4- Lenses
4.1 Lenses terminology
4.2 Thin lenses
4.3 Focal points and focal lengths
4.4 Conjugate points
4.5 Image tracing
4.6 Lens maker’s equation
4.7 Gaussian formula of thin lenses
4.8 Magnification
4.9 Power of the lens
4.10 Compound lenses and equivalent focal length
4.11 Thick lens optics.
Halliday, Resnick and Walker; Fundamentals of Physics; 8th edition 2008.
F.Sears, Addison-Wesley publishing company , Optics 1964.
F.Jenkins& H.White, Fudamentals of Optics by , McGraw Hill book company,4th
edition ,1985.
University of Bagdad Subject: Optics I
College of Science Semester: First
Department of Physics Year: First year Physics
Dr. Sarmed S Alawadi
Chapter One
Nature and propagation of light
So Light can travel through:
empty space,
air, glass, water,
cornea, eye lens etc.
Each one referred to as a medium
The modern concept of light contains elements of both Newton's and Huygens
descriptions. Light is said to have "dual nature"; certain phenomena, such as
interference, exhibit the wave nature of light. Other phenomena" the photoelectric
effect, for example, display the particle aspect of light.
What is meant by wave front and rays?
A wave front is a surface passing through points of a wave that have the
same phase and amplitude
So we must understand that:
In describing the propagation of light as a wave we need to
understand two ideas:
1. wave fronts: a surface passing through points of a wave that
have the same phase.
We can choose to associate the wave fronts with the instantaneous
surfaces where the wave is at its maximum.
Wave fronts travel outward from the source at the speed of light: c.
Wave fronts propagate perpendicular to the local wave front surface.
What is light?
Light is a form of electromagnetic energy –detected through its effects,
e.g. heating of illuminated objects, conversion of light to current,
mechanical pressure (“Maxwell force”) etc.
Light energy is conveyed through particles: “photons”–particle behavior,
e.g. shadows
Light energy is conveyed through waves–wave behavior, e.g.
interference, diffraction
Quantum mechanics reconciles the two points of view, through the
“wave-particle duality” assertion
Electromagnetic radiation is a type of energy consisting of oscillating electric
(E) and magnetic (B) fields, which move through space.
Nature and propagation of light
1. Source of light
1. Microscopic level:
2. Phenomenological level:
Incandescent light ( hot bulb , thermal excitation):
• Black Body Radiation
Sun light
Sunlight is about 9 percent ultraviolet radiation, 40 percent visible
light, and 51 percent infrared radiation before it travels through the
earth's atmosphere
Course divided into two "halves".
In other word
Optics – two approaches
1. Ray tracing (geometrical optics)
2. Wave optics ( wave properties fundamentally important)
n depend on λ n = n(λ)(chromatic dispersion), which mean
that the variation of the index of refraction with frequency
cause chromatic dispersion.
Index of Refraction n:
In materials, light interacts with atoms/molecules and travels slower
than it can in vacuum, e.g.,
Note: frequency of the EM wave is dictated by the oscillations of the charge and
the timing of this oscillation can’t change for an observer in either medium a or
𝒗𝒂 𝒇 𝝀𝒂 𝝀𝒂 𝝀𝒂 𝒄⁄𝒏𝒂 𝝀𝒂 𝒏𝒃
= 𝒇 𝝀𝒃 = 𝝀𝒃
→ 𝝀𝒃
= 𝒄⁄𝒏𝒃 → 𝝀𝒃
= 𝒏𝒂
So, the wavelength of a light must change in different medium accordingly,
na λa = nb λb
1-Light – Wave or stream of particles?
Answer: Yes! As we’ll see below, there is experimental evidence for both
interpretations, although they seem contradictory.
2-What is a wave?
Answer: More familiar types of waves are sound, or waves on a surface of
water. In both cases, there is a perturbation with a periodic spatial pattern which
propagates, or travels in space. In the case of sound waves in air for example,
the perturbed quantity is the pressure, which oscillates about the mean
atmospheric pressure. In the case of waves on a water surface, the perturbed
quantity is simply the height of the surface, which oscillates about its stationary
Properties of Waves
A wave is described by four properties
–The wavelength (λ) - units of length
–The amplitude of the wave (a)
–The speed of the wave (c) -units of speed length/time
–The frequency of the wave (f) - units of 1/time
Three of these properties are interrelated
–c = λ x f
- Maxwell equations is:
The Study of Light: Optics
in a uniform medium.
L ˃˃ λ
Huygens’ Principle:
1. In 1678, Huygens proposed the wave theory of light.
At that same time, Newton maintained that light acted like a particle. As we
saw in the last section, Planck derived in 1900 that light has the characterizes of
both a wave and a particle = ⇒ a wavelet, which he called a photon.
2. Huygens state that "every point of a wave front may be considered as the
source of small secondary wavelets, which spread out in all directions from
their centers with a velocity equal to the velocity of propagation of the
After time t, the new wave front is then found by constructing a surface
tangent to the secondary wavelets, or as it is called, the "envelope" of the
wavelets. Huygens' Principle is illustrated in figures bellow.
i.e: All points on a wave front act as new sources for the production of spherical
secondary waves
A shadow "is an area where direct light from a light source cannot reach
due to obstruction by an object, it occupies all of the space behind an
opaque object with light in front of it.
• To figure out the shadow location, we use geometrical optics - light travels in
straight lines.
Which light source will give a sharper shadow, the Fluorescent tubes or the
Shadows tell us -
a) What direction the light is shining from
b) That something is blocking the light
c) That light travels in straight lines
d) Where energy is being absorbed
Shadow Generation -Point Light Source
Hard shadows
Sharp transition from dark shadow to brightly-lit non-shadow region
For a point source there is one shadow region called umbra
• Umbra/Penumbra ratio==decreases
- with increasing size of source,
-with distance
So we can compute the length of the shadow when we know the length of the
object (a) and the angle between the point of light and the object (θ), (i.e.):
Atmospheric Refraction:
The velocity of light in all material substances is less than its velocity in
free space and in a gas the velocity decreases as the density increases.
The density of the earth's atmosphere is greatest at the surface of the
earth and decreases with increasing elevation. As a result, light waves
entering the earth's atmosphere are continuously deviated in below fig.
-The mirage called an inferior mirage occurs when the image appears
below the true location of the observed object.
- During a phenomenon called looming, objects sometimes appear to be
suspended above the horizon.
- Looming is considered a superior mirage because the image is seen
above its true position.
Fermat’s Principle:
𝑑 (𝑂𝑃𝐿)
Therefore the mathematical formula for Fermat principle is =0
The path taken by a ray of light between two points is path of shortest
time, but
where l is the optical path length, or time (t) is equal to the distance
traveled l at a particular velocity (v).
The mathematical formula for Fermat's principle for the ray travels from
an arbitrary point “P” to another arbitrary point “Q” is:
t = l1 / v1 + l2 / v2
If represents the velocity of propagation. The length of path is s+s 1, and the
time t along the path is:
It is seen from the diagram that:
s = a sec 𝝓
s1 = b sec r
It follows from the two preceding equation that:
t = (a sec 𝝓 + b sec r)
If the point O displaced slightly, the angles and r will change by d and dr, and
the corresponding change dt in the time is:
dt = ( a sec 𝝓 tan 𝝓 d 𝝓 + b sec r tan r dr )
When the condition for minimum time is combined with this equation, we
sin 𝝓 = sin r
That is the light path AOB that is traversed in the shortest time is that for
which the angle of reflection equals the angle of incidence.
Since =c/n and'=c/n', this reduces to:
n sin 𝝓 = n' sin 𝝓′
In free space light travels in straight lines. For two points separated by a
distance Lair time taken for the light to travel between them is
t = Lair / c
If there is a media between the two points (say glass), the speed of light is
reduced by a factor n, so the time is:
tn = n Lair / c
Useful to introduce the optical path length l, physical path length scaled by the
refractive index, so
l = n Lair ⇒ tn = l / c
Because light always travels slower in a material (medium), the optical path
length (distance in air) will always be longer than the actual thickness l of the
Lair = c. t
l = v. t = (c / n). t
∴ Lair = OPL = n. l
If light travels through “m” different media, the total OPL is the sum of the
optical paths in each of the different media:
OPLtotal = ∑𝒎
𝒊=𝟏 𝐧𝐢. 𝒍𝐢
Suppose a laser beam travels through a 10mm-thick glass window that has an
index of refraction = 1.517. What is the OPL through this window?
= (1.517). 10 mm = 15.17 mm
► In the time it takes the laser beam to travel 10mm through the glass window,
it would have traveled 15.17mm through air.
what is the distance that this laser beam would travel through the air, in the
same amount of time it takes it to travel through the actual window of a
thickness 5 mm?)
OPL = nglass l glass
= (1.517). 5 mm = 7.585 mm
How long did it take this laser beam to travel through the 10mm-thick window?
t glass = (distance / velocity)= (l / v glass) = (nglass l glass / c)
= (1.517x 0.1 m)/ (3x108m sec-1)= 50.56 femtoseconds
femtoseconds = 10-11sec
How long did it take this laser beam to travel through the equivalent air-
thickness (the OPL)?
tair = (Lair / c)
= (.01517 m) / (3x108m sec-1) )
= 50.56 femtoseconds
► The same amount of time, by definition!
Traveling through two different mediums with different velocities, the
total time the ray travels from an arbitrary point “P” to another
arbitrary point “Q” is:
t = l1 / v1 + l2 / v2
t = l1 / (c/n1) + l2 / (c/n2)
t = (n1/c) * l1 + (n2/c) * l2
The distance the ray travels is therefore the hypotenuse of two triangles.
We assign “thetas” for the angles between the rays and the normal's to the
Sinθ1 = (opposite / hypotenuse) = √𝑎2 +𝑥2
Sinθ2 = (opposite / hypotenuse) =
√𝑏2 + (𝑑−𝑥)2
n1 Sin θ2 - n2 Sin θ2 = 0
n1 Sin θ2 = n2 Sin θ2
N_University of Bagdad Subject: Optics I
College of Science Semester: First
Department of Physics Year: First year Physics
Dr. Sarmed S. Alawadi
Chapter Two
Reflection and Refraction at Plane Surfaces
The travel of light through a surface (or interface) that separates two different
materials is called refraction. The direction of the beam is “bent” at the surface
as it travels from the water to the air, and is said to be refracted. Note that the
bending occurs only at the surface.
Reflection of Light
1. When light travels from one medium to another, part of the light can be
reflected at the media interface.i.e: at the boundary between two media, the light
ray can change direction by reflection, this means it is directed backward into
the first medium or refraction
Fig. (2-2)
Fig. (2-3)
Law of Reflection
In order to describe the relation between reflected and incident rays we need to
look at the point where the incident ray meets the reflecting surface. At that
point we imagine a line constructed perpendicular to the surface, called the
normal to the surface. The reflected ray also departs from the same point. The
angle between the incident ray and the normal is called the angle of incidence θ1
and the angle between the normal and the reflected ray is called the angle of
reflection θ1'. The behavior of the rays in specular reflection can be described
completely by two laws, illustrated in figure (2-4):
θ1 θ1'
Fig. (2-4)
1. The incident ray, the normal and the reflected ray all lie in one plane.
2. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.
θ1 = θ1'
Law of reflection: a plane wave is reflected from a plane surface with the angle of
reflection equal to the angle of incidence.
Note that the amount of light reflected cannot be predicted( (توقعfrom these
laws. That depends on the reflectivity of the surface.
Refraction of Light
When a ray of light traveling through a transparent medium encounters a
boundary leading into another transparent medium, part of the ray is reflected
and part of the ray enters the second medium. The ray that enters the second
medium is bent at the boundary. This bending of the ray is called refraction. The
angle of refraction, θ2, depends on the properties of the medium.
Fig. (2-5)
Law of refraction: at the boundary between any two given materials; the ratio of
the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is equal to the
ratio of the velocities in the two media.
Since by definition:
It follows that:
This is called as Snell's law. It follows from the low of refraction that:
The constant is known as the refractive index of material (2) with respect to
material (t).
It can be shown that:
When light is travelling from material (2) to material (1) we use the refractive index
of (1) with respect to (2), 2n1. It follows from above equation that:
Fig. (2-6)
Fig. (2-7)
1. Find the angle of refraction: (a) when a ray of light is travelling from air to glass
at an angle of incidence of 40o, (b) when a ray of light is travelling from glass to
air at an angle of incidence of 20o. (Refractive index of glass with respect to air =
(a) By Snell's law:
(b) The angle of incidence 1 is 20o. In this case light is travelling from glass to air
and therefore we require the refractive index of air with respect to glass. This is the
reciprocal of the refractive index of glass with respect to air and therefore:
2. Sunlight strikes the surface of a lake. A diver sees the Sun at an angle of
42.0° with respect to the vertical. What angle do the Sun’s rays in air make
with the vertical?
n1 sin 1 n2 sin 2
1.00sin 1 1.333sin 42
sin 1 0.8920
1 63.1
1. What is the speed of light in quartz? Answer: 1.97 x 108 m/s.
2. What is the angle of refraction when a ray from air with an angle of incidence
of 25 o is incident to water? Draw the ray diagram. Answer: 18.5 o.
3. The light shown in the figure makes an angle of 20o with the normal NN' in
the linseed oil (n=1.48). Determine angles θ and θ'.
The index of 1.66 is Flint Glass. To find the angle of refraction use Snell’s Law.
θ2= 30˚
To find the speed use n=c/v.
v = 1.8 x 108 m/s
The angle of incidence at which this happens is called the critical angle (c), fig.
(2-8b). From Snell's law;
nl sin 90= n2 sin c (2-9)
Critical angle: It is the angle of incidence in the optically dense medium which
have right refraction angle (90o).
Since sin 90o=1
n1 sin 1 n2 sin 2
n1 sin c n2 sin 90 n2
sin c
Fig. (2-8): Three possibilities when light travels towards a less dense medium.
Fiber optic cables rely on the principle of total internal reflection at the
glass/air interface to transmit light over long distances with almost zero
1- Determine the critical angle for both water and diamond with respect to air.
n1 sin 1 n2 sin 2
1.77 sin c 1.00 sin 90
sin c 0.565
c 34.4
3- The refractive index of diamond with respect to air is 2.42. Calculate the
critical angle for diamond-air boundary.
θ c= sin-1(n2/n1)
= sin-1(1/2.42)
= sin-1(0.413)
n1sin i = n2 sin r
1.54 sin ic = 1.00 sin90
sin ic = 1.00/1.54
ic = sin-1.649 = 40°
5- Light travels from air into an optical fiber with an index of refraction of
(a) In which direction does the light bend?
(b) If the angle of incidence on the end of the fiber is 22o. What is the angle
of refraction inside the fiber?
(c) Sketch the path of light as it changes media
(a) Since the light is traveling from a rarer region (lower n) to a denser region
(higher n), it will bend toward the normal.
Fig. (2-9)
Let i1 and r1 be the angle of incidence and refraction at the upper surface, and i2
and r2 be the angle of incidence and refraction at the lower surface.
Let n be the index of the medium on either side of plate, and the index of the
plate be n', n'> n; and from Snell law:
n sin i1 = n' sinr1
n' sin i2 = n sin r2
But as is evident from the diagram
r1 = i2
Combining these relations, we find:
i1 = r2
The important concept is this: When light approaches a layer which has the
shape of a parallelogram that is bounded on both sides by the same material,
then the angle at which the light enters the material is equal to the angle at
which light exits the layer. i.e: that is:
1- The emergent ray is parallel to the incident ray.
2- It is not deviated in passing through the plate but is displace by the
distance d, which equal to:
A ray of light in air is approaching the boundary with a layer of crown glass at
an angle of 42 degrees. Determine the angle of refraction of the light ray upon
entering the crown glass and upon leaving the crown glass.
Boundary 1
1.00 sin (42) = 1.52 sin(r)
0.669 = 1.52 sin (r)
0.4402 = sin (r)
sin-1 (0.4402) = 26.1
r =26.1
Boundary 2:
1.52 sin (26.1) = 1.00 sin( r)
1.52 (0.4402) = 1.00 sin ( r)
0.6691 = sin (r)
sin-1 (0.6691) = r
r = 42.0 degrees
Refraction by a prism
The prism is one or another of its many forms, is second only to the lens as the most
useful single piece of optical apparatus.
Consider a light ray incident at an angle i on one face of a prism as in fig. (2-10).
Let the index of the prism be n. The included angle at the apex be A, and let the
medium on either side of the prism be air. It is desired to find the angle of deviation,
Deviation by a Prism
The deviation produced by a prism depends on the angle at which the light is
incident on the prism. It can be shown, that the deviation is a minimum when the
light passes symmetrically through the prism. The situation is shown in fig. (2-10),
where Dm is the minimum deviation.
If the light is incident from air, n1=1, and therefore:
If the angle of prism is small, the angle of minimum deviation is small also and we
may replace by the sins of the angles by the angles.
Dispersion by a Prism
When a narrow beam of white light is refracted by a prism, the light spreads into
a band of colors - the spectrum of the light. The effect was first explained by
Newton. He identified the colors as ranging from red at one side of the band,
through orange, yellow, green, blue, and indigo, to violet at the other.
Dispersion is the separation of white light into its component colors. It is plays
a very important role in fiber optical communications.
- The index of refraction for a material usually decreases with increasing
wavelength (‘normal’ dispersion)
- Violet light refracts more and red least light when passing from air into a
material (through a glass prism). Colors between blue and red are bent
proportional to their position in the spectrum.
The light is said to be dispersed into a spectrum and "the difference between the
angles of deviation of any two rays is called the angular dispersion of those
particular rays".
Where nB, nR, and nY are the indices for blue, red, and yellow position of
spectrum respectively.
The dispersive power of a silicate flint glass for which nB = 1.632, nY = 1.62, and
nR = 1.613 is:
While that of a silicate crown glass for which n B=1.513, nY=1.508, and nR =
1.504 is:
The angle considered the mean deviation of the spectrum, while "the
difference between tow mean deviation angles, such as B – R is a measure of
the dispersion of the spectrum".
The dispersion is small if the angle of the prism is small, then for example:
B = (nB - 1) A
R = (nR - 1) A (2-16)
Y = (nY - 1) A
The dispersive power is equal to the ratio of the dispersion to the mean
deviation, when light is dispersed at minimum deviation by a prism of small
Compute the mean deviations and dispersions produced by the flint and crown
glasses above, if the prism angle is l0o.
For the flint glass:
Mean deviation = Y = (nY - 1) A = (1.62 - l) 10 = 6.2o
Dispersion = Y = 0.03l x 6.2 = 0.192.
The Rainbow
The separation of colors by a prism is an example of dispersion. At the surfaces
of the prism, Snell's law predicts that light incident at an angle to the normal
will be refracted at an angle arcsin (sin () / n). Thus, blue light, with its higher
refractive index, is bent more strongly than red light, resulting in the well known
rainbow pattern.
The rainbow takes the concept of dispersion and multiples it through the
The sun shines on water droplets in a cloud or when it is raining
The light is dispersed by the raindrop into its spectral colors
At the back surface the light is reflected
It is refracted again as it returns to the front surface and moves into the air
The rays leave the drop at various angles
The angle between the white light and the violet ray is 40°
The angle between the white light and the red ray is 42°
The index of refraction for crown glass for red light is 1.514.What is the speed
of red light in crown glass? Answer: 1.98 x 10 8 m/s
University of Bagdad Subject: Optics I
College of Science Semester: first
Department of Physics Year: First year
Dr.Sarmed S. Alawadi
Chapter Three
The surface forms an image I of a point object O as shown in
figure (3-1b).
The distance from the object to the vertex is called the object
distance and is represented by d. The distance d' is the image
The refracted ray crosses the axis at point I at a distance d'
to the right of the vertex, and makes an angle γ with the
From the figure, the triangle OPC and the law of sines:
OPC اي بتطبيق قانون الجيوب على المثلث
sin(𝜋 − 𝜃1 ) sin 𝛼
𝑅+𝑑 𝑅
sin(𝜋 − 𝜃1 ) 𝑅 + 𝑑
sin 𝛼 𝑅
:حيث ان الزاويا المكملة لزاوية معينة يساوي جيب الزاوية نفسها اي ان
And since sin (-θ) = sin θ,
sin 𝜃1 = sin 𝛼 (3-1)
sin 𝜃2 = sin 𝜃1 (3-2)
Since the slop of the ray PI is negative with respect to the axis,
then the angle γ is negative. And the sum of the inside angles of
the triangle OPI equal to 𝜋
α + (𝜋 − 𝜃1 ) + 𝜃2 + (−𝛾) = 𝜋
α + (𝜋 − 𝜋) − 𝜃1 + 𝜃2 = 𝛾
𝜃2 + α − 𝜃1 = 𝛾 (3-3)
The image distance d' is found from the triangle PCI, by the
law of sines to be:
−𝑠𝑖𝑛𝛾 𝑠𝑖𝑛𝜃2
𝑅 𝑑′ − 𝑅
So the images distance:
𝑑′ = 𝑅 − 𝑅 (3-4)
From the figure,
∆POC → 𝜃1 = 𝛼 + 𝛽 (3-5)
∆PIC → 𝛽 = 𝛾 + 𝜃2
𝜃2 = 𝛽 − 𝛾 (3-6)
tanα = ; tanβ = ; tanγ =
By considering point P very close to the pole V or; all angles that rays
make with surfaces are small, take approximation sin≈
known as the paraxial region; so:
.𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃1 = 𝜃1 ; 𝑠𝑖𝑛 𝜃2 = 𝜃2
; 𝑡𝑎𝑛α = α; 𝑡𝑎𝑛β = β; 𝑡𝑎𝑛γ = γ
OD ≈ OV = d ; CD ≈ CV = R ; ID ≈ IV = d'
𝑛1 𝜃1 = 𝑛2 𝜃2 (3-7)
𝑛1 (𝛼 + 𝛽) = 𝑛2 (𝛽 − 𝛾)
𝑛1 𝛼 + 𝑛2 𝛾 = (𝑛2 − 𝑛1 )𝛽
𝑛1 + 𝑛2 = ( 𝑛2 − 𝑛2 )
𝑑 𝑑′ 𝑅
𝑛1 𝑛2 ( 𝑛2 − 𝑛1 )
𝐸𝑞𝑢𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑜𝑓 𝑠𝑝ℎ𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑐𝑎𝑙 𝑟𝑒𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑓𝑎𝑐𝑒
d' : image distance from pole
d: object distance from pole
n1: refractive index of medium 1 (Medium containing the incident ray)
n2: refractive index of medium 2 (Medium containing the refracted ray)
Note :
If the refraction surface is flat (plane)
𝑛1 𝑛2
+ ′ =0
𝑑 𝑑
1-A cylindrical glass rod in air has refractive index of 1.52. One end
is ground to a hemispherical surface with radius, R =2.00 cm as shown
in figure below.
a. the position of the image for a small object on the axis of the
rod,8.00 cm to the left of the pole as shown in figure.
b. the linear magnification.(Given the refractive index of air , na=
1.00)هذا الفرع سابق الوانه
2- The end of a solid glass rod of index 1.50 is ground and polished to a
hemispherical surface of radius 1 cm. A small object is placed in air on
the axis 4 cm to the left of the vertex. Find the position of the image.
Assume n = 1.00 for air.
1. All figures are drawn with the light traveling from left to right.
2. Consider object distances (d) positive when the object lies at
the left of vertex of the refracting or refracting surface.
3. Consider image distances (d') positive when the image lies at
the right of vertex of the refracting or refracting surface.
4. Consider radii of curvature (R) positive when the center of
curvature lies at the right of the vertex Vice versa. [ or : All
convex surfaces are taken as having a positive radius, and all concave
surfaces are taken as having a negative radius].
5. Consider angles positive when the slope of the ray with
respect to the axis (or with respect to a radius of curvature) is
6. Consider transverse dimensions positive when measured
upward from the axis.
7. A positive value of the image distance d' indicates a real
image, while a negative value indicates a virtual image.
When light is incident on a surface bounding two transparent
media of different indices of refraction, some light is reflected at
the surface, with the angle of reflection of any ray equal to the
angle of incidence. A ray such as OP in fig. (3-1a) gives rise to a
reflected ray as well as a refracted ray. If the surface is convex
( )محدبtoward the left, as in fig. (3-2), the reflected rays appear
to diverge from a virtual image of O at Q1.
The angle between the reflected ray and the normal is found
from the law of reflection instead of from Snell's law as in eq.
The angle of incidence θ of a ray from O in fig. (3-2) given by
eq. (3-1). That is, if θ is the angle of reflection instead of
eq. (3-2),
θ = − θ'
The negative sign enters since the reflected ray has a negative
slope with respect to the normal. The same formulas that were
derived for refraction can be used for reflection also. If we
assume in Snell's law that n1= n2, this law reduces to:
sinφ1 = - sinφ2
φ1 = - φ2
If we let n1= n2 and let the primed quantities in eqs. (3-1) to (3-
8) apply to the reflected as well as the refracted rays, these
equations can be used for reflecting as well as for refracting
d= d'
a plane mirror forms a virtual image of a real object, at the
same distance behind the mirror that the object is in front
3-5 Mirrors
b) The image is unmagnified, virtual, and erect.
2. Image orientation()اتجاه:
3. Image classification:
a) Real: Image is on the same side of mirror as the object light rays
actually pass through the image point.
The image distance equals the object distance.
• The image is unmagnified.
• The image is virtual.
• The image is not inverted )(مقلوبة.
• Left and right are reversed )(عكوسة
**The intensity of the reflected beam depends upon the angle of
incidence and the indices of refraction and they type of coating.
h= object height
• Extend Reflected Rays behind Mirror to Find Virtual Image
What is meant by :
Virtual image: means no light actually is at the image location (optical
illusion).in other word is meant by the light appears to come from the
virtual image, but in fact does not come from there.
Real image:The light comes from the image (rather than appearing to
come from there). You may need a screen to see it.
A spherical mirror is a mirror whose surface shape is spherical with
radius of curvature R.or in other word is a section of a sphere. It may be
concave [reflective on either the inside ] or convex [reflective on either
the outside ]. **The principal axis (optical axis, vertex) is the straight
line between C and the midpoint of the mirror
A concave mirror((converging)(left) focuses incoming parallel
rays at the focal point.
A convex mirror (diverging) bends incoming parallel rays
outward ()نحو الخارج, as though they came from a focal point
behind the mirror.
Fig. (3-4): Spherical mirrors
a. A ray of light which is parallel and close to the principal
axis of a concave mirror F, of the mirror.[see above fig.1]
in other word the incident ray (1) parallel to the principal
axis is reflected and then ; after reflection itpasses through the
focal point F;
b. The incident ray (2) passing through (or travelling
towards) C is reflected back along its original path.
c. The incident ray (3) passing through (or travelling
towards) F is reflected back parallel to the principal axis;
i. C is the centre of curvature of the mirror; it is the centre of
the sphere of which the mirror's surface forms part.
ii. P is the pole ( )القطبof the mirror.
iii. CP is the radius of curvature, R, of the mirror.
iv. The line through CP is the principal axis of the mirror.
v. In each case FP is the focal length, f of the mirror, and:
f= R/2
vi. The Mirror Formula
1 1 1 𝑅
+ = =−
𝑠 𝑠′ 𝑓 2
vii. Where s = object distance, s'= image distance, f = focal
length, and R = radius of curvature (All distances are
measured to the pole of the mirror).
ℎ𝑖 𝑠′ 𝑓
𝑚= =− =
ℎ𝑜 𝑠 𝑓−𝑠
The negative sign indicates that the image is inverted. When s,s’ >0 ,
m<0 inverted and if s/s’<0, m>0 upright or erect ()منتصب
If the object is between the center of curvature and the focal point,
and its image is larger, inverted, and real.
1- An object 2cm high is located 10cm from a convex mirror with a
radius of curvature of 10cm. Locate( )حددthe image, and find its height.
If the object image is 2cm, the image height is 0.33 x 2cm=0.67 cm.
All the rays emitted go through the focal point, and are therefore
reflected parallel to the axis of the mirror -> flashlight
Since the image distance has turned out to be negative, the
image is virtual. The image is therefore 8.6 cm behind the
mirror. The magnification, m, can given by:
Note: The minus sign in s'= -60/7 cm has been ignored. Thus,
the magnification is 3/7, i.e. the image is three-sevenths the size
of the object.
4- The inside of a spoon bowl is a concave surface with a radius of
curvature of a couple of inches. If you hold it about a foot from
your face, what will your face look like?
a) Normal size, upside down b) Normal size, right side up
( c ) Smaller, upside down d) Smaller, right side up
Below fig.(a) shows the first focal point F of a refracting surface
and fig. (b) that of a concave mirror. The distance from the first
focal point to the vertex( ) قمة الراسof the surface is called the
first focal length, f,
𝑛 𝑛′ 𝑛′ − 𝑛
+ =
𝑠 𝑠′ 𝑅
Fig. (a) First focal point of a refracting surface,
(b) first focal point of a concave mirror.
The second focal point of a surface designated F', is:"the image
of an infinitely distant object point on the axis".
That is, it is the point at which incident rays originally parallel to
the axis intersect after reflection or refraction, see below fig. (a).
The distance from the vertex to the second focal point is the
second focal length, f.
If we set s = ∞ in Eq.
𝑛 𝑛′ 𝑛′ − 𝑛
+ =
𝑠 𝑠′ 𝑅
we find:
𝑛 𝑛′ 𝑛′ − 𝑛
+ =
𝑠′ 𝑅
1 1 1
And since s' = f',( + = )
𝑠 𝑠′ 𝑓′
1 𝑛′
= ′ 𝑅
𝑓′ 𝑛 − 𝑛
Setting n' = -n, we find for the second focal length of a mirror,
1 𝑅
𝑓′ 2
If the mirror is concave, R is negative, s' and f are negative also
and, since they refer to image distances, the second focal point
lies at a distance R/2 to the left of the vertex as in above fig.( b).
In other words, the first and second focal lengths of a mirror are
equal, and the first and second focal points of a mirror coincide.
It is necessary to distinguish between them and ordinarily one
simply speaks of the focal point of a mirror. The first focal
length of a mirror is considered to be the first focal length,
f = -R/2. While the focal lengths of a refracting surface, are
unequal, as in above eqs.
Fig.: (a) Second focal point of a refracting surface, (b) second
focal point of a concave mirror.
Virtual Images
When the eye receives the reflected rays they appear to come
from a source, but do not actually pass through. In order to
produce a virtual ( ) خياليةimage a surface other than a plane one
is required.
The image M'Q' in below fig. is a real image in the dense that if
a flat screen is located at M' a sharply defined image of the
object MQ will be formed on the screen.
University of Bagdad Subject: Optics I
College of Science Semester: first
Department of Physics Year: First year
Dr.Sarmed S. Alawadi
Chapter Four
4-1 Lenses Terminology ()مصطلحات
Most of lenses and mirrors are spherical or plane, because only spherical and
plane surfaces can be produced by machine methods at reasonable cost. When
a train of light waves passes through an optical instrument, the curvature of
the wave fronts is altered() يتغيرat each boundary surface.
Lenses :are refractive optical devices with two spherical sides. Diagrams of
several standard forms of thin lenses are shown in fig. (4-1). They are shown
there as illustrations of the fact that most lenses have surfaces that are
spherical in form. Some surfaces are convex, others are concave, and still
others are plane. When light passes through any lens, refraction at each of its
surfaces contributes to its image forming properties. Not only does each
individual surface have its own primary and secondary focal points and
planes, but the lens as a whole has its own() خاصpair of focal points and focal
planes. In other word the most common use optical component is the lens with
either one on two curved surfaces. Lenses are classified into six types,
Fig. (4-1): (a) Types of converging lenses, (b) types of diverging lenses
A thin lens may be defined as one whose thickness is considered small in
comparison with the distances generally associated with its optical
properties and are either Positive or Negative depending on their focal
length. Such distances are, for example, radii of curvature of the two spherical
surfaces, primary and secondary focal lengths, and object and image
Lenses are of two kinds, converging and diverging. A converging lens is
thicker in the middle than at its rim; a diverging lens thinner in the middle.
As in fig. (4-2a), a converging lens brings parallel beam of light to a single
focal point F. Here F is called a real focal point because the light rays pass
through it.
A diverging lens spreads out a parallel beam of tight so that the rays seem to
have come from a focal point F behind the lens, as in fig. (4-2b). In this case
F is called a virtual focal point because the tight rays do not actually pass
through it but only appear to.
b) Diverging lens:
i) Lens thinner at center than edges.
ii) Light rays are refracted in a direction away fromthe focal point, F, on the
inner side of the lens.
مهمThe distance between the center of a lens and either of its focal points is
called its focal length. These distances, designated f and f ', usually measured
in centimeters or inches, have a positive sign for converging lenses and a
negative sign for diverging lenses. In other word Focal Length (f): Distance
between focal point and the mirror or lens.
It should be noted in fig. (4-3) that the primary focal point F for a converging
lens lies to the left of the lens, whereas for a diverging lens it lies to the right.
For a lens with the same medium on both sides, we have, by the reversibility
of the light rays, f = f ',and F is the focal point. f is the focal length, an
important characteristic
A plane perpendicular to the axis and passing through a focal point is i.e. the
significance of the focal plane is illustrated for a converging lens in fig. (4 -4).
Fig. (4-4): Paraller incident rays are brought to a focus at the secondary focal plane of
a thin lens.
4-5 Image Formation--- Gaussian formula of thin lenses calculation
If we know the focal length of a thin lens and the position of an object, there
are three methods of determining the position of the image. One is by
graphical construction, the second is by experiment, and the third is by use of
the lens formula.
So we can drive the lens formula by Ray diagrams which are useful in
sketching the relationship between object and image. Relationship may also be
Triangles AOB and DOC are similar
𝑦 𝑦′
𝑠 𝑠′
𝑦′ 𝑠′
𝑦 𝑠
𝑦 𝑦′
=− ′
𝑓 𝑠 −𝑓
𝑦′ 𝑠′ − 𝑓
𝑦 𝑓
𝑠′ 𝑠 −𝑓
𝑠 𝑓
1 1 1
+ = (4 − 1)
𝑠′ 𝑠 𝑓
Object distance s
positive if object is in front of lens
negative if object is behind lens
Image distance s′
positive if image is formed behind the lens (real)
negative if is formed in of the lens (virtual)
Focal length f
•positive -- convex lens
•negative --concave lens
)(تعريف القدرةThe reciprocal focal length, called lens power or (Strength) P= 𝑓
(f is in meter) The unit of lens power is the Diopter, with conventional label
D, with units m−1. Most often used in relation of visual system, power of
spectacle lenses always quoted in Diopters.
Magnification is defined as
𝑠′ 𝑦′
𝑀=− =
𝑠 𝑦
M Negative :
inverted image
M Positive:
Upright image
If a lens is to be ground to some specified focal length, the refractive index of
the glass must be known, the radii of curvature must be so chosen as to satisfy
the equation:
1 1 1
The focal length f for a lens:- =(n-1)( + ) (4 − 2)
𝑓 𝑅1 𝑅2
Important note:
1. R1 and R2 are positive for convex outward surface and negative for concave
2. Focal length f is positive for converging and negative for diverging lenses.
Substituting the value of l/f from lens formula, we may write:
1 1 1 1
+ = (𝑛 − 1) ( + ) (4 − 3)
𝑠 𝑠 𝑅1 𝑅2
1- A plano-convex lens having a focal length of 25 cm, fig. (4-l) is to be
made of glass of refractive index n: 1.520. Calculate the radius of
curvature of the grinding and polishing tools that must be used to make
this lens.
Since a plano-convex lens has one flat surface, the radius for that surface is in
infinite, and r1 in eq. (4-2) is replaced by ∞. The radius r2 of the second
surface is the unknown. Substitution of the known quantities in eq. (4-2)
Transposing and solving for r2;
If this lens is turned around, as in the figure, we will have r1 = +13 cm, r2 = ∞.
2- The radii of both surfaces of an equiconvex lens of index 1.60 are equal
to 8 cm. Find its Power.
The given quantities to be used in the above equation are n= 1.60, r1 = 0.08 m,
andr2 = -0.08 m.
3- What is (a) the position, and (b) the size, of a large 7.6cm high flower placed 1m from 50mm focal
length camera lens?
باالستعانة بالشكل اعاله وباستخدام معادلة العدسات نحصل على االتي
4- An object is placed 10cm from a 15cm focal length converging lens. Determine the image position
and size.
اي ان الصورة خيالية وللحصول حجم الصورة نحسب التكبير على النحو التالي
First lens of focal length f1 forms an image at S1 where
1 1 1 1 1
= − = −
𝑠′2 𝑓2 𝑠2 𝑓2 𝑑 − 𝑠′1
1 1 1
= −
𝑠′1 𝑓1 𝑠1
This image then becomes the object for the second lens with object distance
S2 = d - S'1
Assumed to be positive, which then form an image as S'2, where
substitute for s'1 to produce a very messy equation for s'2 in terms of s1, f1,
For Special case of two thin lenses of focal length f1 and f2 in contact
Effective strength (Seff) of combination of a number of thin lenses close
peff =p1+p2+p3+…..
The general formulas given for calculating image distances:
Consider the simple thick lens illustrated in below fig.. The second focal point
F' of this lens is located by finding the position of the image of an infinitely
distant axial object point. That is, we let s1 in the same fig. equal infinity, find
s1', then, s2, and finally s2'. This gives the position of the second focal point,
measured from the second vertex.
The next step is to calculate the focal length of the lens. Above Fig. shows a
single ray originating at an infinitely distant axial object point. This ray is
incident on the first surface of the lens at point A, at a height h above the axis,
and it leaves the second surface at point D, at a height h'.
Projections of the incident and emergent rays intersect at point E, which
locates the second principal plane and the second principal point, H'.
From the similar triangles ABG and DCG, to within the precision of first order
From the similar triangles EH'F' and DCF',
The distances s1', s2 must all be computed in the process of locating the
second focal point.
Converging and Diverging Lens If a smooth surface replaces the
prisms, a well-defined focus produces clear images.
Types of Converging Lenses
In order for a lens to converge light it must be thicker near the
midpoint to allow more bending.
Image Construction()تكون:
Ray 1: A ray parallel to the lens axis passes through the far focus of a
converging lens or appears to come from the near focus of a diverging
Ray 2: A ray passing through the near focal point of a converging lens
or proceeding toward the far focal point of a diverging lens is refracted
parallel to the lens
Ray 3: A ray passing through the center of any lens continues in a straight
line. The refraction at the first surface is balanced by the refraction at the
second surface.
-:مالحظات مهمة
1- Object Outside 2F
The image is inverted; i.e., opposite to the object orientation.
The image is real i.e., formed by actual light rays in front of
The image is diminished in size; i.e., smaller than the object.
Image is located between F and 2F
2- Object at 2F
5- Object Inside F
The image is erect; i.e., same orientation as the object.
The image is virtual; i.e., formed where light does NOT go.
The image is enlarged in size; i.e., larger than the object.
Image is located on near side of lens
1- A glass meniscus lens ( n = 1.5 ) has a concave surface of radius
–40 cm and a convex surface whose radius is +20 cm. What is the focal
length of the lens?
1 1 1
= (𝑛 − 1)( + )
𝑓 𝑅1 𝑅2
1 1 1 2−1
= (1.5 − 1) ( + ) = (0.5)( )
𝑓 20cm (−40cm) 40cm
2- What must be the radius of the curved surface in a plano -convex lens in
order that the focal length be 25 cm?
R1 = , f = 25cm, R2=??
1 1 1
= (𝑛 − 1)( + )
𝑓 𝑅1 𝑅2
1 1 1
= (𝑛 − 1)( + )
𝑓 𝑅1 𝑅2
1 1 1
= (1.5 − 1)( + )
25 𝑐𝑚 𝑅2
𝑠𝑓 (15𝑐𝑚)(25𝑐𝑚)
𝑠′ = = = −37.5𝑐𝑚
𝑠 − 𝑓 (15𝑐𝑚 − 25𝑐𝑚)
The fact that s' is negative means that the image is virtual (on same side as
2- The size:- A magnifying glass consists of a converging lens of focal
length 25 cm. A bug is 8 mm long and placed 15 cm from the lens.
What is the size of the image?
𝑦′ − (−37.5𝑐𝑚)
𝑀= =
8𝑚𝑚 15𝑐𝑚
y' = +20mm
The fact that y' is positive means that the image is erect. It is also larger than
𝑠𝑓 (35𝑐𝑚)(−20𝑐𝑚)
𝑠′ = = = +12.7𝑐𝑚
𝑠 − 𝑓 35𝑐𝑚 − (−20𝑐𝑚)
𝑠′ −(−12.7𝑐𝑚)
𝑀= = = +0.364
𝑠 35𝑐𝑚
1 1 1
+ =
𝑠 𝑠′ 𝑓
𝑠 ′ ==
𝑦′ −𝑠′
𝑀= =
𝑦 𝑠
From last equation:
𝑠 ′ = −𝑠𝑀
Substituting for s' in second equation gives . . .
𝑠𝑓 −𝑓
𝑠𝑀 = =
𝑠−𝑓 𝑠−𝑓
Use this expression to verify answer in Example 4.