Technical Reports
Technical Reports
Technical Reports
Technical reports come in a variety of shapes and sizes, ranging from your basic letter or email,
to the several-hundred-page documents agencies the EPA and SEC produce. Technical reports
seek to convey information, analyze a situation, or make recommendations. They must be so
clear and convincing that readers decide to act on the conclusions or recommendations offered.
Front matter. Different reports offer different sorts of front matter—i.e., the materials that
precede a report’s introduction and body. Distinctions between the types of front matter reports
include often depend upon the reports’ length and depth. Among the most common materials one
may use as front matter are the following:
Title page. The title page includes a title that indicates the report’s subject and purpose. It
should also list the names of the report’s principle readers and principle preparers, the
date, and the name or logo of the writer’s organization.
Abstract. The abstract offers a summary of the document’s contents; the length usually
ranges between 150 and 300 words. By reading the abstract, the reader should know what
information the document will convey. Depending upon the type of abstract a writer
uses—whether descriptive or informative—the abstract may or may not convey the
document’s findings.
Table of contents. The table of content conveys both the organization and scope of the
document. It should use the same headings as the document, thereby employing parallel
structure. If the document uses sub-headings, so should the table of contents.
Executive summary. The executive summary distills the report’s essence and is addressed
to a manager. Given its audience, this section offers a sense of the document’s scope and
foregrounds such information as costs and time involved. Is should be about 5% as long
as the document proper (1 page for a 20-page report).
Body. The body is the meat of the report. It addresses all the materials that are introduced in the
front matter. Many reports divide the body into the following sections:
Introduction. The introduction prepares readers to understand the document. It orients the
reader to the report’s subject, purpose, background, sources, scope, findings, and
Methods. The methods section explains the research and experiments the document’s
principle preparers performed. Often, this section’s organization incorporates a listing
technique (i.e. bullet points).
Body, cont’d.:
Results. The results section offers a neutral explanation of the report’s findings. The
emphasis here is on building a critical mass of reasoning and evidence that will allow the
preparers to draw well-formed conclusions in the conclusions section. Often the results
section is the longest section a writer will include in a technical report.
Conclusions. The conclusions section interprets the results. Explain your reasoning and
emphasize causal connection.
Recommendations. The recommendations section functions as a call to action. Having
presented findings and drawn conclusions from them, this section then proposes a next
step. Like the methods section, the recommendations section often includes a list
Back matter. A technical report’s back matter accomplishes 2 purposes: (1) it gives credit to
sources and (1) it presents materials that would become a digression if they appeared in the body
section. Among elements writers often include in back matter are the following: