Dark Matter Freeze-Out in 1+1 Dimension
Dark Matter Freeze-Out in 1+1 Dimension
Dark Matter Freeze-Out in 1+1 Dimension
Bachelor thesis
Alºbeta Miklá²ová
Bratislava 2020
Comenius University in Bratislava
Bachelor thesis
Alºbeta Miklá²ová
Bratislava 2020
Comenius University in Bratislava
Faculty of Mathematics, Physics and Informatics
Student Supervisor
Univerzita Komenského v Bratislave
Fakulta matematiky, fyziky a informatiky
I would like to express my gratitude to my supervisor Mgr. Peter Maták,
PhD. for a great patience and tons of useful advices. I am also grateful to
my friends and family for their kindness and support, and to all physicists
for the amount of beautiful knowledge I could immerse myself in.
V tejto práci sa zaoberáme modelom vesmíru s jedným £asovým a jedným
priestorovým rozmerom. Takýto zjednodu²ený vesmír si ponecháva mnoho
atribútov a zaujímavých vlastností z 3 + 1 rozmerného vesmíru a môºe do-
bre slúºit na testovanie nových teórií ako aj na pedagogické ú£ely. V prvej
£asti práce ²tudujeme geometrické a dynamické vlastnosti takéhoto vesmíru
a odvodíme analóg Friedmannovej rovnice. V druhej £asti sa zaoberáme
stabilizáciou hustoty tmavej hmoty a porovnáme numerické rie²enia Boltz-
mannovej rovnice v 1 + 1 a 1 + 3 rozmeroch.
In this work we deal with the model of the universe with one temporal and one
spatial dimension. Such a simplied universe retains many of the attributes
and interesting properties of the 3 + 1 dimensional universe and can serve
well for testing new theories as well as for pedagogical purposes. In the rst
part of the work we study the geometric and dynamic properties of such a
universe and derive an analog of the Friedmann equation. In the second part
we study the freeze-out of dark matter and compare the numerical solutions
of the Boltzmann equation in 1 + 1 and 1 + 3 dimensions.
Adavit iv
Acknowledgements v
Abstrakt vi
Abstract vii
Introduction 1
Theory of relativity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Motivation for Einstein eld equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Theory of relativity
In special relativity with a space-time considered a four-dimensional mani-
fold, the events are represented by four coordinates [14]. The coordinates of
inertial observer (the observer moving along a free particle trajectory) are
conventionally x0 = ct, x1 = x, x2 = y , x3 = z so that all coordinates xa ,
(a = 0, 1, 2, 3) have the same dimension. The inertial observer exists in in-
ertial frame, the frame without acceleration, where the rst Newton's law of
motion is obeyed.
Objects in space-time, particles and observers, measure their own proper
time τ with standard clocks, the clocks of some standard construction. World-
line is a curve in space-time tracing the history of particle or observer. It is
dened by four coordinate functions parametrized in terms of proper time τ
xa = xa (τ ). (1)
1. The same physical laws are valid in all inertial frames. That means, the
absolute motion is not detectable by any experiment. Only a relative
motion can be detected.
Introduction 2
2. In an empty space, light has the same constant velocity c in all reference
Figure 1: The events E and E 0 are simultaneous for observer O but not for
γ=q . (2)
2 2
1 − v /c
Let E1 and E2 be two events with coordinates xµ1 and xµ2 in some coordi-
nate system. Then xµ1 − xµ2 = X µ are components of four-vector and set
of four numbers X = (X 0 , X 1 , X 2 , X 3 ) are subject to Lorentz transforma-
tions. Four-vectors make a four-dimensional vector space, the Minkowski
space. Minkowski space is a vector space with additional structure, metric
g = diag(1, −1, −1, −1) called Minkowski tensor. If X and Y are two four-
vectors, their scalar product is dened as g(X, Y ) = gµν X µ Y ν . The scalar
product is invariant, it is the same in all coordinate systems.
Let us denote W : τ → X µ (τ ) the worldline of some particle. Then one
can dene the four-velocity as
dX µ (τ ) dX µ dt dX µ
Vµ = = =γ , (3)
dτ dt dτ dt
where τ is the proper time measured along the worldline, and t is the coor-
dinate time. The scalar product of V is always g(V, V ) = c2 .
Now, we will consider a particle moving with constant acceleration. The
velocity is changing along the particle worldline, but we can assign a comov-
ing observer with corresponding velocity v and proper time τ to any innites-
imal element of the worldine. The displacement four-vector on worldline is
X = (ct, xi ). Using a dot notation for derivative with respect to proper time
i i
τ , we obtain ṫ = γ , ẋi = dx
= dt dx
dτ dt
= γv i . In the original coordinate
system, in which the accelerating particle is observed, v i and ai = d2 xi /dt2
are velocity and acceleration in the usual sense. The four-acceleration may
be dened as
d2 X µ a · ~v
Aµ = 2 = γ v ) + γ 2 (0, ~a).
2 (c, ~ (4)
dτ c
Introduction 4
ẍ = g ṫ.
where γ = dt
= cosh gτ and vγ = dx
= sinh gτ . With conveniently chosen
reference point we get t = (ξ + g1 ) sinh gτ , x = (ξ + g1 ) cosh gτ − g1 .
Introduction 5
Figure 2: The coordinates in the elevator are the so-called Rindler coordi-
nates in the Rindler space
The bottom point of the elevator is moving with the constant acceler-
ation g . Any other point with non-zero coordinate ξ can be assigned the
acceleration g 0 = g
resulting from 1
0 = ( g1 + ξ). The metric in eleva-
tor is no more Minkowski metric. In terms of the coordinates Ξ we have
ds2 = dt2 + dx2 = (1 + gξ)2 dτ 2 − dξ 2 . To move forward from special to gen-
eral relativity (the move to be accomplished in the next section) we need to
add the third postulate to the two mentioned previously. This corresponds to
the principle of equivalence, the notion that for the person inside the elevator
there is no way to distinguish between the eect of inertial forces, related to
Introduction 6
Ẍ α + Γαµν Ẋ µ Ẋ ν = 0, (5)
where X α are the coordinate functions of the geodesic γ(t) and Γcab = 12 g ad (
gcd,b + gbd,c − gbc,d ) are the Christoel symbols. The notation gbd,c means
derivative with respect to X c . The geometry behind the geodesics, as well
as other tools from dierential geometry used in this thesis, are explained
beautifully in [5].
Following the t'Hooft papers [7], let us consider a particle moving slowly
in a weak and static gravitational eld. The four-velocity of such particle can
be approximated as Ẋ ≈ (1, ~0). In consequence, we can reduce the geodesic
equation to
Ẍ i ≈ −Γi00 . (6)
To nd the value of the proportionality constant kappa, we employ the per-
turbation theory to the rst order in the metric perturbation h to reproduce
Introduction 8
the newtonian limit of the relativistic theory. This corresponds to the as-
sumption that all the elds are weak. Moreover, we assume that the move-
ments of all the bodies are slow enough. In consequence, time derivatives of
the components of h can be neglected completely. The Ricci tensor and its
contraction, the Ricci scalar, are equal to
Rab ' (−∂µ ∂ µ hαβ + ∂α ∂µ hµβ + ∂β ∂µ hµα − ∂α ∂β hµµ ),
1 1 1
R00 ' − ∂µ ∂ µ h00 = − 2h00 = 4h00 = 4φg ,
2 2 2
R = Rαα = g αβ Rαβ ' −2hµm u + ∂ α ∂ β hαβ
1 1
Rαβ = Rgαβ + κTαβ = κ(Tαβ − T gαβ ),
2 2
1 α
R00 = 4φg = κ(T00 − Tα g00 ).
R = 24πGT. (15)
with variant γij . Here we follow the lecture notes on cosmology by Daniel
Baumann [1]
Geometry of the universe 11
h ~x2 d~x2 i
2 2 2
dl = a d~x + . (18)
1 − ~x2
h ~x2 d~x2 i
2 2 2
dl = a d~x − . (19)
1 + ~x2
one temporal index. From Einstein equations we can derive the Friedmann
equation, which describes the evolution of the scale factor a(t)
ȧ2 8πG k
2 = ρ − 2. (21)
a 3 a
ρ̇ + 3 (ρ + P ) = 0 (23)
where H ≡ ȧ
is a Hubble parameter.
We will study a 1+1 dimensional model of universe, which is much simpler
but still possesses a many features analogous to 3 + 1 dimensional universe.
Friedmann equation in 1 + 1
In 1 + 3 dimensional universe, the theory of gravity is described by the Ein-
stein eld equations which determine the dynamics of the universe.
Gαβ = Rαβ − Rgαβ . (25)
Calculating both the energy-momentum tensor and the Ricci tensor, we get
the evolution of the scale factor a(t), depending on the matter content and
the curvature of the FLRW spacetime. In 3 + 1 dimension we obtained the
Friedmann equation, so we expect to have some similar equation in 1+1
dimension. First, to get the components of the Ricci tensor, we need to cal-
culate the Christoel symbols Γαβγ = 21 g αδ (gδγ,β + gβδ,γ − gβγ,δ ). The FLWR
metric takes the form
ds2 = dt2 − a2 (t)γij dxi dxj where γij = δij + k 1−kx
i j
2 . The individual compo-
nents of FLWR metric g are g00 = 1, g01 = g10 = 0, g11 = −a2 (t)(1 + k x
2 ).
The inverse metric is dened by g αβ gβγ = δαγ . The spatial derivative of the
component g00,i vanishes, so all the Christoel symbols with two time indices
Friedmann equation in 1+1 dimension 14
are zero.
Γ110 = g 11 (g10,1 + g11,0 − g10,1 ),
ȧ 1
g11,0 = 2 g11 , g 11 = ,
a g11
Γ110 = .
Due to the symmetry of metric, Γ110 and Γ101 are equal. The other Christoel
symbols are derived in a similar way
1 x2
Γ011 = g 00 (g01,1 + g10,1 − g11,0 ) = aȧ 1 + k ,
2 1 − kx2
1 kx
Γ111 = g 11 g11,1 = .
2 1 − kx2
The contraction of the Riemann tensor (8) gives Rµν = Γρµν,ρ −Γρµρ,ν +Γσµν Γρσρ −
Γσµρ Γρσν . Both R10 and R01 components are zero R10 = Γ110,1 − Γ111,0 + Γ110 Γ111 −
Γ111 Γ110 = 0. The diagonal components are
R00 = − ,
x2 ä
R11 = äa 1 + k 2 = − g11 .
1 − kx a
R = Rαα = g αα Rαα = −2 . (26)
Since Gαβ = Rαβ − 21 Rgαβ = 0, we can see, that the Einstein tensor vanishes
and the Einstein equations have no dynamical content. Thus, we need an
Friedmann equation in 1+1 dimension 15
This leads to the equation of the similar form as the Friedmann equation in
3 + 1D
ȧ2 C
2 = −8πGρ + 2 . (32)
a a
Friedmann equation in 1+1 dimension 17
From the three equations (29), (31) and (32) there are just two linearly
independent equations. This is the same as in 3 + 1 dimensions, where we
have two Friedmann equations and the local conservation law.
Dark matter freeze-out in 1 + 1
Contents of the universe
There are three main components of universe: radiation, matter and dark
energy. As matter we refer to baryons and cold dark matter. These are non-
relativistic particles. The pressure is proportional to kinetic energy, so it is
negligible compared to energy density. The energy density scales with the
expansion parameter as ρm ∼ a−3 . Baryons are ordinary matter consisted
of protons and neutrons. Dark matter is still a subject of research, we don't
know what it is. We will deal with WIMPs, weakly interacting massive
particles, which are hypothetical dark matter particles with masses and the
interaction strength given in terms of the weak scale.
Radiation are relativistic particles, such as photons and neutrinos, which
have the pressure around a one third of the energy density. Here, the energy
density scales as ρr ∼ a−4 . This comes from the fact that volume itself scales
as V ∼ a3 while the wavelength of the particles stretches as λ ∼ a1 .
Dark energy is a form of energy predicted by measurements but still of
unknown nature. Its density remains constant despite the expansion and
so the scaling of the energy density is ρΛ ∼ a0 . It is responsible for the
Dark matter freeze-out in 1+1 dimension 19
f (E) = . E−µ (33)
e ±1 kB T
The chemical potential µ for photons and electrons (and probably for neu-
trinos as well) is zero. Also, we will use the natural units ~ = kB = c = 1.
The energy of a relativistic particle, Ep~ = m2 + p~2 , can be approximated
by Ep~ = |~
p|. Therefore we obtain the distribution
f (p) = p . (34)
e ±1
For the particle with g degrees of freedom, the number density is given by
the product of the density of states and the distribution of the particle in
momentum space
∆nf (p) = f (p)∆p. (35)
Integrating over the momentum space we get a number density of relativistic
particles Z Z
1 g 1
nr (T ) = g dnf (p) = p dp, (36)
L 2π e ±1
so we obtain
gπT 2
g p
ρb (T ) = p dp = . (40)
2π 0 eT − 1 12
Boltzmann equation 21
π 2
ρ(T ) = T g∗ (T ), (41)
where 2 2
X Ti 1 X T
g∗ (T ) = gi + gi i (42)
T 2 f ermions T
Boltzmann equation
Without interactions, the Boltzmann equation is just a conservation of num-
ber density of particles
1 d(ni a)
= ṅi + Hni = 0. (46)
a dt
1 d(n1 a)
= −αn1 n2 + βn3 n4 , (47)
a dt
where the term −αn1 n2 stands for annihilation and βn3 n4 for creation of
the type 1 particles. The rate of interactions is proportional to the cross
section, so the parameter α is equal to hσvi, the cross section thermally
averaged with velocity v . The r.h.s. of the Boltzmann equation vanishes in
equilibrium, which implies
β=α 1 2 (48)
n3 n4 eq
where nieq are the number densities in thermal equilibrium. The Boltzmann
equation becomes
1 d(n1 a) n1 n2
= −hσvi(n1 n2 + n3 n4 ) (49)
a dt n3 n4 eq
Ṅ s + N ṡ + HN s = −hσvis2 (N 2 − Neq
), (54)
Boltzmann equation 24
= −hσvis(N 2 − Neq
). (55)
x= . (56)
The solution for this dierential equation is a linear function of t. With the
initial condition a(t0 ) = a0 we get a(t) = a0 tt . We usually set the scale factor
a(t) = . (58)
The energy density scales as ρ ∼ a−2 . Hence the analogue of the Friedmann
equation in 1 + 1 dimension becomes
ρ0 C
H 2 = −8πG 2 + 2 (59)
a a
4π 2 2
H02 =− T + C. (60)
3 0
H 2 = H02 a−2 , = H0 a−1 ,
da = H0 dt, a = H0 t,
Now, we obtain
dx d M x dT 1 1
= =− ' xt 2 = x = Hx. (61)
dt dt T T dt t t
dN 1
=− hσvis(N 2 − Neq
). (62)
dx Hx
Surprisingly, this Riccati-type equation takes the same form (62) in both
dimensions, although there are important dierences in temperature depen-
dence of the Hubble parameter, entropy density and the cross section. From
relations (41) and (52) follows that entropy density for radiation dominated
universe equals to
s= T g (T ) (63)
6 ∗
The equation (62) cannot be solved analytically but we will nd a nu-
merical solution. The numerical value of the gravitational constant is found
experimentally and is expected to be higher in the universe with more dimen-
sions. However, in our model, we will take the value of the four-dimensional
constant except for the dierent units [16, 11]. Consequently, the reduced
Planck mass remains
Mpl = = 2.435x1018 GeV
Boltzmann equation 26
Further we use the present values of the Hubble parameter and the temper-
ature of the thermal medium
The numerical solutions with dierent cross sections can be seen in gures
3 and 4.
Apparently, the dark matter abundance does not depend on the mass of the
WIMP particles. Let us introduce the constant
π T0 2
λ= α . (68)
6 H0 eff
To obtain the approximate solution we write
dN λ
= − N 2.
dx x
Integrating this equation from x = xf to x = ∞ we obtain
1 1 xf
− = −λ ln , (69)
N∞ Nf x∞
where Nf is typically much larger than N∞ , so the approximate relic density
long after freeze-out can be written as
xf −1
N∞ = − λ ln . (70)
Boltzmann equation 28
In gure 3 and gure 4 we can see that the dark matter abundance de-
creases for bigger values of annihilation cross section. That was expected
since the particles with smaller cross section stop interacting earlier. Com-
paring the 1 + 1D and 3 + 1D freeze-out, the deviation from the equilibrium
density occurred around the same xf but the abundance density in 1 + 1D is
a few orders of magnitude lower.
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