Signages Final
Signages Final
Signages Final
Table of Contents
Disclaimer .................................................................................................................. 4
Interpretation: ............................................................................................................ 6
1. INFORMATION TO BIDDERS ............................................................................. 7
1.1. General Conditions ............................................................................................. 7
1.2. Clarifications and Amendment of RFP Documents. ............................................ 8
1.3. Bidding Schedule ................................................................................................ 9
1.4. Preparation of Bids. ........................................................................................... 11
1.5. Submission, Receipt and Opening of Bids ........................................................ 12
2. Bid Evaluation ................................................................................................... 13
2.1. Test of Responsiveness .................................................................................... 13
2.2. Pre-Qualification Evaluation Criteria ................................................................. 14
2.3. Financial Bid Evaluation .................................................................................... 16
2.4. Award of Work................................................................................................... 17
2.5. Confidentiality.................................................................................................... 18
2.6. Right to Rejection .............................................................................................. 18
2.7. Liquidated Damages and Penalties ................................................................... 18
2.8. Documents prepared by the Agency ................................................................. 19
3. Terms of Reference .......................................................................................... 20
3.1. Background ....................................................................................................... 20
3.2. Scope of Work................................................................................................... 20
3.2.1. Terms and Conditions: ................................................................................... 22
3.2.2. Bidder’s Obligations ....................................................................................... 68
3.2.3. Obligation of Authority .................................................................................... 69
3.2.4. SOUADTGA’s right to award the contract to one or more bidders ................. 69
3.2.5. Ownership of the proposal ............................................................................. 70
3.2.6. Proprietary information ................................................................................... 70
3.2.7. Code of ethics ................................................................................................ 70
3.2.8. Contract award............................................................................................... 70
3.2.9. Completion of Contract .................................................................................. 70
3.2.10. Unforeseeable Difficulties .............................................................................. 71
3.2.11. Patent Rights ................................................................................................. 71
3.2.12. Acceptance and Quality Check ...................................................................... 71
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
1. The Request for Proposal (RFP) is issued by the Statue of Unity Area Development
and Tourism Governance Authority (SoUADTGA) or the “Authority”.
2. The information contained in this RFP is selective and is subject to updating,
expansion, revision, and amendment. It does not and does not purport to contain all
the information that a Bidder may require. Neither Authority nor any of its officers;
employees nor any of its advisors/consultants undertakes to provide any prospective
bidder with access to any additional information or to update the information in this
RFP or to correct any inaccuracies therein which may become apparent. Each
prospective bidder must conduct its analysis of the information contained in this RFP
or correct any inaccuracies therein that may this RFP and is advised to carry out its
own investigation into the proposed Project, the legislative and regulatory regime
which applies thereto and by and all matters pertinent to the proposed Project and to
seek its own professional advice on the legal, financial, regulatory and taxation
consequences of entering into any agreement or arrangement relating to the proposed
3. This RFP is neither an agreement nor an offer by the Authority to the prospective
Bidders or any other person. The purpose of this RFP is to provide interested parties
with information that may be useful to them in making/submitting their Bids (technical
and financial bids) pursuant to this RFP. This RFP includes statements, which reflect
various assumptions and assessments arrived at by the Authority in relation to the
Project. Such assumptions, assessments and statements do not purport to contain all
the information that each Bidder may require. This RFP may not be appropriate for all
persons, and it is not possible for the Authority, its employees, or advisors to consider
the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of each Bidder who
reads or uses this RFP. The assumptions, assessments, statements, and information
contained in the Bidding Documents, may not be complete, accurate, adequate, or
correct. Each Bidder should, therefore, conduct its own investigations and analysis
and should check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability and completeness
of the assumptions, assessments, statements, and information contained in this RFP
and obtain independent advice from appropriate sources.
4. Information provided in this RFP to the Bidder(s) is on a wide range of matters, some
of which may depend upon the interpretation of the law. The information given is not
intended to be an exhaustive account of statutory requirements and should not be
regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of law. The Authority accepts no
responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation or opinion on law
expressed herein.
5. The Authority, its employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and
shall have no liability to any person, including any applicant or Bidder under any law,
statute, rules or regulations or tort, principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or
otherwise for any loss, damages, cost, or expense which may arise from or be incurred
or suffered on account of anything contained in this RFP or otherwise, including the accuracy,
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
1.1.1. Bidders who wish to participate in the online tender will have to procure / should
have a legally valid Digital Certificate as per Information Technology Act - 2000
using which they can sign their electronic bids. Bidders can procure the same
from any of the license certifying Authority of India or can contact (n)code
solution-a division of GNFC Ltd., who are licensed Certifying Authority by the
Government of India.
1.1.2. In case Bidders need any clarifications or if training is required to participate in
online tenders, they can contact (n)Procure Support team: -
(n)Code Solutions - A Division of GNFC Ltd., (n)Procure Cell 304, GNFC Info
tower, S. G. Road, Bodakdev,
Ahmedabad – 380 054 (Gujarat) Contact Details:
TOLL-FREE NUMBER: 7359 021 663
E-mail: [email protected]
1.1.3. The Bidder should be a Single Entity. Bidders shall furnish all relevant
information, as per the formats provided in the Request for Proposal (the “RFP”).
1.1.4. The Bidder shall have to submit a Technical Bid, Financial Bid, Qualifying
documents, Demand Drafts of EMD and Bid Processing fees in electronic format
on web site, on or before the specified last date and time for
submission. SoUADTGA shall not be responsible for the slow or non-working of
the website.
1.1.5. Technical Bid, Price Bid and other qualifying documents in physical form shall
not be accepted in any case after the Last Date and Time for submission online
and physically. E.M.D., Bid Processing Fees and Affidavit are to be submitted in
softcopy as well as in hardcopy.
1.1.6. The Bid Processing Fees, EMD and the Affidavit in hardcopy shall have to be
submitted in a sealed cover to Statue of Unity Area Development and Tourism
Governance Authority Ekta Nagar, Gujarat- 393151 by R.P.A.D./Speed Post
through Government Postal Authority or Courier. The tenderer shall have to
mention the name and address of the tenderer, Tender Notice Number and
Name of the Work on the main cover. SoUADTGA shall not be responsible for
any postal delay.
1.1.7. The Bid Processing fee is not refundable. The amount of the E.M.D. shall be
forfeited in case the bidder withdraws his competency from the work before or
after his tender is accepted & the tenderer does not complete the Contract
documents and pay the amount of Security Deposit mentioned elsewhere of the
tendered value, within the specified time. Otherwise, the E.M.D. shall be
Bid Processing fee and Earnest Money Deposit and other technical documents
in a physical form specifically listed in this bid document shall be submitted to
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
the Office of Chief Executive Officer, Statue of Unity Area Development and
Tourism Governance Authority, New Administrative Building, Room No. 322,
Ekta Nagar, Ta. Garudeshvar, Dist. Narmada - 393151, Gujarat, India, Mob.:
1.1.8. Bids, as submitted by the Bidders, shall have a Bid Validity of 180 Days (or
“Calendar Days”) from the last date of Bid Submission. During this period,
Bidders shall maintain the availability of Professional staff nominated in the Bid.
The Authority will make its best effort to complete negotiations within this period.
Should the need arise, however, the Authority may request Bidders to extend the
validity period of their Bids.
1.1.9. SoUADTGA reserves the right to accept or reject any or all the received tender/s
without assigning any reasons thereof. SoUADTGA also reserves every right to
decrease the quantity and scope of work or to assign the work to more than one
1.1.10. Bids received from a joint venture/consortium shall not be considered.
1.1.11. Bidders are advised to submit their bids on time. SoUADTGA shall not be
responsible for slow working/non-working of site/non-submission of tender.
1.1.12. Bidders who agree to such extension shall confirm that they maintain the
availability of the Professional staff nominated in the Bid, or in their confirmation
of the extension of validity of the Bid, Bidders could submit a CV of new staff,
being proposed in replacement, who would be considered in the final
Consultancy Agreement, after the evaluation of the Curriculum Vitae (CV).
Bidders who do not agree have the right to refuse to extend the validity of their
1.1.13. No alteration in the Technical/Price Bid shall be allowed.
1.1.14. If the bidder finds any deviation or anomaly, he shall intimate the same to the
invitee in writing or e-mail.
1.1.15. The Bidder shall submit Bid Processing fees, EMD and Affidavit in a sealed cover
with the Name of the Work, Tender ID written on the outside of all the envelope
1.2.1. Bidders may request clarification on any of the points contained in RFP
documents up to the number of days indicated below. Any request for clarification
must be sent in writing by paper, mail, or electronic mail to the Authority's address
as indicated. The Authority will upload a response to all such requests received
by it on the websites of and/ or
1.2.2. Queries, if any, proposed to be raised at the pre-bid conference by the Bidder/s
should be submitted in writing as per the attached format in Annexure-5 (over
email or a letter) at least two (2) working days before the date of the Pre- Bid
Conference to the Official as below:
1.2.3. In case if company intending to participate in this bidding process for selection
and appointment of bidders needs any further information, they are requested to
ask the following officer or his authorized representative in the SoUADTGA, to
familiarize themselves with the aims and objectives of the assignment. The
interested bidders may also visit the site as many times, if they so desire, in
consultation with the officer nominated herein below:
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
10 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
1.4.1. The Bidders are required to submit the Bid in two parts in two separate
envelopes/parts and put them together in one single outer envelope. The two parts
shall be captioned as follows on the respective envelopes:
i. Part 1: Bid Processing Fee & EMD and
ii. Part 2: Technical Bid (Original)
The Financial Bid needs to be submitted online on only.
The Bid shall be written in English only.
The Part-1 submission shall contain the following information as described in the
ensuing sections.
PART 1: BID PROCESSING FEE and EMD (as per details provided in RFP)
1.4.2. Bids submitted without Bid Processing Fee or EMD shall be summarily rejected
and will not be evaluated.
1.4.3. In preparing the Technical Bid, Bidders are expected to examine the submission
documents/ format/ enclosures etc., comprising this RFP in detail. Material
deficiencies in providing the information requested may result in the rejection of
the Bid.
1.4.4. The Technical Bid must provide the following information, using but not limited to
the formats as indicated below:
Form 1: Technical Proposal Submission Form
Form 2: Format for Power of Attorney for Authorized Representative
Form 3: Format for Letter of Undertaking
Form 4: Format for Bank Guarantee (if applicable)
1.4.5. The Technical Bid must not include any financial information.
1.4.6. In preparing the Financial Bid, Bidders are expected to take into account the
requirements and conditions of the RFP documents. It should include all costs
associated with the Project, including but not limited to;
i. Design, supply, installation, Testing and Commissioning, O&M,
remuneration to the staff and (b) rentals / fixed rates / reimbursable such
as subsistence (per diem, housing), transportation (for mobilization and
demobilization), services and equipment (vehicles, office equipment,
furniture, and supplies), office rent, insurance, the printing of documents,
and surveys, training, software license, etc. as components of this Project.
11 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
1.4.7. The Financial Bid should clearly identify and include all the taxes, duties, fees,
levies, and other charges imposed under the applicable law, on the Bidders, and
their personnel, and include as part of their offer except GST.
1.4.8. Bidders must express the price of their services for all the items/products
described in the Annexure 1 – Technical Specification. (to be submitted online
only on n procure website).
1.4.9. Conditional Bids shall not be accepted.
1.5.1. The Bid shall be prepared in indelible ink. It shall contain no inter-lineation or
overwriting, except as necessary to correct errors made by the Bidder. Any such
corrections must be initialed by the person who signs the Bids.
1.5.2. Each of the bids, along with their relevant enclosures should be bound, paginated,
with an index of submission on the first page.
1.5.3. An authorized representative of the Bidder shall initial all the forms of the Technical
Bid in original. For the supporting documents, a scanned signature shall suffice.
The representative's authorization shall be in the form of a written power of
attorney accompanying the Bid, or in any other form demonstrating that the
representative has been duly authorized to sign.
1.5.4. The Bid Processing Fee and the EMD must be in one Envelope (Cover-1) and
Technical Bid must be in another Envelope (Cover-2). The envelope must be
clearly marked on top as "Technical Bid”.
1.5.5. The two separate envelopes containing the Bid Processing Fee & EMD and
Technical Bid, should be placed on one cover and addressed to the Authority (as
per the given detailed address) and labelled with the Project name clearly. The
Bid shall be sent to the following address to:
1.5.6. The completed Bids must be delivered/submitted on or before the submission time
and date as stated in Bidding Schedule. The Authority shall not be responsible for
misplacement, losing or pre-matured opening, if the outer envelope is not sealed
and or not marked as stipulated.
1.5.7. All Documents must be coloured scanned to be seen as original. Scanning in
Black and White or grey shall not be acceptable.
1.5.8. If the original copy is not scanned, the documents to be uploaded must be
notarized with clearly display the stamp, number, and name of the notary. No
photocopy of notarized documents shall be acceptable.
1.5.9. After the deadline for submission of Bids, the Technical Bid envelope shall be
opened in the presence of the Bidders / their Authorized Representatives who
choose to attend on the date and time indicated in the Bidding Schedule.
12 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
Important Note:
a. Bidders are required to upload Technical as well as financial bid on the n procure
website as per the terms of this RFP.
i. Technical Bid (including Undertaking, Letter, etc), as being uploaded by the Bidder
shall also be submitted in the Hard copy.
ii. Financial Bids are to be uploaded on the website only as mentioned in the RFP.
b. The Financial Bid shall not be submitted with the Technical Bid. Submission of
Financial Bid along with Technical Bid (in hard copy) will lead to disqualification of the
c. The following documents shall be submitted in Hard Copy to the Statue of Unity Area
Development and Tourism Governance Authority by all the bidders:
Earnest Money Deposit as mentioned in the RFP document (i.e., DD / Bank
Bid Processing Fees as mentioned in the tender.
Stamped and Signed Corrigendum (if any)
Technical Bid and Qualification documents are mentioned in the document.
Financial Bids are Not to be submitted in physical form.
2. Bid Evaluation
2.1.1. Prior to the evaluation of the documents contained in the Technical Bid envelope,
the Authority shall determine whether each Bid is responsive to the requirements
set out in this Tender. A Bid shall be considered responsive only if:
It is received by the Bid Due Date including any extensions thereof.
The Part-1 submission (Cover-1) shall contain the Bid Processing Fee and
EMD as defined under:
Bid Processing Fee: Bidder must furnish, as part of its submission, a non-
refundable Bid Processing Fee amounting to Rs. 2,000/- (Rupees Two
Thousand only). The Bid Processing Fee shall be submitted in the form of
a Demand Draft (DD) drawn in favour of the CEO, SoUADTGA, payable at
Ekta Nagar / Rajpipla.
Earnest Money Deposit: Bidder must furnish, as part of its submission,
Bid Security / Earnest Money Deposit amounting to Rs. 2,00,000/- (Rupees
Two Lakh only) in the form of either Bank Guarantee (BG) or Fixed Deposit
Receipt or a DD (In case the Bidder is submitting the EMD in the form of a
BG, the same shall be done as per the Format for Bank Guarantee at Form
8 and from the list of banks as per Annexure-4 favouring CEO,
SoUADTGA, payable at Ekta Nagar / Rajpipla. The validity period of the
13 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
Bid Security, in case of Demand Draft, shall not be less than 180 (One
Eighty) days from the Bid Due Date (which shall be extended on mutual
agreement) and in case of a Bank Guarantee / FDR shall not be less than
180 (one hundred and eighty) days from the Bid Due Date, and may be
extended as may be mutually agreed between the Authority and the Bidder
from time to time. The EMD of the unsuccessful bidders shall be returned
by the Authority preferably within 15 days from the date of signing of the
contract agreement with the Successful Bidder. The EMD of the successful
bidder shall be returned upon submission of the Performance Guarantee.
The bidders are also required to bring forth all the required documents
mentioned in Annexure 2 of the RFP document, to be considered for the
technical evaluation stage.
Note: Bidders must ensure that the purchaser of the DD towards the Bid Processing
Fee and Earnest Money Deposit should be by the Bidder. DDs purchased by any
other unauthorized purchaser may render the bid irresponsive.
Note: Bidders must take utmost care that the submission made by them
shall also adhere to the following:
It is signed, sealed, bound together, and marked as stipulated in this Request
for Proposal document.
It is received as per the formats prescribed in the Technical Bid Forms of the
Request for Proposal document.
It contains information in formats the same as those specified in this Request
for Proposal document.
It contains the necessary documentary proof as specified in the checklist
mentioned in the Request for Proposal document.
The documents, especially the scanned copies should be clearly readable.
Submission of non-legible documents might lead to the bid being rejected.
Bidders who comply with the following basic criteria are eligible for participation
in this tender:
2.2.1. The Applicant should have a minimum of 5 years’ experience prior to Proposal
Due Date in designing, preparing and installing creative signages in India.
2.2.2. The bidder should have a minimum average annual turnover of Rs 50 Lakh in
the last “Three Financial Years” ended by 31st March 2022.
2.2.3. Experience of having successfully completed 5 similar works during the last 5
years ending the last day of the previous month to the one in which applications
14 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
Work order and completion certificate both must be required from the client's
letterhead. Authority of the Executive Engineer or higher must be required for
a certificate.
The applicant shall provide information pertaining to similar works completed
in the last 5 years from Proposal due date.
2.2.4. Bids qualifying as per the PQ Criteria, given above, will be eligible for the next
stage of evaluation, which is Technical Bid Evaluation.
2.3.1. The Authority will carry out an evaluation of Technical Bids, based on the marking
system as specified in the Table below. Each pre-qualified bid shall be attributed
a Technical Score. The Bidders are also required to give a presentation detailing
various aspects as per the details included in the Table below. Marks out of 100
shall be awarded as per the Technical Bid Evaluation and the presentation before
the Evaluation Committee. All the bidders scoring at least 60% marks, the
“Technically Eligible Bidders” shall only be considered responsive for
Financial Evaluation.
15 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
1. For all the submitted projects, documentary evidence to substantiate the scope of
work, successful completion, horizon period, project fee, multi-sectoral approach and
any other aspect for which marks are being sought in the form of Work Order,
Agreement, Completion Certificate from the Client side is mandatory.
2. The decision of the Authority towards adjudging eligible projects shall be final and
binding on the bidders.
3. All the documents to be submitted must be original or duly notarized. Simple
photocopies of documents shall not be considered.
4. Bidders are instructed to read each requirement of qualification very carefully and
submit adequate, appropriate, and certified information. Documents without adequate
and appropriate information shall not be considered. No communication shall be made
or paid attention to at a later stage.
2.4.1. After the evaluation of the Technical Bid is complete, the Authority will notify,
16 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
before the date of financial bid opening, those Bidders whose Technical Bids were
considered responsive and who have qualified in the Technical Bid. All the
bidders found compliant will be considered responsive for Financial
2.4.2. It is expected that Bidders shall determine all the costs appropriately and shall
take necessary care in allocating budgets adequately to major components of the
2.4.3. The Evaluation Committee shall consider the price quote (Percentage ‘%’ above
or below) and the Technically Eligible Bidder based on Lowest (L1) Based
2.5. Negotiations
2.5.1. Prior to the expiration of period of validity of Bid, Authority shall notify the
successful Bidder who has emerged the L1 bidder and invite them to negotiate.
2.5.2. The invited consultant will, as a pre-requisite for attending negotiations, confirm
availability of all nominated experts / key personnel and satisfy other pre-
negotiation requirements as may be specified by Authority. The aim is to reach
agreement on all points.
2.5.3. Negotiations shall commence with discussions on the proposed methodology
(work plan), staffing and any suggestions, which may have been made to improve
the ToR. Agreement must then be reached on the final ToR, the staffing which
shall indicate staff months, logistics and reporting.
2.5.4. Unless there are exceptional reasons, the financial negotiations will not involve
any discussions on either the remuneration rates for staff or other proposed unit
2.5.5. Changes agreed upon shall then be reflected in the Financial Bid, using proposed
unit rates.
2.5.6. If negotiations fail, Authority will invite the second ranked bidder, who has quoted
the 2nd lowest rates (L2 Bidder), to negotiate.
2.6.1. After completion of the evaluation process, the Authority shall award the work to
Lowest (L1) bidder by issuing a Letter of Award. If required, then the authority may
award the work to other bidders as well on the rates quoted by L1 bidder.
2.6.2. The Successful Bidder {(L1) Bidder} with whom the Contract Agreement (the
“Agreement”) is signed and is expected to commence the work on the date and at
the location specified as indicated by the Authority.
2.6.3. The successful bidder shall be required to submit a Performance Guarantee as
mentioned in clause 3.3 in the form of a Bank Guarantee OR Fixed Deposit
Receipt as a pre-requisite to signing of the Contract Agreement.
2.6.4. The Performance Guarantee, as submitted, shall have to be renewed by the
agency before 90 days of its expiry (if required by the authority).
17 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
2.7. Confidentiality
2.8.1. Authority reserves the right to reject any or all Bids, to waive any informality in
such Bids, to request new Bids, to revise the RFP prior to, and including, the pre-
bid meeting date, to proceed to do the work otherwise, withdraw this RFP, not
award the work, or not award a portion of work at any time.
2.8.2. The receipt of bids shall not in any way, obligate the Authority to enter into a
Contract Agreement or any other agreement of any kind with the Bidder. All
submitted copies of the bids shall become the property of the Authority.
2.8.3. The bid will be rejected for the award if it is determined that the Bidder
recommended for the award has, directly or through an agent, engaged in corrupt,
fraudulent, collusive, or coercive practices in competing for the project in question.
2.8.4. A Bidder will be declared ineligible, either indefinitely or for a stated period of time,
to be awarded a project if Authority at any time determines that the Bidder has
engaged in corrupt or fraudulent practices in competing for or in executing a
project; and
2.8.5. A Bidder may be declared ineligible and/or blacklisted from further bidding with
Authority for a period as deemed fit by Authority in case any misrepresentation of
facts / details is found in the bid as submitted by them at any point in time.
18 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
2.10.1. All drawings, specifications, maps, photographs, studies, surveys, data, notes,
computer files, reports, records, documents and other materials (the “documents
and materials”) prepared by the Agency, its employees, sub-contractors and
agents in the performance of this Agreement shall be the property of Authority and
shall be delivered to Authority upon request of the Competent Officer or upon the
termination of the Agreement, and Agency shall have no claim for further
employment or additional compensation as a result of the exercise by Authority of
its full rights of ownership use, reuse, or assignment of the documents and
materials hereunder. In the event of termination, all finished or unfinished
documents and other materials, if any, at the option of the Authority, and to the
extent permitted by law, shall become the property of the Authority. Agency may
retain copies thereof for its files and internal use. Any publication of information
directly derived from work performed or data obtained in connection with services
rendered under this Agreement must be first got approved by Authority.
19 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
3. Terms of Reference
3.1. Background
Ekta Nagar, located in the tribal areas of District Narmada in South Gujarat, is a famous
tourist location, as the Statue of Unity is located here. The most prolific creation in recent
times, the Statue of Unity, is the World’s Tallest Monument. It is one of the top leisure
tourist destinations in the State which has crossed more than 1 Crore tourist footfall
The Statue of Unity Area Development and Tourism Governance Authority (the
“Authority” or “SoUADTGA”) has been created under The Statue of Unity Area
Development and Tourism Governance Act, 2019. It is the Statutory Authority to prepare
and implements development plans and oversees the overall development of the
The Statue of Unity is emerging as one of the most prominent tourism destinations in the
country. Around the Statue is the town of Ekta Nagara (previously known as Kevadiya)
a famous tourist attraction spot around the Sardar Sarovar dam. Ekta Nagar has several
tourist attractions. It has seven theme-based gardens, Narmada Ghat, four infotainment
parks, eco-tourism, night tourism, adventure sport, recreational areas and multiple
sightseeing location.
The aim to achieve with the above project is to install and commission directional and
informative signages which shall build a brand value for Ektanagar and will relay
important information to the tourist thereby enhancing the overall experience of the tourist
visiting the Statue of Unity.
All bidders are instructed to have personal site visit before keeping proposal for the same.
The broad scope of work is as follows:
Work - 1 - Identifying the spot for signage and LED Unipole fixation in consultation with
Work - 2 - Conceptualizing and Designing various signages and LED Unipole.
Work - 3 - Preparing and Installation of Signage and LED Unipole.
Work - 4 - Maintenance support of signage and LED Unipole during warranty period
Work – 5 - Removal of identified Signage and LED Unipole (if required and on permission
of authority)
The rates for different varieties of signage and LED Unipole have been asked for.
The following section of the document describes the scope of work for design,
manufacture, supply, installation & commissioning for the Tourist Circuit Route:
20 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
A. Scope of Identifying the Spot for installation of Signage and LED Unipole.
The successful bidder has to survey the sites and identify the specific location for
installation of and finalize it in consultation with the Authority.
The prior approval of the authority shall be obtained by the successful bidder before
installing the signage and LED Unipole at specific location.
Bidder shall prepare the application for obtaining permission from the concerned
authority for installation of signage and LED Unipole and follow up for obtaining the
The mandatory charges for the permission shall be provided by the SOUADTGA upon
obtaining requisite demand note from the respective authority having jurisdiction over
land/site. The correspondence with statutory authorities will be carried out by agency.
B. Scope of Design Work
The bidder has to develop the concept for the signages and LED Unipole and prepare
the design for the same.
The bidder has to design the sample signages and LED Unipole for each type of
signages and LED Unipole.
The sample signages and LED Unipole shall be approved by Authority.
The language, size of letters, colour and LED Unipole combinations etc. will be
approved by the authority and in line with the norms of Indian Road Congress (IRC).
21 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
Without additional cost to the Authority, the successful Bidder shall repair or replace,
including installation, any defective signs or hardware which develop during the
warranty period and repair any damage to other work due to such imperfections. The
successful Bidder will be required to fully replace all signs that are in error relative to
the working documents (sign message schedule and sign type drawings) that will be
submitted to the successful Bidder upon award of contract.
Classification of
Signages as per
Sr Classification Design no. Design Description
No (as per
. Technical
1 Way finding Design no. 1a Shoulder Mounted Way Finder on
Signages Diamond Grade retro- reflective sheeting
size – 4’ x 3’
Design no. 1b Shoulder Mounted Way Finder on Diamond
Grade retro-
reflective sheeting size – 3’ x 3’
Design no. 1c Shoulder Mounted Way Finder on High
Intensive Prismatic (HIP) Grade retro-
reflective sheeting size – 4’ x 3’
Design no. 1d Shoulder Mounted Way Finder on High
Intensive Prismatic (HIP) Grade retro-
reflective sheeting size – 3’ x 3’
Design no. 1e Overhead/Hanging Way finder Reflective
Sheeting Series 3930 Signage size –
2387.6mm x 375mm
Design no. 1f Way finding Signages as per instruction of
SOUADTGA (Rate in Sqft)
2 Name Plate Design no. 2a Name plate Signage with SS Etching Plate
Incumbency chart with Wooden Plate
54 inches (height) x 36 inches
Design no. 2b (width)(customize designee will be provide
by Authority)
22 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
23 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
24 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
5 Flex Banners Design no. 5a Installation of printed flex with Metal frame ( to be
on Metal installed at various places as instructed) Use of
Frame. M.S Section for erection General Dimensions:
3x3 ft
25 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
9 Standee Design no. 9a 6x3 Flex Roll up standee (Standee Media with
Eco Solvent printing)
26 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
NOTE: - All frames for the structure should be colored (i.e. primer & two coat of oil
paint should be done by bidder before providing of site.)
27 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
Technical Specifications
(All bidders are instructed to have personal site visit before submitting proposal for the
28 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
29 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
1c Shoulder Manufacturing and installing of destination picture and logo sign board on
Mounted High Intensive Prismatic (HIP) Grade type retro-reflective sheeting with 10
Way years of warranty, of size 48’’ x 36’’ ’ respectively as per Indian Road
Finder on Congress (IRC) Guidelines with information on one side made out of Class
High C micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting conforming to 3930 Type
Intensive 4, mounted over hard and corrosion resistant aluminium composite
Prismatic material of 4 mm thick 0.5 pvdf conforming to ASTM (ASTM D903, ASTM
(HIP) C393, ASTM D732, ASTM E8).
Grade The signage to be fixed and back supported by frames made of 40mm
retro- square hollow iron pipe of 3.2 mm thick all-round riveted board using
reflective aluminium rivets of diameter 5mm and supported on a MS Iron pipe
sheeting supporting post of 100NB with sufficient mild steel angle and mild steel flat
size – 4’ x iron sections fixed using welds, nuts & bolts, erected vertically by
3’ embedding the base in concrete M25 of size 24”x24” x 40’’ foundation.
Destination names, arrows, numerals, symbols, pictures, logos etc of
specified shape and size as mentioned in drawings should be with Type IV
micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting materials.
The destination picture and logos in the signboard should be vinyl UV
printed covered with appropriate overlay film.
The rate includes the cost of labour for taking pit in all classes of soil,
concreting, fixing the posts with base plates welded at bottom for
anchorages and painting all exposed non reflective faces, support
structure and connections with epoxy paint two coat over epoxy primer,
including all conveyance of material to the site etc complete as per the
approved detailed design drawing (Design) and as directed by the officer-
30 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
1d Shoulder Manufacturing and installing of destination picture and logo sign board on
Mounted High Intensive Prismatic (HIP) Grade type retro-reflective sheeting with 10
Way years of warranty, of size 36’’ x 36’’ respectively as per Indian Road
Finder on Congress (IRC) Guidelines with information on one side made out of Class
High C micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting conforming to ASTM
Intensive 3930, mounted over hard and corrosion resistant aluminum composite
Prismatic material of 4 mm thick 0.5 pvdf conforming to ASTM (ASTM D903, ASTM
(HIP) C393, ASTM D732, ASTM E8).
Grade The signage to be fixed and back supported by frames made of 40mm
retro- square hollow iron pipe of 3.2 mm thick all-round riveted board using
reflective aluminium rivets of diameter 5mm and supported on a MS Iron pipe
sheeting supporting post of 100NB with sufficient mild steel angle and mild steel flat
size – 3’ x iron sections fixed using welds, nuts & bolts, erected vertically by
3’ embedding the base in concrete M25 of size 24”x24” x 40’’ foundation.
Destination names, arrows, numerals, symbols, pictures, logos etc of
specified shape and size as mentioned in drawings should be with Type IV
micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting materials.
The destination picture and logos in the signboard should be vinyl UV
printed covered with appropriate overlay film.
The rate includes the cost of labour for taking pit in all classes of soil,
concreting, fixing the posts with base plates welded at bottom for
anchorages and painting all exposed non reflective faces, support
structure and connections with epoxy paint two coat over epoxy primer,
including all conveyance of material to the site etc complete as per the
approved detailed design drawing (Design) and as directed by the officer-
31 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
1f Way Manufacturing and installing of destination picture and logo sign board on
Finding High Intensive Prismatic (HIP) Grade type retro-reflective sheeting with 10
Signages years of warranty, of sizeas per SOUADTGA’ ’ respectively as per Indian
Road Congress (IRC) Guidelines with information on one side made out of
Class C micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting conforming to 3930
32 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
2a Name supply the stainless-steel SS-304 2B grade Silver Matt finish 3 mm timing
plate boards with engraving letter back font as per bank’s logo colour. The SS-
Signage 304 2B grade plate should be of A/4 and 11.7” X 16.5” strictly as per
with SS technical specifications with stainless steel flush type screws and plate
Etching should be corner round & punching to the RBOs
33 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
3a Shoulder Manufacturing and installing of destination picture and logo sign board on
Mounted Diamond Grade type retro-reflective sheeting with 10 years of warranty, of
Road / size 96”x48” single sided respectively as per Indian Road Congress (IRC)
Highway Guidelines with information on one side made out of Class C micro
signage prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting conforming to ASTM D4956-09,
on mounted over hard and corrosion resistant aluminium composite material
Diamond of 4 mm thick 0.5 pvdf conforming to ASTM (ASTM D903, ASTM C393,
grade ASTM D732, ASTM E8).
retro- The signage to be fixed and back supported by frames made of 40mm
reflective square hollow iron pipe of 3.2 mm thick ,2 nos all round riveted board using
sheeting aluminium rivets of diameter 5mm, and supported on a MS Iron pipe
(Single supporting post of 100NB with sufficient mild steel angle and mild steel flat
side), iron sections fixed using welds, nuts & bolts, erected vertically by
Size – 8’ x embedding the base in concrete M25 of size 24”x24” x 40’’ foundation.
4’ Destination names, arrows, numerals, symbols, pictures, logos etc of
specified shape and size as mentioned in drawings should be with Type XI
micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting materials.
The destination picture and logos in the signboard should be vinyl UV
printed covered with appropriate overlay film.
The rate includes the cost of labour for taking pit in all classes of soil,
concreting, fixing the posts with base plates welded at bottom for
anchorages and painting all exposed non reflective faces, support
34 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
3b Shoulder Manufacturing and installing of destination picture and logo sign board on
Mounted Diamond Grade type retro-reflective sheeting with 10 years of warranty, of
Road / size 96”x48” – Double Sided respectively as per IRC Guidelines with
Highway information on one side made out of Class C micro prismatic grade retro-
signage reflective sheeting conforming to ASTM D4956-09, mounted over hard and
on corrosion resistant aluminium composite material of 4 mm thick 0.5 pvdf
Diamond conforming to ASTM (ASTM D903, ASTM C393, ASTM D732, ASTM E8).
grade The signage to be fixed and back supported by frames made of 40mm
retro- square hollow iron pipe of 3.2 mm thick ,2 nos all round riveted board using
reflective aluminium rivets of diameter 5mm, and supported on a MS Iron pipe
sheeting supporting post of 100NB with sufficient mild steel angle and mild steel flat
(Double iron sections fixed using welds, nuts & bolts, erected vertically by
side), embedding the base in concrete M25 of size 24”x24” x 40’’ foundation.
Size – 8’ x Destination names, arrows, numerals, symbols, pictures, logos etc of
4’ specified shape and size as mentioned in drawings should be with Type XI
micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting materials.
The destination picture and logos in the signboard should be vinyl UV
printed covered with appropriate overlay film.
The rate includes the cost of labour for taking pit in all classes of soil,
concreting, fixing the posts with base plates welded at bottom for
anchorages and painting all exposed non reflective faces, support
structure and connections with epoxy paint two coat over epoxy primer,
including all conveyance of material to the site etc complete as per the
approved detailed design drawing (Design) and as directed by the officer-
35 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
3c Shoulder Manufacturing and installing of destination picture and logo sign board on
Mounted Diamond Grade type retro-reflective sheeting with 10 years of warranty of
Road / size 144”x48” respectively as per IRC Guidelines with information on one
Highway side made out of Class C micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting
signage conforming to ASTM D4956-09, mounted over hard and corrosion resistant
on aluminium composite material of 4 mm thick 0.5 pvdf conforming to ASTM
Diamond (ASTM D903, ASTM C393, ASTM D732, ASTM E8).
grade The signage to be fixed and back supported by frames made of 40mm
retro- square hollow iron pipe of 3.2 mm thick all-round riveted board using
reflective aluminium rivets of diameter 5mm and supported on a MS Iron pipe
sheeting supporting post of 100NB with sufficient mild steel angle and mild steel flat
(Single iron sections fixed using welds, nuts & bolts, erected vertically by
side), embedding the base in concrete M25 of size 26”x26” x 40’’ foundation.
Size – 12’ Destination names, arrows, numerals, symbols, pictures, logos etc of
x 4’ specified shape and size as mentioned in drawings should be with Type XI
micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting materials.
The destination picture and logos in the signboard should be vinyl UV
printed covered with appropriate overlay film.
The rate includes the cost of labour for taking pit in all classes of soil,
concreting, fixing the posts with base plates welded at bottom for
anchorages and painting all exposed non reflective faces, support
structure and connections with epoxy paint two coat over epoxy primer,
including all conveyance of material to the site etc complete as per the
approved detailed design drawing (Design) and as directed by the officer-
36 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
3d Shoulder Manufacturing and installing of destination picture and logo sign board on
Mounted Diamond Grade type retro-reflective sheeting with 10 years of warranty, of
Road / size 72”X48” Single sided respectively as per IRC Guidelines with
Highway information on one side made out of Class C micro prismatic grade retro-
signage reflective sheeting conforming to ASTM D4956-09 mounted over hard and
on corrosion resistant aluminium composite material of 4 mm thick 0.5 pvdf
Diamond conforming to ASTM (ASTM D903, ASTM C393, ASTM D732, ASTM E8).
grade The signage to be fixed and back supported by frames made of 40mm
retro- square hollow iron pipe of 3.2 mm thick all-round riveted board using
reflective aluminium rivets of diameter 5mm and supported on a MS Iron pipe
sheeting supporting post of 100NB with sufficient mild steel angle and mild steel flat
(Single iron sections fixed using welds, nuts & bolts, erected vertically by
side), embedding the base in concrete M25 of size 24”x24” x 40’’ foundation.
Size – 6’ x Destination names, arrows, numerals, symbols, pictures, logos etc of
4’ specified shape and size as mentioned in drawings should be with Type
X1 micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting materials.
The destination picture and logos in the signboard should be vinyl UV
printed covered with appropriate overlay film.
The rate includes the cost of labour for taking pit in all classes of soil,
concreting, fixing the posts with base plates welded at bottom for
anchorages and painting all exposed non reflective faces, support
structure and connections with epoxy paint two coat over epoxy primer,
including all conveyance of material to the site etc complete as per the
approved detailed design drawing (Design) and as directed by the officer-
37 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
3e Shoulder Manufacturing and installing of destination picture and logo sign board on
Mounted Diamond Grade type retro-reflective sheeting with 10 years of warranty, of
Road / size 72”X48” – Double Sided respectively as per IRC Guidelines with
Highway information on one side made out of Class C micro prismatic grade retro-
signage reflective sheeting conforming to ASTM D4956-09 mounted over hard and
on corrosion resistant aluminium composite material of 4 mm thick 0.5 pvdf
Diamond conforming to ASTM (ASTM D903, ASTM C393, ASTM D732, ASTM E8).
grade The signage to be fixed and back supported by frames made of 40mm
retro- square hollow iron pipe of 3.2 mm thick all-round riveted board using
reflective aluminium rivets of diameter 5mm and supported on a MS Iron pipe
sheeting supporting post of 100NB with sufficient mild steel angle and mild steel flat
(Double iron sections fixed using welds, nuts & bolts, erected vertically by
side), embedding the base in concrete M25 of size 24”x24” x 40’’ foundation.
Size – 6’ x Destination names, arrows, numerals, symbols, pictures, logos etc of
4’ specified shape and size as mentioned in drawings should be with Type
X1 micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting materials.
The destination picture and logos in the signboard should be vinyl UV
printed covered with appropriate overlay film.
The rate includes the cost of labour for taking pit in all classes of soil,
concreting, fixing the posts with base plates welded at bottom for
anchorages and painting all exposed non reflective faces, support
structure and connections with epoxy paint two coat over epoxy primer,
including all conveyance of material to the site etc complete as per the
approved detailed design drawing (Design) and as directed by the officer-
38 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
3f Shoulder Manufacturing and installing of destination picture and logo sign board on
Mounted Diamond Grade type retro-reflective sheeting with 10 years of warranty of
Road / size 120”x48” respectively as per IRC Guidelines with information on one
Highway side made out of Class C micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting
signage conforming to ASTM D4956-09, mounted over hard and corrosion resistant
on aluminium composite material of 4 mm thick 0.5 pvdf conforming to ASTM
Diamond (ASTM D903, ASTM C393, ASTM D732, ASTM E8).
grade The signage to be fixed and back supported by frames made of 40mm
retro- square hollow iron pipe of 3.2 mm thick all-round riveted board using
reflective aluminium rivets of diameter 5mm and supported on a MS Iron pipe
sheeting supporting post of 100NB with sufficient mild steel angle and mild steel flat
(Single iron sections fixed using welds, nuts & bolts, erected vertically by
side), embedding the base in concrete M25 of size 26”x26” x 40’’ foundation.
Size – 10’ Destination names, arrows, numerals, symbols, pictures, logos etc of
x 4’ specified shape and size as mentioned in drawings should be with Type XI
micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting materials.
The destination picture and logos in the signboard should be vinyl UV
printed covered with appropriate overlay film.
The rate includes the cost of labour for taking pit in all classes of soil,
concreting, fixing the posts with base plates welded at bottom for
anchorages and painting all exposed non reflective faces, support
structure and connections with epoxy paint two coat over epoxy primer,
including all conveyance of material to the site etc complete as per the
approved detailed design drawing (Design) and as directed by the officer-
39 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
3g Shoulder Manufacturing and installing of destination picture and logo sign board on
Mounted HIP Grade type retro-reflective sheeting with 10 years of warranty of size
Road / 96”x48” Single sided respectively as per IRC Guidelines with information
Highway on one side made out of Class C micro prismatic grade retro-reflective
signage sheeting conforming to ASTM 3930 mounted over hard and corrosion
on HIP resistant aluminium composite material of 4 mm thick 0.5 pvdf conforming
grade to ASTM (ASTM D903, ASTM C393, ASTM D732, ASTM E8).
retro- The signage to be fixed and back supported by frames made of 40mm
reflective square hollow iron pipe of 3.2 mm thick ,2 nos all round riveted board using
sheeting aluminium rivets of diameter 5mm, and supported on a MS Iron pipe
(Single supporting post of 100NB with sufficient mild steel angle and mild steel flat
side), iron sections fixed using welds, nuts & bolts, erected vertically by
Size – 8’ x embedding the base in concrete M25 of size 24”x 24” x 40’’ foundation.
4’ Destination names, arrows, numerals, symbols, pictures, logos etc of
specified shape and size as mentioned in drawings should be with Type IV
micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting materials.
The destination picture and logos in the signboard should be vinyl UV
printed covered with appropriate overlay film.
The rate includes the cost of labour for taking pit in all classes of soil,
concreting, fixing the posts with base plates welded at bottom for
anchorages and painting all exposed non reflective faces, support
structure and connections with epoxy paint two coat over epoxy primer,
including all conveyance of material to the site etc complete as per the
approved detailed design drawing (Design) and as directed by the officer-
40 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
3h Shoulder Manufacturing and installing of destination picture and logo sign board on
Mounted HIP Grade type retro-reflective sheeting with 10 years of warranty, of size
Road / 96”x48” Double sided respectively as per IRC Guidelines with information
Highway on one side made out of Class C micro prismatic grade retro-reflective
signage sheeting conforming to ASTM 3930 mounted over hard and corrosion
on HIP resistant aluminium composite material of 4 mm thick 0.5 pvdf conforming
grade to ASTM (ASTM D903, ASTM C393, ASTM D732, ASTM E8).
retro- The signage to be fixed and back supported by frames made of 40mm
reflective square hollow iron pipe of 3.2 mm thick ,2 nos all round riveted board using
sheeting aluminium rivets of diameter 5mm, and supported on a MS Iron pipe
(Double supporting post of 100NB with sufficient mild steel angle and mild steel flat
side), iron sections fixed using welds, nuts & bolts, erected vertically by
Size – 8’ x embedding the base in concrete M25 of size 24”x24” x 40’’ foundation.
4’ Destination names, arrows, numerals, symbols, pictures, logos etc of
specified shape and size as mentioned in drawings should be with Type IV
41 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
3i Shoulder Manufacturing and installing of destination picture and logo sign board on
Mounted HIP Grade type retro-reflective sheeting with 10 years of warranty of size
Road / 144”x48” respectively as per IRC Guidelines with information on one side
Highway made out of Class C micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting
signage conforming to ASTM 3930 mounted over hard and corrosion resistant
aluminium composite material of 4 mm thick 0.5 pvdf conforming to ASTM
42 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
3j Shoulder Manufacturing and installing of destination picture and logo sign board on
Mounted HIP Grade type retro-reflective sheeting with 10 years of warranty of size
Road / 72”x48” Single Sided respectively as per IRC Guidelines with information
Highway on one side made out of Class C micro prismatic grade retro-reflective
signage sheeting conforming to ASTM 3930 mounted over hard and corrosion
on HIP resistant aluminium composite material of 4 mm thick 0.5 pvdf conforming
grade to ASTM (ASTM D903, ASTM C393, ASTM D732, ASTM E8).
retro- The signage to be fixed and back supported by frames made of 40mm
reflective square hollow iron pipe of 3.2 mm thick all-round riveted board using
sheeting aluminium rivets of diameter 5mm and supported on a MS Iron pipe
43 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
3k Shoulder Manufacturing and installing of destination picture and logo sign board on
Mounted HIP Grade type retro-reflective sheeting with 10 years of warranty of size
Road / 72”x48” Double Sided respectively as per IRC Guidelines with information
Highway on one side made out of Class C micro prismatic grade retro-reflective
signage sheeting conforming to ASTM 3930 mounted over hard and corrosion
on HIP resistant aluminium composite material of 4 mm thick 0.5 pvdf conforming
grade to ASTM (ASTM D903, ASTM C393, ASTM D732, ASTM E8).
retro- The signage to be fixed and back supported by frames made of 40mm
reflective square hollow iron pipe of 3.2 mm thick all-round riveted board using
sheeting aluminium rivets of diameter 5mm and supported on a MS Iron pipe
(Double supporting post of 100NB with sufficient mild steel angle and mild steel flat
side), iron sections fixed using welds, nuts & bolts, erected vertically by
Size – 8’ x embedding the base in concrete M25 of size 24”x24” x 40’’ foundation.
4’ Destination names, arrows, numerals, symbols, pictures, logos etc of
specified shape and size as mentioned in drawings should be with Type IV
micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting materials.
44 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
3l Shoulder Manufacturing and installing of destination picture and logo sign board on
Mounted HIP Grade type retro-reflective sheeting with 10 years of warranty of size
Road / 120”x48” respectively as per IRC Guidelines with information on one side
Highway made out of Class C micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting
signage conforming to ASTM 3930, mounted over hard and corrosion resistant
on HIP aluminum composite material of 4 mm thick 0.5 pvdf conforming to ASTM
grade (ASTM D903, ASTM C393, ASTM D732, ASTM E8).
retro- The signage to be fixed and back supported by frames made of 40mm
reflective square hollow iron pipe of 3.2 mm thick all-round riveted board using
sheeting aluminum rivets of diameter 5mm and supported on a MS Iron pipe
(Single supporting post of 100NB with sufficient mild steel angle and mild steel flat
side), iron sections fixed using welds, nuts & bolts, erected vertically by
Size – 10’ embedding the base in concrete M25 of size 26”x26” x 40’’ foundation.
x 4’ Destination names, arrows, numerals, symbols, pictures, logos etc of
specified shape and size as mentioned in drawings should be with Type IV
micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting materials.
The destination picture and logos in the signboard should be vinyl UV
printed covered with appropriate overlay film.
The rate includes the cost of labour for taking pit in all classes of soil,
concreting, fixing the posts with base plates welded at bottom for
anchorages and painting all exposed non reflective faces, support
structure and connections with epoxy paint two coat over epoxy primer,
45 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
3m Shoulder Manufacturing and installing of destination picture and logo sign board on
Mounted HIP Grade type retro-reflective sheeting with 10 years of warranty of size
Road / 72”x72’’ respectively as per IRC Guidelines with information on one side
Highway made out of Class C micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting
signage conforming to ASTM 3930, mounted over hard and corrosion resistant
on HIP aluminum composite material of 16 gaze galvanized sheet
grade The signage to be fixed and back supported by frames made of 40mm
retro- square hollow iron pipe of 3.2 mm thick all-round riveted board using
reflective aluminum rivets of diameter 5mm and supported on a MS Iron pipe
sheeting supporting post of 100NB with sufficient mild steel angle and mild steel flat
(Single iron sections fixed using welds, nuts & bolts, erected vertically by
side), embedding the base in concrete M25 of size 24”x24”” x 40’’ foundation.
Size – 6’ x Destination names, arrows, numerals, symbols, pictures, logos etc of
6’ specified shape and size as mentioned in drawings should be with Type IV
micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting materials.
The destination picture and logos in the signboard should be vinyl UV
printed covered with appropriate overlay film.
The rate includes the cost of labour for taking pit in all classes of soil,
concreting, fixing the posts with base plates welded at bottom for
anchorages and painting all exposed non reflective faces, support
structure and connections with epoxy paint two coat over epoxy primer,
including all conveyance of material to the site etc complete as per the
approved detailed design drawing (Design) and as directed by the officer-
46 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
3n Cantilever Manufacturing and installing of destination picture and logo sign board on
type Diamond Grade type retro-reflective sheeting with 10 years of warranty of
signage size 188”x90” respectively as per IRC Guidelines with information on one
on Road / side made out of Class C micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting
Highway conforming to ASTM D4956-09, mounted over hard and corrosion resistant
signage aluminum composite material of 4 mm thick 0.5 pvdf conforming to ASTM
on (ASTM D903, ASTM C393, ASTM D732, ASTM E8).
Diamond The signage to be fixed and back supported by frames made of 40mm
Grade square hollow iron pipe of 6 mm thick all-round riveted board using
retro- aluminum rivets of diameter 5mm, and supported on a MS Iron pipe
reflective supporting post of 300 NB with sufficient mild steel angle and mild steel
sheeting flat iron sections fixed using welds, nuts & bolts, erected vertically by
(Single embedding the base with foundation of 8ft
side), Destination names, arrows, numerals, symbols, pictures, logos etc of
Size – 16’ specified shape and size as mentioned in drawings should be with Type XI
x 8’
micro prismatic grade retro-reflective sheeting materials.
The destination picture and logos in the signboard should be vinyl UV
printed covered with appropriate overlay film.
The rate includes the cost of labour for taking pit in all classes of soil,
concreting, fixing the posts with base plates welded at bottom for
anchorages and painting all exposed non reflective faces, support
structure and connections with epoxy paint two coat over epoxy primer,
including all conveyance of material to the site etc complete as per the
approved detailed design drawing and as directed by the officer-in-charge.
47 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
3o Cantilever The signage to be fixed and back supported by frames made of 40mm
LED square hollow iron pipe of 6 mm thick all-round riveted board using
Screen aluminium rivets of diameter 5mm, and supported on a MS Iron pipe
type supporting post of 350 NB with sufficient mild steel angle and mild steel
signage flat iron sections fixed using welds, nuts & bolts, erected vertically by
on Road / embedding the base with foundation of 8ft
Highway Note – Software Development & Operational and Maintenance cost extra
on (Single
side), Detail description is given below:
Size – 16’ Outdoor P6 Full Colour LED Display (SMD 3 in 1)
x 8’ LED Encapsulation – SMD2727
LED Brand – Nationstar
Power Supply – ADS Brand
Driving IC – FM6124
Module Size – 192mm x 192mm
Module Resolution – 32dots x 32dots
Screen Size – 16ft x 8ft
Configuration – 1RGB
Density of Pixel – 27777 dots/m2
Brightness, Luminance – 5500 cd/m2
Hor. Viewing Angle – H: 1200
Vert. Viewing Angle – V: 1200
Operating Humidity: - 10-95%
Storage Humidity: - 10-95%
Refresh Rate - >_ 960 HZ
Viewing Distance - >_ 6m
Lifetime – 100,000 hrs.
48 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
3p Gantry Providing, Designing & Fixing New Overhead gantries with horizontal part
Mounted including bracings with fully galvanized and Vertical post of Mild Steel with
Road / application of tack coat & 2 coats of enamel paint of approved brand (as
Highway per drawing ) made out of 3mm thick Aluminium composite Panel,
signage reflectorized with retro reflective micro prismatic grade sheeting confirming
on to ASTM D-4957-2001 (type-IX) and as per clause 801 of MOSRT&H,
Diamond screen printed or covered with Electro Cuttable translucent film as per
grade drawing and display matter given by the engineer in charge, framed in
retro- suitable sized frame depending upon board size and dimension; supported
reflective with two vertical poles as per design including bracings, Nut, Bolts, fixing
sheeting, etc. all complete including all structures, foundation. The aluminium
Size – composite Material shall be routed, folded and fixed on the top, bottom and
13250 sides of the MS angle iron frame in such a way that no riveting shall be
mm X seen on front face of sign board. MS tabular structure made out as per
2440mm design Drawings the structure duly painted including shoe plate, top plate,
bottom stiffening etc and erected on two nos. R.C.C foundations
constructed at site as per drawing with M-20 cement concrete including
transportation to site handling charges and crane charges. The work also
includes the cost of nuts & bolts, washers etc. complete in all respect as
per drawing and to the entire satisfaction of Engineer-In-Charge.
OVER HEAD GANTRY FULL WIDTH-13250 mm X 2440mm (including
start and end of road)
49 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
3q Foundatio LED Backlit Display Panel, Size of the Panel should be 3M x 3M with
n structure made of MS angles, Display Fascia should be made of aluminium
Mounted Composite Panel with 0-40 step cut acrylic sheet and Vinyl sheet of
Road / respective branding, LEDs should be used Ultra Bright LED, LED modules
Highway body should be made of aluminium PCB, PC Lens, Plastic Injection
signage process, LED’s should have wide beam angle in range of 140-160 degree
on LED with uniform illumination, LED make Nichia/ Osram/ Lumiled/Citizen.
Light Ingress protection rating (DIN EN 60529): IP65, impact resistance level
Signage, should be suitable to site condition, The LED system with control gear unit
Size – 3m is suitable for operation on direct voltage supply grids. The luminaire
X 3m should be provided with Electrical safety class I. Power Efficiency: >85%,
Operating Temperature: -
10°C to +55°C, Operating Humidity : 10%-90%, Visibility of the display
should be at Day time and night time, Panel should have 75MM thickness
edge on all 4 sides with illumination of 30-35MM Round shaped Dot White
50 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
Video processer and Controller should have input resolution upto 1920
x 1200 @60 Hz, Maximum Width: 3840 Pixels and Maximum Height:
1920 Pixels. Dual USB2.0 for high speed configuration, 1xHDMI,
1xSDI, 1xDVI, 1xVGA, 1xCVBS, Gray-scale control at low brightness,
Need HDCP 1.4 support. Makes: Nova Star / Qlite / Colarlight.
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
Video processer and Controller should have input resolution upto 1920
x 1200 @60 Hz, Maximum Width: 3840 Pixels and Maximum Height:
1920 Pixels. Dual USB2.0 for high speed configuration, 1xHDMI,
1xSDI, 1xDVI, 1xVGA, 1xCVBS, Gray-scale control at low brightness,
Need HDCP 1.4 support. Makes: Nova Star / Qlite / Colarlight.
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
Providing steel truss member as Two Vertical Square 0.45 x 0.45 m Joist framed by ISA
and 75x75x6 mm & all internal bracings by ISA 50x5x6 mm at every 0.45 m all four
erecting sides, Two Horizontal Beam framed by ISA 75x75x6 mm & all internal
Hoarding bracings by ISA 50x5x6 mm at every 0.45 mall four sides, lower horizontal
beam shall be 4.5 m above ground level & Base support for fixing Board
shall be framed by ISA 50x50x6 both way at every 0.6 m distance with
applying a priming coat of red lead paint & two coats of oil paint & Covering
board Size 20'X 10' fixed with 1 mm thick plain G.I. Sheet, Entire Frame
structure shall be firmly fixed to the ground by two vertical square joist
by means of properly designed foundation with CC 1:1:2 (M250) grade
Ordinary cement concrete 0.9 x 0.9 x 1.2 m for each vertical member, 1.0 m
below ground level etc. complete as per approved drawing & as per instruction
of Engineer Incharge.
4B for advertisement board of Size 30' X 15' as per IS supported on a
mild steel truss member as Two Vertical Square 0.45 x 0.45 m Joist
framed by ISA 75x75x6 mm & all internal bracings by ISA 50x5x6 mm at
every 0.45 m all four sides, Two Horizontal Beam framed by ISA
75x75x6 mm & all internal bracings by ISA 50x5x6 mm at every 0.45 mall
four sides, lower horizontal beam shall be 4.5 m above ground level
& Base support for fixing Board shall be framed by ISA 50x50x6 both way
at every 0.6 m distance with applying a priming coat of red lead paint &
two coats of oil paint & Covering board Size 20'X 10' fixed with 1 mm thick
plain G.I. Sheet, Entire Frame structure shall be firmly fixed to the
ground by two vertical square joist by means of properly designed
foundation with CC 1:1:2 (M250) grade Ordinary cement concrete 0.9 x
0.9 x 1.2 m for each vertical member, 1.0 m below ground level etc.
complete as per approved drawing & as per instruction of Engineer
4c for advertisement board of Size 40' X 20' as per IS supported on a
mild steel truss member as Two Vertical Square 0.45 x 0.45 m Joist
framed by ISA 75x75x6 mm & all internal bracings by ISA 50x5x6 mm at
every 0.45 m all four sides, Two Horizontal Beam framed by ISA 75x75x6
mm & all internal bracings by ISA 50x5x6 mm at every 0.45 mall four
sides, lower horizontal beam shall be 4.5 m above ground level &
Base support for fixing Board shall be framed by ISA 50x50x6 both way
at every 0.6 m distance with applying a priming coat of red lead paint &
two coats of oil paint & Covering board Size 40'X 20' fixed with 1 mm thick
plain G.I. Sheet, Entire Frame structure shall be firmly fixed to the
ground by two vertical square joist by means of properly designed
foundation with CC 1:1:2 (M250) grade Ordinary cement concrete 0.9
x 0.9 x 1.2 m for each vertical member, 1.0 m below ground level etc.
complete as per approved drawing & as per instruction of Engineer
4d for advertisement board of Size as per requirements of SOUADTGA,
As per IS supported on a mild steel truss member as Two Vertical Square
0.45 x 0.45 m Joist framed by ISA 75x75x6 mm & all internal bracings by
ISA 50x5x6 mm at every 0.45 m all four sides, Two Horizontal Beam
framed by ISA 75x75x6 mm & all internal bracings by ISA 50x5x6 mm at
every 0.45 mall four sides, lower horizontal beam shall be 4.5 m above
ground level & Base support for fixing Board shall be framed by ISA
54 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
50x50x6 both way at every 0.6 m distance with applying a priming coat
of red lead paint & two coats of oil paint & Covering board Size as per
requirements of SOUADTGA fixed with 1 mm thick plain G.I. Sheet, Entire
Frame structure shall be firmly fixed to the ground by two vertical
square joist by means of properly designed foundation with CC 1:1:2
(M250) grade Ordinary cement concrete 0.9 x 0.9 x 1.2 m for each
vertical member, 1.0 m below ground level etc. complete as per approved
drawing & as per instruction of Engineer Incharge.
4e Providing & Fixing Banners as per specification mentioned in item 4a to
4d on already existing frame structure. (per Sqft)
5a Flex MS frame Structure with MS Square Pole 3 inch x 3 in or 4 inch x 4 inch
Banners on to be used in foundation with size of 150 mm x 150 mm X 300 mm
Metal Foundation at least 0.76 Meter below the ground in C:M (M15) and base
Frame. of the frame should be at least 1.05 Meter above ground
Use of MS frame section for erection general dimension Size:- 3ft x 3ft
5b MS frame Structure with MS Square Pole 4 inch x 4 inch to be used in
foundation with size of 150 mm x 150 mm X 300 mm Foundation at least
0.76 Meter below the ground (M15) and base of the frame should be at
least 1.05 Meter above ground
Use of MS frame section for erection general dimension Size:- 3ft x 6ft
5c MS frame Structure with MS Square Pole 4 inch x 4 inch to be used in
foundation with size of 300 mm x 300 mm X 600 mm Foundation at least
0.76 Meter below the ground (M15) and base of the frame should be at
least 1.05 Meter above ground
Use of MS frame section for erection general dimension Size:- 6ft x 6ft
5d MS frame Structure with MS Square Pole 4 inch x 4 inch to be used in
foundation with size of 300 mm x 300 mm X 700 mm Foundation at least
0.76 Meter below the ground (M15) and base of the frame should be at
least 1.05 Meter above ground
Use of MS frame section for erection general dimension Size:- 10ft x
5e MS frame Structure with MS Square Pole 4 inch x 4 inch to be used in
foundation with size of 400 mm x 400 mm X 700 mm Foundation at least
0.76 Meter below the ground (M15) and base of the frame should be at
least 1.05 Meter above ground
Use of MS frame section for erection general dimension Size:- 15ft x
5f MS frame Structure with MS Square Pole 4 inch x 4 inch to be used in
foundation with size of 400 mm x 400 mm X 700 mm Foundation at least
0.76 Meter below the ground (M15) and base of the frame should be at
least 1.05 Meter above ground
Use of MS frame section for erection general dimension Size:- 20ft x
5g MS frame Structure with MS Square Pole 4 inch x 4 inch to be used in
foundation with size of 400 mm x 400 mm X 700 mm Foundation at least
55 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
0.76 Meter below the ground (M15) and base of the frame should be at
least 1.05 Meter above ground
Use of MS frame section for erection general dimension Size:- 15ft x
5h MS frame Structure with MS Square Pole 4 inch x 4 inch to be used in
foundation with size of 400 mm x 400 mm X 700 mm Foundation at least
0.76 Meter below the ground (M15) and base of the frame should be at
least 1.05 Meter above ground
Use of MS frame section for erection general dimension Size:- 20ft x
5i MS frame Structure with MS Square Pole as per requirement to be used
in foundation with size of as per requirement Foundation at least 0.76
Meter below the ground (M15) and base of the frame should be at least
1.05 Meter above ground
Use of MS frame section for erection general dimension Size:- as per
5j Removing of Flex Banners on already existing frame structure. (per Sqft)
5k Providing & Fixing Flex Banners on already existing frame structure. (per
6a Flags Paper Flags: Multi Colour Printing
Size: 4X6 Inch should be provided with stick to hold the flag.
6b Original Country Flags & Installation With Protocol, High Quality
Size: 4X3 Inch should be provided with stick to hold the flag (Made with
international standard quality material with respective protocol and
minimum Dia 40 mm Round MS Pole Installation MS Pole length up to
5.10 Meter to be used Foundation depth at least 0.75 Meter below the
6c Flag with Silky Material With Powder Coated Metal Pipe With Digital
Embroidery Work Suggestive Flag Size: 8x4Ft. should be provided with
stick to hold the flag (Silky/satin Material Multi Colour Printing with
minimum 40mm dia Round MS Pole Installation MS Pole length up to 6.10
Meter to be used with Foundation depth at least 0.75 Meter below the
6d Flag with Silky Material With Powder Coated Metal Pipe With Digital
Embroidery Work Suggestive Flag Size: 6x3Ft., should be provided with
stick to hold the flag(Silky/satin Material Multi Colour Printing with
minimum 40mm dia Round MS Pole Installation MS Pole length up to 6.10
Meter to be used with Foundation depth at least 0.75 Meter below the
6e Flag with Silky Material With Powder Coated Metal Pipe With Digital
Embroidery Work Suggestive Flag Siz e: 4x2.5 Ft. should be provided with
stick to hold the flag(Silky/satin Material Multi Colour Printing with
minimum 40mm dia Round MS Pole Installation MS Pole length up to 6.10
Meter to be used with Foundation depth at least 0.75 Meter below the
7a Posters. Posters of Vinly with Foam sheet.
General Dimensions: 3x3 ft
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
Similar to the other two sheeting aforementioned, diamond grade reflective sheeting
has a pressure sensitive adhesive and is applied to (typically) anodized aluminum
sheeting either with a hand roller or a mechanical squeeze roll laminator/applicator.
This material can be decorated either using screen printing or by using transparent film
that comes in various highway sign colors.
DG3 sheeting was engineered to reflect the newer headlights in late-model
automobiles, as well as to help older drivers with greater luminescence, as well as truck
drivers whose lights are able to pick up signs that utilize DG3 better and at greater
Available stock colors include white, yellow, orange, red, green, blue, and brown.
Another color, fluorescent yellow green, is also available and is used primarily in school
zones, and has superior luminescence both during the daytime and night
High Intensity Prismatic (HIP) Sheeting meets ASTM requirement standards for
D4956-09 Type III and Type IV, as well as ASTM 4956-07 Type X. It is a non-metallized
micro prismatic lens reflective sheeting that is used mainly for reflective traffic and road
signs, barricades or other road construction zone devices, and traffic delineators such
as cones or barrels.
HIP sheeting is highly reflective, and its durable topcoat protects signs and other traffic
control devices against scratches and abrasion. Not only is it highly reflective at night,
but it also commands attention during the day as well.
HIP Reflective Sheeting is used for more permanent traffic signs, work zone devices,
etc., and comes in white, yellow, red, orange, blue, green, and brown.
The manufacturing process for HIP sheeting is also considered to be more “green” as
it produces 97% fewer VOC emissions than engineer grade reflective sheeting, and
72% less energy to manufacture. However, the reflectivity value stands alone as a
better reason to use HIP.
HIP reflective sign materials will last longer than its EG reflective film counterpart. This
material is considered to be mid to long-range durability, and typically will last about 10
The signages for the Tourist circuit route have to be prepared as per the specification laid
down in this document:
59 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
Other Specifications:
The work shall be carried out as per the specification given below and IRC norms.
1) Concrete: Concrete shall be of M25 grade.
2) Reinforcing Steel: Reinforcing steel shall conform to the requirements of IS 1786
unless otherwise specified.
3) Bolts, Nuts and Washers: High strength bolts shall conform to IS 1367 whereas
precision bolts, nuts, etc. shall conform to IS 1364.
4) Plates and Supports: Plates and support sections for the signposts shall conform to
IS 226 and IS 2062 or any other stated IS specification.
5) Substrate
a. Aluminium: Aluminium sheets used for sign boards shall be of smooth, hard
and corrosion resistant aluminium alloy conforming to IS: 736 - Material
Designation 24345 or 1900.
b. Aluminium Composite Materials (ACM): ACM sheets used for sign boards is
a sandwiched construction with a thermoplastic core of ‘Low Density
Polyethylene’ (LDPE) between two thick skins/sheets of Al with overall thickness
of 4 mm and 3 mm, Al skin thickness of 0.5 mm and 0.3 mm respectively on both
sides. The mechanical properties of 4mm ACM and that of its Aluminium skin
shall conform to the requirement given in Table 6.1, when tested in accordance
with the test methods mentioned against each of them.
60 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
6) Plate Thickness: Shoulder mounted ground signs with a maximum side dimension not
exceeding 600 mm shall not be less than 1.5 mm thick with Aluminum and 3 mm thick
with Aluminum Composite Material. All other signs shall be at least 2 mm thick with
Aluminum and 4 mm thick with Aluminum Composite Material. The thickness of the
sheet shall be related to the size of the sign and its support and shall be such that it
does not bend or deform under prevailing wind and other loads. All overhead signs
made with Aluminum Composite Material shall be minimum 4 mm thick to withstand
wind and other loads without deformation.
7) Retro Reflective sheeting: The retro reflective sheeting used on the signs shall
consist of white or red sheeting having a smooth outer surface which has the property
of retro reflection over its entire surface. It shall be weather resistant and exhibit
fastness. It shall be new and unused and show no evidence of cracking, scaling, and
pitting, blistering, edge lifting or curling and shall have negligible shrinkage or
expansion. In India a certificate of having the sheeting tested for coefficient of retro
reflection, daytime color and luminance, shrinkage, flexibility, liner removal, adhesion,
impact resistance, secular gloss and fungus resistance, three years outdoor weathering
and its having passed these tests shall be obtained from International/Government
Laboratory/Institute by the manufacturer of the sheeting. Retro reflective sheeting is
divided into three classes as follows:
a. CLASS A SHEETING: - Engineering and Super Eng. Grade sheeting as per
ASTM D 4956-09 Type I and II.
b. CLASS B SHEETING: - High Intensity and High Intensity Prismatic grade
sheeting as per ASTM D 4956-09 Type III and IV.
c. CLASS C SHEETING: - All Micro prismatic grades sheeting as per ASTM D
4956-09 Type VIII, IX and XI.
The Class of the Sheeting will depend upon type, functional hierarchy and importance of
road. Table gives the Recommended Applications for Retro-Reflective Sheeting.
61 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
Class C - -
(Type VIII, IX and XI)
* Type III sheeting is available both as glass beaded and micro prismatic technology as
per ASTM D4956-09. The light reflecting efficiency of glass beaded sheeting is lower than
the micro prismatic sheeting.
Note: The authority for selecting type of sheeting between classes or within a class would
rest with the client.
Type IV High Intensity Micro-Prismatic Grade Sheeting (HIP): This sheeting shall be of
high intensity retro-reflective sheeting made of micro-prismatic retro reflective element
material coated with pressure sensitive adhesive. The retro reflective surface after cleaning
with soap and water and in dry condition shall have the minimum co-efficient of retro-
reflection (determined in accordance with ASTM D 4956-09) as indicated in Table
Angle Florescent
Angle Florescent Florescent
Observ White Yellow Orange Green Red Blue Brown Yellow-
Entrance Yellow Orange
ed Green
0.1°B - 4° 500 380 200 70 90 42 25 400 300 150
0.1°B +30° 240 175 94 32 42 20 12 185 140 70
0.2° - 4° 360 270 145 50 65 30 18 290 220 105
0.2° +30° 170 135 68 25 30 14 8.5 135 100 50
0.5° - 4° 150 110 60 21 27 13 7.5 120 90 45
0.5° +30° 72 54 28 10 13 6 3.5 55 40 22
A Minimum Coefficient of Retro reflection (RA)(cd.lx-1.m-2).
B Values for 0.1o observation angles are supplementary requirements that shall apply
only when specified by the purchaser in the contract or order.
When totally wet, the sheeting shall show not less than 90 percent of the values of retro
reflection indicated in above Table. At the end of 7 years, the sheeting shall retain at least
80 percent of its original retro-reflectance.
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
When totally wet, the sheeting shall show not less than 90 percent of the values of retro
reflection indicated in above Table. At the end of 10 years, the sheeting shall retain at least
80 percent of its original retro-reflectance.
8) Over laminates: The over-laminates will be UV stable high gloss cast Type, colored or
transparent film to be used for electro-cut lettering, messages, symbols etc. or for
printing and protecting the Retro Reflective Sheeting.
i. Size: - 2.3mm thick and 24mm wide, liner with red polyethylene film
ii. Density: - 720 Kg/m3 iii. Peel adhesion: - (a). For stainless steel 350N/100mm (b).
For Aluminium 415 K Pa iv. Temperature Resistance: - 93°C-121°C Guarantee: -
Seven years from date of completion of work.
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
borders shall be bonded with the sheeting in the manner specified by the manufacturer.
12) Messages/Borders: The messages (legends, letters, numerals, etc.) and borders
shall either be screen-printed or of cut out from durable transparent overlay or cut out
from the same type of reflective sheeting for the cautionary/mandatory sign boards.
Screen printing shall be processed and finished with materials and in a manner
specified by the sheeting manufacturer. For the informatory and other sign boards, the
messages (legends, letters, numerals etc.) and borders shall be cut out from durable
transparent overlay film or cut-out from the same reflective sheeting only. Cut-outs shall
be from durable transparent overlay materials as specified by the sheeting
manufacturer and shall be bonded with the sheeting in the manner specified by the
manufacturer. For screen-printed transparent colored areas on white sheeting, the co-
efficient of retroreflection shall not be less than 50 per cent of the corresponding values
in the tables relevant to type of material. Cut-out messages and borders, wherever
used, shall be either made out of retro-reflective sheeting or made out of durable
transparent overlay except those in black which shall be of non-reflective sheeting or
opaque in case of durable transparent overlay.
13) Installation: Signpost: "Their foundation and sign mountings shall be so constructed
as to hold these in a proper and permanent position against the normal storm wind load
or displacement with vandalism. Sign supports and foundation shall be shown in the
contract drawing or as approved by the In-Charge. The signs wherever applicable shall
Page 46 of 46 be fixed to the posts by welding and/or bolts and washers/ VHB tape as
shown in the drawings. After the nuts have been tightened, the tails of the bolts shall
furred over with a hammer to prevent removal. Signposts shall be placed as proposed
on location as approved by the Department of Tourism.
14) Foundation:
Concrete Work: PCC - M-25 grade cement concrete to be used for foundation work
with reinforcement for stability.
Reinforcement: Providing cold twisted steel reinforcement of 8, 10-12 and 16 mm dia.
bars as per approved design and drawing to work site cutting, bending, and binding
including centering and placing in position as per specification or directions
15) Design of single pipe led Unipole structure
A. The design of the Single pipe structures should be high strength, sturdy and durable
and should resist wind speed at 120 km/h. These should be of anti-rust, anticorrosion
surface. The surface should prevent wind abrasion and sustain high temperature.
B. After completing the installation/erection Single pipe structures must be painted with
color specified by SOUADTGA. The Structural Engineer of the firm shall be accountable
in case of any structural disability of the Single pipe structures. Certified structural engineer
should do the annual audit of the single pipe structure’s and report should be submitted to
competent authority else the penalty will be imposed.
Note: Bidder(s) are required to quote their rates in Percentage above / below for all the
individual items/ products listed in the table above (online only).
64 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
Important Note: The Authority shall endeavour to give feedback, if any, on each submittal
within 15 days of the submission, after which the Agency shall re-submit the revised
reports and drawings. Payments shall be released as mentioned in clause no 3.2.19 by
the Authority after 60 days from successful acceptance. In case the payment is delayed
for reasons beyond the reasonable control of SoUADTGA, no interest thereon shall be
paid to the Agency.
Any expenses which may accord during site visits, fieldwork, or meetings at SoUADTGA
at Ekta Nagar or at anywhere shall be borne by the Bidder, and no residential
accommodation shall be provided by the authority, and it shall be made by/arranged by
the Bidder at own cost.
1. The rate quoted by the bidder shall be valid for 3 years of contractual period, i.e., the
bidder will not be liable for any annual increment in any fee/charges during the
contract period.
2. For any additional of items prior approval of Authority shall be taken before execution.
3. Authority shall have the right to carry out / complete the work by another agency at
the risk & cost of Original Agency/Selected bidder, and the original Agency’s
SD/Performance Security shall be forfeited.
4. The Agency shall ensure that all the equipment’s and manpower associated with this
project including O & M period is fully insured from time to time at its own cost and
expenses against all the risks of fire and extended cover thereof, earthquake, flood,
cyclone, strikes riots, insurgency, civil strife commotion, terrorism, electrical fire
machinery equipment break down. A copy of each renewed policy(ies) cover note
will be furnished to the Authority on every renewal. However, the Agency shall
immediately take measures to have the insurance claim processed and re-
construction/ renovation of the project shall be commenced within 30 days of
occurrence of the incident and shall be completed in such time as may be determined
by the Authority and any other insurance that may be necessary to protect the
Authority and Agency and its employees, including all Force Majeure Events.
5. The Agency shall arrange onsite operator/wireman during the O&M period of three
(3) years as per requirement of the site & it will be as per the approval of the Authority.
Agency shall deploy personnel as required by the Project to ensure completion of
the work in accordance with the contract.
6. It is mandatory for the Agency to prepare detailed Drawings of the Entire Installation
indicating framework for signages and take the approval for the same from the
authority before execution of the same.
7. The bidder shall not demolish, remove or alter structures or other facilities on the site
without prior approval of Authority.
8. The bidder shall be responsible for ensuring the fitness and safety of all persons
employed at work. In this regard, the supervisor must be present on site at all times
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
of work to carry out safety audit checks to ensure safety requirements are properly
observed. Smoking & Consumption of Liquor, NARCO drugs, etc. in any form is not
allowed on site.
9. The bidder is responsible to ensure that necessary and adequate personal protective
equipment are all the times available for the service personnel working.
10. The bidder’s supervisor is responsible for ensuring that the workers comply with the
safety rules at work.
11. The carrying and consumption of intoxicating liquor, drugs or other substances that
may affect the proper performance is strictly prohibited in the depots.
12. Assume that overhead wires & cables are live at all times and must not work near or
on them.
13. It shall be the sole responsibility of the bidder to adopt all the safety measures &
deploy personnel who are adequately trained. If any accident occurs due to
operations or due to negligence on the part of the bidder’s personnel, it shall be the
full responsibility of the Bidder. If any damage occurs to the structures/ material &
equipment to erection operations, the cost of damage will be recovered from the
bidder’s bill.
14. The bidder shall make his own arrangement of electrical power and any other
services required by the bidder for Execution of “Work”.
15. Transportation of manpower, machinery, equipment’s, temporary setups, containers,
materials, etc. are in the scope of the Agency.
16. Bidder may visit and survey the site before participating in bidding process. The cost
of site visit shall be borne by bidder only.
17. Agency shall be bound to follow the safety procedure as per Government norms and
ensure the safety of labour staff working under this work project.
18. Agency shall be bound to use standard materials and maintain work quality for
execution of work.
19. The Agency has to provide the manpower as per instruction from the authority to
meet the requirement.
20. The bidder shall not sub-contract any part of his obligation to any third party without
prior approval of the SOUADTGA.
21. As per requirement, the SOUADTGA will give separate work order periodically and
the bidder does not have right to reject or cancel the work order.
22. SITC: SITC should be as per the given data sheet submitted by bidders.
23. The prices filled in should be inclusive of all applicable taxes, levies, transportation
& other unforeseen charges excluding GST.
24. Safety Clause: Safety will be checked strictly by the SoUADTGA and there will be no
relaxation for the same. The Agency shall comply with all applicable laws/ rules
including those relating to local building regulations, safety, health, sanitation,
environment, labor, and hazardous/ dangerous materials during, operation and
maintenance of the project for three years of the contract period.
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
25. The Agency will be responsible for any kind of fatal/non-fatal incidence that might
occur on the project site during the execution of the SITC work & during the O&M
three years.
26. The Agency shall have to take all necessary steps and precautions to safeguard the
lives of the manpower working on site. If in case any incidence happens, the entire
responsibility of the same would be with the agency, to deal with any of the legal
proceedings which may arise, including police case, court case, compensation,
insurance to settle the matter. Authority will not be held responsible for any of such
incidence which arises during the contract period including SITC and O&M three
27. In the accommodation facility of any outbreak of illness of an epidemic nature, the
bidder shall comply with and carry out such regulations, orders and requirements as
may necessary and issued by the Government, or the local medical or sanitary
authorities, for the purpose of dealing with and overcoming the same.
28. During the execution of the project, agency must use barricading for safety
precaution and equipment.
29. Law Governing Contract: This Contract, its meaning and interpretation, and the
relation between the Parties and all disputes shall be governed by the applicable Law
of India and the State of Gujarat, Rajpipla court jurisdiction.
30. Agency shall have to carry out routine preventive maintenance and repairing during
the complete O&M period of three (3) years.
31. Agency shall have to arrange and deploy necessary manpower & trained personnel
for the execution of the project.
32. Any repairs are to be attended on top priority for effective show without any
compromise on the performance of the illumination.
33. Payments shall be made as per actual execution of items and as per payment
schedule finalized by department.
34. The materials specified in tender shall be transported immediately to the site and
within the time limit as instructed by Engineer-in-charge of the authority. To and fro
material transportation to site and its cost is in the scope of bidder only.
35. Agency has to start the work immediately on as and when required basis as per the
instruction of Engineer-in-charge.
36. During the work/event, if any material is missing or any material is damaged, in such
event, the agency shall be responsible for it.
37. All the material should be of high quality and should be properly cleaned and as per
the instruction and approval given by Engineer-in-charge. Please note that no
exemption shall be allowed in this matter.
38. The behavior of the staff, workers/labours appointed by the agency must be polite
and respectful towards SOUADTGA (The Authority) officials or other officials/
employees and other dignitaries.
39. The agency shall be fully responsible for any occurrence of accident due to
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
40. The Agency shall take care that any existing installation shall not be damaged due
to accident or accidental fire (like short circuit fire), natural disaster.
41. The Agency will have to work as per provision of Labour (Regulation and Abolition)
Act 1970, under the provision of 1972 of Gujarat Rules and worker’s compensation
rules and regulation including any recent amendments. Agency shall provide the
facilities to workers as per relevant laws and regulations. In case of any
incidence/accident or any Staff/worker gets injured, the agency shall be liable for the
42. The agency shall not deploy any person in connection with any activity under the
scope of this work, who is minor according to the Law.
43. The persons of the agency shall be covered by the Rules and Regulations of the
SOUADTGA to carry out the work, which may change from time to time, and they
should follow the instructions given by the nominated officers of the SOUADTGA
from time to time.
i. The agency shall abide by all the rules and regulations, codes and conducts
of the employer’s laid down by the Government from time to time.
ii. If any SOUADTGA property gets damaged by the agency, then the agency is
responsible for repairing the same and handing it over to the authority in
original condition. If the authority repairs the same, the cost of the damaged
items and repair of such damage will be recovered from the agency.
iii. The agency shall make its own arrangement for camp equipment, resident
arrangements, all tools, torch with cells, lathes, umbrella, raincoat, footwear,
safety equipment, dress, safety equipment, required for deployed person in
water etc. for their personnel at its own cost.
44. All these works include designing and conceptualization by bidder. No extra
payment shall be given to bidders for designing and conceptualization.
Bidder’s Obligations
The bidder shall follow and adhere to industry standard for designing, preparing
and installing signages & LED.
The bidder shall submit the progress report as and when required to the Authority.
In no case, the Authority will be liable or required to make any payment whether to
any Government authority or any person in connection with the employment of
personnel by the bidder in connection with the said services.
The bidder shall enforce discipline and good order among its employees. The
bidder shall forthwith remove from the premises any employee of bidder whom the
Authority reasonably objects to.
The bidder shall perform the said services effectively and efficiently with due
diligence and care, adhering to the specifications laid by the Authority and to the
fullest satisfaction of the Authority.
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
Bidder shall appoint an authorized person not lower than the rank of Senior
Manager as “Coordinator – Bidder” to co-ordinate with the Authority in all matters
related to personnel provided and to be responsible for all necessary exchange of
The bidder shall be held responsible for the losses or damages, or penalty incurred
due to damage to equipment/ tools and/or on account of violation of safety rules
and safety norms by the personnel deputed by the bidder. All the said losses and/or
damages and/or penalty shall be recovered forthwith from the bidder. The losses
shall include without limitation all losses, costs, expenses (including court costs and
attorney’s fees, interest and profits) claims, demands, fines, penalties, suits by any
persons, injuries, damages or death and other liabilities of whatsoever kind in
The bidder shall defend, indemnify and at all times keep the Authority, its officers,
agents, consultants and employees protected from and against all losses arising
directly or indirectly during or out of the performance of or failure to perform by
bidder or anyone directly or indirectly employed by them or associated with them.
Information, material of SOUADTGA event/ destination/exhibition/seminar etc.
borrowed by the Bidders, if any, shall remain the property of the SOUADTGA and
shall be provided by the SOUADTGA for information, solely for the purpose of
execution of this Contract. All such borrowed material shall be sole property of the
SOUADTGA and shall be returned to SOUADTGA after submission of the bids.
The bidder has to bear in mind that if selected for the award of contract he shall
have to ensure that in any case no damage is caused to the environment while
executing the work.
The bidder if selected shall ensure that while operation for execution of works,
habitat animals are not disturbed.
The successful bidder shall make his own arrangements for all the materials, power
and water required for all purposes in connection with the execution of work. If
possible, the SOUADTGA shall help for obtaining such facilities at an appropriate
cost, which will be recovered, from the bidder in a suitable way.
Obligation of Authority
SOUADTGA shall appoint an authorized person as ‘Coordinator – SOUADTGA to
coordinate with the Bidder in all matters related to project for the successful
execution of the work and to be responsible for all necessary exchange of
information required.
The Authority will make timely payment to the bidder on its fulfilling all the required
documents as per the payment terms and conditions.
The Authority shall grant in a timely manner all such approvals, permissions and
authorizations which the Bidder may require or is obliged to seek from in connection
with implementation of the project and the performance of the Bidder obligations.
SOUADTGA’s right to award the contract to one or more bidders
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
SOUADTGA reserves the right to award the contract to one or more than one Bidder
and split the order among different Bidders.
Ownership of the proposal
All proposals submitted in response to this tender shall become the property of the
SOUADTGA regardless of the rejection/acceptance of any proposal.
Proprietary information
Any information considered as a legitimate trade secret or non-published financial
information must be clearly marked in the Proposal and will be treated as such in
accordance with the laws of the State of Gujarat and the Government of India. A
proposal that is entirely marked as confidential will be Rejected.
Code of ethics
The Bidder(s) must ascertain that there is no conflict of interest or violation of ethics.
If they are awarded the contract for these works. The Bidder(s) also pledge that all
information included in their proposal are accurate and correct to the best of their
knowledge. Any falsification of facts or deceiving information may be grounds for
Contract award
As per evaluation process mentioned in this RFP, selected bidder would be issued
a Work Order and invited to sign the Contract Agreement. The selected bidder shall
be required to return a duplicate copy of Work Order/LOA as issued by the authority,
duly signed by authorized signatory within 7 (seven) days from the date of issue as
a token of acceptance of the work. Within 15 days from the date of issue of work
order, the selected bidder shall sign the contract agreement with authority failing
which the work order shall stand cancelled / withdrawn without any liability on
Authority and the EMD of such bidder shall stand forfeited.
The SOUADTGA reserves the right to award partial list of services/works offered in
the Tender. The tender and the Bidder(s) proposal shall become part of the contract
between the SoUADTGA and the Bidder(s).
If the Bidder(s) fails to execute/sign the contract with the SoUADTGA within 15
business days, the SoUADTGA may elect to cancel the selection and award to the
next highest-ranking applicant.
Completion of Contract
On the date of Contract Completion or if the Contract is terminated, all the
installations, works and equipment placed under the bidder’s responsibility shall be
handed over to the SOUADTGA, at no cost, in good working order, except for
normal wear and tear.
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
Unforeseeable Difficulties
Preliminary data/survey data generated by the SOUADTGA is available for the
guidance of the bidder. However, SOUADTGA does not take any responsibility of
its correctness.
The bidder shall carry out independent additional investigations and surveys to
collect the data required to design and construction of above/below ground (sub-
soil) structures/facilities if he considers necessary for his own satisfaction at his own
cost without any liability whatsoever on the employer. The bidder shall make
provision in his bid for any unforeseen sub-soil condition encountered at the time
of execution of the Works separately and it shall be loaded during his price
Patent Rights
Bidder shall indemnify the Authority against all third-party claims of infringement of
patent, trademark/ copyright arising from the use of services or any part thereof.
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
o Bidder may become bankrupt or goes into liquidation other than for project
or amalgamation.
o Authority gives notice to correct a particular defect/ irregularity and the
Bidder fails to correct such defects/ irregularity within a reasonable period of
time determined by the Authority.
o Serious misconduct/ accident on part of the Bidder.
No Claim Certificate
The Bidder shall not be entitled to make any claim, whatsoever, against the
Government /SOUADTGA, under or by virtue of or arising out of this Contract, nor
shall the Government /SOUADTGA entertain or consider any such claim, if made
by the Bidder and the Bidder shall have signed a “No Claim” Certificate in favour of
the Government /SOUADTGA in such forms as shall be required by him after the
works are finally accepted.
SOUADTGA may, by a written notice of suspension to the Bidder, suspend the
Contract if the Bidder fails to perform any of its obligations under this Contract
(including the carrying out of the services) provided that such notice of
a) shall specify the nature of the failure and
b) shall specify the suspension period
c) Shall request the bidder to make good such failure within a specified period
from the date of receipt of such notice of suspension by the bidder.
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
The Bidder or his representative should neither disclose the data of project nor sell
the data or use it for commercial exploitation or research work without the written
permission of the SOUADTGA.
Transfer of Contract
The Bidder shall not transfer the Contract to anybody except with the prior
permission of the SOUADTGA/its Authority.
Terms of Payment:
Payment to the Bidder shall be made as follows:
o The work of the designing, preparing and installing of Signages & LED will
be allotted on Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis.
o The work during the contract period will be issued on individual work order
basis as per the requirement of the Authority.
o The payment shall be made As soon as possible after completion of work as
per work order. The GST shall be paid extra over agreed payment.
Payments will be made based on progress percentage of total project cost as per
the schedule provided below.
(a) On submission and approval of Design and drawings necessary for the
project in consultation with the Authority: 5% of the item rate as mentioned in
(b) On Delivery of Items/ Materials/ Equipment’s Mentioned in Schedule-A: 40%
of item rates shall be paid on receipt of supplying approved Items/ Materials/
Equipment’s on site with required submission of the certificates and documents.
(c) On Erection /Installation Testing & Commissioning of Items/ Material/
Equipment’s Mentioned in Schedule-A: 40% of item rates shall be paid after
successful erection/Installation of Items/ Materials/ Equipment’s on site.
(d) Operation & Maintenance: 15% (5% at the end of each year) of item rates shall
be paid after successfully completion.
Reimbursable Expenses
All the expenses, other (then GST) taxes, fees etc. towards the work shall be borne
by bidder.
No other expenses incurred by the bidder shall be entitled for reimbursement.
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
Performance Guarantee
Authority shall issue a work order/LoA to the selected bidder post opening of the
financial bid as set out in this RFP. Within 15 days from the date of issue of work
order, the selected bidder is required to submit a performance security either in the
form of an irrevocable and unconditional Bank Guarantee or Fixed Deposit Receipt
(FDR) issued from nationalized bank or scheduled bank acceptable to the authority
in favour of “CEO, SoUADTGA”, payable at Ekta Nagar / Rajpipla and sign the
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
Contract Agreement with the Authority. The Performance Security shall be for an
amount of equivalent to 5% of the value/aggregate cost of the contract, which shall
be valid for a period of not less than 60 (sixty) days beyond the date of completion
of all contractual obligations of the agency, including Defect Liability Period (DLP).
The Performance Security should be issued from any scheduled commercial bank
acceptable to the Authority (in the format provided as part of Annexure 4).
The performance security shall be forfeited at the sole discretion of Authority
towards any liquidated damages that may be payable by the selected bidder, under
the terms and conditions of the RFP and the Contract Agreement.
If the Performance Security is not paid within 15 days from the date of issue of the
“Work Order”, then the penalty @0.05% of the performance security amount shall
be charged. If the Performance security is not paid within one month from the date
of the “Work Order”, necessary action as per the Conditions of Contract shall be
Making Good
The Bidder(s) shall be responsible for making good any defect in Defects or
damage to any part of the Works which may appear or occur during the Defects
Liability Period, and which arises from, either:
o Any defective materials, workmanship or design, or
o Any act or omission of the Bidder(s) during the Defects Liability Period.
The Bidder(s) shall make good the defect or damage as soon as practicable and at
his own cost
Notice of Defects
o If any such defect appears or damage occurs, SOUADTGA shall forthwith notify the
Contract thereof.
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
o The contractor shall commence the work immediately upon the notification of award
and proceed in accordance with the time schedule furnished pursuant to schedule
given by Contractor and complete the work in all respects within given time limit
from notification of award. If the contractor desires for an extension of time for
completion of the work on the ground of his having been unavoidable hindered in
its execution or any other ground, he shall apply in writing to the Engineer–In–
Charge before the expiry of the period stipulated in the tender or the expiry of 30
days from the date on which he was hindered whichever is earlier and the
competent authority of SOU ADTGA may, if in their opinion, believes that there are
reasonable grounds for granting the extension, grant such extension, as he thinks
necessary or proper. The decision of the competent authority of SOU ADTGA in
this matter shall be communicated to the Contractor by the Engineer–In–Charge
and shall be final.
o The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms and specifications
in the RFP. The Bid should be precise, complete and in the prescribed format as
per the requirement(s) of the RFP. Failure to furnish all information required by the
RFP or submission of a Bid not responsive to the RFP in every respect will be at
the Bidder‟s risk and may result in rejection of the Bid.
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Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
o It would be deemed that prior to the submission of the Proposal, the Bidder has:
o Made a complete and careful examination of requirements and other
information set forth in this RFP document.
o Examined all the relevant information as it has received from SOUADTGA
in respect of the project.
Made a complete and careful examination to determine the difficulties and matters
incidental to the performance of its obligations under the Authorization Agreement,
including but not limited to
o The Project Site(s)
o Availability of suitable materials and technology for construction and
o All other matters that might affect its performance under the
Authorization Agreement
o Bidders shall carry out any surveys, investigations etc. at their own
cost and risk.
o Bidders are encouraged to submit their respective Proposals after
visiting the earmarked locations and ascertaining for themselves with
the site conditions, traffic, location, 26 surroundings, climate, access
to the sites, availability of information with the SOUADTGA,
Applicable Laws and regulations or any other matter considered
relevant by them.
o If any dispute or difference or claims of any kind arises between the Parties in
connection with construction, interpretation or application of any terms and
conditions or any matter or thing in any way connected with or in connection with
or arising out of the Authorisation Agreement for the ― SELECTION OF AGENCY
NAGAR or the rights, duties or liabilities of any Party under the Authorisation
Agreement, whether before or after the termination of the Authorization Agreement,
then the Parties shall meet together promptly, at the request of any Party, in an
effort to resolve such dispute, 36 difference or claim by discussion between them.
There shall be a Dispute Settlement Committee, which shall try to settle all disputes
at the first stage.
o SOUADTGA shall chair the Dispute Settlement Committee. The authorized
representative of the Authorisee will be allowed to participate in the Dispute
Settlement procedure. Whose decision in this regard shall be final and binding on
both the Parties. The existence of any dispute or reference of the same for redressal
in any forum shall not absolve the Authorisee of its liability to continue make the
payment of the license fee as stipulated in the Authorization Agreement.
o The Authorisee shall be responsible for all the income tax, statutory taxes, statutory
dues, local levies, Service tax, etc., to be paid to Government / Statutory bodies /
Authorities, etc., for the services rendered by it. There will be no tax liability upon
the SOUADTGA whatsoever on any account.
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
o The Authorisee indemnifies SOUADTGA from any claims that may arise from the
statutory authorities in connection with this License.
o The Authorisee should ensure enforcement of Applicable Laws including Labour
Laws, Minimum Wages Laws , etc., and at no point of time should the SOUADTGA
be drawn into litigation on these counts.
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
[Location, Date]
Chief Executive Officer,
Statue of Unity Area Development and Tourism Governance Authority
New Administrative Building, Ekta Nagar
Ta. Garudeshvar, Dist. Narmada – 393
151 Gujarat, India
Dear Sir,
1. We, the undersigned, offer to provide services for the captioned project in
accordance with your Request for Proposal dated [Date], and our Bid. We are
hereby submitting our Bid which includes this Technical Bid sealed under an
2. If a Bidder is nominated as a Selected Bidder, we understand that it is on the basis
of the technical, financial & organizational capabilities and experience of the Bidder
taken together. We understand that the basis for our qualification will be the
complete Bid documents submitted along with this letter and that any circumstance
affecting our continued eligibility as per RFP or any circumstance which would lead
or have led to our disqualification shall result in our disqualification under this
Bidding process.
3. We undertake, if our Bid is accepted, to complete the Project within the stipulated
4. We agree to abide by this Bid for a period of 180 (one hundred and eighty) days
from the Bid Due Date fixed for receiving the same and it shall remain binding upon
us and may be accepted at any time before the expiry of that period.
5. In the event of our Bid is accepted, we agree to enter into a formal Contractual
Agreement with the Authority, incorporating the conditions of the Bid including the
addendum, if issued. This Bid and the LOA/Work Order issued by the Authority in
lieu of its acceptance shall form part of the Agreement to be signed between the
Selected Bidder (the “Agency”) and the Authority.
6. We agree that if we fail to fulfil any of the conditions mentioned in the RFP (or any
subsequent modification/addendum/corrigendum), Authority has the right to forfeit
the Bid Security being furnished by us along with this Bid.
7. Notwithstanding any qualifications of conditions, whether implied or otherwise,
contained in our Bid we hereby represent and confirm that our Bid is unqualified
and unconditional in all respects.
8. We understand that Authority is not bound to accept any or all Bids it may receive.
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
*Bidders may choose not to furnish such details, only in case such information is
confidential in nature and cannot be disclosed. The same should be duly mentioned.
Yours sincerely,
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RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
Know all men by these presents, We, [name of organization and address of the
registered office] do hereby constitute, nominate, appoint and 82uthorize Mr. / Ms.
[name], son/ daughter/ wife of [name], and presently residing at [address], who is
presently employed with/ retained by us and holding the position of [designation] as
our true and lawful attorney (hereinafter referred to as the “Authorised
Representative”), with power to sub-delegate to any person, to do in our name and
on our behalf, all such acts, deeds and things as are necessary or required in
connection with or incidental to submission of our Bid for and selection as and Agency
for [name of Project], by the Authority including but not limited to signing and
submission of all applications, proposals and other documents and writings,
participating in pre-bid and other conferences and providing information / responses
to the Authority, representing us in all matters before the Authority, signing and
execution of all Agreement and undertakings consequent to acceptance of our bid
and generally dealing with the Authority in all matters in connection with or relating
to or arising out of our Bid for the said Project and / or upon award thereof to us until
the entering into of the Consultancy Agreement with the Authority.
AND, we do hereby agree to ratify and confirm all acts, deeds and things lawfully
done or caused to be done by our said Authorised Representative pursuant to and in
the exercise of the powers conferred by this Power of Attorney and that all acts, and
deeds and things done by our said Authorised Representative in the exercise of the
powers hereby conferred shall and shall always be deemed to have been done by
[Name and registered address of organization]
1. [Signature, name and address of witness]
2. [Signature, name and address of witness]
82 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
1. The mode of execution of the Power of Attorney should be in accordance with the
procedure, if any, laid down by the applicable law and the charter documents of
the executant(s) and when it is so required the same should be under seal affixed
in accordance with the required procedure.
2. Wherever required, the Bidder should submit for verification the extract of the
charter documents and other documents such as a resolution/power of attorney
in favour of the person executing this Power of Attorney for the delegation of
power hereunder on behalf of the Bidder.
3. For a Power of Attorney executed and issued overseas, the document will also
have to be legalised by the Indian Embassy and notarised in the jurisdiction where
the Power of Attorney is being issued.
83 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
Note: Bidders are required to provide data for the last three years ending 31st March 2020
/ 2021 and 2022. Bidders must fill in the exact figures towards the turnover and ensure the
details match online (shall be verified through UDIN). Audited Balance Sheets are also
required to be submitted for the same.
1. The Bidder shall submit audited annual reports (financial statements: balance sheets,
profit and loss account, notes to accounts etc.) in support of the financial data duly
certified by statutory auditor/s. In case, the company does not have a statutory
auditor/s, it shall be certified by the chartered accountant that ordinarily audits the
annual financials of the company.
2. The Document as furnished above shall be verified online through the UDIN and the
Balance Sheets. Bidders are advised to ensure that the details as per this form are
reproduced online accurately.
84 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
[Location, Date]
Chief Executive Officer,
Statue of Unity Area Development and Tourism Governance Authority
New Administrative Building, Ekta Nagar,
Ta. Garudeshvar, Dist.
Narmada – 393 151 Gujarat, India
With reference to this tender, I/We confirm the following:
1. Declaration for Not Blacklisted: I / We hereby confirm that our firm has not
been banned or blacklisted by any government organisation / Financial institution
/ Court / Public sector Unit / Central Government / State Government as of the
Bid Submission Date.
2. Indemnity Undertaking:
a) I / We on behalf of our firm, hereby agree and undertake that I / We have
understood all the rules, regulations, guidelines and procedures and all staff
Technical & Non-Technical working on behalf of our firm will abide by all the
rules, regulations, guidelines, and procedures.
b) I / We also declare that our firm will be responsible for any safety
violations/accidents etc. in providing services as per the conditions of the
Agreement. Authority will not be responsible in case of any accident/incident
and will not compensate financially or otherwise. I / we hereby declare that I
am / we are solely responsible on behalf of the firm for giving such declaration.
85 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
86 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
Project Fee
S. Name of the Completion Engagement (Annually)
No. Project Date Duration (exclusive of
S. No Aspect Details
1 Name of the Project
2 Name of Client
3 Start Date and End Date DD/MM/YYYY to DD/MM/YYYY
4 Project Type
Project Fee (exclusive of taxes) Total:
Average Annual:
Weather the project is covered in the Yes/No
electrical sector
Documentary Evidence being submitted Choose from
▪ Work order
7 ▪ Letter of Invitation / Award
▪ Agreement
▪ Completion Certificate
Note: Each project profile must be duly supported by documentary evidence from the
client side like Work Order, Agreement, and Completion Certificate for being considered
for marking. Projects without evidence may be rejected. Bidders are advised to highlight
relevant sections of the documentary evidence for quick reference of the Authority. Only
eligible projects (as per terms & conditions provided in RFP) shall be considered for
87 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
1. [name of the Bank] at the request of the Bidder, do hereby in terms of the RFP,
irrevocably, unconditionally and without reservation guarantee the due and faithful
fulfilment and compliance of the terms and conditions of the RFP by the said Bidder
and unconditionally and irrevocably undertake to pay forthwith to Authority an amount
of Rs. …………. (Rupees …………………… only) (hereinafter referred to as the
“Guarantee”) as our primary obligation without any demur, reservation, recourse,
contest or protest and without reference to the Bidder if the Bidder shall fail to fulfil or
comply with all or any of the terms and conditions contained in the said RFP.
2. Any such written demand made by the Authority stating that the Bidder is in default
of the due and faithful fulfilment and compliance with the terms and conditions
contained in the RFP shall be final, conclusive, and binding on the Bank.
3. We, the Bank, do hereby unconditionally undertake to pay the amounts due and
payable under this Guarantee without any demur, reservation, recourse, contest or
protest and without any reference to the Bidder or any other person and irrespective
of whether the claim of Authority is disputed by the Bidder or not, merely on the first
demand from Authority stating that the amount claimed is due to Authority by reason
of the failure of the Bidder to fulfil and comply with the terms and conditions contained
in the RFP including failure of the said Bidder to keep its Bid open during the Bid
validity period as set forth in the said RFP for any reason whatsoever. Any such
demand made on the Bank shall be conclusive as regards the amount due and
payable by the Bank under this Guarantee. However, our liability under this Guarantee
88 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
liable to pay the said amount or any part thereof only if the Utility serves a written claim
on the Bank in accordance with point 8 hereof,
13. This Guarantee will remain in force up to 180 (One hundred and eighty) days from the
Due Date (inclusive of the due date) for submission of the Bid, inclusive of a claim
period of 60 (sixty) days or for such extended period as may be mutually agreed
between Authority and the Bidder, and agreed to by the Bank, and shall continue to
be enforceable till all amounts under this Guarantee have been paid.
14. The jurisdiction in relation to this Guarantee shall be the Courts in Gujarat and Laws
in India shall be applicable.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Guarantor has executed this Guarantee on this _____ day
of _______________and year first herein above written.
90 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
Bidder(s) are required to quote the bid in (%) Percentage above or below in schedule B
after considering rate mentioned in Annexure-1 of tender (online only) on n procure.
Quoted amount by Bidder(s) will be for destination prices indicated in schedule B1 are
including material, labour, supervision, liaison, transportation -overheads of GST, TDS
& all applicable government taxes etc. for Annual Rate Contract for the said work under
the Jurisdiction of SoUADTGA , Ekta Nagar ,Gujarat
Payments will be made on the basis of progress percentage of Particular Work Order
as per the schedule of Work.
The quote percentage (%) above/below on n-procure in the schedule B (online only) will
be applicable for all items of Schedule B of tender.
91 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
Schedule- B
Sr Classification Design no. (as Design Description Rate in Rs. Unit
No. per Technical
1 Way finding Design no. 1a Shoulder Mounted Way 16,538.00 No
Signages Finder on Diamond Grade
retro- reflective sheeting
size – 4’ x 3’
Design no. 1b Shoulder Mounted Way 11,200.00 No
Finder on Diamond Grade
reflective sheeting size – 3’
x 3’
Design no. 1c Shoulder Mounted Way 14,600.00 No
Finder on High Intensive
Prismatic (HIP) Grade retro-
reflective sheeting size – 4’
x 3’
Design no. 1d Shoulder Mounted Way 11,200.00 No
Finder on High Intensive
Prismatic (HIP) Grade retro-
reflective sheeting size – 3’
x 3’
Design no. 1e Overhead/Hanging Way 14,100.00 No
finder Reflective Sheeting
Series 3930 Signage size –
2387.6mm x 375mm
Design no. 1f Way finding Signages as 1,080.00 Sqft
per instruction of
SOUADTGA (Rate in Sqft)
2 Name Plate Design no. 2a Name plate Signage with 3,186.00 No
Signages SS Etching Plate
Incumbency chart with 3,950.00 No
Wooden Plate
Design no. 2b 54 inches (height) x 36
inches (width)(customize
designee will be provide by
18 mm waterproof standard
wooden sheet (customize
designee will be provide by
3 Road Side/ Design no. 3a Shoulder Mounted Road / 32,130.00 No
Highway/ Highway signage on
Destination Diamond grade retro-
signages Retro reflective sheeting (Single
reflective side), Size – 8’ x 4’
92 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
93 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
94 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
(Per sq. ft.)
Design no. HIP grade retro-reflective 2,100.00 Sqft
3W sheeting (Double side) on
already existing structure
(Per sq. ft.)
Solvent Printing)
NOTE: - (1) Bidder(s) are required to quote the bid in (%) Percentage above or
below in schedule B after considering rate mentioned in Schedule B1
of tender (online only) on n procure
(2) All frames for the structure should be coloured (i.e. primer & two coat
of oil paint should be done by bidder before providing of site.)
98 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
The following documents constitute the qualification criteria for this work. Soft (Scanned)
copies of all original documents shall be submitted online. In case, the original document
is not available, a notarized copy shall be submitted. In such cases, notarized documents
should clearly display stamps, numbers, and the name of the notary. Submitted
documents shall be valid and identical to the qualification criteria. Please note that the
absence of the following essential documents shall lead to the bidder to straight
disqualification. No relaxation shall be provided to the bidder at a later stage. All
Documents must be coloured scanned to be seen as original. Scanning in black and
White or grey shall not be acceptable.
Please note that submission of all listed documents is mandatory, else the bidder may
be liable for rejection and no communication shall be entertained thereof.
99 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
(To be submitted on a Non-judicial Stamp Paper of Minimum value of INR 100/-)
Name of Work: Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design,
Prepare and Install Creative Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
1. I, the undersigned, do, hereby, certify that all the statements made in the required
attachments are true and correct. I also understand that in case of wrongful/false
information, SOUADTGA is entitled to take any civil & criminal punitive actions against
2. The undersigned also, hereby, certifies that neither our firm M/s.____ nor any of its
constituent partners have abandoned any work in India nor has any contract awarded
to us has to be rescinded during the last five years, prior to the date of this bid.
3. The undersigned, hereby, authorize(s) and request(s) any bank, person, authorities,
government or public limited institutions, firm, or corporation to furnish pertinent
information deemed necessary and requested by the SoUADTGA to verify our
statements or our competence and general reputation etc.
4. The undersigned understands and agrees that further qualifying information may be
requested and agrees to furnish any such information at the request of the
5. The SoUADTGA and its authorized representatives are hereby authorized to conduct
any inquiries or investigations to verify the statements, documents and information
submitted in connection with this bid and to seek clarification from our bankers and
clients regarding any financial and technical aspects. This affidavit will also serve as
authorization to any individual or authorized representative to any institution referred
to in the supporting information, to provide such information deemed necessary and
requested by a representative of SoUADTGA to verify statements and information
provided in the tender or with regard to the resources experience and competence of
the applicant.
Title of Officer
Name of Firm
Note: To be given on non-judicial stamp paper of minimum of INR 100/- duly signed and
attested by an authorized notary & to be submitted online as well as in hardcopy.
100 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
All the eligible banks are instructed to collect the original documents/ papers of
guarantee from the concerned tendering authority.
GR can be downloaded from the following link:
101 | P a g e
RFP for the Selection of Agency on a Running Rate Contract (RRC) basis to Design, Prepare and Install Creative
Signages for tourist circuit route of Ektanagar, Gujarat
All queries by the bidders for the pre-bid need to be addressed in the below attached
S. No. Clause No. & Page Clause as per RFP Recommendation/ Queries
No. of the Bidder
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