Omandailyobserver 20231012 1
Omandailyobserver 20231012 1
Omandailyobserver 20231012 1
MUSCAT: His Majesty Sultan Haitham that, he said, strongly contributed to directives to begin steps to carry out a UPGRADING OF SERVICES The Council of Ministers hailed
bin Tarik chaired a meeting of the consolidating the growth of the gross project for establishing an integrated Then, His Majesty the Sultan preparations for the Majlis Ash’shura’s
Council of Ministers at Al Barakah domestic product (GDP), upgrading Sports City capable of hosting regional reviewed the outcomes of assessment elections that were undertaken by the
Palace on Wednesday. At the outset of the country’s financial and economic and international tournaments and of all government units and their Ministry of Interior and all departments
the meeting, His Majesty the Sultan indicators and generating some financial competitions. rates of performance during the first concerned, to elect members for the
gave thanks and praise to the Almighty surplus that will be utilised in meeting a In this context, His Majesty the half of 2023. He commended the Majlis Ash’shura’s 10th Term.
Allah for the bounties of prosperity and number economic and social priorities. Sultan gave directives to develop tangible progress in the performance In this context, His Majesty the
stability. He prayed to the Almighty to To this end, the Council of Ministers infrastructure for camel races, serving as of most government units. He also Sultan underscored the need for all
perpetuate these bounties on Oman, to reviewed the draft of the State’s Budget one of major sports events to which the gave directives to exert more efforts citizens’ dedicated participation in the
grant all health and to culminate their 2024 deemed consistent with the goals activities of a large number of citizens and sustain them over the upcoming elections and the selection of competent
endeavours in success. of the 10th Five-Year Plan. are linked. These include furnishing period to help raise the standard members who are capable of imparting
Then, His Majesty the Sultan In affirmation of his Royal attention main racecourses in the governorates of government performance, with their expertise, since the power of the
reviewed domestic affairs. He expressed to the care and welfare of youth — of Oman in coordination with offices emphasis on improving the governance Majlis Ash’shura is strongly linked to
his satisfaction with Oman’s fiscal including proper grooming of youth of governors and Oman Camel Racing of procedures, organising business the those who would be elected by the
performance over the past three as the best asset for subsequent Federation. This is envisaged to activate practice, gaining the confidence of voters.
years. He valued the good outcomes generations, His Majesty the Sultan gave tourism activities in the governorates. beneficiaries and upgrading services. TURN TO P2
WEATHER MUSCAT: Max 350 C Min 270 C SALALAH: Max 320 C Min 250 C NIZWA: Max 390 C Min 240 C PRAYER TIMINGS SUNRISE: 06:02 FAJR: 04:47 DHUHR: 11:59 ASR: 15:20 MAGHRIB: 17:50 ISHA: 19:01
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His Majesty Sultan Haitham bin Tarik presided over the Council of Ministers meeting at Al Barakah Palace on Wednesday.
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in tsunami His Highness Sayyid Theyazin bin Haitham bin Tarik al Said, Minister of Culture, Sports, and Youth, extended honours to a
Furniture factory fined
exercise select group of cultural, heritage, and artistic luminaries from the Gulf Cooperation Council countries
for using old material
The twenty-seventh assembly @afrahalbalushia
of culture ministers of the Gulf
Cooperation Council (GCC) In a significant crackdown,
countries wrapped up its three- authorities have seized nearly
day session in Muscat on 4,000 kilogrammes of discarded
Wednesday. This significant event materials, including sponges,
The practice involved recycling
addressed an array of pivotal worn cloth, used wood, and old discarded materials through grinding
The exercise aims to evaluate
effectiveness of the early warning issues, reinforcing the cultural furniture, which were being used
system against the danger of endeavours within the GCC to manufacture furniture and used furniture, stored without
tsunamis in the Indian Ocean countries and the cultural strategy mattresses falsely presented as maintaining health standards.
MUSCAT: The Sultanate of Oman spanning from 2020 to 2030. new. These materials were reused
on Wednesday took part in the His Highness Sayyid Theyazin The Consumer Protection and processed with specialised
regional exercise “IOWave23” bin Haitham bin Tarik al Said, Department in Al Batinah South machines and then distributed
which aims to evaluate and Minister of Culture, Sports, and Gulf Cooperation Council meeting addressed an array of pivotal issues, Governorate made the seizures in as new furniture and mattresses
enhance the effectiveness of the reinforcing the cultural the cultural strategy spanning from 2020 to 2030
early warning system against the Youth, extended honours to a Al Rustaq to curb the violations to specialised stores across the
danger of tsunamis in the Indian select group of cultural, heritage, GCC countries’ cultural strategy, age-old customs and traditions. by unscrupulous suppliers Sultanate of Oman.
Ocean. and artistic luminaries from which had inspired many projects, Underlining the imperatives and prevent the circulation of This devious practice involved
The drill was held at regional the Gulf Cooperation Council events, and collaborative cultural of cultural work, the meeting unauthorised products. recycling these discarded
and national centres in countries countries. These accolades programmes. underscored the need for constant Mohammed bin Khalid bin materials through grinding and
adjoining the Indian Ocean rim.
The Sultanate of Oman was recognised their significant These efforts not only adapted progression and the adoption of Hamoud al Hinai, Head of crushing machines, followed by
represented in the drill by the contributions towards enriching to the evolving regional, Arab, ambitious strategies and plans. Market Control Department, shaping and cutting to produce
Civil Aviation Authority (CAA), the cultural landscape of the GCC and global landscapes but also These measures are necessary to explained the circumstances furniture and mattresses.
the Ministry of Information, countries. advanced the mission to uphold attain the lofty strategic objectives leading to the raids. During a Besides financial implications,
Royal Oman Police (ROP).
Further, the drill is considered Chairing the meeting, Said bin cherished cultural identities and set forth by the ministers, as they routine inspection of various such practices have health
an opportunity to test readiness Sultan al Busaidy, Under-Secretary safeguard Arab and Islamic values. seek to foster well-rounded citizens commercial establishments in repercussions. The Consumer
in receiving tsunami warnings of the Ministry of Culture, This commitment to nurturing a and conscientious individuals the governorate, officials visited a Protection Department took
and assuring that all people in Sports, and Youth for Culture, robust intellectual and knowledge who contribute meaningfully furniture and mattress supplier’s swift legal action against the
society are warned, as well as
conducting tsunami scenarios. reflected on the meeting’s context. system becomes all the more to holistic development. The factory. There, they discovered culprits. The seized items were
Further, the drill is conducted He lauded the achievements, crucial in a world increasingly meeting concluded with a set of excessive waste materials, such investigated promptly destroyed,
once every two years. — ONA including the formulation of the exposed to ideas that challenge recommendations. as wood, sponge, worn cloth, and and the factory was fined.
ale inexpressiveness is the most male counterparts but find it difficult to engage in The workplace pressures, the daily exhaustion,
challenging trait to deal with expressing their feelings towards their wives. and the ruthless world that a male deals with on
for most of the women. The role The latter is more encountered in society across an everyday basis to safeguard his loved ones also
they play in providing for the all cultures. contribute to speaking less about his daily ordeal and
family in terms of protection and Over the years, the vague standards of societal he feels at ease by saying little or not saying anything
guardianship is the backbone of raising a strong and masculinity have jotted the dots with not at all and keeps himself confined in his cave where
responsible household. expressing their emotions out to be an applaudable only selective folks get entry to share.
Yet they are often questioned for their trait. IT IS EVEN MORE The problem pops up because the female system is
Dr Nisma Haris inexpressive attitude and approach in day-to-day They have been considered strong enough to not designed by nature to expect expressions of love and
family life. express and hold their emotions back and this has UNDERSTAND comfort and consoles.
The writer is a general But what has shaped this attitude and what goes shaped this behaviour to a substantial extent. A female needs a sense of security through the
physician and content through their minds; let’s dig in. If we rewind to their adolescence, they had spent caring words being said. And when this expectation
creator To begin with, it is important to understand that a less time with their mothers or sisters and there is met with an inexpressive attitude, the collision
female mind and a male mind are entirely different. developed a void in understanding how to share NESS SHOULD occurs.
Their thought processes and their perception of and express their feelings with the female family NEVER BE Albeit, a female knows pretty firmly that her
society and the world are entirely different. members. EQUATED WITH partner cares for her, she constantly needs verbal
Here, there is no question of who is wrong and However, the good news is this trend is changing CARELESSNESS assurance.
who is right but getting to know the foundation of over time and men are becoming more expressive If we as males and females understand our roles
inexpressiveness. than they used to be in the earlier days. It’s even and stop pushing one another to the extremes that
Well, it can be of varied kinds. One is about more pivotal to understand the fact that this can go a long way toward dissolving this issue.
being ‘totally inexpressive’ towards fellow male inexpressiveness should never be equated with So next time, when gentlemen sometimes express
or female friends or wives and another type can carelessness. themselves and ladies, just let them be when they are
be ‘selective expressiveness’; they are comfortable They do care and work hard to sweat in order to not willing to; as this is how our programming is set
and able to express their heart out among their provide all the comfort for their household. by nature!
concerns loom What does a ‘complete siege’
large as Poles
prepare to vote
of the Gaza Strip mean?
srael’s defence minister’s order
STANISLAW WASZAK to place a “complete siege” on
the Gaza Strip came on top of
head of Sunday’s elections in a 16-year blockade that Israel,
Poland, petrol is being sold by the often along with Egypt, has
state energy giant Orlen at budget imposed on the coastal territory.
prices in what experts called “an The announcement by Defence
election present”. For analysts this Minister Yoav Gallant on Monday
is just one example of an economy managed for that Gaza would receive “no
political gain by a government that is putting off Emma Bubola electricity, no food, no water, no
difficult choices for later. fuel” after a major incursion by
“The peculiarity of this government is an The writer is a reporter Palestinian gunmen left hundreds
economic policy that is totally dominated for NYT based in dead has led aid agencies to warn of
by the short-term effect without long-term London an exacerbated humanitarian crisis.
considerations,” said Witold Orlowski, head of Under the long-standing
experts at the consultancy PwC Poland. blockade, the densely populated
Since the populist Law and Justice (PiS) party strip, with more than 2 million
came to power in 2015, Poles have enjoyed high residents, nearly half of whom
social welfare benefits while the government has are younger than 18, faces severe
made enormous investments in infrastructure restrictions on the movements of
and defence. Many experts question whether goods and people.
these are the signs of a flourishing economy or of Most commodities in Gaza, from
a government that is managing the accounts to foodstuffs to construction supplies,
make things seem better than they are. are imported from Israel through
The opposition has made economic worries official border crossings, according
The ruins of the Yassin Mosque in the Shati refugee camp, just outside Gaza City.
part of its election campaign, while the to the United Nations.
government has focused on national security, Gaza gets most of its electricity
sovereignty and migration. Ben Hubbard via Israeli power lines, and produces Shalom Crossing for cargo and the have to do so without reliable access
Whether or not PiS win a third term or are some at a power plant in Gaza with Erez Crossing for people. to electricity,” Mahmoud Shalabi,
defeated by the liberal Civic Coalition opposition The writer is the fuel imported from Israel. It receives “Before things were restricted, a senior programme manager for
on Sunday “it is clear that the economic situation Istanbul bureau chief a smaller number of goods through now they are blocked entirely,” said Medical Aid for Palestinians, a
will not be easy to handle” for any government, for NYT its much shorter border with Egypt. Tania Hary, the executive director charity based in the UK, said in an
Orlowski said. Electricity shortages are chronic, of Gisha, an Israeli nonprofit that email.
The focus so far has been on consumption with power often available for focuses on free movement of Egyptian officials have not said
rather than dealing with debt and inflation or only 12 to 15 hours per day. That Palestinians in Gaza. whether Israel’s announced siege
boosting investments -- measures that would spur undermines health services, water of Gaza would affect their policy
long-term growth. pumping and purification and the toward the movement of goods and
Inflation has remained high in Poland, with the area’s fragile economy, aid workers people in and out of the territory.
EU forecasting a figure of 11.4 per cent for 2023. say. Gaza’s border with Egypt
Investments meanwhile have fallen to just 16.7 Movement of people in and out HUMANITARIAN OFFICIALS remained open with limited traffic
per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) -- the of Gaza was heavily restricted before SAID A COMPLETE on Tuesday, and truckloads of food,
lowest level in 20 years, below the EU average of the attacks, with Israel and Egypt construction material, fuel and
22.5 per cent. granting small numbers of people emergency medical supplies entered
Growth is expected to remain sluggish with permission to travel, mostly for work MORE SEVERE SUFFERING over the weekend. But Egypt also
a forecast of 0.5 per cent expansion in 2023, or medical care. FOR PALESTINIAN heavily controls the movement of
according to the EU. On Saturday, after Palestinian CIVILIANS IN GAZA. people and goods across its border
Even if public debt in Poland remains relatively shooters began their assault inside crossing, opening and closing it in
low at around 49 per cent of GDP “we do not Israel, Israeli authorities stopped response to security conditions.
know the full extent of debt because the data has supplying electricity, leaving Gaza’s Even if Egypt left its crossing
been distorted or disguised by the government,” residents with only about three open, experts said, it could not fill
Orlowski said. or four hours of power per day, Humanitarian officials said a the gaps left by the complete closure
“This lack of transparency in public finances is according to the UN’s humanitarian complete blockade would create of Israel’s crossings.
scandalous” particularly since the government has office, which said Gaza’s power plant more severe suffering for Palestinian In 2022, some 32 per cent of
recently made large arms purchases from South might soon run out of fuel. civilians in Gaza. goods entering Gaza came from
Korea and the United States after Russia’s attack of Now, Israel has closed both of “Overwhelmed hospitals treating Egypt, Gisha said in a report.
Ukraine. — AFP its crossings with Gaza, the Kerem thousands of wounded will now — The New York Times
Pandemic preparedness cannot wait
s a firm believer in already experiencing more climate-
multilateralism, I was related health emergencies, including
heartened that the outbreaks of infectious diseases such as
United Nations General cholera and yellow fever.
Assembly adopted a The good news is that some progress
political declaration on pandemic is already being made on this front.
prevention, preparedness, and response The Covid-19 Vaccine Global Access
at its first-ever high-level meeting on (COVAX) facility, established in 2020
the subject in September. It confirms by Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance (whose
that world leaders recognise the José Manuel Barroso board I chair), the Coalition for
existential threat of pandemics and Epidemic Preparedness Innovations,
are committed to breaking the panic- The writer is a former the UN, and the WHO, has delivered
neglect cycle, whereby policymakers president of the nearly two billion doses of vaccines.
pull out all the stops to fight disease European Commission The vast majority went to lower-
outbreaks, only to turn their attention and prime minister of income countries, where 81 per cent
elsewhere once the crisis ends. Portugal, is Chair of of health workers and 67 per cent of
The landmark declaration has older people received at least two doses.
the Board of Gavi, the
generated much-needed momentum Averting more than 2.7 million deaths,
for a global pandemic treaty, which Vaccine Alliance the initiative is undoubtedly the most
is currently under development at successful response to a global health
the World Health Organization. But emergency in history.
translating a political commitment As we prepare to phase out COVAX
into a meaningful agreement requires at the end of the year, Gavi has already
significant buy-in from WHO member devoted considerable effort to assessing
states, and negotiations are sure to be the facility’s shortcomings and has
arduous. taken practical steps to do better next
As this process unfolds, we must time. That means, from the outset,
implement practical measures to having enough cash to preorder
preserve the knowledge gained vaccines on behalf of lower-income
during the Covid-19 pandemic, countries — just like wealthier countries
and to improve upon the innovative reserved Covid-19 doses. It also means
mechanisms that emerged from it. Any incentivising investment in vaccine-
eventual treaty can thus enter into force production capacity across Africa and in
with many working parts already in other underserved regions that were hit
place. And, in the meantime, the world AS hard by export bans.
will be better prepared for the next MULTILATERAL Building up manufacturing networks,
infectious-disease emergency. if done right, is a multi-year process. But
The pandemic may have faded it is necessary, as is immediate access to
from our collective consciousness, but DEBATE HOW cash, to counter the tendency, apparent
with official Covid-19 deaths nearing TO MITIGATE during the pandemic and rooted in
seven million and the pandemic’s cost FUTURE DISEASE national self-interest, to direct scarce
to the United States economy alone OUTBREAKS, supplies to the countries with the most
reaching $14 trillion, it is clear that WE CAN TAKE money rather than the most need. And
a more strongly coordinated global PRACTICAL more needs to be done to ensure that
response is required to protect against countries are prepared, to improve
future threats. And make no mistake: vaccine readiness, and to sustain a broad
another pandemic is an evolutionary IMPROVE UPON coalition of partners ready and willing to
The remains of a giant aquarium are seen in Berlin. A final report on what led a giant Berlin aquarium to
certainty. In addition to the current THE INNOVATIVE implement a coordinated response. burst last December, sending 1,400 tropical fish gushing into a hotel lobby, came back inconclusive on
rise in Covid-19 cases, the world is MECHANISMS © Project Syndicate, 2023 Wednesday. — AFP
coalition of reach ‘net zero’ instead of cutting a significant portion of their companies looking to use the companies in 12 different sectors.
conservation and their own emissions. environmental impacts, even if slogan, but not transform how Meanwhile, an international
business groups is Despite the involvement of strong actions were taken to avoid they operate in practice. working group of business and
calling for governments large conservation organisations and reduce them first. Marco Lambertini, special finance executives launched a set
and companies to adopt like WWF and the International “We can’t solve these problems envoy for WWF International, of guidelines from the Taskforce
a global ‘nature positive’ goal of having Union for Conservation of Nature by just protecting wild nature,” said it was not meant to be a on Nature-Related Financial
more of the natural world left in 2030, (IUCN), some campaigners doubt she said. “All analysis shows that buzzword, but a measurable Disclosure for companies to
but critics say the aim is too vague and the power of nature positive as we have to protect wild nature global goal to “inject a clear, high report their nature-related risks
may be open to abuse. a tool to stem environmental and we have to change our supply level of accountability”. and impacts.
From deforestation and pollution destruction. chains - and this net argument is He said many companies had Lambertini said biodiversity
to overfishing, human actions are Marília Monteiro Silva, fundamental to that.” been cautious in embracing it in was “by definition local”, meaning
causing often irreversible biodiversity senior portfolio manager in She said work was being done the absence of clear guidance, but restoration work must be local
loss, while eroding nature’s ability to nature finance at Greenpeace to create standardised biodiversity initiative partners were releasing too, such as regenerating a
absorb planet-heating carbon dioxide International, believes it is a metrics which were appropriate more resources on how to degraded area of the Amazon
emissions and ward off the worst of “problematic” concept as the term to local contexts, but could be disclose and take action on nature rainforest.
global warming. is being used before there is a compared at scale, such as the impacts. Last month, Business That, he argued, could make it
The Nature Positive Initiative aims “clear and aligned understanding” Accounting for Nature framework for Nature and the World easier to ascertain whether efforts
to create a collective mission around of what it means. developed in Australia. Business Council for Sustainable to protect it were doing what they
nature, much like the 2015 UN Paris Silva said biodiversity was too A major challenge facing Development, for example, promised.
Agreement to limit global warming to complex to measure in a similar the Nature Positive Initiative is worked with the World Economic “It has to be like for like. It
1.5 degrees Celsius that sent a signal to way to carbon emissions, and has to be local compensation,”
policymakers, markets and the public, that doing so neglected nature’s he said. But many companies
said Eva Zabey, CEO of Business for intrinsic value. have a long way to go to even
Nature, a corporate coalition. “You’re basically talking about understand the effects of their
Originally launched at COP15 measuring what is unmeasurable,” operations and sourcing on
UN nature talks in Montreal last she said. But those involved nature. Marissa Balfour, a
December, campaigners now want to with the initiative say companies corporate engagement adviser
put some meat on the bones - to better must avoid and reduce their own at US-based non-profit The
define their goals and how companies damage before looking to increase Nature Conservancy, said she was
and other institutions measure their nature elsewhere and transform surprised by the lack of visibility
contributions towards them. POSITIVE how they interact with nature companies had throughout their
“Ultimately, it’s about strengthening INITIATIVE AIMS more broadly. supply chains when she worked in
our accountability systems in order TO CREATE A “We need to hold people the textile and apparel industry.
to be able to increasingly make sure COLLECTIVE to account, particularly for “A huge barrier is lack of
companies are held responsible MISSION AROUND irreplaceable parts of nature,” said traceability into a company’s value
for their impacts on nature and NATURE, MUCH E J Milner-Gulland, professor of chains,” she said, particularly for
biodiversity,” Zabey said. biodiversity at the University of the raw material stage - which
But critics say the terms of nature Oxford and co-lead of the Nature is where the largest impacts on
positive are unclear and could be PARIS AGREEMENT Positive Universities network. nature tend to happen.
used to offset destruction in one place TO LIMIT GLOBAL But she said organisations and A fisherman throws a net from his canoe in Xokleng Laklano indigenous land Santa — Thomson Reuters
with restoration in another, like some WARMING companies her team had analysed Catarina state, Brazil. — Reuters file photo Foundation
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T H U R S DAY l O C TO B E R 1 2 l 2 0 2 3
ive times World Cup 2-0 down to beat the Australians 3-2 Makram, Rassie van der Dussen, African juggernaut. In the past World
champions Australia clash and would like to continue that when Henrich Klassendn and David Miller Cup, noticeably the 1999 World Cup,
against an in-form South they meet them at Lucknow pitch. all looking in prime form. Australia Australia won two games against
Africa in Lucknow on Australia’s problem is spin and skipper Pat South Africa from a losing position to
Thursday and will have to South Africa have willy Keshav Cummins win that World Cup and go on to win
up their game and get their first points Maharaj and Chinaman Tabraiz will have in 2003 and 2007 too but South Africa
of the World Cup after going down to Shamsi along with Aiden Makram to get his will hope they can turn this time
India in their first game. South Africa ANIS SAJAN who too is quite handy with his act right in around against their rivals.
hammered the highest score so far off-spin. Whereas Australia’s containing the After a long time, South African
in the tournament against Sri Lanka Adam Zampa struggled against attacking South team looks a well-balanced side, but
and must be very high on confidence India in spin friendly conditions African batsman. can they pass the acid test of a World
against a team whom they have not in Chennai. Mitchell Starc and Cup where they have faltered at the
done well in World Cups. South Africa’s batting Josh Hazzelwood both end many times, time will tell but
In the 5-match series before the looks very strong with looked good against India and watch out for this South African side
World Cup, South Africa came from Quinton de Cock, Aiden will hope to stop the South today.
Oman Crude $ 88.18
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Integrated residential Oman oil exports reach 205 million barrels until end-August
neighbourhoods MUSCAT: The total quantity of oil exports of
the Sultanate of Oman by end of August 2023
reached 205.012 million barrels, by calculating
countries reached 6.748 million barrels.
The data pointed out the total domestic
production and import of natural gas amounted
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this page are solely those of the authors and do not reflect the opinion of the Observer.
Classified Section
Mohammed al Rashdi: 99841230 Ali al Maashari: 99639264 Saada al Rashdi 24649593
[email protected] [email protected] 95919344 24649595
& sales Executive,
Indian male, 31
SIT. WANTED years, BA English,
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Accounting. 2
professional with 17 years experience
years’ experience in in India & 6 years
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level opportunity. Seeking position
Please contact: +968 in Accounts/Sales
78581435. fields (has Oman
license). Mob:
ARCHITECTURAL 78805951. Gmail:
Engineer looking for a akhilgopinath2017@
job, resident in Salalah.
Expertise in Business
Flats for rent
FLAT FOR RENT FOR RENT 1) Darsait, near Indian School. Two bedroom flat, bath
Management, Marketing ARCHITECT
attached, hall, kitchen and guest toilet. One bedroom flat, & Sales. Mob: 97602926 with three years of
hall, kitchen and toilet. experience, 28-year-
FLATS for rent
FLATS and 2) Al Khuwair, near Rawasco. One bedroom, bath, kitchen, EXPERT in selling
in north Al Hail: AC, curtains. old Indian woman
3) Al Ghubrah, near Mars Hypermarket. Two bedroom
and marketing goods with a B.Arch.,
Ground floor: 2 offices for rent
flat with attached bath, hall, kitchen and guest toilet. One produced in Oman to looking for work.
rooms, 1 Majlis, in Muscat. bedroom flat with attached bath, hall, kitchen and guest the UAE markets and Mobile: 96021743,
2 toilets, kitchen. toilet. vice versa is looking for sairanowshad3@
96379095, 4) Al Ghubrah, near Indian School. Two bedroom flat with
First floor: 3 rooms, a good break. 78501743.
attached bath, hall, kitchen and guest toilet.
1 Majlis, 3 toilets, 98403020. *All flats provided with AC. TEL: 91473374 / 97886085
kitchen. Contact
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number 95588775. FOR SALE SIT. WANTED Oman Driving Licence, SUDANESE lawyer
residing in Muscat with and legal adviser,
IN Darsait near the DISCONTINUOUS 1 year and 4 months
INDIAN male 25 with more than 30
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Machine, running experience in Digital India, seeking Accounts
bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, in Sudanese courts
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Wi-Fi. RO 220 monthly 99205104. Mail iD: suitable opportunity. krishnanmahesh02@ in Muscat, Tel:
only. Tel: 99315986 [email protected] Contact: 97908857
79121176, Yasir.
INDIAN national
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FICO Consultant with
7 years work experience
from Oman in Finance
Department. Looking
for a suitable position.
Contact: 99685330.
Email: hussain_ca87@
An Afghan man rides a horse as the
sun sets in Dawlatabad district of Uruguayan rock
Balkh province. — AFP band Buitres lead
singer Gabriel Peluffo
performs at the
Teatro de Verano, in
GUITAR Montevideo. — AFP
Martin Nolan,
Director, Chief
Financial Officer, A cyclist rides past pedestrians
and a principal of sitting on the banks of the
Julien’s Auctions, Garonne River at sunset
shows Eric Clapton next to the Dome de la Grave
Fool guitar during landmark (CL), in Toulouse,
the media preview PRINCESS southwestern France. — AFP
for Julien’s played, Britain’s Catherine, Princess of
worn, torn rock Wales, reacts during a visit to
‘roll iconic guitars Nottingham Trent University,
and memorabilia’ in Nottingham, central
in Gardena, England. — AFP
California. — AFP
| OCTOBER 12, 2023 | RABEE AL AWWAL 26, 1445 AH
An expression of
social engagement
through art
or centuries, art The son sculpture is
has been known very close to the mother
for speaking on sculpture, showing the
behalf of the artist essence of expressing
and a critical response to maternal love, affection
the artist’s surroundings. and care. The harmony
Artists continue to use art between the two sculp-
to reflect their critical tures allows viewers to
perspectives on certain feel that it is exactly the
situations and discuss same as maternal love in
social situations. real life, leading to the ste-
Abdullah al Kalbani is reotype that “mother is
an Omani artist whose the only source of emo-
artworks are themed tion between parents”.
around social issues and The father sculpture is
situations because he placed a little bit far away
believes that art can from the son sculpture.
depict every psychologi- However, when the viewer
cal and social scene deep- in some of his work, he always finds himself members: mother, father deforms the father’s love. looks closer, he can see
ly. finds himself in a position drowning in its details and and son. The three sculptures that the father sculpture’s
Al Kalbani insists that where he must hold and concepts that it holds. In his work, Al Kalbani are placed very carefully attention and concern are
art is a message that plac- deliver the message of art Cats are an important ele- criticises the stereotype to convey the artist’s per- focused on his son. It can
es the onus on its people to stimulate and cause ment in this artwork, as in of the emotional role; the spective, emphasising the be seen that a father’s
to grasp. Thus, even if he social changes. most of his works. Three mother is always the presence of fatherly love love usually appears in
believes in ‘Art for the “Family” is one of the sculptures are used to source of emotion in the and affection, albeit of a different ways, always
sake of art’ and follows it artworks that Al Kalbani show different family family structure, which different nature than ready to protect.
Hosts 2-Day
in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, wit-
nessed an exceptional two-day
KCON concert that featured an
incredible lineup of artists. The
event attracted a massive crowd
of Korean music enthusiasts, who
gathered to enjoy performances
by their favourite groups.
grips of the last Ice Age, as human ic particles that can create spikes nario, the impact could cost us
SCIENCES hunter-gatherers eked out a liv- in radiocarbon production occur- billions, or even trillions, of dollars
ing in difficult conditions in many ring over the course of a single in lost GDP,” Heaton added.
places around the world. year,” said Edouard Bard, a pro- The trees, buried at the end of
“At the time, those living on fessor of climate and ocean evo- the last glaciation period, had
Huge ancient Earth would have likely first seen
a bright solar flare - a flash in the
lution at the Collège de France
and the research centre CEREGE.
begun to fossilise but still retained
organic material.
solar storm sky,” said Tim Heaton, a professor
of applied statistics at the
University of Leeds in England
Nine such extreme solar
storms now have been identified
using tree-ring radiocarbon evi-
“The good preservation of the
trunks and their in-life position -
still rooted, with pieces of bark
revealed by and one of the authors of the
study published in the Royal
dence, with the most recent in 774
and 993 AD.
remaining - indicate that the trees
were rather quickly buried,” said
Society’s Philosophical The largest directly observed study co-author Cécile Miramont,
tree rings in Transactions A: Mathematical,
Physical and Engineering
solar storm, called the Carrington
Event, occurred in 1859, wreaking
a professor of paleoenvironments
and paleoclimates at Aix-
Sciences journal. havoc on telegraphs and creating Marseille University in France
French Alps “Then several hours later, they
likely would have seen a huge
a nighttime aurora so bright that
birds sang as if the sun was rising.
and the research institute IMBE.
“Subfossil wood originates when
aurora in the sky that would The one 14,300 years ago would wood is buried in an anaerobic
ANNUAL GROWTH RINGS inside extend much further towards the have been something like 10 times environment, with an absence of
the ancient remains of Scots pine equator than current auroras. more severe. microbial and chemical degrada-
trees in the Southern French Alps They wouldn’t have noticed the The effects of solar storms can tion.”
have revealed evidence of the high-energy particles or been disable electronics. The researchers corroborated
largest-known solar storm, one aware that they were experienc- “If similar solar storms hap- their findings by detecting a cor-
that might have fried satellites ing a geomagnetic disturbance,” pened today, they could be cata- responding spike in another
and knocked out electricity grids Heaton added. strophic for society, as we are so chemical isotope in Greenland
had it occurred today. Energetic solar particles would reliant upon technology,” Heaton ice-cores dating to the same year.
Researchers said on Monday have flooded Earth’s upper said. “We do not know what causes
the solar storm - the sun sending atmosphere, causing a chain of “They could do enormous dam- such extreme solar storms to
a large burst of energetic parti- nuclear reactions and leading to age to our electricity grids, poten- occur, how frequently they might
cles into space - occurred 14,300 a sudden spike in production of tially causing nationwide black- occur or if we can predict them,”
years ago. Evidence for it mani- radiocarbon that would have outs lasting months, permanently Heaton said. “This is the big ques-
fested as a huge spike in radio- been absorbed into the tissue of putting satellites out of action tion: will our communications,
carbon - an isotope, or form, of growing trees. with the huge bursts of energetic electricity grids and satellites
the element carbon - detected in “About 10 years ago, scientists particles destroying their solar mostly be able to withstand their
the growth rings of the tree discovered that extreme solar panels and stopping us communi- impacts and just suffer tempo-
remains along the Drouzet River events including solar flares and cating with them, and pose severe rary effects before quickly com-
near the town of Gap. coronal mass ejections can cre- radiation risks to astronauts and ing back online? Or will they cata-
Earth at the time was in the ate short-term bursts of energet- aviation. In the worst-case sce- strophically fail?” — Reuters
T H U R S DAY l O C TO B E R 1 2 l 2 0 2 3
Shaddad al Musalmy
‘Waiting time
too long to
So last week my seven-yea-old son
came back from school with high fever.
As always, we first administer a par-
acetamol dose and give it some time to
react, probably around forty minutes but
whenever it reoccurs again then we opt to
take him to the nearest health centre.
Health centres are a great opportunity
for us but to be honest the reception you
get can sometimes trigger your anger
MUSIC leading to lowering your self-esteem due
to the tension of seeing different patients
with different symptoms.
As I took my son to the health centre
Music too fast for feet around 9.30 pm, the queues were not as
long as during the day. So I was glad that
we would get quick medical attention for
my son as at this moment he was having a
very high fever and very weak that he
could not even stand or sit.
I immediately rushed to the triage room.
My token was not next but I thought I
would just get some emergency help at
least to cool down his temperature but to
my surprise before I could utter a word,
the duty nurse asked me if it was my
token. I said no but...
Before I could utter out “the but,” he
ordered me rudely to go sit and wait for
my token.
I tried to murmur that he should at
least give him something to cool his fever
but he again cut my words short and told
me to sit and wait.
Honestly, at this point, I lost my temper
and asked in an angry tone. “Even in a
matter of extreme illness you can’t attend
to us even if it is not my token yet?” He still
insisted that he has other patients to han-
I know whoever comes to any hospital
has a health issue but let us be realistic.
Not every patient’s situation is like the
Some come for results collection from
their lab blood tests, others come for rou-
tine check up while others come for minor
cases and others are seriously unwell.
The waiting list of the long queues at
health centres are frustrating. When
IT WAS FRIDAY night, tronic music tracks of liners imitate their style gy as possible, and the someone is sick, the frustration becomes
and the clubgoers in 2022 had much faster to keep up the energy in high-octane results double as one has to endure both pain and
Sputnikhalle in Münster tempos than similar the club. “You can’t just be became a staple at then waiting and in some cases triple the
were primed to go hard. songs in 2016. Specialist a grandma and go, ‘Tra- Europe’s illegal pandem- pain as suddenly you are told there is a
Decked out in black dance music publications la-la, 120 BPM,’” he said, ic-era raves. system shutdown and so you have to wait
clothes and sunglasses, like Mixmag and adding that he believed Since coronavirus-pre- much longer.
despite the dim light, the Beatportal have noted the the trend still hasn’t vention measures were To make the story short, around 12.45
young crowd chanted the trend, and many of the reached its peak. relaxed last year, the am after midnight, I was lucky enough that
name of Héctor Oaks, a buzzy DJs of the moment, In an interview, Oaks sound has now transi- it was my token but prior to seeing the
doctor, I was again kept for more than half
Spanish DJ, as he began like Ukraine’s Daria said that he began devel- tioned to the continent’s an hour due to existing patients who came
playing his signature Kolosova and Polish DJ oping his sound in 2013, clubs, including in small- in to show the doctor their ECG findings.
muscular, fast techno. VTSS, are known for by melding traditional er cities like Münster, My turn finally arrived but as I entered
Standing on top of the cranking up the speed. techno sets with other which has a population of the doctor’s room, he again said he was
club’s risers, the crowd “I see it everywhere,” genres, including trance. about 300,000. Oaks is having a quick meeting with the same duty
barely tried to keep up said Casper Tielrooij, the Music played at a higher now regularly booked at nurse who had ignored me earlier so I had
with the beat. Instead of founder of Dekmantel, a speed, he said, causes venues in Ibiza, for to sit and wait. Then the moment came
moving their legs, many label and annual elec- dancers’ hips, rather than instance, which were when I finally went in again. However, I
just oscillated their hips. tronic music festival in their feet, to resonate, fos- previously known for was told there was a sudden system shut-
Neele Hoyer, 21, a col- Amsterdam. “It’s not only tering a movement more their softer, warmer down and tokens had mixed up.
lege student attending the techno, but jungle and akin to hovering than sound. I was fed up now and decided to lay my
complaints to the doctor until he was con-
event, explained that most trance and drum and dancing. “I’ve thought Tahliah Simumba, 25, a vinced to take my son in.
other German techno bass.” He argued that about this a lot,” he added. Scottish musician who As a nation, I believe Oman can do bet-
fans of her age had devel- although the zeitgeist He recalled that the DJs as TAAHLIAH, grew ter in terms of health centres. If a vote
oped affinity for such had started to change music he played was an her following during the would be casted, the majority, if not all,
breathless music. “It’s before COVID, the faster, outlier on the European pandemic with pop- would opt for the process to be shortened.
gone totally mainstream,” harder genre of techno club scene a decade ago. inflected sets that often Taking tokens, (which sometimes are
she said. Dancing to such had “exploded during the But he partly grew a culminated at 170 BPM. In offline) then waiting for the long triage
a fast beat could some- pandemic” and tastes following at Herrensauna, a recent phone interview, room queue and then again waiting for
times be strenuous, she were partly being shaped a Berlin-based party she said that TikTok, the the long queue to see the doctor is exas-
added, but “this is what’s by young people who had known for its harder video app, has been cru- perating.
normal to us.” spent their late teens or sound. The Herrensauna cial in shaping post-pan- I personally am of the view that since it
is a health centre where they expect hun-
In recent years, Oaks, early 20s in lockdown. DJs’ 2018 appearance on demic club culture. The dreds of patients on a daily basis, then
32, has become a promi- Luigi Di Venere, a tech- the influential Boiler app, which focuses on time wasted on the triage over tempera-
nent figure in a broader no and house DJ who Room platform, which snappy clips, has a large ture, weight and blood pressure checks
trend in electronic music. often plays at Berghain, a hosts livestreamed sets, user base of techno fans, can be done right inside the doctor’s office.
While conventional tech- Berlin techno club, said was a “turning point” for and its short videos It would be better if a token leads you
no is often played at that “there’s this idea that his kind of music, he said. favour fast-paced music. directly to the doctor’s room and from
around 120 to 130 beats they need to speed things “After that, you could see She added that, as a there to the pharmacy.
per minute, Oaks and up to make up for it, and everything switched.” younger DJ raised in an We are very thankful we get medical
other DJs often play at in case it happens again.” The style’s success was online environment, her help but we also believe something better
145 or above. The result- He added that the less likely fueled by other sound was largely devel- and less frustrating can be planned. Till
ing hard-charging, break- “organic” and more developments, including oped in isolation from the next...
neck sound has become “robotic” fast music suit- the proliferation of online dance floor. “I try not to
the defining sound of ed a generation of club- DJ streams, like Hör, dur- be held back by hierar- Shaddad al Musalmy is a seasoned
Europe’s dance floors goers more connected to ing the pandemic’s lock- chical idea of what DJing Omani journalist who worked for top
since the lockdown phase online culture. downs. According to Di is,” she said. “I want to be newspapers in the country. He’s currently
of the pandemic. He argued that the Venere, because these having as much fun as one of Oman Observer’s senior editors and
contributes across different beats. His com-
A data analysis by brisk sound is partly sus- streams were often possible, and what is mentaries about life in general paints a vivid
German public broad- tained by a kind of feed- shorter than normal club DJing, after all, other than picture of the changing landscape in Oman.
caster RBB this summer back loop: As some DJs sets, DJs were pushed to playing music you like?”
found that the top elec- play faster, their co-head- squeeze in as much ener- — NYT FOR FEEDBACK, EMAIL THE AUTHOR AT
[email protected]