Doom of The Eldar Rules (Condensed)

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Setup If a counter enters an area occupied by an enemy

counter it must end its move and fight. A counter

Eldar player places the following counters: starting its move in an enemy-occupied area is allowed
Reinforcements (green counters) > Warp Gate to move out of the area.
Yriel and followers (blue counters) > put aside Eldar spacecraft may not move onto the Craftworld and
All spacecraft > space ground forces may not move into space. The Farseer may
All ground forces, Wraithguard, Avatar > Craftworld move into any area.
Farseer > space or Craftworld
Tyranid Hive Swarms may move into any area but are
Place one Fortified Area counter in each Craftworld area flipped when they enter the Craftworld and can then not
and the Assault Marker on 0 on the Wave Assault Track. move into space. Only the Spore Mine and the Hive Mind
Tyranid player puts aside the 12-12 and 12-24 Protoid counters can be revealed in space. Once flipped after
counters and puts the rest in the game box with the entering the Craftworld counters cannot be flipped back.
Hive Swarm side up.
Sequence of Play
Deep space combat
1 TYRANID REINFORCEMENT Tyranid player rolls 2d6 1 Add Eldar combat values and cross-reference with a
for number of reinforcements. If a double the Assault d6 for the number of Tyranid counters destroyed.
may end. 2 Add surviving Tyranid combat values and cross-
2 TYRANID MOVEMENT Move Tyranid counters reference with a d6 for the number of Eldar counters
including reinforcements. destroyed.
3 Eldar has the option to retreat all counters one area
3 TYRANID COMBAT Combats caused by the Tyranid and end combat. No retreating to a Craftworld area or
moves are resolved. an area containing Tyranid counters.
4 ELDAR SPECIAL ACTIONS One special action can 4 Begin another round if there is no retreat.
be made for each intact Craftworld area. Convert Craftworld combat
Eldar Guardian counters if desired. If the Shrine of
Only one round of combat per area.
Asuryan has been destroyed Yriel & Raiders arrive.
1 Total attacker’s Attack values and defender’s Defence
5 ELDAR MOVEMENT Move face-up Eldar counters. values and covert to a ratio.
6 ELDAR COMBAT Combats caused by the Eldar moves 2 Attacker’s rolls d6 and cross-references with ratio for
are resolved. Combat Result.
Destroyed units
Tyranid Reinforcement Where there is a choice, the player whose counters are
eliminated chooses which. In space, Tyranid casualties
Reinforcements are taken at random from the box. are removed from the top of the stack down.
Roll d6 to find the area of space to place each counter Eliminated Tyranid counters are returned to the
Hive Swarm side face-up. reinforcements pool. Eldar casualties are placed in the
The Eldar player keeps track of reinforcements on the Destroyed Counters boxes on the Wave Assault Track.
Wave Assault Track. If the Tyranid player rolls a double Re-rolls
and the number is listed to the left of the current row, Farseer and Hive Mind counters entitle the player to a
the Assault ends. re-roll if they are involved in battle. The second result
If the Assault ends the Tyranid player does not take must be accepted. If both players are involved the re-
those reinforcements or any more on subsequent turns rolls cancel each other out.
and the Assault marker is flipped over. In Deep Space Combat a re-roll can be forced on a
Otherwise the Assault ends automatically at box 89. player’s and/or an opponent’s dice roll in each and every
round of combat.
Movement Fortified and Wrecked Areas
Move any or all counters one at a time: While intact, Fortifications double the defence value of
all Eldar counters in the area.
Eldar Specials any number of areas per turn
Fortifications can only be eliminated if on their own
Tyranid Hive Mind any number of areas per turn
in an area with a Tyranid counter (apart from the
Eldar Spacecraft 3 areas per turn Hive Mind) at the end of the Combat Phase. Flip it
All other counters 1 area per turn permanently to the Devastated side.
Eldar Special Actions Victory Conditions
In the Special Actions phase the Eldar player may The game ends and the player with the highest
take one Special Action (see diagram below) with number of Victory Points is the winner when:
each non-devastated area on the Craftworld. – the Assault is over and there are no more Tyranid
Converting Guardians to Spacecraft counters on the map
Guardian Warriors and Eldar Spacecraft may be – at the end of any turn when every Craftworld area
converted to each other in the Special Actions phase. has been devastated

Guardian to Spacecraft: remove the Guardian and Eldar Victory Points

place it in the Destroyed Ground Forces box, then Shown on the right of the row that has the Assault
take a spacecraft from the Destroyed Space Craft box Over counter.
and place it in an adjacent Deep Space area. Tyranid Victory Points
Spacecraft to Guardian: remove the Spacecraft and 1 VP for each area devastated
place it in the Destroyed Space Craft box, then take a 1 VP if the Wraithguard were destroyed
spacecraft from the Destroyed Ground Forces box and 1 VP if the Avatar was destroyed
place it in an adjacent Craftworld area.
Yriel’s Raiders
If the Shrine of Asuryan area is devastated Yriel and The stacking limit is 3 counters—from each player—
his three Raider ships may be placed in a random in the Craftworld and any number in space and
Deep Space area next Special Actions phase. applies only at the end of the Movement Phase.
Raider spacecraft may be converted to Raider Ground Not counted for stacking: Avatar, Wraithguard, Farseer,
Forces using the rules above. Hive Mind, Fortified/Devastated Area counters.

The Spear of Light, Fortress of Tears, and Fortress of the Red Moon: Roll D6 for
each area: on a 6 the area fires a barrage of plasma torpedoes that destroy one
Hive Swarm anywhere on the map. Eldar player chooses which Swarm. Barrages
may not be fired at Tyranid counters on board the Craftworld.

Forge of Lost Souls,

and Forge of the
Shrine of Asuryan: Singers: Roll D6
The Eldar player for each area: on a
may pick any Deep roll of 4, 5 or 6 the
Space area on the Eldar player may
map and examine take one counter
the Horde side of all from the Destroyed
the Tyranid counters Eldar Space Craft
in it. He must then box and return it to
return the stack to play in any Deep
the map the correct Space area adjacent
way up. If the to the forge where it
Shrine is devastated was repaired.
by the Tyranids then
Yriel and his Raiders
will arrive on the
map in a random
The Forests of Silence:
Deep Space area
Roll D6: on a roll of 4,
in the next Special
5 or 6 the Eldar player
Actions Phase.
may take a Guardian or
Aspect Warrior counter
from the Destroyed
Eldar Ground Forces
box and place it on any
area on the Craftworld.

Gate of Dreams, and Gate of Nightmares: Roll D6

for each Gate: on a 6 the Eldar player may take one
counter from the Warp Gate template and place it in
any area of the Craftworld.

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