MCQ Chapter-1
2. Adam Smith published his master piece “An enquiry into the nature and causes of wealth of nations” in the year __________.
(a) 1776
(b) 1786
(e) 1789
(d 1790
10. What implication(s) does resource scarcity have for the satisfaction of wants?
(a) Not all wants can be satisfied.
(b) We will never be faced with the need to make choices.
(c) We must develop ways to decrease our individual wants.
(d) The discovery of new natural resources is necessary to increase our ability to satisfy wants.
14. Economic goods are considered scarce resources because they __________.
(a) Cannot be increased in quantity.
(b) Do not exist in adequate quantity to satisfy the requirements of the society.
(c) Are of primary importance in satisfying social requirements.
(d) Are limited to man made goods.
15. ‘Economics is the study of mankind in the ordinary business of life’ was given by:
(a) Adam Smith
(b) Lord Robbins
(c) Alfred Marshall
(d) Samuelson
16. Consider the following and decide which, if any, economy is without scarcity:
(a) The pre-independent Indian economy, where most people were farmers.
(b) A mythical economy where everybody is a billionaire.
(c) Any economy where income is distributed equally among its people.
(d) None of the above
21. __________ refers to the process of selecting an appropriate alternative that will provide the most efficient means of attaining a desired end,
from two or more alterative courses of action.
(a) Decision making
(b) Strategy
(c) Problem Solving
(d) Effectiveness
24. The question of choice arises because our productive resources __________.
(a) Are limited
(b) Can be employed in alternatives
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of the above
28. __________ defined Business Economics in terms of the use of eco-nomics analysis in the formulation of business policies.
(a) Joel Dean
(b) Karl Marks
(c) Adam Smith
(d) Schumpeter
29. Business Economics is essentially a component of __________ as it includes application of selected quan-titative techniques.
(a) Pure Economics
(b) Applies Economics
(c) Statistical Economics
(d) None of the above
35. The branch of economic theory that deals with the problem of allocation of resources is __________.
(a) Micro-Economic theory.
(b) Macro-Economic theory.
(c) Econometrics.
(d) None of the above
36. Which of the following is not the subject matter of Business Economics?
(a) Should our firm be in this busi-ness?
(b) How much should be produced and at price should be kept?
(c) How will the product be placed in the market?
(d) How should we decrease unem-ployment in the economy?
37. The branch of economic theory that deals with the problem of allocation of resources is:
(a) Micro Economics
(b) Macro Economics
(c) Econometrics
(d) None of these
39. A study of how increase in the corporate income tax rate will affect the natural unemployment rate is an example of:
(a) Micro Economics
(b) Descriptive Economics
(c) Micro Economics
(d) Normative Economics
40. __________ examines how the individual units (Consumers or firms) make decisions as to how to efficiently allocate their scare resources.
(a) Macro Economics
(b) Micro Economics
(c) Mathematical Economics
(d) Consumer Economics.
46. Which of the following does not suggest a macro approach for India?
(a) Determining the GNP of India.
(b) Finding the causes of failure of ABC Ltd.
(c) Identifying the causes of inflation in India.
(d) Analyse the causes of failure of industry in providing large scale employment
48. A study of how increases in the corporate income tax rate will affect the national unemployment rate is an example of __________.
(a) Macro-Economics.
(b) Descriptive Economics.
(c) Micro-economics.
(d) Normative economics.
53. Which of the following is a part of the subject matter of macro economics?
(a) Study of firms
(b) Aggregate profits of a firm
(c) Market demand for a product
(d) Net national product
54. The Macro Economics does not cover the area of __________.
(a) General price level and interest rates
(b) Level of employment and rate of economic growth
(c) Balance of trade & Balance of payments
(d) Product Pricing..
55. Shyam : This year due to heavy rainfall my option crop was damaged
Krishna: Climates affects crop yields. Some years are bad, other are good
Hari: Don’t worry – Price increase will compensate for the fall in quantity supplied
Radhe: The Government ought to guarantee that our income will not fall.
In this conversation, the normative statement is made by
(a) Shyam
(b) Krishna
(c) Hari
(d) Radhe
56. Business Economics enables appli-cation of economic logic and analytical tools to __________.
(a) Bridge the gap between theory and practice.
(b) Increase the implementation sci-ence.
(c) Increase the effectiveness.
(d) Apply tools of macro economics.
60. Business Economics is __________ in its approach as it tackles practical problems which the firm faces in the real world.
(a) Scientific
(b) Programmatic
(c) Theoretical
(d) Mathematical
64. Deductive and Inductive methods are complimentary to each other. It is:
(a) Absolutely correct
(b) Absolutely incorrect
(c) Partially incorrect
(d) None of the above
70. __________ analyses causes and effect relationship between variables in an objective and scientific manner.
(a) Positive Science
(b) Normative Science
(c) Negative Science
(d) Analytical Science
74. Although business economics combines the essentials of normative and positive economic theory but the emphasis is on :
(a) Positive
(b) Normative
(c) Both Positive and Normative
(d) Neither Positive nor Normative.
79. The Business Economics incorpo-rates tools from other disciplines such as Mathematics, operations Research, Management theory,
Accounting, etc. Therefore, Business Economics is
(a) Intra-disciplinary
(b) Inter-disciplinary
(c) Multi-disciplinary
(d) Flexi-disciplinary
84. The operational or interval issues to which economic theories can be directly applied are related with.
(a) Micro Economics
(b) Macro Economics
(c) Business Economics
(d) Environmental Economics
87. Which of the following is not within the scope of Business Economics?
(a) Capital Budgeting
(b) Risk Analysis
(c) Business Cycles
(d) Accounting Standards
89. Business Economics with the help of advanced tools like __________ enables the firm to arrive at the best course of action for optimum
utilisation of available resources.
(a) Accounting
(b) Finance
(c) Linear Programming
(d) Marketing Mix
90. Business Economists use method(s) __________ to maintain optimum stock of inventories.
(a) ABC Analysis
(b) Simple simulation exercises
(c) Mathematical models
(d) All of the above
7. Which of the following will affect the demand for non-durable goods?
(a) Disposable income
(b) Price
(c) Demography
(d) All of the above
9. Ceteris Paribus, the demand for a commodity is inversely related to its price. This happens because of:
(a) Income Effect
(b) Substitution Effect
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of above
11. Which one of the following set of Commodities represents Complementary goods?
(a) Tea and Sugar
(b) Automobile and Petrol
(c) Pen and ink
(d) All of the above
12. ________ are those goods which are consumed together or simultaneously.
(a) Complementary
(b) Substitutes
(c) Similar
(d) Un-related
13. When two commodities are complementary, a fall in the price of one (other things being equal) will cause the demand for the other to
(a) Fall
(b) Rise
(c) Remain constant
(d) Fall substantially
14. Two Commodities are called ________ when they satisfy the same want and can be used with ease in place of one another.
(a) Substitutes
(b) Complementary
(c) Un-related
(d) Opposite
15. There is a ________ relation between the demand for a product and the price of its substitutes.
(a) Direct
(b) Positive
(c) Indirect
(d) Both (a)&(b)
16. Highly priced goods are consumed by status seeking rich people to satisfy their need for conspicuous consumption. This is called as
(a) Veblen Effect
(b) Snob Effect
(c) Helen Effect
(d) None of these
17. ________ are the commodities for which the quantity demanded rises only up to a certain level of in-come and decreases with an increase
in money income beyond this level.
(a) Inferior Goods
(b) Normal Goods
(c) Consumption Goods
(d) Durable Goods
18. When goods are substitutes, a fall in the price of one (Ceteris Paribus) leads to in the quantity demanded of its substitutes.
(a) Rise
(b) Fall
(c) Constant
(d) No effect.
19. Which of the following will affect the demand for non-durable goods?
(a) Disposable income
(b) Price
(c) Demography
(d) All of the above
20. If the price of Pepsi decreases rela-tive to the price of Coke and 7-UP, the demand for:
(a) Coke will decrease.
(b) 7-Up will decrease.
(c) Coke and 7-UP will increase.
(d) Coke and 7-Up will decrease.
22. What will happen in the rice market if buyers are expecting higher rice prices in the near future?
(a) The demand for rice will increase.
(b) The demand for rice will de-crease.
(c) The demand for rice will be unaffected.
(d) None of the above.
24. A good which cannot be consumed more than once is known as ________.
(a) Durable good
(b) Non-durable good
(c) Producer good
(d) None of the above
26. The price of tomatoes increases and people buy tomato puree. You infer that tomato puree and tomatoes are ________.
(a) Normal goods.
(b) Complements.
(c) Substitutes.
(d) Inferior goods.
27. Chicken and fish are substitutes. If the price of chicken increases, the demand for fish will ________.
(a) Increase or decrease but the de-mand curve for chicken will not change.
(b) Increase and the demand curve for fish will shift rightwards.
(c) Not change but there will be a movement along the demand curve for fish.
(d) Decrease and the demand curve for fish will shift leftwards.
28. Potato chips and popcorn are sub-stitutes. A rise in the price of potato chips will ________ the demand for popcorn and the quantity of
popcorn will ________.
(a) Increase; increase.
(b) Increase; decrease.
(c) Decrease; decrease.
(d) Decrease; increase.
29. “High priced goods consumed by status seeking rich people to satisfy their need for conspicuous goods” is:
(a) Veblen effect
(b) Bandwagon effect
(c) Snob effect
(d) Demonstration effect
30. If the price of Orange Juice increases, the demand for Apple Juice will ________.
(a) Increase
(b) Decrease
(c) Remain the same.
(d) Become negative.
31. At higher prices people demand more of certain goods not lor their worth but for their prestige value – This is called ________.
(a) Veblen effect.
(b) Giffen paradox.
(c) Speculative effect.
(d) None of the above.
33. With an increase in the price of diamond, the quantity demanded also increases. This is because it is a:
(a) Substitute good.
(b) Complementary good.
(c) Conspicuous good.
(d) None of the above.
34. When the price of tea decreases, people reduces the consumption of coffee. Then the goods are ________
(a) Independent Variable
(b) Substitutes
(c) Inferior goods
(d) Normal goods
35. A Symbolic statement of a rela-tionship between the dependent and the independent variables is called as ________.
(a) Function
(b) Sets
(c) Equation
(d) Variable
37. In a demand function, the deter-minants of demand like price, money income, tastes & preferences, etc. may be regarded as
(a) Dependent Variables
(b) Independent Variables
(c) Related Variables
(d) Complex variables
38. The Law of Demand, assuming other things to remain constant, estab-lishes the relationship between:
(a) Income of the consumer and the quantity of a good demanded by him.
(b) Price of a good and the quantity demanded.
(c) Price of a good and the demand for its substitute.
(d) Quantity demanded of a good and the relative prices of its complementary goods.
39. When Price of a commodity increases what will be the affect on Quantity demanded?
(a) Increases
(b) Decreases
(c) No change
(d) None of these
40. An increase in the demand for computers, other things remaining same, will:
(a) Increase the number of comput-ers bought.
(b) Decrease the price but increase the number of computers bought.
(c) Increase the price of computers.
(d) Increase the price and number of computers bought.
41. In case of Normal goods, Rise in price leads to ________?
(a) Fall in demand
(b) Rise in demand
(c) No Change
(d) Initially rise then ultimately fall
42. A decrease in the demand for cameras, other things remaining the same will.
(a) Increase the number of cameras bought.
(b) Decrease the price but increase the number of cameras bought.
(c) Increase the price of cameras.
(d) Decrease the price and decrease in the number of cameras bought.
44. If price of the commodity increases, what will be the effect on Quantity demanded?
(a) Decreases
(b) Increases
(c) No change
(d) Can’t say
46. A Table which represents the different prices of a good and the cor-responding quantity demanded per unit of time is called as ________.
(a) Demand Curve
(b) Demand Table
(c) Demand Schedule
(d) Demand Tabulation
47. The Demand Schedule depicts ________ relationship between price and quantity demanded.
(a) Direct
(b) Inverse
(c) Adverse
(d) None of these
51. The ________ sloping Demand Curve is in accordance with the law of demand which describes an price demand relationship.
(a) Upward, inverse
(b) Downward, Inverse
(c) Upward, direct
(d) Download, direct
52. The sum of individual demands for a product at a price per unit of time is called as ________.
(a) Firm’s Demand
(b) Market Demand
(c) Goods available in market
(d) Goods to be sold in market.
53. The table which represents the sum of various quantities demanded by different consumers in the market is called as ________.
(a) Demand Schedule
(b) Individual Demand Schedule
(c) Market Demand Schedule
(d) Market Demand Curve.
54. The market Demand Schedule indicates ________ relationship between price and quantity demanded of a commodity.
(a) Direct
(b) Inverse
(c) Circular
(d) No
57. According to ________, the consumer has diminishing utility for each additional unit of a commodity and therefore, he will be willing to pay
only less for each additional unit.
(a) Marshall
(b) Robbins
(c) Samuelson
(d) None of these
58. A Consumer maximizes his satisfaction when the Marginal utility of the commodity is ________ its price.
(a) Equal to
(b) Less than
(c) More than
(d) Less than or equal to
59. The operations of diminishing marginal utility and the act of the Consumer to equalize the utility of the commodity with its price result in
a ________ demand curve.
(a) Downward Sloping
(b) Upward Sloping
(c) Straight line
(d) Hyperbola upward
60. ________ has/have explained the law of demand in terms of Substitu-tion Effect and Income Effect.
(a) Marshall
(b) Hicks
(c) Allen
(d) Both (b) & (c)
61. As a result of fall in the price of a commodity, consumer’s real income or purchasing power increases. This increase in the real income
induces him to buy more of that commodity. This is technically termed as:
(a) Price Effect
(b) Substitution Effect
(c) Income Effect
(d) Both (b) & (c)
62. Which one of the following is not the rationale of the law of Demand?
(a) Law of Diminishing Marginal Utility
(b) Price Effect
(c) Arrival of New Customers.
(d) Change of Taste & Performances.
63. Certain commodities have multiple uses. These different uses of a commodity make the demand curve ________ reacting to changes in
(a) Slope downwards
(b) Slope Upwards
(c) Straight Line
(d) Both (a) & (b)
64. When total demand for a commodity whose price has fallen increases, it is due to:
(a) Income effect.
(b) Substitution effect.
(c) Complementary effect.
(d) Price effect.
65. Which one of the following may be Considered as a rationale of the law of demand?
(a) Price Effect
(b) Giffen Goods
(c) Returns to Scale
(d) None of these
66. In which of the following cases, the law of demand holds true?
(a) Normal Goods
(b) Giffen Goods
(c) Speculative Goods
(d) Necessary Goods
67. Higher the price of diamonds, higher is the prestige value attached to them and hence higher is the demand for them. Thes e goods are
called as ________.
(a) Conspicuous goods
(b) Giffen goods
(c) Normal goods
(d) None of these
69. For what type of goods does de-mand fall with a rise in income levels of households?
(a) Inferior goods
(b) Substitutes
(c) Luxuries
(d) Necessities
70. In case of inferior goods, with rise of income of consumes, demand of goodwill?
(a) Increases
(b) Decreases
(c) No change
(d) None of these
71. In the case of a Giffen good, the demand curve will be:
(a) Horizontal.
(b) Downward-sloping to the right.
(c) Vertical.
(d) Upward-sloping to the right.
72. In case ________, there is an inverse relationship between income and demand for a product.
(a) Substitute goods
(b) Complementary goods
(c) Giffen Goods
(d) None of the above
74. In Economics, when demand for a commodity increases with a fall in its price it is known as:
(a) Contraction of demand.
(b) Expansion of demand.
(c) No change in demand.
(d) None of the above..
75. When, as a result of increase in price, the quantity demanded decreases, it is called as ________.
(a) Expansion of Demand
(b) Increase in demand
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of these
76. The change in demand will be regarded as expansion of demand, if the increase in quantity demanded is due to ________.
(a) Price of Related Goods
(b) Price of goods
(c) Change in income
(d) Change in Taste & Preferences.
77. ________ refers to a change along a curve i.e. movement from one point to another on the same curve.
(a) Expansion/Contraction of De-mand
(b) Increase/Decrease in Demand
(c) Shift of Demand Curve
(d) None of these.
80. A movement along the demand curve for soft drinks is best described as:
(a) An increase in demand.
(b) A decrease in demand.
(c) A change in quantity demanded.
(d) A change in demand.
81. ________ the demand curve in¬dicates that there is a change in demand at each possible price because one or more other factors, such as
income, tastes or the price of some other goods, etc. have changed.
(a) A Shift of
(b) A movement along
(c) No movement in
(d) None of these
82. When more quantities are demand¬ed at the same price due to reasons other than price of the commodity, there will be ________ in the
demand Curve:
(a) Rightward shift
(b) Leftward shift
(c) No shift
(d) Any of (a) & (b)
84. The movement upwards or downwards on the same demand curve re-sulting from a change in the price of the commodity is called as
(a) Change in demand
(b) Change in quantity demanded
(c) Shifting of demand Curve
(d) Increase in demand
85. Which of the following may be a reason behind rightward shift of the demand curve?
(a) Rise in price of substitute
(b) Fall in price of substitute
(c) Rise of price of same commodity
(d) Fall in price of same commodity
86. Elasticity of demand is the percent-age change in ________ divided by the percentage change in on which demand depends.
(a) Quantity demanded, one of the variables
(b) Quantity demanded, all the valuables
(c) Quantity supplied, all the valuables
(d) Quantity supplied, one of the variables
87. The price of a commodity decreases from ₹ 6 per unit to ₹ 4 Per unit and quantity demanded of the goods in¬creased from 10 units to 15
units. The Co-efficient of Price Elasticity will be ________.
(a) 3
(b) 2
(c) 1
(d) 4
88. Identify the coefficient of price elasticity of demand when the percentage increase in the quantity of a good demanded is smaller than the
percentage fall in its price:
(a) Equal to one.
(b) Greater than one.
(c) Smaller than one.
(d) Zero.
Economics: Chapter-2
5. In Economics, entire process of ________ is nothing but creation of utilities in the form of goods and services.
(a) Consumption
(b) Production
(c) Exchange
(d) Distribution
7. According to ________, Production is the organized activity of transforming resources into finished products in the form of goods and
services, and the objective of production is to satisfy the demand of such transformed “resources”.
(a) James Bates
(b) J.R. Parkinson
(c) Marshall
(d) Both (a) and (b)
11. ________ are the factors or resources which make it possible to produce goods and services.
(a) Land, Labour, and Bank
(b) Capital, Owner and manpower
(c) Land, Labour and Entrepreneurial ability
(d) Land, Labour, Capital and Entre preneurial ability
12. Which of the following factors of production is a free gift of nature and refers to Natural resources?
(a) Land
(b) Labour
(c) Capital
(d) Entrepreneurial Ability
16. Which of the following statement about factors of production is not true?
(a) Land is a passive factor
(b) Land is a free gift of nature
(c) Land is immobile
(d) Land is perishable
17. No two pieces of land and alike. They differ in fertility and situation. Therefore, Land is ________.
(a) Homogenous
(b) Heterogeneous
(c) Bitrogeneous
(d) None of these.
19. The total supply of Land is ________ from the point of view of the economy. However, it is relatively ________ from the point of view of a
(a) Perfectly Inelastic, Inelastic
(b) Perfectly Inelastic, Relatively Elastic
(c) Perfectly Elastic, Inelastic
(d) Perfectly Elastic, elastic
22. The labour power or efficiency of labour depends upon the ________
(a) Laborer’s inherent and acquired qualities.
(b) Features of work environment
(c) Incentive to work
(d) All of the above.
24. Without the active participation of labour, land and capital may not produce anything. It means labour is factor.
(a) Passive
(b) Active
(c) Working
(d) Executing
25. Human capital refers to:
(a) Savings by individuals
(b) Mobilisation of saving
(c) Human skills and abilities
(d) Productive investment
26. ________ Capital performs its function is production in a single use and is not available for future use.
(a) Circulating
(b) Fixed
(c) Tangible
(d) Human
27. Which one of the following may be regarded as a part of social capital?
(a) Roads
(b) Bridges
(c) Machinery
(d) Both (a) & (b)
29. ________ means a sustained increase in the stock of real capital in a Country.
(a) Capital formation
(b) Savings
(c) Mobilization of Savings
(d) Mobilization of Capital
36. The basic minimum objective of all kinds of enterprises is to survive or to stay alive. It may be regarded as ________ objective of the
(a) Organic
(b) Economic
(c) Social
(d) National
37. ________ objective implies the profit maximizing behaviour of the firm.
(a) Organic
(b) Economic
(c) Social
(d) National
38. ________ mobilizes factors of production, combines them in the right proportion, initiates the process of production and bears the risks
in¬volved in it.
(a) Businessman
(b) Manager
(c) CEO
(d) Entrepreneur
43. The production function is a rela-tionship between a given combination of inputs and:
(a) Another combination that yields the same output.
(b) The highest resulting output.
(c) The increase in output generated by one-unit increase in one output.
(d) All levels of output that can be generated by those inputs.
47. ________ shows the overall output generated at a given level of input:
(a) Cost function
(b) Production function
(c) ISO cost
(d) Marginal rate of technical substitution
50. Which one of the following is the assumption underlying any production function?
(d) Relationship between inputs and outputs exists for a period of time.
(b) There is a given “State -of- the act” in the production technology.
(c) Whatever input combinations one included in a particular function, the output resulting from their utilization is at the maximum level.
(d) All of the above.
51. The short run, as economists use the phrase, is characterized by:
(a) At least one fixed factor of pro-duction and firms neither leaving nor entering the industry.
(b) Generally a period which is shorter than one vear.
(c) All factors of production are fixed and no variable inputs.
(d) All inputs are variable and pro-duction is done in less than one year.
52. To economists, the main difference between the short run and the long run is that:
(a) In the short run all inputs are fixed, while in the long run all inputs are variable.
(b) In the short run the firm varies all of its inputs to find the least-cost combination of inputs.
(c) In the short run, at least one of the firm’s input levels is fixed.
(d) In the long run, the firm is making a constrained decision about how to use existing plant and equip¬ment efficiently.
53. In describing a given production technology, the short run is best described as lasting:
(a) Up to six months from now.
(b) Up to five years from now.
(c) As long as all inputs are fixed.
(d) As long as at least one input is fixed.
54. In the short run, the firm’s product curves show that ________
(a) Total product begins to decrease when average product begins to decrease but continues to increase at a decreasing rate.
(b) When marginal product is equal to average product, average product is decreasing but at its highest.
(c) When the marginal product curve cuts the average product curve from below, the average product is equal to marginal product.
(d) In stage two, total product increases at a diminishing rate and reaches maximum at the end of this stage.
58. In the long run, if a very small factory were to expand its scale of operations, it is likely that it would initially experience ________
(a) An increase in pollution level.
(b) Diseconomies of scale.
(c) Economies of scale.
(d) Constant returns to scale.
59. Paul Douglas and Cobb studied the production function of the ________ manufacturing industries.
(a) American
(b) Japanese
(c) British
(d) Asian
60. In its original form, the Cobb- Douglas production function applies:
(a) To individual firm
(b) To selected Firms
(c) To whole of manufacturing in the USA
(d) None of the above.
62. The famous Cobb-Douglas production function is based on studies of ________ industries in the United States of America.
(a) Manufacturing
(b) Construction
(c) Consumer
(d) Aviation
63. If Cobb-Douglas function is given by Q = KL aCb, then there will be ________ when (a+b) ________.
(a) Increasing returns, > 1
(b) Increasing returns to scale, > 1
(c) Diminishing returns, < 1
(d) Decreasing returns to scale, = 1
64. The conclusion drawn from Cobb-Douglas production function is that labour contributed about ________ and capital about ________ of the
increase in the manufacturing production.
(a) 3rd 4, 1st 4
(b) 12,12
(c) 1th 4,3th 4
(d) None of the above
65. According to Cobb-Douglas pro-duction function, will get ________ returns to scale?
(a) Constant
(b) Diminishing
(c) Increasing
(d) Any of the above
66. What will be the total product when two labourers are hired according to the table given below?
No. of labourers Total Product Marginal product
0 — —
1 350 350
2 — 250
(a) 680
(b) 580
(c) 350
(d) 230
67. Consider the following table:
1 100 100
2 80
3 240
(a) 80
(b) 100
(c) 180
(d) 200
68. ________ is the total output resulting from the efforts of all the fac-tors of production combined together at any time.
(a) Total Product
(b) Average Product
(c) Marginal Product
(d) None of the above.
73. Suppose the first four units of a variable input generate corresponding total output of 150, 200, 350, 550. What will be the marginal
product of the third unit of input?
(a) 50
(b) 100
(c) 150
(d) 200
0 0
1 23
2 40
3 50
78. When average product rises as a result of an increase in the quantity of variable factor, marginal product is:
(a) Equal to average product
(b) More than average product
(c) Less than average product
(d) Becomes negative
79. The marginal product curve is above the average product curve when the average product is:
(a) Increasing
(b) Decreasing
(c) Constant
(d) None
81. If the marginal product of labour is below the average product of labour, it must be true that:
(a) The marginal product of labour is negative.
(b) The marginal product of labour is zero.
(c) The average product of labour is falling.
(d) The average product of labour is negative.
82. The average product of labour is maximized when marginal product of labour:
(a) Equals the average product of labour.
(b) Equals zero.
(c) Is maximized.
(d) None of the above.
83. The marginal, average, and total product curves encountered by the firm producing in the short run exhibit all of the following
relationships except:
(a) When total product is rising, average and marginal product may be either rising or falling.
(b) When marginal product is negative, total product and average product are falling.
(c) When average product is at a maximum, marginal product equals average product, and total product is rising.
(d) When marginal product is at a maximum, average product equals marginal product, and total product is rising.
84. If the marginal product of labour is below the average product of labour. It must be true that:
(a) Marginal product of labour is negative
(b) Marginal product of labour is zero
(c) Average product of labour is fall¬ing
(d) Average product of labour is negative
85. In the production of wheat, all of the following are variable factors that are used by the farmer except:
(a) The seed and fertilizer used when the crop is planted.
(b) The field that has been cleared of trees and in which the crop is planted.
(c) The tractor used by the farmer in planting and cultivating not only wheat but also corn and barley.
(d) The number of hours that the farmer spends in cultivating the wheat fields.
87. Production activity in the short period is analysed with the help of:
(a) Law of variable proportion
(b) Laws of returns to scale
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of the above
89. The law of variable proportions is drawn under all of the assumptions mentioned below except the assumption that:
(a) The technology is changing.
(b) There must be some inputs whose quantity is kept fixed.
(c) We consider only physical inputs and not economically profitability in monetary terms.
(d) The technology is given and stable.
4. __________ conceived the “Time” element in markets and on the basis of this markets are classified into very short period, Short-Period,
Long- Period & Very Long period.
(a) Alfred Marshall
(b) Schumpeter
(c) Adam Smith
(d) Paul Samuelson
9. __________ are those markets in which firm buy the resources they need (Land, Labour, Capital and entrepreneurship) to pro duce goods and
(a) Regular Markets
(b) Producer’s Markets
(c) Product Markets
(d) Factor Markets
10. When the commodities are sold in small quantities, it is called as __________.
(a) Retail Market
(b) Wholesale Market
(c) Small Market
(d) Local Market
11. Generally, perishable goods like butter, eggs, milk, vegetables etc., will have __________.
(a) Regional market
(b) Local market
(c) National market
(d) None of the above
12. __________ implies that the time available is adequate for altering the supplies by altering even the fixed factors of production.
(a) Very Short Period
(b) Short Period
(c) Long Period
(d) Secular Period
13. The classification of market on the basis of Area does not include __________.
(a) Local Market
(b) Regional Market
(c) Spot Market
(d) National Market Types of Market Structure
15. Which of the following Competition is characterized by many sellers who are selling identical products to many buyers?
(a) Perfect Competition
(b) Monopolistic Competition
(c) Monopoly
(d) Oligopoly
16. In __________, there are few sellers who are selling competing products to many buyers.
(a) Monopoly
(b) Perfect Competition
(c) Oligopoly
(d) None of these
22. When price is ₹ 20, Quantity demanded is 10 units and price is decreased by 5% then quantity demand increased by 10% then Marginal
revenue is __________.
(a) ₹ 10
(b) ₹ 11
(c) ₹ 9
(d) ₹ 20
23. If a seller obtains ₹ 3,000 after selling 50 units and ₹ 3,100 after selling 52 units, then marginal revenue will be:
(a) ₹ 59.62
(b) ₹ 50.00
(c) ₹ 60.00
(d) ₹ 59.80
24. Marginal revenue can be defined as the change in total revenue resulting from the:
(a) Purchase of an additional unit of a commodity.
(b) Sales of an additional unit of a commodity.
(c) Sale of subsequent units of a product.
(d) None of the above.
26. Assume that when price is ₹ 20, the quantity demanded is 9 units, and when price is ₹ 19, the quantity demanded is 10 uni ts. Based on
this information, what is the marginal revenue resulting from an increase in output from 9 units to 10 units.
(a) ₹ 20
(b) ₹ 19
(c) ₹ 10
(d) ₹ 1
27. Assume that when price is ₹ 20, the quantity demanded is 15 units, and when price is ₹ 18, the quantity demanded is 16 un its. Based on
this information, what is the marginal revenue resulting from an increase in output from 15 units to 16 units?
(a) ₹ 18
(b) ₹ 16
(c) ₹ 12
(d) ₹ 28
29. The amount realized by the firm by selling certain units of commodity is called as :
(a) Average Revenue
(b) Cost of Operations
(c) Total Revenue
(d) Marginal Revenue
32. Which one of the following expressions is correct for Marginal Revenue?
(a) MR = AR(1−ee)
(b) MR = TRn – TRn+1
(c) MR = ΔTRΔQ
(d) MR = TRQ
41. What should firm do when Marginal revenue is greater than marginal cost?
(a) Firm should expand output
(b) Effect should be made to make them equal
(c) Prices should be covered down
(d) All of these
42. Suppose a firm is producing a level of output such that MR > MC, what should be firm do to maximize its profits?
(a) The firm should do nothing.
(b) The firm should hire less labour.
(c) The firm should increase price.
(d) The firm should increase output.
43. In a Straight line demand Curve, the price elasticity at the middle point is equal to __________.
(a) 0
(b) 1
(c) > 1
(d) < 1
45. The Marginal Revenue corresponding to the middle point of the demand curve (or AR Curve) will be
(a) Zero
(b) One
(c) Less than one
(d) More than one
50. A Firm should __________ if the total revenue from its product does not __________ its total valuable cost.
(a) Produce, equal
(b) Produce at all, equal or exceed
(c) Not Produce, equal
(d) Not Produce, equal or exceed
51. As per Behavioural Principles, It will be profitable for the firm to expand output whenever Marginal __________ is __________ than Marginal.
(a) Cost, greater, Revenue
(b) Revenue, greater, Cost
(c) Revenue, less, cost
(d) None of above
Price (₹) Demand (tonnes per annum) Supply (tonnes per annum)
1 1,000 400
2 900 500
3 800 600
4 700 700
5 600 800
6 500 900
7 400 1,000
8 300 1,100
(a) ₹ 2
(b) ₹ 3
(c) ₹ 4
(d) ₹ 5
56. From the following table, what will be equilibrium market price?
Price (₹) Demand (tonnes per annum) Supply (tonnes per annum)
1 500 200
2 450 250
3 400 300
4 350 350
5 300 400
6 250 450
7 200 500
8 150 550
(a) ₹ 2
(b) ₹ 3
(c) ₹ 4
(d) ₹ 5
58. __________ is the price at which demand for a commodity is equal to its supply:
(a) Normal Price
(b) Equilibrium Price
(c) Short run Price
(d) Secular Price
59. When increase in demand is equal to increase in supply and equilibrium price remains constant, then what about equilibrium quantity?
(a) Increases
(b) Decreases
(c) Remains Constant
(d) None of the above
61. If supply decreases and demand remains constant, then equilibrium price will be?
(a) Increases
(b) Decreases
(c) No change
(d) Become Negative
62. Assume that in the market for good Z there is a simultaneous increase in demand and the quantity supplied. The result will be:
(a) An increase in equilibrium price and quantity.
(b) A decrease in equilibrium price and quantity.
(c) An increase in equilibrium quantity and uncertain effect on equilibrium price.
(d) A decrease in equilibrium price and increase in equilibrium quantity.
63. An increase in supply with demand remaining the same, brings about.
(a) An increase in equilibrium quantity and decrease in equilibrium price.
(b) An increase in equilibrium price and decrease in equilibrium quantity.
(c) Decrease in both equilibrium price and quantity.
(d) None of these.
65. Suppose the technology for pro-ducing personal computers improves and, at the same time, individuals discover new uses for personal
computers so that there is greater utilisation of personal computers. Which of the following will happen to equilibrium price and equilibrium
(a) Price will increase; quantity cannot be determined.
(b) Price will decrease; quantity cannot be determined.
(c) Quantity will increase; price cannot be determined.
(d) Quantity will decrease; price cannot be determined.
66. Which of the following may lead to changes in demand and Supply?
(a) Income and population
(b) Tastes and Preferences
(c) Technology & Prices of Factors of Production
(d) All of the above.
68. If price is forced to stay below equilibrium price then consequently it can be said that:
(a) Excess supply exists
(b) Excess demand exists
(c) Either (a) or (h)
(d) Neither (a) nor (b)
69. If the price of a commodity is fixed, then with every increase in its sold quantity the total revenue will __________ and the marginal revenue
will __________.
(a) Increase, also increase
(b) Increase, remain unchanged
(c) Increase, decline
(d) Remain fixed, increase
73. Suppose that a sole proprietorship is earning total revenues of 11,00,000 and is incurring explicit costs of ₹ 75,000 If the owner could work
for another company for ₹ 30,000 a year, we would conclude that:
(a) The firm is incurring an economic loss.
(b) Implicit costs are ₹ 25,000.
(c) The total economic costs are ₹ 1,00,000.
(d) The individual is earning an economic profit of ₹ 25,000.
75. If demand does not change but there is an increase in supply due to improved technology, then :
(a) Demand Curve will shift to the right.
(b) Demand Curve will shift to the Left.
(c) Supply curve will shift to the right.
(d) Supply curve will shift to the Left.
76. When the Supply and demand curves shift in the some direction and both demand & and Supply __________, the equilibrium qu antity
__________ but the change in equilibrium price is __________.
(a) Increase, Increases, Uncertain
(b) Increase, Increases, Increases
(c) Increase, Increases, decreases
(d) None of the above
77. When demand increases and supply __________, the equilibrium price __________ but nothing certain can be said abou t the change in
equilibrium quantity.
(a) Decreases, decreases
(b) Decreases, rises
(c) Decreases, remain constant
(d) None of the above
78. If demand increases without any corresponding increase in supply, there will be :
(a) Increase in equilibrium price
(b) Quantity sold increases
(c) Quantity purchased increases
(d) All of the above
79. There can be simultaneous change in both demand and Supply. In that case, the equilibrium price will be __________.
(a) Increased
(b) Decreased
(c) Changes as per the Proportionate change in demand & Supply.
(d) None of the above
81. Under which of the following forms of market structure does a firm has no control over the price of its product:
(a) Monopoly
(b) Oligopoly
(c) Monopolistic competition
(d) Perfect competition
85. Price-taking firms, i.e., firms that operate in a perfectly competitive market, are said to be “small” relative to the market. Which of the
following best describes this smallness?
(a) The individual firm must have fewer than 10 employees.
(b) The individual firm faces a downward-sloping demand curve.
(c) The individual firm has assets of less than ₹ 20 lakhs.
(d) The individual firm is unable to affect market price through its output decisions.
86. The firm in a perfectly competitive market is a price-taker. This designation as a price-taker is based on the assumption that __________.
(a) The firm has some, but not complete, control over its product price.
(b) There are so many buyers and sellers in the market that any individual firm cannot affect the market.
(c) Each firm produces a homoge-neous product.
(d) There is easy entry into or exit from the market place.
87. MR Curve = AR = Demand Curve is a feature of which kind of Market?
(a) Perfect Competition
(b) Monopoly
(c) Monopolistic
(d) Oligopoly
2. The economy-wide fluctuations in production, trade and general economic activity is referred as :
(a) Business Cycle
(b) Economic cycle
(c) Boom-bust Cycle
(d) All of the above.
5. The business Cycles or the periodic booms and slumps in economic activities reflect the _________ in economic activities.
(a) Upward movements
(b) Downward movements
(c) Upward and downward move-ments
(d) Extreme rise
7. _________ represents the steady growth lien or the growth of the economy when there are no business cycles.
(a) Peak
(b) Trend
(c) Depression
(d) Expansion
9. _________ state continues till there is full employment of resources and production is at its maximum possible level using available
productive resources.
(a) Expansion
(b) Peak
(c) Contraction
(d) Depression
11. In _________ phase, the overall economic activities (i.e. Production and Employment) are at the lowest level.
(a) Expansion
(b) Trough
(c) Peak
(d) Bottom
12. Peaks and troughs of the business cycle are known collectively as _________.
(a) Volatility.
(b) Turning points.
(c) Equilibrium points.
(d) Real business cycle events.
13. The expansion phase is characterized by high growth rate. What is the next phase after expansion?
(a) Peak
(b) Contraction
(c) Downstream
(d) None of the above
17. A significant decline in general economic activity extending over a period of time is _________.
(a) Business cycle
(b) Contraction phase
(c) Recession
(d) Recovery
18. When aggregate economic activity is declining, the economy is said to be in _________
(a) Contraction.
(b) An expansion.
(c) A trough.
(d) A turning point.
22. _________ phase of business cycle marks the end of pessimism and the beginning of optimism.
(a) Recovery
(b) Depression
(c) Upswing
(d) Downswing
23. The trough of a business cycle occurs when _________ hits its lowest point.
(a) Inflation in the economy
(b) The money supply
(c) Aggregate economic activity
(d) The unemployment rate
24. The lowest point in the business cycle is referred to as the _________.
(a) Expansion.
(b) Boom.
(c) Peak.
(d) Trough.
25. The period 1929-33 is cited for _________ of world economy.
(a) Great depression
(b) Great Recovery
(c) Great upswing
(d) Great downswing
26. In Recovery phase of business Cycle, the process of reversal is initially felt in the _________.
(a) Capital market
(b) Labour market
(c) Production level
(d) Financial market.
32. A variable that tends to move later than aggregate economic activity is called _________.
(a) A leading variable.
(b) A coincident variable.
(c) A lagging variable.
(d) A cyclical variable.
33. Which of the following best describes a typical business cycle?
(a) Economic expansions are followed by economic contractions.
(b) Inflation is followed by rising income and unemployment.
(c) Economic expansions are followed by economic growth and development.
(d) Stagflation is followed by inflationary economic growth.
36. When once peak is reached, increase in demand is salted, then _________ phase begins?
(a) Trough
(b) Contraction
(c) Expansion
(d) Trend
37. Which of the following macro economic variables would you include in an index of leading economic indi-cators?
(a) Employment
(b) Inflation
(c) Real interest rates
(d) Presidential investment
38. An economic variable that moves in the opposite direction as aggregate economic activity down in expansions, up in contractions is
(a) Procyclical
(b) Countercyclical
(c) A cyclical
(d) A leading variable
42. In the later stages of expansion, inputs are difficult to find as they are _________ of their demand and there-fore & input prices _________.
(a) Short, increase
(b) Excess, increases
(c) Short, decrease
(d) Excess, decrease
43. The economy cannot continue to grow endlessly. Once Peak is reached, _________ in demand is halted & starts _________ i n certain sectors.
(a) Increase, decreasing
(b) Decrease, Increasing
(c) Increase, Increasing
(d) Decrease, Decreasing.
45. Thegreat depression of _________ is still cited for the enormous misery and human sufferings it caused.
(a) 1929- 1930
(b) 1929- 1931
(c) 1929 – 1932
(d) 1929 – 1933
47. Industries that are extremely sensitive to the business cycle are the _________.
(a) Durable goods and service sec-tors.
(b) Non-durable goods and service sectors.
(c) Capital goods and non-durable goods sectors.
(d) Capital goods and durable goods sectors.
51. Which is not the characteristic feature of expansion phase in business cycle?
(a) Increase in national output
(b) Unemployment
(c) Rise in price and costs
(d) Boost in business confidence
53. Repercussions of Business Cycles get simultaneously felt on the economic variable:
(a) Output and employment.
(b) Investment & Consumption
(c) Interest, Trade & Price levels
(d) All of the above.
54. Business Cycles have _________ consequences on the well-being of the society.
(a) Some
(b) Serious
(c) No
(d) Moderate
62. Modern business activities are based on the anticipations of business community and are affected by waves of optimism or pessimism,
according to _________.
(a) External Causes
(b) Internal Causes
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) Either (a) or (b)
65. The most probable outcome of an increase in the money supply is _________.
(a) Interest rates to rise, investment spending to rise, and aggregate demand to rise.
(b) Interest rates to rise, investment spending to fall, and aggregate demand to fall.
(c) Interest rates to fall, investment spending to rise, and aggregate demand to rise.
(d) Interest rates to fall, investment spending to fall, and aggregate demand to fall.
66. In the long run, a reduction in labour supply would cause output to _________ and the aggregate price level to _________.
(a) Fall, rise
(b) Fall, fall
(c) Rise, fall
(d) Rise, rise.
68. According to which economist trade cycle is a purely monetary for phenomenon _________.
(a) Schumpeter
(b) Pigou
(c) Hawtrey
(d) Marshall
69. The difference between exports and imports is the _________ for goods and Services.
(a) Not foreign demand
(b) Gross Foreign demand
(c) Net Outflow
(d) Net Inflow
70. The external causes which may lead to boom or bust do not include:
(a) Psychological Factors
(b) Wars
(c) Technology Shocks
(d) Natural Factors
71. _________ theory holds that business cycles result from the fact that present prices substantially influence the production at some future
(a) Schumpeter’s
(b) Hawtrev’s
(c) Cobweb
(d) Pigou’s
74. According to _________, modern business activities are based on the anticipations of business Community and one affected by waves of
optimism or pessimism.
(a) Pigou
(b) Schumpeter
(c) Adam Smith
(d) Hawtrey
75. In a free market economy, where maximization of profits is the aim of business, a higher level of aggregate demand will induce
businessmen to produce more. As a request, there will be more _________.
(a) Output
(b) Income
(c) Employment
(d) All of these
76. When companies lay off workers, consumers lose their jobs and stop buying anything but necessitates. That causes a _________.
(a) Downward Spiral
(b) Cross Spiral
(c) Upward Spiral
(d) Triangle Spiral
77. _________ is considered to be the most volatile Component of the aggregate demand.
(a) Investment Spending
(b) Saving Flow
(c) Expenditure behaviour
(d) None of these
78. Investments may rise when the rate of interest is _________ in the economy.
(a) High
(b) Moderate
(c) Low
(d) Very high
79. Increase in investment; shift the aggregate demand to the _________, leading to _________.
(a) Right, economic expansion
(b) Right, depression
(c) Left, economic expansion
(d) Left, depression.
83. Which of the following is anti-inflationary measure which causes a downward pressure on the aggregate demand and the economy slows
(a) Reduction in Government Spending.
(b) Increase in Taxes
(c) Increase in Interest Rates
(d) All of these.
86. The period of prosperity opens up new and superior opportunities for _________ thereby promotes business.
(a) Investment and Unemployment
(b) Employment and Production
(c) Production, Unemployment & Savings
(d) Investment, Employment and Production
3. Economic laws, philosophy, Psychology, Sociology, etc. are related with the BCK domain:
(a) Mode
(b) Scale
(c) Underlying disciplines
(d) Focus
4. As per Oxford online dictionary, a specified sphere of knowledge is called as ________.
(a) Business and Commercial Knowledge
(b) Domain
(c) Principle
(d) All of the above
6. In case of business, the range of activities includes manufacturing, trading, services, retail & domestic trade, door to door selling, malls,
weekly haats, etc. Therefore, BCK is.
(a) Vast
(b) Eclectic
(c) Ever-evolving and expanding
(d) All of the above
7. BCK has derived from various disciplines like marketing, accounting & finance, operations, human behaviour, laws, economics, ethics, etc.
Therefore, BCK is.
(a) Eclectic
(b) Uni-disciplinary
(c) Bi-disciplinary
(d) None of the above.
8. The businesses draw their strategies to beat their competitors. BCK has adapted the term “Strategy” from which of the following original
(a) Military
(b) Biology
(c) Chemistry
(d) None of the above
9. The BCK Vocabulary includes “Bulls & Bears”. These have been taken from the discipline:
(a) Military
(b) Biology
(c) Chemistry
(d) None of the above
10. The information and communication technology has introduced several terms in the lexicon of BCK e.g. 24 X 7, B2B, B2C, etc. The impact
of this evolution is the decline and demise of old businesses and newer ways of doing the business. On this basis, it can be said that BCK is.
(a) Vast
(b) Multi-disciplinary
(c) Eclectic
(d) Even-evolving and expanding.
11. The Chartered Accountants are responsible for putting in place a credible system of truthful and fair accounting and reporting of the
society’s resources, their deployment and utilisation. Hence, the Chartered Accountants are the ________ of a nations resources.
(a) Custodians
(b) Investigators
(c) Supervisors
(d) None of the above
12. The BCK is important for the Chartered Accountants (CA). Which of the following Statement(s) is/are correct in this regard?
(a) The CA cannot develop notions of cost, inventory, revenue, profit is, etc. in case of FMCG business.
(b) The CA’s shall be able to conduct audit diligently only when they understand the nuances of the corresponding business.
(c) The knowledge of law is not re-quired to CA
(d) All of the above
13. According to the English Journalist Joseph Rudyard Kipling, each one of us have six honest servants. These are ________.
(a) What, why, when, how, where & who.
(b) Honesty, Integrity, diligence, loyalty, truthfulness & positive.
(c) Technology, Service, education, mental level, background & Finance.
(d) None of the above.
18. Which of the following statements characterizes the best non-economic activities?
(a) Non-economic activities do not require any investment of re-sources
(b) These activities do not entail any operational costs
(c) These activities are undertaken by ascetics
(d) The underlying purpose of these activities is not earning of a livelihood but social, psychological or spiritual satisfaction.
20. The economic activities are dis-tinguishable merely by the present of motive.
(a) Livelihood
(b) Emotional
(c) Altruism
(d) All of the above
24. From the broader perspective, ________ may be defined as an economic activity comprising the entire spectrum of activities pertaining to
production, distribution and trading (Exchange) of goods and Services.
(a) Business
(b) Employment
(c) Profession
(d) Economy
25. The extraction of edible oil from rice bran, mustard, coconut, Soyboan, etc. represents:
(a) Pure agriculture
(b) Agro-based industries.
(c) Business
(d) Retail industry.
32. 32. Professional codes are used as the ethnical guidance in case of:
(a) Business
(b) Profession
(c) Employment
(d) All of the above
33. Letter of appointment and service agreement are the mode of establishment in case of
(a) Business
(b) Profession
(c) Employment
(d) All of the above
34. Consider the following table showing columns for the nature of economic occupation and the corresponding characterization of income.
And, then, choose the right solution option from the alternatives given below the table.
(a) i-c; ii-d; iii-e; iv-a; v-b
(b) i-b; ii-c; iii-d; iv-e; v-a
(c) i-b; ii-e; iii-a; iv-d; v-c
(d) i-c; ii-d; iii-e; iv-a; v-b
38. The entire spectrum of market oriented activities coming under industry, trade and commerce is ________.
(a) Business
(b) Profession
(c) Employment
(d) All of the above
41. The occupation in which people work for others and get remunerated in return is known as:
(a) Business
(b) Employment
(c) Profession
(d) None of these
43. Which are of the following does not require any investment?
(a) Small business
(b) Business
(c) Profession
(d) Employment.
44. The Logo of Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) is suggestive of ________.
(a) Integrity
(b) Vigilance
(c) Profession
(d) None of these
45. The Micro, Small, Medium and Large Enterprises are defined with respect to the:
(a) Number of employees
(b) Number of Products
(c) Area Served
(d) Size of investment.
46. Which of the following occupations requires rendering of services based upon specialised knowledge and membership of an accreditation
and assessment body?
(a) Employment
(b) Profession
(c) Business
(d) Agriculture
47. In which of the following case, the qualifications are strictly prescribed?
(a) Business
(b) Profession
(c) Employment
(d) Trading
49. Trading implies buying for the pur-poses of selling. Applying this criterion, tell which of the following activities would not qualify as
(a) Purchase of goods in bulk quantity from the manufacturer and sale in smaller quantities to the retailers.
(b) Buying from the wholesaler and selling it to the consumers.
(c) Buying from the retailer for selfconsumption.
(d) Purchase of raw materials from the suppliers for further processing in the factory.
52. ________ Suggests that business must be assessed not only in terms of their economic returns but also on the basis of their social and
ecological returns.
(a) The objectives of business.
(b) The Plurality of Business.
(c) The vision of Business.
(d) The mission of Business.
54. On the basis of size and scale of the activity undertaken, business may be classified as:
(a) Micro, Small, medium & large.
(b) Public and Private.
(c) Big and Small.
(d) Small Scale and Large Scale.
61. The choice of an appropriate form of business organisation largely depends upon:
(I) Ease of formation
(II) Continuity and stability
(III) Liability aspects
Correct option is –
(a) I and II
(b) II and III
(c) I and III
(d) I, II and ID.
63. The size of structure of business depend on many factors which (are):
(a) In the control of enterprises
(b) Arbitrary and random
(c) Range from internal to external factors which are beyond the control of enterprises
(d) Beyond the control of enterprises.
(a) In the control of enterprises
66. Which one of the following does not have perpetual succession?
(a) Company
(b) Statutory Corporation
(c) Sole Proprietorship
(d) Co-operative Society
68. Which are of the following is the easiest and earliest form of business as a human occupation?
(a) Sole Proprietorship
(b) Co-ownership
(c) Partnership
(d) Company
69. 69. Which of the following form of enterprise are the largest in India?
(a) Sole Proprietorship.
(b) Partnership.
(c) Company.
(d) LLP
70. In relation to business organization structure, which one of the following is easy to form and wind up?
(a) A company
(b) A sole proprietorship
(c) Statutory corporation
(d) Public enterprises.
71. In which of the following form of business organisation, the entrepreneur is regarded as economic hero who organizes production, uses
creativity and ingenuity in innovation, bears risks and uncertainty.
(a) Sole Proprietorship.
(b) Partnership.
(c) Company.
(d) LLP
72. Which of the following statements describes the best Joint Hindu/Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) Business?
(a) It is a form of business particular to and recognized as such in India
(b) Every family business is in fact a HUF Business
(c) In HUF businesses, there is a family involvement in business
(d) Either (a) or (c)
75. In HUF:
(a) Liability of Karta is limited
(b) No liability of Karta
(c) Liability of Karta is unlimited
(d) Liability of everyone is unlimited
76. HUF ________ be formed by a group of people who do not constitute a family.
(a) Cannot
(b) Can
(c) Should not
(d) May
77. As per Income Tax Act, HUF is a Separate Entity from the joint family that comprises it. Therefore, HUF cannot earn income from which of
the following source?
(a) Salary.
(b) House Property.
(c) Business and Profession.
(d) Capital Gain.
85. The liability of each member of the Hindu Undivided Family business is:
(a) Limited to a sum as declared by him in general public
(b) Unlimited
(c) Limited to the extent of his share in the business except karta.
(d) Limited to the extent of his share in the business including that of karta.
87. Income tax Act, HUF cannot card which type of ________.
(a) Profit
(b) Salary
(c) House Property
(d) Other Sources.
89. In case of Hindu Undivided Family, the individual share of each coparcener:
(a) Depends upon his efficiency
(b) Keeps charging on the death or birth of coparcener
(c) Is fixed
(d) Keeps changing annually
90. Which of the following statement is correct with respect to HUF ________.
(a) HUF earns income from salary
(b) Four successive generations of an undivided family
(c) HUF enjoys a separate entity status under Income Tax Act, 1961
(d) All of the above
2. What is the single word that can best describe today’s business?
(a) Technology
(b) Persistence
(c) Profit making
(d) Change
4. In order to survive over the long term, a company must have the:
(a) Ability to Prosper
(b) Ability to change
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above
10. As per Traditional authors, the integral elements of business environment include:
(a) Internal forces only
(b) External forces only
(c) Internal & External forces
(d) Internal or External Forces
15. It is easy to understand the business environment in parts but difficult to grasp in totality. Therefore, Business Environment is _________.
(a) Complex
(b) Dynamic
(c) Multi-faceted
(d) Far Reaching impact.
16. Now-a-days, the film industry generates revenue from ring tones/caller tunes rather than sale of music C.D. It exhibits _________ feature of
business environment.
(a) Complex
(b) Dynamic
(c) Multi-faceted
(d) Far Reaching impact
17. An organisation like Aditya Birla Group has moved from textile to cement, to retail and to financial services as well as telecom due to
changing circumstances. This example is related with _________ feature of Business Environment.
(a) Complex
(b) Dynamic
(c) Multi-faceted
(d) Far Reaching impact
19. The interaction between Business and its Environment, helps the business in:
(a) Determining Opportunities and Threats
(b) Continuous learning
(c) Giving directions for growth
(d) All of the above.
22. Which one of the following is not an advantage of Business Environment to the business?
(a) Determination of Opportunities & Threats
(b) Meeting Competition
(c) Image Building
(d) Identification of financial needs.
24. Which one of the following is the major areas as regards interaction of organisation and its environment?
(a) Exchange of Information
(b) Exchange of Resources
(c) Exchange of influence power
(d) All of the above.
25. The nature of relationship between the organization and the Environment depends upon:
I. Size of organisation
II. Age of organisation
III. Nature of Business
IV. Nature of ownership
V. Degree of Professionalization of management.
(a) I and II
(b) I, II and III
(c) I, II, III & IV
(d) I, II, III, IV & V
26. Which one of the following is not true about External Environment?
(a) It offers opportunities
(b) It offers limitations also.
(c) It creates pressures & threats
(d) It never affects small business.
27. Which one of the following Companies is affected by FMCG Company ‘Patanjali’ endorsed by Baba Ramdev?
(a) Hindustan Unilever Ltd.
(b) P&G Ltd.
(c) Dabur Ltd.
(d) Bajaj Auto Ltd.
29. In the relationship between organizations and its environment, there is exchange of:
(a) Information
(b) Resources
(c) Influence and Power
(d) All of the above.
32. The formation or clarification of the organization’s mission; the development of objectives, polices and budgets, etc. are the examples of
_________ response of organisation to environment:
(a) Administrative
(b) Competitive
(c) Collective
(d) None of the above
33. The methods like bargaining, Contracting, Co-opting, creating joint ventures, etc. are related with _________ response of organisation to its
(a) Administrative
(b) Competitive
(c) Collective
(d) Ministerial
35. In order to sustain competitive advantage, organizations must achieve an external position vis-a-vis their competitors or perform
internally in ways that is/are:
(a) Unique
(b) Valuable
(c) Difficult to imitate
(d) All of the above.
36. Which of the following statement is incorrect as regards organization’s response to its environment?
(a) Organizations must have the capacity to monitor and make sense of their environments.
(b) Organizations must identify and attend to the environmental factors and features that all closely related to goal achievement and
(c) Organizations must have the interval capacity to develop effective responses.
(d) Organisation can function ignoring the environment.
37. In relation to a popular cold drink “Pepsi”, which one of the following is not internal factor?
(a) Packaging
(b) Scheme & Promotion
(c) Distribution Networks
(d) Health Awareness
39. A Successful business has to _________ the various opportunities and threats in its environment.
(a) Identify
(b) Identify and appraise
(c) Identify, appraise and respond to
(d) Identify, appraise, suggest and respond to.
41. Which of the following is/are in-cluded in man-made structures within an environment?
(a) Buildings and Roads
(b) Furniture
(c) Other Physical infrastructure
(d) All of the above
42. Different organizations use different inputs & produce different outputs. The input-output exchange activity is.
(a) Different for organizations
(b) A continuous process
(c) It calls for an active interaction with the external environment
(d) All of the above
43. Business functions as a part of broader environment. Business converts resources through various processes. This exchange process may
bring _________.
(a) Profits
(b) Reputation
(c) Good Piiblic Image
(d) Any of the above
44. In an attempt to identify a frame-work for understanding the environ-ment of organizations, various steps are required.
I. Explicit Consideration of immediate environment
II. To Check the nature (Static/ Simple/Complex)
III. Auditing of environmental influ-ences.
The Sequential steps are
(a) I, II & III
(b) I, III & II
(c) II, III and I
(d) III, II and I
47. Which of the following is not the basic goal of environmental Analysis?
(a) Understanding of Current and potential changes taking place in the environment.
(b) Provide inputs for strategic decision making.
(c) Facilitate and foster strategic thinking in organization.
(d) Provide the internal strengths of the organisation.
48. When the company does not react to the demands of the environment by changing its Strategy, the result is :
(a) Declining performance of the Company
(b) Forgoing of opportunities avail-able
(c) Ignoring the treats to the firm.
(d) All of the above
51. Analyzing process of change in the business environment involves conceptualizing its as:
(a) Complex
(b) Static
(c) Dynamic
(d) Diverse
52. _________ is the process by which organizations monitor their relevant environment to identify opportunities and threats affecting their
business for the purpose of taking strategic decisions.
(a) Forecasting
(b) Assessment
(c) Scanning
(d) None of the above
54. In environmental scanning, the factor _________ represents certain happening in the internal or external organizational environmen t which
can be observed and tracked.
(a) Events
(b) Trends
(c) Issues
(d) Expectations
55. _________ is important and specific occurrence taking place in different environmental sectors.
(a) Events
(b) Trends
(c) Issues
(d) Expectations
57. _________ are the general tendencies or the causes of action along which events take place.
(a) Events
(b) Probability
(c) Trends
(d) Directions
58. The demands made by interested groups in the light of their concern for issues that arise in response to events and trends is called as
(a) Appraisal
(b) Evaluation
(c) Observation
(d) Expectations
59. The businesses should continu-ously _________ and _________ to the environment if it is to service and prosper.
(a) Identify, appraise
(b) Monitor, adapt
(c) Identify, monitor
(d) Monitor, appraise
60. Which one of the following is not a factor which need to be considered for environmental scanning?
(a) Events
(b) Trends
(c) Issues
(d) Strategy
61. Perceiving the needs of the external environment and catering to them, satisfying the expectations and demands of the clientele groups
(a) Reciprocal agreement
(b) Interdependent process
(c) Management process
(d) Interaction process
70. The interval environment of business organisation is composed of multiple elements existing within the organisation. It includes:
(d) Management
(b) Current Employees
(c) Corporate Culture
(d) All of the above
71. The Micro and Macro environment are the major types of :
(a) Interval Environment
(b) External Environment
(c) Both Internal and External envi-ronment
(d) Business Environment.
72. The growing demand for the products or services, that a company provides, may be regarded as:
(a) Opportunity
(b) Strength
(c) Weakness
(d) Threat
73. The emergence of strong new competitors who are likely to offer stiff competition to the existing Companies in an industry is an example
of :
(a) Threat
(b) Weakness
(c) Problem
(d) Hurdle
74. A Company is having superior re-search and development skills which can be used for new product develop-ment so that the Company
gains com-petitive advantage. It is an example of:
(a) Potential
(b) Strength
(c) Competitive advantage
(d) Strong Capabilities.
75. Process of strategy formulation starts with:
(a) Appraisal of external and internal environment of the of an organization
(b) Performance analysis
(c) Choice of strategy
(d) None of the above
76. A _________ is inherent capacity which an organisation can use to gain strategic advantage over it’s competitors.
(a) Strength
(b) Opportunities
(c) Threat
(d) Weakness
77. An understanding of the external and internal environment is crucial for the _________ of any organisation.
(a) Existence
(b) Growth
(c) Profitability
(d) All of the above
80. According to _________, the aim of the business is to create and retain customer.
(a) Peter Drucker
(b) Adam Smith
(c) Henry Ford
(d) Schumpeter
86. The market is larger than customers. The market is to be studied in terms of.
(a) Actual and potential size
(b) Growth prospect
(c) Attractiveness
(d) All of the above.
87. The price sensitivity of the market is an important factor of which element of Micro environment:
(a) Suppliers
(b) Market
(c) Intermediaries
(d) Customer
88. _________ exert a considerable influence on the business organizations. They are the ones who act as a bridge between the manufacture
and the marketer.
(a) Customers
(b) Intermediaries
(c) Suppliers
(d) Organisation.
(b) Intermediaries
90. Environment which is close to business and affect its capacity to work is known as _________ environment.
(a) Micro
(b) Macro
(c) Internal
(d) External
2. A financial analyst researches _________ to make business sector and industry recommendations.
(a) Macro-Economic Conditions
(b) Micro-Economic Conditions
(c) Company Fundamentals
(d) All of the above
3. _________ study strength and weaknesses in order to advise a company about the decisions to be taken to increase its market share and
(a) Market Research Analysts
(b) Management Analysts
(c) Budget Analysts
(d) Financial Analysts
5. Which one of the following is required to analyze business practices, identify potential business problems, market requirements and
provide financial, marketing or managerial solutions?
(a) Budget & Financial Analysts
(b) Management Analysts
(c) Market Research Analysts
(d) All of the above
6. The headquarters of Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Limited is in:
(a) Ahmedabad
(b) Mumbai
(c) Kolkata
(d) New Delhi
7. Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd. operates ports in _________.
(a) Mundra
(b) Dahej
(c) Hazira & Dhamra
(d) All of these
8. Who is the current Chief Executive officer of Adani Ports & SEZ Ltd.?
(a) Gautambhai Shantilal Adani
(b) Karan Gautambhai Adani
(c) Deepak Maheshwari
(d) Sushil Adani
9. _________ is the Present Head (MD) of Adani Ports and SEZ Ltd.?
(a) Gautambhai Shantilal Adani
(b) Karan Gautambhai Adani
(c) Deepak Maheshwari
(d) Sushil Adani
10. Who is the present CFO of Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd.?
(a) Gautambhai Shantilal Adani
(b) Karan Gautambhai Adani
(c) Deepak Maheshwari
(d) Sushil Adani
11. In which year Adani Ports and SEZ Ltd. was founded?
(a) 1995
(b) 1998
(c) 1999
(d) 2000
12. Adani Ports and SEZ Ltd. port Business is integral to its logistics business and is :
(a) India’s largest port operator
(b) India’s largest Private Port operator
(c) India’s Second largest port operator
(d) India’s Second largest Private Port operator
14. Who is the current Head (MD & CEO) of Asian Paints Limited?
(a) KBS Anand
(b) Ash win Dani
(c) Jayesh Merchant
(d) Jairam Sridharan
16. Which one of the following is not the nearest rival or competing firms of Asian Paints Ltd?
(a) Berger Paints (India) Ltd.
(b) Jenson & Nicholson (India) Ltd.
(c) Proctor & Gambler Ltd.
(d) Shalimar Paints Ltd.
17. Asian Paints Ltd. has been a market leader in paints since _________.
(а) 1942
(b) 1960
(c) 1967
(d) 1971
19. Asian Paints Ltd. is India’s leading and Asia’s _________ largest paint company.
(a) Second
(b) Third
(c) Fourth
(d) Fifth
21. Asian Paints Ltd. was initially set up as a _________ by _________ Friends.
(a) Partnership Firm, two
(b) Partnership Firm, four
(c) Private Company, two
(d) Public Company, Seven
22. Axis Bank is the _________ largest private Sector bank in India.
(a) Single
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) Fourth
28. Under “International Banking” Segment, Axis Bank offers the services of:
(a) Corporate banking
(b) Trade Finance
(c) Treasury & Risk Management solutions
(d) All of these
32. Who is the current Head (MD & CEO) of Axis Bank?
(a) Ms. Shikha Sharma
(b) Mr. Sanjiv Mishra
(c) Mr. Jairam Sridharan
(d) Mr. Narayan Murti
35. Who is the Current Head (MD & CEO) of Bajaj Auto Limited?
(a) Mr. Rajiv Bajaj
(b) Mr. Rahul Bajaj
(c) Mr. Kevin
(d) Mr. Jamnalal Bajaj
38. In _________, Bajaj Auto obtained a licence from the Government of India to manufacture two wheelers and three wheelers and i t became a
public limited company in _________.
(a) 1959, 1965
(b) 1959, 1960
(c) 1940,1959
(d) 1940, 1960
39. Which of the following is not a product of Bajaj Auto Limited under “Three wheelers” Segment?
(a) RE Compact
(b) RE optima
(c) RE Compact 4S
(d) RE Minima
43. _________ is the present Head (MD & CEO) of Bharti Airtel Ltd?
(a) Mr. Sunil Bharti Mittal
(b) Mr. Gopal Vittal
(c) Mr. Badal Bagri
(d) Mr. Neeraj Mittal
46. Bharti Group was started in 1984, when started assembling push-button phones in India.
(a) Sunil Mittal
(b) Bharti Mittal
(c) Gopal Mittal
(d) Gopal Vittal
47. Which of the following is the first Telecom Company to cross the 2-million mobile Subscriber mark?
(a) Vodafone
(b) Reliance Jio
(c) Tata Telecom
(d) Bharti Airtel
49. Under the Segment “Enterprise Business Solution”, the Bharti Airtel Ltd. provides the GPRS Based Solutions like _________.
(a) Mobile applications tools for enterprise
(b) Track Mate
(c) Automatic meter reading solu-tions
(d) All of these
50. In 2015, Airtel announced Strategic collaboration with China Mobile and launched its first:
(a) 3G Service in China
(b) 4G Service in China
(c) 4G Service in Africa
(d) 4G Service in India
53. BPCL was the _________ refinery to process newly found indigenous crude (Bombay High) in the Country.
(a) First
(b) Second
(c) Third
(d) Fourth
58. BPCL operates large _________ refineries of the Country located at _________.
(a) One, Jamnagar.
(b) One, Mumbai
(c) Two, Mumbai and Kochi
(d) Two, Jamnagar and Kochi
60. In _________, the Company “Bharat Refineries Ltd.” was renamed as “Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd.”
(a) April, 1977
(b) August, 1997
(c) April, 1980
(d) August, 1980
61. As regards the portfolio of BPCL, the Company business is divided in _________ Strategic Business Units (SBU).
(a) Four
(b) Six
(c) Five
(d) Seven
62. Which one of the following refineries, operated by BPCL, has the highest Capacity of 13 million metric tonnes per year?
(a) Mumbai Refinery
(b) Kochi Refineries
(c) Bina Refinery
(d) Numaligarh Refinery.
64. CIPLA was founded as “The Chemical, Industrial and Pharmaceutical Laboratories” in 1935 by _________.
(a) Y.K Hamied
(b) Khwaja Abdul Hamied
(c) Umang Vohra
(d) Kedar Upadhey
68. Which pharmaceutical company has the slogan ‘caring for life’?
(a) Dr. Reddy’s
(b) Lupin Ltd.
(c) Cipla Ltd.
(d) Sun Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd.
70. CIPLA has developed goods positive image by providing Support to _________ patients by introducing drugs at low cost.
(a) Depression
(b) Diabetic
(c) Cancer
(d) HIV
74. Coal India Ltd. was conferred the “Maharatha Status” by the Union Government in _________.
(a) April 2010
(b) October 2010
(c) April 2011
(d) October 2011
78. The Coal India Ltd. is owned by the Government of India and the operations of the company are controlled through:
(a) Ministry of Coal
(b) Ministry of Industry
(c) Group of Ministers
(d) Consortium of administration
80. Which one of the following wholly owned subsidiary of Coal India Limited provides exploration, planning and technical support to other
production subsidiary companies?
(a) Central Coalfields Limited
(b) Central Mine Planning and Decision Institute Limited
(c) Northern Coal field Limited
(d) Bharat Coking Coal Limited.
82. In total, there are _________ wholly owned subsidiaries of Coal India Limited?
(a) Five
(b) Six
(c) Seven
(d) Eight
83. In April, 2010, Coal India Limited has entered into a Joint Venture (50 : 50) with _________ for acquisition of Coal blocks in India & aboard.
(a) Coal fields Limited
(b) NTPC Ltd.
(c) NMDC Ltd.
(d) Delhi Transco Limited
84. The Coal India Limited has _________ production subsidiaries and _________ planning & technical Support Subsidiary.
(a) Seven, One
(b) Five, One
(c) Three, Two
(d) Five, Three
85. The first recognized brand of Dr. Reddy’s Lab Ltd. was _________.
(a) Omez
(b) Norilet
(c) Stamlo
(d) Razo
86. Who is the current Chief Financial officer of Dr. Reddy’s Lab?
(a) G.V. Prasad
(b) Kallam Satish Reddy
(c) Bala Reddy
(d) Saumen Chakraborty
87. In 1999, the company Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd. acquired _________ to strengthen its Indian Manufacturing operations.
(a) American Remedies Ltd.
(b) Japan Remedies Ltd.
(c) Indian Remedies Ltd.
(d) Overseas Remedies Ltd.
89. Dr. Reddy’s Lab was originally launched in _________ producing Active Pharmaceutical ingredients.
(a) 1980
(b) 1982
(c) 1984
(d) 1986
1. The Government Policies are “Sine qua non” for all spheres of the economy. The term “Sine qua non” means:
(a) Indispensible
(b) Universal
(c) Robust
(d) Applicable
4. 4. At the time of attaining freedom in 1947, India witnessed the existence of the problem of _________.
(a) Multiplicity of Princely States
(b) Lack of Industries
(c) Lack of enough food-grains
(d) All of the above
6. 6. During the time of Akbar, land reforms were introduced under the leadership of :
(a) Alauddin Khilji
(b) Akbar
(c) Todarmal
(d) Chanakya
7. During the time when Ashoka, the Great, ruled Magadh, _________ introduced the policy of Peace & Harmony.
(a) Ashoka
(b) Chandragupta
(c) Todarmal
(d) Chanakya
8. 8. Who has authorised the book “Arthashastra”, a Conceptual frame work of State Craft and public Policy?
(a) Chandragupta Maurya
(b) Chanakya
(c) Plato
(d) Akbar
9. At the time of independence, Strong policy making was required as the nation had a diversity of:
(a) Languages
(b) Cultures
(c) Inequalities
(d) All of the above
12. 12. Which one of the following is regarded as Socialist and Communist State?
(a) China
(b) North Korea
(c) Erstwhile Soviet Union
(d) All of the above
13. There have been monumental efforts in changing the post-indepen-dence policies specially in 1991. These efforts are Commonly referred
to as :
(a) LPG
(b) SEC
(c) RRB
(d) None of the above
15. The measures of lifting the trade barriers are covered in:
(a) Liberalization
(b) Privatization
(c) Globalization
(d) All of the above
21. In which country, you do not have to pay a single penny to enter the National Art Gallery?
(a) England
(b) India
(c) Both India and England
(d) You have to pay in both countries
22. A _________ emanates from decision and decision is taken in line with _________ identify the right expression to fill in the blanks.
(a) Policy, Goal
(b) Plan, Budget
(c) Goal, Plan
(d) Budget, Plan
23. _________ outlined political system as a set of interactions having structures, each of which per-forms its functions in order to keep it like a
going Concern.
(a) Gabriel Philips
(b) Gabriel Almond
(c) David Easton
(d) Kautilya
24. Who has propounded model on political-policy relationship known as Black Box Model?
(a) Gabriel Philips
(b) Gabriel Almond
(c) David Easton
(d) Kautilya
25. _________, given by David Easton, identifies that there are many Societal demands which one not in-cluded in the decisions and policies
designed by the State.
(a) Black Box Model
(b) Politics Box Model
(c) Policy Box Model
(d) White Box Model
26. _________ has classified the inputs of political system into generic functional categories.
(a) Gabriel Almond
(b) Gabriel Solomon
(c) Richard David
(d) David Easton
27. The outputs of political system generally take the form of:
(a) Governmental Policies
(b) Programs
(c) Decisions
(d) All of these
29. _________ are those which are carried on by a political system in response to demands or Stresses placed upon the system in the form of
(a) Economic System
(b) Input activities
(c) Output activities
(d) Political System
31. An _________ rules looks for policies which dominate over public freedom.
(a) Autocratic
(b) Democratic
(c) Free Rein
(d) Royal
34. In Delhi Metro, the first compartment in the moving direction is re-served for ladies. This policy of keeping reservation emanates from:
(a) Socio perspective
(b) Welfare perspective
(c) Cultural perspective
(d) Socio-cultural prospective
35. The Statement “Public policy is whatever Government chooses to do or not to do” is given by:
(a) Thomas R. Dye
(b) Richard Rose
(c) Carl J. Friedrich
(d) Martin Luther
37. According to _________, “Public policy is not a decision; it is a course or pattern of activity”.
(a) Thomas R. Dye
(b) Richard Rose
(c) Carl J. Friedrich
(d) Martin Luther
39. India is a pluralistic Society. Therefore, there are many opinions. We have legal system.
(a) No
(b) Simple
(c) Complex
(d) Tyranny
40. Public policy is a proposed course of action of a person, group or Gov-ernment within a given environment providing opportunities and
obstacles which the policy was proposed to utilize and overcome in an effort to reach a goal to realizing objective or purpose. This is the
opinion of _________.
(a) Carl J. Friedrich
(b) Thomas R. Dye
(c) Richard Bose
(d) Swami Vivekananda
42. The Public Policy depicts the con¬cern of the Government and involved its action to a particular problem an which the policy is made.
Therefore, public Policy is:
(a) Aggressive
(b) Positive
(c) Negative
(d) Autocratic
43. Public Policy Process is _________ in nature.
(a) Static
(b) Continuous
(c) Unilateral
(d) Autocratic
47. The process of law making in India may be broadly divided into _________ Stages.
(a) Two
(b) Three
(c) Four
(d) Five
48. The bill is notified as an Act, after the _________ gives assent.
(a) President
(b) Parliament
(c) Prime Minister
(d) Vice President
50. Which one of the following is not a part of first phase of process of law making in India?
(a) Identification of need for a new law
(b) Drafting of Proposed law
(c) Seeking inputs from ministries
(d) Approval of bill by Standing Committee.
51. Once the bill is passed by both the Houses, a copy of the bill is _________.
(a) Sent to legislative department of Ministry of Law and Justice for scrutiny
(b) Sent to the President for Comment
(c) Sent to the President for assent
(d) Notified to the public as an Act.
53. In India, which one of the folio wins is lawmaking body at Central level?
(a) Indian Parliament
(b) Legislative Assemblies
(c) Council at State level
(d) Group of Ministers
54. The law making bodies at the State level are _________.
(a) Lok Sabha
(b) Rajya Sabha
(c) Both Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha
(d) Legislative Assemblies & Councils
57. In order to protect Indian pro-ducts, the Government has imposed Custom Duties. The nature of this public policy is:
(a) Restrictive
(b) Regulatory
(c) Facilitating
(d) Liberal
58. The Conducive policies towards the development of Micro-Small- Medium Enterprises are an example of _________ policy.
(a) Restrictive
(b) Regulatory
(c) Facilitating
(d) Liberal
59. The formation of National Skills Development Corporation is example of _________ policy.
(a) Restrictive
(b) Regulatory
(c) Facilitating
(d) Liberal
61. During the time of independence of India, two major political thoughts were reining the world. These were :
(a) Capitalist Model (Followed by USA)
(b) Communistic Model ( Followed by Soviet Union)
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of the above.
62. After independence, Planning Commission (now NITI Aayog) was established to make economic plans for a period of _________ years.
(a) Three
(b) Four
(c) Five
(d) Seven
66. Many of the Eastern European nations signed “Warsaw Pact” and followed the _________ pattern of economy.
(a) Communistic
(b) Capitalistic
(c) Mixed
(d) Regional
67. Which one of the following western European nations have followed a Capitalistic model?
(a) Great Britain
(b) France and Spain
(c) Portugal and Germany
(d) All of the above.
68. The Constitution of the nation outlines the nature of policies to be taken for the growth and development of the nation. This Constitution
was framed and accepted in _________.
(a) 1947
(b) 1948
(c) 1950
(d) 1951
69. When India became independent, the problems prevailing were _________.
(a) Socio – economic transformation
(b) National Integrity
(c) External Environment
(d) All of the above
70. Immediately after independence, the new Government of India inden- tified a thoroughly close knit relation and interaction between the
important Government agencies. These agencies were :
(a) Political Executive
(b) Legislature
(c) Bureaucracy & judiciary
(d) All of the above.
71. What was the reason behind India’s journey towards liberalization?
(a) Fall of Warsaw Pact nations
(b) Formation of European Union
(c) Pressure of heady development loans from agencies like IMF, World Bank and ADB.
(d) All of the above.
72. Who invests the foreign currency in India to get better returns, other than Foreign Direct Investments?
(a) Non-Resident Indians
(b) Overseas citizens of India
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of the these
75. As a part of series of measures taken towards liberalizing foreign investment, permission was grouted to _________ to invest up to 100
percent capital in priorities sectors.
(a) Non-Resident Indians
(b) Overseas Corporate Bodies
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) 100 percent Capital is never allowed.
78. The _________ Companies in India are examples of FDI presence in India during the past liberalization days.
(a) Samsung, Sony and HP
(b) Coke, Pepsico and Microsoft
(c) General Motors, Hyundai, Honda, Toyota, Volkswagen & Volvo
(d) All of the above.
79. Which one of the following measures was taken towards liberalizing foreign investment?
(a) Automatic permission for technology agreements in high prio-rity industries.
(b) Removal of restrictions on FDI in low technology areas.
(c) Liberalization of technology imports.
(d) All of the above.
80. In order to give protection to foreign investments, the Government has signed the convention of _________.
(a) Multilateral Investment Agree-ment.
(b) Multilateral Investment Rule.
(c) Multilateral Inflow Guarantee Agency.
(d) Multilateral Investment Guaran-tee Agency.
81. _________ as a policy helped India in integrating the coun-try’s economy with the world economy.
(a) Globalization
(b) Privatization
(c) Social Regionalism
(d) None of these.
82. Industrial policy was reformed first through the Industrial Policy in _________, which opened up the foreign Capital inflow.
(a) 1949
(b) 1951
(c) 1991
(d) 2015
83. What was the reason behind re-forms by the Government in 1991?
(a) Dysfunctions in Economy.
(b) Poor efficiency and low productivity in public sector undertakings
(c) Strong trade – Unionism which has crippled the growth of private sector
(d) All of these
84. Upto 1991, The Government of India took huge loans from the source:
(a) Asian Development Bank
(b) World Bank
(c) IMF
(d) All of the above
85. In 1992, some of the Public Sec-tor Enterprises were first corporatized and process was started to sold a large chunk of shares to public.
This process may be regarded as :
(a) Merger
(b) Disinvestment
(c) Globalization
(d) Sell-off
86. In the mid – 1980s, the Soviet Union got broken and _________ independent States were formed.
(a) 7
(b) 11
(c) 15
(d) 21
87. In 1992, the Government of India took revolutionary steps to open up the economy. Which one of the following is part of such steps?
(a) Massive Change in economic policy
(b) Priority given to Public Sector
(c) Loss making Public Sector Enterprises were closed or divested
(d) All of these.
88. _________ emanates from decision and _________ is taken in line with _________.
(a) Policy, decision and goal
(b) Goal, Policy and Rules
(c) Rules, Policy and goal
(d) Rules, goal and Policy
2. _________ helps create and grow young business by providing them with necessary support and financial and technical services.
(a) Business facilitator
(b) Business Incubator
(c) Business Consultant
(d) Business merchandiser
4. In ________, the Union Government enacted the Industries Develop-ment and Regulation Act.
(a) 1947
(b) 1948
(c) 1950
(d) 1951
7. _________ is the rule setter for fair play in business provides the business facilitation.
(a) RBI
(b) SEBI
(c) Competition Commission of India
(d) Ministry of Law
11. The Institute ________ aims to enhance India’s image as a sourcing partner and investment destination.
(a) India Trade Promotion Organisation
(b) Industrial Development institute
(c) Indian Institute of Foreign Trade
(d) International Development Institute
16. At present, in India, we have ________ Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Development Institutes.
(a) 25
(b) 28
(c) 30
(d) 35
17. Which of the following scheme has been introduced by Government for furthering and facilitating Indian Business?
(a) Made in India
(b) Make in India
(c) SEZ
(d) Jan Shakti Yojana
18. The Central Office of the Reserve Bank was initially established in ________ but was permanently moved to ________ in 1937.
(a) Kolkata, Mumbai
(b) Mumbai, Kolkata
(c) Delhi, Mumbai
(d) Kolkata, Delhi
20. The RBI has been vested with ex-tensive power to control and supervise commercial banking system under the:
(a) Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934
(b) The Banking Regulation Act, 1949
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of the above.
25. The RBI ________ Treasury Bills on behalf of in ________ order to wipe away excess liquidity in the economy.
(a) Sells, Central Govt.
(b) Purchases, Central Govt.
(c) Sells, Ministry of Corporate Af-fairs
(d) Purchases, Finance Ministry.
27. Which of the following can be the expiry period of Treasury Bills?
(a) 91 Days
(b) 182 Days
(c) 364 Days
(d) Any of above
28. ________ represents the ratio of liquid assets of the banks to their deposit liabilities.
(a) SLR
(b) CRR
(c) CLR
(d) None
32. Which condition, or which is not true out of options about bank rate?
(a) It is called discount rate
(b) It is different from repo rate
(c) SEBI influences the interest rates through bank rate.
(d) Higher bank rate will translate to higher lending rates by the banks
33. ________ has been entrusted with the task of collection and compila-tion of statistical information relating to banking and other financial
Sectors of the economy.
(a) RBI
(b) Indian Statistical Institute
(c) Central Research Organisation
(d) Banking Data Record Organisation.
34. The Reserve Bank of India being the Central Bank of India performs all the central banking functions. Which one of the following is not the
Tunctions of RBI?
(a) Issue of currency
(b) Banker to the Government
(c) Watchdog of the unethical competition in the market
(d) Custodian of the nation’s foreign exchange reserves
36. If the current bank rate is 6.25% and RBI decreases it by 20 basis point, then new rate will be:
(a) 6.0596
(b) 6.4596
(c) 6.2396
(d) 4.2596
37. RBI provides loans to the banks either by direct lending or by redis-counting the bills of commercial banks and treasury bills. It is known
(a) Bank Rate
(b) Rate of Interest
(c) Discount Rate
(d) Lending Rate
38. The rate at which Bank borrows money from the RBI against pledging or Sale of Government Securities to RBI is known as:
(a) Repo Rate
(b) Reserve Repo Rate
(c) Discount Rate
(d) Bank Rate
39. ________ is the rate of Interest offered by RBI, when bank deposit their surplus funds with the RBI for short periods.
(a) Repo Rate
(b) Reserve Repo Rate
(c) Discount Rate
(d) Bank Rate
41. Which one of the following is paper based mechanism of funds transfer?
(a) Currency
(b) Cheques
(c) Bills of Exchange
(d) All of the above.
42. Which one of the following is not digital payment mechanism of funds transfer?
(a) Card Swiping
(b) Internet Banking
(c) Bills of Exchange
(d) All of the above.
44. Who was the regulatory body for controlling financial affairs in India before SEBI?
(a) Controller of Capital Issues
(b) Reserve Bank of India
(c) Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India
(d) Government of India
49. SEBI has several functions rolled into one body. Which one of the fol-lowing is not the function of SEBI?
(a) Quasi-legislative
(b) Quasi-judicial
(c) Quasi-professional
(d) Quasi-executive
52. In April 1988, the SEBI was con-stituted as the Regulator of Capital Markets in India under:
(a) A resolution of the Govt, of India
(b) A resolution of RBI
(c) Recommendations of Group of Ministers
(d) Recommendations of Finance Minister.
53. For the discharge of its functions efficiently, SEBI has been vested with the following powers:
(a) To approve by-laws of stock ex-changes.
(b) To inspect the books of account and call for periodical returns from recognized stock exchang-es.
(c) To compel certain companies to list their shares in one or more stock exchanges.
(d) All of the above
54. Who was the regulatory body for controlling financial affairs before SEBI?
(a) Reserve Bank of India
(b) Controller of Capital Issues
(c) Government of India
(d) Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India.
56. SEBI has to be responsive to the needs of groups, which constitute the market:
(a) The issuers of securities
(b) The investors
(c) The market intermediaries
(d) All of the above
58. Where can the second appeal are made against SEBI?
(a) Securities Appellate Tribunal
(b) High Court
(c) Supreme Court
(d) RBI
64. SEBI drafts repletion in its ________ capacity whereas the rules and orders are passed in its ________ Capacity.
(a) Legislative, Judicial
(b) Legislative, Executive
(c) Judicial, Legislative
(d) Executive, Judicial
67. With increased competition, the producers have the following benefits except:
(a) Incentive to innovate
(b) Incentive to specialize
(c) Reduced Costs
(d) Monopoly Status
68. The Competition between Me Donald and Burger King, Coca-Cola and Pepsi, Pizza Hut and Dominos, etc. are the examples of :
(a) Direct Competition
(b) Indirect Competition
(c) Cross Competition
(d) Straight Competition
69. Which one of the following is not a benefit of free and fair Competition?
(a) Increase in Efficiency
(b) Improvement in quality
(c) Encouragement of innovation
(d) Protection of Laggards.
70. Competition law is a tool ________.
(a) To implement and enforce Competition policy
(b) To Prevent and punish anti-competitive business practices by firms
(c) To Prevent unnecessary Government interference in the market
(d) All of the above.
73. Which one of the following is not the role of the Competition Commission of India?
(a) To promote practices having adverse effect on competition.
(b) To promote and sustain competition in markets.
(c) To protect the interests of consumers and,
(d) To ensure freedom of trade carried on by other participants in markets in India.
74. With the enforcement of the Com-petition Act, 2002, the ________ shall stand repealed.
(a) MRTP Act
(b) Consumer Protection Act
(c) Controller of Capital Issues Act
(d) None of the above
75. Which of the following is increased about the competition Commission of India (CCI)?
(a) CCI is a body Corporate having perpetual succession and common Seal.
(b) CCI was established by the Central Government.
(c) CCI consists of Chairperson and Six members.
(d) The members of CCI are appointed by Ministry of Welfare.
77. The following are the objectives of the establishment of the Competition Commission except:
(a) Prevention of practices having promotion of Competition
(b) Promote and Sustain Competition in markets
(c) Protect the interests of Consumers
(d) To ensure freedom of trade carried on by other participants in markets.
78. The preamble to the Competition Act does not include:
(a) Prevent practices having adverse effect on competition
(b) To Promote and sustain competition in markets
(c) To Protect the interests of producers
(d) To ensure freedom of trade carried on by other participants in markets.
79. ________ is an autonomous apex statutory body which regulates and develops the insurance industry in India.
(b) IRDA Act, 1999
(c) Insurance Act, 1932
(d) TRAI
80. Which Section of IRDAI Act, 1999 lays down the duties, powers and functions of IRDAI?
(a) Section 10
(b) Section 12
(c) Section 14
(d) Section 5
82. Which of the following reflects the functioning of IRDAI as a business facilitator?
(a) It takes steps to regulate and develop the insurance industry
(b) It protects the interests of the insurance policy holders
(c) It disseminates a lot of informa-tion for the benefit of policy holders.
(d) All of the above.
83. IRDAI role is to provide registration certification to life insurance compa-nies and responsible for ________ of this registered certificate.
I. Renewal
II. Modification
III. Cancellation
IV. Suspension
(a) I
(b) I & II
(c) I, II and III
(d) I, II, III and IV
84. NABARD serves as anapexfinancing agency for the institutions providing investment and production credit for promoting the various
developmental activities in ________.
(a) Rural areas
(b) Urban areas
(c) Sub-urban areas
(d) All of the above
1-B 11-A 21-A 31-C 41-D 51-A 61-C 71-D 81-C
6. Carrying forward of transaction form one settlement period to the next without effecting delivery or payment is called __________.
(a) Badla
(b) Beta
(c) Blue chips
(d) Basket trading
13. A portion of the after-tax profits paid out to the owners of a business as a return on their investment is:
(a) Dividend
(b) Expense
(c) Expenditure
(d) Deferred income
14. The number of units of given currency that can be purchased for one unit of another currency is called __________.
(a) Current Ratio
(b) Exchange Ratio
(c) Equity
(d) Dividend
15. It is the amount of revenue from sales which exactly equals the amount of expense.
(a) Breakeven point
(b) Total revenue
(c) Both (a) and (b)
(d) None of these
19. An economic resource that is ex-pected to be of benefit in the future is called as __________.
(a) Future Value
(b) Present Value
(c) Asset
(d) None of these.
21. A stock that provides a constant dividends and stable earnings even in the periods of economic downturn is __________.
(a) Defensive Stock
(b) Cash “budget
(c) Income stock
(d) Listed stock
22. __________ is the simultaneous purchase and sale of two identical commodities or instruments. This simultaneous sale and purchase is
done in order to take advantage of the price variations in two different markets.
(a) Cap
(b) Term insurance
(c) Arbitrage
(d) Hedge
24. You have sold goods worth ₹ 16,000 on credit to Mr. X, who has paid ₹ 10,000 only in full settlement and balance ₹ 6,000 is not going to
be received. This ₹ 6,000 may technically be called as :
(a) Bad Debts
(b) Doubtful Debts
(c) Debts
(d) Good Debts
25. __________ is a statement of the financial position of a company at a single specific time which usually lists all assets and liabilities.
(a) Trial Balance
(b) Balance Sheet
(c) Final Accounts
(d) P&LA/c
26. Those Stock market players, who are pessimistic they expect share prices to fall one called as __________.
(a) Bulls
(b) Bears
(c) Long Position Holder
(d) None of these
28. __________ is a facility by which investors are in a position to buy/sell all 30 scripts of Sensex in a position to buy/sell all 30 scrips of Sensex
in the proportion of current weights in the Sensex in one go.
(a) Internet Trading
(b) Index Trading
(c) Basket Trading
(d) Group Trading
29. __________ is a measurement of the relationship between Stock price of any particular Stock and the move-ment of whole market.
(a) Standard Deviation
(b) Variance
(c) Market Variance
(d) Beta
30. Risk is a probable chance that investments’ actual returns will be __________ than as calculated.
(a) Increased
(b) Reduced
(c) Equal
(d) None of the above
31. The market in which the Stock prices one increasing Consistently is called as __________.
(a) Bull Market
(b) Bear Market
(c) Bear Trend
(d) Short Market
35. __________ is an option that givens to the investor the right but no obligation to buy a particular Stock at a specified price within a
specified time period.
(a) Put Option
(b) Call Option
(c) Derivative option
(d) Badla option.
37. The unsecured short term Prom-issory Notes at large firms, usually issued in denominations at ₹ 1,00,000 or more with interest rate below
the prime lending rate are called as :
(a) Bills Payable
(b) Commercial Paper
(c) Certificate of Deposit
(d) Unsecured Loan.
38. __________ are the persons or entities to whom we have to pay money in future in respect of goods purchased from them on credit.
(a) Creditors
(b) Debtors
(c) Lenders
(d) Borrowed
40. __________ is a party or person who acts as a link between a provider who provides securities and the user, who purchases the securities.
(a) Financial Intermediary
(b) Financial Agent
(c) Financial Advisor
(d) None of these
41. When the assets at a division one sold off piecemeal, rather than as an operating activity, it is called as :
(a) Liquidation
(b) Merger
(c) Amalgamation
(d) Absorption
42. For Call options, __________ means the stock price is below the strike price.
(a) Out of the Money
(b) In the Money
(c) Other than Money
(d) With Money.
43. The collection of various types at securities related to various companies is called as:
(a) Portfolio
(b) Investment
(c) Bundle
(d) Stock
44. 44. __________ ratio is calculated by dividing the market price of the share by the Earnings per share.
(a) EPS
(b) DPS
(c) P/E Ratio
(d) D/P Ratio
45. The rate of return earned on a bond, if it is called before its maturity date is called as:
(a) Yield to Maturity
(b) Yield to Call
(c) Yield to Earning
(d) Yield to Return.
46. A bond that pays no annual interest but is sold at a discount below par, is called as __________.
(a) Zero Coupon Bonds
(b) Tax Free Bonds
(c) Interest Free Bonds
(d) None of these.
49. __________ involves charging a relatively high price for a short period of time.
(a) Price skimming
(b) Price sensitivity
(c) USP
(d) Holding price
50. __________ is related with reaching out to a group of consumers sharing Coming Consumer characteristics with the most appropriate
(a) Tele Marketing
(b) Sphere Marketing
(c) Target Marketing
(d) Test Marketing.
53. The Unique purpose of a firm that sets it apart from firms of its type, identifies scope of operations in the manner that affects values and
priorities of the firm’s strategies is called as :
(a) Mission
(b) Objective
(c) Purpose
(d) Goal
54. __________ is a strategy which involves setting low prices in order to discourage or deter potential new extranets to the supplier’s market.
(a) Pre-Emptive Pricing
(b) Low Pricing
(c) Cut-throat Pricing
(d) Bargaining Pricing.
55. The falling or attitude that inclines a customer either to return to the com-pany/Shop/outlet to purchase these again may be regarded as
(a) Customer loyalty
(b) Customer need
(c) Customer Satisfaction
(d) Customer want
56. __________ is the reduction in the price of goods given to encourage sale on cash base.
(a) Cash discount
(b) Trade discount
(c) Both (a) & (b)
(d) None of these.
59. The basic requirement that an individual buyer wishes to satisfy is __________.
(a) Customer loyalty
(b) Customer need
(c) Customer Satisfaction
(d) Customer want
60. A desire for a specific product or service to satisfy the underlying need is called as __________.
(a) Customer loyalty
(b) Customer need
(c) Customer Satisfaction
(d) Customer want
63. Which of the following is included in additional P’s for service marketing?
(a) People
(b) Processes
(c) Physical Evidence
(d) All of the above
64. When many consumers receive the same message from business and non-profit organizations through mass media, such as broadcast
television, radio and newspapers, regardless of Consumer interest, it is called as __________.
(a) Block Marketing
(b) Mass Marketing
(c) General Marketing
(d) Media Marketing.
65. __________ is related with the systematic gathering, recording and analysis of data about problems re-lating to the marketing of goods &
(a) Market Research
(b) Market Analysis
(c) Market Penetration
(d) None of these
66. The Strategy plays an inevitable role in the growth of any organization. The management’s storyline for how the strategy will be a money
market is called as __________.
(a) Super Strategy
(b) Mega Strategy
(c) Vision Strategy
(d) Business Model
67. __________ is the process of comparing the products and services of a business against those of Competitors in a market, or leading
businesses in other markets, in order to find ways of improving quality and performance.
(a) Benchmarking
(b) Standard Setting
(c) Variance Analysis
(d) None of these
68. Sometimes, a single project is handled by multiple companies, which may be to buy something or to build something. A combination of
such several companies working together for a particular purpose is called as __________.
(a) Consolidation
(b) Merger
(c) Consortium
(d) None of these
69. Which one of the following are the examples of Fast-Moving Consumer Goods?
(a) Soaps, toothpastes & Hair Oils.
(b) Jams, Ketchups & packed Juices.
(c) Ready meal and baked beans.
(d) All of the above
70. The process of estimating future demand by anticipating what buyers are likely to do under a given set of marketing conditions:
(a) Cross Marketing
(b) Forecasting
(c) Market Development
(d) Internal Marketing
71. All the consumers have different characteristics. Therefore, they are usually divided Into similar nature groups In order to deliver specially
de signed advertisements that meet these characteristics as closely as possible.
It refers to __________.
(a) Market Segmentation
(b Market Division
(c) Effective Marketing
(d) Mass Marketing.
72. If a business Is to grow exponen tially, there should be addition of value customers. __________ is the process of growing sales by offering
existing products or new versions of then to new consumer groups.
(a) Market Research
(b) Market Development
(c) Market Entry
(d) Market Positioning
73. There may be any aspect of the external environment which causes problems and which may per cent a business In achieving Its
These one technically termed as:
(a) Threats
(b Limitations
(c) Disadvantages
(d) Hindrances.
74. __________ is high Soclo-econom Ic group of usually relatively young, likely, intelligent, Socially and geo graphically mobile people who
adopt new products first.
(a) First Movers
(b) Smart Researcher
(c) Innovators
(d) Marketing Champions.
75. __________ is the use of technologies such as the internet, electronic data exchange and industry extranets to streamline business
(a) E-Commerce
(b) E-Streaming
(c) E-Marketing
(d) None of these
76. __________, is a very wide term that is used in context with financial agree-ments and contracts.
(a) Account balance
(b) Acceptance
(c) Annuity
(d) Arbitrage
77. __________ is a certificate of savings deposit that promises the depositor the sum back along with appropriate interest.
(a) Deposit
(b) Commercial Deposit
(c) Certificate of Deposit
(d) Commercial paper.
78. __________ represents the amount that is required to be main-tained by every scheduled Bank with RBI.
(a) Cash Reserve Ratio
(b) Statutory Liquidity Ratio
(c) Repo rate
(d) Reserve Repo Rate
79. __________ is the interest rate at which the central Bank in the discharge of its function as Banker’s Bank lends to the commercial banks.
(a) Bank Rate
(b) Rate of Interest
(c) Reverse Repo rate
(d) None of the above.
82. The rate at which banks borrow money from the RBI against pledging or sale of government securities to RBI is known as __________.
(a) Repo Rate
(b) Reverse Repo Rate
(c) Conversion Rate
(d) None of these
83. If a schedule bank has surplus funds, then it can be deposited with the RBI for short periods. Such rate of interest offered by the RBI is
called as:
(a) Repo Rate
(b) Reverse Repo Rate
(c) Conversion Rate
(d) None of these
84. A negotiable instrument that in-structs the bank to pay a particular amount of money from the writer’s bank, to the receiver is called
(a) A cheque
(b) A draft
(c) An overdraft
(d) RTGS
85. __________ is the sum or portion of the value that is at stake of subject to loss from a valuation in prevalent interest rates.
(a) Value at Risk
(b) Sum at Risk
(c) Amount at Risk
(d) Stake Risk
86. A document is issued by a bank, on behalf of the buyer or the importer, stating its commitment to pay a third party (Seller or the
exporter), a specific amount, for the purchase of goods by its customer, who is the buyer. Such document is called as:
(a) Letter of Guarantee
(b) Letter of Credit
(c) Letter of import
(d) None of these
87. A guarantee given by the lender that there will be no change in the quoted mortgage rates for a specified period of time, which is called
the __________.
(a) Lock-in period
(b) Maturity
(c) Holding Period
(d) Due date
88. __________ is a system where in customers can conduct their transactions through the internet.
(a) Internet Banking
(b) e-banking
(c) Online banking
(d) All of the above.
89. __________ is a technology where the banking organizations resort to the use of electronics, computers and other networks to execute
transactions and transfer funds.
(a) E-cash
(b) Digi-cash
(c) Hedge
(d) Cap
90. Now-a-days, there is perfect inte-gration of computers and electronics into the field of banking. The machine used to conduct
transactions with the bank are called as:
(a) Automatic Teller Machine
(b) Automated Teller Machine
(c) Automatic Transaction Machine
(d) None of these.