Exploring The Future Potential of Jute in Banglade
Exploring The Future Potential of Jute in Banglade
Exploring The Future Potential of Jute in Banglade
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4 authors:
All content following this page was uploaded by Sanzidur Rahman on 03 December 2017.
Abstract: The study assesses the future potential of the jute sector in Bangladesh by examining its
growth performance, international competitiveness, profitability, and production efficiency using
national time-series data of over the period 1973–2013 and farm survey data from 289 farmers from
two major jute growing areas of Bangladesh. Results revealed that the jute sector has experienced
substantial growth in area, production, productivity, prices, and exports. However, productivity has
stagnated during the latter 10-year period (2004–2013), while it grew at a rate of 1.3% per annum (p.a.)
during the first 31-year period (1973–2003). Only traditional jute production is globally competitive,
although financial profitability of white jute is relatively higher (benefit cost ratio = 1.24 and 1.17,
respectively). Land, labor, and irrigation are the main productivity drivers for jute. The mean
production efficiency of jute is estimated at 75% indicating substantial scope to improve yield by
eliminating inefficiency. Marginal farmers are relatively inefficient. Policy implications include
investments in research and development, irrigation, and tenurial reform and export protection for
white jute in order to revive the sector and boost export earnings.
Keywords: competitiveness; policy analysis matrix (PAM) analysis; profitability; stochastic production
frontier; technical efficiency; jute; Bangladesh
1. Introduction
Jute, known as the golden fiber, is an important traditional cash crop in Bangladesh. In fact,
jute is the second most important natural fiber in terms of global consumption after cotton [1].
Although there are more than 40 species of jute available, only two species are cultivated commercially,
namely, Corchorus capsularis L. (commonly known as white jute) and C. olitorius L. (commonly
known as Tossa/traditional jute). The planting time varies slightly between these two types of
jute. The traditional, or Tossa, jute, which grows in low-lying land, is planted during March and April,
and the white jute during April and May in Bangladesh. One of the important characteristics of jute
is that it is free from health hazards and environmental pollution [2]. Jute is also versatile, durable,
reusable, cheap, and superior to synthetic fibers. Other major advantages of jute is that it is agro-based,
produced annually, renewable, and biodegradable [1]. Jute is regarded as the best natural substitute
for nylon and polypropylene. Although jute has been recognized as a solution to produce eco-friendly
products for the future [3], the production of jute and jute products are actually declining globally.
This is mainly due to the availability of plastic substitutes, which is likely to continue in the future [4].
Europe, as well as China, have experienced a slow erosion of the market for jute products, particularly
sacks and bags, while India still consumes over half of the world’s production of jute products [4].
Bangladesh and India are the two major jute-growing countries, contributing almost 85% of the
world jute production and area cultivated [5]. Bangladesh contributes nearly 39% of total raw jute
supply cultivated on 39% of the total global jute area, with an average yield of 1.53 t ha−1 during the
period 1961–2002 [5]. Jute used to be a dominant export item in Bangladesh during the early years of
independence, but its importance has declined gradually. Nevertheless, with over 2.5 million tons of
fiber being grown per annum, the processing industry remains a major business in Bangladesh and
India [4].
farmers; (d) develop modern varieties of jute and encourage adoption by farmers; (e) protect the
market for jute and jute products to increase foreign exchange earnings; (f) develop modern equipment
and improve existing jute processing mills; (g) encourage diversified use of jute; (h) increase interaction
and institutional linkages amongst jute and jute seed producers, traders, jute industries, and the
Bangladesh Jute Research Institute; and (i) strengthen the Management Information System (MIS) of
the jute sector [7]. Furthermore, to enhance the sector, the government has proposed a Draft National
Jute Policy 2014, which has the following additional objectives: (j) establish composite jute mills to
produce high-quality fabric from jute; (k) establish professional design institute to develop various
designs of jute and jute products to meet international demand; (l) automation of the MIS of the jute
sector; and (m) prioritize the jute sector in the National Export Policy of Bangladesh [7]. The vision of
the Draft National Jute Policy 2014 specifies reopening all of the closed jute mills, the modernization
of the mills, and establishing jute as the second most important export item by 2021 [7]. However,
the Draft National Jute Policy 2014 has not been finalized yet.
Farmers in Bangladesh grow several crops in conjunction with rice as a staple in order to fulfil
the dual role of meeting subsistence, as well as cash, needs [8]. It has been widely recognized that,
under non-irrigated or semi-irrigated conditions, better farming practices and varietal improvements
in non-cereal crops (e.g., jute, potato, vegetables, oilseeds, and spices) will be more profitable and
could lead to crop diversification as a successful strategy for the future growth and sustainability of
Bangladeshi agriculture [9–11].
There is a dearth of information about the jute sector in Bangladesh. Recently Rahman [12] noted
that the area under jute remained stagnant during the period 1960–1985 and then declined at the rate of
0.3% per annum (p.a.) (p < 0.01) during the period 1986–2006, but the yield per ha increased marginally
at the rate of 0.1% p.a. (p < 0.01) for the same period. Similarly, Gupta et al. [5] concluded that
both Bangladesh and India demonstrated a declining trend in jute area, production, and productivity
during the period 1961–2002, although Bangladesh has the potential to increase production through
expanding the jute area, as well as improving productivity. The main reason behind the declining
share of jute area in Bangladesh is the competition for land of high yielding varieties (HYVs) of rice,
as well as falling demand in the market due to the increase in the use of synthetic fibers. Bangladesh,
once at the forefront in the production and export of jute during the 1960s, can potentially regain
its position and contribute positively to replace/reduce synthetic fiber use, as well as raise export
earnings. However, a revival of jute will only be possible if the sector is globally competitive, profitable,
and efficient. However, little is known about the sectors’ performance with respect to its international
competitiveness, profitability, and efficiency.
Given the dearth of information about the prospect of the jute sector, the present study specifically
addresses this critical research gap and systematically examines the growth performance of the jute
sector over time and determines its profitability, drivers of productivity, and production efficiency
at the farm level in Bangladesh. The study uses a combination of national time-series data covering
a 41-year period (1973–2013) and an in-depth farm survey data of 289 jute growers from two major
jute-growing regions (Kishoreganj and Faridpur) to address the following specific objectives: (i) to
examine trends in area, production, productivity, prices, and export of jute over time; (ii) to assess
global competitiveness of the jute sector; (iii) to assess financial profitability of producing jute at the
farm level; and (iv) to identify the drivers of productivity and technical efficiency of jute production at
the farm level.
2. Methodology
We apply a range of analytical tools to address the four key research objectives. These include:
(a) computation of annual compound growth rates of key indicators of performance; (b) construction
of a policy analysis matrix (PAM) and computation of selected ratio indicators to measure the global
competitiveness of the sector; (c) a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) to determine the financial profitability
of jute production at the farm level; and (d) a stochastic production frontier (SFA) approach to estimate
Agriculture 2017, 7, 96 4 of 16
the productivity and technical efficiency of jute production and its drivers at the farm level. The details
are as follows.
Items Revenue Profit
Tradable Inputs Domestic Factors
Private prices A B C D
Social prices E F G H
Source: Selected from Monke and Pearson [19].
The following variables make up the indicators of the PAM shown in Table 1.
Prices: Pid = domestic price of output i;
Pjd = domestic price of tradable input j;
Pib = international price of output i;
Pjb = international price of tradable input j;
Pnd = market price of non-tradable input n;
Pns = shadow price of non-tradable input n;
Quantities: Qi = quantity of output;
Qj = quantity of tradable input;
Qn = quantity of non-tradable input;
Revenue at private prices: A = Pid × Qi ;
Tradable inputs at private prices: B = Pjd × Qj ;
Domestic factors at private prices: C = Pnd × Qn ;
Revenue at social prices: E = Pib × Qi ;
Tradable inputs at social prices: F = Pjb × Qj ;
Domestic factors at social prices: G = Pns × Qn ; [14].
The indicators in the first row of Table 1 provide a measure of private profitability (D),
or competitiveness, and is defined as the difference between observed revenue (A) and costs (B + C).
Private profitability demonstrates the competitiveness of the system, given current technologies, prices
of inputs and outputs, and policy interventions and market failures. The second row of the matrix
calculates the measure of social profitability (H) defined as the difference between social revenue (E)
and costs (F + G). Social profitability measures economic efficiency/comparative advantage of the
system [14].
To estimate social prices, the inputs used were divided into two categories: (a) tradable
intermediate inputs; and (b) non-tradable intermediate inputs. The tradable intermediate inputs
Agriculture 2017, 7, 96 5 of 16
were different types of fertilizers and irrigation equipment. We have used an import parity price by
converting the FOB price to CIF at the Chittagong port by adding the freight cost to FOB prices of
fertilizers (for details, please see Molla et al. [20]). Since, detailed cost of production for irrigation
equipment are not available, it was not considered. For the non-tradable intermediate inputs, such as
agricultural labor, machinery, seed, organic manure, insecticides, cultivated land, irrigation fees,
and interest on operating capital, we have applied domestic costs adjusted with specific conversion
factors (SCF) for each input (for details of full social costs and SCF, see Kazal et al. [2]; Shahabuddin
and Dorosh, [21]). The opportunity cost of operating capital was calculated at an interest rate of 10%
for the duration of the jute production period [14].
(b) Nominal Protection Coefficient on Input (NPCI): This ratio shows how much domestic prices for
tradable inputs differ from their social prices. If NPCI > 1, the domestic input cost is greater than
the comparable world prices and the system is unprotected by policy. If NPCI < 1, the system is
protected by policy. NPCI is defined as follows [14]:
(c) Effective Protection Coefficient (EPC): EPC is the ratio of value added in private prices (A–B)
to value added in social prices (E–F). An EPC > 1 suggests that government policy protects the
producers, while EPC < 1 indicates that producers are unprotected through policy interventions.
EPC is expressed as [14]:
2.5. The Stochastic Production Frontier Approach to Analyse the Productivity and Efficiency of Jute
The SFA approach, developed by Aigner et al. [24], is utilized in this study. The stochastic
production frontier for the ith farmer is written as:
Yi = f ( Xi ) − ui + vi , (4)
Agriculture 2017, 7, 96 6 of 16
where Yi is the output, Xi is the vector of physical inputs, vi is assumed to be an independently and
identically distributed N(0,σv 2 ) two-sided random error, independent of ui ; and ui is a non-negative
random variable (ui ≥ 0), associated with inefficiency in production which is assumed to be
independently distributed as a truncation at zero of the normal distribution with a mean Zi δ,
and variance σu 2 (|N(Zi δ,σu 2 |), where Zi are the correlates of inefficiencies on farm i. In this
formulation, output is assumed to be strictly monotonically increasing in response to an increase in
physical inputs.
In determining the predictors of production efficiency, we use the single-stage approach proposed
by Battese and Coelli [25] wherein the technical inefficiency parameter is related to a vector of
farm-specific managerial and household characteristics subject to statistical error, such that:
ui = Zi δ + ζ i ≥ 0, (5)
where, Zi are the farm-specific managerial and household characteristics and the error ζ i is distributed
as ζ i ∼ N (0, σζ2 ). Since ui ≥ 0, ζ i ≥ − Zi δ, so that the distribution of ζ i is truncated from below at the
variable truncation point, –Zi δ.
The production efficiency of farm i in the context of the stochastic frontier production function is
defined as:
EFFi = E[exp(−ui ) ξ i ] = E[exp(−δ0 − ∑ Zi δ|ξ i ) (6)
where E is the expectation operator. This is achieved by obtaining the expressions for the conditional
expectation ui upon the observed value of ξ i , where ξ i = vi − ui . The method of maximum likelihood
is used to estimate the unknown parameters, with the stochastic frontier and the inefficiency effects
functions estimated simultaneously. The likelihood function is expressed in terms of the variance
parameters, σ2 = σv 2 + σu 2 and γ = σu 2 /σ2 [25].
7 7 7
ln Qi = α0 + ∑ α j ln Xij + ∑ ∑ β jk (ln Xij ln Xik ) + vi − ui (7)
j =1 j =1 k =1
ui = δ0 + ∑ δd Zid + ζi (8)
d =1
3.1. Trends in the Jute Sector over the Past Four Decades (1973–2013)
In order to avoid cyclical factors in the time-series data, the series were first transformed into
three-year moving averages [5]. Figures 1 and 2 present the trends of area cultivated, total production,
productivity, harvest price, and value of export of jute covering a 41-year period (1973–2013).
The average values and the corresponding growth rates are presented in Table 2. These were computed
for three periods: (a) the first 31 years (1973–2003) when synthetic fiber and plastic use took hold
widely; (b) the latter 10 years (2004–2013), which is the period when the awareness of the damaging
effect of the excessive use of synthetic fibers and plastics gained worldwide attention; and (c) the
overall performance over the 41 years under consideration (1973–2013). Table 2 shows that, except
land area under jute, the average values of total production, yield, price and export have increased
substantially during the latter 10 years (i.e., the 2004–2013 period). This period has seen high growth
in the jute area at a rate of 7.3% p.a., and in production at a rate of 7.7% p.a. but with no improvement
in yield, which is quite puzzling. The reason may be the high variability in yield rate during this
10 year period. Similarly, the growth in harvest price and value of exports were even higher, at a rate
of 11.0% and 12.1% p.a., respectively. Overall, the jute area has declined at a rate of 1.2% p.a. and the
total production, harvest price, and export remained stagnant, but yield increased at a rate of 1.3% p.a.
mainly due to consistent growth in yield during the first 31 year period (1973–2003). The overall
performance of the latter 10 years (2004–2013) lends support to Gupta et al.’s [5] claim that Bangladesh
has the potential to improve land area, as well as the productivity of jute, in the future.
Area (000 ha) Production (000 ton) Yield (kg/ha)
Area (000 ha) Production (000 ton) Yield (kg/ha)
Figure 1.
Figure 1. Trends
Trends in
in the
the three-year
three‐year moving
moving average
average of
of jute
jute area,
area, production,
production, and
and yield
yield in
in Bangladesh
Figure 1. Trends in the three‐year moving average of jute area, production, and yield in Bangladesh
(1973–2013). Source: Computed from BBS [26].
(1973–2013). Source: Computed from BBS [26].
Harvest price of Jute (USD/ton) Jute export (Mill USD)
Harvest price of Jute (USD/ton) Jute export (Mill USD)
Figure 2. Trends in the three‐year moving averages of jute harvest price and value of jute export in
Figure 2. Trends in the three‐year moving averages of jute harvest price and value of jute export in
Figure 2. Trends
Bangladesh in the three-year
(1973‐2013). moving averages
Source: Computed from BBSof[26].
jute harvest price and value of jute export in
Bangladesh (1973‐2013). Source: Computed from BBS [26].
Bangladesh (1973–2013). Source: Computed from BBS [26].
3.2. Competitiveness of Jute
3.2. Competitiveness of Jute
3.2. Competitiveness of Jute
A country should specialize in producing commodities in which it is competitive in the global
A country should specialize in producing commodities in which it is competitive in the global
market [22]. Jute
A country usedspecialize
should to be theinmain exportcommodities
producing crop of Bangladesh
in which itbecause it had in
is competitive comparative
the global
market [22]. Jute used to be the main export crop of Bangladesh because it had comparative
advantage in the past. In a recent study, Molla et al. [20] noted that jute production
market [22]. Jute used to be the main export crop of Bangladesh because it had comparative advantage is more profitable
advantage in the past. In a recent study, Molla et al. [20] noted that jute production is more profitable
in the past. Inthan Aus rice
a recent (pre‐monsoon
study, season
Molla et al. [20] notedrice)
jute has comparative
production is moreadvantage
profitable for import
financially than Aus rice (pre‐monsoon season rice) and has comparative advantage for import
than Aus riceTable 3 presentsseason
(pre-monsoon the results
rice) of thehas
and competitiveness analysis offor
comparative advantage jute. It is interesting
import substitution. to
substitution. Table 3 presents the results of the competitiveness analysis of jute. It is interesting to
note that
Table all of the
3 presents thesampled farmers
results of in Kishoreganjanalysis
the competitiveness produced of only
jute. traditional or Tossa
It is interesting jute,that
to note whereas
all of
note that all of the sampled farmers in Kishoreganj produced only traditional or Tossa jute, whereas
all the
the farmers
sampled in Faridpur
farmers produced
in Kishoreganj only white
produced jute.
only Both theortradable
traditional inputs
Tossa jute, and domestic
whereas factor
all the farmers
all the farmers in Faridpur produced only white jute. Both the tradable inputs and domestic factor
in at socialproduced
Faridpur prices areonly
higher in Faridpur
white jute. Bothwhen
the compared with Kishoreganj
tradable inputs and domestic because
factorjute production
costs at social
costs at social prices are higher in Faridpur when compared with Kishoreganj because jute production
in Faridpur
prices is characterized
are higher in Faridpur bywhenthecompared
high cost with
of labor and landbecause
Kishoreganj rents. As a result,
jute socialinprofits
production are
in Faridpur is characterized by the high cost of labor and land rents. As a result, social profits are
is for Faridpur.
characterized by theAnalysis
high costofofNPCO, NPCI,
labor and andrents.
land EPC shows that the
As a result, white
social jute producers
profits are negative in
negative for Faridpur. Analysis of NPCO, NPCI, and EPC shows that the white jute producers in
Faridpur are uncompetitive and are protected or subsidized by government policy, while the
Faridpur are uncompetitive and are protected or subsidized by government policy, while the
traditional jute producers are competitive. For example, the domestic price of white jute production
traditional jute producers are competitive. For example, the domestic price of white jute production
Agriculture 2017, 7, 96 9 of 16
for Faridpur. Analysis of NPCO, NPCI, and EPC shows that the white jute producers in Faridpur
are uncompetitive and are protected or subsidized by government policy, while the traditional jute
producers are competitive. For example, the domestic price of white jute production is 26% higher
than the world price, i.e., NPCO = 1.26 (Table 3). Profit from traditional jute production at social prices
is estimated at BDT 7649.60, which is very close to the estimate of Molla et al. [20] at BDT 7826.67.
the production frontier and the inefficiency effects model, we report the series of hypothesis tests
conducted to select the functional form and to decide whether the frontier model is an appropriate
choice. The first test was conducted to determine the appropriate functional form, i.e., the choice
between a Cobb-Douglas or a translog functional form (H0 : β11 = β22 = . . . = β67 = 0). The result
indicated non-linearities in the production function and, hence, the choice of flexible translog functional
form is a better representation of the true production structure when compared with a more restricted
Cobb-Douglas form (Table 5).
Next we check the sign of the third moment and the skewness of the OLS residuals of the data
in order to justify use of the stochastic frontier framework (and hence the MLE procedure) (In the
stochastic frontier framework, the third moment is also the third sample moment of the ui . Therefore,
if it is negative, it implies that the OLS residuals are negatively skewed and technical inefficiency is
present [29]). The computed value of Coelli’s [30] standard normal skewness statistic (M3T) based on
the third moment of the OLS residuals was estimated at 25.26 (Table 5) which was tested against H0 :
M3T = 0. The null hypothesis of ‘no inefficiency component’ was strongly rejected implying that the
choice of stochastic frontier approach was justified. The coefficient of γ reported in the mid-panel of
Table 6 also confirms the strong presence of technical inefficiency. The value of γ ranges between 0 to
1, with 0 denoting no inefficiency and 1 being perfectly inefficient.
Next, we determine whether the variables introduced as inefficiency effects improve the
explanatory power of the model. The null hypothesis (H0 : δ1 = δ2 = . . . = δ6 = 0) was strongly
rejected at the 1% level, implying that the distributions of inefficiencies were not identical across
individual observations.
A total of 50% of the coefficients on the production variables are significantly different from zero
at the 10% level at least, implying a good fit. All the input variables were mean corrected prior to
estimation Xij − X j . Therefore, the coefficients on the first order terms of the input variables can be
read directly as elasticities. Land is the most dominant input, followed by labor and irrigation in jute
production (Table 6). The value of the coefficient is 0.69 implying that a one percent increase in land
area will increase jute production by 0.69%, which is substantial. Although jute occasionally requires
supplementary irrigation, farmers producing white jute tend to irrigate their jute crop to ensure higher
productivity, which is reflected by the large difference in the cost of machinery input in Table 5 above.
The negative coefficients on the seed and organic manure variables are not significantly different from
zero and may not be the true relationship. The returns to scale in jute production was estimated at 0.87,
which is less than unity. The null hypothesis of constant returns to scale (H0 : α1 + α2 + . . . + α5 = 1) in
jute production was rejected in favor of decreasing returns to scale (Table 5) implying that farmers
were not operating at the optimal scale.
jute production were in East Bengal (i.e., Bangladesh). This left the jute mills in West Bengal with a
serious shortage of the raw product and jute farmers in Bangladesh with no market due to the lack of
processing facilities. The next challenge the jute sector faced was the drive towards the use of synthetic
fibers worldwide to replace jute and jute products during the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, which saw a
major decline in jute trade during the period 1961–2003 and showed a sign of an increase after that
period. For example, worldwide jute import and export have declined steadily at rates of 3.5% and
2.5% over the 43-year period (1961–2003), respectively (analysis was conducted using the FAOSTAT
database covering a 53-year period (1961–2013) using three-year moving averages to compute the
average annual compound growth rates (see Section 2.1 for methodology)) [34]. Later jute imports
worldwide have increased at a rate of 2.5% p.a. during the period 2004–2013 with no improvement in
jute exports.
Nevertheless, the jute sector in Bangladesh has survived these major pressures, albeit with
variable outcomes, thereby requiring a fresh analysis to assess its potential to support economic
growth. This was achieved by: systematically examining trends in the growth of jute area, production,
prices, and export earnings over a 41-year period (1973–2013); determining the competitiveness of jute
in the global market; examining the financial profitability at the farm level; and identifying the drivers
of productivity and efficiency at the farm level.
The results revealed that the jute sector in Bangladesh seems to have recovered to some
extent during the period 2004–2013 as demonstrated by the sharp growth in area cultivated,
total production, harvest prices, and value of export of jute and jute products, but with no improvement
in productivity. The productivity growth was observed during the first 31-year period (1973–2003)
instead. The competitiveness of jute in Bangladesh is, however, variable, as white jute production was
protected by the policy while traditional jute producers were exposed to competition. For example,
the domestic price of jute production was 26% higher than the world price. Both traditional, as well
as white jute production was financially profitable (BCR 1.17 and 1.24, respectively) and can clearly
compete with the main staples of Bangladesh in terms of profitability. Land, labor, and irrigation were
the major drivers of jute productivity, with land being the most dominant input (output elasticity value
of 0.69). However, the jute farmers were operating at a sub-optimal scale. Production efficiency of jute
was estimated at 75%, which is closely comparable to the efficiency level of producing the main staples
of rice and/or wheat in Bangladesh. Nevertheless, there is substantial scope to improve jute output up
to 25% by eliminating technical inefficiency. Marginal farmers, who were the majority of the farming
population, are relatively inefficient as compared with the medium/large farmers.
The key conclusion emerging from this study is that the jute sector can be revived and has the
potential to be the cash crop of the future in Bangladesh. However, a number of policy measures are
necessary in order to revive the jute sector. Therefore, based on the results of this study, the following
policy measures are suggested. First, investment in R and D is essential to replace low yielding
traditional jute varieties with modern jute varieties to improve jute productivity. The Bangladesh Jute
Research Institute (BJRI) is entrusted with improving jute production and productivity through R and
D and, so far, has developed only six varieties of white jute and eight varieties of traditional jute [35].
The release date of the latest varieties of white jute (Tossa jute #6) and traditional jute (Deshi jute #8)
from the research station is 2013, which are yet to be widely adopted at the farm level. The most
popular varieties of traditional and white jute adopted and produced at the farm level were those
released during 1995 and/or 2008, with potential yields between 2.5 and 4.5 t ha−1 on average [35],
which perhaps explains low productivity at the farm level (see Table 4). Nevertheless, in order to
revive jute as a major cash crop for the future, BJRI should aim to enhance their R and D activities and
release newer varieties that are suited to the changing climatic conditions. Higher productivity of jute
will not only increase financial profitability, but will also synergistically improve competitiveness in
the global market. Second, government policy should protect the export of white jute, as the system
is uncompetitive, whereas traditional jute production, although competitive, suffers from relatively
lower productivity and financial profitability. The argument in favor of protecting white jute are as
Agriculture 2017, 7, 96 14 of 16
follows: First, the productivity, harvest price, and financial profitability of white jute at the farm level is
higher than traditional jute (Table 4). Second, the loss of profit of white jute at social prices is marginal
(BDT −615.90). Third, the harvest price of jute and the value of jute exports to Bangladesh have
increased sharply during the period 2004–2013 (Figure 2). Therefore, assuming that the rising trend of
jute price continues, and given a higher level of financial profitability at the farm level, the existing
uncompetitveness of white jute could be eliminated in the coming years and, therefore, will not require
protection thereafter. However, in the meantime, protection for white jute is needed. Furthermore,
supporting the jute sector will be worthwhile because the demand for jute and jute products is rising
globally due to the changing mind-set of consumers who now prefer eco-friendly products as opposed
to synthetic products. Bangladesh, being a producer of the finest quality jute fiber in the world,
can tap into this rising market for jute and jute products by devising appropriate policy, infrastructural,
and institutional support. Third, investment in the irrigation infrastructure will significantly increase
jute productivity. Bangladesh has made remarkable progress in increasing supplementary irrigation
infrastructure and facilities over time. For example, the share of irrigated area in the gross cropped area
increased steadily from 11.0% in 1973 to 47.4% in 2013, a four-fold increase in 40 years [12,36]. Further
expansion of the irrigated area will contribute positively towards increasing the productivity of jute.
Fourth, the average farm size in Bangladesh is declining over time due to population pressure in a
closing land frontier. Although conventional land reform policies to redistribute land is not feasible in
the Bangladesh context [33], tenurial policies aimed at improving the land rental market, in order to
allow marginal farmers to consolidate their farm size to an optimum scale, will significantly improve
jute productivity.
Although the challenges to realize all these policy measures are formidable, a revival of the jute
sector will contribute positively towards commercialization of Bangladesh agriculture, as well as boost
export earnings. Bangladesh has already launched a National Jute Policy in 2011 and subsequently
drafted an extended National Jute Policy in 2014. Both these actions demonstrate that the government
of Bangladesh is keen to revive the jute sector, which is a step in the right direction as indicated by the
results of the present study.
Acknowledgments: The database required for this project was created with funding support from the National
Food Policy Capacity Strengthening Program, FAO-Bangladesh Research Grant, Phase II (2011). Some of the
materials presented in this paper are available in the report “Financial and economic profitability of selected
agricultural crops in Bangladesh” NFPCSP-FAO Research Grant Report #05/11, Dhaka Bangladesh, July 2013.
The authors gratefully acknowledge critical comments made by two anonymous referees, which have substantially
improved the paper. All caveats remain with the authors.
Author Contributions: Sanzidur Rahman (Co-I of the main project) conducted the growth rate, productivity,
and efficiency analysis, and wrote the paper. Mohammad Mizanul Haque Kazal (PI of the main project) was in
charge of the field survey, data management, and conducted the farm-level profitability analysis. Ismat Ara Begum
and Mohammad Jahangir Alam (Co-Is of the main project) jointly conducted the PAM analysis.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
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