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Dawood Public School

Computer Studies
Course Outline for 2017-2018
Class VII

Course book- Right Byte 2

Fourth edition (Oxford University Press)

Month wise Distribution of Course Work

August Data Processing and Information Processing Concepts

September System Software

Introduction to Web page with HTML5

October Application Software


November Revision

December Mid-Term Examination

January Binary Computing

February Programming Languages


March Algorithms and Flowcharts


April Revision
Final Project [HTML5]

May Final Examination

Chapter 1: The data-Processing Cycle Pages 3-13

Content Learning Objectives

The data-Processing Cycle Theory Objectives

Steps of Data Processing Cycle  Identify the methods of manual data collection in
 Data Collection various scenarios
 Input  List the machines that capture data automatically
 Process  Differentiate between manual and automated ways
 Output of data collection
 Storage  Identify the benefits of source documents in any
The computer as a data processing system. organization
Different types of processing.  Differentiate between data encoding and decoding
Advantages of computerized systems  Identify appropriate processing steps for given
 Discuss computer as a data processing system
 Compare and contrast manual and computerized
data processing systems

Tricky Terminology:
automated data capture, POS, CCTV (closed circuit TV), OBR

Types of Questions:
 Matching the terms with their description
 Multiple Choice
 Structured Questions
 Search Tasks

Practical Task:
Page No. 13, Part F

Search Task:
Search for application areas that use Manual ways of data collection and Automated data capture.
Compare and contrast between manual and computerized system.
Search on more uses of source documents in organizations.

Chapter 3: System Software Pages 29-37

Content Learning Objectives

System Software Theory Objectives

Basic Input Output System (BIOS)  Explain the purpose of Boot Sequence and Boot
The operating system Loader
 Types of Operating System  List the steps for the booting up process
 Categories of system software  Explain the role of ROM BIOS
 Functions of Operating System  Describe the function of an Operating system
 Utility programs and language translators  List the types of operating systems.
 Differentiate between the types of Operating
 List utility programs
 Describe the function of each utility program
 Explain the purpose of language translators
 List the function of device drivers
Tricky Terminology:
source code, object code, device manager, boot sequence, boot loader

Type of Questions:
 Compare and Contrast
 Multiple Choice
 Structured Questions

Search Task:
Find out the difference between Command Line, Menu Drive and GUI based OS.
Prepare a complete search report (hard copy print) on your findings.

I.T Links:

Chapter 4: Application Software
Practical in HTML Pages 39-47

Content Learning Objectives

Application software Theory Objectives

 Differentiate between system software and
Types of application software application software
 Generic and Bespoke
 Identify the use, application and benefits of each
Categories of application software type of software
 Design software  Differentiate between Custom Design and off-the-
 Educational software shelf Software
 Word processing
 Spreadsheet
 Presentation
 Graphics
 Entertainment
 Desktop Publishing(DTP)
 Database management software
 Web authoring software

Tricky Terminology:
generic off-the-shelf, custom designed, tailor made, CAD/CAM

Type of Questions:
 Compare and contrast
 Multiple Choice
 Structured Questions

Search Task:
Find out how Database Management Software is used at School
Prepare a list of the different software; identifying main features.

I.T Links:
Chapter 4: Practical in HTML 5

Content Learning Objectives

HTML5 and its tags Practical Objectives

 Use note pad as HTML editor
What is an HTML editor and how to use it?  Write and save the HTML program
The structure of HTML program  Apply Document Head and Body tags
Creating a simple Web Page using Document  Apply the color, text and backgrounds attributes of
Head and Body tags <body> tag
Attributes of Body tag  Apply formatting options
Formatting, Line breaks  Apply horizontal ruler with its attributes

Tricky Terminology:
hypertext markup language (HTML), text editor

Type of Questions:
 Fill in the blanks
 Multiple Choice
 Practical based tasks

Practical Task:
Write the HTML tags and create a webpage on any topic of your choice

I.T Links:

November 2017
Revision for Mid Term Examination

December 2017
Mid Term Examination

Chapter 2: Binary Computing Pages 15-23

Content Learning Objectives

Binary Computing Theory Objectives

Various forms of data  Identify the type of data used in given examples
Number system and types of number systems  Explain why and how the computer understands
Binary coding schemes information in binary form
Conversion of number system  Perform conversions using appropriate methods
Binary addition and subtraction  Conversion of decimal into binary
 Conversion of binary into decimal
 Perform addition and subtraction on binary numbers
 Explain how data is stored in computers’ memory in
terms of bits and bytes
Tricky Terminology:
ASCII codes (American Standard Code for Information Interchange)
EBCDIC codes (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code)

Type of Questions:
 Binary Conversions
 Binary addition and subtraction
 Multiple Choice

Find out about the storage capacities of different storage devices available.
Decode the following ASCII message:



I.T Links:

Chapter 8: Introduction to programming languages
Practical in HTML Pages 87-95

Content Learning Objectives

Programming Languages Theory Objectives

Step by step instructions  Define the term program
Programs and programming Languages  Explain the nature of different programming
 Low level languages languages
 High level languages  Compare low level and assembly language
Role of translators  Compare low level and high level language
 Explain the functions of
 assembler
 compiler
 interpreter

Practical Objectives
 Use step-by-step approach to create useful program

Practical in HTML Practical Objectives

Use of List tags and their attributes  Create numbered and bulleted lists
Inserting images and using its attributes  Insert images with its attributes

Tricky Terminology:
artificial intelligence, compiler, LISP

Type of Questions:
 Multiple Choice
 Structured Questions

Practical Task:
Page 95 Part G
Chapter 5: Algorithm and Flow chart
Practical in HTML Pages 75-83

Content Learning Objectives

Algorithm and Flow chart Theory Objectives:

Programming  List the stages involved in problem solving
The Algorithm  Explain the necessity of creating algorithms to solve
The flowchart problems
Selection  Identify different flow chart symbols
 IF ----- Then statements  Explain the function of different flow chart symbols
 If---- Then ----- Else statements  Create algorithm and flow charts to solve given
mathematical problems
 Explain the selection problem with the help of
examples from real life
 Explain the role played by conditional statements in
solving selection problems
 Compare If ---- then and If Then ---Else statements
 Create algorithms and flowcharts to solve problems
using conditional statement

Practical Objectives
 Develop a flowchart to depict the steps for:
 Steps taken by a Bank to grant someone a

Practical in HTML Practical Objectives

Bookmarks and hyperlinks in page  Create internal and external links

Tricky Terminology:
flowchart, flowchart symbols

Type of Questions:
 Fill in the blanks
 Algorithm design
 Structured Questions

Lab Practical Task

 Final project in HTML

April 2018
Revision for Final Term Examination

May 2018
Final Term Examination

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