Biofuels in Asia
Biofuels in Asia
Biofuels in Asia
March 2009
An Analysis of Sustainability Options
This report is made possible by the support of the American People through the United States Agency for
International Development (USAID).The contents of this report are the sole responsibility of the International
Resources Group (IRG) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government.
IRG prepared this report under the ECO-Asia Clean Development and Climate Program.
Contract No. EPP-1-100-03-00013-00:Task Order 9.
LIST OF TABLES...................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................................................................................................... v
LIST OF BOXES...................................................................................................................................................................................... vi
ACRONYMS........................................................................................................................................................................................... vii
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.................................................................................................................................................................... viii
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY....................................................................................................................................................................... ix
Section 1: Introduction...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Context........................................................................................................................................................................................... 1
4.3 Trade..............................................................................................................................................................................................18
5.4 The Potential for Biofuels Production to Meet National Mandates and Targets..........................................................30
ANNEX REFERENCES.......................................................................................................................................................................151
Table 3. Planted Area,Yield, and Total Production for Selected Ethanol Feedstocks in Asia.....................10
Table 5. P
lanted Area,Yield, and Total Production for Selected Biodiesel
Feedstocks in Asia.........................................................................................................................................................13
Table 10. Land Classifications and Estimates of Available Land in Focus Countries........................................24
Table 11. C
rop-Mix and Planting-Ratio Assumed for Expansion on Underutilized Land...............................25
Table 13. Total Biofuels Production Under Low, Medium and High Scenarios to 2040 ................................29
Table 14. Future Demand and Production of Ethanol in the Focus Countries...................................................30
Table 15. Future Demand and Production of Biodiesel in the Focus Countries................................................31
Table 18. Biofuels Production and Use of Land and Water Resources, 2005 and 2030...................................47
Table 25. Indicative Ranges of Net Energy and GHG Balances of Biofuels from
Selected Biofuels Feedstocks without Land Use Change........................................................................105
Figure 2. Projected Demand for Gasoline and Diesel in Focus Countries (2008-2030)............................... 5
Figure 7. Low, Medium, and High Estimates of Biofuels Production Potential from
Scenarios One and Two...........................................................................................................................................27
Figure 8. System Boundary for the Development of the LCA................................................................................33
Figure 13. R
ange of Carbon Payback Times for Biofuels by Major Land Type.....................................................37
Figure 14. Lowland Peat Areas in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea................................................38
Figure 15. Estimated Pollutant Emission Changes for Various Biofuels Blends.................................................39
Figure 16. Prices of Crude Palm Oil and Crude Petroleum Oil 2005-2008..........................................................51
Figure 17. Biofuels Production Costs in Select Countries, 2004 and 2007...........................................................53
Figure 18. Breakeven Prices for Corn (Maize) Ethanol and Crude Oil with and without Subsidies........55
Figure 19. Support Provided at Different Points in the Biofuels Supply Chain..................................................59
Figure 21. Change in Cropping Areas Due to Biofuels Production: US Maize and
Soybean Area; Wheat and Oilseeds Area: Key Exporting Countries.................................................63
Figure 22. Potential for Yield Increase for Various Biofuels Feedstocks................................................................72
Figure 23. Projected Cost Ranges for Second Generation Biofuels to 2050.......................................................73
Box 4. Air Quality Impacts of Biofuels vs. Other Clean Energy Technologies.................................................41
Box 16. Yield Increases and Expansion onUnderutilized Lands for Oil Palm in Indonesia...........................75
Box 17. Betting on REDD.............................................................................................................................................................78
iofuels in Asia: An Analysis of Sustainability Options Country coordinators in each of the focus countries
was prepared from November 2008 to February arranged stakeholder meetings and interviews: China:
2009 by a core team of the Environmental Steven Zeng and Wei Wei; India: Bhaskar Natarajan, B.
Cooperation-Asia Clean Development and Climate Anil Kumar, Swati Lal, and Sneha Bajpai; Indonesia: Bernard
Program (ECO-Asia CDCP), a program of the US Agency Castermans and Nyoman Iswarayoga; the Philippines: Laurie
for International Development’s Regional Development Navarro and Catherine Amante; Thailand: Werner Siemers,
Mission for Asia (USAID/RDMA). Pradeep Tharakan, Sukanya Kammales, Suneerat Pipatmanomai and Athikom
ECO-Asia CDCP Deputy Chief of Party, led the overall Bangviwat; Vietnam: Kim Thoa and Nyugen My Hahn.
report research and writing effort. Lead writers included
Bryn Baker and Rolando Montecalvo, consultants to The report was prepared under the overall guidance and
ECO-Asia CDCP. Butchaiah Gadde and Jerome Weingart direction of Orestes Anastasia, Regional Environment
provided technical input and research assistance. The Advisor, USAID/RDMA. Charles Barber, Mary Melnyk,
report was co-edited by Laurie Chamberlain, Paula Orestes Anastasia, and Winston Bowman of USAID
Whitacre and Thomas Allen, and produced by Pierre conceived and designed the overall study.
Beaulne and Sarah Bishop.
Review comments, provided by the following individuals,
In addition to the core team of authors, sector experts are gratefully acknowledged: Orestes Anastasia, Charles
assisted with background analysis, technical inputs, or wrote Barber, Winston Bowman, David Cassells, Alice Chu, Rex
sections of the report: Future Demand for Petroleum Dimafeliz, Landon Van Dyke, Robert Earley, Barry Flaming,
Fuels in Asia: John Hallock; Biofuels Fundamentals: Gustavo Florello Galindo, Cole Genge, Shabbir Gheewala, Leonila
Collantes; Biofuels Potential: Matt Johnston; lifecycle Gutierrez, Jack Hurd, Cornie Huizenga, Ross Jaax,
assessment: Institut für Energie- und Umweltforschung Gil Jackson, John Kadyszewski, Evita Legowo, Mary Melnyk,
(IFEU), in particular Horst Ferhenbach and Sven Gaertner; Gary Meyer, Aurelia Micko, Dan Millison, Daniel Moore,
Carbon Debt and Carbon Payback Analysis and Air Quality Petrus Panaka, Bambang Prastowo, Mukund Rao,
Impacts: Timm Kroeger; Biodiversity and Water, Fertilizer Jane Romero, Bhima Sastri, Werner Siemers, Lauren Sorkin,
and Pesticide Impacts: Aditya Sood; Economics: Deepak Benjamin Sovacool, Eric Streed, T. Thiagarajan, Govinda
Rajagopal and Timm Kroeger; Technology Challenges: Timilsina, Clovis Tupas, U.R. Unnithan and Jerome Weingart.
Gustavo Collantes; Decision Making Under Uncertainty: My
Ton and Jose Frazier Gomez. Compilation of the references
and library assistance was provided by Areerat Chabada.
iofuels have been at the center of intense interest, the expansion of biofuels. For example, the EU is closely
discussion, and debate in recent years. The global reviewing its biofuels mandate for 2020 and has banned
biofuels boom began in 2004-2005 with the imports of palm oil from tropical Asia, citing environmental
announcement by the United States (US) and the European concerns. In addition, the unfolding global economic crisis
Union (EU) of policies and incentives to support increased and the recent slump in oil prices may further dampen
use of biofuels. In addition to spurring domestic production interest in biofuels. Investors are increasingly wary of
in several countries, especially the EU, the policies biofuels, governments are rethinking their strategies toward
encouraged producers to seek out feedstocks and fuel biofuels, and some researchers are advocating a complete
from tropical and subtropical regions, initiating pan-global ban on biofuels production.
trade in biofuels. Soon thereafter, several Asian governments
announced ambitious plans to promote biofuels production However, Asia may miss an important opportunity if
for both domestic consumption and export. Within a few biofuels are rejected summarily. Asia continues to face
years, biofuels had been transformed from a niche energy significant challenges related to energy and environmental
source to a globally traded commodity attracting billions issues. More than half a billion Asians, mostly in poor
of dollars in investments. Total biofuels production in Asia communities, lack access to modern forms of energy.
has grown more than five-fold since 2004, from just over 2 Throughout Asia, there are local opportunities for
billion liters to almost 12 billion liters in 2008. development of biofuels on a more decentralized,
local level. It is imperative that key Asian stakeholders
While it is clear that biofuels present a broad range of in the government and private sectors, as well as
opportunities, they also entail significant environmental, non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and researchers
social, and economic risks. Advocates maintain that biofuels carefully evaluate the sustainability prospects of different
can help displace fossil fuels and lower GHG emissions; biofuels in Asia, assess international best practices that
support the farm sector; and revitalize rural landscapes in can help realize the full potential of biofuels, and design
developed and developing countries. In contrast, opponents and implement the appropriate policies to enable their
argue that biofuels compete with food crops for land, water, production and utilization in a sustainable manner.
and agrichemicals; do not deliver cost-effective carbon
emissions reductions; demand a disproportionate amount of It is against this backdrop of complex market trends,
subsidies and incentives; and negatively impact biodiversity. along with conflicting policies and beliefs on biofuels,
that the United States Agency for International
Over the past 12 months, the intense volatility in the global Development (USAID) identified the need for an objective,
commodity and oil markets has eroded the profitability of comprehensive, and fact-based evaluation of the viability
Asian biofuels producers. Concerns about the sustainability of biofuels in Asia. This report was developed by USAID’s
of biofuels imports to Europe from Asian countries have Environmental Cooperation-Asia Clean Development
curbed export demand. Currently, biofuels production and Climate Program (ECO-Asia). The report focuses on
facilities in most Asian countries are operating at a fraction seven Asian countries: China, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the
of their installed capacity. Many experts now believe that the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam.1 Throughout this report,
biofuels bubble has burst. Policymakers are reconsidering the these seven Asian nations are referred to as focus countries.
policy tools and mechanisms for supporting and promoting They were selected because they either produce or plan to
1 Six countries—China, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam—are the focus of the ECO-Asia Clean Development and Climate Program. Malaysia and
Singapore are not ECO-Asia focus countries but were included in this study because of their key role in the biofuels industry in Asia.
Objectives of this Report By 2030, biofuels will meet only an estimated 3-14
The purpose of this report is to provide an objective and percent of the total transport fuel demand in Asia. This
comprehensive regional analysis summarizing the benefits estimate is predicated on the optimistic scenario that
and risks of biofuels development in Asia, and examining countries will rapidly expand cultivation of efficient first-
the distribution and use of biofuels through the lens of generation biofuels crops on underutilized land while
global climate change; biodiversity conservation; energy promoting second-generation, “cellulosic ethanol” using
alternatives; food security; economic development; and agricultural residues.
local livelihoods. This report does not undertake a detailed
evaluation of biofuels in comparison to other clean energy Overall, non-irrigated sugarcane grown on existing croplands,
supply options for power generation and transport.2 with efficient use of co-products and wastes, has the most
favorable net energy and GHG balance, making it one
The primary focus of this report is on liquid biofuels of the best crops for ethanol production in Asia, where
for transport applications, and to a limited extent the conditions allow. For biodiesel, oil palm provides the best
report also assesses applications for power generation net energy and GHG benefits, but only when its cultivation
in decentralized contexts. The report examines first- does not involve land conversion and when there is full
generation fuels derived from grains (e.g., corn, wheat, utilization of co-products and wastes. Sweet sorghum holds
rice), starches (e.g., cassava), oil crops (e.g., oil palm, coconut, much promise as an ethanol feedstock in the near term.
soy, and rapeseed), sugarcane, sweet sorghum, and non-food Jatropha may provide significant advantages as a biodiesel
plants such as jatropha and pongamia; second-generation feedstock; however, a complete evaluation cannot be done
fuels (cellulosic ethanol) produced either from agricultural in the absence of detailed information on its agronomy and
residue or from dedicated “energy crops” such as grasses fuel yield under commercial conditions. Biofuels can be an
and fast growing trees; and third-generation fuels, important part of national strategies to expand access to
primarily focused on biodiesel produced from microalgae. modern energy to more than half a billion people in Asia.
Decentralized energy production systems, when managed
The report is intended to serve as a resource for decision- by community-level institutions, can help to support rural
makers in the focus countries and to contribute to the livelihoods, ameliorate local soil and water quality problems,
ongoing national and international dialogue on biofuels and reduce GHG emissions—to the extent that they avoid
development. It is not intended to offer prescriptive forest loss and displace fossil fuels.
measures for countries, but rather to identify priority
areas that may benefit from greater attention at the Large-scale production of biofuels is unlikely to
national, regional, and international levels. The report will make a significant contribution to Asia’s future
also be used to inform the planning process for possible transport energy demand. By 2030, biofuels will
future activities funded by USAID that may address these account for only an estimated 3-14 percent of the total
challenges. It is hoped that the report will help inform transport fuel mix in the focus countries, with the greatest
the decision-making of other US Government agencies, contribution occurring in Thailand, India, and Indonesia,
multilateral development banks, and USAID partners. assuming rapid expansion of high-yielding, first-generation
biofuels crops on underutilized land, as well as the rapid
Key Findings and Conclusions commercialization and scale-up of cellulosic ethanol
This report addresses three broad questions production from agricultural residues.
(see Section10 for detailed conclusions):
2 Readers interested in such an analysis are referred to: USAID, May 2007, From Ideas to Action: Clean Energy Solutions for Asia to Address Climate Change,
Bangkok, Thailand.
Many biofuels have limited GHG or net energy 2. Under what conditions should the above
benefits. Generally speaking, only high-yielding feedstocks biofuels be produced, distributed, and consumed
grown on existing cropland and converted to fuel using to avoid threats to biodiversity conservation; food
highly efficient processes result in significant net energy security; impacts on fuel prices, smallholders, and
and GHG benefits. Ethanol produced from non-irrigated rural livelihoods; and other economic, social, and
sugarcane grown on existing croplands or degraded land, environmental concerns?
with efficient use of co-products and wastes, has the most
favorable net energy and GHG savings. Ethanol produced Biofuels should be produced in a way that minimizes the
from sweet sorghum grown on degraded land as well as use of land, water, fertilizers and fossil energy, and does not
cellulosic ethanol also provide favorable energy and GHG exacerbate the pollution of air, water, and soil. The focus
balances. However, current grain-based biofuels systems in should be on feedstocks that do not compete with food
Asia result in negative or low net energy and GHG savings. production. This can be done by establishing plantations on
Biodiesel produced from oil palm provides the best net land that is currently not under food production. Dedicated
energy and GHG benefits, but only when its cultivation does measures that promote involvement of smallholders, fair
not involve land conversion and where there is full utilization trade, labor rights and the rights of indigenous peoples
of co-products and wastes. Biodiesel produced from are required to ensure equitable outcomes from biofuels
jatropha planted on degraded land and coconut produced expansion. Smart economic subsidies and incentives are
under optimal conditions can also provide benefits needed to strengthen best practices in existing production
compared to fossil fuels. systems while paving the way for more efficient feedstocks
and technologies. This will ensure that countries are
Most large-scale biofuels production systems not locked into supporting inefficient, expensive, and
are not economically viable without extensive unsustainable options. Finally, the dismantling of trade
subsidies and are subject to boom and bust cycles. barriers and the establishment of effective standards and
Asian biofuels are expensive relative to fossil fuels, certification systems can help promote a modest level of
and effective utilization of co-products and wastes can regional and international trade in sustainable biofuels.
be crucial to achieve profitability, which is otherwise
highly volatile. In Asia, ethanol from molasses and biodiesel Sustainable biofuels polices are needed to
from oil palm and waste oil tend to have the lowest safeguard food security. Recent analyses have concluded
production costs. that the demand for biofuels contributed to higher food
prices during 2005-2008, although the magnitude of the
The return on investments (both public and private) influence is subject to debate. The impact of biofuels on
and the rate of market maturation will depend on how food prices in Asia was lower than in other regions, although
government policy, R&D, and operating costs evolve. In ethanol from corn and cassava, and biodiesel from oil palm
addition, opportunities for expanded trade in biofuels will may have contributed to higher prices for food, feed, and
be limited as long as countries enforce trade barriers and edible oils, respectively. While food prices have dropped
protectionist policies. recently, it is likely that competition between food and
fuel will resume in time. In the medium- to long-term,
The greatest promise for biofuels in Asia lies in strategies to ensure food security include: (1) intensifying
decentralized production and use. Decentralized food production and enhancing yields in existing croplands;
energy production systems, when managed by community- (2) restricting biofuels crops to marginalized lands not used
3 Except in cases where large amounts of water are used to grow irrigated sugarcane (e.g. India).
4 Recently the Ministry of Agriculture in Indonesia announced that it plans to remove an existing ban on the conversion of significant amounts of peatlands—which
store large amounts of carbon and support biodiversity—into plantations.
5 One such forum, the Global Bioenergy Partnership (, in which the US government is a leading partner, is developing a harmonized ap-
proach to GHG emissions reductions from biofuels as well as a voluntary framework of international sustainability principles on bioenergy.
Decision-making under uncertainty. The uncertainty Support scale-up and regional replication of
and potential pitfalls surrounding the environmental, social, sustainable, decentralized biofuels projects.
and economic viability of biofuels makes it difficult to There is an opportunity to scale up ongoing efforts that
structure appropriate biofuels policies or make investment have been initiated by donors and NGOs to support
decisions. A two-tiered decision tree presented in this community-level projects for feedstock development and
report (see Section 9) offers a framework for guiding energy production from biofuels. USAID could support
decisions on individual biofuels development projects—the the replication and scale-up of best practices by providing
primary assessment addresses environmental, economic, technical assistance to: (1) establish local cooperatives,
and social issues, while the secondary assessment helps marketing associations, and coordinated supply systems
project developers improve project performance and for larger production facilities; (2) support small-scale and
competitiveness. carbon financing; and (3) improve small-scale processing
and increased local use of vegetable oils and fuels in
3. What priority interventions by USAID would engines and generators.
be most useful in promoting the sustainable
production of biofuels in Asia? Support agronomy research and crop
improvement. The rate at which non-food crops,
USAID could encourage the development of a sustainable such as jatropha and pongamia, and cellulosic ethanol
biofuels industry in Asia through support for land resource feedstocks, are commercialized will depend on how
mapping and agronomy research, promotion of second- quickly Asian countries can better understand and tailor
generation and third- generation biofuels, support production systems to maximize yields under local
for development of sustainable biofuels polices, and growing conditions. USAID could facilitate US-to-Asia
establishment of certification systems and standards for and Asia-to-Asia research partnerships and technology
quality and sustainability. Technical assistance areas that transfer in association with key regional entities such as
are best addressed within a regional context include the the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and the
development of biofuels policy, replication and scale-up of International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid
decentralized biofuels projects, and development of standards Tropics (ICRISAT).
and certification systems for quality and sustainability.
Support development of regional environmental
Develop a policy framework for sustainable standards and certification schemes. USAID could
biofuels in Asia. Asian governments need to review play an important role by supporting the development of
the cost-effectiveness of current biofuels policies with national and regional standards and protocols within Asia
respect to energy security and environmental impacts, that are consistent with emerging international standards,
and then promote those policies that will foster long- performance guidelines, and certification schemes (such as
term sustainability. For example, USAID could support a RSPO and RSB), and by providing technical assistance on
regional dialogue on policies addressing sustainable biofuels compliance efforts to smaller, decentralized operators.
production and regional trade.
Support technology transfer on cellulosic ethanol.
Improve land resource maps. Claims about the Given the advantages of cellulosic ethanol over first-
extensive availability of land in Asia for biofuels production generation biofuels, it will be important to facilitate
he global biofuels boom began in 2004-2005 with economic and environmental risks. Opponents of biofuels
the announcement of a range of incentives and argue that: they exacerbate food insecurity by competing
support policies by the United States (US) and the with food crops for land, water, and agrichemicals; do
European Union (EU). An expansion in the use of biofuels not deliver cost-effective carbon emissions reductions;
in the transport sector was expected to help bolster require a disproportionate amount of subsidies and
energy security, mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions incentives; and negatively impact biodiversity. In contrast,
(primarily carbon dioxide, or CO2), and provide alternate advocates maintain that biofuels can help displace fossil
markets for agricultural commodities while also stimulating fuels and lower greenhouse gas (GHG) and other pollutant
the farm sector. In an attempt to source greater amounts of emissions, support the farm sector, and revitalize rural
cheap biofuels to meet local demand, the EU began to look landscapes in developed and developing countries.
to producers in tropical and subtropical regions, initiating a
global increase in biofuels production. Against the background of this often highly polarized
debate, most stakeholders now believe the biofuels bubble
Within a couple of years, biofuels had transformed from has burst. Stock prices of leading US ethanol producers had
a niche energy source dominated by small operators and collapsed well in advance of the recent economic crisis. The
a handful of countries to a globally traded commodity EU is closely reviewing its biofuels mandate for 2020 and
attracting billions of dollars of private capital from major oil has stopped importing oil palm from tropical Asia, citing
producers, venture capitalists, clean energy funds, and public environmental concerns. This has led in the short term to a
resources. Asian governments followed suit and announced catastrophic decline in production in Malaysia and Indonesia
aggressive plans to promote biofuels production and and idling of installed capacities. Meanwhile, India has also
utilization. In some cases, these plans were motivated by announced a review of its biodiesel expansion plans. The
the desire to reduce dependency on costly oil imports and present unfolding global economic crisis and recent slump
to accelerate rural employment. In others, governments in oil prices and demand may further dampen interest in
sought to maximize export revenue from the sale of biofuels. The end result is that the pendulum appears to
feedstock or fuels produced from agriculture or plantation have swung to the other extreme. Investors are wary of
crops. In 2008, global production of biofuels was estimated biofuels, governments are rethinking their strategies, and
to have exceeded 89 billion liters (85 percent of which was most civil society actors and some academic researchers
ethanol), more than triple the production level of 2000. advocate a complete ban on biofuels.
During this same period, biodiesel production increased
more than ten-fold to more than 12 billion liters. The receding over-enthusiasm presents an opportunity to
take a careful and fact-based approach to examining the
Despite this accelerated growth, production volumes still viability of biofuels. This report concludes that it is neither
accounted for a miniscule share of the overall transport practical nor desirable to completely ban the development
fuel mix, comprising a mere 1 percent of total global and use of biofuels. While expansion entails substantial
transport fuel consumption in 2007, up from 0.4 percent economic and ecological risks, a rush to entirely reject
in 1990. In the case of Asia, in 2008, biofuels accounted biofuels forgoes significant opportunities to use biofuels
for 3 percent of the transport fuel mix. However, sustainably, improve land use and agriculture, and to
even at such a small scale, it is becoming evident that develop fossil fuel alternatives.
It is important to understand the Asian context in in Asia, and highlights the inherent risks and opportunities
evaluating the role and future of biofuels. Asia continues associated with their widespread production and use. It
to face persistent, broad challenges related to energy and focuses on liquid biofuels for transport, and includes some
environmental issues. More than half a billion Asians do not discussion of biofuels for power generation in decentralized
have access to modern forms of energy. A large increase contexts. However, the report does not undertake a
in petroleum use in recent years has led to a deterioration detailed evaluation of biofuels in comparison to other clean
of local air quality and increased levels of GHG emissions, energy supply options for power generation and transport.1
while rendering these countries increasingly dependent
on imported oil. Further, governments in Asia continually The report be used to inform the planning process
face challenges to increasing agricultural productivity and for possible activities funded by the U.S. Agency for
stimulating rural employment. International Development (USAID), and it is hoped
that it will help inform the decision-making of other US
The rapid expansion of biofuels in many countries agencies, multilateral development banks, and other USAID
poses significant challenges for policymaking. The issues development partners. The goal of the report is to serve
surrounding the expansion of biofuels production and as a resource for decision-makers and to contribute to the
utilization are complex and highly dependent on the type international debate surrounding biofuels development.
of crop, local circumstances, and production management It is not designed to provide prescriptive measures, but
systems. Biofuels do not lend themselves to easy rather to identify key issues and areas that deserve priority
generalizations. Most of the impacts are long-term and attention at the national, regional, and international levels.
carry a high degree of uncertainty. As policymakers develop
and implement national biofuels expansion plans, they
1.3 Approach and Methods
will need to contend with an environment of uncertainty,
polarized positions, and an ambiguous economic future. he report focuses on seven Asian countries: China,
Their priority should be to identify and promote India, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand,
approaches to biofuels production and utilization that and Vietnam.2 These countries either produce or
enhance energy access to the poor, reduce dependency plan to produce significant amounts of biofuels in the future.
on oil imports, and diversify markets and livelihoods in Singapore was also included in some analyses because of its
rural areas, and to reduce GHG emissions, while excluding importance as a regional processor and trader of biofuels.
approaches that undermine food security, degrade natural These countries are referred to as focus countries. The
resources, and impoverish their citizens. report seeks the answers to three primary questions:
source and simultaneously reduce net GHG emissions?
he purpose of this report is to provide an objective,
up-to-date, and comprehensive regional analysis • Under what conditions should the above biofuels be
summarizing the overall near- and long-term produced, distributed, and consumed in a manner that
advantages and disadvantages of biofuels development with avoids threats to biodiversity conservation; does not
respect to: addressing global climate change; promoting threaten food security; minimizes impacts on fuel prices,
biodiversity conservation; ensuring food security; supporting smallholders, and rural livelihoods; and addresses other
economic development; and supporting local livelihoods. economic, social, and environmental concerns?
Funded by USAID as part of its ECO-Asia Clean • Which priority interventions by USAID would be most
Development and Climate Program, this report analyzes useful in promoting sustainable production and markets
the current status and prospects for biofuels development for biofuels in Asia?
1 Readers interested in such an analysis are referred to: USAID, May 2007, From Ideas to Action: Clean Energy Solutions for Asia to Address Climate Change,
Bangkok, Thailand.
2 Six countries—China, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam—are the focus of the ECO-Asia CDCP. Malaysia and Singapore are not CDCP focus
countries but were included in this study because of their key role in the biofuels industry in Asia.
In order to address these questions, this report: and draw out implications for policymaking and program
planning. Readers interested in more in-depth information
• provides forecasts of petroleum fuel supply and
should refer to the many excellent reports and journal
demand trends;
articles produced on various biofuels topics in recent years
• synthesizes information on current biofuels production, by major international development agencies, donors,
trade, and expansion plans; research institutions, and university researchers. The authors
have relied extensively on these references and have cited
• estimates potential production and ability to meet them throughout the report.
national biofuels mandates;
highlights emerging best practices; ollowing this introduction, Section 2 analyzes
projected demand for petroleum fuels in Asia
• compares the sustainability potential of various during the period 2008-2030, and related impacts
biofuels feedstocks; on the environment and on national budgets and
households. Section 3 is a primer on biofuels and
• identifies country-level risks and opportunities; and
provides a description of various feedstocks and conversion
• develops policy guidelines for consideration by national, technologies. Section 4 provides an overview of the
regional, and international actors in Asia, specifically production and trade of biofuels, with a special focus
including a set of advisory needs for technical assistance on Asia and the current state-of-play with respect to
support by USAID. commercial actors in the biofuels marketplace. Section 5
estimates potential production that could be achieved from
Methods. The report was prepared through stakeholder wasted grain/crop, greater penetration of new biofuels
consultations in the focus countries, and an analysis of crops and advanced conversion technologies, and use of
data trends, key reports, and analyses relating to biofuels. underutilized lands. As part of the analysis, the production
From October through December 2008, the ECO-Asia potential is compared to the existing/proposed mandates
research team consulted with key biofuels stakeholders or targets for biofuels in the various countries to determine
(i.e., public agencies, research institutes, private sector whether they can be met.
actors, and trade associations) in the focus countries. In
parallel, researchers in each country collected and analyzed Section 6 explores the sustainability of large-scale
data on their domestic biofuels sector. Sector specialists deployment of biofuels, addressing a range of
developed background papers and analysis for specific environmental, economic, social, and technological issues.
sections. Overall, this report is based on meeting notes Section 7 describes policy guidelines and illustrative
from the in-country consultations and interviews; desk support mechanisms that are required to ensure that
reviews of key data sources, reports, and analyses produced biofuels development is sustainable. Section 8 evaluates
by the United Nations (UN) Food and Agriculture various biofuels feedstocks based on a set of sustainability
Organization (FAO), World Bank, Asian Development criteria. Section 9 summarizes and analyses stakeholder
Bank (ADB), the Organization for Economic Cooperation inputs and key issues for the focus countries. Section
and Development (OECD), and others; and email, phone, 10 describes a decision support framework for managing
and in-person interviews with subject matter experts and uncertainty related to the development of biofuels. Finally,
regional institutions that specialize in aspects of biofuels Section 11 provides a summary discussion and identifies
development and utilization. a set of priority areas for USAID to consider for future
technical assistance programs in the Asia region.
The report provides a comprehensive overview of relevant
technological, economic, social, and environmental issues,
but it is by no means an in-depth analysis. Its intent is to
provide an overview, highlight key conclusions or findings,
Future Demand
for Petroleum Fuels in Asia
his section estimates the expected impacts on national budgets. If future demand for transport fuel
from continuing the status quo with traditional follows the high growth scenario detailed in this section,
transport fuels in Asia. Six scenarios are presented governments will need to increase their present
for demand growth of gasoline and diesel fuel, followed subsidies by more than three-fold to maintain current
by a discussion of impacts on local air quality and GHG domestic fuel prices.
emissions, government expenditures, foreign exchange
reserves, and personal transportation costs.
2.1 Growth in Demand
for Gasoline and Diesel
Gasoline and diesel fuel demand in Asia is projected
to increase 15-350 percent by 2030, along with a he number of vehicles has increased rapidly over
concomitant increase in related GHG emissions. Fossil fuels the last decade in Asia in tandem with regional
used in transport currently contribute 5-48 percent of economic growth (Figure 1). Through 2035, under
total particulate matter in Asian cities. The need to import a business-as-usual scenario, total vehicles will double in
greater amounts of fossil fuels to meet increased demand major Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
for transport fuel is expected to place additional strains nations, triple in China, and grow five-fold in India.
400 700
Total Vehicles in Millions
Motorization Index
100 200
50 100
0 0
Total Vehicles (in millions) - (Left Axis) Motorized Index (Vehicles per 1000 persons) - (Right Axis)
Source: Fabian, 2008
Projections suggest that by 2030, overall transport fuel 2.2 EFFECTS ON LOCAL
demand in the focus countries could increase by AIR POLLUTANTS AND
15 percent to 350 percent depending on the scenario GREENHOUSE GAS EMISSIONS
(Figure 2 and Table 1). The low-growth scenario assumes
that demand for gasoline and diesel will increase at the rate missions of air pollutants such as nitrogen oxides
of population growth, estimated to range from 0.6 percent (NOx), sulfur oxides (SO2), hydrocarbons, and
(China and Vietnam) to 2 percent in the Philippines (US particulate matter (PM) are determined by the
Bureau of the Census, 2008). The medium-growth scenario chemistry of the fuels and the age and maintenance of the
is similar to the International Energy Agency’s (IEA) and engines in which they are combusted. Gasoline and diesel
US Energy Information Administration’s (USEIA) reference are associated with higher emissions of pollutants than
case, which projects annual demand growth at 3-4 percent compressed natural gas. The share of particulate matter, for
for non-OECD Asia, assuming global recovery from example, in megacities in Asia attributed to transportation,
the ongoing recession by late 2009 (USEIA, 2008a; IEA, based on series of source apportionment studies,2 is
2008b). In the high-growth scenario, demand increases by estimated to be between 5 and 48 percent of the total
approximately double the medium-growth rate or pollutant loads (Figure 3).
6-7 percent annually. Scenarios use demand in 2008 as
the baseline and escalate using the growth rates assumed Assuming that current fuel composition and engine
under each scenario.1 standards will persist into the future, the emission levels of
FIGURE 2. Projected Demand for Gasoline and Diesel in Focus Countries (2008-2030)
billions of liters
Source: USAID ECO-Asia Clean Development and Climate Program, 2009; Country level ministries and bureaus of statistics
1 Although there is growing evidence to suggest that global supplies may struggle to keep up with demand and may in fact decline in the next 20 years (Hallock et al.,
2004; USGAO, 2007), for simplicity, the scenarios assume an increase in global supply of petroleum through 2030 to meet growing demand. The projections also do
not assume changes in demand dynamics between fuels. In most focus countries, diesel demand is higher than gasoline demand, though some projections, such those
of the IEA, predict that with relative changes in the kind of vehicles within the country, overall demand dynamics may shift toward gasoline.
2 Data from ambient monitoring of PM was linked back to emission sources and pollutants through chemical and bio-marker analysis (includes statistical regression
analysis for source profiles). This allows for conclusions to be derived that a certain portion of the PM sample at the measured hot spot arrived from transport sector.
The estimates represent direct vehicular emissions and do not include fugitive dust from paved and unpaved roads due to the vehicular activity, which constitutes a
major part of the measured particulates, especially in the developing countries. It is important to note that the results presented in the Figure are based on monitoring
data (operated at limited capacity), and in reality, the exposure levels and period of transport related pollution is expected to be higher.
Actual Low Growth Scenario Medium Growth Scenario High Growth Scenario
COUNTRY Petrol Diesel Total Petrol Diesel Total Petrol Diesel Total Petrol Diesel Total
China 79.3 157.9 237.2 87.8 174.8 262.6 152.0 302.6 454.5 285.8 569.0 854.8
India 11.2 47.5 58.7 13.0 55.1 68.1 23.9 101.2 125.1 49.8 210.3 260.1
Indonesia 17.6 11.1 28.7 21.9 13.9 35.8 27.3 17.2 44.5 41.8 26.4 68.2
Malaysia 9.4 6.2 15.7 13.3 8.7 22.1 14.6 9.6 24.2 22.4 14.7 37.1
Philippines 4.3 5.8 10.1 6.2 8.4 14.7 8.2 11.1 19.3 15.4 20.9 36.2
Singapore 0.3 3.5 3.8 0.4 4.0 4.4 0.4 4.3 4.7 0.6 6.7 7.3
Thailand 4.7 16.7 21.4 5.2 18.3 23.5 5.9 20.7 26.7 9.1 31.9 41.0
Vietnam 4.4 7.6 12.0 5.2 9.1 14.2 9.3 16.3 25.6 19.3 33.8 53.2
Total 131.3 256.3 387.6 153.1 292.3 445.4 241.6 483.1 724.6 444.2 913.8 1,358.0
Beijing - 6% (2002)
local air pollutants in the future will increase in proportion oil price and level of government subsidy. Increases in
to future fuel use. However, initiatives are planned to consumer fuel prices affect individual households, and such
use cleaner-burning fuels and alter land-use and increases can provoke civil unrest, even leading to riots
transportation modes in many Asian cities (Fabian, 2008). (Howard, 2005). The proportion of household budgets
These measures can be expected to decrease emissions, taken up by fuel depends on the cost of gasoline or diesel
although increasing levels of overall fuel consumption, relative to wages. Future impacts on household budgets
and therefore overall emissions, would reverse these would depend on government policies, the price of oil, and
improvements to some extent. increase in wages due to economic growth.
Based on the scenarios for growth demand (Figure 2), A nation’s foreign exchange balance and government
GHG emissions in the focus countries are expected to outlays are not substantially affected if domestic oil
increase between 2008 and 2030 by 15 percent under production offsets demand increases. However, production
low growth, 112 percent under medium growth, and 350 in the focus countries is currently declining or not increasing
percent under high growth. If aggressive fuel efficiency and enough to offset demand (EIA, 2008b). Government
mass transportation programs were implemented, they subsidies increase proportionally with price and demand,
could significantly reduce emissions of pollutants in these and can have a major impact on nations’ balance sheets
Asian cities over the coming years. and debt levels. Several of the focus countries in recent
years have either reduced subsidies or proposed to reduce
2.3 EFFECTS ON FOREIGN them. At the same time, the degree of implementation
EXCHANGE AND BUDGETS and impact of these subsidies remains uncertain (US EIA,
2006, 2007a; Richardson, 2004). Assuming petroleum prices
etroleum consumption also affects individual and remain constant (based on late 2007 prices) and demand
national budgets, and the balance of trade for each follows the high-growth scenario to 2030, the cost of
country. The cost of diesel and gasoline to individuals subsidies to maintain the same domestic price will need to
in the focus countries depends greatly on the global more than triple.
Biofuels Fundamentals
3.1 Biofuels Production current and emerging production pathways and the
Pathways technical fundamentals of these categories. As Figure 4
shows, a variety of biomass feedstocks can be transformed
iofuels can be derived from any biological carbon into biofuels via different production pathways to produce
source, but photosynthetic plants are the most biodiesel, ethanol, butanol, methane, or other fuels; all are
commonly used feedstock. Biofuels are categorized the subject of ongoing research. Technologies to produce
into first-generation biofuels and advanced biofuels (second- first-generation fuels are mature but some feedstocks are
generation, third-generation, etc.). This chapter explains higher yielding than others: sugarcane, sugar beet, coconut,
First generation
Transesterification Biodiesel or
Oilseed Fats and Oils Renewable Diesel
Conventional alcohol
Sugar Sugars
Crops Ethanol, Butanol
Enzymatic hydrolysis
and fermentation
and oil palm are the highest yielding feedstocks. Wheat and Alcohol fuels
soybean are generally the lowest-yielding. Second and third The dominant, almost exclusive form of alcohol fuel
generation feedstocks are higher-yielding than most first- currently produced is ethanol. Other forms, such as
generation feedstocks but conversion technologies are still ethyl-tertiary-butyl-ether (ETBE) are blended with gasoline
prohibitively expensive and commercially unproven. but in much smaller volumes. Interest in alcohols with
longer carbon-chain structures, such as butanol, has
increased over the last few years but production is not
3.2 First-Generation Biofuels yet economically competitive.
he term first-generation biofuels generally refers to Ethanol is primarily produced through the anaerobic
fuels produced from agricultural crops grown for f fermentation of sugars, such as sucrose, fructose, and
ood and feed, and from new oilseed crops such glucose, in the presence of yeast (Figure 4). These sugars
as jatropha and pongamia. The technologies to produce can be extracted from crops such as sugarcane, sugar
these fuels are well developed and widely used, but with beets, and sweet sorghum, and can be directly converted
the possible exception of ethanol from sugarcane, are not to ethanol through fermentation. Sugars can also be
particularly energy-efficient, and, as discussed in Section extracted from starchy crops, such as feed grains, food
6, may have negative effects on food markets and the grains (e.g., corn and wheat), and tubers (e.g., potatoes and
environment (Runge and Senauer, 2007; Searchinger et cassava), but this requires the additional step of hydrolysis
al., 2008). Currently, the most common forms of first- to convert the starch into sugar by means of a high-
generation biofuels are ethanol (an alcohol) derived from temperature enzymatic process before fermentation into
grains or sugarcane, and biodiesel (an ester) derived from ethanol. This extra step adds to the production cost and
oils or fats, as shown in Figure 4. energy required.
Sorghum is a tropical cereal grass native to Africa. A hardy and drought-resistant crop, sorghum is the fifth most
common crop in the world, cultivated on some 42 million hectares worldwide. Sweet sorghum, a specific variety
of sorghum, has shown promise as an ethanol feedstock and compares favorably with sugarcane. Its cane-like stalks
can be crushed to produce juice with higher sugar content (15-23 percent) than sugarcane (15 percent). The silage
can be used as fodder or biomass fuel. It can be grown without irrigation on semi-arid lands unsuitable for many
other crops. It also requires much less water than sugarcane—as little as one-fourth, according to some estimates.
India’s Nimbkar Agricultural Research Institute (NARI) and the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-
Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) are researching the crop as a biofuel. In a single two-season growing year, an experimental
hybrid grown by NARI planted on one hectare yielded 2-4 tons of grain, 15-20 tons of dry bagasse, or 3,000-4,000
liters of ethanol (Nimbkar and Rajvanshi, 2003). The latter is close to India’s current ethanol yield from sugarcane.
Other cultivars have reported a wider range of yields, from 2,365 to 6,366 liters per hectare (Bennett et al, 2009).
ICRISAT’s experiments in Andhra Pradesh and in the Philippines achieved shorter cropping seasons and lower
production costs than sugarcane, with high yields of stalk (ICRISAT website).
Sweet sorghum has yet to be cultivated on a large commercial scale for ethanol production, so there are only
limited data on the relationship between crop yields, soil quality, and water requirements. Sweet sorghum may
prove to be an ideal feedstock. It is not in high demand in the global food market and, therefore, has a limited
impact on food prices. Like sugarcane, it is expected to significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, though this
has yet to be investigated fully.
Table 3. Planted Area,Yield, and Production for Selected Ethanol Feedstocks in Asia
Area Yield Total Production
Million hectares Metric tons/hectare Million metric tons
Sugarcane India 4.27 66.2 282.67
Sugarcane China 1.33 69.7 92.70
Sugarcane Thailand 1.02 57 58.14
Sugarcane Brazil 6.71 76.6 513.99
Cassava Thailand 1.09 19.3 21.04
Cassava Indonesia 1.62 14.5 23.49
Cassava Vietnam 0.39 14.7 5.73
Cassava India 0.13 8.8 1.14
Wheat China 22.9 4.1 93.89
Wheat India 26.2 2.7 70.74
Corn China 25.2 5 126.00
Corn Vietnam 0.94 3.6 3.38
Corn Thailand 1.05 3.9 4.10
Note: Values represent the average of data from 2005-2008; in most countries only a fraction of the total crop production is
used for ethanol production.
Fermentation produces ethanol containing a substantial more liters per hectare in this data, the numbers are global
amount of water. Distillation is needed to remove the averages, and yields can vary considerably.
majority of water, yielding about 95 percent pure ethanol,
5 percent water. This mixture is called hydrous ethanol. Table 3 shows variation in yields and total production
When all water is removed it is known as anhydrous and it by country and crop. For example, sugarcane yields vary
is suitable for blending into gasoline. The ethanol is usually substantially by country, and wheat yields in India are
“denatured,” often by the addition of a small amount of two-thirds of the yields in China. Yields have also improved
gasoline, which makes it unfit for human consumption. over time. For instance, in the US average corn yields are
Ethanol contains approximately 66 percent of the energy about 9.4 metric tons per hectare, up from about 6.3
provided by an equivalent amount of gasoline, but has a metric tons per hectare in the early 1980s.
higher octane level. When mixed with gasoline, it improves
performance and fuel combustion, lowering some air Ester fuels
pollutants. In response to health and safety claims regarding Biodiesel is a fatty acid methyl ester that is produced by the
a common oxygenate, methyl tertiary butyl ether (MTBE), transesterification of fats or oils. Transesterification removes
many countries have mandated the use of ethanol to water and contaminants from the oil and breaks apart
replace MTBE. Ethanol can be blended with gasoline up triglycerides by mixing it with an alcohol (usually methanol)
to 15 percent, but higher blends and pure ethanol require and a catalyst. This process produces esters (biodiesel) and
engine modification because ethanol is highly corrosive. glycerin. Feedstocks include oil seeds from annual crops
(e.g., soybeans and rapeseed), perennial crops (e.g., oil palm,
Sugarcane is the most production-efficient feedstock coconut, and jatropha), waste cooking oil, and fish and
among first-generation alcohols. It is a perennial grass that animal fats. Jatropha and pongamia are two first-generation,
grows in warm temperate to tropical climates and can be non-food feedstocks that are attracting a great deal of
harvested four or five times before reseeding. India, China, interest (See Box 2). They have been mostly deployed
and Thailand are among the top producers (FAOSTAT, on a small scale. Very little information is available on their
2008). Mills convert sugarcane into raw sugar, which is performance in large-scale plantations.
processed at a refinery into refined sugar, leaving cane
molasses and bagasse. Sugar, either raw, refined, or from Biodiesel has about 90 percent of the energy content
molasses, is directly fermented to produce alcohol. Modern of conventional diesel, but the fuel economies of both
plants co-fire the bagasse to generate electricity for the are comparable. Biodiesel’s higher oxygen content aids
plant and for sale to the electricity grid. in achieving complete fuel combustion, thereby reducing
emissions of particulate air pollutants, carbon monoxide,
Overall biofuels feedstock productivity is best represented and hydrocarbons. It is generally used in a 5 percent blend
by liters of ethanol per hectare produced, which is the in conventional diesel (B5), though it can be used in blends
product of the liters of ethanol per ton of feedstock and of up to 20 percent (B20) in standard diesel engines and as
the total tons of feedstock produced per hectare. The most pure biodiesel (B100) in modified engines.
productive feedstocks on a per-hectare basis are sugar beet
and sugarcane, followed by sweet sorghum (See Box 1). On a liters-per-hectare basis, oil palm is on average one
Corn, rice, and wheat are less productive. The theoretical of the highest yielding feedstocks, followed by coconut
yield of ethanol from one ton of sucrose is 617 liters; (Table 4). Jatropha and rapeseed have moderate yields,
currently this amount is typically reduced to about 530 and soybean and sunflower have relatively low yields.
liters after production losses. In Brazil, where production
efficiencies are among the world’s highest, sugarcane yields Because yields depend on local growing conditions and
an average of 73.5 ton per hectare, and 75 liters of ethanol practices (see Table 5), some countries have higher
are produced from one ton of sugarcane (FAO, 2008). This productivities for certain biodiesel crops than others.
results in more than 5,500 liters of ethanol per hectare. This influences the types of feedstocks best suited to a
Table 2 shows ethanol yields per ton and per hectare for particular country. For instance, China is not well-suited
various feedstocks. While sugar beet is shown to produce to growing palms. Similarly, Malaysia has achieved slightly
As an energy crop, jatropha has made headlines. A perennial shrub native to Central America, it is drought-tolerant,
grows well on marginalized land, and needs only moderate rainfall (between 300 and 1,000 mm per year). It is
easy to establish, can help reclaim eroded land, and grows quickly. These characteristics appeal to many developing
countries concerned about diminishing tree cover and soil fertility, especially those looking for an energy crop that
will not compete with food crops. After as little as two years, jatropha produces seeds that contain 30-40 percent
oil by kernel weight.
Jatropha’s positive attributes have led to numerous projects for large-scale oil and/or biodiesel production, as well
as small-scale rural development. Governments and international investors are cultivating it in Asia and Africa. The
largest venture is part of India’s proposed policy to replace 20 percent of diesel demand with biodiesel from jatropha.
Plans call for jatropha to be cultivated on 10 million hectares of wasteland, generating year-round employment for 5
million people, although reportedly, only a fraction of the pilot-phase of 400,000 hectares is currently under cultivation
(Gonsalves, 2006; Francis et al., 2005; John, 2008). Despite considerable investment, reliable scientific data are not
available on the agronomy of jatropha. The evidence available shows a wide range of yields (anywhere from 464 to
2,470 liters per hectare), and it is difficult to correlate these yields with relevant parameters such as soil fertility and
water use (Foidl, et al, 1996; de Fraiture et al, 2008; Prueksakorn and Gheewala, 2008). The exact nature of these
inputs has not been determined for much of the land envisioned for jatropha production.
At a small scale on marginalized lands jatropha cultivation can help with soil and water conservation, reclamation,
and erosion control, and can be used for fences, firewood, green manure, lighting fuel, soap, insecticides, and
medicine. Therefore, jatropha on a small, localized level may be suitable because the economic drive to achieve
the highest possible yields is less of a factor, although it is still important to conduct and disseminate research on
crop agronomy to optimize growing conditions on marginalized lands. On the other hand, the viability of jatropha
planted on marginalized land at a commercial scale is questionable because marginalized land is often remote, with
little infrastructure, and experience indicates that because yields are lower under conditions of low soil fertility and
water, jatropha may not be economic on marginalized lands (Jongschaap et al., 2007). The rush to develop jatropha
on the basis of unrealistic expectations may not only lead to financial losses, but also may undermine confidence
among local communities. If jatropha is to become a practical biofuels feedstock, more research is needed on
suitable germplasm and yields under various conditions and scales, and markets need to be established to promote
sustainable development of the crop.
higher productivity in oil palm compared to Indonesia, even is attractive since current production pathways cannot
though Indonesia has a much larger planted area. utilize the majority of plant material, which includes
cellulose, hemi-cellulose, and lignin. Lignocellulose can also
be obtained from planted trees and shrubs (e.g., willow,
3.3 Second-Generation
eucalyptus) and dedicated short-rotation grasses
(e.g., switch grass and miscanthus, also known as elephant
iofuels from non-food sources, specifically grown grass). Utilizing a greater proportion of above-ground
as energy crops, are commonly referred to as plant material allows for higher production per unit of
second-generation (also referred to as cellulosic) land area. Second-generation technologies also boast
biofuels. Cellulosic technologies utilize the vast amount improved GHG and energy balances—both in terms
of woody biomass available, including agricultural and of feedstock development and conversion technologies—
forest waste and residues, and municipal solid waste. and do not compete with food in the same way as
The promise of harvesting these feedstocks for fuels first-generation feedstocks.
Table 5. Planted Area,Yield, and Total Production for Selected Biodiesel Feedstocks in Asia
Note: Yields averaged between 2005 and 2008. Because jatropha is currently deployed on a small-scale, statistics on planted area and total production
are not available. In most countries only a fraction of the total crop production is used for biodiesel production.
Cellulosic fuels are derived by one of two main pathways The thermochemical pathway, also known as biomass-
(Figure 4): to-liquids (BtL), has an advantage over the biochemical
pathway in that it converts all the organic parts of biomass,
• Biochemical: in which enzymatic hydrolysis and lignin including the lignin—not just complex sugars—and
conversion use enzymes and other microorganisms produces a wide range of fuels, including replacements
to convert cellulose and hemi-cellulose into sugars for gasoline and diesel and high-density fuels suitable for
via saccharification, which are then ready for alcohol aviation and marine purposes. Many of the equipment
fermentation. components needed for biofuels production are
commercially ready since they are already used in fossil fuel
• Thermochemical: in which one of two processes— applications. Commercial production of thermochemical
gasification or pyrolysis—is used to produce fuels: biofuels is possible within 5-10 years with adequate
demonstration (Larson, 2008). Its main disadvantages are
–– In gasification, biomass is reacted at high temperatures high start-up and maintenance costs and the need for
(upwards of 700 degrees Celsius) with controlled large quantities of feedstock to reach optimal operational
amounts of oxygen or steam to produce a synthesis efficiencies (Gomez, et al., 2008). The Fischer-Tropsch route
gas or “syngas,” which is carbon monoxide and could produce 75-200 liters of synthetic diesel per dry
hydrogen. Syngas can be converted via what is known metric ton of biomass and syngas-to-ethanol could yield
as the Fischer-Tropsch process to produce synthetic 120-160 liters of fuel per dry metric ton (IEA, 2008b). In
fuels such as synthetic diesel, gasoline, aviation fuel, and terms of fuel yield per hectare, switchgrass, for example,
hydrogen. Dimethyl ether (DME) can also be produced used to produce BtL fuels would yield 390-2220 liters of
from syngas, and can replace fossil fuel-based DME, fuel per hectare, depending on switchgrass yields and the
liquid petroleum gas (LPG), cooking fuel, and diesel. BtL pathway used. Similarly, oil palm residues could result in
340-900 liters of fuel per hectare, in addition to biodiesel
–– In pyrolysis, the biomass is heated in the absence of produced from the oil palm fruit.
oxygen to produce organic liquids which must then
undergo considerable refining to be used in engines.
3.4 Third-Generation Biofuels
In the case of the biochemical pathway, which produces hird-generation biofuels are obtained from feedstock
lignocellulosic ethanol, breakthroughs are needed in the with better sustainability properties than second-
research and engineering of microorganisms designed generation biofuels. Currently, the most promising
to process specific feedstocks in addition to large-scale feedstock comes from microalgae, photosynthetic
demonstrations to prove commercial viability. Ongoing microorganisms of less than 0.4 mm in diameter that
research and development (R&D) is underway to isolate use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce algal
and identify enzymes that can be used in the biochemical biomass (Chisti, 2008). Algae can grow in ponds or photo
pathway to separate and digest lignin. Some 10-20 years bioreactors, or in hybrid systems that combine the two
are probably required before commercial production approaches, thus avoiding the need to use arable land.
could begin on a substantial scale (Larson, 2008). Enzyme A photo bioreactor is essentially a bioreactor which
hydrolysis could be expected to produce up to 300 liters incorporates a light source that the algae cycle through.
of ethanol per dry metric ton of biomass (IEA, 2008b). Because these are closed systems, carbon dioxide, nutrient-
Yields in liters per hectare depend on the metric tons rich water and light must be supplied. Water to grow
of dry biomass produced per hectare. Switchgrass, for algae can also be non-potable groundwater or municipal
example, would produce roughly 1,000-3,000 liters of wastewater, which circumvents the demand for fresh water
ethanol per hectare, and sugarcane residues could produce by first-generation—and second-generation—biofuels.
4,000-6,000 liters of ethanol per hectare. In the case of
sugarcane, this is in addition to the ethanol produced There are well over 100,000 species of algae, and some
directly from the plant sugars. microalgae are much richer in oil than food crops currently
used to produce biodiesel, and have extremely high rates liters of microalgae biodiesel per hectare, nearly 20 times
of efficiency in converting natural sunlight and CO2 into the value of the next highest producing crop, oil palm,
fuel. For some species of algae, 80 percent or more of the which generates approximately 4,900 liters per hectare
dry weight of the algae’s biomass can be recovered as oil, (Chisti, 2008). Despite its remarkable promise, current cost
compared to 5 percent for some food crops (Chisti, 2007). estimates to produce oil from algae range from $2.20 to
In favorable conditions, microalgae grow very fast, doubling $22 per liter (Pate and Hightower, 2008). Further research
their mass within 24 hours to produce about 1.5 kg of is needed to make algae a viable commercial option.
algae biomass per cubic meter per day (Sanchez Miron, et (See Section 6.4 for additional discussion on specific
al., 1999). Assuming an oil yield of 30 percent of the dry technology challenges.)
weight of algae biomass, a hectare could produce 98,000
ver the past five years, the biofuels industry has 4.1 Production Trends and
experienced a brief period of explosive growth Key Producers
followed by a recent slump. Rapid growth in the
US and EU biofuels sectors spurred similar growth lobal production of biofuels tripled between
in Asia, and many Asian countries have now set targets 2004 and 2008, and an estimated 77 billion liters
and mandates to continue to increase their biofuels of ethanol and 12 billion liters of biodiesel were
production. Despite this growth, trade tariffs and a general produced worldwide in 2008 (OECD-FAO, 2008). In Asia,
lack of surplus production in Asia have kept trade volumes in response to policy incentives and favorable economics,
low. This section presents an overview of production production of biofuels grew five-fold, from just over 2 billion
trends and major producers; key international policies liters in 2004 to almost 12 billion liters in 2008. Notably,
driving biofuels expansion, trade, and investments; and the biodiesel production went from virtually zero in 2004 to
current commercial status of the industry. close to 1.8 billion liters by 2008 (Table 6). With these
Note: CPO = crude palm oil. Because official Chinese figures for biodiesel production were not available for 2008, 2007 levels were used. Ethanol figures
represent total ethanol production. It is estimated that in most countries, fuel ethanol is one quarter to one third of the total production. OECD-FAO (2008) was
chosen to ensure uniformity of data assumptions and data quality. Country level biofuels production estimates are available. However, they differ significantly from
the OECD-FAO data. For example, OECD-FAO and the Ministry of Energy, Thailand, report biodiesel production in Thailand in 2008 to be 48 million liters and
400 million liters, respectively. Moreover, within a country official production figures differed. For example, two official sources within the Philippines estimated
biodiesel production in 2008 to be 91 and 393 million liters, respectively, compared to an OECD-FAO estimate of 211 million liters. Readers are advised to treat
these production volumes as relative values between the countries rather than absolute values.
dramatic increases, biofuels account for roughly 3 percent in Section 4.2). It is estimated that many plants in
of the total transport fuel mix in Asia, based on data from Indonesia and Malaysia have either shut down completely
country ministries and OECD-FAO (2008). or are operating at 10-15 percent capacity (GSI, 2008c).
ethanol production in the world. The EU produces more ational policies and targets drive biofuels
than half the world’s biodiesel, followed by the United production by providing a support framework
States and Brazil. In Asia, India and China produce the and incentives. Brazil began ethanol expansion in
majority of ethanol, and Indonesia and Malaysia are the the 1970s with tax and financial incentives for sugarcane.
largest biodiesel producers. Indonesia surpassed Malaysia Although Brazil has since scaled back subsidies, mandates
in 2008 to become the world’s largest palm oil producer and the favorable economics of production allow for
at 18 billion liters; together, these two countries produce a thriving domestic market and large export capacity.
more than 80 percent of the world’s palm oil (Naylor, Mandates and targets established for biofuels in the EU and
2007; OECD-FAO, 2008). In terms of the finished product, US expanded domestic production and led other countries
Malaysia and Indonesia together manufactured roughly 1.2 to establish policies and incentives to pursue similar
billion liters of biodiesel in 2008, making them the world’s increases in biofuels production.
fourth and fifth largest producers, respectively (OECD,
2008). Roughly 10 percent of all palm oil is used for The EU Biofuels Directive of 2003, in particular, catalyzed
biodiesel production. the market by setting ambitious goals to promote biofuels
and bioenergy, although revisions since then have created
The ongoing economic downturn and low oil prices can be uncertainty in the marketplace. The EU originally set targets
expected to have a dampening effect on overall demand for biofuels to be 5.75 percent of transport demand by
for biofuels. In addition, the EU-imposed embargo on 2010 and 10 percent by 2020. High subsidies offered
import of palm biodiesel from Southeast Asia can also be to biodiesel caused production to rise rapidly. By 2004,
expected to lower biodiesel production in Asia (discussed biofuels projects, especially biodiesel produced using
China 3%
Brazil India 1%
32% Thailand 1%
Oceania 1%
European Other North
and Central America 2%
Other South America 1%
low-cost oil palm, sprouted up throughout Southeast Asia Countries in Asia are also instituting policies and incentives
because Europe’s aggressive policies were expected to lead to increase demand for, and production of, biofuels. For
to a shortage in biodiesel production capacity in the EU. example, Thailand established tax exemptions for ethanol
that resulted in a 23-fold increase in consumption in 2005
The EU has since reconsidered its mandates. Currently, EU alone (Elder et al., 2008). Table 7 summarizes the current
targets aim to increase the share of biofuels in transport blending rates, targets, and other incentives in the focus
energy to 5 percent by 2015, of which 4 percent will come countries and other relevant markets.
from agricultural biofuels and the remaining will come from
other transport fuel alternatives. There will be an extensive
4.3 Trade
review of biofuels targets in 2014 to assess how to set
and achieve the 2020 target of 10 percent biofuels. In lobal trade in biofuels is currently low; only about
addition, agricultural first-generation biofuels will only count one-tenth of the volume of biofuels produced is
toward the target if they meet strict sustainability standards. internationally traded (Kojima et al., 2007). Sources
Biofuels must provide a minimum of 45 percent GHG that track ethanol trade do not always differentiate between
savings compared to fossil fuels—a figure that is expected ethanol for fuel versus non-fuel uses, since tariffs are the
to rise to 60 percent by 2015—subject to a review in same. In the analysis of trade figures below, fuel ethanol is
2014. This figure is much higher than the 35 percent savings assumed to be 40-50 percent of the total amount of traded
originally proposed. ethanol, although in the case of China, two-thirds to three-
quarters of ethanol traded is estimated to be related to the
Under the 2007 US Energy Independence and Security Act, beverage industry (OECD, 2008b).
the Renewable Fuel Standard mandated a blend of 10.21
percent ethanol (42 billion liters annually) with gasoline by World ethanol trade was about 5 billion liters in 2006, with
2009 and introduced subsidies for biodiesel. The long-term an estimated 3 billion liters traded annually in 2006 and
goal is to expand ethanol use to 36 billion gallons (136 2007 (OECD, 2008a). At 3.5 billion liters annually, Brazil
billion liters) annually by 2022. Half of the 2022 goal is to is the largest exporter (OECD, 2008a). At 1 billion liters
come from advanced biofuels (such as cellulosic fuels) annually, China is the second largest exporter, and exports
that carry a GHG reduction of 50 percent or more (EPA, ethanol from corn and wheat mainly to Japan, South Korea,
2008). Other targets in the act include: (1) reducing GHG and other Asian countries. Consumption targets make
intensity by 18 percent from 2002 to 2012, (2) replacing the United States the world’s largest ethanol importer. It
30 percent of transport fuel with biofuels by 2030, and accounted for more than half of global ethanol imports
(3) reducing gasoline consumption by 20 percent by 2017 in 2006, with more than half of that from Brazil. The EU is
through tighter fuel standards. However, the EIA predicts the the second-largest importer, and also sources most of its
US will fall well short of this target and critics have called for imports from Brazil.
rollbacks on corn subsidies given that almost a third of the
US corn crop is already being diverted to ethanol. The 2008 The global biodiesel trade accounted for about 12 percent
Farm Bill reduced the tax credit for corn-based ethanol of total biodiesel production in 2007. The EU and the
from US$0.51 to US$0.45 per gallon (capping the credit at US account for the bulk of this trade. The US, Malaysia,
15 billion gallons per year) and introduced a tax credit of and Indonesia are the largest exporters of biodiesel. The
US$1.01 per gallon for cellulose-based ethanol starting in EU is the largest importer, at more than 1.1 billion liters.
2009 (US DOE, 2008). Several US states have established The US imported large amounts of biodiesel for re-export
biofuels mandates; others are considering them. There also to Europe because of a tax loophole that allowed for a
exists a long-standing biodiesel tax credit of $1.00 per gallon, blending credit of $1 per gallon. However, Congress closed
regardless of the feedstock, established in 2004, which was the so-called “splash and dash” loophole in 2008.1
recently extended through December 31, 2009. Indonesia and Malaysia exported about 800 million liters
1 “Splash and dash” arose from a loophole in which US refiners imported biodiesel to blend with a “splash” of diesel to receive the $ 1.00 per gallon tax credit,
then “dash” the resultant B99 biodiesel blend to foreign markets, particularly Europe. Most of the biodiesel originated from Argentina and some from Indonesia.
Biodiesel exports from Argentina crumbled at the end of 2008 as a direct consequence of this loophole being closed in May 2008. Now the credit is only offered to
biodiesel that is manufactured and consumed in the US.
Current Future
Country Blend Rate Mandates or Targets Import Tariffs
Ethanol Biodiesel Ethanol Biodiesel
China E10 in 5 N/A Increase to Increase to Ethanol: Tax Denatured ethanol: ad
provinces 3 MMT/yr by 300,000 MT/ exemption, valorem 80%
and 27 cities 2010, 10 MMT/ yr by 2010, 2 guaranteed pricing
Undenatured: ad valorem
yr by 2020 MMT/yr by
Biodiesel: R & D 100%
funding Biodiesel: ad valorem 20%
India E5 in select B2.5, B5 Proposed: 20% biofuels in the Tax credits, subsidies Denatured ethanol: 253%-
states transport mix by 2017; 11.2 mil ha for inputs, loans 605%
of jatropha planted and matured Undenatured ethanol: 52%
by 2012 (not yet law)
Indonesia E5 B5 E5 by 2010 B10 by 2010, Total subsidy for No harmonized tariff rates
E10 by 2015 B15 by2015, biofuels: 33 trillion
Ethanol: Ad valorem 200%,
IDR; loan subsidies
E15 by 2025 B20 by 2025 Specific $1.078/L
Thailand E10 B5 3 ML used per B2 Tax breaks for Denatured ethanol: 2.5baht/L
E20 day by 2011; nationwide by ethanol; Exemption Undenatured: 80 baht /L
increased to 9 April 2008, B5 of 0.5-baht/L Biodiesel: ad valorem 5%
ML used per by 2011, B10 for biodiesel;
Ban on palm oil imports
day by 2022; by 2012 government R&D
minimum E10 by
US Range of Range of Use of 9 billion gallons of ethanol Ethanol Excise Tax Ethanol: ad valorem 2.5% +
blends blends in gasoline in 2008, up to 11.1 Credit of $0.45/ $0.54 per gallon
billion gallons in 2009; proposed gal to blenders; Biodiesel: ad valorem 6.5%
increase to 36 billion gallons by biodiesel blending
2022 credit of US$1/ gal
EU Range of Range of 5.75% of transportation fuel 45€/ha payment to Biodiesel: ad valorem duty
blends blends replaced with biofuels by 2010, energy crops grown of 6.5% Ethanol: import
on non-set-aside tariff of €0.192/L (60%
10% by 2020, 20% by 2030
land advalorem); subject to
sustainability criteria
Brazil E20 and up B3 Mandatory Minimum B3 No direct subsidies 20% advalorem tariff on
by July 2008; ethanol (waived in case of
E 20-25
B5 by 2011 shortage)
Sources: APEC, 2008; IGES, 2008; FAO, 2008; Accenture, 2008; FAO, 2008
Note: CPO = crude palm oil; B# = percent of biodiesel mixed with conventional diesel; E# = percent of ethanol mixed with gasoline;
MMT = million metric tons; ML = million liters; ha = hectares
of the 1.3 billion liters of biodiesel traded in 2007 However, several barriers will need to be addressed.
(OECD, 2008a). Trade opportunities are limited because many countries
have established tariffs to protect their agriculture and
Historically, biofuels trade opportunities have been limited biofuels industries. Import tariffs are relatively low in
owing to the small competitive margin. In many countries, OECD countries, but high subsidies protect domestic
local biofuels production costs are often higher than production at the expense of lower-cost Asian producers.
import-parity prices for biofuels (e.g., Thailand) and Other countries specifically restrict the biofuels trade.
equivalent petroleum fuels. Few countries other than Brazil For example, the EU effectively cut off oil palm growers
have had the potential to be large exporters of ethanol or in Malaysia and Indonesia by introducing sustainability
other biofuels (Kojima et al., 2007). The US and the EU criteria, and Thailand banned palm oil imports to encourage
have focused on production for domestic consumption. local production.3
Many countries that have set relatively high targets and Trade prospects within Asia are also limited. Import tariffs
mandates will be unable to meet their ambitious targets are generally high (Table 7). To encourage its own biofuels
from domestic production alone.2 For example, although industry, India has the region’s highest import tariffs.
the EU is a large producer of biodiesel, meeting its mandates Japan and Korea will likely remain Asia’s main importers.4
will continue to require significant imports (Murphy, 2007). Moreover, land and environmental constraints (discussed in
Tropical and subtropical countries can produce lower-cost Section 5 and Section 6) will mean that only a limited
biofuels because of greater land availability, ideal growing number of countries would have any surplus to trade.
conditions, and lower labor costs. Because of these ideal
production conditions, there could be a renewed push
towards stimulating global trade in biofuels.
2 China, for example, is investing in Chinese-owned facilities in other countries, such as the Philippines, as a way of acquiring new sources of supply.
3 The World Trade Organization (WTO) has no plans to address biofuels trade barriers.
4 Although the Kyoto Protocol has not dealt with the biofuels trade, new trade opportunities may need to be pursued if multilateral commitments on
climate change are expanded.
Potential Production
of Biofuels in Asia
his section presents an evaluation of the potential 5.1 Production from
for biofuels production in Asia. The first analysis Wasted grain/Crops
develops estimates for the potential production
volumes that can be achieved if all the crop production n most agricultural contexts, a proportion of harvested
that is currently lost on site during harvest (referred to as food grains and crops are wasted due to inefficiencies
“wasted grain/crop”) were converted into ethanol using in collection, processing, and transportation. Kim and
current technologies. The analysis indicates that wasted grain/ Dale (2004) estimate that for Asia, about 1-7 percent of
crop, if recovered, can be converted into significant amounts various crops are wasted. Waste is highest for maize (7.1
of ethanol—ranging from 28 million liters to 5.3 billion liters percent), and relatively low for the sugarcane (1.1 percent).
annually—depending on the crop mix and the total extent This wasted crop is suitable for ethanol production.
of agricultural activity in each focus country. The second
analysis estimates ethanol and biodiesel production potential Estimates of total ethanol volumes that could be produced
over the next three decades from different feedstocks under in each country from wasted crop were developed
various scenarios of land availability, agricultural yields, and using data on harvested area, crop production, and yields
residue utilization rates. Results of the analysis indicate that for various food crops and cereals obtained from FAO’s
biofuels production by countries in the region can meet database and from national ministries in each focus
between 3 and 14 percent of total transport fuel demand in country.1 Equation 1 presented in Box 3 was used
these countries. The extent to which production expansion to make the calculations. The results presented in
materializes is contingent on infrastructure, processing Table 8 suggests that significant amounts of ethanol can
facilities, and a significant expansion in feedstock production. be produced from grain/crops that are currently wasted.
Additionally, estimates of available land are uncertain and may The amount varies from 28 million liters annually in
be imprecise. In reality, land classified as “underutilized” or Malaysia to 5.3 billion liters annually in China, and is
“degraded” may not be available. This assessment also does determined by the crop mix and the total extent of
not account for water availability, a factor that could severely agricultural activity in each country.
constrict the production of biofuels, particularly in India and
China (see Section 6). Ethanol production from wasted grain/crops—when
expressed in terms of the percent of current overall
These potential production volumes are then compared gasoline demand in the country—ranges from a low of less
with volumes required under the national mandates and than 1 percent in Malaysia to nearly 24 percent in India.
targets that have been announced by the countries in order Ethanol from wasted grain/crops could also address
to estimate the extent to which the focus countries will be a significant percentage of current transport fuel demand
able to meet these mandates and targets. Not surprisingly, in Thailand and Vietnam. It should be noted that it is
China and India have the greatest production potential since unlikely that 100 percent of the wasted grain/crops can be
they possess the most available land, but neither country recovered owing to logistical and cost challenges, and thus
is projected to be able to meet its respective biodiesel the results presented here should be considered the outer
mandate. China, India, Thailand, and Vietnam are expected boundary of what may be feasible.
to meet their ethanol mandates with steady growth in
production but only Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines
are expected to meet their biodiesel targets.
1 These data were then averaged over the period from 2001 to the most recent year for which data were available, in order to minimize year-to-year variation.
5.2 Production from the lands would be designated for biofuels and, even then,
Underutilized Lands and with varying levels of productivity. The combined ranges of
Second-Generation land utilization and expected yield form the basis for the low,
Technologies medium, and high estimates in the final results.
The potential for biofuels production in 2009-2030 and Scenario Two examines the potential for cellulosic ethanol
beyond depends on a combination agricultural feedstocks, production using advanced enzymatic hydrolysis and
cultivated areas, and processing technologies. This analysis fermentation of cellulosic residues from current agricultural
focuses primarily on two scenarios for increasing biofuels crops including maize, rice, sorghum, wheat, and sugarcane.
production over the next three decades. More detailed However, to reflect the difficulty in collecting and transporting
description of the calculations used for these scenarios is such an enormous quantity of low-value biomass, it is
presented in Box 3. assumed that only small fractions of available residues
would be processed, resulting in the low, medium, and high
Scenario One examines biofuels production potential from estimates in the final results.
new, currently “underutilized” lands that support targeted,
high-yielding first generation crops including sugarcane, Significant R&D is taking place on new processing technologies
cassava, and sweet sorghum for ethanol, and oil palm, such as gasification and pyrolysis, as well as on new biofuels
coconut, and jatropha for biodiesel. This analysis assumes feedstocks such as microalgae and non-commercialized
no use of existing agricultural land. The land sources for native plant species. However, since these technologies are
these crops, variously defined in the literature as open not expected to be commercial in the near term (5-10
land, barren land, wasteland, area available for afforestation/ years), it is most likely that countries in Asia will prioritize
pasture, or simply “other” land, are not expected to be as implementation of the scenarios outlined here due to their
productive as currently cultivated croplands. Because these reliance on well-established or rapidly expanding agricultural
lands will likely be cultivated as demand for food, feed, and feedstocks, and the desire to reduce the risk for farmers in
fiber grows, this analysis assumes that only a fraction of the near term (Sims et al., 2008).
Table 9 presents the assumptions about crop mix, area (2003) or from country-specific sources, depending on
planted, yield, and the percentage of available residue that which were more conservative.
is processed that were used to generate the low, medium,
and high estimates for production under each scenario. The It is expected that some of these underutilized lands will
scenarios outlined below can be realized independently or be brought under cultivation in the near future to meet
in conjunction due to their reliance on different agricultural the food, feed, and fiber demands of a growing population.
feedstocks and cultivated areas. Additionally, some of this land is expected to be unusable
for cultivating any crops, regardless of their use. Therefore,
The implementation of Scenario One, based on existing calculations for Scenario One assume only 1 percent, 2.5
processing technologies, can begin almost immediately percent, or 5 percent of the total available lands for the low,
with appropriate policies and capital expenditures (and medium, and high ranges.
is underway in many countries). In contrast, Scenario Two
relies on advances in cellulosic ethanol technologies that Crop-Mix and Planting-Ratios
delay implementation for 10 years. The biofuels potential When expanding cultivated areas with the explicit intent
presented in this study could follow many different of growing crops for biofuels, it is prudent to prioritize
development paths. Figure 6 shows a path representing crops with high-energy yields per hectare. Based on crops
the most aggressive pursuit of the two scenarios. included in national strategies for various countries and
published assessments by regional bodies such as Asia-
Pacific Economic Cooperation (Milbrant and Overend,
SCENARIO ONE 2008b; OECD-FAO, 2008), this study selected six crops
Area Coverage for expansion into underutilized lands.
Land classifications and related data for Scenario One were
obtained from multiple sources, namely the FAO database Table 11 lists the crop-mix for each country under
(FAOSTAT), Bhattacharya et al. (2003), and national Scenario One.
ministry or country databases in the focus countries where
available, and compared. The different sources vary in terms Numerous biophysical factors influence the success of a
of their definitions and estimates for underutilized land in crop on a parcel of land, including soil type and quality,
each country (Table 10).2 Total available land values for water availability, and climate. The exact crop ratios and
each country were taken from either Bhattacharya et al. priorities for each country will likely differ from what
Table 9. Scenarios for Modeling Production Potential on Underutilized Lands and for
Second-Generation Biofuels
Scenario 1: High-yielding Ethanol: sugarcane, cassava, 1%, 2.5%, or 5% of 10th, 20th, or 30th percentile
first generation crops on and sweet sorghum. underutilized lands to reflect of current yields to reflect
underutilized lands quality and competition lower productivity of
Biodiesel: oil palm, coconut, concerns of available lands potentially degraded lands
and jatropha
Scenario 2: Cellulosic Ethanol: maize, rice, 5%, 10%, or 15% of existing Current average agricultural
ethanol from grain and sorghum, sugarcane, and crop lands to reflect yields
sugarcane crop wheat inherent challenges to
residues from existing transporting residues, and
agricultural lands soil fertility concerns
2 For example, in the case of China, estimates of available land vary from 75 million hectacres to more than 300 million hectacres. Similarly, in the case of the Philip-
pines, estimates of available land vary from 300,000 to more than 5 million hectares.
General Timeline
Scenario 1:
Biofuel Crops LOW MED HIGH
Scenario 2:
Crop Residues LOW MED HIGH
is presented here. Without knowing the location and the six target crops—cassava, sugarcane, oil palm, and
condition of underutilized lands, these crop ratios coconut—for each country. These calculations are based
are assumed to be distributed over available land for on a dataset from Monfreda et al. (2008) called the
several target crops. “M3 cropland dataset,” which combines roughly 22,000
agricultural censuses reporting units from around the
Yields world with a recent map of global croplands, thereby
Using the methodology in Johnston et al. (2009), estimates producing spatial yield and area coverage maps for
of biofuels yield per hectare were calculated for four of 175 crops. Using this methodology, accurate yield ranges
were calculated as opposed to using a single number
Table 10. Land Classifications and for each country-crop combination.3 For this study, the
Estimates of Available Land in Focus Countries tenth-, twentieth- or thirtieth-percentile biofuels yields
(1000 hectares) reflect varying levels of productivity on newly cultivated
lands, and correspond to the low, medium, and high
COUNTRY Available Land Source estimates in Scenario One. The lower-than-average
values reflect the potentially lower quality of the lands in
China 75,000 Bhattacharya et al. 2003
question. Yield estimates for sweet sorghum and jatropha,
India 14,200 Bhattacharya et al. 2003 two crops that are not widely commercialized and not
included in the FAO or M3 datasets, were compiled
Data from
Indonesia 16,669 from a variety of references.4
Country Ministries
3 The M3 cropland datasets record area coverage and yield performance for circa the year 2000, averaged over several prior and subsequent years to minimize variability.
The base year of this study is 2010. Using FAO yield trends for each crop-country combination, M3 cropland yields were extrapolated to 2010.
4 Multiple-year results from six different cultivars of sweet sorghum-based ethanol were averaged in Bennett et al. (2009), with a reported maximum ethanol yield
of 6,366 liters per hectare, a minimum of 2,365 liters per hectare, and an average of 4,112 liters per hectare. Reported jatropha-biodiesel yields ranged from a
maximum of 2,470 liters per hectare to a minimum of 464 liters per hectare across three sources (Foidl et al., 1996; de Fraiture et al., 2008; Prueksakorn and
Gheewala, 2008). However, one source cited a much lower maximum yield of approximately 1,500 liters per hectare, which was used for this analysis to maintain
conservative estimates (de Fraiture et al., 2008). To remain consistent with the above ranges of potential crop yields, the minimum value in each case was chosen
as the tenth-percentile yield, 75 percent of the maximum reported yield was chosen as the thirtieth-percentile yield, and the average of the two was used as the
twentieth-percentile biofuels yield.
Table 11. Crop-mix and Planting-ratio Assumed for Expansion on Underutilized Land
Coconut 50%
Table 12. Area of Existing Croplands Used to Calculate Biofuels Potential from Crop Residues
(1,000 hectares)
SCENARIO TWO low value and high volume of agricultural wastes, collection
Area and Crop-Mix and processing is only expected to be profitable in certain
Scenario 2 is based on five staple crops—maize, rice, agriculturally dense areas. In addition, some portion of the
sorghum, sugarcane, and wheat—and the ability to process crop residues needs to be tilled back into the soil to maintain
residues from these crops into ethanol using advanced its fertility and reduce the need for fertilization. To reflect the
enzymatic hydrolysis (which is not yet commercialized) and complexities of harvesting and transporting crop residues, only
fermentation. To calculate total agricultural residues available 5 percent, 10 percent, or 15 percent of total available residues
for conversion, FAO estimates of the land cultivated for are assumed to be recoverable for processing into ethanol.
the target crops (FAOSTAT) were multiplied by a residue This also addresses the need to retain much of the residue on
fraction for each crop (Table 12). site to maintain long-term soil fertility.
For a given crop, percentages of wasted grain/crop were assumed to be the same across all the countries.
Equation 1 was used to calculate possible bioethanol production from a given crop.
BPwc i = Quantity of biofuels production (million liters) from wasted grain/crop; BFyi = Biofuel yield from grain/
crop (liters/kg); WCBFi = Percentage of wasted grain/crop; PRavi = Average crop production (1000 tons); i = Crop
The potential ethanol production from wasted grain/crops is the product of the biofuels yield from the crop, the
percentage of wasted crop, and the average crop production. Total potential biofuels production in a country is the
sum of production from the various crops grown in that country.
Equation 2 was used to calculate the biofuels production potential in Scenario 1 where:
# crops # crops
Pi = ∑ AJ * Yj Ai = ∑ AJ
j=1 j=1
For each country (i) and crop ( j), biofuels production volume (P) is equal to the area (A) allotted to each crop
multiplied by the yield (Y), such that the area of all individual crops totals the area of the available land designated
by the study for each country. These calculations were repeated three times, to develop the low, medium, and
high estimates of area and yield outlined above.
Equation 3 was used to calculate the biofuels production potential in Scenario Two:
# crops
For each country (i) and crop ( j), the volume of biofuels production (P) equals the product of the average crop
production (CP), the residue-to-production ratio (RPR), the percentage of residue available for biofuels production
(RP), and the biofuels yield for that particular residue (RY). These calculations were repeated three times, to
develop the low, medium, and high estimates of area and yield.
igure 7 shows potential biofuels production from FIGURE 7. Low, Medium, and High Estimates of
underutilized lands (referred to as “new lands”) and Biofuels Production from Scenarios One and Two
crop residues (Scenarios One and Two, respectively)
in the focus countries stacked on top of the current
China Biofuels Production Potential
ethanol and biodiesel production in that country5
(the “baseline status”). Current production is assumed
to stay constant as countries avoid additional production
millions of liters
from current agricultural lands in favor of production
from underutilized lands, and from crop residues. 20,000
possible pursuit of the two scenarios. Efforts to reclaim Existing Production (Ethanol) Existing Production (Biodiesel)
underutilized lands for biofuels production could New Lands (Ethanol)
Crop Residues (Ethanol)
New Lands (Biodiesel)
to production from underutilized lands. China, Thailand, Existing Production (Ethanol) Existing Production (Biodiesel)
New Lands (Ethanol) New Lands (Biodiesel)
and Vietnam fall in the middle, producing roughly equal Crop Residues (Ethanol)
FIGURE 7. Low, Medium, and High Estimates of Biofuels Production from Scenarios One and Two
3,000 3,000
2,500 2,500
millions of liters
millions of liters
2,000 2,000
1,500 1,500
1,000 1,000
500 500
0 0
2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
Existing Production (Ethanol) Existing Production (Biodiesel) Existing Production (Ethanol) Existing Production (Biodiesel)
New Lands (Ethanol) New Lands (Biodiesel) New Lands (Ethanol) New Lands (Biodiesel)
Crop Residues (Ethanol) Crop Residues (Ethanol)
Philippines Biofuels Production Potential production in the years 2020, 2030, and 2040. The high-
end numbers assume that all potential sources of biofuels
(wasted grain/crop, cultivation on underutilized land, and
millions of liters
analysis ranges from 0.4 to 1.0 billion liters.
India may produce between 9.8 and 19.7 billion liters
of ethanol and 350-700 million liters of biodiesel
2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040
depending on the scenario assumed. Indonesia may
produce between 2.2 and 6.0 billion liters of ethanol
Existing Production (Ethanol) Existing Production (Biodiesel)
New Lands (Ethanol) New Lands (Biodiesel) and between 0.9 and 1.7 billion liters of biodiesel.
Crop Residues (Ethanol)
Malaysia’s potential is relatively small because it does not
have much land for expansion or residues. As a result,
potential production is between 120 and 165 million
Table 13 presents the aggregate potential for biofuels liters of ethanol and between 500 and 700 million liters
production in each country. Current production plus of biodiesel. The Philippines can produce between 0.8
potential ethanol production from wasted grain/crops and 1.7 billion liters of ethanol and between 240 and
(Section 5.1) are shown alongside the potential from crop 430 million liters of biodiesel. Thailand is expected to
residues and new lands according to the low, medium and be able to produce 1.9-4.9 billion liters of ethanol and
high production estimates that correspond to projected 0.3-1.2 billion liters of biodiesel by 2030. Vietnam’s
Table 13.Total Biofuels Production Under Low, Medium and High Scenarios to 2040
(millions of liters)
Biodiesel (Existing +
Wasted grain/
crop +
COUNTRY High Scenario
China 6,686 355 5,309 1,508 52 5,389 5,905 224 10,778 15,220 633 16,167 44,370
India 2,562 317 2,690 215 33 4,350 639 141 8,700 1,407 399 13,050 20,426
Indonesia 212 753 856 563 144 660 1,450 495 1,320 2,940 990 1,980 7,731
Thailand 408 48 434 330 236 717 867 590 1,433 1,885 1,181 2,150 6,105
Vietnam 164 0 482 194 13 364 515 56 729 1,165 158 1,093 3,062
Existing Crops
New Lands
New Lands
New Lands
Sources of Feedstock
Source: Estimates for existing production are from OECD-FAO, 2008.6 All other data is from ECO-Asia Clean Development and Climate Program.
emerging biofuels industry has the potential to produce 14 percent of total transport fuel demand. Thailand has
1.2-3.0 billion liters of ethanol and 10-160 million liters the highest potential for transport fuel displacement at
of biodiesel. about 14 percent of total fuel demand by 2030. Malaysia’s
biofuels production potential is relatively small because
Comparing the medium growth scenario for biofuels it has a limited amount of land for expansion and limited
production in each focus country (corresponding to crop residues. Its potential production is just 3 percent of
2030) with the respective medium growth scenario for total transport fuel demand. India is estimated to be able
transport fuel demand in 2030 (Table 1, Section 2), it to displace about 12 percent of its transport fuel demand
is estimated that countries in the region will be able to by 2030, and Indonesia’s potential production could
produce enough biofuels by 2030 to meet between 3 and contribute up to 11 percent of total transport fuel demand.
6 This source was chosen to ensure uniformity of data assumptions and data quality. It should be noted that in most cases, data from OECD-FAO differed significantly
from country-level data sources from ministries. For example, OECD-FAO and the Ministry of Energy, Thailand, report biodiesel production in Thailand in 2008
to be 48 million liters and 400 million liters, respectively. Similarly, in the case of Malaysia, OECD-FAO and the Malaysian Biodiesel Association, report biodiesel
production in 2008 to be 443 million liters and 200 million liters, respectively. Often different government sources within a country differ in their reported values for
biofuels production. Official government biodiesel production figures for the Philippines range from 91 to 383 million liters. Given these data-related challenges, it
was considered prudent to use a consistent data set published by the OECD-FAO. Readers are cautioned that the values for existing production should be viewed
not in absolute but in relative terms. The choice of data source does not change the overall trends or conclusions presented or whether countries will meet their
mandates (Section 5.4). For, example, in the case of biodiesel, whether Thailand’s 2008 biodiesel production is 48 million liters or 400 million liters does not change
the fact that they are unlikely to meet their biodiesel target in 2012. Similarly, in the Philippines, country figures for 2008 ethanol production ranged from 39 million
liters to 105 million liters but regardless of which figure, the Philippines is still unlikely to meet its ethanol mandate. Different country-level biofuels production esti-
mates are included for reference in Annex 1: Country Profiles.
Table 14. Future Demand and Production of Ethanol in the Focus Countries
(millions of liters)
Gasoline demand in
Blending mandate /
Ethanol required
target year
From crop
COUNTRY TOTAL achievable?
China 2020 Medium 10 MMT 113,072 12,700 6,686 5,309 5,905 10,778 28,678 YES
India 2017 Low 20% 15,312 3,062 2,562 2,690 215 4,350 9,817 YES
Indonesia 2015 Medium 20% 22,269 4,054 212 856 1,450 1,320 3,838 NO
Thailand 2011 Low 10% 4,893 489 408 434 330 0 1,172 YES
Vietnam 2020 Medium 500 ML 6,592 500 164 482 355 729 1,730 YES
Source: ECO-Asia Clean Development and Climate Program; OECD-FAO, 2008 for current production numbers.
Both the Philippines and Vietnam are estimated to be at 20 percent. In India’s case, this analysis assumes equal
able to displace roughly 8 percent of their respective total targets for both ethanol and biodiesel. Some countries
transport fuel demands. China is expected to be able to (Thailand, Malaysia, and the Philippines) have very near-term
offset total transport fuel demand by 6 percent by 2030. blending mandates, while others (China, India, and Vietnam)
have taken a much longer-term view. Despite the variance
in the structure and implementation of blending mandates,
5.4 The Potential for Biofuels
this exercise provides a primary assessment of the extent
Production to Meet National
to which the goals of the focus countries can be met.
Mandates and targets
Based on the projections of liquid fuel demand in Asia Table 14 and Table 15 compare each country’s current
derived in Section 2, and the potential biofuels production and expected biofuels production with the levels of
estimates developed in Section 5.3, it is possible to production required to meet its mandates or targets,
estimate whether the focus countries would be able to and indicates whether the mandates —for both ethanol
meet their stated future blending mandates or targets. and biodiesel—can be met. For each country, only the
combination of scenarios most likely to occur at or near
The blending mandates announced by the seven focus the target date for the blending mandate is considered.
countries vary widely. China and Vietnam, for example, For target dates before 2020, the “low” combination of
have stipulated absolute volumes of biofuels that must be scenarios is used (i.e., 1 percent of available land converted
produced by a given date, whereas the other countries into cropland, 10th percentile of current agricultural
have specified biofuels targets as a percentage of total yield, and only 5 percent of available waste recovered
transportation fuel requirements. Most countries have for processing into ethanol). For 2020 and beyond, the
separate target dates and mandates for ethanol and “medium” combination of scenarios is used (i.e., 2.5 percent
biodiesel, although India has set a provisional overall target of available land converted into cropland, twentieth-
Table 15. Future Demand and Production of Biodiesel in the Focus Countries
(millions of liters)
Blending mandate /
Biodiesel required
Diesel demand in
target year
COUNTRY TOTAL achievable?
Indonesia 2010 Medium 10% 11,593 1,159 753 495 1,248 YES
Source: ECO-Asia Clean Development and Climate Program; OECD-FAO, 2008 for current production numbers.
percentile of current agricultural yield, and 10 percent of countries will be unable to meet their biodiesel targets.
available waste recovered for processing into ethanol). No country is able to achieve mandates for both ethanol
Similarly, the medium-growth outlook is used for transport and biodiesel. Where production falls short of the
fuel demand in each country as a reference point. For mandated demand, the required biofuels may need to be
countries with targets within the next five years, no ethanol imported, or the mandate itself may need to be revised.
production from crop residues was assumed. Table 14 also shows that all countries with ethanol
mandates, except Indonesia and the Philippines, could
Overall, the tables suggest that four out of six countries produce surplus ethanol that can be traded regionally, if
with ethanol mandates will be able to meet their targets adequate trading mechanisms and biofuels specifications
if production is scaled up consistently.7 Four out of seven are established within the next decade.
Sustainability Assessment
of Biofuels
6.1 Environmental The production systems for sugarcane, sweet sorghum,
Sustainability and cellulosic-based ethanol have the best net energy and
GHG balances, assuming plantation on degraded land. For
6.1.1 Life cycle Assessment biodiesel production systems, oil palm and jatropha, when
A life cycle assessment (LCA) is a holistic inventory of planted on degraded land, present the best net energy
the environmental impacts of a given product along its and GHG balances, although coconut also has positive
production chain, including relevant energy and material environmental impacts. While palm oil has the highest
inputs and environmental discharges. This section presents GHG savings when planted on degraded land, it should
LCA data in terms of net energy balance and GHG savings be noted that, in reality, oil palm plantations are seldom
for a selection of feedstocks used to produce biofuels in planted on degraded lands. Under worst-case production
Asia. Net energy is the balance between energy expended conditions, all feedstocks have poorer net energy and GHG
and energy gained in the production of one unit of fuel. balances. Even the most productive feedstocks deliver an
The GHG balance of a biofuels refers to the net amount unacceptably negative GHG balance when established on
of GHGs emitted during the life cycle relative to fossil carbon-rich soils, such as peatlands.
fuels. The extent of net energy and GHG benefits varies
by feedstock, the location where it is grown, and fuel Description of the System Boundary
production process, including the use of co-products The system boundary of the LCA defines what is
and wastes.1 The goal of assessing the full range of included in the assessment of the various steps in biofuels
environmental impacts is to be able to choose feedstocks production, including biofuels feedstock production,
with the best net environmental benefits. processing, utilization, and disposal and all intervening
transportation steps (Figure 8). The factors evaluated for
The analysis evaluates production processes under best- each feedstock’s production chain include:
and worst-case conditions for ethanol produced from
sugarcane, corn, cassava, sweet sorghum, and lignocellulosic • land use change;
feedstocks, and for biodiesel produced from oil palm,
• agricultural methods for the production of feedstocks
jatropha, and coconut. Best-case production conditions
(e.g., fertilizers consumed);
assume low agricultural inputs (i.e., water, fertilizers and
pesticides), no land use change, utilization of co-products • conversion processes to turn feedstocks into biofuels,
and waste recovery. Worst-case conditions assume a high including whether co-products, waste products, and waste
degree of agricultural inputs, severe land use change, low energy are utilized;
use of co-products and no waste recovery. The degree
of land use change and use of co-products are the most • transportation; and fossil fuel consumed throughout the
important factors in overall environmental performance. production chain (as process energy).
1 There is considerable debate over how to conduct LCA studies as well as what factors to include. Many studies do not include land-use change for example. There is
also variation in how the results are presented. Studies generally calculate net energy as either a balance (net MJ per unit of fuel, as is used in this report) or as a net
energy ratio (MJ of fuel energy available/MJ of input energy). When using a ratio, values greater than 1 mean the fuel is sustainable, values less than 1 indicate more energy
is consumed in the production process than is available in the final fuel. Some biofuels can have net energy ratios of less than 1 because a large amount of energy is
consumed to produce it. From a sustainability standpoint, if the net energy ratio is less than 1 but most of the fuel consumed is renewable (e.g., ethanol used in transport,
or bagasse co-fired for electricity) the impact is less than when the net energy ratio is less than 1 and the process energy is exhaustible fossil fuel, as can often be the
case with corn-based ethanol. Similarly, net GHGs can be calculated as a GHG savings value (total GHGs per unit of gasoline equivalent fuel) or as a net value (total
GHGs per unit of gasoline equivalent fuel minus the total GHGs per unit of gasoline or diesel). A low GHG value or a net GHG value of less than zero is desirable from
a sustainability perspective. (Rajagopal, 2009)
To analyze net energy and GHG balances, ethanol and best- and worst-case scenarios are presented in Annex
biodiesel production systems were compared to a baseline 3. It is important to note that the analysis presented here
fossil fuel production system—comprising extraction, is based on a certain set of parameters and assumptions,
transport to refinery, refining (accounting for co-products), and therefore may differ from other LCA results.
delivery, and use in combustion systems. Against this
baseline, the best-case production conditions for both Net Energy Balances for Various feedstocks
ethanol and biodiesel production systems generally assume Net energy is the balance between energy consumed in
low fertilizer and pesticide inputs; plantation on degraded production and final energy available in the fuel. A fossil
lands; optimal process efficiency; utilization of co-products, fuel system consumes 1.2 MJ of energy per 1.0 MJ of final
most notably the burning of crop residues to provide available energy (as gasoline or diesel). Biofuels feedstock
process energy and the use of by-products as fertilizer; production systems with a net energy balance below 1.2
and the treatment of wastes. Worst-case conditions MJ can be considered to offer an advantage over fossil
assume high fertilizer and pesticide inputs; land use fuels. Net energy balances over 1.2 MJ mean the biofuels
change that replaces native vegetation (primarily forests production process consumes more energy than the fossil
and grasslands); poor process efficiency; poor co-product fuel production process.
utilization and no treatment of wastes. As illustrated in
Figure 8, land use change can have the largest effect on Figure 9 shows ranges for net energy balance for
net GHG emissions. (It does not impact the net energy production of ethanol from sugarcane, corn, sweet
balance.) The use of co-products is also an important best sorghum, and cellulosic feedstocks under best- and
practice that will minimize environmental impact from worst-case scenarios (with better conditions moving left
both a net energy and GHG perspective. Further details from 1.2 MJ). The energy balance of sugarcane is most
on the calculations and parameters that characterize the favorable under good operating conditions. Corn is least
Fuel Pesticides
favorable, with a moderately good energy balance in the a favorable energy balance in both the best- and worst-
best-case scenario, but an energy balance equal to gasoline case scenarios (again, with better conditions towards the
in the worst-case scenario. Sweet sorghum and cellulosic left). Jatropha has the most favorable energy balance under
feedstocks also provide net benefits over fossil fuels. best-case conditions. Palm has the most favorable energy
balance in worst-case conditions primarily because of the
Figure 10 presents net energy values for biodiesel from oil narrow difference between the best and worst operating
palm, jatropha, and coconut. All selected feedstocks present conditions. Coconut is favorable in both cases.
Cellusoic Biomass
Sweet Sorghum
-0.8 -0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0 .4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1 .6 1.8
Oil Palm
-0.6 -0.4 -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4
Net Greenhouse Gas Balances for show GHG savings in the middle range. Overall, of all the
Various Feedstocks feedstocks evaluated, corn has the lowest GHG savings.
Figure 11 shows net GHG emissions from ethanol
production processes, accounting for land use change for Figure 12 shows GHG balances for biodiesel feedstocks,
sugarcane and sweet sorghum, where data were available. taking into account land use change where data are
Sweet sorghum planted on land with scarce vegetation available. When planted on degraded land without loss
and sugarcane on existing croplands produces the greatest of natural vegetation, jatropha and oil palm provide the
GHG savings. Interestingly, sugarcane produces similar GHG most significant GHG savings. Even though palm oil has
savings with or without land conversion (based on Brazilian the highest GHG savings when planted on degraded or
data). In Thailand, large variation in GHG savings is due to fallow land, in practice palm oil is seldom planted in these
disparities in process efficiencies and the lack of use of areas. When forests or peat, brush, and shrub lands are
co-products and wastes.2 converted, GHG balances for all feedstocks become highly
unfavorable compared to fossil fuels.
Cellulosic ethanol shows strong GHG savings, but it is
outperformed by Brazilian sugarcane. The data for cellulosic Conclusion
ethanol is based on feedstocks grown in temperate regions. Results of the LCA suggest that sugarcane, sweet sorghum,
It is expected that appropriate cellulosic feedstocks grown and cellulosic feedstocks for ethanol production and
in tropical and sub-tropical Asia will have higher yields jatropha and oil palm for biodiesel production offer the
and will therefore deliver better GHG savings. Data on greatest benefits in terms of net energy and GHG savings
cassava are limited to one set of conditions in Thailand but under the best-case scenario. Under the worst-case
Cassava - Thailand
Sugarcane - Thailand
Percentage Reduction
2 Some Asian processors use coal to generate process energy and steam, which increases overall GHG emissions. In contrast, Brazil has developed a very efficient production
chain that utilizes high-yielding energy cane, mechanized harvesting, and bagasse for process energy and ethanol to transport raw materials and the finished product.
scenario, oil palm can lead to the most significant increase repay this carbon debt if their production and combustion
in GHG emissions despite a favorable energy balance. has net GHG emissions that are less than the life cycle
Other feedstocks, notably corn, can present unfavorable emissions of the fossil fuels they displace. Carbon payback
energy and GHG balances when produced under poor time is the amount of time needed to repay the carbon
conditions. Therefore, to ensure biofuels production debt of the biofuels through production and utilization.
does not result in worse impacts than fossil fuels, land In general, the carbon debt is highest when low-yielding
use changes must be avoided, especially the conversion biofuels crops displace carbon-rich land, such as primary
of peatlands, and process efficiency and co-product and secondary forests, and peatlands. The carbon debt is
utilization must be optimized. The implication is that Asian lowest when high-yielding crops replace carbon-poor land,
countries will need to carefully consider the state of the such as degraded agricultural lands. High-yielding biofuels
land classified as “available” and take steps to ensure best feedstocks planted on cropland, degraded or abandoned
practices are followed in production. lands, and in some cases, grasslands, have acceptable
carbon payback times of about one year. Second
6.1.2 Carbon Debt and Biofuels generation, cellulosic fuels are expected to have much
Biofuels and their land-use change-related carbon emissions smaller carbon debts. However, feedstocks planted on
can be evaluated by estimating carbon debt and payback primary or secondary forest, woody savannah, or peatlands
periods. Biofuel carbon debt is the amount of CO2 released result in longer payback periods, up to 1,000–10,000
from soil and vegetation during the period of time after an years. There is no foreseeable technology that justifies
area is converted to biofuels crop production (Fargione the conversion of forest or peatlands for biofuels from a
et al., 2008). Over time, biofuels from converted land can GHG balance perspective.
Percentage Reduction
Carbon Payback Periods for secondary forest, or tropical forest generally have payback
Various Feedstocks times of roughly 10 to 1,000 years. Even worse is when
Figure 13 depicts payback times for different biofuels biofuels feedstocks are planted on peatlands, which results in
crops and within a crop, across various baseline land use payback times of 1,000 to 10,000 years, or longer. In general,
types. Debts and payback times vary greatly across biofuels feedstocks that replace native vegetation, especially primary
and growth locales, as well as due to the variations in study and secondary forests and peatlands, lead to unacceptably
sites and differences in estimation approaches. Annex 4 high payback periods of decades to many centuries.
provides detailed estimates on carbon debts and payback Biofuels plantations on peatlands are of particular concern,
periods from a variety of studies for biofuels grown in especially since peat forests cover 27.1 million hectares in
Southeast Asia. Southeast Asia (Hooijer et al., 2006). Data on deforestation
in Sarawak in Indonesia indicated that around half of
Biofuels feedstocks grown on cropland and degraded land forest land cleared from 1999 to June 2006 was located
consistently have payback times of one year or less (oil palm on peatlands, many of which were converted to palm
may extend to ten years under certain conditions). Coconut plantations (Hooijer et al., 2006). Land use change and
and oil palm grown on grasslands also have payback times deforestation in Indonesia have recently been identified as
of one year or less. However, corn, sugarcane, and soybean so significant that the country now ranks third in total GHG
result in payback periods of 10 to 100 years when planted emissions globally. Furthermore, an estimated 27 percent
on grassland. Biofuels feedstocks grown on woody savannah, of new concessions for palm oil plantations in Malaysia and
FIGURE 13. Ranges of Carbon Payback Times for Biofuels by Major Land Type
Coconut oil
Degraded land
Woody savannah
Secondary/degraded forest Tropical peat forest
Tropical peat forest
Tropical forest - other
Marginal cropland
Abandoned cropland
Corn ethanol
Degraded land
Woody savannah
Secondary/degraded forest Tropical peat forest
Tropical peat forest
Tropical forest - other
Degraded land
Woody savannah
Secondary/degraded forest Tropical peat forest
Tropical peat forest
Tropical forest - other
Degraded land
Woody savannah
Secondary/degraded forest Tropical peat forest
Tropical peat forest
Tropical forest - other
Degraded land
Oil palm
Woody savannah
Secondary/degraded forest
Tropical peat forest
Tropical forest - other
0 1 10 100 1000 10000 100000
Source: USAID ECO-Asia Clean Development and Climate Program, 2009; compiled from sources provided in Annex 4
Indonesia are on peatlands (Farigone et al., 2008). Indonesia, debt (Wang et al., 2007; Yapp et al., 2008). Even with
alone, has over 20 million hectares of peat swamps these advancements, no foreseeable technology will make
(see Figure 14), yet, in early 2009, Indonesia approved tropical deforestation for biofuels carbon-beneficial
a controversial plan to open up peatlands to palm oil (Gibbs et al., 2008).
plantations (Satriastanti, 2009). It is unclear whether this
regulation will be implemented but environmental groups There are additional points to consider while evaluating
have condemned the policy and are seeking to block it. the above estimates. First, biofuels also can increase
GHGs indirectly by displacing agricultural production
For first-generation crops, biofuels production should onto other lands (Fargione et al., 2008; Gibbs et al., 2008;
minimize the release of carbon stored in soils and Searchinger et al., 2008). In other words, when biofuels
vegetation of natural and managed ecosystems to minimize expand on arable agricultural land, this may displace food
carbon debt and help mitigate climate change. This could cultivation to new lands, which, when converted, release
be achieved through the production of native perennial soil and plant carbon. Many analyses do not account for
fuel crops on degraded and abandoned agricultural this effect, thus underestimating carbon debts. Likewise,
lands and use of waste streams (Fargione et al., 2008). if land cleared for biofuels production were accruing
Projected future yield increases of biofuels from more carbon, then carbon debts through conversion to biofuels
efficient cultivars and application of best management production increase compared to those reported in
practices should also reduce carbon debts and payback the literature, which are based on the assumption that
times (Fargione et al., 2008; Gibbs et al., 2008). However, the displaced natural ecosystems were in steady-state
payback times will remain long for many pathways, and net (Fargione et al., 2008). On the other hand, some analyses
GHG emission reductions within a decade or so can only do not distinguish between biofuels carbon debt proper
be achieved by the most efficient feedstocks achieving top and co-product carbon debt when estimating carbon
yields that are grown on degraded or previously cleared debt and payback times. Other uncertainties and research
lands (Gibbs et al., 2008). gaps constrain the results from existing studies. These
results analyze the CO2 balance of biofuels only, yet
Advanced, second-generation biofuels crops— such as agricultural production causes emissions of other GHGs,
ethanol from switchgrass or prairie and savannah grasses, such as methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O), which
trees, or forestry waste—are expected to incur much have significantly higher global warming potentials than
smaller carbon debts (Lynd et al., 2008). Second-generation CO2. Emission of these gases reduces GHG performance
biofuels plants running on biomass or waste products (e.g., of biofuels, in some cases changing the net GHG effect
biogas from palm oil mill effluent) would reduce carbon (Crutzen et al., 2008).
FIGURE 14. Lowland peat areas in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Papua New Guinea
FIGURE 15. Estimated Pollutant Emission Changes for Various Biofuels Blends
+40% CB100(3)
B20(6) CB100(3)
+20% P/CO B100(3)
+10% TB100(3)
B100(1,2,4) CB20(3)
CB20(3) E20(5)
CB20(3) P/T B20(3) E20(5) P/T/CO B20(3)
-10% B20(1) E20(5) CO B20(3) P/T/CO B20(3)
P/T B20(3)
B20(4) B20(1) E20(5) B20(4) B20(1) B20(4)
-20% CO B20(3)
B20(2) P/T B100(3)
-30% B100(2) B20(2)
-40% B100(1)
P/T B100(3) P/T/CO B100(3)
-50% B100(4) B100(4)
-60% CO B100(3)
-70% B100(4)
Sources in parenthesis: (1) NREL, 2003; EPA, 2002; (2) PCI, India, 2003; EPA, 2002; (3) Beer et al., ** 2007; (4) National Biodiesel Board, 2009 (5) PCD, Thailand, 2008;
(6) Verbeek, et al., 2008. Compiled by USAID ECO-Asia Clean Development and Climate Program, 2009.
Notes: B20 is diesel with 20% biodiesel; B100 is 100% biodiesel; E20 is gasoline with 20% ethanol; CB= canola-based biodiesel; P BD = Palm oil-based biodiesel;
T BD = Tallow-based biodiesel; CO BD = cooking oil-based biodiesel.
The summary represents averages from various studies; the thin dotted line represents B20 averages and the thick dotted line, B100.
** Results indicate performance relative to ultralow sulfur diesel in heavy-duty trucks in Australia.
effects biofuels have on overall air quality impacts from criteria pollutant in many parts of Asia—unlike in North
transportation. America and Europe—and is not measured regularly.
Biofuels affect local air quality in two ways: (1) combustion Nevertheless, ozone concentrations pose significant
of biofuels and tail-pipe emissions may alter the health risks (Wong et al., 2008). Because of growth
atmospheric concentrations of local air pollutants and (2) in the transport, energy, and industrial sectors, ozone
feedstock production may generate emissions as a result concentrations are critical in evaluating biofuels options
of land conversion. On balance, the use of biofuels leads to (see Box 4). In general, highly motorized cities like
lower volatile organic chemicals (VOCs), sulfur, and carbon Seoul, Tokyo, Singapore, and many cities in China and India
monoxide (CO), but raises NOX emissions and ozone, have lower VOC-to-NOX ratios.3 Thus, a large-scale
and in some cases particulates. Biofuels can contribute switch to biofuels in these cities is more likely to result
to fugitive emissions as well from land-clearing and from in increased ozone levels due to the reductions in VOC
untreated processing wastes. and increases in NOX emissions. Large-scale introduction
of biofuels could also raise concentrations of NO2-based
Effects on tail-pipe emissions secondary PM10. The net effect of a switch to biofuels
A number of laboratory and on-road tests have examined depends on the relative contribution of primary and
the emission characteristics of various biofuels. secondary PM (VOC and SO2-and NO2-based) to total
ambient PM concentrations.
Figure 15 presents results of studies of emissions from
biofuels compared to gasoline and diesel. In general, Effects on Fugitive Emissions
biofuels appear to cause lower primary PM10 emissions In addition to tailpipe emissions, large-scale adoption of
than fossil fuels, with the notable exception of rape biofuels may also contribute to fugitive emissions of air
seed-based biodiesel or blends. Use of biofuels in general pollutants. Fugitive emissions originate from many sources,
results in a 60 percent reduction in VOC emissions, thus including from soil erosion from wind in areas deforested
reducing VOC-based secondary particulate pollution. to cultivate feedstock, and from burning vegetation on
Experience from Thailand suggests, however, that when cleared lands. Fugitive emissions from wind erosion may
used in motorcycles, biofuels may result in marginally be substantial, but are not generally of great public health
higher VOC emissions (PCD, 2008). A switch from concern. In contrast, emissions from vegetation burning are
regular fuel to biodiesel would reduce sulfur emissions a greater problem (Jacobson, 2008). For example, frequent
by 20 percent for a B20 blend and 100 percent for B100. vegetation burning, including but not limited to clearing land
Significantly lower carbon monoxide emissions are also for biofuels production, causes severe smog across parts
expected from most feedstocks. of Southeastern Asia, with associated impacts on human
morbidity and mortality (Schwela et al., 2006; Bowman and
Of potential concern is that biofuels (especially biodiesel) Johnston, 2005).
have higher NOX emissions than fossil fuels—by as much
as 70 percent—depending on the feedstock. NOX Conclusion
emissions combined with VOCs and other pollutants play It is difficult to predict the cumulative impact on air quality
a critical role in ozone formation (NARSTO, 2000). in Asia from a large-scale switch to biofuels. If land clearing
Increased NOX emissions also may raise tropospheric and vegetation burning were largely avoided, the impacts
ozone levels, especially along major transport corridors, would primarily result from the differences in tailpipe
with negative impacts on health and agriculture locally and pollutant emissions between biofuels and fossil fuels. On
regionally (Mauzerall, 2008). Ozone is not considered a balance, a switch from fossil fuels to biofuels may benefit
3 The formation of ozone depends on the extent of sunlight that is present and the relative ambient concentrations of VOCs or NOx. In urban environments, the
photochemical reaction sequence initiated by NOx, VOCs, and CO can cause ozone pollution levels to increase or decrease depending on the relative concentrations
of these chemicals. Jacobson (2007) suggested that substitution of gasoline or diesel with E85 (an 85-percent ethanol mix) in the United States would lead to increased
ozone formation by 2020 (Box 4). However, given the complex photochemistry involved in ozone formation, the increase in NOx emissions, and the reduction in VOCs
emissions expected from large-scale displacement of fossil fuels by biofuels, the net effect of biofuels on tropospheric ozone levels is difficult to predict in Asia.VOC:NOx
emission ratios (mass based) in Southeast Asia vary widely, ranging from around 10:1 in Jakarta to less than 1:1 in Seoul (Guttikunda et al., 2005).
Box 4. Air Quality Impacts of Biofuels vs. Other Clean Energy Technologies
Jacobson (2008) conducted an in-depth evaluation of 12 combinations of renewable and nuclear electric power and
fuel sources, and analyzed their ability to address climate, air pollution, and energy problems simultaneously in the
United States. His analysis considered nine electric power sources, two liquid biofuels (corn and cellulosic ethanol),
and three vehicle technologies.
A large-scale switch from reformulated gasoline to high ethanol blends in the US would result in increased emission
of local air pollutants and associated incidence of health risks (Jacobson, 2007). In contrast, all other renewable
electricity-based fuel sources and vehicle technology combinations caused much lower air pollution emissions than
the two biofuels. When Jacobson merged results of the individual analyses, the two biofuels had the lowest overall
ranking, and thus the least desirable options for addressing the combination of issues analyzed.
These findings are based on the particular context of the United States and not necessarily applicable to other
countries. Nevertheless, the analysis provides an instructive example of the range of issues that need to be included
in a comprehensive evaluation of clean energy options.
local air quality in Asia, with the caveats outlined above. growth, poverty, demand for timber, and poor institutional
Further, from the perspective of longer-term energy and capacity to monitor and enforce rules in protected areas.
air quality planning, it is important to evaluate air quality The increased demand for biofuels in many cases has
benefits from other cleaner transportation options—namely served as an additional driver. As discussed earlier in this
generating electricity from biomass and other alternate report, many biofuels crops are ideally suited to tropical
means (e.g., wind) for plug-in electric vehicles. Alternative areas and this creates significant economic incentives to
energy sources may fare better than biofuels with respect to convert forests to support biofuels production. In addition,
air quality. The feasibility of large-scale deployment of these biofuels can negatively affect biodiversity by promoting
alternatives in Asia deserves examination before drawing mono-cropping, which relies on a narrow pool of genetic
conclusions about the desirability of biofuels from an air material, and leads to a reduction in agricultural biodiversity.
quality perspective. On the other hand, it can be argued that biofuels
production, under certain conditions, and when used
6.1.4 Biofuels Production and to restore degraded lands, may also actually contribute
Biodiversity positively to biodiversity.
One of the most significant issues associated with
biofuels development in Asia is the impact on the region’s BIOFUELS-RELATED DRIVERS OF FOREST LOSS
biodiversity,4 which is considered to be among the greatest Over the past two decades, considerable forest land in
worldwide. For example, it has been estimated that the tropical Asia has been cleared to make way for plantations.
island of Borneo alone has more than 15,000 known This is especially the case with oil palm plantations.
species of plants; some areas of its primary forest may have Worldwide, land under palm cultivation has increased
as many as 240 species of tree in a single two-hectare site from about 4 million hectares in 1980 to 14 million
(White, 2008). Altogether, Indonesia and Malaysia have hectares in 2008, mostly in Indonesia and Malaysia.
around 6,500 and 1,500 known animal species, respectively It has been estimated that slightly more than half of the
(IATP, 2008). oil palm expansion in Malaysia and Indonesia—or about
7 million hectares—occurred at the expense of forests
There are several drivers that cause the continuing (Koh and Wilcove, 2008). While both Malaysia and
destruction of tropical forests in Asia, including population Indonesia have stated that new palm oil plantations will
4 For the purposes of this report, biodiversity is defined as the sum total of plant and animal life that is resident in a particular location. It is often used as a measure
of the health of biological systems, as habitats that are richer in species are usually more stable and resilient to outside influences. A high level of genetic diversity is a
crucial factor in enabling species to adapt to changing environmental conditions and thus to evolve further.
not result in forest conversion, the drive for large-scale focus on timber and pulp operations within the same
agro-industrial projects will continue to threaten forests industrial conglomerate—which extract the high-value
in both countries. timber and then abandon the land, without the subsequent
establishment of oil palm plantations (Box 5). The use
In Malaysia, a majority of new oil palm developments are in of fires for clearing forest land designated for plantation
the states of Sarawak and Sabah. These state governments development also leads to additional forest loss. Slashing
have a great deal of autonomy and environmental impact and burning is cheaper and quicker for plantation
assessments are not always performed (GSI, 2008c). companies than any other method of clearing. These fires
Many Malaysian companies also operate in the Indonesian often spread to nearby forests, causing significant damage.
provinces of Kalimantan and Riau, which have high rates When fires were burning completely out of control at
of forest conversion for oil palm and less rigorous the end of 1997 and various bans on the use of fire were
government oversight. imposed by the Indonesian authorities, fire hot spots were
still observed by satellites in areas designated for future
Biofuels can also lead to forest loss indirectly. For example, palm oil plantations. It is estimated that about 5.2 million
in Indonesia, it has been reported that plantation hectares of land were damaged by fires in the Indonesian
companies are allotted land to establish oil palm plantations; province of East Kalimantan, Borneo alone during the
however, quite often it is their sister companies—which 1997/98 El Niño season (Cleary et al., 2004).
In mid 2005, the Indonesian government announced plans to develop what would be the world’s largest oil palm
plantation in a 5-10 kilometer zone along the border of Kalimantan and Malaysia. The US$567 million investment
was to come from a variety of sources including Indonesian companies and Chinese investors.
Independent analyses of the business plan developed by the Indonesian State Plantation Corporation (PTPN)
suggested that the 1.8 million hectare project would severely deforest land in three National Parks. The Kalimantan
border zone forms a major chunk of a 22 million hectares area in Sarawak, Sabah, Brunei, and Kalimantan that
WWF labeled the “Heart of Borneo” (HoB). HoB has been conceptualized as a conservation approach that
includes better management of existing protected areas, wildlife corridors, expanding protected areas, and
sustainable forest use. According to the WWF, the HoB area is one of the richest globally in terms of biodiversity.
An issue of particular concern was that much of the land in question has been deemed to be unsuitable for oil
palm cultivation, raising the likelihood that project promoters were more motivated by the lure of cashing in on the
high-value timber in this area rather than establishing oil palm plantations. Ironically, this project was announced a
few years after the abandonment of the 1 million hectares Mega Rice Project in Central Kalimantan, which did not
lead to any significant rice cultivation but caused unprecedented loss of forest area, peatlands, and wildlife.
Wide-ranging campaigns and criticism from civil society, the media, and international actors forced the Indonesian
government to revise its plans for the project. The government pledged to exclude protected areas and areas not
suitable for oil palm, and support the HoB conservation initiative led by WWF. The government has revised its plans
and reduced the total acreage of 150,000 hectares.
Source: AIDEnvironment, April 2006
Biodiversity Impacts of Land Use Change and cleared, often by fire, and perhaps cultivated for a brief
Several studies published recently have concluded beyond period of time, the affected area develops into a wasteland,
doubt that palm plantations are impoverished in flora often overgrown with alang-alang grass which prevents
and fauna biodiversity relative to the original forest tracts the land from developing naturally into secondary forest.
(IATP, 2008; WWF, 2007b). Danielsen et al. (2008) found According to a study by Otsamo (2001), there are between
that species richness of birds, lizards, and mammals was 8.6 and 64.5 million hectares of alang-alang grasslands
much lower in oil palm plantations. Only 23 percent of in Indonesia alone. Dros (2003) has published a more
the vertebrate species and, with some exceptions, only conservative estimate of about 10 million hectares. It is
31 percent of invertebrate species found in tropical forest unclear if any of this land is suitable for oil palm cultivation.
were present in plantations. The study also showed a It is more likely that the land is better suited to cellulosic
lack of other forest vegetation such as lianas, orchids, and ethanol feedstocks that tend to be hardier and grow on
indigenous palms in the plantations. Deforestation on the drier habitats. Nevertheless, this degraded land represents
scale that has been reported in Indonesia in recent years— an enormous potential and could considerably reduce the
around 2 million hectares annually—will also increasingly pressure on natural forests.
lead to reduced and more fragmented habitat for local
species, and further contribute to biodiversity loss. Another option to take pressure of the natural forests is to
convert existing plantations into biofuels plantations. This
Loss of natural habitats through land conversion for biofuels has happened for example in Malaysia, where many rubber,
production has been well documented in other countries cocoa and coconut plantations in that country have been
outside Asia. For example, agriculture expansion is causing converted into oil palm plantations.
land conversion and resultant habitat loss in Brazil (Box 6).
Similarly, in the US and Europe demand for new acreage Biodiversity Impact of Monocultures
has triggered extensive land use changes with negative Biofuel production may also have a significant impact
impacts on biodiversity, including impacts in far-away on the biodiversity of agriculture itself. In traditional
countries. The ongoing discussion on converting land in agriculture-based biofuels production, economies of scale
conservation reserve programs and “set-aside”5 land in requirements inevitably encourage monoculture—the
the US and Europe, respectively, back into land for annual agricultural practice of growing a single crop over a large
biofuels feedstock crops could further exacerbate these area. Monoculture is harmful to the biodiversity of a region
risks to biodiversity. primarily because widespread planting of a single crop
functions as an incubation medium for pests or disease,
Alternatives to Deforestation which can devastate the crop and spread into natural
On the other hand, if wastelands or degraded lands are habitats (Kartha, 2006).
converted to biofuels plantations, the biodiversity on the site
can be enhanced. There are several examples from around At the same time, innovations in agriculture are
the world where such conversion of degraded lands or demonstrating that polyculture systems may provide
abandoned agricultural lands have led to increased plant life multiple benefits and can be pursued without sacrificing
and overall biodiversity. For example, the introduction of biomass productivity. In well-designed polycultures, different
perennial grasses such as switch grass or trees like willows crops cultivated side-by-side (intercropping) or in rotation
can improve regional biodiversity relative to the on which support agricultural biodiversity and reduce the use of
they are established (Volk et al., 2004). Expanding native pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. Large-scale polyculture
prairie next to farmlands sustains a diversified range of has been achieved in a number of contexts, including
pollinators, thus helping crops (Groom et al., 2007). rice and fish farming in China, and cattle and grain rotation
in Argentina (Pollan, 2008). Intercropping of compatible
There is significant potential for a substantial area of plants encourages biodiversity by providing a habitat for
degraded land to benefit from biofuels plantations in a variety of insects and soil organisms that would not be
Southeast Asia. After natural tropical forest has been logged present in a single-crop environment.
5 Annual cropping is currently not allowed on these lands owing to their vulnerability to erosion and potential impacts on water quality. Farmers receive an annual
payment for maintaining perennial vegetation cover on these lands.
It has been proposed that these developments can be landscapes. However, preservation of high-conservation
applied easily to biofuels production. Ongoing research value areas is unlikely without monetary incentives greater
on the development of feedstock production systems than the promise of profits from logging or oil palm.
using perennial grasses and woody species, such as willow, Growing highly productive biofuels feedstocks on degraded
is predicated on the use of polycultures-based systems land could benefit biodiversity. To the extent possible,
involving different varieties and species (Volk et al., plantations should deploy polycultures, which support
2004). Data from a multi-year experiment established on biodiversity while also allowing for higher productivity.
degraded and abandoned soils suggests that high-diversity
mixtures of native grassland perennials are able to produce 6.1.5 Impacts of Biofuels Production
higher amounts of biomass, relative to maize-ethanol or on Water Resources
soybean diesel, and that performance improved with the Large-scale biofuels production consumes water and
number of species included (Tilman et al., 2006). impacts water quality in a variety of ways. These impacts
include: (1) use of water to grow and process feedstock
Conclusion into fuels; (2) release of agrichemicals into surface
If managed imprudently, future expansion of biofuels and ground water; and (3) change in local watershed
production will lead to further loss of tropical forests, hydrology caused by the biofuels crop. Moderate to high
and the expansion of the agricultural frontier. Evidence water withdrawal rates—particularly in China, India, and
shows biofuels plantations support significantly lower Vietnam—in addition to predicted water shortages due
amounts of biodiversity, relative to native forests and to climate change, mean that water supplies are already
productive grasslands. threatened in developing Asia. Ambitious plans to scale
up biofuels production will only increase water demands.
A fundamental component in developing sustainable Biofuels feedstocks, such as sugarcane and oil palm, have
biofuels feedstock cultivation must be protection of natural high water demand and thus should only be considered in
The heart of Brazil’s ethanol production is the south-central Atlantic Rain Forest region (Mata Atlantica). Rated
one of the top biodiversity hotspots in the world, it contains some 20,000 plant species and is home to numerous
endangered mammals, including the marmoset and the golden lion tamarind. The Mata Atlantica is also one of the
most intensely farmed areas in the country, home to more than 60 percent of Brazil’s sugarcane cultivation and 85
percent of its ethanol output. Although the Mata Atlantica once covered more than 100 million hectares, today only
about 7 percent remains, much of it severely fragmented.
Expansion of sugarcane monoculture has also placed increasing pressure on the Cerrado biome in Brazil’s central
highlands. It is the world’s most biodiverse savannah, home to an estimated 10,000 species of plants (4,400 of
which are endemic), 607 birds, 225 reptiles, 186 amphibians, 800 fresh water species, and 195 species of mammals,
including unique inhabitants like the marsh and pampas deer, giant anteater, maned wolf, and giant armadillo
(Biofuelwatch et al., 2007).
The Cerrado has been extensively developed for soybean production as well as the production of corn, cotton,
coffee, and cattle. An estimated nearly 60 percent of the Cerrado’s original vegetation has been completely
destroyed, and it continues to be cleared at a rate of around one percent every year (Butler, 2007). Only 2.2
percent is legally protected. Conservation International predicts the Cerrado could disappear by 2030 (IATP, 2008).
While demand for beef and soybean fueled the clearing of the Cerrado in the past, demand for sugarcane and
soybeans for biofuels will likely accelerate the future loss of biodiversity. Moreover, expansion of sugarcane in other
areas may displace other crops, including soybean, pushing more cultivation into the Cerrado and possibly into the
Amazon, which represents more than half of the world’s remaining rainforest.
areas that receive sufficient rainfall. Other crops, Water Requirements to Produce Biofuels
such as jatropha and sweet sorghum, have much lower Biofuels production consumes water in three ways:
water requirements in combination with a good ratio (1) evapotranspiration8 (ET) during crop growth;
of biofuels yield per unit of water. Additionally, biofuels (2) evaporation in the biomass during the pre- and
have the potential to contribute to water pollution post-harvest drying process and feedstock pre-treatment;
problems—through fertilizer runoff and discharge of and (3) processing of biomass into biofuels. This section
untreated processing wastes into nearby water bodies. focuses on ET and its determining factors because globally,
ET uses at least 50 times more water than the other two
Availability and Competition for activities (Berndes, 2008).
Water Resources
Agriculture in Asia consumes more water than all other ET depends on the interplay of factors related to climatic
regions of the world combined. Water utilization and conditions (e.g., solar radiation, temperature, wind velocity),
consumption are shown in Table 16. A commonly used crop characteristics (e.g., growth stage, leaf area), soil
indicator of water stress is the ratio of water withdrawals characteristics (e.g., porosity, moisture content), and water
to total renewable water. India, Vietnam, and China have availability. It varies by region, time of year, and crop. It can
the highest withdrawal rates. Even in countries where be evaluated in terms of amount of the water required
withdrawal rates are relatively low (e.g., some parts of per year for a growing period for the crop, or in terms of
Southeast Asia), economic factors may occasionally result water required to produce a unit amount of the feedstock
in local scarcity. or biofuels (Table 17). Among Asian feedstocks, sweet
sorghum and sugarcane have the highest yield per unit of
In the next decade, projected population increases of water consumed—3.45 kilogram per millimeter (kg/mm)
more than 500 million and higher levels of affluence in the and 1.65 kg/mm, respectively. Corn has the lowest yield
Asia region will increase water withdrawals for agricultural, per unit water consumed. On the demand side, coconut,
industrial, and domestic uses (ADB, 2007). Water scarcity is jatropha, and oil palm have the highest yields—5.20 kg/mm,
expected to worsen, particularly in India, where withdrawal 2.67 kg/mm, and 2.33 kg/mm, respectively. Soybean has the
rates are expected to exceed 40 percent. Climate change- lowest yield among the biodiesel feedstocks.9
induced effects may exacerbate these trends. South and
Southeast Asia in particular may experience water stress In order to understand the water demand-related impacts
(Cruz et al., 2007).6 These changes are expected to lower of biofuels, it is instructive to evaluate the total amount of
overall agricultural productivity.7 water withdrawn at current levels of production. Fraiture
et al. (2008) estimates that global biofuels production in
Overall, Asia’s rice production may decrease by 3.8 2005, carried out on 11-12 million hectares, used about
percent by the end of this century. In some areas, crop 1 percent of total cropland, about 1 percent of total crop
yields may drop by as much as 2.5-10 percent by 2020 ET demand, and about 2 percent of global irrigation water
and 5-30 percent by 2050. Decreased productivity of (Table 18). The share of irrigation water is slightly higher
rain-fed agriculture would increase irrigation-related water because of the relatively large share of irrigated sugarcane
demand, creating a vicious cycle that further increases in the biofuels mix. On average, it takes 2,500 liters of crop
freshwater withdrawals. ET and 820 liters of irrigation water to produce one liter
of biofuel, albeit with large regional variations depending on
whether the crop is irrigated or rain-fed. Biofuels currently
6 It is predicted that in Northern China, in the near term, only 70 percent of the agriculture water demand will be available. Water availability in India is estimated to
reach below 1000 m3/year by 2025.
7 Some regions may instead see an increase in productivity. East Asia may increase crop yield by 20 percent.
8 Evapotranspiration (ET) is a sum of evaporation and plant transpiration. Evaporation is movement of water into air from soil, water bodies, and canopy interception;
and transpiration is the loss of water through the stomata in the leaves. The ET rate is the amount of water (usually in mm) lost due to ET over a unit time period.
9 Sugarcane and maize require substantial liters of irrigation water per liter of ethanol produced. Brazilian sugarcane requires 90 liters of water per liter of ethanol,
Indian sugarcane uses 3,500 liters of water; US maize (rain-fed) uses 400 liters compared to Chinese partly irrigated maize, which required 2,400 liters of water
(IWMI, 2008).
Water required, low to high Biofuel yield per unit of Growing season/ time to
(mm/year) water (kg/mm) full maturity
have a very modest ecological footprint in terms of land to water constraints in the north and to land and labor
and water use, although there may be severe impacts in constraints in the south, China is unlikely to be able to
specific locations. produce this amount. To satisfy food demands, imports
will likely need to be increased. Producing more maize for
Aggressive plans to scale up biofuels production require biofuels would lead to water degradation and major shifts
an evaluation of the implications for water use. By 2030, in cropping patterns.
biofuels could account for nearly 8 percent of total
transportation fuel demand globally, with wide variations The challenges are similar in India. India’s food supply is very
among countries. According to Fraiture et al. (2008), after irrigation-dependent. Most rice- and wheat-growing areas
accounting for increased food production—particularly and over 85 percent of the sugarcane area are irrigated,
maize and sugar—to meet demand, the increased demand with limited scope for expansion. Cereal and vegetable
for biofuels would require an additional 180 million metric demand is projected to increase by 55 percent and 90
tons (MT) of maize (20 percent increase), 525 million percent, respectively, by 2030. India would need to produce
MT of sugarcane (25 percent), and 50 million MT of oil an additional 100 million tons of sugarcane to meet ethanol
crops (80 percent). This additional feedstock will require needs, but producing this additional amount is likely to
30 million additional hectares of cropland (compared degrade resources and impact other crops. Non-food
to 1400 million hectares for food), 170 km3 additional crops, such as jatropha and agricultural and woody
ET (compared to 7,600 km3 for food), and 180 km3 for residues, could lower overall water demand. Jatropha can
irrigation (compared to 2,980 km3 for food). This translates be established on marginalized lands without irrigation,
to a 3 percent increase in land area and ET, and a 4 percent but current yields are low (1500 liters per hectares) and
increase in irrigation water usage. commercial operations would require irrigation to boost
yields to economical levels.
Overall, increases in water demands could be supported
by the global resource base, but the situations in China Impact of Biofuels on Water Quality
and India are particularly constraining. To meet biofuels Water pollution is a serious threat throughout developing
requirements in 2030, China would need to increase Asia. Roughly 655 million people (17.6 percent of the
maize production by 25 percent, on top of an estimated population) in South Asia lack access to safe drinking water
60 percent increase to meet food and feed needs. Due (UNEP, 2007). More than 80 percent of the waste in South
Table 18. Biofuels Production and Use of Land and Water Resources, 2005 and 2030
India Sugar cane 1749 9.1 19.4 101 0.2 1 0.5 3 1.2 5
The Krishna basin in Southern India illustrates the complex linkages between hydropower, groundwater pumping,
and lift irrigation systems. Growing irrigated sugarcane for ethanol production could help to meet the growing
demand for fuel. However, the water resources of the Krishna basin are fully allocated, and further withdrawal
would mean water will not be available to meet all current demand in drier years. Growing more irrigated
sugarcane for biofuels would put further stress on the river basin.
Source: McCornick et al. 2008 cited in IWMI, 2008.
and East Asia is untreated and often ends up in aquatic in local and regional hydrology (Box 7). For example,
systems (UNEP, 2007). Biofuels can contribute to water converting dense tropical forests to palm plantations
quality problems through agrochemicals in feedstock lowers vegetation cover and ET, leading to increased
production and generation of effluents during fuel groundwater supplies and surface runoff. In contrast, going
processing. Fertilizers often leave a site and enter surface from degraded agricultural land to tree crops increases
and groundwater systems, and pesticides can similarly overall ET, lowering ground water supplies.
infiltrate groundwater. The impact of fertilizers used for
biofuels is discussed in the next section. Switching from one crop to another also impacts hydrology
if irrigation is used. When groundwater is used for irrigation,
Effluent generation and treatment is feedstock-specific. it is converted into “green water” (water available inthe root
Ethanol production from corn leads to three waste zone) and some is lost as runoff. Even rain-fed agriculture
streams: brine byproduct, organic matter-rich wastewater, changes the hydrology if the replacement energy crop has
and wastewater resulting from cleaning up salt build-up a higher ET. A higher ET implies a larger fraction of the
in cooling towers and boilers (NRC, 2008). Data from rainfall is lost, thus reducing groundwater recharge and
ethanol-producing refineries in Iowa show that the reducing stream flow. Replacing an existing plantation with
salt content of refineries is three times the salt a lower ET crop has the reverse effect.
concentration of regional groundwater (NRC, 2008).
Dumping organic matter-rich wastewater into natural Conclusion
waterways without treatment could increase Biological The analysis of existing research on biofuels and water
Oxygen Demand (BOD). Sugarcane-based ethanol use indicates that when averaged across the globe,
production produces organic matter, hot water and current biofuels feedstock production accounts for a
wastewater flows that contain grease, oil, acid, and sugar small percentage of total water (about 1 percent) and
that should be filtered and treated before release or irrigation water (about 2 percent) used in agriculture.
reuse (Smeets et al., 2006). Per unit of fuel produced, If production from food-based biofuels were to expand
ethanol from molasses produces more waste than to meet projected 2030 targets, these figures would
ethanol directly from sugarcane juice. For palm oil increase proportionately to about 2-5 percent globally.
production, 50 percent of water used becomes palm oil This expansion will have severe consequences for China
mill effluent (POME), the largest pollutant of Malaysian and India, given their existing water resource constraints.
rivers. Most of this water can be recovered and recycled It is unlikely that China and India could meet future food,
(Ahmad et al., 2006), but if discharged untreated, POME feed, and biofuels demand without severely aggravating
dissolves oxygen in water. existing water scarcity problems or importing grain with
related food security implications (see Section 6.3).
Changes in Watershed Hydrology
Vegetation, terrain, microclimate, and human activities 6.1.6 Impacts of Fertilizer Used in
(such as irrigation) affect water hydrology. Converting land biofuels production
to biofuels production can result in wide-ranging changes Increased demand for biofuels could be met by bringing
more land under production or by intensifying production Most analyses suggest energy crops should be grown
within existing crop-growing areas. Both approaches on unutilized or degraded lands with low fertility. As
will likely increase the demand for organic and inorganic production expands on these lands, commercial pressures
fertilizers. Increased fertilizer use aggravates eutrophication makes fertilization more likely.
through fertilizer run-off, and in some cases may result
in a greater dependency on non-renewable, expensive, Ecological Impacts of Increased Fertilizer Use
imported fertilizers.10 For biofuels feedstock production to Widespread fertilizer use has strong links to deterioration
be sustainable, fertilizer application must be minimized to of soil, water, and air quality and release of GHG emissions.
the extent possible. While technical options for retaining For example, on average 60 percent of nitrogen applied
site fertility and lowering fertilizer demand exist, they are to soil is lost as atmospheric emissions or enters
not widely implemented even for food crops. This section surface and groundwater systems, thereby jeopardizing
reviews biofuels fertilizer application needs and practices drinking water quality (Crutzen et al., 2008). Nutrient
and the associated implications for the environment and loading in surface waters spawns algal blooms and hypoxic
socio-economic status of farming communities. (low oxygen) conditions, culminating in “dead zones” and
destruction of aquatic life. About 146 dead zones exist
Fertilizer Demand of Biofuels Crops worldwide, including along coasts of China, Japan, and
Fertilizer demand depends on crop type, production and the Gulf of Thailand (EPI, 2004). Pollution of groundwater
management system, and inherent fertility of the land affects the quality of drinking water.
on which biofuels feedstocks are grown. In general, annual
food crops have higher nutrient demands than non-food The atmospheric emissions from nitrogen-based fertilizers
crops and perennial woody crops. Even among food lead to the production of nitrous oxide, a GHG with a
crops, nutrient demand varies. For example, corn requires global warming potential 310 times that of CO2 (IPCC,
more fertilizer than soybeans. Table 19 compares yields 2007). Crutzen et al. (2008) analyzed energy crops’
with low fertilizer use (field application rates in developing potential to reduce GHG compared to conventional fuels.
countries) with optimal levels recommended by agronomic Low-input crops like switch grass, elephant grass, and other
research for key biofuels crops. In all cases, the application lignocellulosic feedstocks show significant reductions in
of optimal levels of fertilizer significantly increases yields. GHG emissions. Sugarcane has slightly reduced overall
GHG emissions, but net GHG emissions from rapeseed
Research trials also indicate fertilizer dramatically increases and maize are higher.
yields for perennials and non-food crops. For example,
in switch grass plantations, the doubling of fertilizer (e.g., The demand for fertilizer also has impacts resulting
from 75 pounds to 150 pounds per acre) doubled yields from its manufacture. According to the US EPA, fertilizer
(e.g., from 4 to 8 US tons per acre) (Fixen, 2007). As these manufacture leads to the release of nearly 46 pollutants
biofuels crops are commercialized on larger acreages, there in the United States, with ammonia and phosphoric acid
is a strong economic incentive to use fertilizer to maximize accounting for 89 percent of the total volume. Atmospheric
yields. However, in general, these crops have low nutrient ammonia plays a big role in eutrophication. Phosphoric acid
demands relative to annual food crops. in air causes human respiratory problems. Both pollutants
lead to soil acidification.
Crop management systems also influence fertilizer
demand. Feedstock production systems for cellulosic Conclusion
ethanol produced from agricultural waste or aboveground Biofuel production systems are similar to high-intensity
biomass have higher fertilizer requirements when agricultural systems in that fertilizer usage translates into
residue and stems/leaves are removed, which would higher yields and improved economic returns. If biofuels
have otherwise decomposed and returned nutrients to feedstock growers follow conventional practices and
the soil. Inherent soil fertility also influences fertilizer use. apply greater amounts of fertilizers, an increase in biofuels
10 Eutrophication is the process by which water bodies (lakes, streams, oceans, etc.) receive excess nutrients that stimulate excessive plant growth. The plant growth
(e.g., an algal bloom) reduces dissolved oxygen, causing other organisms to die.
Cassava5 11 25 50 15 30 40 50 80
1. Source: FAO website: In cases where data from multiple countries was available for a crop, the average of the data
is presented.
2. China data 3. India data 4. Indonesia data 5. Vietnam data 6. Thailand data.
production will create a greater demand for fertilizers, 6.2.1 Financial viability of biofuels
exacerbating negative environmental impacts. In the push from a Commercial Perspective
to achieve greater yields, best practices need to be Since feedstocks are the most significant portion of biofuels
followed that minimize the need for fertilizer application production cost, profitability depends on whether on the
(e.g., non synthetic fertilizers and the use of residues price of feedstocks are low in relation to the price of crude
as compost). oil. Generally, many biofuels are not cost-competitive with
fossil fuels, even with subsidies. Because of high oil and
food price volatility, boom and bust cycles have made the
6.2 Economic Sustainability
biofuels industry both risky and uncompetitive.
he economic performance of biofuels can be
evaluated from both a private and a social Inter-linkages among Biofuels, Oil,
perspective. From a private standpoint, assessing and Food Markets
the economic performance of biofuels is equivalent to The relationship between biofuels, oil, and food markets is
assessing financial viability as measured by profitability. complex. In energy markets, biofuels are direct competitors
From a social perspective, the economic performance with petroleum-based petrol and diesel. In agricultural
of biofuels is a function of the overall contribution to markets, often biofuels processors compete directly with
society’s well-being, or what economists refer to as social food and animal feed processors.11 An individual farmer is
welfare. A comprehensive evaluation of the social welfare indifferent to the end use a prospective buyer intends for
performance of biofuels includes the fuels’ net impacts on the crop. Farmers sell to biofuels processors if the price is
household income, producer profits, government finance, higher than what they would obtain from a food processor
environmental quality, and energy security. This section or an animal feed operation. Because energy markets
explores the economic relationships among agriculture, are large relative to agricultural markets, a small change
energy, and biofuels, and addresses the economic in energy demand implies a large change in demand for
competitiveness of biofuels and their social welfare agricultural feedstocks, raising concerns about food prices
impacts. It also reviews policies to promote biofuels. and food security, particularly in developing countries.
11 However, sometimes the buyer of a food crop or biofuels feedstock can be one and the same. For example, sugarcane growers can sell to a processor that makes
both sugar and ethanol.
The volatility in the biofuels industry is illustrated by ethanol investment cycles in the United States and Southeast
Asia. By mid-2005, oil prices exceeded $60 per barrel, and US corn ethanol was almost competitive without
subsidies (FAO, 2008). The targets in the US Energy Policy Act of 2005 resulted in a rush of ethanol distillery
construction. As the demand for corn shot up, prices rose throughout 2006. Corn ethanol struggled to stay
competitive, and many plants began operating at negative margins. When crude oil climbed to US $135 per
barrel by mid-2007, corn ethanol regained competitiveness, but corn prices were at all-time highs, close to US
$8 per bushel. This had a dramatic impact on the financial performance of ethanol companies. After targets were
introduced, Pacific Ethanol’s peak share price mirrored the boom driving US ethanol investments. However, as
feedstock prices peaked in 2008, companies that hedged against rising prices saw profits collapse, and several
companies were in financial turmoil. This led to stranded assets and a drop in ethanol production. Following the
drop in demand, corn prices dropped to around US $4 per bushel.
Southeast Asia’s palm oil biodiesel industry underwent a similar cycle. It became immensely profitable beginning
in 2002, when the spread between crude oil and crude palm oil (CPO) favored palm oil. As biodiesel demand
increased, investments and production expanded in Indonesia and Malaysia. In 2005, the price favorability reversed.
By late 2007, the high cost of oil still did not offset the high CPO cost, and plants began to close. In Malaysia, 92
licenses were approved for biodiesel facilities in 2006 and 2007, but only 14 facilities were built, of which eight are
now operating, producing at less than 10 percent of total capacity (GSI, 2008b). RaboBank has warned of a surplus
capacity of 1 million MT in Asia by 2010.
FIGURE 17. Biofuels Production Costs in Select Countries, 2004 and 2007
US $ per Liter
2004 2007 2004 2007 2004 2007 2004 2007 2004 2007 2004 2007
Ethanol Sugar Ethanol Sugar Ethanol Maize Ethanol Wheat Biodesiel RapeseedBiodesiel Soybean
cane beet
Brazil European Union United States European Union European Union Brazil
of America
with the price of oil and feedstock, these are representative than other feedstocks used around the world. Tyner and
and do not necessarily reflect current production costs. Taheripour (2007) in FAO (2008) published an analysis of
The difference in production costs by feedstock show that breakeven points for maize-based ethanol, given various
different countries have different operating conditions combinations of feedstock and oil prices.
and there is no clear winner from a production cost
perspective. In general, ethanol from molasses and biodiesel In Figure 18 the solid black line traces the various
from oil palm and waste oil can have some of the lowest breakeven points for maize-ethanol in the United States.
production costs. Most Asian biofuels compare favorably For example, at US$80 a barrel for crude oil, ethanol
against higher production costs in the US and EU.14 processors can pay up to US$120/metric ton for maize
and remain profitable. At price combinations located above
A 2006 FAO study that calculated breakeven prices for and to the left of the parity price line, maize ethanol is
selected feedstocks at different crude oil prices revealed profitable. At lower crude oil prices or higher maize prices
a wide variation in the ability of different production (combinations below and to the right of the solid line),
systems to deliver biofuels competitively. Brazilian sugarcane maize ethanol is not profitable.
was more competitive at much lower crude oil prices
14 These production costs are from 2006-2007 before feedstock prices rose significantly; some biofuels were competitive with gasoline and diesel at these prices.
One important aspect of biofuels economics that improves financial viability is the use of co-products. All first-
generation feedstocks have valuable co-products that can either be used in biofuels processing or sold for
additional revenue. Crop production results in residues, such as bagasse and palm fronds, which can be used in
cogeneration plants to produce heat and electricity. Biodiesel processing results in glycerin, which has uses in many
industries, including the food, beverage, and pharmaceutical industries. Other high-value by-products include silage,
DDG, and oilseed cake that can be used for animal feed, and as fertilizer. Utilization of these co-products can make
an important contribution to the financial returns at biofuels plants. For example, DDG can add as much as 10-15
percent to ethanol producers’ incomes (USDA, 2007).
Table 20. Selection of Biofuels Production The parity line (blue line) shifts to the right and below of
Costs (2006-2007) the original parity line (black line) when taking into
consideration various government support schemes (e.g.,
Country and Feedstock Production Cost
tax credits, tariff barriers), depicted here based on a
(USD per liter) combined subsidy of about US$63 per metric ton of maize.
For crude oil priced at US$100 a barrel, producers are able
China: corn $0.56 to pay up to US$183 per metric ton for maize. FAO (2008)
China: cassava1 $0.47 cites an earlier FAO study based on average feedstock prices
prior to 2006 that confirms that different systems have
Thailand: cassava $0.54 a wide variation in break-even prices: Brazilian ethanol—
India: molasses $0.30 competitive at just over US$30 per barrel—out-competes
maize at roughly US$57 per barrel and mixed European
Thailand: molasses $0.46
feedstocks at US$80 per barrel. Correspondingly, Deutsche
Indonesia: oil palm $0.41 Bank (2008) estimates that oil palm-based biodiesel is
competitive at oil prices over US$80 per barrel without
Thailand: oil palm $0.86
subsidies and at US$60 per barrel with current subsidy rates.
Malaysia: oil palm $0.54
Philippines: coconut $0.85
In general, Asian biofuels are competitive with biofuels
China: waste oil $0.41 from other regions. They are, however, competitive with
petroleum-based liquid fuels only when feedstock prices
Thailand: waste oil $0.68
are relatively low compared to oil prices. Except for
Gasoline Refinery Costs $0.42-$0.56 Brazilian ethanol, generally, unsubsidized biofuels are not
Diesel Refinery Costs $0.64 competitive with fossil fuels. Even if Brazil’s profitability can
be replicated, it likely will take years for mature markets
Source: APEC, 2008; Tantichaoren, 2007; Philippine Coconut Authority to develop in Asia. Absent declines in production cost,
1. In contrast, in 2008, cassava-based ethanol in Thailand was reported at biofuels will require substantial subsidies and other support
around $0.60 per liter mechanisms to be competitive.
Exchange rates used in table: 0.131 CNY/USD; 34.5 Baht/USD
The tenuous nature of biofuels profitability is evidenced
by the adverse conditions in input and output markets
in 2008 that drove many biofuels firms into bankruptcy.
Because of such volatility, policies may be needed to induce
biofuels investments.
FIGURE 18. Breakeven Prices for Corn (Maize) Ethanol and Crude Oil with and without Subsidies
is profitable
80 with
is not profitable
50 100 150 200 250
Price of maize (US $ per metric ton)
6.2.2 Economic viability of biofuels trade opportunities for biofuels will be limited as long as
from a Societal Perspective countries enforce trade tariffs and protectionist policies.
An economic analysis of biofuels based on market prices
alone is insufficient to assess the desirability of biofuels Welfare analysis of biofuels
for society as a large-scale energy source. The main reasons The social benefits of biofuels production are harder to
are the ubiquitous distortions of the fossil fuel and biofuels assess than commercial profitability. Determining biofuels’
markets, and the repercussions of biofuels production for impact on aggregate social welfare requires an evaluation
other sectors. To inform public policy, a private market of their impact on input markets (specifically, food crops,
perspective must be complemented by a social welfare land, labor, and agro-chemicals), the environment, energy
perspective that evaluates the impacts of biofuels on and food security, the macroeconomy (government
society as a whole. budgets and balance of trade), and income distribution.
The analysis is complicated by the absence of comparable
From a social perspective, the economic performance of values for difficult-to-quantify social assets, such as
biofuels is a function of overall contribution to society’s environmental amenities and energy security. Another
well-being. Overall, biofuels are found to lower social complicating factor is the temporal structure of the
welfare if they result in food prices increases because distribution of benefits and costs associated with biofuels
food prices affect the poor more than energy prices. strategies. For example, benefits from climate change
Because of uncompetitive production costs and the mitigation are spread over long time periods while the
need for subsidies and other financial support along the costs of a large-scale switch from conventional energy
production chain, first-generation biofuels are not found towards biofuels or other renewable sources are heavily
to be a cost-effective avenue to reduce GHGs, fossil fuel- biased toward the present and near-term.
based transport demand, or foreign imports. Furthermore,
Analyses of the US ethanol program suggest that the recent Government interventions to address environmental
expansion of corn ethanol slightly lowered global gasoline externalities have the stated goal of correcting or reducing
prices, although the decrease was too small to be noticed negative, uncompensated welfare impacts from pollution
given the steep rise in oil prices (Sexton et al., 2009). or natural resource damages (e.g., emission of air pollutants
However, a larger increase in food prices resulted. From a or greenhouse gases) by providing incentives and mandates
distributional perspective, the poor experienced a negative for producers and consumers. The welfare enhancement
impact from the increase in food prices that was larger than of government interventions promoting biofuels is still
the benefit from the decrease in gasoline prices (ibid). debated. On the one hand, biofuels currently are a very
expensive method of reducing air pollutant and GHG
Ex ante assessments of policies, such as national biofuels emissions. For example, according to a GSI (2008d) study,
mandates, using more comprehensive computable general under optimistic projections it costs roughly US$500
equilibrium models—the most widely-used economic in federal and state subsidies to reduce one metric ton
tools for performing welfare analysis of government of GHGs in the US through the production and use of
policies—suggest increases in social welfare from reduction corn-based ethanol.16 Doornbosch and Steenblik (2007)
in energy prices are overcompensated by negative impacts estimated that the cost of biofuel-based GHG abatement
of increased food prices (Elobeid et al., 2006; Dixon, 2007; can be as high as US$4,520 per metric ton in the EU for
McDonald, 2007). Although these studies focused on the ethanol from sugar beet and maize—magnitudes higher
US and the EU, they suggest that negative welfare impacts than the market price of carbon dioxide-equivalent offsets.
are even larger for developing countries, which benefit The IEA (2004) estimates that CO2 abatement from most
less from lower oil prices and are hit harder by higher biofuels costs well over US$100/tCO2-eq, with Brazil as an
food prices. These results suggest that policymakers should exception with costs of US$20-60 per ton CO2-eq on a
exercise caution in legislating biofuels mandates, although gasoline energy equivalent basis.17 In addition, as discussed in
intervention in biofuels markets may be justified for other Section 6.1.1, studies show net GHG emission reductions
reasons. For one, these studies do not consider possible are not achieved when converting forest and grasslands into
benefits of biofuels to the environment or energy security. first-generation biofuels until decades or centuries into the
future, thus making most biofuels a doubtful proposition for
Government intervention in favor of biofuels can be justified reducing GHGs in the near- to medium-term.
from two perspectives. One is the normative view that in
cases of market failure, government intervention is justified Energy security is a significant concern in the region for two
to achieve welfare improvements. Market failure can occur principal reasons—first, the unpredictability of the price of
because of externalities, imperfect competition, or public imported fuels that can lead to crippling bills and, second,
goods.15 The second rationale is based on considerations of rising demand globally and regionally. Considering that fossil
political economy, such as agricultural and trade objectives, fuels provide more than 75 percent of final energy demand
support for infant industries, and energy security (guarantee in China, India, Indonesia, Thailand, the Philippines, and
of stable supplies). The following section examines these two Vietnam, and oil import dependence in Southeast Asia is
rationales in more detail. expected to rise to 70 percent by 2030, it will be important
for countries in the region to pursue energy security options
Market Failure Considerations: Environmental that shore up domestic supplies in an efficient, affordable,
and Energy Security Externalities and sustainable manner (APERC, 2006). The analysis in
Two market failures commonly used to justify government Section 5 suggests that biofuels will account for between
action are environmental and energy security concerns. 3 and 14 percent of transport fuel in the focus countries
15 A good is considered public if, once provided, no one can be excluded from its consumption, and if its consumption by one individual does not impact its consumption
by others. National defense, a stable climate and clean air are examples of public goods.
16 That same investment could buy 30-140 metric tons of GHG emission reductions from other project types on the EU Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) or Chicago
Climate Exchange (CCX) carbon exchanges. (CCX is a voluntary carbon exchange based in the US).
17 Environmental groups in Europe have taken aim at the ten percent target for blending biofuels in transport fuel, pointing out that the goal would only lead to a one
percent reduction in emissions across the EU while the same investment, if redirected to other types of reduction projects, such as forestry, could achieve reductions of
up to 30 percent (PointCarbon, 2008).
by 2030, up from less than an average of 3 percent today. produced biofuels but are difficult to change because of
Biofuels cannot significantly bolster the energy security of the political influence of agricultural lobbies.
the largest oil-importing countries in Asia.
In theory, biofuels trade liberalization would increase
While reducing dependence on foreign oil was the primary competition, allowing the world’s lowest-cost producers
reason behind the Brazilian and US ethanol programs, to expand market share.19 Removal of high tariffs would
economists have long recommended that the primary reduce prices and increase demand for biofuels in highly
policy response should be to correct foreign exchange protected markets. However, in reality, breaking down trade
distortions before promoting import substitution or barriers while maintaining current agricultural policies (and
export subsidization. Allowing domestic fuel prices to associated subsidies) could aggravate market distortions, as
reflect international market prices would better curb the total market size for subsidized biofuels would increase.
demand, aided by policies that promote vehicle efficiency Reducing trade barriers would open up markets to Asian
and reduce car ownership growth rates (Rajagopal and biofuels producers, but the extent to which they could take
Zilberman, 2007). Furthermore, with vehicle ownership advantage of this potential depends on the competitiveness
rising by 1.7 percent per year in developing Asia, biofuels of their biofuels with fossil fuels, crude oil price fluctuations,
are likely to make only a negligible dent in reducing overall and the ability to develop significant export capacity. Within
demand for transport oil (ADB, 2006). Asia, only Indonesia and Malaysia have significant export
capability (Kojima et al., 2007; IIED, 2008). India and China
Political Economy Considerations: have plans to import biofuels to meet their requirements,
Agricultural and Trade Policies while others, like Thailand, are focusing solely on domestic
Because production costs of biofuels are generally production. Prospects for regional biofuels trade depend on
significantly higher than those of fossil fuels, the agricultural the extent to which countries boost export production.
and trade policies that influence supply, demand, and
agricultural prices are the chief determinants of biofuels Policy Mechanisms for Promoting Biofuels
viability and expansion. Among policy interventions, A range of national agriculture, energy, fuel, and trade
agricultural policies in the form of price subsidies and policies influence biofuels development. Policies generally
regulation of imports and exports influence trade are employed in the form of product standards
opportunities and often result in distortions.18 (fuel blends), R&D policy, or financial incentives such as
production or fuel blend tax credits, investment subsidies
The debate over trade restrictions centers on the fact such as low-interest loans, direct subsidies, export
that potential export markets like the US, EU, and Canada subsidies, or import tariffs.
support local feedstocks—wheat, corn, sugar beet, and
vegetable oils—to produce biofuels that avoid GHG Figure 19 shows points in the supply chain where direct
emissions (see Section 6.1) and are costlier to produce. and indirect policy measures can provide support.
In practice, this locks out Asian biofuels that may in some
cases offer greater GHG savings (OECD, 2008a). The Agricultural policies, including subsidies and price support
policies may be damaging in the long run, since price mechanisms, affect production levels and feedstock
interventions typically are short-term solutions to volatility prices. Blending mandates are a key driver in most Asian
and introduce new economic distortions. Ideally, GHG countries.20 Policies are in flux as countries occasionally
reductions should be realized through the least-cost revise mandates and targets in response to volatile
options regardless of location (Box 10). Protectionist crude oil prices and concerns about feedstock availability.
policies significantly limit trade prospects for Asian- Governments also encourage biofuels distribution and use
To meet an interim target for 5.75 percent of transport fuels from biofuels, the EU has been a large importer of
biodiesel. However, the EU has mandated that imports demonstrate GHG savings of 45 percent or more compared
to petroleum-based fuels. EU studies conclude that palm oil yields GHG reductions of less than 35 percent.
Malaysia and Indonesia are fighting these policies, which they say are political rather than science-based. Malaysia
argues the EU policy is a front for domestic protectionism, citing studies from the Malaysian Palm Oil Board that
suggest that palm oil in Malaysia is produced sustainably and reduces GHGs by at least 50 percent (Basiron, 2008).
by subsidizing or mandating investments in transport and Similarly, several countries in Asia have subsidies to
storage infrastructure, and promoting the purchase of flex- stimulate production. Because of the indirect effects of
fuel vehicles. Tax incentives and exemptions are intended some mechanisms (e.g., biofuels use mandates) and lack of
to stimulate domestic production, and tariffs as described data, calculation of total subsidies is difficult and has only
above are aimed at protecting domestic industries and been done for a few countries. Table 21 shows subsidies
producers. Some Asian countries, notably Indonesia, impose offered to biofuels in select focus countries. The bulk of the
an export tax on biofuels to generate revenue. Most subsidies are tied to output. Thus, if double-digit growth
countries that produce biofuels also support research and of the industry continues, total government spending on
development through public funds, especially in areas related biofuels will skyrocket.
to crop agronomy, cellulosic ethanol technology, microalgae-
based biodiesel, and biomass-to-liquid (BTL) processes. It is unclear whether current subsidy levels for biofuels
production in Asia are economically justifiable given the
These policies can have variable impacts on policy goals, large financial costs to governments and unstable profits
including reduction in use of petroleum fuels and GHG in the biofuels market. For example, in Malaysia, when
emissions. Generally, mechanisms that impact supply the market price for palm oil and Malaysian crude was
through price supports, land-use regulation, and regulation US$870 per ton and US$115 per barrel, respectively,
of imports and exports have larger market-distorting biodiesel production costs were roughly US$0.20 higher
effects than R&D support. National blending requirements, per liter than petroleum diesel (GSI, 2008c). In 2008, the
renewable fuels targets, and direct subsidies are the most Malaysian government spent an estimated US$7.8 billion
common form of support and consequently the primary on petroleum fuel subsidies. Replacing petroleum diesel
drivers of increasing production. with biodiesel would actually raise the government’s
subsidy burden, rather than lower it. A proposal to displace
Subsidies for biofuels have increased significantly, especially conventional diesel with 5 percent biodiesel (B5) would
in OECD countries. In the US, processors and growers add an additional US$122 million to the subsidy bill, and
receive more than US$6 billion per year, and those in the the government cancelled plans to introduce this mandate
EU receive almost US$5 billion per year. These levels could when palm oil prices reached highs in 2007 (GSI, 2008c).
increase as subsidies are often linked to mandated outputs On the other hand, if the price of palm oil fell to pre-2006
that are set to increase in the near term. Ethanol subsidies levels and oil prices rose to US$175 per barrel, a B5
range from US$0.30 to US$1.00 per liter across the mandate would reduce government subsidies by around
OECD, while subsidies for biodiesel range from US$0.20 to US$430 million (ibid). When palm oil prices fell in late 2008,
US$1.00 per liter. discussions about a biodiesel mandate resumed.21
21 The biofuels industry’s lack of economic viability in Malaysia due to high palm oil prices was further demonstrated when, by September 2008, only 14 functional
biodiesel plants were constructed in the country although 92 licenses had been issued in 2006-2007. Of the 14 plants constructed, only, eight were actually producing
biodiesel (GSI, 2008c).
FIGURE 19. Support Provided at Different Points in the Biofuels Supply Chain
Support to inputs
Fertilizer, irrigation
and other input subsidies
General energy
and water-pricing policies
Land-tenure policies
Production support
Domestic agricultural
Farm income support
Trade policies
General support to agriculture
Processing and marketing support
Production-linked payments
Tax credits, incentives
and exemptions
Mandated use requirements
Trade policies
Subsidies for capital investment
Support to consumption
The Chinese government paid at least US$115 million— From a welfare perspective, there is concern that mounting
or about US$0.40 per liter—in biofuels subsidies in 2006. domestic support for biofuels farmers boosts production
Payments are expected to grow to US$1.2 billion by 2020 above market equilibrium, artificially depressing world
although this figure may be substantially underestimated prices, resulting in worsening price volatility, and ultimately,
(GSI, 2008a). The government has said biofuels will not reducing the scope for competition from imports (ESMAP,
be allowed to jeopardize food production. It is in the 2005). For example, about 80 percent of worldwide sugar
contradictory position of both trying to discourage food production is subsidized—only Brazil, Australia, and Cuba
crops in biofuels production and continuing to provide have sugar sectors operating at international market prices.
production subsidies for ethanol from corn, wheat, and India, China, and Thailand keep sugar prices high through
other crops. minimum prices, quotas, and import restrictions (ESMAP,
Roughly US$220 million in 2007; blending credit of 1,373 Chinese Yuan (CNY) per ton of ethanol in 2007 +
tax exemptions and low-interest loans for capital investment; no official subsidies for biodiesel
Malaysia US$16 million in low interest loans; US$3.3 million in federal grants
24.9 Thai baht (THB) per liter blending credit for ethanol—retail E20 is sold at 6 baht per liter lower than
premium pure gasoline; tax incentives for E85 vehicles; 30 THB per liter blending credit for B2 manufacturers;
Indonesia Rupiah (IDR) 1 trillion interest rate subsidy to farmers growing jatropha, oil palm, cassava, and
sugarcane; IDR 563-572 per liter to Pertamina for distributing biofuels; excise duty cuts
India 90% subsidy for jatropha irrigation; 30% for oilseed production facilities; fertilizer subsidies
Philippines Raw materials exception from VAT and favorable loan policies
Sources: Runge, 2008; NDRC, 2006; GSI, 2008a; GSI, 2008d; TERI, 2005; Alfian, 2009
2005). These supports distort trade and are costly for these objectives. A carbon tax, one of the most efficient
governments. A mid-1990s study found that Indian sugar tools to correct the problem of externalities in energy
subsidies would cost the economy about US$2billion a production and use, remains politically implausible.
year by 2004 (Larson and Borrell, 2001, as cited in Kojima Energy efficiency and conservation, as well as public
and Johnson, 2005). transportation, can also achieve policy goals without the
unintended negative welfare impacts associated with
Conclusion biofuels. The subsidies, mandates, and trade policies to
Biofuel policies can be based on and directed toward support biofuels indicate that considerations of political
advancing a variety of social objectives. These may include economy (e.g., farm lobby, rural votes) shape biofuels
reducing the cost of transportation fuels, improving energy policymaking. Subsidies, in particular, consume scarce
security, furthering rural revitalization, and reducing air resources and reduce funds available for other more
pollution and greenhouse gas emissions. While biofuels have welfare-enhancing public goods like roads, healthcare,
had some positive impacts on advancing some of these and R&D.
goals (e.g., farm income and job creation), they also have
had some notable disadvantages, such as increasing food
6.3 Social Sustainability
prices and government debt. The impact on other policy
goals is still unclear, such as the cost of transport fuels, local 6.3.1 Biofuels and Food Security
air pollution, and GHG emissions. Given that these potential The recent sudden increase in the prices of cereals, edible
impacts vary so greatly—whether positive or negative, oils, and fats during 2007-2008 prompted many questions
to what degree, or unknown—it will remain critical for about biofuels. Debates continue over the magnitude to
decision-makers to take a holistic view when designing which biofuels have contributed to the rise in food prices,
biofuels policies in the future.. but most sources agree that biofuels played a role. In Asia,
ethanol from corn and cassava, and biodiesel from oil
Generally, biofuels and the instruments currently most palm may have had an impact on the price of food, feed,
used to support them are neither the most efficient nor and edible oils, respectively. Impacts of higher demand for
the most cost-effective approaches to achieving any of biofuels and higher food prices have been both direct and
indirect. Higher food prices affected the poor the most as US Department of Agriculture echoed these conclusions,
governments scrambled to keep domestic food prices in estimating overall impact on food prices at a mere 0.3 to
check while balancing exports. As acreages dedicated to 0.7 percent of the Consumer Price Index (CPI) (USDA,
biofuels feedstocks expanded, displacing other food crops, 2008). An inquiry sponsored by the Asian Development
countries sought out new sources for food. These impacts Bank (Timmer, 2008) suggested biofuels production was just
indicate that biofuels expansion should be based on one of several factors contributing to food price increases.
non-food feedstocks, grown on non-agricultural land. Overall, while most analyses conclude that the demand for
biofuels has contributed to higher prices, the magnitude of
Impact of Biofuels on Food Security the contribution remains a subject of debate.
From mid-2007 to mid-2008, the average prices of corn
increased by 60 percent, soybeans by 76 percent, wheat by Direct and Indirect Effects
54 percent, and rice by 104 percent (Runge and Senauer, Corn-derived US ethanol illustrates the links between
2008) Figure 20. Between early 2004 and June 2008, biofuels expansion and food prices. Spurred by the Energy
FAO’s composite food index rose by about 114 percent Policy Act of 2005 and related targets for renewable
while the grains and oils components of the index each fuels, corn diverted to make ethanol rose steadily from
rose by 178 percent. Several factors may have caused 11 percent in 2004 to an estimated 30 percent in 2008.
food prices to increase, including: rising affluence in China, This increased demand shifted acreage from production of
India, and other rapidly developing countries leading to other crops, particularly soybeans, to corn. Between April
increased demand for meat and processed foods; the 2007 and April 2008, soybean prices rose 75 percent, while
rapid depreciation of the dollar against the euro and other acreage declined by 16 percent in the US. Such a large shift
important currencies; speculative interest from financial in land use had far-reaching effects on supply and demand
players flooding into commodity markets; the increase of commodities around the world. As a result of reduced
in the price of petroleum and farm inputs, particularly US soybean production, China turned to Asian-produced
fertilizers derived from natural gas; and the demand for palm oil for vegetable oil. This demand was overlaid on an
corn-based ethanol in the US and biodiesel fuels from increased CPO demand for the European biodiesel market.
vegetable oils in Europe.
The displacement of soybeans also increased demand
Several analyses have attempted to quantify the effect for rapeseed and other oils to manufacture biodiesel in
of biofuels on rising food costs. The International Food the EU, which in turn displaced wheat both in the EU and
Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) estimates that demand other wheat-exporting countries. The eight largest wheat-
for biofuels accounted for 30 percent of the increase in exporting countries expanded rapeseed and sunflower
weighted-average grain prices between 2000 and 2007 acreage by 36 percent (8.4 million hectares) between
(Rosegrant, 2008). Collins (2008) puts the figure at 23-35 2001 and 2007, largely at the expense of wheat (Mitchell,
percent, while the OECD blames biofuels for about 2008). Figure 21 shows the diverging relationship of
one-third of the projected increase in cereal and oilseed corn and soybean acreage in the US, and of wheat and
prices over the next decade (OECD, 2008b). In the most oilseed elsewhere.
aggressive estimate to date, the World Bank reports that
as much as 70-75 percent of recent increases in food It is likely that biofuels had an impact on food prices in
commodity prices were due to biofuels, either directly or Asia, although to a lesser extent. In May 2007, China
indirectly (Mitchell, 2008). implemented a policy to prevent biofuels production on
land traditionally devoted to staple grains. China started
There have been a few viewpoints opposing the above to look for feedstocks outside its borders, which resulted
conclusions. In testimony to the US Congress, the chairman in new pressure on other crops, especially cassava. Rising
of the Council of Economic Advisers asserted that while cassava imports into China may have contributed to upward
the increased ethanol production had driven up prices pressure on the export price of cassava from Thailand.
of corn and soybeans, only 3 percent of retail food price In 2007, the export price of tapioca starch, an important
increases were attributed to biofuels (Lazear, 2008). The barometer of the overall cost of cassava products, rose
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
by 45 percent, with a similar rise in domestic wholesale to slow the relentless increase in the price of CPO, the
prices (Thai Tapioca Starch Association, 2009). Palm oil government changed the export duty to a progressive
experienced similar price increases as roughly 10 percent tax. By early 2008, this taxation scheme was revised again.
of palm oil was siphoned away from the food supply to When CPO prices peaked, the export duty stood at
make biodiesel. 20 percent. Prices then plummeted. In November 2008,
the government scrapped the export duty entirely in an
Increasing food prices are particularly threatening to the attempt to re-stimulate exports.
world’s poorest populations in low-income, food-deficit
countries and high prices in 2008 led to food riots in Because exported agricultural products fetch higher prices
Mexico and Egypt, among other countries. In Asia, where than those in the domestic market, Asian countries that
food costs comprise 60 percent of the poor’s total export agricultural commodities face the challenge of
household expenditures, economists estimate as many safeguarding domestic consumers from high commodity
as 1.2 billion people are vulnerable to soaring food grain prices while trying to boosting export income. Despite
prices (Rahman et al., 2008). their efforts, Asian governments may not always be able to
shield their citizens from the most damaging spikes in food
Analyses suggest government policies in Asia have helped prices if international commodity prices continue to rise.
insulate domestic markets from global commodity price
changes. For example, in Indonesia, demand and speculation While the impacts biofuels have had directly on Asian food
drove up the domestic price of crude palm oil (CPO) by commodity prices have not been quantified, the larger issue
80 percent between mid-2006 and mid-2007. To halt the is to what extent competition between biofuels feedstocks
trend, the government raised the CPO export duty from and food will grow as demand for food rises in the future.
1.5 percent to 6.5 percent in June 2007 and reduced the Notwithstanding the recent slump in the prices of food
national biodiesel blending mandate (Naylor et al., 2007). commodities, the resumption of economic growth and the
Revenues from the import tax were used for INR 325 underlying increase in population and affluence will lead to
billion in cooking oil subsidies. When these measures failed renewed competition between food and fuel, putting net
FIGURE 21. Change in Cropping Areas Due to Biofuels Production: US Maize and Soybean Area
(top figure); Wheat and Oilseeds Area: Key Exporting Countries (bottom figure)
Million Ha. Planted
Maize Soybeans
Index 2001 = 100
food-importers and food-buying households at risk. For production with other processes, such as feedstock supply.
example, it is estimated that meeting additional demand A typical ethanol refinery in the Midwestern United States
for palm oil for food purposes by 2050 would require has an annual capacity of 250 million liters, for which over
an additional 12 million hectares of land, assuming yields half a million metric tons of corn is required—roughly
increase at historical rates (Corley, 2009). This would be equivalent to the yield from at least 50,000 hectares
roughly double current acreage. As demand for agricultural (FAO, 2008; Ethanol Industry Outlook, 2007). In Brazil,
crops, like palm oil, rises, their use as a biofuels feedstock a typical ethanol plant crushes 2 million metric tons of
will become more problematic. sugarcane to produce 200 million liters each year, which
requires about 30,000 hectares (Goldemberg, 2008). While
Conclusion small-scale farmers can grow crops like sugarcane and
In light of the food security impacts described above, Asian corn commercially, economic incentives to concentrate
countries with ambitious plans for biofuels expansion will production are significant. The preference is for large,
need to focus on feedstocks that do not compete with mechanized farming operations that can supply centralized
food production, while creating safety nets that protect processing facilities.
vulnerable populations from near-term price increases.
Biofuels have impacted food prices to a lesser extent in This is also true, albeit to a smaller extent, for biodiesel. A
Asia compared to the rest of the world, though overall, typical Malaysian biodiesel refinery processes 60 million
food price increases have had some effect and thus care liters per year, which requires a crop of about 13,000
must be taken to pursue feedstocks that pose less of a hectares (data extrapolated from FAO, 2008). While this
threat to food crops. From this standpoint, cassava, sweet area is smaller than the requirements for corn or sugar-
sorghum, and jatropha are the most promising first- based ethanol, it is still vastly larger than the average few
generation feedstocks for biofuels production because they hectares of a Malaysian smallholder.
can be grown on dry, marginalized land.
Crops that require manual harvesting, such as jatropha
6.3.2. Biofuels and Smallholders and pongamia, are well suited to small-scale cultivation
In many developing countries, smallholders benefit less and, in several respects, ill-suited to large-scale production.
from agricultural development than larger landholders However, participation in wider markets requires that
do. Smallholders struggle for access to improved planting biodiesel products meet stringent quality standards, which
stock, fertilizers, technical know-how, adequate credit and are easier to attain with large-scale production (further
insurance, and new markets. As a result, smallholders’ discussed in Section 7.6).
productivity lags and they are particularly vulnerable to
price volatility and poor crop yields. Although, biofuels Promoting Smallholder Involvement
production systems are more efficient at larger-scales, Recognizing the need to involve smallholders in feedstock
small-scale systems bring higher employment and income production from a social equity and employment
opportunities to rural areas. Biodiesel, in particular, is better standpoint, many governments have implemented policies
suited to smaller scales. The commercial incentive to gain to promote smallholder farming. They include making
economies of scale needs to be countered by dedicated public investments in infrastructure, irrigation, and research;
programs that support smallholders, such as those being sponsoring innovative approaches to rural finance; and
implemented in Malaysia and to a lesser extent in Indonesia. improving markets in rural areas. The Brazilian government,
for example, created the Social Fuel Stamp program to
Economies of Scale encourage biodiesel producers to purchase feedstock
Biofuels production, like most agriculture, tends to favor from small family farms in poorer regions of the country.
larger-scale operations. Ethanol production is a case in Companies that join the scheme benefit from partial or
point. Costly, sophisticated processing plants require vast, total federal tax exemption. By the end of 2007, some
steady inflows of feedstock to produce fuel at competitive 400,000 small farmers had joined the program to sell oil
prices (ICRISAT, 2007). Large plantations represent palm, soybeans, and castor beans to refining companies
a solution to the need for vertical integration of fuel (Dubois, 2008).
In Asia, government-sponsored contract farming has been through the guaranteed sale of fruit bunches at a price
relied upon to build markets while safeguarding smallholder set through a government formula. The nucleus-plasma
participation. Malaysia and Indonesia have put structures schemes continue, although government sponsorship of
in place over the last few decades to cultivate oil palm. expansion stopped in 2001.
According to Vermeulen and Goad (2006), Malaysia’s Federal
Land Development Authority (FELDA) runs the largest The outcome of these programs has been mixed. The
of the government’s smallholding schemes. Established in Malaysian smallholder schemes, for example, were rather
1956 with a mandate to intensify agriculture and resettle successful. By 2003, smallholders—both independent and
landless families, FELDA has 480 schemes, covering roughly supported by schemes like FELDA—farmed about 40
850,000 hectares (mostly for palm) and more than 112,000 percent of the total acreage under oil palm plantation in
families ( The contract system is complex Johor State, and supported smallholders achieved yields
and has changed several times. A new phase in the 1970s close to those of large plantations (Vermeulen and Goad,
changed to a block system, which organized settlers into 2006). Incidence of poverty declined, and the incomes
groups of twenty for cooperative work. Each cooperative of more than 300,000 families increased dramatically
operates roughly 80 hectares of oil palm. They receive (Simeh, 2001; Zen et al., 2006). In Indonesia, smallholders
housing, infrastructure, and agricultural inputs, and each block farmed roughly 37 percent of palm acreage. The PIR
has 1.5 hectares for subsistence farming. Farmers transport model ensured that supported smallholders achieved high
oil palm fruit from their fields to the road; the block then yields, but independent smallholders experienced a huge
pays for transport to FELDA-sponsored processing facilities. variance in yield and profitability, notably between those
Profit from block sales is divided among members. Farmers few who had technical know-how and the majority who
receive the title to the land once they have repaid the debts planted low-yielding varieties. High-yield smallholders, by
incurred to finance the agricultural inputs, which usually takes some estimates, enjoyed rates of return on a par or higher
a minimum of 15 years. than the nucleus estates (Vermeulen and Goad, 2006).
In Indonesia, between 1978 and 2001, the government A variety of problems have plagued the Indonesian
provided policy support, with the help of the World Bank, experience. Unlike the Malaysian scheme set up to
to implement a smallholder scheme known as nucleus- stimulate production, the Indonesian plan was mostly a
plasma (Perkebunan Inti Rakyat or PIR). Companies subsistence project to reduce overcrowding in Java and
developed oil palm plots for smallholders in a “plasma” Sumatra (Laquian, 1982). Underfunded planning and
area around their own plantation or nucleus. Management ineffective administration often led to poor selection of
of plasma plots—generally two hectares of oil palm plus settlers and inadequate resources in the early phases.
one hectare for other crops—would be transferred to Moreover, the settlers moved to distant locations, which
smallholders after three to four years. The scheme was led to alienation, ethnic friction with local groups, and
conceived as part of the government’s resettlement frequent disputes over land tenure. Abandonment rates
program, through which Javanese and Sumatrans moved were relatively high. Many smallholders in mature PIR
to less-populated islands. Nearly 900,000 hectares of oil schemes received good incomes, but success depended on
palm smallholdings were established under this model. The the selling price of oil palm fruit (Zen et al., 2005).
original apportionment between nucleus and plasma was
20:80, but has tended towards 40:60 over time. Smallholding in Indonesia is limited to two hectares, which
provides insufficient income to farmers after they have
In a typical scheme, holders of the plasma plots are paid for fertilizers, pesticides, and technical assistance.
supported through employment and subsistence When debt mounts, farmers are forced to work for the
agriculture in the early years before the palms reach plantation company (Colchester et al., 2007). Even at
maturity. A smallholders’ cooperative manages the plasma recent palm oil highs of over US$1000 per ton, many
area and contracts technical functions back to the farmers were not better off (ibid). Company owners
nucleus plantation company. Hence, growers often work and investors grew rich, but profits did not pass to
as laborers on their plots. They receive additional income growers and pickers. Now that CPO prices have declined,
smallholders are even worse off. Economic studies show cultivated. Estimates are that sugarcane generates 0.05-0.1
farmers would have a more stable cash flow if they grew full-time direct jobs per hectare, oil palm generates 0.1-0.2
multiple crops instead of monocrop oil palm. However, jobs per hectare, and jatropha generates 0.2-1 jobs per
Indonesian palm smallholders are tied to 25-year hectare (MIT 2008, de Moraes and Azanha, 2008; Smeets
production cycles, and the government offers limited et al., 2006; UNEP/Worldwatch, 2008; MPOC, 2008).
support to develop a greater variety of crops, like rubber,
cacao, and pepper. Even within a single country, and for one crop, labor
intensity varies substantially. In Brazil, sugarcane production
Conclusion uses three times as much labor in the northeast as it
Experience suggests that biodiesel production may lend does in the south-central sugarcane heartland (FAO
itself to smaller-scale operations while ethanol from biofuels, 2008), in part because of mechanized harvesting
sugarcane and corn is most efficient at large scales. (de Moraes and Azanha, 2008). Increased reliance on
However, specific interventions aimed at supporting mechanical harvesting reduced sugarcane employment
smallholders, such as contract farming and technical from 670,000 in 1992, to 450,000 in 2003. Today, the
assistance, are required if smallholders are to benefit. The number of sugarcane field workers may be as low as
experience in Malaysia with FELDA and, to a lesser extent, 300,000 (Worldwatch/UNEP, 2008).
the nucleus-plasma system in Indonesia, demonstrate how
government planning can effectively support smallholder Indonesia is planning a major expansion in oil palm
participation in the production of commodity agricultural production and, according to the Singapore Institute of
crops that are used to make biofuels. International Affairs, projecting some 3.5 million new
plantation jobs by 2010. In China, the liquid biofuels
6.3.3 Employment Impacts and program is predicted to create up to 9.26 million
Labor Rights jobs (Dufey, 2006). Yet employment estimates on new
Biofuels advocates claim that wide-scale promotion of plantations vary. For example, a 2006 study in West
biofuels will create significant employment and help Kalimantan found that some 200,000 hectares of new
to bolster livelihood in struggling rural economies in plantation land employed fewer than 2,000 people,
Asia. Biodiesel feedstocks generally have higher labor compared with more than 200,000 smallholders who
requirements than grain-based ethanol feedstocks but found subsistence and employment on 80,000 hectares
the number of jobs associated with biofuels production of land—almost 260 times the employment potential
heavily depends on the degree of mechanization. Jatropha (Worldwatch/UNEP, 2008). Similar results have been
is claimed to generate the most number of jobs per reported from an initiative in India (Box 11).
hectare because it must be hand-harvested, although
other crops can increase employment if production is While oilseeds generally provide more employment than
not highly mechanized. Nevertheless, experience around grains do because they rely largely on harvesting by hand,
the world shows that promised levels of job creation these examples suggest the connection between large-
from biofuels have not materialized given commercial scale employment of rural laborers and increased biofuels
pressures to increase efficiency. Furthermore, there feedstock production is uncertain. Despite the desire
is ample evidence of workers being exploited, and of governments to boost employment through biofuels
regulations to protect plantation workers’ rights are agricultural activity, the industry tends to pursue economies
weak and often unenforced. of scale and vertical integration in order to yield products
that are competitive with petroleum fuels.
Employment Potential
As biofuels production expands, net job creation is more High labor requirements for biofuels expansion may bring
likely if feedstock production does not displace other other challenges, namely the process of procuring labor
agricultural activities or if the displaced activities are less and setting up the necessary infrastructure and logistics
labor-intensive. The impacts will depend on each country’s to support the workers. For example, Indonesia plans
land and labor resources and the type of feedstock to cultivate jatropha on 1.5 million hectares of land by
In India, the National Biodiesel Mission envisioned jatropha cultivation on 400,000 hectares of marginalized lands
by 2007, and a further 10 million hectares of wasteland and other idle land adjacent to railway tracks by 2012.
Such a massive project, intended to replace 20 percent of India’s diesel consumption with biodiesel, is projected to
employ between 2.5 and 5 million people. However, only a fraction of the pilot phase acreage has been cultivated
to date. The viability of the ambitious employment scheme remains debatable, especially given the unproven nature
of jatropha oil as a large-scale biodiesel feedstock.
2010. Based on estimates above, this will require between While national governments are responsible for
375,000 to 1.5 million workers to operate the plantations, safeguarding the rights of plantation workers, importing
many of which are in remote areas with little infrastructure. countries are under pressure to ensure their biofuels
These locations present challenges for infrastructure purchases are produced according to international
and services such as water and sanitation, transport, standards and do not cause undue harm to the
and healthcare. Also, without an effective human rights environment or to social welfare. The Roundtable on
regime, the need to procure large numbers of agricultural Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO)—a collaboration between
workers could create a perverse incentive to convert rural leading players in the palm oil sector and major
communities into forced labor. conservation organizations—has developed standards
so that certified oil palm estates and mills comply with
Labor rights national and international laws, including those concerning
Plantations, like other large-scale users of unskilled labor, labor rights, customary rights, and rights of local/indigenous
are rife with abuses against workers. In the case of Brazil, communities (Colchester et al., 2007).
for example, the sugarcane industry has historically
been marked by exploitation of seasonal laborers, often Conclusion
subjected to working and living in very harsh conditions Biofuels production can produce expanded employment
so appalling as to be labeled slavery. Some workers are opportunities in rural Asia. However, these opportunities
trapped in debt bondage, working at least 13 hours a day are not guaranteed, and occasionally workers are
and living in miserable conditions (Newman, 2008). Despite severely exploited. The need to lower production costs
the Brazilian Ministry of Labor’s efforts to rescue bonded of biofuels offers considerable incentives for the wide-scale
or otherwise exploited laborers, international agencies, adoption of new and less labor-intensive technologies.
including Amnesty International, continue to document If biofuels are to provide large-scale employment, then
widespread abuses. achieving a balance between new jobs and mechanization
is crucial.
Similarly, plantation workers in Indonesia and Malaysia
have few rights. Indonesian migrant workers laboring 6.3.4 Rights of Indigenous Peoples and
on Malaysian plantations are particularly vulnerable to Land ConflictS
predatory practices and forced labor. Regulations and The push to produce large amounts of biofuels could
monitoring related to handling toxic agrochemicals are increase infringement of land rights traditionally held by
weak or nonexistent. Furthermore, Indonesia’s Commission local communities and indigenous peoples and lead to
for Child Protection recently accused Malaysia’s oil palm a land grab by influential actors acting in concert with
planters of enslaving migrant workers and their children at local elites. Much of the conflict to date has been in
plantations in Sabah in Borneo by holding them in isolated relation to palm oil development, as local people have
barracks with no access to transportation, clean water, been either forced off their land without consent or
lighting, or other facilities (Maulia, 2008). have been convinced to leave based on empty promises.
Unfortunately for indigenous peoples, who are heavily
dependent on the lands they have used for centuries, In Malaysia, oil palm plantation companies are also being
oppression and loss of land rights with little or minimal given rights over supposedly “vacant” or “idle” lands that are
compensation have been common. Several examples of obviously inhabited, resulting in local people contesting many
conflict-ridden situations are profiled below. oil palm projects. At least 40 communities in Sarawak have
taken companies to court to defend their rights, but many
Plantation and “IDle land” Conflicts lack access to or know-how to seek legal representation
In early 2008, Indonesia reported that 7.3 million (Zen et al., 2006).
hectares of land were being used for oil palm cultivation.
A further 18 million hectares of land were cleared but Even extension of biofuels agriculture into marginalized
not subsequently planted. Rather than oil palm plantation lands is not immune to controversy, and there is growing
development, the prime motivation for clearing the doubt about the very concept of “idle” land. In many cases,
additional land was for extraction of timber. Despite this lands perceived by government and large private operators
dramatic misuse of plantation land for forest clearing, to be idle, marginalized, or abandoned actually provide
regional development plans still assign an additional 20 livelihoods for poorer and vulnerable groups through crop
million hectares of land for plantation expansion by 2020, farming, herding, foraging, and other means (Dufey et al.,
primarily in Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and West Papua. 2007). In India, for instance, the widespread planting of
Indigenous peoples have derived livelihoods for generations jatropha on “wasteland” has been brought into question.
on most of these lands; an estimated 60 million people Among the reasons for this, much of India’s wastelands are
in Indonesia rely directly on the forests for their food, classified as common property resources (CPRs), collectively
medicine, and other products (Marti, 2008). owned by rural groups and villages. CPRs play a vital role
in the lives of these groups by supplying commodities
International and Indonesian law require plantation like food, fodder, timber, and thatching material. CPRs can
developers to request free, prior, and informed consent contribute between 12 and 25 percent of a poor rural
from indigenous people for the development proposals household’s income. Planting jatropha on these lands may
affecting their land—but this rarely takes place. Consultation impose a high opportunity cost on these communities by
that does occur is often not open or transparent. Bribery denying them a source of food, fodder, and small timber.
or promises of schools, roads, and irrigation are frequently
used so village chiefs agree to the development. The In southwest China, much of the “barren” land identified by
promises often fall short, and communities are left feeling provincial governments for jatropha production is owned not
deceived when it becomes apparent that many new jobs by the state but by village collectives, with use rights granted
are temporary. Moreover, many of the jobs created are for to individual households. In Yunnan, for instance, a recent
casual day laborers. It is not surprising that the plantation provincial survey found that the state owns only 24 percent
sector is the most conflict-prone in Indonesia. According of the forestlands, while collectives own the remaining 76
to Sawit Watch, in 2006 more than 350 communities were percent. Most private investment in biofuels has so far been
involved in land conflicts over the proposed or ongoing limited to state-owned land, but ambitious targets for scaling
expansion of oil palm plantations. up jatropha production are likely to encounter problems with
land availability and will likely have to extend cultivation to
As discussed in Section 6.3.2, several reports have also collective lands (Weyerhaeuser et al., 2007).
documented widespread negative impacts involving
smallholder schemes (Colchester et al., 2007). Repression Conclusion
and coercion, lack of information, and loss of land rights Evidence from across Asia and elsewhere shows that
have accompanied some oil palm production. The nucleus- very often, expansion of biofuels production, especially
plasma schemes, for example, not only occupy lands with onto non-agricultural lands, could threaten indigenous and
overlapping systems of customary (adat) ownership, but marginalized communities. Even so-called idle lands are
also disrupt adat arrangements by allocating plasma farmers often the only resource accessible to the landless poor.
plots that belong to other communities. Converting these lands to biofuels production could deny
local communities access to subsistence farming, fuel wood,
In southern Brazil, a cooperative of small farmers, with technical support from a German NGO, is setting the
standard for sustainable local production of biodiesel. They have tested a small facility that produces cold-pressed
vegetable oil for cooking or, after additional filtration, fuel.Vehicles have used the oil for more than 20,000
kilometers without problems. The farmers are not dependent on fuel from a large plant or subject to the control
of conventional traders. Cold-pressed oil and its by-products fetch higher prices on the market, providing an
additional source of income. By being self-sufficient in producing fuel, the cooperative also avoids a fuel tax that
can be as high as 18 percent. This project is supported by the state government of Parana and the Brazilian
Ministry for Rural Development.
Source: Prado, 2006
and fodder. This poses a real threat to the social sustainability supported agriculture and energy services. The following
of biofuels and can precipitate severe conflicts. Greater examples show how decentralized biofuels production can
enforcement is needed to ensure indigenous peoples fully be a cost-effective and successful way to provide electricity
understand and have a voice in plantation development and liquid fuels—even in the most remote areas—to
so that they can give informed consent. Where people are potentially large numbers of people currently lacking access
displaced, just compensation must be provided. to these services. The main challenge is to get decentralized
biofuels on the agenda of policy-makers, who tend to be
6.3.5. Biofuels for focused on large-scale solutions.
Decentralized Energy
Much of the discussion today focuses on the merits and Models for Small-Scale Biofuels
demerits of biofuels as a globally traded alternative to Production and Development
gasoline and diesel used in urban areas. There has been little In a decentralized system, most commonly available biofuels
focus on the potential for biofuels to increase access to include straight vegetable oil (SVO), also known as pure
energy in Asia’s rural settings. Many poor communities in Asia plant oil, or transesterified oil produced from feedstock
have limited or no access to grid-connected electricity—for such as rapeseed, sunflower, palm, coconut, jatropha, or
example, roughly 44 percent in India and 48 percent in rural waste oil. Local producers grow feedstock on marginalized
Indonesia—or affordable transport fuels (Nouni et al., 2008; lands, homesteads, or common property. The local
World Bank, 2005). These households rely on traditional equipment used to process the feedstock and generate
biomass, or expensive fossil fuels for running generators power typically comprises a seed crusher, expeller and oil
or for lighting and cooking. Biofuels can play an important extraction unit, generator, and battery charger or a mini-
role in decentralized energy production, while building and grid system. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs)
revitalizing rural communities through integrated, community- and government agencies often help communities with
Since 1999, the Mali Folk Center Nyetaa—a local NGO with support from Denmark’s Folk Center for Renewable
Energy and several UN agencies—has promoted jatropha cultivation for bioenergy. In the village of Tiecourabougou,
this group fostered development of 20 hectares of land to produce oil to power activities such as grinding millet
and charging batteries.Villages in a 20-kilometer radius benefit. In southern Mali, the NGO will grow jatropha
on 1000 hectares for a 300-kilowatt power plant, aiming to provide electricity to more than 10,000 residents.
Source: UN-Energy, 2007
initial funding to purchase machinery and with technical with a greater impact on the welfare of populations
assistance, as well as formation of cooperatives to grow if dedicated to household consumption rather than
or procure resources. One model for small-scale biofuels transport (Box 14).
consumption involves powering local transportation
(Box 12). Doing so especially benefits rural populations Clearly, more detailed analysis is needed to compare the
where distribution of conventional fossil fuels is limited use of biofuels for transport to rural household use, but
and often costly—isolated areas in India and the remote preliminary indications suggest that decentralized fuel
smaller islands of Indonesia are prime examples. Small-scale and electricity generation in Asia is a viable alternative
biofuels systems create a steady supply of fuel and protect to relying on commercial production to meet nationally
users from crippling price fluctuations. established blending mandates.
Decentralized biofuels initiatives can also provide household Challenges to Decentralized Small-Scale
energy services to underprivileged rural communities Biofuels Production
(Box 13). In a simple yet striking illustration, Rajagopal Several challenges impede widespread promotion of
(2007) calculated the amount of land needed to produce decentralized biofuels systems. The original motives
enough oil to generate electricity (using diesel generators) behind development of biofuels for transport—reducing
for an Indian village of 100 households. Extrapolating this GHG emissions and energy dependence—became
number, he found the amount of land required to supply hot-button issues for governments and international
100 watts of electricity for eight hours per day to all 90 agencies. The rising cost of fossil fuels over the last several
million rural, previously un-electrified households in India years has elevated the attention of investors and large
is less than the amount of land required to meet India’s 20 corporations. The use of biofuels for decentralized rural
percent target for transport biodiesel. While 100 watts is electrification, on the other hand, is neither lucrative nor
only a small amount, the exercise underlines an important particularly topical. It is unlikely to attract the same degree
question: What is the best manner in which to allocate of attention or sustained funding efforts. Realistically,
energy produced from biofuels feedstocks? Biofuels may be such initiatives will remain the focus of NGOs and local
produced more sustainably on a community-based scale governments, which will be able to fund and monitor a
In 2004, USAID funded and initiated a rural energy project that sought to improve natural resources management
and minimize GHG emissions. In the remote village of Chalpadi in Andhra Pradesh, oil extracted from the seeds of
Pongamia pinnata trees is used to produce electricity. The local government jump-started the project by providing
$8,000 for hardware (a diesel genset engine, wiring, etc.) to establish a micro-grid that generates and distributes
electricity throughout the village. The villagers provide the oil fuel to operate the genset, and operate and maintain
the system. To ensure long-term viability, the village developed a method of self-governance that regulates fueling
and operation of the system, and who has access to the electricity. The families pay one kilogram of pongamia
seeds per day to access the micro-grid. By asking families to pay in pongamia seeds, it encourages ownership in the
system and ensures there is adequate feedstock to use in the biodiesel generator.
The benefits of the system include electricity for household use and a new agricultural/forest crop of value.
Cultivation of pongamia in hedgerows, windbreaks, and nonproductive areas also reduces soil erosion, increases soil
fertility, improves wildlife habitat, and provides other natural resource benefits. Following the successful startup and
operation of the village scheme, in 2003 Chalpadi became an environmental pioneer by selling 900 tons of CO2e
verified emission reductions to Germany. The carbon sale fetched the community $4,164—which is equivalent to
several months of income for every family in the village.
Source: EGAT, 2004
Brazil now has the lowest production costs in the world for ethanol from sugarcane. Brazil has been able to
increase productivity by raising yields and introducing more efficient supply chain logistics. Since 1975, agricultural
output has increased by 33 percent, efficiency in converting sucrose to ethanol by 14 percent, productivity of the
fermentation process by 130 percent, and sucrose content in sugarcane by more than 8 percent (Macedo and
Nogueira, 2004). Ethanol productivity from one hectare of sugarcane rose from 2,024 to 5,500 liters. The EIA
estimates that the costs of Brazilian sugarcane ethanol could be as low as US$0.20 per liter of gasoline equivalent
by 2030 (EIA, 2006). This will be achieved through the development of co-products to be used as value-added
outputs and a reduction in input costs through the use of process energy (e.g., by co-firing with sugarcane bagasse).
limited number of micro-projects and provide subsidies that systems meant to produce liquid biofuels for the national
encourage feedstock cultivation. transportation sector. Additionally, technical challenges
relating to use of SVOs in generators and engines will need
Local energy development initiatives using biofuels also to be addressed.
encounter technical obstacles. Owing to their small scale,
decentralized systems do not reach the conversion
6.4 Technology Challenges
efficiency levels achieved by larger-scale operations. While
SVO can be used in a range of engines, engine wear and iofuels deployment depends on proven, cost-effective
tear and maintenance requirements may end up being high technologies. While first-generation technologies are
relative to diesel. In one study in Thailand (Prateepchaikul mature, they can benefit from increased yields and
and Apichato, 2003), diesel engines ran continuously for process efficiencies and lower costs. Second- and third-
2,000 hours using both regular petro-diesel and refined generation systems will need to overcome many challenges
palm oil. The authors found little difference in engine wear before they become commercial. As R&D advances
or smoke emissions between the two fuels, suggesting production technologies and supply logistics, costs will drop.
refined palm oil as a suitable diesel surrogate, although the This section identifies the key technology challenges that
test used refined palm oil, not crude palm oil. Other studies affect biofuels development at all stages. Across all three
have shown that blends with more than 20 percent SVO generations of biofuels, the ability to reduce costs depends
often result in engine damage or maintenance problems heavily on improvements to logistics along the value chain
in the long run (Jones and Peterson, 2002). The high and the introduction of integrated processes that create a
viscosity of unrefined vegetable oils presents difficulties in variety of products to strengthen financial resilience.
a combustion chamber. Most of these findings came from
testing conventional vegetable oils like rapeseed and palm. First-Generation Biofuels
Preliminary field reports indicate the chemical and physical Improvements in first-generation biofuels technologies
characteristics of oils from pongamia and jatropha may be are expected to continue, although they will likely be
more suitable as SVO fuels. insufficient to erase concerns over their impacts on the
environment and food markets. The exception will probably
Conclusion be ethanol from sugarcane. In the near term, industrial
As the case studies indicate, biofuels could play a significant productivity is projected to increase from 80 to 90 liters
role in expanding access to energy for the rural poor of ethanol per ton of sugarcane with no increase in
through community-based initiatives to produce biofuels production cost (Macedo and Nogueira, 2004). Progress is
and generate power for household use. To effectively also expected in other areas of the sugarcane-to-ethanol
scale up decentralized schemes it will be necessary to pathway. Overall, production costs are projected to fall to
overcome the dominant preferences of policymakers US$0.30 per liter in the United States by 2030 and even
and investors, who are focused on large-scale biofuels less in Brazil (Box 15) (IEA, 2006).
FIGURE 22. Potential for Yield Increase for Various Biofuels Feedstocks.
Yield (metric tons per ha) Yield (metric tons per ha)
10 100
8 80
6 60
4 40
2 20
0 0
United Argentina China Brazil Mexico India Mexico Brazil Thailand India China Pakistan
States of
Yield (metric tons per ha) Yield (metric tons per ha)
3.5 6
3.0 5
2.5 4
1.0 2
0.5 1
0.0 0
Germany United France China Canada India China Malaysia Colombia Indonesia Thailand Nigeria
In general, technology improvements for other first- developments are expected to increase yields in corn by
generation crops are possible along the production chain: 149-173 bushels per acre, sugarcane by 20-25 tons per
yields, harvesting, storage, transport, fuel preparation, acre, and soybeans by 43-46 bushels per acre.
and processing. Process technologies could also benefit
from improvements in dealing with variable quantities Second-Generation Biofuels
and qualities of biomass feedstocks. Cost reductions The competitiveness of lignocellulosic biofuels will depend
may also come from increases in plant sizes. Intensifying on a number of factors, including development of new
production—through improved use of fertilizers and other enzymes, cost of biomass, and new policies, particularly
agricultural best practices—on existing areas could play a those related to GHG emissions. Major technology
significant role in meeting increased demand for biofuels challenges remain for economically viable production via
in the coming years. Despite significant gains in crop biochemical pathways.
yields in many regions and globally, yields continue to lag
in several developing countries (Figure 22), suggesting Research areas include reducing the cost of enzymatic
that considerable scope remains for increased production saccharification, augmenting the content of cellulose in
on existing lands. By 2017, crop breeding and agronomic biomass, and increasing the digestibility of cellulose prior
FIGURE 23. Projected Cost Ranges for Second Generation Biofuels to 2050
worst case
LC ethanol
0.90 worst case
2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050
Source: IEA, 2008a
to enzymatic treatment. Research is underway to use liter, though long-term costs of US$0.55 to 0.70 per liter
cellulosic residues of sugarcane (bagasse) to produce are expected (Figure 23).
additional ethanol via hydrolysis. A reported 100 liters
of ethanol can be produced from bagasse with current The Biorefinery Concept
technology, and an 80 percent increase in productivity is To date, the use of sugar- and oil-rich crops as well
expected with new technologies. Significant investment as biomass has been directed at producing refined
in second-generation biofuels R&D by the US Department transport fuel, although technologies are emerging to
of Energy has resulted in a 10-fold reduction in production use biomass inputs to manufacture a variety of fuels,
costs in recent years. Under an optimistic scenario of chemicals, and plastics. The incorporation of multiple
technological advances, it is projected that the cost of products and end-uses has culminated in the integrated
producing one liter of cellulosic bagasse ethanol could go refinery process known as a biorefinery. The biorefinery
from the current costs of US$0.80-$1 per liter to US$0.55- process neatly conceptualizes the most promising
$0.65 per liter by 2050 (Figure 23). However, these pathway to developing a bio-based economy. It would
costs are not expected to be competitive with the integrate a series of biomass production processes
current cost of sugarcane ethanol. The United States has and equipment to produce fuels and chemicals, and to
built prototype plants with estimated cellulosic ethanol generate electricity. As shown in Figure 24, biomass is
production costs of US$1 per liter of gasoline equivalent. fed into the refinery. It is treated biochemically to produce
The viability of the bagasse-to-ethanol will rely on the sugars and thermochemically to produce a synthetic gas,
ability to integrate it into conventional processes, which which in turn are used to produce fuels and chemicals
could result in a 30 percent increase in productivity. via different processes. Simultaneously, residual biomass
from the biochemical process and residual gases from the
Cost reductions are also projected for thermochemical thermochemical process are used in the combined heat
biofuels production via gasification. Elements of gasification and power platform to generate electricity and heat.
technologies have been around for decades, but R&D is The following figure illustrates possible end-products,
needed to establish a complete, integrated technological including pulp recovery for paper, gasification for gaseous
platform. Current costs of Fischer-Tropsch (also known as fuel, and biological processing for bioethanol, along with
biomass-to-liquids or BtL) diesel are above US$1.00 per hydrogen fuel and polymers for plastics.
Fiber Lignin
SYNGAS Hydrogen
Chemicals Bioprocessing
C-1 chemistry
Heat recovery
Processing Electricity
Methanol Ethanol
Mixed alcohols Hydrogen
Paper products Fischer-Tropsch Polymers
Wood products Dimethyl ether
Chemicals Acetic acid
Source: Taylor, 2008
Third-Generation Biofuels
The primary challenge for producing biofuels from algae
is to bring its extremely high costs into the competitive
range. Making algae biodiesel economically competitive
will require additional research and development in
genetic and metabolic engineering to produce higher
yielding and hardier strains. Photo bioreactors that
generate high yields at reasonable capital costs also
need to be developed, since economies of scale could
be significant for algae-to-biodiesel facilities. Two leading
challenges lie in finding ways to incorporate wastewater
treatment and the utilization of carbon dioxide from
power plants into large-scale production facilities. In one
Photo Courtesy Pradeep Tharakan
• improve regional and international coordination to
t is clear from the preceding discussion that biofuels have
ensure harmonized definitions, standards, measurement
the potential to address climate-change mitigation, energy
approaches, and sustainability goals while accommodating
security, and agricultural development, but they also entail
domestic agricultural development and poverty
significant risks in terms of economic, environmental, and
reduction priorities; and
social impacts. Key operating assumptions regarding the
current and potential value of biofuels need re-evaluation. • recognize that liquid biofuels are one among a suite
Prudent policies are crucial to enable development of of options available to promote clean transport,
sustainable biofuels while limiting the risks. This section including energy efficiency, improved mass transport,
provides a set of guidelines for designing policies that could and electric vehicles.
support a sustainable biofuels sector in Asia, keeping in mind
these principles:
7.1 Facilitating
• protect the poor and bolster their access to adequate
Environmentally Sustainable
food and energy supplies;
Biofuels Production
Competition for Land Resources
• ensure that production and utilization of biofuels are
Converting forestlands, grasslands, and shrub lands to
environmentally sustainable, lead to greenhouse gas
accommodate increasing demand for biofuels will have
reductions, and do not negatively impact land, water,
adverse effects on ecosystem services, and converting
or air resources;
food-producing land could threaten food security. The use
• follow a market-oriented approach that reduces of abandoned agricultural or underutilized lands could avoid
distortions in agricultural markets, ineffective and these problems (Box 16). As shown in Section 5, after
expensive subsidies, and considers long-term impacts, as excluding forestland, protected areas, and land for food
well as social costs and benefits; and feed, adequate land does exist to support increased
Box 16. Yield Increases and Expansion on Underutilized Lands for Oil Palm in Indonesia
A recent study found that by focusing first on improving yields of existing oil palm plantations in Indonesia, and
followed by expansion on underutilized grasslands and degraded forests, the industry can meet the growing demand
for palm oil, be financially viable, minimize impacts to biodiversity, meet climate change criteria in terms of carbon
payback times, and avoid deforestation. The study concludes that a 35 percent increase in yield is not unrealistic. This
increase in yields translates into 1.6 million hectares of oil palm plantations avoided. Regarding potential expansion,
the study found that oil palm produced the highest economic returns when planted on degraded land, followed by
flat secondary forest or grassland. Hilly land gave poor economic returns because of the cost of terracing steep
slopes and heath soils require costly break-up of the underlying dense soil layer. There is broad agreement that oil
palm, when planted on grasslands or woody savannah will achieve carbon payback well within one planting cycle
of about 25 years. For plantation companies, executing best management practices and addressing nutritional
deficiencies in a timely matter has a much greater and more rapid financial payback than expanding the area planted.
Source: Fairhurst and McLaughlin, 2009
production of first-generation biofuels to meet the focus reduce adverse impacts while improving yields of first-
countries’ mandates and targets, with some caveats. generation annual crops. The focus should be on crops with
lower fertilization demand, and within a crop, on cultivars
Much of the information on available or unutilized land is or varieties with higher nutrient-use efficiencies.
of very poor quality—most data are only available at a
coarse level on national or sub-national scales. There is Perennials, such as oil palm, and dedicated energy crops,
also very little explicit spatial information to indicate: how such as jatropha, short-rotation woody crops, and grasses,
much of this land is free from competing uses; the quality require less intensive management and lower amounts
of the land and level of biomass production it could of agro-chemicals. When planted on degraded lands, they
sustainably support; and access to water, infrastructure, and have lower soil erosion rates and increased soil carbon
end-use centers. Such details would allow more accurate levels. Where possible, mixtures of native perennials
assessments of the potential of these lands to support viable (inter-cropping) should be used since they provide the
biofuels feedstock production. It is likely that the extent greatest benefits in terms of high biomass gain and low
of available land is much lower than what the countries requirements for fertilizers.
themselves have projected.1
The use of agricultural residues as feedstock for cellulosic
As noted in Section 6.3.4, underutilized land provides ethanol is associated with significant risks for maintenance
a range of ecosystem and social services for the rural of soil quality—especially soil organic carbon—and needs
poor and marginalized communities—including seasonal to be managed carefully. Typically, only 25-33 percent of
grazing, subsistence farming, fodder, and small timber. In crop residues can be harvested sustainably. Guidelines for
opening up these lands for biofuels production, care should sustainable levels of residue off-take for combinations of
be taken to ensure that these people are not forced off soil types and crops need to be developed, and growers
the land and that their needs—for which there are no and biofuels processers should be required to adhere to
alternate sources—are reconciled with the interest in these guidelines.
biofuels production. In addition, the economic imperative
to maximize revenue suggests that growers will continue Impacts on Water Availability and Quality
to prefer richer croplands to produce more biofuels for Most studies have concluded that water withdrawals to
the same effort. This would encourage the migration of support an expanded biofuels production level in 2030
production to forestlands and croplands from abandoned do not pose a significant risk to overall global water
land, leading to increased deforestation and pressure on availability. However, in India and China, where water is
food supply. Policy measures and strict enforcement of already scarce, growing feedstocks for biofuels—especially
operating guidelines would be needed to ensure that such food-based crops such as maize and sugarcane on a large
leakages and other unintended consequences do not occur. scale—will result in severe competition for remaining
Further, the use of residues in cellulosic ethanol production resources. Even regions that do not suffer from water
systems—due to their higher fuel yields —could lower the scarcity may experience local shortages. Expanding biofuels
overall land requirements. production is contingent on society rethinking the way it
uses water for agriculture (IWMI, 2007). Simply expanding
Impacts on Soil Quality irrigation to realize higher yields is not an option in many
As detailed in Section 6.1.6, expanding biofuels parts of the world.
production can damage soils, but these impacts —similar
to agriculture—are dependent on crop type, management Water use for biofuels production should be predicated
practices, intensity of inputs, and harvesting strategy. on: (1) increasing productivity of water to get more yield
Improved management practices, such as conservation per unit of water by managing soil fertility; (2) using water
tillage, crop rotation, retention of crop residues, and efficient crops; (3) minimizing irrigation water waste and
improved fertilization application techniques, can help increasing conversion efficiencies; (4) upgrading rain-fed
1 See Annex 5 for the Indonesian government’s estimates of land available for biofuels crops. Note that much of the land considered “available” is either used by indigenous
peoples or is high conservation value habitat (e.g., central Borneo). Furthermore, much of it is remote, requiring substantial infrastructure development.
systems by improving soil moisture retention, and (5) additional income, encouraging agricultural biodiversity is
strengthening ecosystem services by lowering pollution connected with smallholder participation in biofuels.
impacts and supporting biodiversity and multiple-use
contexts. Fertilizer demands can be reduced through: Switching from annual crops to perennial energy crops
(1) the use of non-food crops with lower nutrient demand; (e.g., woody species, grasses) has a positive impact on
(2) choosing species varieties with higher nutrient-use biodiversity (e.g., Tharakan et al, 2006). Deploying them
efficiency and therefore lower nutrient demand; in polycultures interspersed with unmanaged habitats
(3) improving nitrogen application efficiency; and increases crop biodiversity on-site while providing for
(4) returning processed feedstock back to the field. wildlife corridors and other conditions that support
biodiversity. Experimental data show that native species
Impacts on Biodiversity capitalize on low-input conditions and tolerate stress
To date, most of the impacts of biofuels on biodiversity better than exotics and should be deployed where
have been negative. To safeguard remaining biodiversity, it is possible (Tilman, Hill, and Lehman, 2006). Some feedstocks
imperative that forests not be converted to biofuels. Future promoted as second-generation biofuels are classified as
increases in production should be based on intensification invasive species, raising new concerns on how to manage
of production on existing lands and establishment of their introduction and avoid unintended consequences.
plantations on degraded lands where indigenous vegetation
is not expected to regenerate. To ensure compliance, all Managing greenhouse gas Emissions
large-scale biofuels schemes should be subject to detailed The carbon debt analysis presented in Section 6.1.2 reveals
environmental audits and impact assessments. Given that oil that definitive GHG-benefits from the production of first-
palm and other biofuels crops are ideally suited for tropical generation biofuels are limited to existing croplands and to
Asia, economic pressures for continued forest conversion a lower extent on degraded land. Under no circumstances
will likely persist. Adoption of systems that support can conversion of peatlands or primary or secondary
payments for environment services would help provide an forests be justified from a GHG perspective. On most
economic incentive for preserving the remaining forests in other lands, the possibility of achieving a positive GHG
Southeast Asia (Box 18). balance during the crucial next few decades depends on
the particular site characteristics and biofuel. Within existing
Safeguards have been developed for cases where processes, the GHG footprint can be improved substantially
plantations need to be close to forest areas or involve through best management practices. For example, in the
unavoidable forest conversion. Maintaining tracts of natural case of oil palm plantations, these include well-controlled
habitat within or in the vicinity of new plantations will anaerobic digestion of aqueous wastes, use of methane
help safeguard a modest level of biodiversity. In Brazil, from palm oil processing (Reijnders and Huijbregts, 2008;
for example, environmental regulations now require that Yapp et al., 2008). Other best practices include utilization
25 percent of new plantation areas be left as natural of cover crops to maintain soil moisture and prevent
vegetation to help preserve biodiversity. Also, forest erosion, prevention of fires, reduced use of fertilizers, and
products companies have found natural areas support maintenance of a high water table.
predators that help control pest populations in nearby
plantation stands. Similarly, plantations can be leveraged Second-generation biofuels from feedstocks such as
to enhance biodiversity when the crops fill gaps between jatropha, fast-growing woody species, and grasses may
remaining fragments of natural habitat and are managed so lower carbon debts and payback times, especially in
that biological corridors remain, allowing animals to travel low-input systems on degraded lands. The excessive use of
between larger habitat areas. irrigation and fertilizers tends to lower the overall GHG
benefits. Cellulosic ethanol may also increase the GHG
Divorcing biofuels production from monoculture may balance of some first-generation biofuels. For example,
prove difficult without strong government incentives for oil palm accounts for only about 10 percent of total dry
crop rotation and intercropping. As smallholders are more biomass produced by oil palms; the remaining 90 percent
likely to adopt intercropping techniques for subsistence and represents a potential source for cellulose-based ethanol
A potential Kyoto Protocol-related mechanism that may help reduce deforestation rates and carbon emissions as
well as lead to better governance is Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD). The
program is still in the discussion phase but proposes that wealthy nations reward developing countries with carbon
credit payments for protecting tropical and other forests. According to one estimate, the rough value of Indonesia’s
peat swamps could be worth US$39 billion in carbon credits annually, given an average carbon offset value of €15 per
ton of carbon (Bloomberg, 2007). If REDD enters into force, carbon offset payments made to developing countries
in Asia could be worth billions of dollars and could have a significant impact on deforestation rates.
However, there are many challenges, both technical and political, to a REDD program that would effectively reduce
emissions from deforestation and degradation of forests. Climate negotiators have not yet agreed on guidelines
that resolve issues with permanence (how to ensure forest preserved today are not destroyed tomorrow), leakage
(forests saved in one location result in forest destruction in another unprotected location) and monitoring, reporting,
and verification (how to measure and verify real GHG reductions). As a way of kick-starting the learning process for
REDD, in 2008, 14 countries were selected by the World Bank’s Forest Carbon Partnership Facility to receive funds
for conserving their tropical forests; three of these countries were in Asia in including Nepal, Lao PDR and Vietnam
(World Bank, 2008).The general consensus appears to be that REDD can and should be included in future climate
change mechanisms, but guidelines and methodologies for REDD have yet to be finalized.
(Basiron, 2007). Still, it is uncertain how much will be 7.2 Supporting Smart
available for biofuels production, given that oil palm residues Economic Policy
already power the oil palm production process, with the
remainder often returned as mulch to plantation soils. Financial Incentives, Subsidies,
and National Mandates
Life cycle assessments (LCAs) offer a framework to The production and use of biofuels is dependent upon
evaluate the GHG impact of producing and utilizing public funding and support measures, even at oil prices
biofuels. A number of different methods and operating around US$100 per barrel (OECD, 2008b). OECD
assumptions are used to conduct these studies—limiting countries provide significant support, including mandates
their use in decision-making—and most do not consider and subsidies, and import tariffs that restrict market
the complex yet critical topic of land-use change. Efforts are access by developing countries. These are stacked on
underway within the Global Bioenergy Partnership (www. top of existing subsidies and protections offered to the and others to develop a harmonized agricultural sectors in these countries. The report Economic
methodology for assessing GHG balances. Assessment of Biofuels Support Policies finds government
support for biofuels in OECD countries is unjustifiably
There is a similar need to harmonize assessments of “costly, has a limited impact on reducing greenhouse
other environmental and social impacts of bioenergy gases and improving energy security, and has a significant
crops to ensure that results are transparent and consistent impact on world crop prices” (OECD, 2008b), with total
across systems. Such information, linked with certification government support in the US, Canada, and the EU
systems, would help ensure that biofuels are produced in estimated at US$11 billion in 2006.
ways that do not result in unacceptable carbon release.
Opportunities for ecosystem services payments to Subsidies and mandates can create unnaturally rapid
developing countries, such as REDD (Box 17), could be an growth in the biofuels industry exacerbating pressure on
important financial incentive to prevent deforestation and food prices and natural resources. Political economy lessons
carbon release. suggest that even when subsidies are justified to boost
2 The Biofuels Development Initiative includes a characterization of the market outlook and the resource base, a prioritization of feedstocks, assessments of impacts to
smallholders, and identification of policy and institutional support for sustainable biofuels development in the GMS. The study recommends developing country-level
resource databases, market and research studies, and technology transfer opportunities, particularly for small farmers, to enhance a sub-regional strategic biofuels frame-
work. Full results of the assessment study and country-level analysis will be published by June 2009.
food in the next two decades and put an upward pressure and degradation of the environment. Workers on
on prices. The current thrust to produce biofuels from large plantations—especially migrant and temporary
first-generation feedstock will contribute to this trend. It is laborers, and women—are vulnerable to abuse, poor
imperative to address medium- to long-term food security or hazardous working and living conditions, low wages,
for food-importing nations and net food-buying households. coercion, and lack of representation.
In the short term, governments may consider setting up These issues can be addressed through the implementation
safety nets for the poor and vulnerable through food of a framework of rules, combined with strict enforcement
distribution, targeted food subsidies, school feeding and a consumer-led push for transparent and effective
programs and other nutritional support, and import certification systems. Best practices to avoid these
subsidies. In the medium-to-long term, the impact would be repercussions are outlined in the standards and criteria
mitigated through: (1) reducing the overall future demand of various monitoring bodies, such as the Roundtable
for land for biofuels, and (2) increasing overall productivity on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) and the Roundtable
in the agricultural sector. on Sustainable Biofuels (RSB) (see Section 7.6). They
include: transparency; consultation with all stakeholders,
Deploying non-food feedstocks, such as jatropha and especially rural and indigenous groups; fair compensation
sweet sorghum, and restricting plantations to land unlikely for land use or purchases; and adhesion to international
to be cultivated for food, as well as promoting the rapid labor standards. Because of the diversity in feedstocks, the
commercialization of second-generation biofuels, could climates and soils in which they grow, and political and
reduce demand for new land. However, challenges include economic conditions, however, each decision to proceed
a better understanding of the agronomy of non-food with biofuels development involves different parameters
feedstocks, identification and delineation of “underutilized and considerations, and will have to be evaluated on an
land,” and technical and cost issues relating to cellulosic individual basis.
ethanol technology.
Governments and international NGOs and agencies must
Increased productivity within the agricultural sector can continue to foster multi-stakeholder entities, like the RSB
be realized through intensification and yield improvements and the RSPO, to encourage application of labor and
on existing lands. Intensification is not limited to crop indigenous rights standards and criteria. Internationally
yield improvements; improved land management and crop recognized standards are perhaps the only mechanisms
rotation can, for example, reduce the area required for that enable distant consumers to make informed
cattle grazing, potentially freeing up acreage for biofuels. decisions about the trade and use of biofuels when local
Also of significance is to reduce post-harvest and storage- governments fail to adequately monitor the environmental
related waste of food grains in developing Asia. In India, for and social implications.
example, 20-40 percent of harvested crops perish because
of inadequate post-harvest infrastructure, transportation, Participation of Smallholders
and storage. In a widely reported 2007 announcement, Comparative experiences suggest that the production of
India’s Minister for Food Processing Industries, biofuels, especially ethanol, is more competitive with large-
acknowledged that more than US$10 billion worth of food scale industrial production because of the high investment
grains are wasted every year—an amount sufficient to costs related to processing. Small-scale and large-scale
feed all 220 million people in the country living below the production, however, need not be mutually exclusive.
poverty line in India for almost a year (RNCOS, 2007). Governments can promote contract farming, in which
processors purchase from smallholders under terms agreed
Indigenous Rights and Labor Standards to through contracts.
As discussed in Section 6, the implementation of
mandates and quantitative targets in many cases can The examples of smallholder participation in the oil palm
create the incentive for land grabbing, deceit and industry in Malaysia, and to a smaller extent in Indonesia,
coercion of indigenous and marginalized communities, can point the way to fair and sustainable practices
Thai oil palm growers are encouraged to use foliar analysis to reduce costs, boost yields, and enhance
competitiveness. Foliar analysis helps to discern nutrient status and tailor fertilization needs and timing, boosting
yields while reducing fertilizer waste. The German development aid agency GTZ teamed up with palm oil
crushing mills in southern Thailand to set up a special laboratory to undertake the analysis. This lab and related
technical assistance programs assist smallholders whose production costs (THB 2.7 per kg) are much higher than
that of large plantations in the same location (THB 1.5 per kg).
Source: Pongvutitham, 2009
and frameworks that ensure smallholder participation farm extension techniques that have worked in the past
(Section 6.3.2). Regardless of the mechanism, promoting need to be geared toward addressing yield enhancement
smallholder participation almost always requires active requirements for biofuels crops—especially relatively new
government policies and support through appropriate candidates such as jatropha and sweet sorghum.
investment in: public goods (infrastructure, research
extension, etc.); rural finance; market information; market Second-Generation Biofuels Needs
institutions; and legal systems. Even at high oil prices, second-generation biofuels will
probably not mature in developing Asia for some time
without significant additional government support.
7.4 Technology Research
Considerably more research, development, demonstration,
and Development
and deployment investment is needed to ensure future
ountries face many challenges balancing support feedstock production and processing is sustainable and
for struggling biofuels industries today and advanced conversion technologies are identified and
providing support for higher performance second- developed.
generation biofuels tomorrow. First- and second-generation
fuels will need to coexist in the near- to medium-term, Despite potential advantages over first-generation
with first-generation biofuels providing the bulk of supply. technologies, second-generation biofuels (and third-
Policies should include a flexible R&D framework that can generation fuels such as algae) are not yet commercially
adjust to changing conditions, avoid direct support in the mature, and their costs are significantly higher than for
form of subsidies, and allow for decrease of support over current biofuels. These feedstocks have many positive
time, to aid the transition from first to second-generation social and environmental attributes. However, improper
technologies. deployment can lead to many of the issues that constrain
grain-based biofuels. Choice of location and appropriate
First-Generation Biofuels Needs management practices are critical in ensuring sustainability.
Since no major technological breakthroughs in biodiesel Much of the research on the agronomy, yield, and
transesterification or ethanol fermentation are expected, environmental impacts of second-generation “energy crops”
policy support and innovation must be aimed at efficiency is conducted in the US and EU (McLaughlin and Kszos,
improvements within the supply chain and agronomic 2005; Tharakan et al, 2005, Tharakan et al, 2006). Similar
practices that can increase yields. The overall potential for research is needed in Asia.
yield increases depends on crop genetic improvement
efforts; the ability to rapidly transfer agronomic advances The design and implementation of environmental
to small farmers (Box 20); and adequate access to performance standards—including a prohibiting such
water, fertilizers, and agro-chemicals. Relative to other practices as growing invasive species, removing excessive
developing regions, Asia has been successful in increasing annual crop residue, providing incentive payments for
yields for major food crops. The research techniques and avoided GHG payments, or retaining natural spaces as
wildlife corridors—would bolster the sustainability of transmission, distribution, and dispensing operations.
second-generation feedstocks. Investments are needed to strengthen research capabilities,
and unifying fuel and sustainability standards can further
Much work remains to improve second-generation develop markets. Finally, the technical, economic, and
conversion pathways, reduce costs, and improve the environmental performance of biofuels has to be evaluated
performance and reliability of conversion processes against the alternatives—namely the use of biomass for
(IEA, 2008b). Policies must be carefully crafted to avoid electricity generation or plug-in hybrid electric vehicles
unwanted consequences and delayed commercialization.3 (Box 21). Preliminary analyses along these lines have been
For both main biofuels processes—biochemical and undertaken for OECD countries, but not for Asia.
thermochemical—policies are needed to support further
technological improvements. Biochemical pathway
7.5 Support for
research will likely yield better enzymes and catalysts,
Commercialization of
but thermochemical pathways present opportunities to
Sustainable Biofuels
manufacture a wider array of fuels. Demonstration projects
can test the production chain under industrial conditions to espite unprecedented growth and investment
determine which pathway is best suited to local conditions. globally, the biofuels industry is in early
Policies that foster investment and partnerships would development. The past five years have seen many
ensure research does not lag. Once proven, the transition investors rush into the sector. While venture capitalists
from first- to second-generation technologies should be and speculative interests have come in with a short time
monitored closely and supported through policy incentives horizon and expectation of quick returns, the oil majors
for sustainable feedstock production and technical (public and private) have followed a more cautious
assistance (IEA, 2008b). approach of integrating biofuels into their supply-mix in a
phased manner.
Cross-Cutting Policy and
Research Imperatives Investments by first-movers have shown mixed success.
As nations expand their biofuels programs, further The four main factors influencing profitability—fuel prices,
research is needed to understand the life-cycle impacts feedstock price and availability, government regulation, and
of biofuels pathways on air, soil, water, land use, and conversion technologies—are in flux, making investments
ecosystems. Industry, academia, and the government must highly risky. Several actors, especially those seeking quick
collaborate closely to evaluate the potential impacts returns, have exited the market. Currently, investor
on a country’s fueling infrastructure (including impacts confidence in this sector is low, and future investments
on the vehicle stock) and options for materials, storage, appear to be flanked by risk and uncertainty. Market
BP and D1 Oils have entered into a joint partnership to produce jatropha on around 1 million hectares in Southern
Africa, India, Southeast Asia, and Central and South America. BP will invest close to US$90 million out of a total joint
venture investment of US$160 million over the next five years. The project will seek to cultivate jatropha through
directly managed plantations on owned or leased land and through contract farming and seed purchase agreements.
Much of the jatropha oil produced from the plantations will be used to meet local biodiesel requirements with any
excess exported to Europe.
Source: BP, 2008
3 There are opposing viewpoints on structuring governmental support for second generation biofuels. According to one view, first-generation support impedes second-
generation development since direct support (grants and subsidies) does not encourage innovation. On the other hand, second-generation fuels could potentially
benefit from first-generation support and enable sustainability lessons to be passed on. In either case, policies should acknowledge that developing second-generation
fuels is a long-term goal that requires an integrated transition strategy, taking into account their complementary yet distinct policy requirements.
biomass-based liquid fuel in an ICE or HEV. This is due in part Vehicle use Overall: 12-23%
to higher energy efficiency of PHEVs (inset table5). In the 70-90% 3
developing Asian context, the lower range of efficiencies applies, Overall: 13-31%
making the two system efficiencies in both options comparable. Notes 1Electrical efficiency; (IEA, 2007, 2008); 2Lemoine
This is because developing Asia often has lower power plant et al. (2008), IEEE (2007); 3 Efficiency of electricity use by
efficiencies, unreliable grids and higher transmission and NiMH and Li-Ion batteries, respectively (Matheys et al.,
2006); 4Huo et al. (2008), IEA (2006), Sims et al. (2008);
distribution losses, combined with the higher cost of PHEVs. In 5
Engine efficiency; 6Assumptiion; HEV=30% more
Asia, the use of liquid biofuels in HEVs or ICEs may be a more efficient than comparable ICE (Gaines et al., 2007;
viable option than PHEVs (Gaines et al., 2007). Moving to a flex- Market et al., 2006).
fuel HEV would provide additional benefits.
4 The calculated efficiencies ignore the energy contents of co-products of liquid bioenergy fuels (e.g., fuel gas, heavy oils, and crop meal (Huo et al., 2008) and electricity
production (heat). Inclusion of co-product energies would increase their overall efficiencies and may affect their relative performance. This analysis is included here as
the focus is on the efficiency of biomass-based energy use in the transport sector.
5 PHEV20 is a vehicle with a 20 mile range using the onboard battery, PHEV40 is a vehicle with a 40 mile range using the onboard battery.
entrants will have to undertake a variety of strategies disseminating technologies in Asia. With favorable climates
and place investments carefully to mitigate ongoing risks. for biomass production, Asian partners in joint ventures
Returns on investments (both public and private) and the might contribute host sites for demonstrations and the
rate of market maturation will depend on how government first commercial plants in exchange for domestic access to
policy, R&D, and costs evolve. intellectual property owned by international companies and
avenues for entering local markets (McKinsey, 2007). Public-
First-Generation Commercialization private relationships can coordinate efforts along the value
Increased supply chain efficiencies and reduced production chain and minimize risk and volatility. No single company
costs are key to enhancing the competitiveness of current possesses all the skills needed in agronomics, process
fuels. High costs related to feedstock price and availability, technology, feedstock and fuel procurement, storage,
and oil prices create uncertainty and risk. With the distribution, refinery operations, commodity trading, and
exception of Brazil, production costs of current biofuels shaping local regulation. Industry consortiums are important
are high due to high feedstock prices. As costs rise due to to help direct the market and work with regulators to
increasing demand on already constrained supplies, biofuels identify areas for cooperation and further development.
producers will need a reliable source of feedstock. Vertical
integration backwards to link up with feedstock supply Governments also have a role to play in encouraging R&D
would be prudent (Box 22). Vertically integrated players to accelerate second-generation biofuels and biorefineries
tend to not only achieve greater cost efficiencies by better capable of producing a range of products. Such investments
management of the supply chain, but also are better able offer more promise than merely adopting trade barriers or
to absorb price fluctuations. Using residues to generate supporting domestic production (OECD, 2007). Research
electricity in processing plants and selling co-products can is needed to advance flex-fuel vehicles, develop pilot and
diversify revenue and reduce processing costs. commercial plants, and coordinate industry initiatives with
government policy.
The cost curve for biofuels production is not steep, so
companies will need to bet on the technologies, feedstocks, Third-Generation Commercialization Needs
and locations best suited to long-term viability, in close Currently most research on efficient algal-oil production
alignment with government incentives. Public-private for biodiesel purposes is being done by the private sector
partnerships can facilitate technology dissemination and in small pilot-projects. Commercial microalgae culture
best practices. by the food industry is well established but these large
commercial systems are almost always an open-air system
Brazil’s ethanol production has thrived through its technical design because they are less expensive than closed
assistance program to increase yields, efficiencies, and systems (as described in Section 3.3, these systems must
process chains, and by encouraging innovation. Similar directly provide all necessary nutrients, light and CO2). The
measures are needed to increase production efficiencies drawback to open systems is that there is no control over
and lower costs in Asia. Policymakers will need to ensure water temperature and lighting conditions, and they can be
investments occur in a timely fashion and are directed to vulnerable to contamination. Also, the number of species
the most economically effective biofuels. that has been successfully cultivated for biodiesel in an
outdoor system is relatively small. However, closed systems
Second-Generation Commercialization Needs are very expensive and can be difficult to scale up. Closed
Second-generation biofuels are not commercially produced systems are operated indoors with artificial lighting so they
anywhere in the world. Over time, the cost of cellulosic can have high energy costs as well. Further R&D is needed
technology could decrease to as low as $0.25 to $0.60 per to bring down the cost of closed algae production systems,
liter—a huge savings compared to current production costs develop hardy and high-yielding algae strains, and further
in Asia (IEA, 2008b). Because commercialization of second- demonstrations are needed to test a variety of growing and
generation biofuels will be capital-intensive and more processing technologies.
likely to accelerate in developed countries; technology-
sharing agreements and joint ventures are important for
Among the many mechanisms in the carbon market, the 1997 Kyoto Protocol’s Clean Development Mechanism
(CDM), one among several alternatives within the global carbon market, provides an incentive for clean energy
projects by establishing a mechanism by which developed countries with GHG emissions reduction targets have the
opportunity to make cost-effective investments in emissions reduction projects in developing countries. However, of
the 632 biomass energy projects in the CDM pipeline worldwide as of November 2008, only seven were biodiesel,
including three in Asia (CD4CDM, 2008), and to date there are no bioethanol projects. Principally, this is due to
the fact that the only CDM Executive Board (EB) approved methodology for biofuels is for biodiesel derived from
biogenic waste oils or fats (UNFCCC, 2008). No baseline or monitoring methodologies have been approved by the
Executive Board for crop-based biofuels, mainly because there are debates about how to calculate and measure
GHG reductions from biofuels projects, including emissions from feedstock production. However, the EB has
approved dozens of cogeneration projects using bagasse and palm oil empty fruit bunches (EFB) without requiring
any accounting of feedstock production emissions; biofuels developers feel they are subject to a double standard. For
the CDM to provide a viable opportunity for biofuels projects to receive investments and a revenue stream through
carbon credit payments, methodologies will need to be developed that address concerns over additionality, double
counting, emissions leakage.
mall-scale biofuels industries’ needs differ from policymakers understand the strong arguments for
commercial-scale ventures. Most projects in decentralized biofuels from an economic, social, and
decentralized biofuels production are at a pilot or environmental perspective is key to making decentralized
demonstration level. These projects need to be supported biofuels a part of national energy policy. The enabling
and replicated through policy, technical assistance programs, environment in many rural areas is absent, including
and partnerships. Biofuels production on a small, local scale infrastructure, access to seeds and credit markets, and even
has the potential to benefit impoverished rural populations information on agronomic developments. Governments
by providing options for cheaper transportation fuel, and and NGOs play a vital role in kick-starting local, rural
partial electrification. On the whole, these benefits are more industries and providing financing and technical assistance.
desirable and at a lower environmental and social cost than To expand decentralized production of fuels and electricity,
the potential—and questionable—benefits of commercial financing is needed to enable local communities to acquire
biofuels in blending mandates for transportation. generators, oil presses, filters, and even stoves that use
gas rather than raw biomass. Rural financing sources and
Inherent obstacles to decentralized production include: credit markets are often poorly developed and difficult
lack of funding; intermittent interest by policymakers; to establish (ESMAP, 2005). Therefore, the participation of
and technical challenges using crude feedstocks in local and international NGOs and multilateral and bilateral
engines, including lack of support by original equipment aid agencies is especially important to help provide the
manufacturers (OEMs).6 To some extent, access to reliable necessary equipment as well as the training required to
and sound technologies, strong stakeholder coordination, enable communities to grow and produce their own fuels.
public-private partnerships, and strong government support Assisting smallholders in building cooperatives, marketing
can address these challenges. associations, partnerships, and joint ventures will aid in
the formation of local biofuels industries as in other
agricultural markets (Box 24).
6 In many cases, OEMs will void warrantees if crude vegetable oils are used in their engines
n the last few years, environmental and social concerns production must (paraphrased): 7
have led observers and policymakers to question the
inclusion of biofuels in emission reduction plans. Biofuels 1) Respect all applicable national laws and relevant
blending mandates will probably continue, but their international treaties;
pitfalls have escalated calls for standards and certification
2) Operate under transparent, consultative, participatory
systems to ensure biofuels are produced responsibly and
processes in order to diffuse conflict, including the
sustainably (e.g., Cramer et al., 2006). Several standards
promotion of environmental and social impact
exist for sustainable agriculture and forestry. Forest
assessments and prior informed consent for new
Stewardship Council (FSC) certification can be applied
to forest bioenergy and second-generation cellulosic
biofuels produced from forest biomass. Feedstock- 3) Contribute to climate change mitigation by significantly
specific approaches include the Better Sugarcane Initiative, reducing GHG emissions when compared to fossil
Roundtable on Responsible Soy (RTRS), and Roundtable fuels, as determined by a consistent approach to GHG
on Sustainable Palm Oil (Box 25). lifecycle assessment and taking into consideration
emissions from both direct and indirect land use
The Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels changes;
The RSB is a multi-stakeholder initiative spearheaded by the
Swiss École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne Energy 4) Avoid violations of human or labor rights and ensure
Center. It brings together diverse institutions, including decent, safe working conditions, and in particular, avoid
NGOs (WWF, FSC), energy conglomerates (Shell, BP, slave labor, forced labor, and child labor;
5) Contribute to the social and economic development Limitations of Certification and Labels
of local, rural, and indigenous communities; For certification schemes, time is a significant challenge,
especially with regards to their potential to halt
6) Endeavor not to impair food security by giving
development of forests and peatlands. In the face of
preference to waste inputs, and degraded or
unrelenting market pressures, destruction of rainforest
marginalized land use;
and other biodiverse areas will continue. The need for
7) Avoid negative impacts to biodiversity and ecosystems, certification is increasingly clear but RSPO and RSB are
especially areas of high conservation value; still in the early stages of development. Gaining consensus
on certification criteria, developing methodologies and
8) Promote practices to improve soil health and reduce assessment protocols, and increasing participation takes
degradation, by measuring and maintaining soil organic years. It will be crucial to mobilize and boost membership
matter content; quickly in order to create a strong market for sustainably
produced biofuels, especially in light of Indonesia’s recent
9) Optimize the use of water resources through
removal of a ban on oil palm production on peatlands.8
appropriate water management plans, and by
respecting existing water rights, both formal and
There is much that these biofuels certification schemes
could learn from the decade and half of experience
10) Minimize air pollution from production and processing with the development of credible forest management
of feedstocks; performance certification and chain of custody systems for
timber products (e.g., FSC). If, over time, biofuels production
11) Be cost-efficient, using appropriate technologies to is used mainly to fulfill domestic mandates, rather than
improve production efficiency; and exported to more environmentally discriminating markets
12) Avoid violating land rights and compensate local (e.g., the EU and US), it is unlikely that instruments like the
communities fairly and equitably for agreed land RSOP and RSB will provide adequate market drivers for
acquisitions. sustainability, unless in the coming years RSPO and RSB
practices become the operating norm for the industry.
Notwithstanding the broad nature of these principles, It will be important to ensure that mandatory regulatory
response to the RSB has been positive. The International regimes set up a standard of management practice in Asian
Social and Environmental Accreditation and Labeling countries that applies to all producers while producers
Alliance, a nonprofit organization which assesses the selling into certain market segments would take steps to
credibility of voluntary standards, accepted the RSB as voluntarily comply with RSPO and RSB practices.
an associate member. At present, the RSB standard lacks
regulatory teeth, given that it only comprises general There are other barriers that could limit the efficacy of
principles and criteria, with no supporting indicators and certification and labeling systems for biofuels (Keam and
metrics. The RSB is undertaking consultations and field McCormick, 2008). The high costs of verification and
tests to develop more specific indicators against which compliance favor bigger, more established producers
to measure biofuels performance. The results will be in a over smallholders. Financial and technical assistance to
finalized “Version One” of the standard in 2009. General smallholders, now offered by the Malaysian Palm Oil
consensus suggests the RSB will evolve into a third-party Association, could help address this issue. A phased
certification and verification scheme, enabling producers to certification approach that starts with legal issues and
claim their biofuels are sustainable. then moves to management—as developed by FSC—
would also help smallholders.
8 A recent UNCTAD report concludes that for certification programs to be successful they must be based on internationally agreed principles and criteria (including
those from existing forums) that accommodate the differences in environmental, technological and socio-economic conditions of producing countries. It is also impor-
tant that these programs are quantifiable, verifiable and scientifically informed, and are the result of an inclusive process where stakeholders from various regions are
The Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil was established in 2004 to advance the production, procurement, and
use of sustainable oil palm products through the development, implementation, and verification of credible global
standards, and the engagement of all stakeholders along the supply chain. As an international, multi-stakeholder
forum, RSPO members include environmental and social NGOs as well as businesses active in growing, processing,
using, and retailing palm oil.
1) Commitment to transparency;
2) Compliance with applicable laws and regulations, especially with respect to land tenure;
6) Responsible consideration of employees and of individuals and communities affected by growers and mills;
7) Responsible development of new plantings, including mandating environmental impact assessments and
forbidding encroachment on natural primary forest, as well as safeguarding the land rights of local and
indigenous communities; and
These principles are broken down into separate criteria, each with its own indicators and guidance. A full
description of RSPO’s principles, criteria and indicators can be found at In late 2007, RSPO launched
a certification system to enable audited growers and processors to market palm oil produced according to
the criteria. Applicants must meet all criteria and a third-party assessor conducts a strict audit. In 2008, United
Plantations became the first plantation to obtain RSPO certification for some operations in Malaysia. They shipped
the first RSPO-certified palm oil to Europe in November 2008.
RSPO and its certification program are not free of controversy. Because it has many large oil-plantation members,
environmental groups accuse it of “green-washing” environmentally damaging practices and providing inadequate
oversight of its certification criteria. Greenpeace condemned the first shipment of RSPO-certified palm oil because
United Plantations, while RSPO-certified in Malaysia, allegedly continues to cut virgin forest in Indonesia. Another
NGO, Wetlands International, challenged the validity of the certification process by claiming that the first certified
palm oil originated from a plantation grown on former carbon-rich peatlands. It charged that the RSPO fails to
account for greenhouse gas emissions in its certification process.
An added challenge is the cost of certification. Producers need a high-enough price premium to make the cost and
trouble of passing 39 separate criteria worthwhile. Ultimately, sustainability standards are demand-driven. For RSPO
and similar mechanisms to succeed, consumers, wholesalers and retailers need to demand sustainable products.
It is uncertain whether restricting trade to certified Anticipating that international trade would play an increasing
biofuels violates WTO rules and free trade agreements. role, the International Biofuels Forum (a governmental
Finally, the potential for consumer labels may be limited. initiative among Brazil, China, the EU, India, South Africa,
Unlike certified coffee or timber for furniture, where and the US) sponsored a comparative study (TTF, 2007)
the product is directly and completely consumed by the of existing standards set by the United States, Brazil, and
end-user, biofuels when blended with petroleum fuels the EU. The study found that ethanol standards (ANP no.
often constitute only 1-10 percent of total fuel. In this 36/2005 in Brazil, EN 15376 in the EU, and ASTM D4806
context, it is difficult to communicate the benefits of in the US) outlined parameters in relative harmony, with
certified products through labels and create an “emotional the significant exception of water content. This suggests that
bond” that will compel consumers to pay a premium for there is very strong potential for reaching an international
certified biofuels. If producers receive very little price standard in the future. For biodiesel, on the other hand, the
premium for certified CPO over non-certified CPO, they specifications (ANP no. 42/04i n Brazil, EN 14214 in the EU,
are unlikely to undertake the extra effort and incurred cost and ASTM D6751 in the US) are significantly different. The
of certification. Undoubtedly, there are other threats to EU’s EN 14214 standard for biodiesel, for example, involves
sensitive lands aside from biofuels but robust certification 30 different criteria and conditions.
systems are needed in the near-term to prevent
biodiversity loss and large releases of GHG emissions from Early steps have been taken in Asia to develop a
expanded biofuels operations. common biodiesel standard to facilitate trade. An APEC-
commissioned study (Hart Energy Consulting, 2007)
The Need for Technical Standards acknowledged the difficulty of developing a feedstock-
Development of global sustainability criteria for biofuels neutral biodiesel standard and set forth several approaches.
would likely be easier if consensus is reached on technical Because biodiesel trade remains limited, progress is likely
standards for biofuels. This is proving to be a slow and to be slow.
difficult process.
A lack of standards makes an expansion of biofuels in
Quality standards are most important for biodiesel. Asia more likely in the short term. However, in the
Unlike bioethanol, biodiesel varies in chemical composition long-term, this lack of product standards and certification
and performance characteristics depending on the systems will hinder growth prospects by restricting
feedstock. In the process of turning natural fats into trade and competition. International collaboration will
biodiesel, unwanted reactions and chemical substances create greater confidence in biofuels quality, sustainable
can develop, resulting in contamination (IEA, 2008a). production methods, and the ability to quantify and
Small producers can manufacture and distribute biodiesel, ensure GHG reductions.
complicating formation of standards that addresses
complex fuel and engine requirements, as well as batch
testing for quality.
he conditions under which different biofuels Rapeseed with high emissions of particulates is the only
feedstocks are produced and processed into biofuels exception. All biofuels emit a higher amount of NOx,
determine how sustainable they are as a fuel source. relative to petroleum fuels. GHG and net energy balances
Therefore, it is useful to rate biofuels feedstocks against a depend on crop characteristics, processing, and growing
holistic set of sustainability criteria to demonstrate whether methods. Under ideal conditions, sugarcane, cellulosic
their impacts on a variety of factors are positive or negative feedstocks and sweet sorghum have the best net energy
and to determine which feedstocks are the most sustainable balance and corn has the worst. Among biodiesel
for biofuels production in Asia. Below, the predominantly feedstocks, oil palm has the best net energy balance.
cultivated biofuels feedstocks have been scored against Assuming no land use change, sugarcane in Brazil, sweet
criteria relating to environmental, social, economic, and sorghum and cellulosic feedstocks have the best net GHG
agronomic issues (Table 22). Since sustainability depends balance. Among biodiesel feedstocks, oil palm has the best
on local conditions, as emphasized throughout this report, net GHG balance.
assumptions and conditions are listed as notes in Table 22
and discussed below. Social Performance
Social criteria focus on employment generation potential,
Environmental Performance impacts on food security, and ability to support small-
Criteria relating to environmental performance include: scale production. Employment generation potential is low
water and fertilizer demand; impact on soil quality, to moderate for most crops depending on the degree
biodiversity and land use; emissions of local air pollutants of mechanization. Jatropha may provide the highest
(tail pipe emissions) and net greenhouse gas and energy employment potential among all biofuels feedstocks. In
balances. In general, annual grain crops and sugarcane terms of food security impacts, all grains and food crops
have high water and fertilizer demands. Sugar beet, sweet fare poorly. Non-food crops, namely, jatropha, sweet
sorghum, cassava, rapeseed, jatropha, oil palm and cellulosic sorghum and cellulosic feedstocks have minimal direct
feedstocks, on the other hand have low-to-moderate water impact on food supply, unless they displace food crops
and fertilizer demands. However, even for these feedstocks, from agricultural land. Ethanol production and therefore
irrigation will result in higher yields. Perennial crops, namely ethanol feedstocks have a strong tendency for economics
jatropha, oil palm and cellulosic feedstocks, have the least of scale and are most efficient at large scales. Among
impact on soil quality. All the crops except for jatropha, and biodiesel feedstocks, jatropha is ideally suited for small-
cellulosic feedstocks, under current cultivation practices, scale operations.
involve land use change and loss of natural vegetation.
Jatropha and cellulosic feedstocks are being targeted for Economic Performance
marginalized lands and unutilized lands, and if they are Other than Brazilian sugarcane, no other biofuels
restricted on such lands, it is likely that this will lead to an feedstock is financially viable without subsidies. Cassava
increase in vegetation cover. Similarly, all crops except for from Thailand and corn from China are among the
jatropha and cellulosic feedstocks, under current practices, cheapest ethanol feedstocks in Asia. In terms of biodiesel,
lead to biodiversity loss both from loss of habitat and from oil palm is the cheapest. Overall, corn from the US, and
the use of monocultures over large areas. wheat in Europe for ethanol, and soybean and rapeseed
for biodiesel in the US and Europe, respectively, are the
When it comes to local air pollutants, all feedstocks lead to most expensive feedstocks. Cellulosic feedstocks are
significantly lower emissions of CO, SOX and particulates. expected to become cheaper once commercialized.
Multiple Environmental
Biodiversity Impacts 4
Improvements in Asia
Soil Quality Impacts 1
Tailpipe emissions 2
Land-Use Impacts 3
Fertilizer Demand
Production Cost 7
GHG Balance 5
Suitability for
Small Scale 6
Net Energy
Fuel Yield
Wheat P P P M P P M M P P P P P G M P P
Corn P P P M P P M P P P P P P G M M P
Sugar beet M P P M P P M P P P P P P G M G M
Rice P P P M P P M M P M P P P G M M P
Sugarcane P P P M P P G G U M P U G G G G G
Cassava G P P M U M G M U M G U G G G M M
Soybeans P P P M P P M M P P P M P G M P P
Rapeseed M P P P P P M M P P P M P G M P P
Oil palm P G G M U U G G U M P G G G M G G
Veg. Oil
na na na M G G G G G P G G G G P M G
Jatropha G G G M U M G G G G G G U P G G G
2nd generation
Cellulosic ethanol G G G M G U G G G U G U P P G G G
Notes: Assumes that non-edible crops (cassava, sweet sorghum and jatropha) are planted on degraded, marginalized lands, but may still require water and fertilizer
1. Frequent soil disturbance and high fertilizer demand can result in poor soil quality.
2. On balance, biofuels result in air quality improvement, save increased ozone and nitrogen emissions.
3. Domesticated crops require land conversion; sweet sorghum, cassava, and jatropha on degraded land can rehabilitate the land, depending on growing methods.
4. Biodiversity impacts are good if degraded land is replanted and new habitats created; Impacts are poor if crop establishment involves destruction of habitats.
5. These rankings are relative between the crops and assume crops are grown on agricultural or degraded land; all biofuels will be rated as poor if soil carbon is
released,especially oil palm on peatland.
6. Biodiesel is well suited to small-scale production because of minimal processing requirements, although small-scale demonstrations of Brazilian sugarcane
have taken place.
7. Historically, sugarcane, cassava, and oil palm have demonstrated lower production costs than fossil fuels, but this depends on the price of oil and feedstock
Owing to a lack of a large number of commercial • Sweet sorghum: non-irrigated; low-to-no synthetic
operations, the prices of sweet sorghum and jatropha fertilizer application; use of co-products, such as co-firing
are unknown. stalks for distillery energy; vinasse as fertilizer, and stalk
silage for animal feed; plantation on underutilized lands;
Agricultural Performance intercropped with other crops to improve economics
Agronomic criteria include the level of understanding of and soil quality.
crop production systems, potential for improved feedstock
• Cassava: non-irrigated; low-to-no synthetic fertilizer
yields, and current fuel yield from various feedstocks.
application; intercropped; use of co-products, grown on
While much is known about the agronomy of grain
underutilized lands.
crops, cassava, and traditional oil seeds/crops, very little
is known about sweet sorghum, jatropha, and cellulosic • Oil palm: non-irrigated; not planted on peatland,
feedstocks, suggesting that large gains are possible with forest or savannah; ideally planted in a polyculture to
these crops. Fuel yield is low in grain crops and relatively improve soil quality; co-firing of empty fruit bunches in
high in sugarcane, sweet sorghum, and oil palm. Fuel yield processing plant and full utilization of other co-products
for jatropha varies widely in the literature. It is expected (e.g., glycerin, POME for biogas, bio-fertilizer); provision
to be high for cellulosic feedstocks once their conversion of biological corridors within plantation to protect
technologies are commercialized. biodiversity.
• Jatropha: non-irrigated; low fertilizer application;
On the whole, feedstocks most suitable for cultivation plantation on underutilized lands; intercropped with other
in sub-tropical regions of Asia include sugarcane, sweet crops to improve economic viability; use of co-products
sorghum, cassava, oil palm, and jatropha. These crops (e.g., glycerin and bio-fertilizer).
perform well across the most criteria, under the following
conditions: It must be noted that much of jatropha’s performance
is based on pilot trials and theoretical assumptions; it is
• Sugarcane: non-irrigated; low-to-no synthetic fertilizer
crucial that jatropha be further objectively assessed based
application; full utilization of co-products including
on data from pre-commercial and commercial-scale trials.
co-firing of bagasse in ethanol distillery; ethanol-driven
Cellulosic feedstocks appear promising but significant
transport of feedstocks and final product; use of vinasse
research is needed to develop feedstocks in Asia. Persistent
as fertilizer; plantation does not displace savannah or
uncertainties and the current high costs and lack of
forest or other foods crops.
commercialized production and conversion technologies
limit their deployment in Asia.
iofuels development in Asia is a complex interplay of ethanol production. Some commented on the inoperability
issues and trade-offs, with a diversity of stakeholders of existing policies.
and viewpoints. A vital element of any assessment
of biofuels production in developing Asia is to understand Stakeholders also commented that because of the limits
the perspectives and priorities of various stakeholders. of China’s land resources, scarcity of feedstock has already
Capturing the points of view of multiple stakeholders become a common obstacle to the development of biofuels.
helps identify areas of concern, as well as knowledge and There is talk of promoting jatropha, but not much acreage
implementation gaps. is reported to be available. Cassava chips imported from
Thailand have been a feedstock for ethanol in the recent
The authors consulted with sector representatives past. Because more than 50 percent of China’s biodiesel
(government, industry, NGOs, trade associations, and comes from food oil (restaurant waste oil, food waste
other stakeholders) in each country to gain first-order oil, and return oil), many believe that the development of
knowledge on the status of biofuels development. The biodiesel may have more positive than negative impacts on
information that was gathered is summarized in two parts. China’s food security. Some estimates suggest that there
The first part highlights recurring issues, questions, and is an even greater potential for biodiesel from waste oil.
key observations raised by the stakeholders about the However, China’s current level of biodiesel production is not
status of biofuels development in their own countries. supported by subsidies and is wholly dependent on market
In the second part, this information has been combined price, making profits highly volatile. Finally, some stakeholders
with a desk review and analysis of pertinent information thought that biofuels in China may not bring net GHG
(presented in the preceding sections), to provide a reductions when considering the full production lifecycle,
summary presentation of the key issues facing biofuels and that additional research is needed.
development in each country, organized into five categories.
Stakeholders indicated that current efforts in India are
9.1 Key Issues and Observations
targeted toward biodiesel and are at a very early stage.
by Country Stakeholders
Stakeholders commented on the need for government
China action, including attention to policy and financing
According to Chinese stakeholders, the scope of biofuels frameworks, R&D, and CDM opportunities. At least one
development in China is significant, for both biodiesel private sector stakeholder believes that to be sustainable,
and ethanol. China’s policies are further developed than government policy should be directly tied to poverty
those of a number of other Asian countries. There are alleviation efforts. Another private stakeholder indicated
incentives for biofuels (although currently only available that the government should adopt the same approach
for larger companies), as well as significant R&D efforts at that it adopted for biomass power generation (e.g.,
private and public facilities. Although there is a cellulosic promote zoning and provide subsidies). Lack of availability
ethanol pilot plant in China, stakeholders feel that there of large tracts of contiguous lands is a major problem. Also,
needs to be a higher level of R&D on cellulosic ethanol recent problems surrounding land acquisition by the private
technology and microalgae-based biodiesel. Some sector for manufacturing and export processing zones
stakeholders believe that government actions have been has resulted in increased opposition and scrutiny of land
too conservative, while others feel more clarity is needed acquisition for any project.
to further delineate food or non-food feedstock for
Stakeholders also believed that there has been insufficient commented that contracts are difficult to enforce, and that
research on cellulosic ethanol and micro algae-based provincial governments have more power than the central
biodiesel. They highlighted the need for dedicated feedstock government to implement biofuels projects.
research; the need to identify superior clone/genotypes
of important species that can produce a better quality International NGOs, and at least one local NGO, were
and quantity of oil; and the need for a biodiesel supply of the opinion that oil palm has resulted in severe land
chain. Specific to jatropha and other potential biodiesel clearing and that more could occur, especially on the island
feedstocks, they cited seed collection as a major constraint: of Borneo. Palm oil is often a front for forest clearing and
collection points are far from inhabited and accessible timber extraction—and oil palm planting requirements
areas, with no storage facilities near the collection points, are not met—leading to degradation of forests. Some
no passable roads to facilitate the transportation of seeds, NGO stakeholders believe jatropha should be used for
and other barriers. The general view is that failing any energy self-sufficiency in villages to promote job creation
major breakthroughs, jatropha and similar feedstocks will and reduce poverty, rather than as a large-scale feedstock,
be confined to small-scale production in India. Stakeholders since jatropha is unproven commercially. In addition, the
were not confident that India can meet its biofuels government should focus on development of high-quality
mandates, if implemented. seeds before starting pilot plantations. Stakeholders
believe that the EU discriminates against Malaysian and
Indonesia Indonesian palm biodiesel. The European-based Roundtable
Responses from Indonesian stakeholders suggest that on Sustainable Biofuels has different standards than the
feedstock availability does not seem to be an issue. Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, making it difficult to
Indonesia’s main biodiesel feedstock is CPO, with a meet certification requirements for both.
well-established industry and potential for increased
production. The government has expressed a strong Malaysia
interest in biofuels development but has moved cautiously The dramatic fall in petroleum prices in November-
to implement policy. As a result, stakeholders complained December 2008 raises the question of commercial
about poor coordination among government agencies. viability of palm oil biodiesel in the near term. However,
More specifically, they said that there is no coherent policy stakeholders remained positive about the long term,
to guide plantation and processing development, and to since palm biodiesel is a lot less expensive than European
facilitate supply chain improvements. Pertamina, a state- rapeseed biodiesel. Stakeholders commented that small
owned company, voluntarily adopted a target of 5 percent companies are looking at jatropha and microalgae as
biodiesel in 2007, but then within months, and in response feedstocks for biodiesel, but face difficulties in rationalizing
to rapid increase in the price of CPO and lack of clear and scaling up production as a practical large-scale
financial support from the government, had to reduce it to option. Some stakeholders maintain that the expansion
2.5 percent and then 1 percent. of Malaysia’s oil palm area has occurred primarily through
conversion of other tree crop plantations, such as rubber,
Stakeholders believe that past CPO government mandates cocoa, and coconut, contrary to NGO claims that
have helped develop the market. However, it has been rainforests have been cut down for oil palm plantations.
difficult for small producers, as Pertamina essentially has Other stakeholders feel that in reality, while other crops
a monopoly on the market. The situation in Indonesia is may led to more deforestation than oil palm, future
also affected by geography. Local authorities were given development plans will likely lead to rainforest conversion.
much greater autonomy to award concessions for crops For instance, under the Sarawak Corridor of Renewable
and timber with little central oversight. This has made Energy (SCORE) initiative, plans include increasing the
transparency and enforcement of regulations, including state’s palm oil acreage from 400,000 hectares to 1 million
environmental regulations, almost non-existent. Even hectares. The additional 600,000 hectares are likely to
though the government has said that no new forest will be come from a combination of undeveloped land, which may
converted, deforestation, along with infringements on labor include idle land, and rainforest.
and indigenous rights, has continued. Stakeholders also
Some believe that the public sector has no role in biofuels standards are not needed. Stakeholders indicated ethanol
except for R&D on second-generation biofuels since there is competitive even with oil at US$40 per barrel; however,
is little coordination in the government on biofuels as a part some private companies do not prefer corn as a biofuels
of energy policy. Stakeholders support the government’s feedstock due to food price considerations.
plan to reinstate a national B5 mandate, since the export
market to Europe has dried up. This is especially true since Stakeholders indicated that current options for feedstock
producers are familiar with sustainability certification, but are limited. There is potential for expanding sugar-based
believe there is only a slight price premium associated with ethanol in Indonesia, but land rights, political issues, and
the certification required to reach EU markets. opposition by some NGOs can make it difficult to develop
this potential. Jatropha has far to go before it can become a
Philippines large-scale source of biodiesel. Some stakeholders thought
Significant developments are taking place in the biofuels that oil palm is the wrong feedstock for biodiesel, as the
sector in the Philippines. The Biofuels Law created the demand for food products from oil palm is high. Overall,
National Biofuels Board to ensure only marginal and idle prospects for biodiesel are not good in the near term, but
lands are utilized for biofuels production, rather than operations that use waste oil and animal fat would do well,
agricultural land. The focus for the domestic biodiesels because of lower costs. A fallout from the recent increase
industry is to lower the cost of coco-methyl-ester in food prices has been that used cooking oil is exported
biodiesel—currently more expensive than petroleum- as virgin oil (through informal channels) and re-sold in
based diesel—by improving coconut productivity through neighboring ASEAN countries, making it harder to source
fertilization and small-scale biodiesel processing facilities this oil in Singapore as a feedstock for biodiesel operations.
at the village level. CME took off due to strong private-
sector interest in production, a ready supply of feedstock, Thailand
and minimal improvements needed in manufacturing Thailand, according to stakeholders interviewed, has
infrastructure. a strategy for biofuels, but details (such as mandates)
constantly change and some measures are not consistent.
Ethanol production has not grown as much as CME due to Stakeholders stated that there is not enough support for
very high initial investment costs, tedious loan processing, agriculture and that unsatisfactory coordination between
and concerns about ensuring a sustained supply of ministries is a challenge. The primary barrier to ethanol
feedstock. Similarly, companies interested in investing in and production is government pricing policy. The government
producing jatropha are concerned about whether there purchases ethanol based on the Brazilian export price,
is a stable market. There is also a general lack of capital plus transportation costs, and other expenses, including
and financing, problems consolidating contiguous areas for insurance. However, Thai ethanol producers get squeezed
jatropha plantation, and limited knowledge on the technical by this pricing policy because current production costs are
and economic potential of jatropha development and higher than the Brazilian price parity. If pricing issues are
management. Available tracts of underutilized lands may resolved, there is sufficient feedstock and capacity to meet
not be attractive to potential commercial investors but a immediate needs. However, there is also a general lack of
number of NGOs closely monitor the use of agricultural consumer confidence in ethanol and since there is still a
land to ensure that none is diverted to biofuels plantations. choice between ethanol blends and gasoline, demand for
Some producers are entering into contract farming or ethanol is low.
off-take agreements with companies that do the processing,
such as the Philippines National Oil Company-Alternative The situation is different for biodiesel. There are limited
Fuels Corporation (PNOC-AFC). opportunities to expand feedstock production for biodiesel
because there is not sufficient excess palm oil production
Singapore to supply biodiesel producers and marginal land that
Consultations were held in Singapore because it is a major is available for expansion would produce lower yields.
biofuels processing and trade center. Stakeholders remarked Thailand has also banned the import of CPO, further
that if a blend is less than 3 percent biodiesel, biodiesel fuel constraining supplies.
iofuels development needs are complex and vary Feedstock: Indicates availability of feedstocks for biofuels
depending on fuels, feedstocks, available resources, conversion (diverted from other uses).
and policy and technical developments, as well as
socio-economic impacts. It is therefore useful to evaluate Delivery and Handling: Indicates whether a strong
the primary concerns or issues for a given country and infrastructure system exists to deliver and handle
to identify cross-cutting themes that could benefit from feedstock and fuels.
regional cooperation. Country-level issues have been
classified into five broad categories in Table 23: policy Production Scale: Indicates current production capacity
development, technology development, available resources, (S: experimental or small-scale, L: large-scale).
infrastructure development, and social impacts, and broken
down further into sub-categories. Support to Small Landholders: Indicates whether
policies are in place to support conversion to biofuels
crops by small landholders.
Biofuel Incentives Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes(1) Yes Yes
POLICY MECHANISMS R&D Support Yes Yes(2) Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Ethanol Conversion
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Technology (3)
TECHNOLOGY Biodiesel Conversion
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes(4) Yes Yes
DEVELOPMENTS Technology (3)
Agronomy & Crop Science:
Yes No No Yes No No Yes NA
AVAILABLE RESOURCES Water Availability No(5) No(5) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Fuel Delivery & Handling Yes(7) No No Yes(8) Yes N0(9) Yes Yes
Scale of Production L S L L L S L L
Support to the Landless and Indigenous as investors—both private and local government—who
Communities: Indicates whether policies are in place for consider allocating funds to a feedstock plantation or
job creation, informed consent, social safety nets, etc. a biofuels processing facility are in need of a structured
decision-making framework that specifically addresses
Competition with Food: Indicates whether biofuels the potential pitfalls of biofuels development, in Asia
present a major threat to food production. as well as elsewhere. With this in mind, the diagram below
offers a simple but intuitive methodology that can serve
Conclusion as a principal guideline toward reaching a sensible
Looking at biofuels development from a regional decision on the sustainability of individual biofuels
perspective helps distill challenges facing the industry. development projects.
Some issues reflect a particular focus in a country, but
generally all countries need to develop consistent fuel The decision tree shown in Figure 25 is based in part
standards and increase crop R&D. Water is a major issue, on a similar framework developed by the World Bank in
particularly for India and China. Finding suitable land will collaboration with the World Wildlife Fund (World Bank/
be an ongoing battle between competing interests, although WWF, 2008). Embedded in the decision tree are a set
most countries claim to have land available for expansion. of fundamental criteria and decision factors that must be
Feedstock availability varies by crop. While most countries taken into consideration before investing resources or
have adequate feedstocks for current production political capital in biofuels development.
(though not necessarily mandates), local shortages are
apparent and will likely become a greater issue in the The decision tree is two-tiered. The first tier, labeled
future. Fuel handling and delivery are of particular concern Primary Assessment, consists of a simple flow chart that
for India, Indonesia, and Vietnam, since infrastructure may lists the most crucial criteria and presents them in a
be weak and does not always reach remote locations. simple question format. An affirmative answer to each
All but India and Vietnam have large-scale production question allows progress to the next step in the flow chart,
facilities, but more could be done to improve smallholder whereas a negative answer leads to outright rejection of
participation in all countries. The degree to which biofuels the proposed biofuels project. The criteria in the Primary
compete with food varies, but China and Thailand are most Assessment are thus similar to the “must haves” suggested
concerned because agricultural land is largely developed. by the World Bank’s scorecard. Successful completion
These areas signify where biofuels development must of the Primary Assessment indicates that the proposed
proceed with caution and where additional support and biofuels project or policy measure fulfills the most
development is needed. fundamental environmental, economic, and social issues
identified in this report.
9.3 Decision-making
Thereafter, one may proceed to the Secondary Assessment.
Approaches and Methods
Listed here are several other decision factors that
his report has highlighted the difficulties and address a variety of issues concerning the management
contradictions presented by the production of biofuels projects, such as yield improvement, legal
of biofuels from agricultural crops in Asia. The compliance, and working conditions. These issues also merit
environmental, social, and economic viability of currently careful consideration, especially with respect to planning
available (mostly first-generation) biofuels feedstocks and management of plantation or processing facilities.
remains uncertain, especially as a result of the great However, they are not included in the initial assessment
variation in the characteristics of the feedstocks themselves, because they are not unequivocal. In other words, failure
including the soils, climates, regions, and social contexts to satisfy individual secondary criteria need not disqualify
in which they are grown. This atmosphere of uncertainty a biofuels project altogether. Because they entail mostly
makes it difficult for decision-makers to assess the managerial issues, the secondary criteria may be more
usefulness of biofuels and to make appropriate choices on readily controllable by the company or government agency
how to structure biofuels policies. Policy-makers as well sponsoring the project. Moreover, some secondary criteria
Legal compliance:
No Does production of the biofuel comply Knowledge of
will all national and local laws, Crop Agronomy:
including zoning and land use plans? Has requisite knowledge to
grow the feedstock sustainably
Yes been dissemated among
local farmers?
Water, soil, fertilizers:
No Can feedstock be grown without
extensive irrigation or fertilizers? Are
measures in place to prevent soil
degredation or erotion? Performance metrics:
Yes Have management metrics
been developed to measure
Land use impacts: key sustainability indicators?
No Will cultivation of feedstock avoid
land changes (e.g., deforestation,
displacement of other crops, etc.)?
Biodiversity: Crop yield:
No Are biodiversity impacts positive (e.g., Can yields of the feedstock
planting on degraded land) rather be improved significantly?
than negative (e.g., destruction
of natural habitat)?
Invasive Species
No Is there evidence that the feedstock Management of waste:
species is not invasive with proper Are wastes and byproducts
control measures? Are treated and managed (e.g.,
protective measures in place? used for other value-added
Yes applications)?
that are not met by the proposed project may be mitigated While a comprehensive review of the various assessment
by positive aspects of the project, leading to acceptable tools available to analysts and decision-makers is beyond
tradeoffs in the outcomes of biofuels development. the scope of this report, the reader may want to refer
to a valuable compilation of such tools published by the
The decision framework offered here is only a preliminary International Union for Conservation of Nature and
assessment tool. In most cases, planning for a sustainable Natural Resources (IUCN) (Keam and McCormick, 2008).
and profitable biofuels development will require a thorough IUCN’s findings are summarized briefly in Table 24.
and technically detailed assessment of all likely impacts.
Pest Risk European and Tools to determine whether a pest should be regulated and what
Analysis (PRA) Mediterranean measures should be taken against it.
Pest Risk Plant Protection See:
Management Organization intro.htm
Uses FAO’s Quickscan tool for modeling bioenergy potential to
Bioenergy and
2050, coupled to the COSMIO agricultural trade model, to build
Food Security Food Security FAO
a picture of food security and bioenergy potential trade-offs.
Community- A project planning and management tool designed to help
based Risk IUCN project planners and communities integrate risk reduction and
Screening Tool IISD climate change adaptation into community-level projects.
- Adaptation SEI See:
& Livelihoods Intercooperation
Climate (CRiSTAL)
Adaptation Assessment Ranks project activities by their sensitivity to current and
and Design for projected climate and in the future will also include spatial
Adaptation to elements such as hazard maps, crop yield maps, and current land
World Bank
climate change: use maps which will improve spatial planning.
a Prototype Tool See:
Comprehensive certification processes and sustainability criteria
Certification Principles & RSB, RSPO, RTRS, for biofuels and specific feedstocks.
and Standards criteria FSC See:,,,
his report examines the prospects for sustainable in coordination with local actors, to ensure that biofuels
development of biofuels in Asia. It presents a production does not compromise food security, biodiversity,
comprehensive evaluation of the environmental, or local livelihoods.
economic, social, and technological impacts of biofuels
production in Asia, from the various feedstocks, technologies, Key Findings
and production systems that are currently being deployed This report is designed to address three broad questions,
in Asia, or have been identified for near-term deployment. for which the primary conclusions and recommendations
Following this, a modeling analysis using country-specific data of this report are presented below.
on land availability, feedstock yields, and assumed technology
trajectories was conducted to develop estimates of the total Potential for biofuels to replace fossil
potential production volumes of various biofuels in each of fuels in transport
the focus countries. These estimates were then compared
with the mandates or quantitative targets that have either 1. Do any of the biofuels that can be produced in
been set or proposed in the focus countries to evaluate Asia have the potential to replace fossil fuels as
the extent to which these can be met. Finally, the report a sustainable energy source and simultaneously
identifies policy guidelines and advisory needs for national reduce net GHG emissions?
governments, and a menu of priority actions that can form
the focus of technical assistance by USAID. Large-scale production of biofuels is unlikely to
make a significant contribution to Asia’s future
Based on the above research and analysis, this report transport energy demand. By 2030, biofuels will
recommends a significant deviation from the conventional account for only an estimated 3-14 percent of the total
approach to biofuels development, which focuses on transport fuel mix. This assumes the rapid expansion of
development of large-scale biofuels operations to meet a high-yielding first-generation biofuels crops on underutilized
portion of domestic transport energy demand and to also land, as well as the rapid commercialization and scale-up
produce biofuels for export. Such large-scale operations of cellulosic ethanol production from agricultural residues.
typically require significant subsidies and can often cause Thailand has the highest potential for biofuels to replace
negative social and environmental impacts. transport fuel, and the country may be able to displace
about 14 percent of its total fuel demand with biofuels by
Experience demonstrates that large-scale biofuels 2030. It is estimated that India and Indonesia may be able
production is often not a cost-effective option for to displace about 12 percent and 11 percent, respectively,
improving energy security, creating jobs, or reducing GHGs. of their transport fuel demand with biofuels by 2030.
In addition, there are significant water, land, and food Both the Philippines and Vietnam are each expected to be
supply constraints that limit the large-scale expansion of able to displace roughly 8 percent of their total transport
biofuels production. A major finding of this report is that fuel demand with biofuels. It is expected that China may
first-generation biofuels on a small, decentralized scale may offset 6 percent of its transport fuel demand with biofuels
make the greatest contribution to helping countries achieve by 2030. At the low end, Malaysia’s biofuels production
their energy, development, and environmental priorities. potential is relatively small—at just 3 percent of total
There are certain conditions under which large-scale transport fuel demand—and this is attributable to a lack
biofuels operations are sustainable; however, it will take of available land for expansion, and a limited availability of
careful planning and oversight on the part of regulators, crop residues.
The ability to achieve national ethanol and does not involve land conversion and where there
biodiesel mandates varies by country. Based is full utilization of co-products and wastes. Biodiesel
on a medium-growth scenario for transportation fuel produced from jatropha planted on degraded land can also
demand, all the focus countries, except for Indonesia and provide good net energy and GHG benefits over fossil
the Philippines, are expected to achieve their ethanol fuels. Coconut-based biodiesel produced under optimal
blending targets. However, only Indonesia, Malaysia, and the conditions can also provide benefits compared to fossil
Philippines will meet their biodiesel blending targets (see fuels, with a good net energy balance and GHG savings.
Tables 14 and 15 in Section 5). In all the focus countries The performance of sweet sorghum and jatropha is based
except Indonesia and Malaysia, diesel demand in 2030 is on pilot projects and preliminary assumptions about
expected to be significantly higher than gasoline demand. commercial-level yields.
Many biofuels have limited GHG and net energy Most large-scale biofuels production systems
benefits. Net energy is the balance between energy inputs are not economically viable without extensive
and energy outputs in the production of one unit of fuel. subsidies and are subject to boom and bust
The GHG balance of a biofuels refers to the net amount of cycles. Asian biofuels, while cost-competitive with biofuels
GHGs emitted during the biofuel’s life cycle relative to that from other regions, are expensive relative to fossil fuels.
of fossil fuels. The extent of net energy and GHG benefits In Asia, production costs for the same feedstock show
varies by feedstock, the location where the feedstock is significant variation between countries, but ethanol from
grown, and the fuel production process, including the use molasses and biodiesel from oil palm and waste oil tend
of co-products and wastes. Biofuels with net energy values to have the lowest production costs. The profitability of
below those of fossil fuels (1.2 MJ of fossil fuel inputs will biofuels production systems is highly volatile, given high
produce 1 MJ of energy output) provide greater energy variability in both input costs and the cost of the substitute
benefits compared to fossil fuels. (fossil fuels). This exposes producers to significant risks.
Therefore, effective utilization of co-products and wastes
Table 25 below shows results for various biofuels can be crucial to the profitability of biofuels producers.
feedstocks when produced under best case conditions Subsidies and incentives have driven the growth of biofuels
(see Section 6.1.1 for the full results of the life cycle analysis). in Asia to date, and they will continue to be required in
Generally speaking, ethanol produced from non-irrigated the future to ensure financial viability. Market entrants
sugarcane grown on existing croplands or degraded land, will have to undertake a variety of strategies and make
with efficient use of co-products and wastes, has the most careful investments to mitigate ongoing risks. Returns on
favorable net energy and GHG savings, making it one investments (both public and private) and the rate of
of the best crops for ethanol production in Asia, where market maturation will depend on how government policy,
conditions allow. Ethanol produced from sweet sorghum R&D, and operating costs evolve. Analyses of social welfare
grown on degraded land with minimal fertilizer and water impacts suggest that biofuels may not be a cost-effective
inputs also has favorable net energy and GHG balances. option to reduce GHG emissions or improve energy
Cellulosic ethanol also provides a favorable energy balance security, and that by raising food prices, biofuels may in
and a good GHG balance.1 However, grain-based biofuels some instances result in negative welfare. Opportunities
systems in Asia, under current conditions, result in negative for expanded trade in biofuels will be limited as long as
or low net energy and GHG savings, mostly because of high countries enforce trade barriers and protectionist policies.
water and fertilizer demands (e.g., corn). When biofuels
production results in the replacement of native vegetation, The greatest promise for biofuels in Asia lies in
generally the result is greater GHG emissions than those of decentralizing their production and use. Biofuels
fossils fuels. can be an important part of countries’ strategies to
expand access to modern energy for the more than half a
Biodiesel produced from oil palm provides the best net billion people in Asia who currently use traditional forms
energy and GHG benefits, but only when its cultivation of energy and who, due to their rural location or lack of
1 Data for cellulosic ethanol is based on feedstocks grown in temperate regions. Feedstocks grown in the tropics are expected to have more favorable yields and
therefore would have more favorable net energy and GHG balances.
Table 25. Indicative Ranges of Net Energy and GHG Balances of Biofuels from Selected
Biofuels Feedstocks without Land Use Change
market power, buy fossil fuels at significantly above-market and produced sustainably. In general, biofuels should
prices. Decentralized energy production systems, when be produced in a way that minimizes the use of land,
managed by community-level organizations, can help to water, fertilizers, and fossil energy, and does not worsen
support rural livelihoods, ameliorate local soil and water the quality of air, water, and soil. The focus should be
quality problems, and—to the extent that they avoid forest on biofuels feedstocks and practices that do not do
loss and displace fossil fuels—reduce GHG emissions. any of the following: compete with food production;
Biofuels developed for use in rural Asia could therefore result in the conversion of native forests or vegetation;
have a greater impact on social welfare, compared to compromise labor rights or indigenous rights; or exclude
the use of biofuels primarily for transport in urban areas. the participation of smallholders. The following factors need
Several small-scale pilot initiatives are underway in South to be considered to ensure that biofuels development
and Southeast Asia using feedstocks such as jatropha, is sustainable and does not result in significant negative
pongamia, and oil palm for decentralized production. The environmental or social impacts.
preliminary results are promising.
Sustainable biofuels polices are needed to
Conditions for Sustainable Development safeguard food security. Most analyses of global food
of Biofuels prices have concluded that the demand for biofuels, among
other factors, contributed to higher food prices from 2005
2. Under what conditions should the above to 2008. However, the magnitude of the influence is subject
biofuels be produced, distributed, and consumed to debate. Biofuels may have had an impact on food prices
to avoid threats to biodiversity conservation; food in Asia, but to a lower extent than in other regions. Ethanol
security; impacts on fuel prices, smallholders, and produced from corn and cassava, and biodiesel produced
rural livelihoods; and other economic, social, and from oil palm may have had an impact on the price of food,
environmental concerns? feed, and edible oils, respectively. Notwithstanding the recent
slump in the demand for, and prices of, food commodities,
This report provides some guidelines and parameters it is likely that the resumption of economic growth and the
for the conditions under which biofuels can be grown underlying trends of increasing population and affluence
in Asia will lead to renewed competition between food and water application techniques, and efficient water
and fuel, putting net food-importers and food-buying and nitrogen use. In addition, the cultivation of biofuels
households at risk. The immediate impacts of high food feedstocks should be predicated on the use of polycultures
prices can be mitigated through appropriately designed and (including native species), rotational diversity, and retention
targeted safety nets. In the medium- to long-term, strategies of natural areas as wildlife habitats and corridors. The
to ensure food security include: (1) intensifying food removal of residue from annual cropping systems to
production and enhancing yields in existing croplands; (2) produce cellulosic ethanol should also be limited to prevent
restricting biofuels crops to marginal lands not used for food the loss of soil carbon and to manage soil erosion.
crop production; and (3) increasing reliance on non-food-
based and cellulosic ethanol feedstocks. On balance, switching from fossil fuels to biofuels
may benefit local air quality in Asia. It is difficult to
The environmental impacts of biofuels depend predict the cumulative impact on air quality in Asia from a
greatly on the type of production system, location, large-scale switch to biofuels for transport. If land clearing
and land cultivation practices. As with other forms and vegetation burning could be largely avoided (and
of commercial agriculture, the expanded production of there are significant caveats about the ability to do so),
biofuels feedstocks can threaten land and water resources the primary impacts would result from the differences in
as well as biodiversity. Growing first-generation biofuels tailpipe pollutant emissions of biofuels versus fossil fuels.
on croplands or marginal lands using business-as-usual A switch from fossil fuels to biofuels will result in reductions
agricultural practices will exacerbate soil erosion, increase in sulfur oxides (SOX), particulates, and carbon monoxide
nitrate- and phosphate-related water pollution, and cause a (CO). However, biofuels, especially biodiesel, have higher
decline in biodiversity. The conversion of “new” lands, such nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions than fossil fuels—by
as grasslands and forests, presents a significant threat to as much as 70 percent—depending on the feedstock.
biodiversity and should therefore be avoided at all costs, Emissions of NOX combined with volatile organic chemicals
particularly in Indonesia, where large tracts of primary and other pollutants can lead to increased ozone (O3)
rainforest may be slated for biofuels plantations.2 Large- formation, which is an issue of growing concern in Asia.
scale production of biofuels increases the demand for fresh
water—a resource that may face future shortages in many Positive social impacts are not a guaranteed
Asian countries. This is a particular concern in China and outcome from the large-scale deployment of
India. Countries in Southeast Asia are likely to experience biofuels. While ethanol production systems have a
water shortages to a lesser extent; however, regional and strong tendency toward economies of scale and neglect
local shortages may still prove to be a significant concern. of smallholder-based production, biodiesel may be better
suited to smaller-scale operations. There is widespread
The cultivation of grain-based feedstocks tends evidence across Asia and elsewhere that very often, absent
to result in higher associated environmental adequate safeguards, the development of biofuels can
impacts than oil seeds, oil palm, sugarcane,3 and perpetuate poor labor rights and working conditions, and
perennial crops. Non-food feedstocks fare better. Sweet can threaten lands used by indigenous and marginalized
sorghum, due to its low demand for water and nutrients, communities. Underutilized lands considered to be
has relatively low impacts, as do jatropha and second- favored areas for biofuels expansion are often the only
generation feedstocks, owing to their perennial nature and resource accessible to the landless poor, and converting
low water and nutrient requirements. Biofuels cultivation these lands to biofuels production can deny local people
can avoid significant environmental impacts through the access to subsistence farming, fuel wood, and fodder
adoption of agricultural best practices at every stage of supply. This outcome poses a real threat to the social
production—including no-till farming, advanced fertilizer sustainability of biofuels and can precipitate severe local-
2 Recently the Ministry of Agriculture in Indonesia announced that it plans to remove an existing ban on the conversion of significant amounts of peatlands—which
store large amounts of carbon and support biodiversity—into plantations.
3 Except in cases where large amounts of water are used to grow irrigated sugarcane (e.g. India).
level conflicts over resources. National governments a suite of import tariffs and non-tariff barriers that restrict
and donors can enhance social benefits from biofuels use of the foreign raw materials or processed biofuels.
through focused policy interventions. Such measures However, the projected modest surplus in ethanol
can include support of smallholders through effective production in several Asian countries suggests that there
contract farming arrangements and technical assistance, is potential for regional trade. It will be important to
as well as enforcement of labor rights, protection of land dismantle trade barriers while simultaneously instituting
rights, participatory processes for indigenous peoples, and strict quality and sustainability certification systems in
implementation of certification systems. It is crucial to order to ensure that trade liberalization does not lead to
achieve a balance between mechanization and the number unsustainable production practices.
and quality of new jobs created by the biofuels industry.
An international framework is needed for
Smart incentives are needed to promote biofuels. sustainable standards and certification of biofuels.
With the exception of Brazilian ethanol, unsubsidized An international dialogue on sustainability criteria and the
biofuels are not yet competitive with fossil fuels.4 development of transparent and harmonized standards
Experience to date strongly suggests that existing policies and certification schemes is currently under way through
and economic incentives for biofuels production have the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), the
been counterproductive. Most incentive schemes that Roundtable on Sustainable Biofuels (RSB), and other
have been established in Asia are too expensive, and the forums. These platforms will provide an important
desired benefits in terms of improved energy security and framework to guard against unsustainable production of
reduced GHG emissions come at a relatively high cost. It is biofuels in the future. To ensure that these standards are
important for Asian stakeholders to study best practices in effectively adopted and enforced, it will be important
biofuels cultivation, business models, and policy frameworks for smallholders and other stakeholders in developing
in order to learn from successful examples in other regions countries to receive the necessary technical assistance
of the world. The evidence suggests that extensive support, to be able to comply with these schemes. Also, given the
and subsidies, for current biofuels production systems projected growth in domestic demand for biofuels in Asian
that ignore more efficient next-generation technologies countries, it will be important for certification efforts to
could lock-in inefficient, unsustainable practices. Instead focus on both domestic and export markets.
of relying exclusively on direct subsidies and mandates, a
more cautious, yet comprehensive, approach that combines Decision-making under uncertainty. The uncertainty
mandates or targets with capital grants, low-interest surrounding the environmental, social, and economic
or guaranteed loans, demonstration projects, technical viability of biofuels makes it difficult for decision-makers to
assistance, and funding for research and development can assess the usefulness of biofuels and to make appropriate
be a more cost-effective and ultimately successful strategy choices on how to structure biofuels policies. Policymakers
for promoting biofuels. It will be important for countries and investors who consider allocating funds to a feedstock
in Asia to implement best practices for first-generation plantation or a biofuels processing facility are in need of
biofuels while paving the way for more efficient future a structured decision-making framework that addresses
technologies. the potential pitfalls of biofuels development in Asia. With
this in mind, the decision tree presented in this report
Support is needed to dismantle trade barriers (see Section 9) offers a framework for guiding decisions
and establish sustainability certification systems. on individual biofuels development projects. The decision
Agricultural policies in the form of price supports and tree is two-tiered and includes a primary and secondary
regulation of imports and exports, among others, can assessment. Successful completion of the primary
hamper trade opportunities and distort markets. Currently, assessment indicates that the proposed biofuels project or
countries within the OECD, and also in Asia, have erected legislation addresses environmental, economic, and social
4 Brazil has eliminated direct subsidies for ethanol produced from sugarcane and achieved significant cost reductions because over the past three to four decades, Brazil
has had a sustained program to promote an effective biofuels production. Brazil has developed a highly-efficient production system that uses especially high-yielding
varieties of sugarcane, which is transported using ethanol, and bagasse (a co-product of sugarcane) is burned for process energy.
issues. The secondary assessment covers issues that a national governments and other entities including the
project developer needs to consider in order to improve US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and
the overall performance and competitiveness of the project. the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Biofuels
Task Force, which are already engaged in gathering data
Future Priorities for Biofuels Development and information on marginal lands and suitable crops in
the APEC economies. This work should be undertaken
3. What priority interventions by USAID would in partnership with local NGOs and civil society actors
be most useful in promoting the sustainable who are best placed to reflect local socio-economic
production and marketing of biofuels in Asia? realities in the analysis.
Looking forward, international development agencies Support scale-up and regional replication of
are well positioned to contribute to the sustainable sustainable, decentralized biofuels projects.
development of biofuels in Asia. The findings contained in To date, donors and NGOs have focused their efforts
this report highlight specific activities that can maximize on promoting community-based initiatives to grow
the impact of sustainable biofuels programs. Program biofuels feedstocks and on implementing pilot projects to
managers with development agencies may want to consider generate power for households. In order to mainstream
prioritizing the following activities: this approach, it will be necessary to build political
commitment at both the national and local levels, and to
Develop a policy framework for biofuels in Asia. provide technical assistance to overcome commercial and
Numerous national-level biofuels policies and incentives technology barriers. USAID could support the replication
have been proposed and implemented in Asia. Once and scale-up of the best efforts, by: (1) establishing
established, subsidies and support structures for biofuels cooperatives, marketing associations, and coordinated
are difficult to dismantle. It will be important for Asian supply into larger production facilities; (2) supporting
governments to review existing biofuels policies, evaluate small-scale financing arrangements and carbon finance
their cost-effectiveness with respect to energy security options; and (3) providing technical assistance to address
and environmental impacts, and then promote those challenges relating to the small-scale processing of
policies that will bolster long-term sustainability. For biofuels, and the use of various vegetable oils and fuels
example, USAID could convene a regional dialogue on in engines and generators.
policies that support the sustainable production of
biofuels as well as more efficient regional trade in biofuels, Support agronomy research and crop
when appropriate. improvement. The rate at which non-food crops, such
as jatropha and pongamia, and cellulosic ethanol feedstocks
Map land resources. Claims about the extensive (e.g., grasses and fast-growing trees) are commercialized
availability of land in Asia for biofuels production are often will depend on how quickly Asian countries can conduct
based on gross-scale national maps that divide land into growth trials, gain an understanding of their agronomy and
broad classifications, without an adequately detailed survey yield potential, and tailor production systems to maximize
of the quality of the land, ongoing uses of the land, the yields under local growing conditions. In the US, the
number of people living on or dependent on the area, Department of Energy (US DOE), along with its affiliate
or its conservation value. There is a pressing need for laboratories and partner universities, is undertaking the
more detailed land resource assessments to identify the bulk of the research on biofuels feedstock development. In
availability of marginal lands that are suitable for biofuels Asia, several national agencies that have broad experience
expansion. Such assessments include evaluating the local with research in agronomy and improvement in food crops
climate and physical characteristics (topography and have not yet made a similar foray into supporting the
soils) and use constraints, and identifying environmentally development of biofuels feedstocks. USAID could facilitate
sensitive areas. USAID could establish partnerships with US-to-Asia and Asia-to-Asia research partnerships and
technology transfer5 in association with key regional efforts under way in the US (e.g., US DOE Biomass and
entities such as the International Rice Research Institute Biofuels Program) could be transferred to Asia through
(IRRI) and the International Crops Research Institute public-private partnerships, demonstration projects, and
for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), which also have an technology transfer initiatives. Technology forums and
interest in this area. networks can also facilitate the sharing of research findings,
best practices, and lessons learned among Asia’s key
Support development of regional environmental research centers and international research bodies.
standards and certification schemes. International
standards, performance guidelines, and certification Technical assistance on life cycle analyses
schemes for biofuels, such as RSPO and RSB, are still (LCAs). With increased scrutiny of the environmental
being developed, USAID can play an important role by and net energy impacts of biofuels, LCAs have become
supporting the development of national and regional an important tool to evaluate biofuels feedstocks and
standards and protocols within Asia that are consistent with production systems. To date, most LCAs on biofuels have
international standards, and by providing technical assistance been conducted in the US and the EU. Only a handful
to smaller actors and decentralized operations to help of LCA studies have been carried out for Asian feedstocks
them comply with the standards. and locations. Technical assistance to build the institutional
capacity of Asian stakeholders on LCA techniques,
Support technology transfer on cellulosic followed by development of LCAs for various Asian
ethanol. Given the advantages of cellulosic ethanol feedstocks and growing conditions, could provide a
over first-generation biofuels, it will be important to strong basis for Asian policymakers, investors, project
facilitate the transition to second-generation technologies developers, and community organizers to make informed
in developing countries using the tools of technology decisions regarding options for sustainably scaling up
transfer, demonstration, and deployment. Current research, the production of biofuels.
development, demonstration, and deployment (RDD&D)
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of the production, conversion, use, distribution and marketing of biofuels in a sustainable manner. One element of this collaborative effort will be the use of biofuels
feedstock obtained from non-edible oil seeds grown on wastelands with the active involvement of local communities. The production and development of quality
planting material and especially crops with high sugar content (such as sugarcane, sweet sorghum and cassava) will be emphasized. The scope of cooperation also
encompasses advanced conversion technologies for first-generation biofuels; emerging technologies for second-generation biofuels; and electricity production projects
based on a decentralized approach.
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1 India imports over 70 per cent of its petroleum. The Indian Planning Commission estimates that the country’s demand for petrol will rise from 9.3 million tons in
2006–2007 to 16.4 million tons by 2017 (MoPNG, 2008).
2 The nine states are Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Bihar, Haryana, and Gujarat
3 The states involved include Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, Uttarakhand; most of the states also have dedicated institutional
arrangements to promote biofuels.
Current production is enough to meet the 5 percent fuels, where the central government has the sole authority
ethanol blend mandate; however, to meet even a 10 to make policies across the country.
percent mandate, current production facilities would
need to be expanded. There is considerable debate about Key policy issues that need to be addressed include
how much land is available and where to expand biofuels the development of a pricing scheme and a financial
production. To meet the 5 percent national biodiesel target, framework, providing R&D support for seed development
2.19 million hectares of biodiesel feedstocks will need to and reducing production and processing costs, and
be planted, far more than the 700,000 hectares of jatropha identifying and supporting Clean Development Mechanism
claimed to be planted from 2006 to 2008. The Ministry (CDM) opportunities. The release of lands identified as
of Agriculture reports that there are a total of 50 million available for jatropha cultivation by the state governments
hectares of uncultivated and fallow land potentially available remains an obstacle as states are still waiting for guidelines
for biofuel plantations. Analysis from the Department of on the collection, sale, and processing of jatropha seeds.
Land Resources estimates that roughly 13.4 million hectares
are available for jatropha plantations on land identified as The Indian biofuel industry continues to face other
marginal or fallow, which could potentially yield 15 million challenges. Fast population growth, rising income levels,
tons of oil annually (Science and Development Network, increasing demand for agricultural products, and lagging
2008).4 However, these problems haven’t stopped states government policies have put the country’s land and water
from pursuing aggressive programs. resources under enormous strain. The growing emphasis
on expanding biofuel production capacity, primarily
However, problems have persisted, even at plantations through the augmentation of ethanol output based on
where jatropha plants have borne fruit. Although the Indian irrigated sugarcane, is expected to put further pressure
Express (John, 2008) reported success in Chhattisgarh on water resources. It might also lead to the diversion of
state, where 400 million jatropha saplings were planted on land from food crops to sugarcane. The National Biofuel
more than 155,000 hectares of fallow land in the last three Policy is currently under revision to meet the gaps and
years, there are no data on either the survival of saplings or shortcomings that have been identified.
seed production. Where the trees have borne fruit, various
departments and local agencies, are waiting for guidelines Considering the slow rate of progress in biodiesel
on collection and sale of seeds. production and the fact that several policy issues still need
to be resolved, it is unlikely that India’s biofuels targets will
THE ROAD AHEAD be achieved. Analysis by the UN Conference on Trade and
Discussions with officials indicate that there are two key Development (Gonsalves (2006) concluded that India will
constraints in the development of biofuels. The first relates not be able to reliably produce ethanol from sugarcane,
to administrative controls that some states have placed and that difficulties in procuring oilseeds and the lack of
on free movement of biofuels across state borders, and infrastructure could hamper biodiesel production in the
restrictions at the district level, which make it very difficult near to medium term. Therefore, it is expected that India
for biofuels to be transported across state and district will have to import both bioethanol and biodiesel to meet
borders. The second key constraint arises from differential its targets (ibid).
tax structures at the state level, in spite of biofuels being
a renewable source of energy. There are still no clear
guidelines on the issues of biofuels being given the same
treatment as other renewable sources, which do not have INTRODUCTION
any state or central taxes. This is because of the fact that Indonesia’s fossil reserves of oil, gas, and coal are its
states also have a key role to play in terms of land for primary sources of energy, with 48 percent of primary
plantations, setting up of processing facilities, and for final energy originating from oil. Despite Indonesia’s status as a
sale to consumers. This is unlike the case of all petroleum major petroleum producer, it became a net petroleum oil
4 Other sources have reported that roughly 40 million hectares of degraded, marginal land is available for biofuels. This highlights the conflicts over how much land is truly
available in India for biofuels cultivation.
importer in 2004. In 2007, the total final gasoline and diesel production to be 1.5 billion liters, but OECD-FAO places
demand was roughly 17.6 and 11.1 billion liters, respectively. the total for 2008 at 753 million liters. Total oil palm
plantation area was estimated to be more than
It was not until after global oil prices soared and the country 6 million hectares.
became a net oil importer that the government of Indonesia
focused on the importance of biofuels as an alternative The central government has established laws and
energy source. Oil prices and decline in petroleum reserves regulations guiding biofuels expansion, including a ban on
and production forced the government to reduce or further forest destruction, but local governments exercise
lift fuel price subsidies and start to look at biofuels as a greater control and it is suspected these laws are not
viable alternative energy source.5 For the private sector, always followed. In mid-February, Indonesia’s Agricultural
production of biofuels was not seen as economically viable Ministry announced that it would lift the moratorium on
until after the government changed the fuel price subsidies palm oil plantations on peatlands. Indonesia is considering
in late 2005. Indonesia now sees biofuels as one of the jatropha and coconut oil in its next phase of expansion
key instruments to accelerate economic growth, alleviate in order to avoid competition with food-based CPO.
poverty, and create employment opportunities, while at the Because the productivity of palm oil is so high, however,
same time mitigating greenhouse gas emissions. jatropha and coconut cultivation for biofuels may remain
small without strong expansion programs. At this time, the
ETHANOL PRODUCTION government appears to be focusing on the use of jatropha
Currently, fuel ethanol in Indonesia is produced from in remote areas where electricity is very expensive.
sugarcane molasses. Indonesia has about 5.5 million acres
dedicated to sugarcane production, and several companies POLICIES AND EXPANSION PLANS
want to expand their plantations. The country is among Currently, the government’s targets for ethanol and
the top 10 sugarcane producers in the world with about biodiesel are to produce 17.3 billion liters of fuel ethanol
30 million tonnes per year. Ethanol producers face several and 29 billion liters of biodiesel by 2025. The Indonesia
challenges, particularly, since alcohol is strictly prohibited government has set blending mandates at 10 percent
in Indonesia for religious reasons, ethanol sales are heavily for biodiesel starting in 2010, and 20 percent for ethanol
regulated with high tariffs and taxes. starting in 2015. In order to reach these targets, current
production must be vastly expanded.
Total ethanol production in Indonesia was about 212
million liters in 2008 (OECD-FAO, 2008). Fuel ethanol Indonesia faces the difficult task of trying to meet its
installed capacity, as of late 2008, was about 215 million mandates by producing biofuels sustainably and without
liters. The official goal is to produce close to 4 billion liters increasing forest destruction. The government has
by 2010 (OECD-FAO, 2008; APEC, 2008). Most sugar developed a set of land classification maps outlining land
mills in Indonesia are less efficient state-owned enterprises, considered available for government biofuel expansion
and many still use Dutch colonial technology. Indonesian plans for jatropha, palm oil, sugarcane, and cassava. (See
government officials and industry are also looking at cassava Annex 5 for maps). One key issue is that much of the land
as an alternative ethanol feedstock. that has been identified as suitable for biofuels plantation is
high conservation-value primary rainforest or peatland. In
BIODIESEL PRODUCTION particular, all four crops are to be planted on Borneo and
The main biodiesel feedstock in Indonesia is crude palm oil Sumatra, which are habitats for a number of endangered
(CPO) due to a well-established industry and potential for species, such as orangutans.
expanded production. Indonesia is the world leader in palm
oil production. In 2008, Indonesia’s biodiesel production The government provides special fiscal incentives on top
capacity was estimated to be 2.9 billion liters annually. In of investment guarantees and protections to encourage
that year, the government of Indonesia estimated biodiesel foreign and national investments. In late February of 2009,
5 Based on an assumed world crude oil price of US$57 per barrel, the government allocated IDR 54 trillion (US$6 billion) to fuel subsidies in 2006 alone
(ESMAP, 2006).
the government announced an Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) In 2005, the Malaysian government introduced ambitious
33 trillion subsidy for biofuels. The subsidy is worth IDR563 biofuel policies to begin profitably transforming its key
to IDR572, based on a crude oil prices between US$45 to agricultural product (palm oil) into biodiesel. The principal
US$60. The subsidy is provided as long as biofuels prices aims were to expand the market for palm oil, improve
are higher than fossil fuel prices. Value-added tax reductions energy security, and create a new export industry. The main
for businesses and excise duty cuts are also available for concerns for expanding biodiesel production in Malaysia
biofuels users. In 2007, the government announced an are land availability as well as associated sustainability and
interest rate subsidy of IDR 1 trillion for farmers growing biodiversity issues.
biofuels crops (i.e., jatropha, oil palm, cassava, and sugar
cane). The government is considering additional upstream ETHANOL PRODUCTION
fiscal and non-fiscal incentives, including tax holidays and As the primary focus is on palm oil, production of bioethanol
extended land concession rights. in Malaysia is still in its infancy. Malaysia produced an about 70
million liters of ethanol in 2008, though this does not separate
THE ROAD AHEAD out ethanol for fuel purposes (OECD-FAO, 2008). Until 2007,
Energy security, job creation (particularly in rural areas), there was almost no consumption of bioethanol in Malaysia; In
building on existing strengths in the agricultural sector, and 2008, consumption rose to upwards of 4 million liters. There
development of new export opportunities were among is an opportunity for ethanol production from the oil palm
the top reasons motivating the Indonesian government biomass (part of it left unutilized), but this technology has yet
to promote biofuels development. Biofuels are intended to be commercialized and there are no immediate plans to
to provide energy to remote rural settlements, which pursue cellulosic technology. The government has no mandate
currently depend on long, costly supply lines. Nevertheless, for ethanol and has major expansion plans.
even with record-high oil prices in 2008, biofuels remained
more expensive to produce than petroleum fuels, adding BIODIESEL PRODUCTION
to the government’s fuel-subsidy burden. Additionally, Oil palm is the primary crop for biofuels in Malaysia. Eleven
Pertamina (the state-owned oil company) reported losses percent of the country’s total land area (about 62 percent
of IDR 360 billion (US$40 million) from 2006 to June 2008 of the economy’s agricultural land) is devoted to palm oil,
due to biofuel blending (GSI, 2008). although only about 10 percent of it is diverted for fuel
(APEC, 2008).
Indonesia could become a world leader in biodiesel exports,
depending on movements in world palm oil prices and how Biodiesel production began in 1982 with a pilot plant based
environmental sustainability of palm cultivation is addressed. on palm oil. In response to a large increase in biodiesel
The government is, however, continuing with ambitious plans demand from the European Union (EU), Malaysia’s
to develop a large, subsidized domestic biofuels industry, production of biodiesel grew from 86 million liters in
despite its recent lessons in the environmental and social 2005 to 443 million liters in 2008 (OECD-FAO). It should
costs of biofuels and the social and political difficulties in be noted that the Malaysian government estimates that
reforming petroleum fuel subsidies. biodiesel production in 2008 was significantly lower (i.e.,
201 million liters) than the OECD-FAO estimate. Part of
the reason for the discrepancy could be that OECD made
projections based on capacity while in actuality, 2008 saw
INTRODUCTION production contract significantly. By 2008, 92 new biodiesel
Malaysia’s energy requirements are expected to grow projects had been approved, but only eight of those had
annually by 4.8 percent until 2030 to three times their 2005 produced biodiesel in 2008 (approximately 10 percent of
levels. Over this period, energy for transport is projected approved new production capacity). Many plants suspended
to rise at 5.3 percent annually from the 15.7 billion liters of operations due to high feedstock prices in 2008; some plants
gasoline and diesel used in 2008. closed. Assuming no further closures or cancellations, total
production capacity is expected to reach approximately 2.7
million tons in 2009.
Since Malaysia initially subsidized end-user prices of met through increased productivity of existing plantations
petroleum transport fuels – totaling Malaysian Ringitt (RM) and conversion of land to new plantations. The B5 mandate
25 billion in 2008 – biodiesel was seen as a promising would require an additional 130,000 hectares of land –
avenue to reduce both the consumption of petroleum and 3 percent of the current 4.2 million hectares currently
the government’s subsidy burden. However, biodiesel in under cultivation. In contrast, the analysis in Section 5.4 of
2008 was estimated to cost around RM0.67 (US$0.20) per the main report shows that a B5 mandate would require
liter more to produce than petroleum diesel when palm 323 million liters of biodiesel.
oil is RM3000 per metric ton and crude oil is US$115 per
barrel. Replacing petroleum diesel with biodiesel would The majority of new Malaysian oil-palm developments
therefore worsen the government’s subsidy burden, rather are in the states of Sarawak and Sabah on the island of
than improve it. Replacing five percent of petroleum diesel Borneo. These state governments have a great deal of
with biodiesel could add RM395 million (US$122 million) autonomy and it appears that, in some areas at least,
per year to this subsidy bill, at the above mentioned prices environmental impact assessments are not rigorously
(GSI, 2008b). performed. Many Malaysian firms are also operating in
the Indonesian provinces of Kalimantan and Riau on the
POLICIES AND EXPANSION PLANS island of Borneo, which have high rates of conversion of
In August 2005, the Malaysian Government launched the forest to oil-palm, and less exacting governance structures.
National Biofuel Policy (NBP), which created a national Both for environmental and social reasons (conflicts with
B5 mandate. The implementation of this policy was indigenous peoples and poor labor rights), measures to
unsuccessful due to soaring palm oil prices and the fact certify sustainable production will become increasingly
the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) voided the important in order to supply the environmentally conscious
warrantee on engines using biofuel blends. The domestic markets of the OECD. Certification and good governance
mandate was abandoned in favor of producing CPO are important to ensure social and environmental
for the export market. Now that the export market is goals are not comprised by future biofuels development.
restricted, Malaysia has reinstated the B5 mandate (as of
February 2009), which is to be fully implemented by 2010.
A B5 mandate would require Malaysia to consume around
560,000 million liters. INTRODUCTION
The Philippines’ indigenous fossil fuel reserves are relatively
To continue to encourage CPO exports, the Malaysian small. The transport sector consumed 4.3 billion liters of
Palm Oil Board (MPOB) has been promoting Malaysian gasoline and 5.8 billion liters of diesel in 2008. Biofuels form
palm oil internationally by demonstrating the health part of the strategy to reduce energy imports. The hope is
benefits of consuming palm oil, addressing non-tariff to eventually achieve self-sufficiency. Sugarcane and coconut
barriers (e.g., countering environmental and consumer are the preferred Philippine biofuel feedstocks. Fuel ethanol
perceptions), promoting different uses of the product (e.g., production only began in 2008 with the introduction of
development of palm biodiesel and palm polyurethane), an ethanol mandate. B2 and E10 are already available
and improving palm oil’s brand image. Malaysia is supporting nationwide. The Philippines is actively pursuing jatropha as
the adoption of Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil an alternative feedstock for biofuels production.
(RSPO) certification and has strict rules on deforestation. In
2008, Malaysia’s United Plantations shipped the first batch ETHANOL PRODUCTION
of RSPO-certified palm oil to Europe. Sugarcane is the primary source for ethanol production
in the Philippines. It is considered a reliable feedstock
THE ROAD AHEAD due to its well-established farming technologies and
Malaysia presently has strong regulations aimed at highest yield per hectare compared to other feedstocks.
protecting tropical forest, especially on the peninsula of Additional ethanol feedstocks under consideration are
Malaysia. However, increased demand in the future may sweet sorghum and cassava. Currently, the OECD estimates
increase pressures on forests. Increased demand could be total ethanol production to be about 105 million liters
per year, while the Philippines Department of Energy commercial quantities. Currently, a few pilot plantations are
estimates about 39 million liters of fuel ethanol were growing oil palm.
produced in 2008.
Uncommon to the rest of Asia, fuel ethanol is made directly Under the Biofuels Act of 2006, the government
from sugarcane, while non-fuel ethanol uses sugarcane implemented a mandatory blending of 1 percent biodiesel
molasses. One fuel distillery started production in 2008, in all diesel-fed vehicles in May 2007, which increased to 2
the other main distillery started commercial production in percent biodiesel blend by February 2009. An economy-
early 2009. E10 blends have been selectively available since wide mandatory blending of 5 percent bioethanol in all
2008 but have utilized imported ethanol, because of local gasoline-fed vehicles will start in February 2009 to reach
shortfalls. An E5 mandate took effect as of February 2009. 10 percent by February 2011. A National Biofuels Board
It is expected that local companies will need to continue to (NBB), an inter-agency body headed by the DOE Secretary,
import fuel ethanol to meet the mandate. will oversee implementation of the country’s National
Biofuels Program. Compliance with the mandate will be
BIODIESEL PRODUCTION determined by the scheduled construction and completion
Domestic biofuels production is currently limited to coco of the appropriate number of plants. Incentives to
methyl ester (CME), also known as coco-biodiesel.6 In encourage the production and use of biofuels include
2008, there were 11 biodiesel facilities with an output exemptions from wastewater charges and from specific
capacity of 348 million liters per year, which exceeds taxes for raw materials (coconut, sugarcane, jatropha,
the volumes mandated by the Biofuels Act. That excess cassava, etc.). Favorable loan policies from banks for biofuel
provides a potential export opportunity for biodiesel investors and producers are also available.
producers (APEC, 2008). However, OECD-FAO estimates
actual biodiesel production in 2008 was 211 million liters. To meet the ethanol mandate the Philippines must
The Philippines DOE estimates biodiesel consumption was expand its current total 344,700 hectares of sugarcane.
78.8 million liters in 2008, with an increase to 163.9 million The Sugar Regulatory Administration (SRA) has identified
liters expected in 2009.7 an additional 237,748 hectares of available land, mostly
in Mindanao, that can be tapped to produce fuel ethanol
Additional potential biodiesel feedstocks under (APEC, 2008).
consideration in the Philippines are jatropha and palm
oil. The government plans to launch a large program to THE ROAD AHEAD
cultivate jatropha seeds on around two million hectares The Philippines hopes to position itself as a leading biofuels
of what it describes as unproductive and idle public and producer in the region. The main challenges facing the
private lands nationwide. It is likely, however, that some industry are the availability of feedstock and processing
of these lands are already being used for other purposes. facilities to meet demand set by national mandates.
Larger companies, mostly foreign-owned, are using an The University of the Philippines in Los Baños is leading
integrated jatropha plantation and processing model, as research and development efforts, by studying the use of
some are looking primarily to export. There are more than biodiesel derived from jatropha, and of bioethanol from
10 Philippines Department of Energy accredited biodiesel cassava and sweet sorghum. The Philippines National Oil
processing plants that can use jatropha as feedstock. Company Alternative Fuels Corporation (PNOC-AFC) is
The Philippines National Oil Company Alternative Fuels conducting performance testing of a commercial jatropha
Corporation together with the Department of Science and oil expelling facility that can be easily set up in areas where
Technology are currently conducting performance testing commercial quantities of jatropha feedstock is available.
of a commercial jatropha oil expelling facility that can easily In 2007, Ford Philippines opened a manufacturing plant
be set up in areas where jatropha feedstock are available in for flexible fuel engines that can run on ethanol blends
6 The Philippines is one of the largest producers of coconut oil in the world, second after Indonesia. It produces approximately 1.4 billion liters per year, of which
80 percent is exported.
7 In comparison, the analysis in Section 5.4 of the main report estimates that the Philippines would require 119 million liters to meet a B2 mandate.
of up to 20 percent. Production of engines from the investment estimates installed capacity to be 876 million
facility is expected to be sufficient for export to other liters annually. Production is from a mixture of waste
ASEAN countries. The plant’s opening may accelerate cooking oil and palm oil, both of which are in limited supply.
the adoption of biofuels in the economy (APEC, 2008). Given the current low utilization of installed capacity due
However, nationally, infrastructure to supply E5 or E10 is to lack of feedstock supply, Thailand will need to encourage
weak and feedstock production, processing facilities and biodiesel consumption by its citizens, in order to meet the
supply stations will need to be scaled up to expand ethanol B5 mandate.
Palm oil cultivation has steadily increased from 385,000
hectares in 2004 to 503,000 hectares in 2007 and is
expected to grow to 680,000 hectares in 2012. Efforts
INTRODUCTION are ongoing to increase yields. A primary driver in the
Thailand continues depend on energy imports, particularly expansion of palm oil production has been an increase in
oil, which accounted for 57 percent of the energy supplied procurement prices for palm crops by the government.
to the economy. Gasoline and diesel consumption were 4.7 However, reports indicate that, after export and domestic
and 16.7 billion liters, respectively. Of 51 million hectares use, very little is left for biodiesel production. Thailand
of land, 27 percent is forest and 45 percent is dedicated to has banned the import of palm oil but it plans to offer an
agriculture. With a strategic view to reducing dependency additional 1.6 million hectares for cultivation by 2023.
on energy imports, Thailand has implemented various
policies to accelerate the development of biofuels. Thailand also plans to gradually introduce jatropha as a
substitute for palm oil and has put in place about 16,000
ETHANOL PRODUCTION hectares for jatropha cultivation. However, these fields are
Ninety percent of ethanol production is from molasses, still in the pilot phase. Even though jatropha has lower
the rest from cassava. Production is expected to gradually yields, it has certain advantages, such as the ability to grow
shift to a greater percentage of cassava over the next in areas with low rainfall, and in degraded, fallow, and other
5–10 years. OECD-FAO estimates total ethanol production wastelands of low fertility in arid and semi-arid areas. This
in Thailand to be close to 408 million liters in 2008. The has the advantage of not competing with fertile land that
Thai Board of Investment estimates the total capacity of should be used for food crops.
ethanol production in Thailand to be about 584 million
The Thai government has ambitious plans to displace
Feedstock pricing is the main issue for ethanol processing imported fuel with renewable energy sources within the
plants. Ethanol producers in Thailand are not producing next five years. It introduced a B2 mandate in February
fuel at capacity because growers receive an insufficient 2008, aiming to have B2 available nationwide by the
purchase price. The Thai government’s policy is to purchase end of 2008, which would require the production of
ethanol at the Brazilian export price (also known as the approximately 420,000 metric tons of biodiesel per year.
Brazilian parity). Because Thailand’s ethanol feedstock and Future targets mandate B5 by 2011 and B10 by 2012.
fuel production costs are higher than Brazil’s, feedstock For ethanol, the government aims for 3 million liters to
producers sell their primary stock to food producers, so be consumed daily by 2011, increasing to 9 million liters
only leftover molasses and cassava are used for ethanol. per day by 2022. A minimum blend of E10 was announced
for 2008, but has been delayed until 2011, due to
BIODIESEL PRODUCTION consumer resistance, primarily because ethanol blends
Biodiesel production in Thailand was estimated to be 48 are not suitable for many older cars. This delay highlights
million liters in 2008 according to OECD-FAO. the changing state of mandates and policies in Thailand,
However, Thailand’s Department of Energy and Energy which will no doubt continue to fluctuate.
Efficiency (DEDE), reports 2008 biodiesel production
was closer to 400 million liters. The Thailand board of
Policy incentives for ethanol include soft loans, “build-own- Total ethanol production is estimated by the OECD to
operate” privileges for fuel ethanol plants, and an excise tax be 164 million liters in 2008, although the government’s
holiday for ethanol blended in gasohol. The government has estimate for total ethanol was 316 million liters in 2007. E5
set gasohol prices at 2.0-5.0 baht/liter less than regular and blends are available, though not nationwide.
premium gasoline to encourage its use. The government
has also mandated all its fleet to be fueled with gasohol. Vietnam is looking to advance its bioenergy program
An excise tax reduction for cars that can use gasoline by constructing commercial-scale ethanol plants using
containing at least 20 percent ethanol has been effective different biofuel feedstocks. One facility, to be constructed
since January 2008; this reduces the price of such cars by by Itochu Corporation (Japan), will utilize cassava chips
THB10,000 ($US300). and have an estimated annual production capacity of 100
million liters. Another planned plant, to be constructed by a
THE ROAD AHEAD partnership between Vietnam’s Bien Hoa Sugar Company
Thailand has adopted ambitious strategies for its biofuels and Singapore’s Fair Energy Asia Ltd, will have an annual
program. Obstacles to increasing production and usage ethanol production capacity of 50 million liters. Both plants
of biofuels in Thailand include a lack of confidence on the are expected to come online in 2009, and other plants are
part of end-users, lack of adequate biodiesel feedstocks expected to be operational in 2010.
and purchase prices too low to encourage production.
Increased yields may improve the amount of feedstocks In addition to expanded use of sugarcane, cassava, and rice,
available but pricing issues remain the largest obstacle. dedicated energy crops, such as elephant grass, and biomass
residues are seen as opportunities for the future. An
estimated 47 million metric tons of agricultural and woody
residues could be used in cellulosic ethanol production
The economic transformation and rapid economic
development in Vietnam has resulted in an accompanying BIODIESEL PRODUCTION
rapid increase in fuel demand. Gasoline and diesel Biodiesel is currently not produced in commercially
consumption was about 4.4 and 7.6 billion liters, significant amounts, although biodiesel production from
respectively. Beyond 2010, Vietnam expects to transform catfish oil is a growing cottage industry. Potential biodiesel
from a net energy-exporting economy to a net-importing feedstocks in Vietnam include animal fat (catfish oil), used
economy, which would require new policies to ensure cooking oil, rubber seed, and jatropha oil.
an adequate supply. Therefore, the government’s chief
objective for biofuels is as a substitute for petroleum. Various initiatives are being undertaken to produce
Biofuels production in Vietnam is a nascent industry biodiesel from catfish oil and used vegetable oil. The
but is expected to grow rapidly, since the 2007 government Vietnamese catfish processor and exporter Agifish is
decision to promote biofuels as part of a diversified building a 10,000 metric ton per year biodiesel facility,
energy supply. claiming it can produce one liter of biodiesel per kilogram
of catfish oil. The Ho Chi Min City Research Center for
ETHANOL PRODUCTION Petrochemical and Refinery Technology has successfully
Currently, fuel ethanol production is very small. The developed technology to produce biodiesel from waste
existing ethyl alcohol industry currently uses cane molasses cooking oil. About 73,800 metric tons of used cooking
and cassava as feedstock. Sugarcane production has been oil were produced in 2005, which would produce
steadily growing during the past six years, at about 16 approximately 33,000 metric tons of biodiesel. A current
million metric tons annually, while cassava production has pilot project produces about two metric tons of biodiesel
grown rapidly from 2 million metric tons in 2000 to about per day (APEC, 2008).
7.5 million in 2008 (APEC, 2008). Estimates show that
Vietnam has been producing ethanol for a number of years The Institute of Applied Materials & Science and the
and production is likely to continue growing at a rapid pace. Institute of Tropical Biology in Ho Chi Min City are
researching biodiesel production from rubber seed oil production. In particular, Vietnam has large cassava
and other oil-bearing crops (including jatropha). The production potential, which is reported to thrive in
Department of Agriculture and Rural Development has a marginal soils and with low agricultural inputs. Studies have
jatropha trial plantation of 5,000 hectares. In one example, also found that cassava is an efficient biofuel feedstock,
sites have been selected for jatropha development, in with a strong energy balance. Residues can be used as
partnership with Eco-Carbone, and biodiesel production animal feed or for energy.
is expected to start at that site in 2010. Eco-Carbone’s
objective is to reach 60,000 tons of biodiesel production Fiscal incentives provided for biofuels include tax
per year at full capacity. exemptions for investors in biofuels production, import
tax reduction for biofuel production equipment, and
POLICIES AND EXPANSION PLANS leasing and tax incentives on land leasing are proposed for
In November 2007, the government approved a biofuel the future.
development plan through 2015, with a vision through
2025, to produce different kinds of renewable energy and THE ROAD AHEAD
to partly replace traditional fuels. As part of PetroVietnam’s Vietnam is pursuing its renewable energy resources
biofuel plans, 35,000 hectares of land have been set aside because of the high cost of fossil imports needed to meet
to cultivate high-yielding crops that will lead to ethanol demand. The Ministry of Science and Technology has
production.8 indicated that, at current prices, the country may not be
able to afford importing more than 15–17 million metric
The Biofuel Master Plan has set the following targets: tons per year of fuel, which is not adequate to meet that
demand. Vietnam has commissioned alternate energy
• By 2010, 100,000 tons of E5 and 50,000 tons of B5
sources like solar and wind power, but output, so far, has
(to meet 0.4 percent of domestic fuel demand);
been low.
• By 2015, 5 million tons of E5 and B5 combined
(to meet 1 percent of domestic fuel demand); Current efforts focus on feedstock selection, research
and development, and creating favorable conditions for
• By 2025, 1.8 million tons of bioethanol and biodiesel the development of biofuels, by promoting investment
(to satisfy 5 percent of domestic fuel demand). through tax incentives and low-interest loans. The main
priorities for biofuels research and development in Vietnam
Vietnam has strong potential for biofuel development are to increase crop productivity and develop advanced
because of its sugarcane, jatropha, cassava, and castor- conversion technologies to take advantage of the country’s
oil trees. These crops are considered ideal for biofuel large amounts of cellulosic residues.
8 Crops will be cultivated in the provinces of Vinh Phu, Phu Tho, Yen Bai, Son La, Hao Binh, and Tuyen Quang.
List of StakeholderS
Consulted in ECO-Asia
CDCP Countries
China Ms. Liping Kang, Research Analyst Research Institute
NGO Beijing TERI University
EU-China Energy Environment P.P.Bhojvaid, Dean (Academic)
COFCO Wuxi Science Research
Programme (EEP) New Delhi
and Design Institute
Frank Haugwitz, Renewable
Mr. Shi Xiaofeng, General
Energy Project Manager Petroleum Conservation
Engineer of Oil & Fat Engineering
Beijing Research Association
Department 1
Ajit Kumar, Joint Director (R&D)
Wuxi, Jiangshu Province
Government (Telephone interview) New Delhi
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Trade Association Malaysian Palm Oil Association
Resources R&D Center for Oil Biofuels Producers (MPOA)
and Gas Technology Association of Indonesia Dato Mamat Salleh, Chief Executive
Dra. Yanni Kussuryani, Head of Paulus Tjakrawan, Kuala Lumpur
R&D Facilities Division Secretary General
Malaysian Palm Oil Board
Ministry of Energy and Mineral Cheah Kien Yoo, Head of Unit,
Resources R&D Center for Oil Milling & Processing Unit Engineering
and Gas Technology Malaysia & Processing Research Division
Abdul Haris, Head of R&D Government
Dr. Lim Weng Soon, Director,
Division for Process Technology Environment, Science, Engineering & Processing Division
Jakarta Technology and Health
Dr. Alice, R. Chu, Economic Officer Kamaruddin Mohd Idris, Head
AMARTA Kuala Lumpur
of Registration of Contracts,
Dieter Fischer, Senior Industry Advisor Economics & Industry
Jakarta Private Sector Development Division
Mr. Arnel Garcia, Alternative Fuels and Asian Development Bank (ADB) Trade Association
Energy Technology Division Priyantha Wijayatunga, Energy Sustainable Energy
Taguig City, Philippines Specialist, Energy Division, South Asia Association of Singapore (SEAS)
Department Kavita Gandhi, Executive Director
Philippine National Oil Mandaluyong City, Philippines
Company – Alternative Fuel
Corporation (PNOC-AFC)
Clovis T. Tupas, General Manager
Singapore Thailand
Makati City, Philippines Government NGO
United States Agency for United States Embassy Renewable Energy Institute of
International Development Singapore Thailand Foundation
(USAID) Ike Reed, Chief Of Section, Dr. Samai Ja-in, Advisory Board
Aurelia Micko, Deputy Chief, Office of Economic and Political Affairs Bangkok
Energy and Environment Singapore
Table A5. Carbon Debts1 And Repayment Times Reported In The Literature For Palm Oil
1 Carbon Debt (net carbon release) from conversion of habitats to biofuel production. Except for Giggs et al. (2008), estimates include emissions from land clearing
and biofuel production.
* Apportionment and annual repayment based on Fargione et al. (2008)
** Avg. of burnt and non-burnt forests. §Gibbs et al. (2008) only provide estimates of payback time. Carbon debts shown in the table are calculated from information
provided in their supplemental material.
§§ The authors do not specify the time period over which emissions are included but rather use estimates of percent carbon lost from soils.
† Soil only.
Table A6. Carbon Debts1 And Repayment Times Reported In The Literature For Soybean Biodiesel
Fargione et al. (2008) >280 50 yrs Tropical rainforest (Amazon) Brazil 319
Fargione et al. (2008) 33 50 yrs Cerrado grassland Brazil 37
Gibbs et al. (2008) § 464 §§ Trop. humid disturbed forests SE Asia 870
Gibbs et al. (2008) § 330 §§ Trop. humid woody savannah SE Asia 624
Gibbs et al. (2008) § 254 §§ Seasonal trop. disturbed forests SE Asia 425
Gibbs et al. (2008) § 183 §§ Seasonal trop. woody savannah SE Asia 310
Gibbs et al. (2008) § 206 §§ Dry tropical disturbed forests SE Asia 490
Gibbs et al. (2008) § 150 §§ Dry tropical woody savannah SE Asia 366
Except for Giggs et al. (2008), estimates include emissions from land clearing and biofuel production.
1 Carbon Debt (net carbon release) from conversion of habitats to biofuel production.
§ Gibbs et al. (2008) only provide estimates of payback time. Carbon debts shown in the table are calculated from information provided in their supplemental material.
§§ The authors do not specify the time period over which emissions are included but rather use estimates of percent carbon lost from soils.
Table A7. Carbon Debts1 And Repayment Times Reported In The Literature For Sugarcane Ethanol
Except for Giggs et al. (2008), estimates include emissions from land clearing and biofuel production.
1 Carbon Debt (net carbon release) from conversion of habitats to biofuel production.
§ Gibbs et al. (2008) only provide estimates of payback time. Carbon debts shown in the table are calculated from information provided in their supplemental material.
§§ The authors do not specify the time period over which emissions are included but rather use estimates of percent carbon lost from soils.
Table A8. Carbon debts1 and repayment times reported in the literature for castor oil
Gibbs et al. (2008) § 464 §§ Trop. humid disturbed forests SE Asia 986
Gibbs et al. (2008) § 330 §§ Trop. humid woody savannah SE Asia 707
Gibbs et al. (2008) § 254 §§ Seasonal trop. disturbed forests SE Asia 596
Gibbs et al. (2008) § 183 §§ Seasonal trop. woody savannah SE Asia 435
Gibbs et al. (2008) § 206 §§ Dry tropical disturbed forests SE Asia 217
Gibbs et al. (2008) § 150 §§ Dry tropical woody savannah SE Asia 162
1 Carbon Debt (net carbon release) from conversion of habitats to biofuel production.
§ Gibbs et al. (2008) only provide estimates of payback time. Carbon debts shown in the table are calculated from information provided in their supplemental material.
§§ The authors do not specify the time period over which emissions are included but rather use estimates of percent carbon lost from soils.
Table A9. Carbon Debts1 and Repayment Times Reported in the Literature for Corn Ethanol
Gibbs et al. (2008) § 330 §§ Trop. humid woody savannah SE Asia 213
Gibbs et al. (2008) § 254 §§ Seasonal trop. disturbed forests SE Asia 167
Gibbs et al. (2008) § 183 §§ Seasonal trop. woody savannah SE Asia 122
Gibbs et al. (2008) § 206 §§ Dry tropical disturbed forests SE Asia 167
Gibbs et al. (2008) § 150 §§ Dry tropical woody savannah SE Asia 126
1 Carbon Debt (net carbon release) from conversion of habitats to biofuel production.
§ Gibbs et al. (2008) only provide estimates of payback time. Carbon debts shown in the table are calculated from information provided in their supplemental material.
§§ The authors do not specify the time period over which emissions are included but rather use estimates of percent carbon lost from soils.
Table A10. Carbon Debts1 and Repayment Times Reported in the Literature for Prairie Biomass Ethanol
1 Carbon Debt (net carbon release) from conversion of habitats to biofuel production.
Table A11. Carbon Debts1 And Repayment Times Reported in the Literature for Coconut Oil
1 Carbon Debt (net carbon release) from conversion of habitats to biofuel production.
§ Gibbs et al. (2008) only provide estimates of payback time. Carbon debts shown in the table are calculated from information provided in their supplemental material.
§§ The authors do not specify the time period over which emissions are included but rather use estimates of percent carbon lost from soils.
ANNEX 5 Maps of Land Planned for Biofuel Feedstock Expansion in Indonesia
FIGURE A2. Land and Climate Compatibility Map for Palm Oil (3 Million Ha)
FIGURE A3. Land availability for cassava plantation (No land area given)
FIGURE A4. Land and Climate Compatibility Map for Sugarcane (0.5 Million Ha)
APEC (2008).The Future of Liquid Biofuels for APEC Economies. Ed. Singapore: Energy Working Group,
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Secretariat.
Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI). (2008a). Biofuels, at what cost? Government Support for ethanol
and biodiesel in Indonesia: Geneva.
Global Subsidies Initiative (GSI). (2008b). Biofuels, at what cost? Government Support for biodiesel
in Malaysia: Geneva.
Gonsalves, J.B. (2006). An assessment of the biofuels industry in India. UNCTAD/DITC/ TED/2006/6.
Geneva: United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.
John, J. (2008, 16 September). Biofuel Drive Loses Steam. Indian Express. Available from
OECD. (2008). Economic Assessment of Biofuels Support Policies. Paris: Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development.