00 Brazing Steels

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Materials Science and Engineering A 418 (2006) 45–52

Mechanical property of induction brazing TiAl-based intermetallics

to steel 35CrMo using AgCuTi filler metal
P. He ∗ , J.C. Feng, W. Xu
National Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding Production Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, People’s Republic of China
Accepted 5 November 2005

TiAl-based intermetallics joined by vacuum induction brazing using Ag–Cu35.2–Ti1.8 filler alloy at 850–970 ◦ C for 1–10 min was investigated.
The optimum brazing parameters are as follows: brazing temperature is 870–880 ◦ C, brazing time is 4–6 min. The maximum tensile strength of the
joint is 320 MPa for the specimen induction brazed at for 870 ◦ C for 5 min, and at this time, the thickness of Al–Cu–Ti intermetallic compound layer
is about one third of that of the whole interface. Interfacial microstructure of TiAl/Ag–Cu–Ti/35CrMo joint brazed at 870 ◦ C for 5 min is instable
at 400 ◦ C. The instantaneous high temperature strength is 248 MPa at 400 ◦ C, the fracture location of joint is mainly at Al–Cu–Ti intermetallic
compound layer, the fracture pattern of brazed joint deviate from transcrystalline crack at room temperature into intergranular crack.
© 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Brazed joints; Mechanical property; TiAl-based intermetallics; AgCuTi filler metal

1. Introduction Besides these manufacturing techniques for TiAl-based inter-

metallics, the effective utilization of TiAl-based intermetallics
The TiAl-based intermetallics is one of the most advanced requires reliable joining techniques, especially to a variety of
intermetallics, and has successfully demonstrated its potential other materials [3,4]. The concept of utilizing TiAl-based inter-
in aerospace and automotive applications for both military and metallics and steel to attain missile and tank engine turbo compo-
civil purposes such as turbine blades, exhaust valves and turbo nents by a bonding process is a recent approach [5,6]. Since the
charger rotors [1,2]. The primary advantages of TiAl-based inter- mechanical properties of TiAl-based intermetallics are sensitive
metallics are low specific gravity, high specific strength as well to their microstructure, and their thermal expansion coefficient is
as good oxidation resistance, high stiffness and strength at ele- fairly low under certain circumstances, and large internal stresses
vated temperature compared to conventional titanium alloys. can be easily developed in their joints with other materials, the
Therefore, they are considered as potential replacements for conventional fusion welding techniques cause complicated com-
superalloys in aircraft turbine engines, airframes and automotive position, a severe thermal cracking tendency and easy formation
engines [3]. of brittle intermetallic compounds in the joints produced, and
TiAl-based intermetallics can be fabricated by traditional thus make the performance of joints very poor, and make it
casting and ingot metallurgy technology, but the processing cost very difficult to obtain satisfactory joints [7–11]. Researches
tends to be high due to a high degree of segregation that occurs recommend diffusion bonding [12,13]. However, where TiAl
during the solidification. In addition to the conventional casting, intermetallic was diffusion bonded to steel directly, brittle inter-
there are many other manufacturing processes available for pro- metallic compounds FeAl, FeAl2 and TiC were formed at the
duction of TiAl-based intermetallics, e.g. powder metallurgy, interface of TiAl/steel joints, and the maximum tensile strength
hot isostatic pressing (HIP), near net shape technology, direct of the joint was only 170–185 MPa [14]. Vacuum brazing is
laser fabrication, etc. [4–6]. a good choice for bonding materials difficult to join by tradi-
tional welding process. However, both microstructural evolution
and strength evaluation of the brazed TiAl joint need further
study. Compared with conventional vacuum furnace brazing,
∗ Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 451 8641 8146; fax: +86 451 8641 8146. induction vacuum brazing is characterized by very rapid thermal
E-mail address: [email protected] (P. He). cycles [15]. There are many successful joints that are reported

0921-5093/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
46 P. He et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 418 (2006) 45–52

in the literature using this novel technique [15–17]. The heating mal couple was inserted into the steel cylinder, in contact with
rate of a traditional vacuum brazing furnace is usually below the brazed interface.
50 ◦ C/min, which is much slower than that of an induction The brazed TiAl joints were cross-sectioned, perpendicular
furnace. The molten braze can react simultaneously with the to the brazed interfaces, using a low-speed diamond saw, and
substrate at temperatures above the liquidus of braze alloy and the cross-sections of these joints were metallographically pol-
below the brazing temperature. Consequently, the initial stage ished to a 0.5 ␮m diamond paste finish and cleaned in acetone.
of reaction at the interface between the braze alloy and sub- The fracture surfaces of the joints were observed by scanning
strate cannot be analyzed precisely using furnace brazing due electron microscopy (SEM, Cambridge Instruments S-570). The
to the insufficient heating rate during brazing. On the contrary, compositional analyses of the reaction products were performed
the maximum heating rate of an induction brazing furnace is as by electron probe microanalysis (EPMA, JEOL JXA-8600 and
high as 3000 ◦ C/min [15]. With the aid of induction brazing, very GEOL superrobe 733). The microstructures of the brazed TiAl
early stage interfacial reaction kinetics of the brazed joint can joints were examined by metallographic microscopy (NEUPHI-
be accurately examined by the experiment. Therefore, induc- OLYMPUS) and scanning electron microscopy (S-570). The
tion brazing is a powerful tool for the analysis of early stages crystal structures of the reaction products were identified from
of interfacial reaction in joints. Complicated components and the reaction layer and the fracture surfaces of the joints by X-ray
mass production also require more convenient and easy to apply diffraction (XRD, JDX-3530M). The room temperature tensile
joining technology, such as induction brazing. This paper aims strengths of the TiAl/steel joints were evaluated by means of
to demonstrate the feasibility of induction brazing a TiAl-based a testing machine (INSTRON MODEL 1186), and the brazed
alloy with an Ag–Cu–Ti filler, and focusing on the fracture char- specimen was drawed with a constant speed of 1 mm/min.
acteristic across the brazed joint and mechanical property of the Microhardness measurements were made using a microhardness
brazed joints. tester (Nano-Indenter XP) with a load of 10 g and a duration time
of 10 s. The experimental data were averaged from five measure-
2. Experimental procedure ments of each brazing condition.

The typical mechanical performance and nominal compo- 3. Results and discussion
sition of the TiAl-based intermetallics and the steel used in
this study are given in Table 1. The filler alloy was a 50 ␮m 3.1. Tensile performance at room temperature
Ag–Cu35.2–Ti1.8 (wt%) foil, its melting range is 800–850 ◦ C,
σ b is 343 MPa. The TiAl-based intermetallics was cut into spec- The brazing temperature and the brazing time influence the
imens cylinders Φ 10 mm (diameter) × 30 mm (length). Brazed quantity of atomic diffusion and the dissolution reaction between
surfaces were ground flat using SiC grit papers (grit 800) fol- the melting filler metal and the master alloy, therefore they influ-
lowed by cleaning in ethanol and acetone prior to brazing. enced the homogeneity of the composition and microstructure
As mentioned above, compared with conventional furnace of the joint. Fig. 1 shows the effect of the brazing temperature
brazing, induction brazing has much faster thermal cycles. In on the tensile strength of the joint and the thickness of Al–Cu–Ti
addition, higher induction brazing temperature will do less dam- intermetallic compounds formed at the TiAl/Ag–Cu35.2–Ti1.8
age to the base alloy. Since a high brazing temperature can interface with the brazing time 5 min (the thickness of inter-
significantly speed up the microstructural evolution of the brazed metallic compounds denotes the extent of atomic interdiffusion).
joint, higher brazing temperatures (such as 970 ◦ C) were chosen It can be seen that when the brazing temperature T is 850 ◦ C,
for this study. Induction brazing experiments were conducted the tensile strength of the joint is very low (only 154 MPa), this
in a vacuum of 3 × 10−4 Pa, and the heating rate was set at is because the amount of atomic diffusion is low and the dis-
2000 ◦ C/min throughout the experiment. All specimens were solution reaction is insufficient between the melting filler metal
preheated to 600 ◦ C for 2 min before they were heated up to the and the master alloy when the brazing temperature is lower.
brazing temperature. Because there was a time delay between the With increasing T from 850 ◦ C to 870 ◦ C, the atomic diffusivity
actual specimen temperature and programmer temperature, so increases which results in an easier and more speedy diffusion
time compensation was necessary in the experiment. The braz- reaction and chemical joining. Therefore, the tensile strength of
ing time specified in the test was the actual specimen holding the brazed joint increases with increasing T. When T is 870 ◦ C,
time. Hereby, a brazing temperature was from 850 ◦ C to 970 ◦ C the tensile strength of the joint is a maximum (320 MPa). When
and the brazing time was from 1 min to 10 min. The filler alloy the brazing temperature increases more, more Al–Cu–Ti inter-
was sandwiched between two the base alloy, and a K-type ther- metallic compounds are formed at the interface, and the tensile

Table 1
Mechanical properties of the TiAl base alloy and steel 35CrMo
Alloy σ s (MPa) σ b (MPa) δ (%) KIC (MPa m1/2 )

Ti–47.5Al–2.5V–1Cr (at%) 400–450 560–620 3.8–4.2 18.0

Ti–48Al–2Cr–2Nb (at%) 414–480 559–668 2.6–3.2 16.8
Fe–0.35C–0.27Si–0.55Mn–0.1Cr–0.2Mo (wt%) 830–840 970–990 11–13 –
P. He et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 418 (2006) 45–52 47

Fig. 1. Effect of brazing temperature on tensile strength of TiAl/AgCuTi/35CrMo joint and the thickness of Al–Ti–Cu intermetallic compounds at the interface of
TiAl/AgCuTi (t = 5 min).

Fig. 2. Effect of brazing time on shear strength of tensile strength of TiAl/AgCuTi/35CrMo joint and the thickness of Al–Ti–Cu intermetallic compounds at the
interface of TiAl/AgCuTi (T = 870 ◦ C).

strength of the joint will decrease. The selection of brazing time is displayed in Fig. 3(b). River pattern and ligule’s pattern of
relies on the value of T. Under optimum brazing parameter (T cleavage fracture are observed as well as the torn arris of gliding
is 870 ◦ C), which is concluded from the above experiment, the fracture in Fig. 3(b), so it is classified as brittle fracture with
effect of brazing time on the tensile strength of the joint and some toughness. Results of energy spectrum analysis for part I
the thickness of Al–Cu–Ti intermetallic compounds is shown in show the composition is Ti32.7–Cu45.6–Al20.1–Cr1.1–Ag0.5
Fig. 2. It can be seen that when t is 1–5 min, the tensile strength in at pct, based on this result, the fracture location is on Al–Cu–Ti
increases rapidly, when t is more than 5 min, the thickness of intermetallic compound layer. X-ray analysis of the fracture sur-
Al–Cu–Ti intermetallic compounds increases markedly and the face also confirms it, as shown in Fig. 4.
tensile strength of the brazed joint decreases. We show that the Fig. 5 shows microhardness measurements of interfacial
quick increase of Al–Cu–Ti intermetallic compounds leads to microstructure, based on which relative hardness of interfacial
a decrease in the strength and an increase in the brittleness of microstructure can be determined. As shown in Fig. 5, AlCu2 Ti*
the joint. In conclusion, the higher strength of joint brazed at phase close to TiAl substrate is harder, which is sensitive to
870 ◦ C for 5 min is obtained to be 320 MPa by using Ag–Cu–Ti defects. While Ag–Cu solid solution in the joint is softer, this
braze alloy. SEM images in Fig. 3 show the fracture faces of a can help releasing some stress. So the thickness of AlCu2 Ti*
specimen that failed at the TiAl/Ag–Cu–Ti/35CrMo interface. reaction layer and its proportion in the brazing interface must
The fracture is found to be flat and compact, and a majority of be controlled in order to obtain the high-strength joint. Because
fracture area is occupied by part I, whose fracture morphology of the high strength got at 870 ◦ C for 5 min, the thickness ratio
of interfacial reaction layer under this technological standard is
considered to be suitable. The high-strength joint can be obtained
when the thickness of AlCu2 Ti* phase is about one third of the
width of the whole brazing interface.

3.2. Effect of different TiAl substrate on the microstructure

and property of the joint

Fig. 6 shows three different TiAl base alloys, and (b), (d),
(f) are the enlargement of the part marked in (a), (c), (e) cor-
respondingly. As displayed in the photos, the microstructure of
all the three base alloys is binary-configuration microstructure,
which is composed of ␥-TiAl single crystal and ␥-TiAl/␣2 -Ti3 Al
Fig. 3. X-ray analysis of the fracture of the specimen brazed at 870 ◦ C for 5 min. lamellar colony, and the light phase is ␥-TiAl. While, because
48 P. He et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 418 (2006) 45–52

Fig. 4. Fracture pattern at 870 ◦ C for 5 min. (a) Macroscopic view; (b) microscopic view.

␣2 -Ti3 Al phase is too thin to recognize in the picture, the dark

line is considered to be the interface between Ti3 Al phase and
␥-TiAl/␣2 -Ti3 Al phase. As displayed in Fig. 6, the volume frac-
tion of␥-TiAl/␣2 -Ti3 Al lamellar colony is decreased along 1#,
3#, 2#, and that of TiAl single crystal is increased along 1#, 3#,
2#, while amount of TiAl/Ti3 Al interface is increased along 1#,
2#, 3#.
Fig. 7 shows the interfacial microstructure of different TiAl
base alloys brazed with Ag–Cu–Ti filler alloy. Specimens brazed
with 1#, 2#, 3#, TiAl base alloy are also marked by 1#, 2#, 3#,
correspondingly. In Fig. 7, Al–Cu–Ti intermetallic compound
layers of a certain thickness are observed close to all the three
TiAl base alloys, but the morphology of the intermetallic com-
pound layers are different. First, AlCuTi* layer is observed obvi-
ously at the interface of specimen 1#, which extends to TiAl base
alloy being acicular. The phenomena also appears in specimen
Fig. 5. Microhardness measurements of interfacial microstructure. 3#, but not as obvious as in specimen 1#. While this phenom-

Fig. 6. Microstructure of different TiAl base alloys. (a) 1# substrate; (b) 1# substrate; (c) 2# substrate; (d) 2# substrate; (e) 3# substrate; (f) 3# substrate.
P. He et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 418 (2006) 45–52 49

Fig. 7. Interfacial microstructure of different TiAl substrates brazed to steel 35CrMo. (a) Specimen 1#; (b) Specimen 2#; (c) Specimen 3#.

ena is hardly found in specimen 2#. Second, configurations of resulting in different configurations of AlCu2 Ti* phase varying
AlCu2 Ti* intermetallic compound reaction layers are different. from agglomerate to columnar. The reason for the largest reac-
AlCu2 Ti* at the interface of specimen 1# is nearly agglomerate, tion degree of specimen 1# is that 1# TiAl substrate contains the
and AlCu2 Ti* at the interface of specimen 2# is nearly columnar, most phase interfaces and more Ti, Al with high energy, which
while that of specimen 3# is columnar. The two kinds of phe- makes the interdiffusion of braze and base alloy easier.
nomenon are explained below. According to the aforementioned Fig. 8 shows fracture pattern of specimen 3#. As displayed
analysis results of reaction paths, AlCuTi* phase grows along in Fig. 8(a), the fracture is flat, and a majority of the frac-
Ti3 Al phase, while Ti3 Al phase exists in TiAl/Ti3 Al lamellar ture area is occupied by part I, whose fracture morphology
colony, so the growth configuration and size of the intermetal- is displayed in Fig. 8(b). According to the fracture morphol-
lic compound are related to the morphology and amount of ogy, the fracture remains a quasi-cleavage crack. Results of
TiAl/Ti3 Al lamellar colony. The amount of TiAl/Ti3 Al lamellar energy spectrum analysis for part I show the composition
colony is larger in 1#TiAl substrate, and the lamellar TiAl phase is Al19.6–Ti37–Cu41.3–Cr1.4–Ag0.6 in at pct, based on this
is thin, which means the volume fraction of Ti3 Al phase in the result, the fracture location is still on Al–Cu–Ti intermetallic
lamellar colony is large, consequently, AlCuTi* phase in sub- compound layer. Compared with the fracture of specimen 1#
strate 1# grows obviously in the way of being acicular. Compared (Fig. 2), the macrofracture of specimen 3# is not as compact
with substrate 2#, amount of TiAl/Ti3 Al lamellar colony in sub- as that of specimen 1#. According to the microfracture, nei-
strate 3# is larger, so the growth of AlCuTi* phase in substrate ther the torn arris nor the ligule’s pattern of cleavage fracture
3# is more obvious than in substrate 2#. The growth configura- is observed in 1# and 3#, so the strength of specimen 1# is
tion of AlCu2 Ti* phase is related to the interface of TiAl/Ti3 Al confirmed to be higher than that of specimen 3#. Results of ten-
in TiAl substrate. The reaction degree of the brazing seam can sile test also confirm it, which show the tensile strength of 1#
be approximately judged by the amount of eutectic pattern in and 3# are 320 MPa and 270 MPa, respectively. Lots of minute
the braze, the reason for which is the formation of intermetal- white flakes are observed on the fracture of specimen 1# when
lic compound layer results in the consumption of Cu in the filler observing the microfracture attentively, and the white flake is
alloy, while the amount of eutectic pattern can reflect the amount considered to be the pattern of acicular AlCuTi* intermetal-
of Cu indirectly. The more the eutectic pattern is, the more Cu lic compound fractured based on the size of the white flake.
exists in the residual filler alloy, the smaller the reaction degree Although small white flakes also appear on the fracture of spec-
of braze and TiAl substrate is. Consequently, the reaction degree imen 3#, the size of white flake is larger than that of specimen
of 1#, 2#, 3#, braze and TiAl substrate is decreased one by one, 1#, and the amount is not as large as that of specimen 1#. Hereby,
50 P. He et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 418 (2006) 45–52

Fig. 8. Fracture pattern of specimen 3#. (a) Macroscopic view; (b) microscopic view.

according to the result of joint strength, pattern of microfracture TiAl/Ti3 Al lamellar colony. Visible acicular AlCuTi* phase can
and the configuration of interfacial microstructure, formation of be generated by the approximately lamellar structure with low
acicular AlCuTi* phase is considered to strengthen the bonding Al content, which is beneficial to the joining of TiAl substrate.
of brazing interface close to TiAl substrate.
Based on the aforementioned information, degree of interfa- 3.3. Elevated temperature property of the brazed joint
cial reaction is related to the configuration of AlCu2 Ti* reaction
layer and amount of TiAl/Ti3 Al phase interface in the TiAl sub- To assess the elevated temperature property of the brazing
strate under the same technological conditions. The more the joint, thermal retardation test at 400 ◦ C is performed at the
TiAl/Ti3 Al phase interface is, the more severely brazing filler brazing interface, and microstructure alteration of the brazing
alloy reacts to TiAl substrate. The configuration and the size of interface is analyzed. Fig. 9 shows the microstructure of brazing
AlCuTi* phase have relation to the configuration and amount of interface with different TiAl substrates and before and after ther-

Fig. 9. Microstructure of brazing interface before and after thermal retardation at 400 ◦ C. (a) Microstructure of specimen 2# before thermal retardation; (b) microstruc-
ture of specimen 2# after thermal retardation for 12 h; (c) microstructure of specimen 3# before thermal retardation; (d) microstructure of specimen 3# after thermal
retardation for 20 h.
P. He et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 418 (2006) 45–52 51

mal retardation at 400 ◦ C for different time. As shown in Fig. 9, Table 2

interfacial microstructure changes after thermal retardation at Energy spectrum analysis of high temperature fracture at 400 ◦ C (at%)
400 ◦ C. First, the straight boundary of intermetallic compound Location Al Ag Ti Cu C
reaction layer and residual braze microstructure has disappeared I 27.16 0.9 34.43 36.05 –
(marked by 1). Second, recrystallization occurs on the residual II 6.72 75.09 – 18.29 –
braze microstructure layer, and there is visible grain boundary III 5.07 44.87 6.97 15.4 27.69
in the microstructure (marked by 2). Third, formation config-
uration of microstructure on the intermetallic compound layer
changes (marked by 3) in a sort of way. In addition, intermetal- three areas based on the macrostructure of the fracture, whose
lic compound layer at TiAl substrate interface blows-up close energy spectrum analysis results are displayed in Table 2. Part III
to TiAl substrate (marked by 4). According to the aforemen- mainly consists of Ag, Cu, C elements, and the unwelded defect
tioned phenomenon, it is confirmed residual brazing filler alloy is observed at the edge of specimen in Fig. 10(b). Part II is Ag
layer, phase interface between residual brazing filler alloy layer base solid solution layer, whose cracking pattern is identified to
and intermetallic compound layer, and phase interface between be intergranular crack according to Fig. 10(c), and cavity crack is
intermetallic compound layer and TiAl substrate are the instable found at the grain boundary, which can be easily generated with
areas of the brazing interface. Therefore, interfacial microstruc- low stress when the temperature is higher comparatively. There-
ture of TiAl/Ag–Cu–Ti/35CrMo joint brazed at 870 ◦ C for 5 min fore, Ag–Cu solid solution structure in the brazing seam can
is instable at 400 ◦ C. The tensile strength of brazed joint at do harm to elevated temperature property. The fracture location
400 ◦ C is 248 MPa. Fig. 10 shows the high temperature frac- of joint is mainly in part I, and it is identified to be Al–Cu–Ti
ture at 400 ◦ C and 300 ◦ C. The fracture can be divided into intermetallic compound based on the energy spectrum analy-

Fig. 10. High temperature fracture. (a) Macroscopic fracture at 400 ◦ C; (b) microscopic of part I fracture at 400 ◦ C; (c) microscopic of part II fracture at 400 ◦ C; (d)
microscopic of part III fracture at 400 ◦ C; (e) macroscopic fracture at 300 ◦ C; (f) microscopic of part I fracture at 300 ◦ C.
52 P. He et al. / Materials Science and Engineering A 418 (2006) 45–52

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The research is sponsored by the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (No.50505008).

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