Technology and Strategies For Realizing Service-Oriented Architectures With Web Services

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Technology and Strategies for Realizing Service-oriented Architectures with Web


Mini-track Chairs:
William (Dave) Haseman, Marc N. Haines
Sheldon B. Lubar School of Business, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
[email protected], [email protected]
Frank Armour
School of Information Technology and Engineering, George Mason University
[email protected]

Service-oriented architectures and Web services are execution routines to assure that the underlying services
becoming an integral part of the IT landscape. An are active at operations time. The results of the
increasing number of organizations are building service- investigation can be applied as a decision aid for
oriented architectures, all major application vendors organizations to choose the most efficient utilization of
have incorporated Web services interfaces in their UDDI.
products, and Web services are becoming an important The first paper in the second session Towards Co-
mechanism for business-to-business transactions. The Design of Business Processes and Information Systems
technology for realizing service-oriented architectures is Using Web Services examines co-design as an approach
maturing, making initial adoption easier. However, with for meeting the information processing needs of
larger deployments of Web services in organizations, transforming enterprises. The results suggest that co-
new questions related to implementation strategies, design facilitates the development of Web-services, but
governance approaches, and broader organizational it does not provide a comprehensive solution. The paper
impacts need to be considered. This mini-track further discusses additional elements that are required
addresses some of these issues in its two sessions. The for a comprehensive solution.
first session focuses on the adoption, use, and impact of The second paper The Impact of Service-oriented
SOA and Web services technology, whereas the second Application Development on Software Development
session focuses on the aspect of software development in Methodology examines the impact of Web services on
the context of SOA and Web services. the software development process. The results of a
The first session starts out with the paper A Service- multiple-case study provides insights into the particular
oriented Data Integration and Analysis Environment for characteristics of software development in the context of
In Silico Experiments and Bioinformatics Research, Web services and discusses how existing software
which reflects on the experiences and impact of development processes may need to adjust to match the
deploying a service-oriented system based on Web requirements in an SOA environment.
services in the scientific domain. The experiences lead The final paper for this mini-track Service-oriented
to the conclusion that a service-oriented architecture can Software Reengineering: SoSR presents an approach that
accelerate scientific research, increase research enables the development of loosely coupled software
productivity, and provide a new approach to doing components for integration with other systems. The
science. results, based on an application of this approach in a
The second paper Does SOA Improve the Supply legacy modernization project, show that this approach
Chain? An Empirical Analysis of Impact of SOA can help to migrate tightly coupled systems into service-
Adoption on Electronic Supply Chain Performance oriented information systems.
makes a critical assessment of the benefits of SOA In summary, the topics examined in these six papers
adoption. The results of the empirical analysis suggest reflect the wide range of interests related to the
that that adoption of SOA leads to better performance in technologies and strategies for realizing Service-oriented
the electronic supply chain. These findings lead to a Architectures with Web services. They reveal valuable
discussion of how IT managers can make informed SOA insights about the current state of SOA and Web
adoption decisions. services adoption in the industry and have provide
The third paper Binding Now or Binding Later: The impulses relevant for practitioners and future academic
Performance of UDDI Registries examines how UDDI research.
registries can be incorporated into business process

Proceedings of the 40th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS'07)
0-7695-2755-8/07 $20.00 © 2007

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