Pishahang Fixed CO2 System Diagram

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(In Engine Room) (in Engine Room) (Calculation for requirement: Gross Engine Room Volume(Veng.r) = 87h 602 volume = 0.4°Vengs.= 75 (Taking the rue requirement a¢0.56.m kg) = 13399 MIN GYLINOAR QUANTITY = 153940=29/~3 yosg 316L = (@No. of45 kg CYLINDERS) SEEMLESS TUBE 1.7 THICK. Note: All pipe must be installed tension free = Halas Tp Main deck Pl. ji) ial | | omy | ao ona A | Dett -All pipe must be routed such that its protected from mechanical damage All pipe must be clean before installation 99/06 / | teed ALE BLDBBLL | BMG MAIN PARTICULAR Sear Dat aS ‘rN more WAR ENGR PORTER Fs ‘ALLOWED NAVIGATION AREA tan Cat Oman Soa ‘BUASRIGATION: = =| cuass noraTION ‘esta oat UBER TUG BOAT PISHAHANG 10 FIXED C02 SYSTEM DIAGRAM a ya sangre T T 3 = 7 T 8

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