Ayu 35 175
Ayu 35 175
Ayu 35 175
Website: www.ayujournal.org
DOI: 10.4103/0974-8520.146238
Securinega leucopyrus (Willd.) Muell. is known as Humari in India, Katupila in Sri Lanka and
Spinous fluggea in English. It is a desert climatic plant used topically in paste form for healing
of chronic and non‑healing wounds. Application of Katupila Kalka (paste) is used commonly in
the management of acute as well as chronic wounds in Sri Lanka as a folklore medicine. The
aim of this study is to evaluate the role of herbal paste of Katupila in the treatment of Dushta
Vrana (chronic wound). It is a single observational innovative case study. A female aged 40 years
presented with a non‑healing infected wound on her right buttock with a history of 2 months.
On examination, there was a rounded wound having black color necrosed tissue and slough with
foul smelling, measuring about 3 inch × 3 inch × 1 inch in diameter caused by pyogenic local
infection. The routine laboratory investigations were within normal limit except hemoglobin and
the swab culture test of the wound bed was reported infection of Staphylococcus aureus. This
case study showed effective wound healing by topical application of Katupila paste and sesame oil.
Key words: Dushta Vrana, Humari, Katupila, Securinega leucopyrus, wounds
Introduction paste form for healing of chronic and non‑healing wounds. The
healing process becomes diminished in chronic wounds due
Sushruta has described 60 measures for the comprehensive to reduced tissue regeneration, angiogenesis and neurological
management of Vrana (wound), which includes local as well as problem.[3] There are so many research works have been carried
the systematic use of different drugs and treatment modalities out for the management of chronic and non‑healing wounds,
under a dedicated chapter. In the treatment of Vrana, Sushruta but still it is a big confront for the medical professionals to
mentioned the Dushta Vrana (chronic wounds), which is deal this problem comprehensively.[4‑6] In search of an effective
difficult to heal.[1] Dushta is one in which there is localization of herbal preparation Katupila paste tried in this case and showed
three Dosha. Vrana, which had a bad odor, has abnormal color, effective in healing of chronic wound. Pharmacognostical study
with profuse discharge, intense pain and takes a long period to of Katupila powder shows the presence of calcium oxalate
heal. Dushta Vrana is a long standing ulcer where removing crystals, large amount of tannin and oil helpful in the treatment
debris enabling drug to reach healthy tissue is more important. of cuts and wounds.[7]
In Ayurveda Dushta Vrana are treated effectively by Ghrita and
Taila preparations. Among Ghrita ‑ Karpuradi, Manjisthadi and Case Report
Karanjadi; while in Taila ‑ Jatyadi, Pilu, Durvadi, Asthishrinkala
showed effective in wound healing.[2]
A female patient, aged about 40 years, presented with
Securinega leucopyrus (Willd.) Muell is known as Humari non‑healing chronic wound on the right buttock since
in India, Katupila in Sri Lanka and spinous fluggea in 2 months in the Outdoor Patient Department (OPD) of Shalya
English [Figure 1]. It is a desert climatic plant used topically in Tantra. Patient was thoroughly examined locally as well as
systematically. The local findings revealed a foul smelling deep
wound, having fixed and black slough area, around, that is,
Address for correspondence: Dr. Tukaram S. Dudhamal, 3 inch × 3 inch × 1 inch. The culture swab report of the wound
Assistant Professor, Department of Shalyatantra, was done, and it reported the presence of Staphylococcus aureus
I.P.G.T. and R.A., Gujarat Ayurved University,
infection. All the other laboratory findings were found to be
Jamnagar ‑ 361 008, Gujarat, India.
within normal limits except hemoglobin level, which was 8 g %.
E‑mail: [email protected]
Patient gave a history that she had taken treatment for wound
since last 1 month with dressing by antiseptic solution, but discharge), Durgandha (foul smell), Vedana (pain),
there was no improvement in the wound. No any major Dirghakalanubandhi (chronic) were noted in the wound
systemic disease or surgery reported by the patient. [Figure 2]. There was deep seated blackish slough at the base
of the wound and which was hard to remove initially. The
Diagnosis wound was cleaned daily with Panchawalkala Kwatha and
This chronic wound was diagnosed as trophic ulcer because the then the paste made up of dried leaves powder of Katupila
ulcer was located at buttock region having less blood supply and with sesame oil was applied in adequate quantity [Figure 3].
pressure point during sitting posture. This type of ulcer can also Wound was bandaged after covering with sterilized gauze and
be correlated with pressure ulcer. cotton pads.
Intervention It was noted that the deep seated slough, which was hard
Local dressing of wound by Katupila powder mixed with sesame to remove, started to dissolve from the base and wound
oil was carried out. became clean and healthy on 4th day [Figure 4]. The healing
The wound was cleaned with decoction of Panchavalkala. The was started with the formation of healthy granulation tissue.
dried leaf powder of Katupila mixed with sesame oil was applied The margin of wound became bluish showing growing
on wound once daily. The Katupila dressing was continued until epithelium. The wound started to contract by filling of tissue
complete healing achieved and the result was assessed at regular from the base of wound day by day. The Katupila dressing
intervals. Along with local dressing; capsule of hematinic drug was continued, and on 21st day, it was observed that wound
composed of vitamin B‑12, Ferrous Fumarate, vitamin C and size was markedly reduced with normal skin coloration at the
Folic acid was administered orally once a day for 30 days. healed area [Figure 5]. On the 35th day, the wound was healed
completely with minimum scar tissue formation [Figure 6].
Observations After completion of a month, the hemoglobin was increased
The characteristics of Dushta Vrana like Ativivrita and became 10 g %.
(broad base), Bhairava (ugly look), Putipuyamansa (pus
Figure 3: After application of Securinega leucopyrus paste Figure 4: Status of wound on the 4th day of treatment
Figure 5: Wound status on the 21st day after treatment Figure 6: Complete healed wound with minimum scar on the 35th
was a significant increase in granulation tissue showing good
healing effect after 15 days. The wound became contacted
According to Acharya Sushruta, among the 60 measures of
comprehensive wound management, Kalka (paste) is indicated markedly by 21 days, and complete wound healing was observed
in cases of chronic wound, which is full of slough, deep seated by 35 days (5 weeks). After wound healing, there was little
in muscle and reluctant to heal.[8] The paste performs both formation of scar tissue with noticeable pigmentation. There
the functions of Shodhana (cleansing) and Ropana (healing) were no any adverse events noted throughout the treatment
in cases of Dushta Vrana. Extracts of the Katupila leaves and healing occurred uneventfully. The dressing of Katupila in
exhibited a broad spectrum antimicrobial activity, which is an chronic wound is found to be cost‑effective, safe, and easy to
important requirement of wound healing by controlling and implement.
reducing the microbial load.[9,10] In this case, the black slough
removed on 4th day without surgical debridement because Conclusion
Katupila has Kashaya Rasa (astringent taste), which exerted
Lekhana (scraping) action that helped in removing slough and This single case study highlighted the topical application of
prepared the wound bed for healing.[11] Wound became clean Katupila (S. leucopyrus [Willd.]). Muell paste with sesame oil
with healthy granulation on 21st day as Katupila is having the was found very effective and shown excellent healing effect in a
ability to disinfect and destroy the micro‑organisms in cases of case of chronic and nonhealing wounds.
sores acted as a disinfectant and promoted excellent healing.[12]
Signs and symptoms such as pain, discharge, discoloration, Acknowledgments
bad odor, etc., are considered due to active involvement of
Tridosha. The Tikta Rasa (bitter taste) of the Katupila and The authors acknowledge Prof. M. S. Baghel ‑ Director, IPGT and RA,
Snigdha Guna of sesame oil pacified the vitiated Doshas, GAU, Jamnagar for motivation and kind support.
rendered relief in pain, discharge which were proven helpful
in the healing process of wound.[13] All those properties of References
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