Western Astrology
2 Timing Cupid ‐ From A Researcher's Diary Ron Bippus, Canada 19
3 12 Signs In 2009 Tricia, UK 32
4 7 degree of Aquarius/Leo Axis & Other Thoughts Michele Adler, USA 45
5 The Lunar Nodes on the Solar Markers Adam Gainsburg, USA 54
6 Transits and Switchphrases Kat Miller, USA 60
7 Historia de la Astrología – History of Astrology Alejandro Christian Luna, 69
(Spanish) Argentina
8 Active Astrology – 1 Ciro Discepolo, Italy 76
9 Greek Medicine & Astrology ‐1 & 2 David Osborn, USA 80
10 Great Depression Or Not Robert Gover, USA 87
11 The Great Depression & Now Robert Gover, USA 90
12 The Power Of Image In Astrology Grazia Mirti, Italy 95
13 Deklinacije – Declinations (Croatian) Lorin Cerina, Croatia 101
14 New Horary System Revealed Paul Langeveld, Netherlands 118
15 Astrology For Beginners ‐1 Holly Hall, USA 121
16 Bible & Astrology ‐1 Jay Weiss, Sweden 127
17 Moon Venus Conjunction 27th Feb 2009 Dr Tony Phillips, USA 136
Indian Astrology
18 Subscription SA 138
19 Combinations For Successful Astrologers N Sundara Rajan, India 139
20 The Astrology Of Astrologers Terri McCartney, USA 153
21 Guru Nadi ‐1 Chandrashekhar Sharma, India 161
22 Saptarishis Nadi ‐ Gemini Asc ‐ Chart 2 Yenbeeyes, India 168
23 Comet Lulin's Gives Green Light To Earth Margaret George, U.K 177
24 Rare Octuplets Krishnamurthy S, India 182
25 Birth Time Rectification‐ An Innovative Approach Krishnamurthy S, India 185
26 Exaltation & Debilitation ‐Astronomically 1 V.P.Jain, India 202
27 Chandrat Nakshatra Bindu ‐ 1 Paresh Desai, India 208
28 Dnyaneshwari ‐ Chapter 3 V.V.Shirvaikar, USA 211
29 The Mystic Red Book Rabinder Nath Bhandhari, India 217
30 New Light On Jaimini Astrology – Part 2 Madhura Krishnamurthi Sastri, India 224
31 The Best Kept Secret of Pukhraj Alok Jagawat, India 232
32 Mrigasira Nak Padas In Ravana Samhita S.C.Kursija, India 236
33 Bhrighu Saral Paddathi – 3 & 4 Saptarishis Astrology 251
34 The Original Teachings of Yoga: From Patanjali Back to Vamadeva Shastri 261
Hiranyagarbha (David Frawley), USA
35 Kumaraswamiyam ‐3 Viswalingam Padmanabhan, India 266
36 Diseases (Malayalam ) Mohan Das, India 273
37 Sukar Nadi ‐ 4 Saptarishis Astrology Team 277
38 Gripping Of Planets By The Nodes ‐ 3 Babubhai Yodh & B.D.Vaghela, India 292
39 Tingling Of Body Parts Raghavendra Rao, India 300
40 Future Prediction From Palmistry T.Stokes, U.K 304
41 House In Hand T.Stokes, U.K 307
42 Sri Sri Tadepalli Shastry Garu ‐2 Shreeram Balijepalli, Canada 310
43 Gangadhar Dasa U.K.Jha, India 314
44 True Jaimini Navamsa Revealed ‐ 1 (South Indian charts) Shanmukha, India 337
45 True Jaimini Navamsa Revealed ‐ 1 (North Indian charts) Shanmukha, India 352
46 Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster Vic Di Cara, USA 367
47 Rudra’s Army Attacks Mumbai Robert Koch, USA 376
48 Horoscope‐ Male or Female? Yenbeeyes, India 394
49 Kala Chakra Dasa – A Critical Review Shakti Mohan Singh, India 408
50 10th House ‐ Paradox Of Laghu Parasari Ashok Upadhaya, India 416
51 Saptarishis Gurukul SA 418
Annual Subscription Figures
Sr. Date Particulars Location In $ USD
Total 304
Pay Pal Deduction (2.4% to 3.4% +
0.30 $ on each transaction) 18.84
Annual Final Total ‐ $ USD $285.16
Annual Final Total ‐ INR Rs 13,395 /‐
Combinations For
Successful Astrologers
N. Sundara Rajan, India.
[Publisher: This article first appeared in Oct
1967 in the Astrological Magazine and for a
year fan mails were published by Dr Raman
in response to this article. Finally Dr Raman
was forced to publish a letter stating that he
will no longer publish the fan mails as it
was more than a year than the articles
publication. Kindly note the author uses his
own ayanamsa, also for recent studies one
can study Terri McCartney’s article titled
‘The Astrology for Astrologers’ in this
18 rules which I list below and place before the enlightened readers. Also I have
appended in illustration horoscopes of seven of the worlds eminent and leading
astronomers and astrologers of the last century.
Rule A: Jataka Parijata (Ch.15, Shl.47) while describing the effects of the 10th Bhava and
various professions from the 10th Bhava says, ‘If the lord of the 10th house occupies the
Navamsa of Mercury, the native will make his livelihood by astrology and allied Shastras.’
Rule B: Varaha Mihira, in his famous Brihat Jataka (Ch.18, Sh.2) says, ‘If the Sun is in
Gemini, the native will be an astrologer.’
Rule C: Again in Ch.19, Sh.2, he says ‘If the Moon is in Leo is aspected by Mercury, the
native will be an astrologer.’
Rule D: Again in Ch.17, Sh.4, while describing the effects of the Moon in various houses,
Varahamihira says: ‘The native with the Moon in Cancer will have knowledge of astrology.’
Mantreswara, in Phaladeepika (Ch.5, Sh.5), says: ‘If the lord of the 10th house occupies
the house of Mercury, the native will earn his livelihood through knowledge of the planets.’
Rule E: Kiranur Nataraja, in his Tamil astrological treatise Jatakalankara while describing the
effects for natives born under four quarters (padas) of the 27 asterisms says: ‘A person born
with the Moon in the 3rd and 4th quarters of Aswini will be fond of astrology.’
Rule F: He again says: ‘A person with the Moon in the 3rd quarter of Rohini will be versed in
mantras and astrological mathematics.’
Rule G: Kiranur Nataraja again says that one who is born with the Moon in first quarter of
Visaka will be an astrologer. He also, like Varaha Mihira, says that if the Moon is in Leo
aspected by Mercury, the native will be a talented astrologer.
Rule H: He further states while dealing with the 2nd Bhava and its effects: ‘The native in
whose natal chart Mercury is in a Kendra, the lord of the 2nd Bhava is in exaltation, Venus is
in a common (dual) sign, benefics in the 3rd Bhava and Venus in exaltation – this native will
be an expert in astrology.’
Rule I: Sage Garga, in his Hora Sastra, describing the effects of Tri‐Graha‐Yogas
(combinations of three planets) in the 5th Bhava, says: ‘A man who has got the Moon, Venus
and Saturn in the 5th will have knowledge of Jyotisha.’
Rule J: Illustrious Satyacharya, in his Satyacharyam, says: ‘If the lord of the ascendant is in
the 5th Bhava in a benefic sign, amsa or asterism, the native attains the siddhi of a particular
God or Deity associated with that benefic and becomes a friend of powerful persons in
Rule K: Also ‘Lagna Lord in the 3rd makes one famous in Jyotisha.’
Rule L: Again Satyacharya says: ‘If the lord of the 5th is in the 2nd Bhava
with a benefic yoga, the native will be an astrologer and his predictions
will come true. Further the native will enjoy wealth through Divine Favor.’ Again, while
describing various professions from the 10th Bhava, he says that Mercury makes one earn his
livelihood through the profession of astrology.
Rule M: Another famous Tamil astrological treatise Veemakavi, based on a system similar to
that of the Nadis, states thus: ‘If the lord of the 4th house is a malefic and is placed in a trine;
if the lords of 2nd, 8th and 12th and Mercury join together or if Jupiter joins them, the native
will be a scholar and an astrologer.’
Rule N: It is however another famous Tamil astrological classic, Jataka Choodamani, that lys
down four sets of distinct combinations which go to make an expert astrologer.
Combination 1: ‘If no malefics are placed in kendras from the Sun, and if Venus is in
exaltation in the 2nd house with Mercury, the native will be a scholar and an expert
astrologer and of charitable disposition.’
Combination 2 (Rule O): ‘If the lord of the 2nd is in a kendra associated with or aspected by
Mercury and Jupiter from his own house aspects and the full Moon is in conjunction with
Saturn, he will be a talented astrologer.’
Combination 3 (Rule P): ‘If Jupiter is in a kendra or trikona and the lord of the ascendant is
in exaltation and in conjunction with the lord of the 2nd or with Mercury, the native will be
an astrologer and will write treatises on astrology.’
Combination 4 (Rule Q): ‘If the lord of the 2nd is the Sun or Mars and is aspected by Jupiter
or Venus, the native will be well‐versed in Jyotisha; if the lord of the 2nd is Jupiter or Venus
and is in exaltation and aspected by the Sun or Mars, he will recite the Vedas or holy
scriptures and compose them.’
Rule R: Jambunadeeyam, the famous treatise by Sage Jambunada, says: ‘If Mercury is in
swakshetra in Kanya (Virgo), the native will be a poet and an astrologer.’
From, the above, it is clear that all the treatises on astrology stress the importance of
Mercury primarily and only next in importance come the Moon, Venus and Jupiter and to a
lesser extent, the Sun. If this one planet Mercury is well placed and very strong (by
Shadvarga, shadbala, etc) he is capable of making one an eminent and outstanding scholar in
astrology. Not only that, he makes the native versatile and a scholar in many subjects,
mostly spiritual. This is said not to play down the significance of other planets, but just to
impress on the readers how this single planet, by himself, is quite capable of bestowing on
the native astrological caliber of a high order. But usually in practice, it is found that
Mercury receives help from the other planets by association, aspect, etc. In the Bhava
Karakatwa for success in astrology, all the texts lay stress on the 2nd Bhava and some stress
the importance of the 5th Bhava while Satyacharyam and Veemakavi (Rule K and Rule M)
refer to the 3rd and the 4th Bhavas in addition. Therefore it is seen that the requisites for a
successful and eminent astrologer are: 1) the full strength (by shadvarga,
shadbala etc) of Mercury; 2) the strength of the 2nd and 5th Bhavas and
their lords, occupants, etc; and 3) the interrelation of these two factors to
other planets and Bhavas in the nativity.
The success, eminence and accuracy of an astrologer will vary according to the
percentage of the sum‐ total of the above factors. In addition to the above, the Shastras
impose on the astrologer certain spiritual duties. They require him to be a religious, sincere,
truthful and honest person. It is needless to say though many persons may possess
knowledge of astrology and some may even be adepts in reciting in whole or part the classics
on astrology, yet they may not make the grade in point of accuracy of predictions, due to
deficiency of any one of the above factors. An analysis of the charts of some of the world’s
most famous and successful astrologers confirms the above conclusions. The first four are
the charts of the world’s most famous astrologers: Cheiro, Prof B. Suryanarain Rao, Prof B
V Raman and the late Madras scholar Prof C G Rajan, who was my preceptor. The fifth is
the horoscope of an eminent Indian astronomer who is very well known in India and abroad
and who has a number of publications and ephemerides to his credit. In deference to his
wishes, I am not mentioning his name. The sixth is the horoscope of a very successful
Madras astrologer, famed in India and some Far Eastern countries. Last but not least, is the
chart of an erstwhile Office Superintendent of mine, who shunned publicity and who was an
amateur, but who in my humble opinion, should be ranked among the world’s foremost
astrologers for accuracy of predictions and mastery of the classical texts.
Now let me take Chart no.1, that of the late Count Louis Hamon, popularly known as
Cheiro (chart taken from Page 391 of The Astrological Magazine, April 1967 and modified by
me for Ayanamsa 22° 59'.)
The birth star is in the 3rd quarter of Magha nakshatra ruled by Ketu. In Bhava, Jupiter
comes to the 2nd, Ketu to the 4th, Mars to the 8th, the Moon to the 9 th and Rahu to the 10th
Rule E applies to this chart, since Makha is the Anujanma star of Aswini. Jupiter and
Mars are both debilitated but obtain Neechabhanga due to the Moon being in the 10th from
lagna. Both are Vargottama and hence very strong. Also note that these two planets
exchange aspects being lords of the 2nd and the Ascendant. Mercury and Venus are in lagna
kendra (1st house) and Venus is exalted in Navamsa in the 2nd from Navamsa Lagna. Rule H
of Kiranur Nataraja aptly applies to this chart and no doubt Cheiro proved to be an expert in
this art. Satyacharyas Rule L applies to the letter and it is known throughout the world that
Cheiro’s predictions came true with unerring accuracy. When Cheiro was in New York,
press reporters showed him the hand‐prints of a Dr. Meyer who was at that time arrested on
a charge of murdering a rich widow after insuring her in his favor. Cheiro was not told
about the identity of the doctor, but after an examination of the palm‐prints, he told the
reporters that the print was that of a man who had started his career normally but who
became a pervert later. Cheiro went on in his own uncanny way. This man will be arrested
and there would be a sensational trial. He will be sentenced to death, but at the last minute
he will escape the chair.’
There was a sensational trial as predicted by Cheiro, the court‐room was packed and
the culprit was finally sentenced to die in the electric chair. The man had read about Cheiros
predictions and he wanted to have an interview with him. An interview was arranged by the
reporters and when Cheiro met him, the convict got hold of both his hands and begged him
to say if he would live.
Cheiro examined his hands and said he would live as there was no break in the Life‐
Line. The murderer filed an appeal to the Federal Court which was turned down. The day of
execution came and he was ordered to be executed at midnight. Cheiro was restless and
when midnight approached, Cheiro writes, he was parting his hair and pacing up and down
the room. He was worried for the life of the culprit and his reputation was at stake, since his
prediction had not come off. The clock struck twelve and Cheiro heard
the paper‐boy shout in the street below, ‘Dr. Meyer escapes chair –
Supreme Court finds flaw in indictment’ and ‘Sentence reduced to
Life’. Cheiro has to his credit a number of such hair raising predictions.
Cheiro has written in one of his books that he owes all his success to a
Hindu saint whom he met in the Himalayas. The saint, according to
Cheiro, took him to his hermitage and kept him for one month where he taught him the
laws of palm reading. Then while bidding him farewell the saint told him ‘Go forth to the
world and give predictions. Henceforth you will be world‐famous.’ Just before his death
which he had predicted to the hour, Cheiro told his attendants: ‘The mystery of Life, why
we came here, where we are going, the secrets and answers to all these questions lies in the
Orient, in the Far‐East, in India, the land of the Hindus.’
blessings in full measure which accounted for his success in astrology. I remember to have
read in one of his books that Prof. Rao’s father when he was childless had a dream one night
when the Sun‐God appeared and blessed him with a child, as a result of which he was named
after the Sun. Mercury and Jupiter are in Kendra from the Lagna in Rasi while Jupiter
occupies Lagna in Amsa and Mercury is in trine. These made Prof. Rao a great and prolific
writer and he wrote many books not only on astrology but also on other subjects. Jupiter is
strong by position, etc, which accounts for his versatility in Mantra Shastra also. Saturn in
the 2nd aspected by Venus from the 8th Bhava gave Prof Rao success in his predictions to an
amazing degree and Rahu in the 11th from the 2nd evoked for him appreciation even from the
Britishers and other Westerners. The relative strength of Jupiter over that of Mercury made
Prof. Rao an expert in the predictive aspect of astrology to the detriment of the
mathematical part which was left for his famous grandson to take over and elaborate on.
That takes us to Chart No 3, that of our beloved Late Prof B.V.Raman. I reproduce the
chart given in the Astrological Self Instructor with modifications for Ayanamsa 22° 38'
Rule C of Varaha Mihira applies aptly to this chart since the Moon is in Leo Navamsa
is associated with Mercury. Rule H of Kiranur Nataraja also applies since Mercury is in a
Kendra and Venus is in exaltation and in a common sign in Navamsa. Rule N of Jataka
Choodamani also applies to Prof Ramans chart if the 2nd house is interpreted as 2nd house from
the Sun. Rahu’s position in the 2nd and aspect of the lord of that house Jupiter from a Kendra
have made Prof Ramans predictions remarkably true. Jupiter and Mercury occupying
Kendras in Rasi, while in Navamsa they occupy a Kendra and Trikona respectively have
made Prof Raman publisher, author, editor and journalist. Incidentally it may be stated that
the inter‐aspects and associations in Rasi and Navamsa between Saturn, Jupiter and Mars
would have made Prof Raman an equally eminent lawyer or surgeon had he taken to those
studies. Actually Prof Raman has written a book on Ayurveda, the Hindu system of
medicine. Prof Ramans success in astrology is too well known and to dwell on it too long is
like carrying lignite to Neyveli.
Rule D of Varaha Mihira applies to this chart. Not only the Moon is in Cancer but is
associated with Mercury the Karaka in the 9th Bhava. Also the Moon occupies the asterism
of Mercury. The Sun is in Gemini satisfying Rule B of Varaha Mihira. Rule J of
Satyacharya also applies very aptly. Rule M of Veemakavi is partly fulfilled by association of
lords of the 2nd and the 12th in Kendra from Lagna. The predominant strength of Mercury has
accounted for his eminence as a mathematician and astronomer of the first order. Also since
Mercury has lordship over the Tamil language, Mr. Rajan published more than 30 books on
astrology in easy flowing and lucid Tamil and some books in English. His works include
translations of some famous Sanskrit astrological texts like Brihat Jataka, Jambunadeeyam ,
Naradeeyam etc. In his Tamil work Jataka Ganitham he has dealt with the complete
mathematical part of astrology in such a simple style that even a layman who does not know
much of arithmetic beyond addition, subtraction, etc can master the subject. And he has not
deviated from Sripathi’s Jatakarma Paddahati. For the more advanced research student in
astronomy and astrology, his book Raja Jyothida Ganitham, from which one can calculate the
longitudes and latitudes of the planets for any epoch from 3200 B.C to 3100 A.D (about 6000
years) is a masterpiece. He has rendered colossal service to the cause of astrology and also to
the Tamil speaking public by publishing hitherto secret works in astrology. On the
predictive side I can personally vouch from a number of letters from natives in the country
and abroad, for the accuracy of his predictions. In addition to being an astronomer‐
astrologer‐author, Mr. Rajan held some distinguished Government appointments like
Tahsildar, Taluq Magistrate, Co‐Editor of Government Panchangas and translations of
Saptarishi Nadi published by the Madras Government. Scorpio, the ascendant, is a mystic
sign and being the house of Mars, gave him indefatigable energy and until his last breath, he
continued his research in astrology. All the planets except Saturn and Rahu‐Ketu‐the
shadowy planets‐ are endowed with full strength by varga, aspect, etc.. and among them
Mercury gains maximum strength which has accounted for his phenomenal success as an
Publisher: Few months back Mr Karthikeyan from Australia with the assistance of Mr Rahul Vedi,
Australia and a team member of Saptarishis Astrology had translated for SA one chapter of Jataka
Jambunaadeyam of Sage Jambunada, it would be published in subsequent issues.
Chart No.5 is that of a famous Indian astronomer, who has a number of ephemerides
and other astronomical publications to his credit.
The Moon occupies Aswini 4th quarter satisfying Rule E of Kiranur Nataraja. He is a
scholar in both Hindu and modern astronomy and well versed in Sanskrit. His ephemerides
are famous for their accuracy and he is the author of several astronomical publications which
are used by most Indian astrologers and even by some foreigners. But surprisingly enough,
as he himself confessed to me, he does not know much of astrology beyond the bare
fundamentals. Or rather, he did not take an interest in it. This is a very peculiar thing, as
ordinarily all successful astrologers right from Varaha Mihira down to B V Raman are good
astronomers also. For an astronomer, astrology is swimming to a fish, something automatic
and natural. In my humble opinion, the reasons for a lack of interest in astrology in the
native of this chart are as follow: astrology, in its purest form, has more spiritual roots and it
is Shastraic in its origin. Unless a person has got a Shastraic outlook and a flair for
spirituality, he is not likely to be interested in Jyotisha. Jupiter, Karaka for knowledge of the
Shastras and Venus are both affected in this chart considerably while Mercury is very strong
by association, aspect, etc and is exalted. The imbalance between the strengths of Jupiter and
Mercury relatively, in my opinion makes a native concentrate on either astrology or
astronomy exclusively, according s Jupiter or Mercury (relatively) gains predominance over
the other. In Prof. Suryanarain Raos chart, we have seen how Jupiter was considerably
stronger than Mercury, leading to a dominance of the astrological side over that of the
mathematical. In the present chart the process is reversed with the predominance of
Mercury over Jupiter leading to a neglect of astrology. This is confirmed by the fact that
Jupiter and Venus occupy the asterisms of Rahu and Saturn respectively. The ambition in
life of the native is to achieve unanimity in the different systems adopted by the Hindu
Panchanga makers. He looks forward to the day when a single ayanamsa will be adopted by
the entire community of Hindu astrologers and Panchanga makers. I personally feel he will
achieve success in his noble ambition, thanks to the strength of the Ascendant lord and the
Moon (karaka for ambition).
Chart 6 is that of a famous Madras Astrologer. In this chart peculiarly none of the given
astrological rules apply to the Rasi chart. However Rules A and Q apply to the Navamsa.
The association of Mercury, Jupiter and the Moon with the lord of the 2nd in the 11th (in Rasi
chart) and lord of the 5th (intuition) in the ascendant and the 5th occupied by Mokshakaraka
Ketu and aspected by Mercury, Jupiter and the Moon from the 11th have made the native an
extraordinarily capable and talented astrologer. Note that almost all planets occupy the two
houses, the 11th and the 12th. The native is well versed in ancient Shastras and an adept in
Tantra and Mantra Shastras.
He is noted for remedial measures and preparation of Talismans and Kavachas according to
Shastras. I think Saturn who occupies the asterism of Ketu and who is in the 11th being lord
of the Ascendant and the 2nd house with Ketu in the 5th accounts for the natives
specialization in the occult and mystic side of astrology.
In passing, I may state here that I agree fully with the views expressed in the April
1967 issue of The Astrological Magazine by Mr. Buel D Huggins that Kethu in the 5th
bestows on the native psychic abilities and extra‐sensory perception. Incidentally it may be
observed that in Charts No 1 to 3, Ketu is in the 5th Bhava from either the Ascendant or the
Moon while in Chart No 4, Rahu is in the 5th from the Ascendant in Rasi and Ketu in the 5th
from the Moon in Navamsa. In Chart No.6 Ketu is in the 5th from the Ascendant and in
Chart No.7, Ketu is in the 5th from the Moon. Thus Mr Huggins findings are confirmed in 6
out of 7 horoscopes discussed herein. I may be permitted to add here one more function of
Ketu in the 5th assigned in the ancient Hindu treatises: Ketu destroys issues or children
either wholly or partly in the 5th and the Shastras attribute this to serpents curse. This
assignment of Ketu is fulfilled amply in all the six charts mentioned above where he is in the
5th. The Hindu Hatha Yoga Shastras describe that the Kundalini Shakti or Serpent Power in
man, if developed fully, leads on to attainment of super human powers or Siddhis, of which
E.S.P is one. Thus while the serpent power represented by Ketu bestows on the native the
power of extra sensory perception or occult and mystic gifts of intuition, it is destructive to
the 5th Bhava in so far as it relates to issues or children. Perhaps destiny compensates for the
efficiency in one sphere of activity by deficiency in another!
Chart No 7 is that of an erstwhile Office Superintendent of mine, who had the power
of E.S.P developed well and whose psychic capabilities were remarkable.
Publisher: It has been observed that this 5th house ketu might be working on Ketu in the 5th from
Arudha Lagna (AL) too. As this publisher has in his possession a chart where the said native has
displayed minor stunning predictive abilities like twice on blind charts he predicted the name of chart
holder and at times gets intuition that in 5 minutes so and so person will call up, it happens multiple
times in a day and it has been happening since 2001. Let us test this further please.
The native, in addition, was a Devi‐Upasaka (a devotee of the Goddess). This man who
shunned publicity out of modesty, was an amateur and, therefore, was not very widely
known to the outside world; nevertheless, in my humble opinion, deserves to be ranked
among the foremost of astrologers. He had mastered all the classical texts on astrology and
when you had a doubt and asked him, he would come out with the appropriate shloka from
such diverse and varied authorities as Jataka Chandrika, Brihat Jataka, Uttara Kalamrita or
Phaladeepika, followed by his inimitable definition and explanation which could do credit to
an ancient commentator like Bhattotpala. His achievements will speak for themselves and I
was myself witness to some of his outstanding and uncanny predictions.
The day was 23rd October 1962; just three days after the Chinese staged a massive
aggression on the NEFA border. Day by day the military situation became serious, with
newspapers carrying big headlines of the advances of the enemy and the reverses of our
troops. In Parliament there was a big uproar which was echoed in the Congress Working
Committee. News came that the Chinese had crossed the Sela Pass and were on the
threshold of the plains of Assam. There were demands for the resignation of the Defense
Minister. It was 10 a.m. on the 23rd. Myself and my colleagues were sitting opposite to the
Superintendent in the office. Naturally as any other patriotic Indian, we were worried over
the outcome of the war.
I can still vividly picture him sitting performed Lalita Sahasranama without fail.
there, with his forehead bedecked with lines Perhaps that accounts for my success.’
of the sacred Vibhuti with a spot of Kum‐ In his chart (chart no.7) there are
Kum in the centre. some good yogas for an astrologer of gift and
We asked him: ‘Sir, what in your intuition. First, Saraswathi Yoga is present
opinion, will be the outcome of the war?’ since Mercury and Jupiter are in Kendras
He casually threw a file in an and Venus is in the 2nd and Jupiter occupies
outgoing tray and pat came his reply: ‘Don’t his own house. Also Hamsa Yoga and Sasa
worry. There will be a cease fire in another Yoga are present. Rule J of Satyacharya
four weeks.’ applies, and as I have already explained, the
We took it lightly, for at that time native is a Devi‐Upasaka. The Moon,
nobody could even imagine that such a thing though debilitated in Rasi, obtains
was feasible. And we all received a pleasant Neechabhanga. Rule M of Veemakavi also
shock, when, exactly in four weeks, on the applies. Rule O of Jataka Choodamani applies
21st November 1962, the Chinese announced a partly except for the conjunction of the
cease‐fire and the war came to an end. Moon with Saturn, Rule Q of the same text
On another occasion, my marriage applies to the letter. Note Ketu is in the 5th
negotiations were taking place and the from the Ascendant aspected by Jupiter. In
bride’s party had only the previous night addition to being a gifted astrologer, he was
visited us and after talks, left our house late a great orator and he enchanted his audience
in the night. The next morning at 10 a.m. I with his fluency and was listened to with
attended the office as usual. The rapt attention and respect. When he spoke in
negotiations of the previous night were a lighter vein his speech was replete with
known only to the members of our family alliteration and similes. At other times he
and to the bride’s family. There was no used his tongue as a weapon with bitter
chance by any stretch of imagination of this sarcasm and felled many a powerful
man knowing the information, since he lived opponent. Note Venus is in the 2nd in the
in a place some 25 miles away, and none of house of an enemy and also associated in
us could possibly leak out the information in Navamsa with the Sun and Ketu in the 2nd.
such a short time and even if it had leaked In all the above illustrations, I have
out, it could not have reached him overnight, carefully selected, after much time and
especially since none of the group except energy, the horoscopes of some of the
myself was known to him. Yet, as soon as I world’s most outstanding astrologers; and
sat opposite to him the next morning, he with equal care, I have selected and culled
said cheerfully: ‘My Dear Sundara Rajan, out from ancient astrological texts, the rules
you have got the marriage expression in your which deal with success in astrology. It may
face. Negotiations for your marriage are be seen that one or more of the rules apply to
under way and you will get married in two all the horoscopes under reference. From
months.’ Believe me, the marriage was these it appears to my humble self, that
settled exactly in two moths and he attended success in astrology, as in any other walk of
and blessed me. life, is pre‐destined and determined
Instances such as this are numerous according to one’s Poorvapunya (the good
and for want of space I have given only two. deeds of the past birth) and is reflected in the
He used to tell us, in a mystic tone: ‘For natal horoscope of the person.
twenty‐five years now, my friends, on every
Tuesday I have performed Subramanya
Sahasranama and on every Friday I have
The Astrology of
Terri McCartney, USA.
The Vedic AstroSignature
• 38% had the Sun in Scorpio, Sagittarius or Capricorn and these placements were
found in the astrologers charts twice as often as they were found in the control group.
• Sun, Moon or Mercury was found in a fixed house for 70% of astrologers and Venus,
Mars, Jupiter or Saturn were placed in an air house for 71%.
• Sixty‐three percent of the astrologers had the ruler of the eleventh house direct.
• None of the astrologers tested had a mutual reception between Sun and Uranus.
• Pluto, Chiron or the North Node was placed in one of the Gauquelin power zones in
• Uranus was found aspecting the vertex in the control group more often than it was
found aspecting the vertex in the astrologers’ horoscopes.
• Nothing was found in 100% of the astrologers’ charts.
AstroDatabank’s release 4.0 with its factor analysis module was used to develop an
AstroSignature for Astrologers from the Vedic perspective. The chart dynamics of an
experimental group of 100 professional astrologers (the same group of astrologers used to
develop the Western signature) were compared those of a control group of 1000 generated by
the AstroDatabank software. Included in the signature are only those factors found in at
least 20% of the experimental group and demonstrating a positive difference frequency of
50% or greater when compared to the control group.
After developing the signature for astrologers from the Western perspective
( using the tropical
zodiac, I felt it would be informative to develop a signature from the Vedic perspective using
the sidereal zodiac. I was curious if one would work better than the other.
A literature review of Vedic texts was conducted to identify what has been asserted to be
found in astrologers’ charts. For the most part however, this might be termed assumption
less research. I allowed the factor analysis reports to tell me what was found with
significantly greater frequency in the charts of the astrologers as compared to the charts of
the control group. It was the astrological factors that showed up in the charts of at least 20%
of the astrologers and at frequencies 50% or greater than they were found in the control
group that were included in Vedic signature for astrologers presented here.
Following is a list of the factors evaluated for this project using the AstroDatabank 4.0
• Moon through Saturn, Ascendant, MC, house rulers and planetary dispositors in signs
and houses.
• Moon through Saturn, Ascendant, MC, House rulers and planetary dispositors in
their placements by degree.
• Benefics and malefics by house placement and rulership.
• Placements in friendly, neutral or enemy signs.
• The Vedic full and special aspects.1
• Placements in the lunar mansions or nakshatras.
• Essential and accidental dignities.
The source of the data used in this project was supplied by AstroDatabank. Its release 4.0
contains the birth data for 2222 astrologers with a Rodden rating of “A” or above. From this
group, 100 astrologers were hand selected for this research project. The astrologers selected
have either contributed to the general advancement of astrology in some manner and/or
make their living practicing astrology. Therefore, the experimental group for this study is
composed of 100 successful astrological authors, organizational leaders, teachers, lecturers
and/or consultants.
A control group of 1000 records was created using AstroDatabank’s control group generator.
While the control group generated by AstroDatabank does not represent birth charts of real
people (and therefore might generate a chart perfect for an aspiring astrologer), the greatest
advantage of this control group is it helps us quickly identify what astrological factors occur
more frequently than by chance in the charts of astrologers as compared to a group of charts
ten times greater than the number of records in the experimental group. In creating the
control group, the year, time and place were replicated while shuffling the data
The sidereal zodiac, Lahiri ayanamsa and the whole house system were used to calculate
each horoscope.
The factor analysis feature in AstroDatabank 4.0 was used to assist identification of the
significant single factors that could be combined to build one multifactor AstroSignature
rule. Those signature rules that included factors found in at least 20 % of the astrologers’
charts and at frequencies 25% or greater than they were found in the control group were
included in the AstroSignature.
I reviewed Vedic texts to identify some of the yogas asserted to be found in the natal charts
of astrologers. In essence, the yogas are analogous to the AstroSignature because both refer
to specific chart dynamics that define specific orientations or conditions—such as the
inclination to earn a living as an astrologer. Additionally, Juliana Swanson, an astrologer in
Massachusetts, was kind enough to email me some unique yogas asserted by Vinay Aditya
in his book, Dots of Destiny: Applications of Ashtakavarga . Vedic astrologers use several
different systems to determine planetary and/or house strength because it is a critical
consideration in chart delineation. Ashtakavarga is one such system that evaluates strength
by using a complex system of assigning points called bindus.
Following is an example of one of the passages Juliana quoted from Aditya’s text (pp. 69‐70)
If Mercury is 4th or 6th from Saturn, associated with 5 or more bindus and the 2nd house from the
lagna (ascendant) is aspected or occupied by Jupiter, the native becomes an eminent astrologer. There
may be exceptions, for example, if Mercury is in its exalted sign, it may have less bindus.
The ADB software does not include a system for scoring strengths as one of its features, so I
was unable to test this assertion. Nor was I able to test any of the yogas that referred to
placements in houses derived other than from the Ascendant (such as stated above: Mercury
is 4 or 6 houses from Saturn or in the case of placements referenced from the Moon’s‐‐which
are quite common in the Vedic discipline). Additionally, I did not test yogas that referenced
the navamsa chart (the ninth harmonic chart).
I was able to evaluate other assertions. For example, Juliana sent me another quote from
Vinay Aditya that guided my investigation (just as Uranus and the ruler of the 11th were
closely examined while analyzing the tropical data). It is:
In Vedic astrology, Mercury is the planet of astrology, along with Jupiter, due to their rulership of
intellectual reasoning, intelligence, speech, computation and knowledge of scriptures.
Similarly, James Braha asserts that it is common for the greatest Hindu astrologers to have been
born with a powerfully disposed Moon (memory) and 2nd house (knowledge).
Based on the above information, we’d expect Mercury Jupiter, Moon and the 2nd house to be
strong. It was difficult to determine the overall strength of the second house. What was
evaluated in this study were placements in the 2nd house, the placement of the ruler of the
2nd house and aspects to and from ruler of the 2nd house. The only factor found in at least
20% the charts of the astrologers and more frequently than it was found in the control group
was Jupiter or the ruler of the 9th house in the 2nd (21% of the astrologers versus 16% of the
control group).
*None of the 100 astrologer had Mercury or Jupiter at their degree of exaltation (Mercury is
exalted at 15 degrees Virgo and Jupiter is exalted at 5 degrees Cancer).
Jupiter in Cancer 9% 8%
Jupiter moolatrikona deg. 4% 4%
Jupiter in Capricorn 9% 9%
As the table shows, having the Moon in Taurus is found significantly more often in the
astrologers charts and this is included in the Vedic signature along with Moon in Aquarius,
the only other sign where the Moon demonstrated significance by placement. Mercury did
not demonstrate significance by dignity but it did demonstrate significance in sidereal Libra,
Scorpio and Capricorn. Jupiter demonstrated no significant difference with its placement by
sign. While 12% of the astrologers had Jupiter dignified in Sagittarius as compared to 9.5% of
the control group, this was not a large enough difference to establish statistical significance.
Therefore, it would be salient to investigate further to determine if Mercury and/or Jupiter
demonstrate significance using the Ashtakavarga or Shad Bala systems to determine their
strength in both the natal and navamsa charts.
Note that both Moon and Jupiter are beneficial for individuals with Cancer, Scorpio or
Pisces rising and Jupiter is also a benefic for Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius rising and having
any one of these six signs rising does occur more frequently in the charts of the astrologers.
Additionally, the review of yogas uncovered a few other assertions I felt were pertinent to
the practice of astrology. All of the following were taken from James Braha’s text.
• The 12th lord in the 3rd house gives enormous intuition. Astrologers 6%‐‐Control 8.4%
• In Hindu mythology Mercury is the son of the Moon. Both planets are mental influences and
therefore whenever they aspect each other in any way an extreme intellectual nature is
conferred. (This was tested this using the mutual or full aspect (conjunction and
opposition with no orb of influence): Astrologers 22% ‐‐Control 15.5%
• Mercury in a sign of Mars or Mars in a sign of Mercury is said to be good for intelligence.
Astrologers 27%‐‐Control 30% (Additionally, I tested for a mutual reception between
Mercury and Mars, and 2% of the astrologers has such while 3.4% of the control group
• If Mars and Saturn aspect each other, the person excels in any technical field. (This was
tested using the special aspects Saturn and Mars are able to make and evaluated
separately, i.e. Mars in aspect to Saturn and Saturn in aspect to Mars) Mars in aspect
to Saturn: Astrologers 30%‐‐Control Group 31.3%. Saturn in aspect to Mars: 23%
versus 27.8%
• The lord of the 10th house conjunct with or aspected by Mars gives a career involving …any
technical field. Astrologers 24%‐‐Control 25.4%
• Venus aspected by Jupiter indicates excellent research ability. Astrologers 38%—Control
The AstroSignature
The Vedic signature for astrologers includes 30 rules and is presented in Table 1. The tropical
signature contained 40 rules and therefore the scores on that signature are higher than the
scores earned on this Vedic signature. This difference is primarily a result of a reduction in
the number of rules referring to aspects because there were many more aspects to consider
from the tropical perspective.
The average score earned by the astrologers on the Vedic AstroSignature was 9. The average
score achieved by the control group was 5.3. Therefore, the astrologers scored on average 70%
higher than did the control group (9‐5.3)/5.3 = 69.8%). The astrologer scores ranged from 1‐19
and 17% of the astrologers scored 5 or below (the average score for the control group.) The
control group scores ranged from 0‐15 and only 8% of the control group scored 9 or above
(the average score of the astrologers).
AstroSignature Legend:
1) Rule 4 references Sun and ruler of the 9th in Detriment which in Vedic astrology is the
same as the sign of their fall in Western astrology. 2) A full aspect signifies that the planets
are either in the same sign/house or the opposite sign/house. 3) References to specific
aspects (such as the sextile, trine, square, etc) involve full signs—there is no orb of influence.
3) Rule 13 references Sun and Jupiter nakshatras. 4) Rule 14 references Jupiter and Rahu’s
(north node) nakshatras, 5) Rules 17 and 18 reference degrees in any sign.
When we compare the two signatures, the Vedic signature demonstrates a slightly greater
difference in average signature score (69.8%) than did the tropical signature (63.6%).
However, the tropical signature did a better job of distinguishing the experimental group
from the control group. With the tropical signature, only 8% of the control group scored the
average astrologer signature score or above (a score of 18+) while 12.2% of the Vedic control
group scored the average astrologer signature score or above (a score of 9+). Similarly, 17% of
the astrologers scored the average control group score or below using the Vedic signature
while only 3% of the astrologers scored below or equal to the average control group score
using the tropical signature.
And, as one more tidbit of food for your mind to digest, consider this: some of the
astrologers scoring highest on this Vedic signature scored at the lower end of the tropical
signature and vice versa. This realization led me to consider if a composite average might be
a useful measure for those aspiring astrologers scoring below the average on either of the
signatures. That is, the average signature score for both the Vedic and Tropical signatures
could be added together and then divided by two to compute a composite average signature
score. For example, the average signature score for the tropical signature was 18. Add to that
the average score of 9 earned on the Vedic signature and the total is 27. We divide that by
two to get an average composite signature score of 13.5 for the astrologers. That is, an
individual’s score on both signatures could be added together in this way to derive an
individual composite score and if it is 13.5 or above we could deduce that individual resonates
strongly with others in the astrological community.
Guru Nadi ‐ 1
Chandrashekhar Sharma, India
manuscript and so they will have to be carefully decodified. I am sure there can be
other interpretation of the text as Sanskrit uses many similies, encrypts and allegories. So if
there is any mistake in the translation, the blame for that lies with me alone.
guru näòé
gué nafI
Achyuta says:
Guru Said:
Aak;RimhmÙe[ àaiwRt> pUvm
R adrat!,
AyutEÉaRgRví³e k«pyav&;pvR[I.
Jataka Skanda means astrology dealing with humans
Achyuta again pleased the deity of astrologer (Guru that is Shiva ), who is obtainable with
performing great austeries, and received 1000 granthas that were received from the great
astrologer (Shukra or Guru).
Publisher: Incidentally this translation was to appear in May 2009 issue in a much bigger form, but on
23rd Feb 2009 on day of Shivaratri (Day of Lord Shiva), we felt a sudden urge to include it without
knowing this verse & significance of Lord Shiva in it. This article was then formatted on the day of
Shivaratri itself & when we saw this verse it was a thrilling moment. The most thrilling moment came
later when we learnt that one of the names of Lord Shiva is Chandrashekhar, the name of our respected
AXyetsimd< zaô< ten sMyGguraemuRoat!,
The study of calculations of the exact degrees of the grahas together with bhavas and
upagrahas in this shastra should be learnt correctly from the mouth of Guru (from Guru
¢haSSvêpkwn< razInamupl][m!,
A<gÉ<gaidyaeg< c ivprItjinStwa,
dzairòàzmn< m&telR][mev c,
To Be Continued….
Parivrajaka means one who travels and refers to the sanyasi or renunciates who may not live in one
place for more than 3 days lest they develop attachment to the place and people there, barring the four
months of Chaturmasas.
Saptarishi Nadi
Gemini Ascendant –
Chart 2
Yenbeeyes, India
Copy Editor: Bhaskaran Natesan, India
Manuscript Courtesy By:
UpendraSingh Bhadoriya, India.
1. Kindly tell me the results of a horoscope where Mercury, Mars and Sun in Libra, Venus
and Rahu in Scorpio, Moon in Aquarius, Saturn and Ketu in Taurus, Jupiter in Gemini and
Lagna is Gemini.
2. The native of this chart lives in a street running east to west and the main door of the
house facing south. That is his father’s house. On the western side, there is a junction of four
roads, a Shiva temple, a temple for Goddess Kali and a temple for Lord Ganesha. Nearby
there is a garden and a large deep well.
3. To the south west side of the house there will be a Mariamman temple and a temple of
Lord Vishnu. On the eastern side there will be another Vinayakar (Lord Ganesa) temple.
On the opposite side of the house there will be no houses. In such a small place, this male
native will give birth. We will tell about the fortunes and the previous birth details of his
father, mother, coming wife and children.
4. While telling about the siblings of the native’s father, one brother and one sister will be
there with long life. Details of the elder brother (of father): Black like the colour of
Thirumal (Vishnu); Lean body; incapable of talking in public.
5. A modest person; A patient man; Filled with love and affection to others ; Will not talk
insolently; not getting lazy in work; has good manners; devoted towards Lord Shiva; We
will say that because of his wife good fortunes will come.
6. He will have one wife only. We will tell about the progeny (Puthra Bhava). There will be
four male issues; there will be no female issues. One male child will be given in adoption to a
person in father’s family because of his childlessness & it will be given in anger.
7. As he has to perform the last rites of the adopted parents, he goes and stays with them.
Because of that there will be a big litigation; then he will get the estates. Has the blessings of
Goddess Lakshmi. We will tell about the native’s father. Mother! Listen.
8. An intelligent man; a patient man; has virtuous & charitable intentions; has
devotedness; is black colored; can arrive at conclusions; has wisdom; has lean body; will be
subjected to baseless and untrue bad reputation accepts unwanted praise; has good character.
Oh! Mother! Further, listen.
Publishers Notes:
One can see that 1H & 5H is ones name and fame, the Asc Lord is Mer sitting in the 5H of name &
fame, spoilt by debilitated Sun, who additionally is the naisargika (natural) 5L of fame & name in Kal
Chakra Kundali. This Asc Lord Mer is conjoined by Mars the 6L of disputes & also disposits Rahu the
‘False Allegation/Scam Indicator’. All this combination of Sun, Mer, Mars is in trine to Arudha Asc &
Moon (2L) is to be further noted.
9. Has the desire to offer food (to others) and has the capacity to do so; will protect those
who went to him or supported him. Has friendship of the King’s officers; has no secrets;
always talks high level words; has the habit of speaking the truth; will repeat the words often
while speaking or while discussing. Will conquer enemies.
10. Will get enmity with relatives; will put in efforts to appear like Lord Shiva; has
friendship of elders; has servants; a little short‐tempered; will walk fast; will not have much
wealth; a compassionate man; has courageous mind.
Publishers Notes:
As to why he would get enmities with relatives, we can see that the natural badhak (obstacle) of any
horoscope which is Rahu is placed in the 6H of natural badha (fights) & also of relatives, hence he will
have enmity with relatives.
12. Has faded color; lean body; keeps secrets; will acquire education; does not have
association of low class people; capable of getting into relationship;(can get in to close
association with any one especially with women, confirmed in verse 13) gives alms and gifts;
will get a good name from everybody; (good to everyone) capable of talking sweetly; has
wealth like fine gold etc.
13. Interested in eating sour tasty foods; will increase the fertile lands; has no bad characters;
has much cattle, sheep like quadruped animals; very much interested in prostitutes; will not
speak unwanted words; dear to wife; liked by relatives. Very much, more on the side of
14. We will tell about the siblings of the native. We say that he will have one brother and
two sisters. The brother is younger to the native. We will tell about his brother. Mother!
Please listen.
Publisher: Pls refer to Appendix on detailed note on Vishnu Rekha by Rabinder Nath Bhandari
15. Has good luck. Is a good‐natured man. Has strong mind; will talk strictly; is capable of
helping many people; will be modern; will perform the religious duties of his father and
mother; about his wife and children‐
16. We will tell at a later part. Listen to the sister’s matters. We will tell about the loving
first sister. Lives without any difficulties; has less progeny ; (sons actually) words are sweet like
sugarcane; dear to husband.
17. Will observe fast with piety; will help those in distress; a little short‐tempered; has no
siblings of her husband; not done any sin – Like that when the Rishi was telling, Parvati
started asking – What are the reasons for the ‘Putra Dosha’ – blemish of childlessness?
18. Because of the wrong deeds in the previous birth, she will not get children. If ‘Navagraha
Shanti’ (Remedy for the Nine grahas) is performed and an amulet is worn, she will give
birth to one male child and two female children and they will have long life.
Publishers Notes:
Readers, who are averse to remedial measures, can observe that Rishi stresses on remedial measure of 9
planets yagya and an amulet for child birth.
19. Parvati asked, How to perform the Shanti? In the house where she was born (i.e. her
parent’s house) after doing Puja, perform Navagraha Homam (casting of ghee, grain etc.
into the sacred fire), perform Puja of Goddess Shakthi, perform meditation and then in a
thin flat silver piece write the ‘Bijakshara’ (name) of Goddess Parashakthi..
20. And then the balance letters must be meditated and recited and then if she wears that, all
the bad karmas or deeds will leave and children will be born – Thus we say. She also can
have a life of a long‐lived person. Oh! Parvati Devi! Listen.
Translators Notes:
Navagraha homa has the power to counter flaws in the horoscope and
enable a person to prosper in life in case astrological defects are the
main blocks to his well‐being. The homa is done to appease the nine
planets i.e. the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn,
Rahu, and Ketu. Every planet has its own importance. Sun is the
king of planets, which gives health. Moon is the planet, which rules
over mind and gives success. Mars or Mangala is the planet, which
gives prosperity and wealth. Mercury is the planet which gives
knowledge, Jupiter gives education, Venus gives the knowledge of art,
music etc. Saturn gives happiness and also teaches vairagya. Rahu makes the life stronger. Ketu
prospers the family.
Navagraha homam is used to remove Doshas or reduce the effect by appeasing these planets. By doing
this homa, navagraha doshas are removed and good results will accrue is what the Rishi wants to
The ‘Bijakshara’ means the seed Mantra. The continuous chanting of this seed mantra bestows great
benefits. Bijakshara Mantra is different for different deities. It consists of a single syllable or a
combination 2 or more syllables like – Ohm, Hrim, Kleem etc.etc. This is always followed by other
letters like nine syllable or ten syllable or even 30 syllable mantras. What the Rishi states here is that
the Bijakshara Mantra as applicable to Goddess Shakthi should be inscribed in the Silver plate selected
for the purpose and the remaining mantras should be recited. Mantra Shastra is a vast subject, my job
is only translation, and so I cannot transgress my limitations. Just for the knowledge of the readers, I
pointed out some of the meanings as available in Mantra Shastra.
21. We will tell the news of the second sister. She is deceitless; living comfortably in her
birth house; walks fast; has much wealth; No cheating ideas in mind; after marriage will go
with her husband and live separately. (Means he will leave her parent’s house and will live
with her husband)
22. While looking at the ‘Putra Bhava’ i.e. issue of children, she will have two sons and two
good‐natured daughters and will live with perfection. We will say that she will have long
life. Oh! Penance doing Parvati! (It appears that one line in this verse is missing)
23. We say that the age of marriage of the native is 21. His wife will come from the northern
direction from his house. We will tell about her character. She is a true‐minded person; will
be with virtue and follow rules; she has a lot of luck.
Publishers Notes:
The age of marriage Rishi says is 21, which as per Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi is the 9H & 9H is the house
of marriage/dharma where the Moon (woman) the ruler of 2H of family life is located. Moon is ruled
by Cancer and as per Parasara’s BPHS Cancer denotes the North direction, maybe that is the reason
Rishi is indicating that she (wife) will come from the Northern direction. Regarding luck, having virtue
being possessed by the wife, maybe it is due to the aspect of Jupiter on Moon which is giving that but at
the same time, Jupiter is badhak lord and Saturn also aspects this Moon, so how this is being indicated is
a mystery like many other readings of Sages. To add further thought why badhakesh Jupiter sitting in
the 1H has given early marriage at age of 21 is a mystery but on second thoughts maybe 21 was a late
marriage scene in those olden days.
24. Will have the habit of offering food to the poor; She will be behaving with goodness with
all. Dear to her husband; has good manners and conduct; has all sorts of happiness and
prosperity; after her marriage and when she reaches her husband, incomparable wealth will
be accumulated.
25. We will tell about native’s progeny. Will have two sons and two daughters and they will
be with long life. Further three will be born but will pass away. Oh! Mother of Lord
Ganesha! Listen.
Mother Of Native
26. Mother will be of faded color; has no secrets; bilious body; faultless; has the good habit
of behaving according to the wishes of her husband.
(in this verse also one line appears to be missing)
27. We say that mother’s family will be wandering one. Out of three siblings two will die.
One will be steady. (will have longer life)He will go to a foreign country via ship. We will
tell about her previous birth. Mother! Listen.
28. In a big place to the west of Kancheepuram, born in a potter’s family, gave birth to
children, worshipped Shiva, the eater of hala poison, lived without difficulties, died before
her husband;
29. created by Brahma again and she was born – we say like that. Parvati, Wife of Lord
Shiva asked: You said that her siblings would be lost. You also said that she would be
wandering. What is the reason for that? Oh! Parvati! Listen (Rishis started telling)
30. In the previous birth, when she was living comfortably, one day a Rishi came and asked
for a vessel for cooking food. She also gave a vessel made of pot (mud pot) Rishi also cooked
in that vessel. When the rice was boiling, the vessel broke.
31. All the boiled rice fell to the ground. When seeing this, the Rishi cursed that her house
will be destroyed and her lineage will not prosper. That curse continued and reached her in
this birth.
32. In the next birth, to the south of Thirukazhukundram (a place) in a big place she was
born in this race (in this caste or a particular family/lineage). Will live by getting lot of
wealth. We will tell about the history of the previous birth of the father. Oh! Parvati! Listen.
34. We will tell about the curse that came upon him. One businessman had borrowed money
from him (native’s father) and was doing business. He incurred heavy loss in the business
and hence could not repay the debt and with grief‐filled mind, he went to another place.
35. The native’s father took all his house and lands and constructed a place for the pilgrims
(those who do penance). The businessperson’s wife suffered without a house and she cursed.
Oh! Mother! Further, listen.
36. While leaving this birth, she said that in the next birth, I would take birth in your race; I
will quickly create enmity, and will create great loss (of money). In the last days after
getting easy death, (spontaneous death without prolonged illness or suffering)
37. She was born again – like we said. That girl also gave birth in this race, later became
enemy. However, whatever is the enmity or displeasure in the end the native’s father will be
38. As we said, father will be a wise man. A pious man; will have mature understanding;
interested in sustaining and protecting dharmic thoughts, controls his words; has submissive
qualities. Oh! Mother! Further, listen.
39. We will tell about the death time of native’s father. In the native’s 36th year, it will
happen. For the mother the death will be in his 38th year. Oh! Giver of the elephant headed
God to the world! Listen and oh! The most compassionate and merciful!
Publishers Notes:
Father’s Death: The death of natives father is 36th year, now 9H is house of father, his lord Saturn goes
into the 12H of exit along with Ketu (who is the exiter) and aspected by 12L of death Ven from 6H, so
everything is happening at the 12H which as per Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi is the 36th year and also
Saturn as per normal astrology gives results at the age of 36.
Mothers Death: At the age of 38 the Rishi says his mother will die. This can be seen in many ways, first
let us see the 4H stands for mother, take this as Mothers Asc, the 3H will be 36th year, 4H will be 37th,
5H will be 38th year, it being 2nd from 4th is the maraca (death inflicting) house for Mother, and it is
placed with 8L Mars (from Mothers Asc) & 12L Sun (from Mothers Asc) in the 2H of maraca (from
Mothers Asc).
From Natal Asc: 38th year will be the 2nd house as per Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi and 2H stands for
family, incidentally its lord here is Moon, natural significator of mother, this house is aspected by 8L of
death Saturn from 12H of exit & this Saturn in turn aspects natal Moon too thereby indicating an event
in family to the mother in the 38th year.
40. We will tell about the native’s death time. In his 60th year, in the month of ‘Purattasi’
(It is a Tamil month name, which falls between 15th Sep. to 15th Oct.) On the New Moon
day, died because of bilious disease. Oh! Worshipper of the people doing great penance!
Parvati! Listen.
Publishers Notes:
Death Of Native: 8L of death Saturn who is natural karaka of death, it goes into 12H of Exit along with
Ketu forming a very malefic combination, the 12house denotes 12th, 24th, 36, 48, 60th year hence death
happened, also Saturn would have completed his double round.
41. We will tell about the previous birth of the native. In Thiruvalangadu (a place), took
birth in the ‘Vanniar’ caste (a race prevalent in Tiruchirappalli and Madurai districts of
Tamil Nadu) and lived with much landed properties and wealth and jewels. He was dear to
the Brahmins, and was doing service to Lord Shiva.
42. On the roadside he kept water‐sheds (For quenching the thirst of pilgrims and travelers
who passed by), solved the grievances of those who come there tired, did service to the Lord
Shiva the lord of Thiruvalangadu which was there and died, again because of Brahma’s
Bhaskaran Natesan on the word Purrattasi: Bhadra pada masa (and Kanya masa in solar calendar)
Yenbeeyes: Since chandramana and Souramana and English months refer to different periods of time, I
have simply mentioned the name of the month as mentioned in the verse and given the equivalent of it
in English month
Copy Editor – Bhaskaran Natesan ‐There are two places in Tamil Nadu. One is located 15 Kms from
Tiruttani (one of the Six abodes of Lord Subramanya). The other one is located near Mayiladuthurai
(Probably it is now under Thanjavur District in Tamil Nadu.)
Copy Editor: The Presiding deity in Thiruvalangadu is Lord Shiva. This is the place where Lord
Shiva and Mother Kaali danced to find out who was the better among the two.
43. We said that he took rebirth in this ‘Vellala’ (one of the agricultural tribe) race. We will
tell about his re‐birth. He will take birth in the family of Brahmin knowing Vedas, in
Kancheepuram. We will say he will live with nothing in want. He shall live With luck,
44. and good fortune, he will live, praised by his relatives, with good character and helpful to
the people of the world. Will not go back on his promises. Will have eloquence, will have
increased grains (from his field); doing agriculture, 5he will increase the wealth of his father.
According to The Lal Kitab System Of Prediction, when planet Sun [Suraj – Tappasavi
Raja] is placed in 1st house of horoscope of a person, which can be confirmed by looking at
the position of Sun Line [Suraj Rekha] which is restricted to the mount of Sun [Suraj Ka
Burj] only, or there is a sign of Star [Suraj Ka Sitara] on that mount, or by simply looking at
that person, who is slim [not weak] in structure, wheatish [neither black nor white] in
complexion with glowing attractive eyes with long face and all his body parts are present in
perfect working condition, not disabled [Suraj Parbal Ka Insaan or a person who is
governed by Sun], that person is empowered with a capacity to rule as a King, he will
become rich with self efforts and still will have no attachment with money [Laxmi]. He
will lend help to his father, follower of old ancestral traditions, will do all for his children,
but will demand nothing from them in return. Native will live a happy prosperous life with
very good health and all his body parts will be in working order till his end, will be benefited
from Govt., owner of landed property, true in self and always truth lover and trust worthy.
The native will be shining like the Sun in connection with his fate, will be blessed with the
of habit of doing charity, which will be the foundation of his rising state, whereas on the
contrary when he starts accepting charity, his downfall will start. He will be hot like Sun in
his temper, and when pressed by worldly people by creating obstacles in his way to progress,
he shines much more and becomes hotter but his enemies suffer a lot on the other hand. The
native will be of good moral character and remain away from dirty love affairs and bad
sexual relations [if such person performs sexual act during day time, this will give adverse
effects on the health of that person]. He will be in habit of taking low salt [item of Sun] in
food and will like to wear light color clothing’s instead of black and dark blue color [colors of
inimical planets to Sun]. Furthermore, native’s house will also belong to planet Sun; a house
facing eastward direction main gate and courtyard of that house will be in centre of that
As lord Vishnu controls planet sun, so possessor of such signs of sun is blessed with the
above qualities as quoted in Vishnu Rekha. If Vishnu Rekha is mentioned somewhere else
Copy Editor: Here we have to pause and think. In the previous verse, the Rishi states that the native
will be born in a family of a Brahmana. A Brahmin does not cultivate lands. Yet the Rishi states that
the native will cultivate in order to increase his granary storage. This needs thinking.
(by another authority), on any other part of body, that will also be the representative of
planet Sun which is the manifestation of Lord Vishnu.
So, possessor of Vishnu Rekha will behave in this world just like Sun, which gives light to
this world, is hot, well disciplined, very punctual, never deviates from its path and who
never sets down, when we say Sun Set, it is the movement of Sun, just away from us, but
Sun keeps shining always somewhere at another place.
Comet Lulin Gives
Green Light to
Planet Earth
Margaret George, U.K.
under either of the two categories.
Two significant phrases from the above extract spring out at this time of the appearance of
Lulin, the new comet expected to orbit closest to
earth on February 24th . The phrase 'phosphorous
light’ appropriately describes the colour and
luminous appearance of Lulin as it approaches close
to our globe. If you look out at night in the
February sky and can see Venus, you will notice
she adopts a particularly more beautifully luminous
and subtly green glow than I have ever seen her
exhibit before, perhaps greeting or mirroring the
comet or even trying to out‐glow its glorious
glowing phosphorous green garb. Of course this
comet is a celestial ‘Ketu’, but in Australia at the
moment 'there is still the appearance of fire’ due to
many conflagrations raging through the South
West of the country, some of which were
deliberately started by arsonists; a coincidence I’m sure, but then most astrological
techniques are based on the perceived synchronicity between what is above and below.
Effects Of Comets
Lulin is moving from the southern to the northern Photo of comet Lulin by kind
permission of Jack Newton
hemisphere as it currently sojourns across the autumnal colure in Libra. Could Lulin be one
of the 65 comets classified as Vikaca by ancient seers and which are said to have a single
white star, are bereft of a crest and be a child of Jupiter? The size of the comet has been
compared to planet Jupiter already. These Vikacas are glossy, appear in the south and are
dreadful in effect. Or perhaps it could be the comet named Kapalaketu because it does fit the
description of being visible during Amavasya or New Moon, as we get the best view of it on
24th February the day before the New Moon at twelve degrees Aquarius. The Kapalaketu
have rays and crest which are smokey coloured rather than luminous green however, and
travel half the heavens, and are an omen of famine, pestilence, drought and diseases.
The Brihat Samhita gives strong indications of what will happened when the smokey tail of
the comet touches certain asterisms and warns us of what effects were expected in ancient
times, for example if the smokey tail affects Visakha, as it did on 6th February when close to
the star Zubenelgenubi (the bright star at the tip of the scales of Libra constellation) we are
told ancient seers would expect the 'chiefs of Iksvakus and the city of Ilaka will be killed.'
On February 16th Lulin passes by Spica, which is found in Hasta nakshatra, and was said to
adversely affect the King of Dandaka; then still speeding on its way it approaches Saturn on
24th February the day of closest movement to the earth, it will be in the nakshatra of
Uttaraphalguni, this transit is said to be a bad omen for the governor of Ujjain.
It is difficult to use Brihat Samhita as a reference for locating a description of comet Lulin,
and its effects. These ancient astrologers did track the nature of comets, classify them and
note their course and likely time of reoccurrence knowing some return visits would not
repeat until after 3000 years. Sadly none of the descriptions of comets in the encyclopaedia
refer to a luminous green one. Clearly however, the use of comets in ancient cultures was
one of the methods used perhaps even by biblical seers who we know used the Moon,
eclipses and planetary transits to foretell the rise fall and destruction of various ancient
regions. Lulin is described by NASA as potentially making its first visit ever to the inner
solar system, so perhaps this is why it becomes difficult to find any pre recorded reference.
We don't know when or if it will appear again, nor have we got any foregoing sojourns with
which to establish what events on earth may coincide with its appearance so close to our
I do find that comets can help us understand events in mundane astrology if only we take
time to track their passage. For instance Tempel 1 caused a stir at its appearance and
with a little bit of research I was amazed at the coincidence of its passage with a certain
consistency of events of importance here on earth......
The Tempel 1 orbital journey is half that of Jupiter, taking only just under six years to
complete, and so has a 2.1 resonance with Jupiter. Not only that, every so often Jupiter'
nudges' this comet, causing it to move over slightly in its passage. Further, the comet crosses
over the orbital path of Mars.
Given the link with these two planets and the comet I looked up a few of the coincidence of
events with this comet's passage in close proximity to earth, and its close proximity to
Jupiter, and found an unexpected but interesting pattern emerging:
1789 Nov Washington first President of US
1787 March US constitution first drafted
1783 Nov US independence recognised
1777 Nov Brit army surrenders to US forces in US
1775 July First act of independence taken in US
1771 July Boston massacre (1770)
Notwithstanding this, on 4th July 2007 when the US sent a missile to blast a crater on the
meteor, within three days, on 7th, we had the coincidence of the first suicide bombings in
England. So we have Jupiter, planet of religion and morality, resonating with ‘Tempel’
which is being blasted in a martial act of impact/explosion. Was NASA putting a spin on
US destiny with this deep impact mission do you think? Did the founding fathers of
America know about this comet and use its pathway to define the future progress of the US
when they used astrology to set up the inauguration of their country’s independence from
the UK?
What Events On Earth Will Be Remembered To Coincide With Lulin’s visit?
omet Lulin was discovered in July 2007 by a 19‐year‐old meteorology student called
Quanzhi Ye when a sky photo was taken at Lulin Observatory in Taiwan. However
it is only recently that the comet has become visible to the naked eye and it is the
first sighting of the naked eye, and noting the position of the planet in constellations which
are the important times for the astrologer to note. The rising and setting should also be
taken into account, and length of appearance in the sky. Lulin rises in the west hours before
the Sun. It will arrive at a 38 million mile distance from our planet before moving on. Mars
was 34.6 million miles away at its closest ever approach.
Unfortunately there isn't any history to inform us of what went before with regard to the
pathway of comet Lulin. We can only look at what is happening on our planet now to see
what legacy the comet will leave behind for us to remember and associate with it and
hopefully pass on to future astrologers.
Lulin passes through the constellation Leo during the time when it will be most visible to
the naked eye. Leo is a fiery sign and stands for royalty, banks, worship, pride,
entertainment, children, investment, gambling and risk taking. These are just a few of the
significations of the sign Leo. We don’t yet know whether the comet augurs good or ill, but
we do know the affairs ruled by Leo will be affected. I find it significant that as the time for
closest approach to earth arrives, the banking systems around the world are under scrutiny
for taking risks with money entrusted to their institutions. Some individuals such as Madoff
in the USA have been found out to be very greedily abusing trust put into them, as they
sought to secretly and deviously collect a royal fortune for themselves by adopting risky
‘Ponti’ pyramid schemes. This meant that promises were made to billionaire investors who
put money forward only to find out that instead of it being invested in the manner
promised, it merely went into an account to be drawn from allegedly at Madoff’s whim for
his own personal use, but also as a means of illegally cycling money giving new deposits to
pay out old investors to create the illusion that an investment had been made. This was
alright until they all wanted their money back when it became clear that there wasn’t
enough money to even pay back capital let alone any interest made on it. Billionaire
investors lost fortunes in the scheme with at least one taking his life as a result.
In the UK bankers who got caught up in get rich quick schemes are now being brought to
account for their dubious handling of packages of toxic subprime mortgage deals packaged in
America. These bankers also had involvement with financial markets where hedge funds
and other dubious and risky schemes were taking place and has yet to be fully understood so
that those guilty of manipulating markets irresponsibly and immorally can be brought to
justice. The ordinary saver or investor with limited funds for perhaps pensions or health
treatment have seen their hope of ever getting it back completely wrecked, due to
irresponsible gambling with that money by the bankers who saw fit to use it like chips on
the table at the casino. The most extraordinary situation of these financiers justifying royal
fortunes for their salary on the grounds that they were taking great risks is finally being seen
as delusional empty, pompous and arrogant excuses with no foundation in reality. Greed and
avarice have been allowed to reign during the years of the war against so called terrorism.
Such delusional reasoning for the squandering of money is not just limited to the UK or the
US. Iceland is on its knees due to one of its key financiers acting in the same profligate
manner, and undoubtedly there are many other stories all around the globe where similar
practices have ruined not just the wealthy but also the ordinary man who once thought
banks were safe places to keep hard earned and honestly acquired savings safe.
Earlier I mentioned that three planets are singled out by Lulin’s transit of nakshatras during
its visible stages. All three of these planets, Jupiter, Sun and Moon are significations for
wealth, and Leo is the sign of banks. Jupiter is the significator for the treasury, Moon is the
significator for money and of the masses, and Sun is the karakatwa for gold and wealth.
Undoubtedly these three planets represent the main issue of concern on mass consciousness
at the time of Lulin’s appearance in earth’s orbit. Sadly the current situation we are all facing
on the globe is a crisis of extreme covetousness and the worship of Mammon taken to excess
by a handful of pathologically greedy people.
Comet Lulin is an ethereal luminous green colour, a colour mostly associated with jealousy
and bile. Certainly the world scandal today is tinged with the anger or bile of the masses of
honest people amazed at the greed, cunning and lack of integrity of a few gambling men who
stopped at nothing to worship Mammon. These corrupt bankers and financiers became so
jealous of the wealthy that they stopped at nothing while coveting billions of pounds
entrusted to their care. On another level global events are also warning us that the over‐
exploitation of earth’s resources is propelling the planet onto a path of pollution and
destruction on a massive scale. Carelessness with resources has also added to devastation on
the planet. Sea waters are polluted by oil tanker spillage, refuse and chemicals and even eight
US nuclear missiles now lying at the bottom of the seabed along the coast of Greenland.
Lulin is a similar green to the phosphorous colour of polonium used in nuclear
weapons……………could the comet be a major significator for the nuclear coming of age?
Whether we agree with the faulty science behind the global warming campaign or not it is
clear that the race to control the global economy and world markets has set up an imbalance
in the human relationship with the environment, and between nations.
Comet Lulin’s colour green, a soft green, is also one which is often associated with healing.
Let’s hope that after the poison of greed and avarice has been rooted out of our nations,
decency and integrity can reign once more across the globe bringing more unity, and less of a
gap between rich and poor, greater respect for all living things, with everyone working to
heal the planet.
Rare Octuplets
(A follow‐up report)
Krishnamurthy S, India.
The Author is about 49 years old and girls, all kicking and crying.
holds a Post Graduate degree in Civil With the breaking of this news, the first
thought that came up was to immediately
Engineering from Indian Institute of Science
check out if the rules that were defined
(IISc., Bangalore). He was the University earlier (refer to “Unique Features of Charts
topper and Gold Medallist at the Graduate of Twins”, August 2008 issue of Saptarishis
level. He worked as a Software Engineer for Astrology) were applicable to this case as
over 22 years in both Indian as well as large well or not. Though the rules were defined
MNC companies. He did on-site software for twins, it should cover multiple births as
development work at Switzerland for a few well. Those rules have been reproduced here
years. He took voluntary retirement in for ready reference:
December 2004. Since then, he is pursuing
the study of Astrology which is one of his
interests. The author is particularly
interested in Medical Astrology and has
already published articles giving special
combinations for Diabetes (both Type-I and
Type-II) and severe Dandruff problems that
could be identified from natal charts. His
other interest being Poetry; has published a
poetry collection (in local language
Kannada) in 2006.
1. Take a look at the Lagna lord or its dispositor. One of the two following conditions can
be seen: [Rule 1]
a. LL or its dispositor is involved in a Parivartana/Srinkhala2 either in Rasi or in
Constellation, or
b. LL or its dispositor disposits its own Rasi dispositor in Constellation (mixed
c. LL and its dispositor are closely conjunct (or, could it be within one nakshatra
2. Lord of 11 house (representing multiplicity) or the karaka of 11th house Jupiter influences
Since it is a clear case of fraternal twins, the third rule need not be looked into. The birth
details of the first twin are as follows:
Natal Chart
Srinkala: Parivartnana of more than two planets in a closed loop
Now, to the interesting part of checking out the rules defined. The lagna lord is Mars. Its
dispositor is Jupiter. Mars and Jupiter are in Parivartana in Navamsha! Also, Jupiter’s
dispositor Saturn is involved in a Parivartana in Rasi. It is interesting to note that all three ‐
the lagna lord, its dispositor and its dispositor are involved in Parivartanas. This satisfies
Rule 1.
Now look for the influence of either Jupiter (karaka for 11th house or the lord of 11th house
on the Lagna Lord). In this case, Jupiter strongly influences the lagna lord Mars in more
than one way:
It always gives great satisfaction when rules formed to demonstrate any Jyotish principle
can be applied repeatedly for other applicable charts as well. After all, repeatability is one of
the corner stone’s of any science.
Birth Time
‐ An Innovative Approach
Krishnamurthy S, India.
"A child is born on that day and at that hour
when the celestial rays are in mathematical
harmony with one's individual karma…"
– Swami Sri Yukteswar, Guru of
Paramahansa Yogananda
As each sign is owned by a certain planet and the state of another planet placed there
depends on how it relates to the owner of that sign. Hence, one should look at the nature of
friendship between planets to determine whether a planet is placed well or not.
Order Of Importance
From the above table, we can conclude that a planet placed in the sign of a Close Friend is
better placed than a planet placed in the sign of any other compound relationship. However,
there are even better placements for a planet than this. Following is a list of placements
ordered from best to worst:
Exalted (EX) (Not the entire sign, within 15 degrees approaching the deepest point)
Vargottama (VG)
Moola Trikona (MT) (Not the entire sign, look for actual degrees)
Own (OW)
Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra
Close Friend (CF)
Friend (FR)
Neutral (NU)
Enemy (EN)
Bitter Enemy (BE)
Debilitated (DB) (within 15 degrees approaching deepest point)
Treating for Planets in Parivartana/Srinkhala
There is one very important concept that affects the determination of how a planet is placed
in a chart. It is very important to check if a planet is either in Parivartana or in Srinkhala
and apply necessary adjustments. In the experience of this author, a planet which has
undergone Parivartana/Srinkhala behaves as if it is placed in its own sign (the sign that has
participated in Parivartana/Srinkhala). Except for considering combustion and effects of
other conjunctions and aspects, for other purposes, such a planet should be treated as if it is
in its own sign. As a result of Parivartana/Srinkhala a planet is entitled for two different
placements, one in the house actually placed and the other the resultant own house. That
planet should be assigned the better of the two placements. Hence, a planet debilitated but in
Parivartana should be assigned a ‘GO’ (Goes to Own) placement while a planet exalted and
in Parivartana/Srinkhala should be assigned ‘EX’ placement.
However, one should note that more the planets in Srinkhala, less the effectiveness of
Parivartana. A three planet Srinkhala should be definitely considered while a Srinkhala
involving more than three planets could be ignored.
6. No need to make any special adjustments for a planet which is retrograde
Care should be taken to verify all such conditions that make a planet weak and ensure that
the planet considered is well placed in all respects.
After filtering the planets for all their negative qualities, one should look for the planets in
the following categories (in that order of importance) rejecting the others and also rejecting
those with other blemishes (as described in the above paragraph):
One should first look for planets in the number 1 category, if none found, then look for the
next best category etc., and reach the best placed planet. Some points to note before
finalizing the best placed planet:
Ø If there are two or more planets in the same top category, the best of them should be
determined by comparing their Shadbala.
Ø If none of the planets fall in the qualifying categories, then such horoscopes should be
carefully looked into to find the best placed planet.
Ø When a planet’s Shadbala is relatively much higher as compared to that of any other
planet, this planet also becomes a contender.
Ø When two planets are in Graha Yuddha , there is no consensus on the resolution of
the criteria to determine the winner. As a result, there could be some errors in the
calculation of Shadbala of those planets. Also, Graha Yuddha should be considered
only between the five non‐luminous physical planets. There are other considerations
which could affect the Shadbala calculations. In such conditions, relying fully on the
Shadbala could cause problems.
All such cases should be studied carefully as it is difficult draw a clear line.
Here comes hitherto unknown bit. This might appear a bit strange to some. But, this has
been proposed after testing numerous charts for the accuracy of birth time.
This step can not be easily done without using software as this is a highly iterative process.
This author has used JHora. It could be performed using any software that gives nakshatra‐
lord, sub‐lord, sub‐sub‐lord…. table for all the planets like the one in JHora. In JHora, this is
Graha Yuddha = Planetary War, when two non‐luminary physical planets are less than a degree apart.
found by clicking the ‘KP’ tab at the right bottom on the default screen. One will see the
information like below:
Assuming that Rahu is the best placed planet, one could focus only on the relevant
information of this table as below:
Now, in an iterative process, adjust the birth time such that both ‘Lg’ and ‘Ra’ have identical
lords from ‘Sub‐lord’ onwards in the above table. Stop adjusting the birth time once the
following configuration is reached:
The adjusted time to reach this alignment is the rectified birth time of the native.
Other than the above suggested alignment, two more alignments are possible which also
involve the Nak‐lord of either Lagna or that of the planet in question. These alignments are
demonstrated below:
Here, Sub‐lord level of the Lagna is aligned to Nak‐lord level of the planet in question.
Here, Nak‐lord level of the Lagna is aligned with Sub‐lord level of the planet in question.
The time that gives an alignment that is closest to the given/recorded birth time should be
considered as the rectified birth time.
Normally, in case of well documented births, such an alignment is seen within a couple of
minutes from the recorded birth time. If not, following three situations are possible:
The truth of this fact is demonstrated taking examples of some of the well recorded birth
details of famous personalities. The given examples could be studied to understand the
procedure better as well as a proof that Lagna always points to the best placed planet in the
chart. That is the time when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony resulting in a
human birth.
Ø This method is applicable for the final fine‐tuning of the birth time when birth time is
available within a range of few minutes from the time of actual birth, or when a
hospital record is available which invariably would have some variation due to
recording errors.
Ø The advantage of this method is that there is no need to cast a Prashna chart, or there
is no need to know some important events in the life of the native, and there is no
need to drill through many divisional charts and fine‐tune them based on the events
in the native’s life. The method of fine‐tuning poses inherent traps as it calls for a
very good knowledge of delineating divisional charts. This method uses the available
birth details and looks for the mathematical harmony between Lagna and another
entity in the chart. Hence, is prone to fewer errors.
Ø This method is not too sensitive to small changes in Ayanamsha (like a difference of
even around one degree), it still gives the same rectified time irrespective of the
Ayanamsha used in a small range. For example, the method gives same rectified time
when either Lahiri or Raman Ayanamsha is used. Here the difference is more than
one degree between these two Ayanamshas. Hence, Astrologers can use any
Ayanamsha of their choice. However, it should be noted that in some charts, the
Navamsha placement of planets when on the border are sensitive to small changes in
Ayanamsha and this could hijack the end result.
More than 100 charts with well recorded birth times have been tested to see if such an
alignment between the Lagna and the best placed planet exists around the given time of
birth. There were only handful of misses and the success rate is exceptional.
Those who would like to study this approach in detail are urged not to miss the last example
of Jawaharlal Nehru. That example clearly demonstrates the power of this approach. The
Ayanamsha used is “True Chitrapaksha Ayanamsha”.
1. Client Eastwood
There is a tie between Moon and Mars. However, Mars has a higher Shadbala than Moon.
Hence, Mars is the best placed planet in this chart.
The birth time is adjusted to have the alignment in the following manner:
The birth time that gives the above alignment is 17:37:0.94 (as against the recorded time of
17:35 hrs.)
2. Pablo Picasso
documented, "Picasso Vivent," Ediciones Poligrafa, Barcelona, 1982,
"according to the testimony of his father in the birth certificate." The
same information is in the book of Picasso's secretary, Jaime Sabartes,
"Picasso: Documents Iconographiques," p.113‐114 and 302‐303, Cailler,
Genebra, 1954 (Formerly, times were given variously as 9:30 PM, 11:59
PM, 12:03 PM, 11:35 AM, 7:30 AM and 7:30 PM)
The birth time is adjusted to have the alignment in the following manner:
The birth time that gives the above alignment is 23:15:47.2 (as against
the recorded time of 23:15 hrs.)
3. Queen Elizabeth II
Birth Date: 04/21/1926 (Apr 21, 1926)
Birth Time: 2:40 (02:40 AM) GDT (+0:00)
Birth Place: London, England
Latitude /
51 N 30 / 0 W 10
Rodden Rating /
AA / Quoted BC/BR
Source Notes: Fagan quotes official announcement AA 3/l976
Here, there is a tie between Sun and Mars. However, Mars has higher Shadbala than Sun.
Hence, Mars is the winner and is the best placed planet in the chart.
The birth time is adjusted to have the alignment in the following manner:
The birth time that gives the above alignment is 02:40:29.5 (as against the recorded time of
02:40 hrs.)
4. Albert Einstein
Saturn has undergone Parivartana both in Rasi and Navamsha and as a result behaves as a
Vargottama. It also overcomes the blemish due to close conjunction of debilitated Mercury
because of that.
The birth time is adjusted to have the alignment in the following manner:
The birth time that gives the above alignment is 11:28:24.7 (as against the recorded time of
11:30 hrs.)
Here are some famous Indian personalities for whom the birth details available are believed
to be accurate.
5. Swami Vivekananada
The birth time is adjusted to have the alignment in the following manner:
Aligning Lagna with Sun, the rectified birth time will be 6:36:13.3 as against the recorded
birth time of 6:33:00 (from Sri Sanjay Rath’s book)
Though Mars is placed in the debilitation sign in Navamsha, it has undergone Srinkhala
with Moon, Jupiter and Mercury. Hence, it has no blemish of being debilitated in
Navamsha. It is the only planet that qualifies. However, considering that the Srinkhala
involving 4 planets is not very effective and disqualifying Mars on that ground, yet Mars
qualifies as the best placed planet by virtue of having higher Shadbala than all other planets.
The birth time is adjusted to have the alignment in the following manner:
Aligning Lagna with Mars, the rectified birth time is 6:26:07.1 as against the recorded birth
time of 6:26
7. Indira Gandhi
This is a strong chart with three pairs of Parivartanas. Sun undergoes Parivartana with Mars
in Rasi and is in its own sign in Navamsha. Hence, Sun is a clear pick.
The birth time is adjusted to have the alignment in the following manner:
Aligning Lagna with Sun, we have the rectified time as 23:13:45.9 as against the recorded time
of 23:13 (From Sri BV Raman’s book)
8. Jawaharlal Nehru
This is a very interesting case to study using the proposed method of Birth Time
Rectification. The reason being that there are different views on the correct birth time
within a narrow range of about half an hour and it would be interesting to check what the
result of rectification indicates.
From Sri B V Raman’s book (How to Judge a Horoscope Vol. II) – 23:03 hrs. (LMT)
From Sri Sanjay Rath’s book (Crux of Vedic Astrology) – 23:21 hrs. (IST)
Astrodatabank – Rodden Rating ‘A’ (from Memory) 23:36 hrs. (LMT)
The second of the above three times is used cast the chart as it is the near average. In any
case, nothing much changes in Navamsha for all the three times except Navamsha Lagna
which is not relevant to the method being used.
Planet Comments on the placement of the planet
Sun In Rasi Sandhi
Moon VG(OW)
Mars NU
Mercury NU
Jupiter VG(OW)
Venus OW
Saturn Dispositor is in Rasi Sandhi
Rahu NU
Jupiter and Moon both are in their own sign in Rasi and they are in Srinkhala in Navamsha.
Hence, they both behave like Vargottama planets in their own sign. As there is a tie between
them, Shadbala comes into picture. Clearly, Moon has a much higher Shadbala than that of
Jupiter and hence Moon is picked as the best placed planet in this chart.
Looking at the above combination, one can see that out of the three possible alignments,
only one is likely if the given time‐frame is +/‐ 30 minutes from the assumed time, which is
aligning Nakshatra lord of Lagna with Sub‐lord of Moon. For any other alignment to take
place, the rectified time undergoes a drastic change.
The birth time is adjusted to have the alignment in the following manner:
Aligning Lagna with Moon, we have the rectified birth time as 23:18:00 hrs (LMT). This is
equivalent to 23:20:00 hrs (IST). This is very close to the time used by Sri Sanjay Rath (23:21
IST). It appears that his source is the authentic in this particular case.
It is clear from this example that in case of small errors in recorded birth time, this approach
shows the way to narrow down to the likely correct birth time.
The above examples demonstrate that there is a clear affinity between Lagna and the best
placed planet in the chart. Hence, it is appropriate to conclude that the correct birth time is
when the Lagna is perfectly aligned to the best placed planet in the chart.
Extending the scope of this study
It is always challenging to apply any Jyotish principle to a twin’s chart and verify it. As the
news of octuplets birth was breaking, it was indeed interesting to see how to apply this
theory for such births. The birth details are as follows:
January 26, 2009 between 10:43 and 10:48 hrs, at Bellflower, California, USA.
It was highly exciting to see that 8 alignments (one with each of the 8 planets) were
available in a span of just 5 minutes, roughly between 10:39 and 10:44! It is really very rare to
get so many alignments in such a short span of time. Anyone who looks into this would
understand that availability of 8 alignments to the Lagna in a span of only 5 minutes is not
just a co‐incidence. Though this theory has not been tested over a large number of twins’
charts yet, this author believes that the principle given above could be successfully applied to
twins’ (multiple births) charts as well.
Ø In the presence of Ravi Yogas, the evil yogas have no effect.
Count the Suns transit nakshatra to the Moons nakshatra. If
the Moons Nakshatra is the 4th, 6th, 9th, 10th, 13th and 20th
Ravi yoga forms
Ø If the Amrita yoga and Siddhi yoga form simultaneously,
the day is considered evil, like the combination of honey
and ghee (clarified butter) – Jyotishtatva
Ø The nakshatra in which the solar or lunar eclipse occurs
should be avoided for auspicious functions for 6 months, if it
is full eclipse, for 3 months if half and 1 month if it is 1/4th
- Muhurtha Sindhu by Iranganti Rangacharya
Exaltation &
Debilitation –
Astronomically ‐ 1
V.P.Jain, India.
As per Surya Sidhanta (SS) by Late Shri
Mahabir Prasad Srivastava, the exaltation
of planets takes place when they are at
maximum distance from the Earth and
debilitation is at 180 degrees opposite to
them. SS is considered to be the base of
Indian Astrology for astronomical
calculations. (Reference SS pages 21 to 34).
Before proceeding further we have some
V. P. Jain was born in Rewari on 31st Aug definitions and various motions of the
1931. He obtained Masters Degree in
Mathematics with Astronomy as one of its Some Definitions
papers. He retired as Audit Officer from the
office of the Director General of Audit Aphelion is the farthest point of the orbit
Central Revenues and has thereby written of the planet from the Sun.
several books in astrology titled 'Elements
of Astronomy & Astrological Calculations', Perihelion is the nearest point of the orbit
from the Sun
Text Book for Shadbala & Bhavabala'
which received enormous praise from Apogee is the farthest point of the orbit
readers & 'Astronomy relevant to from the Earth.
Astrology'. Many of his research papers
have been published in various astrological Perigee is the nearest point of the orbit
publications. from the Earth.
(1) Planets rotate on their axis by which days and nights are formed. It is called the
diurnal motion of the planets and the Earth.
(2) Planets including the earth are revolving around the Sun in elliptical orbits and the
Sun is at one of its focus. One revolution is the year of the planet.
(3) The Earth has a slow wobbling motion; such that the celestial pole describes a small
circle of diameter about 47 degrees nearly around the pole of ecliptic. This causes
precession of equinox and formation of Aynamsa.
(4) The above three motions of the Earth and the planets are commonly known to the
astrologers but the fourth one is rarely known which is:
By observing the position of the apse line of the orbit of the planets for a number of years, it
has been found that it has a slow direct motion in the plane of ecliptic. In the case of Earth it
is at the rate of 11.25”each year or one revolution is completed in 1 lac and fifteen thousands
years (one hundred and fifteen thousand years). It is given on page 109 of ‘Elements of
astronomy’ by George W Parker.
A B is the position of the apse line at any time and A1 B1 is the position of the apse line
after‘t’ years.
Here A and A1 are perihelion (can be said that the Sun is at perigee). B and B1 are aphelion
(can be called apogee also). When the Sun is at A, the Sun is seen at Q on the ecliptic, its
longitudes are the longitudes of Q while at B its longitudes are that of P. At A1and B1 the
longitudes of the Sun are those of Q1and P1. In ‘t’ years the apse line has moved 11.25 x t
longitudes. The longitudes of perihelion have increased by 11.25 x t’
The orbits of planets are revolving with a motion, resulting in slow motion of the perihelion
and aphelion of their orbits.
These state the revolution of planets and their Shigra (perihelion) in 432,20,000 years
Annual motion of aphelion and perihelion (Mandochha and Shighrochha) as per SS at
pages 33‐34 are as under;
Venus ‐3.24" + 0.1605"
The difference between these observations is due to the fact that the SS observations were
taken by naked eye and crude instruments, while the modern ones were observed by
telescopes and precise instruments.
As the Moon is revolving around the Earth its apse line is also revolving. The apse line (line
joining perigee and apogee of its orbit) completes one revolution in 3232.6 days (8.85 years as
per Lahiri’s Ephemeris 2009page 15). As per SS it completes one revolution in 3232 Savana
days 5 ghattis 37 pala and 13.6 vipal. In one year it moves by one sign, 10 degrees and 40.7
In olden days it was thought that all the planets are revolving around Earth but now it has
been established by modern astronomy that they are revolving around the Sun in elliptical
orbits. So the SS is taking apogee (mandochha). When a planet is at mandochha it was said
to be exalted and at 180 degree opposite to it at perigee it was considered as debilitated. In
Shadbala the Shighrochha (perigee) is taken when it is near the Sun at that time, this
however does not agree with period of exaltation of planets. As per classical texts the period
of reaching their Shighrochha will be every year. It does not agree with SS pages 29 to 33.
This way Mercury and Venus will come to mandochha more than once during a year as
their sidereal periods are 88 days and 225 days, but Mars, Jupiter and Saturn will be farthest
from the Earth in one year. During that year such exaltation and debilitation points are used.
Here it is essential to mention that according to Kepler’s 2nd law the line joining the planet
and the Sun covers equal area in equal interval of time and the Sun is at one of the focus of
its orbit. It is deduced that when the planet is at perihelion its angular motion will be faster
and slower at aphelion.
In case we consider that the mandochha (exaltation point) is aphelion it will be come back to
this point after one sidereal period which is true for Saturn and Jupiter.
In case of Sun and Moon apogee is mandochha. Now a days Sun is at apogee or the Earth is
at perihelion around 4th of July when its Nirayana longitudes are nearly 77 degrees or 17
degrees in Gemini and the Moon’s apogee changes 40 degrees and 40.7 minutes every year
and it is at apogee when its motion is least.
Shri Kedar Dutt Joshi, former Professor of Mathematics and Predictive astrology of Kashi
Hindu Vishwavidyalaya (University) has stated in the preface of Tajik Neelkanthi on page
57 that the planets are exalted at mandochha. He has also stated that by not adopting the
correct longitudes of exaltation and debilitation points predictions fail many times. These
points used are the same which were in vogue in Varahmihir’s times and many renowned
astrologers like Sri Pati, Narain Bhatt, Keshwark, Ram Daivagya etc., were not having good
knowledge of mathematics (I think it includes astronomy too) and adopted the old
exaltation points.
Shri Joshi has given a horoscope of Shrim Ram Chander ji, which is given at page 199 of his
book ‘Jyotish Mein Swar Vigyan ka Mahatva’. It was quoted in the Mangal Prakaran of
horoscopes of the natives.
It states that Sri Ram was born in Chaitra Shukla (bright half) Navami Tithi (ninth lunar
day) Punarvasu Nakshatra, Cancer ascendant, Jupiter conjunct with Moon and five planets
There are many things in astrology which require change in the light of modern astronomy
for which research by those, well versed in both astronomy and astrology should be
conducted. In my opinion astrology is applied astronomy but we do not normally use
astronomy except for the preparation of horoscopes.
To Be Continued................
Nakshatra Bindus
Dr. Paresh Desai, India
Our ancient Rishi‐Munis have described 8
Chandrat Nakshatra Bindus (CNB). These
are 1.Karm, 2.Sanghaatik, 3.Uday, 4.Aadhan,
5.Vinaash, 6.Maanas, 7.Raaj and
8.Abhishek.. As these are Chandrat
nakshatra bindus, they are counted from the
Nakshatra of Chandra i.e. Moon in native’s
birth horoscope. Each CNB occupies one
constellation and they come in this serial
order only. They are situated at certain
distance from the constellation of Moon
which is fixed by our rishi‐munies.
Accordingly Karm occupies 10th nakshatra
from the nakshatra of Moon. Sanghatik is
situated in 16th Nakshatra from the
Paresh Desai is a doctor by Nakshatra of Moon. Similarly Uday
profession & has pursued deep study of occupies 18th nakshatra, Aadhan occupies 19th
astrology since several decades. He Nakshatra, Vinaash occupies 23rd Nakshatra,
Maanas occupies 25th Nakshatra, Raaj
comes from a parampara where ‘Only
occupies 26th nakshatra and Abhishek
Sarvatobhadra Chakra’ is used for occupies 27th Nakshatra from the Nakshatra
predictions, no dasas at all. His Guru of Moon respectively. In tabular form it will
was the illustrious legendary celebrity be:
astrologer of Bombay, Shri Ravindra
Desai who had learnt astrology from Sr. Name of Number Brief Meaning
Baroda & Benaras for 25 years and No. CNB from
then developed his own system of Nakshatra
of Moon
Sarvatobhadra Chakra. We expect Mr.
1. Karm 10th Work, Deeds
Desai to reveal some rare secrets in this 2. Sanghaatik 16th Together
space in the coming months. 3. Uday 18th Rise of Fortune
4. Aadhan 19th Invisible
5. Vinaash 23rd Destruction
6. Maanas 25th Engraved on
7. Raaj 26th Kingly
8. Abhishek 27th Public Honour
Meaning of CNBs:
1. Karm: Karm denotes work or deeds. Every native has taken birth to do certain deeds.
This bindu provides the opportunities to carry out these deeds. In Sarvatobhadra chakra
Karm bindu denotes the reason for which the native has taken rebirth. The house in which
this bindu is placed plays an important role in reaching the goals of the life of native. This
house becomes instrumental in providing opportunities to native to earn his livelihood,
fulfill his family and social obligations. The main objective of the work or deeds of the
native will be to get the fruits of the house in which this bindu is present. E.g. if this bindu is
present in the 2nd house, which is the house of money matters, savings of money, wealth and
family members then the main objective of native’s deeds will be to earn lot of money,
increase his bank balance and amass as much wealth as possible and to ensure the happiness
of his family members. These things would come first in the life of native i.e. first priority
deeds in his life.
2. Sanghaatik: Means together or to work in groups. As per the characteristics of this bindu,
native gets co‐operation from known or unknown persons in getting fruits of the house in
which this bindu is present. Fruits could be good or bad as per the transit of planets and as
per the strength of this house in the horoscope. But as this bindu is a chandrat nakshatra
bindu, the degree of bad fruits could be decreased and the amount of good fruits can be
increased by proper planning and effort which is the characteristics of chandrat nakshatra
bindu. Another characteristic of this bindu is that if person tries to do some work on his
own, he may not be able to finish it or will find it hard to finish it but if he takes the help of
others, the same job will be done easily and nicely. E.g. a person wants to book a railway
ticket. If he goes himself to the booking office, he will find a long Q there, some people may
break the Q and get the ticket; booking officer may take longer time then is required and
find it hard, tedious and time consuming. Instead if he contacts any booking agent and asks
him to book ticket for him, his work will be done easily and without any hardship.
3. Uday: This is the 3rd CNB occupying 18th nakshatra from the nakshatra of Moon. This
bindu denotes the rise of fortune and progress of the native and the house in which this
bindu is placed gives opportunities for progress. Suppose this bindu is present in the 4th
house, then the 4th house is the house of mother and very close friends. So native’s mother or
close friends play an important role in the rise of native or his progress. Native uses his
intelligence or power to bring about the progress in his life. During the favourable rotation
of planets, there will be rise of fortune and progress in the life of the native but during
unfavourable rotation of planets, there will be worries about the progress or about the
fortune and if the birth horoscope is also not powerful then there might be the downfall of
the native.
4. Aadhan: This is the 4th CNB occupying 19 th nakshatra from the nakshatra of Moon.
Aadhan means invisible growth or the invisible growth of the fruits of the house in which
this bindu is placed. E.g. if we sow some seeds in the soil, we will not be able to see it grow
for few days as their growth take place under ground. The fact that we can not see seeds
growing for first few days does not mean that seeds are not growing. We will be able to see
them grow after few days as its stem come out of the soil. So we may not be able to see the
fruits of the house in which this bindu is present initially even after hard work or efforts.
These fruits which are not visible at the time of work are not going to get destroyed but we
are going to get them in future.
5. Vinaash: This is the 5th CNB and is placed in 23rd nakshatra from the nakshatra of Moon.
The meaning of Vinaash is destruction. The bindu denotes the destruction of the fruits of
the house in which it is present. This destruction could be due to nature or by the folly of the
native. The fruits of the house which have been accumulated in the past during the rotation
of good planets get destroyed during unfavorable rotation of planets. This destruction can be
total or partial depending upon the strength of the house in native’s birth horoscope. But
since this is a CNB, this destruction can be minimized or avoided.
6. Maanas: This is the 6th CNB occupying 25th Nakshatra from the nakshatra of Moon.
Maanas means memory or some thoughts which has left deep impression on memory. The
memory of good or the bad fruits of the house in which this bindu is situated leave a long
lasting impression on the mind of the native. He cannot forget the bad situation developed
during malefic rotation even if he tries very hard to forget it. Similarly he cannot forget the
good things that have happened regarding this house. So there is a long lasting impact of all
types of fruits of this house on the memory of the native. These fruits have to be endured by
the native alone. But as this is a CNB, native can reduce the bad effects of fruits or increase
the good effect by efforts and planning.
7. Raaj: this is the 7th CNB occupying 26th nakshatra from the
nakshatra of Moon. The meaning of Raaj is kingly, i.e. like a
king. The native gets all types of happiness, luxury, name and
fame like a King. He gets all types of luxuries, top honours and
fame in public. He is the boss of organizations or companies. He
gets lot of wealth and fame in the society. The way in which the
native works to get the fruits of the house in which this bindu is
present creates a kingly aura. Sometimes native gets fruits of this
house as if it is his right to get those fruits. The native gets famous in his society. All these
fruits are obtained when the house in which this bindu is present is strong in the horoscope.
These fruits are obtained during the favourable transit of planets. But if this house is not
strong, then during unfavourable rotation of planets, native will have all sorts of worries
about his name, fame, wealth and happiness.
8. Abhishek: This is the 8th and last CNB occupying 27th nakshatra from the nakshatra of
Moon. It means public honour i.e. getting honour in public by the society or country. For
example if some one wins an award or any medal in any field at the national or international
level is honored in public by his country or association to which he is attached.. The house in
which this bindu is present becomes instrumental in achieving this feat. The native achieves
such top positions that he is publicly honoured. E.g. Abhinav Bindra who won gold medal in
Olympics at Beijing was praised by one and all and was honoured by public, president of
India and other distinguished personalities and associations of the country and also got lot of
prize money. Like Michael Phelps creating history in winning record number of Gold
Medals in swimming completion at Beijing Olympics was honored by his country and many
others. But these fruits are obtained only if the house is strong in the horoscope and only
during favourable rotation of planets. During unfavourable rotation of planets contrary to
these fruits are obtained. Native gets discredit or is publicly humiliated and we can take the
example of Golden Olympic runner Marion Jones of US who was stripped off her gold
medals as she tested positive for the banned drugs.
The Philosophical Part
Chapter 3
V.V. Shairvarkar, USA.
Path Of Actions
Arjuna Is Confused
Importance Of Actions
Abandoning action is not non‐action : If without doing the prescribed actions first
one says that “I am abandoning actions like a Siddha”, then that will not at all constitute
non‐action for him. Because it is foolish to think that non‐action is the same thing as
not doing the duties that have fallen to one’s lot. (3:45‐ 46). As long as one is in his body and
has desires, actions cannot be abandoned; certain natural duties (like earning livelihood,
preparation of food, having progeny etc.) have perforce to be performed.
But the actions become non‐actions when one is ceaselessly content. Therefore one who
wants to achieve non‐action should never give up the prescribed actions. (3:47‐ 50)
It is Maya which controls the material universe. (See the note at the end of Ch 2).
Therefore, to say that ‘I shall do this and not do that' is ignorance. Even if one stops doing
one's duties, the organs have to continue with their own natural duties. (3:53‐ 54). Then what
is it that one is giving up? (3:58) Therefore, a person under the control of nature or Maya
cannot give up actions. (3:63)
Some may try to attain the state of non‐action by giving up prescribed duties and by
controlling the tendencies of their senses. But as long as thoughts about actions continue to
occupy their minds they cannot be said to have achieved non‐action even though outwardly
they may hypocritically pretend to have abandoned actions. Such natives must be without
doubt considered to be engrossed in sense‐objects. (3:64‐ 66).
A Desireless Person
In this context listen to the characteristics of a desireless person. (3:67). Such a person
though outwardly he may behave like others, is internally steady, always absorbed in the
meditation on the Supreme Self. Since he is in control of his sense‐organs he is not afraid of
sense‐objects and nor does he avoid his duties. While he lets his action‐organs do their task
he is not affected by the resultant feelings. He is not influenced by delusion or by lust. Since
outwardly he behaves like others, one cannot know his inner state. Such a person may be
considered as liberated. Such a liberated person should be specifically called a yogi.
Therefore Arjuna, be such a yogi and let your mind be quiet and free, and let the action
organs do their duties. (3:68‐ 76).
Brahmadev’s Advice
Shri Krishna then told Arjuna the following old legend:
When Brahmadev created this world, he created at the same time both humans and the code
of behaviour or actions (Dharma) for them. But the code was subtle and men could not
understand it. So they asked Brahmadev,
"On what basis do we exist here?" (3:86‐87).
Act as per the code Brahmadeo replied, "I have already set the code of actions depending upon
your caste. Let your actions be guided by it and your wishes will be fulfilled with ease. Do
not trouble your body by performing Vratas (observance of austerities like fast sometimes
with rituals) and penances. Do not go far away for pilgrimage. Do not observe yoga and
similar techniques, penance with desire or mantra and tantra techniques. Do not worship
other deities. Perform the natural yajna of doing actions as per the code (Dharma) and the
actions will become successful. If you worship the deities by performing actions as per the
code then the deities will be pleased and give you the desired objects and will sustain you.
You will enjoy the good things of life and be happy." (3:88‐95).
When you worship the deities by doing actions as prescribed by Swadharma, the deities will
be pleased with you and there will develop a mutual love between both of you. (3:96‐97).
Violators of code shall be punished And Brahmadeo also warned that, "But if any person, after
thus gaining wealth becomes lusty and behaves by the tendencies of the sense objects and
will not use the wealth given to him by the deities to worship God, will not give offerings to
Fire and donate food, will not show devotion to the Guru, will not welcome the guests and
will not satisfy his community, such a person will face many calamities, lose his wealth and
will not be able to enjoy it. (3:103‐108). He who forsakes his code loses his liberty. Fate
punishes him considering him a thief and snatches everything from him. (3:111‐112). Even if
he asks for mercy he is not set free up till the end of time. (3:115). Therefore one should
always be alert and follow one's code." (3:118)
Utilisation of Wealth Brahmadeo further said, “He who, with desireless mind spends his
wealth for the duties prescribed by Swadharma, worships his Guru, well‐wishers and Fire,
and after performing Shraddha of forefathers (ritual of offering of food etc. to the dead
forefathers) and other yajna rituals through the hands of brahmins, partakes of the
remaining food along with his family, gets his sins washed and becomes free of all
blemishes. (3:119‐123). Therefore wealth earned by actions according to Swadharma should be
spent according to Swadharma and whatever remains should be enjoyed with satisfaction.
Food a form of Brahman Shri Krishna continued, “But those sinners who, by considering
themselves to be only the body and not the soul, do not see the sense‐objects as anything
other than means of enjoyment and who instead of considering the earned wealth as the
material for yajna, use it selfishly for their own pleasures, (for example) prepare tasty food
and consume it themselves, actually consume sin. (3:125‐129).
All wealth is a means of yajna in the form of Swadharma‐based actions and should thus be
offered to God. Instead, these fools prepare various types of food for themselves. The food
which fulfils a yajna is no ordinary thing. It is actually a form of Brahman because life of all
creatures depends upon it. (3:130‐133).
Creatures grow by food, food grows by rain, rain falls because of yajna and yajna is
performed by actions which are prescribed in the Vedas which have originated from the
indestructible Brahman. Therefore the Brahman pervades all the living and non‐living
objects. Thus, the basis of the yajna performed by actions are the immortal Vedas. Thus,
Vedas permanently reside in the prescribed actions. Thus I have told you in short the
background of the yajna as part of Swadharma. (3:134‐138).
Therefore, a proud arrogant person who does not behave properly as per Swadharma and
instead by evil deeds spends time in physical pleasures is a sinner and burden to this earth.
His life and works being fruitless are wasted. (3:139‐141). Duties accompany the body at birth.
Duties naturally come with the body i.e. as soon as a person is born, therefore why should
one avoid proper actions? Those who avoid the duties even after attaining the human body
are ignorant. (3:141‐144).
But he who is always engrossed in the Self does not get bound by the actions even while
going about doing his duty because he is satiated with the knowledge of the Self and with
that he has finished the duties of this lifetime. Therefore he does not get loaded by his
actions. (3:146‐147).
Just as the means of satisfaction become irrelevant when one becomes satisfied, the
desireless actions according to Swadharma are relevant only until one attains the knowledge
of the Self. (3:148‐149)
Therefore Arjuna, you should control your organs, leave selfish desires, and follow what is
prescribed by Swadharma. Those who follow Swadharma with desireless attitude attain
Brahman in this world. (3:150‐151).
and narrow thinking, that he is the doer. (3:178‐179). Maya, the creator of all actions is absent
in a person who has realised Self. Such persons give up the I‐am‐the‐body ego, understand
the unique relation between the attributes and actions and remain in the body with
uninvolved attitude. Therefore even by remaining in the body, the actions do not touch
them. (3:181‐183). A person who is under the influence of the attributes and acts under the
control of Maya is alone affected by actions. Because organs, with the help of the attributes
behave according to their own nature but he claims the credit for their actions. (3:184‐185).
Therefore Arjuna, you perform all the prescribed actions and make their offering to me but
concentrate your attention on the Self. Do not harbour an ego like “This is the action, I am
its doer and I am going to do it.” Do not go after this body, shed all desires and enjoy or
endure whatever comes to your lot. (3:186‐188). Those who accept with respect this firm
opinion of mine and behave according to it with faith will be free from the binding of their
A wise person should never pamper the organs. (3:202). When the body is controlled by
others why should one accumulate the fruits of actions for it. (3:205). Ordinarily, mind
experiences pleasure when the organs are provided with the sense‐objects. But just as the
company of a robber is safe for a short time, only up to the village boundary, the lust
residing in the organs leads them to depravity. (3:210‐211, 213). The desire for sense‐pleasures
causes anger and destroys the intellect. Desire and anger are both extremely dangerous;
therefore shed their company. Do not let the nectar of experience of the Self be spoilt by
even the thought of desire and anger. (3:215‐218).
Importance Of Dharma
It is advantageous to practice one's own Dharma, however difficult, rather than that of others
even if the latter may appear attractive. (3:219‐220). Would one demolish one's own thatched
hut by comparing it to the white mansions of others? (3:223). Similarly, even if one's Dharma
is painful and difficult to practice, it is that which makes his afterlife happy. (3:225).
Therefore by taking into account his own benefit, one should not do actions which may befit
others but not to himself. Even if one has to sacrifice one’s life while practising Swadharma it
is good because it will establish one’s greatness in both the worlds. (3: 228‐229).
Arjuna's Question
At this point Arjuna asked, "Who are responsible for making even persons of Knowledge
distort their thinking and go astray?" He also asked other questions broadly in the same
vein. (3:232‐238)
destroy happiness by destroying Knowledge and instil the three forms of torture (personal,
external and elemental) in the hearts of people. After birth they are attached to the physical
body and reside in the mind and therefore cannot be discovered even by Brahmadev. They
destroy the personality of even a person of Knowledge and nobody can control them. (3:253‐
256). Pure Knowledge is always associated with desire and anger and is veiled by them.
(3:262). Therefore one should first conquer them before attaining Knowledge. It is however
very difficult to do so because more one tries more it helps them to strengthen their hold and
because of this even Hathayogis are defeated. There is only one method of bringing them
under control. (3:264‐267)
Tao Te Ching
By Lao‐tzu
All in the world know the beauty of the beautiful, and in doing
this they have (the idea of) what ugliness is; they all know the skill
of the skilful, and in doing this they have (the idea of) what the
want of skill is.
All things spring up, and there is not one which declines to show
itself; they grow, and there is no claim made for their ownership;
they go through their processes, and there is no expectation (of a
reward for the results). The work is accomplished, and there is no
resting in it (as an achievement).
The Mystic Red
Rabinder Nath Bhandari, India.
In English this rare work is called
the ‘Red Book’ & in Urdu/Hindi it is
called Lal Kitab. In my opinion, it is tough
to explain Lal Kitab in few words, because
this book provides vast information
regarding readings and interpretation of
effects of Past Karmas {deeds} on any
individual, which are first of all recorded
in heavens, represented through nine { 9
nidhi} planets by their placement in
twelve houses {12 sidhi} of a horoscope,
whose influence is recorded in human
Rabinder Nath Bhandari was born on brain first in 42 houses {42 years of age of
planets Rahu}, thereafter through thoughts
26th Dec 1950 and is a science graduate created in human brain, these effects are
from Punjab University. He has been transferred through nervous system in the
shapes of different palm lines and mounts
studying astrology since 1978 in which 28
of various planets {which form a base for
years he has spent in Lal Kitab. Being well enacting a horoscope based on reading
versed in Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi & English he palm lines and mounts} and all these
has dwelved deeper into Present day readings in this system are also to be
Palmistry along with Indian Samudrik correlated with the total outlook {body in
Shastra apart from doing vast amount of total} of self, house of native {from which
readings for people. His interests likes in house horoscope is enacted and plays a
nature photography & the exactly how vital role in selecting Lal Kitab remedies},
nature is simple, this simplicity reflects in plants, trees , animals and birds, relatives,
his persona being an extremely humble and friends, colors of clothing’s, eating habits
loving human being. and personal behavior while giving a
reading based on Lal Kitab.
It is clearly mentioned in Aagaz {preface} of Lal Kitab, that color of this book binding must
be in red, which is supposed to be non‐shining, and all other colors of it’s binding will give
negative effects {manhoos asar dene wale hongey}. Reason for selecting this color is self
explanatory and becomes very much clear while reading colors and influences of all nine
planets in this book, and there is only one planet, i.e. mangal nek {mars positive}, whose
color is blood red, {color of life}, and in presence of mangal nek, no other planet in negative
state prevails and all effects and results come always positive and no malefic combination
can render it’s negative influence in it’s presence. Where as, while we think about any color
of another planet, every planet can be affected in adverse way by aspects or by malefic
combinations or by their placements or links with inimical planets. Thus keeping this view
in mind, red color, which is supposed to be non – shining, is selected for binding of this book
and name to this book {Lal Kitab } given accordingly.
Time Period When All Five Editions Of Lal Kitab Were Published
Lal Kitab was written and published from 1939 to 1952 in five total different editions. All
these were published under the name of Pt. Girdhari Lal Sharma along with his photograph,
but actual writer of these books was Pandit Rup Chand Joshi Ji, resident of village Farwala
{Distt. Jalandhar} near Phillaur (Punjab state), from where busses follow a route toward
Noor Mehal. Pandit Rup Chand Joshi Ji was in service in Defense Accounts and retired as
Asst. Accounts Officer, which becomes very much clear to the visitor even today, to the
native village of Pandit ji, where a beautiful, big name plate is still present on top of the
main gate of Baithak {A Room, where Pandit Ji attended to visitors and used to give
predictions to them}. As, most of the practitioners of Lal Kitab are writing name of Pandit Ji
with wrong spellings i.e. Pandit Roop Chand Joshi, but in the original name plate, spellings
are Rup Chand Joshi (see below original name plate).
I visited personally Farwala (Distt. Jalandhar) village and contacted some old persons from
that village, who were very much pleased to talk about Pandit Ji, and all gave due respect to
“Him”. One of his neighbors, Sh. Kundan Lal, whose shop and residence is just opposite to
Baithak, told me that all knowledge, which is reflected in all these five editions of Lal Kitab
is entirely due to “His” hard work, intelligence and interest in this field of Jyotish and
whatever is said, is true and what so ever “He” predicted to his visitors, came true and that
was his own original work and all this knowledge was acquired by “Him” during his service
First edition of Lal Kitab was published in 1939 titled as Samudrik Ki Lal Kitab, in which, it
is very much clear from title page of this book, where it is written {hatheli ki lakeeron se
teva (tipra) janam kundli bnane aur zindgi ke poorey halaa,t dekhne ke liye, Samudrik Ki
Lal Kitab {how to enact a horoscope based on readings from hand lines of a person}. This
book contains information in 383 pages regarding palmistry mainly, showing relationship of
9 planets and 12 houses of horoscope on palm of a person and their influences on his life and
also on his relatives.
Second Edition of Lal Kitab was published in 1940 and was titled as Samudrik Ke Lal Kitab
Ke Armaan {285 pages}, in which all required information, which was not included in First
Edition of Lal Kitab, was incorporated and this is the book, in which Ilm Kyafa
{estimations} was included and it was clearly mentioned in ‘Sarsri Note’ in the beginning of
this book that all ‘Armaans’ of this book are to be read in conjunction with all ‘Farmaans’ of
1939 edition, to reach up to the depth of this subject. This book also contained some remedies
in a precise manner, which were also quoted in other editions too.
Third edition of Lal Kitab was published in 1941 and was titled as Samudrik Ki Lal Kitab
Teesra Hissa {428 pages} and is a pocket sized edition. This book is written mostly in poetry
and this is a summary reference book and Pandit Ji used to call this book as Gutka {Pocket
Book}. In this book, one thing of great importance regarding remedies of adverse influence
of planets is quoted on page no 410 {line number 12 to 15}, where to perform remedies
according to planetary position in horoscope of subject or correct planetary influences
according to House Horoscope {Makaan Kundli}.
Fourth Edition of Lal Kitab was published in 1942 and was titled as ‘Samudrik Ki Lal Kitab’
tarmeem shuda {379 pages} is written in a very much compact way, in which detailed
information is incorporated in quite an interesting manner regarding all twelve houses, nine
planets, samudrik shastra, Ilm Kyafa, additionally remedies are also explained in a very nice
way and more stress is paid on Grammer Of Lal Kitab and how to judge negative or positive
influence of planets and their placements by looking at individuals such as When Face Is
Long, Jupiter Is Found Influencing Sixth House, When Face Is Broad, Instead Of Jupiter,
Ketu`s Influence Is More On Sixth House And In The Same Way From Eyebrows Of A
Person, Quality Of Saturn Can Be Judged, From Ears – Ketu, From Tip Of Nose – Mercury
And All Other Planets Can Be Noticed In The Same Manner, but all this information is
lying scattered in different Farmaans of Lal Kitab, which reader is supposed to collect with
his labor and reading it with deep interest.
This is the only edition, in which, Pandit Ji said “Mazmoon Go Deemag Par Bhari Asar
Hone Se Thakaega Magar Mehnat Se Lal Ktab Ke Zariye Nikala Hua Natija Ya Farmaan
Ek Karamad Cheej Hogi” – which means ‘the astrologer who uses all these calculations will
get mentally tired but with the labor he does of Lal Kitab the result he will get will be
miraculous’. Which shows, how deep was the interest of Pandit Ji in this system of
prediction, and these words are reflecting that the writer himself realized the impact and
depth of information included in these books, who also felt exhausted with the overloading
of brain force while reading and writing all this information for the benefits of humanity.
Fifth Edition of Lal Kitab was published in 1952 and was titled
as Jyotish Ki Lal Kitab and on title page it was written in
English language first time that “{Astrology Based on
Palmistry}” and there were 1180 pages in total up to last page of
drustiyan {correction memo} and this edition was the most
detailed version and more stress was paid on Grammar Of Lal
Kitab, Varsh Phal Calculations, all planets were discussed to
make it clear to its reader regarding Nek {Good} or Bad
{Adverse} condition of every planet with very nicely
incorporated information regarding various remedies, which
are to be performed to ward or get rid of adverse influence of
any planet. Relation of different planets with residential house, types of person of various
planets, effects of animals, birds, plants, donations, colors of writing pen with ink used there
in are very nicely explained. One more interesting chapter in this book is Pitri‐Rin, which
deals with influence of bad deeds / sins of the ancestors of native on the native, which
generally create obstacles for the prosperity of the person and how to get rid of all these is
mentioned very elaborately.
All the above five editions of Lal Kitab are written in a proper sequence, if any person reads
all these five books in their proper order (order of their publication) repeatedly, he is blessed
with very deep knowledge and will be in a position to interpret horoscope made by our
traditional system, by reading palm and will be in a position to trace placement of all planets
in different houses, can give predictions only by looking at any person by ascertaining
position and condition of planets as per guidelines given in all these five editions.
1. We can read horoscope made according to old traditional system by giving ascendant
as no 1 and then complete horoscope according to Lal Kitab.
2. By casting a horoscope of One’s Own Home – Makaan Kundli, based on observations
of placement of different items and their location by linking all these with 9 planets
and 12 houses.
3. By looking at the face and observing personal behavior, a horoscope according to the
brain of that person – Deemag Kundli (Brain Horoscope).
4. By having a detailed look at the hand of a person; planets can be placed in 12 different
houses of a horoscope ‐ Samudrik Ki Bunyad Se Banayee Hooyee Janam Patri.
Pls note that in the Vedic system Saturn and Ketu are placed in the first house in Virgo Sign
and this gets converted into the Red Book Horoscope by just changing the sign of Virgo to
No 1 as the first house, there are houses in Lal Kitab.
Remedies According To Lal Kitab
bimari kaa bgair dwai bhi ilaaj hai, mager mout ka koyee charraa nahin, yeh dunyavi hisaab kitab
hai, koyee dava‐ e‐ khudai nahin – which means that ill health can be cured without the help of
medicine, but death can`t be averted, so these all are the worldly calculations, not a verdict from
As prediction base of Lal Kitab is very strong because of its judgment based on
multidirectional observations, accuracy level is very high; in the same manner its remedial
measures for curing ill effects of planets on human beings are also having a very strong base.
Affecting planets are classified into two types of planetary placements such as
A) Greh Phal – Planet Result (remedies for these planets are not done directly, because of
their permanent influence – so in these cases, remedies are performed by taking help
of other planets or of one out of two planets, representatives of their artificial
{masnooyee} form and
B) Rashi Phall – Sign Result, for which direct remedies can be performed. Main stress is
paid on personal behavior of any person, color of clothes, eating habits, bad immoral
activities, his temperaments, relations with his family members and surrounding
fellow beings, his residing place, timing of marriage etc, timing for construction of
house, main gate direction of house where a person is residing, type of charity and
donations which a person is supposed to perform, color of fountain pen which he is
using and all these remedies are very strongly effective in getting rid of bad influences
and clear all paths of progress of the native. As all these remedies are very easy to be
performed only by changing some routine habits, personal behavior, and their cost is
very much low, because these are meant for help of humanity, not for benefits of self.
In my 28 years of experience in Indian Astrology, Lal Kitab, Palmistry, I have observed and
found that every remedy works very well and very quickly. There are a number of very
quick remedies for protection of baby child since from the day of pregnancy till birth, for
happy married life and relations, for success in any one’s career, for getting rid of illness, for
foreign travel, to prevent loss of money and control of extravagant expenses, remedies for
getting relief of ill affects of any ones residential house according to types of houses and so
many other aspects of life of a human being.
There is no one specific remedy as people think for any specific work, selection of any
remedy varies from person to person for any given field and so their effectiveness varies. In
all of it’s remedies, a special care is paid to get benefits only by small changes in our daily
routine life, which are totally logically based, e.g. as any one person, whose Moon is placed
in first house, he should avoid use of ‘Glass Tumbler’ for taking milk or water and instead of
this, use of silver tumbler is advised because of the basic reason of moon and mercury
planets inimical behavior and at the same time, there is a special foot note at the base of that
page, in which it is advised not to use Ganga Sagar Of Silver (Ganga Sagar is a silver tea pot
with side pipe to pour tea into cup – now why not to use this since silver represents planet
moon and a round hollow pipe represents planet mercury, which will give adverse results
due to an artificial combination of moon and mercury.)
In the same manner, there are a great number of remedies which are very easy to perform
and effect oriented, but these remedies should be performed under the guidance of any
person who is blessed with this knowledge to get their optimum results in minimum time
Pandit Rup Chand Joshi the author of the Red Book was born in village Farwala on 18th Jan,
1898 and was very much intelligent in his studies; he lost his mother in childhood and was a
self made man. Pandit Ji was a man of discipline and very much punctual in his daily
routine and acquired all this knowledge during service time in Himachal Pardes, but it is
said that some spiritual power helped Pandit Ji in compiling such a great work for benefits of
people who are unable to do the rigorous routine of Vedic rituals. This work was published
and printed in five different editions under the name of Pandit Girdhari Lal Sharma, cousin
brother of Pandit Ji. Pandit Ji always helped humanity by studying and interpreting
horoscopes & hands at his native village Farwala at His house in a Baithak, in front of which
on top of main gate A Beautiful Name Plate (image of which is been attached above), is also
present now and people of that village still have due regard and respect for Pandit Ji in their
hearts and remember his good work done for the suffering people of that area. Although
Pandit Ji left this world on 24th Dec, 1982, but he is still alive in hearts of people.
All these five books are basically an Aashirwad (blessings) for followers of the system of Lal
Kitab and blessings for the eternally suffering humanity as in the last page of every edition
of Lal Kitab is written a word Blessings (Aashirwad).
I bow my head with respect on the feet of such a great person, a holy spirit, who in fact cared for
humanity from core of His heart and request all persons linked with this system to be very sincere
towards this system and try to explore this system with best of their efforts and expand their
knowledge bank for the help of humanity as our respected Pandit Ji did.
In my 28 years of experience of Lal Kitab, I have realized the spiritual message emanating out of this
book which is not to condemn and criticize other scholars of Astrology, but be like the SUN, who never
sets, it is we people, who say, SUN has set in, but then SUN is away from us, giving it`s light
somewhere else in another part of world, and always a donor, not a taker, with punctuality and
discipline in life. Imbibing this quality of the Sun is the spiritual message from Lal Kitab which I have
been trying to follow in my life and with folded hands I request the young ones to do the same.
New Light On
Jaimini Astrology –
Part 2
One of the oldest authorities on Jaimini efforts have addressed the complaints we
received from Jaimini net forums regarding the
new concepts explained by Maduraji, although
Astrology, he graced the Astrological they are part of the standard commentaries of
Magazine in 1960s under immense Jaimini.]
persuasion of Late Dr Raman and gave us
some rare jewels in Jaimini Astrology. At
the age of 80, he lives in a small town in
Andhra Pradesh. Incidentally not many in
India & West know that Andhra Pradesh
I n the last article that was published in
May 2008 Vol.2 issue of Saptarishis
Astrology, some different types of
Lagnas were studied. A few more to be
studied will be considered in their
has been the land of Jaimini Astrology after
Banaras. Revered Sastriji leads a strict appropriate places. I shall now study the
Raja Yoga, Yoga Bhanga (cancellation)
Brahminical life along with being very
effects of Bhavas and the Dasas in the
open minded & extremely humble. His
horoscope referred to earlier.
humility only shows his supreme mastery
over astrology. He and Iranganti (Copy Editor: As already stated in the earlier
Rangacharya are considered as the article, Sri Madhura Krishna Murthi Sastri
foremost authorities alive today in Jaimini uses his own Ayanamsa which he came to
Astrology. Mr Sastri has supported conclusion after spending 6 months in Jantar
Saptarishis Astrology right from its Mantar Observatory in Rajasthan. The chart
inception stage. is generated with our software to the maximum
extent possible to get the longitudes given by the
author. For the benefit of the readers, we are
giving below, the longitudes given by the
Sun: 25Ge22 Moon: 29Le50
Mars: 21Li37 Merc: 10Cn16
Jup: 08Ta12 Ven: 09Ta57
Sat: 13Aq05 Rahu: 12Le08
In the horoscope, it was found that Saturn is the Yogada planet as he aspects both Lagna and
its 7th house. For this planet Saturn and the Lagna, I shall discuss the Argala effects and then
study the Yoga and Avayoga (malefic) influences, and then discuss the Dasa effects. Sage
Jaimini has defined Argala in five sutras. Somanatha and Krishna Misra have explained
these clearly. Argala influences must be studied both for the Lagna and the Seventh house
before studying the good and bad points of a horoscope.
In this horoscope, Jupiter, Venus, Mercury, Saturn and Ketu are in the second, fourth and
eleventh houses from the Lagna and in the anti‐influential houses 12, 10 and 3 respectively to
these houses, the Sun occupies only one house that is 3 and the other houses are free from
occupation. According to the rule ना नु िवबला, even the Sun is not an anti‐influential
planet. As there are planets in the three Argala houses, the horoscope has full Argala Yoga
for the Lagna. Therefore the native will enjoy full benefic influence in his life.
But, Somanatha and Krishna Mishra have discussed the following evil influences in the
horoscope in order to assess the final good effects:
1. Rahu’s position in the 5th house
2. The association of Moon and Rahu
3. The association of Ketu with the Yogada planet Saturn.
4. Saturn, Ketu and Sun occupying trines from Mars and Lord of the Lagna.
These are the detracting influences. This native, born in poor family, started his life as an
humble clerk and became an influential officer of the same company.
The native was born in a chara rasi (movable sign) with planets in the Argala houses 2, 4
and 11 with no planets in the anti‐influential houses 12, 10 and 3. So, according to Somanatha
and Krishna Mishra, the native has full Raja Yoga.
As regards Yogada planet Saturn, is in its own house; Jupiter and Venus occupy the fourth
house from Saturn; Saturn is in a fixed sign. Therefore Saturn causes Raja Yoga. Saturn is
also subjected to some malefic influences. Sun and Mars – malefics—are in trines (5,9) from
Saturn. The rule is that malefics in 5th, 9th and 8th houses from any planets cancel its benefic
effects. In the final assessment, the native has full Raja Yoga.
I f either the Janma Lagna and the seventh houses or Arudha Lagna and its Seventh
houses have pure Argala influences without cancelling effects, the native must be
wealthy. In the horoscope under consideration, there are benefics in 2nd and 4th houses
from Langa.
Arudha Lagna for this chart, according to Somanatha is Cancer which has powerful
Argala influences as Moon, Rahu, Mars, Jupiter and Venus occupy 2nd, 4th and 11th Rasis
from Cancer. The natives has therefore a powerful Dhana Yoga. He suffered from poverty
in his youth due to the location of malefics in the Argala houses.
Further According to Jyotisha Phala Ratnamala, Chapter 9, slokas 3 and 4, there will be Dhana Yoga
if the benefics and malefics alternatively occupy the signs from the Lagna or the Rasi occupied by the
Yogada planet.
horoscopes and the others for ordinary anti-influential houses 12, 10 and 3. So,
According to Kalpa Latha, horoscopes which do not have Prabhu Yoga, but have Raja Yoga
are to be studied by applying the following ordinary six Dasa systems: Nakshatra Bheda,
Nakshtraraja Dasa, Nisarga, Chara, Chara Paryaya, Sthira Paryaya and Gochara. Gochara
Dasa is otherwise known as Trikona Dasa. The sutra
िपतृमातृधन ायािदिकोणे
pitṛmātṛdhana prāṇyādistrikoṇe (2426)
defines Trikona dasa. Here the fifth sign, Leo, is strong and Leo Dasa becomes the first
Jataka Sara Sangraha states: Select the stronger of the two trines for the first dasa.
According to the Prakriti Chakra, for Chara rasis (Movable Signs) in the natural order, for
Sthira rasis (fixed signs) every sixth rasis , for Dwiswabhava rasis (Dual digns) first
angular, then succeedant and finally cadent rasis (Kendra, Panaphara and Apikloma) must
be chosen for Trikona Dasa.
th th th
Now, Leo is a strong Trikona Rasi and is The rule is that malefics in 5 , 9 and 8
an odd sign. Since it is an odd sign, the houses from any planets cancel its benefic
sixth rasi in the natural zodiacal order effects.
must be chosen for successive dasa.
This is called Padakrama. For Movable signs in regular, for fixed signs first starting sign and every 6th
sign there from run the dasa.,
We must fix the Dwara and Bahya Rasis and also the Arudhas. For this horoscope,
the following are the Dasa periods: ‐‐
Work out the dasas in this manner for the whole life.
Karakas: Karakas are of five kinds. They are Atmakaraka, Swakaraka, dasa karaka, and
Bhava karaka. Atmakaraka is a planet which has travelled the largest number of degrees in a
Sign. Dasa karakas are those indicated by the dasas.
Nitya (Fixed) Karakas are those given by Parasara – for example‐ Sun as Atmakaraka etc.
Chara (Variable) karakas are those determined by the horoscopes individually.
S. No Karaka Planet
1 Atma Karaka Moon
2 Amatya Karaka Sun
3 Bhatri Karaka (Brother) Mars
4 Matri Karaka (Mother) Saturn
5 Pitri Karaka (Father) Rahu
6 Putra Karaka Mercury
7 Jnati Karaka (enemies) Venus
8 Dara Karaka (Spouse) Jupiter
(Copy Editor: The above table is the dasa karakas for Aquarius Dasa and similarly for other dasa
Rasi can be worked out. The reckoning of subsequent karakas is to be found out using Graha Chakra.
In fact, there are 4 types of reckoning in Jaimini system. They are
Bhatri Karaka in the above table needs explanation. Rahu and Moon occupy sign Leo, so according to
Kalpalatha preference shall be given to the planet that travels less longitude in the sign to determine
the karaka. Rahus longitude given by the author is 12°8' so he covered only (30° ‐ 12° 08)= 17° 52˝,
where as Moon’s longitude is 29° 50́, so Rahu shall be taken as Bhatri Karaka. This can be understood
with Chara Paryaya dasa as the same reckoning will be used for finding respective lords for each dasa.
Vyaya Karaka is not the 3rd planet, but the 6th planet in Graha chakra reckoning. Raghava Bhatta
specifically mentioned it in Jataka Sara Sangraha. This is very important rider which is often
The effects of the Dasas will depend on the relationship between Janma Karakas, Dasa
Karakas and the Arudha Rasi and on the nature of the Dwara and Bahya Rasis. Benefic
effects are to be predicted if they are benefic and malefic if they are otherwise. The effects of
Dasas will be discussed in detail later.
Longevity (Somanatha’s Views): There are a number of Dasas for determining longevity.
According to Jyotisha Kalpalatha, for all horoscopes consider Brahma, Varnada, Chara and
Chara Paryaya dasas for Longevity. The use of other dasas will depend on the nature of
horoscopes considered.
For all horoscopes, if there is a Brahma planet, fix the dasas in the clockwise order. As
regards Varnada Dasa, it will depend on the Hora Lagna and Vilagna. Varnada Rasi is to be
determined as follows:
Varnada Rasi (Jataka Sara Sangraha)
For those born in odd signs, count from Aries to Lagna and Hora Lagna. If both the numbers
obtained are either odd or even, add the two numbers. If one of them is odd and the other
even, take their difference. Then count from Aries as many signs as are denoted by either of
the numbers according to the conditions. The result will be the Varnada Rasi.
[Copy Editor: Please note that as explained in the first article in the series, Hora Lagna calculation,
here is according to Jataka Sara Sangraha by Raghava Bhatta. The Hora Lagna (HL) shown by
JHora shall not be used in this case. This variation of Hora Lagna will be provided in our open source
program, and this version of Hora Lagna will be known by the name Savayava Hora Lagna (SHL)]
In the horoscope, counts up to Janma Lagna and Hora Lagna are 1 and 7 respectively. Since
both are odd, take their sum 1+7 = 8 and count 8 rasis from Aries; thus Scorpio is the
Varnada Sign.
Determination of the Rasi indicating Death: Consider the most afflicted Varnada dasa sign
by malefics or the sign whose trines afflicted by malefics. That Sign brings about death of
the native. In the above example, of the three signs, Scorpio, Aries and Cancer, Cancer is the
most afflicted. Cancer is aspected by Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Ketu, and Sun, Moon and
Rahu are in 2nd and 12th house. Therefore Cancer Varnada Rasi Dasa will bring the death of
the native.
Determination of the first Dasa: Choose the stronger of the Lagna and Hora Lagna. In our
example, Lagna is Aries and Hora Lagna is Libra. Libra is stronger as there is a planet in it.
From Libra, count 8 signs (8 being the number of Varnada Rasi, Scorpio); we get Taurus, for
which the dasa period is 12 years.
1. Libra 12 years
2. Scorpio 6
3. Sagittarius 11
4. Capricorn 1
5. Aquarius 2
6. Pisces 10
7. Aries 1
8. Taurus 7
9. Gemini 11
10.Cancer 8
69 Years
Hence, the longevity is 69 years.
(Copy Editor: The duration of first dasa Libra is explained above. Next dasa is Scorpio. Counting 8
signs (the Varnada number for this chart) anti‐zodiacally from Scorpio gives Aries. So, the years for
Aries are (from Aries to Sign occupied by Mars, Libra ‐ 1) 6 and these 6 years are the dasa years for
Scorpio dasa. Similarly the other dasa signs may be worked out.)
Jyotish Kalpadrum
Most important in these synonyms is the colour of this gemstone which is Yellow. “Peeta”
means yellow. But there are several gemstones which are yellow in colour. This includes
yellow beryl, yellow sapphire, yellow topaz, yellow citrine and yellow tourmaline.
So what exactly is Pukhraja or “Pushpragam”?. Please note that most of the commentators
of classics have used the word “topaz” as the synonym for “Pukhraja”. Also nobody can
claim that yellow sapphire was called topaz in those times; as topaz or pushparaga has a
hardness of 8. Yellow sapphire has hardness of 9.
Today almost 99% of the astrologers and gemstone dealers sell yellow sapphire as
“Pukhraja”. The reason is very simple. A clear and bright coloured yellow sapphire can cost
you anywhere between Rs 5000 /carat to Rs 25000 /carat; depending on its size, cut, clarity &
colour. But a real topaz can only cost you 2000 to 3000 Rs /carat in its utmost finest quality.
Now there is a problem with yellow topaz as well. If you go to market to buy a yellow topaz,
you will only end up with citrine which is far cheaper than yellow topaz itself. It is so
controversial that if you happen to differentiate between topaz and citrine while buying it,
the seller will strongly oppose it and you may get dejected as a fool.
First of all let me quote some classics texts to prove that “Pushragam” is the stone related to
Vaidyanath (Describing Jupiter and its qualities):
Vrihadjataka, Vrhat Samhita, Rajvallabha, Rasratnasamuchya, Shushrut Shanita, Garud
Purana , mention gems related to planets.
Please note that yellow sapphire belongs to corundum class and is found with blue sapphire.
Topaz is an entirely different gemstone with a far lesser value then its popular false
For your benefit here is the technical structure of the gemstones as mentioned earlier:
As it must be clear through the pictures, all the three gemstones look equally alike and
appear like Pukhraja. A true Pukhraja can only be determined through lab tests. It is
generally clean and should not cost much. Yellow sapphire which is sold as Pukhraja is not
pukhraja and it is a very expensive gemstone.
days. That topaz which is spotted, rough, white, yet dirty, light, void of lustre and containing
grits is noxious.”
A ll gemstones should only be worn in the case when a certain planet associated to a
gemstone is weak but benefic. The gemstone of malefic planet who are functional
malefic should be strictly avoided. Topaz should be worn when Jupiter is benefic
but weakly placed in the horoscope. Good results from a weakly placed Jupiter in horoscope
and Shadbala table can be acquired by wearing a clean and proper coloured Pukraj.
Pukraj should not be worn with Rahu Ratna Gomedaka and Markat Mani or Emerald. It
should be embedded in Gold and should be worn in Index finger of the right hand. It can
also be embedded as a pendant in the necklace.
P lease note that weight of gemstone is not specified in classics. It is not necessary to
wear gemstones in particular weights. It is clear and understandable that gems should
be of certain weight and size so they can allow the light to pass through (which can be
any size above a carat). But particular weights are not mentioned in classics. I have seen
astrologers recommending gemstones in rattis and heavy weights without any specific reasons. This is
a bogus practise and has no base behind it.
Nakshatra Padas in
Ravana Samhita ‐
S.C.Kursija, India.
Copy Editors:
Babban Singh, India & Renay
Oshop, USA
S.C. Kursija is a graduate of Delhi
University, Meerut University and the
Homeopathic System of Medicines in Delhi.
He has worked in various capacities for
Delhi Homeopathy Medical Association
P lanets give different phalas
(results) in each of the 27
nakshatras (lunar mansions).
These phalas relate to the quarter
(charana/pada) of a nakshatra in which a
(DHMA), and was founder and chief editor
of their monthly journal, Hahnemann planet is placed and the dristhi (aspect)
Homoeopathic Sandesh. He has received of other planets that it receives. The
numerous awards and passed the Jyotish beauty of Ravana Samhita is that a
Visharad from the Indian Council of planet in one pada might give
Astrological Sciences (Madras). He is a problematical results, whereas in the
member of the faculty of Bhartiya Vidhya next pada of the same nakshatra it can
give fortunate results. This difference is
Bhawan and has taught astrology for ICAS,
subtly highlighted and one that an
Madras Delhi Chapter-1. Currently, Dr.
intelligent student must not ignore.
Kursija is General Secretary of all Indian
Here follows the fifth in this series of
Federation of Astrologers Societies. Dr. translations of Ravana Samhita, relating
Kursija teaches astrology and Vaastu in to the fifth asterism Mrigashira, which
various chapters, and has written on various stretches from 53 degrees‐20 minutes to
topics of interest. He is particularly 66 degrees‐20 minutes of the natural
interested in hearing from fellow astrologers zodiac. The Lord of this nakshatra is
who have researched the topic of suicide in Mars.
astrology. He can be contacted at
[email protected].
Mrigashira Nakshatra
Sun in Mrigashira
v If Sun is in Mrigashira nakshatra and aspected by Moon, the native earns through the
articles related to water. Many women of the family depend on him.
v If Sun in Mrigashira nakshatra and is aspected by Mars, the native is brave and earns
through bravery [Editor: such as being in army or police].
v If Sun in Mrigashira nakshatra and is aspected by Mercury, the native is handsome,
intelligent and becomes a writer.
v If Sun in Mrigashira nakshatra and is aspected by Jupiter, the native has links with
government, has close ties with the ruling party and earns/benefits through them.
v If Sun in Mrigashira nakshatra and is aspected by Venus, the native’s wife earns
through business, and the native himself is in politics.
v If Sun in Mrigashira nakshatra and is aspected by Saturn, the native is very miserly
and marries a lady who is elder to him. He has a few children.
See his Sun is in Mrigasira and aspected by Saturn directly so one would expect him to
marry an elderly lady. He had 2 marriages: the 1st with Mayte Garcia‐Nelson who was 15
years younger to him and a 2nd marriage with Manuela Testolini, 25, in a Jehovah's Witness
ceremony in Hawaii on 12/31/2001. Both were distinctly younger to him and one can notice
that Saturn is retrograde.
Chart: Donald Trump
At the start of the text it says if sun is in Mrigashira and aspected by Moon the native will
earn through water, here the native has earned through real estate. He was the son of a self
made millionaire. Sun signifies father and it is the dispositor of Mars (land) in the 11H of
inheritance of property (8th from 4th house of property). It is aspected by Moon who is
debilitated but with Ketu. Some take Ketu for built buildings. He made his millions turning
losing properties into winning games.
Sun in Mrigashira
First Pada
v If Sun is in first pada the native is fond of flowers, fortunate, intelligent and has
attractive personality. He has a few children. He has diseases of throat, face or eyes.
Second Pada
v If Sun is in second pada, he is dressed neatly, shining face, and has attractive personality.
He is fond of music. He has fear of water. He begets marriage at the age of 25 year.
Third Pada
v If Sun is in 3rd pada, the native deals in finance. He attains a fairly high position in his
field due to his intelligence. His son attains name and fame in research in science. He
suffers from nasal or teeth problems from time to time.
Fourth Pada
v If the Sun is in 4th pada, the native does works for the benefit of public. If Mercury and
Moon are also in the same nakshtra, the native is extremely intelligent, good in rhetoric,
and an expert astrologer. The native suffers from problem in throat.
Moon in Mrigashira
v If the Moon is in Mrigashira nakshtra and aspected by Sun, the native lives in a village,
is wealthy and earns his livelihood by lending his money on interest.
v If the Moon is in Mrigashira nakshatra and is aspected by Mars, the native gets separated
from his first wife because of another woman. He displays cruel behavior with his
v If Moon is in Mrigashira nakshtra and is aspected by Mercury, the native gets married
within his relations. He gets honor due to his children and wealth.
v If Moon is in Mrigashira nakshatra and is aspected by Jupiter, he gets all the comforts of
his life, with wife, children and wealth, and becomes famous.
v If Moon is in Mrigashira nakshatra and is aspected by Venus, he gets wealth from his
mother’s side and his life is happy.
v If Moon is in Mrigashira nakshatra and is aspected by Saturn, the native is poor, there is
danger to the longevity of mother, but his children are obedient. [Publisher: The word
used is Ghatak for Mother if Moon is aspected by Saturn.]
Moon in Mrigashira
First Pada
v If Moon is in first pada, the native becomes famous as a scholar, has more daughters, his
wife is beautiful, is of good character and is engaged in political or social work. She helps
her husband in money matters. The native suffers from eye disease and joint pain.
There is a huge discrepancy on his birth time and those young ones who are interested can
check out this link Now, if we go by
the 8.03 am time or any time of birth his Moon will still be in Mrigasira and Ravana Samhita
says that ‘his wife is beautiful, is of good character and is engaged in political or social work’
Wikipedia says ‘his wife Julia Thorne became active in local environmental groups such as
the Greater Yellowstone Coalition. Thorne supported Kerry's 2004 presidential run. She
died of cancer on April 27, 2006.’ Now see all conditions are satisfied of Moon being in 1st
pada of Mrigasira and additionally it is in 7H of wife with 6L of disease Mars and is retro,
implying incurable disease. He came to public life in 2004 (7H). The result would be of its
dispositor which goes to 12H of death and disease. She died in 2 years.
Second Pada
v If Moon is in 2nd pada, if moon and Lagna is on the same nakshtra, the native takes birth
in affluent and royal family and he is a good man. He will have an early and happy
marriage. He will suffer in later half of life from bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, and
other lung problem and heart diseases.
Third Pada
v If Moon is in 3rd pada, the native will have name and fame. His income is satisfactory. He
has to suffer in childhood. He will not get love and affection from his mother. He
indulges in tobacco chewing and begets diseases due to that. He has mark on his back.
Fourth Pada
v If Moon is in 4th pada, the native is engaged in the profession of medicine, chemistry or
cosmetics. He gets more earning if he is in the profession of a doctor (vaidya). The male
suffers from lung diseases and female suffers from menstrual problems.
Mars in Mrigashira
v If Mars is in the nakshtra of Mrigashira and aspected by Sun, the native likes to follow
the path of righteousness and lives in a forest area. He hates females.
v If Mars is in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and is aspected by Moon, the native has respect
for his mother but runs after prostitutes. He has to undergo a lot of troubles & obstacles
in life.
v If Mars is in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and is aspected by Jupiter, the native will be
blessed with a few children and little wealth.
v If Mars is in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and is aspected by Mercury, the native loves
music and dance. He loves his friends a lot.
v If Mars is in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and is aspected by Venus, the native gains a
high political post or high post in army.
v If Mars is in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and is aspected by Saturn, the native is a rogue,
a villain.
John Kerry
Czech president, one of the organizers of the Communist Party in Czechoslovakia, a despot.
He was a carpenter before entering politics. As one can see, his Mars is in Mrigashira and
aspected by Venus as per the text promising him a high post in politics.
Canadian politician, the Prime Minister of Canada from 1930‐1935. He has Mars in Mrigasira
conjoined with Venus.
Other Example: Name: TUNNEY, JOHN V. Date: 6/26/1934 Time: 12:30 EDT (+5:00)
Gender: M Place: New York, NY Lat: 40 N 42 Lng: 74 W 00
Biography: American politician who first became interested in politics from his involvement
in the Kennedy campaign in 1958. Relocated to California, he opened a law office and ran for
Congress and became the youngest Senator at the time, age 36 in 1971.
Mars in Mrigashira
First Pada
v If Mars is posited in 1st pada, the native is rhetoric, (has harsh speech) he is always in
dearth of money. He has responsibility of maintaining a large family. His span of life is
short. He may lose his wife early. If the lagna is in Vishakha nakshtra the native may not
have any child. He suffers from high fever, discharges and inflammation of glands.
Second Pada
v If Mars posited in 2nd pada, the native brings bad luck (ghatak) to his family. He brings
bad name to his family by his misdeeds. He suffers from chronic disease such as back
ache, pain in spine and other rheumatic problems.
Third Pada
v If Mars posited in 3rd pada and lagna also in Mrigashira, one takes birth in poor family.
He suffers from boils on face. He is clever in business but suffers from diseases
Publisher: It is not clear if lagna can be anywhere in Mrigashira or it has to be in the 3rd pada
only to give the result of one taking birth in poor family.
Fourth Pada
v If Mars in 4th pada, one suffers from heredity problems. He has no happiness in his
marital life as his wife remains frequently sick. He suffers from diseases of throat and
other diseases.
Mercury in Mrigashira
v If Mercury is posited in the nakshtra of Mrigashira and aspected by Moon, the health of
the native will be good. The native gives a lot in charity, has great honor in the society
and looks after his family with ease.
v If Mercury is posited in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and aspected by Sun (should be
conjunct with Sun, as Sun cannot aspect Mercury in rasi chart), the native has high
education, is learned, interested in studies and teaching, and joins a profession in
v If Mercury is posited in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and aspected by Mars, the native is
full of anger and takes pleasure in destroying things.
v If Mercury is posited in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and aspected by Jupiter, the native
fulfills his promises, is a firm believer, devoted to others and the leader of intelligent
v If Mercury is posited in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and aspected by Venus, he enjoys
his life in all walks of life, he is a successful business man, fortunate and wealthy.
v If Mercury is posited in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and aspected by Saturn, the native
suffers from penury. He has to face obstacles at each step of life. He falls into troubles &
obstacles due to his friends.
Mercury in Mrigashira
First Pada
v If Mercury is posited in the 1st pada, the native is pious in character, intelligent and
wealthy. He suffers due to short memory in his old age due to mental imbalance.
Second Pada
v If Mercury is posited in the 2nd pada, the native earns through menial jobs. He is jealous
of wealth and grandeur of others. He has many male children and only one daughter. He
suffers from throat diseases, teeth, small‐pox and bronchitis.
Third Pada
v If Mercury is posited in the 3rd pada, the native is intelligent, has patience and is always
hopeful. He loves women and marries more than once. He has a defect in speech. He
may suffer from tuberculosis.
Fourth Pada
v If Mercury is posited in the 4th pada, the native is fortunate, religious, gets medium
education, but is famous due to his hard labor. He is on high post having many servants.
He suffers from mental imbalance, defect in speech, and other diseases of the body.
Jupiter in Mrigashira
v If Jupiter posited in the nakshtra of Mrigashira and aspected by Sun, the native is blessed
with wealth, position‐fame and servants. He is working on some high post and has close
links with the ruler.
v If Jupiter posited in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and aspected by Moon, the native is
wealthy, has all pleasures and is extravagant.
v If Jupiter posited in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and aspected by Mars, the native is
fortunate, has patience and intelligent but his marital life is not happy.
v If Jupiter posited in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and aspected by Mercury, the native has
high education, virtuous, and endowed with riches.
v If Jupiter posited in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and aspected by Venus, the native has
dignified personality, enjoys the company of beautiful women. He earns through items
used by women.
v If Jupiter posited in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and aspected by Saturn, the native is
learned in different languages. He gains praise due to own labor. His wife has harsh
Publisher: With all above verses of Jupiter in Mrigashira it makes sense with the natural
karakatwa (significations) of those planets adding the flavor except the last one. Here, aspect
on Jupiter, the 9 th lord of marriage and higher studies of natural zodiac, by Saturn, it is not
clear why that should give learning of different languages. Mrigashira is placed in the
natural 2nd house and 3rd house of languages, but why should Saturn’s aspect make the native
multi‐dimensional in languages is not understood in our limited knowledge. Saturn is harsh
and it aspecting Jupiter in natural 2nd house of family which may make the natives marriage
partner harsh.
Jupiter in Mrigashira
First Pada
v If the Jupiter is posited in the 1st pada, the native has fluctuating mind but has nature to
learn more. The native has strong muscular body, wealth, name and fame. Still the native
is not satisfied. If the lagna is also in the same pada (1st) of this nakshatra, the native has
fair color skin and beautiful eyes. The native suffers from knots in nerves in the hands
and feet, a hunchback, or can suddenly become physically disabled.
Second Pada
v If Jupiter is posited in 2nd pada, the native will have close links with rulers or with
politicians. If the ascendant has the same nakshatra pada (2nd) and Jupiter has relations
with lagna, the native will be highly educated, intelligent and will have an attractive
Third Pada
v If Jupiter is posited in 3rd pada, the native has less happiness from children and wife. The
native is a miser, will have doubts on the members of her/his family. He suffers from
blood diseases or heart trouble.
Fourth Pada
v If Jupiter is posited in 4th pada, the native is wealthy. He receives posts and honors from
rulers. He understands the psychology of others as a physician and will be a very
intelligent person. He suffers from eye diseases or bowel disorders.
Venus in Mrigashira
v If Venus is posited in Mrigashira nakshatra and is aspected by Sun, the native has a
beautiful and fortunate wife. The native gets wealth (after marriage and) due to his wife.
Publishers Notes:
Onassis, Jacqueline Kennedy married two of the world’s most powerful men, 1st President
John F Kennedy and then on 10/20/1968 she married Aristotle Onassis, the world's richest
man. She has Venus in Mrigashira and got wealth due to the spouse, her birth details are 28th
July 1929, 14.40 time, Southampton, NY, USA – 25Li Asc.
v If Venus is posited in Mrigashira nakshatra and is aspected by Moon, the mother of the
native has high status in society; the native in turn also enjoys a very high social position
in society.
v If Venus is posited in Mrigashira nakshatra and is aspected by Mars, the native will be
cheated in marriage; wealth is spent on low type of women folk.
v If Venus is posited in Mrigashira nakshatra and is aspected by Mercury, the native is
cheerful and fortunate.
v If Venus is posited in Mrigashira nakshatra and is aspected by Jupiter, the native will
have a good wife, children and wealth.
v If Venus is posited in Mrigashira nakshatra and is aspected by Saturn, the native suffers
from the hands of his father‐in‐law’s family and his wife.
Venus in Mrigashira
First Pada
v If the Venus is posited in 1st pada, the native is expert in music, dance and drama and fine
arts. He earns through fine arts or through acting. He indulges in sensual acts and sexual
joys. He gets an award (puraskar) for his arts or acting skills.
Second Pada
v If posited in 2nd pada, the native has more association with women. He helps the needy
with whatever he has in his hands. He will be generally healthy but may suffers from
kidney’s diseases, swelling, tuberculosis, and rheumatism.
Third Pada
v If posited in 3rd pada, he will be expert in shastras, music, dance and drama, he earns
through dance and drama and fine arts. If Venus is aspected by a malefic planet, he will
have two marriages. He native gets auspicious results in the main period of Venus. The
native starts earning at the age of 13 years. He will have mixed results in his life. He may
suffer from headache and liver problems.
Fourth Pada
v If posited in 4th pada, the native has noble character, will have short to moderate height
and a muscular body. He is a poet or a writer. He has mole on his face. If the lagna in
Pushya nakshtra, he has two marriages or has extra marital relations. He has venereal
diseases or glandular diseases.
Saturn in Mrigashira
v If Saturn is posited in the nakshtra of Mrigashira and aspected by Sun, the native is
learned in Vedas and shastras. But most of his life will be dependent on others for his day
to day requirements.
v If Saturn is posited in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and is aspected by Moon, he attains
high position in the political field and becomes the head of a department of the
v If Saturn is posited in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and aspected by Mars, the native
becomes an officer of the army and has a respectable ideal family.
v If Saturn is posited in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and aspected by Mercury, the native
works under females and remains under criticism for his bad character.
v If Saturn is posited in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and aspected by Jupiter, he becomes an
equal partner in happiness and sorrow of others. He is always ready to help the others
without giving any thought.
v If Saturn is posited in the nakshatra of Mrigashira and aspected by Venus, the native is
landlord or friend of the officers of the government. He enjoys women and wine.
Grandfather of Prof B V Raman, Mr. Rao was a very famous astrologer and visited by many
government officials of his time and also the Maharaja of Mysore, government officials
indicated by the text. One can see that his Saturn is posited in Mrigasira Nakshatra and is
aspected by Venus.
Saturn in Mrigashira
First Pada
v If Saturn is posited in the Mrigashira nakshtra in 1st pada, he is tall and narrow chest,
blackish complexion, curly hairs, and weak in monetary point of view. The wife of the
native will be unchaste, if aspected by Venus or Jupiter. He suffers from the diseases of
teeth and hairs.
This natives Saturn is in the 1st pada of Mrigasira and one can see that Mrigasira 1st pada
comes in Taurus which in the natural zodiac comes in the 2H of teeth and sustenance of
hair. The natives 80% teeth are in extreme bad condition having undergone root canal
treatment & his hair is grey from the age of 15 when he really noticed it. By now 40% of his
hair is grey even though he is 36 years old. As per the text the wife will be unchaste if this
Saturn is aspected by Venus or Jupiter, here both conditions are applied. The native’s
girlfriend was found to be unchaste having a triangular relationship, this girlfriend was in
his life when he was 32 years old which is the 8H as per Bhrighu Chakra Paddathi. Here
Jupiter is placed aspecting the Saturn.
Second Pada
v If posited in 2nd pada, he has friendship with bad character people. He is extravagant. He
is engaged in business but does not gain. The speed at which he will rise in life with the
same speed he will fall down in life. He may become bankrupt by spending his money on
enjoyment with females & other pleasures of life.
Third Pada
v If posited in 3rd pada, and lagna is posited in Uttara Bhadrapada nakshatra and if the chart
be of a female she will conceive even before marriage ceremony. The male native may be
employed in security jobs.
Fourth Pada
v If posited in 4th pada, the native may have defect in limb at the time of birth or afterwards
can become handicapped throughout his life. He shifts to another place from his birth
and commits bad deeds in secret. He suffers from asthma or lungs diseases.
Rahu in Mrigashira
First Pada
v If the Rahu is posited in Mrigashira nakshtra 1st pada, the native is financially affluent.
He earns reputation by his good deeds. The native suffers from epilepsy, white leprosy or
intestine or stomach diseases.
American best‐selling author of popular fiction books. Five of her books have sold more than
60 million copies worldwide in 20 languages. In 1979, "Princess Daisy" cut a milestone in
book publishing when it was sold to paperback for a record‐breaking $3.2 million. The text
says the native will be financially affluent and here her Rahu is in the 1st pada of Mrigashira
in the 3H of writing and she made her millions from writing.
Second Pada
v If posited in 2nd pada, the native is foolish, short tempered. However he gets sudden gain of
The text says sudden gain of wealth. Note here that he has Rahu in 2nd pada of Mrigashira in
the 6h of fighting & sports, he made his millions from Rocky (Sports) & Rambo Series
(fighting). Now the story goes like this in almost his own words ‘I had $106 in my bank and
they raised the price for Rocky script from $60,000 to $1 million dollars but I refused, finally
they budged and I became Rocky….”
Ex‐President George Bush Jr. bought the Texas Rangers in 1989. His original investment
there of $600,000 would eventually be worth an estimated $10 million. 6H is the house of
sports & competition, the arudha of this house is the 11H being 6th from 6th and you can see
that Rahu in 2nd pada of Mrigashira is placed in the 11H of sports giving him the money as
hinted by the text.
Rahu is in the 11th house of gains in 2nd pada of Mrigashira, indicating huge wealth. Now
what is 8H? It signifies transformation, so 8th from any house shows its transformation and
8th from 4H of property would show transformation of properties. Donald Trump one of the
richest property dealers made a fortune estimated at $1 billion by finding and buying losing
properties and turning (transforming) them around.
Third Pada
v If posited in 3rd pada, the native is greedy. He is engaged in low type of deeds. He gives
trouble to others due to his bad deeds. He is jealous of the prosperity of others. He always
apprehends dangers from his enemy. He suffers from his own deeds.
Fourth Pada
v If posited in 4th pada, he is engaged in research work. His children obey him. His
character is doubtful, but he has respect & love for his own wife.
Ketu in Mrigashira
First Pada
v If Ketu is posited in Mrigashira nakshtra in 1st pada, the native faces many ups‐down in
his life. He has many children. He earns little money by his own efforts. However, due
to good children who would take care of him, he spends peaceful life in his old age. He
suffers from diseases of eyes.
Second Pada
v If Ketu is posited in 2nd pada, the native has a defect in his limb but will be a great scholar.
He is engaged in upliftment of handicapped people. He suffers from throat or tongue
Third Pada
v If he is posited in 3rd pada, the native spends his time in talks of ills of others or is jealous
of others. He suffers from rheumatism, gout & skin diseases.
Fourth Pada
v If he is posited in 4th pada, the native is engaged in sinful deeds. He has bad character. He
suffers from various diseases. He has no penny and is bankrupt by his own deeds.
Sage Bhrighu’s Blessings
W ith Obeisance to Lord Ganapathi, Lord Bhrighu & Lord Saturn, we thank them
for BSP 1 & 2 and now let’s move to BSP 3 & 4. In order to cut short the number
of articles these two techniques are combined in one form & this is indeed one
of the major ways of seeing Karma. It truly reveals ones karma if one knows the full life
story of an individual and you would see the dance of karma play out in real life. The
examples that are used may sound harsh but the intention is never to paint a black picture
but to get faith in the techniques as most of us know the lives of these individuals, hence at
times we would not spell out the way Karma is enacting in those charts but leave it for the
erudite astrologer to ‘read between the lines’. We expect the reader to have read the
Publitorial of this issue where these methods have been explained in detail.
BSP 3: Wherever Saturn sits, he becomes Judge Dredd or Emperor (Shahenshah) and he
shouts ‘I Am The Law’.
BackGround on BSP 4 & Its Importance:
1. The technique outlined in BSP 4 was first learned by us in the passing in just one line
from an astrologer whom we fondly called the ‘Guaranteed Astrologer’ about whom we
had written in KNRs ‘Jyotish List’. To write in brief about him, well we were sent to him
by mentor who knew him since 20 years and after seeing our chart he said ‘after 10
months you would get job, these are the 4 dates in that month, out of which for 2 I take
guarantee’. As he was the only astrologer who took guarantee for his prediction we called
him the ‘Guaranteed Astrologer’. Mentor had sent us to him so that we could learn from
him and unfortunately we could learn nothing, but a great fondness for him was there
and so far in our experience he has been the greatest predictor we ever met, the purpose
of our appreciating this astrologer to this extent is not to undermine any other persons
competence which we know can be higher than even this level of excellence which
unfortunately has stayed beyond our reach. He died on 31st Aug 2007, the same month &
year beloved C S Patel died. This astrologer always had a cigarette lit and would speak in
his accent which was undecipherable, he would go on and on predicting and after one
hour one would had to stop him. He never used anything apart from Rasi Chart & Moon
Asc chart, no divisional’s, didn’t spend more than 5 minutes on a chart before he blurted
everything out, did his Vimshottari dasa calculations by hand and his writing was
undecipherable like his speech. He was the astrologer of some celebrities including
Amitabh’s daughter and in front of mentor he had predicted the exact date of gain of
Chief Ministership position to one of the most powerful Chief Ministers of India & the
CM had replied to the guaranteed astrologer that it’s impossible since ‘Iron Lady is not
considering me at the moment’. We can go on with his Bollywood clientele lists but the
reason he is the ‘Hero of Heroes’ is he read only 1 book in English by a famous writer, 4‐5
issues of an English astro magazine & then threw it, never had a single astro book in his
house and he resorted to only Hindi Ephemeris and learnt astrology from the ephemeris
& through the greatest guru ‘Observation’. His rules of prediction were far different from
normal astrology but it worked like the wind & far more astonishingly than anything we
have known. A true Eklavya of Jyotish he proved his mettle and even though he smoked
and drank but was far better a human being than most of us. He was one of the 2
astrologers whom we met so far who offered money to a jobless client.
One of the most important rules of mentor is never to talk or write about or
take names of people who are dead, maybe because ones soul’s journey should carry on
and memories or desires of people still on earth should not act as an attachment in
bringing the soul back. But since it is the issue of giving credit we have referred to his
nick name though breaking mentors rule for which he may kindly forgive upon reading
2. Later we learnt same method from another source & that it was a Bhrighu Technique, but
since we heard it first from the guaranteed astrologer this must be dedicated to him.
Publisher: Eklavya is a character in Mahabharatha the epic from India where the student did not have
a physical guru but only in mental form. The Guaranteed astrologer’s techniques have been quietly
given in the first 3 volumes of SA in the palm leaf sections, which is after the articles, for readers to read
& test aggressively; whenever you would find a strange rule in the palm leaf section you would know
it’s him though it has been observed that many miss his methods.
3. Three months ago when we were discussing BSP 1 & 2 with our beloved friend
Shanmukha and told him about this BSP‐4 technique, he immediately retorted that in
rural coastal Andhra Pradesh (this state is known for developing astrology phenomenally
like Kerala in India) the village astrologers use this technique and he said they almost
ignore the other 3,7,10 aspects of Saturn and give major importance to Saturn’s 2nd aspect.
Having given due credit and importance let us see the logic behind it.
T he issue with any logic in astrology is it need not be accepted and this is the reason
Strict Gurus never teach others students and never write in magazines as they are
content with themselves and do not want uninvited criticism as it is the job of most
wannabe scholars to only criticize. At times there is only philosophical logic that the teacher
might be aware of. In our lecture on 26th Jan 2009 in Ahmadabad city where nearly 20 BSP
methods were revealed among 200 astrology students including 50 stalwarts, the question put
to us strongly was to reveal the logic of each method. In BSP 1 & 2, one can give exact logic
and even show its decoding from Parasara’s BPHS with the exact shloka from it, but if one
does that then people might think the attempt is to show to the world that previous Gurus
have not learnt BPHS till date and that should never be our intention.
When it comes to BSP 3 & 4 let’s visit a Puranic Story that all of us know about.
When Lord Ganapathi was created by Mother Parvati, she invited all the Gods to visit and
bless the child Ganapathi. When Saturn was standing in the queue with his head down he
was asked by Parvati as to why he is not seeing Ganapthi and blessing him, then Saturn
advised her that his sight is cursed and it would bring calamity on Lord Ganapathi. Goddess
Parvati forced him to see and we know the story of how Ganapathi lost his head.
What is to be learnt is Saturn signifies sorrow, grief as he carries the bagof one’s bad
karma (good too and this is the key) and where he (the house he is placed in) there this will
come and being an orderly gentleman he would want you to bring to order the significations
of the house he is placed in. This is BSP‐3. Now as soon as he starts moving his head up in
order to move forward, he would look at the house next to himself as that’s the path of his
journey, so he looks up to the 2nd house hence he destroys that house too but if our karma is
good he will not cause harm and this is where you would find the technique not working and
thus you judge how the planet is behaving irrespective of shadbalas etc.
Astro Logic
adesathi means when Tr Saturn moves into the 12th house to ones natal moon, then on
natal moon and then next to natal moon – covering 3 houses. As per most authorities
this is the worst period in native’s life. So let’s assume that Saturn is in 12th house
from natal Moon, now what is this 12th house it is ‘house of loss & also comforts’ and being
12th from Moon it signifies loss of one’s mental happiness, when will this happen when there
are troubles of the worst kind, now who is causing this it is Saturn, which means Saturn
where he sits (12th from moon) is causing loss and discomforts and harming the 2nd from it –
which is moon, the mental happiness which means everything. Thus the logic of BSP 4 is
gotten that Saturn spoils and destroys the 2nd from it provided other factors don’t intervene. The
Bhrighu’s work is far older than Parasara’s BPHS or Jaimini Astrology as per many.
logic of BSP 3 can be derived from Tr Saturn on natal moon – it causes high grief, only when
there is unfinished karma we get punished by Saturn. Ofcourse there is more to ‘this sade
sati method’ and it must be reserved for another article in order to not lose focus. If you
observe this way of looking at Sadesati it has not been revealed so far and if you re‐read it
couple of times you would get a far bigger key to decode other shlokas. Let’s now test BSP 3 &
4 on nine charts.
How do you tell in an instant the life story of a native upon seeing his chart, it is
Saturn at times who shows it to you in an instant at times.
BSP 3: Where Saturn sits there karma is remaining
As explained in Nov 2008 issue containing BSP 1, we are taking the traditional chart
of Ram and not going into the varieties. Now see Saturn is in the 4H of throne and mother,
he had to let go of his throne due to his step mother, in one sec anyone can co‐relate his life
story which does not mean everyone with Saturn in 4H will have same story, it only means
he had pending karma towards his step mother and by obeying her wishes he let go of the
throne and finished his karma there. Now 4H is the house of chastity and he was forced to
publicly question as a king the chastity of his wife and not as a husband it is said.
Consequently Sita Mata had to undergo the fire test. It was this same Saturn sitting in the
4H which showed the pending karma in terms of Chastity issues, incidentally Saturn
signifies the working class or ones servants and Lord Ram did this action when he heard a
washer man couple (Libra) talking about Sita’s chastity. Now what will be the result of this
action of questioning the chastity of a woman (Saturn in 4H), where will the result go, it
will go into the house 2nd from it and that is the reason if one does mistake in issues where
Saturn sits the 2nd house from it is destroyed. The 2nd house from the 5H is the house of love
and one’s children and gains from marriage (11th from 7th), and consequently Shree Ram had
to suffer the consequence of his wife leaving him, losing his love (5th house of love) and
losing his children (5H of children) and at the same time later on had to fight his children in
battle. Can you imagine a father fighting his own children and now knowing they are his
own children?
Natal Saturn is in the 1H of self, her life was a sorrow and she did what Saturn does
best serve people. She slept only for 4 hrs a day and rest she devoted to people. Where
Saturn sits there karma is unfinished and karma is left to be done, Saturn sits in the sign of
Cancer, the sign of mother, she almost became Mother India and at times cold (Saturn).
Saturn destroys the 2nd from it, and the 2nd from it is the 2nd house of family, her family life
was destroyed, living separately from her husband, finally her husband died at a early age, in
her family she had 2 children one got killed in air crash, 2nd blown to pieces by terrorists
what family life is left. In conclusion 1st house is body and 2nd house is maraca sthana (death
house) she herself (self‐body) got the worst death in terms of physical death.
Saturn sits in 2nd house of family; he almost had no family life. His family consisting of
daughter married against his wishes to a man from out of his community. In India till now
this is prevalent. His family consisting of daughter and grandchildren suffered the worst
death. Now use BSP‐4, Saturn destroys one of the significations of the 2nd house from it
which is the house of brothers and sisters. In olden & even current India, one desire’s only
brothers and no sisters as one needs to pay dowry for the sisters and the pressure of getting
your sister married is too much on brothers and family. So desire is for brothers but Saturn
sitting in 2H has destroyed one of the significations of the 3H which is brothers and he had
no brother, next one of his two sisters did not get along with him. Next see which is the
planet in the 2nd from Saturn, it is Mars, who is this Mars significator of siblings, his siblings
never could make it as big as him (Nehru). Now this Mars is 5L of children and love affairs
and 10L of career, so one of it would be destroyed or altered. He was a lawyer by profession
and his career changed into being a freedom fighter not what a wealthy father who was in
the good books of the Britisher’s would want for his son. Mars being 5L of children is spoilt
by Saturn whose 2nd aspect falls on it and his daughters end was terrible. Mars is also 5L of
love, being spoilt by 8L of scandals Saturn through his 2nd aspect, his relationship with Lady
Mountbatten was frowned upon.
3rd house is the house of initiative, where Mars (initiative, aggression, army general) is
placed being destroyed by 2nd aspect of Saturn. It was during the Chinese Invasion of India
in the 60s, Nehru was accused by many of not having the initiative to give them a bitter
fight and drive them out. Famous journalist Arun Shourie writes India’s crushing rout in
1962 hastened the death of Nehru, “a fervent patriot,” according to Shourie, who “misled
himself and thereby brought severe trauma upon the country, a country that he loved and
served with such ardour”. The defeat transformed Nehru from a world statesman to a
beaten, shattered politician.
She was married to Prince Andrew, on 7/23/1986. It was hoped that marriage to fiery Fergie
would tame him but they played hard together and separately, and parted on 3/19/1992. An
official palace announcement of their divorce came on 4/16/1996.
Saturn is in the 3H the house of marriage of husband (9th from 7th house) and being in the
3H it shows mistakes through 3H of free will, this cannot be ignored. Next it is in the sign of
Sagittarius the religious marriage 9th sign of Natural Zodiac, here Saturn sits so Karma is
pending here and mistakes can happen here this is what astrologer needs to advice client
when he sees such a chart. Next natal Saturn in 3H will destroy 2nd to it which is 4H of
‘Life’s Stability’ and ‘Home Life’. Due to break in marriage there is no home life is old ones
interpret. Readers who know the chart of a famous Delhi astrologer who has never been
married would know that Saturn is placed in his 3H thereby giving him no home life i.e. no
She had an early marriage to Salesman Bruce Hasselberg that lasted three months and gave
birth to a daughter, Deidra Hoffman, in 1965. Her second marriage was to actor Ross Bickell
on 1/28/1974; the marriage lasted for seven years. After six years together, she married Burt
Reynolds on 4/29/1988 which was her 3rd marriage. In January 1994, they entered a bitter
divorce battle with custody and money fights. Reynolds in turn flaunted his extramarital
affair and accused her of being a lousy mother. In her book, Anderson does not conceal the
history of her own love life, including an affair with actor John Gavin and a romance that
developed into a sex addiction for her former WKRP co‐star Gary Sandy. In 2008 she
married Bob Flick.
Interpretation is the Master Key experienced astrologers hold whereas when we are young
we haste to denounce a new method. See this case Saturn is in the 11H so it will show grief,
unfinished karma & mistakes in the 11H of children and marriage . She was accused in case
Parasara says 11H for marriage and children apart from 7H & 5H respectively, in future issue would
expand on this.
of children and marriage area. Next Saturn in 11H will destroy 12H of sex and bed pleasures,
but as per case history one would say she has had bed pleasures, the issue here is of smart
interpretation which elderly and successful astrologers have and taking a cue from them, we
should interpret it as 11H Saturn destroys the happiness of 12H of bed pleasures and fortune
of home life (9 th from 4th – 9th is fortune, 4th is home life). So it has given her bed pleasures
but no peace from it but bad name due to it. Finding about the existence of peace or absence
of it in any area of life is astrology and hence this example was used as the rule of 2nd from
Saturn needs to be finely understood. Also, it is not at all a good point to use someone’s
chart to analyze their personal life and his/her chastity but this writer would like to
apologize for it.
The native is dedicated astrologer & businessman, his father’s partner has siphoned off 500
odd crores of their wealth ($100 million dollars). See Saturn sits in the 11H of wealth & gains
so there is unfinished karma in this and within this life the mistake will happen, they
trusted someone and money gone. Now see 2nd from Saturn is the 12H of fathers wealth (4th
house of fortune from 9 th house of father), this money is actually fathers money, his whole
fortune. So this way one finds out the ‘Real Planet’ involved and get the remedies done.
30 yrs ago faced major accident and was hospitalized for more than 3 years with more than 8
operations within one year. In the accident 5 people in car, one person died, one persons leg
dislocated till now, the woman’s husband also got major injuries. This accident happened 6‐7
months before the birth of the son of the lady, which means child was in the womb.
Now see Saturn is in 2H of family life, the moment one gets family Karma will be activated,
Saturn is the 5L of children & the Putrakaraka (child significator) too. So Saturn sitting in
the 2H shows the unfinished karma, now where and how will it act out in real life, when the
native travels which means 3H of travelling, and this 3H is 2nd from Saturn, the story is
completed when woman travelled and accident happened.
Natal Saturn is in the 4H of education in the sign of Taurus which is the 2H of Kala
Purusha Kundali which means again education especially taken by south Indian astrologers.
And this Saturn is placed together with Moon the 4L of Kalapurusha Kundali and again 4H
of education it hints at, so you can see Dr Ramans life was a Debt (Moon is 6L of debts) and
his starting the astrological magazine was a debt to society that he had to pay, especially
since Saturn is the 12L of ‘Extreme Karmic Debts’. For the Jaimini enthusiasts see it this way
Moon is AK (Atma‐Soul) and Saturn is GK (Debts), this moon Saturn combo was his
‘Soul’s Debt’ & by grace of God he probably repaid the debt. Wise astrologers should mark
this difference between doing an act vs repayment of karmic debt when they predict on a
See a publisher like Dr Raman is often flooded with articles and requests of higher ups
to publish articles even though it might not be of great quality and a strict publisher has the
toughest job of refusing even great astrologers who might not be great writers. This creates
enmity and at times errors of judgment on parts of publishers. But an error is an error and
that karma won’t be wiped off easily. One would not talk more on this 4H of Saturn but stalwarts
know what is meant here if they know life story of native/s. The result of this is the 2nd aspect of
Saturn which comes here to the 5H of children, thereby spoiling it and unfortunately Dr
Raman’s son Surya Prakash died at a very young age and if Surya Prakash had stayed long
enough he would have become far greater than Dr Raman according to many.
Mistakes In Interpretation
Master Key
T he key to master any Bhrighu Saral Paddathi (Bhrighu Easy Methodology) is the
mastery over significations of houses. It is something that we learn as basics and
unfortunately most ignored point in basics that would make you a master astrologer.
This writer has developed a habit which has stood him in good stead over time, which is
mostly for the busy astrologer & would like to pass this on to others. Whenever you see a
classic and feel it’s too tough for now and meaningless for you, then just read the houses
chapter, read each classic and their houses chapter, re‐read and re‐read and then think there
only 10‐12 significations per house is given in each classic which makes the total to 144
roughly and actually in life there are 800 minute significations of life, so where are the other
650 significations, which houses they are. Then just think and think and it would become a
beautiful journey. It is for this reason we respect a man who saw Saturn, Mars & Rahu in
the 10H and said to his client that ‘Saturn would destroy the 2nd from it which is 11H. Did
your wife have an abortion and is your marriage life pathetic. The man replied yes.’ The
man never asked his clients Asc or other planets, just what is there in the 10H.
Incidentally the house 3rd from where Saturn is placed in the deciding factor for the
above techniques.
‘Dedicated to the Holy Feet of Lord Bhrighu & ‘The Guaranteed Astrologer’
The Original
Teachings of Yoga:
From Patanjali
Back to
Vamadeva Shastri (David
Frawley), USA
Many people today look to Patanjali, the
compiler of the Yoga Sutras, as the father
or founder of the greater system of Yoga.
Vamadeva (Dr. Frawley) is a unusual western While Patanjali’s work is very important
and worthy of profound examination, a
born knowledge-holder in the Vedic tradition. study of the ancient literature on Yoga
He carries many special Vedic ways of reveals that the Yoga tradition is much
knowledge (vidyas), which he passes on to older.
students in India and in the West. In India,
Vamadeva is recognized not only as a The traditional founder of Yoga Darshana
Vedacharya (Vedic teacher), but also as a or the ‘Yoga system of philosophy’ –
Vaidya (Ayurvedic doctor), Jyotishi (Vedic which the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali
astrologer), Puranic (Vedic historian) and a Yogi. represents – is usually said to be
He is a visiting professor for the Vivekananda Hiranyagarbha. It is nowhere said to be
Yoga Kendra in Bangalore, India, a government Patanjali. The Mahabharata (Shanti Parva
approved deemed university for yogic and 349.65), the great ancient text in which the
Vedic studies and also a teacher with the Bhagavad Gita of Sri Krishna occurs, states:
Sringeri Shankaracharya Math, the most central “Kapila, the teacher of Samkhya, is said to
of the traditional Vedantic centers in India. be the supreme Rishi. Hiranyagarbha is the
In India, Vamadeva's translations and original knower of Yoga. There is no one
interpretations of the ancient Vedic teachings else more ancient.”
have been given great acclaim in both spiritual
and scholarly circles. In America he is more
Elsewhere in the Mahabharata (Shanti
known as a teacher and practitioner of
Parva 342.95‐96), Krishna states, identifying
Ayurvedic medicine and of Vedic astrology
himself with Hiranyagarbha: “As my
(Jyotish) and has done pioneering work on both
these subjects in the West. form, carrying the knowledge, eternal and
dwelling in the Sun, the teachers of
Samkhya, who have discerned what is
important, call me Kapila.
As the brilliant Hiranyagarbha, who is lauded in the verses of the Vedas, ever worshipped by
Yoga, so I am also remembered in the world.” Other Yoga texts like the Brihadyogi
Yajnavalkya Smriti XII.5 similarly portray Hiranyagarbha as the original teacher of Yoga,
just as Kapila is the original teacher of the Samkhya system. So do commentaries on the
Yoga Sutras.
The vast literature of the Vedas, Mahabharata and Puranas speak of numerous great yogis but
does not give importance to Patanjali, who was of a later period. Even the Yoga literature
that is later in time than Patanjali, like that of Kashmir Shaivism or Hatha Yoga, does not
make him central to their teachings.
This earlier Yoga literature before Patanjali can be better called the Hiranyagarbha Yoga
Darshana as it is said to begin with Hiranyagarbha. In fact, most of the Yoga taught in
Vedas, Upanishads, Gita, Mahabharata and Puranas – which is the main ancient literature of
Yoga – derives from it. Such ancient Pre‐Patanjali texts speak of a Yoga Shastra or the
‘authoritative teachings on Yoga’ and of a Yoga Darshana or ‘Yoga philosophy’, but by that
they mean the older tradition traced to Hiranyagarbha.
Patanjali in the Yoga Sutras is only referred to as a compiler, not as an inventor of the Yoga
teachings. He himself states, “Thus is the teaching of Yoga” (Yoga Sutras I.1). This is quite
unlike Krishna, the avatar of Yoga, who states, “I taught the original Yoga to Vivasvan”
(Bhagavad Gita IV.1).
Several Upanishads like the Katha are said to be Yoga Shastras, besides numerous Yoga
Upanishads that also do not emphasize Patanjali. The Puranas contain sections on Yoga said
to be authoritative in nature as well and do not give importance to Patanjali. When such
texts teach Yoga, they often do so with quotes from the older Vedas.
This means that the Patanjali Yoga Darshana is a later subset of the earlier Hiranyagarbha Yoga
Darshana. It is not a new or original teaching, nor was it ever meant to stand on its own. The
topics addressed in it from yamas and niyamas to dhyana and samadhi are already taught in
detail in the older literature. In the Mahabharata (Shanti Parva 316.7), the sage Yajnavalkya
speaks of an “eightfold Yoga taught in the Vedas.” The Shandilya Upanishad (1) refers to an
eightfold or ashtanga Yoga but does not mention Patanjali.
While no single simple Hiranyagarbha Yoga Sutras text has survived, quite a few of its
teachings have remained. In fact, the literature on the Hiranyagarbha Yoga tradition is
much larger than that on Patanjali Yoga tradition, which itself represents a branch of it. We
cannot speak of a Patanjali Yoga tradition or of a Patanjali Yoga literature apart from this
older set of Yoga teachings rooted in the Hiranyagarbha tradition. The Patanjali Yoga
teaching occurs in the context of a broader Yoga Darshana that includes other streams.
There is only one Yoga Darshana that existed long before Patanjali and was taught in many
ways. It is the Yoga Darshana attributed to Hiranyagarbha and related Vedic teachers.
Who then was Hiranyagarbha, a human figure or a deity? The name Hiranyagarbha, which
means “the gold embryo”, first occurs prominently as a Vedic deity, generally a form of the
Sun God. There is a special Sukta or hymn to Hiranyagarbha in the Rig Veda X.121, which is
commonly chanted by Hindus today. The Mahabharata speaks of Hiranyagarbha as he who
is lauded in the Vedic verses and taught in the Yoga Shastra (Shanti Parva 339.69). As a form
of the Sun God, Hiranyagarbha can be related to other such Sun Gods like Savitri, to whom
the famous Gayatri mantra is addressed. Therefore, the Hiranyagabha Yoga tradition is a
strongly Vedic tradition. We can call it the Hiranyagarbha Vedic Yoga tradition.
Krishna states in the Bhagavad Gita (IV.1‐3) that he taught the original Yoga to Visvasvan,
another name of the Sun God, suggesting Hiranyagarbha. Vivasvan taught this Yoga to
Manu, the original man or first king, making it into the prime Yoga path for all humanity.
The Mahabharata (Shanti Parva 340.50) additionally identifies Hiranyagarbha, as other texts
do, with Brahma or Prajapati, the creator among the Hindu trinity, who among other things
represents the Vedas and is the source of all higher knowledge. It also identifies
Hiranyagarbha with the Buddhi or Mahat, the higher or cosmic mind (Mahabharata 302.18),
with which Brahma is often connected.
The chief disciple of Hiranyagarbha in the ancient texts is said to be the Rishi Vasishta, the
foremost of the Vedic seers (seer of the seventh book of the Rig Veda), who passed on the
Yoga teachings to Narada (Mahabharata Shanti Parva 308.45). Vasishta teaches the Yoga
Darshana in the Mahabharata (Shanti Parva 306.26): “The Yoga Darshana has so been
declared by me according to the truth.” He also passes on his knowledge to his son,
Parashara, in whose line was born Veda Vyasa, who compiled the Vedas and wrote the
Vasishta is made into the prime early human teacher of such other Vedic disciplines as
Advaita Vedanta (the tradition of Jnana Yoga or the Yoga of Knowledge), and of carrying
on the Yoga teachings of Shiva and Vishnu as well as that of Hiranyagarbha. There are
several very important Yoga texts in the Vasistha line including the Vasishta Samhita and
Yoga Vasishta, the latter of which is often regarded as the greatest work on both Yoga and
The original Yoga tradition is not the Patanjali tradition but the Hiranyagarbha tradition. It
teachings are found not only in the Yoga Sutras but in the Mahabharata, including the
Bhagavad Gita, Moksha Dharma Parva and Anu Gita, which each contain extensive teachings
on Yoga from many sides. The Hiranyagarbha Yoga tradition is the main Vedic Yoga
tradition. The Patanjali Yoga tradition is an offshoot of it or a later expression of it.
Samkhya, Yoga and Vedanta are all presented as aspects of this same tradition in the
Mahabharata. Ayurveda and Vedic astrology are important aspects of its outer application. If
we want to go back to the real roots of Yoga and restore the original teachings of Yoga, we should
return to the Hiranyagarbha Yoga Darshana.
Much of modern Yoga rests upon a misinterpretation and misunderstanding of the Yoga
Sutras. The first problem is that many people try to look at the Yoga Sutras as an original
text that stands in itself, when it is only a later compilation that requires examining its
background in order to make sense of it. This causes them to separate Yoga from the earlier
Vedic tradition that forms the greater context of Patanjali’s teachings.
Second, the Yoga Sutras, as a sutra work consisting of short aphorisms, can be easily slanted
in different directions according to the inclinations of the interpreter. The teachings of the
Hiranyagarbha Yoga Darshana, on the other hand, are more complete and can be cross
referenced to avoid such distortions.
Third, the Yoga Sutra tradition has been made sectarian, notably opposing Yoga and
Samkhya to Vedanta. This is not something of the modern age only, but occurred in old
debates between these philosophical systems going back to the Middle Ages and before. The
original Hiranyagarbha Yoga Shastra, however, is presented as in harmony with Samkhya
and Vedanta, such as we find it in the Mahabharata. The synthesis of these three systems is
in fact as old as Krishna, if not older.
This older integral Yoga is the same general type of Yoga‐Vedanta taught by great modern
Yoga gurus of India like Vivekananda, Yogananda, Aurobindo, Shivananda, and his many
disciples, and many others, the very teachers who first brought Yoga to the West in the last
century. They have taught the Yoga Sutras, the Bhagavad Gita and the Upanishads together as
part of the same broader tradition.
So how do we approach the Yoga Sutras then? It is best to do so in the context of the older
Yoga Darshana. There is only one Yoga Darshana through all the texts and tradition. There
is no Patanjali Yoga Darshana as an entity in itself apart from the older Hiranyagarbha
Yoga Darshana. If we want to understand the meaning of the technical terms in the Yoga
Sutras, we should do so with recourse to the older literature, not by inventing our own
meanings or trying to make these terms unique to the Yoga Sutras. Whether it is the yamas
and niyamas, the different types of samadhi, or the different aspects of Yoga practice, all
such terms often alluded to only briefly in the Sutras can be found explained clearly and in
detail in the older literature.
In addition, we should look at the Yoga Sutras in light of Vedanta, not only the Bhagavad
Gita but also the Upanishads. While Patanjali emphasizes the Purusha rather than Brahman
(the Absolute), we must remember that the Hiranyagarbha tradition gives Brahman its
place. We can also look to Vedanta for a greater description of Ishvara or God, which
Patanjali does not examine in detail, but which Vedantic texts examine in great detail.
This means that we should delink Yoga per se from Patanjali and restore its meaning at a
broader level. We should look at Yoga beyond the Yoga Sutras, not only the ancient Yoga
literature before Patanjali but the later Yoga literature apart from him, the various traditions
of Vaishnava, Shaivite, Shakta and Vedantic Yoga. Once we do this we can understand why
different aspects of Yoga have been used by different philosophical systems in India,
including those who may not agree with Patanjali on certain philosophical issues. Yoga as a
general tradition is something more than Patanjali, however great his compilation may be.
Most of that broader Yoga can be found in the earlier Hiranyagarbha formulation,
particularly in the Mahabharata.
Besides looking at Patanjali in a new light, we should work to restore the teachings of the
Hiranyagarbha Yoga Darshana. Many of these can easily be compiled from the Mahabharata,
Upanishads, and other ancient Vedic teachings. Through it we can gradually reclaim the
older Vedic Yoga it was based upon. In this way, we can restore the spiritual heritage of the
Himalayan rishis. This is an important task for the next generation of Yoga aspirants, if
they want to really reclaim the origin and depths of the teaching.
An Ancient Tamil Classic
Viswalingam Padmanabhan,
Copy Editor: R. Ramanathan, India
«ò£è èóí ï£ñ‹
Bhavam (Lion), Balavam (Tiger), Kowlavam (Pig), Thaithulam (Donkey), Karaji (Elephant),
Vanaji (Bullock), Batthirai or Vishti (Cock), Sakuni (Crow), Chathuspatham (Dog), Naagavam
(Snake), Kimisthukkiyam (Worm) are the eleven Karanams.
ð£õè ï£ñ‹
Ascendant (Lagna) is considered as the first house or bhava in the birth chart. This house reflects
the effects on the body and hair of the subject. Next in clockwise direction is Second house
which influences face, forehead, eyebrows, nose, right eye, tongue & teeth of the subject, his
family, finance, food, power of speech, prosperity, art & Charitable Manners. The third house
reflects its effect on the right ear of the subject, his vigor,
Heroism, art, literature, ornaments and status of his younger brother. The fourth House reflects
status of the right hand of the subject, comforts of dwelling, dress material, gift of cattle, transport
vehicles & servants, status of his mother, his Critical Periods & gift of water resources. The fifth
house reflects gift of children, love, wealth, status of heart & chest of the subject. The sixth house
portrays disease, poverty, Indebtedness, enmity & distress of the subject.
The seventh house depicts the status of spouse/partner, extent of conjugal pleasure and
Contentment of the subject, The eighth house reveals longevity, time & nature of death, Murderous
intent, perils, lack of prestige of the subject and status of his anus. The ninth House determines the gift
of charity, fortune of getting a Guru, divinity, ability to Perform Penance and gift of pilgrimage of the
subject & status of his father.
The tenth house reveals gift of nature, extent of fame, nature & status of profession, travel facilities of
the subject and status of his left hand & thigh. The eleventh house Determines the profitability,
comforts, receipt of gifts and the status of left ear, knees of the subject and details about his elder
brothers. The twelfth house reveals status of the Left eye of the subject, loss & wastage of his
ï†êˆFó êKˆFóŠðìô‹
ï£ñ ï†êˆFó‹
The reason here clockwise direction is mentioned is since in South India the chart is drawn clockwise direction where in
the north Indian chart popularly referred to as the Diamond Chart, the house direction flows in anti clockwise.
II) Chapter on the History of Stars
Here are the prefixes in Tamil alphabets* relating to each star and this will form the first Letter
in the name of the child. These prefixes are transliterated in English for guidance.
Chitta Pe, Pae, Py, Po, Aswini Su, Soo, Sae, Saey
(Chitrai) Poa, Pow
Swati Tha, Thaa Bharani So, Soa Sow
*(transliterating the tamil alphabets might cause some difficulty in identifying them. It is
suggested that readers may refer to Tamil almanacs for better comprehension)
ï†êˆFóî¼, ï†êˆFóèí‹
(words in italics are in native Tamil language as the equivalent in English is not known)
Nature of Stars
Nature Stars
Human Pubba, Poorvashada, Poorvabhadra, Uttara, Uttarashada,
Uttarabhadra, Bharani, Rohini,Aridra
Deva Sravana, Revathi, Pushyami, Aswini, Mrigasira, Punarvasu,
Anuradha, Swati, Hasta
Demon Krittika, Aslesha, Makha, Chitta, Visakha, Jyeshta, Moola,
Dhanishta, Satabhisha
Gender Stars
Male Aswini, Bharani, Rohini, Pushyami, Aslesha, Makha, Uttara,
Chitta, Swati, Jyeshta, Moola, Poorvashada, Poorvabhadra
Female Visakha, Revati, Sravana, Hasta, Dhanishta, Anuradha,
Punarvasu, uttarashada, Aridra, Pubba, Krittika,
Eunuch Satabhisha and Mrigasira
Head Diseases
If in previous births one opposes the instructions of brothers in
gurus lineage, or of Guru or Mother or Father then in next life
he will get diseases of the head. In this situation he should
resort to medicines given in Vaidic Shastra. If a Brahmachari
(not married man) in his previous life does the Karma of
Praayop Veshan and Naishikaadi Vrato Ka Tyag he does
then in next life he gets diseases of the head. For this he needs
to feed 50 brahmins and do Uddanndheti Mantra recitation.
He should also do Havan of Kushmand.
- Chapter Hradayarogadhikaraha of the ancient classic
‘Veerasimhavalokah’ by King VeeraSimha Dev of the
Tomar Dynasty