Computer Programming Final Worksheet

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Computer Programming Final Examination

Name:_____________________________________ ID:______________________
SECTION:________________ Duration: 2:30 hours Weight:40%

This is a final examination for the computer programming course.

Make sure that you have written your name, ID, and Section.
You must hold your ID while sitting on the examination or a clearance paper if you have
lost your ID.

Using scientific calculators, mobile phones are strictly forbidden.

Mobile phones must be placed on tables found at class entrance. A student caught holding a
mobile phone in his/her pocket is automatically dismissed from the exam and the university
will take disciplinary decisions.
If this exam is signed by the invigilator the student will get an F on this course and the
University will take disciplinary actions accordingly.

Make sure the total number of papers including the cover page is 5.

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Students entering the exam room after 15 minutes are not allowed to sit on the exam.

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Mid Exam(30%) Lab Assessment (30%) Final Exam (40%) Total (100%)
I. Code output ( Pts)
1. rows = 6
message = "cheatingiswrong"
count = 0
for i in range(0, rows):
print("| ",end='')
for j in range(0, rows):
print("\\",end=' ')
elif(j < i):
if(i+j > rows -1):
print("*",end=" ")
if(i+j == rows-1):
print('/',end=' ')
print("X", end=' ')
print(message[count],end=' ')
print("| \r")

2. i=1 2
def outputX(i): 1,5
i+=1 3,8
print(i) 5,11
i *= 2 7,14
for j in range(10): 9,17
outputX(j+i) 11,20
print(i,end=',') 13,23
i+=2 15,26
outputX(i) 17,29

3. What is the problem with the following

The if condition is useless
code? Using floating point numbers for comparison
if ( True and (3.21 – 3.11 == 0.5/5)):

II. Code Completion ( Pts)
4. Complete the following program tasked to check if two strings are balanced. For example,
strings s1 and s2 are balanced if all the characters in the s1 are present in s2. The character’s
position doesn’t matter. Eg. s1 = "Yn" and s2 = "PYnative" should return True. s1 = "Ynf" and
s2 = "PYnative" should return False

def string_balance_test(s1, s2):

flag = True
for char in s1:
if char in s2:
flag = False
return flag

5. Complete the following program that accepts the name and age of a user. If the name of the
user contains all vowels the program prints accepted and the persons age + 5. If the entered
name doesn’t contain all vowels the program prints rejected and the persons age - 5.
Example: Enter your name: Abebe Enter your name: Eunoia
Enter your age: 21 Enter your age : 15
Output: Rejected 16 Output: Accepted 20
In the example above the name abebe contains ‘a’ and ‘e’ so it printed Rejected 16. The name
Eunoia contains all vowels in the alphabet. For that reason the program printed Accepted and
added 5 to the users age. Complete the following code to do the task.

name = input("Enter your name")

age = int(input("Enter your age"))
vowels = "aeiou"
count = 0
for i in vowels:
if i in name:
count += 1
if(count == 5):

III. Code writing ( Pts)
6. Write a python function that takes an integer as an argument and checks whether the given
number is palindrome or not. The function must return a boolean value.
A Palindrome number is a number in which the reverse is the same as the string itself.
You must use loops when writing the code. Casting the number to string is not allowed (the
question won’t be marked if it’s done that way!).
For example 202 , 111, 1001.
● In the above example, you can see that 1001 is a palindrome. Because the reverse of the 1001 is 1001
● 207 is not a palindrome because the reverse is 702
def isPalindrome(n):
print("The number is a palindrome!")
print("The number isn't a palindrome!")

7. Write a python function that takes two integers as an argument and checks whether the
numbers are Amicable or not. The function must return a boolean value.
Amicable numbers are two different numbers so related that the sum of the proper divisor of each is
equal to the other number. In other words, the sum of all proper divisors of number1 and the sum of
all proper divisors number2 should be equal.

1. x=int(input('Enter first number : '))

2. y=int(input('Enter second number : '))

3. sum1=0

4. sum2=0

5. for i in range(1,x):

6. if x%i==0:

7. sum1+=i

8. for j in range(1,y):

9. if y%j==0:

10. sum2+=j

11. if(sum1==sum2):
12. print('Given numbers are Amicable!')

13. else:

14. print('Given numbers are not Amicable!')

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