HELPFUL: Flexible Architecture To Control Heterogeneous Low Power Wide Area Networks
HELPFUL: Flexible Architecture To Control Heterogeneous Low Power Wide Area Networks
HELPFUL: Flexible Architecture To Control Heterogeneous Low Power Wide Area Networks
Porto Alegre
January 2020
88 f.: il.
Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) are candidates to coexist with traditional cellular
networks by coping with different types of requirements such as density, reliability, and latency.
However, there is no one-size-fits-all technology that can address all the needs of IoT appli-
cations. For this reason, the integration of heterogeneous LPWAN becomes necessary. SDN
provides a powerful approach by creating a programmable, dynamic, and flexible architecture.
Some studies investigate the SDN paradigm to provide a programmable network to IoT appli-
cations. Nevertheless, these studies do not take into account the limited capacity of SDN-based
networking devices to store the forwarding rules in its architectures. This thesis presents the
HELPFUL, an SDN-based architecture that creates a common control abstraction among LP-
WAN technologies (e.g., LoRa, NB-IoT) running on top of virtualized base stations. We also
discuss four rule management strategies for use with HELPFUL, providing support for single
and multiple tables. We evaluate our proposal with a series of experiments with a prototype
developed using the P4 language. Results show which HELPFUL is flexible enough to change
the management strategy to the best fit with the network demands. Consequently, it can reduce
the number of messages on the control channel exchanged between the Controller and Gate-
ways. Finally, HELPFUL adds minimal overhead to network performance, regardless of the
rule management strategy chosen.
Keywords: Software-defined networking. Low power wide area network. Network pro-
HELPFUL: Uma arquitetura para controle de
Low Power Wide Area Network heterogenias
Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) são candidatas a coexistir com as redes celulares
tradicionais por lidar com diferentes tipos de requisitos como densidade, confiabilidade e latên-
cia. Entretanto, não existe uma tecnologia LPWAN que consiga atender todas as necessidades
das aplicações de Internet das Coisas (IoT). Por essa razão, a integração de diferentes tecno-
logias LPWAN se faz necessária, criando assim, uma rede LPWAN heterogenia. SDN fornece
uma abordagem poderosa, criando uma arquitetura programável, dinâmica e flexível. Alguns
estudos já investigam a aplicação do paradigma SDN para fornecer uma rede programável para
aplicações IoT. No entanto, esses estudos não levam em consideração a capacidade limitada dos
dispositivos de rede baseados em SDN para armazenar as regras de encaminhamento. Nesta
dissertação é proposto HELPFUL, uma arquitetura baseada nos conceitos definidos pelas Re-
des Definidas por Software (SDN) que cria uma abstração comum entre diferentes tecnologias
LPWAN que rodam sobre estações base virtualizadas. Nós também discutimos quatro estraté-
gias de gerenciamento de regras para serem utilizadas com HELPFUL, provendo suporte para
uma única ou múltiplas tabelas. Nós avaliamos nossa proposta com uma serie de experimentos
com protótipo desenvolvimento utilizando a linguagem P4. Os resultados mostram que HELP-
FUL é flexível o suficiente para que a estratégia de gerenciamento de regras na tabela de fluxos
seja alterada para melhor se adequar as necessidades da rede. Consequentemente, HELPFUL
reduz a quantidade de mensagens no canal de controle trocadas pelos controlador e gateway.
Finalmente, HELPFUL adiciona uma sobrecarga mínima ao desempenho da rede independente
da estratégia escolhida.
Palavras-chave: Redes Definidas por Software; Low Power Wide Area; Programabilidade de
5G Fifth-Generation
BS Base Station
dst Destination
Hz Hertz
IoT Internet of Things
m Meters
src Source
UNB Ultra-Narrowband
1 INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
2 BACKGROUND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.1 Contextualization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
2.2 Low Power Wide Area Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
2.3 Review of the LPWAN technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
2.3.1 Unlicensed bands LPWAN technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
2.3.2 License bands LPWAN technologies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
2.4 Software-Defined Network . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.4.1 Architecture Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
2.4.2 Enabling Platforms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
2.5 Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
3 RELATED WORK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.1 Systematic Literature Review . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
3.2 SDN Architectures for IoT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
3.3 SDN Table Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
3.4 Discussion about Related Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
3.5 Chapter Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
REFERENCES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
APPENDIXA RESUMO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
The next generation of wireless networks is being designed to provide connectivity to mul-
tiple Internet of Things (IoT) applications, such as smart homes, industry 4.0, and wearable
devices (MINOLI; SOHRABY; OCCHIOGROSSO, 2017). Such new IoT applications will
push the boundaries of current communication architectures, demanding coexistent IoT net-
works, e.g., using Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) technologies (ALI et al., 2017).
The coexistence of heterogeneous LPWAN infrastructures enables the usage of the best fea-
tures that each technology provides, addressing multiple requirements, for example, massive
machine-type communication and low-latency communication (BRUNS et al., 2015).
The deployment and operation of several heterogeneous networks, each one supporting a
limited number of IoT devices, evidences research challenges that still require proper investi-
gation(RAZA; KULKARNI; SOORIYABANDARA, 2017). Firstly, current LPWAN technolo-
gies are not designed to coexist with each other, as each LPWAN implements individual control
protocols, leading to uncoordinated wireless access (POORTER et al., 2017). Secondly, the
assumption of multiple wireless access technologies in the traditional architecture of cellular
networks would lead to prohibitive deployment costs of transmitter cells (GALLO et al., 2016).
Aiming to cope with these challenges, Base Stations (BS) virtualization was proposed as a
solution to reduce CAPital EXpenditure and Operational Expenditure (CAPEX/OPEX) of cel-
lular networks through infrastructure sharing (KIST et al., 2018). However, virtualization adds
the need for new access control to the infrastructure to manage the uncontrolled access to the
spectrum used by the LPWAN. Software-Defined Networking (SDN) provides a powerful ap-
proach by creating a programmable, dynamic, and flexible architecture that allows the abstrac-
tion from traditional hardware-based protocol implementations into a software-based network
controller (KREUTZ et al., 2015). In this sense, some studies have applied the SDN paradigm
to provide a programmable network to IoT applications (LUO; TAN; QUEK, 2012; GALLO
et al., 2016; BADDELEY et al., 2018; BERA et al., 2018). Nevertheless, these studies do not
take into account the limited capacity of SDN-based networking devices to store the forwarding
rules in its architectures. For example, the tables have a limited rule storage capacity, which
is several orders of magnitude smaller than that required for the operation of certain types of
network, including LPWAN (NGUYEN et al., 2016). This problem becomes worse when ap-
plied in LPWAN environments where a massive amount of end-nodes in a network (e.g., ≈ 106
devices per km2 (RAZA; KULKARNI; SOORIYABANDARA, 2017)), making it necessary to
manage the rules of the flow tables.
In this thesis, we propose HELPFUL: a flexible architecture to control heterogeneous low
power wide area networks to enable various LPWAN technologies to coexist whit scalability
guarantees. HELPFUL is an SDN-based architecture that creates a common control abstraction
among LPWAN technologies running on top of virtualized BSs. The main contributions of
our work are two-fold: (i) the proposal of an architecture which adds an abstraction layer that
translates the heterogeneous control protocols to a homogeneous set of messages, and (ii) a
strategy based on multiple table rule management to address the scalability issues present in
the SDN-based devices. Our proposal enables the unification of technology-specific control
into a single cross-technology controller, allowing infrastructure and spectrum access to be
We developed a prototype based on the P4 language that allows programmability of both
control and forwarding planes to validate HELPFUL. In our first evaluation, we enumerate a
series of strategies to manage flow table rules when using the HELPFUL architecture. We
define the metrics to analyze HELPFUL with each strategy, such as the number of rules installed
in the flow table, the number of controller interventions, and the number of table hits. These
results indicate the best strategies regarding the reduction of the number of rules installed in flow
tables. Our second evaluation considers the overhead of HELPFUL on the network architecture,
including table lookup time, latency, and lost frames. The results show that HELPFUL produces
a minimum impact on the network. For example, HELPFUL presented ≈ 0.92ms of lookup
time in a scenario analyzed. Moreover, the HELPFUL architecture added minimal network
latency of ≈ 2ms and the number of lost frames averaging 1.5%.
The remaining of this thesis is organized as follows. In Chapter 2, we present the back-
ground with the main concepts related to the new IoT applications, the Low Power Wide Area
Network and Software-Defined Networking. In Chapter 3, we present a review of the most
relevant research and related works for this thesis. In Chapter 4, we introduce HELPFUL and
show a description and overview of its architectural components. In Chapter 5, we present out-
line the implementation of HELPFUL showing how each component communicates with others
and internal details of its architecture. After, we present our evaluation and associated results,
including a performance analysis of the framework. Finally, in Chapter 6, we conclude this
dissertation presenting final remarks and future work.
In this Chapter, we present the basic concepts for understanding this work. First, on Section
2.1 we position our work on the Internet of Things (IoT) landscape. Next, in Section 2.2 we
describe the Low Power Wide Area Network technology focus on the main design goals and
techniques. Finally, on Section 2.4 we present the Software-Defined Networking (SDN) and
describe how this paradigm can be used in the wireless environment.
2.1 Contextualization
• Low Energy Consumption: It is desirable to reduce the maintenance cost of the end-
devices by extended their battery live. This feature is desirable for applications that need
to deploy end-devices in remote areas where it is difficult to provide any maintenance.
• Support for a Massive Number of Devices per Cell: It is desirable for applications that
need a large deploy of end-devices over a geographical area like smart cities and industrial
applications. As the number of final nodes increases, the accuracy of these applications
also tends to increase.
• Low Deployment Cost: It is desirable to reduce the CAPEX of the sensors of his appli-
cations and allow the deployment of more sensors.
However, these requirements are not met by the current wireless personal area network
(WPAN), wireless local area networks (WLAN) and, cellular networks communication tech-
The WPAN and WLAN are not recommended for the new IoT applications because the
range of these technologies is limited to a few hundred meters. For example, the maximum
distance that Zigbee can provide communication is only 100 meters, and Wi-Fi only transmits
over 30 meters. The range of WPAN and WLAN technology can be extended by the usage
of multi-hop mesh networking. Where end-devices need to listen to the environment to relay
the traffic of the other end-devices and forward to the gateway. Also, the end-devices cannot be
arbitrarily deployed having specific positions to provide the mesh network, and cannot be moved
anywhere (XIONG et al., 2015). This approach is not desirable due these large deployments
are prohibitively expensive, and the end-devices waste energy forwarding traffic of the other
The cellular network technologies can provide wide area coverage. However, these tech-
nologies bring two disadvantages that make it unfeasible for the new IoT applications. First, the
cellular technologies were design to deal with complex waveforms, optimized for voice, high-
speed data services, and text. Due to these design decisions, the cellular networks do not achieve
energy-efficient high enough for the new IoT applications. Secondly, for these technologies to
achieve low power consumption, there is a clear need to strip complexity and reduce cost. It is
important to notice that some current cellular networks are being adapted to provide communi-
cation to low power devices. Efforts in this direction are underway for cellular networks by the
Third Generation Partnership Project (ALI et al., 2017).
The Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) represent a novel paradigm in providing
communication to the IoT applications. LPWAN takes different tradeoffs than the current short
wireless and cellular technologies. These technologies offer long-range communication (tens
of kilometers), low energy consumption (tens of years of battery live time), high scalability
(tens of thousands of devices per cell), and low deployment cost. However, to achieve these
requirements, the LPWAN operates at the expense of low data rates (tens of kilobytes per sec-
ond) and higher latency (order of seconds). These technologies are not indicated to operate with
applications that need high throughput and ultra-low latency, such as wireless industrial control.
Nevertheless, LPWAN are indicated to applications that exchange a small amount of data,
infrequently, over long distances and, with end-devices distributed over a large geographical
area such as smart cities, smart metering, home automation (RAZA; KULKARNI; SOORIYA-
BANDARA, 2017). Figure 2.1 shows an example of the range of different wireless technologies
that are present in this section. In the next section, we will describe the techniques used by the
LPWAN in order to achieve these requirements. Also, we present an overview of the leading
LPWAN technologies.
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Research efforts for future 5G networks have to provide communication to IoT applications
meeting the requirements of low power consumption, long-range coverage, and support for a
massive number of end-devices. LPWAN will play an essential role by complementing tra-
ditional cellular networks to address the communications requirements and provide spectrum
efficiency for IoT applications (ALI et al., 2017). In this Section, we present the primary design
goals of the LPWAN technologies and the techniques used to achieve these goals. We organize
each one of the goals in bullet points that describe the techniques used. The goals are:
1. Long Distance Communication: The main innovation that the LPWAN technologies
proposed is the long-distance communications with an excellent signal propagation to
reach indoor places (e.g., basements, industrial complex). With this wide area coverage,
the end-devices can transmit data over tens of kilometers of their base stations in an urban
or rural environment. To achieve this goal, the LPWAN used sub-1GHz bands and some
modulation techniques (e.g., narrowband, ultra-narrowband, and spread spectrum). Sub-
1GHz offers robust and reliable communication at low power budgets and is less sensitive
to physical obstacles (e.g., walls, buildings) (ALI et al., 2017). It results in higher relia-
bility and enables long-range and low power communication. The side effect to use these
bands is the limited amount of available spectrum combined with the large propagation
ranges of the LPWAN will cause an inter-technology interference. The LPWAN tech-
nologies use three kinds of modulation techniques to enable a range of tens of kilometers:
narrowband, ultra-narrowband, and spread spectrum. Narrowband modulation provides
a high link budget by encoding the signal in low bandwidth. Also, this technique shares
the overall spectrum efficiently if multiple links. The noise level experienced inside a
single narrowband is also minimal. Therefore, no processing gain is required to decode
the signal at the receiver, resulting in a simple and inexpensive transceiver design. Some
LPWAN technologies carrier a signal in an ultra-narrowband (UNB). This technique re-
duces the experienced noise and increasing the number of supported end-devices per unit
bandwidth, even more than a narrowband modulation. However, the effective data rate
for individual end devices decreases as well, thus increasing the amount of time the radio
needs to be kept ON. A spread spectrum technique is used for some LPWAN technolo-
gies. This technique consists of spreading a narrowband signal over a wider frequency
band but with the same power density. Transmission using the spread spectrum is more
resilient to interference and robust to jamming attacks. However, more processing gain
is required on the receiver to decode the message. Another outcome that this technique
brings is that spreading a narrowband signal over a wide band results in less efficient use
of the spectrum (RAZA; KULKARNI; SOORIYABANDARA, 2017).
2. Low Energy Consumption: One of the central promises of the LPWAN technologies
is the low energy consumption of the end-devices to transmit their traffic over long dis-
tances. This is an essential requirement for various business opportunities. To reduce
the energy consumption and achieve maximum energy efficiency, the LPWAN applies a
sequence of techniques: (i) topology specifications, (ii) duty cycle and, (iii) lightweight
medium access control. The LPWAN technologies specify a topology that connects the
end-devices directly to the base stations. It results in a start topology that brings a consid-
erable energy-saving advantage. Also, the end-devices do not need to waste energy listen
to other devices that want to relay their traffic (e.g., multi-hope mesh networks). Thus,
the end-devices never exchange messages directly with each other. The base stations will
intermediate all the possible communications. For example, if some end-device needs
to transmit data to other end-device, first, it is necessary to transmit to the base station.
Then the base station will transmit the data to do the end-device (RAZA; KULKARNI;
SOORIYABANDARA, 2017). Radio duty cycling allows end devices to turn off their
transceiver and just turned then on when it is required. The duty cycling mechanism de-
pends on the application and traffic pattern. If an application needs to transmit some data,
then the transceivers will wake up and transmit. If a downlink transmission is required,
then the end-device needs to schedule with the base station. In the most LPWAN tech-
nologies, the end-devices may listen for a short duration after their uplink transmissions to
receive a replay back. Another option is to listen at a scheduled time agreed with the base
station. This technique can be used in hardware components in order to reduce energy
consumption. The LPWAN adopts simple random access schemes (e.g., ALOHA). The
end-devices are the most-constrained elements transferring the complex task to the base
station to simplify the design of the end-devices. The LPWAN base station is capable
of transmitting and listening from multiple end-devices using different channels and or-
thogonal signals simultaneously. Also, the base station is responsible for mechanisms to
adapt data rate, support mobility, and suppress network duplicates (RAZA; KULKARNI;
WAN technologies. The LPWAN network will send low volumes of data of a large num-
ber of end-devices. To cope up with the increased density of the end devices in certain
areas, LPWA networks, like traditional cellular networks, will resort to dense deploy-
ments of base stations. Not only the LPWA systems should scale to several connected
devices, but each link should be optimized for reliable and energy-efficient communica-
tion. Adapting the modulation schemes to reach distances while guaranteeing reliable
communication at the same time requires efficient monitoring of link qualities and coor-
dination between end devices and network. To accommodate as many connected devices
as possible, efficient exploitation of diversity in channel, time, space, and hardware is
vital. Due to the low-power and inexpensive nature of the end devices, much of this
is achieved by cooperation from more powerful components in LPWA networks such as
base stations and backend systems. LPWA technologies employ multi-channel and multi-
antenna communication to parallelize transmissions to and from the connected devices.
Further, communication is made resilient to interference by using multiple channels and
doing redundant transmissions (XIONG et al., 2015).
4. Low deployment cost: The LPWAN technologies adopt some techniques to reduce the
capital expenses (CAPEX) and operating expenses (OPEX) for the end-users and network
operations. The connective module of the end-devices will eventually cost less than a few
dollars. Thus, these reductions on the CAPEX and OPEX will result in the deployment
of the end-devices in a large geographical area. To achieve this goal, the LPWAN applies
a sequence of techniques. First, the LPWAN transceivers need to deal with simple wave-
forms compared with the short-range wireless technologies and cellular networks. Also,
the LPWAN does not have complex MAC schemes that reduce transceiver footprint, peak
data rates, and memory sizes, minimizing the hardware complexity and thus the cost.
Thunder, the LPWAN technologies apply a minimal infrastructure. A single LPWAN
base station can connect tens of thousands of end-devices distribute over a large geo-
graphical area and do not need to implement a pico or microcell (RAZA; KULKARNI;
In this Section, we highlight the leading LPWAN technologies. To better understanding the
technologies present in this section, we divide into two groups: the LPWAN that uses the unli-
censed band and the LPWAN that use license bands. The usage of license bands conflicts with
the low deployment cost goal. Due to this conflict, most of the LPWAN technologies use indus-
trial, scientific, and medical (ISM) bands or TV-white spaces. However, the usage of the ISM
bands will leave the LPWAN technologies to develop mechanisms of coexistence. Because they
are not designed to coexist with the existent wireless technologies. Second, since the amount
of available spectrum is much smaller and the propagation ranges much more extensive, these
technologies will cause interference at a much larger scale, leading to severe inter-technology
and inter-operator interference. Some LPWAN technologies that are deployed in the licensed
band may share the existing cellular bands to avoid the additional licensing cost. However, to
get better performance, a stand-alone licensed band can be acquired as well, a trend propri-
etary LPWAN technologies may eventually follow to avoid performance degradation due to an
increase in several connected devices (RAZA; KULKARNI; SOORIYABANDARA, 2017).
This Section is organized as follows. In Subsection 2.3.1, we present the leading LPWAN
technologies that use unlicensed bands. To better understanding this work, we focus on Lo-
Ra/LoRaWAN technology. In Subsection 2.3.2, we review the leading LPWAN technologies
that use license bands. We will focus on Narrowband-IoT (NB-IoT) technology for the best
future understanding of this work.
In this Subsection, we review the unlicensed bands LPWAN technologies. First, we present
LoRa/LoRaWAN technology. We decide to focus on LoRa/LoRaWAN because, further on this
work, we reuse some concepts that are applied to technology. Also, we review Sigfox and
Weightless, presenting the technical specifications of these technologies.
While LoRa defines the physical layer of the technology, LoRaWAN defines the network
architecture and up layer protocols. In Figure 2.2, it is possible to observe the network archi-
tecture of the LoRaWAN network. The end-devices are the sensors where that has the function
to sense the environment and send their data to feed the IoT applications. In order to increase
the reliability of the communication, the end-devices transmit the data to all LoRa Gateways
in the communication range. This approach generates duplicate messages that have to be tread
later by network control. The LoRa Gateway receives the messages from the end-devices and
will forward it to the Network Control through an IP standard communication technology (e.g.,
Ethernet, Wi-Fi, GSM). The Network Server has the function to manage the network (e.g., elim-
inate duplicate packets, schedules transmissions, send acknowledgments, and adapts data rates).
Also, the Network Server forwards the data to the destination Application Server. Finally, the
Application Server will consume the data send by the end-devices.
LoRa/LoRaWAN does not have a control channel. The control information and the user
data are transmitted using the same channel. To allow this, LoRaWAN defines a packet header
that allows the network server to transmit MAC commands for the end-devices. In Figure
2.3 it is possible to observe the LoRaWAN packet header. The first field of the header is the
MAC header. It is used to specify the message type (MType) and the major version (Major)
of the LoRWAN protocol. The MType defines indicating, among other things, whether it is
an uplink or a downlink message and whether or not it is a confirmed message. The Major
defines the LoRaWAN version. The second field is the Device Address, a 2-bit identifier of the
end-device. Seven bits are used as the network identifier, and 25 bits are used as the network
address of the end-device. The Frame Control (FCtrl) is to manage the network parameters
(e.g., request confirmation, send/response MAC commands). The Frame Counter (FCount) is
a frame counter used to the Network Server to identify if a frame if uplink or downlink. The
Frame Options (FOpts) is used to piggyback MAC commands on a data message. The Frame
Port (FPort) indicates if the frame has just MAC commands or some data do delivery to the
The FCtrl is used to control the network parameters of the end-devices. The Adaptive Data
Rate (ADR) field is used to inform to the end-device that the network server will set the data rate
of the end-devices thought appropriated MAC commands. If these fields are not set, then the
end-device will use the default data rate. If the data rate set by the network server is higher than
the default data rate of the end-devices, the Adaptive Data Rate Acknowledgement Request
(ADRAckReq) is used to confirm if the data transmitted is received. The Acknowledgement
(Ack) field is used to confirm the previous data received. The Frame Pending (FPending) is
used only in uplink transmissions is only used in downlink communication, indicating that
the gateway has more data pending to be sent and therefore asking the end-device to open
another receive window as soon as possible by sending another uplink message. The frame-
options length field (FOptsLen) in FCtrl byte denotes the actual length of the frame options
field (FOpts) included in the frame.
LoRaWAN defines MAC commands that allow customizing end-device parameters. These
commands can control the data rate and output power used by the device, as well as the num-
ber of times each unconfirmed packet should be sent (LinkADRReq), the global duty cycle of
the device (DutyCycleReq), changing parameters of the receive windows (RXTimingSetupReq,
RXParamSetupReq) and changing the channels used by the device (NewChannelReq).
Sigfox technology is developed by the SigFox Network Operators (SNOs). This partnership
offers an end-to-end LPWAN connectivity by deploying proprietary base stations and equipped
with cognitive software-defined radios and connect them to the backend servers using an IP-
based network. The end-devices communicate with the base stations using a Binary Phase Shift
Keying (BPSK) modulation using an ultra-narrowband (100Hz, resulting in 8000 channels) in
a Sub-GHz ISM band (868 MHz in Europe, 915 MHz in the USA). It allows for long-range
communication (30–50 km in rural areas and 3–10 km in urban areas) at low bitrate (100 bps).
Sigfox was initially supported only uplink transmissions but later evolved to a bidirectional
transmission. The downlink transmissions can only be made after an uplink communication.
After an uplink transmission, the end device has to wait and listen for a response from the base
stations. Also, Sigfox does not implement any collision avoidance mechanism. In summary,
the SigFox technology is suitable for very specific, very low data rate uplink IoT applications.
Because of its closed nature, it is difficult to innovate within SigFox for external researchers and
companies. However, due to its popularity, it must be taken into account as a potentially harm-
ful interfere for the other LPWAN technologies (RAZA; KULKARNI; SOORIYABANDARA,
To address the new features of the IoT applications, the Third Generation Partnership Project
(3GPP) is evolving the current cellular networks. In this Section, we highlight the main LP-
WAN technologies that use licensed bands. In subsection 2.3.2 we highlight Narrowband-IoT
(NB-IoT). In Section 2.3.2, we review LTE-M and EC-GSM-IoT, presenting the technical spec-
ifications of these technologies.
The Narrowband-IoT is a technology design to enhance the existent LTE network to pro-
vide better support for IoT applications. NB-IoT reuses the design of the LTE network but with
optimization to provide a low power consumption. The full carrier bandwidth is 180 kHz, the
subcarrier spacing can be 3.75 kHz (only for the uplink) or 15 kHz, the highest modulation
scheme is QPSK, there is only support for Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) and half-duplex
operation. The downlink of NB-IoT is based on OFDMA, and the transmission scheme uses
only one physical resource block (PRB) for the LTE network. The uplink is based on single-
carrier FDMA. For uplink transmission, there are two possible operation modes, single-tone
transmission, and multi-tone transmission. In a single tone, either 3.75 kHz or 15 kHz subcar-
rier spacing is allowed. In multi-tone, only 15 kHz subcarrier spacing can be used. Multi-tone
transmission enables grouping sets of 3, 6, or 12 subcarriers. Additionally, the minimum du-
ration for the resource units used in scheduling depends on the number of assigned subcarriers
and the operation mode, ranging from 1 ms in 12 sub-carriers multi-tone transmission to 32ms
in 3.75 kHz single tone transmission (ZAYAS; MERINO, 2017).
Regarding the MAC layer, NB-IoT introduces several changes to reduce power consump-
tion and make scheduling more flexible and straightforward. Because of the lower throughput
requirements, a single hybrid automatic repeat request (HARQ) process is used. It allows re-
moving the HARQ identifier from the scheduling assignments and thus uses a lower number
of control bits for higher efficiency and robustness. Additionally, uplink retransmissions are
no longer synchronous but always adaptive and asynchronous both in uplink and downlink.
It provides the network with tighter control on the UL scheduling while preventing undesired
periodic retransmissions as they will be now generated only when explicitly requested. Also,
NB-IoT uses a Power Saving Mode (PSM) that allows the end-device to inform the network
that they will sleep indefinitely (WANG et al., 2017).
LTE enhancements for machine type communications is a fork of the traditional LTE net-
work optimize for communication in long distances and high energy efficiency. This technol-
ogy was initially standardized in the 3GPP Release 13 specification, specifically refer to LTE
CatM1, suitable for IoT applications. To adapt the LTE technology to operate with low energy
consumption, a set of features have been cut. LTE-M only supports half-duplex communications
to reduces the complexity of modem and antenna design. Also, a drop in the receive bandwidth
from 20 MHz to 1.4 MHz in combination with a reduced transmission power will result in a
more cost-efficient and low-power design. Like NB-IoT, the features of PSM and eDRX are
added to this standard in order to better energy efficiency. LTE-M can use Quadrature Phase
Shift Keying (QPSK) or 16-QAM in both uplink and downlink transmissions. Transmission can
be made at a peak rate of 1Mbps. The end-devices can transmit to the base station at a distance
of 2.5Km in urban areas and 5km in rural or remote areas (ALI et al., 2017).
Extended Coverage Global System Mobile for IoT (EC-GSM-IoT) is the proposal of the
3GPP of extending the traditional GSM to better server IoT applications. This standard reuses
the GSM infrastructure and applies a set of features in order to improve energy consumption.
Like NB-IoT and LTE-M, this standard use eDRX and PSM to improve energy consumption.
EC-GSM-IoT uses 900 MHz in a coverage area of the 15 km in downlink and uplink transmis-
sion. Two modulation techniques, namely Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK) and Eight
Phase Shift Keying (8PSK), provide variable data rates with the peak rate of 240 kbps with the
latter technique. The end-devices can transmit to the base station at a range of 15km (ALI et
al., 2017).
In this Section, we review the Software-Defined Networking paradigm and present the main
concepts need to understand this work. In subsection 2.4.1, we present the basic concept of
SDN architecture. Finally, in subsection 2.4.2, we describe the main platforms that allow the
implementation of the SDN concepts.
• Forwarding Plane: Includes the devices (e.g., switches) that are responsible for forward-
ing the packet data. The devices on this plane store network rules that are defined by the
control plane. These rules can be (i) forward packet through a determinate port, (ii) mod-
ify the packet header, (iii) send the packet to the network controller, and (iv) drop the
packet (KREUTZ et al., 2015).
• Control Plane: Responsible for all the control logic of the network (e.g., routing pro-
tocols, access list). Additionally, this plane manages the information of the forwarding
devices. The control plane has the global view of the entry network being able to of-
fer mechanisms for fault diagnosis, make decisions over current traffic distributions, and
enforce quality of services (QoS) policies (KREUTZ et al., 2015).
• Application plane: Responsible for executing applications that run over the network
infrastructure. Generally, these applications perform modifications regarding network
aspects, such as network policies and routing behavior, with some degree of human inter-
vention. Examples of network applications deployed in this plane are network visualiza-
tion, path reservation, and network provisioning (KREUTZ et al., 2015).
• Management plane: Responsible for monitoring, configuring, and maintaining the be-
havior of network elements in each plane. The management focuses on the configuration
of these network elements. Consequently, some human intervention may be necessary for
the managed applications in this plane (KREUTZ et al., 2015).
Northbound API Management 1
Management API
Southbound API
The SDN architecture also defines tree interfaces that are responsible for the communi-
cation between the planes: (i) northbound API, (ii) southbound API and, (iii) management
API. The northbound API provides the communication between the application plane and the
control plane. This API enables the programmability of the network controller by exposing
network data abstractions to the application plane. Currently, the most used protocol for this
communication is the REST (Representational State Transfer). The southbound API defines
the communication between the control plane and the forwarding plane. Through this inter-
face, the control plane can configure switches with forwarding actions according to received
notifications of incoming packets from the data plane. This is typically standardized and im-
plemented by the OpenFlow protocol. More details about this API can be found in Subsection
2.4.2. The management API is responsible for the communication of the application, control,
and forwarding plane with the management plane. The management API is responsible for pro-
viding information exchange between network management solutions and the elements in all
other planes (KREUTZ et al., 2015).
In this Section, we present the two leading technologies that allow us to implement SDN
concepts. First, we present the OpenFlow protocol specified by the Open Network Foundation
(ONF) and the most adopted SDN enabling technology. Secondly, we present the Programming
protocol-independent Packet Processors (P4) technology that allows the network operators to
have a programmable control and data plane.
OpenFlow Protocol
The OpenFlow protocol provides a communication interface between the control and for-
warding planes. In an OpenFlow-based network, the two main components are the controller
and the forwarding devices. The controller is located in the control plane and has the function
to define the forwarding rules and install them on the devices in the forwarding plane. The for-
warding devices are located in the forwarding plane and have the function to store the rules and
forward the data packets. A forwarding rule is defined by a tuple: a match field and an action.
The match field is headers from different network protocols (e.g., Ethernet, Ipv4, MPLS) and
is used to identify the packets and apply the associated actions. The actions define what the
forwarding devices shall do with the matching packets. The possible actions are: forward to
some port, drop, forward to the controller and modify header fields. The forwarding devices
store the rules defined by the controller in a data structure called flow table, which can be seen in
Figure 2.5. Each entry in the flow tables is composed of a rule and statistics counters. When an
incoming packet arrives in the forwarding device, a lookup process begins in the flow table. In
this process, the match fields are compared against the incoming packets’ header fields. When
a correspondence occurs, then the action is applied (KREUTZ et al., 2015).
Flow Counters
The flow tables are implemented using Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM).
This memory can perform parallel comparisons across all entries that provide a better perfor-
mance in the data forwarding. However, TCAMs have a limited storage capacity supporting
just hundreds of forwarding rules what are not enough for some kinds of networks (e.g., data-
centers). To increase the amount of rule storage, forwarding devices use other memory types
(e.g., SRAMs, RAM) to aid in the implementation of flow tables. The problem of this approach
is that these memories can degrade the performance of the forwarding devices. The match fields
available are defined in the OpenFlow version. The first version of the OpenFlow protocol al-
lows only one flow table with just 12 match fields (ethernet, TCP, IPv4). As the protocol was
evolving, new specifications were made fields of other protocols were added. However, each
time a new protocol was released, the OpenFlow specification had to be extended. In this sense,
the Programming Protocol Independent Packet Processors (P4) comes up to add flexibility to
the network programmable that SDN cannot provide.
The Programming Protocol independent Packet Processors is a language for describing for-
warding devices that allow the programmability of the data plane. The P4 main objectives are:
(i) reconfigurability, (ii) protocol independence and, (iii) platform independence. Reconfigura-
bility concerns the controller getting the forwarding device as it should operate and process
the packets. Protocol independence means that the routing devices are not tied to a protocol
in specific (e.g., OpenFlow version 1.3). Instead, the controller must be able to specify how
the packet information should be stripped and to define what the match and associated actions
are. Platform independence allows a program in P4 to be written, and through a compilation
process, this same program can operate either in a virtual switch or in specific hardware (ASIC).
To achieve their goals, P4 uses the PISA (Protocol Independent Switch Architecture) archi-
tecture. This model can be seen in Figure 2.6. The parser must first handle packets arriving
at the forwarding device. The parser recognizes and extracts header fields from packages. Af-
ter that, the headers are submitted to the match tables and actions. Tables can be divided into
ingress and egress. Ingress tables determine by which port the packets should be forwarded,
replicated, or discarded. Ingress table allows controls by instances to be taken as access control,
to bug statistical counters. A program written in P4 has two forms of operation: configuration
and population. Configuration refers to the behavior of the components (parser, the order of
the tables, and the association of counters). The population is the operations done to add and
remove rules in the flow tables (BOSSHART et al., 2014).
Forward Device
a u u
Incoming r f t
Packet s f p
u e u
t r Ingress Pipeline Egress Pipeline t
P4 allows network operators to have greater control over both the data plane and the control
plane. This technology allows innovations in computer networks to be placed in the particle in
a faster and more flexible way than if we OpenFlow is used. P4 allows the operator to define
the protocols that he wants to implement as well as the interfaces between the control plane and
the data plane. Another modulus is that the OpenFlow protocol only implements the header
fields of the already widespread protocols, and can not make adaptations for tests with new
This Chapter presents a contextualization of the requirements of the new IoT applications.
In this context, we have verified that LPWAN technologies can complement current wireless
technologies providing long-distance communication with low power consumption and high
scalability. We also introduce the techniques used by the LPWAN technologies used to achieve
your goals. Also presented was a review of the leading LPWAN technologies present in the
market and literature. Finally, we present the SDN network paradigm and the main technologies
that enable its implementation. In the next Chapter, we will present the main works that use the
SDN paradigm to implement networks for IoT. Also, we will show the advantages of applying
the SDN paradigm in LPWAN networks.
This Chapter presents a literature review on the subjects related to our work. The study
adopts the principles of a systematic review (PETERSEN; VAKKALANKA; KUZNIARZ,
2015) to mitigate biases in the selection of articles. First, Section 3.1 we describe our sys-
tematic literature review process used to obtain the works related to this one. After that, Sec-
tion 3.2 explores the state-of-the-art SDN-based architectures that provide communication for
IoT systems. Our analysis shows that these architectures require rule management strategies
that cope with the demand of LPWAN. We focus on this aspect in section 3.3, which explores
the literature about methods to manage rules in the flow table of SDN-enabled devices. Finally,
Section 3.5 discusses the insights obtained from the related work and their impact on our work.
In this Section, we present the systematic research methodology used to review the liter-
ature. Firstly, we focus on verifying state of the art about the SDN-based architectures that
providing communication to IoT nodes. Through this search, we identify a gap of works that
attack the problem of the rule capacity of the flow table in SDN-based architectures for IoT. The
LPWAN proposes communication to a massive number of end-devices (e.g., 22000 end-devices
for Lora). To address these number of end-devices is necessary, a large capacity of storage rules
various levels of magnitude greater than is available in a flow table. Therefore, we performed
second research to identify the rule management strategies in the flow table that better meet the
requirements of an LPWAN network. In both cases, the goals of the research show the relevance
of these two topics and identify the main works related to this one. To perform our research, we
use the Scopus research tool. Being one of the largest available databases for academic research
with the feature of eliminating irrelevant documents.
To perform the research for the SDN-based architectures for IoT, the following query was
TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( ( sdn AND wireless ) OR ( sdn AND iot ) OR ( sdwn ) ) ) AND PUBYEAR
> 2013
On this query, we explicitly filter academic documents that apply the concepts of the SDN
in IoT, wireless sensors, and LPWAN networks. We also apply a time window of five years to
get more recent works. To perform the search for the SDN flow table strategies, we apply the
flowing query:
On this query, we filter works that use the SDN paradigm and the technologies that enable
their implementation (e.g.Openflow, P4) that proposes strategies or mechanisms to manage the
rules in the flow table. We also apply a time window of seven years. On December 20, 2019,
these two queries resulted in 2761 documents for the first one and 747 for the second one. The
resulting documents were cataloged in a sheet and systematically categorized. The number of
indexed documents by year is shown in Figure 3.1 to exhibit the evolution of interest in the area.
We use three filters used in sequence to achieve the categorization of all documents:
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
SDN Architectures for IoT Flow Table Management
In the first filter, the title and abstract of all results were read; results found to be clearly
out of scope in this filter are then marked as such, and the remainder results pass on to the
second filter. In the first query, from 2761, a total of 72 studies passed the first filter. In the
second query, from 747, a total of 54 studies passed the first filter. In the second filter, the
sections for Introduction and Conclusion of the remaining documents were considered; once
again, documents considered in the overall scope were passed on to the third filter, and the
remaining results were discarded from consideration. In the first query, a total of 27 studies
passed the second filter. In the second query, a total of 29 studies passed the second filter.
Finally, the third filter induces the complete read of the article. Documents that go through the
third filter are grouped by relevance to our research problem, categorized according to aspects,
and, when deemed necessary, summarized for easier recapitulation afterward. In the first query,
four studies passed all three filters. In the second query, a total of 3 studies passed all three
filters. In the next sections, we discuss the works related to our research.
This Section shows the studies found in our literature review that focus on SDN-based archi-
tectures for IoT networks. It also presents the main insights that led to the second scope of our
research, related to strategies to manage rules in flow tables of forwarding devices. Table 3.1
shows the comparison of the studies found in our review process. It identifies each article by
the first author and publication year. We compare the studies using four criteria related to the
features included in their proposals.
• Control Plane Programmability: The ability to modify the forwarding plane device’s
behavior through a controller.
• Table Management: The ability to apply algorithms to optimize the installation, re-
moval, or replacement of rules in the flow table.
We argue that these criteria are the most relevant for this study because an SDN-based archi-
tecture for LPWAN must ensure control and forwarding plane programmability. Moreover, the
architecture must support several LPWAN technologies for better coordination and coexistence
between different applications. Therefore, it is necessary to use rule management strategies
in the flow table because LPWAN supports a massive number of end-devices, and the traffic
generated by these nodes would result in a rule explosion in flow tables.
T. Luo et. al. (LUO; TAN; QUEK, 2012) propose the first study that applies SDN con-
cepts to the IoT context. Their proposal is a modification of the OpenFlow protocol for use
with Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN). The forwarding plane comprises sensors that act like
forwarding devices, while the control plane centralizes the network intelligence. Authors also
propose a modification in the OpenFlow protocol and flow table to enable support for WSN
protocols (e.g., ZigBee, 6LoWPAN). Since end-devices also integrate the network’s forwarding
plane, they must also implement a flow table. However, this approach wastes devices’ energy
because sensors must forward traffic and also communicate with the network controller. This
approach is not ideal for LPWAN networks due to the energy restriction of end-devices. Among
the evaluation criteria, the study only implements control plane programmability.
P. Gallo et. al. (GALLO et al., 2016) propose using SDN concepts to manage Medium
Access Control (MAC) protocols to coordinate different WLAN technologies. Authors propose
an architecture that treats each WLAN technology as an independent forwarding plane, with a
single controller to manage all of them. The control plane has a MAC protocol database that
can modify gateways to change active protocols. The architecture manages protocol changes
according to network metrics obtained from the coordinating between involved technologies
(e.g., frame loss rate). The architecture employs SDN concepts on to forward flows and to
control wireless environment parameters. According to our classification criteria, the described
study considers control plane programmability and heterogeneity regarding the use of several
WLAN technologies.
Baddeley et. al. (BADDELEY et al., 2018) evolve the work from T. Luo et. al. (LUO; TAN;
QUEK, 2012) to enable application on networks with energy restrictions. They propose opti-
mizations to the OpenFlow protocol to align it with the energy requirements of an IoT network.
Among these optimizations, the most relevant are: (i) increase the expiration time of rules in
the flow table, consequently avoiding the expiration of frequently used rules; (ii) a strategy to
aggregate flows to reduce the number of entries in the flow table; (iii) use of Routing Protocol
for Low-Power and Lossy Networks (RPL) to reduce the number of control messages gener-
ated by forwarding devices. The study focuses on flow table optimizations to reduce energy
consumption with a aggregation strategy. However, aggregation imposes an overhead in the
control channel due to the communication required to verify and apply the needed algorithms.
According to our criteria, the work focuses on control plane programmability and flow table
Finally, S. Bera et. al. (BERA et al., 2018) propose an SDN-based architecture for IoT
networks that optimizes the control plane to enable real-time reprogramming of the network.
The control plane has two main functionalities: device management and topology management.
Moreover, it proposes a new rule management policy that enables adaptive device functionality
and network programmability. However, this proposal makes several modifications to the rout-
ing devices. From our defined criteria, this study focuses on control plane programmability and
SDN application in IoT networks has been extensively explored in the literature of this first
study that has been registered in 2012. All of the presented works have their proposals of archi-
tectures based on SDN considering programmable control plane. The proposal architectures de-
ploy the OpenFlow protocol that is not flexible and updates take a long time to implement. Two
proposal architectures present heterogeneity, providing some coordination mechanism among
technologies. Finally, only one of the studies showed a design which is concerned with the
management of rules in the flow table. Such a criterion is essential for LPWAN since these
technologies support a massive amount of end-nodes. Performing the traffic forwarding of this
amount of devices will cause an explosion of rules in the flow tables (KOBAYASHI et al.,
2014). Since rule management becomes a relevant aspect to an IoT architecture based on SDN,
we explore this aspect in more detail next. More specifically, we conduct an additional literature
review focused on management strategies for flow table rules on forwarding devices.
We discuss in this Subsection, the second part of our systematic research that consists in
analyze the main strategies of rule management in the flow table. The limited capacity for
rule storage in forwarding devices motivated studies related to the management of rules in flow
tables. The strategies investigated by these studies focus on two major domains: spatial and
temporal. Strategies from the temporal domain remove/replace rules from a flow table after a
given time interval while spatial strategies consider the forwarding and semantic of flows intra
or inter network devices. We describe the four main strategies in the literature:
We conceptualize each of them and exemplify with the works found in our research. Table
3.2 summarizes the studies discussed in this Section.
A Eviction strategy is classically based on the temporal domain. The removal algorithm
for a substitution strategy is a design choice that directly impacts network performance (LEE;
KANAGAVELU; AUNG, 2013). For example, the use of a FIFO algorithm removes rules
installed for the longest time in the flow table. R. Challa et. al. (CHALLA; LEE; CHOO, 2016)
propose a probabilistic algorithm to identify rules with a high chance of not being used, which
can be replaced by new ones. Autonomous substitution mechanisms manage flow table rules
Reference Year Eviction Aggregation Caching
M. Rifai et. al. 2015 X
R. Challla et. al. 2016 X
A. Marsico et. al. 2017 X
OpenFlow 1.1 2011 X
without the intervention of a controller. This strategy does not rely only on the expiration time
of a flow input. Instead, it applies a Multiple Bloom Filter (MBF) data structure to determine
candidate rules for elimination. MBF is a space-efficient probabilistic data structure used to
register the history of flow. A rule with activity receives a higher importance value through
MBF and has a smaller chance of being removed from the flow table. When it is necessary to
remove a rule, the algorithm employs MBF to identify a rule with a lesser chance of being used
for a given time interval.
The main rule management strategies from the spatial domain are (i) Aggregation, (ii)
Caching, and (iii) Multiple Tables. The first one operates by identifying rules with the same
action, e.g., forward packet to a given port. The second one, it identifies the rules’ matching
fields, e.g., source IPs that belong to the same subnet. The third one, it processes them to gener-
ate a single rule, e.g., forward all the source IPs of a subnet to the same port. Therefore, a rule
can represent several flows, reducing the storage demand in forwarding devices. Aggregation is
a traditional strategy to reduce the number of rules in routing tables of current IP networks. For
example, OpenFlow-based networking also applies this strategy (NGUYEN et al., 2016), given
its known performance.
M. Rifai et. al. (RIFAI et al., 2015) propose an aggregation strategy to reduce rules in flow
tables. It considers rules as triples (s, t, p) where: s is the source address of a flow; t is the
destination address; p is the output port. The algorithm applies a compression heuristic that
results in three subtables. Each table aggregates rules according to one of the elements that
constitute a rule. First, for each source IP s, the most recurrent output port p is identified, so
all rules are replaced by (s, ∗, p). The remaining rules do not change and have more priority
than the aggregate rules. Once the algorithm verifies all source addresses, it applies the same
compression considering the destination address (∗, t, p) and the output port of the forwarding
devices (s, t, ∗). Finally, the algorithm selects the resulting table with the least number of rules
and uses it to replace the original set of rules.
A. Marsico et. al. (MARSICO; DORIGUZZI-CORIN; SIRACUSA, 2017) propose a
caching strategy for managing flow tables. Caching is a rule management strategy that re-
sembles that applied to operating system memory hierarchies. In the context of SDN, we can
consider the Ternary Content Addressable Memory (TCAM) as the main memory with fast ac-
cess and the controller as secondary memory. The system can transfer a predetermined number
of rules into the secondary memory when TCAM is at its maximum capacity. In this case, it is
defined as two types of operations: swap-in and swap-out. The swap-in occurs when the flow
table is operating at maximum capacity, and the flow requires a new rule. Therefore, the con-
troller swaps a rule from the flow table to its memory based on periodically collected statistics,
e.g., rules with few correspondences. Rules with infinite idle or hard timeout are not eligible for
swapping operations. The swap-out operation changes part of the rules in the flow table with the
ones available in the swap memory. The switch queries the controller when the correspondent
rule for a particular packet does not find. The controller first performs a lookup in the swap
database and, if it finds a rule, re-installs it in the flow table.
Finally, Multiple Tables management operates by identifying the semantics of flow and di-
viding it into two or more rules. For example, the forwarding port of flows is received in a given
virtual interface. From this division, a new rule is created with simplified semantics and stored
in a table that represents it. Therefore, rules already installed and with simples semantics can
represent a new rule with a complex semantic, resulting in lower memory usage in forwarding
devices. OpenFlow 1.1 provides multiple flow table management, with its current form en-
couraged by Open Network Foundation (ONF) (ONF, 2015). Its use adds more complexity to
the lookup process for OpenFlow devices that implement hardware flow tables. Multiple flow
tables management is a subject with scarce exploration in the literature, although having great
potential to reduce the number of installed rules.
Our literature review indicates that SDN applied to IoT networks is an active research topic
with several published articles. The evaluated studies propose adaptions to the OpenFlow pro-
tocol to optimize it in terms of energy consumption and compatibility with other protocols such
as Zigbee and 6LoWPAN. However, these adaptations are not sufficient to enable the direct
employment of SDN concepts to LPWANs because of three main aspects. First, many of these
studies focus on multi-hop mesh networks, which present a severe restriction due to the energy
constraints of end-nodes. Second, the OpenFlow protocol can limit new solutions due to its
rigidity and low versatility for adaption to other network protocols. Third, most of these studies
lack proposals to manage flow table rules, which becomes a relevant aspect given the number
of rules generated in IoT scenarios.
The third aspect is particularly crucial because of LPWANs promise support ≈ 106 end-
nodes per km2 (RAZA; KULKARNI; SOORIYABANDARA, 2017), resulting in several rules
that exceed the capacities of current forwarding devices. Consequently, an architecture that
integrates SDN in the IoT context must consider a robust strategy to manage rules installed in
forwarding devices. To better explore this aspect, we conducted an additional systematic review
to identify the best solutions to manage flow table rules.
Rule management strategies present two main groups related to the temporal and spatial do-
mains. Temporal strategies are to replace rules of the table of flows based on some substitution
algorithm. However, this method generates an overhead in the control channel because of the
large amount of removal and insertion of new rules. In turn, strategies from the spatial domain
provide better utilization of the storage capacity available in flow tables. In this context, three
strategies stand out: aggregation, caching, and multiple tables. Aggregation strategies create a
set of generic rules capable of addressing multiple streams. Their drawback is that the aggre-
gation process does not allow fine-tuning of individual flows. Caching is a strategy that uses an
auxiliary memory to store for faster queries than to process a new rule. Finally, multiple tables
are a promising strategy not widely explored in the literature.
In this Chapter, we present the methodology of our systematic research and the results ob-
tained through it. We have verified that the research topic on the application of SDN in IoT
networks is still a hot topic and several research has been produced in this context. The works
found make adaptations in the OpenFlow protocol so that it is optimized in terms of energy
consumption and compatibility with protocols such as Zigbee and 6LoWPAN. However, these
adaptations are not sufficient for the application of SDN concepts with LPWAN networks.
Firstly, because many of these works consider mesh networks multi-hop, which is not inter-
esting due to the energy restriction of the end-nodes. In addition, the use of the OpenFlow
protocol can be a limiter for new solutions due to its rigidity and little versatility for adding new
protocols. Another problem of the application of these architectures is the lack of proposals for
the management of rules in the tables of flows. LPWAN networks promise support for up to
22000 end nodes which should generate a number of routing rules that are not supported by the
routing devices. This factor led us to carry out a second systematic search to identify the best
ways of managing rules in the flow table.
The next Chapter presents the HELPFUL architecture. It addresses the weak points of the
related study identified in our literature review. HELPFUL provides both forward and control
plane programmability, heterogeneity, and scalability by using a multiple flow table strategy.
Furthermore, given the relevance of rule management in forwarding devices, HELPFUL incor-
porates support for different rule management strategies.
HELPFUL is an SDN-based architecture divided into four planes: (i) forward, (ii) controller,
(iii) application, and (iv) management. Figure 4.1 illustrates an overview of the architecture.
Next, we describe each of the depicted components.
The HELPFUL Forward plane comprises the network devices that use LPWAN technolo-
gies, (e.g., LoRa, Sigfox, and NB-IoT) for interconnection. Two components handle these
network devices: (i) the Translator and (ii) the Dynamic Control Tables. The Translator com-
ponent creates a common control abstraction among different LPWAN technologies. Its main
goal is to hide specific aspects from different LPWAN technologies, in particular from specific
fields from packets. It comprises two components: the Packet Dissector and the Packet Fac-
tory. The Dissector receives packets from specific LPWAN technologies and abstracts them
into common packets handled by the HELPFUL architecture. In turn, the Factory takes abstract
packets and convert them into technology-specific packets for the LPWAN infrastructure. Next,
the Dynamic Control Tables component stores the rules that define network functions. Each
network function has a corresponding table on the Control Tables (e.g., forwarding table, or
channel selection table). Furthermore, each table has its rules with its respective match fields
and actions (e.g., forward to specific ports, drop, forward to the controller, and rewrite some
header). The Pipeline Control manages the packet flow between Translator components and
available Control Tables, including the processing order for packets.
The HELPFUL Controller plane configures the network devices connected on the HELP-
FUL Forward. The configuration of devices comprises the installation of network rules on
Associa�on Inter-cell
Applica�on N
Control Coordena�on
Northbound API
Southbound API
Management API
Dynamic Control Tables
Control Tables
Table N
Pipeline Control Management
Figure 4.1: HELPFUL architecture overview. Gray boxes represent the architecture’s planes,
each one comprised of multiple components, depicted as white boxes. Arrows illustrate the data
flows that may exist among the architecture’s components.
Control Tables. In turn, each table represents one LPWAN technology or a network function-
ality and holds the match fields and actions for the specific network. The Southbound API is
the interface between HELPFUL Forward and the HELPFUL Controller that enables the in-
stallation of rules. This API also sends statistical about each rule installed in Control Tables
(e.g., packet counts, byte counts, and idle time) to the Statistics Monitor component. Finally,
the HELPFUL Controller also collects information about the physical resources available (e.g.,
TCAM and CPU) on network devices connected on the HELPFUL Forward Plane.
The HELPFUL Applications plane contains orchestration functions, network logic, and
high-level network services (e.g., transmission scheduling and vertical handover). This plane
executes applications that control the functions of LPWAN technologies. It allows service
providers to redefine an entire heterogeneous LPWAN deployment dynamically. In this case,
it is possible to have an application optimized for a specific network demand, e.g., design a
scheduling algorithm to mitigate the interference for a massive number of sensors. The North-
bound API provided by the HELPFUL Controller enables the interaction from the applications
with the services provided by the architecture.
The HELPFUL Management plane independently interacts with all other planes. It com-
prises five components:
• Controller Management: Sends rule definitions (e.g., the matches used on specific ta-
bles) and statistical data to the HELPFUL Controller plane.
• Table Management: Installs and removes tables from the Dynamic Control Tables.
• Managment API: Provides and standardized interface for the communication between
the Management plane components and the other HELPFUL planes.
The HELPFUL Forward plane contains the core functionality of the architecture, thus its
design directly impacts on the flexibility and performance of our proposal. The next Section
explores in more detail the HELPFUL architecture components and the decisions taken in its
In this Section, we present the HELPFUL Forwarding Plane and describe its main compo-
nents. On this plane, it is possible to locate the ((i)) sensors or IoT devices that collect data from
the environment and periodically transmit the data collected to applications servers or other sen-
sors through an LPWAN technology; and ((ii)) forwarding devices that relay the traffic of the
sensors. The HELPFUL architecture uses LPWAN topology concepts; in other words, the sen-
sors do not send data directly to their destiny. First of all, the data are sent to the forwarding
devices (that apply network control configurations) and just then, forward the sensors data to
their destiny. Also, like an SDN architecture, the HELPFUL forwarding devices do not make
autonomous decisions, that is, just applying the configurations defined by a network controller.
These configurations are called network rules and are stored in the control tables present in the
forwarding devices. Each control table represents a particular network function and stores rules
related to those functions.
Next we will describe the two components that together make up the forwarding devices
on the HELPFUL architecture. First, we will describe the Translator that has the function of
converting the packages of a specific LPWAN technology to a standard packet format that can be
matched against the network rules stored on the dynamic control tables. Moreover we describe
how dynamic tables control are organized and dived by network functions.
In this Subsection, we will introduce the Translator of the HELPFUL architecture. Its pri-
mary purpose is to create an abstraction layer that can convert packages from a specific tech-
nology to an abstract packet that can be controlled and forwarded by a HELPFUL forwarding
device. In this sense, it is intended to homogenize the control of a heterogeneous LPWAN
network. So that a single forwarding device can forward several technologies LPWAN tech-
nologies and a single controller could control those technologies. It is possible because of
unique features of LPWAN technologies, which control information are sent together with data
packets, there are no control channel or packets just for network control(e.g., LoRaWAN and
Sigfox). Besides, many of the control information have analogs messages between technolo-
gies. As an example, it is possible to cite de control messages present in Lora and NB-IoT
technologies, where both technologies have messages to control the size of reception windows,
the definition of the channel of the next data transmission and, inform if some packet needs con-
firmation process. In this sense, the Translator extracts the control information from a package
of a specific LPWAN technology and transforms it into a standard package that will be matched
against the rules stored on the dynamic control tables.
The Translator has two components: ((i)) the wrapper and ((ii)) the unwrapper. The former
has the function of extracts the control and forwarding information present in a specific LPWAN
technology packet and generates an abstract packet that can group the control information of
various technologies. The standard packet is only used within the forwarding device to enforce
control rules (e.g., set the port to forward, modify packet headers, or discard the packet). After
that, the standard packet is sent to the dynamic control tables. The unwarpper is responsible for
getting the information of the standard packet and remounting the LPWAN technology-specific
packet with the new information added by the dynamic control tables. After that, the packet is
forwarding as the network rules definition.
To illustrate the translation process, we present an example that can be seen in Figure 4.2. In
this example, a LoRaWAN packet (Figure 4.2(a)) has just arrived at a forwarding device. The
standard packet (Figure 4.2(b)) has to be filled with the device and technology identification
(fields that are mandatory) and, with the channel and the delay for the second window (fields
are optional). First, the translator will search for the required fields of the generic package. It
looks in the LoRaWAN header for the DevAddr field that represents the address of the sensor
to which the packet will be sent. Then the wrapper fills in the TechId field indicating the
technology that originated this package, in this case LoRaWAN. Finally, the wrapper will fetch
the information in the FOpts field to collect information regarding the transmission window and
LoRa Packet
MHDR DevAddr FCtrl FCnt FOpts FPort Data
Bits 8 32 8 16 ... 1 ...
(a) LoRa Packet
Abstract Packet
DevAddr TechId Tx_ch Rx_win N
Bits 32 8 8 8 ...
LoRa Packet
MHDR DevAddr FCtrl FCnt FOpts FPort Data
In this Section, we describe the Dynamic Control Tables of the HELPFUL architecture.
This component is present in the forwarding devices and has, as the main propose to improve
the scalability of an LPWAN network. We divide the Dynamic Control Tables into two subcom-
ponents: (i) Control Tables, set of tables that store the network rules defined by a controller; (ii)
Pipeline Control, which defines which tables a given packet will be matched. Both components
will be described below.
The Control Tables have the function of storing the network rules defined by a controller.
On the HELPFUL architecture, we propose a model of management rules on the flow tables
and a match/action mechanisms that apply the concepts of multiple control tables to improve
the scalability of an LPWAN sensor network. In this model, each table represents a network
function and has its own set of header fields for identifying a package, actions to be applied
and, rules counters. Further, each table implements just the necessary to make his function and
avoiding consuming resources unnecessary (e.g., memory). We can make an analogy with the
OpenFlow protocol version 1.4 that has 41 header fields used for the match process. First, all
tables present in the forwarding devices will have those 41 headers, even those headers will
not be used. Secondly, add new fields will result in maintenance difficult once a new protocol
version has to be updated on the forwarding devices.
The Pipeline Control has the function to select the sequence of the tables that a determinate
abstract packet will be processed. The pipeline control receives the abstract packet generated by
the translator. End then apply selection criteria to define the tables that will process the packet.
This selection could be made by the technology that generates the abstract packet of some tech-
nology. For example, a LoRaWAN packet could be summited to tables ’Rx Window Table’ and
’Rx Channel Table’, while an abstract packet generated by an NB-IoT needs to be processed
by the ’Rx Channel Tables’. Both packets will be submitted to the ’Forwarding Table’ that
will define by what port the packet will be forwarded. In this way, it is possible to implement
functionalities that are present in various LPWAN technologies or functionalities that are exclu-
sive in one technology. It makes the architecture more flexible and allows a forward device to
control more the one LPWAN technology.
In this Section, we introduce the HELPFUL Control Plane. This plane has the function to
define the network rules and installed it into the forwarding devices by a well defined South-
bound API. The HELPFUL control plane is similar to the control plane present on the classic
SDN architecture. The main difference is our control plane is more adaptable and flexible than
the classic SDN control plane, once the HELPFUL Management Plane can modify the behavior
of the controller by adding new rules and action formats, new counters on tables and, new re-
sources to be monitored. The control plane of the HELPFUL architecture is divided into three
• Rules/Actions Definitions: It has the function to format and install rules into the for-
warding devices by a southbound API. The definition of a rule is similar to the definition
of a rule in the SDN classic architecture. The difference is that each table implements its
own set of match fields and actions.
• Rules Statistics: It has the function to collect statistics present on the control tables
and provide those pieces of information to the applications present in the higher plane.
This informations will be available to the applications of the HELPFUL application plane
present on the top of the architecture. This module continually communicates with the
forwarding devices and updates the information for the applications. Each rule in the
table has its statistics that are: (i) Packet counter, that represents the packets that matched
with the rule, (ii) Idle time, that represents the time that some rule do not have a match,
• Resource Monitor: It has the function to monitor the physical resources on the for-
warding devices (e.g., memory, and CPU load). This component allows the controller to
perform a load balance based on the resources that are available on the forwarding de-
vices. It also can change how the controller manages the rules on the control tables. In
a scenario, with a limited amount of memory on the network device, it is possible to use
some rule replacement strategy to optimize the memory used to store rules.
In this Section, we will briefly describe the HELPFUL Application plane. On this plane
is located the network applications that can be seen as the control logic of the architecture.
This logic is translated into commands to be installed in the forwarding devices to dictate the
behavior of the equipment. As an example of applications, we can say transmission scheduling
or vertical handover. These applications communicate with the forwarding devices through a
Northbound API. This interface allows the operator to dynamically reconfigures the LPWAN
network, dictating the behavior of the HELPFUL controller.
The applications can manage the limited spectrum, allocating radio resources, implementing
handover mechanisms, managing interface, and performing efficient load-balancing between
cells. All these applications can be seen as a set of software, each one controlling one aspect of
the HELPFUL architecture. The Northbound API provides a set of messages to the applications
that can allow entry reconfiguration of the forwarding devices presents on the LPWAN network.
The messages can be decided in three groups: (i) Monitoring statistics, (ii) Monitoring physical
resources, and (iii) Install/Uninstall rules. The first group of messages represents the messages
used to get the rules statistics to provide the applications the necessary input to naming the
aspects. The second proud is responsible for providing to some applications the consumption
of physical resources of forwarding devices that allows the applications to instantiated new
tables with more capacity or an entry new table. The last group is defined by the messages that
inform instructions that the controller will translate into rules and installed on the forwarding
In this subsection, we will describe the HELPFUL Management plane. This plane is ver-
tical to the other planes present on the HELPFUL architecture. The primary objective of the
Management plane is to adapt the components to the other planes accordantly with the needs of
the network operator. With this plane, it is possible to instantiate new tables on the forwarding
devices, add new translate methods, add new rules into the controller, or add new applications
on the top of the architecture. For each plane present on the preview subsections, the HELPFUL
management plane has a component communicated and reconfigure the other planes through a
Management API. Those components are:
• Translator Management: It has the function to adapt the translator present in the for-
warding devices. The network operator had to inform how the process of translation will
be done. The translator management has a strict relationship with table management and
control management. Once, this component will define the format of the abstract packet.
Further, the format of the packet has to be replicated on the new tables that will be added
into the forward devices, and the rules add to the controller.
• Table Management: It has the function to add new control tables accordantly to the
needs of the network operator. To add a new, the network operator has to inform a de-
scription of the new table. In this description, it is essential to inform the header fields that
will be used in the match process, the actions to apply in the packets, statistics counters
to each table entry, and the number of rules the table will contain. Further, that table ma-
nager has to update the pipeline control adding the new logic to select the tables that are
being installed. In the case of the tables needed more number of rules, the table manager
can increase the number of rules that the table could support or add a new table identical.
It is important to notice that the format of the abstract packet has to be reflected in the
• Control Management: It has the function to create the rules based on the tables installed
on the forwarding devices. This component works together with the table management
because the rules present in the controller has to be reflected in the header fields present
on the tables and the abstract packet. Further, the control management can update the
controller and modify the statistic monitor and the resource monitor to modify the statis-
tics that have to be collector the frequency that they are collected. Also, new actions and
parameters can be added to the controller by the control management.
In the next section we describe how the HELPFUL planes interact with each other.
The Control Tables store the network rules defined by a controller. The HELPFUL archi-
tecture proposes a management model and a match/action mechanism for flow table rules. This
model applies the concept of multiple control tables to improve the scalability of an LPWAN
sensor network. More specifically, each table represents a network function and maintains a set
of header fields to identify packages, actions to be applied, and rule counters. Each table main-
tains only the information required for a specific network function. This way, tables consumes
fewer resources, such as memory space. We can make an analogy with the OpenFlow protocol
version 1.4. OpenFlow has 41 header fields used for the match process. First, all tables present
in the forwarding devices must have those 41 headers, even those not used. Second, the addition
of new fields results in difficult maintenance because it requires the installation of an updated
firmware on forwarding devices, containing a new OpenFlow version.
2: Wrap packet
5: Packet miss
6: Send to controller
Figure 4.3 exemplifies the actions taken by HELPFUL when a table miss event occurs. For
example, when a packet arrives on a forwarding device and there is no rule in the flow table that
identifies it. The entities that interact with each other in the sequence diagram are:
If a given abstract packet does not match any of the installed rules, it returns to the Pipeline
Control and generates a table miss event (steps 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5). The Pipeline Control en-
capsulates the abstract packet and sends it to the Controller (step 6). The Controller defines
a new rule and installs it in the flow table (step 7). When necessary, the Controller applies a
substitution algorithm (e.g., random, least recently used) to replace a rule when the table is full.
After the installation of the new rules, the Control Tables reprocess the packet that generated
the table miss event (steps 8 and 9). Finally, the unwrap transforms the abstract packet in a
technology-specific one, for example, LoRa or NB-IoT (steps 10 and 11).
The HELPFUL architecture also enables the addition of new tables in the Dynamic Control
Table and new translation definitions. The Management plane acts to change the behavior of
control tables and the translator. Its primary objective is to adapt components to other planes
according to the needs of the network operator. The functionality of this plane enables the
addition of new tables on forwarding devices, new translation methods, new rules into the con-
troller, and new applications on the architecture’s top. The HELPFUL Management plane has
a component that communicates and reconfigures each of the other architecture planes via the
Management API.
4: Deploy status
5: Configura�on status
7: Deploy status
8: Tables status
Figure 4.4 illustrates the sequence of messages exchanged in the process of adding a new
table to a forwarding device. The entities that interact with each other in the diagram are:
• Table Management: Interprets the description and forwards it to the Control Manage-
ment, and also deploys the new tables.
• Translate Management: Receives the new translate definitions and deploys the new
meanings in the translator present in the forwarding devices.
• Control Management: Implements the new rules in the Rule Install component into the
• Controller: Responsible for define and install rules in the HELPFUL Gateway.
The process description is divided into two independent parts: (a) table update (step 1) and
(b) translation update (step 9). These two parts are independent and do not require interactions
with each other. In a table update, the network operator informs a new table description (step 1).
Table Management interprets the table description and sends the new configuration to Control
Management (step 2). After that, Control Management deploys the new rules on Control Tables
of the forwarding devices (step 3). After deployment, the Rule Install returns the status to
Control Management (step 4) and the status to Table Management (step 5). To finish the update,
Table Management deploys the new tables in the Control Tables of the forwarding devices (step
6). In turn, a translate update is very similar to a table update. Therefore, we describe the
process omitting the steps that are equal to those of a table update. First, the network operator
notifies the new format used by the Translator entity to convert packets between technology-
specific and abstract (step 9). Next, the Translator Management deploys the new format into
the Translators in forwarding devices (step 10). Finally, the Translator returns the status of
the deployment (step 11), and the Translator Management returns the status to the Network
Administrator (step 12).
This Chapter presented the HELPFUL architecture, proposed in this master thesis to allow
an environmental with dynamic, adaptable and flexible to the emergence LPWAN technologies.
The Chapter began with an overview description of the architecture. In the sequence, we de-
scribe in details each one of the HELPFUL planes and components. The next Chapter describes
the HELPFUL architecture prototype. It discusses the technologies employed in different soft-
ware components. It also presents the correspondence between the architecture’s entities and
different software tools. Based on this development, we analyze the HELPFUL performance in
the next Chapter.
This Chapter presents the methodology used to evaluate the HELPFUL architecture and the
different rule management strategies. Section 5.2 presents the experimental scenario, workload,
and the evaluated metrics. Next, Section 5.3 shows the performance analysis of the flow table
in HELPFUL. Finally, Section 5.4 presents the impact of the rule table strategies in LPWAN.
This Section describes the HELPFUL architecture prototype, developed to enable the exper-
imental evaluation of the proposal. First, we present an overview of the developed components
and the tools used to realize the performance evaluation. Next, we introduce a detailed descrip-
tion of the architecture’s main components implementation. It is important to highlight which
HELPFUL is an open-source project and the code can be access in a repository public1 .
Figure 5.1 illustrates the tools used to implement the HELPFUL architecture. We use the
Mininet2 SDN emulator to prototype HELPFUL. The bottom part of the picture presents the
components implemented as a proof-of-concept:
• End-nodes: are the sensors that periodically send messages to Application servers, i.e.,
LoRa and NB-IoT devices. Sensors prototyping employs the Python programming lan-
• Controller: Implementation uses the Runtime CLI tool3 available in the P4 language
The upper part of the picture illustrates the software modules and tools used in the imple-
mentation. Sensors and Applications share many implementation traits. For example, both
Mininet Run�me
Tables Tables
Abstratc Single
Timer NB-IoT Translator Evic�on Timer NB-IoT
Packet Table
components have a Timer module with a function that counts time and periodically sends mes-
sages. They also embed LoRa or NB-IoT communication technologies. The creation and trans-
mission of messages by both components use a raw socket library. Sensors send messages with
a periodicity of 5 seconds, but this time can be configurable as a simulation parameter. In turn,
Application servers receive these messages, count them, and send an acknowledgment back to
sensors. After receiving the acknowledgment, sensors enter an idle mode according to applica-
tion profiles (described in the next chapter) until the time to send the next message arrives.
The Translator module identifies the packets that arrive in the HELPFUL Gateway. There-
fore, it determines which type of packet arrived and then extracted the packet header. Next, the
abstract packet is created using the metadata functions present in the P4 language with informa-
tion of the packet headers extracted. Metadata allows that a group of properties can be assigned
to each packet that arrives on the HELPFUL Gateway, independently. After that, the abstract
packet is submitted through the Dynamic Control Tables. In our implementation, the HELP-
FUL Gateway can work with single or multiple tables depending on the selected management
The HELPFUL Controller employs the reference implementation from the P4 Runtime CLI.
It also implements the following rule management strategies: (i) Unmanaged, (ii) Aggregation,
(iii) Eviction, and (iv) Multiple Tables. The Unmanaged strategy does not control rules in
the Flow Table. It only performs random substitutions when tables are at maximum capacity.
The Aggregation strategy implements the algorithm from Rifai et al. (RIFAI et al., 2015). It
creates three tables: the first aggregates rules by source, destination, and output port; the second
aggregates rules by destination and output port, and the third aggregates rules only by output
port. In the HELPFUL prototype, after table creation, the Controller selects and installs the table
with the least amount rules from those three. The Eviction strategy implements a Least Recently
Used (LRU) algorithm, which replaces rules not used for the longest time first (KANNAN;
BANERJEE, 2014). Finally, the Multiple Tables strategy (ONF, 2015) subdivides one table
(e.g., supporting 2500 rules) into two smaller sub-tables (e.g., supporting 1250 rules). Each of
the sub-tables groups a rule set, so HELPFUL has a sub-table for storing rules with the frame’s
source address and a sub-table for storing rules with the frame’s destination address. The first
sub-table that the frame access is a source-destination when a frame arrives at the HELPFUL
Gateway. This sub-table contains the information that indicates if a packet should be dropped or
forwarded to the next sub-table. The second sub-table has information to identify if a particular
frame has to be forwarded to the network or dropped. The Multiple Tables strategy requires
additional implementations in the HELPFUL Gateway to include the necessary sub-tables. We
summarize four strategies and the replacement method used in Table 3.
5.2 Methodology
The experimental scenario aims to represent an environment with multiple IoT applications,
such as smart homes, industry 4.0, and wearable devices. Figure 5.2 illustrates the scenario and
its main elements. The network topology encompasses a single cell with one BS to compare
the different forms of rule management strategies, similar to the work from A. Marsico et. al.
CHOO, 2016), and S. Bera et. al. (BERA et al., 2018). In the simulation, BS receives user
data sent by end-nodes using the LoRa and NB-IoT technologies. After receiving user data, BS
forwards it to application servers over a wired network. The experiments used a total of 1500
end-nodes, starting at 300 and increasing the number of end-nodes by 150 for each iteration. BS
has a maximum capacity of 2500 rules, as observed in devices commonly found in the market
(STEPHENS et al., 2012), such as Pica8 32904 . In this case, BS presents a flow table composed
of two header fields to perform the lookup process: source and destination addresses. The
actions that can be associated with each rule are: discard a frame or forward a frame to their
destination. Implementing forwarding with a single table requires several rules to represent all
possible combinations for end-nodes and application servers. Therefore, the required number
of rules is O(n2 ), where n is the total number of network elements (end-nodes and application
servers). In this case, it is possible to overload the maximum capacity of storage rules in the
flow table. Moreover, on the evaluation of the Multiple Tables strategy, BS employs a total of
two sub-tables with a maximum capacity of 1250 rules. Therefore, the comparison with the
other strategies becomes fair since the maximum capacity is 2500 rules.
Controller No Strategy
Multiple Tables
The first goal of the performance analysis is to compare the different rule management
strategies. To that end, it is necessary to define the workload of traffic flows in the experimental
scenario. Flows are generated based on four application profiles: (i) wearable, (ii) assisted
living, (iii) environmental data collected, and (iv) building automation. Each application profile
defines the total number of messages sent in 24 hours, their size (in bytes), and the technology
used by each application, as presented in Table 4. The wearable profile sends ten messages per
day with a total size of 20 bytes using LoRa technology. The workload for the assisted living
profile encompasses eight messages per day with an overall size of 100 bytes using NB-IoT.
The environmental data collection profile sends 24 messages per day of 200 bytes operating on
the NB-IoT technology. Finally, the building automation profile sends five messages per day
with 50 bytes working on the LoRa technology. These workloads represent actual applications,
according to (GSMA, 2016). Each device sends its first message at a random time between 0
and 60 seconds from the beginning of the simulation. It then enters idle mode until the time
for the next transmission. The simulation ends once all devices have sent their daily message
count. The message transmission interval from each end-node considers a simulation execution
time of 1 hour. Finally, the management strategies for flow table rules used in the experiments
are Unmanaged, Aggregation, Eviction, and Multiples Tables.
The design for the performance evaluation of each rule management strategy employs six
• Number of Rules Installed: Is the sum of all rules installed on devices by the con-
troller. This metric measures the effectiveness of rule management strategies concerning
the storage capacity of flow tables.
• Number of Controller Interventions: Considers the sum of messages that insert a new
rule in the flow table, the direct packet forwarding messages, and the rule removal mes-
sages. This metric defines the overhead that a particular strategy adds to the control
• Lookup Time: Considers the time required for the flow table to identify if a matching
rule exists for a given packet.
• Latency: Is the time a packet needs to reach its destination and return to its source.
This metric evaluates the impact of the strategies in the quality of service of LPWAN
experimental scenarios.
• Number of Frames Lost: Considers the number of frames lost in the communication
between the end-nodes and application servers. For each packet sent from an end-node,
the application servers are expected to reply with an acknowledgment packet.
Through this metric, we verify how management strategies impact in our LPWAN scenario.
All values presented in the next subsection represent central tendencies calculated from a total
of 60 runs of each experimental scenario and a confidence level of 95%. All figures show
the interval confidence bars (i.e., error bars), but as the variability is very low, these bars are
insignificant in some analyzes. This procedure assures the correctness of measurements for the
defined metrics. Table 5 summarizes the parameters used in the experimental scenario.
The next Section discusses the results obtained from experiments with HELPFUL architec-
ture. It divides results in two groups. The first is the impact of rule management strategies on
the flow table (using the rule quantity installed, controller intervention quantity, and table hit
ratio metrics). The second is the performance metrics of the architecture (using lookup time,
latency, and packet loss rate). This grouping helps to visualize how rule management strategies
impact the performance of the LPWAN scenario as a whole.
Parameter Values
Unmanaged, Eviction,
Rule Management Strategies
Multiple Tables, Aggregation
Number of end-nodes [300..1500]
Number of application servers 4
Number of switches 1
Number of application profiles 4
Maximum number of rules
in the flow tables (1 table)
Maximum number of rules
1250 on each table
in the flow tables (2 tables)
Confidence level 95%
This Section presents the results from the performance evaluation of the rule management
strategies. First, it discusses the number of rules installed in the flow tables, which is the primary
metric to measure the performance of management strategies. Next, it presents the results for
the Controller intervention, which indicates the overhead on the architecture control channel.
Finally, it discusses the results for the table hit ratio, which measures the impact of the lookup
process in the flow tables.
Figure 5.3 analyzes the number of rules installed on a BS for each flow table management
strategy. The horizontal axis represents the number of end-nodes present in the experiment,
which varied from 300 to 1500. In turn, the vertical axis depicts the efficiency of each man-
agement strategy based on the number of installed rules. A lower number of installed rules
indicates that a strategy has better performance because it will incur lower overhead on devices.
Results indicate that there are two distinct groups on the evaluated strategies. The group with
a lower number of installed rules include the Multiple Tables and Aggregation strategies. In
turn, the group with a higher value of installed rules include Unmanaged and Eviction. The Ag-
gregation strategy presents a 2 times better performance in comparison to the Multiple Tables
strategy. Moreover, comparing the Aggregation strategy with both the Unmanaged and Eviction
ones indicate a significant performance difference of ≈ 102 , as depicted in Figure 5.3.
The observed difference in performance occurs because the Aggregation and Multiple Ta-
bles strategies significantly reduce the number of rules installed in the HELPFUL Gateway flow
table. These two strategies create generic rules that can represent a higher number of flows in
the network, thus reducing the total number of rules. Unmanaged and Eviction strategies can-
not represent multiple flows with a single rule and heavily depend on eviction mechanisms to
replace rules when tables become full. Therefore, new rules need to be installed in the flow
table more frequently, which results in a large number of rules in the flow table.
Number of Rules Instaled
Figure 5.4 illustrates the results for the Controller intervention metric. The horizontal axis
represents the number of end-nodes present in the experiment. In turn, the vertical axis rep-
resents the number of Controller interventions used to install or remove rules, or to collect
statistics from flow tables. A lower number of Controller interventions represents a better per-
formance of the evaluated strategy. The Multiple Tables strategy, depicted in the lower part of
the graph, stands out from the remaining ones. More specifically, the Multiple Tables strategy
has a performance ≈ 102 better than the others.
The Multiple Tables strategy presents a better performance because it reduces the overhead
in the control channel, differently from other strategies. It enables a rule to represent multiple
flows, increasing table hits, and decreasing the exchange of messages between the HELPFUL
Gateway and the Controller. For example, the Aggregation strategy regularly needs to query the
status of the flow table. After that, the Controller aggregates the rules and replace the flow table
in the HELPFUL Gateway. In this step, the Controller needs to remove the rules in the flow table
individually and then install the aggregated rules. This rule replacement method increases the
exchanged messages between the HELPFUL Gateway and the Controller, considerably. The
Eviction strategy has a similar problem. It requires the Controller to check periodically how
long a rule is inactive and, if necessary, remove the rule and install a new one. Unmanaged has a
behavior where each new packet generates a rule in the flow table since there is no optimization
regarding the representation of rules as aggregates or multiple tables. Therefore, the random
replacement mechanism generates control messages between the Controller and the HELPFUL
The final analysis regarding the impact of strategies for table rule management is the number
of table hits, illustrated in Figure 5.5. The horizontal axis depicts the number of end-nodes,
Number of Controller Interven�ons
while the vertical axis, the percentage of table hits attained by each strategy. A higher table hit
ratio indicates that the strategy has better performance since it will require fewer interventions
from the Controller. The results show that the Unmanaged strategy has the worst performance,
with a hit ratio varying from 40% to 20%. The Multiple Tables strategy has a constant behavior
of up to 1200 end-nodes, with a hit ratio of 70%. Between 1200 and 1500 end-nodes, the
strategy presents a performance degradation, with the worse result being a hit ratio of 52%. The
Aggregation and Eviction strategies show a behavior similar to that of Multiple Tables, but with
a higher table hit-ratio between 300 to 900 end-nodes.
The Aggregation strategy presents the observed behavior because it creates generic rules that
represent a higher number of flows, increasing the table hit-ratio. Multiple Tables also results
in a higher hit-ratio, but because it transforms a specific rule in two generic ones, maintained
in different tables. The Eviction strategy also has a high hit-ratio because it employs a better
strategy to manage rules into the available storage space. Finally, the Unmanaged strategy has
the worst result because it does not employ any method to optimize the utilization of rule storage
In this section, we present how HELPFUL architecture impacts minimally the network when
using Aggregation and Multiple Tables strategies. We decided to focus on these two strategies
because they present the best performance in reducing table flow rules, as shown in Subsection
5.2. First, we show the results for the lookup time metric, which defines the search time for a
rule that corresponds to a given packet that arrived at the HELPFUL Gateway. Next, we present
90 100
Table Hit Ra�o %
the results for the latency metric, which indicates how the HELPFUL architecture affects the
performance of the network as a whole. Finally, we show the results for the lost packet metric,
which demonstrates how the HELPFUL architecture degrades the network minimally.
Figure 5.6 presents the results obtained for the lookup time metric using the HELPFUL
architecture. The horizontal axis represents the number of end-nodes in the experiment. In
turn, the vertical axis depicts time (in milliseconds) for the HELPFUL Gateway to find a rule
which matches a particular packet. In both strategies, it is possible to observe an insignificant
degradation in the lookup time performance of the HELPFUL architecture. For the Multiple
Tables strategy, when 300 end-nodes access the HELPFUL Gateway, it presents a lookup time
of ≈ 0.37ms. The performance gives a lookup time of ≈ 1.77ms when the number of end-
nodes increases to 1500. The Aggregation strategy shows less degradation than Multiple Tables
and performs better. Even in the worst case (when using 1500 end-nodes), Aggregation reaches
≈ 0.92ms of lookup time.
The HELPFUL Gateway implements a sequential lookup to identify which rule corresponds
to a given flow. Therefore, the more entries in the flow table, the longer it takes to find a rule.
The search process should be repeated for each sub-table when HELPFUL Gateway uses Mul-
tiple Tables. In this case, the architecture performance degrades more than 1ms approximately.
Aggregation performed better since this strategy reduces the total amount of rules in the flow
table, and the match process is limited to only one table.
Figure 5.7 illustrates how the HELPFUL architecture impacts the latency of the network.
The horizontal axis shows the number of end-nodes used in each iteration. In turn, the vertical
axis represents the time (in milliseconds) for the round-trip of a packet between the source and
Lookup Time (ms)
destination. In this metric, we can observe a behavior similar to what occurs in the lookup time
metric. For both strategies used, the HELPFUL architecture tends to increase network latency
minimally as the number of nodes increases. For example, the Multiple Tables strategy has a
degradation of ≈ 1.73ms for the number of end-nodes above 1050, and the worst ≈ 2.43ms for
1500 end-nodes. The Aggregation strategy shows the best performance adding only a latency
of ≈ 1.63ms for 1500 end-nodes.
Latency (ms)
The Multiple Tables strategy adds a small overhead (≈ 1ms) in the HELPFUL Gateway
performance when the number of end-nodes increases. This behavior occurs because, at 1050
end-nodes, the usage of the sub-tables reaches their maximum capacity, and replacements must
occur. Moreover, the Controller processing time to define and install a new rule generates over-
head that increases network latency. In turn, the Aggregation strategy shows the best perfor-
mance because it can significantly reduce the number of rules in the flow table. Consequently,
the control channel overhead due to the rules update does not degrade performance for the
latency metric.
Figure 5.8 presents results regarding frames lost during transmission. The horizontal axis
depicts the rule management strategies in the flow table. In turn, the vertical axis represents
the percentage of lost frames. In this metric, the lower the percentage of dropped frames,
the better the network performance. When the HELPFUL architecture uses the Aggregation
strategy, it presents an acceptable variation in the number of lost frames averaging 3% for the
LPWAN scenario (PETÄJÄJÄRVI et al., 2017). However, the Multiple Tables strategy used in
the HELPFUL architecture presents an excellent performance, as a variance averaging less than
Lost Packet %
Aggrega�on Mul�ple Tables
The behavior observed when the HELPFUL architecture uses the Aggregation strategy is
due to Controller updates to flow tables. During such an update, the Controller collects the
current status and adds or aggregate new rules. During the update process, the Controller needs
to remove the unaggregated rules. In this case, the HELPFUL Gateway cannot give out all
traffic and can lose some packets. The Multiple Tables strategy has an even lower frame loss
because the Controller has to replace rules only when a higher number of end-devices (e.g.,
more than 1050) communicate. In other scenarios, the Controller interactions are minimal and
interfere less in device transmissions.
The presented results demonstrate that HELPFUL architecture enables the usage of multiple
LPWAN technologies in heterogeneous networks. Furthermore, the architecture adds minimal
overhead to network performance, regardless of the rule management strategy chosen. More-
over, HELPFUL is flexible enough to change the management strategy to the best fit with the
network demands. For example, the architecture can switch the strategy in a scenario where
a sudden high demand for flow table rules occurs, i.e., multiple application profiles. In such a
case, HELPFUL can adapt the Controller and Gateway to use Aggregation as the management
strategy, decreasing the number of installed rules. However, in a scenario with control chan-
nel degradation, a reduction in the number of messages exchanged between the Controller and
Gateway is necessary. HELPFUL can adapt the Controller and Gateway to operate using Mul-
tiple Tables strategies, consequently reducing the number of messages on the control channel.
The coexistence of heterogeneous LPWAN technologies is desired to exploit the best fea-
tures each technology has to offer, addressing multiple communication requirements indepen-
dently. On the other hand, deploying and operating several independent heterogeneous net-
works, each supporting a limited number of IoT devices, becomes challenging. Firstly, current
LPWAN technologies have not been designed to coexist with each other, as each LPWAN im-
plements individual control protocols leading to uncoordinated wireless access. Secondly, the
assumption of multiple wireless access technologies in the traditional architecture of the cellular
network would lead to prohibitive deployment costs of transmitters cells.
This thesis proposes HELPFUL, a flexible architecture to control heterogeneous low power
wide-area networks. It enables various LPWAN technologies to coexist with scalability guar-
antees. More specifically, HELPFUL is an SDN-based architecture that creates a common
abstraction in the control plane to allow a heterogeneous LPWAN. It also employs four rule
management strategies to work with single or multiple tables to address the scalability issues
present in the SDN-based devices. We implemented a prototype of our architecture using the
P4 language and the Mininet environment. This prototype enabled the evaluation of the man-
agement strategies considering the total number of rules, controller interventions, and table hit
ratio. We also conduct experiments to analyze the impact of the overhead that HELPFUL adds
to the network using the lookup time, latency, and lost frames.
• Results show that the HELPFUL architecture can unify the technology-specific control
into a single cross-technology controller. The architecture is flexible and allows the net-
work administrator to add new tables in the Gateway. It only requires the administrator
to describe the table using metadata functions of the P4 language.
• The architecture adds insignificant overhead to the network. The Multiple Tables man-
agement strategy is effective in reducing the number of installed rules. It also reduces the
number of messages exchanged between the Controller and Gateway and has a satisfac-
tory table hit ratio.
• The architecture also allows the use of various management strategies or a combination of
any of then. For example, it is possible to choose which management strategy HELPFUL
must use according to the current status of the network.
As part of future work, we intend to expand our work to use other technologies (e.g., flow
tables implemented in hardware) and explore new forms of management. For that, our future
research efforts are the following:
• Include experiments on real equipment that uses flow tables implemented with TCAM,
e.g., using a white box switch.
• Investigate mechanisms that can improve the performance of the studied strategies by
offering performance guarantees to the network.
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AppendixA RESUMO
A próxima geração de redes sem fio está sendo desenvolvida para prover conectividade
para múltiplas aplicações de Internet das coisas (IoT), como casas inteligentes, industria 4.0
e vestíveis. Tais aplicações de IoT ultrapassarão os limites das arquiteturas de comunicação
atuais, demandando coexistência entre diferentes tecnologias, e.g., utilizando tecnologias Low
Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN). A coexistência de infraestruturas LPWAN heterogenias
habilitam a utilização das melhores funcionalidades de cada tecnologias, atendendo a múlti-
plos requisitos de comunicação, como por exemplo, comunicação massiva de máquina para
máquina e comunicação de baixa latência. A implantação e operação de várias redes hetero-
genias, cada uma suportando uma quantidade limitada de dispositivos IoT, evidencia desafios
de pesquisa que ainda precisam de investigação(RAZA; KULKARNI; SOORIYABANDARA,
2017). Primeiramente, as atuais tecnologias LPWAN não foram desenvolvidas para coexis-
tirem entre si, uma vez que cada tecnologia LPWAN implementa seus próprios protocolos de
controle, levando a acesso sem fio descoordenado (POORTER et al., 2017). Além disso, múlti-
plas tecnologias de acesso sem fio na arquitetura tradicional de redes celulares levaria a custos
proibitivos de implantação de células transmissoras (POORTER et al., 2017).
Com o objetivo de lidar com esses desafios, a virtualização das estações base (BS) foi
proposta como uma solução para reduzir as despesas de capital e as despesas operacionais
(CAPEX / OPEX) das redes celulares por meio de compartilhamento de infraestrutura (KIST
et al., 2018). Entretanto, virtualização adiciona a necessidade de novos protocolos de controle
para a infraestrutura gerenciar o acesso descoordenado de múltiplas tecnologias LPWAN. As
Rede Definidas por Software (SDN) fornecem uma abordagem poderosa, criando uma arquite-
tura programável, dinâmica e flexível que permite a abstração das implementações tradicionais
de protocolo baseado em hardware em um controlador de rede baseado em software (KREUTZ
et al., 2015). Nesse sentido, alguns estudos aplicaram o paradigma SDN para fornecer uma rede
programável para aplicações de IoT (LUO; TAN; QUEK, 2012; GALLO et al., 2016; BADDE-
LEY et al., 2018; BERA et al., 2018). No entanto, tais estudos não levam em consideração
a capacidade limitada dos dispositivos de rede baseados em SDN para armazenar as regras de
encaminhamento. Por exemplo, as tabelas têm uma capacidade limitada de armazenamento de
regras, que é várias ordens de grandesa menores que a necessária para a operação de certos tipos
de rede, incluindo LPWAN (NGUYEN et al., 2016). Esse problema se agrava quando aplicado
em ambientes LPWAN em que uma grande quantidade de nós finais em uma rede (eg, ≈ 106
dispositivos por k2 (RAZA; KULKARNI; SOORIYABANDARA, 2017)) , tornando necessário
gerenciar as regras das tabelas de fluxo.
Nesta tese, propomos HELPFUL: a flexible architecture to control heterogeneous low power
wide area networks para permitir que várias tecnologias LPWAN coexistam com garantias de
escalabilidade. HELPFUL é uma arquitetura baseada em SDN que cria uma abstração de con-
trole comum entre as tecnologias LPWAN em execução nas BSs virtualizadas. As principais
contribuições de nosso trabalho são duas: (i) a proposta de uma arquitetura que adiciona uma
camada de abstração que traduz os protocolos de controle heterogêneos em um conjunto ho-
mogêneo de mensagens e (ii) a estratégia baseada no gerenciamento múltiplas tabelas para
endereçar os problemas de escalabilidade presentes nos dispositivos baseados em SDN. Nossa
proposta permite a unificação do controle específico da tecnologia em um único controlador
entre tecnologias, permitindo a harmonização do acesso à infraestrutura e ao espectro.
Desenvolvemos um protótipo baseado na linguagem P4 que permite a programação dos
planos de controle e encaminhamento para validar HELPFUL. Em nossa primeira avaliação,
enumeramos uma série de estratégias para gerenciar regras da tabela de fluxo ao usar a arquite-
tura HELPFUL. Definimos as métricas para analisar o HELPFUL com cada estratégia, como
o número de regras instaladas na tabela de fluxo, o número de intervenções do controlador e o
número de ocorrências da tabela. Esses resultados indicam as melhores estratégias em relação
à redução do número de regras instaladas nas tabelas de fluxo. Nossa segunda avaliação con-
sidera a sobrecarga da arquitetura HELPFUL na rede, incluindo tempo de pesquisa de tabela,
latência e quadros perdidos. Os resultados mostram que HELPFUL produz um impacto mínimo
na rede. Por exemplo, HELPFUL apresentou ≈ 0.92ms de tempo de pesquisa em um cenário
analisado. Além disso, a arquitetura HELPFUL adicionou latência mínima de rede de ≈ 2ms e
o número de quadros perdidos em média 1,5%. Além disso, o HELPFUL é flexível o suficiente
para alterar a estratégia de gerenciamento da melhor forma possível para atender às demandas
da rede. A arquitetura pode mudar a estratégia em um cenário em que ocorre uma alta demanda
repentina de regras da tabela de fluxo, i.e., vários perfis de aplicação. Nesse caso, HELPFUL
pode adaptar o Controlador e os dispositivos de encaminhamento para usar a Agregação como
estratégia de gerenciamento, diminuindo o número de regras instaladas. No entanto, em um
cenário com degradação do canal de controle, é necessária uma redução no número de men-
sagens trocadas entre o Controlador e o dispositivo de encaminhamento. HELPFUL pode se
adaptar para operar usando estratégias de Tabelas Múltiplas, consequentemente reduzindo o
número de mensagens no canal de controle.
Gustavo de Araújo, Marcelo Marotta, Juliano Wickboldt, Cristiano Both, Luciano Gaspary,
Juergen Rochol, Lisandro Granville. Caracterizando Estratégias de Domínio Espacial para
Gerenciamento de Regras em Redes Definidas por Software. 2017 SBRC 2017 Brazilian
Symposium on Computer Networks and Distributed Systems, Brazil, Belem-Pará, 2017.
• Contribution: An evaluate of the effectiveness and overhead of the spatial domain strate-
gies for management rules in the flow table in the SDN forwarding devices.
• Status: Published.
• Qualis: B2.
• URL: <>.
Instituto de Informática – Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul
Departamento de Matemática Aplicada e Ciências Sociais
Universidade Federal das Ciências da Saúde de Porto Alegre
1. Introdução
Os conceitos inerentes às Redes Definidas por Software (SDN) mostram-se fundamen-
tais na evolução das redes de computadores e continuam sendo investigados tanto pela
industria quanto pela academia [Wickboldt et al. 2015]. Entre os principais conceitos
destacam-se: o encaminhamento de tráfego baseado em fluxos e a abstração da lógica de
controle para uma entidade em software, chamada controlador. Através desses conceitos,
um dispositivo de encaminhamento torna-se capaz de desempenhar diferentes funções,
por exemplo, controlar o acesso a um servidor de aplicação ou balancear carga entre dife-
rentes enlaces [Kreutz et al. 2015]. As funções de rede desempenhadas pelos dispositivos
são definidas a partir de regras de encaminhamento que são armazenadas em tabelas de
fluxos. Tais tabelas possuem uma capacidade de armazenamento de regras limitada, a qual
é várias ordens de grandeza menor que o necessário para a operação de determinados ti-
pos de rede como, por exemplo, backbones e redes de datacenters [Nguyen et al. 2016].
Portanto, o adequado gerenciamento de regras se torna um requisito para a escalabilidade
das redes SDN.
Levando em consideração a escalabilidade das redes SDN, estratégias para geren-
ciamento de regras de encaminhamento foram propostas na literatura. Tais estratégias
podem ser classificadas em dois grupos: (i) domı́nio temporal e (ii) domı́nio espacial.
As estratégias de domı́nio temporal objetivam a deleção de regras da tabela de fluxos
a partir de uma determinada polı́tica (e.g., Least Recently Used e timeouts dinâmicos e
estáticos) [Neves et al. 2016]. Para compor o estado dos fluxos e realizar a deleção, o
controlador precisa consultar os dispositivos de encaminhamento de tempos em tempos
(polling), a fim de obter em tempo real, as informações de utilização de cada fluxo (e.g.,
duração e número de pacotes recebidos). Esse polling insere uma sobrecarga significa-
tiva no tráfego do canal de controle, no processamento do controlador e nos dispositivos
de encaminhamento. A sobrecarga gerada torna as estratégias de domı́nio temporal não
escaláveis, mesmo para pequenas redes de datacenters [Vishnoi et al. 2014].
As estratégias de domı́nio espacial, por sua vez, objetivam a representação da
maior quantidade de fluxos com o menor número de regras de encaminhamento na
rede. Esta representação é processada pelo controlador considerando diferentes aborda-
gens de gerenciamento, das quais destacam-se, (a) agregação de fluxos e (b) múltiplas
tabelas. O gerenciamento por agregação de fluxos permite a representação de dois
ou mais fluxo utilizando uma única regra, sem alterar a semântica de encaminha-
mento [Kamiyama et al. 2014]. Já, o gerenciamento por múltiplas tabelas permite que
um grupo de fluxos tenha sua semântica dividida, sendo representada em poucas regras
pertencentes a duas ou mais tabelas de acordo com as polı́ticas empregadas (e.g., uma
tabela para encaminhamento de portas e outra para controle de acesso) [ONF 2015b]. As
estrategias de domı́nio espacial, mostram-se promissoras na utilização do espaço de ar-
mazenamento disponı́vel nas tabelas de fluxos dos dispositivos de encaminhamento, pois
necessitam de um monitoramento menor ou, em alguns casos, nenhum, quando compara-
das as estratégias de domı́nio temporal.
O gerenciamento por agregação e múltiplas tabelas possuem seus próprios modus
operandi, impactando no desempenho de cada dispositivo de encaminhamento e, de forma
geral, da rede. Esse impacto pode ser mensurado a partir das métricas de desempenho,
como o número de regras de encaminhamento, a quantidade de intervenções do controla-
por algoritmos como Least Recently Used (LRU), First In First Out (FIFO) ou remoção
randômica. A escolha do algoritmo de remoção é determinante para o desempenho da
rede [Lee et al. 2013]. Por exemplo, a utilização de um algoritmo FIFO removerá as
regras que foram instaladas a mais tempo na tabela de fluxos. Esta remoção pode ser rea-
lizada de maneira pro-ativa, com o próprio dispositivo de encaminhamento removendo as
regras, depois de um perı́odo determinado de tempo (hard timeout), ou de um perı́odo de
inatividade do fluxo (idle timeout). Entretanto, os fluxos possuem durações variadas que
podem tanto ser instantâneas ou maiores que o hard timeout, levando a remoção tardia
ou indevida das regras. Essas remoções implicam na utilização ineficiente da capacidade
disponı́vel de armazenamento [Benson et al. 2010].
Um estudo caracteriza e compara diferentes propostas de gerenciamento de re-
gras de domı́nio temporal [Neves et al. 2016]. Nessa comparação, as formas de gerenci-
amento temporal, i.e., idle timeouts incrementais adaptativos, remoção probabilı́stica de
regras, hard timeouts adaptativos, apresentaram, no melhor dos casos, uma utilização da
capacidade de armazenamento de regras 15% maior que o caso ótimo e degradando-se
(aumentando) gradualmente para os demais casos. Adicionalmente, foi constatado que
pequenas mudanças nas caracterı́sticas do tráfego (e.g., tempo de duração dos fluxos)
afetam consideravelmente o desempenho do gerenciamento de domı́nio temporal. Em
sı́ntese, o gerenciamento de domı́nio temporal mostra-se não escalável às diferentes redes
e resiliente às mudanças nas caracterı́sticas das mesmas. Nas redes onde o gerenciamento
de domı́nio temporal mostra-se inadequado, o gerenciamento de domı́nio espacial pode
ser uma potencial solução, sendo o tema deste trabalho e da próxima subseção.
2.2. Gerenciamento de Domı́nio Espacial
As formas de gerenciamento de domı́nio espacial podem ser classificadas em dois gru-
pos: (i) inter-switch e (ii) intra-switch. No primeiro grupo, o gerenciamento é consi-
derado inter-switch, pois as regras são gerenciadas considerando o encaminhamento e a
semântica dos fluxos dentro de um conjunto de dispositivos da rede. No segundo grupo,
o gerenciamento é considerado intra-switch, pois as regras são gerenciadas considerando
apenas um dispositivo de encaminhamento e os fluxos que passam por ele.
O gerenciamento inter-switch, também denominado como posicionamento de re-
gras, consiste em dividir um conjunto de regras de encaminhamento e distribuı́-los entre
os dispositivos da rede. Esse tipo de gerenciamento espacial é normalmente modelado
como um problema de otimização que deve decidir quais regras devem ser instaladas em
cada dispositivo. A função objetivo de otimização depende da aplicação que pretende-
se implementar, por exemplo, minimizar a quantidade total de regras instaladas na rede
[Kanizo et al. 2013] ou minimizar a energia consumida [Giroire et al. 2014]. Esse ge-
renciamento pode ocasionar duplicação de regras e sobrecarga no processamento para
execução do algoritmo de otimização [Nguyen et al. 2016]. Além disso, este gerencia-
mento precisa de um monitoramento de fluxos frequente, levando aos mesmos contrapon-
tos do domı́nio temporal. Assim, o gerenciamento inter-switch não é foco deste trabalho.
As principais formas de gerenciamento de domı́nio espacial intra-switch são: (i)
agregação de fluxos e (ii) múltiplas tabelas. Na primeira, o gerenciamento por agregação
de fluxos opera a partir da identificação das regras que possuem a mesma ação (e.g.,
encaminhar pacote para uma determinada porta). Em seguida, identifica-se os campos de
correspondência (match) das regras que possuem similaridades (e.g., IPs de origem que
pertencem a mesma subrede), para serem agregadas sob uma nova regra única (e.g., todos
os IPs origem de uma subrede serão encaminhados para uma mesma porta). Desta forma,
uma regra pode representar diversos fluxos, reduzindo, assim, a quantidade de regras da
tabela. Agregação de fluxos é uma estratégia tradicional para reduzir a quantidade de
regras em tabelas de roteamento das atuais redes IP e motivado pelo bom desempenho
obtido, veem sendo aplicada em redes SDN/Openflow [Nguyen et al. 2016].
Na segunda forma, o gerenciamento por múltiplas tabelas opera a partir da
identificação da semântica de um fluxo (e.g., fluxo com destino a uma interface virtual
a ser encaminhado por uma determinada porta), processando sua divisão para duas ou
mais regras. A partir dessa divisão, uma nova regra é criada com uma semântica sim-
plificada e armazenada em uma tabela que a represente. Dessa forma, novos fluxos com
semânticas compostas são representados por regras já instaladas com semânticas mais
simples, utilizando um número menor de regras armazenadas no dispositivo. Geren-
ciamento por múltiplas tabelas é previsto desde a versão 1.1 do protocolo OpenFlow,
sendo a atual forma de gerenciamento incentivada pela Open Network Foundation (ONF)
[ONF 2015b]. Sua utilização adiciona mais complexidade ao processo de busca na tabela
de fluxos (lookup) para dispositivos OpenFlow que implementam tabelas de fluxos em
hardware. Gerenciamento por múltiplas tabelas é pouco explorada pela literatura, embora
apresente grande potencial para reduzir a quantidade de regras utilizadas.
As diferentes formas de gerenciamento espacial intra-switch, mostram-se promis-
soras, por não possuı́rem a necessidade de um frequente monitoramento do estado atual
das tabelas de fluxos. Entretanto, a comparação entre essas formas de gerenciamento é
fracamente explorada na literatura, impossibilitando a definição de qual forma de geren-
ciamento intra-switch é a mais adequada para uma determinada rede. Na próxima seção,
explora-se como cada uma das formas de gerenciamento de domı́nio espacial intra-switch
podem ser aplicadas, para posteriormente serem comparadas em uma rede OpenFlow.
4.1. Metodologia
Cenário. Para se comparar as diferentes formas de gerenciamento, três topologias são
propostas: (i) estrela, (ii) árvore e (iii) anel. Na topologia de estrela, um único dispositivo
de encaminhamento é utilizado para comunicar 30 nodos finais com o intuito de avaliar o
impacto das formas de gerenciamento nesse dispositivo individualmente, como apresen-
tado na Figura 2(a). Já, para realizar uma análise do impacto da utilização das diferentes
6 6
6 6
3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
(c) Topologia em
Carga de trabalho. Para realizar a comparação, é necessário a criação dos fluxos que
são trafegados dentro das diferentes topologias de rede propostas. Primeiramente, um
par de nodos finais é escolhido aleatoriamente (um cliente e um servidor). Os fluxos são
gerados com base em dois parâmetros: duração do fluxo e intervalo entre rajadas. A
duração de cada fluxo segue uma distribuição de log-normal com média µ = 4s e desvio
padrão λ = 1s. O intervalo entre as rajadas de dados é um processo Poisson com média
λ = 1s [Neves et al. 2016] [Benson et al. 2010]. Fixa-se uma quantidade de 500 fluxos
ativos na rede. Esta carga de trabalho representa um cenário realista, onde a maioria dos
fluxos possui um ciclo de vida curto, enquanto apenas uma pequena parcela é constituı́da
por fluxos com ciclos de vida longos. Dessa forma, cada experimento realizado, precisa
ser executada por no mı́nimo 12 minutos, pois é o perı́odo de tempo necessário para que
500 fluxos sejam iniciados e concluı́dos.
intervenções do controlador, (iii) latência e (iv) jitter. Por quantidade de regras insta-
ladas, considera-se a soma das regras presentes nos dispositivos de encaminhamento ao
final de cada experimento, sendo a principal métrica que define a eficiência de uma forma
de gerenciamento em relação a utilização da capacidade de armazenamento dos disposi-
tivos de encaminhamento. Por quantidade de intervenções do controlador, considera-se
a soma das mensagens para inserção de uma nova regra na tabela de fluxos (flowmods)
e das mensagens de encaminhamento direto de pacotes (packet-out), sendo a principal
métrica que define a sobrecarga inserida por uma forma de gerenciamento. Por latência,
considera-se o tempo que um pacote precisa para alcançar o seu destino e retornar para
a origem, também conhecido como Round Trip Time. Cada forma de gerenciamento irá
influenciar a latência da rede de uma maneira diferente, principalmente, se o tempo de
processamento da mesma é alto. Por jitter, considera-se a variação do atraso entre os
pacotes de dados, sendo a métrica que consegue capturar o impacto das formas de geren-
ciamento na remoção e instalação de novas regras, gerando momentos instáveis na rede.
Para a correta mensuração das métricas de desempenho em termos estatı́sticos, as coletas
foram replicadas no mı́nimo 20 vezes, alcançando um nı́vel de confiança de 95%.
4.2. Resultados
Essa seção apresenta os resultados experimentais obtidos a partir da metodologia pro-
posta, organizados da seguinte forma. Primeiro, analisa-se o comportamento do geren-
ciamento por agregação e múltiplas tabelas comparando-os para um único dispositivo de
encaminhamento na topologia de estrela. Em seguida, realiza-se a comparação entre essas
formas de gerenciamento considerando as topologias de árvore e anel. É importante fri-
sar que os experimentos foram realizados em um computador equipado com processador
Intel i7-4770S com 4 núcleos de 3.1 GHz e 8GB de RAM. As formas de gerenciamento
de domı́nio espacial foram implementados como aplicações do controlador Ryu (versão
4.2.2). Para mensurar a métrica de jitter foi utilizado a ferramenta iPerf versão 2.0.5.
Além disso, foram utilizados o Mininet (versão 2.2.1) e Open vSwitch (versão 2.0.2 com
suporte a OpenFlow 1.3) para emular uma rede real.
múltiplas tabelas, com uma latência média de 35,22 ms. Já, para a topologia em árvore,
todas as formas de gerenciamento, incluindo-se a linha base, são semelhantes dado a
intersecção entre as barras de erro calculadas com um nı́vel de confiança de 95%. É
importante frisar que o gerenciamento por múltiplas tabelas apresentou uma latência 57%
maior entre as topologias de anel para árvore e a mesma análise não pode ser realizada
para o gerenciamento por agregação e linha base.
Na Figura 4(d), o eixo y representa o jitter médio mensurado nas redes com topo-
logias em anel e árvore. O gerenciamento por múltiplas tabelas possui o menor impacto
no jitter para ambas as topologias de redes, alcançando o valor médio de 2.27 ms para
anel e 4.09 ms para árvore. Já, o gerenciamento por agregação obteve o maior impacto
no jitter para ambas as redes, apresentando um valor médio de 11,50 ms para anel e 5.9
ms para árvore. É importante observar que as formas de gerenciamento possuem valores
semelhantes para ambas as topologias, exceto pelo gerenciamento por agregação com um
valor significantemente alto de jitter, próximo aos 12 ms. Isto significa, que o atraso da
rede gerenciada por agregação de regras torna-se instável e compromete a utilização de
aplicações sensı́veis ao jitter, como Voice Over IP e vı́deo chats seguros.
Baseado na comparação entre topologias de árvore e anel, percebe-se que o ge-
renciamento por agregação de fluxos mostrou-se mais eficiente entre as formas de geren-
Este trabalho foi financiado pelo programa Horizon 2020 da União Europeia para
pesquisa, desenvolvimento tecnológico e demonstração no âmbito do acordo no .
688941 (FUTEBOL), bem como pelo Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia, Inovação e
Comunicação (MCTIC) através da RNP/CTIC.
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• Title: A Flexible Architecture to Control Heterogeneous Low Power Wide Area Net-
• Status: Published.
• Qualis: B4.
• URL: <>.
multiple flow tables strategies because of the cost-benefit has its own set of header fields for identifying a package,
compared to the other strategies. actions to be applied and, rules counters. Further, each table
implements just the necessary to make his function and
3 HELPFUL avoiding consuming resources unnecessarily.
In this section, we introduce the HELPFUL conceptual Vertically to the other planes, we have the HELPFUL
architecture and its main components. On its essentially Management. This plane has four components: (i)
the HELPFUL is an SDN-based architecture divided into four Application Management, (ii) Controller Management,
planes: forward, controller, application, and management. (iii) Table Management and (iv) Translate Management.
We implement our architecture using the P4 language. The The Application Management is responsible for adding,
light blue boxes represent the planes in Figure removing, and get information for the network administrator
about the applications that are running on the HELPFUL
application. The Controller Management is responsible for
Figure 1: HELPFUL Architecture informing the HELPFUL Controller the definitions of the
HELPFUL rules and statistics of the tables. Table Management has the
Northbound API
Control Tables. The Translate Management configure the
translator notifying how to wrapped a technology-specific
Southbound API
Dynamic Control Tables.
Management API
Dynamic Control Tables
Control Tables
Channel Rx Window Management
Selec�on Table Table
Pipeline Control Management
Abstract Abstract
Gustavo de Araújo, Rodolfo Antunes, Cristiano Both, Juergen Rochol HELPFUL: Flexible
Architecture to Control Heterogeneous Low Power Wide Area Networks. 2019 Journal of
Network and Computer Applications.
• Title: HELPFUL: Flexible Architecture to Control Heterogeneous Low Power Wide Area
• Abstract: Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) are candidates to coexist with tra-
ditional cellular networks by coping with different types of requirements such as density,
reliability, and latency. However, there is no one-size-fits-all technology that can address
all the needs of IoT applications. For this reason, the integration of heterogeneous LP-
WAN becomes necessary. This article presents the HELPFUL, an SDN-based architec-
ture that creates a common control abstraction among LPWAN technologies (e.g., LoRa,
NB-IoT) running on top of virtualized base stations. We also discuss four rule manage-
ment strategies for use with HELPFUL, providing support for single and multiple flow
tables. We evaluate our proposal with a series of experiments with a prototype developed
using the P4 language. Results show which HELPFUL is flexible enough to change the
management strategy to the best fit with the network demands. Consequently, it can re-
duce the number of messages on the control channel exchanged between the Controller
and Gateways. Finally, HELPFUL adds minimal overhead to network performance, re-
gardless of the rule management strategy chosen.
• Status: To apper.
• Qualis: A2.
• URL: <>.