Sustainability 11 06860 v2
Sustainability 11 06860 v2
Sustainability 11 06860 v2
Silo-Busting: Overcoming the Greatest Threat to
Organizational Performance
André de Waal 1, * , Michael Weaver 2 , Tammy Day 2 and Beatrice van der Heijden 3,4,5,6,7
1 HPO Center, 1217JC Hilversum, The Netherlands
2 DPA Consulting, Guildford GU4 8EP, UK; [email protected] (M.W.);
[email protected] (T.D.)
3 Institute for Management Research, Radboud University, 6500HK Nijmegen, The Netherlands;
[email protected]
4 School of Management, Open University of the Netherlands, 6419AT Heerlen, The Netherlands
5 Department of Marketing, Innovation and Organisation, Ghent University, 9000 Ghent, Belgium
6 Business School, Hubei University, Wuhan 430062, China
7 Kingston Business School, Kingston University, Kingston upon Thames, London KT2 7LB, UK
* Correspondence: [email protected]
Received: 5 October 2019; Accepted: 27 November 2019; Published: 2 December 2019
Abstract: Most organizations are set up to operate in some form of silos, such as vertical divisions or
horizontal functions. At best, silos offer a practical way for organizations to operate efficiently. At worst,
they create a silo mentality where departments do not want to exchange knowledge or information,
hindering internal collaboration and organizational learning, thus preventing achievement of high
performance and organizational sustainability. The silo mentality issue has been recognized for a long
time as a real tangible problem that has to be dealt with. On the basis of a questionnaire containing
statements on organizational strength, collaboration, and silo-busting techniques applied, which
was distributed to a sample of mainly large companies, we found that there are five factors that are
important for breaking down silos and increasing the quality of cooperation.
1. Introduction
Many organizations strive for ‘organizational sustainability’ [1], defined as the result of the activities
of an organization, voluntary or governed by law, that demonstrate the ability of the organization
to maintain its business operations viably (including financial viability as appropriate) whilst not
negatively impacting any social or ecological systems [2] or, alternatively, as a multidimensional
phenomenon that focuses on maintaining results, generating knowledge, building capacity, establishing
experiences with partners, and producing services and products on the basis of the concepts of efficiency
and effectiveness [3]. An important activity for achieving organizational sustainability is organizational
learning [4] and knowledge exchange [5], as it helps organizational members to detect and correct
errors in the organization so that it can keep achieving sustainable high performance [6]. The more
complex, dynamic, and turbulent an organization’s environment is, the more necessary organizational
learning is considered to be [4]. A main source of organizational learning is the exchange of knowledge
between the various parts of an organization [7]. Unfortunately, many organizations experience some
form of ‘silo working’, be it across vertical divisions or departments, or teams within horizontal
functions. The term ‘silo’ relates to grain silos that segregate one type of grain from another, and is
therefore a metaphor for segregation between different parts of an organization [8]. In the management
1. Putting the ‘parts’ before the ‘whole’. Silo thinking leads to managers only being focused on
the interests of their own organizational unit, inducing them to pursue seemingly worthwhile
agendas in their own areas which may be at odds with the agendas of other units and of the
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6860 4 of 21
overall organization. For example, opportunities for cross-selling are missed, which hurts the
overall revenue of the organization [13,21–25].
2. Having personal conflicts and damaging politics. The focus on local interests means damaging
politics and the development of personal conflicts between leaders of different units, generating
turf wars and power struggles that hinder collaboration and, ultimately, performance. This also
creates a lack of trust between employees from these units and a feeling of “us against them”.
This can perpetuate the primitive reaction of fight and flight—fight whatever is outside and flee
to the inside of the silo with its presumed safety [13,25,26].
3. Creating an excessively inwards, rather than outwards, focus. People can be so focused on their
agendas and on the politics generated around this that they lose sight of customers and what
matters most to them. Customer experience can fall away and silos can inhibit the flexibility and
even energy to deal with customers adequately. Not enough time is spent on creating complex,
customized products on time and within budget for these customers. Customers receive mixed
messages because brands of different units compete with each other in the market place. In the
end, the reputation of the organization and its management is severely damaged in the outside
world [13,16,21,23,26].
4. Withholding resources and information from other units. The lack of communication and
cooperation between silos directly affects organizational performance negatively because insights
around potential opportunities are not shared or passed on and thus get lost, and threats are not
recognized in a timely manner. The lack of sharing of information also causes a lack of shared
learning and innovation, with people ignoring facts that do not support their own viewpoint,
and a ‘not-invented-here’ mentality that hurts performance improvements. When resources
are not shared, it is difficult to implement synergistic programs in the organization. Siloed
thinking can also lead to the misallocation of finite resources across units and programs and
a desire from different units to keep their best talents for themselves rather than make these
available to other teams, thus leading to inefficient matches of people and positions and a failure
to align top talents with the most strategically significant positions, from an organizational
perspective [13,21,22,24–26].
5. Inhibiting learning, innovation, and improvement. Pockets of excellence might exist in the
organization but, because of silos, they will be isolated and therefore difficult to leverage across
the organization. As a result, it will be impossible for the organization to become high performing
because not enough units profit from the ideas, experience, and skills of other units [21,22].
6. Suffering from motivational and morale problems within the workforce. Because each silo has its
own agenda, people in the organization receive mixed messages about priorities, which creates
confusion and ambiguity that can lead to organizational dysfunction. Silos can be a common
source of employee frustration. They can also cause lower overall productivity, for many of the
reasons already stated, and create delays in ‘getting things done’ and ‘seeing things through’,
which is detrimental to the motivation and engagement of employees who want to see an impact
and outcome for their efforts. In addition, silos can make it difficult for people to establish deeper
relationships with people they regularly have to work with in different units, causing feelings of
isolation. These impacts on morale and motivation can create retention issues and may lead to
the resignation of good people [11,13,16,26,27].
and prioritization processes that put functions in direct competition for resources. In that same vein,
the reward structure might be based on individual unit outcomes, which naturally results in a focus on
the achievement of personal or unit targets. It can be easier to focus on personal interest when working
within a system like this. In many cases, leaders have created ‘untouchable’ fiefdoms or territories,
which can run with efficiency and precision to deliver their agenda, but in isolation from the rest of
the organization and the wider greater good. Issues of power, control, competition, and hierarchy are
typical underlying drivers for the creation of silos and a silo mentality.
Silos may also be due to a lack of collaboration skills and a bad attitude of management. If managers
have a negative attitude toward other units and a lack of commitment to corporate goals—implying a
management style that encourages conflicts and discourages respecting and incorporating other peoples’
ideas and needs, fails to take a strong stand against people who build turfs, has inadequate interpersonal
skills resulting in a lack of understanding as how to build cooperative working relationships, or
fails to provide employees and oneself with a compelling reason and a suitable context for working
together—then collaboration will most likely be deterred. Perhaps, however, there are more practical
reasons, linked to the complexity of organizational life and the inevitable difficulties in knowing
who is doing what and who to engage with inside large, geographically dispersed organizations
witnessing increasing rates of change. Whatever the causes, when a company is siloed, it is constantly
in tension or even in conflict with itself, meaning its focus gravitates inwards, at the expense of
being externally directed towards customers, competitors, the wider environment, and ultimately
organizational performance.
4. Silo-Busting Approaches
We undertook an extensive search of the academic and professional literature to collect in-depth
information on silo-busting techniques. We searched the EBSCO and Emerald scientific databases,
Google Scholar, and Google more generally, using the search terms ‘silo’, ‘silo-busting’ and ‘internal
collaboration’. Our main criteria to include publications in our review were that they had to contain
one or more silo-busting techniques, that is, ideas for how to break down and get rid of damaging
organizational silos and improve the collaboration inside the organization. Thus, we only included
research studies on silo-busting techniques when the authors explicitly looked for a relation between
the techniques they researched and organizational collaboration. In total, we identified 48 publications,
with the majority (33, or 77%) being professional in nature. We grouped (categorized) similar techniques
of silo-busting ideas and gave each group a title. We also collected ways to measure the success of
silo-busting initiatives (i.e. collaboration results). The results of the literature review are listed in
Table 1. The premise of our research is that the five silo-busting categories we abstracted from the
literature have a positive relation with the degree and success of collaboration (i.e., collaboration
results) inside the organization.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6860 6 of 21
Factor Items—English
Values 1. Create and enforce a set of values that support collaboration
2. Promote a shared identity that brings organizational units together
3. Focus on creating a united collaborative mind-set
4. Create clear unifying goals for people to work on together
Collaborative operating model 5. Create clarity of roles, responsibilities, goals, tasks, and outcomes
6. Standardize processes, procedures, and roles across organizational units to foster
7. Integrate process and systems across organizational units
8. Develop interdependent planning and review processes across organizational units
9. Develop, by multiple organizational units, products/services for customers
10. Create cross-organizational unit programs and projects for people to stimulate
11. Allow time and space to conduct cross-organizational unit experimentation and
12. Devise and implement methods for resolving cross-organizational unit conflict
and disagreement and build trust
13. Develop new indicators to measure, discuss, and evaluate the quality and success
of collaboration
14. Install a common information technology (IT) platform and systems across all
organizational units
15. Use IT systems to enable better information sharing across organizational units
Collaborative environment 16. Ensure equality and justice in the treatment of all organizational units
17. Create open information flows to share information on goals, plans, and results
throughout the organization
18. Inform organizational units about the goals and status of other organizational
19. Create communities/networks to share knowledge, practice, and experience
across organizational units
20. Hold cross-organizational unit training and events to build inter-organizational
unit respect, understanding, and trust
21. Create a physical space where colleagues can collide and bond
22. Encourage colleagues to spend time with colleagues from other organizational
23. Create informal settings for people to get to know each other
24. Managers have responsibility for results in their own area and share
responsibilities elsewhere
25. Ensure senior leadership demonstrates collaborative behavior
26. Develop interpersonal skillsets within managers to better enable them to
collaborate and network
People reward and development 27. Recruit people with a collaborative mind-set and good networking skills
28. Provide employees with training to further develop their collaborative and
networking skills
29. Give people the authority and accountability to act in a collaborative manner
30. Adapt evaluation, reward, and incentive systems to specifically reward
cross-organizational unit collaborative efforts and results
31. Visibly recognize and reward people who collaborate across organizational units
Collaboration results A. The department works better with other departments
B. The department has increased efficiency
C. The department has a more satisfied customer
D. The department has increased flexibility
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6860 7 of 21
We named silo-busting factor 1 ‘values’, as this factor contained four characteristics that promote
collaboration as a common value in the organization, something that brings people and units in an
organization together [28]. Silo-busting factor 2 was called ‘collaborative operating model’, as this factor
contained characteristics that relate to how the organization’s social, knowledge, and management
infrastructure itself is organized and aligned in such a way that collaboration across units is facilitated
and thus made easier. The level of capability an organization has to readily adapt itself to what is
needed to survive and thrive in the environment is an indication of organizational enhancement and,
finally, organizational success [29,30]. Such characteristics include creating clarity in the organization
(characteristics 5, 13), embedding supporting processes for aligning, coordinating and facilitating
collaboration between units (6, 7, 8, 9), instigating cross-functional events and initiatives where people
can interact (10, 11), making sure conflicts between units can be resolved quickly (12), and putting
information systems in place to enable and facilitate information sharing and communication across
the organization (14, 15). Silo-busting factor 3 is described as ‘collaborative environment’, as this factor
contains characteristics that relate to fostering a collaborative mind-set, focus, behavior, and culture in
the organization. This includes making sure all units are treated equally so there is no distrust between
them, preventing collaboration (16); keeping units informed about other areas (17, 18); cultivating and
facilitating active cross-functional networks, communities, and events (19, 20); and having physical
spaces where people can actually meet and interact (21, 22, 23). Silo-busting factor 4 was given the label
‘leadership’, as its three characteristics described managers taking the lead in showing and promoting
collaborative behavior. Lastly, silo-busting factor 5 was named ‘people reward and development’
because the characteristics in this factor focused on rewarding people for collaborative behavior (30, 31)
and making sure they were capable of actually cooperating across unit boundaries (27, 28, 29).
performance (RP) and historic performance (HP) [15]. To test whether the HPO factors were correlated
with each other, another matrix was constructed. All factors appeared to indeed be correlated with
each other, meaning that when an organization works on improving one of the factors, the other factors
will also be impacted. Thus, the HPO framework, consisting of 5 HPO factors and 35 corresponding
HPO characteristics, may be characterized as a complementary system [36].
The five HPO factors were (see Table A1 in Appendix A for the detailed 35 HPO characteristics):
• Management quality. Belief and trust in others and fair treatment are encouraged. Managers
are trustworthy, committed, enthusiastic and respectful; have a decisive, action-focused
decision-making style; hold employees accountable for performance results; and communicate
values and strategy throughout the organization so that everyone knows and embraces these.
• Openness and action-orientation. An HPO has an open culture, which means that management
values the opinions of employees and involves them in important organizational processes.
Mistakes are allowed and regarded as an opportunity to learn. Employees engage in dialogue,
exchange knowledge, and develop new ideas aimed at improving performance. Managers are
personally involved in experimenting, thereby fostering an environment of change.
• Long-term orientation. An HPO grows through partnerships with suppliers and customers;
long-term commitment is extended to all stakeholders. Vacancies are filled by high-potential
internal candidates, if possible, and people are encouraged to become leaders. An HPO creates a
safe and secure workplace (both physically and mentally), and dismisses employees only as a
last resort.
• Continuous improvement and renewal. An HPO continuously improves, simplifies and aligns its
processes and innovates around products and services, creating new sources of competitive
advantage to respond to market developments. An HPO manages its core competences efficiently,
and outsources non-core competences.
• Employee quality. An HPO assembles and recruits a diverse and complementary management
team and workforce with maximum work flexibility. The workforce is trained to be resilient and
flexible; encouraged to develop skills to achieve extraordinary results; and held responsible for
their performance, leading to increased creativity and better results.
HPO research shows that there is a direct and positive relationship between the five HPO factors
and competitive performance—the higher the scores on the HPO factors (HPO scores), the better the
results of the organization, and the lower the HPO scores, the lower the competitive performance.
Research also shows that all HPO factors need to have high scores in order for an organization to
achieve excellent results. An organization can evaluate its HPO status by performing an HPO diagnosis
in which management and employees complete the HPO questionnaire, containing questions on the
35 HPO characteristics with possible answers on an absolute scale ranging from 1 (very poor) to
10 (excellent). Average scores indicate points where the organization has to take action in order to
become an HPO. Since the development of the HPO framework, multiple longitudinal studies have
been performed that show the positive correlation between the HPO scores of an organization and its
performance [37–41]. In these studies, organizations that worked with discipline and dedication and
thus increased their HPO scores all experienced increased organizational performance.
6. Research Approach
The silo-busting techniques were reworded into statements that could be easily interpreted
by individuals in consideration of their own organization and included in a survey. For example,
‘Create career development paths that require cross-organizational unit experience’ was turned into
the statement ‘To advance in our organization, we need cross-organizational unit experience’. These
statements were then included in the survey as a silo-busting factors question set, alongside the HPO
question set. In addition, a third set of questions was incorporated into the survey as well—these
related to organizational collaboration and asked respondents to offer a perception on the quality of
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6860 9 of 21
collaboration and coordination in the organization. These were used to identify the success of the
silo-busting techniques applied by the organization.
The resulting questionnaire was reviewed and completed by several colleagues of the authors,
all experts in business administration, and subsequently refined. Then the questionnaire was sent to
11 organizations that agreed to participate in the silo-busting research. These organizations basically
formed a convenience sample as they are all clients of DPA Consulting (where two of the authors
work), based in the United Kingdom, and who identified themselves as being willing to participate.
They were selected on the basis of size (i.e., there should be at least several departments within the
organization with a sizable population present so that silos could be an issue) and on willingness to
participate. Table 2 provides information on the participating organizations.
An information package was compiled explaining the purpose and set-up of the research. This
package was sent to the main contact person at the participating organizations, together with a link to
the internet-based questionnaire. The organizations themselves selected potential respondents on the
basis of the guidance that we were looking for responses from a cross-functional sample of people
from across different areas of the business, as well as different grades, and including as many people
as was possible and realistic. Confidentiality of the data was guaranteed as the data entered by the
respondents themselves were directly collected in the database of the HPO center. The respondents
were asked to rate the statements on a scale ranging from 1 to 10 to reflect the extent to which they
thought the statement applied to the organization and the department they worked, with 1 being
‘strongly disagree’ and 10 being ‘strongly agree’. The authors had regular contact with the contact
persons to inform them on the response and to discuss reminders for the participants. In total, 869
completed questionnaires were received.
7. Research Results
The HPO questionnaire has been shown to have high internal consistency and has been validated
repeatedly to consist of five subscales. Given this previous knowledge we chose to average the relevant
items into these five subscales. In keeping with previous findings, the internal consistency of the
HPO subscales was high (Table 3). The silo-busting questionnaire was a priori subdivided into five
underlying constructs (Table 1). Internal consistency per factor was assessed with Cronbach’s alpha.
In cases of high Cronbach’s alpha, the items were averaged to form each factor. The fit of the overall
silo-busting model was assessed by means of a confirmatory factor analysis. Internal consistency of
the silo-busting factors was high (Table 3), and we applied data reduction by averaging the items
per factor. The collaboration results questionnaire consisted of four items and was a priori assumed
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6860 10 of 21
to consist of one underlying factor. Just like for the silo-busting questionnaire, internal consistency
of the single underlying factor was assessed using Cronbach’s alpha. Confirmatory factor analysis
was performed on a model consisting of one latent factor, to which the four items were loaded upon.
Internal consistency again was high (Table 3). For all subscales, average variance extracted was
computed as a measure of convergent validity. Overall, the scores appeared to be high (Table 3) with
two factors scoring slightly below the 0.5 cut-off. We also performed confirmatory factor analysis (CFA)
for the silo-busting (SB) and quality of cooperation (QC) measures. Model fit was good: the Tucker
Lewis Index (TLI) SB = 0.89; TLI QC = 0.996.
Table 3. Cronbach’s alphas for the high performance organizations (HPO), silo-busting, and
collaboration factors.
To get better insight into the relationship between the HPO factors and collaboration results,
the averaged HPO factors were entered into a structural equation model (SEM) in which the five
factors loaded onto the collaboration results factor. Similarly, the relationship between the silo-busting
factors and the collaboration results factors was assessed using SEM. Items per factor were averaged.
Analyses were done in SPSS (version 24), and SEM analyses were performed using maximum likelihood
estimation, as implemented in AMOS software (version 23.0.0). The SEM analysis showed that three
out of five HPO factors loaded significantly on collaboration results (Figure 1), with all loadings being
positive. The analysis also showed that all silo-busting factors loaded significantly on collaboration
results. It should be noted though that the standardized regression weights of some factors were rather
small. People reward and development and values had the highest regression weights. All loadings
were positive. In Appendix B (Tables A2–A5), the detailed outcomes of the SEM analysis are given.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6860 11 of 21
Figure 1. Structural equation model (SEM) of the HPO and silo-busting factors on collaboration results.
Displayed are the standardized regression weights for significant influence (at the p < 0.05 level).
As theoretically predicted, all five silo-busting factors showed positive correlations with collaborate
results. Figure 1 shows that silo-busting factors values and people reward and development have the
strongest relations; as a consequence, organizations should pay particular attention to implementing
the characteristics underlying these two factors. The combination of these two particular silo-busting
factors indicate the strength of the saying “putting your money where your mouth is”—promoting
internal collaboration by making it a key value of the organization, but being sure then to reward
people who actually show collaborative behavior [42,43].
Figure 1 also shows that three of the five HPO factors have a direct positive influence on the
collaboration results factor. Continuous improvement and renewal can basically only be effective when
people collaborate on process improvement and innovating new products and services. Thus, being
successful in continuous improvement and renewal has to mean that there is successful collaboration
in the organization, which has to show in the collaboration results [44,45]. Regarding employee quality,
a continuous improvement mind-set in people is needed to adapt an organization for collaboration
and to actually show collaborate behavior [46,47]. Employees need certain qualities in order to
behave in a collaborative manner and to be successful in adapting the organization and its IT systems,
such as in wanting to accomplish extraordinary results, being resilient and flexible, and wanting to
work in collaborative partnerships. Finally, a long-term orientation in the organization entails that
this organization maintains good and long-term relationships with all stakeholders and is aimed at
servicing the customers as best as possible. These two characteristics convey an attitude of openness
and service-orientation to other parties, in this case, other organizational units, which helps to increase
the inclination to collaborate with those other units [44,48]. HPO factors management quality and
openness and action orientation did not show significant relations with collaboration results. This might
have been because these HPO factors contained characteristics that mainly relate to the (individual)
relationships between managers and employees in an organizational unit.
Figure 2.Total
Total silo-busting scores
silo-busting scores for
scores for the
the 11
the 11 participating
11 participating organizations.
Figure 3 gives the HPO, silo-busting, and collaboration outcome scores per individual organization.
Figure 3.
Figure 3. Average silo-busting
silo-busting factor,
factor, HPO,
HPO, and
and collaboration
collaboration results
results scores for
for the individual
Figure 3. Average
Average silo-busting factor, HPO, and collaborationscores
results the
scores for the
individual organizations.
Figures 22 and
2 andand3 33show
show thatthe
that theparticipating
the participating organizations,
participating organizations,
organizations,inin general,
ingeneral, achieved
onon the
thethe silo-busting
silo-busting and and
and HPO factors
HPO and
factorsand did
anddid not
didnot yet
notyet meet
yetmeet the
meet the threshold
the threshold of 8.5. Looking
threshold of 8.5. Looking at Figure
LookingatatFigure 3,3, on
face value, there seems to be a relationship between the HPO, silo-busting factor, and collaboration
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6860 13 of 21
results scores. To investigate this further, we first categorized the organizations into three groups
according to their HPO scores: higher (HPO score >7—organizations J and K), mid (HPO score between
6 and 7—organizations C, F, G, H, and I), and lower (HPO score <6—organizations A, B, D, and E)
performers. Then, we calculated the HPO, silo-busting factor, and collaboration results scores (see
Figure 4).
Sustainability 2019, 11, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 19
Figure 4. Scores
Scores per
per HPO
In In
thethe silo-bustingframework,
silo-busting framework,therethere are
are three ‘systems’
silo-busting, collaboration
and Figure 4 shows that these systems more or less move in the same
and Figure 4 shows that these systems more or less move in the same direction—when the HPOdirection—when the HPO score
is high,
score the silo-busting
is high, scorescore
the silo-busting is alsoishigh,
also as is the
high, as collaboration results score.
is the collaboration resultsThis means
score. Thisthat higher
means that
higher scoring organizations
scoring are also
organizations arebetter in applying
also better silo-busting
in applying techniques
silo-busting and thus
techniques they
and have
thus they
have moresuccess
successin in
collaboratingin in
their organization.
their organization. To To
whether thethe
significant, we compared companies scoring low on silo-busting ('silo companies')
significant, we compared companies scoring low on silo-busting (‘silo companies‘) with companies with companies
scoring high on silo-busting ('non-silo companies') with regard to their HPO and SB measures. For
scoring high on silo-busting (‘non-silo companies’) with regard to their HPO and SB measures. For
grouping, we used a median split, which meant that five companies were included in the silo group,
grouping, we used a median split, which meant that five companies were included in the silo group,
and that six companies were included in the non-silo group (on the basis of their silo-busting score,
and that six companies were included in the non-silo group (on the basis of their silo-busting score, a
a high silo-busting score meant that the organization was included in the non-silo group). Because
high silo-busting score meant that the organization was included in the non-silo group). Because the
the sample sizes varied strongly, we computed Mann–Whitney tests to test for differences. There
were sizes
clear varied strongly,
differences we between
noticed computed theMann–Whitney
two groups, with—as tests to expected—the
test for differences. There
non-silo were
clear differences noticed between the two groups, with—as
scoring higher than the silo group (see Table A6 and Table A7 in Appendix 3). expected—the non-silo group scoring
higher than the silo group (see Tables A6 and A7 in Appendix C).
9. Conclusion, Limitations, and Future Research
9. Conclusions, Limitations, and Future Research
The main research question dealt with in this paper was—Is there a relationship between an
The main research
organization’s strength;question dealt
its focus andwith in this
effort on paper was—Istechniques;
silo-busting there a relationship between
and the quality ofan
focus and effort on silo-busting
exchange, techniques;
and internal and the
collaboration? Thequality
research ofquestion
learning, knowledge exchange, and internal collaboration? The research question
addressed by combining theory on high performance organizations with silo-busting techniques was addressed thatby
combining theory
can be found in on
thehigh performance
literature, organizations
as well as with silo-busting
employee perceptions techniques
of internal that can
collaboration, all be
in found
in questionnaire.
the literature, This
as well
applied perceptions
to a sample of ofmainly
internal collaboration,
large organizations.all The
in one questionnaire.
research results
This was then
showed that applied
there was to aa clear
sample of mainly
positive large organizations.
relationship The research
between the application resultssilo-busting
of certain showed that
there by an
was a clear organization,
positive the extent
relationship betweenof organizational
the applicationlearning and
of certain knowledgetechniques
silo-busting exchange, the by an
quality andthe
organization, outcomes
extent ofoforganizational
collaboration, learning
and thusand the knowledge
overall internal strength
exchange, the of the organization.
quality and outcomes
of Therefore, this and
collaboration, research
thushas thecontributed to thestrength
overall internal existing of
theof theory in thisTherefore,
organization. area by developing a
this research
silo-busting framework on the basis of both theoretical and practical data, which
has contributed to the existing body of theory in this area by developing a silo-busting framework fills a gap in the
current literature. At the same time, this contribution forms the starting point of more in-depth
academic research into the topic of silo-busting and collaboration, which is highly needed (see Section
4). The research also offers a practical contribution to management and organizational development
thinking and action-taking. Organizations and their leaders can benefit from these practical, yet
academically-robust, insights into how to lay the organizational foundations for effective silo-busting
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6860 14 of 21
on the basis of both theoretical and practical data, which fills a gap in the current literature. At the
same time, this contribution forms the starting point of more in-depth academic research into the topic
of silo-busting and collaboration, which is highly needed (see Section 4). The research also offers a
practical contribution to management and organizational development thinking and action-taking.
Organizations and their leaders can benefit from these practical, yet academically-robust, insights
into how to lay the organizational foundations for effective silo-busting and thus better internal
collaboration. In turn, as shown in our earlier research [37–41], this improved collaboration will
increase the chances for organizations to become high-performing ones.
The present study has some limitations. Firstly, all data were collected using questionnaires,
opening up the possibility of response set consistencies. Secondly, all data were collected at one point
in time, that is, the study was cross-sectional. This implies that further research is needed in order to
address the issue of causality. Research using multi-wave designs can provide more specific information
about the stability and change of the variables, and about cross-lagged relationships, compared with
our cross-sectional approach. Thirdly, we did not include control variables, such as organizational
tenure or hierarchical position, in our research model and subsequent analysis. These might have
influenced our results and could therefore be incorporated in further studies. Fourthly, further research
is needed to investigate the extent to which our findings generalize to other occupational settings
and/or to other countries. Nevertheless, we think that our results are noteworthy and provide good
challenges for future research and cross-validation in different settings and countries. Specifically,
future research should replicate this study in different types of organizations in different countries. It
should also include longitudinal studies into how the silo-busting factors and characteristics can be
shaped into tangible actions and whether these indeed increase in a lasting way the level and quality
of collaboration and thus organizational performance over time.
Author Contributions: Conceptualization, A.d.W., M.W., T.D., and B.v.d.H.; data curation, A.d.W.; formal analysis,
A.d.W.; investigation, A.d.W. and B.v.d.H.; methodology, A.d.W. and B.v.d.H.; project administration, M.W. and
T.D.; writing—original draft, A.d.W.; Writing—review and editing, A.d.W., M.W., T.D., and B.v.d.H.
Funding: This research received no external funding.
Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.
HPO Factor
Continuous Improvement and Renewal
1. The organization has adopted a strategy that sets it clearly apart from other organizations.
2. In the organization processes are continuously improved.
3. In the organization processes are continuously simplified.
4. In the organization processes are continuously aligned.
5. In the organization everything that matters to performance is explicitly reported.
6. In the organization, both financial and non-financial information is reported to employees.
7. The organization continuously innovates its core competencies.
8. The organization continuously innovates its products, processes, and services.
Openness and Action Orientation
9. Management frequently engages in a dialogue with employees.
10. Employees spend much time on communication, knowledge exchange, and learning.
11. Employees are always involved in important processes.
12. Management allows making mistakes.
13. Management welcomes change.
14. The organization is performance-driven.
Management Quality
15. Management is trusted by employees.
16. Management has integrity.
17. Management is a role model for employees.
18. Management applies fast decision-making.
19. Management applies fast action-taking.
20. Management coaches employees to achieve better results.
21. Management focuses on achieving results.
22. Management is very effective.
23. Management applies strong leadership.
24. Management is confident.
25. Management is decisive with regard to non-performers.
Employee Quality
26. Employees want to be held responsible for their results.
27. Employees want to be inspired to accomplish extraordinary results.
28. Employees are trained to be resilient and flexible.
29. The organization has a diverse and complementary workforce.
Long-Term Orientation
30. The organization maintains good and long-term relationships with all stakeholders.
31. The organization is aimed at servicing the customers as best as possible.
32. The organization grows through partnerships with suppliers and/or customers.
33. Management has been with the company for a long time.
34. The organization is a secure workplace for employees.
35. New management is promoted from within the organization.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6860 16 of 21
Table A2. Structural Equation Model Silo Busting→Collaboration Results (Coll Results).
Table A3. Standardized regression weights for SEM model Silo Busting→Collaboration Results.
Table A5. Standardized regression weights for SEM model HPO-> Collaboration results
Table A6. Details on the comparison between the silo group and non-silo group.
Group Statistics
Standard Standard Error
Silo N Mean
Deviation Mean
Continuous Silo company 248 5.9481 2.09332 0.13293
improvement Non-silo company 585 5.8380 1.71669 0.07098
Openness and action Silo company 248 6.5323 2.10366 0.13358
orientation Non-silo company 585 6.4276 1.76108 0.07281
Silo company 248 6.5329 2.13623 0.13565
Management quality
Non-silo company 585 6.6060 1.86974 0.07730
Silo company 248 6.3236 2.12796 0.13513
Employee quality
Non-silo company 585 6.3013 1.83208 0.07575
Silo company 248 6.8411 1.94051 0.12322
Long-term orientation
Non-silo company 585 6.8246 1.61175 0.06664
Silo company 248 6.0296 2.22650 0.14138
SB leadership
Non-silo company 585 5.9182 2.01484 0.08330
SB mutual Silo company 248 5.6424 2.05523 0.13051
understanding Non-silo company 585 5.2463 1.85594 0.07673
SB collobarative Silo company 234 5.2424 2.01732 0.13188
operating model Non-silo company 563 4.9322 1.83524 0.07735
SB people reward Silo company 248 5.5177 2.22123 0.14105
development Non-silo company 585 5.4226 1.90623 0.07881
Silo company 227 6.0870 2.32505 0.15432
SB values
Non-silo company 534 5.9986 2.07004 0.08958
Silo company 224 6.0625 2.29155 0.15311
Non-silo company 530 6.0830 2.03455 0.08838
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6860 18 of 21
Table A7. Results of the Mann–Whitney tests on the difference between the silo and non-silo organizations.
Test Statistics a
Openness and
Continuous Management Employee Long-Term SB Mutual SB Collaborative SB People Reward
Action SB Leadership SB Values QC
Improvement Quality Quality Orientation Understanding Operating Model Development
Mann–Whitney U 68,677,500 68,462,500 72,244,000 70,731,000 70,308,500 70,049,000 63,666,000 59,705,500 70,370,500 57,829,500 58,922,500
Wilcoxon W 240,082,500 239,867,500 103,120,000 242,136,000 241,713,500 241,454,000 235,071,000 218,471,500 241,775,500 200,674,500 199,637,500
Z −1.217 −1.285 −0.093 −0.570 −0.703 −0.785 −2.795 −2.083 −0.684 −1.002 −0.160
Asymptotic Significance (2-tailed) 0.224 0.199 0.926 0.569 0.482 0.432 0.005 0.037 0.494 0.316 0.873
a Grouping variable: Silo.
Sustainability 2019, 11, 6860 19 of 21
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