MC Mid-1 Question Solved
MC Mid-1 Question Solved
MC Mid-1 Question Solved
Answer: A mobile agent is a software entity that can autonomously move across
networks and systems to perform tasks on behalf of a user. It has the ability to
suspend its execution at any point, transport itself to a new environment, and
resume execution from the point of suspension.
4. How the handover decision takes place in GSM depending on receiver signal
strength? Explain.
1. Measurement Reports: As the mobile device moves, it continually measures the signal
strength of the current cell's broadcast channel, as well as those of neighboring cells,
and sends these measurements to the network in what is known as a "measurement
2. Thresholds and Margins: The network has predefined thresholds and hysteresis
margins to prevent unnecessary handovers (due to temporary fluctuations in signal
strength). When the signal strength of the serving cell falls below a certain threshold, and
the neighboring cell's signal is stronger by a defined margin, the network considers a
3. Network Evaluation: The network evaluates the measurement reports and decides
whether a handover is necessary. If the serving cell's signal is weak and a neighboring
cell has a significantly stronger signal, the network may initiate a handover.
4. Handover Decision: If the signal strength of the neighboring cell is consistently better
than the current cell, and the target cell has sufficient resources to accept a new
connection, the network decides to perform a handover.
5. Handover Execution: The network sends a handover command to the mobile device,
directing it to switch to the new cell. The mobile device then tunes to the frequency of the
target cell, and if successful, the call or data session continues without interruption.
The entire process aims to maintain the quality of service for active calls and data sessions,
providing users with seamless connectivity as they move geographically across different cell