CH 1

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Chapter one
➢Describe how the Internet is evolving

➢To understand the importance of standards .

➢Describe the purpose of an ISP and the services that

➢Describe the hierarchical structure of the Internet.

Internet and Its Uses

❖It is an international network of networks that

links together billions of computers.

❖It is commonly referred to as the 'Net’.

❖It helps individuals and businesses sectors to

share information, resources, and services.

❖Internet used for:-
✓Research against the competitor
✓Training: interactive medium and long
distance learning
The Internet and Standards
❖Nowadays increasing number of new devices and
technologies coming online.

❖Internet standards.

✓Is a set of rules for how something must be done.

✓ensure that all devices connecting to the network

use the same set of rules.

✓Internet Standards are created and published by

the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF).

❖There are many of Internet standards that help define
the rules for how devices communicate on networks.
✓Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) ...
✓Long Range Wide Area Network (LoRaWAN) ...
✓Bluetooth. ...
✓File transfer protocol (FTP)

Delivering Internet services to end-users

❖ Internet service provider (ISP)

✓is an organization that provides a myriad of services.

✓ISP can be organized in various forms, such as commercial,

community-owned, non-profit etc.

✓ISPs provided Internet access, domain name registration, web

hosting etc. .

✓To gain Internet access, it is first necessary to have a

connection to ISP
Delivering Internet services to end-users
❖ISPs offer various connection options.

1.Dialup access

❖an inexpensive option that uses any phone line and a

2.Digital subscriber line (DSL)
➢more expensive than dialup, but provides a faster connection.
➢DSL also uses telephone lines, but unlike dialup access,
DSL provides a continuous connection to the Internet.
➢Needs a special high speed modem to connect the host
Delivering Internet services to end-users
3.Cable modem

➢A cable modem is a connection option offered by ISP

➢The Internet signal is carried on the same coaxial cable that

delivers cable television to homes and businesses.

4. Satellite

➢Satellite connection is an option offered by satellite service


➢The user's computer connects through Ethernet to a satellite

modem that transmits radio signals to the nearest point of
presence (POP) within the satellite network. 9
Internet Hierarchy
❖ The Internet has a hierarchical structure.

❖ At the top of this hierarchy are the ISP organizations.

❖ The ISP point of presence (POPs) connect to an Internet Exchange Point (IXP)
also called a Network Access Point (NAP).

❖ A point of presence was a location where a long-distance carrier could terminate

services and provide connections into a local telephone network.

❖ An IXP or NAP is where multiple ISPs join together to gain access to each
other's networks and exchange information.

❖ Internet backbone is like an information super highway that provides high-speed

data links to interconnect the POPs and IXPs in major metropolitan areas around
the world.

Overview of Internet
❖Web server –
❖It is a piece of computer software that can respond
to a browser's request for a page, and deliver the
page to the Web browser through the Internet
❖Hypertext –
❖ Machine-readable text
❖It is not sequential but is organized
❖Internet Service Provider (ISP)
❖A company that provides Internet service
❖Uniform Resource Locator (URL)

✓It is an address on the Internet, such as, which enable es computers and
other devices to visit it.

❖Web Address: the address of information and/or resources

available on the internet.

❖http: http stands for hypertext transfer protocol.

❖ftp: ftp stands for File Transfer Protocol. It is used to upload

or download various files. 12
❖How does it work?
A server
machine running
A machine running a a web server
browser Browser connects
and requests a page

Server sends back

the requested page

Overview of Internet
❖How does it work?
❖ Requesting the page
❖ The browser broke the URL into 3 parts:
✓ The protocol ("http")

✓ The server name ("")

✓ The file name ("index.html")

❖ Browser ➔ DNS ……Name to IP translations

❖ Browser➔ Server …..Creation of connection

Overview of Internet
❖Top Level Domain (TLD) names
❖.com - Originally for commercial organizations
❖.Net - Internet service providers and other network-
related companies
❖.org - Noncommercial (often nonprofit) organizations
❖.gov - government agencies
❖.mil - military
❖.edu - Educational domains
Overview of Internet
More three-or-more-letter TLDs are coming into

use, such as these:

➢ .aero - Airlines

➢ .coop - Cooperatives

➢ .info - Anyone

➢ .name – Individuals
Overview of Internet
Internet Address

❖Each computer connected to the Internet

must have a unique address, known as IP

❖Internet addresses are in the form where xxx must be a
number from 0 – 255
Overview of Internet
❖Firewall –
❖It used to filters the information coming
through the Internet connection into your
private network or computer system.
❖If an incoming packet of information is flagged
by the filters, it is not allowed to pass through

Overview of Internet
Methods/Types of Firewalls
❖Packet filtering:-
➢ controls the network access by analyzing the outgoing and
incoming packets.
➢ It lets a packet pass or block by comparing with pre-established
criteria like allowed IP addresses, packet type, port number,
❖Proxy service:-
➢ Also called the application level gateways,
➢ It is the most secured type of firewalls
➢ filtering messages at the application layer.
❖Stateful inspection:-
➢ active connections and uses this information to determine
which network packets to allow through the firewall. 19
World Wide Web
❖www is a documents to be connected to other documents by
hypertext links,

❖It enabling the user to search for information by moving from

one document to another.

➢The WWW is a distributed client-server service,
➢ client using a browser can access a service using a
➢The service provided is distributed over many locations
called sites.
World Wide Web
❖The documents in the WWW can be grouped into
❖ Statice Documents :- a document with a fixed content
❖ Dynamic Documents (server side):-
✓ content of the document is created when the browser
accesses the server.
✓ When the browser request arrives, the server runs an
application that creates dynamic documents.
❖ Active Documents (client side):-
✓ provide a continuous update of the screen content
World Wide Web
❖Web applications

➢Very wide range of functionality

✓web mail

✓online retail sales and auction sites

✓wikis, discussion boards, weblogs

✓online news, radio, tv, etc….

✓multi-player online role-playing games, etc…

World Wide Web
❖software components of a web app

✓ possibly distributed or mirrored

➢session information
✓ statefull servers hold session information

✓ may persevere in a database

➢global information
• shared by all or many web app processes

• e.g. number of hits on the site, user profiles 23

Client-Server Architecture
❖A network architecture in which each computer or
process on the network is either a client or a server

❖Components of client/server architecture:

❖Communication network



❖Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP):

application-level protocol for distributed,

collaborative, hypermedia information systems

➢ It is generic

➢ can be used for many tasks, such as name servers &

distributed object management systems


❖ HTTP/1.0 allowed only connectionless message passing

➢ each request/response required a new connection

➢ to download a page there is overload the server, require

lots of overhead

❖HTTP/1.1 provides persistent connection by default

➢ once client & server connect, remains open until told to close it (or

➢ reduces number of connections, saves overhead

➢ client can send multiple requests without waiting for responses

HTTP Request Types
❖GET and POST used to send data from the client-server.
➢ Appends visible data directly to the end of the URL
➢ Limited to 1024 characters for the entire URL
➢ Result page can be bookmarked and cached

➢ Sends form data in the HTTP request—invisible to users
➢ Virtually no limit
➢ Results are not cacheable or bookmarkable
HTTP Requests header fields
The client can specify additional information
in the request
❖ User-Agent - specifies the browser version
❖ Refer-tells server where the user came from
❖ Form-contains email address of user
Authorization -can send username & password
❖ If-Modified-Since -only send document if
newer than specified date used for caching
HTTP response from a Web server
HTTP/1.1 200 OK ]- Response Status
Date: Mon 06 Aug 2001 17:35:46 GMT ]- Date
Server: NCSA/1.3 ]- Web server
Location: http:// ]- URL
Content-type: text/html ]- Type of file Respons
e Header
<title>Allen R. Dennis</title>
</head> Response
<body> Body

<H2> well came to internet programming </H2>

<P>Welcome to the home page of Allen R. Dennis</P>

HTTP Response header fields
❖The first line of the server’s response contains a
status code 200 OK

200 OK request was processed successfully

301 Moved permanently document has been moved
304 Not modified if cached version is up-to-date
400 Bad request syntax error in client’s request
403 Forbidden client is not allowed access e.g., protected
404 Not found file could not be found
500 Internal server error server failed
503 Service unavailable server is overloaded

HTTP Response header fields
❖In addition to the status code, the server’s response
may include
✓ Date,
✓ Server info,
✓ Last-modified,
✓ Content-length,
✓ Content-type , Expires

https (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure)

❖ is a secure version of the Hyper (http).

❖ Used to better in online banking.
❖ Web browsers such as Internet Explorer and Firefox
display a padlock icon to indicate that the website is
❖ When a user connects to a website via HTTPS, the
website encrypts the session with a digital certificate.
✓ “you never and ever enter your credit card number and
sensitive informations in an http website!”
Static vs. dynamic pages
❖Static Web Pages

➢ Contents (text/links/images) are the same each time it is


e.g., online documents, most homepages

❖Dynamic Web Pages

➢Web pages must also provide dynamic content

➢pages must be fluid, changeable (e.g., rotating banners)

➢must be able to react to the user's actions, request and

process info, tailor services e.g.,,
Browsers cache pages temporary recent pages
➢ when a page is requested, check to see if already in
cache if not in the cache, used GET/POST request
when response message arrives,
➢ display page and store in cache (along with header info)
➢ if already stored in the cache, send GET request with
If-Modified-Since header set to the data of the
cached page
❖ cookie is a collection of information about the user
❖server can download a cookie to the client’s machine
using the “Set-cookie” header in a response
❖many e-commerce apps require persistent memory of
customer interactions

remembers your name, credit card, past

purchases, interests
Client-Side Scripting versus Server-Side Scripting
❖ Client-side scripts
➢ Validate Reduce requests needed to be passed to
➢ Access browser
Eg. Java script, vb script etc
❖ Server-side scripts
➢ Executed on server
➢ Generate custom response for clients
➢ Wide range of programmatic capabilities
➢ Access to server-side software that extends server
➢ Eg ASP, PHP,prl,jsp 36
Designing Web Applications
Page Structure and Site Design

Designing Web Applications
(A) To design web sites: - we need to gather
information, in such a way that:-
1. Purpose of the web site/application.
2. Goals of web site. Is it to entertain or what?
3. from where the information comes from?

Designing Web Applications
(B) Organize the information:-
1. Alphabetical order
2. Chronological order- associated with date.
3. Geographical
4. Topical- by using topics.
5. etc.

Designing Web Applications

(C) Structure

1. Hierarchical:-takes a top down approach (from high

level categories to logical sub categories) and helps
to visualize the structure of the web site.

2. Hypertext structure-text or an image linked to

another page.

3. Database structure-used for easily to maintain and

updated outside of the web site itself.
Designing Web Applications
(D) Develop a navigation schema:-user moves around the
site and finds the information.

These include…..

✓ Forward and backward arrows.

✓ Bookmarks or favorites lists

✓ Standard display for visited/unvisited lists

✓ Status bar

✓ Page URLs
(E) Layout the web pages:-it is the way pages are arranged.

A few things should be remember to lay out a web site….

✓ Use industry standard HTML tags and test in

different browsers browser versions.

✓ Monitor resolution- can also affect the width and

the height of the page so fix the computer resolution

✓ Data transfer-file size:-try not to put unnecessary

images because it will slow down 42
(F) Web accessibility:-

1. Hypertext links should be descriptive.

2. Provide alternative text descriptions for all


Designing Web Applications
❖Client side design ❖Server side:

➢ visual and logical layout ➢ Database design

➢ Validation ➢ Server-side language

➢ JavaScript controls and design patterns

and content ➢ Security

manipulation ➢ Performance and
Reliability (24/7)

Web site evaluation

✓ How reliable is the information provided at the site?


✓ Is the author or editor of the Web page qualified to write on the



✓ Is the information provided at the site up-to-date or out-of-date?


✓ What topics (subjects) are covered by the Web site?


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