 1919
No. 12, December 235-257 January 22, 1920
[The names of species and varieties described as new and of new combinations
are in bold face type.]

Aaronsohn, A., death of, 203 Andropogon Sorghum, 225

Abrams, L. R., A New
Cahfornia Androsace, 180
Cypress. Cupressus" nevadensis sp. Anemone patens, 182
nov.,) Anogra, 175
Abstracts and Criticisms of Botanical Anthoxanthum odoratum, 219, 227;
Papers read at the Baltimore Meeting Puelii, 188,219
of the A. A. A. S., 83 Antirrhinum canadense, 151
Acer circinatum'fulva, 182; fioridanum, Apera spica-venti, 188, 220
121 Aplectrum, 155
Achillea millefolium, 12 Aquilegia caerulea, 13 7-1 41; caerulea
Adams, C. C, 84, 159 X chrysantha, 139; caerulea dailej'ae,
Agalinis, 112; acuta, 210, 214, 239; 137; caerulea x desertorum, 139;
decemloba, 210, 314; Holmiana, 210, chrysantha, 138; desertorum, 138;
213, 239; maritima, 209, 210, 211, desertorum x chrysantha, 139; ele-
240; palustris, 209, 212; paupercula, gantula, 138; vulgaris stellata, 137
210, 211; purpurea, 210, 212, 240; Arabis, 181
tenuifolia, 210, 214, 240; virgata, Arethusa, 153
210, 213, 240 Argentina, 175
Agoseris villosum, 182 Aristida fasciculata, 190; oligantha,
Agropyron brevifolium, 193; caesium, 220, 226
189; dasystachj'um, 193; divergens, Arnica alpina, 18
193; Elmeri, 193; glaucum, 189; Arrhenatherum elatius, 221, 227
junceum, 189; pungens, 189; repens, Arthur, J. A
Correction, 83; New
225; tenerum, 225, 226 Names for Species of Phanerogams, 48
Agrostis alba, 188, 220, 227; aspeiifoha, Aster cordifolius, 12; divaricatus, 12;
190; attenuata, 191; densiflora, 191; dumosus, 12; ericoides, 12; lateri-
foliosa, 220, 226; geminata, 191; florus, novae-angliae, 12; pani-
grandis, 191; Hallii, 220; hyemalis, culatus, 12; patens, 12; Tradescanti,
220, 226; micropetala, 220; micro- 12; undulatus, 12; vimineus, 12
phylla, 226; oregonensis, 220, 226; Astrasalus, 181
pallens, 188; Pringlei, 191; scabra, Athysanus pusillus, 184
191; Scouleri, 191; tenuiculmis, 191; Aureolaria, 112; flava, 206, 208, 240;
varians, 191; verticellata, 191; vires- glauca, 209; laevigata, 206, 208;
cens, 191 pedicularia, 205, 206, 240; pedi-
Aira capillaris, 189, 221, 226; caryo- cularia ambigens, 207; pedicularia
phyllea, 221, 226; praecox, 221 caesariensis, 205, 207, 240; pedi-
Alopecurus aristulatus, 220, 226; geni- cularia intercedens, 205, 207, 240;
culatus, 191; pallescens, 191; praten- villosa, 205, 207; virginica, 49, 205,
sis 220 207, 240
American Museum of Natural History, Avena barbata, 189, 221; fatua, 191,
meetings at, 18, 34, 102, J04, 123, 221, 226; fatua glabrata, 221; sativa,
158 221, 227; Smithii, 191
Ammophila arenaria, 188
Andrews, A. L., Bryological notes •Bailey, L. H., 142
V. Scapania nimbosa from Norway, Baptisia tinctoria, 12
49 Barnhart, J. H., 17. 19. 33. 79. 81, 83,
Andrews, E. F., The Japanese Honey- 157. 230
suckle in the Eastern United .States, Bartsia coccinea, 236
37 Batrachium, 175
Andromeda, 153 Bcals, A. T., 247


Berry, E. \V., 19, 203; Pleistocene Calvatia gigantea, 248

Plants from Tennessee and Missis- Canadian Arctic Mosses, 232
sippi, 8 Cannon, W. A., 51
Bignoniii Catalpa, 246 Capnorea, 181
Blanchard, VV. H., 158 Capraria gratioloit.'es, 149
Blome, W. H., 124 Cardot, J., 33
Boerker's Our National Forests (Re- Carex, i8r; albicans, 132; aperta, 125;
view), 14 albursina. 133; anceps, 133; arctata,
Book Reviews, 228 133; Asa-Grayi, 136; aurea, 133;
Botanical Abstracts, 230 Bailcyi, 136; blanda, 133; Bicknellii,
Botanical Explorations in Eqiiador, 132; bromoidcs, 131; brunnescens,
123 131; cancsccns, 131; castanea, 133;
Botanical Gardens at Buitenzorg, Java, cephalophora, 130; cephaloidea, 130;
The, 34 chordorrhiza, 129; communis, 132;
Botanical Study of Skunk Cabbage, comosa, 136; complanata, 134; com-
Symplocarpus foetidus. A, 21 planata robusta, 134; conoidea, 133;
Botany in the City High School, 57 Crawfordii, 131; crinita, 135; crista-
Brassica sp., 12, 13 tella, 131; cryptolepis, 135; Dewey-
Britton, E. G., 18, 79, 157, 230; The ana, 131; digitalis, 133; disperma,
Swiss League for the Protection of 130; eburnea, 132; exilis, 131; fes-
Nature (Review), 10 tucacea, 132; flava, 135; flexuosa,
Britton, N. L., 103, 158, 159, 203, 231; 133; foenea, 132; folliculata, 135;
Flora of the District of Columbia formosa, 133; gracillima, 133; granu-
(Review), 244; Testimonial dinner laris, 133; grisea, 133; gyandra, 135;
to, 105 hirtifolia, 132; Hitchcockiana, 133;
Britton and Rose's Cactaceae (Re- Houghtonii, 135; hystricina, 136;
view), 200 hystricina Dudlej-i, 136; intumes-
Briza minor, 222 cens, 136; lacustris, 136; lanuginosa,
Broadhurst, J., 19, 82 135; lasiocarpa, 135; laxiculmis, 133;
Bromus carinatus, 222, 227; Gussoni, laxiflora, 133; Leersii, 131; leersii
193; hordeaceus, 193, 222, 227; angustata, 131; Leersii cephalantha,
hordeaceus leptostachj-s, 222; margi- 131; leptalea, 132; hmosa, 134;
natus, 222, 227; polyanthus, 222; lupulina, 136; lupulina Bellavilla,
racemosus commutatus, 193; rubens, 136; lupulina X retrorsa, 136; lurida,
222; secalinus, 222, 227; sterilis, 136; lurida X lupulina, 136; monile,
222, 226; tectorum, 222, 227; tec- 135; Novae-Angliae, 132; normalis,
torum nudus, 222; villosus, 222, 131; normalis perlonga, 131; Oedeii,
227; vulgaris, 222, 226; vulgaris 125; pallescens, 134; pauciflora, 132;
eximius, 222 paupercula, 134; pedunculata, 132;
Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 20; meeting pennsylvanica, 132; plantaginea, 133;
at, 122 platj'phylla, 133; prairea, 130; pro-
Brown, C, 247 jecta, 131; prasina, 133; Pseudo-

Bryological Notes V., Scapania nim- Cyperus, 136; retroflexa, 129; re-
bosa from Norway, 49 trorsa, 136; rosea, 129; scabrata,
Bryum neodamense, 232; pallescens, 134; scoparia, 131; sparganioides,
232 130; Sprengelii, 134; squarrosa, 125;
Buchnera, 113; americana, 235 stipita, 130; straminea, 131; stricta,
Buellia geographica, 248 135; Swanii, 134; tenuifiora, 130;
Bulgaria globosa, 231 trichocarpa, trisperma, 130;
Burnham, S. H., The Sedges of the tribuloides, 131; torta, 135; Tucker-
Lake George Flora, 125 mani, 136; umbcllata, 132; varia,
Burns, G. P., 84, 159 132; vestita, 135; virescens, 134;
Bursa bursa-pastoris heegeri, 137; heeg- vulpinoidea, 130; xanthocarpa, 130
eri,i37 Carnegiea gigantea, 200
Carpenter, W. H., 105
Calamagrostis lactea, 191; Langsdorfii Carpolithes macrophyllus a Phila-
lactea, 191 delphus, 244
Caldwell, O. W., 104 Cassandra, 153
Calistachya alba, 161; virginica, 161 Cassiope, 175; tetragona, 18
Calopogon pulchellus, 153 Castanea pumila, 9

Castilleja, 113; coccinea, 236, 240 Cypripedium arietinum, 153, 155; parvi-
Catalpa Catalpa, 246 182
Catofcepium nigritum, 232 Cytisus scoparius, 184
Celtis mississippiensis, 9, 10; occi-
dentalis, 10 Dactylis glomerata, 223, 227
Cenchrus carolinianus, 188 Damon, W. E., -103
Centaurea Jacea, 13 Danthonia americana, 221, 226; cali-
Cercis, 121 221
f ornica,

Chamberlain, E. B., 33 Dasiphora, 175

Changes in Teaching Biology in our Dasystephana Menzesii, 49; spathacea,
High Schools, 65 49
Chelone glabra, 117, 240; glabra Dasystoma virginica, 49
tomentosa, 117, 240; Penstemon, Daucus carota, 12
115 DeForest, R., 105
Chivers, A. H., 103 Denslow, H. M., Reminiscences of
Chlonanthes tomentosa, 117 orchid-hunting, 152
Chloris radiata, 188 Descharapsia casepitosa, 221, 226;
Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum, 12 calycina, 191; danthonioides, 221;
Chrysohypnum stellatum, .232 elongata, 221; holciformis, 189
Chrysophlyctis endobiotica, 159 Dianthus, 180; Armeria, 13
Chrysopsis mariana, 12; villosa, 184 Dicostegia, 3
Cichorium Intybus, 12 Dicranum elongatum, 232
Cinna latifolia, 191; pendula, 191 Digitaria humifusa, 188, 219, 226
Circaea pacifica, 184 Dipsacus, i«i
Cnicus, 181 Distichlis maritima, 192
Cockayne, A. H., 204 Distribution of the Montane Plants of
Cockerell, T. D. A., Carpolithes macro- the Rocky Mountains, The, 34
phyllus a Philadelphus, 244; Heli- Dodge, B. O., 19, 248; Proceedings of
anthus Besseyi Bates, 197; Notes the Club, 17, 18, 19, 33, 79, 102,
on Coelogyne, 227; Notes on Lycasti, 122, 157, 247
10; Some Western Columbines, 137 Douglass, H. B., 247
Coelogyne asperata, 228; cristata, 227; Drepanocladus aduncus, 232; brevi-
pandurata, 227; sparsa, 228; speciosa, folius, 232; scoprioides, 232
228 Dryas integrifolia, 18
Cohen, N., 247 Drymocallis, 175
Coker, D., 18 Duggar, B. M., 124
Collomia, 175 Dulichium arundinaceum, 129
Columbia University, Meeting at, 79
Conarum, 175 Eatonia obtusata, 192; pennsylvanica,
Comparison of the Flora of Southern 192
British Columbia with that of the Echihochloa-Crus-galli, 219
State of Washington, as Illustrated Ecological Society of America, 84
by the Floras of Henry and Piper, Elatine, 181
174 Eleocharis acicularis, 127; acuminata,
Concerning Duplicate Types, 13 127; capitata, 246; diandra, 126;
Conobeaborealis, 146 intermedia, 127; obtusa, 126; oliva-
Cooper, W. S., 83 cea, 126; palustris, 127; tenuis, 127,
Corallorrhiza odontorhiza, 153 246
Correction, A, 83 Eleusine tristachya, 188
Corvus Corvus, 246 Elymus dasystachys, 190; glaucus,
Corylus calif ornica, 183 225, 226; littoralis, 193; moUis, 193;
Cupressus Macnabiana, 92; nevadensis, saxicolus, 193
92; Sargenti, 92 Encalypta brevicola, 232
Cynodon Dactylon, 188 •Ephedra viridis, 92
Cynosurus, 180; cristatus, 189, 221; Eragrostis cyperoides, 189; hypnoides,
echinatus, 189 221, 226; Orcuttiana, 189; reptans,
Cyperus dentatus, 126; diandrus, 126; 192
esculentus-, 126; filiculmis, 126; Erigeron, 181; canadensis, 13; filiformis,
Houghtoni, 126; inflexus, 126; rivu- 183; ramosus, 13
laris, 126; strigosus, 126 Eriocaulon septangularc, 13

ErioKonum, i8i 145. 240; aurca obtusa, 144, 145, 240;

Eriophorum alpinum, 127; callithrix, dubia, 149; inaef|ualis. 149; neglecta,
127; Kracile, 127; virginicuni, 127; 144, 146, 147, 240; pilosa, 144, 240;
viridicarinatuin, 127 sphaerocarpa, 147; virginiana, 144,
Erythronium albiduin, 43; americanum, 146, 147, 240; viscidula, 144, 145;
43; propuUans, 43-47 viscosa, 145
Eucapholus. 175 Grasses of Salem, Oregon and Vicinity,
Euchroma coccinea, 236 The, 216
Eupodiiiin, 3 Graves, H. S., 20
Eustachya alba, 161 Gundcrsen, A., Trelease's Plant Mate-
Evans. A. \V.. 18, 19, 8r; A New Riccia rials and Winter Botany (Review),
from Peru, 85 78
Exhibition of a Collection of Flowering Gymnotheca, 3
Plants and Mosses from North Star Gyneriuin argenteum, 221
Bay, 18
Habenaria, 175; ciliaris, 153; Hookeri,
Farlow, \V. G.. 142 154. 155; macrophylla, 154; orbicu-
Farwell, O. A., 124 lata, I

Ferguson, W. C, Plants in Flower in Hankinson, T. L., 159

the Autumn of 1918 on Long Island, Harper, R. A., 18, 79, 83, 103, 104,
N. Y., 12 105, 157, 158, 231. 247
Festuca brevifolia, 192; bromoides, 189, Harper, R. M., The Supposed Southern
223; californica, 192, 223; denticu- Limit of the Eastern Hemlock,
lata, 192; elatior, 224, 227; hetero- 198; Tumion taxifolium in Georgia,
phylla, 189; idahoensis, 224, 226; 119
Jonesii, 192; microstachys, 192; mega- Harrimanella, 175
^lura, 189, 223, 226; myuros, 223; Harris, J. A., 19, 82
occidentalis, 224, 226; octofiora, 223, Harvey, R. B., 122
226; ovina, 192; ovina columbiana, Harwood's New Creations in Plant
192; ovina ingrata, 192; ovina ore- Life (Review), 15
gana, 193; rubra, 223, 226; rubra Hazen, T. E., 247
littoralis, 193; rubra megastachys, Helenium tenuifolium, 37
189, 224; rubra pubescens, 193; Helianthusalexanderi, 197; apricus, 198;
scabrella, 193; subulata, 224, 226 apricus camporum, 198; nebrascensis,
Fimbristylis autumnalis, 127 197; nitidus, 198; tuberosus, 197
Flora of the District of Columbia (Re- Helianthus Besseyi Bates, 197
view), 244 Hemianthus, iii, 150 micranthemoides,
Frasera, 181 150; micranthus, 150, 240
Hemicarpha, 181
Gager, C. S., 19, 81, 104, 122; Boerker's Hieracium scabrum, 13
Our National Forests (Review), 14; Hierochloe macrophylla, 220, 226
Macfarlane's The Causes and Course Hitchcock, A. S., 185
of Organic Evolution (Review), 93 Holcus lanatus, 192
Gastridium australe, 191 HoUick, A., 105
Garrett, O. A.. 185 Hopkins, L. S., The Occurrence and
Gentiana Menzesii, 49; spathacea, Distribution of Vasey's Pondweed in
49 Northeastern Ohio, 243
Gilia, 175 Hordeum Gussoneanum, 225; jubatum,
Gleason, H. A., 34, 36, 53, 203; Rham- 225; maritimum, 193; murinum,
nus dahurica in Michigan, 141; 225, 227; nodosum, 225
What is Ecology? 89 Horkelia, 181
Globifera micranthemoides, 150 Houstonia longifolia, 12
Gluck, M., 247 Hovey, E. O., 18
Glycena grandis, 225, 226; leptostachya, Howe, M. A., 19, 79, 81, 81, 142, 157,
224, 226; occidentaUs, 224, 226; 158, 231, 247; Proceedings of the
pauciflora, 224, 226 Club, 230
GnaphaHum obtusifolium, 13 Hughes, F. T., 104; Botany in the City
Goodlatte, A., 231 High Schools, 57
Goodyeara pubescens, 153
Gratiola anagallidea, 150; aurea, 144, Ichnanthus, 51

Ilex opaca, 121 Lonicera japonica, 37

Ilysanthes, 111, 148; dubia, 148, 149, Lupinus, 181
240; dubia inundata, 149, 241; Lurvey, S. A., 79, 80
gratioloides, 149; inaequalis, 149, Lycaste alba, 11; cruenta, 11; Skinneri,
241; riparia, 148 10, 11; Skinneri alba, 10
In the Wake of the Enemy, 32 Lysichiton Kamtschatcensis, 21, 183
lonactis linariifolius, 13 Lysimachia terrestris, 246
Isotria verticillata, 153, 155
MacCaughej', V., The Pala or Mule's-
Japanese Honeysuckle in the Eastern foot Fern (Marattia Douglasii (Presl.)
United States, The, 37 Baker) in the Hawaiian Archipelago,
Johnson, D. S., 158 I
Johnston, D. W., 247 MacDougal, D. T., 105
Journal of the International Garden Macfarlane's The Causes and Course
Club, 204 of Organic Evolution (Review) 93 ,

Journal of the New York Botanical Machoeranthera, 175

Garden, 19 Madronella, 181
Jurica, H. S., 247 Magnolia grandifiora, 121
Mann, P. B., 104; The Relation of
Knight, L. T., 20 First Year Botany to Advanced
King, C. A., 104; Changes in Teaching Work, with References to Certain
Biology in Our High Schools, 65 Applications and Bj^-products, 72
Kimball, K. D., 51 Marattia alata, 3; attenuata, 3; Boivini,
Kirkwood, J. E., 17 3; circutifolia, 3; Douglasii, 1-8;
Kleinsmid, R. B., von, 34 fraxinea, 3; Kaulfussii, 3; levis, 3;
Knight, L. T., 20 melanesiaca, 3; pellucida, 3; pur-
Kobbe, F., 247 purascens, 3; salicina, 3; salicifolia,
Koeleria cristata, 222 (3; sambucina, 3; Weinmanniifolia,
Kunkel, L. O., 80 3
Mariscus mariscoides, 129
Lasiacis anomala, 51 McNeier, E., 247
Leersia oryzoides, 219, 226 Medicago, arabica, 183
Leon, Bro., A New Cuban Sida, 172 Melampyrum, 114; americanum, 238,
Leptandra, 161; virginica, 161 239; americanum latifolium, 238;
Leptobryum pyriforme, 232 cristatum, 238; latifolium, 238; line-
Lepturus incurvatus, 189 are, 238,. 241; lineare americanum,
Levin, I., 158 239; lineare latifolium, 238; 239;
Levine, M., 19, 82, 83 pra tense americanum, 238
Limnanthemum Grayanum, 48 Melica acuminata, 192; bromoides,
Limnanthes, 180 192; bulbosa, 192; Gej'eri, 222;
Limnorchis, 175 Harfodii, 192; interrupta, 190; scabra-
Limosella aquatica, 30, 31, 143; mari- ta, 192; subulata, 222, 226
tima, 143; subulata, 30, 31, 32, 143, Melilotus alba, 12, 13
241; tenuifolia, 30 Micranthemum micranthemoides, 150;
Limosella, Some Remarks upon, 30 micranthum, 150; Nuttallii, 150
Linaria canadensis, 151, 241; Linaria, Microseris, 175
12, 151, 241; pennsylvanica, 151; Mimulus, III, 147; alatus, 147, 148,
vulgaris 151 241; guttatus, 147, 148; moschatus,
Liparis liliifolia, 153, 155 147; ringens, 147, 148, 241
Liquidambar, 121 Mnium affine, 232
Liriodendron, 121 Moore, B., 20, 84, 159
Lisk, H., 80 Moore, G. T., 105
Listera, 156; convallarioides, 154; cor- Morphogenesis in Dictyostelium, 231
data, 154 •Mucor, 18
Lobelia, 175 Murrill, W. A., 105
Lolium multiflorura, 189, 224, 227; Mycosphaerella, 18
perenne, 189, 224, 227; perenne Myosurus minimus, 183
cristatum, 225, temulentum, 224, Myriotheca, 3
Lomatium, 181 Nabalus sp., 13

Nash, G. \'.. 203 Pachylophus, i8iT

Nassella chilensis, 188 Pala or Mule's-foot Fern
Navarretia, 175 Douglasii Baker) in the
Nelson, J. C A Coini)aiison of tlic
Flora of Western British Columbia
Hawaiian Archipelago, The, i
Panicularia fluitans, 190; nervata, 192;
with that of the State of Washing- occidentalis, 189
ton, as Illustrated by the Floras Panicum amalurum, 51; barbinode,
of Henry and Piper, 174; The Grasses 188; barbipulvinatum, 219, 226;
of Salem, Oregon and Vicinity, capillare, 190 219; crus-galli, 190;
216; Notes on the Grasses of Howell's dichotomum, 190; miliaceum, 188,
Flora of Northwest America, 187 219; pacificum, 188, 219, 226; pubes-
Neopieris mariana, 12 cens, 190; pruiiens, 483; sanguinale,
Neoplastic Diseases (Cancer) in the 48, 190; scoparium, 190; Scribneria-
Animal and Vegetable Kingdoms, num, 219, 226; thermale, 188;
urvillcanum, 51
New California Cypress, A. Cupressus Papaver radicatum, 18; somniferum,
nevadensis sp. nov., 92 182, 183
New Cuban Sida, A., 172 Parrya, 181
Newcombe, F. C, 20 Paspalum dilatatum, 188; distichum,
New Names for Species of Phanerogams, 219, 226
48 Pediculaiis, 114; auriculata, 237; cana-
New Riccia from Peru, A, 85 densis, 237, 241; gladiata, 237;
News Items, 19, 36, 83, 105, 124, 142, lanceolata, 237, 241; palustiis, 236;
158. 185, 203 pallida, 237
New York Botanical Garden, 51, 203; Pellia epiphylla, 88; Neesiana, 88
Meetings at, 17, 33, 82, 103, 157, 230 Pennell, F. W., 20, 80, 81,83, 157, 158,
New York Evening Sun, 36 231; Concerning Duplicate Types,
Nishimura, M., 17 13; Scrophulariaceae of the Local
North American Flora, 36 — —
Flora I, 107; II, 143; —
III, 161;
Nichols, G. E., 18, 19, 34, 82 — IV, 205; —
V, 23s; Some Remarks
Notes and News, 51 upon Limosella, 30
Notes on Coelogyne, 227 Pen temon, no, 115, 181; digitalis,
Notes on Lj^caste, 10 116, 241; hirsutus, 116, 117, 241;
Notes on Grasses of Howell's Flora pallidas, 116, 241; Pentstemon, 116;
of Northwest America, 187 tubiflorus, 115, 116
Notholcus lanatus, 220, 227 Pereskia, 200
Nymphoides Grayanam, 48 Persicaria pennsylvanica, 13
Phalaris arundinacea, 219; brachy-
stachys, 188; canariensis, 219; minor,
Occurrence and Distribution of Vasey's 188; paradoxa, 188
Pondweed in Northeastern Ohio, Phegopteris phegopteris, 182
243 Philadelphus Lewesii, 182; macro-
Oenothera, 175; biennis, 12, 245; phyllus, 244
muricata, 13 Phleum pratense, 220, 227
Olive, E.W., 20, 83, 102 Phragmites communis, 224, 226
Onagra, 175 Phyllodoce glandulifiorus, 182
OnobrAxhis sativa, 183 Pinus glabra, 121; monophylla, 92;
Opuntia, 200, 201; ficus-indica, 202; palustris, 199; Taeda, 121
tuna, 201; vulgaris, 201 Piperia, 175
Orchis spectabilis, 155 Plantago aristata, 13; lanceolata, 13
Orobanche, 175 Planting of Trees as War Memorials, 34
Oryzopsis cuspidata, 191 Plants in Flower in the Autumn of
Osborn, 105 1918 on Long Island, N. Y., 12
Osmuda sp., 9; spectabilis, 9 Pleistocene Plants from Tennessee n
Osterhout, G. E., 79, 80 Mississippi, 8
Ostrya, 121 Pleuropogon, refractus, 222, 226
Otophylla, 113; auriculata, 215; 241; Poa alcea, 189; annua, 223, 227;
Michauxii, 216 Buckleyana, 191; compressa, 223,
Owen, T., 17 226; flava, 192; Fendler ana, 182;
Ox^xoccus, 175 glauca, 190; Howellii, 223, 226;

incurva, 192; invaginata 192; lep- Rusby, H. H., 53

tocoma, 223, 226; multnomae, 223; Rydberg, P. A., 34
nervosa, 223, 226; occidentalis, 192;
pratensis, 223, 227; purpurascens, Sagina occidentalis, 183
192; reflexa, 192; scabrella, 192, 223, Salix, 181; groenlandica, 18; herbacea,
226; triflora, 223, 226; trivialis, 189, 18
223, 227 _
Salsola pestifer, 37; rhombifolia, 37;
Pogonia ophioglossoides, 153 spinosa, 37
Polygonella articulata, 13 Sanguinale pruriens, 48
Polygonum minimum, 183; Nuttallii, Saxifraga, 181; oppositifolia, 18
183 Sassafras Sassafras, 246
Polypogon monspeliensis, 220 Science, 20
Potamogeton Vaseyi, 243 Scapania nimbosa, 49, 50; ornithopodi-
Potentilla, 175, 181 oides, 49; planifolia, 49, 50
Prickly Pears of the Southeastern Schizonotus, 175
United States, The, 103 Schneider, C, 53, 185
Primula, 180 Schwalbea, 113; americana, 235, 241
Proceedings of the Club, 17, 33, 79, Scirpus americanus, 128; atrovirens,
102, 122, 157, 230, 247 128; atrocinctus, 129; cyperinus, 129;
Prunella vulgaris, 12 debilis, 128; fiuviatihs, 128; lineatus,
Pseudotsuga taxifolia, 218 128; microcarpus, 128 occidentalis,
Ptilocalais, 175 128; Peckii, 128; pedicellatus, 129;
Puccinellia angustata, 183; pauper- polj'-phyllus, 128; Smithii, 128; sub-
cula, 189 terminalis, 128; sylvaticus, 128; Tor-
Puccinia Andropogonis, 49; Gentianae, eyi, 128; validus, 128
49; oahuensis, 48; Scirpi, 48; sub- Scleropoa ligida, 189, 224
striata, 48 Scott, J. G., 80
Scrophularia, no, 117; lanceolata, 119;
Quercus alba, 121; pagodaefolia, 9; leoprella, 118, 241; marilandica, 118,
predigitata, 9 241; nodosa, 117; nodosa lanceolata,
119; nodosa marilandica, 119
Ranunculus, 175, 181; nivalis, 18 Scrophulariaceae of the Local Flora,
Rapuntium, 175 107, 143, 161, 205, 235
Relation of First Year Botany to Ad- Seaver, F. J., 18, 79, 231, 247
vanced Work, with Reference to Sedges of the Lake George Flora, The,
Certain Applications and By-prod- 125
ucts, The, 72 Sedum, 175; rosea, 182
Reminiscences of Orchid-hunting, 152 Selaginella apus, 105
Reviews, 14, 78, 93, 122, 200, 228, 244 Seniles Hartwegi, 48
Rhamnus dahurica in Michigan, 141 Senicio, 181
Rhinanthus, 113; coccinea, 236; Crista- Setaria imberbis, 188; viridis, 219
galli, 236; virginicus, 49 Seymore, A. B., 142
Rhynchospora alba, 129; capillacea, Shantz, H. L., 84
129; fusa, 129; glomerata, 129 Shorter Notes, 141, 197, 244
Rhytidium rugosum, 232 Sida Brittoni, 172; ciliaris, 173
Riccia bistriata, 85 Sieversia, 175
Richards, H. M., 19, 34, 79, 81, 82, 102, Singewald, J. T., 19
104, 123, 158, 248 Sisyrhynchium bermudiana, 157
Rock, J. F., 185 Sitanion, 181; Brodiei, 193; elymoides,
Rock's Lobelioideae of Hawaii (Re- 193; flexuosum, 193; glaber, 193;
view), 228 Hystrix 193; jubatum, 193, 225;
Roosevelt's Notes on Brazilian Trees, Leckenbyi, 193; planifolium, 193;
194 rigidum, 193; villosum, 193
Rose, J. N., 123, 159 Skottsberg, C, 185
Rosendahl, C. O., Variations in the Small, J. K., 103
F"lowers of Erythronium propuUans Smith, C. P., 36
Gray, 43 Smith, J. D., 158
Rubus sp., 13 Solidago bicolor, 13; caesia, 13; juncea,
Rudbeckia hirta, 13 12, 13; nemoralis, 13; puberula, 13;
Rungc, A. G., 79, 80 rugosa, 13

Some Plant Diseases Survey Work in Trisctum barbatum, 191; canescens,

New York, \'irginia and Pennsyl- 22 r, 226; ccrnuum, 221, 226; sulr-'
vania, 102 spicatum, 191
Some Remarks upon Limosella, 30 Triticum vulage, 225, 227
Some Western Columbines, 137 Tsuga canadensis, 198. 199
Sophramanthe pilosa, 145 Tumion taxifolium in Cieorgia, 119
Spartina cynosuroides, 191 Types of Sterility in the Radish, 232
Sphaerostigma, 181
Sphagnum Moss and its Use in Surgical Uredo zeugites, 48
Dressings, 18
Spiraea, 175 \'accinium, 153, 175
Spiranthes cernua, 153; gracilis, 153 Valerianella salmonifolia, 184
Sporobolus Bolanderi, 190; cuspidatus, \'ancouveria hexandra, 183
190; depauperatus, 190; gracillimu' Variations in the Flowers of Erythron-
190; filiformis, 190; indicus, 172; ium propullans Gray, 43
simplex, 190 Verbascum, 109, 114; blattaria, 114,
Standley, P. C, 185 115, 241; lychnitis, 114, 115, 241;
Stenophyllus capillaris, 127 phlomoides, 114, 115; Thapsus, 115,
Stipa Bloomeri, 191; Kingii, 191; 241. 13
Lemmoni 220, 226; Lemmoni Jonesii, Veronica, 112, 162; agrestis, 162, 165;
188; littoralis, 188; Michauxiana, americana, 164, 167, 169, 241;
191; minor, 191; oregonensis, 191; Anagallis latifolia, 168; arvensis, 163,
occidentalis, 191; viridua, 191 167, 241; Beccabunga, 169; Brit-
Stout, A. B., 19, 82, 232 tonii,165, 168, 242; Chamaedrys,
Supposed Southern Limit of the Eastern 164, 167, 242; diffusa, 165; glandi-
Hemlock, The. 198 fera, 165, 170, 242; hederaefolia,
Swartzia montana, 232 162, 165; humifusa, 166; longifolia,
Swiss League for the Protection of 164, 167; neglecta, 166; officinalis,
Nature (Review), loi 164, 167; 242; peregrina, 242; 163,
Symplocarpus foetidus, 21 167, 242; peregrina xalapensis, 164,
Sj'mposium and Conference on Botan- 167; precox, 165; ruderalis, 163,
ical Education in the Secondary 166; scutellata, 165, 171, 242; serpyl-
Schools, 104 lifolia, 163, 165, 166, 242; Teucrium,
Syntherisma, 181; pruriens, 83 164, 167; Tournefortii, 163, 165,
242; virginica, 161; xalapensis, 167
Taraxacum Taraxacum, 12 Veronicastrum, 112, 161; album, 161;
Taraxia, 181 virginicum, 161, 242
Taubenhaus, J. J., 36 Victorin, Bro. M., 34
Taxus floridana, 120 Vinca, 180
Taylor, X., 19, 79, 80, 81, 82 84, 159; Viola, 181; pedata, 13
Britton and Rose's Cactaceae (Re-
view), 200; Rock's Lobelioideae of What is Ecology?, 89
Hawaii (Review), 228; Roosevelt's White, O. E. Harwood's New Creations
Notes on Brazilian Trees, 194 in Plant Life (Review), 15
Taylor, Rose M., death of, 36 Whitford, H. N., 142
Thalesia, 175 Williams, K. A. A Botanical Study
Theriot, M., 133 of Skunk Cabbage, Symplocarpus
Thermopsis, 181 foetidus 21
Thompson, \V. G., 105 Williams, R. S., 18, 232
Tonella, 181 Wilson, E. H., 105
Torreya taxifolia, 119 Wilson, McL., The Trees of France, 32
Trees of France, The, 32 Wilson, P., 79
Trelease's Plant Materials and Winter Woodward, R. W., 103
Botany (Review), 78
Trias oblonga, 227 Xanthium canadense, 182
Trichostema, 181
Trifolium agrarium, 13; arvense, 13, Zea Mays, 225
12; pratense, 12, 13; repens, 12, 13 Zengites Hartwegi, 48
The Torrey Botanical Club
Contributors of accepted articles and reviews who wish six gratuitous copies
of the number of Torreya in which their papers appear, will kindly notify the
editor when returning proof.
Reprints should be ordered, when galley proof is returned to the editor. The
New Era Printing Co., 41 North Queen Street, Lancaster, Pa., have furnished the
following rates:

4PP. 8pp. 12pp. 16pp. 20pp. 24pp. 28pp. 32PP- 48pp. 1 64pp.

25 copies S1.40 $2.45 $3.65 $ 4.40 $ 5-65 $ 6.50 $ S.oojl 8.4s $12.55 $15.90
50 " 1.65 2.90 4.2s 510 6.65 7-75 9.40 985 14.15 1735
75 " 1-95 3-35 485 5-65 7.60 8.75 10.45 11.25 15.65 19.95
100 2.25 380 5.35 6.35 8.25 9.80 11-55 12.45 17.55 22.05
150 " 2.70 4.60 6.50 7.60 10.20 12.10 14.20 15.20 21.35 26.80
200 300 505 7-15 8.35 11.40 13-50 15.80 16.85 23.55' 29.60
300 3«5 6.20 9.20 10.70 17.5s 20.50 21.05 30.20 37.40

Covers: 25 for $1.75. Additional covers, I5C. each. Plates: 100 for $1.00.

Committees for 1919.

Finance Committee Program Committee

R, A. Harper, Chairman. Mrs. E. G. Britton, Chairman.
J. H. Barnhart, Prof. Jean Broadhurst
Miss C. C. Haynes B. O. Dodge
Sereno Stetson Michael Levine
Budget Committee F. J. Seaver

J. H. Barnhart, Chairman.
Membership Committee
R. A. Harper J. K. Small, Chairman.
N. L. Britton T. E. Hazen
A. W. Evans E. W. Olive
M. A. Howe
Local Flora Committee
H. H. RusBY
N. L. Britton, Chairman.
Field Committee
Phanerogams: Cryptogams
F.W. Pennell, Chairman.
Mrs. L. M. Keeler E. P. Bicknell Mrs. E. G. Britton
Michael Levine N. L. Britton T. E. Hazen
George T. Hastings C. C. Curtis M. a. Howe
Percy Wilson K.K.Mackenzie Michael Levinb
F. J. Norman Taylor W. A. Murrill
Chairmen of Special Committees on Local Flora
Ferns and Fern Allies: R. C. Benedict. Lichens: W. C. Barbour
Mosses: Mrs. E. G. Britton Sphaeriaceae, Dothideaceae: H. M
Liverworts: A. W. Evans Richards
Fresh Water Algae: T. E. Hazen Hypocreaceae, Perisporieae, Plectaa-
Marine Algae: M. A. Howe cineae, Tuberineae: F. J. Seaver
Gasteromycetes: G. C. Fisher Fungi-forming sclerotia: A. B. Stout
Hymenomycetes: W. A. Murrill Imperfecti: H. M. Richards, F.
Except Russula and Lactarius: MissG. Seaver, Mel T. Cook
Burlingham Oomycetes: C. A. King
Cortinarius: R. A. Harper Zygomycetes: A. F. Blakeslee
Polyporeae:M. Levine Chytridiaceae,
M. Richards
Exobasidii: H. M)rxomycetes: Mrs. H. M. Richards
Rusts and Smuts: E. W. Olive Yeast and Bacteria: Prof. J. Broadhurst
Discomycetes: B. O. Dodge Insect galls: Mel T. Cook


A monthly journal devoted to general botany, established
1870. Vol. 45 published in 19 18, contained 5 19. pages of text
and 1 5 full-page plates. Price ^4.00 per annum. For Europe,
r8 shillings. Dulau & Co., 47 Soho Square, London, are,
agents for England.
Of former volumes, only 24-45 can be supplied entire cer- ;

tainnumbers of other volumes are available, but the entire stock

of some numbers has been reserved for the completion of sets
Vols. 24-27 are furnished at the published price of two dollars
each; Vols. 28-45 three dollars each.
Single copies
(30 cents) will be furnished only when not
breaking complete volumes.

The Memoirs, estabhshed 1889, are published at irregu-
lar intervals. Volumes 1-15 are now completed; No. i of
Vol. 16 has been issued. The subscription price is fixed at
^3.00 per volume in advance; Vol. 17, containing Proceedings
of the Semi-Centennial Anniversaiy of the Club, 490 pages, was
issued in 19 1
8, price $5.00. Certain numbers can also be pur-
chased singly. A list of titles of the individual papers and of
prices will be furnished on application.

(3) Tlie Preliminary Catalogue of Anthophyta and Pteri-

dophyta reported as growing within one hundred miles of New
York, 1888. Price, $1.00.

Correspondence relating to the above publications should be

addressed to
Columbia University
New York City
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New Yofk Bolonical Garden Llbratv
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