This document provides instructions for basic GIS functions in ArcGIS, including how to open and navigate the ArcMap and ArcCatalog interfaces, add and manage data layers, change symbology, save projects, export data, and create a map layout with a title, legend, scale bar, and north arrow. The steps outlined include opening ArcMap from the Start menu, exploring the ArcMap interface and tools, adding and connecting shapefiles in ArcMap and ArcCatalog, selecting and exporting data, and designing a map layout with different elements.
This document provides instructions for basic GIS functions in ArcGIS, including how to open and navigate the ArcMap and ArcCatalog interfaces, add and manage data layers, change symbology, save projects, export data, and create a map layout with a title, legend, scale bar, and north arrow. The steps outlined include opening ArcMap from the Start menu, exploring the ArcMap interface and tools, adding and connecting shapefiles in ArcMap and ArcCatalog, selecting and exporting data, and designing a map layout with different elements.
This document provides instructions for basic GIS functions in ArcGIS, including how to open and navigate the ArcMap and ArcCatalog interfaces, add and manage data layers, change symbology, save projects, export data, and create a map layout with a title, legend, scale bar, and north arrow. The steps outlined include opening ArcMap from the Start menu, exploring the ArcMap interface and tools, adding and connecting shapefiles in ArcMap and ArcCatalog, selecting and exporting data, and designing a map layout with different elements.
This document provides instructions for basic GIS functions in ArcGIS, including how to open and navigate the ArcMap and ArcCatalog interfaces, add and manage data layers, change symbology, save projects, export data, and create a map layout with a title, legend, scale bar, and north arrow. The steps outlined include opening ArcMap from the Start menu, exploring the ArcMap interface and tools, adding and connecting shapefiles in ArcMap and ArcCatalog, selecting and exporting data, and designing a map layout with different elements.
Operate Basic Function of GIS tools on ARC GIS interface
Starting Arc map
ArcMap lets you explore your geographic data and create maps for display. To open ArcGIS 10.7/Any
Step 1. Click the Start button on the Windows taskbar.
Step 2. Point to All Programs.
Step 33. Point to Arc GIS.
Step 4. Click ArcMap
Figure 1- Open Arc Map.
1-2. Managing Arc Map interface
Step 1. Open arc map Step 2. Show the main Arc Map interface Step 3- Exploring ArcMap interface
Figure 2- Arc Map interface
Figure 3- Explore Arc map interface
1. Open new project 12. Fixed Zoom in 2. Open existing Project 13. Pan 3. Save project 14. Full extent 4. Print Map 15. Select element 5. Add Layer/Map 16. Identify 6. Edit Function 17. Find 7. Open ArcCatalog 18. Add xy 8. Open ArcTools 19. Measurement 9. Zoom In 10. Zoom Out 11. Fixed Zoom Out (Individual work) The trainer open ARC map and the learners follows each step. Instruction
1-3. Managing Arc catalog interface
ArcCatalog lets you explore and manage your data. The main use of Arc catalog is to manage your spatial data holdings, database designs, for recording and viewing metadata. In other words, it is like file manager and use for quick view of your spatial and attribute data behind the spatial data. Step 1- Click start button Step2-Click all program Step 3-Click Arc GIS Step 4- click Arc Catalog , the Arc catalog window will appear Figure 4- Managing Arc catalog interface
1-4. Adding data in Arc Map
Step 1. Open arc map Step 2. Add existing new shape file (click on add data from tool bar ) then go to the drive/folder containing the shape file you want Step 3. Use Connect to Folder– folder containing the shape file you want.SelectAll–Click Add standard +File add data currently looking at contains four data layers in Ethiopia, which describe: Layer name Description • Ethio_town.shp towns in Ethiopia Figure 5- Adding data in Arc Map
1.-5. Connect and dis connect data in Arc catalog
Step 1. Add existing new shape file in Arc catalog use it connect and disconnect data Step 2. Connect and Dis connect Data from existing shape file (click on to connect and dis connect data from tool bar) then go to the drive/folder containing the shape file you want Figure 6- Connect and dis connect data in Arc catalog 1-6. Moving around on the map Step 1. Add Ethio-lake shape/Any shape from working directory Using the Zoom In tool, , zoom in around the lake “Lake Tana”. Place the pointer on the upper- left part of the lake, press the mouse-button and hold it pressed while dragging the cursor to the lower-right of your “zoom”. When you release the mouse button, ArcMap zooms in to the area defined by the box.
1-8. Changing the display symbol
Step 1. Add Ethio-town shape/Any Shape from working directory Step 2. Click on the dot symbol in the Table of Contents representing town/Symbol Step 3. Selector window will appear. Step 4. Scroll down until you find the symbol name town/city and click on it. Step 5. Keep the remaining default values and simply click OK.
Figure 7. Changing the display symbol Instruction.
1-9. Saving a map document
Step 1. Click File > Save as. Step2 -Navigate the same folder where you have your exercise data.....\Any folder, and name your new Arc Map Document as name_map.mxd/any name(you do not have to write the extension .mxd, as it will appear automatically). Step 3-Click Save Figure 8. Changing the display symbol Instruction
1.10 Export and preparation of study area map
Step 1-Add data from Any folder and any data you want/introduction to Arc GIs chapter two Ethio_region Step2- Select Oromia region by select tool
Figure 9– Select tools
Step 3-Export Oromia region – add data – Export Data – save as shape file and drop it sa layer – un check Ethion region- check Oromia region
Figure 10– Exporting Data
Figure 11-Converting in to shape file the exporting data
Figure 12-Final Exporting Data
Preparation of final lay out Design.
Instruction (Individual work) The trainer prepares of layout design and the learners follow each step to start the window plate form. Instruction 1-Use any data from your output folder 2-Prepare lay out design on arc map 3-Present the result on group and individual 4-1- Creating lay out design Step 1. In the Table of Contents, double click on the name of the layer that you want to change. Step 2. In the Properties Window click the General tab. Step 3. Change the layer name to your desired name and click Close. Step 4- Opening the Layout View and arranging the data frame: 1. In the View menu click Layout View. 2. The layout displays the data frame. It is a selected element – you can tell by the hatched blue outline and the blue square anchors. 3. Use the anchors to click and drag the data frame to a smaller or larger size. 4. With your mouse in the center of the map, click and drag to position the data frame on the page. Step 5. Adding Other Map Elements Adding a North Arrow 1. Click the Insert menu > North Arrow. 2. Select a north arrow and click OK. The north arrow will be added to a random location on the map, usually somewhere in the centre. 2. Click and drag the north arrow into place on your map. Resize the north arrow by clicking and dragging a selection handle. Step 6. Adding a Scale Bar 1. Click the Insert menu > Scale Bar. 2. Select a scale bar. 3. Click Properties to modify the scale bar’s properties. 4. Click the Scale and Units tab. 5. Click the arrow buttons to set the number of divisions. 6. Click the arrow buttons to set the number of subdivisions. 7. Click the When resizing drop-down arrow and click how you want the scale bar to respond when the map scale changes: • Adjust width – the width of the scale bar will vary with the map scale. The division value and number of divisions remain constant. • Adjust division value – the division value will vary with the map scale. The number of divisions and the width of the scale bar remain constant. • Adjust number of divisions – the number of divisions will vary with the map scale. 8. Choose the units for the scale bar. 9. Click Symbol and choose a test style for the scale bar labels. 10. Click OK and OK again to close the dialog box. 11. Click and drag the scale bar into place on your map. Step 7. Adding a Legend 1. Click the Insert menu > Legend. The Legend wizard appears. 2. By default, all the layers on the map will appear as legend items in the legend. To remove a legend item, select it, and click the left arrow button. 3. Use the Up and Down arrow buttons to order the legend items. 4. Click Next. 5. Type a title for the legend. 6. Set the text color, font, and size as desired, and click Next. 7. Select a border, background and/or drop shadow as desired by clicking their respective drop- down boxes. 8. Click Next. 9. Select a legend item in the list to modify the symbol patch. 10. Set the patch properties as desired and click Next. 11. Set the spacing between legend elements by typing a value in the appropriate box. 12. Click Finish. 13. Click and drag the legend into place on your map. Step8- Adding a Title to a Map 1. Click the Insert menu and click Title. 2. A box bearing the name of the map document (i.e. _____.mxd) will appear on your map layout, enclosed in a blue box. Double-click the box to open the Properties dialog box. 3. Delete the existing text in the large Text box and type in the desired title. Format the text as desired using the settings in the dialog box. Click OK. 4. Click and drag the title into place on your map. 5. The title can also be formatted using the Draw toolbar Sample figures Figure 13 Map of the study Area / location map of the study Area