KTOM Exam Paper With Solution

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Question 1

(a) Define the following term:

a) Kinematic chain
b) Degree of freedom
c) Mechanism
When the kinematic pairs are coupled in such a way that the last
link is joined to the first link to transmit definite motion (i.e.
completely or successfully constrained motion), it is called
a kinematic chain.

It is the number of inputs (number of independent coordinates)

required to describe the configuration or position of all the links of
the mechanism, with respect to the fixed link at any given instant
called degrees of freedom

If a number of bodies are assembled in such a way that the motion

of one causes constrained and predictable motion to the others, it is
known as a mechanism.

(b) Explain different types of kinematic pairs.

According to the type of relative motion between the elements

a) Sliding pair

When the two elements of a pair are connected in such a way that
one can only slide relative to the other, the pair is known as a
sliding pair.

b) Turning pair

When the two elements of a pair are connected in such a way that
one can only turn or revolve about a fixed axis of another link, the
pair is known as turning pair.

c) Rolling pair

When the two elements of a pair are connected in such a way that
one rolls over another fixed link, the pair is known as rolling pair.

d) Screw pair
When the two elements of a pair are connected in such a way that
one element can turn about the other by screw threads, the pair is
known as screw pair.

e) Spherical pair

When the two elements of a pair are connected in such a way that
one element (with the spherical shape) turns or swivels about the
other fixed element, the pair formed is called a spherical pair.

According to the type of contact between the elements

a) Lower pair

When the two elements of a pair have a surface contact when

relative motion takes place and the surface of one element slides
over the surface of the other, the pair formed is known as lower

b) Higher pair

When the two elements of a pair have a line or point contact when
relative motion takes place and the motion between the two
elements is partly turning and partly sliding, then the pair is known
as higher pair.

According to the type of closure

a) Self closed pair

When the two elements of a pair are connected together

mechanically in such a way that only required kind of relative
motion occurs, it is then known as self-closed pair.

b) Force – closed pair

When the two elements of a pair are not connected mechanically

but are kept in contact by the action of external forces, the pair is
said to be a force-closed pair.
(c) Explain various inversion of double slider kinematic chain
with examples.
Following are the Inversions of Double Slider Crank Chain:

1. Elliptical trammels
This inversion is obtained by fixing the slotted plate (link 4).

The fixed plate or link 4 has two straight grooves cut in it, at right
angles to each other. Link 1 and link 3, are known as sliders and
form sliding pairs with link 4.

The link AB (link 2) is a bar which forms turning pair with links 1 and
3. When the links 1 and 3 slides along their respective grooves, any
point on link 2 such as P traces out an ellipse on the surface of link

Application: It is an instrument used for drawing ellipses

 Scotch yoke mechanism

The inversion is obtained by fixing either the link 1 or link 3. Link 1
is fixed.
In this mechanism, when the link 2 (which corresponds to crank)
rotates about B as center, the link 4 (which corresponds to a frame)
reciprocates. The fixed link 1 guides the frame.

Application: This mechanism is used for converting rotary motion

into a reciprocating motion

 Oldham’s coupling
The shafts are coupled in such a way that if one shaft rotates, the
other shaft also rotates at the same speed. This inversion is
obtained by fixing the link 2. The shafts to be connected have two
flanges (link 1 and link 3) rigidly fastened at their ends by forging.

Application: It is used for connecting two parallel shafts whose axes

are at a small distance apart
Question 2
(a) Describe working principle of internal expanding shoe
brake with a neat sketch.

An internal expanding brake consists of two shoes S1 and S2. The

outer surface of the shoes are lined with some friction material
(usually with Ferodo) to increase the coefficient of friction and to
prevent wearing away of the metal. Each shoe is pivoted at one end
about a fixed fulcrum O1and O2 and made to contact a cam at the
other end.

When the cam rotates, the shoes are pushed outwards against the
rim of the drum. The friction between the shoes and the drum
produces the braking torque and hence reduces the speed of the
drum. The shoes are normally held in off position by a spring . The
drum encloses the entire mechanism to keep out dust and moisture.
This type of brake is commonly used in motor cars and light trucks
[or] (c) Derive Freudenstein’s equation for four bar mechanism.
Question 3
(a) Explain and prove Arnold Kennedy theorem.
Aronhold Kennedy’s theorem states that “if three bodies move
relative to each other, they have three instantaneous centres
and lie on a straight line.”
Consider three kinematic links A, B and C having relative plane
motion. The number of instantaneous centres (N) is given by

The two instantaneous centres at the pin joints of B with A and C

with A (i.e. Iab and Iac) are the permanent instantaneous centre.
According to Aronhold Kennedy’s theorem, the third instantaneous
centre Ibc must lie on the line joining Iab and Iac.

In order to prove this, let us consider that the instantaneous centre

Ibc lies outside the line joining Iab and Iac as shown in Fig.3.8.

The point Ibc belongs to both the links B and C.

Let us consider the point Ibc on the link B. Its velocity VBC must be
perpendicular to the line joining Iab and Ibc.

Now consider the point Ibc on the link C. Its velocity VBC must be
perpendicular to the line joining Iac and Ibc.

(b) Define the terms:

a) Instantaneous center
b) Body centrode & Space centrode
c) Relative velocity
a) Instantaneous Center: The Instantaneous Center (IC) is a
theoretical point in a plane, used in mechanics to describe the
instantaneous velocity and acceleration of a moving body. It is the
center of rotation of a body about an axis perpendicular to the plane
of motion and is determined by the velocity and acceleration of the
body at a specific moment in time.

b) Body Centrode & Space Centrode: A body centrode is the

center of gravity of a body, calculated by considering the mass
distribution of the body. The space centrode is the center of gravity
of a body in space, calculated by considering the mass distribution
of the body and its orientation in space.

c) Relative Velocity: Relative velocity is the velocity of an object

relative to another object, which is determined by subtracting the
velocity of one object from the velocity of the other. It represents the
speed and direction of motion of an object as seen by an observer
in a reference frame relative to the observer’s own frame of

(c) In a four bar chain ABCD, AD is fixed and is 150 mm long.

The crank AB is 40
mm long and rotates at 120 r.p.m. clockwise, while the link CD
= 80 mm oscillates
about D. BC and AD are of equal length. Find the angular
velocity of link CD when
angle BAD = 60º.
Question 3
(a) Explain coriolis component and derive its equation
The Coriolis component is a term used to describe the acceleration
experienced by an object moving in a rotating reference frame. The
Coriolis effect is a fundamental principle of classical mechanics and
is caused by the rotation of the Earth (or any other rotating
reference frame).

The equation for the Coriolis component is given by:

a_cor = -2 * omega * v

where: a_cor is the Coriolis acceleration, omega is the angular

velocity of the rotating reference frame, and v is the velocity of the
object relative to the rotating reference frame
The equation for the Coriolis component is based on the principles
of Newton’s second law of motion, which states that the
acceleration of an object is proportional to the force acting on it. In a
rotating reference frame, an object moving in a straight line will
experience an acceleration perpendicular to its velocity due to the
Coriolis effect. This acceleration is proportional to the angular
velocity of the rotating reference frame and the velocity of the

(b) Draw an acceleration diagram of single slider crank


Question 4
(a) Classify the toothed gear
Toothed gears are classified based on various criteria, including
their shape, tooth profile, and the direction of tooth engagement.
Some of the common classifications of toothed gears are:

According to Shape:

Spur gears: Gears with straight teeth, usually used to transmit

power between parallel shafts.

Helical gears: Gears with oblique teeth arranged in a helical pattern,

used to transmit power between non-parallel shafts.

Bevel gears: Gears with beveled teeth, used to transmit power

between intersecting shafts.
Worm gears: Gears with a worm screw and a worm wheel, used to
transmit power at high reductions and high efficiency.

According to Tooth Profile:

Involute gears: Gears with involute tooth profiles, which provide

constant contact and reduce noise and wear.

Cycloidal gears: Gears with cycloidal tooth profiles, used in special

applications due to their high accuracy and efficiency.

Trochoidal gears: Gears with trochoidal tooth profiles, used in high-

speed and high-load applications.

According to Direction of Tooth Engagement:

External gears: Gears with teeth that engage from the outside,
where the gear is meshed with another gear from the outside.

Internal gears: Gears with teeth that engage from the inside, where
the gear is meshed with another gear from the inside.

Question 4
(a) Define the terms:
a) pressure angle
b) helix angle
c) circular pitch
a) Pressure Angle: Pressure angle is a term used in the design of
gears, and is defined as the angle between the common normal to
the two profiles of the meshing gears and the line of action of their

b) Helix Angle: Helix angle is a term used in the design of helical

gears, and is defined as the angle between the tooth profile of the
gear and its axis of rotation. It determines the direction and
magnitude of the axial forces generated in the gear transmission
and affects the load capacity, efficiency, and noise level of the
c) Circular Pitch: Circular pitch is a term used in the design of
gears, and is defined as the distance along the circumference of a
gear from a point on one tooth to the corresponding point on the
next tooth, measured along the pitch circle.

(b) Explain the term ‘Interference’ as applied to gears.

Interference in gears refers to the phenomenon where two or more
gear teeth come into contact with each other at the same time,
causing damage or excessive wear to the teeth. It occurs when
the center distance between the gears is too small, causing the
gear teeth to overlap and interfere with each other during operation.

Interference can lead to several issues, including increased

noise, vibration, and wear, and can also cause the gears to seize or
fail. It can be caused by a variety of factors, including manufacturing
inaccuracies, misalignment of the gear shafts, incorrect installation
of the gears, or excessive load on the gears.

To avoid interference in gears, it is important to carefully consider

the design of the gear system, including the center distance, the
gear profile, and the load capacity. It is also important to ensure that
the gears are installed and aligned correctly, and that the system is
operated within the design limits to avoid excessive loads and wear.

In some cases, interference can be reduced or eliminated by

modifying the design of the gear system, such as by using a
different gear profile, changing the center distance, or using a
different material for the gears. In other cases, interference may be
unavoidable, and the gears must be designed to withstand the
effects of interference through the use of special materials,
coatings, or manufacturing processes.

Question 5
(a) Derive the empirical relation for the ratio of driving tensions
for flat belt drive.
(b) A casting weighing 9 kN hangs freely from a rope which
makes 2.5 turns round a
drum of 300 mm diameter revolving at 20 r.p.m. the other end
of the rope is pulled
by a man. The coefficient of friction is 0.25. Determine: (1) The
force required by
the man and (2) the power to raise the casting.
Given: W= T1= 9 kN =9000N, d= 0.3 m, N = 20 rpm , µ= 0.25

(i) Force reqd. by a man

T2- force reqd. by man

As rope makes 2.5 turns,

Therefore angle of contact ,

θ =2.5×2π = 5 π rad.

We know that,

2.3 log {T1/T2} = µ θ = 0.25 x 5 π = 3.9275

log {T1/T2} = 3.9275/2.3 = 1.71 or T1/T2 = 51

T2 = 9000/51 = 176.47 N

(ii) Power to raise casting :

As velocity of rope, v = πdN/60 = 3.14×0.3×20/60 = 0.3142 m/s

Power to raise casting = (T1-T2) x v = (9000-176.47) x 0.3142

= 2.772 kW.

Question 5
(a) Define the terms:
a) Dry friction
b) film friction
c) limiting angle of friction
(a) Dry friction occurs when there is relative motion between two
completely unlubricated surfaces.

(b) When the two surfaces in contact are completely separated by a

lubricant, friction will occur due to the shearing of different layers of
the lubricant. This is known as film friction or viscous friction.

(c) The limiting angle of friction, also known as the angle of repose,
is the maximum angle at which a surface or material can maintain
its stability without slipping or sliding. It is the angle between the
surface of a body and the horizontal plane, beyond which the body
is no longer able to remain stationary and begins to slide or roll
down the surface.

(b) Describe with a neat sketch the working of a single plate

SIngle Plate clutch
A single plate clutch is a mechanical device that is used to transmit
torque from one rotating shaft to another. It consists of a friction
plate, which is attached to the flywheel of an engine, and a pressure
plate, which is attached to the transmission. When the clutch is
engaged, the pressure plate applies pressure to the friction plate,
causing the two to grip each other and transmit torque from the
engine to the transmission.

When the clutch is disengaged, the pressure plate moves away

from the friction plate, breaking the grip between the two and
allowing them to rotate independently. This allows the engine to
continue running without transmitting torque to the transmission,
allowing the vehicle to come to a stop without stalling.

The clutch is typically controlled by a pedal or lever, which is used

to apply pressure to the pressure plate and engage or disengage
the clutch as needed. The amount of pressure applied to the
pressure plate, and thus the amount of grip between the friction
plate and the pressure plate, is regulated by a series of springs that
are designed to provide the optimal balance of torque transmission
and ease of use.

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