Gay Research Integrity Officer Complaint
Gay Research Integrity Officer Complaint
Gay Research Integrity Officer Complaint
I am submitting these materials to recommend that you initiate two related
1. Inquiry concerning research misconduct of Claudine Gay
See the materials below related to the scholarship of Claudine Gay, involving work
listed on her C.V.
Know that it is impossible that your office has already reviewedthe entirety of
these materials as many examples below have not been previously reported or
submitted to Harvard. Harvardreceived allegations from the New York Post in late
October, but these materials involve more articles and passages of text from her
academic work.
As you examine whether the materials below show a pattern of plagiarism, keep in
mind that Harvard has a detailed guide that explains your standards for plagiarism.
That guide reads, “When you fail to cite your sources, or when you cite them
inadequately, you are plagiarizing, which is taken extremely seriously at Harvard.”
See this PDF:
The Harvard Corporation already admitted in writing that “a few instances of
inadequate citation” were revealed by its inquiry. Again, Harvard’s guide reads:
“When you fail to cite your sources, or when you cite them inadequately, you are
plagiarizing.” The Harvard Corporation can resolve to amendHarvard’s current
definition of plagiarism, but it has no standing to speak for Harvard’s FAS
Research Integrity Officer (RIO) or the Chair of the Committee on Professional
Conduct (CPC),who are responsible for inquiries into allegations of research
The Harvard FAS “Interim Policy and Procedures for Responding to Allegations of
Research Misconduct” defines research misconduct this way: “Research
misconduct: fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or
reviewing research, or in reporting research results. Research misconduct includes
fabrication, falsification, and plagiarism (as defined in this Policy). Research
misconduct does not include honest error or differences of opinion.”
See this PDF:
The passages shown below were clearly written in the course of“proposing,
performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results.”
Your policy applies to “allegations of research misconduct (as defined by this
Policy) involving any person who, at the time of the alleged research misconduct,
was employed by, was an agent of, or was affiliated by contract or agreement with
FAS, including without limitation officials, tenured and non-tenured faculty,
teaching and support staff, researchers, research coordinators, technicians,
post-doctoral and other fellows, students, volunteers, and agents.”
Dr. Gay has held a faculty position within the Faculty of Arts and Sciences since
2006. She was a graduate student in Arts and Sciences from 1992-1998. Her
research conduct falls within your jurisdiction. The publications produced while
Dr. Gay was a professor at Stanford University were submitted by Dr. Gay to
Harvard as part of her review for appointment as professor at Harvard.
2. Inquiry concerning mishandling of earlier allegations
In late October, Claudine Gay and the Fellows of Harvard Corporation received
credible evidence of research misconduct by Dr. Gay. The Harvard FAS policy on
allegations of research misconduct applies to Dr. Gay’s work implicated in the
allegations. Her faculty appointment is and has been in FAS. The policy has no
exclusions for administrators. But based on the Corporation’s letter of December
12, Harvard does not appear to have followed its policy.
The Corporation letter states that “the Fellows [of the Corporation] promptly
initiated an independent review by distinguished political scientists.” But your
policy does not provide for such an ad hoc review at the direction of the Fellows.
At Harvard, the rules adopted by the faculty govern. In this case, the rules are
again the Harvard FAS “Interim Policy and Procedures for Responding to
Allegations of Research Misconduct” cited above.
This policy imposes an obligation to report even “apparent research misconduct” to
the Harvard FAS Research Integrity Officer (RIO) or the Chair of the Committee
on Professional Conduct (CPC). The policy states: “All individuals subject to this
Policy will report observed, suspected, or apparent research misconduct to the RIO
or to the Chair of the CPC.”
When Harvard was contacted with allegations of research misconduct in October,
did the RIO and CPC Chair receive notification of “apparent research misconduct”
as required under this policy? Did any individuals subject to this policy fail to
report observed, suspected, or apparent research misconduct to the RIO and CPC
Chair? Note that Dr. Gay is subject to this policy, as are any other FAS personnel
who reviewed the earlier allegations.
The policy states further, “Upon receiving an allegation of research misconduct,
the RIO and CPC Chair immediately willassess the allegation to determine whether
the allegation … falls within the definition of research misconduct.” Their specific
obligation is to determine whether “potential evidence of research misconduct
may be identified” in the allegationsreceived.
If the CPC Chair and RIO find “potential evidence” of research misconduct, the
policy requires that they open an inquiry. The policy states, “The Committee on
Professional Conductordinarily shall serve as the inquiry committee.” However,
the Harvard Corporation’s letter of December 12 makes no mention of the
Committee on Professional Conduct. Was this faculty body bypassed, and if so,
why? Were they consulted on the decision to bypass them? If not, why not?
The Harvard community and the public have also learned that Harvard hired a top
defamation attorney who confronted a complainant (the New York Post) and
presented testimony purporting to refute the allegations against Dr. Gay.
Your policy states: “Harvard community members may not retaliate in any way
against complainants, witnesses, the RIO, or committee members. Any alleged or
apparent retaliation against complainants, witnesses, the RIO, or committee
members should be reported immediately to the RIO or the CPC Chair, as
applicable, who shall review the matter and, as necessary, make all reasonable and
practical efforts to counter any potential or actual retaliation and protect and restore
the position and reputation of the person against whom the retaliation is directed.”
Any reasonable person would see confrontation by a university-paid defamation
lawyer as “apparent retaliation” against the complainant. Any Harvard personnel
involved in this decision should be investigated for potential violation of the policy
against retaliation in these proceedings.
According to the New York Post, Harvard was sent allegations of Dr. Gay’s
research misconduct on October 24. On October 27, the New York Post received
“a 15-page letter by Thomas Clare, a high-powered Virginia-based attorney with
the firm Clare-Locke who identified himself as defamation counsel for Harvard
University and Gay,” which “contained comments from academics whose work
Gay was alleged to have improperly cited.” But the Harvard Corporation admitted
in its public statement that they only received the “results” of their “review” of Dr.
Gay’s published work on December 9:
Why did Harvard authorize its outside counsel to send communications defending
Dr. Gay’s work and implying a threat of legal action against a complainant before it
knew the results of its “review” and before any determination by the RIO and the
CPC Chair?
The Harvard FAS policy on allegations states, “The Office of General Counsel
shall be available to advise the investigation committee and the RIO.” There is no
mention in your policy of university-provided counsel for the accused. Therefore,
I askwhether Dr. Gay’s case was dealt with equitably. This looks like a potentially
serious abuse of power. Has Harvard ever before provided counsel to a faculty
member credibly accused of plagiarism or research misconduct?
Pleased keep me informed of the progress of your inquiries.
[Gay cites Ansolabehere and Snyder 2006 twice in parentheses on p. 46. She does
not cite the paper anywhere thereafter, including on p. 51.]
The key tests of the majoritarian argument are whether the slope on
Democratic Vote times Democratic Control is positive and the slope on
Democratic Vote times Republican Control is negative. The coefficient on
Democratic Vote times Divided Control should lie between these two and
possibly be indistinguishable from 0.
[Gay cites Ansolabehere and Snyder 2006 twice in parentheses on p. 46. She does
not cite the paper anywhere thereafter, including on p. 52.]
To measure the direction in which the governing party skews funds, I include
the interaction between which party holds the governor’s office (Dst) and
county partisanship (DemVoteist); this specification allows for different
slopes on Democratic vote share for Republican and Democratic governors.
The estimated coefficient ρ1 represents the average within-county relationship
between Democratic vote share (in the most recent election) and LIHTC
allocations under a Republican governor.
Ansolabehere, Stephen and James M. Snyder, Jr. “Party Control of State
Government and the Distribution of Public Expenditures,” Scand. J. of
Economics 108(4), 2006, p. 556:
First, to measure the direction in which the governing party skews funds we
include the interaction between which party controls the state government and
the partisanship of the county. Specifically, average Democratic Vote is
interacted with Democratic Control, Republican Control and Divided Control.
(The sum of these three variables is the average Democratic vote share.) This
specification allows for different slopes on Average Democratic Vote for the
three cases of party control. In Table 2 these variables are labeled: Democratic
Vote times Democratic Control, Democratic Vote times Republican Control
and Democratic Vote times Divided Control.
[Gay cites Ansolabehere and Snyder 2006 twice in parentheses on p. 46. She does
not cite the paper anywhere thereafter, including on p. 51.]
Under this assumption, one knows that the treatment impact for the
noncompliers (i.e., individuals who did not use the voucher) is zero, making
the ITT estimate πITT a weighted average of the impact on compliers and the
zero effect on noncompliers (Bloom 1984); the weights are the portions of the
sample that are compliers and noncompliers. As a result, the TOT impact can
be estimated by dividing πITT by the program compliance rate for the
treatment group (for similar approaches to estimating MTO impacts, see
Katz, Kling, and Liebman 2001; Ludwig et al. 2008; Orr et al. 2003).
Ludwig, Jens, Jeffrey B. Liebman, Jeffrey R. Kling, Greg J. Duncan,
Lawrence F. Katz, Ronald C. Kessler and Lisa Sanbonmatsu. “What Can We
Learn about Neighborhood Effects from the Moving to Opportunity
Experiment?” American Journal of Sociology 114 (1), 2008, p. 153:
[On p. 160, Gay cites Ludwig et al 2008, among others, writing: “(for similar
approaches to estimating MTO impacts, see Katz, Kling, and Liebman 2001;
Ludwig et al. 2008; Orr et al. 2003).” Gay uses no quotation marks around
verbatim language and does not cite specific page numbers.]
[Gay never cites Freedman and Owens 2011. She thanks the two of them for letting
her use their data (p. 66n.22).]
[Gay never cites Freedman and Owens 2011. She thanks the two of them for letting
her use their data (p. 66n.22).]
The LIHTC is widely considered one of the nation’s most successful housing
programs, and accounts for an estimated one-sixth of all multifamily
housing—subsidized or unsubsidized—built in the United Statessince
program inception (Schwartz 2010).
Williamson, A. R. “Can They Afford the Rent? Resident Cost Burden in Low
Income Housing Tax Credit Developments.” Urban Affairs Review 47(6),
2011, p. 776:
The LIHTC is responsible for an estimated one-sixth of all multifamily rental
housing—both subsidized and unsubsidized—produced in the United States
each year (Schwartz 2010).
Demand for credits declined sharply during the financial crisis, as the most
active investors in the tax credits (large financial institutions bound by the
requirements of the Community Reinvestment Act) pulled out of the market.
Williamson, A. R. “Can They Afford the Rent? Resident Cost Burden in Low
Income Housing Tax Credit Developments,” Urban Affairs Review 47(6),
2011, p. 779-80:
The strength of this interest has declined since the global financial crisis,
however, chiefly because the most active investors in the tax credits were
large financial institutions that purchased the credits not only for investment
purposes but also to fulfill Community Reinvestment Act requirements.
What began as a modest item in the Internal Revenue Code has evolved over
time into the nation’s single largestsubsidy for affordable housing, replacing
nearly all previous tax incentives for investing in rental housing of any kind.
Schwartz, Alex F. Housing Policy in the United States. New York: Routledge
(2010), p. 98:
The Low-Income Housing Tax Credit has evolved from an esoteric financial
instrument to the single most importantsource of equity for low-income rental
housing in the United States. Created by the Tax Reform Act of 1986, the tax
credit replaced virtually all previous tax incentives for investing in rental
housing of any kind.
[Gay cites Schwartz twice in this paragraph. She cites Schwartz once in the first
sentence, and again in the last sentence. The second reference to Schwartz is part
of a sentence copied verbatim from Williamson. See #10 above. Gay does not cite
specific page numbers and uses no quotation marks around verbatim language.]
What began as a modest item in the Internal Revenue Code has evolved over
time into the nation’s single largest subsidy for affordable housing, replacing
nearly all previous tax incentives for investing in rental housing of any kind.
Schwartz, Alex F. Housing Policy in the United States. New York: Routledge
(2010), p. 83:
The single largest subsidy for low-income rental housingis not a federal
housing program but an item in the Internal Revenue Code.
Unlike other tax breaks associated with real estate, the housing tax credits are
not awarded automatically.Rather, authority to issue tax credits is allotted to
states on an annual basis; the total dollar amount of credits available is
determined by state population. Developers must apply to designated state
agencies (ordinarily, the state’s housing finance agency) for credits
The LIHTC allows investors to reduce their federal income taxes by $1 for
every dollar of tax credit received. Investors receive the credit for 10 years;
the property must remain occupied by low-income households for at least 15
years. The amount of the credit depends on the cost and location of the
housing development and the proportion of units occupied by low-income
households. Unlike other tax breaks associated with real estate, the LIHTC is
not awarded automatically. Tax credits are assigned to individual housing
developments by designated state agencies (usually state housing finance
agencies, or HFAs). The total dollar amount of credits available is determined
by state population. As of 2004, states may allocate $1.80 per capita per year
in tax credits, with the amount adjusted for inflation thereafter.Developers
apply to HFAs for tax credits.
[See comments on #12, 13, and #10 above, all of which are drawn from this same
paragraph. Gay does not use quotation marks around language copied verbatim and
does not cite page number.]
19. Gay, Claudine. “Between Black and White,” p. 25:
The concept of racial democracy was already taking shape in Brazil in the
early part of the twentieth century, to be fully developed in the 1930s by
Brazilian Gilberto Freyre. After witnessing the overt racism of the United
States, Freyre extolled the virtues of the Brazilian racial order, linking its
tolerant and democratic nature to the nation's more humane experience of
Andrews, George Reid. Blacks & Whites in São Paulo, Brazil, 1888-1988.
Brazil, University of Wisconsin Press, 1991, p. 129:
The concept of racial democracy received its fullest and most coherent
exposition in the writings of Gilberto Freyre, beginning in the 1930s. It was
visibly taking form during the early decades of the 1900s, however, and its
roots run well back into the nineteenth century.
[Gay’s article has no citations. At the end of the article (p. 28), there is a separate
section entitled, “Suggestions for Further Reading.” In that section, there are 5
works mentioned, the first of which is the following book: Andrews, George Reid.
Blacks & Whites in São Paulo, Brazil, 1888-1988. University of Wisconsin Press,
While the MTO demonstration was not designed to address issues of racial
and ethnic concentration directly, the racial characteristics of the new
neighborhoods differed modestly from the original locations and between
voucher groups.
Orr, Larry, Judith Feins, Robin Jacob, Erik Beecroft, Lisa Sanbonmatsu,
Lawrence Katz, Jefferey Liebman, and Jeffrey Kling. Moving to Opportunity
for Fair Housing Demonstration Program: Interim impacts
evaluation.Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 2003, p. 36:
[Orr et al 2003 is not cited in this paragraph, or any at any later point in the paper.
It is cited early in the previous paragraph on p. 154, and it is cited on p. 155 in the
text accompanying Figure 1. No quotation marks are used around verbatim
Thus the TOT effects, unlike the ITT effects, are nonexperimental, in the
sense that they are not directly observed for whole randomly assigned groups
Orr, Larry, Judith Feins, Robin Jacob, Erik Beecroft, Lisa Sanbonmatsu,
Lawrence Katz, Jefferey Liebman, and Jeffrey Kling. Moving to Opportunity
for Fair Housing Demonstration Program: Interim impacts
evaluation.Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 2003, p. 9:
The TOT estimates are non-experimental, in the sense that they are not
directly observed for whole randomly assigned groups
[Orr et al 2003 is not cited in the paragraph where the passage quoted above
occurs. It is cited at the end of the next paragraph, in the same reference discussed
earlier: see comments on #7 above. No quotation marks are used around verbatim
The TOT impact is inferred from the ITT impact πITT based on the weak
assumption that the effect of the treatment occurs entirely through moving
using a program voucher
Orr, Larry, Judith Feins, Robin Jacob, Erik Beecroft, Lisa Sanbonmatsu,
Lawrence Katz, Jefferey Liebman, and Jeffrey Kling. Moving to Opportunity
for Fair Housing Demonstration Program: Interim impacts
evaluation.Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 2003, Appendix B, p. 7:
Under the weak assumption that the effect of the treatment occurs entirely
through moving using an MTO program voucher or certificate
Orr, Larry, Judith Feins, Robin Jacob, Erik Beecroft, Lisa Sanbonmatsu,
Lawrence Katz, Jefferey Liebman, and Jeffrey Kling. Moving to Opportunity
for Fair Housing Demonstration Program: Interim impacts
evaluation.Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 2003, p. 1:
Until recently such effects could only be studied by comparing the behavior
and life outcomes of low income residents of high-poverty areas with those of
poor families in low-poverty neighborhoods. Such comparisonspotentially
confused the effects of neighborhood with the effects of the characteristics of
families who lived in those two types of residential areas.
[Gay does not cite Orr et al 2003 in this paragraph or on this page. She cites Orr et
al 2003 on p. 167 and (in text accompanying a graphic) on p. 168. She does not
cite the piece again after that.]
The standard errors for the TOT estimates are similarly adjusted. Thus, while
TOT impact estimates are substantially larger than ITT estimates (because
they are not attenuated by zero effects of the intervention on the
noncompliers), they are statistically significant only if the ITT estimate is
Orr, Larry, Judith Feins, Robin Jacob, Erik Beecroft, Lisa Sanbonmatsu,
Lawrence Katz, Jefferey Liebman, and Jeffrey Kling. Moving to Opportunity
for Fair Housing Demonstration Program: Interim impacts
evaluation.Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 2003, p. 9:
this makes the TOT estimates substantially larger than the ITT estimates.
However, since the standard errors for the TOT estimates are adjusted in the
same way, TOT impacts are statistically significant only if the corresponding
experimental ITT estimates are significant.
[Gay never cites Orr et al 2003 in the footnotes. The passage from Gay here is the
text of an endnote. The endnote does not contain any citation to Orr et al 2003. It
does not use quotation marks around verbatim language.]
There are two estimates of interest that follow from MTO’s experimental
design and are reported in the tables: the intent-to-treat (ITT) and the
treatment-on-treated (TOT)effects. The ITT effect, estimated from the
difference in mean outcomes for the treatment and control groups as a whole,
is the effect of being offered the voucher, regardless of subsequent compliance
(i.e., whether or not the family offered the voucher actually used it to lease
up). The TOT effect is the effect of the voucher on the compliers—the MTO
sample adults who actually leased up using the program voucher. Whereas the
offer of a voucher was extended to every member of the experimental and
section 8 treatment groups, not every group member used their assigned
voucher. Thus the TOT effects, unlike the ITT effects, are nonexperimental, in
the sense that they are not directly observed for whole randomly assigned
groups, but only for the subset of compliers within the groups.
[See comments on #7 above. There, the parenthetical reference was included in the
relevant paragraph. Here, the parenthetical reference is in the next paragraph. There
are no quotations used around the verbatim language.]
26. Gay, Claudine. “Between Black and White,” p. 24:
The distinctions of black and white—or even white and non-white—that exist
in other societies such as the United States, are not used by Brazilians.
Instead, they refer to a multi-category system, based not on origin, but on
phenotype (i.e. appearance). Essentially, Brazilians are "color-conscious"
whereas as Americans and Western Europeans tend to be "race-conscious."
Brazilians evaluate an individual based on certain physical characteristics:
namely, amount of pigmentation, hair type, nose, and lips. From this
assessment, an individual is placed along a color continuum, anchored at the
two extremes by those with either no (visible) African traits or no (visible)
European attributes.
Skidmore, Thomas E. “Toward a Comparative Analysis of Race Relations
Since Abolition in Brazil and the United States.” Journal of Latin American
Studies 4(1), 1972, p. 10-11:
Definitions of racial categories: The greatest single difference in race
relations between the United States and Brazil is the practical definition an
individual's race. The United States has developed a bi-racial system: one is
either 'white' or 'black' (the latter category formerly termed 'Negro or 'colored
'). The individual case is resolved not by the person's physical appearance, but
by his ancestry. State law in most states (including the North) had developed
a functional definition (e.g. one 'Negro' grandparents made the offspring
'Negro') either by statute or practice. The only escape from the ancestrally
defined 'Negro' caste was by 'passing', i.e. by being able to appear white in
one's physical characteristics and thus conceal one’s ancestry.
In Brazil, on the other hand, race has been primarily defined by physical
appearance, thereby creating a multi-racial system. In place of two rigidly
defined castes, there has been a sliding spectrum, with three principal
categories: white, mulatto, and black. In practice Brazilians have used a wide
variety of racial sub-categories, which shade into one another. Individual
judgements are based on an evaluation of the physical characteristics (hair,
skin color, lips, nose, general physical bearing), as well as the person's
apparent social status.
[Gay’s article has no citations. At the end of the article (p. 28), there is a separate
section entitled, “Suggestions for Further Reading.” In that section, there are 5
works mentioned. Skidmore’s piece is one of them.]
27. Gay, Claudine. “Between Black and White,” p. 27:
In this new political environment, Brazilians of color came to question
publicly the reality of "racial democracy."
Skidmore, Thomas. “Race and Class in Brazil: Historical Perspectives.”
Luso-Brazilian Review 20(1), 1983, p. 110:
Brazilians of color began to question publicly the myth of racial democracy.
[Gay’s article has no citations. At the end of the article (p. 28), there is a separate
section entitled, “Suggestions for Further Reading.” In that section, there are 5
works mentioned. Skidmore’s piece is one of them.]
28. Gay, Claudine. Taking Charge: Black Electoral Success and the
Redefinition of American Politics. Dissertation submitted to the
Department of Government, Harvard University, 1997, p. 32:
The idea behind the “method of bounds” is that the beginning point for any
ecological inference should be the knowledge a researcher has for certain.
This knowledge includes the fact that any proportion is by definition bound
by 0 and 1. Furthermore, the marginals of a table, Xi (black population
density) and Ti (total turnout) dictate the minimum and maximum possible
values of the cells in the table. King’s method makes direct use of this
information to establish absolute bounds on the values of the quantities of
The beginning point for any ecological inference should be with the
knowledge we have for certain. Almost from the beginning of methodological
work in this area, researchers have used the fact that proportions must by
definition be between 0 and 1 (Duncan, Cuzzort, and Duncan 1961; Achen
and Shively 1995). Recently, Gary King (n.d.) has emphasized the particular
advantages of using the precinct-by-precinct constraints. Making direct use of
this information to establish absolute (i.e. not probabilistic) bounds on the
percentages of the internal cells is entirely straightforward. For any single
table (either of a precinct or of a the state as a whole), the marginals dictate a
minimum and maximum possible value for each of the cells.
[Palmquist and Voss 1996 is never cited.]
30. Gay, Claudine. Taking Charge: Black Electoral Success and the
Redefinition of American Politics. Dissertation submitted to the
Department of Government, Harvard University, 1997, p. ii:
Bill Wilson taught me how to think about the relationship between race and
class, gave me confidence that I could write a book on the subject, and
provides me and many others with a model of how to express the courage of
one’s convictions with dignity, evidence, and toughness. Sandy Jencks
showed me the importance of getting the data right and of following where
they lead without fear or favor. His example of iconoclasm about what the
right answer is combined with passion for finding the right answer drove me
much harder than I sometimes wanted to be driven.
[Hochschild 1996 is never cited.]
31. Gay, Claudine. Taking Charge: Black Electoral Success and the
Redefinition of American Politics. Dissertation submitted to the
Department of Government, Harvard University, 1997, p. 12-13:
Bobo and Gilliam (1990) stands as the most complete research to date in this
area, focusing on black elected officials at the city-level. Using 1987 survey
data, Bobo and Gilliam found that African-Americans in “high
black-empowerment” areas—as indicated by control of the mayor’s
office—are more active than either African-Americans in low empowerment
areas or their white counterparts of comparable socioeconomic status.
Empowerment, they conclude, influences black participation by contributing
to a more trusting and efficacious orientation towards politics and by greatly
increasing black attentiveness to political affairs.
As for whites, Bobo and Gilliam (1990) found that they pay less attention to
local politics when blacks control local offices; however, they do not become
generally less trusting and efficacious as a result.
In the most complete research to date, Bobo and Gilliam (1990) find that
African Americans in areas of high black empowerment—as indicated by
control of the mayor’s office—are more active than either African Americans
in low empowerment areas or whites of comparable socioeconomic status.
Empowerment, they conclude, influences black participation by contributing
to a more trusting and efficacious orientation toward politics (see also Abney
and Hutcheson 1981; Howell and Fagan 1988) and by greatly increasing black
attentiveness to political affairs. As for whites, the findings suggest that they
pay less attention to local politics when blacks control local offices but do not
become generally less trusting and efficacious as a result.
In sum, whites tend to pay less attention to local politics when blacks control
local offices but do not become generally less trusting or efficacious as a
King et al. (2001) identify four conditions, all of which must hold, in order for
listwise deletion to be preferable to multiple imputation: (1) The analysis
model is conditional on X (i.e., explanatory variables containing missing
data), and the functional form is known to be correctly specified; (2) There is
nonignorable (NI) missingness (i.e., the probability that a cell is missing
depends on the unobserved value of the missing response) in X, and there are
no other variables available that could be used in the imputation model to
predict X; (3)Missingness in X is not a function of Y(i.e., the dependent
variable containing missing data) and unobserved omitted variables that affect
Y do not exist; (4) The number of observations left after listwise deletion
should be so large that the efficiency loss from listwise deletion does not
counterbalance the biases induced by the other conditions.
King, Gary, James Honaker, Anne Joseph, and Kenneth Scheve. “Analyzing
Incomplete Political Science Data: An Alternative Algorithm for Multiple
Imputation.” American Political Science Review vol. 95, no. 1 (2001), p. 58:
[In “Spirals of Trust?” Gay cites Schafer and Olsen 1998 only in the previous
sentence. She uses no quotation marks around verbatim language.]
34. Gay, Claudine. Taking Charge: Black Electoral Success and the
Redefinition of American Politics. Dissertation submitted to the
Department of Government, Harvard University, 1997, p. 146:
[Swain 1995 cited elsewhere (p. 144 and 148, etc.) but not here.]
35. Gay, Claudine. “Fighting Poverty, Mobilizing Voters: Housing Investment
and Political Participation,” Working Paper, April 15, 2014, p. 5n4:
For a project to be eligible for tax credits one of two income criteria for
occupants must be met, 20–50 or 40–60: Twenty [40] percent of the units
must be rent restricted and occupied by households with incomes at or below
50 [60] percent of area median income.
Khadduri, Jill, Carissa Climaco Kimberly Burnett, Laurie Gould, Louise
Elving. What Happens to Low Income Housing Tax Credit Properties at Year
15 and Beyond?Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development, 2012, p.1:
Properties must meet one of two criteria to qualify for tax credits: either a
minimum of 20 percent of the units must be occupied by tenants with incomes
less than 50 percent of Area Median Income (AMI), or 40 percent of units
must be occupied by tenants with incomes less than 60 percent of AMI.
[Khadduri et al cited in the next note, p. 5n5, not in this one.]
36. Gay, Claudine. “Fighting Poverty, Mobilizing Voters: Housing Investment
and Political Participation,” Working Paper, April 15, 2014, p. 12n17:
LIHTC program guidelines provide higher tax credit amounts to projects
developed in areas designated by HUD as ‘qualified census tracts,’ defined as
tracts where at least 50 percent of the households have incomes below 60
percent of their metropolitan area’s median family income or where the
poverty rate exceeds 25 percent.
Keren Horn and Katherine O'Regan. “The Low Income Housing Tax Credit
and Racial Segregation,” Housing Policy Debate, 21:3, 2011, p. 446:
Projects that are built in qualified Census tracts (QCTs), defined as
neighborhoods where at least 50 percent of the households have incomes
below 60 percent of their metropolitan area’s median family income, receive a
30 percent bonus in their qualified basis.^13
^13 In 2000, the definition of QCT was modified so that localities could use a
25 percent poverty threshold instead, which on average is equivalent.
[Horn and O’Regan 2011 is cited by Gay only once, on p. 3.]
37. Gay, Claudine. Taking Charge: Black Electoral Success and the
Redefinition of American Politics. Dissertation submitted to the
Department of Government, Harvard University, 1997, p. 2:
-Goodman's model does not take into account information from the
"method of bounds,"
Goodman's model also does not include information from the method of
[Gay does not cite King here and uses no quotation marks around verbatim
39. Gay, Claudine. Taking Charge: Black Electoral Success and the
Redefinition of American Politics. Dissertation submitted to the
Department of Government, Harvard University, 1997, p. 92:
Since the 1950s, the reelection rate for incumbent House members has rarely
dipped below 90%. In 1994 it was 92.3% (Swain 1997).
Since the 1950s the reelection rate for House members has rarely dipped
below 90 percent.
[Gay uses no quotation marks around verbatim language and miscites Swain in the
next sentence.]