An Study of Research Methodology
An Study of Research Methodology
An Study of Research Methodology
Research methodology is an approach to methodically explain the research
Article Info problem. It may be implicit as a science of studying how research is through
Volume 9, Issue 3 scientifically. In it we study the different steps that are usually adopted by a
researcher in studying his research problem along with the logic after them. It is
Page Number : 537-543 required for the researcher to identify not only the research methods/techniques
but also the methodology. Researchers not only require to identify how to
Publication Issue : increase confident indices or tests, how to analyze the mean, the mode, the
May-June-2022 center or the normal departure or chi-square, how to relate particular research
techniques, but they also require to identify which of these methods or
Article History techniques, are significant and which are not, and what would they signify and
Accepted : 10 June 2022 designate and why. Researchers also need to appreciate the assumption essential
Published: 28 June 2022 various techniques and they require to know the criteria by which they can
choose that convinced techniques and events will be related to certain evils and
others will not. All this means that it is essential for the researcher to aim his
methodology for his trouble as the same may fluctuate from problem to problem.
Keywords: Research, Methodology, Research Methodology, Research
Techniques, Qualitative research, Quantitative Research
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Technoscience Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under the
terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial use,
distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited
Dr. Swarooprani. K Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol, May-June-2022, 9 (3) : 537-543
elucidate their confines and property, clarify their the here problem but it contributes impressive to the
presuppositions and consequences, linking their systematic information. While its work may have zero
potentialities to the sunset zone at the “frontiers of significance, but it may befall useful in the future.
information‟. Applied Research: It is also called as practical research
or „need based‟ research. The main intention is to find
II. Objectives of research: solutions to the current problems being faced by an
institution, society, business or in government offices.
The principle of research is to determine answers to Research to identify social, supporting and financial
questions through the request of scientific events. The changes, which has unpleasant effects in dissimilar
main aim of research is to discover out the reality sectors are some of the examples of applied research.
which is hidden and which has not been open as yet. This type of research is generally approved on with the
While each research study has its own precise purpose, secondary data.
we may believe of research objectives as diminishing
into a numeral of following large groupings: Empirical Research:
1. To gain knowledge with a occurrence or to achieve It is often referred to as tentative research. In this
new insights into it (studies with this object in view are primary data is composed, analyzed, explanation is
termed as investigative or formularize research studies); done and subjected to hypothesis testing. Researcher
2. To represent accurately the character of a particular should increase his untried designs and should supply
entity, situation or a group (studies with this object in working hypothesis by the start of his research for
view are recognized as descriptive research studies); good production.
3. To resolve the occurrence with which incredible
occurs or with which it is connected with something Qualitative Research:
else (studies with this article in view are famous as As the name itself suggests, this research is troubled
diagnostic research studies); with the qualitative process. It usually plant with the
4. To test a hypothesis of a contributory association study of human performance. By this research one can
amid variables (such studies are known as hypothesis- find the body speech, approach, opinions, approach etc.
testing research studies). from the conflicting person during scrutiny. It is
largely helpful for Psychiatrists and interviewers.
III. Types of Research Many techniques are organism used like word
relationship test, decree completion, drawing cinema,
Research can be confidential on the foundation of time, Thematic Apperception Test. It is wanted in times
reason, settings, place and method. Some researchers where quantitative research does not effort. Hence, it
have similarity and some have small variations. But all is also called as „Motivation Research‟.
the types of research have its own importance.
Quantitative Research:
Basic Research: This research is largely afraid with the dimension of
It is moreover called as clean research. Research for the occurrence in terms of amount. Many a times a discuss
sake of improvement of information is termed as Basic is conducted between qualitative and quantitative
Research. It is done with the aim of overriding of the terms. A pattern for the quantitative research is
indefinite facts. It is troubled with the generalization carrying out senses for collecting people, social,
and also with the formulation of new speculation. economic figures of a fastidious area. They are
Basic research may not create solutions or outcome to subjected to statistical psychiatry. It relays largely on
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Dr. Swarooprani. K Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol, May-June-2022, 9 (3) : 537-543
primary data like survey process and questionnaire • It leads to detection and modernism of indefinite
method. However, one can observe the inter- facts and unknown theories. It leads to the
dependence among one another. increase of the society and its people. It gives
possibility to the researcher to go deep into the
Descriptive Research: theme and to innovate it.
As the name itself indicates, this research straight deals • It avoids irrational beliefs, myths and prejudices:
with account. It includes diverse data compilation like Many community are motionless not aware of the
survey method and fact verdict techniques. The main research actions and its significance. Many
quality of this research is that, the researcher does not ancient attitude and myths have been proven
have managed over the variables. He should explain incorrect with the help of research.
what has happened and what is incident. Most Ex post • It leads to expansion of social interests and society.
facto projects use expressive research. • It is helpful for PhD students to write their thesis.
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worker dedication a thesis for a Ph.D. degree to write mainly on the research purpose. Research purposes
a dilapidated of the topic and present it to the essential may be grouped into four categories, viz., Exploration,
Committee or the Research Board for sanction. At this Description, Diagnosis, and Experimentation.
juncture the researcher should assume extensive A supple research design which provides occasion for
literature survey linked with the problem. For this allowing for many dissimilar aspects of a problem is
reason, the abstracting and indexing journals and careful appropriate if the principle of the research
published or unpublished bibliographies are the first study is that of examination. But when the reason
place to go to. Educational journals, discussion events, happens to be a precise description of a condition or of
government gossip, books etc., must be tapped a relationship among variables, the opposite design will
depending on the scenery of the problem. In this be one that minimizes bias and maximizes the
procedure, it should be remember that one basis will consistency of the data composed and analyzed. There
lead to another. The previous studies, if any, which are are numerous research designs, such as, investigational
alike to the study in hand, should be cautiously studied. and no untried hypothesis testing. Experimental
A good record will be an immense help to the designs can be also informal designs (such as before-
researcher at this stage. and after exclusive of control, after-only with control,
before-and-after with control) or formal designs (such
3. increasing a working hypothesis: as wholly randomized design, randomized block
A research in any pasture of study does not give correct design, Latin plaza design, easy and compound
results unless and until we expand a effective factorial designs), out of which the researcher should
hypothesis. It is a uncertain statement or supposition select one for his own scheme. The research of the
regarding the answer to the problem of study. It is an research design, suitable for a particular research
supposition which is used to draw the logical problem, involves typically the thought of the
consequences. It is the key point of study and hence it following: (i) the means of obtaining the information;
should be limited and should hold much knowledge. It (ii) the accessibility and skills of the researcher and his
is caring for researcher for predictions and also workers (if any); (iii) elucidation of the way in which
maintains complete focus on the study. It should be elected means of obtaining information will be
accurate and evidently defined. It gives a plan of the prepared and the analysis leading to the collection; (iv)
type of data to be worn and type of method or the time obtainable for research; and (v) the cost issue
techniques for the study. In some research actions like relating to research, i.e., the economics obtainable for
exploratory or invent, hypothesis is not used for testing. the reason.
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• Quota sampling The difficulty of this method is that the researcher will
• Cluster sampling and area sampling not like extra information and it is very costly.
• Multi-stage sampling
• Sequential sampling 7. Though the data can be composed in a short span of
time but the correctness cannot be affirmed.
6. Collecting the data: Execution of the project:
The method of meeting or collecting the data is After preparing a good design for the procedure of
intended in data compilation design. There are many research, the researcher must move on to the next step
types for collecting the data. The two types of of finishing. From this stage the researcher starts
collecting data are principal data and Secondary data. executing the research design. Preparation should be
Some of the significant methods for collecting the given to the surveyors and an prepared manual should
Primary data are as follows: Questionnaire: be identified to them. The collection of data should be
The process of collecting data in enormous physical carefully handled.
areas is done during Questionnaire method. Therefore
questionnaires are mailed to the research areas and 8. Analysis of data:
they are dispersed between the respondents. It is a time Soon after the compilation of data, the researcher turns
reduction and inexpensive method but the main to the procedure of analyzing the collected data. The
problem is that the answers given by the respondents raw data will be tuned. There are many clothes used
are not precise. for scrutiny like coding, tabulation, editing and
Interview: statistical analysis. Data will be composed in the form
The investigators prepare a set of questions and ask of questionnaires or schedules. Hence the data
them in a successive vise to the respondents. There are collected in short forms will be elaborated through
dissimilar types of interview like personal, group, coding. Editing can be done at the time of collecting or
mock and telephone interview. It is fast process. We collecting the data. During editing the researcher
can get extra information which is connected to the removes all the mistakes in the project. It will be
topic. But it is expensive. Some respondents may try to refined. Through tabulation the researchers do the
hide some answers. It saves much time of the work of preparing the tables.
Observation: 9. Hypothesis-testing:
This is also one type of collecting data principally. In After analyzing the data as stated above, the
this researcher observes the day to day procedure of researcher is in a situation to test the hypotheses, if any,
the society or a only person. Sometimes researcher has he had formulated earlier. Do the facts sustain the
to engross in the course. It discovers the human hypotheses or they happen to be contrary? This is the
behavior of the respondent. No doubt this method is common question which should be answered while
cost effectual but the data composed is also limited. It testing hypotheses. Different tests, such as Chi square
can’t predict the activities of the future. Secondary data test, t-test, F-test, have been developed by statisticians
can be composed through books, published articles, for the rationale. The hypotheses may be tested
and internet and association services. Association through the use of one or more of such tests, depending
military are companies which gather and sell data to upon the scenery and object of research inquiry.
different people who are in need. It is appropriate for Hypothesis testing will effect in either compliant the
researcher who needs to survey on large population. hypothesis or in rejecting it. If the researcher had no
hypotheses to create with, generalizations recognized
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on the basis of data may be stated as hypotheses to be research obviously and correctly. In fact, it is the final
tested by following researches in times to come. summing up.
Research Approach can be alienated into three types:
10. Generalizations and interpretation: 1. Deductive Research approach.
If a hypothesis is tested and upheld several times, it 2. Inductive Research approach.
may be possible for the researcher to arrive at 3. Adductive Research approach.
generalization, i.e., to build a theory. As a matter of fact, The significance of hypotheses to the study is the main
the real value of research lies in its ability to arrive at characteristic point among deductive and inductive
certain generalizations. If the researcher had no approaches. Deductive approach tests the strength of
hypothesis to start with, he might seek to explain his assumption (or theories/hypotheses) in hand, where
findings on the basis of some theory. It is known as inductive approach contributes to the emergence of
interpretation. The process of interpretation may quite new theories and generalizations. Adductive research,
often trigger off new questions which in turn may lead on the other hand, starts with „startling facts‟ or
to further researches. „puzzles‟ and the research progression is dutiful their
11. Preparation of the report or the thesis: In Deductive Research Approach if you have
Finally, the researcher has to prepare the report of formulated a set of hypotheses for your thesis that need
what has been done by him. symbols of report must be to be established or discarded during the research
done with immense care charge in view the following: procedure you would be following a deductive
1. The explain of the report should be as follows: approach. Otherwise, inductive advance does not
(i) The preliminary pages; (ii) the main text, and (iii) engage formulation of hypotheses. It starts with
the end material. In its preliminary pages the report research questions and aims and objectives that require
should carry title and date followed by to be achieved through the research process.
acknowledgements and preface. Then there should be In adductive approach, the research process is stanch
a table of inside followed by a list of tables and list of to explanation of „incomplete observations, surprising
graphs and charts, if any, known in the report. facts or puzzles specified.
The main text of the report should have the following
parts: Major Changes in Research Situation
(a) Introduction: It should contain a clear statement of • Information Technologies in Research:
the objective of the research and a clarification of the The sustained exponential rise in the influence of
methodology adopted in accomplishes the research. information and computing technologies has had a
The reach of the study down with different confines staged impact on research crossways many disciplines.
should as well be affirmed in this part. These technologies have not only enlarged the alacrity
(b) Summary of findings: After introduction there and scope of investigate but have made it probable to
would emerge a statement of findings and actions investigations that were not probable before.
recommendations in non-technical language. If the Information technology advances have enabled new
findings are general, they should be summarized. forms of question such as those based on arithmetical
(c) Main report: The main body of the report should be simulation of physical and organic systems and the
accessible in logical series and crashed into readily study of massive datasets to detect and assess the nature
individual sections. of relations that otherwise would go concealed.
(d) Conclusion: Towards the end of the main text,
researcher should over put down the results of his The Globalization of Research:
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | | Vol 9 | Issue 3 542
Dr. Swarooprani. K Int J Sci Res Sci Eng Technol, May-June-2022, 9 (3) : 537-543
Because information passes generously across national should be suitable. The soundness and consistency of
borders, technical research has always been a global the data should be tartan warily.
endeavor. But this internationalization has intensified 6. Conclusions should be cramped to those warranted
over the past two decades. Nations have realized that by the data of the research and incomplete to those for
they cannot imagine benefiting from the universal which the data present an adequate basis.
research venture lacking national research systems 7. Greater assurance in research is necessary if the
that can absorb and construct on that information. As researcher is skilled, has a good reputation in research
a result, they have included science and technology and is a someone of integrity.
into national plans and have recognized goals for
augmented R&D investments. IV. CONCLUSION
• Significance of Research Results to Policy and
Political Debates Research is a mission of discovery; a voyage; an attitude;
Research also comes into play in debates and decisions an experience; a method of unsafe thinking; an activity
over frequent controversial policy issues. Science is not caused by character of curiosity to gain fresh
the only issue in these deliberations. Many insight/find answers to question/acquire information.
considerations outside of science influence policy
choices, such as personal and political beliefs, lessons V. REFERENCES
from experience, trial-and-error learning, and
reasoning by comparison. To contribute to public [1]. The Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary of Current
enough detail to permit a different researcher to recur [5]. C.R. Kothari, Research Methodology Methods and
Techniques, ISBN (13): 978-81-224-2488-1, 2004. 6.
the research for additional advancement, custody the
Pavan G. K. and Dr. Nagarekha Kulkarni, Review
permanence of what has previously been attain.
Article on Research
3. The procedural design of the research should be
carefully planned to yield results that are as objective Cite this article as :
as possible. Dr. Swarooprani. K , "An Study of Research Methodology",
4. The researcher should report with complete International Journal of Scientific Research in Science,
frankness, flaws in procedural design and estimate Engineering and Technology (IJSRSET), Online ISSN : 2394-
4099, Print ISSN : 2395-1990, Volume 9 Issue 3, pp. 537-543,
their effects upon the findings.
May-June 2022. Available at doi :
5. The scrutiny of data should be adequately adequate
to reveal its meaning and the methods of analysis used
Journal URL :
International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology | | Vol 9 | Issue 3 543