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A Monte Carlo Simulation of the Kriging Model

Jay D. Martin*
Applied Research Laboratory, State College, PA 16804


Timothy W. Simpson†
The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802

In this paper, we investigate the resulting probability distribution of a kriging model

when the values of the model parameters must be estimated from observations of the process
being modeled. The output of a kriging model defines a Gaussian probability distribution
when the values of the model parameters are given. In practice, these model parameters
must be estimated from observations of the process being modeled (typically a
computationally expensive computer model). We found that when the model parameters are
treated as random variables instead of known values, the resulting probability distribution
of the kriging model can be well approximated by a Student-t distribution, a distribution
with fatter tails than the Gaussian or normal distribution. The Markov chain Monte Carlo
(MCMC) method was used to determine the probability distributions of the model
parameters and the output of the kriging model given the observations. The resulting model
parameters were validated against the results of a Bayesian analysis of a simple one-
dimensional test problem. The results were also compared to the standard method of
Maximum Likelihood Estimation as an alternative method to estimate model parameters.

I. Introduction

A Monte Carlo simulation of a kriging model is presented in this work to characterize the probabilistic nature of
the kriging model. A kriging model can provide a surrogate for the mapping process of a computationally
expensive computer simulation with a more computationally efficient approximation that interpolates a set of
observations of the computationally expensive model. A kriging model treats this mapping process as a spatial
stochastic process, approximating the computationally expensive model as a spatial Gaussian process, providing a
mean and variance for the output of the surrogate. One of the most difficult tasks in using a kriging model as a
metamodel is estimating the values of the model parameters associated with the form of the kriging model based
upon the set of known observations. When a kriging model is used as a deterministic approximation of a computer
simulation, the parameter estimation task is typically accomplished by using Maximum Likelihood Estimation
(MLE).1 One deficiency with this technique is that it maximizes the conditional probability of the given
observations, assuming the model parameters are known. In reality these parameters are not known but are random
variables, potentially resulting in the underestimation of the stochastic process variability.2 The underestimation of
the process variability is meaningless when the output of the kriging model is used as a deterministic approximation
of the computer simulation since only the expected value is used. A second deficiency of MLE is that it is
characterized as an optimization process, and frequently the cost function for the model parameters is not convex,
having multiple maxima points. This requires the use of stochastic optimization algorithms,1 a computationally
expensive process, to guarantee the selection of the global maximum likelihood.
The proper estimation of the variability of the stochastic process is important when the kriging model is used as a
probabilistic model, quantifying the uncertainty that exists in the output of the model. In Reliability-based Design
Optimization (RBDO), it is important to include model uncertainty while assessing the sensitivity of the system
design to input uncertainty.3-5 Most optimal designs occur at a constraint boundary, such as a size, weight, or cost

Research Assistant, Manufacturing Systems, P.O. Box 30, Member AIAA. Email: [email protected].

Associate Professor, Departments of Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering and Industrial & Manufacturing
Engineering, 329 Leonhard Bldg., Member AIAA. Email: [email protected].

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limit. RBDO typically finds an optimal design point that satisfies the system constraints with a specified probability
by quantifying the impact of input variability on the system performance variability. Evaluation of the probability
density function (pdf) of the performance function at a potential design point requires a large number of computer
simulation evaluations to properly characterize pdf as a function of input variation. The reliability of a design point
is then the integral of the performance function’s pdf that lies within the feasible region as defined by the
constraints. This is a very difficult integral to evaluate directly and is almost always approximated. The different
assumptions used to approximate this integral differentiate many of the RBDO methods published in the literature.6-9
The Monte Carlo Simulation (MCS) method is frequently considered the standard method used to evaluate the
integral upon which all other methods are compared in terms of accuracy.8,10,11 It is also the most computationally
expensive method, requiring tens to hundreds of thousands of performance function evaluations for even simple
RBDO takes Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (MDO) from a deterministic method to a probabilistic
method, adding significantly to the complexity of the calculations by at least doubling the number of variables and
constraints considered in the optimization.12 As a result, a metamodel, a computationally efficient model of the
model, can be used to assess the system uncertainty, reducing the computational expense of RBDO.13-15 The use of
this approximation to the computer simulation introduces another source uncertainty, model uncertainty, that must
be included in the system uncertainty assessment3. The inclusion of model uncertainty in RBDO calculations will
tend to broaden the performance function’s pdf (increase its variability) and will result in an optimal reliable design
that is more conservative than when model uncertainty is ignored.16 This work is concerned with properly
quantifying the model uncertainty of a kriging model when it is used to approximate a computationally expensive
model based upon a set of observations of the original model.
Throughout this work a one-dimensional problem (see Figure 1) is used to demonstrate some of the many
aspects of the kriging model. The computer simulation calculates the temperature of a chemical reaction. The mass
ratio of oxidant to fuel being burned is increased from no oxidant to an excess of oxidant. In this process, the
reaction increases in temperature to a maximum and then decreases as excess oxidant is added as shown in Fig. 1a.
There are flat portions in the output temperature as the reaction moves through regions of phase changes with the
products of combustion. The sample points used to fit the kriging models are indicated with dots. They are evenly
spaced at 0.1 increments from 0 to 1 for a total of 11 points. An example of a kriging model for the example
problem is shown in Fig. 1b. This plot indicates the expected value with a heavy line and the 95% confidence
interval of that expected value with a light dashed line. The confidence interval of the interpolating kriging model
approaches zero as the expected value approaches an observation site.

3500 3500
output temp HKL
output temp HKL

3000 3000

2500 2500

2000 2000

1500 1500

oxidant êfuel ratio oxidant êfuel ratio

0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1

a) Actual model with the 11 observations b) Resulting Kriging Model

Figure 1. Plots of Actual Model and Kriging Model Approximation.

In this work, a Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC)17 method is used as a fully Bayesian analysis method to
estimate the kriging model parameters and the output of the kriging model. The MCMC method accounts for the
uncertainty in the model parameters that is ignored by the MLE method. The MCMC parameter selection method is
characterized as an integration process and as a result is much less sensitive to the multimodality of the likelihood
function. The results of this parameter estimation technique are compared to those found using MLE for the one-
dimensional test problem. A brief review of the kriging model and the MLE and Bayesian analysis parameter
estimation methods are given in Section II. Section III provides some background and comparison of results for the
MCMC method used in this work for parameter estimation. Section IV offers some conclusions and future work.

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II. Background on the Kriging Model
The kriging model is a popular metamodel for deterministic computer models that has been used in a variety of
applications including MDO19-23 and RBDO14 because it interpolates all of the observations used to create it. In these
applications it is used as a deterministic approximation of a computationally expensive analysis model. A kriging
model approximates the output of a computer simulation, y ( x ) , by quantifying the correlation that exists between n
observations, Y = { y1 , y2 ,… , yn } , of the computer simulation at n input sites, X = { x1 , x2 ,… , xn } , that lie within the
domain of y ( x ) . The kriging model is capable of exactly reproducing (interpolating) a set of n known
observations, Y, an important feature for metamodels of deterministic computer models. 23-25
The kriging model is
actually a probabilistic model, capable of producing a probability density function (pdf) for the output of the
computer model given the set of observations. A probabilistic model is “a model in which the results are determined
by using one or more random variables to represent uncertainty about a process or in which the given input will
produce an output according to some statistical distribution.”26 Only the expected value of a kriging model is used
when it is used as a deterministic metamodel. More details on kriging models can be found in many sources.23,25,27,28
A kriging model summarizes the probability distribution of its output as a Gaussian process and provides
equations of the expected value or mean and the variance, sufficient statistics to completely specify the pdf of the
output. The kriging model provides the expected value of the response, y ( x ) , with the following equation:

E ⎡⎣ y ( x ) ⎤⎦ = f T ( x ) β + r T ( x ) R −1 ( Y − Fβ ) , (1)

and the variance is:

⎛ ⎡ 0 F T ⎤ ⎡f ( x ) ⎤ ⎞
var ⎡⎣ y ( x ) ⎤⎦ = σ 2 ⎜1 − ⎡⎣f T ( x ) r T ( x ) ⎤⎦ ⎢ ⎥⎢ ⎥ ⎟⎟ . (2)
⎣ F R ⎦ ⎣r ( x ) ⎦ ⎠

In the case of ordinary kriging, the regressors for the linear trend function are defined as f T ( x ) = {1} . The matrix
F is the values of the regressors at all of the observation sites. The coefficients of the regressors, β , are selected to
remove any bias that may exist in the observations, leaving a Gaussian process with zero mean and variance of σ 2 .
The correlation between two observations is quantified by a spatial correlation function. The Gaussian function
is one of the most commonly used spatial correlation functions for kriging models used in engineering design, and it
is the spatial correlation function used in this work. There are many other possible alternatives.29 The Gaussian
spatial correlation function provides a very smooth and infinitely differentiable surface and is defined with only one
parameter, θ, which controls the range of influence of nearby points as follows:
⎛ x −x ⎞
−⎜⎜ 2 1 ⎟⎟
R ( x1 , x2 ) = e ⎝ θ ⎠
, where θ > 0 (3)

The correlation matrix, R used in Eqs. (1) and (2), quantifies the correlation between all of the observations of
the system, Y, by using the spatial correlation function, R ( x1 , x2 ) .
The Gaussian or normal probability density function specified by the expected value and variance of the kriging
model (Eqs. (1) and (2)) is conditional on the n observations, Y, of the computer simulation and the kriging model
parameters, γ = {β, σ 2 , θ} . In reality, only the n observations are known; the kriging model parameters are unknown
and must be estimated from the observations. Estimating the best model parameters based upon the observations is
the most difficult task to complete when using kriging models. The use of cross-validation, a method that does not
assume any probability distributions, and Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE), a method that assumes the
observations follow a known pdf, to select the best values of the model parameters have been investigated by many
researchers.1,25,30,31 They concluded that MLE typically selects the optimal model parameter values better than cross-
validation. As a result, cross-validation is not included in the comparison of MLE and Bayesian analysis to
determine kriging model parameters in this paper.

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A. Maximum Likelihood Estimation
The MLE method of parameter estimation maximizes the likelihood of the model parameters given the n
observations. If the output distribution of the computer model comes from a Gaussian distribution, then the
likelihood of the parameters, γ , is defined as the multivariate normal distribution for the n observations of Y given
the model parameters, γ , which is given as:
( Y − Fβ )T R (θ )−1 ( Y − Fβ )
L ( γ Y ) =p ( Y γ ) =
1 2σ 2
e . (4)
( 2πσ )
2 n
R (θ )

The MLE method finds the values of the model parameters, γ , that maximize this likelihood. Unfortunately, the
multivariate probability distribution is defined conditionally on the model parameters and does not account for the
uncertainty that exists in these parameters. This has prompted the use of Bayesian analysis methods to determine the
model parameters since they do account for the uncertainty in the model parameters.32-34
The MLE method is characterized as an optimization process. For a well-behaved likelihood function, a smooth
concave function, this is a very efficient method to determine the best model parameters. More often, especially in
the multi-dimensional input setting, there can be regions of the model parameter space where the likelihood function
becomes unstable due to the required inversion of the correlation matrix, R. It is also prone to multiple maxima
and/or long ridges of near maximum values, causing extreme difficulty for most gradient-based optimization
algorithms.1,35,36 As a result, a stochastic optimization method, such as simulated annealing, should be used to
determine the optimal kriging model parameters. The use of a stochastic optimization method significantly increases
the computational expense of using MLE as a parameter estimation method.
The asymptotic properties of Maximum Likelihood Estimators state that the inverse of the observed Fisher
information matrix provides the covariance matrix of the kriging model parameters.2,37 The observed Fisher
information matrix is defined as the Hessian of the logarithm of the likelihood function (Eq. (4)) and can be used to
measure the “information” in the observations of the computer model. The observed Fisher information matrix for
the example problem at the model parameter values of maximum likelihood is given in Table 1. The diagonal terms
are the variances of the model parameters and the off-diagonal terms are the covariances between the model
parameters. If the observations were all Table 1. Covariance Matrix and Values of the Model
independent, then the correlation matrix, R, Parameters for the Example Problem.
would be the identity matrix, the distribution
of the trend function coefficients would have β σ2 θ
a Gaussian distribution, and the variance β 6
104,000 -7.191×10 -0.9787
would have a Gamma distribution.38 The
distributions of the trend function coefficients σ2 -7.191×10 6
5.826×10 10
are Gaussian with the mean and variance as
θ -0.9787 2692 0.000370
given in Table 1, and the process variance,
σ , is approximated by a Gamma
2 mode 2480.7 458,000 0.159
distribution. The distribution family of the variance 322.3 241,000 0.019
correlation parameter is not known.
The plots of the likelihood function as a function of each of the three model parameters for the example problem
are shown in Fig. 2. The likelihoods (shown as dashed lines) are calculated by varying each model parameter over
its range of feasibility while holding the other model parameters constant at their most likely value. They are
normalized to result in a proper probability distribution. The distributions predicted from the Fisher information
matrix shown with solid lines, using the mode and variance as given in Table 1, appear to match the likelihoods
fairly well with an underestimation of the variance of the process variance. We know of no distribution family for
the predicted distribution for the correlation range parameter.

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0.0012 1.75µ 10-6
0.001 1.5µ 10-6
1.25µ 10-6 15

pH b,s2,q» YL
pH b,s2,q» YL

pH b,s2 ,q»YL
1 µ 10-6
7.5µ 10-7 10
5 µ 10-7
0.0002 2.5µ 10-7
0 0 0
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 500000 1µ 106 1.5µ 106 2 µ 106 2.5µ 106 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
b s2 q

a) likelihood over β b) likelihood over σ2 c) likelihood over θ

Figure 2. Likelihood Function Plots of Model Parameters.

An objective in this study is to determine the marginal probability distributions of the model parameters and
compare them to the likelihoods given in Fig. 2. The marginal probability distribution of the model parameters is a
measurement of the probability distribution of each model parameter, independent of the model parameters given
the observations of the system being modeled. It is relatively easy to compute the observed information matrix at
selected values of the model parameters, but it is computationally expensive to calculate the marginal probability
distributions. The existence of non-zero off-diagonal terms in Table 1 may indicate that the model parameters are
correlated and as a result dependent upon each other. If the model parameters were independent, then little
difference between the shape of the likelihood functions and the marginal distribution would be expected.

B. Bayesian Analysis
As an alternative to MLE, a Bayesian analysis39 of the model parameter estimation process begins with the
definition of the posterior distribution of the model parameters given the observations, Y:

p ( Y β , σ 2 ,θ ) π ( β , σ 2 ,θ )
π ( β , σ ,θ Y ) = 2
∫ p ( Y β ,σ , θ ) π ( β , σ 2 , θ ) dγ

Eq. (5), also known as Bayes rule for continuous probability distributions, is used to “turn around” the likelihood
equation of Eq. (4), providing the probability distribution of the model parameters given the observations. From this
result the model parameter uncertainty is determined by calculating the marginal probability distributions of the
model parameters given the observations as:

p (β Y) = ∫∫ π ( β ,σ , θ Y )dσ 2 dθ
σ ,θ2

The marginal distribution of each model parameter is determined by “integrating out” the other model parameters.
The Bayesian analysis process requires the selection of a prior distribution for the model parameters,
π ( β , σ 2 ,θ ) used in Eq. (5). Selection of the prior is based upon previous knowledge of the model parameters.
Often, there is little prior information available on the model parameters which prompts the use of a noninformative
prior, a prior that makes no assumptions on the distributions of the model parameters. Most priors chosen are
improper, i.e., their integral is not finite, and have the general form:

π (θ )
π ( β , σ 2 ,θ ) ∝ , a∈ , (7)
(σ )2 a

for various choices of π (θ ) and a.32,40 One of the simplest forms is the Laplace prior where π (θ ) = 1 and a = 0
resulting in π ( β , σ 2 , θ ) = 1 . A second alternative is the independence Jeffreys prior where π (θ ) = 1 and a = 1 .32 In
most cases of model parameter selection (statistical inference), both of these priors tend to result in proper posterior
distributions. The likelihood function dominates Eq. (5), making the posterior distribution insensitive to the prior
model used. Berger et al.40 found this to not be the case when selecting the model parameters for spatial stochastic

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processes such as kriging. In their study to find a general form for a prior distribution of the model parameters that
yields a proper posterior distribution for the spatial stochastic process model, they determined a proper posterior
distribution would result by using the reference prior41 or through the use of π (θ ) = 1 for a large enough (for the
case of the Gaussian correlation function a > 32 ) in Eq. (7).
A Bayesian analysis was completed using the data from the test problem in a manner similar to Kennedy and
O’Hagan.42 The plots in Fig. 3 overlay the marginal probability density function plots (the solid curves) over the
likelihood functions (the dashed curves) from Fig. 2. The likelihood function is normalized so that it represents a
proper pdf (the area under the probability curve is 1). The solid lines in the plots show the marginal pdf for each of
the model parameters as a comparison. The pdfs for Fig. 3a are both symmetric with their maximum value (the
mode) occurring at nearly the same location. The actual values are presented in Table 2. The mode of the likelihood
function represents the model parameter values found using the MLE method.

1.5µ 10-6 20
1.25µ 10-6

pH b,s2,q» YL
pH b,s2 ,q»YL
pH b,s2,q» YL

1 µ 10-6
0.0006 -7
7.5µ 10 10
0.0004 5 µ 10-7
0.0002 2.5µ 10-7
0 0
0 0 500000 1 µ106 1.5µ 106 2µ 106 2.5µ 106
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
b s2 q

a) Marginal probability of β b) Marginal probability of σ2 c) Marginal probability of θ

Figure 3. Plots of Likelihoods and Marginal Probabilities for π ( β , σ 2 ,θ ) = 1 .

The broader distributions of the marginal pdfs appear to suggest the estimates are less accurate than what the
likelihood functions imply. The plot of the marginal pdf of the process variance, σ 2 , in Fig. 3b, appears to confirm
the conclusion from Berger et al.:40 the improper prior, π ( β , σ 2 , θ ) = 1 results in an improper posterior for σ 2 since
the probability does not become infinitely small as σ 2 becomes large. For this reason the improper prior of Eq. (7)
with π (θ ) = 1 and a = 3 2 is also compared in Table 2, and the results are shown in Fig. 4.

Table 2. Model Parameter Estimates for Different Prior Assumptions.

π ( β , σ 2 ,θ ) =
π ( β , σ 2 ,θ ) = 1
(σ )
Likelihood 2

parameter β σ2 θ β σ2 θ β σ2 θ
mode 2481 458,000 0.159 2494 526,000 0.170 2511 362,000 0.160
median 2481 601,000 0.154 2471 813,000 0.166 2495 499,000 0.156
mean 2481 698,000 0.150 2460 952,000 0.163 2485 600,000 0.154
variance 319 371,000 0.021 456 533,000 0.023 362 361,000 0.023

The median (the 50% probability point) and the mean (the expected value or the first moment) are two
commonly used estimates of the model parameters and are frequently better estimates of the model parameters than
the mode (Berger39 pg. 134). All three of the estimates of the model parameters and the square root of the variance
(standard error) are provided in Table 2 for the likelihood function and the two different priors. The square root of
the variance provides a measurement for the accuracy of the estimate. The variances, the second moment of the pdf,
for the likelihood functions compare well to the variances determined by the observed Fisher information matrix in
Table 1.
The model parameter estimates from Table 2 indicate that the selection of the prior makes little difference to the
estimate of β for this test example. Since the resulting posterior distributions of β are nearly symmetric, there is

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little difference between the mode, median, and mean. The standard error for β is larger for first choice of the prior
than for the likelihood function and is equivalent for the second choice of the prior. The three different estimates
mode, median, and mean, for the two other model parameters, σ 2 and θ , are significantly different since their
corresponding pdfs are asymmetric. The selection of the prior also appears to have a significant impact on the
resulting posterior distributions of the model parameters. The second prior choice results in model estimates that
have smaller standard errors than the first prior choice. This is to be expected since the second prior choice indicates
that there is a preference for model parameters that result in a smaller process variance.
The resulting marginal probability distributions for the model parameters using the second prior choice,
π ( β , σ 2 ,θ ) = 1 (σ 2 ) , are shown in Fig. 4. The resulting posterior distributions for this choice of a prior are more

similar to the likelihood functions than for the first prior choice. The major difference between the posterior
distributions and the likelihood functions occurs in the pdf of σ 2 , where the selected prior directly influences the
resulting posterior distribution by shifting it to the left (smaller values) and compressing the resulting standard error
of the resulting model parameter estimate. The posterior distribution of the process variance, σ 2 , does appear to
become infinitely small as σ 2 gets large, resulting a proper posterior distribution for this choice of prior
The results of this Bayesian analysis of the simple example problem indicate that including the model parameter
uncertainty in the estimation of the model parameters is important to consider when estimating the model
parameters. It also shows that the accuracy of the model parameter estimates, the standard errors, is typically slightly
underestimated by using the MLE method and the resulting information matrix at the selected model parameters.
The Bayesian analysis method is predominated by integration as compared to MLE which is mostly an optimization
problem. The result is the Bayesian method does not have the computational difficulties experienced by MLE in
situations where the likelihood function is multimodal or has ridges or near optimal values.1 This improvement
comes at the expense of the increased computational effort of evaluating all of the multidimensional integrals and is
usually infeasible for most problems other than the simplest ones such as the example problem in this work. For this
reason, the more computationally efficient Bayesian analysis method of Markov chain Monte Carlo simulation is
used as described in the next section.

1.75µ 10-6 20
0.001 1.5µ 10-6
0.0008 1.25µ 10-6 15
pH b,s2,q» YL

pH b,s2,q» YL
pH b,s2 ,q»YL

1 µ 10-6
7.5µ 10-7 10
5 µ 10-7
0.0002 5
2.5µ 10-7
0 0 0
1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 0 500000 1 µ106 1.5µ 106 2µ 106 2.5µ 106 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
b s2 q

a) Marginal probability of β b) Marginal probability of σ2 c) Marginal probability of θ

Figure 4. Plots of Likelihood and Marginal Probabilities for π ( β , σ 2 , θ ) = 1 (σ 2 ) 2 .

III. Markov Chain Monte Carlo

Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) is a general method to simulate complex, nonstandard multivariate
distributions, and it can be used to simulate stochastic processes having probability densities known up to a constant
of proportionality.17 This permits the use of Eq. (5) to determine the posterior distributions of the model parameters
without requiring the computationally expensive evaluation of the integral in the denominator. For this work,
MCMC is used to explore the posterior distributions of the kriging model parameters, γ , and the output of the
kriging model at unobserved locations in the domain in a manner similar to that described by Diggle et al.34
The MCMC method for the simulation of a distribution f is any method producing an ergodic Markov chain
whose stationary distribution is f .43 A Markov chain is a process that generates a sequence of values that converge
to a single value independent of the starting value of the sequence. In this work, the Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
is used due to its universality of approximating unknown probability distributions.43-46 The chain is created by

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generating a random candidate, x′ , according to a candidate-generating density, q ( x, x′ ) . This density specifies the
probability of generating a new point, x′ , given the current point, x. If q ( x, x ′ ) satisfies the reversibility condition:

π ( x ) q ( x, x′ ) = π ( x′ ) q ( x′, x ) , (8)

then the density q ( x, x′ ) is the desired distribution. Unfortunately, it is seldom possible to know this density
exactly; the equality in Eq. (8) is replaced by the left-hand side being greater than the right-hand side, implying the
transition from x to x′ occurs too often and from x′ to x too rarely. This condition can be remedied by introducing a
probability α ( x, x′ ) ≤ 1 that the move is made. The reversibility condition of Eq. (8) is then satisfied as follows.

π ( x ) q ( x, x′ ) α ( x, x′ ) = π ( x′ ) q ( x′, x ) α ( x′, x ) (9)

The probability of move, α ( x′, x ) , should be maximized to satisfy the reversibility condition; its upper limit is 1.
The probability of moving from the current state, x, to candidate state x′ is as follows.

⎡ π ( x′ ) q ( x′, x ) ⎤
α ( x, x′ ) = min ⎢ ,1⎥ , if π ( x ) q ( x, x′ ) > 1
⎣⎢ π ( x ) q ( x, x′ ) ⎦⎥ (10)
= 1, otherwise

The Metropolis-Hastings algorithm is specified by:

1. candidate-generating density, q ( x, x ′ ) ;
2. if the candidate-generating density is symmetric, q ( x, x′ ) = q ( x′, x ) , then the probability of move (Eq.
(10)) reduces to π ( x′ ) / π ( x ) ;
3. the probability of move, α ( x, x′ ) , does not require the knowledge of the normalizing constant for the
posterior distribution, π ( x ) , the denominator of Eq. (5); and
4. if a candidate value is rejected, the current value is taken as the next value in the sequence.

In this work, a normal distribution is used as a symmetric candidate-generating density. The candidate value is
selected such that the current value is the mean, and the variance is a constant selected prior to the simulation of the
chain. The resulting chain is a random walk where the candidate value is accepted unconditionally if π ( x′ ) > π ( x )
and with probability given by π ( x′ ) / π ( x ) .47
The desire of generating these chains or sequences of values is to approximate the probability density functions
of the model parameters and to simultaneously simulate the probabilistic nature of the kriging model, taking into
account the uncertainty of the model parameters. If the elements of the chain are independent, then the mean
(expected value) and variance of the sequence of length k can be estimated by:

1 k
E ( y ) = Mean ( y ) = ∑ yi
k i =1

1 k
Variance ( y ) = ∑ ( yk − E ( y ) )
k − 1 i =1

The exact algorithm used to generate the Markov chains in this work is as follows.:
1. Start with an initial value x1 and variance s 2 for the candidate-generating function
2. Repeat for j = 1, 2,… , k

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3. Generate x′ from q ( x j , x ′ ) ∼ N ( x j , s 2 ) and u from U ( 0,1)
4. If u ≤ α ( x j , x′ ) accept x j +1 = x′ else maintain x j +1 = x j .
a. α ( x j , x′ ) is calculated using the likelihood equation from Eq. (4) and the prior probability,

π ( β , σ 2 ,θ ) = 1 (σ 2 )

b. α ( x j , x′ ) is additionally defined to reject candidates outside of the bounds of the model

parameters for this specific problem:
i. β → [1000, 4000]
ii. σ 2 → [90000, 2560000]
iii. θ → [ 0.03, 0.23]
5. Return the values of the chain { x1 , x2 ,… , xk }
The MCMC method is independent of the starting values used. To minimize the effect of the initial conditions,
the chain is permitted a “burn-in” before values are saved. The chains are built until the mean of the output appears
to have stabilized. The mean of the model parameters as each element of the chain is added is shown in Fig. 5 for the
example problem. The mean appears to be relatively stable at 10,000 iterations, “however, there can never be any
(positive) empirical guarantee that a sufficiently long run has been taken.” 48

620000 0.155
610000 0.1545
MeanH bL


MeanH qL
600000 0.154
590000 0.1535
580000 0.153
2460 0.1525
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000
Length of Chain Length of Chain Length of Chain

a) Mean of β b) Mean of σ2 c) Mean of θ

Figure 5. Plots of the Mean of the Model Parameters vs. Length of the Chain.

The value of the candidate-generating function variance or spread, s2, must be selected to ensure that the Markov
chain covers the probability space of the model parameters. This ability to cover the space is related to the
acceptance rate, i.e., the rate at which a candidate is accepted. For the random walk, the method used in this work,
the optimal acceptance rate is dependent upon the number of model parameters being fit: 0.45 for one parameter and
0.23 as the number of parameters approach infinity.49 In accordance with these theoretical results, the variance of the
candidate-generating functions was selected to result in an acceptance rate of 0.3. Table 3 shows little differences in
the mean and variance of the chains generated with acceptance rates from 0.3 to 0.7. The resulting chains were
sampled for every 3rd element to reduce serial correlation. In Table 4, the impact of sampling the chains at different
rates is provided for an acceptance rate of 0.3. Little difference was seen for sampling at any rate of 2 or greater. For
the remaining results, including those in Fig. 5, an acceptance rate of 0.3 and a sampling rate of every 3rd element
was used.
The resulting histograms of the model parameters are shown in Fig. 6a-c. The actual pdf calculated from the
Bayesian analysis is shown as the overlaying line. The probability density functions appear to be very good
approximations to the actual pdfs. Experience has shown that comparing the pdf shapes in this manner can be
misleading. A more accurate comparison can be made by inspecting a Quantile-Quantile plot of the density
functions. Fig. 6d-f shows the quantiles of the densities at increments of 0.02. The R 2 measurement of all three
plots is greater than 0.9995, indicating a very good probability that the densities are the same.

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Table 3. Mean and Variances of the Model Parameters for Many Acceptance Rates.

parameter 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7

mean 2484 2485 2478 2486 2483
variance 372 385 370 366 368
mean 603,000 616,000 606,000 600,000 603,000
variance 364,000 377,000 370,000 356,000 366,000
mean 0.154 0.154 0.155 0.154 0.154
variance 0.023 0.023 0.022 0.022 0.023

Table 4. Mean and Variances of the Model Parameters for Different Sampling Rates.

parameter 1 2 3 4 5
mean 2481 2486 2484 2490 2490
variance 377 373 372 372 374
mean 642,000 599,000 603,000 597,000 602,000
variance 395,000 363,000 364,000 358,000 368,000
mean 0.156 0.154 0.154 0.154 0.154
variance 0.023 0.022 0.023 0.022 0.023

1.75µ 10-6
0.001 1.5µ 10-6 15
0.0008 1.25µ 10-6

1 µ 10-6
pH bL

7.5µ 10-7
0.0004 5 µ 10-7 5
0.0002 2.5µ 10-7

500000 1 µ 106 1.5µ 106 2 µ 106 2.5µ 106 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2
1500 2000 2500 3000 3500 4000 s2 q

a) Marginal probability of β b) Marginal probability of σ2 c) Marginal probability of θ

3000 1.5µ 106

2750 1.25µ 106 0.16



2500 1 µ 106
2250 750000
1750 250000 0.1
0 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18
1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000 3250 0 250000 500000 750000 1 µ 10 1.25µ 10 1.5µ 10 1.75µ 10
6 6 6 6
Bayesian q
Bayesian b Bayesian s2

d) Q-Q plot of β e) Q-Q plot of σ2 f) Q-Q plot of θ

Figure 6. Plots of the Simulated pdfs of the Model Parameters.

The output of the kriging model was also simulated at each saved value of the Markov chain. The value of the
output at a given input location with the given model parameters was generated from N E ( y ( x ) ) , var ( y ( x ) ) , ( )
where the expected value and variance are defined in Eqs. (1) and (2), respectively. This simulation technique is

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
very similar to the Gibbs Sampler.43,48 The resulting probability density of the output at an input location of 0.25
(halfway between the known observations at 0.2 and 0.3) is shown in Fig. 7.

0.012 0.012
0.01 0.01
0.008 0.008

0.006 0.006
0.004 0.004
0.002 0.002

3400 3500 3600 3700 3800 3400 3500 3600 3700 3800
y y
a) Gaussian pdf overlaying the simulated pdf b) Student-t pdf overlaying the simulated pdf
3700 3700
3650 3650
3600 3600
approx y

approx y
3550 3550
3500 3500
3450 3450
3400 3400
3400 3450 3500 3550 3600 3650 3700 3400 3450 3500 3550 3600 3650 3700
c) Quantile-quantile plot of Gaussian pdf d) Quantile-quantile plot of Student-t pdf
Figure 7. Simulation Results of Kriging Model Output at x = 0.25.

The main purpose of this study is to assess the approximation of the output of the kriging model as a Gaussian
process with mean and variance given by Eqs. (1) and (2). Fig. 7a shows a Gaussian pdf with mean and variance as
estimated from Eqs. (1) and (2) using the expected values of the model parameters from the simulation. The data is
slightly asymmetric; it is shifted to the right with a skewness of -3.2. The results shown in Fig. 7c reveal that the
Gaussian pdf underestimates the tails of the distribution. It appears that the output of a kriging model is poorly
approximated by the Gaussian pdf when the model parameters must be estimated from the observations.
Given that the output of the kriging model is not well approximated by a Gaussian pdf when the model
parameters are estimated from the data, it was desired to find a pdf family that does approximate the output of the
kriging model. A Cauchy distribution was investigated next as a pdf that is symmetric with fatter tails than the
Gaussian pdf. Unfortunately, it overestimated the thickness of the tails. The Student-t distribution provides a pdf
family that permits control of the tail thickness by using a shape factor, ν , from that of the Cauchy (ν = 1 ) to the
Gaussian (ν = ∞ ). The Student-t distribution is parameterized by only the shape factor (or degrees of freedom),
resulting in a distribution that has a zero mean and a unit scale. The standard Student-t distribution is defined as:

Γ ( (ν + 1) / 2 )
t (ν ) = , ν a positive integer , (13)
( )
(ν +1) / 2
(πν ) Γ (ν / 2 ) 1 + ( x 2 /ν )
1/ 2

where Γ is the Gamma function. For this application, the distribution must be moved (non-zero mean) and scaled
appropriately by transforming x with a location and a scale parameter (a and b) as follows:

x= (14)

American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
and by scaling the resulting probability by dividing by b to result in a proper pdf. The location parameter, a, is the
expected value from Eq. (1). The scale parameter, b, is equal to the square root of the variance (standard deviation)
from Eq. (2), but it must be adjusted with the parameter, λ , by matching the quantile values from one standard
deviation of the normal distribution (0.84135).

b= (15)

The value of λ for a given shape factor, ν, is given in Table 5. As the shape factor approaches infinity, λ approaches
1 as expected since such a distribution is the normal distribution.

Table 5: Scale Correction Factor, λ, as a Function of Student-t Shape Factor, ν

ν 1 2 3 4 5 6
λ 1.84 1.32 1.20 1.14 1.11 1.09

The results shown in Figs. 7b and 7d compare the pdf from the MCMC simulation to that approximated by a
Student-t distribution using a shape factor of 2 and the transformation of Eq. (14). The shape factor of 2 was selected
to maximize the R 2 (0.9843) of the line fit to plot of Fig. 7d. The standard use of the Student-t distribution arises
from the problem of estimating the mean of a normally distributed random sample where the shape factor is equal to
the degrees of freedom or the number of observations minus one and is always a positive integer. The definition of
the Student-t pdf in Eq. (13) is valid for any positive, non-zero real value for the shape factor, ν. By dropping the
restriction that ν is a positive integer, the maximum R 2 of 0.9851 occurs at ν = 1.83 .
The output distribution of the test problem was simulated at two other locations, x = 0.52 and 0.78 to determine
if the output can be approximated by the same Student-t distribution. The results of simulation at these two locations
are shown in Fig. 8. The same shape factor, ν = 2 , used in Fig. 7 was used and provided very good estimations of
the pdf of the output. The R 2 of the straight line in Figs. 8c and 8d were 0.993 and 0.998, respectively.

0.025 0.02

pH yL

2400 2450 2500 2550 2600 2650 2700
3050 3100 3150 3200 3250 3300
a) Student-t pdf overlaying simulated pdf for x=0.52 b) Student-t pdf overlaying simulated pdf for x=0.78
3200 2600
3175 2575
approx y
approx y

3150 2550
3125 2525
3100 2500
3075 2475
3050 2475 2500 2525 2550 2575 2600 2625
3050 3075 3100 3125 3150 3175 3200 3225 MCMC y
c) Q-Q plot of Student-t pdf for x=0.52 d) Q-Q plot of Student-t pdf for x=0.78
Figure 8. Simulation Results of Kriging Model Output at x=0.52 and 0.78

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IV. Conclusions
A Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) simulation of a simple kriging model was found to match the results of a
Bayesian analysis for estimating the marginal probability distributions of the model parameters. The Bayesian
analysis of problems larger than the example used in this work becomes computationally infeasible, hence the need
for the more computationally efficient MCMC method. The MCMC method permits the simultaneous simulation of
all of the model parameters rather than the evaluation of the n-dimensional integral of Eq. (5) to determine the joint
probability of the model parameters given the observations and the n different (n-1)-dimensional integrals of Eq. (6)
for each model parameter in order to determine the marginal probability distributions of the model parameters.
The MCMC method also permits the simulation of the output of the kriging model that incorporates the
uncertainty in the model parameters. The kriging model is defined as a Gaussian process model given the model
parameters, but in practice the model parameters must be estimated from a set of observations, altering the actual
probability distribution of the kriging model. It was found that this actual probability distribution has thicker tails
than the normal distribution predicted by the kriging model with known parameters. As a result, a Student-t
distribution was used to approximate the output distribution of a kriging model when the model parameters are not
known. The Student-t distribution was moved and scaled using Eqs. (14) and (15). The shape parameter, ν, was
selected to maximize the R 2 value of a line fit to a quantile-quantile plot of the approximated and simulated pdfs.
This value was found to remain constant across all input values to the kriging model. Therefore, the best shape
factor can be selected by simulating the output of the kriging model at one location during the MCMC simulation
and used for estimating the pdfs at all other locations.
Future work should investigate alternative methods for determining the shape factor for the Student-t distribution
approximation of the output of the kriging model when the model parameters are estimated from the set of
observations. It should also investigate the impact of using additional model parameters to estimate the trend of the
model rather than just a single constant value (universal kriging vs. ordinary kriging). The investigation should
finally include examples of more than one input dimension, adding to the number of range parameters to be fit for
the correlation functions to understand its scalability to larger problems.

The authors gratefully acknowledge support from Dr. Kam Ng of ONR 333, Contract No. N00014-00-G-0058.

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