Problem Sets 1 To 10
Problem Sets 1 To 10
Problem Sets 1 To 10
Question 1: 8 marks
A circular well measuring 6 m in diameter with 10 m of water level has to be chlorinated. Well
water tested using Horrock’s apparatus reveals blue color from the 2nd cup. Calculate the
amount of bleaching powder required.
Question 2: 9 marks
Ms Meena, 25-year-old homemaker, visits your clinic with complaints of cough of 2 weeks
duration. She does not have any fever, night sweats or weight loss and does not give history of
hemoptysis. When her sputum was tested using CBNAAT, it showed rifampicin sensitive TB.
Question 3: 9 marks
Question 4: 9 marks
Test whether there is any association between cough and tonsillectomy from the table given
below. (Z0.001 = 3.29)
Tonsillectomy 10 15 25
No Tonsillectomy 50 25 75
Total 60 40 100
(Do not make any markings in question paper, which is to be returned.)
Total questions:4 Total marks: 35
Question 1: 8 marks
Question 2: 9 marks
A child aged one year was brought to a private nursing home with complaints of macular rashes
confined to the hairline and neck which gradually spread all over the body in next 3-4 days.
The history suggested that 3 days prior to the appearance of rash, the child had nasal catarrh
and fever. There is history of contact with a case of measles in the neighborhood.
A. What is the probable diagnosis? Substantiate your answer with reasons? (2 marks)
B. What line of management? (3 marks)
C. List the complications? (2 marks)
D. Define criteria for elimination. (1 mark)
E. What is the case definition for measles outbreak? (1 mark)
Question 3: 9 marks
Question 4: 9 marks
Question 1: 8 marks
In a boarding school, main source of water supply is from a circular well measuring 4 m
diameter 20 m depth. 2nd cup in Horrock’s apparatus shows blue color. Calculate the amount
of bleaching powder required.
Question 2: 9 marks
A 24-year-old male came to your PHC with complaints of multiple patches over the face. On
examination, it was found that there are 10 hypopigmented patches all over the face, neck and
forearm. These patches had impaired sensations. Peripheral nerves were normal.
Question 3: 9 marks
Question 4: 9 marks
A PHC conducted the following number of sterilizations during 2010 – 2021. Compute range
and standard deviation
21, 18, 20, 22, 15, 23, 17, 20, 18, 19, 16, 22.
Question 1: 8 marks
Question 2: 9 marks
Mrs. Seema was given single dose (sd) NVP prophylaxis during labour 2 years back. Now she
is again pregnant and CD4 is 400.
A. What are the criteria to start ART for the patient? (1 mark)
B. What regimen (ART) should be given now? (2 marks)
C. What ARV prophylaxis to be given for infant and for what duration? (2 marks)
D. What are the current national guidelines for feeding of HIV-exposed and infected
infants < 6 months age (4 marks)
Question 3: 9 marks
Question 4: 9 marks
Test whether there is any significant difference in the mean birth weight of 2 groups of
individuals at 1% level of significance (Z0.01 = 2.58)
Question 1: 8 marks
A house tank containing 9000 L of water is to be disinfected. You are provided with bleaching
powder containing 11% chlorine. Horrock’s 2nd cup shows blue. How much bleaching powder
is to be used for disinfection?
Question 2: 9 marks
In 2009, a 7 months’ old unvaccinated boy child was brought to OPD by his mother with the
complaints that the child was not moving his left lower extremity for 2 days. On probing for
detailed history, mother recollects that the child had fever of low grade 4 - 5 days back. On
examination, sensory system was found be normal.
A. What is the most probable diagnosis? Substantiate with supporting factors. [2 marks]
B. Mention 4 other differential diagnosis. [2 marks]
C. What precautions should be taken for children to reduce the risk of developing this
condition in present situation in India? [2 marks]
D. Discuss in brief the steps of surveillance of acute flaccid paralysis (AFP). [2 marks]
E. Mention any 1 indicator of AFP surveillance and the target to be achieved. [1 mark]
Question 3: 9 marks
Question 4: 9 marks
In a city of one lakh population there were 910 deaths in a year. There were 60 cases of lung
cancer of which 50 died. Calculate
Question 1: 8 marks
Overhead tank with 1000 L of water in your house has to be disinfected. Bleaching powder
demand was found to be 2 g in Horrock’s test.
A. Calculate the amount of bleaching powder required to disinfect the tank.
B. Which indicator is used in Horrock’s Test?
C. How much contact period do you recommend after disinfection & before use of water?
D. If Horrock’s test is not available, how do you estimate bleaching powder demand?
Question 2: 9 marks
A 56-year-old man had a slip and fall during his evening walk. He visited a nearby clinic. By
history, he sustained injury while walking on the pavement, injury on his right knee and palm
of his hands. No history of head injury, any other injury. On examination, there abrasion on
right knee with minimal bleeding, scratch abrasions on palms; Both injuries had sand particles
over it. On asking history of immunization, he does not remember childhood immunization,
remembers receiving an injection on right arm about 10 years back for an injury.
A. What are the measures to be followed to prevent Tetanus in this individual? [1.5 marks]
B. What is the tetanus immunization to be followed depending on vaccination status?
What is his category? [2.5 marks]
C. Write about Tetanus vaccine as per National Immunization Schedule. [3 marks]
D. What are the “6 Cleans” to maintain asepsis (to prevent neonatal tetanus) during child
birth? [2 marks]
Question 3: 9 marks
Construct a balanced diet for Prince, a medical student.
Question 4: 9 marks
A case – control study was conducted to evaluate the interrelationship between several risk
factors for MI. Information on smoking state was collected from a total of 789 case and
controls. Current smoking which is defined as smoking with in past 3 months was reported by
157 of 366 cases and 110 of 423 controls
A. Set up a 2x2 table.
B. Calculate exposure rates.
C. Measures of association between current smoking and MI.
D. Interpret the results.
(Do not make any markings in question paper, which is to be returned.)
Total questions:4 Total marks: 35
Question 1: 8 marks
A circular well measuring 6 m in diameter with 10 m of water level has to be chlorinated. Well
water tested using Horrock’s apparatus reveals blue color from the 2nd cup. Calculate the
amount of bleaching powder required.
Question 2: 9 marks
A 31-year-old street vendor is brought to the casualty for dog bite. It was an unprovoked dog
bite by a stray dog. Immediately the vendor was brought to casualty. On local examination,
bite marks are seen on left leg with minimal bleeding.
A. What is the first aid management for dog bite? [2marks]
B. What are the categories of contact in suspect rabid animal and recommended post
exposure prophylaxis for the same? [3 marks]
C. What is the category of wound here? [1 mark]
D. Write the 3 Post Exposure Prophylaxis regimens for dog bite? [3 marks]
Question 3: 9 marks
Construct a balanced diet for a pregnant lady.
Question 4: 9 marks
The following vital events were observed during 2019 in a town with a mid-year population
of 2 lakhs. Calculate all possible vital rates for 2019. Given
• Total number of live births = 4,000
• Total number of deaths = 1,200
• Total number of Infant Deaths = 150
• Total number of Neonatal Deaths = 90
• Total number of Maternal Deaths =5
• Total number of new cases of TB = 400
• Total number of old cases of TB = 2,000
(Do not make any markings in question paper, which is to be returned.)
Total questions:4 Total marks: 35
Question 1: 8 marks
Overhead tank with 1000 L of water in your house has to be disinfected. Bleaching powder
demand was found to be 2 g in Horrock’s test.
A. Calculate the amount of bleaching powder required to disinfect the tank.
B. Which indicator is used in Horrock’s Test?
C. How much contact period do you recommend after disinfection & before use of water?
D. If Horrock’s test is not available, how do you estimate bleaching powder demand?
Question 2: 9 marks
Mrs. ABC brought her 1 year 2 months old son to OPD. The child has history of diarrhea since
2 days, has developed fever and vomiting today. Child has passed 10 episodes of loose stools
yesterday and 4 episodes of loose stools today, till now; had 3 episodes of vomiting till now.
Child is restless and drinking lot of water.
On examination – child is restless, tongue is moist, pinch retracts immediately.
A. What are the types of dehydration with their clinical features? (3 marks)
B. What is the type of dehydration in this child? (1 mark)
C. What is the composition of reduced osmolarity ORS? (3 marks)
D. Why is Zinc administered? (1 mark)
E. Name a vaccine to prevent diarrhea in under 5 children. (1 mark)
Question 3: 9 marks
Construct a balanced diet for lactating woman.
Question 4: 9 marks
The following vital events were observed during 2019 in a town with a mid-year population
of 2 lakhs. Calculate all possible vital rates for 2019. Given
• Total number of live births = 4,000
• Total number of deaths = 1,200
• Total number of Infant Deaths = 150
• Total number of Neonatal Deaths = 90
• Total number of Maternal Deaths =5
• Total number of new cases of TB = 400
• Total number of old cases of TB = 2,000
(Do not make any markings in question paper, which is to be returned.)
Total questions:4 Total marks: 35
Question 1: 8 marks
Question 2: 9 marks
A 3-year-old female child, weighing 13 kg was brought to your PHC with complaints of fever
and cough for 8 days, with cough exacerbated in the past 1 day. On examination, respiratory
rate was found to be 50 breaths per minute. There was no rhonchi or chest indrawing.
Question 3: 9 marks
Question 4: 9 marks
A new screening test for certain disease is being evaluated. The test was administered to 490
persons, 60 of whom known to have disease. This new test was found to be positive in 50 of
60 people with the disease, as well as 15 people who do not have the disease.
Construct 2X2 table and calculate the sensitivity, specificity, % of false negative, % of false
positive, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and the prevalence of disease.
SET 10
Question 1: 8 marks
A house tank containing 9000 L of water is to be disinfected. You are provided with bleaching
powder containing 11% chlorine. Horrock’s 2nd cup shows blue. How much bleaching powder
is to be used for disinfection?
Question 2: 9 marks
Ms Meena, 25-year-old homemaker, visits your clinic with complaints of cough of 2 weeks
duration. She does not have any fever, night sweats or weight loss and does not give history of
hemoptysis. When her sputum was tested using CBNAAT, it showed rifampicin sensitive TB.
Question 3: 9 marks
Question 4: 9 marks
A case – control study was conducted to evaluate the interrelationship between several risk
factors for MI. Information on smoking state was collected from a total of 789 case and
controls. Current smoking which is defined as smoking with in past 3 months was reported by
157 of 366 cases and 110 of 423 controls