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Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management 29 (2023) 100823

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Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management

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The role of artificial intelligence in the procurement process: State of the art
and research agenda
Michela Guida *, Federico Caniato, Antonella Moretto, Stefano Ronchi
Politecnico di Milano, Italy


Keywords: Artificial intelligence (AI) is widely adopted in many areas, but it is still in its infancy in procurement, despite its
Purchasing potential. To map the state of the art of both research and practice and identify future research directions, this
Procurement process paper presents a mixed methodology exploratory study of the role of AI in the procurement process. The paper
Artificial intelligence
combines a systematic literature review, a mapping of the offerings of providers of AI-based procurement
Systematic literature review
Digital procurement
platforms and a focus group with procurement managers. Results map the functionalities of AI-based solutions
throughout the procurement process, describe benefits and challenges to their adoption and identify future
research directions.

1. Introduction opens up great opportunities thanks to previously unobtainable infor­

mation from which new business intelligence can be extracted. The
Increasingly, procurement plays a central role in firm strategy, as applications and benefits of AI are often explored within marketing and
companies today spend more than half of their revenues buying goods sales (e.g. Linoff and Berry, 2011; Tirunillai and Tellis, 2014) or risk
and services from suppliers (van Weele and van Raaij, 2014; Bienhaus management (e.g. Wu et al., 2017; Azan Basallo et al., 2018; Baryannis
and Haddud, 2018). In this way, procurement has a direct impact on et al., 2019a,b). Although some authors have discussed its relevance for
firm profitability. However, procurement not only aims to rationalize procurement (Moretto et al., 2017; Handfield et al., 2019; Zair et al.,
spending but also actively contributes to the value generated by the firm 2019), the academic literature on this topic is still far from blooming.
in running the business (Schütz et al., 2020). Procurement can lead to Artificial intelligence is a branch of computer science that studies the
quality improvements in finished goods and reduce time to market, development of hardware and software systems capable of replicating
building relationships that drive innovation (Luzzini et al., 2015) and human behaviour, as AI pursues a defined objective in making decisions
sustainability along the supply chain (Giunipero et al., 2012; Marshall usually entrusted to human beings (Guo and Wong, 2013). As a result, AI
et al., 2015). In these ways, procurement contributes to a firm’s includes a set of technologies that support, inform and augment human
competitive advantage. Therefore, using all the tools available for pro­ decisions based on experience and acquired knowledge, to solve prac­
curement provides companies with a strategic benefit (Handfield et al., tical problems (Min, 2010; Mugurusi and Oluka, 2021). Due to the
2019). Since procurement departments are strongly analytical in nature, profound dynamism of AI technologies, they can be considered
receiving and producing large amounts of data, the adoption of artificial general-purpose technologies (Crafts, 2021), i.e. generic technologies,
intelligence (AI) could be the driving force for further improving the which are recognizable and whose potential grows as the applications
procurement process in various ways (Handfield et al., 2019). Indeed, and the related infrastructures, systems and skills increase (Åström
the promises of AI applied to procurement are remarkable and growing, et al., 2022). In these terms, AI is extremely adaptable since its expertise
as new applications, smart platforms and pilot projects are continuously in a field arises within and is largely based on the context of the
presented to digitize procurement departments. application.
Scholars and practitioners increasingly recognize the competitive When applied to real business problems, the main attributes of AI are
advantage stemming from AI in business processes (Loureiro et al., automation and smartness, increasing human efficiency and effective­
2021; Gartner, 2021). The current era generates more data than can be ness, respectively (Boute and Van Mieghem 2021). These attributes
managed, and the potential of available data, still partially untapped, strongly apply to the field of procurement, as the actions and decisions

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Guida).

Received 13 June 2022; Received in revised form 6 February 2023; Accepted 6 February 2023
Available online 2 March 2023
1478-4092/© 2023 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
M. Guida et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 29 (2023) 100823

of humans encompass the procurement process in several instances. results of the mapping of procurement platforms; the sixth section deals
Equipping the procurement process with AI-based solutions means with the focus group, in terms of methodology and outcome. Section
replacing the procurement managers in tedious and operational tasks seven brings together the findings of the multiple stages of research and
and increasing the power of their decisions. To mention a few applica­ charts the trajectories for future investigations. Section eight draws the
tions from the industry, the AI-based negotiation coach described by conclusions.
Schnellbächer et al. (2018) can support the buyer in the preparation of
conventional face-to-face negotiations and provide valuable insights for 2. Background
should-cost models used for auctions. AI-powered chatbots can make
database querying much more efficient: through natural language pro­ 2.1. Artificial intelligence
cessing technology, the buyer can have an assistant making intelligent
suggestions about what actions to take in specific situations (Jaggaer, Artificial intelligence is a multidisciplinary subject that has fasci­
2019). Nevertheless, evidence suggests that the digital maturity of firms nated researchers in many fields, such as computer science, psychology,
is at an early stage (Wang et al., 2016) and that the potential of AI is neuroscience, mathematics and management. With the rapid develop­
untapped in many procurement activities. With that in mind, this ment of technology, the definition of AI has had a turbulent evolution
research aims to investigate the role of AI in the procurement process, to and is still far from reaching a consensus. Researchers in computer sci­
understand which AI-based functionalities are currently used to assist ence are more focused on creating intelligent systems and programs
procurement managers, and to identify the benefits and challenges from capable of replicating human behaviour; researchers in engineering
a managerial point of view. These research objectives can be formulated place greater emphasis on the use of AI as a problem-solving tool (Guo
in the following research questions. and Wong, 2013). Combining the two perspectives, AI can be considered
a branch of computer science that studies the development of hardware
RQ1. What AI-based functionalities are applied to the phases of the pro­
and software systems with capabilities typical of humans; it is able to
curement process?
independently pursue a defined objective in making decisions usually
RQ2a. What are the benefits of adopting AI in the procurement process? entrusted to human beings. In his definition, Min emphasizes more
precisely the cognitive aspect of AI and the support provided in solving
RQ2b. What are the challenges of adopting AI in the procurement process?
practical problems: “Artificial Intelligence is referred to as the use of
Building on the results of the research by Moretto et al. (2017), the
computers for reasoning, recognizing patterns, learning or understand­
procurement process described by Spina (2008) is the reference frame­
ing certain behaviours from experience, acquiring and retaining
work, structuring the whole process around three main phases, namely
strategic purchasing, sourcing and supply (see Fig. 1), each of which is
further divided into activities. This model was chosen because of the Table 1
granularity of the activities described in the procurement process, which Definitions of AI applications.
is well suited to a study including the collection of empirical data. AI application Definition
Indeed, the procurement activities are described through a
Natural language processing “Natural Language Processing is a theoretically
practice-oriented perspective. In addition, Spina’s procurement process (NLP) motivated range of computational techniques for
groups the activities into strategic, tactical and operational dimensions, analyzing and representing naturally occurring
which is useful when synthesizing findings and future research texts at one or more levels of linguistic analysis
directions. for the purpose of achieving human-like
language processing for a range of tasks or
Addressing the above RQs and given their exploratory nature, this
applications” (Liddy, E.D. 2001)
research employs a qualitative multi-step approach, starting with a Chatbot “A chatbot system is a software program that
systematic review of academic literature, followed by an analysis of AI- interacts with users using natural language” (
based procurement platforms and a focus group with procurement Shawar et al., 2007, p. 29)
managers. The literature review systematizes the current state of sci­ Recommendation system (or “Recommender systems can be defined as
recommender system) programs which attempt to recommend the most
entific knowledge in the field of interest, informing the results from the suitable items (products or services) to particular
empirical part of the study. users (individuals or businesses) by predicting a
The screening of procurement platforms investigates the solutions user’s interest in an item based on related
supporting the procurement process. The focus group with procurement information about the items, the users and the
interactions between items and users” (Lu et al.,
managers highlights the user perspective. Combining the two, we show
2015, p. 12)
the two sides of the empirical setting of interest. Robotic process automation Robotic process automation (RPA) is defined as
The ultimate contribution of this paper is therefore to capture the (RPA) “a preconfigured software instance that uses
current role of AI in the procurement process and to chart the future business rules and predefined activity
trajectories of attention for research and practice in terms of supported choreography to complete the autonomous
execution of a combination of processes,
functionalities, benefits, and challenges. activities, transactions, and tasks in one or more
The paper is structured as follows. Section two provides the back­ unrelated software systems to deliver a result or
ground of the study, and the second section describes the overall service with human exception management” (
research approach. The fourth section provides a detailed explanation of IEEE Corporate Advisory Group 2017)
the methodology and describes the findings gathered from the system­
atic literature review. Section five describes the methodology and the

Fig. 1. The procurement process (adapted from Spina, 2008).

M. Guida et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 29 (2023) 100823

knowledge, and developing various forms of inference to solve problems role of procurement (Barrad et al., 2020), and the impact of analytics
in decision-making situations where optimal or exact solutions are and AI in these activities is staggering (Bienhaus and Haddud, 2018;
either too expensive or difficult to produce” (Min, 2010, pp. 13–14). Barrad et al., 2020). Notwithstanding the great power of such techno­
In general, AI aims to imitate intelligent human behaviour: this is a logical tools, a study performed by McKinsey Global Institute (2017)
significant challenge, since a computer must be programmed to be able observed that most of the ongoing or emerging projects are fostered by
to do many things before being called intelligent (Kok et al., 2009). AI tool providers; even large firms that are approaching these in­
Trying to narrow down the definition of AI, it has been characterized by novations claim to be in the early development stage. Consequently,
the ability to think like humans, act like humans, think rationally and act actual results are challenging to assess (Lorentz et al., 2020), and the
rationally (Russel and Norvig, 1995). Disregarding the discussion of AI literature lacks examples of successful implementation in the procure­
techniques, which is too technical for the aim of this paper, the practical ment field and quantitative results. In addition, few contributions in the
AI applications used in solving common business problems are most academic literature take a process perspective. Chehbi-Gamoura et al.
interesting. Among these applications, natural language processing, (2020) developed a literature review regarding big data analytics in
chatbots, recommendation systems and robotic process automation are supply chain management based on the supply chain operations refer­
very relevant for the topic of investigation (see Table 1). ence (SCOR) model, thus considering procurement a small instance of a
broader process. Moretto et al. (2017) considered the procurement
2.2. Digital tools supporting the procurement process process, focusing on strategic and tactical activities, but missed the
operational portion of the process, which is more impacted by
The adoption of digital technologies in procurement has been iden­ AI-enabled automation. Despite these contributions, most of the existing
tified as an engine for transforming the way upstream processes in the research considers portions of the entire process (e.g. Chowdhary et al.,
supply chain are managed, driving key stakeholders in procurement and 2011; Baryannis et al., 2019a,b; Zair et al., 2019). In addition, the cur­
supply chain management to develop new technological solutions rent literature lacks a solid theoretical framework at the intersection of
(Lorentz et al., 2020). As claimed by Bag et al. (2020), the procurement procurement and AI. To date, only the seminar paper by Waller and
digitalization triggered by new technologies requires the development Fawcett (2013) has proposed research directions informed by grand
of new frameworks to rebuild a range of processes within a firm. theories, crafting potential research questions on the transformation of
Eventually, successful implementation will bring the company to new supply chain management through analytics and recommending the
procurement value propositions (Hallikas et al., 2021). However, digital theories to address future research. Therefore, there is a need to sys­
procurement is not limited to the use of new or enhanced technology tematize the knowledge accumulated to date about AI in the procure­
systems. While digital procurement relates to supporting manual work, ment process.
smart systems represent one step further, automatically and indepen­
dently executing certain procurement tasks without any necessary 3. Research approach
human interference (Glas et al., 2016).
Throughout the years, many steps in the procurement process have Our research questions lay the foundation for an exploratory inves­
been subjected to the influence of digital technologies, streamlining the tigation of the phenomenon that targets the basic constructs not yet
flow of activities such as the introduction of electronic data interchange structured by previous research. The approach in this study reflects the
(EDI) systems, the extensive use of enterprise resource planning (ERP) breadth of the research questions by combining multiple methodologies.
for suppliers and purchase order management and the electronic invoice The authors embrace a multi-step approach, first performing a system­
(Kosmol et al., 2019). Today, the amount of data collected is exponen­ atic review of previous literature, then relying on two different sources
tially increasing (Wang et al., 2016), both upstream and downstream. of information: a mapping of AI-based platforms supporting the pro­
For this reason, advanced analytics should be implemented as the curement process and a focus group with procurement managers.
driving force of the procurement evolution, supporting strategic activ­ The triangulation of the results gathered from these methodologies
ities. Visibility of spending data and activities is the core of the strategic helps address the research questions by combining different

Fig. 2. The research framework.

M. Guida et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 29 (2023) 100823

perspectives. In this way, the study is relevant for the advancement of 4.1. Planning the review
both research and practice. The major finding from the systematic
literature review is the identification of the basic constructs for studying The scoping study pertains to the initial literature review and aims to
the phenomenon, grouped as functionalities, benefits and challenges. study the relevant papers and understand the debate in which the
The procurement platforms mapping investigates the match between the research is positioned. It also includes a brief theoretical, practical and
available AI-based solutions and the focus of academia in previous methodological overview, in line with the suggestions from Tranfield
research. The focus group sheds light on the firms’ perspective when et al. (2003). The main output of the scoping study was the definition of
adopting AI in the procurement process. The research questions and the review protocol. The review protocol comprises the search strategy
adopted methodologies are represented in the research framework in and the criteria for the inclusion and exclusion of sources in the review
Fig. 2. (Davies and Crombie, 1998). The search strategy consisted of struc­
The research is designed to reflect the works by Moretto et al. (2017) turing a query to run the systematic search on Scopus by identifying
and Handfield et al. (2019), which are considered seminal papers. They relevant keywords from the preliminary exploration of the literature.
are part of the scoping study (see Section 4.1) and take the whole pro­ Specifically, the review aims to study the intersection between pro­
curement process as a unit of analysis. curement and AI technology, an area where the research is still imma­
The architecture of the research framework can be recognized in the ture. Due to the novelty of the topic under scrutiny and the vague
work of Moretto et al. (2017), who investigated the relationship be­ definition of AI, in the first search, we decided to broaden the scope of
tween the adoption of big data and the procurement process, described the technology and include the wider family of big data analytics (BDA),
in terms of the sequence of strategic purchasing, sourcing and supply. which encompasses AI. Indeed, even though some papers use the term
Leveraging a multiple case study and a focus group, Moretto et al. “analytics” more frequently than “AI” in their titles and keywords, their
(2017) focused on procurement activities through a qualitative point of content is extremely valuable in studying the role of AI in the procure­
view, similar to our investigation of the benefits and challenges of AI in ment process (e.g. Brintrup et al., 2020; Dubey et al., 2018).
the procurement process. In terms of both structure and combined This approach served two main purposes. First, the authors were able
methodologies, the current study is in line with Handfield et al. (2019), to contextualize their work, even if papers were later discarded from the
who combined a procurement platform review, a small survey among review. Second, it avoided missing relevant papers that were not tagged
procurement executives and qualitative interviews with technology with the specific keywords “AI”. This second point was the main moti­
experts to study procurement analytics. vation behind the authors’ choice.
The keywords ([“big data” OR “artificial intelligence” OR “ana­
4. Systematic literature review lytics”] AND [“procurement” OR “purchas*” OR “sourc*” OR “supply”
OR “supplier”]) were searched in the title, abstract and author keywords
The first part of the research consists of the literature review. The of articles and reviews written in English and published in December
structured literature review studied previous research, combining the 2020 or earlier. The most significant restrictions set by the authors
systematic technique and snowball sampling for the search phase and concerned the type of journals. This choice was necessary due to the
using descriptive analysis for the review phase (Hart, 1998; Tranfield considerable spread of the keywords “big data” and “artificial intelli­
et al., 2003). Starting the research with snowball sampling in the gence” in academic publications. Indeed, the reference journals were
scoping study increased prior knowledge about the discipline under carefully selected among the most important sources in the domain of
investigation in terms of terminology, scope and referenced journals. procurement. The literature reviews by Spina et al. (2013) and Wynstra
The scoping study sets the stage for the definition of the query and the et al. (2019) and the article by Zheng et al. (2007) were crucial, as they
systematic search conducted downstream (see Annex A). Narrative and list the most relevant journals in procurement and supply management.
descriptive techniques were used for the literature analysis to focus on More precisely, three groups of journals were selected.
the research areas to be addressed in the following stages of the study, as
advised by Tranfield et al. (2003). The whole process is described in
Fig. 3.

Fig. 3. The literature review process (adapted from Tranfield et al., 2003).

M. Guida et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 29 (2023) 100823

Table 2 database of the whole research. To perform this screening in a system­

Journals included in the Scopus query. atic way, an Excel database was shared among the authors to track the
Included journals Referenced literature review number of papers included and excluded in each stage of the review. The
steps in this process are described in Fig. 3. To be rigorous in the analysis
IEEE Transactions on Engineering Wynstra et al. (2019)
Management of these sources, all the information in the analyzed papers was reported
Industrial Management and Data Systems Zheng et al. (2007) in the database. The form contained the main bibliographical informa­
Industrial Marketing Management Spina et al. (2013); Wynstra et al. tion of the papers (authors, title, year, source title and author keywords)
(2019) and some specific fields to support the authors’ review (phase and sub-
International Journal of Production Research Spina et al. (2013)
International Journal of Operations and Zheng et al. (2007); Spina et al.
phase of the procurement process, benefits, challenges and additional
Production Management (2013); Wynstra et al. (2019) notes). More than a tool to track the review stage, the database was a
International Journal of Physical Distribution Zheng et al. (2007) valuable support to the authors for the research synthesis, helping them
and Logistics Management gather and systematize the insights from previous publications.
International Journal of Production Spina et al. (2013); Wynstra et al.
Economics (2019)
Journal of Business Logistics none – added by the authors 4.3. Article classification by functionality in the procurement process
Journal of Cleaner Production none – added by the authors
Journal of Marketing Research Spina et al. (2013)
Journal of Operations Management Zheng et al. (2007); Spina et al. One of the main outputs of the systematic literature review was the
(2013); Wynstra et al. (2019) detailed mapping of papers throughout the procurement process. More
Journal Of Purchasing and Supply Zheng et al. (2007); Spina et al. precisely, a paper was associated to a phase and a sub-phase of the
Management (2013); Wynstra et al. (2019)
procurement process if it described a functionality of AI related to that
Journal Of Supply Chain Management Zheng et al. (2007); Spina et al.
(2013); Wynstra et al. (2019) phase. Therefore, a single paper can be associated to more than one
Production and Operations Management Wynstra et al. (2019) phase of the procurement process if it describes different impacts of AI.
Production Planning and Control Spina et al. (2013) This matching was only possible for 45 of the 85 papers in the research
Supply Chain Management: An International Spina et al. (2013) database. Eighty functionalities described in the papers covered the
process in a non-homogeneous pattern (see Fig. 4), 47 of which
described functionalities related to strategic purchasing, 32 related to
- Journals labelled “PSM-related journals” and “Marketing and Oper­ sourcing and only one related to supply. In Fig. 4, encircled numbers are
ations Management journals” by Spina et al. (2013), neglecting those scaled to size of the node.
in the “General Management and Economics journals” category By examining the distribution of academic papers throughout the
- Journals in the categories “Operations Management” and “Purchas­ procurement process, hotspots in academic interest can be identified in
ing and Supply Management” from Wynstra et al. (2019), discarding precise portions of the process. Some papers focused on category man­
those grouped under “Marketing” and “Strategy & Organization” agement, spend analysis, and spend classification, which are considered
- Journals defined as “Academic Journal Publications” by Zheng et al. strategic elements for the proper management of suppliers’ relation­
(2007), leaving out the two journals related to Public Procurement (i. ships. To mention one of these contributions, Abdollahnejadbarough
e. International Journal of Public Sector Management and Journal of et al. (2020) addressed AI techniques such as text mining and natural
Public Procurement) as they are out of our research scope. language processing to assess suppliers’ performances, with the final
aim of suppliers’ rationalization. Other papers addressed strategic sup­
The authors merged these three lists, then broadened them with a plier performance analysis through AI, especially focusing on supply risk
few missing journals still relevant to the topic (see Table 2). The inclu­ management. Among them, Baryannis et al. (2019a,b) introduced a
sion of these additional sources resulted from the insights of the initial supply chain risk prediction framework based on AI techniques in a case
literature review and discussion with senior colleagues. study, exploring the trade-off between prediction performance and
In the review protocol, inclusion and exclusion criteria were defined interpretability. Partly related to supply risk management, the concept
as well (see Annex B). The criteria were applied to the papers resulting of procurement sustainability is also gaining momentum. Gholizadeh
from the systematic search conducted in Scopus, analyzed by title, ab­ et al. (2020) developed a multi-objective model for optimal sustainable
stract and author keywords to evaluate whether they should be included procurement and transportation decisions related to cost ration­
in the analysis. alization, transportation efficiency and information sharing.
Other papers focused on supplier selection solutions, especially for
those already in the supply base, using multi-criteria optimization
4.2. Conducting the review techniques to select the best supplier. Within this research stream, Scott
et al. (2015) proposed a method to integrate multiple criteria
The review protocol produced in the previous stage reduced bias in decision-making techniques and multiple stakeholder requirements in a
the research, in line with the foundations of the systematic literature common optimization algorithm to select appropriate suppliers and
review. The output of the search was the complete list of all papers allocate orders optimally among them. Upstream of the supplier selec­
included in the analysis. Since the application of inclusion and exclusion tion, the literature also mentions negotiation. However, this application
criteria is often difficult and influenced by the personal judgement of the is not fully developed yet, often being described generically among
researchers, the review process was conducted by all authors to mitigate many other functionalities potentially enhanced by AI (Liu et al., 2011;
bias and resolve any disagreements. The selection of papers to be Moretto et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2016). In this stream of literature, Zair
included in the review comprised several stages. The query, designed et al. (2019) described the smart configuration of an agent-based system
through the scoping study, was conducted on Scopus, and the resulting for supplier selection, where the supplier is selected by the dyad
papers were analyzed by title, abstract and author keywords. Then, for composed of the buyer firm and its customer, so that the supplier is
all papers deemed relevant based on the abstract, the authors evaluated chosen considering the buyer’s requirements and the needs of the
the full text to determine whether the paper should be included in the customer.

M. Guida et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 29 (2023) 100823

Fig. 4. The functionalities described in the papers.

Fig. 5. Benefits described in the papers.

M. Guida et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 29 (2023) 100823

4.4. Article classification by benefits in 36 papers, with a total occurrence of 99, as many challenges were
described by more than one paper. The most common challenge is the
Looking at the benefits stemming from the adoption of AI throughout availability and systematization of data, which was cited in 23 papers.
the procurement process, 27 different benefits were identified in the The poor presence of adequate analytical skills and the lack of a clear
literature (Fig. 5). These benefits were mentioned 274 times in total and understanding of the actual potential of the technology are relevant
appeared in 58 out of 85 papers in the research database, meaning that hurdles as well. A comprehensive description is given in Fig. 6, while the
papers were often associated to more than one potential benefit of detailed match between the reviewed papers and the identified chal­
adopting AI in the procurement process. The detailed match between the lenges is reported in the online Supplementary data.
papers and the benefits is reported in the online Supplementary data. Regarding the lack of data availability and systematization of data,
The most cited benefits are the increased visibility and control over Hazen et al. (2014) deepened the understanding of data quality in
processes inside and outside the procurement perimeter, as well as the supply chain management. According to Schoenherr and Speier-Pero
procurement risk mitigation enabled by the predictive power of AI. (2015), one of the major barriers is the inability to grasp insights com­
Brintrup et al. (2020) analyzed a huge amount of data through ing from available data. Kache and Seuring (2017) described data
advanced analytical techniques, which they trace back to the domain of availability from a different angle, looking at the issue of cyber security
AI, to predict possible discontinuity events along the supply chain. This at the company and supply chain level. A major issue addressed in the
kind of application certainly brings considerable benefit to supply risk literature is the lack of appropriate competences in procurement
management and the visibility into supply relationships. Many of the departments.
data analyzed by Brintrup et al. pertain to first-tier suppliers, so auto­ According to Handfield et al. (2019), the lack of internal skills in
matic AI-enabled analysis is crucial to increase visibility and control procurement departments turns out to be a barrier, as the power of the
over certain events in the buyer-supplier relationship. technology alone is not enough for successful adoption of advanced
Kamble and Gunasekaran (2020) underscored the importance of procurement platforms: data management, cultural change and skills
assessing the benefits of a BDA system in terms of decision support for development are fundamental. Based on the results of a survey of pro­
planning and sourcing. The availability and reliability of these systems curement professionals, Bienhaus and Haddud (2018) claimed that
in planning are a big advantage in many supply chain decisions and in buyer firms must assess the internal competences before implementing a
procurement as well. digital transformation strategy in procurement departments. Some also
Although many benefits are envisaged for AI in procurement, these talk about macrostructural issues related to the CEO’s endorsement and
benefits have yet to be systematized. To this end, Moretto et al. (2017) prioritization (Bienhaus and Haddud, 2018) or investment cost and
classified benefits in terms of internal or external performance (related budget (Handfield et al., 2019). However, a clear focus on the barriers
to the supplier side). However, a clear understanding of the benefits of and, most importantly, possible solutions for these problems is still
AI in procurement processes is still missing and will be difficult to missing.
achieve considering the low level of application in the empirical realm
and the lack of measurements of impacts (Wang et al., 2016; Lorentz 5. Mapping of AI-based procurement functionalities offered by
et al., 2020). IT providers and startups

5.1. Conducting the mapping of AI-based procurement functionalities

4.5. Article classification by challenges
The second part of the study increases the reliability of the research,
The literature review identified challenges to the adoption of AI in as the triangulation of different sources of information increases the
the procurement process. There were 17 different challenges described

Fig. 6. Challenges described in the papers.

M. Guida et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 29 (2023) 100823

reliability of the study (Flick, 2018a). However, to actively contribute to of the procurement process. The main output of this analysis was the
the overall value of the study, the mapping of the AI-based procurement mapping of the AI-based solutions offered by established providers and
functionalities must meet the validity requirements. Consistent with startups (Fig. 7).
Lincoln et al. (2011), the validity of the findings is ensured by providing
new insights into innovative solutions and increasing awareness to guide 5.2. Mapping of AI-based functionalities throughout the procurement
practitioners’ actions. process
This part of the research takes the solution provider perspective,
performing the collection and analysis of data from secondary sources Procurement platforms included in the mapping consist of 11
through the mapping of digital procurement functionalities based on AI. consolidated providers and 22 startups (the complete list is provided in
More precisely, the screening of procurement platforms refers to the Annex D). The authors classified each of these players according to their
search for players that develop digital solutions for procurement man­ offered functionalities, i.e. according to the AI-based functionalities
agement and offer them to the buyer firms requiring the service. This explicitly mentioned on their websites. AI-based functionalities
screening was conducted on the web, using both Google and specialized currently offered on the market of digital procurement platforms were
websites (e.g. Gartner), adopting the same keywords as in the literature thus mapped throughout the procurement process. Procurement plat­
search. The search was also repeated on Crunchbase, a worldwide forms often provide several integrated functionalities, so each platform
database of information about firms and startups. Two types of players may be associated to different phases of the procurement process. As
were included in the analysis. depicted in Fig. 7, 112 functionalities, grouped into 26 solutions, were
recorded in the database and mapped (encircled numbers are scaled to
- Established providers in the field of digital procurement offering AI- size of the node).
based solutions. We identified 11 providers supporting innovative The mapping of AI-based solutions enables an overview of how well
technologies (artificial intelligence, big data analytics, etc.) in their currently available functionalities cover the procurement process.
solutions. Among these functionalities, most of the solutions (54%) support the
- Startups offering procurement solutions based on AI. We found 22 strategic purchasing phase, where the most strategic activities are car­
startups offering digital procurement functionalities exploiting AI ried out. Meanwhile, 31% of the solutions support the activities in the
technologies. sourcing phase, which are more tactical. Only 4% of current solutions
address the more operational activities of the supply phase. In addition,
After compiling the list of providers and startups, the authors con­ the mapping recognized two solutions developed to support the pro­
ducted the mapping of functionalities by studying the commercial offers curement process. They are digital assistant and automation of non-value-
proposed on their websites. Every useful piece of information retrieved added activities, counting for 11% of the total.
on the website was carefully analyzed, including every section or tab of Among the most common solutions are spend analysis and pur­
the website, as well as every additional uploaded document such as chasing category management through category tree design. The web­
providers’ case studies. When available, a platform demo was also run sites analyzed describe functionalities such as customized analysis and
by one of the authors. All the extracted information was catalogued. This insights based on AI, cleaning and consolidation of spending data and
process primarily focused on functionalities offered through the imple­ identification of spending optimization opportunities. For instance,
mentation of AI in the procurement process: every functionality was Suplari applies AI and machine learning to clean and consolidate
analyzed in detail and categorized according to the phase and sub-phase spending data, primarily from ERP and supplier accounting systems, as

Fig. 7. Mapping of AI-based functionalities offered by IT providers and startups.

M. Guida et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 29 (2023) 100823

well as contracts, travel expenses and purchasing cards repositories. involved from heterogeneous industries with high-level managerial
Then, algorithms are run between data sources to spot optimization roles in procurement departments (the complete list is provided in
opportunities. In one of the other cases investigated, Simfoni’s platform Annex C). In line with Morgan David and Hoffman (2018), the number
produces a map of spending data through an automatic classification of participants is considered appropriate to ensure fruitful interactions,
engine. This solution provides suggestions to improve classification and the principle of heterogeneous sampling was intentionally chosen.
quality and coverage, the ability to slice and dice data using open search Indeed, heterogeneity generates differing viewpoints appropriately. In
and built-in optimization tools to identify opportunities to reduce costs. our study, heterogeneity is granted by the industry diversity of the
Risk management solutions are also relatively common strategic participants. However, a certain degree of homogeneity is guaranteed to
activities addressed by providers in the mapping. For instance, Coupa maintain productive conversations and avoid undue conflict. Homoge­
helps companies monitor each supplier through community insights and neity is driven by two criteria: participants were part of multinational
information from credit ratings, news sentiment and supplier intelli­ companies in which procurement plays a strategic role, and at the time
gence to proactively identify risks and avoid business disruptions. of the study, they were involved in important projects related to inno­
Similarly, Jaggaer provides real-time information about the likelihood of vating and digitizing the procurement function. This information was
supplier delays in delivery, enabling managers to mitigate risks of retrieved from companies’ websites in the institutional communications
disruption to production flows and reduce related costs. The algorithm section and, when possible, through informal conversations between the
predicts whether an order will be delivered on time. authors and the target companies. Moreover, respondents were selected
There is a growing interest in supply chain finance solutions, with based on a convenient sample: they were managers who were known by
five startups currently offering AI-supported functionalities in this area. the authors and who had demonstrated interest in and knowledge about
One of them, Gardenia Technologies, leverages ad hoc algorithms to the topic of the paper over the years.
facilitate short-term financing in the supply chain, systematically reduce The focus group aimed to augment knowledge about real imple­
risk, identify inefficiencies and propose actions to optimize working mentations of AI in the procurement process through the experience of
capital. actual users, thereby complementing the insights from the procurement
Supplier scouting is also relevant, where AI functionalities connect solutions mapping. Indeed, the contribution of procurement managers
the buyer with the best suppliers in an efficient way. In GEP’s platform, shed light on AI’s potential in supporting procurement department ac­
as the AI learns procurement models and behaviours, the buyer firm tivities, namely the benefits (actual or expected) and the main chal­
relates to the best suppliers in a fast and efficient way, saving time in the lenges experienced in real-world business.
selection of suppliers, negotiation and evaluation. The Scoutbee platform The introductory part of the focus group was intended to explain the
is a search engine for supplier identification and onboarding that finds objectives of the focus group, the session methodology and the general
and evaluates global suppliers of direct or indirect materials. The com­ point of view of the study. AI technology and its application solutions
pany claims the process is easy, secure and 75% faster than traditional were introduced to share the main notions and terminology among all
tools, allowing the digitization of the scout-to-source process. Scoutbee participants to avoid biased results in data collection. For the same
allows firms to define requirements rapidly and create a wide network of reason, AI technology was introduced without any reference to the
potential suppliers to get a broad view of the market, thus helping to procurement process to eliminate bias from the participants’ responses.
detect the best suppliers. In moderating the discussion, the inverted funnel approach was pursued
In the sourcing phase, negotiation is also well represented. For (Morgan David and Hoffman, 2018): the questions began with narrower
instance, Icertis provides firms with AI-powered suggestions and insights topics and then broadened to a more open-ended discussion. This
to optimize contract negotiation. It supports the buyer in consistently approach was helpful in our research setting (i.e. the role of AI in the
negotiating the best terms, thus reducing the time otherwise spent procurement process), as the topic was novel and the participants
manually creating and reviewing long contracts, ensuring compliance themselves may not have had an immediately available set of thoughts
for third-party contracts and accelerating the negotiation process. about it (Morgan David and Hoffman, 2018).
An important result concerns the operational instances of the pro­ After the introduction, the focus group activities directly involved
curement process, i.e. the supply stage: only three solutions were iden­ the experts through individual questionnaires and collective discussions,
tified. However, cross-process solutions, digital assistant and automation following the methodology adopted by Moretto et al. (2017). The indi­
of non-value-added activities, are recognized in many IT providers and vidual questionnaire had the purpose of triggering the discussion: the
startups and are always described as the main agents of operational questionnaire was quickly completed by participants, and the aggre­
activities. Among the specific operational activities in supply, more gated results were used to initiate a free and open discussion moderated
commonly addressed solutions are catalogue management, order man­ by the researchers. The focus group lasted approximately two hours and
agement and fraud detection. Among these solutions, Zycus provides a was divided into three sections: functionalities, benefits and challenges. In
complete life-cycle catalogue management functionality with control to each round, respondents were asked to individually complete a ques­
ensure the validity of content across different geographical areas and tionnaire on the specific topic, evaluating a list of propositions from 1 to
business units. The software uses the Zycus AI platform to classify all 5 according to their degree of agreement (where 1: “strongly disagree”;
items into catalogues, enabling automated classification. As far as fraud 2: “disagree”; 3: “neutral”; 4: “agree”; 5: “strongly agree”). The authors
detection is concerned, a functionality offered within Coupa packages developed the questionnaires based on the knowledge gathered in the
uses AI and machine learning techniques to automatically identify errors literature review and augmented by the findings from the procurement
and fraud to manage fraud risk efficiently and effectively. solutions mapping to align academic notions with industry advance­
ments. Results were collected through an electronic form, and the
6. Focus group with procurement managers average of the answers was shown to the participants through a histo­
gram. This was a good catalyst in every round to trigger a lively dis­
6.1. Conducting the focus group cussion of the topics. The sequence of individual questionnaires and
collective discussion was repeated in the three rounds, dealing respec­
The third part of the research adopts the buyer firm’s perspective, tively with functionalities, benefits and challenges, according to the
studying the primary data collected through a focus group with pro­ process in Fig. 8.
curement managers. The focus group is considered an appropriate The discussion in the focus group was recorded and transcribed at the
methodology to analyze nascent fields and facilitate brainstorming, end of the interaction.
creating a collaborative discussion among informed stakeholders (Bar­ The contributions were first analyzed according to summary-based
bour, 2018; Krueger and Casey, 2015). Thirteen respondents were reporting (Morgan and Hoffman, 2018) to determine which topics were

M. Guida et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 29 (2023) 100823

Fig. 8. The focus group process.

most important to the participants through a descriptive account of the scouting was perceived as an impacted stage in the procurement process,
primary subjects of the focus group. A simple standard for judging as explained by Manager 8: “We are trying to implement an intelligence
importance is whether a topic arose frequently, as well as the extent to platform for scouting suppliers that, based on a series of parameters provided
which it engaged the participants when it did arise. Apart from the by the buyer, make some analyses on external data and information taken
frequency, we also evaluated the level of significance the procurement from Google and generated very interesting results on potential suppliers
managers attached to the topic. This requires a degree of judgement by available in the market. These solutions would be useful”.
the authors, but the results of the analyses were then shared with the Contributions from the focus group confirm the relevance of AI
participants to ensure that their ideas were recorded and perceived application in the operative activities carried out in the supply stage as
properly. well. In particular, the discussion addressed the issue of fraud detection.
As stated by the manager of a fast-moving consumer goods company
6.2. Procurement managers’ opinions about AI-based functionalities in (Manager 13): “A promising area of application is fraud detection, with
the procurement process algorithms to check if a buyer is doing something wrong. We are a multina­
tional company, with many offices across Europe, hundreds of people buying
Among the managers involved in the focus group, there was a something every day. Having alerts to monitor internal fraud would be very
consensus that AI can impact procurement. According to them, the most valuable because we currently go by trial and error to look for fraud, which
beneficial functionalities affect the procurement process crosswise, i.e. unfortunately exists”.
the functionalities related to data consolidation and cleaning and auto­
mation of non-value-added activities. According to Manager 2, “Advanced 6.3. Procurement managers’ opinions about the benefits of AI in the
tools are mostly used to support major, strategic decisions. Obviously, they procurement process
also bring benefits in terms of efficiency in the operating activities, but the real
contribution comes for the analysis and the strategic activities of procure­ Regarding the benefits of AI in the procurement process, the most
ment”. However, many of the participants agreed with Manager 11: “The discussed benefit was reduction of time spent in non-value-added tasks.
first approach is to simplify and reduce the workload, which is about auto­ This benefit found consensus among all participants, consistent with the
mating processes. Firms that have already achieved these goals turn then to functionalities described above. According to the managers in the focus
more strategic activities in adopting AI”. group, another key gain from adopting AI in the procurement process
Looking at the activities in the strategic purchasing phase, the focus lies in risk reduction along the supply chain. The improvements made
group participants recognized the impact of AI on supply risk manage­ possible by identification of suspicious expenses and identification of saving
ment. Indeed, in round two, they described the mitigation of supply risk opportunities were considered highly relevant as well.
as one of the main benefits of AI. Manager 9, from the automotive in­ Some managers also agreed on the benefit of AI in better adapting the
dustry, stated, “The first effort in deploying AI is supply chain mapping. Our procurement department to external situations and requests: AI comes to
supply chain has high depth and complexity, and tracing the relationships support the buyer when timely decisions are required to deal with un­
from the origin of the material to our contract with the supplier is very hard. foreseen contingencies, such as the pandemic emergency. In many cases,
This is one of the main issues in the crisis we are going through: supply chain the advantage of AI is real-time scenario analysis, creating predictive
visibility and supply risk management are key, also for the post-pandemic and synthetic reports to increase the awareness of decisions, even if they
recovery”. Then, diverting the discussion about supply risk manage­ must be made fast. Manager 11 stated, “The benefit I see in AI is the
ment to the narrower topics of working capital financing, some insights adaptation to external situations. Especially in the last few months, I have had
arose about the adoption of AI in supporting supply chain finance ini­ to make decisions very quickly: a few months ago, we were asked to under­
tiatives: “When we talk about supply chain finance solutions, it might be stand what the impact of a likely shutdown in China might be. So, a tool that
helpful for the buyer firm to have support in categorizing the suppliers to could make a data synthesis would certainly have helped me save the hours
engage and selecting the best solutions to support them” (Manager 8). we spent to build Excel files”.
Spend analysis and categorization, together with the identification of Apart from the main benefits specifically perceived by managers,
actions for improvement, were also relevant in the experience of the important insights were raised in the discussion. According to Manager
managers in the focus group: “We are experimenting with a dynamic 1, “The real benefits of AI in procurement are not clearly communicable,
categorization solution based on content from open sources or closed sources because there are not solutions established through successful cases in com­
that are on documents, brochures, descriptions, references, news. This in­ panies. Understanding the real benefits of AI-based procurement solutions is
formation can give a categorization that changes over time thanks to the critical because investments in the procurement function are not as frequent
natural language processing technology. Non-relevant categories are not as in other departments”. In other words, the benefits from AI are not
classified, but in the future, the procurement department could need to use perceived by the procurement managers and are not communicated
that category and the related supplier for other works or developments. A lot within the company. This perception is missing because of the low
of interesting vendors are hidden in cluttered databases, so classification is knowledge about the technicalities of AI-based solutions and how they
one application where we see value and applicability of this technology” support firms’ specific activities in the procurement process.
(Manager 5).
Focusing on the sourcing stage in the procurement process, supplier

M. Guida et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 29 (2023) 100823

Fig. 9. Proposed research framework.

6.4. Procurement managers’ opinions about the challenges of AI in the procurement solutions offered by IT providers and startups collected
procurement process insights from the industry. Finally, the focus group contributions from
the managers shed light on the direct user experience in terms of future
Finally, the managers discussed the reasons preventing the proper perspectives and needs. By combining the collected contributions into a
implementation of AI in the procurement process. The most recurrent complete result, the authors could identify the areas uncovered by ac­
challenges were focus on the short term, limited knowledge and awareness of ademic research and practitioner knowledge and the topics already
technology and cost of implementation and budget constraints. investigated but still in need of further research. The answer to the
Looking at the challenges stemming from the proper adoption of AI research questions is illustrated in this section and synthesized in Fig. 9,
in the procurement process, managers provided interesting opinions. representing the proposed research directions and their relationships
According to Manager 2, “A significant problem is the general maturity of with the overarching research framework.
the procurement function in the face of innovative solutions: often the pro­
curement department equips itself with new systems or innovative solutions 7.1. The role of AI in the procurement process: functionalities
but continues to use the previous solutions, either for convenience or because
people do not understand the value of the new solution. In this way, different The first research question (RQ1) is approached through a process
systems and disorganized databases overlap, preventing the achievement of perspective, considering the role of AI in the activities of the procure­
expected benefits and indeed worsening the situation”. ment process and the functionalities enabled.
Moreover, the hurdle related to skills and culture still harms the The first phase of the procurement process is strategic purchasing, in
procurement department. According to a manager from the engineering which the main strategic decisions and actions are taken, laying the
industry, “The culture of procurement people is often rooted in practices, foundations for the next stages. According to the present research,
procedures, traditions and soft knowledge that are not easily transferable to strategic purchasing is the most interesting portion of the process for
an algorithm in order to augment the technology contribution to the human academics and practitioners when it comes to the implementation of AI
activities” (Manager 11). (Moretto et al., 2017).
The managers also recognized other challenges outside the pro­ Among the strategic activities, spend classification is defined as the
curement department: “The barrier is often external to the procurement design of the category tree and the spend analysis. The key activity in
department and comes from the company. Investments are generally directed spend classification is spend analysis, which is run according to the
to other business functions, more closely linked to sales, so there is not the category tree of the buyer firm (Monczka et al., 2016).
sensitivity to the impact of these projects in procurement” (Manager 12). Chowdhary et al. (2011) developed a new analytical solution
Moreover, from the perspective of Manager 5, “AI solutions applied to enabling scenario analyses for those spending categories resulting as
procurement are not plug-and-play; they must be somehow developed based non-compliant, besides other analyses on orders and invoices. Zou et al.
on the industrial context and the company. Now, they are very costly in terms (2020) described advancements pertaining to product categorization
of implementation time and customization of the solution based on the needs based on AI. The system described by Zou et al. (2020) retrieves infor­
of each procurement department”. mation about the product by processing pictures and defining a category
This situation exacerbates one of the perennial procurement chal­ tree based on clustering algorithms that identify similarities between
lenges: the perception of its impact. In some organizations, the role of commodities. However, in academic literature, there is a lack of prac­
procurement is still perceived as operative, merely tied to savings. This tical examples or case studies that operationalize data collection and
prevents investments in procurement departments, including technol­ identify the analytical capabilities invoked by AI in spend analysis and
ogy updates, since they are not considered strategic and profitable. categorization.
Among the solutions offered by IT providers and startups, spend
7. Discussion and future research directions analysis is the most common, recurring in several functionalities.
Consolidation and automatic cleaning of spend data (Lexi Solutions),
Aiming to probe a new and continuously evolving research field, this analytics for normalizing and tagging suppliers (Suplari), examination of
paper combined different methodologies to triangulate information purchasing patterns with different suppliers and recommendation of
from multiple sources. The systematic literature review laid the foun­ actions for improvement (GEP) are just a few examples.
dation of the study and defined the main research areas. The mapping of In the focus group, Manager 5 described a trial of a dynamic

M. Guida et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 29 (2023) 100823

purchasing category classification solution based on structured and wake of recent events (e.g. COVID-19, global chip shortage, raw mate­
unstructured data analyzed by means of natural language processing al­ rial scarcity, war in Ukraine). In this complex downturn, risk manage­
gorithms. However, according to Managers 1 and 12 in the focus group, ment is a priority for the purchasing department. In the experience of
AI-based data analysis solutions for spend classification are still ineffi­ Manager 9, AI is leveraged in mapping the suppliers coping with the
cient, mainly due to the complexity of this activity and the underlying depth and complexity of a global supply chain. Supply chain visibility
information requirements. The different classifications used by the and supply risk management are key for all the procurement managers
procurement functions confirm this issue: CPV,1 UNSPSC2 and eCl@ss3 in the focus group, even if some of them struggle to find an optimal
often overlap in the same buyer firm. On top of that, other proprietary solution for their business and industry needs, with supply risk man­
classifications of the IT providers exacerbate the issue, making it agement being rooted in the specificities of the buyer firm (Manager 2).
impossible to harmonize the data, design and maintain the category tree The needs of the buyer firms in managing supply risk are reflected in
and run a proper spend analysis. Managers are looking for practical the solutions offered by providers and startups included in the solutions
support from AI in the category tree design and the spend analysis, still mapping. Many IT players are increasing their offering of tools and so­
feeling the lack of a solution to deal with the significant information lutions to assess and mitigate the risk coming from supply chain
requirements underlying spend classification. disruptive events. In the most successful cases, these solutions are
Thus, AI is an enabler for the capabilities required to cope with the customized, being industry-specific and built upon integration with
information processing needs in spend classification. In line with this many information providers (as in the solution by Jaggaer).
objective, the information processing theory (Galbraith, 1974) is sug­ Although AI-based risk management solutions are gaining ground, a
gested as a theoretical lens when studying the support of AI in spend complete understanding of the issue in the industry is still lacking.
classification, addressing the information processing needs of the pur­ Procurement managers in the focus group state they cannot find an IT
chasing department when dealing with the category tree and the spend solution that fully meets their risk management requirements. On the
analysis, and the information processing capabilities enabled by AI to fit other hand, IT providers and startups cannot leverage enough case
these requirements. studies and implementation stories to improve their solutions. For this
The information processing theory is the favoured lens to study the reason, scientific research should support the formalization of key
change in the organization triggered by a technological innovation constructs to explain the phenomenon, which has many unexplored and
(Galbraith, 1974). Therefore, analyzing the role of information and the ever-changing facets. Indeed, supply risk management moves in an
contribution of AI through the constructs of information processing evolutionary pattern in response to or in anticipation of disruptive
needs and capabilities provides a solid architecture to frame the support phenomena, and its dynamism must necessarily be considered. For this
of AI in spend classification. In addition, this theory is part of relevant reason, the dynamic capabilities theory (Teece et al., 1997) is an appro­
studies about the buyer-supplier relationship (Bensaou and Venkatra­ priate theoretical lens to study AI support in supply risk management.
man, 1995), so it is well fitted with constructs valid in the context of In our research domain, dynamic capabilities are intended as the
purchasing. Thus, to summarize the finding about the role of AI in spend buyer firm’s ability to integrate, build, and reconfigure internal and
classification: external resources to address and rapidly shape the changes in the
Research direction 1: Future research should study the support given supply chain and the risky events plaguing the business continuity
by AI to spend analysis and categorization (i.e. spend classification), (Teece et al., 1997). This theoretical lens is suggested, as it is in line with
addressing the specific AI techniques and their role in reducing the the dynamism required by risk management and the evolution of the AI
mismatch of information processing needs and capabilities in spend technology. Indeed, the theory fits well with the two facets of the phe­
classification. nomenon under scrutiny (i.e. AI supporting supply risk management). In
Supply risk management was the functionality most described in the the work of Gani et al. (2022), collaboration capability is recognized as a
reviewed papers (Baryannis et al., 2019a,b; Singh and Singh, 2019; sensing dimension to recognize the mutual benefit of collaboration be­
Ivanov and Dolgui, 2021; Chu et al., 2020). Among these papers, Ivanov tween the actors involved. Supply chain alignment is a seizing dimension
and Dolgui (2021) described a data-driven approach to spot the in­ where supply chain actors share their action and commitment by
terrelations of risk data and model disruptive events. Baryannis et al. balancing risk. Lastly, supply chain risk management is the actual
(2019a,b) introduced an AI-based framework for supply chain risk reconfiguring dimension. Alternatively, Chirumalla (2021) uses the same
prediction, testing its reliability and interpretability in a case study. theory to define a framework for building digitally enabled process
Increasingly, supply risk management relies on AI. According to Ding innovation using dynamic capabilities, following an approach well tied
et al. (2019), this is happening especially in businesses characterized by with the adoption of AI in supply risk management.
global supply chains which span multiple countries. Indeed, when The above results lead to the following future research direction:
dealing with highly integrated markets, even minor disruptions in a Research direction 2: Future research should further study supply
supply chain may severely affect entire supply chain performances, as risk management and the role of AI, investigating the type of data and AI
integrated markets react to disruptions and negative shocks faster and techniques supporting the ability to dynamically reconfigure the re­
with enhanced volatility. sources of the buyer firm in dealing with supply risk management.
Enhancing risk management through AI is even more relevant in the The research findings highlight the topics of risk management and
strategic supplier relationships, especially when dealing with supply
chain finance. Recently, this topic has also been presented as a possible
way to deal with the crisis triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic (Mor­
Common procurement vocabulary (CPV) is “a single classification system etto and Caniato, 2021), and the research describing the support of
for public procurement aimed at standardizing the references used by con­ analytics and AI in supply chain finance is gaining momentum.
tracting authorities and entities to describe procurement contracts” (European Badakhshan et al. (2020) studied how to reduce the cash flow bullwhip
Commission, https://ec.europa.eu/growth/single-market/public-procurement effect, i.e. the inefficiency in the distribution of cash along the supply
/digital/common-vocabulary_en). chain, through a simulation-based optimization approach that integrates
“The United Nations Standard Products and Services Code® (UNSPSC®),
genetic algorithms and system dynamics simulation. The most wide­
managed by GS1 US™ for the UN Development Programme (UNDP), is an open,
spread adoption of AI in the SCF domain is related to the credit risk
global, multi-sector standard for efficient, accurate classification of products
and services” (UNSPC, https://www.unspsc.org/). assessment process (Khashman 2011; Zhu et al. 2016, 2017, 2019). To
eCl@ss. is “the only worldwide ISO/IEC-compliant data standard for goods forecast credit risk, AI-based solutions do not need to assume a priori
and services. eCl@ss contains tens of thousands of product classes and unique data distributions and may achieve acceptable forecasting accuracy,
properties” (eCl@ss, https://www.eclass.eu/en/index.html). even when the dataset is small (Khashman, 2011; Zhu et al., 2019; Chen

M. Guida et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 29 (2023) 100823

et al., 2022). Mentioning recent research, Song et al. (2021) conceive AI analytic hierarchy process/quality function deployment. More recently,
techniques as a support for financial service providers in assessing the Lorentz et al. (2020) described supply market intelligence and identifi­
supply chain credit of small and medium enterprises and defining the cation of possible new partners in the external and unknown environ­
most appropriate SCF solutions. Other applications of AI have been ment as one of the current developments in procurement analytics with
poorly discussed in the SCF-related literature so far, leaving a consid­ great potential for the future.
erable gap in the scientific and practitioners’ knowledge. However, most of the applications identified in the literature review
The managers involved in the focus group consider the support perform the selection of the best supplier from a list of potential partners
offered by AI to supply chain finance to be substantial. The buyer firms already known rather than scouting new suppliers. AI-related research
require AI support for categorizing suppliers based on their creditwor­ neglects supplier scouting, which is certainly relevant to practice.
thiness and operational performance and a recommendation of the best Indeed, the solutions identified in the mapping of procurement plat­
solutions to support them (Manager 8). Manager 11 emphasized the forms address the increased complexity of supplier scouting, where se­
advantages of AI in supporting the paperwork related to supplier eval­ mantic search and web data crawling are applied in market intelligence
uation and onboarding on the SCF solution platform, as these activities to scout for new suppliers and alternative ways to obtain the required
are repetitive and easily automated, making the SCF solution easier for resource (for instance, GEP, Scoutbee, Tealbook).
the buyer and more attractive for small suppliers. According to the managers in the focus group, AI is a powerful
This growing interest is also confirmed on the solution providers’ technology for scanning a complex network of players in a structured
side, as five startups included in the mapping currently offer supply and thorough way. Manager 8 described a pilot project where internal
chain finance solutions with the support of AI. Among them, there is a and external data are integrated with buyer requirements to run an
growing interest in supply chain finance solutions, with five startups intelligent search for potential suppliers. According to other managers,
currently offering AI-supported functionalities in this area. The startup an AI solution supporting the search for new suppliers would be very
called Gardenia Technologies manages the approval for short-term useful, but they have faced issues in identifying a platform running the
financing in the supply chain thanks to ad hoc algorithms, reducing scouting process in a structured manner. In supplier scouting, there is a
risk and inefficiencies. Finturi leverages data from several sources, such strong need for information. At the same time, the appropriate capa­
as the Chamber of Commerce or accounting systems, to assess with bilities to process information, adjust processes and leverage technology
certainty whether the invoice financing to suppliers is secure for the are imperative.
buyer firm. Supplier scouting activities, involving several decision-making var­
In this direction, future research should focus on decision-making iables and stakeholders, generate uncertainty in the buyer firm, leading
gates in the SCF adoption process to understand the contribution of to information processing needs. Coping with the information process­
AI. This is crucial since the novelty component in this phenomenon is ing needs in supplier scouting, the buyer firms can resort to AI-based
twofold: the adoption of SCF solutions is often a new choice for com­ solutions to achieve a high level of information processing capabil­
panies, and so is the adoption of AI. Therefore, the theoretical model ities. This suggests adopting the information processing theory to study the
suggested is the innovation process developed by Rogers (2003) to un­ support of AI in supplier scouting. Confirming our suggestion of infor­
derstand how companies introduce the innovation brought by SCF so­ mation processing theory as the foundation of the research, many
lutions and how AI can boost the potential of SCF. studies in the supply chain domain have been designed based on infor­
This theory has already proven its validity in the SCF domain in the mation processing theory constructs, including: Cegielski et al. (2012) to
past. Moving from the innovation process framework proposed by study cloud computing in supply chains; Busse et al. (2017) for sus­
Rogers (2003), Wuttke et al. (2013) first attempted to shed light on the tainable supply chain management; and Lorentz et al. (2020) for supply
steps of the SCF innovation process, which was intended as the sequence market intelligence.
of several decision-making steps leading to the adoption of an SCF The above findings are encapsulated in the following future research
programme. Our suggestion is to take a further leap in research, studying direction:
the role of AI in the SCF innovation process, possibly through the Research direction 4: Future research should focus on studying the
innovation adoption framework by Rogers (2003). support of AI to supplier scouting activities, investigating the role of AI
The above reasonings point out the following future research in achieving the fit between the information processing needs of the
direction: supplier scouting activities and the required information processing
Research direction 3: Future research should explore how AI sup­ capabilities.
ports supply chain finance, analyzing the support of AI in the stages of Negotiation and the possible support gained from digitalization and
the innovation process initiated by the adoption of a supply chain information availability are highly debated and tackled from different
finance solution and investigating the benefits and challenges for all angles by academics and practitioners. However, in the presented
actors involved. literature review, there were few papers related to negotiation (Liu
According to our research, there are also significant benefits from AI et al., 2011; Moretto et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2016), and none of the
in the sourcing stage. Looking at the mapping of papers related to papers conducted a thorough analysis of negotiation. Zair et al. (2019)
sourcing activities, supplier selection is the most recurring functionality describe an agent-based algorithm in which negotiation and supplier
(Pitchipoo et al., 2013; Kannan, 2018; Allaoui et al., 2019; Brintrup selection are conducted by a purchasing dyad, i.e. the buyer and the
et al., 2020). These papers involve a context with a lower degree of buyer’s customer.
complexity, as the suppliers are already known to the buyer. Indeed, Although academic interest is still nascent, the negotiation func­
many applications of AI are described as a support to the selection of the tionalities identified in the solutions mapping are numerous as well as
best supplier, often designed as multi-criteria decision models (Ho et al., increasingly sophisticated: some of the IT providers claim a futuristic
2010). Pitchipoo et al. (2013) introduce a hybrid decision-making model vision in which negotiations between buyers and suppliers will be
to evaluate and select the supplier based on a multi-criteria approach. managed by bots able to interact and maximize their own objective
Scott et al. (2015) propose an integrated method to deal with function. From a more functional standpoint, the main support
multi-criteria and multi-stakeholder supplier selection using a combined described by IT providers and startups in preparing and leading the

M. Guida et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 29 (2023) 100823

negotiation consists of the retrieval of data from internal and external partner of the supplier or receives bribes and kickbacks from the sup­
sources, the profiling of suppliers, and real-time recommendations and plier. In this case, the buyer makes personal decisions at odds with the
strategies provided to the human buyer conducting the negotiation goals of the enterprise. This type of fraud is expressed in specifications
(some examples are Pactum, Levadata, Oracle, Icertis). However, pro­ tailored to target specific contractors, statements or agreements written
curement managers in the focus group are mostly sceptical, believing in collaboration with a preferred supplier or intentional exclusion of
that the typical skills of the human buyer are strictly related to negoti­ some qualified contractors. Frauds may also originate from outside, i.e.
ation and that this knowledge, often tacit and not formalized, cannot be directly from the supplier, such as a mismatch in material and labour
transferred to autonomous agents or systems. costs or the delivery of defective materials or missing volumes.
Thus, dedicating a research effort in the study of AI in buyer-supplier In this vein, the agency theory (Eisenhardt, 1989) can contribute to
negotiation could bring advancements to both scientific knowledge and studying how AI supports procurement fraud detection in two ways. If
managerial practice. In this direction, transaction cost economics (Coase, we consider internal fraud, agency theory could be exploited to under­
1937; Williamson, 2008) provides a good basis for the research frame­ stand how AI can support the procurement department (i.e. the prin­
work. Transaction cost economics is an appropriate lens to explore the cipal) in the detection of fraud by the individual buyer (i.e. the agent),
benefits of AI in capturing the information needed to prepare for the applying the theory to a new unit of analysis as suggested by Zsidisin
negotiation and learn more about the supplier (Tate and Ellram, 2022), (2022).
thus reducing the transaction costs stemming from information asym­ The theory names several factors influencing the relationship be­
metry and uncertainty. Indeed, AI-enabled functionalities, such as se­ tween the individual buyer and the procurement department. Informa­
mantic information search or web crawling, make the search for supplier tion systems (Eisenhardt, 1989) play a key role when fraud is detected
information more efficient, lowering the costs of search and information through AI-based solutions. For instance, appropriate algorithms can
gathering (Heide and Stump, 1995). The increased spectrum of infor­ identify patterns in behaviour or suspicious communications, high­
mation in the buyer’s decisions addresses the issue of bounded ratio­ lighting unethical buyer conduct. Similarly, AI-based solutions can be
nality, inherent in human nature (Rindfleisch and Heide, 1997). designed to pursue greater programmability (Goodale et al., 2008; Stroh
Through the augmented information and recommendations in the et al., 1996), i.e. an appropriate specification of the buyer’s conduct, to
decision-making process enabled by AI, the human buyer can more follow behaviour-based approaches instead of an outcome-based reward
appropriately evaluate possible alternatives and set negotiation strate­ for the buyer (Eisenhardt, 1989), with the intention of eliminating
gies more consciously. Afterwards, AI also has a strong impact on bar­ fraudulent actions.
gaining costs (Rindfleisch and Heide, 1997; Tate et al., 2011), i.e. the Considering external fraud, the unit of analysis would be the most
costs of negotiating, documenting and enforcing agreements, especially conventional one: the buyer-supplier dyad (Norrman, 2008; Zsidisin and
when considering the more advanced solutions of automating negotia­ Ellram, 2003). Information systems are the main factor to describe the
tion activities or even the total autonomy of the negotiating bot. support provided by AI in the detection of fraudulent behaviour by the
To summarize, the following research direction can be proposed: supplier, mainly facilitating the accumulation and processing of infor­
Research direction 5: Future research should investigate the impact mation (Eisenhardt, 1989). Web crawling, advanced analysis of supplier
of AI in supporting the negotiation with suppliers, in terms of applica­ information through analytics and natural language processing aim to
bility and implementation paradigms, to understand the extent to which reduce information asymmetries, mitigate adverse selection (as in the
AI can reduce the transaction costs related to information gathering and case of mischarging of materials and labour) and moral hazard (as in the
bargaining activities. case of non-delivery of agreed volumes; Logan, 2000).
In the study conducted by Moretto et al. (2017), the operational The authors thus envision a promising research direction with a
supply phase was found to be irrelevant in the adoption of analytics. In strong practical impact:
contrast, Handfield et al. (2019) were the first to see a possible contri­ Research direction 6: Future research should investigate the impact
bution of analytics in supply, referring to the procure-to-pay (P2P) of AI in the detection of procurement fraud, both internal and external,
process. This process has long been supported by other digital tools that investigating how AI-based information systems can pursue the
are not AI-based. However, according to Handfield et al. (2019), the P2P programmability of human buyer activities (internal fraud) and the
process can be further improved through captured transactional data, reduction of information asymmetries with the supplier (external fraud).
reduced paperwork and improved process efficiency enabled by
7.2. The role of AI in the procurement process: benefits
In fact, according to the mapping of procurement platforms, the
supply phase (concerning operational activities) is less involved in the
Regarding RQ2 and the benefits stemming from AI, it is difficult to
adoption of AI. The most frequent features are catalogue management,
reconcile the results from the focus group with the insights from the
order management and fraud detection. Among these, the managers in
literature review. Indeed, several benefits were identified that aca­
the focus group placed great emphasis on fraud detection, considering
demics and practitioners judged differently.
this functionality quite urgent and the support of AI very promising. In
In the academic literature, the main benefits are higher visibility and
the experience of Managers 12 and 13, the procurement department is
control (e.g. Hazen et al., 2014), the reduction of risk along the supply
affected to a large extent by internal frauds, i.e. frauds from individual
chain (e.g. Brintrup et al., 2020), the improvement in negotiation and
buyers or category managers within the company. This finding is in line
supplier selection (e.g. Zair et al., 2019), higher accuracy in the planning
with recent practitioner studies: according to PwC’s 2022 Global Eco­
process (e.g. Fawcett and Waller, 2014) and real-time adaptation to
nomic Crime and Fraud Survey, procurement fraud comprises 19% of all
external requests (e.g. Kache and Seuring, 2017). These benefits all have
an effectiveness-oriented and strongly strategic nature.
Especially in multinational companies, where complex procurement
The benefits most expected, or wished for, by managers are in line
processes are carried out by offices in different geographical areas, the
with the most impacted functionalities. Indeed, the most recognized
problem of fraudulent behaviour exists and can cause significant dam­
advantage lies in the speed of data preparation and analysis, conducted
age to a firm. To give a few examples, an individual defrauds the buyer
mainly in the spend analysis phase. The perception of many managers
firm because he/she has a personal connection to the supplier, is a silent
conceives AI as a purely operative support to foster efficiency in

M. Guida et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 29 (2023) 100823

analytical and routine activities, leaving control over strategic decisions while others are specific to the procurement department. According to
to the human buyer. For the same reason, procurement managers did not managers, the main obstacle is internal to the procurement department.
believe that AI brings a consistent benefit in improving relations with This comes from three original causes. First, the procurement depart­
strategic suppliers, managed by the direct experience of the buyer. ment faces significant difficulties in converging towards a standardiza­
Thus, a dichotomy exists between the academic literature and the tion of processes and decisions (this is in line with the research by Frank
opinions of procurement professionals: the former focuses mainly on et al., 2019). Second, there is little awareness of the real impact and
strategic and effectiveness-oriented gains while the latter are more benefits of AI, as it is hard to understand which functionalities can be
concerned with efficiency benefits. Summarizing the main findings, we attributed to AI. Third, there is a cultural reason: although the pro­
produced a systematization of the benefits expected from AI, while an curement department is open to the introduction of new tools to support
empirical understanding of the efficiency and effectiveness gains coming decisions, the old systems in place are never completely dismantled;
from AI is still required. A structured framework is needed to calculate instead, they are kept and continue to be used, creating an overlapping
the benefit of AI-based procurement solutions and examine the potential of IT systems that generates problems with data consistency and
return on investment (ROI) the buyer firm might achieve by deploying consolidation (in line with what is described in the paper by Kosmol
an AI-based platform. In this direction, future studies are invited to et al., 2019 about procurement digital maturity).
leverage the well-established body of knowledge, called value assessment A considerable challenge to overcome lies in the current organiza­
(Farbey et al., 1993; Farbey and Finkelstein, 2000). Although there are tional and technological structure (Xu et al., 2018). In fact, there is a lack
some studies on the value assessment of e-procurement (e.g. Brun et al., of skills, resources and tools to ensure that change happens and is sus­
2004; Ronchi et al., 2010), the research to date has not devoted much tained over time. This barrier is further worsened by the fact that the
attention to the value generated by AI in the procurement process. current offerings of AI-based solutions are characterized by a low degree
At a higher level, the study of the benefits coming from AI in the of customization. In this situation, the required commitment of man­
procurement process could be addressed through the concept of agers and key decision makers is weak, and poor investment prevents
absorptive capacity, intended as the “ability to identify, assimilate, and the full exploitation of the potential of AI (Frank et al., 2019).
exploit knowledge from the environment” (Cohen and Levinthal, 1989, Since AI is a new technological development in the procurement
p. 589). Knowledge and absorptive capacity are at the core of creation realm, the technology acceptance model (Davis, 1989; Davis et al., 1989)
and maintenance of competitive advantage (McEvily and Chakravarthy could be adopted to frame the dynamics triggered in procurement pro­
2002), and this also applies in procurement, considering the capabilities fessionals when faced with the new technology. Indeed, the technology
generated or increased by AI. acceptance model is well proven by past research investigating the user
Adopting this theoretical lens, future studies on the benefits derived acceptance of new information systems (Venkatesh and Davis, 2000).
from AI in procurement should analyze the absorptive capacity process According to the theory, the intention of the individual buyer to use
to investigate how the new learning is acquired, assimilated, trans­ new AI-based procurement solutions is driven by two beliefs: the
formed and exploited (Arcidiacono et al., 2022). Afterwards, the bene­ perceived usefulness and the perceived ease of use. The technology
fits could be described according to their contribution to competitive acceptance model theorizes that the perceived usefulness and perceived
advantage (Cohen and Levinthal 1989), innovation (Stock et al., 2001), ease of use mediate the effect of external variables (e.g. system char­
exploitation/exploration orientation (Lewin and Volberda, 1999) and acteristics, development process, training) on the intention to use
firm performance, i.e. according to the constructs of absorptive capacity (Venkatesh and Davis, 2000).
outcomes. Thus, the technology acceptance model presents a well-rounded set
Because of this gap in the academic literature – which, if filled, would of constructs to describe the challenges in the implementation of AI in
be valuable for enterprises – the following research direction can be procurement. It addresses the cultural and perceptual barriers related to
formulated: the human buyer, also related to the digital maturity and training of
Research direction 7: Future research should focus more on quan­ people, including the more technical characteristics of the solutions and
tifying the benefits of AI in the procurement process to understand how the development process.
the purchasing department can absorb the capabilities generated or Summarizing the key findings, the research direction below is
increased by AI, as well as assessing the benefits of AI in the specific envisioned:
activities of the procurement process. Research direction 8: Further research should investigate the chal­
lenges for AI adoption in procurement departments. Skills, competences,
culture and maturity must be analyzed to better understand existing
7.3. The role of AI in the procurement process: challenges implementation challenges and the user acceptance of the technology.

From the literature review, the main obstacle to the adoption of AI in 8. Conclusions
procurement is still the availability and quality of the data to be pro­
cessed (Chehbi-Gamoura et al., 2020; Kache and Seuring, 2017; Hazen 8.1. Theoretical contribution
et al., 2014). Some other barriers can be grouped under the definition of
cultural barriers, as they describe a lack of internal analytical skills and This paper contributes to the debate at the intersection of technology
digital maturity (Zhu et al., 2016; Kosmol et al., 2019), uncertainty and procurement in several ways. It explores a frontier topic, namely the
about the real applications of AI (Bienhaus and Haddud, 2018) and low impact of AI in the procurement process, which is under-investigated in
awareness of the technology (Schoenherr and Speier-Pero, 2015). existing literature.
Although many of the papers about procurement identified these limi­ The authors decided to adopt an overarching framework to ensure
tations, they described only general conditions that prevent the full consistency in the collection of data from different sources: the pro­
exploitation of AI, without entering into the specificities of the pro­ curement process model described by Spina (2008). This
curement process. process-oriented approach is not common in previous studies.
The challenges perceived by the managers in the focus group were For instance, Chehbi-Gamoura et al. (2020) designed a literature
numerous and significant. Many hurdles are generalized in the firm,

M. Guida et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 29 (2023) 100823

review about big data analytics in supply chain management based on addressed before adopting AI in the procurement process.
the SCOR model. Moretto et al. (2017) scrutinized the procurement This paper also offers value for solution providers in many respects.
process, focusing on strategic and tactical activities. The majority of the The solutions mapping is the first valuable outcome. By comparing the
extant research addresses single instances of the procurement process (e. distribution of solutions throughout the procurement process with the
g. Chowdhary et al., 2011; Baryannis et al., 2019a,b; Zair et al., 2019). same distribution in the academic literature, it is possible to compare the
Therefore, a literature review taking the procurement process as the current state of the market with the solutions explained by scholars. For
focal point is a valuable contribution to the current knowledge about AI instance, the functionalities identified in the literature review and
and procurement. The structured approach is fundamental to compile labelled supplier performance management and decision support in supplier
current knowledge, producing a synthetic mapping of AI-based solutions selection, are missing in the solutions mapping. In turn, it helps to un­
throughout the procurement process. Indeed, the mapping of papers derstand whether solutions formalized in scientific knowledge are
throughout the procurement process helps identify the areas where translated into practice and to identify potential areas of interest pro­
research has mostly focused, as well as the blank areas where research posed in the papers. The mapping could also be read as a self-assessment
efforts could be devoted in the future. In addition, by combining this or benchmarking tool in which IT providers or startups can compare
analysis with the mapping of solutions currently offered by IT providers their solutions with the ones offered in the market, identify areas of the
and startups, the present research highlights the mismatch between procurement process currently under-covered and potentially invest in
solutions studied in the literature and those actually developed, thus the development of innovative solutions. At the same time, an extensive
suggesting new directions for research that are oriented to a practical understanding of the benefits and challenges perceived by buyer firms is
impact. an important insight for technology providers in defining, or adjusting,
The present research also considers the benefits of adopting AI in the their value proposition.
procurement process, as described in the literature and expected by
procurement managers. As actual results of AI in procurement are still
hard to assess (Lorentz et al., 2020), the identification of expected 8.3. Limitations and further research directions
benefits provides insight into the main triggers for the evolution of AI in
procurement, and projecting future developments in this evolution is a Given the goal of exploring a current phenomenon and projecting it
driving force for research. Similar reasoning applies to the challenges into future research, the study adopts multiple methodologies. In this
studied in the literature compared with those faced by procurement way, it is extremely difficult to combine all the results of heterogeneous
managers. Highlighting barriers points to critical issues for research to methodologies into future research directions.
investigate so future studies can support overcoming existing The literature review bears limitations: although systematically
challenges. conducted, it is affected by intrinsic subjectivity in the review and
The main findings of the present research are therefore the formu­ classification of the papers, which is typical of such studies. Moreover,
lation of clear directions for future research, making a structured the papers included are published until December 2020, neglecting
contribution to stimulating new investigations in the field. Such di­ more recent valuable publications. Bridging this gap, future research
rections cover AI functionalities, benefits, challenges as well as the should continue with the analysis of academic publications to monitor
theoretical perspective. the evolution of AI in the procurement research domain.
As far as the collection and elaboration of empirical data is con­
8.2. Managerial implications cerned, there are limits as well. The mapping of AI-based procurement
platforms was conducted on the websites of well-established providers
Over time, procurement has incrementally benefited from a greater and startups. It is highly probable that some information is unclear,
degree of digitization (Steward et al., 2019) and a substantial access to misleading or biased for commercial purposes. Deeper research should
data, thanks to multiple internal and external interfaces. A possible be performed, perhaps through direct interviews. In addition, it is
prediction about this phenomenon is that the adoption of AI in the possible that some players relevant to the phenomenon escaped the
procurement process will continue to grow in terms of diffusion and mapping of procurement platforms. For this reason, the present study
impact, triggering great interest both in the business world and in should be updated over time to continuously analyze new solutions
research. offered and to identify the possible entry of innovative players.
This paper outlines many relevant consequences for practitioners. The focus group may be partially biased as well. The focus group
Indeed, this state of the art starts from the literature, augmenting the provides the point of view of only 13 managers at the time they were
results through the practical perspective of technology providers and involved in the research. For this reason, the focus group should be
business users. replicated in a similar way involving other significant respondents, also
From the point of view of firms adopting AI-based procurement so­ in a repeated manner over time to monitor progress in the field.
lutions, i.e. buyer firms, the overview of currently offered solutions Finally, looking at the nature of previous literature review in the
provides tangible insight into the possibilities for procurement de­ procurement and supply management domain (e.g. Spina et al., 2016),
partments. This view is then augmented by identifying benefits, giving our research misses a classification of the papers reviewed according to
procurement managers the necessary tools to understand the benefits of the theories applied to the phenomenon. This is mainly because the
adopting AI in procurement, stimulating interest and knowledge in the papers in the presented review often lack a theoretical architecture.
phenomenon. Similarly, the description of the challenges can support However, we expect that future studies will increasingly frame the role
practitioners, informing managerial decisions with the main issues to be of AI in procurement through a theoretical lens.

M. Guida et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 29 (2023) 100823

Supplementary data.

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pursup.2023.100823.

Annex A – Scoping study

Area Aim of the scoping study Reference papers

Procurement * It provided methodological information on previous literature reviews Spina et al. (2013); Wynstra et al. (2019); Zheng et al. (2007)
in the procurement discipline and shed light on the relevance of
procurement in research
It has been useful also for the definition of the journals to be included
in the query run on Scopus.
BDA and AI It served to frame the definition of Artificial Intelligence, also in Guo and Wong (2013); Russel and Norvig (1995); Kok et al. (2009); Sun and Huo
relation to the wider domain of BDA and specific applications. (2021); Trunk et al. (2020)
It has been useful also for the definition of the keywords in the query
run on Scopus.
Methodology It was used to gather preliminary insights into the methodology Johnson and Onwuegbuzie (2004); Tranfield et al. (2003); Durach et al. (2017)
implemented in the research.
AI (or BDA) in In general, it served to explore the research to date at the intersection Abdollahnejadbarough et al. (2020); Abels and Hahn (2006); Baryannis et al.
procurement * of Artificial Intelligence and procurement. (2019a); Bienhaus and Haddud (2018); Brinch, (2018); Brintrup et al. (2020);
It has been useful also for the definition of the keywords in the query Chehbi-Gamoura et al. (2020); Chen et al. (2022); Chowdhary et al. (2011); Chu
run on Scopus. et al. (2020); De Mauro et al. (2016); Fosso Wamba and Akter (2019); Handfield
et al. (2019); Hazen et al. (2014); Hofmann (2017); Huang and Handfield (2015);
Kache and Seuring (2017); Kara et al. (2020); Kaur and Singh (2018); Liu et al.
(2011); Min (2010); Mišić and Perakis (2020); Moretto et al. (2017); Nguyen et al.
(2018); Pitchipoo et al. (2013); Pournader et al. (2019); Roberts et al. (2014);
Sanders and Ganeshan (2018); Schoenherr and Speier-Pero (2015); Scott et al.
(2015); Shore and Venkatachalam (2003); Singh et al. (2005); Singh and Singh
(2019); Singh et al. (2018); Sodero et al. (2019); Tan et al. (2015); Waller and
Fawcett (2013); Zou et al. (2020)
* These papers are included in the counting in Fig. 3.

Annex B – Data extraction form in the review protocol

Review protocol field Description

ID. number Identification number of the paper, defined by the authors

Authors Name and surname of the authors of the paper
Journal Name of the publishing journal
Research domain Research domain of the paper according to the categories of the Association of Business Schools (ABS)
Title Title of the paper
Authors’ keywords Keywords defined by the authors of the paper
Link to Scopus Link to the Scopus page of the paper
Reference to the inclusion/ Reference code to the inclusion/exclusion criteria.
exclusion criteria
The inclusion criteria codes are: [1]: papers that contribute to the evolution of BDA and AI in procurement
[2]: papers describing the evolution of BDA and AI in Supply Chain Management
[3]: papers describing the evolution of BDA and AI technologies in PSM from a managerial point of view, i.e. managerial implications,
drivers and challenges, costs and benefits, analyzed in general through a managerial perspective

The exclusion criteria codes are: [4]: papers in which the presence of the keywords is misleading (e.g. “purchase” in the B2C marketing
context, sentences like “in the Artificial Intelligence era …“) [5]: papers in which BDA and AI technologies are described only as possible
future implications in research
Methodology Methodology used in the research
Industry focus Possible focus on a specific industry
Country focus Possible focus on a specific country
Actors involved Type actors involved/described in the study
Number of tiers involved Number of supply chain tiers involved/described in the study
Phase in the procurement process Phase in the procurement process according to the reference model (Strategic purchasing, Sourcing, Supply) described in the research
Sub-phase in the procurement Sub-phase in the procurement process according to the reference model described in the research (they are the sub-phases of Strategic
process purchasing, Sourcing, Supply)
Type of technology Type of technology investigated in the research
Type of data Possible description of the data used by the technology investigated (structured/unstructured, source of data, etc.)
Type of algorithm/technique Possible description of the AI algorithm or technique
Benefits Possible benefits described or assessed in the study, related to the adoption of AI in the procurement process
Challenges Possible challenges described or assessed in the study, related to the adoption of AI in the procurement process
Main gaps identified Description of the main gap identified by the authors in the research
Additional notes Additional notes and comments useful for the authors

M. Guida et al. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management 29 (2023) 100823

Annex C – Participants to the focus group with procurement managers

Industry Job title Contact mode

Manager 1 Food Procurement Director Contact by phone

Manager 2 Electronics Procurement Director Contact by phone
Manager 3 Capital goods Global Head of Chemical Commodity - Agriculture Purchasing Contact by email
Manager 4 Energy Procurement Manager Corporate - Head of ICT & General Goods/Services categories Contact by email
Manager 5 Oil and gas Digital & Innovation Strategic Sourcing - Manager Contact by email
Manager 6 Oil and gas Procurement Systems Client Management Contact by email
Manager 7 Automation Chief Procurement Officer Contact by email
Manager 8 Fashion Senior Fashion Operation Manager Contact by phone
Manager 9 Automotive Supply-Chain Sustainability Manager Contact by email
Manager 10 Energy and infrastructure Head of Milan Hub - Engineering and Procurement Contact by email
Manager 11 Engineering Head of Procurement and Logistics Contact by email
Manager 12 Fast-moving consumer goods Global Commodity Manager Contact by phone
Manager 13 Fast-moving consumer goods Procurement Senior Manager Contact by phone

Annex D – IT providers and startups included in the mapping of AI-based procurement solutions

Name Web site Country

Consolidated IT providers Basware https://www.basware.com/en-en/home/ Finland

Coupa https://www.coupa.com/ U.S.A.
GEP https://www.gep.com/ U.S.A.
Icertis https://www.icertis.com/ U.S.A.
Jaggaer https://www.jaggaer.com/ U.S.A.
Oracle https://www.oracle.com/index.html U.S.A.
SAP Ariba https://www.ariba.com/ U.S.A.
SupplHI https://www.supplhi.com/ Italy
Synertrade https://synertrade.com/en/ U.S.A.
Xchanging http://www.xchanging.com/glance U.K.
Zycus https://www.zycus.com/ U.S.A.
Startups Archlet https://www.archlet.io/ Switzerland
ChAI https://chaipredict.com/ U.K.
Evisort https://www.evisort.com/ U.S.A.
Fairmarkit https://www.fairmarkit.com/ U.S.A.
Finturi https://www.finturi.com/ The Netherlands
Gardenia Technologies https://www.gardeniatech.com/ U.K.
Globality https://www.globality.com/en-us U.S.A.
INHUBBER https://inhubber.com/en/ Germany
Keelvar https://www.keelvar.com/ Ireland
Levadata https://levadata.com/ U.S.A.
Lexi Solutions https://www.lexisolution.com/ Sweden
Liberatrade http://www.liberatrade.ai Hong Kong
Linklogis https://www.linklogis.com/ China
Pactum https://pactum.com/ U.S.A.
Part Analytics https://partanalytics.com/ U.S.A.
ProcessBolt https://processbolt.com/ U.S.A.
ScoutBee https://scoutbee.com/ Germany
Simfoni https://simfoni.com/ U.S.A.
Suplari https://www.suplari.com/ U.S.A.
Supplean https://supplean.it/ Italy
Supplier.ai https://www.supplier.ai/ U.S.A.
tacto https://tacto.ai/ Germany
Tallyx https://tallyx.com U.S.A.
Tealbook https://www.tealbook.com/ Canada
WeAreBrain https://www.wearebrain.com/ Netherlands
Xeeva https://www.xeeva.com/ U.S.A.
Yaydoo https://www.yaydoo.com/en/ Mexico

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