Summer 2005
Summer 2005
Summer 2005
Volume 1
Number 4
A publication of the School for Esoteric Studies
Esoteric philosophy
and its applications to
individual and group
service and the expansion
of human consciousness.
Further information about The Esoteric Quarterly, including guidelines for the
submission of articles and review procedures, can be found at: All correspondence should be addressed to
[email protected].
Editorial Board
Donna Brown (United States)
Barbara Domalske (United States)
Gail G. Jolley (United States)
Bruce Lyon (New Zealand)
Kathy Newburn (United States)
Robert G. Waggener (United States)
Copies of the complete journal or articles contained therein may be made for
personal use on condition that copyright statements are included. Commercial
use without the permission of The Esoteric Quarterly and the School for
Esoteric Studies is strictly prohibited.
Summer 2005
Page Page
Book Reviews
The Gentle Art of Blessing 53
The Third Approach 9
by Pierre Pradervand
Bruce Lyon
Agni: Way of Fire 53
The Role of Alan Leo and 13 by Bruce Lyon
Sepharial in the Develop-
ment of Esoteric Astrology
(Part I)
Temple Richmond
We encourage feedback from readers. Feel
A Mystical Interpretation 25
free to comment on the articles or on any
of the Binding of Isaac other aspect of our journal. Comments of
Jeffrey Gold general interest will be published as letters to
the editor. All comments should be sent to
The Shekinah: the Indwell- 33 [email protected].
ing Glory of God
John Nash
The guidance and inspiration of the inner subjective government of the
planet stand behind all constructive human efforts. Given different
names by people in the East and West – the Spiritual Hierarchy, the
Masters of Wisdom, or the Company of Illumined Minds – its members
function as custodians of the Divine Plan. They watch over our evolu-
tion and guide the destiny of humanity. They carry this forward by im-
planting ideas in the minds of thinkers and by evoking consciousness,
rather than by infringing upon the free will of the human spirit through
enforced control. They are governed by love and wisdom.
Converging Esoteric Traditions
Certain periods in history have witnessed the The final article explores the emergence of the
convergence of esoteric traditions to produce a Shekinah from abstract, impersonal roots in
new synthesis. The beginning of the Common biblical times to an aspect of the Divine Femi-
Era was one, the 11th-12th centuries another, nine that expresses the glory of God and urges
and the Renaissance a third. Our modern age the expansion of human consciousness. How-
may turn out to be one of the most significant ever one chooses to interpret it (or Her), the
periods of convergence in human history. This Shekinah affirms the immanence of God and
issue of the Esoteric Quarterly, which includes may be as relevant to all of us today as it was
articles representing two major esoteric tradi- to the rabbis of the Middle Ages.
tions, affirms the ongoing process.
In place of the usual “Short Papers” section,
The first two articles draw on the so-called we offer an expanded section on activities in
Trans-Himalayan teachings communicated the School for Esoteric Studies. It consists of
through the work of Helena Blavatsky, Helena addresses to students given at the full-moon
Roerich, Alice Bailey, and others. Bruce festivals in Aries, Taurus and Gemini. We are
Lyon’s article discusses the approach of the told that a new world religion is emerging
Will aspect of divinity to the human level, both whose liturgical calendar will highlight these
in the individual, where divinity is expressed festivals, the first two of which correspond to
through the Monad, and in the race, where it is Easter and the Buddhist Wesak Festival, while
beginning to flow to us directly from the the third—the Festival of Goodwill—is a more
Planetary Council of Shamballa. recent addition. Although this year’s festival
period is now over, we thought our readers
Temple Richmond’s article examines the con-
would like to read the talks to gain a better un-
tributions of two Englishmen—Alan Leo and
derstanding of the festivals, their origins and
Sepharial—to the field of esoteric astrology.
their relevance to religious observance in the
They met in the Theosophical Society during
Aquarian Age.
the formative years when Blavatsky was still at
the helm. However, their paths soon diverged, John Nash
and only Leo retained his Theosophical orien-
tation. He anticipated many of the concepts
developed more fully by the Tibetan master.
The conclusion of this two-part article will Publication Policies
appear in the Fall 2005 issue.
Articles are selected for publication in The
The third and fourth articles draw upon the Esoteric Quarterly because we believe they
rich tradition of esoteric Judaism. Jeffrey represent a sincere search for truth, support the
Gold’s article reexamines the perplexing story service mission to which we aspire, or contrib-
in Genesis where Abraham prepares to sacri- ute to the expansion of human consciousness.
fice his son Isaac. The author proposes that
the biblical passage reveals astrological and Publication of an article does not necessarily
other symbolism that must be read allegori- imply that the Editorial Board or the School
cally. Rather than promoting a morality that for Esoteric Studies agrees with the views ex-
we would find abhorrent, the passage provides pressed. We encourage critical thinking and
a lesson in detachment from the fruits of our evaluation of ideas. However, we will not al-
creative endeavors. low this journal to be used as a platform for
attacks on individuals, institutions or nations.
This policy applies to articles and features as enced source. Indeed, serious scholarship
well as to letters to the editor. sometimes requires reference to work that the
author finds abhorrent. We will not reject an
In turn, we understand that the author of an
article for publication simply on the grounds
article may not necessarily agree with the
that it contains a reference to an objectionable
views, attitudes or values expressed by a refer-
may have beginning and end, the process itself higher aspects of consciousness can carry us
is never-ending, nor ultimately did it ever start. further. Reading this, I reflected on my first
The process has always been. two definitions of the infinite, well-demon-
strated in the dual philosophies of Parmenides
Third, as the Oversoul, infinity is sentiency or
(spirit/boundless/changeless), and Heraclitus
consciousness. It is the joiner of the first and
(matter/periodicity/process) and how these op-
second laws and partakes of both qualities. It
posing views reflect the essential problem of
is the unchanging presence, “the Watcher;”
human comprehension. We are, as an expres-
also it is constantly changing, developing, ex-
sion, “relaters”, dual, the Oversoul in micro-
panding and shrinking to the contents of form.
cosm. As a kingdom we represent the problem
Importantly there has always been Oversoul,
of consciousness in all its dualities; spirit-
changing with the Mother; constant with the
matter; changeless-changing; psychologically,
thinking-feeling; heart-mind. Our role is to
Through embracing infinity, these three bring the three aspects into greater accord. I
laws/Aspects become a non-sequential ever- believe that when the three are seamlessly in-
present infinite reality that spins like a kaleido- terrelated in a non-causal way our purpose, at
scope of changing patterns throughout infinity, least in this universe, has been achieved.
emphasising any one or multiple of themselves
I thank Dr. Nash for his thought-provoking
at any one point in time/space.
Nash also concludes that the problem of re-
Daryl Fell
solving this is based on the limitations of the Melbourne, Australia
human intellect but that the intuition and
There are people who are unworthy and yet the In most systems of belief the believer consid-
Holy One, Blessed is He, has mercy upon ers that he can achieve a perfect relationship to
them… “Behold they possess the merit of the God by renouncing the world of the senses and
fathers. I have made an oath to the Patriarchs, overcoming his own natural being. Not so the
therefore even if they are not worthy they shall Hasid. Certainly, “cleaving” unto God is to
receive their reward because they are the seed him the highest aim of the human person, but
of the Patriarchs... I will lead them, therefore, to achieve it he is not required to abandon the
and direct them until they improve.” external and internal reality of earthly being,
So, too, should a man behave. Even when he but to affirm it in its true, God-oriented es-
meets with the wicked he should not behave sence and thus to transform it that he can offer
cruelly towards them nor insult them but have it up to God.
mercy upon them saying: “Even so, they are Martin Buber. The Way of Man.
the children of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. If Citadel Press, 1964.
they are not worthy their fathers were worthy
and upright and he who brings disgrace upon
the children brings disgrace upon the fathers...” What is needed is a flaming-out, on a global
scale, of an unstoppable force of Divine-
Moses Cordovero. The Palm Tree of
Deborah, 1588. Sepher-Hermon Press. human love wise enough to stay in permanent
humble contact with the Divine and brave
as spirit or monad. Indeed it is indicated by the who individualised on the moon chain, where
Master Djwhal Khul that the new esoteric the third aspect was dominant, and those who
schools will train students in contact between have individualised on earth (earth humanity)
monad and personality through the science of where the second aspect is dominant. In time
occult meditation.1 The emphasis upon the we might also include mercury-chain humanity
soul or second aspect is today becoming exo- – those who are showing signs of fifth-chain
teric—forming part of many mainstream ap- development and beginning to respond to the
proaches to education and organizational de- third method of development.
velopment. The inherent wisdom and creativ-
Of course this third approach will also attract
ity of the individual and the collective synergy
(with less long-term benefit to them) those
of groups aligned to purpose are increasingly
who have strong first ray at the soul and per-
being valued.
sonality level. It will be most suitable to those
This third approach will have its own upon any of the rays who have reached a cer-
strengths and weaknesses but will increasingly tain level of soul/personality integration and
become recognized as a distinct pathway that therefore those in whom the will principle is
will attract certain types of individuals and becoming increasingly expressed.
groups. It is in reality a third approach to ini-
In the worlds of time and space we develop
tiation. When the process of initiation was
awareness of our three levels of being sequen-
introduced it began with a focus upon the indi-
tially (personality, soul then monad) but in
vidual. Gradually the emphasis has shifted as
terms of our essential identity the order of rela-
we enter the Aquarian Age into a focus upon
tive importance of these aspects is reversed –
the group. This third method places the em-
monad, soul then personality. When we at-
phasis upon the whole. There is also a third
tempt to place first things first we must there-
method of individualisation which will become
fore consider whether we are primarily an-
the normal method for the next solar system –
chored in the world of Being or the world of
individualisation through abstraction. In the
first system individualisation occurred through
the evolutionary progression of the third as- There is another reason for developing and
pect. In the current second system the method strengthening the third approach to divinity or
of individualisation is via the aid of the ag- responsiveness to the energy of Shamballa, and
nishvattas or the conscious principle. We have this lies in a later synthesis. When the monad,
help from our “higher selves” which are natu- the soul and personality assume their rightful
rally group-conscious. Thus the development balance and order of relative importance in
of consciousness through education or the both inner and outer worlds then the revelation
“drawing forth” of the consciousness princi- of that which lies behind these three aspects
ple is the keynote of this system. In the third becomes possible. Just as the three vehicles of
system the keynote will be the life principle the personality, when integrated, reveal the
and activity and consciousness will be devel- synthetic principle of the soul operating
oped in an accelerated way through identifica- through them, so too do the three vehicles of
tion with the monad, the One.2 The core iden- the cosmic physical planes hide a synthesizing
tity will, in effect, be abstracted from the lower energy—a fourth quality of deity waiting to be
five worlds of the personality and the triad. revealed.3
of the synthetic fourth principle which “sees by testing out new pathways in the context of
the three as one.” experimentation, allowing time and evolution
to weave their work into the greater whole.
Within the esoteric community the emergence
of this third approach will be likely to raise a The work therefore of the third approach is to
divergence of opinion just as the emergence of complete the higher antahkarana through iden-
the second approach is a challenge to the first. tification with the Whole so that the synthetic
Just as there are those who say the acquisition operation of the three centres in man and in the
of outer knowledge and skill is more important planet can occur—bringing revelation of a
than the development of the innate wisdom of fourth quality of deity. This revelation is es-
the soul, there will be those who say that the sential to the Aquarian Age. We can fit our-
development and unfolding of consciousness is selves to aid in this process if we, as the Ti-
more important than the identification with the betan Master indicates, “walk humbly with our
life principle. Of course everyone is “right” God.”4
and merely emphasiz-
ing a partial truth in a The Larger
pre-synthesised triad. The third Great Approach al- Picture
There will be those
ready has its beginnings with So far we have looked at
who say that an at- the coming into relationship this third approach with
tempt to contact the of the energy of Shamballa respect to the individual
monad is presumptu- approach to divinity but it
ous when we have with humanity. In the early applies equally to our
only just begun to stages the new approach is planetary life as a whole.
know and develop the not recognized for what it Two Great Approaches
soul. There will be by spirit to form have
those who say that we is—“the will of God in a new already been made with
have not yet under- and potent livingness.” It has two lesser approaches
stood and applied the effects but these are largely embodying the Great Ap-
first and second proaches by individual
phases of the ageless unconscious. As humanity avataric members of the
wisdom that has al- develops responsiveness to human family.
ready been given out
and so why bother
this new energy it is able to The first Great Approach
begin conscious cooperation occurred in Lemurian
trying to delve into
times and resulted in the
the “third phase.” with it through the science of individualisation of ani-
There will be those invocation. mal man, the birth of the
who say that the most fourth kingdom in nature
important requirement on the planet is the and the appearance of the human soul. It was
building of the bridge between personality and literally the arrival of Light.5
soul not that between soul and monad.
The second Great Approach occurred when
Of course different perspectives emphasise humanity had grown through the ages in sensi-
different priorities. Different aspects of the tivity and intelligence. It was the approach of
one synthetic whole are seen as differentially the Spiritual Hierarchy to Humanity and made
important by entities within it. Synthesis how- them aware of the path to God, the path of ini-
ever occurs after each of the three strands are tiation. God had hitherto been a purely tran-
balanced and not before. A synthesis of opin- scendent and unapproachable reality but now
ion in the minds of men is an even more diffi- God became immanent and the path of sacri-
cult undertaking and so, as always, pioneers fice could be walked by advanced humanity
must demonstrate their priorities and values in via the Christ or soul principle residing at the
the face of prevailing status quos. They do this core of people’s own natures.
The Buddha was an embodiment or expression and “earth” or “spirit” and “matter” for there
of the first approach and the Christ an em- will no longer be experienced any sense of
bodiment of the second. The second Great such a duality. Light supernal, the light of life
Approach will be consummated in humanity itself will reveal the One Life pervading all
with the Reappearance of the Christ and the levels of manifest being and humanity will
Externalisation of the Hierarchy. take its conscious place as a divine centre.
Then this planet will manifest a truth in con-
The third Great Approach already has its be-
sciousness which has ever been a timeless di-
ginnings with the coming into relationship of
vine reality. Earth has always been in heaven.
the energy of Shamballa with humanity. In the
early stages the new approach is not recog-
nized for what it is—“the will of God in a new
and potent livingness.”6 It has effects but these
are largely unconscious. As humanity devel- Alice A. Bailry. The Rays and the Initiations.
ops responsiveness to this new energy it is able Lucis, 1960, p 121.
to begin conscious cooperation with it through Alice A. Bailey. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire.
Lucis, 1925, p 349.
the science of invocation. That invocation is 3
beginning to occur in two ways—through the mercury/FourthQuality.htm.
largely unconscious call to freedom from the 4
Bailey. The Rays and the Initiations, p. 258.
masses of humanity and the concerted invoca- 5
Alice A. Bailey. The Externalization of the
tive appeal by the New Group of World Serv- Hierarchy. Lucis, 1957, p. 411.
ers. Alice A. Bailey. The Destiny of the Nations.
Lucis, 1949, p. 17.
Just as the first two approaches have their 7
Alice A. Bailey. Esoteric Psychology, II.
outer representative embodiments, so too will Lucis, date, p. 280.
the third approach. We await a coming avatar 8
Bailey. The Externalization of the Hierarchy, p.
who will embody in Himself the principles not 537.
only of Light and Love, although developed in Alice A. Bailey. Discipleship in the New Age,
lesser degree to His predecessors, the Buddha II. Lucis, 1955, p. 425.
and the Christ, but also the energy of Power.
He will thus synthesise the three great qualities
of deity and make possible the revelation of
that which lies behind their expression.
Coincident with the coming of this avatar will
be the founding of the Temple of Power upon
the physical plane, which will make possible
the restoration of the mysteries and the taking
of the first initiation as a recognized outer
event within the human family. Already two
temples exist—a Temple of Light upon the
mental plane presided over by the Buddha and
a Temple of Love on the astral plane presided
over by the Christ.7
The three approaches—of spirit to matter (and
vice versa) through the threefold workings of
consciousness—form part of one great whole
and when they are consummated we will have
the “new heaven and new earth.”8 This is the
promise that the combination of the energies of
Aquarius and the seventh ray make possible.9
Only then we will not use the terms “heaven”
way for the flow of information. Nonetheless, in England.6 In addition, Leo was also a
in the background Hierarchy ever holds the widely known astrologer of great public ap-
thoughtform of the teaching in its conscious- peal, much sought by consumers of astrologi-
ness, thus rendering it continuously available. cal guidance in his day.7 As a result of all
this, it is fair to say that the name of Alan Leo
As a consequence, spiritually attuned and al-
was written large in the minds of Theosophists
truistic minds may telepathically register vari-
on both sides of the Atlantic in the early part of
ous parts of that thoughtform at any time.
the twentieth century.
Thus, even though there have been but two
formal revelations leading to published litera- And it was just this group, the world Theoso-
ture, communication between Hierarchy and phists of the early twentieth century, to whom
advanced minds takes place all the time. the Tibetan addressed himself, especially in his
Pieces of the Ageless Wisdom teaching may in earliest dictations given to Alice Bailey. Evi-
this way reach suitably attuned minds. Fur- dence that this is so abounds. Perhaps the
thermore, it is even possible that Hierarchy has most immediate and convincing is found in the
tried to reach particular individuals with as- works of Alice Bailey herself, the first ones of
pects of the teaching in hopes of bringing such which may be read as nothing short of a con-
ideas before the public at times other than the tinued discussion on themes found in Blavat-
two highly successful efforts about which the sky’s Secret Doctrine.8 Terms and concepts
Tibetan has spoken. from Blavatsky’s work were used without in-
troduction or definition, very much as if it
Either of these may very well have been the
were assumed that anyone reading the Bailey
case in regard to British Theosophist and as-
material would of necessity have previously
trologer Alan Leo, who did in fact write and
read the Blavatsky material.9 And this may
publish a work entitled Esoteric Astrology
well have been so in that day and age, for right
some twenty-six years before the Tibetan be-
at the time the Tibetan was issuing his first
gan his dictations to Alice Bailey on that very
dictations to Alice Bailey, Bailey was involved
topic. Leo’s volume was published in 1913,3
in teaching Secret Doctrine classes to a large
while Alice Bailey began her work under the
group of Theosophists in the New York area.10
Tibetan’s impression in 1939.4 Of note is that
Bailey herself had not long before been deeply
fact that Leo’s volume contained a number of
involved in the American branch of the The-
general concepts as well as specific notions
osophical Society in California.
which are very similar to if not identical to
portions of the system eventually revealed The atmosphere in which the Tibetan found
much more completely in the later volume of Alice Bailey was thus profoundly Theosophi-
the same name by Alice Bailey; representative cal, and it was into this atmosphere that the
examples will be examined. second literature of revelation initially was
cast. So basic was this fact to the time and
The Historical Context spirit of Alice Bailey’s early writings that
when The Beacon magazine was founded by
of Leo and Sepharial Alice and Foster Bailey in 1922, it was subti-
Like Bailey, Leo was a Theosophist.5 In fact, tled A Periodical Intended for Theosophists.11
Leo was a decidedly prominent British The- B. P. Wadia of the world Theosophical head-
osophist in the post-Blavatsky era, traveling quarters in India expressed enthusiasm about
with Theosophical Society president Annie the first few chapters of Initiation, Human and
Besant in India, joining the party of dedicated Solar, and in fact printed these in the society’s
Theosophists which ushered the now infamous international magazine, The Theosophist.12
Jiddu Krishnamurti on his first trip from India Further evidence that the Bailey work was
to England to be introduced as the putative born amidst a Theosophical atmosphere and
“New World Teacher,” and providing the mo- environment can be seen in the enigmatic
tive force behind the establishment of the As- symbol stamped on the cover of all the Bailey
trological Lodge of the Theosophical Society books—a triangle containing the interlaced
letters L, U, X, spelling LUX, or Latin for mately used professionally. Leo was born in
light, a reference to the Lucifer tradition as London on August 7, 1860 as William Freder-
discussed in The Secret Doctrine,13 which tra- ick Allen; Sepharial in Birmingham on March
dition itself forms the notion from which the 20, 1864 as Walter Richard Old (later calling
name Lucis Trust was formed. himself W. Gorn Old).14 In a well-established
custom amongst astrologers, both changed
Thus, it is easy to see that the audience for the
their names to appellations linked with astro-
new dictations arriving through Alice Bailey
logical tradition, the one to allude to angelic
was in the earliest days primarily constituted of
intelligence (Sepharial), the other to the Sun
well-read and informed Theosophists. As the
sign under which he was born (Leo).
Bailey writings gained acceptance and popu-
larity over the following three decades, this It was the younger man, Sepharial, who came
situation changed substantively, but it is likely to Theosophy first. In fact, Sepharial was a
that the fact of the original Theosophical con- member of London Theosophical circles when
text never left the Tibetan’s mind. H. P. Blavatsky was yet living, and became
one the few students privileged to be counted
So, when the Tibetan
in her inner circle.15
engaged on the topic of
esoteric astrology in the As the Tibetan Master has Sepharial also served
late 1930s, it was only pointed out, our Planetary Hi- as a vice-president of
the Blavatsky Lodge
natural that he should erarchy is in process of im- in London and even
bear in mind and seek to
address questions that parting to Humanity portions lived at the same resi-
dence with Blavatsky
could be counted on to of the initiatory wisdom with from 1889 until the
surface in the minds of which it has been invested… great occultist’s death
those familiar with the
post-Blavatsky Theoso- [T]here have been two distinct in early 16
May of
phical milieu. And that efforts of the Hierarchy to
group was keenly aware Sepharial and Leo met
of two outspoken and
reach Humanity with the true at a London astrologi-
highly visible British esoteric teaching. These two cal gathering in 1889,
astrologers by the efforts were embodied… in the and it was from that
names of Alan Leo and platform that Seph-
Sepharial. It was only writings of H. P. Blavatsky arial introduced Leo to
in keeping that the The- and Alice A. Bailey. Theosophical meet-
osophically-minded ings in the summer of
esoteric students of the world should want to the same year. Leo took to the Ageless Wis-
know how the work of these two colorful early dom teaching enthusiastically, formally joining
twentieth century Theosophists stacked up the Theosophical Society in May of 1890 and
against this new esoteric astrology now ap- remaining devoted to its philosophy for the rest
pearing under the name of Alice A. Bailey. of his life.17 Sepharial, on the other hand, be-
Apparently anticipating this interest, the Ti- came disenchanted with the Theosophical So-
betan simply spoke directly to the issue by ciety after the death of the flamboyant and
comparing and contrasting certain features of charismatic Blavatsky.18 This fundamental
the new esoteric astrological dispensation with difference between the two men was evidenced
positions taken by Leo and Sepharial on simi- in their subsequent astrological writings; for
lar matters. whereas Leo proudly proclaimed his Theoso-
phical orientation, Sepharial never became the
Some background information on Leo and
spokesperson for an esoterically-slanted and
Sepharial may be relevant here. These two
Theosophically flavored astrological doctrine
British astrologers were both born in the 1860s
such as that eventually articulated by Leo.
under different given names than they ulti-
Even so, Sepharial exerted considerable influ- Then, as further declamation of his Theosophi-
ence upon the astrological and occult scene of cal leanings, he selected excerpts from Blavat-
his day, authoring over forty books,19 many of sky’s Secret Doctrine as headers to introduce
which demonstrate a distinct genius for astro- several chapters. These include citations from
logically, numerologically, and kaballistically Blavatsky’s work on the triplicity of spirit,
based predictive techniques for winning at soul, and matter, and the one life pervading
games of chance and for predicting life events. them all;23 eventual universal dissolution;24 the
As an astrologer, Sepharial was technically gods of classical antiquity as figures represent-
oriented, with a good grasp of the history of ing Time and Eternity;25 the relevance of the
astrology, the evolution of its analytic and pre- constellations and their influences on the evo-
dictive techniques, and an interest in adducing lution of the soul;26 and the Sun, Moon and
mathematical proof that future events can be planets as connected with the mysteries of
known. Among Sepharial’s works are studies adeptship and initiation.27
on transits and an eclectic treatise on various
In addition, the text of Leo’s Esoteric Astrol-
astrological topics called The Science of Fore-
ogy is peppered with terms and concepts origi-
knowledge. In addition, Sepharial established
nally introduced in The Secret Doctrine. For
three astrological organizations over the period
example, with no particular explanation as to
of his life, though none of these lasted very
why, Leo invoked the esoteric model of the
long. His influence upon English and world
solar system as given in Theosophical litera-
astrology remained strong in the late 1930s
ture in his Esoteric Astrology, referring with-
when the Tibetan began his dictations to Alice
out preliminary definition to the seven Plane-
Bailey of what would be the later Esoteric As-
tary Logoi. These Logoi he characterized as
trology . In fact, Sepharial’s Manual of As-
did the Theosophical tradition, as Beings each
trology was a standard astrological instruc-
manifesting through a chain of seven globes28
tional text recognized throughout the English-
(rather than through a scheme of seven chains
reading astrological world from 1900 through
as would later be stated in the Bailey works),
approximately 1940.20
which is in decided contrast to the model of the
Alan Leo, by contrast, was as flamingly The- solar system embraced by mainstream astrolo-
osophical in some of his writings as Sepharial gers of Leo’s time. Of course, the reason he
was determinedly worldly and pragmatic in did so was to advance the Theosophical teach-
his. Leo wrote numerous studies for the gen- ing by expanding it into and integrating it with
eral astrological audience, but the main volume the field of astrology. In so doing, he was in
of relevance to the present discussion is his no way reluctant to simply state the Theoso-
volume entitled Esoteric Astrology, published phical position as fact, the more to firmly es-
in 1913 as volume number seven of his Astrol- tablish himself as a voice for a new, Theoso-
ogy for All series.21 phically inspired version of astrology.
That Leo’s Esoteric Astrology was greatly in- As further proof of Leo’s immersion in the
fluenced by Theosophical teachings is in no Theosophical doctrine, it should be pointed out
way difficult to discern. For example, in the that he demonstrated obvious familiarity with
preface Leo wrote, “There is but one material and referred to the Ray Lords and hence the
substance in the universe, primordial or root seven rays,29 the Spirit of the Earth,30 deva
matter,”22 a Blavatskyesque formulation if ever lives,31 the alternation of pralaya and manvan-
there was one, given her famous dictum that tara,32 the position of our globe as fourth,33
matter is spirit at its lowest vibration, and spirit and the triune composition of Deity as Will,
matter at its highest, plus her repeated discus- Wisdom, and Activity,34 all Theosophical con-
sions of mulaprakriti (or universal root sub- cepts in nature, and equally representative of
stance) to be found throughout The Secret what the Tibetan would later teach via Alice
Doctrine. In this, Leo’s Theosophical coloring Bailey. But to continue with the recitation of
was already on display. Leo’s telling marks as a Theosophical thinker,
it should be mentioned that he even referred to
the eminent nineteenth and twentieth century an esoteric astrological philosophy and system
Theosophist, T. Subba Row of India,35 the ar- which differed greatly from the then known
biter of so many Theosophical debates. It is exoteric or mainstream astrology.36 Part of the
through Theosophical literature and contacts difference, Leo asserted, lay in the necessary
and only that literature and ambience that Leo inclusion of reincarnation and karma as essen-
could have arrived at this vocabulary. tial facts of existence and evolution,37 the em-
brace of which were not yet practiced by the
In sum, it can be said that the atmosphere of
general astrological field of his day. In fact, so
Alan Leo’s astrological thinking was rather
adamant was Leo on this point that he admon-
thoroughly permeated with the esotericism of
ished the reader that no philosophy lacking the
H. P. Blavatsky and the accepted doctrines of
components of reincarnation and karma could
the Theosophical Society. The same could
fully account for the variation in life circum-
have been said of Alice A. Bailey’s general
stances to be seen amongst members of Hu-
worldview on the eve of her work with the Ti-
manity. Leo stated boldly that his formulation
betan on behalf of Hierarchy. It might even be
of astrology plus the teachings of reincarnation
tendered that the Theosophical Society func-
and karma were “given to represent…the true
tioned as a hothouse for the cultivation of
Astrology for the New Era that is now dawn-
promising Hierarchical channels at that time.
ing upon the world.”38 That new era being the
Alice Bailey herself stated that it was uniquely
Age of Aquarius, Leo’s statement appears to
her Theosophical background which prepared
have sounded very much the same note as the
her mind for telepathic linkage with the Ti-
Tibetan’s many statements to that effect re-
betan, and which paved the way for articula-
garding his presentation of the new astrology
tion of the concepts which it was his intention
of the rays, discipleship, and initiation as given
to bring forward to the greater public. Alan
later through Alice Bailey. Both presentations
Leo may have been in somewhat the same po-
proclaimed themselves as astrological dispen-
sition, and as the nature of his astrological sys-
sations for the New Age.
tem might be shown to suggest, Leo just may
have been the early and perhaps first recipient Yet another factor of similarity between Leo’s
of at least some of the information which presentation and that of Alice Bailey’s is a
would eventually appear in the Tibetan’s reve- fundamental obeisance eastward in acknowl-
lation of the esoteric astrological system via edging the source of inspiration and tutelage.
Alice Bailey. Leo himself claimed to have been immersed in
this new version of astrology in India. This
A number of general concepts found in Leo’s
fact immediately brings up the question in the
Esoteric Astrology seem to anticipate or at
mind of trained astrologers as to whether or
least agree remarkably with positions the Ti-
not Leo had embraced siderealist Hindu astrol-
betan would take in Bailey’s later volume of
ogy. As even a brief examination of Leo’s
the same title. Given their importance, a de-
Esoteric Astrology reveals, Leo integrated into
tailed examination of these similarities fol-
his system only small portions of Hindu astrol-
lows. After that, a number of specific ele-
ogy, while retaining the basic framework of
ments of Leo’s system will be explored, again
western tropical astrology, the zodiac for
with reference to features held in common with
which is structured on the natural facts of the
the material presented by Djwhal Khul through
equinoxes and solstices, in contrast to the side-
Alice Bailey.
real zodiac, which is based on other measure-
General Philosophy of Alan ments.
Leo’s Esoteric Astrology and Nonetheless, at the head end of his work on
Similarities to the Esoteric what he called esoteric astrology, Leo bowed
eastward. In his own words, “…on my recent
Occultism of the Tibetan visit to India I was enabled to learn from un-
Just as the Tibetan would also do publicly questionable sources that these teachings [of
through Bailey some years later, Leo posited reincarnation and karma—MTR] were part of
the ancient mysteries of astrology.”39 Exactly subject which views all stellar phenomena
by what or whom Leo was contacted and in- from the standpoint of unity: whilst Exoteric
structed in these matters while in India, he did Astrology beings its study from the side of di-
not say, which informational lacuna leaves versity and separateness….”43 As can be seen,
open the distinct possibility that Leo may have this comment of Leo’s demonstrates both his
been instructed by any of the Masters of the emphasis upon unity as the fundamental con-
Wisdom who have such ease of passage in In- text for all things and his essential agreement
dia. At any rate, Leo claimed his esoteric as- with the Tibetan’s later critique of modern as-
trological flame was lit in that great cradle of trology, which field both Leo and the Tibetan
spiritual tradition, while Alice Bailey is known took to task for its emphasis upon the fates and
to have received her torch from Tibet. The fortunes of individual persons rather than upon
presence of near-Himalayan esotericism is thus the greater spiritual lives in which those units
inasmuch claimed for both—hinted at in Leo, find place. Leo’s position is in fact closely
outright proclaimed in Bailey. reminiscent of the Tibetan’s dictum that study
of things cosmologi-
In keeping with the east-
cal and astrological
ward glance, Leo named Sepharial and Leo met at a should ever proceed
the Pranava Vada as one
of the specific sources London astrological gather- from the universal
from which some of his ing in 1889… Leo took to the (the realm of unity) to
particulars (the realm
ideas had arisen.40 A Ageless Wisdom teaching en- of multiplicity).
classic of Hindu esoteric
thusiastically, formally join- Though his words are
literature much revered by
just a little different,
Theosophists, The ing the Theosophical Society the idea is strikingly
Pranava Vada was also
mentioned in Bailey’s A
in May of 1890 and remain- the same.
Treatise on Cosmic Fire,41 ing devoted to its philosophy Like the Tibetan, Leo
a fact which obviously for the rest of his life. Seph- held that the divine
serves further to under- creative process re-
score the similarity of phi- arial, on the other hand, be- quires a ternary or
losophical outlooks to be came disenchanted with the triplicity to get roll-
found in Leo and Bailey. Theosophical Society after ing,44 which triplicity
he characterized as
Beyond these similar the death of the flamboyant the Rays of Divine
bases of thought, there
exists further compelling and charismatic Blavatsky. Will, Wisdom, and
Activity, with the
evidence that Leo may
third or Activity Ray
well have been on the same wavelength as the
comprehending within itself the four minor
Tibetan some years before Bailey was given
rays of aspect,45 precisely as the Tibetan would
the official signal. This evidence takes form as
say in A Treatise on Cosmic Fire.46 Also like
general esoteric principles formulated by Leo
the Tibetan, Leo associated the three primal
in ways and even in language much the same
emanations of Deity with three types of mo-
as would be used in the Bailey presentation.
tion, though Leo called them rotary, transla-
For example, Leo firmly advised that study of
tory, and vibratory,47 differing slightly from
astrology should proceed from the basic prem-
the Tibetan’s characterization of them as ro-
ise that one life pervades all forms, and that all
tary, orbital, and spiral cyclic.48 Leo, good
lives find place within greater lives,42 a formu-
Theosophist that he was, went on to relate the
lation very much like that which the Tibetan
three primary emanations to the three gunas as
would eventually articulate in A Treatise on
well, though in a slightly different application
Cosmic Fire and Esoteric Astrology.
than that used later by the Tibetan. However,
Said Leo taking off from that point, “We may Leo and the Tibetan were of one mind con-
define Esoteric Astrology as that side of the cerning the nature of the First, Second, and
Third Logoi or Aspects as emanations from which it is viewed. However, Leo followed
Parabrahm, with Leo characterizing the Three the Theosophical model of the solar system
primary Logoi respectively as unity, con- and held that though indeed the solar system is
sciousness, and matter and its organization,49 constituted of the Solar Logos as the central
exactly as would the Tibetan throughout the life manifesting through seven energy centers,
Bailey writings. each energy center is made of just one plane-
tary chain (or seven globes).56 Elsewhere Leo
This triplicity, Leo maintained, gives rise to
referred to seven individual planets as being
the septenary,50 just as was later elucidated by
the centers of the Solar Logos,57 which notion
Bailey. The septenary played as important a
falls even shorter of the Tibetan’s later formu-
role in Leo’s cosmology as it did in that of the
lation58 that schemes fulfill this function, but it
Tibetan’s, for Leo recognized seven planes of
remains consistent with the central and impor-
existence, each plane subdivided into seven
tant contention that the Solar Being functions
subdivisions or subplanes.51 Leo even de-
through seven energy centers.
nominated the subplanes in the same fashion as
the Tibetan would in the Bailey writings, with Leo seems to have recognized the principle of
the highest subplane on any given plane called systemic kundalini as well: that is, the force
the atomic, next down being the sub-atomic, which vitalizes each of the centers in the body
then the super-etheric, the etheric, gaseous, of the Solar Being. For he stated that the Solar
liquid, and solid.52 Obviously and importantly Being is the source of all life currents in the
for interpretation of astrological symbolism, system,59 and that it supports a “…circulation
Leo equated the astral plane with the water of physical and other forces and of vital-
element,53 as would the Tibetan in numerous ity…constantly going on between the seven
passages throughout Bailey’s Esoteric Astrol- globes…the point of greatest activity...centred
ogy. sometimes upon one globe and sometimes
upon another, according to the stage of evolu-
Leo also recognized at least a portion of what
tion reached.”60 Except for the difference in
might now be called the esoteric model of the
the number of total globes attributed to the so-
solar system, together with the primacy of the
lar system, here in essence is the same point
Solar Logos within it.54 It would also appear
made repeatedly by the Tibetan concerning the
that Leo anticipated the teaching upon the rela-
ordered circulation of systemic kundalini in A
tionships of Solar Logoi one to another which
Treatise on Cosmic Fire.
was to be revealed more fully in A Treatise on
Cosmic Fire and Telepathy and the Etheric Leo’s point of view was like that of the Ti-
Vehicle, for Leo understood that our Solar Lo- betan’s in that he, too, specified deva life as
gos is in conscious union, which is to say one of the essential factors in the distribution
communication, with the vaster universe be- of energies and forces in the solar system. Leo
yond.55 This vaster universe is of course con- attributed to deva life the same functions as did
stituted of orders upon orders of Solar Logoi, the Tibetan; for in describing the seven cos-
individually and in ever-expanding groups, as mic planes, Leo stated that each plane is in fact
the scale of logoic organization is ascended. the body of great Deva Lords, 61 just as did the
So in a roundabout way, Leo implied that our Tibetan. And he characterized deva lives in
Solar Logos is in telepathic relationship with general as the builders of form,62 as also would
others of its kind, just as the Tibetan would the Tibetan later.63
spell out in his later works.
The Law of Correspondence, a key interpretive
Leo certainly acknowledged that there is more tool according to the Tibetan, was likewise in
to the structure of the solar system than is pre- evidence in Leo’s Esoteric Astrology, where he
sented by the mere physical body of the Sun indicated the importance of links between the
and visible planets, asserting just as did the chain, globes, and rays of the same number,
Tibetan that the Solar Logos manifests triply and even suggested that in some cases, the mi-
and that the number of planets to be seen in the crocosm can be the clue to the macrocosm,64
solar system depends upon the point in time at just as did the Tibetan later through Alice Bai-
ley.65 Leo likewise called upon the Law of In any case, the important point is that in both
Correspondences to deduce that the three ma- Leo and Bailey, the Seven Supreme Intelligen-
jor aspects are reflected in the lowest three ces represent the rays, have as their duties the
planes, with the mental plane expressing Ac- working out of the Will of the Solar Logos,
tive Intelligence, the astral or emotional plane and provide the ground for perfecting of one of
mirroring Wisdom, and the physical plane ex- the seven principles. These essential notions
pressing Will.66 This reverse order or mirroring are found in both Leo and Bailey.
effect, which matched the highest with the
So also is the idea that each of these seven cen-
lowest, is also a feature of the Tibetan’s dis-
ters has a particular group of advanced beings
cussions of the planes in some passages.67 It is
associated with it. For Leo, it was a “great
an unusual application of the Law of Corre-
Spiritual Hierarchy” which found its home in
spondence, and as such, the more strongly
each of the seven (for him, planets);73 for the
suggests that Leo was attuned to certain subtle-
Tibetan, it was the cosmic instructors in the
ties of the thoughtform containing the particu-
eight Planetary Schools, each found in a plane-
lars of the Ageless Wisdom.
tary scheme associated with our solar system.74
At any rate, Alan Leo certainly knew of and Thus, though the details differ between the Leo
embraced the teaching on the seven emana- presentation and that of Bailey, certain com-
tions of Deity, acknowledging specifically the mon features and key ideas nevertheless stand
seven rays when he wrote, “…seven great out in regard to advanced beings associated
rays…are constantly streaming through the with the various centers of the Solar Logos,
seven planetary spheres of influence.”68 These and this is the main point to be gathered here.
seven rays Leo identified with what he under- Both presentations envisioned the force centers
stood by the term Planetary Spirits or Logoi,69 of the Solar Logos as homes to advanced be-
though his Logoi manifested through fewer ings capable of leading evolution forward.
globes than did those of the later teaching.
Leo’s thoughts on the medium through which
In a way, Leo also recognized the Lords of the the various bodies in space communicate and
Rays, explaining “…[it is] not the physical through which astrological energies flow was
planets themselves that affect mankind, but the like that of the Tibetan’s as well. Leo held that
supreme Intelligences who use the planetary space is constituted of etheric matter and that
bodies as their physical vehicles….”70 These this etheric matter is the medium of communi-
supreme Intelligences filled a specific role in cation amongst the planets and between the
Leo’s esoteric model of the solar system, one planets and the Sun,75 a favorite theme of the
that will be familiar to the mindful student of Tibetan’s from A Treatise on Cosmic Fire and
the esoteric astrological doctrine. It is the Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle.
same role imputed to the Planetary Logoi by
Matters closer to home were also conceptual-
the Tibetan throughout A Treatise on Cosmic
ized by Leo in a fashion very similar to what
Fire; for Leo asserted that the “planetary intel-
the Tibetan would later propose through Bai-
ligences” carry out the will of the Solar Lo-
ley. Importantly, Leo made a hard-and-fast
gos,71 just as the Tibetan repeatedly stated it is
distinction between the more durable portion
the function of the Planetary Logoi to do.
of the self, which he called “the individuality,”
Further, it was Leo’s contention that each and the ephemeral portion of the self, which he
planet is charged with mastering the evolution called “the personality,” with the personality
of one of the seven principles,72 which is ex- constituting, as he put it, a “small ray of the
actly what the Tibetan said about the schemes. Individuality.”76 Here in only very slightly
Thus, though in Leo’s mind it was individual different terms is the Tibetan’s soul and per-
planets that represented the “Supreme Intelli- sonality model, with the personality being but
gences,” the Ray Lords, or Planetary Logoi, it a small fragmentary expression of the soul and
was the schemes which fulfilled that role in the its ray. In fact, entirely in line with what the
more fully developed system ultimately re- Tibetan would later reveal in A Treatise on
vealed through Bailey. Cosmic Fire concerning the creation of the
soul or causal body from the monadic essence, during past incarnations—the essential residue
Leo wrote of the “individuality” (his word for of the various vehicles and sheaths of manifes-
soul), “Through the agency of …[the] Seven tation and containing condensed qualities of
Divine Rays man creates his causal body, col- expression, these to be re-manifested in some
ored primarily by its ‘Father in Heaven,’ (or subsequent embodiment.80 And precisely as
Monad) and from which a ray is cast into the the Tibetan would affirm some years later, Leo
physical body at birth to be the personality.”77 identified the permanent atoms as the key
mechanism for the discharge of planetary or
That Leo was aware not only of soul or egoic
astrological influence into the form nature.81
rays but also of groups of souls constituted on
As is thus apparent, Leo had the essential eso-
the basis of ray affinity is a certainty as well,
teric model of the solar system and the human
for Leo penned, “…at the head of the group of
being in his sights more or less as it would
individuals belonging to each ray there stands
later be discussed more fully and methodically
a Master….”78 Bailey students would say that
by the Tibetan in the Bailey material.
at the head of the souls on each ray stands a
Master of that ray vibra- Another Tibetan-
tion, but the idea is re- Leo certainly acknowledged esque item caught in
markably the same, mi- the crosshairs of
nor variations in termi- that there is more to the struc- Leo’s mental scope
nology notwithstanding. ture of the solar system than is concerns what might
Both presentations ten- presented by the mere physical be called a critique
der the idea of soul or of the then-popular
egoic groupings estab- body of the Sun and visible astrology. Leo’s
lished along the lines of planets… However, Leo fol- central problem with
ray vibration. As for the field as it was in
evolution beyond the
lowed the Theosophical model his day sounds re-
soul ray, it seems that of the solar system and held markably like the
Leo’s insight penetrated that though indeed the solar Tibetan’s main criti-
there as well. For Leo cism of modern as-
even seems to have an- system is constituted of the So- trology when Bai-
ticipated the momen- lar Logos as the central life ley’s Esoteric As-
tous occurrence of manifesting through seven en- trology was dictated
transfer from the egoic nearly thirty years
onto the monadic ray ergy centers, each energy cen- later.
and the consequent dis- ter is made of just one plane- Both Leo and the
sipation of the causal tary chain (or seven globes). Tibetan noticed a
body as detailed by the
79 serious collective
psycho-spiritual problem in the making,
Thus, Leo’s model of the esoteric human con- caused by the intense focus upon individual
stitution accounted very neatly for the Ti- fate and fortune, as undertaken by mainstream
betan’s standard triplicity of monad, soul, and or exoteric astrology of the early twentieth
personality. Further, the more intricate eso- century. Here is what Alan Leo had to say on
teric structure of all forms suffered no neglect the matter. “If he [a seeker] gains knowledge
from Leo either, for he even acknowledged the of Astrology and become fascinated by the
existence of the critically important “perma- wonders of his horoscope, he holds it as a fet-
nent atoms.” Nuclei of forces and tendencies ish; it is his horoscope, and at once he sepa-
within each of the seven principles, according rates himself from all the rest of humanity by
to the Tibetan, the permanent atoms were re- hugging to himself the joys of the good aspects
ferred to as such by Leo and described as and planetary positions, and pitying himself for
“karmic seeds,” or repositories containing all the bad ones.”82 Compare this to the Tibetan in
the vibrations and characteristics accumulated Bailey’s Esoteric Astrology: “At present, the
position of the average believer in astrology is proper nature of an esoteric astrology. That
that he is an individual of importance…, that the one preceded the other suggests no shame-
he is living on an important planet,…and that, less borrowing on the part of Alice Bailey, but
through astrology, he can discover his des- rather an inspiration common to both.
tiny….This makes him feel himself to be a [Part II of this two-part article
factor of isolated importance.”83 will appear in the Fall 2005 issue.]
Leo decried separatism; the Tibetan, isolation.
Thus, an attitude of separation and isolation of
the individual from the greater life in which it
dwells struck both Leo and the Tibetan as the 1 Alice A. Bailey. Esoteric Astrology. Lucis,
main problem with the orientation of the popu- 1951, pp. 106, 132, 192, 251, 284, 311, 369.
lar astrologies of their respective moments, and 2 Alice A. Bailey. The Rays and the Initiations.
in this, they are yet again on very much the Lucis, 1960, p. 255.
same wavelength regarding important matters. 3 Patrick Curry. A Confusion of Prophets.
Again similarly, Leo proposed as an antidote Collins and Brown, 1992, p. 145.
an esoteric astrology posited on cosmic unity, 4 James Stephenson. Prophecy on Trial. Trans-
and the Tibetan would do much the same Himalaya, 1983, p. 23.
through Bailey, urging greater attention be 5 James H. Holden. A History of Horoscopic
given to the sources of astrological energies Astrology. American Federation of Astrolo-
and less to the microcosmic lives merely re- gers, 1996, pp. 194-195.
ceptive to them at a much lower level. 6 Curry. A Confusion of Prophets, pp. 141, 151.
7 Ibid., particularly, pp. 137 – 138.
Perhaps anticipating the Tibetan’s point that all 8
Helena P. Blavatsky. The Secret Doctrine.
astrological energies transmit the Divine Will, Theosophical University Press, 1888/1977.
Leo held out the possibility of union with the 9 Just one amongst many telling examples is
Divine Will as a logical consequence of a found in Alice A. Bailey. Letters on Occult
rightly directed esoteric astrology.84 And what Meditation. Lucis, 1922 (written in 1920).
is the best way to approach union with the Di- On p. 223 of Letters, there appears the term,
vine Will? According to Leo, it is through the “Day Be With Us,” without definition or
cultivation of what he called “pure reason,”85 a further explanation. The phrase “Day-Be-
term later used by the Tibetan as an equivalent With-Us” was used in The Secret Doctrine to
for buddhi, the very principle the perfection of signify the conclusion of a manvantara, or
which the Bailey teaching would pinpoint as period of a solar system, as verified by
the particular intended destiny for this Geoffrey Barborka. The Divine Plan. The-
planet.86 osophical Publishing House, 1964, p. 151.
Pure reason, Leo maintained, would cure the Without knowledge of prior usage, readers
distortions created by viewing life and matters would have found “Day Be With Us” a
relatively meaningless term.
through the “fluidic emotional body,” an obvi- 10 Alice A. Bailey. The Unfinished Autobiogra-
ous reference to the astral body and its legen-
phy. 1951, pp. 189 – 191.
dary abilities to twist appearances according to 11 John Cobb. “The New Emerging from the
the likes and dislikes of the viewer. Here
Old.” School for Esoteric Studies, p.2.
spoke an esoteric psychologist after the Ti- 12 Bailey. The Unfinished Autobiography, p. 167;
betan’s own heart, for this is a central theme
John Sinclair. The Alice Bailey Inheritance.
that the Tibetan himself would return to time
Publisher, date, p. 20.
and again in the Bailey material, ever urging 13 See: Blavatsky. The Secret Doctrine, v. 1, pp.
the calming of the astral currents through the
70 – 71.
practice of universal love, knowledge of the 14 Curry. A Confusion of Prophets, pp. 123, 125,
Plan, and the divine discriminating conscience: 126. Leo’s birth time may have been 6:10
all attributes of buddhi. Once again, it is ap- AM or 5:49 AM, as Curry reports on pp.
parent that Leo and the Tibetan were looking 123, 180; Sepharial is reputed to have been
at the same design in their comments on the
born at approximately 1:30 AM, as Curry 41, 42, 1034, of Bailey’s A Treatise on Cosmic
records on pp. 125, 126. Fire.
15 Ibid., p. 125. 49 Leo. Esoteric Astrology, pp. 11 – 12.
16 Ibid., pp. 125, 126, 127. 50 Ibid., pp. xvii, 18.
17 Ibid., p. 126. 51 Ibid. p. 17.
18 Ibid., p. 135. 52 Ibid., p. 17.
19 Ibid., p. 127; Holden. A History of Horo- 53 Ibid. p. 18.
scopic Astrology, p. 196. 54 The following is a summary of Leo’s view
20 Curry. A Confusion of Prophets, p. 127; from Esoteric Astrology, pp. xiv, 11, 12, 16,
Holden. A History of Horoscopic Astrology, 19.
p. 196. 55 Ibid., p. 15.
21 Ibid., p. 145. 56 Ibid., p. 16.
22 Alan Leo. Esoteric Astrology. Destiny Books, 57 Ibid., pp. 2, 127.
1913/1983, p. xvii. 58 It should be noted that in the earliest dicta-
23 Ibid., p. 75. tions to Alice Bailey, the Tibetan himself
24 Ibid., p. 85. seems to have alluded to a solar system
25 Ibid., p. 93. composed of seven chains, rather than one
26 Ibid., p. 63. composed of seven schemes. For example,
27 Ibid., p. 131. see p. 264 of Letters on Occult Meditation,
28 Ibid., pp. 8 – 18, 125. dictated in 1920, according to James Ste-
29 Ibid., p. 64. phenson in Prophecy on Trial, p. 23. Subse-
30 Ibid., p. xvi. quently, the esoteric model of the solar sys-
31 Ibid., p. 123. tem built on seven schemes of seven chains
32 Ibid., pp. 47 – 48. apiece came through much more clearly in
33 Ibid. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, though even in
34 Ibid., p. 65. that work there are to be found certain pas-
35 Ibid., p. 90. sages which muddy the matter. At any
36 Ibid., p. 67. rate, it seems that the decision to reveal
37 Ibid., p.vii. more fully the entire esoteric model of the
38 Ibid., p. vii. solar system must have been made between
39 Ibid., p. vii. the dictation of Letters (1920) and Cosmic
40 Ibid., p. 55. Fire (1921–1924, again according to Ste-
41 Alice A. Bailey. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. phenson). This would suggest that the ear-
Lucis, 1925, p. 425. liest point at which the Tibetan was fully
42 Leo. Esoteric Astrology, p. 68. permitted and committed to divulging the
43 Ibid., p. xiv. more complete information would have
44 Ibid., p. 139. been late 1920 or early 1921, which would
45 Ibid., p. 21. have been some seven to eight years after
46 Bailey. A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p. 336. the completion of Leo’s Esoteric Astrology.
47 Leo. Esoteric Astrology, p. xvii. Thus, had Leo enjoyed the distinct privilege
48 The three types of motion discussed by the of telepathic contact with the thoughtform
Tibetan are: (a) rotary motion, or the of the new esoteric astrology, he would
rotation of any sphere around its own axis, only have been permitted to have cognized
(b) orbital motion, such as the orbit of a and communicated the teaching on the eso-
planet around the Sun, or the orbit of the teric model of the solar system as it had
Sun around the galactic center, and (c) been cleared for revelation in his day—with
spiral motion, produced when a body in the energy centers of the Solar Logos com-
orbit around its center is simultaneously posed of chains and not schemes.
propelled forward in space along a line of 59 Leo. Esoteric Astrology, p.16.
travel perpendicular or angled to its plane 60 Ibid.
of orbit. These points were developed from pp. 61 Ibid., pp. xiv, 125.
heaven, the earth, the sun, the moon, vegeta- creative projects and the fruits of those creative
tion, living creatures, and, on the sixth day, projects.
human beings. The one thing we know about
God from the first chapter of Genesis is that Renouncing the Fruits
God is a creator. On the sixth day (Genesis I: of One’s Labor
27), “God created man in His own image”.
In Genesis 22, God asks Abraham to sacrifice
Human beings are made in the image of a Di-
Isaac as a burnt offering. On my astrological
vine creator. It seems reasonable to conclude
interpretation, God is asking Abraham to sacri-
that humans are also creators. The very first
fice, give up, or renounce the fruits of his crea-
thing that God says to the new humans is
tive activity. Renouncing the fruits of one’s
(Genesis I: 28): “Be fruitful and multiply”.
labor is a common theme in mystical literature.
God is blessing these new creatures by encour-
For example, in the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna
aging them to create, to produce, to reproduce,
tells Arjuna: “You have the right to work, but
and to be prolific.
never to the fruit of work. You should never
In astrology, each of the 12 houses rules a spe- engage in action for the sake of reward. . . The
cific area or segment of life. For example, the wise unify their consciousness and abandon
second house rules fi- attachment to the
nances, the sixth house This essay reinterprets the pas- fruits of action.”8 The
rules work, the seventh sage from a Kabbalistic or final chapter of the
house rules marriage, Bhagavad Gita is very
etc. The fifth house Jewish mystical perspective. clear. As humans, we
rules creativity. When Since my interpretation is must perform actions.
we engage in creative
activity, when we pro-
symbolic and not literal, it pre- Each one of us has
duties, responsibili-
duce, this is a manifes- sents neither God nor Abra- ties, or a dharmic
tation of fifth house ham as morally reprehensible. path. We should not
energy. The fifth cease to perform those
house is linked with By utilizing the astrological duties. However, we
the ways in which we symbols present in the story, I should give up self-
are creative (drama, will contend that it is not a ishly clinging to the
music, art, romance) fruits of those activi-
and the joy associated story of filicide but a story ties. Gandhi was once
with those activities.7 about abandoning the fruits of asked if he thought a
The fifth house is also our labor and egolessness. particular march
associated with the would change the
products or fruits of British policy towards
creative activity. These fruits may include India. He responded: “That is none of my
works of art, symphonies, plays, and most im- business.”9 Despite the fact that Gandhi
portantly for our purposes, the product of ro- worked tirelessly for the independence of In-
mance and love, namely children. In a natal dia, he gave up attachment to how it turned
chart, the fifth house represents one’s children. out. He performed his dharma by marching,
Hence, Isaac is Abraham’s fifth house. Isaac’s but he renounced attachment to the fruits.
name in Hebrew is Yitzchak (qtcy) meaning
Rabbi Harold Kushner believes that we can
“laughter.” Laughter is associated with joy find the same message in Ecclesiastes. The
and fun, and the fifth house is known as the Book of Ecclesiastes repeatedly states that
house of fun or the house of joy because creat- there is nothing better for a human being to do
ing is considered joyful. From an astrological than find enjoyment in their work (their voca-
perspective, everything in the Biblical narra- tion or dharma) and to savor the moment.10 It
tive points to the fact that Yitzchak is Abra- also recommends that, whatever we do, we do
ham’s fifth house, the house of Abraham’s it with all of our might because we don’t know
what the future holds.11 In interpreting these In Judaism, the view that grounds mindfulness
passages, Rabbi Kushner states “If logic tells is found in Isaiah 6:3: “Kadosh, kadosh, ka-
you that in the long run, nothing makes a dif- dosh, Adonai tz’vaot, M’lo chol ha-aretz
ference, then don’t live in the long run . . . k’vodo”:
learn to savor the moment, even if it does not lk )lm tw)bc hwhy #wdq #wdq #wdq
last forever.”12 He further explains that the wdwbk Cr)h
sages of the Talmud say that “‘One hour in this
Translated, it says: “Holy, holy, holy is the
world is better than all of eternity in the World
Lord; the entire earth is filled with Divine
to come’ . . . I take that passage to mean that
glory.” Divine, radiant glory permeates the
when we have truly learned how to live, we
whole earth. There is no sacred-profane distinc-
will not need to look for rewards in some other
tion. The entire earth is filled with Divine en-
life . . . We totally misunderstand what it
ergy. When we are in heneini consciousness, we
means to be alive when we think of our lives
are aware of the holiness, the sacredness of the
as time we can use in search of rewards.”13
present moment. Martin Buber points out the
Kushner concludes that the message of Eccle-
the central commandment of Hasidic Judaism is
siastes is that we will be frantic and frustrated
the “the hallowing of the everyday.”17
if we search throughout our lives looking for
rewards or successes.14 In the best known trac- The Zen teacher Cheri Huber says: “Please do
tate of the Mishnah, Pirkei Avos (Ethics of the not do yourself the disservice of assuming
Fathers), it says: “Be not like servants who there is something to do that is more important
serve their master for the sake of receiving a than just being right here, right now, pre-
reward; instead be like servants who serve sent.”18 This ability to be fully present can
their master not for the sake of receiving a re- only be achieved by abandoning the fruits of
ward.”15 To create or produce in order to re- one’s labor. One of the slogans of the lojong
ceive a reward is essentially future oriented. teachings of Tibetan Buddhism is “Abandon
As long as we think about a reward, as long as any hope of fruition.”19 This is the symbolic
we think about the future, we are pulled out of point made in the Biblical narrative when God
the present moment. asks Abraham to sacrifice Isaac (Abraham’s
fifth house, the fruit of Abraham and Sarah’s
Mindfulness creative activity). The astrological point is that
Abraham is being asked to renounce the fruits
Attention to the present moment or mindful-
of his labor. In order to be present to holiness,
ness is not only a central feature in Zen Bud-
one must be present. Once can’t be present
dhism, it is essential in Judaism. When God
when one clings to the future.
called to Abraham at the beginning of the Ake-
dah narrative (Genesis 22:1), Abraham re- Killing the Ram
sponded with a one word answer: “Heneini.”
When God called to Moses from the burning
Interpreted as Egolessness
bush (Exodus 3:4), Moses gave the identical The second noble truth of Buddhism is that
one word response. “Heneini” (ynnh) means “I suffering is caused by clinging of mind or by
am here” or “I am fully present.” The two selfish craving, i.e., wanting things to turn out
most important figures in the Torah respond to a certain way (and then being disappointed
God’s call by saying “I am fully present.” In when they don’t). The third noble truth rec-
the Jewish tradition, to do something with ommends that we renounce our selfish craving
“heneini consciousness” means to do it with all or clinging (to results). Because the world is
your heart, all your soul and all your might. impermanent and ever changing, clinging will
Thich Nhat Hanh defines mindfulness as always lead to suffering. Clinging to an ever-
“keeping one’s consciousness alive to the pre- changing world is like trying to hold on to a
sent reality.”16 This is the Zen parallel of do- rushing stream. Since we will never make the
ing something with all your heart, soul and world exactly as we want it to be, clinging to
might. the world being a certain way inevitably leads
to suffering. The only solution is to give up
our clinging to results or the fruits of our ac- In terms of Jewish mysticism, the Hasidic
tions. When we do something, we should do it Rabbi, Nachman of Bratzlav, insists, “You
with every fiber of our being; but it will turn must nullify your ego completely, until you are
out as it turns out. Clinging to it turning out a included in God’s own unity.”21 In comment-
specific way is a recipe for disappointment and ing on Deuteronomy 5:5, the Hasidic Rabbi
frustration. Hence, on the mystical interpreta- Michael of Zlotov said: “What stands between
tion of the Akedah, God is telling Abraham you and God like a wall is your Ego. This I,
that in order to obtain a more elevated level of this consciousness of a separate existence, is a
consciousness (heneini consciousness); he wall between you and the Divinity.”22 The
must relinquish the attachments to the fruits of Buddhists, the Hindus, and the Kabbalists are
his creative activity. Write books, sing songs, all saying similar things. Egoism and selfish-
plant gardens, conceive children, but do not be ness are hindrances to achieving more exalted
attached to what is produced. This is symbol- states. The Hindus call the exalted state
ized perfectly by asking Abraham to sacrifice “samadhi,” a state in which the selfish agita-
the most important tions of the mind
symbol of the fifth God is asking Abraham to sacri- become so still that
house. Since Abra- the meditator, act
ham and Sarah longed
fice, give up, or renounce the of meditation and
to have a child, Yitz- fruits of his creative activity. Re- object of medita-
chak is the perfect nouncing the fruits of one’s labor tion all become
symbol of the fruits of one.23 The Bud-
one’s creative action.
is a common theme in mystical dhists call it “nir-
Therefore, Abraham
literature. For example, in the vana,” a state of
Bhagavad Gita, Krishna tells Ar- “no wind” in which
goes to the land of
selfish desires and
Moriah to sacrifice juna: “You have the right to egoistic cravings
his son. In his limited
understanding of
work, but never to the fruit of are stilled. The
work. You should never engage Kabbalists call this
God’s command,
state yichud (dwxy),
Abraham thinks that in action for the sake of reward. . . or unification, a
sacrificing the fruits
of one’s labor re- The wise unify their consciousness state in which there
quires destroying or and abandon attachment to the is no more egoistic
killing the product. If wall separating a
fruits of action.” person from the
Abraham had written
a book, he would Divine. As long as
have understood the Divine voice to command one clings to the fruits of one’s actions, one
him to burn the book. So (Genesis 22:10), has a selfish or egoistic desire that places a
“Abraham stretched forth his hand, and took wall between oneself and the Divine. One
the knife to slay his son.” At this point, God must slay the ram, or nullify the ego in order to
intervenes in order to expand Abraham’s lim- achieve more refined states of awareness. So,
ited comprehension. God sends a ram (neither in order to renounce the fruits of his labor,
the lamb that Isaac expects nor a bull). The Abraham need not destroy Isaac, he must slay
ram is, of course, Aries. Aries is the first sign the ram or nullify his ego. As long as we are
of the Zodiac and represents the first house. locked into egocentric conditioning (i.e., the
The first house is the house of the ego, the experience of feeling oneself to be separate
house of the self.20 Abraham must kill the ram from life, separate from the present moment, or
that represents the ego or the self. This is the separate from God), we will experience “lone-
third noble truth, eliminate selfish craving. It liness, fear, desperation, disconnection, depri-
is what Krishna tells Arjuna (Bhagavad Gita vation, inadequacy, greed, hate and confu-
18:11) when he says “true renunciation is giv- sion.”24
ing up all desire for personal (selfish) reward.”
In the Hasidic tradition, there is the often-told already left Eden, the world of unitary con-
story of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak, who hesitated sciousness or yichud. Now, it is inevitable,
for a long time before blowing the shofar on that, as humans, we conceptualize, rationalize,
Rosh Hashanah. After the congregation grew think, compare and contrast, adjudicate, arbi-
impatient, the Rebbe explained that there was trate, and judge. But, when we do that, we
an innocent, uneducated Jew standing in the leave the world of unity and union, and enter
back of the congregation. He was never taught the world of duality, the realm of opposites,
how to pray. His knowledge of Hebrew was the world of suffering.
limited to the aleph-bet. So this innocent said
So, how do we get back to Etz Chaim, the tree
to God: “Oh Great God, I am uneducated and
of Life, the world of the sacred? As sung by
ignorant. I cannot even recite the holy prayers
Joni Mitchell and also by Crosby, Stills and
from the book. I only know the 22 letters of
Nash in the song, Woodstock, “We’ve got to
the aleph-bet. So, I shall recite them for you:
get back to the Garden.” How do we do it?
aleph, bet, gimmel, dalet . . . You, Lord, in
How do we tune into the divine channel? By
your great wisdom and mercy, will weave
tuning into the world of duality, we cannot
them together into the
possibly get to the di-
words of a beautiful
prayer.” It was for this
At the top of the mountain, vine channel. It’s like
Elijah witnesses a strong tuning into MTV36 and
man that Levi-Yitzchak
hoping to find the Dis-
waited.33 This innocent wind, and earthquake and a covery Channel. In
man prayed with more
kavanah, more heart- fire. But Elijah discovers that Isaiah 51:1, the prophet
felt intensity than the the Lord was not in the wind; says: “Hearken to Me,
Ye that seek the Lord:
more “enlightened” the Lord was not in the Look to the rock from
members of the congre-
earthquake; and the Lord which ye were hewn,
gation. The child-like
the quarry from which
innocence of the man in was not in the fire. It is only you were digged.” In
the story is similar to
the innocence of Winnie
when Elijah hears the still other words, look to
the Pooh. The lack of a small voice that he is in touch your roots, your source.
Go back to your origi-
sophisticated ego- with the Divine. nal state of non-duality
structure is praised in
or innocence. Go back
Taoism, in Zen, by Je-
to the state of the uncarved block or beginner’s
sus, and in the Hasidic tradition. This, I sub-
mit, it the true meaning of slaying Aries the
Ram. Conclusion
This is also, on my interpretation, the symbolic Egocentricity, the view that we are separate
meaning of the story of “the (alleged) fall.” In and isolated from life, prevents us from seeing
the Garden of Eden, there are two trees that are the holiness in life. In order to attain heneini
specifically mentioned. There is Etz Chaim, consciousness, one must begin to dismantle the
(Myyx C(), the Tree of Life; and of course there seductive ego-structure. From an astrological
is Etz Da-at Tov Va-Ra ((rw bw+ t(dh C(w), perspective, the binding of Isaac is not a story
the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The of the willingness of a faithful man to murder
Hebrew word Da-at (t(d, “knowledge”),34 has his own son. It is a symbolic tale instructing
the sense of an opinion, a judgment, an out- us that in order to reach God-consciousness
look, a belief. It is the ability to distinguish.35 (yichud), one must sacrifice the fruits of one’s
If it is Da-at Tov Va-ra, it is the ability to dis- labor. Just as the exodus story is understood
tinguish good from evil, right from wrong. symbolically as the movement from the land of
Once we eat from the tree of knowledge of Egypt (Metzraim or limited consciousness) to
duality, knowledge of opposites, right and the Promised Land of Israel (expanded con-
wrong, good and bad, us and them, we have sciousness),37 the Akedah is understood as the
found in the temple which had been destroyed When the thought arose in God of creat-
by the Romans, but it could still be found in ing a world, He first created the Holy
the world and particularly in people’s hearts. Spirit to be a sign of his divinity… And
The Shekinah was sometimes identified with He created the image of the Throne of
the Knesset Yisrael, the Community of Israel. His Glory… which is a radiant brilliance
Destruction of the infrastructure of Jewish and a great light that shines upon all His
worship forced many people to turn inward, other creatures. And that great light is
and one expression of this new introversion called the Glory of our God… And the
was Merkabah mysticism.8 Devotion to the Sages call this great light Shekinah.12
glory that surrounds the throne of God was a
concept of the highest significance in this The Shekinah and Qabalah
movement. At times, the Shekinah was linked
and with the Archangel Metatron who also As the personification of the Shekinah in-
featured in Merkabah creased, she began to evolve into a female as-
mysticism.9 pect of God, an
“When the children of Israel hypostatized femi-
Over time, the fact that nine power. This
“Shekinah” was a femi- were in exile, the Shekinah was was particularly
nine noun took on more not perfected below or above. noticeable among
than grammatical sig- the medieval Qa-
nificance. The Sheki- This is because the Shekinah is balists. Interest-
nah began to be anthro- in exile with them.” The Zohar ingly, this was the
pomorphized, with a same period when
definite feminine per-
… goes on to say: “the exile is
Chokmah (hmkx,
sona. This is evident in considered the nakedness of su- “Wisdom”) under-
the Sepher ha-Bahir, pernal Israel.” The exile was went its own trans-
“Brilliance,” a compila- formation from a
tion of textual frag-
not just the one that followed
ments possibly dating destruction of the second temple, feminine to a mas-
culine power,
back to the second cen- it was all exiles, including the emerging as the
tury CE. After quoting archetypal Abba
from Isaiah: “The one to Babylon in the sixth cen-
()b), “Father”) of
whole earth is full of his tury BCE; for we are told that the Qabalah.
glory”10 the author went “the angels escorted the Sheki-
on to speak of the di- Large numbers of
vine glory thus: nah to Babylon, sat there and Jews fled Roman
This is like a royal wept with Israel.” repression in first-
and second-century
princess who came CE Palestine to settle in Spain and southern
from a far place. People did not know France. Others followed later in the wake of
her origin, but they saw that she was a the Moorish invasions. Sorrow over the loss of
woman of valor, beautiful and refined in their homeland was projected onto the Sheki-
all her ways. They said, “She certainly nah in the notion that she was banished too.
originates from the side of light, for she However, despite this mutual exile she ex-
illuminates the world through her pressed the unbreakable link with the divine
deeds.”11 reality. Through shared suffering with her
The association of the Shekinah with light and people, the Shekinah served as the guarantor of
glory continued through the Middle Ages. The the Covenant.
11th-century Talmudic scholar, Judah ben Bar- The monumental Qabalistic text Sepher ha-
zillai al-Bargeloni of Barcelona, commented: Zohar, or “Book of Splendor,” compiled in the
13th century, quotes the passage from Isaiah
mentioned earlier, adding: “and the Shekinah be He.” The Holy One is the son of the Most
is revealed below in this world. When the High, and the Shekinah is the daughter—and
children of Israel were in exile, the Shekinah prospective daughter-in-law. The notion that
was not perfected below or above. This is be- the Holy one is betrothed to his sister should
cause the Shekinah is in exile with them.”13 not be taken as implying incest. We are deal-
The Zohar also refers to the Shekinah as the ing with symbols, and the sister-wife symbol is
“Mother of Israel” and goes on to say: “the an ancient one; for example we find in the
exile is considered the nakedness of supernal Song of Solomon: “How fair is thy love, my
Israel.”14 The exile was not just the one that sister, my spouse!”20
followed destruction of the second temple, it
Both the Talmud and the Bahir likened the
was all exiles, including the one to Babylon in
Sabbath, or Shabbat, to a wedding or to the
the sixth century BCE; for we are told that “the
visit of a queen. The same theme was taken up
angels escorted the Shekinah to Babylon, sat
in the Zohar:
there and wept with Israel.”15
[One] should prepare a comfortable re-
Qabalists conventionally linked the Shekinah,
clining bed with many pillows and em-
the divine presence in the world, with the tenth
broidered cushions from all that he has
and lowest sephirah in the Tree of Life:
in his house, as when preparing the mar-
Malkuth, the “Kingdom.” Indeed the Shekinah
riage canopy for the bride, because
was often used as an alternative name for
Shabbat is both a queen and a bride.
Malkuth.16 The feminine character of the low-
Due to this, the sages of the Mishnah
est sephirah is not surprising when we recog-
used to hasten to come out on Shabbat
nize that it receives the divine force from all
eve to welcome her on the way. And
higher sephiroth, “receptiveness” being a pri-
they used to say: “Come bride, come
mary feminine archetype. The immanent
Shekinah of Malkuth is the “lower Shekinah,”
contrasting with—yet inseparably connected We are left in no doubt as to who the bride is:
with—the transcendental, “supernal Shekinah” “we should to make a beautiful canopy with
of Binah.17 The “combined” Shekinah is a beautiful decorations to invite the Supernal
feminine divine expression reaching from the Bride, who is the Shekinah.”22 Significantly,
very highest levels to the plane of earthly exis- the Sabbath is the seventh and last day of the
tence. week, and the Shekinah-Malkuth is the seventh
and last of the lower sephiroth. The six days
Early Qabalistic scholars taught that Malkuth
leading up to the Sabbath correspond to the six
had become dissociated from the rest of the
sephiroth with which the Zeir Anpin is associ-
Tree of Life. And here we find a close corre-
spondence to the notion of the Shekinah’s ex-
ile. The Shekinah-Malkuth reflected the light The personification of the Shekinah as the
of the higher sephiroth, just as the moon re- bride provided fertile ground for all kinds of
ceives its light from the sun. But as a result of symbolic correspondences. She was the be-
the exile, she was cut off from the source of trothed who had been lost and defiled; now she
life and nourishment. We are told in the Zohar must be found, re-adorned and reunited with
that “whatever the Shekinah has, she receives the Holy One, the waiting bridegroom. The
from Zeir Anpin.”18 Zeir Anpin (Nypn) ry(z, notion of defilement was not new; in the Torah
literally “Short Face”) is one of the partzufim God had warned: “Defile not therefore the land
(singular partzuf, “face”), or divine persons, which ye shall inhabit, wherein I dwell
and it corresponds collectively to the six sephi- [shakan]: for I the LORD dwell [shakan]
roth—counting Daath as one—lying immedi- among the children of Israel.”24 A marriage
ately above Malkuth.19 In particular, the Zeir between the Shekinah and the Holy One
Anpin can be related to the central sephirah clearly corresponded to traditional Qabalistic
Tiphareth. Both the Zeir Anpin and Tiphareth rituals to raise the consciousness from Malkuth
are often referred to as “the Holy One, blessed to Tiphareth. Malkuth, incidentally, was rep-
resented by lead and Tiphareth by gold, so the few years, a group of eminent Jewish scholars
elevation of consciousness also corresponded had established the community of Safed in
to an alchemical transmutation. In the Chris- Palestine, close to the traditional burial site of
tian Qabalah Tiphareth became identified with the early Qabalist Simeon ben Jochai.29 The
Jesus Christ, and the faithful at the level of Safed scholars, whose most famous members
Malkuth addressed their devotions to Tipha- were Moses ben Jacob Cordovero (1522–1570)
reth. Even more significantly, the church and Isaac ben Solomon Luria (1534–1572),
claimed to be the “bride of Christ.” studied the Zohar and other basic texts at
length, continuing the theoretical work for
The Shekinah’s banishment and the Jews’ ex-
which it had laid the groundwork. Others
ile from the Promised Land were both sources
strove to transform the theoretical framework
of great sadness. However, this sadness must
of the Zohar into ethical and devotional prac-
be transformed into joy. For example, we read
in the Zohar:
The rabbis of Safed took a strong interest in
[T]he Shekinah does not dwell in a place
the Shekinah. They saw her exile as a meta-
of sorrow, but only in a place of joy. If
phor for the Jew’s continued wanderings; but
a place has no joy, the Shekinah will not
they also regarded it
abide there. This is
echoed in the The personification of the Sheki- as a consequence of
man’s continuing
verse: “But now nah as the bride provided fertile sinfulness. Accord-
bring me a min-
strel. And it came ground for all kinds of symbolic ingly, everybody
shared in the guilt of
to pass, when the correspondences. She was the her exile and defile-
minstrel played,
that the hand of
betrothed who had been lost and ment, and every-
defiled; now she must be found, one—at least all pi-
Hashem came
ous Jews—shared the
upon him.” (II Me-
re-adorned and reunited with responsibility for re-
lachim 3:15)
the Holy One, the waiting bride- storing her to her
The 13th-century rightful place. A cus-
Rabbi Jacob ben
groom … A marriage between
tom developed in
Sheshet of Gerona the Shekinah and the Holy One which the faithful
equated prophetic clearly corresponded to tradi- would wander
powers with the pres- through the fields,
ence of the Shekinah,
tional Qabalistic rituals to raise particularly through
commenting that “The the consciousness from Malkuth graveyards, looking
Shekinah dwells only to Tiphareth. for the Shekinah.
upon him that is Perhaps they were
wise.”26 On the other hand, the Shekinah was inspired by the passage in the Song of Solomon
not always regarded as a benevolent presence. which reads: “Come, my beloved, let us go
A few passages in the Zohar portray her as an forth into the field.”30 Safed scholar Solomon
agent of judgment and destruction, serving ben Moshe Halevi Alkabetz (b. 1505) used to
forces more powerful than herself.27 Perhaps, go out with his students to pray and meditate
in her exile, she became hostage to evil forces, on the graves of zaddikim (saints), hoping—
as did her sister the Pistis Sophia.28 perhaps as Jacob ben Sheshet did—for mysti-
cal insights. Alkabetz was moved by the asso-
The Shekinah in Safed ciation of the Shekinah with the lost and de-
filed bride. “[E]very Sabbath,” he wrote, Jews
The Jews’ expulsion from the Iberian Penin- “should go forth to welcome to Sabbath
sula, by Ferdinand and Isabella in 1492, set in Queen.” And “Come, my Beloved, to meet the
motion further migrations to Eastern Europe Bride, let us welcome the Sabbath.”31
and even back to their homeland. Within a
Moses Cordovero suggested: “One should Shekinah serves, among other things, as a
wander, as if exiled from place to place, purely man’s conscience. According to Cordovero
for the sake of Heaven, and thereby make one- she accompanies a man when he is away from
self a vessel for the Shekinah in exile.”32 home, not only to maintain his wholeness, but
Through a life of asceticism the seeker “should also to remind him to be faithful to his wife.37
humble his heart in exile and bind himself to
Elijah de Vidas (died c. 1593), probably a stu-
the Torah and then the Shekinah will be with
dent of both Moses Cordovero and Isaac Luria,
him.”33 Indeed, the Zohar states that, when a
urged the pious Jew to confess his sins in order
man reads the Torah, “the Shekinah spreads
that the soul could “stimulate the female wa-
Her wings over him.”34
ters within the Shekinah.”38 Then, at midnight,
Medieval Jews, like those of other periods, he should rise to study the Torah and pray. By
insisted that the two sexes were complemen- so doing he could “feel the distress of the
tary and unmarried people were incomplete. Shekinah [and] weep and mourn over the de-
Celibacy was considered an anomaly, and rab- struction of the Sanctuary.”39 Midnight is the
bis were expected to marry and have children. time when “the Holy One… forgives those
Indeed, the belief was that the Shekinah could who return to Him.” De Vidas no doubt re-
only flow into a man through his wife. Cor- called that the Zohar identified midnight as the
dovero contended that a man develops a rela- time when the Holy One and the Shekinah are
tionship both with his wife and with the over- joined in consortium.40 It is also the time when
shadowing Shekinah. In The Palm Tree of she is most accessible to the people:
Deborah we are told that man: “[A]lthough the Shekinah goes into exile with
Israel, nevertheless she is to be found in the
“stands between the two females, the
domain of her husband.”41
physical female below who receives
food, raiment and conjugal rights from De Vidas was not the first to identify the
him, and the Shekinah who stands above Shekinah with the Moon, but he asserted that
him to bless him with these which he, in she “is exiled from time to time inasmuch as
turn, gives to the wife of his covenant.35 Her light has been diminished.”42 Both Cor-
dovero and de Vidas saw the Shekinah as an
The model for this dual relationship is the one
intercessor with the Holy One, very much as
between Tiphareth; Binah, the “supernal
the Virgin Mary is for Jesus Christ in Catholi-
Shekinah” or “Higher Mother;” and the con-
cism and Eastern Orthodox Christianity.
ventional Shekinah, or “Lower Mother”:
This is after the pattern of Beauty [Ti- The Shekinah in
phareth], which stands between the two
Females: the Higher Mother [Binah],
Modern Times
which pours out all that it requires, and Concepts of the Shekinah were explored by the
the Lower Mother [Malkuth-Shekinah], Hassidic writers of Eastern Europe, many of
which receives from it food, raiment and whom had studied the major Qabalistic
conjugal rights, namely lovingkindness, sources. Among other things they discussed
justice, and pity as is known. And the the Shekinah as the glory of God, her exile, her
Shekinah cannot come to him unless he relationship with Tiphareth, and her associa-
resembles the Supernal Reality.36 tion with the Sabbath. For example, the fa-
mous Rabbi Isaac Baal Shem Tov (1698–
The Shekinah is divine glory dwelling in the
1760) quoted the Zohar in explaining the Sab-
world; but she makes demands, not only of
bath as “the coupling between the Holy One
Tiphareth and the Jewish race, but of every
and the Shekinah.” He proceeded to point out
pious Jew. The sins of the world had driven
“The Holy One refers to the Godly Essence
her into exile, and it was man’s individual and
that is hidden from creation. The Shekinah, on
collective responsibility to bring her back: and
the other hand, refers to the Godly Essence that
restore the loving union between the Shekinah
dwells in the physical world.”43 That identifi-
and the Holy One. On an individual level the
cation with matter might in itself constitute the the Holy Spirit with Binah but reaffirms his
basis of the “exile.” conclusion by the argument that Binah is the
Shekinah’s higher aspect.
Polish Rabbi Avraham Yehoshua Heshel (c.
1745–1825) continued the tradition of revering Modern Qabalists still project the Shekinah
the Shekinah as the revealed glory of God: back to biblical times. For example, she was
said to have been the subject of musical devo-
When [God] desired to reveal the glory
tion: “The ancient Levites and prophets used
of His kingship and power in the lower
music so that the Shekinah would descend
worlds, He first caused His light to bring
upon them.”48
forth the upper worlds… From there,
He continued step by step... This con- Twentieth-century Judaic scholar Gershom
tinued until His Light reached the level Scholem (1897–1982) gave much thought to
that we call the the issue of
The story of the Shekinah can be whether Jews of the
biblical period con-
Baal Shem Tov’s great-
grandson, the Ukrainian
viewed in the historical terms of sidered the Sheki-
a particular religious tradition, nah—or her ante-
Rabbi Nachman (1772–
cedents—to be a
1810), explored a simi- or we can seek its more general divine hypostasis or
lar theme, explaining
that “glory” refers to
legacy and relevance to us to- whether she was
Israel and adding that day… The Shekinah affirms the merely a literary
personification or
“God’s Shekinah dwells immanence of God, expressing poetic metaphor.
inside… each and every
Jew.”45 the divine glory in the world— He also examined
was recognized as such during biblical times to be united in marriage. Cordovero’s asser-
have generally been unsuccessful, but her tion that the Shekinah can only flow to a man
qualities do seem to have been anticipated in through his wife is another affirmation of the
the Hebrew Bible. importance of marriage—although it could
also be interpreted allegorically. Bearing in
According to the Qabalists, the Shekinah is
mind that, in Hebrew and most other ancient
identified with Malkuth, “the Kingdom;” and
languages, “soul” was a feminine noun,52 the
just as Malkuth was once detached from the
assertion might mean that we can only contact
Tree of Life, the Shekinah was cut off from the
the divine presence through our souls.
source of life and lost in the wilderness. Sig-
nificantly, in the Hebrew gematria, “Shekinah” The story of the Shekinah can be viewed in the
has a value of 385, the same as ha-raqira historical terms of a particular religious tradi-
((yqrh, “the firmament”), mitsriyma (hmyrcm, tion, or we can seek its more general legacy
“into Egypt”), and shemamah (hmm#, “desola- and relevance to us today. The latter seems to
tion”).51 As the story of the Shekinah’s exile be the more appropriate response. The Sheki-
developed, there was an interesting shift of nah affirms the immanence of God, expressing
emphasis away from blaming those who had the divine glory in the world—albeit not with-
driven her—and the Jewish people—from their out tension due to human weakness. Her role
homeland toward the recognition that her exile as a feminine aspect of God, distinct from the
might have been the result of human weakness. masculine but destined for eternal union with
The Shekinah shared in the sufferings of her it, provides insight into gender symbolism at
people; but the people must now find her, the highest levels. The Shekinah speaks to us
adorn her for the divine nuptials, and reunite as an important figure in today’s quest for the
her with the waiting bridegroom. She must be divine feminine and for greater understanding
sought not just in the fields and graveyards but of the multi-faceted nature of God.
in each person’s heart.
Certainly the Shekinah was, to a great extent, a
product of male theological speculation. She 1
For a discussion of the origins of “Shekinah”
emerged in a society with rigid gender roles: see: Fred P Miller. Zechariah and Jewish Re-
one where women were not permitted to study newal: From Gloom to Glory. Moeller Haus,
the Torah, still less the Qabalah. Not surpris- 1999, ch. 8.
ingly we can detect some degree of gender Exodus 24:16. (Unless stated otherwise, all
bias. The Shekinah has a lower status than the biblical quotations are from the King James
Holy One; Shekinah-Malkuth is below the Zeir Version.)
Isaiah 57:15.
Anpin-Tiphareth on the Qabalistic Tree of 4
Karen Armstrong. A History of God. Bal-
Life. It was she, not the Holy One, who was lantine Books, 1994, p. 74.
exiled—although we might offer the counter- 5
“Elohim” is an irregular feminine noun with a
argument that she deserves the greater credit masculine plural ending. The fact that it is plu-
for not abandoning her people. ral is lost in most English versions of the Bible
where it is translated as “God” or “the Lord.”
On the other hand, we must also recognize that
“Ruach” is a regular feminine noun.
the rabbis accorded her the highest honors of 6
El Shadai is also rendered “Mighty God” or
their culture. Significantly, the Shekinah was “God of the Mountain.” El became Allah in
not forced into the role of the Virgin Mary, Arabic.
eternally unable to fulfill her role as a woman. 7
Genesis 28:3, 49:25 (KJV with substitutions).
The persona of the Shekinah perhaps reflects Gershom Scholem. The Mystical Shape of the
the healthier life of men in the rabbinic tradi- Godhead. Schocken Books, 1991, p. 21.
tion, contrasted with the celibate ideal of Ca- The name “Metatron” means beside or above
tholicism or the puritanism of the reformed the throne.
churches. It was a life based on the principle Isaiah 6:3.
The Bahir, 132. (Transl: Aryeh Kaplan.)
that men and women are incomplete without
Weiser Books, 1998, p. 48.
each other and that their natural, joyful state is
12 32
Quoted in: Scholem. The Mystical Shape of the Moses Cordovero. The Palm Tree of Deborah,
Godhead, p. 155. ch. 9. (Transl: R. J. Z. Werblowsky) Oxford
Zohar, 9, Vayetze: 27, verse 272. Kabbalah University Press, 1962, p. 52. A translation by
Centre International, 2003. The Shekinah is Louis Jacobs has “chariot” in place of “vessel.”
mentioned 1,065 times in the Zohar. Ibid.
14 34
Zohar, 2, Beresheet A: 25, verse 268. Zohar, 28, Tzav: 27, verse 182.
15 35
Zohar, 25, Vayakhel: 2, verse 20. This is a ref- Moses Cordovero. The Palm Tree of Deborah,
erence to Psalm 137:1-2: “By the rivers of ch. 9. (Transl: Louis Jacobs.) Sepher-Hermon
Babylon, there we sat down, yea, we wept, Press, 1960.
when we remembered Zion. We hanged our Ibid.
harps upon the willows in the midst thereof.” Here, Cordovero was quoting from the Zohar,
16 3, Beresheet B : 51, verse 225.
The Zohar asserts that “Malkuth is a body to the 38
Elijah de Vida. Beginning of Wisdom, “The
Shekinah.” 49, Ki Tetze: 21, verse 102.
17 Gate of Holiness,” ch. 7. Quoted in: Fine.
Zohar, 33, Kedoshim: 4, verse 36.
18 Safed Spirituality, p. 106.
Zohar, 19, Yitro: 22, verse 403. 39
Ibid, p. 107.
There are five partzufim: Arikh Anpin (Nypn) 40
Zohar, 50, Vayelech: 3, verse 18.
Kyr), “Long Face”), which corresponds to the 41
Zohar, 44, Pinchas: 84, verse 562.
sephirah Kether; Abba (“Father”), which corre- 42
E. de Vida. Beginning of Wisdom, “The Gate of
sponds to Chokmah; Imma (“Mother”), corre- Humility,” ch. 1, p. 117.
sponding to Binah; Zeir Anpin, corresponding to 43
Rabbi Aaron (ed.) Kether Shem Tov: teachings
Chesed through Yesod; and Nukvah (“Daughter” of the Baal Shem Tov. Quoted in: Aryeh Kap-
or “Bride”), corresponding to Malkuth. The re- lan. The Light Beyond, Maznaim Publishing
lationship between the Zeir Anpin, Tiphareth Corporation, 1981, p. 265.
and neighboring sephiroth is discussed in John 44
Avraham Y. Heshel. Ohev Yisrael. Quoted in:
Nash. “The Trinity and Its Symbolism.” Eso- Kaplan. The Light Beyond, p. 35.
teric Quarterly, Spring 2005, pp. 33-46. 45
Rabbi Nathan (ed.). Likutey Moharan: Teach-
Song of Solomon 4:10. ings Rabbi Nachman. Quoted in: Kaplan. The
Zohar, 47, Ekev: 3, verse 32. Light Beyond, p. 137.
Zohar, 21, Trumah: 80, verse 789. 46
Rabbi Shlomo (ed.). Magid Devarav LeYaa-
Zohar, 44. Pinchas: 123, verse 854. kov: Teachings of the Mezricher Magid.
Numbers 35:34. Quoted in: Kaplan. The Light Beyond, p. 218.
Zohar, 11. Vayeshev: 3, verse 29. “Melachim” 47
Arthur E. Waite. The Holy Kabbalah. Citadel
is the Hebrew name of the Book of Kings. Press, undated, p. 368.
Joseph Dan. The Early Kabbalah. Paulist 48
Matityahu Glazerson. Music and Kabbalah.
Press, 1986, pp. 145, 149. Jason Aronson, 1997, p. 7.
Scholem. The Mystical Shape of the Godhead., 49
One could of course argue that any distinction
pp. 189ff. between these concepts is no more than a matter
The Pistis Sophia, a 2nd- to 4th-century Gnostic of semantics.
text, relates how Sophia fell from heaven and 50
Scholem. The Mystical Shape of the Godhead,
became the hostage of the archons. She was pp. 140-160.
eventually rescued by Jesus Christ. 51
Matityahu Glazerson calculates the “inner nu-
It is sometimes claimed that Simeon ben Jochai merical value” of shirah (hry#), “song,” to be
wrote the Zohar; however this is unlikely, given 385. Shirah itself has a value of 515. See: Mu-
the sophistication of this work compared with, sic and Kabbalah. Jason Aronson, 1997, p. 50.
say, the Bahir that probably was written in the 52
The Hebrew words for “soul”: nephesh (#pn),
2nd or 3rd century. Most authorities attribute ruach (xwr), and neshamah (hm#n) are all femi-
the Zohar to the Spanish Jew Moses de Leon
nine. The Greek psyche (yuxh) is also femi-
30 nine.
Song of Solomon 7:10.
Solomon Alkabetz. “The Pious Customs of
Moses Cordovero” and “Come, My Beloved.”
Quoted in: Lawrence Fine. Safed Spirituality.
Paulist Press, 1984, pp. 36, 40.
whose awakened intuition can process and as- development. We are urged forward by the
similate it on the higher planes of conscious- need to discover the divine that exists at the
ness in order to make it come alive for them. heart of the human family.
Christ has to become a living being, reality
We are now capable of a new understanding of
itself, so that He becomes the path of return
Christ’s message thanks to the spiritual Teach-
and the abundant life of the Self. This Life
ers who have come forward and whose teach-
must be understood as an eternal continuity,
ings contain the keys to an interpretation that is
defeating the deceptions of illusion, glamour
adjusted to the essence and transcendence of
and maya in any of their forms of expression.
the happenings of our time. They teach us that
We merge with this Life as we move along the
our spiritual search ought to be conducted by
path of return in compliance with the supreme
cultivating the higher qualities of the mind and
Law. Such is the message that Christ gave us
the development of the intuition, and not
twenty centuries ago when, during the course
through pure devotion. They urge each aspi-
of three years and in the person of His disciple
rant to transcend the ordinary, to understand
Jesus, we witnessed by His example each of
the deeper meaning of events and things, to
the steps that lead to immortality.
interpret them and arrive at knowledge. Such
Much has been written about the presence of is the Law, and for that reason we strive to
Jesus Christ on Earth: a cosmic event of such transcend our ignorance and enter this sublime
influence that it has divided history into before world of causes.
and after; it has initiated profound changes in
Thus, as we look at the culminating event of
humanity’s consciousness and pointed the way
those three years, the Resurrection, we are in-
to never before imagined spiritual possibilities
clined to understand it as the fundamental rea-
for humanity. Nevertheless, such writings—
son for all that took place at the time, because
with honorable exceptions—have been limited
the message that encapsulates the Christ’s so-
to historical and religious narration, a pre-
journ on Earth is the message of Life Eternal.
dominantly mystical vision of Jesus Christ, His
From that point of view we see revealed the
disciples and His work, or—according to ra-
mystery of Life that negates death, the Light
tionalist minds—the presentation of a being
that emerges from darkness, the manifest that
who is basically human, a social agitator, a
is born of the unmanifest. There we have
rebel commander, and who is subject to the
proof of the unity of All. There the illusion of
limitations and faults of an unredeemed per-
separate worlds is dispelled, the illusion of in-
existence, un-beingness and nothingness as
Only through an intuitive reading of the Holy concepts of negativity and emptiness. Life
Scriptures, especially in the light of esoteric emerges triumphant; the Christ-like life illumi-
teachings, can we come close to the true sig- nates humanity’s path, showing us the future,
nificance of the events that came to pass dur- offering via His life an example of a potential
ing those three years in which we witnessed future, a future that is realizable and inevitable.
the public life of a great spiritual Teacher, an
With the Resurrection, a mission was accom-
Initiate in the cosmic mysteries whose drama
plished simultaneously in both the objective
was enacted in public view so as to make us
and subjective worlds. Each perceptible event
participants in its meaning. Humanity at that
in the world of effects had behind it the cause,
time was not prepared for comprehending such
the goal, the Laws, Supreme Will. The pro-
deeds. For that reason, during the course of
tagonist in the objective world was a Teacher,
2,000 years, the message has remained in the
recently arrived in the world of human beings,
realm of the occult, mediated through interpre-
Who manifested in Himself a mastery of Christ
tations limited by ignorance and Piscean atti-
consciousness that can only come from the
tudes. At the end of the Piscean era and the
pure spiritual realm. Divine Will is achieved
beginning of the Aquarian, we see emerging a
on two levels: at the same time as the Master
new interest in understanding Christ’s message
Jesus publicly undergoes the first five initia-
now that we have reached a sufficient mental
tions, Christ undergoes the third through the
seventh initiations. Jesus Christ is simultane- the higher and lower self, we will enter those
ously the one who transcended the human con- realms of the monadic world upon the disap-
dition and acquired the privilege of entering pearance of the Soul and the causal body.
the Higher World and the illuminated Being Each one of these life experiences was demon-
who already dwells in that world by right and strated by the divine Envoy in full sight of hu-
divine recognition. That duality converted into manity, who in some way participated in them
Unity is a demonstration of the synthetic ca- from the first to the fourth initiation.
pacity of divine Will, and is a stimulus for us
But the culminating moment, the Resurrection,
to break the rigid patterns that prevent us from
took place without any human witnesses. It
comprehending the totality of the One. By
was an intimate act inherent to the pure spiri-
presenting Himself to us as a man “born of
tual Being that transcended the limitations of
woman,” and by living His life in our world,
matter and the dual consciousness of the incar-
showing us the steps that
nated Son. It re-
make up the path of re-
turn, and reliving the vital We are now capable of a new vealed that initiation
is something excep-
crises that mark each understanding of Christ’s tional, something that
stage, Jesus Christ not message thanks to the spiri- transcends the strictly
only taught us about dis-
cipleship, but He also tual Teachers who have come human condition and
that belongs to a
demonstrated it as a pos- forward and whose teachings higher realm. Behind
sibility for humanity. He
made us understand that
contain the keys to an inter- the teachings about
pretation that is adjusted to the Resurrection there
that divinity expressed in
is a meaning that
Him is also our essence the essence and transcen- goes beyond our ca-
and can be manifested if
we follow His example. dence of the happenings of pacity to understand.
Nevertheless, we
During those three years
our time. They teach us that cannot help feeling
we were shown, one by our spiritual search ought to attracted by that pro-
one, the milestones to be be conducted by cultivating digious event that
completed on the path of crowns all the public
return: the conquest of the higher qualities of the activity of the divine
maya, glamor and illusion mind and the development of Son. In the intimacy
in order to transform the the intuition, and not through of a closed, dark cav-
personality into the per- ern, an event is ges-
fect vehicle for the Soul pure devotion. tated during three
(Birth and Baptism, first days that will affect
and second initiations); the fusion of the Soul forever our planetary life: the son of man is
and personality in the Transfiguration, or third immortalized as the divine Son. The prototype
initiation; and the supreme sacrifice of the of the human race, our paradigm, has com-
Soul, dissipated by divine Will, and the begin- pleted His mission and declares our essential
ning of monadic rule in the fourth initiation of divinity.
the Crucifixion and apparent Death.
Clearly it is not an event unrelated to human-
Interpreting the message behind these events, ity. Because even though it takes place in in-
we believe that by sharing with us His experi- timacy, suggesting that such a sublime event
ences Jesus is showing us the path and the belongs to a level higher than our daily world,
stages of realization possible for humanity. He it happens in a place “hewn in the rock”,3 in
shows us the work that must be completed as the Earth, our habitat, in the density of matter.
incarnate Souls in order to arrive at that expan- This important symbolism not only pertains to
sion of consciousness in which, by having built the human being as a planetary being, but it
the Antahkarana—the mental bridge between reminds us of the spiritual condition of matter,
a condition that will be liberated throughout a Him…. The consciousness of the Universal
long evolutionary process. Life is His.”6 This latter phrase describes to
perfection His sublime state.
Darkness is the guardian of the essence of the
unmanifested One—the point of gestation, of Such facts should not be separated but under-
proceeding forth and returning, the center of stood as part of a single context, because the
maximum balanced tension, the “divine dark- message is: Life is One, although it manifests
ness” from which light emanates. The dark- on different planes; Life evolves—which ex-
ness that is pure spirit, according to the Master plains the different levels—and we, as human
Djwhal Khul, foments the processes of the beings, are part of that evolution. Thus we
Revelation, the fifth initiation for Jesus: “This have the emphasis on Christ’s example and the
vision concerns the Reality lying beyond any teaching we must follow, the teaching that He
hitherto sensed or known”; and the seventh transmitted up till the end of His mission,
initiation for the Christ: “freedom from the opening for us the Path of Higher Evolution in
hold of the phenomenal life of the seven planes accordance with divine Will.
of our planetary Life.”4
The message of Christ and His Resurrection
This double initiation, in which both protago- must be assimilated into each one’s conscious-
nists experienced expanded consciousness si- ness, made one’s own, understood and lived.
multaneously, marked the achievement of the Otherwise our path will end in front of an
main mission They had to bring about accord- empty sepulcher. Thus, even though we may
ing to divine Will: to prove the eternal exis- not be ready to experience the sacred act of the
tence of Life in spite of any apparent limita- Resurrection, we see, via one who underwent
tion. The experience of the previous three it, proof that it is indeed possible and is some-
years was condensed into these three days. thing that, as sons of the Father, we will also
Each expansion of consciousness translated someday be able to achieve. Three times
into an initiatory state that created the neces- Christ clearly demonstrated to His disciples
sary tension to refine the lower manifestations that He had conquered death and that He, Son
and bring them to the synthesis of the spiritual of the Father, was the Life. He communicated
Being. this to them when “He breathed on them, and
said to them, ‘Receive the Holy Spirit.’”7
Work on the three levels, personal-Egoic-
spiritual, has been accomplished. The triple Christ presents Himself to us as a Son of the
personality has been harmonized with the Soul Father, as our Older Brother who goes before
and later fused with it. The Monad has ac- us to show us the way. Along the way He
complished its synthetic work of destroying shows us that we are an important link in the
the causal body, the Soul, which has completed evolutionary chain and introduces us to the
its own mission, and it remains as a nucleus of world of relationships, demonstrating the eter-
consciousness that, on reaping what has been nal rule of the principle of Love that He repre-
sown, flowers in the spiritual Being. sents and that He so frequently emphasized to
His disciples.
The triple divine qualities of Will-Love-
Intelligent Activity are manifested in the mys- Love is continuity of Life; it contains all that
tery of the subjective facts and in the objective exists, a global tapestry of threads of energy
events demonstrated to us. As the Tibetan whose beginning and end is the Creator, the
teaches, “Christ did not rise out of a rocky One Cause. In that Life each one of us has his
sepulcher and reassume His discarded body…. or her place within an invocative-evocative
Christ passed through the seventh initiation of system, an ascending set of steps that rise from
Resurrection and returned back to His original the dense world of matter up to the divine. It
state of Being—to remain there throughout all is a hierarchical world where each kingdom is
the eternities. This is the true and final resur- succeeded by a higher kingdom, where the
rection.”5 Also, “The Master Jesus arose out human kingdom is an important link.
of the tomb; the chains of death could not hold
When we accept Christ as our prototype, we sign of Pisces must now end in the sign of
know that to attain such status requires reach- Aquarius. The mystery must be revealed. Hu-
ing ever-higher levels of consciousness, and manity, as a planetary center, must know how
we understand the world of relationships as to reap what was sown during that long-ago
governed by a lifting process directed toward a Spring. The Christ consciousness must flower
Center. We also accept the existence of a Hi- in each one of us. In that way we will always
erarchy of Masters who have transcended our keep the flame of Life burning, and we will be
kingdom and reside in the spiritual realm. The able to be “the stone upon which Christ will
recognition of Their existence links us to Them erect His Church.”
and orients us definitively toward a higher
Dr. Luisa Romero de Johnston
level in the world of relationships. In this way
we play our role as intermediaries between the
kingdoms that we have left behind and that
kingdom whose door is waiting for us to open John:10.30.
it. Such is the assigned task of the human John:14.6.
kingdom in the restoration of the Plan Matthew 27:60.
Alice A. Bailey. The Rays and the Initiations.
Christ waits for us at the doors of this higher Lucis, 1960, p. 686.
kingdom, since—according to the Tibetan— Ibid., p. 730.
His seventh initiation still remains to be com- Ibid.
pleted. This will occur at His second coming. John 20:22.
The cycle that began 2,000 years ago in the
Wesak Festival 2005 bridge uniting the three major centers has
existed. The task ahead of all these three
The Externalization and the centers—Shamballa, the Hierarchy and
Three Planetary Centers Humanity—working in alignment through
adjustment, is to strengthen and beautify, to
Welcome to the Wesak Festival at which time electrify this bridge, thus producing full
we share, along with countless people and planetary intercommunication between the
groups the world over, in the great planetary three centers and the four minor centers, so
alignment of, and approach between, Sham- that the “weight of the Will of God, the
balla, the Spiritual Hierarchy and Humanity, momentum of the Purpose of Sanat Kumara
and seek to aid the work of the Christ and the and the Plan of His Representatives may
Buddha in their task of implementing the Will progress unimpeded from point to point,
of God on Earth. from sphere to sphere and from glory to
I have been keenly aware of the relationship of
these three major planetary centers, and I pro- Last year’s Wesak talk touched on the exter-
pose we focus on that theme and relate it to nalization of the Hierarchy, but was largely
world conditions, which—while so disturb- centered on the Hierarchy’s task with human-
ing—are, I believe, moving forward in line ity, with the interplay between the lower two
with the unfolding Plan. At last year’s Wesak of the three major centers. Now let us extend
Festival I closed my talk with the following that picture. The information given to us about
quotation from The Externalisation of the Hi- the Hierarchy falls into three major categories,
erarchy: according to the Tibetan:
It might be said that for the past 700 years 1. The work of the Hierarchy in relation to
the chain of Hierarchy has been complete; man and to the three worlds of human
by this I mean that the planetary rainbow evolution.
2. The interior constitution of the Hierar- Today [written in 1946] human beings as a
chy and its internal activity. whole are so loudly invocative that the en-
3. Its superior relation to Shamballa and to tire trend and plans of the life of the Hierar-
extra-planetary livingness. chy have been changed, and certain interior
and purely Hierarchical determinations
The Tibetan tells us bluntly: have been postponed so that certain plans
A great deal that has been conveyed to you originally slated to take place several centu-
in the two final categories has been merged ries ahead are seen as likely of achievement
by you into an interested but totally imprac- in the short time between 1946 and 2025.3
tical realization that the Hierarchy appar- This reminds us that sometimes the individual
ently has a life of its own which proceeds disciple’s work on unfolding and developing
independently of humanity and that it also himself must be temporarily set aside in order
has its own goals and objectives which are to give all he has toward meeting the demands
no concern of yours. These deductions are unexpectedly arising in connection with his
dependent upon your domination by the particular service in the world. These changed
separative mind, for in reality the work and plans of the Hierarchy are, we are told, to ful-
the activity proceeding in all three centers – fill the larger purpose of the Planetary Logos
Shamballa, the Hierarchy and Humanity – working through all three major centers. This
are merged, fused and interdependent; they purpose covers three great changes in all three
are mutually evocative and invocative.2 centers:
He then goes on to say that the fact that the 1. The absorption by those great beings in
Hierarchy is approaching closer to Humanity the Council Chamber of Shamballa of
and will eventually make an appearance upon certain extra-planetary energies.
the physical plane is due, not only to Hierar-
2. A great expansion – numerically and in
chical intent, but also to the demand of human-
consciousness—of the Hierarchy. This
ity and to the strong vibration and note that
means not only a great influx of initiates
humanity has set up. To that extent humanity
and disciples, but also a tremendous in-
controls some of the activities of the Hierarchy
flow of “angelic essence” from the deva
and thus precipitates action. But at the same
kingdom under the direction of certain
time all that is happening can be traced to
Great Devas who have affiliated during
Shamballa, is inherent in divine purpose and is
the past few hundred years with our
impulsed by Shamballa energy. Also, both the
Spiritual Hierarchy. It reminds us that
Hierarchy and Humanity are brought under the
the deva evolution is a vital part of the
influence of extra-planetary forces that make
planetary life, but the Devas the Tibetan
their impact upon the planet via Shamballa.
is speaking of, of course, are great Be-
A great interdependence emerges, of which ings who are as far ahead of the lower
the heart, head and solar plexus centers in devas in our three worlds as the Masters
the individual man’s etheric body are sym- are ahead of the average individual. The
bols; their unified relation keeps a man inflow of angelic essence and action by
functioning as a coherent whole. It is es- the Great Devas had not, the Tibetan
sential that students endeavor to grasp this says, been expected so soon, stressing
and so develop within themselves at least the overall acceleration of the evolving
the rudiments of this synthetic unified grasp lives on our planet and of the Planetary
of living conditions, of a vital situation, and Logos.
strive to develop the type of understanding 3. A great awakening in the human family
that is distinctive of the Hierarchical type of and a major spiritual reorientation. This
mind—concerned with itself as a divine had not been believed possible of ac-
group, conscious of the pull and evocative complishment until the Capricornian
power of the higher center, Shamballa, and Age, roughly 2,000 years hence. But it
responsive to the demands of humanity. has taken place and thus necessarily
brought about the adjustment of the Hi- Light—knowing we are winning, that the dark
erarchy’s plans and a renewed emphasis negative forces are being pushed back, pre-
on the purpose as registered by Sham- paratory to their utter defeat and their being
balla. “sealed away,” as was forecast in the Bible.
We might consider the key points of the two
The Tibetan then states:
preliminary stages of preparation for the exter-
All this, being factual, and the time right for nalization:
decision, has caused an intra-planetary fer-
The first stage, which had already begun in
ment and great activity in the three major
1946, was and is (for the work is still going on)
centers. In the last analysis (and this is a
the stage in which a few isolated disciples and
factor of supreme importance) this devel-
initiates, senior members of the New Group of
opment—this unexpected right absorption
World Servers, were and are doing the impor-
of spiritual energy, and this seizing of spiri-
tant task of destruction, plus the enunciation of
tual opportunity—is due to humanity itself.
principles. This work was and is largely con-
Above everything else, it is the readiness of
cerned with three major fields: religion, eco-
humanity for that which is new, and hu-
nomics and politics. As the Tibetan said:
manity’s determination to create a new and
better world, The task of the disciple
adapted more ade- New values can rarely be in- thus laying the founda-
quately to their stilled by mere exhortation, tion for the New Age
“renewed” spiri- methods is hard indeed.
tual nature, that is and where there is no vision, He stands for so much
responsible for all
people only give up existing that is deemed visionary
the activity.
materialistic and selfish values and impossible. He
teaches truths whose first
What we have con- through personally experienc- effect is necessarily de-
sidered so far rein-
forces our opening ing the unhappiness they in- structive, because he
endeavors to rid human-
statement about the evitably bring. Thus when a ity of old forms of reli-
existence of the
“planetary rainbow
determined group with a gious, economic and po-
wider vision demands change litical doctrine; his im-
bridge” uniting the
personality—which rec-
three major centers both for themselves and oth- ognizes faults as well as
and that the as yet
relatively limited in-
ers, conflict and violence often virtues—enrages many.
result. His failures to be im-
terplay already estab-
pressed or attentive to
lished has produced a
old rites and ceremonies, to ancient and ob-
speeding up of the destined task of the Plane-
solete but precious ideas, and his constant
tary Logos and in the life of our planet Earth.
warfare on conditioning glamors and illu-
Because we are constantly beset by world sions meet in these early stages with little
problems and crises that tend to blot out the encouragement. He works frequently alone
overall larger picture, I would like to look at and usually with little recognition and lacks
some of the Tibetan’s forecasts presented to us time for his own personal hierarchical con-
in 1946 when he gave us the information we tacts; he is not necessarily connected with
have just touched on. If we look at what was any so-called esoteric groups and—if he
said and what has since taken place, I believe is—his task is that much harder.5
we can face with new courage, new inspiration
The second stage of preparation—which over-
and renewed dedication, the present seemingly
laps the first—had only just begun in 1946 and
negative world picture, and so work with
is carried forward by disciples and initiates
greater effectiveness in throwing all that we
who will be the real builders of the new world.
are and have on the side of the forces of
These disciples and initiates working on by that First-Ray disciple, Franklin Roo-
this second preparatory stage—and even sevelt.
the Masters in the later stages of the true 2. Right international interplay and the
externalization—will work as members of abolition of war.
the human family and not as proclaimed
3. Clean political regimes.
members of the kingdom of God. They
will appear in office of some kind or an- The immediate group work of the First-Ray
other; they will be the current politicians, disciples is to help clarify the political situation
businessmen, financiers, religious leaders and present those ideas that will eventually
or churchmen; they will be scientists and lead to a fusion of those principles that govern
philosophers, college professors and educa- a democracy and that also condition the Hier-
tors; they will be the mayors of cities and archical method. The Tibetan predicts that this
the custodians of all public ethical move- will produce a third political system that will
ments. not be entirely dependent on the choices of an
The spiritual forcefulness of their lives, unintelligent public or on the control that the
their clear, pure wisdom, the sanity and the Hierarchical technique involves.
modern acceptableness of their proposed To achieve this, First-Ray disciples will work
measures in any department in which they in close cooperation with Second Ray disci-
choose to function will be so convincing ples, who will educate the general public in
that little impediment will be set in the way truer values. Allied to these combined efforts,
of their undertakings.6 are those working in another major ashram
They will assume leadership and take high of- under a Master on the Fifth Ray, the custodian,
fice not because they are disciples or initiates among other things, of science and that which
but because they are wise and intelligent ser- relates and brings into expression the duality of
vants of the public; this will come about by the spirit and matter. For the Tibetan predicts that
free choice of the people and by virtue of their it is through the scientific use of energy that
leaders’ advanced and proven merit. the world will be rebuilt.
According to the Tibetan, three major ashrams Once the three major ashrams have done their
are concerned in this second stage of prepara- work, disciples from other ashrams will con-
tion: the Second-Ray ashram of the Master tinue the task. Third-Ray workers will carry
Kuthumi, the First-Ray ashram of the Master out a financial readjustment and build a new
Morya, and a Fifth-Ray ashram. The efforts of structure of material relations—a most difficult
the Second-Ray disciples are directed toward task owing to human selfishness. But public
educating the general public, working primar- opinion will provide the impetus so that certain
ily in the fields of education and religion. fundamental ideals will motivate business to
Eventually steps will be taken in these areas, change. The Tibetan says that the new finan-
over which the Christ rules, to reorganize the cial relationships will be more humane, super-
entire religious field in preparation for the res- seding big business and private enterprise, re-
toration of the Mysteries. The Mysteries, taining those aspects of modern enterprise that
when restored, will unify all faiths. draw out the individual’s initiative and re-
The First-Ray disciples are working in the field
of right human relations to produce a synthesis All that we have considered so far is part of the
of effort that will bring in a new intuitional picture given in the book The Externalisation
consciousness and—consequently—a new po- of the Hierarchy, in 1946. And how much has
litical consciousness in which humanity will happened in the meantime! Humanity has
stand together for three basic values: been immersed in so many problems, crisis
situations and conflicts that it is difficult to put
1. The freedom of the individual— ourselves back into the world situation and the
embodied in the Four Freedoms given pattern of thinking that then obtained in 1946.
I believe we can gain much assurance that the
work envisioned in the first two stages of a profit. More economists are telling us to
preparation for the externalization of the Hier- consider quality of life and not just quantity.
archy has gone forward in line with the Plan Even the average person knows that economi-
and with the Will of God. And the interplay cally we are one world, as witness what hap-
between the three major planetary centers has pened with the OPEC countries and oil prices.
No present system of government or business
Certainly we can see evidence of the work of has the answers, and the present crisis will
the first group of disciples, whose task we said probably get worse before humanity is forced
was at first largely destructive, aimed at old to create totally new systems, such as were
forms and glamours in the religious, political forecast by the Tibetan. But in all three
and economic fields, coupled with the enuncia- fields—economics, politics and religion—the
tion of wider, more universal principles that final solutions rest on changes in values: of
reflect the growing recognition of the One self-interest yielding to the good of the whole,
Humanity and its needs, as distinct from purely the acceptance of God immanent, and living
personal, national or racial interests. spiritual experience replacing dogma and blind
In the field of politics in particular there has
been a terrific process of dissipation of glam- New values can rarely be instilled by mere ex-
our, as witness the healthy credibility gap. hortation, and where there is no vision, people
Many people are openly rejecting the hypoc- only give up existing materialistic and selfish
risy, political chicanery and hidden political- values through personally experiencing the
business agendas that deny the very ideals of unhappiness they inevitably bring. Thus when
democracy. a determined group with a wider vision de-
mands change both for themselves and others,
In religion the authoritarian control of various
conflict and violence often result. Think of the
churches is being challenged and weakened.
fighting and suffering involved in producing
We find congregations of formerly antagonis-
the Magna Carta in England, of the struggle of
tic church groups holding common services,
the French Revolution for the ideals of liberty,
and many clerics in various denominations
equality and fraternity, of the wars of inde-
acting in defiance of the ruling church powers.
pendence in various countries, and the fight for
The growth of interest in Eastern religions and
racial equality occurring everywhere.
philosophical ideas points to a growing recog-
nition of the common foundations in the vari- I believe that we, Humanity, are moving ahead
ous world religions. The growing identifica- farther and faster than was believed possible.
tion with the One Humanity will inevitably As the Tibetan tells us, the Spiritual Hierarchy
lead to the new world religion. is doing likewise, and Shamballa. So too is
that great Entity, the Planetary Logos, within
In economics, industry’s disdain of ecological
Whose life “we live and move and have our
factors and the multinational corporations’ fi-
being,” Who, in turn, is fulfilling the purpose
nancial malfeasance are making the public
and loving will of the Solar Logos within that
question the values behind big business and
still vaster scheme of “Him about Whom
causing them to ask, “Can business go its own
naught may be said”! With all this in mind, a
way without considering the greater good of
fitting seed thought for group meditation is:
human society and international peace?” The
sheer lunacy of our present economic system is From the highest spiritual being upon our
becoming more self-evident as we observe the planet, through the graded spiritual groups
world’s colossal productive capacity and yet of enlightened and perfected individuals
real needs are still unmet. Knowledgeable who work upon the inner side of life, on
people in business and economics have been into the outer world of daily living, where
sounding the note of a new economic system thinking, loving men and women serve, the
geared to meet real needs and not simply to tide of the new life sweeps.7
produce any kind of product that will produce
Frank Hilton
Co-founder of the 2
Ibid., pp. 560-561.
School for Esoteric Studies8 3
Ibid., pp. 561-562.
Ibid., p. 563.
Ibid., p. 571.
Alice A. Bailey. The Externalisation of the Ibid., pp. 570-571.
Hierarchy. Lucis, 1957, p. 535. Ibid., p. 485.
Originally given at the Wesak Festival of 1978.
and missionary work. But, in a larger sense, it the world and watched by hundreds of millions
will also embrace the whole range of individ- more. Not everyone who participated shared
ual and collective activities that enhance hu- the late pope’s beliefs; there are even dis-
man consciousness. These activities can per- agreements within the Catholic Church itself.
vade all areas of human endeavor, including What we saw was the ability of people of dif-
health care, education, business, government, ferent traditions and different beliefs, Christian
the military, entertainment, and sports. The and non-Christian, to come together to share in
essential ingredient will be the Will-to-Good: a spiritual experience that far transcended doc-
the impulse to reach out to other people, to trine and authority—an experience that many
express those soul qualities that break down of the participants said they would carry with
barriers, motivate service, and improve the them for the rest of their lives. Something
human condition. The Christ Festival will happened that day that was unique in human
celebrate that reaching out, that new sense of memory.
joyful involvement in all things human, that
To set aside differences, as people did at the
commitment to building a better world.
funeral, to experience the unifying divine pres-
Recently we were ence in the world is
given a glimpse of the The Festival of the Christ is a what the New World
New World Religion time to celebrate these new op- Religion is all about.
in what might seem This is, in no way, to
an unlikely place: the portunities. The Christ is not say that the new relig-
funeral of Pope John the property of a particular sect ion will grow directly
Paul II. The late pope but the expression of the Sec- or even indirectly from
helped free Eastern the present Church of
Europe from Com- ond Aspect of Deity to all relig- Rome. Like every
munism; publicly ions and all people. The Christ Christian institution, it
apologized to the has perverted the
Jews for centuries of
is not divisive but unifying, Christ’s message;4 and
atrocities perpetrated bringing into harmony all that some of its beliefs and
in the name of Christ; has been separated and discor- practices have become
and personally for- crystallized forms.
gave the Turkish man
dant. But what lies behind
who shot and those forms, and be-
wounded him. Throughout a life of service hind the forms of other religious (and even
John Paul reached out to heads of state, reli- some secular) traditions, can provide the foun-
gious leaders of all persuasions, people at all dation on which the new religion is built. The
levels of society. He drew the masses to him new religion will give new meaning and sig-
by his humility, his deep humanity, and his nificance to what is preserved and will offer
concern for ordinary people, but also by peo- new spiritual opportunities.
ple’s conviction that he expressed something
The Festival of the Christ is a time to celebrate
higher than the purely human.
these new opportunities. The Christ is not the
However, it was in his death that John Paul property of a particular sect but the expression
truly drew the world to him. His final illness of the Second Aspect of Deity to all religions
and death dominated the news media. Then, at and all people. The Christ is not divisive but
the end of a week of mourning, his Requiem unifying, bringing into harmony all that has
Mass—the time-honored ritual honoring death been separated and discordant. The sign of
and resurrection—was the largest religious Gemini, in which the festival occurs, expresses
event of all time. Leaders of almost every na- the juxtaposition of pairs of opposites; but the
tion, representatives of every world religion, transit of the Sun/Son through the sign ex-
and people by the millions all converged on presses their resolution at a higher level. Ten-
Rome. The requiem was broadcast throughout sion between the opposites provides the crea-
tive impulse to build what has yet to come into planet, and the Festival in June [as it was in
manifestation. that year], peculiarly the Festival of the
Christ, when He—as leader of the New
We speak of “celebrating” the Festival of
Group of World Servers—employs the new
Goodwill. But it would be a mistake to think
Invocation on behalf of all men of goodwill
of the festival as simply a new public holi-
in all lands; at the same time, He gathers up
day—a day when the schools close and there is
the inchoate and unexpressed demands of
no mail delivery. The fact that it has been ob-
those masses who seek a new and better
served at Hierarchical levels for 2,000 years
way of life. They want love in daily living,
should remind us that the festival is not just be
right human relations and an understanding
for souls presently in incarnation. It is a time
of the underlying Plan.7
when the Christ and the masters reach out to
us, drawing together everyone in the “three For those who have yet to make the Great In-
worlds” and raising them to a higher con- vocation a regular part of their esoteric work,
sciousness It is a sharing—a communion—in this year’s Festival of Goodwill will provide an
which entities on every plane of reality experi- opportunity to participate in a worldwide act of
ence the divine presence: group service. For those already using the In-
vocation on a daily basis, the festival can be a
Perhaps one of the major messages for all
time to enhance its effectiveness through spe-
of us who read these words is this great
cial attention to its objectives, energy, and
truth and fact of the physical Presence on
mantric quality. The science of invocation and
Earth at this time of the Christ, of His group
evocation8 will become of major importance in
of disciples and executives, of Their repre-
the New World Religion. In place of conven-
sentative activities on behalf of mankind
tional prayers addressed to a personalized God,
and of Their close relationship. This rela-
we shall directly invoke needed energies, mak-
tionship comes out at certain of the great
ing use of universal laws that we shall come to
spiritual festivals where the relationship
understand and utilize.
demonstrated includes not only the King-
dom of God but also the Father and the Fa- The responsibilities are great, but the opportu-
ther's Home.5 nities are unlimited. Let us celebrate the Festi-
val of the Christ in a way that will honor the
So what should we do? The day of the full
divinity in each one of us and in the whole
moon and the two days preceding and follow-
human family. And may we allow that divin-
ing it are “sacred times.” During the whole
ity to express itself through new commitment
five-day period we should open ourselves
to love our neighbor and put into practice the
mentally to the master’s approach, allow our-
principles that will produce a new and better
selves to receive energy and impressions flow-
way of life. Humanity is at a turning point in
ing to us in greater abundance than at any other
the evolution of consciousness. Let us not fal-
time of the year. Then we should work indi-
ter as we prepare to move forward. Through
vidually and in groups of every size to impress
the collective efforts of humanity and the Hier-
upon the collective human consciousness the
archy we shall restore the Plan on Earth.
qualities of acceptance, compassion, forgive-
ness and goodwill that can transform our Dr. John F. Nash
world. For this very purpose we have been
given the Great Invocation. Significantly, the
festival is one of “deep invocation and ap- 1
Alice A. Bailey. The Externalization of the
peal.”6 Moreover, we are told that the Christ Hierarchy. Lucis, 1957, p. 421.
himself uses the Invocation during the Higher 2
Interlude: .It is worth noting that, in the Eastern Orthodox
Churches, the sacraments are referred to as “the
There is the Festival of Easter, the Festival mysteries.”
of the Buddha Who in physical Presence 4
Bailey. The Externalization of the Hierarchy,
expresses the spiritual solidarity of our pp. 542-543.
5 7
Alice A. Baily. The Reappearance of the The Reappearance of the Christ. Lucis, 1948,
Christ. Lucis, 1948, p. 46. See also: The Ex- p. 46.
ternalization of the Hierarchy, pp 599-600. See for example: Alice A. Bailey. Telepathy
Alice A. Bailey. Problems of Humanity. Lucis, and the Etheric Vehicle. Lucis, 1950, pp. 71ff.
1964, p. 164.
Book Reviews
The Gentle Art of Blessing by Pierre pand our heart from a narrow cubicle to a tem-
Pradervand. Published by Cygnus Books, ple without walls.”
P.O. Box 15, Llandeilo SA19 6YX, United He shows how blessing attracts joy and good-
Kingdom. Email: publications@cygnus- ness into our own life and into the life of oth- Paperback. £15.00. ers, how it opens us up to the possibility of
In his introduction, the author describes how a healing, to an experience of Unity and to “an
painful experience and his effort to heal his awareness of the omnipresent beauty hidden
thinking and overcome a deep-seated resent- from material eyes.”
ment gradually gave birth to this book. Prader- This book teaches that “everything is grist for
vand shares a simple and practical method, the mill” from the most mundane activity to
grounded in years of heartfelt and persistent the most challenging circumstances; that bless-
practice, for developing an awareness that is ing is the “ultimate form of giving,” “a way of
constantly centered in the transformative and developing a constant awareness of the divine”
benevolent power of Love. and a means for teaching us to live without
The “art of blessing” is based on the idea that judgment in the present. The Gentle Art of
there are “precise and effective spiritual laws” Blessing is a practical and potent tool for in-
behind the “veil of material appearance.” voking and evoking greater Light, Love and
These laws, such as the Law of Positive Ex- Power. Since the jewels of wisdom it contains
pectations, along with the Laws of Attraction, can be easily incorporated into virtually any
Right Return, Right Thinking, Harmony and spiritual practice it is sure to have universal
Unconditional Love, are what make the uni- appeal. This is a book we will want to use and
verse a place of infinite good and abundance. share with others.
The author illustrates their munificent opera- Donna Brown
tion via a wealth of anecdotes and a varied Washington, DC
range of quotes from the world’s spiritual lit-
erature. He shows how it is possible to attune
to and activate these laws through The Gentle Agni: Way of Fire by Bruce Lyon. Pub-
Art of Blessing. lished by White Stone Publishing, New Zea-
Pradervand describes the technique of blessing land (whitestone@highden,org), 2004. 265
as actively affirming from the deepest recesses pages, 30+ colour diagrams and charts. Hard-
of the heart, “unrestricted good for others and back $55.00US or paperback $22.00US.
events.” He goes on to say that when “we bless The other day I accompanied a group of young
from our innermost beings, each situation and people to Gravity Canyon just south of Tai-
all those we meet without the slightest concern hape in New Zealand’s North Island. This is
for expression or appearances” we will “ex-
prime bungy jumping territory. Watch out for put it to the test are two different things…
the adrenalin rush. They secure your ankles to It is right here that the chasm between the
a thick elastic rope and you leap into thin air average esotericist and the true Agni yogi
from an iron bridge over the Rangitikei River opens. Learning esoteric information is ac-
and fall some 80 metres. Depending on body quisition. Putting it into practice requires a
weight and miscellaneous other factors, you stripping away.” (p.191)
either bounce about madly or glide gracefully
Agni is targeted nevertheless towards those
until equilibrium is reached and you are low-
who have some familiarity with the trans-
ered onto a waiting raft. I’m happy to say I’ve
Himalayan teachings. But the key lies in their
made the jump! During my visit this time I
practical application. This is the way we fuel
noted with amusement that for the comfort of
the fire. The book has three sections: Medita-
jumpers and non-jumpers alike they have built
tion, Study and Service. The first section de-
a nice little café on the edge.
scribes the progression of meditative work
The Café on the Edge is a transition point starting with that spark of inspiration when we
between understanding our life purpose first make soul contact. From there we learn to
and expressing it. … We stand on the edge cooperate with the higher Will, and progress to
and wonder whether perhaps it might not becoming an instrument of divine causation in
be our time to jump. We sit down for a min- the world as we define and carry out our “mas-
ute just to catch our breath and summon terpiece”—that piece of the Master’s Will that
our courage. Maybe we should have a cup is our joy and responsibility to bring into ex-
of tea and consider things for a little before pression. Eventually as consciousness expands
actually jumping...after all we are going to we move into full identification as soul
jump eventually. Then we might need to through which the Will of the monad can pour
build a little shelter—just for the night of into the world:
course, because in the morning... A week
The Third Degree initiates…focus the eye
goes by and we have added a few tempo-
[of the ashram] through their manifested
rary modifications to our shelter so that
work in the three worlds. When they teach,
when the next jumper comes along we are
write and express the energy of Hierarchy
in the position to offer him a cup of tea and
they create a double channel for the flow-
even—should he require it—a warm safe
ing in of Hierarchical power and simulta-
place to stay the night before we both jump
neously a “window” through which the
in the morning. Pretty soon we are running
Masters can perceive. (p.52)
a great little Café on the Edge. (Agni,
pp.226-7) The Meditation section ends with a whole
chapter of specific meditative exercises,
I missed my chance. I should have snuck in a
alignments, mantrams, prayers and formulas to
copy of Bruce Lyon’s Agni: Way of Fire and
be used in the everyday practice of Agni Yoga.
left it like a sort of Gideon’s Bible for potential
jumpers. Only thing is, Agni is really not a Actually my favourite page of Agni is in the
“coffee table” book. Actually you might say Study section in the middle: page 134. It’s a
it’s a practical manual for all those who are detailed picture of Agni. A two-dimensional
really ready to take a leap. representation that we are to imagine in multi-
ple dimensions. It is an inspired description of
Agni is the Lord of Fire. Agni Yoga is the
the cosmic planes and subplanes utilising col-
yoga of synthesis. The basic premise of Agni
oured spheres to show the intricate interrela-
Yoga is this: There are no external circum-
tionships of the rays that create the energetic
stances which can defeat the human spirit.
fabric of our solar system. The centre of each
Funnily enough, the average bungy jumper
sphere is the point of synthesis of each entity,
might understand this better than the average
from a human being right up to a Solar Logos.
A theory of astrological rulerships is also in-
“Knowing something and being willing to corporated. Like any good symbol the unrav-
eling of the multiple layers of this one picture Then what is required is leveraged action. The
draws us closer to the mysteries of the uni- soul working through the personality must
verse. If you are curious about the mysteries make leveraged decisions on the best use of
of colour and number, the question of good resources at its disposal. The final stage is sur-
and evil, the purpose of the sacrifice of the so- render: Surrender to Life through the abstrac-
lar angels or the mysteries of the Creative Hi- tion of identification so that the higher Will
erarchies, this chapter is well worth a read. can flow directly through the instrument of the
The leap of the Agni yogi is first a leap in con-
sciousness. Agni Yoga is the yoga of the soul. Ultimately the fire which is Agni, the fire
But the fire of divine Will must be brought which is ourselves, burns up the causal body
through Love into action. The Service section which is the anchoring point of the soul in the
outlines the four stages for bringing Will into world of human endeavour. We can take all
expression right now in our everyday lives. the time in the world drinking lattes at the Café
The first is alignment with Purpose. The sec- on the Edge but one day we will liberate our-
ond stage is commeasurement and commit- selves. To jump now, a willingness is all it
ment: takes.
“This commeasurement can be likened to You are the One you have been waiting for.
the tuning of a piano wire. Too much ten- Let me break you open from the inside
sion and the wire will snap, too little and it And water your desert
will not ‘sound’ its true note. The soul With the flame of the ONE LIFE. (p.251)
‘stretches’ itself between the monad and the
Barbara Maré
personality creating a living antahkarana
Palmerston North, New Zealand
down which the fire of spirit may flow.”