Evaluation Method
Evaluation Method
Evaluation Method
Types of Assessment:
1. What assessment type appears to match the overall purpose or goal of your assessment or your
specific outcome?
1a. What are the possible methods you can use given the type(s) of assessment you listed?
2a. Based on your answer, what are some possible assessment methods you can use?
Putting it together:
4. What are all of the possible methods? (based on your answers to 1a, 2a and 3a):
5. Based on the strengths and challenges for each of the methods above, what method(s) do you think
you will be using?
6. What resources or support will you need in order to use that method (e.g., more training, help from
your assessment consultant, etc.)?
Logistical Considerations
7. How are you going to use the data? Knowing the answer to this will allow you to be more intentional
about the method you choose. Additionally, it can help streamline/focus your assessment from what
would just be “good to know” information versus “need to know” data for your assessment purposes.
8. What resources (i.e., time, materials, budget, expertise) do you have available to you?
9. Is there potential for collaboration with others to minimize the resource expense?
10. Who is participating in your assessment and how will you gain access to that group?
11. Who will be responsible for carrying out the assessment and what training/support will they need?
14. Are there physical or virtual spaces you will need to have access to in order to conduct your
Things to consider
Before selecting a method, take a few minutes to reflect on the following questions to assist you in
selecting and method:
2. If you are assessing learning, do you need direct or indirect evidence of learning?
• Direct Methods - any process employed to gather data which requires students to display their
knowledge, behavior, or thought processes.
o E.g.: where on campus would you go, or who would you consult with if you had
questions about which courses to register for in the fall?
o Direct measures of learning are usually accomplished through assessment methods such
as “quiz” type survey, rubric, document analysis, observation, portfolio, visual methods,
one-minute assessment, and/or case study
• Indirect Methods - any process employed to gather data which asks students to reflect upon
their knowledge, behaviors, or thought processes.
o E.g.: I know where to go on campus if I have questions about which courses to register
for in the fall. (Strongly agree, Moderately agree, Neither agree nor disagree,
Moderately disagree, Strongly disagree)
o Indirect measures of learning are usually accomplished through assessment methods
such as survey, focus group, document analysis, and/or one-minute assessment
4. Based on the possible methods you may use, weigh the advantages and challenges to the specific
methods below to help determine your best possible choice(s).
Existing Data: Data that has already been collected, usually from previous assessment projects, student
information, or office systems or tracking systems.
Strengths: Challenges:
• No time needed to collect data • Reliant on the reliability/validity or trustworthiness of
• No risk of survey fatigue, response rate issues the source
• Data mines current collection • Non-responsive in nature (aka no follow-up option)
processes/systems • Response rates a pre-determined by the data that
• Capitalizes on previous assessment efforts exists
• Unobtrusive in nature • Gaining access to data that may be housed elsewhere
• Creating internal systems for collecting data you need
may require adjusting current systems
• Data may not be sufficient, may require follow-up
Things to consider:
• How do you gain access to data?
• Will you have the ability to analyze/manipulate the data in the way you need?
• Where is the data coming from and what form will you receive it in? This will lead to decisions on how
you analyze data. If you need to know how to conduct a document analysis, use a data base or know
how to analyze data in excel or SPSS.
Next steps: Once you have the data, submit it to be uploaded to Campus Labs Baseline. Be sure to link your data
with program goals and objectives through the Management system, as well as Key Performance Indicators.
Survey: Asking open and closed-ended questions on a questionnaire type format. A survey is a self
report of anything, including opinion, actions, and observation.
Strengths: Challenges:
• Include large numbers • Survey fatigue and response rates
• Relatively fast and easy to collect data • Non-responsive
• Lots of resources available • Limited in type of questions asked
• Requires minimal resources • Lacks depth in data
• Fast to analyze • Skills set in both designing questions and
• Good for surface level or basic data analyzing data properly
Resources needed:
• What is the best administration method (paper, web, mobile, etc.)?
• How will be draft and review the questions?
• Do you want to offer incentives for completing the survey?
• Do you have a data analysis plan? Do you need to use comparative tools?
Rubric: A scorecard used to rate student learning either through observation or artifacts. Includes a
scale, key dimensions, and descriptions of each dimension on the scale.
Strengths: Challenges:
• Clearly states standards and expectations • Developing a rubric takes time
• Can be used for a learning and assessment tool • Training of raters is needed
• Provides for consistency in rating/grading • Limited in use for just student learning
• Participant can use rubric to gauge his/her outcomes
own performance • Beware of inter-rater and intra-rater reliability
• Provides both individual and program-level • Depending on technology resources, combining
feedback aggregate data can take time
• Provides both numbers and descriptive
Resources needed:
• How will you design and test your rubric?
• How will you train raters?
• What learning opportunities do you have to observe? Or, what collection mechanism for
Focus Groups or Interview: Asking face to face open-ended questions in a group or one-on-one setting.
Questions are meant to be a discussion.
Strengths: Challenges:
• Helps to understand perceptions, beliefs, • Getting participants (think of time/places)
thought processes • Data collection and analysis takes time
• Small number of participants • Data is as good as the facilitator
• Focus groups encourage group interaction and • Beware of bias in analysis reporting
building upon ideas • Meant to tell story, may not help if numbers
• Responsive in nature are needed
• Relatively low costs involved • Data is not meant to be generalizable
Resources needed:
• How will you develop questions and protocols?
• Who is the best facilitator of the interview or focus group? What level of objectivity does he/she
need and what knowledge of the subject/situation?
• How will notes be taken? Do you have recording devices?
• What logistics do you need to consider as far as finding space, etc.?
• Do you need consent forms?
Next steps: Determine who you need to attend your focus group and design your protocols.
Portfolio: A collection of artifacts or work that provide evidence of student learning or program
Strengths: Challenges:
• Shows progress over time • Requires planning ahead (pre-determined
• Reflective in nature (encourages reflective outcomes, criteria for meeting outcome,
learning) experiences to be included, type of reflection,
• Provides deep examples rating tool)
• Multidimensional (shows learning in different • Takes time to implement and see progress
ways) • Need trained evaluators
• Provides both individual and program-level • Need system of collecting portfolios
feedback (electronic, hard copy)
• Provides both numbers and descriptive • Depending on technology resources,
information combining aggregate data can take time
Resources needed:
• Do you have outcomes, criteria, learning experience, and reflection prompts prepared?
• Do you need to train evaluators?
• Do you have a system for collecting portfolio materials?
• Do you have time to look through portfolios and analyze evidence?
Observation: A systematic method of collecting data through unobtrusive visual means (e.g., watching people
or places) in order to collect information.
Strengths: Challenges:
• Unobtrusive – does not require participant • Requires planning ahead (e.g., protocols, charts,
engagement journals)
• Requires seeing beyond nature perspective • Non-responsive in nature
• Often effective with physical plant and • Limited in the type of data it can collect
watching for student trends • Need trained observers
• Useful for gathering initial data to couple with • Need system of collecting information
survey or focus group
• Provides both numbers and descriptive
Resources needed:
• Do you have a protocol?
• Do you need to train observers?
• What is your timeline?
Document Analysis: A form of qualitative research in which documents are used to give voice, interpretation
and meaning. Any document can be used, common documents may be: application materials, student
newspaper or publications, marketing materials, meeting minutes, strategic planning documents, etc.
Strengths: Challenges:
• Documents are readily available • Non-responsive in nature
• Documents are already collected or easily • Documents are context and language specific
collected • Documents are often disconnected from their creator
• Low costs • All documents are written through a lens, need to be
• Documents are a stable data source (they don’t aware of lens in order to assess objectivity
change) • Data analysis takes time
• Can be collected on a quick timeline
Resources needed:
• How do you gain access to the documents?
• Do you know how to set up a coding system?
One-Minute Assessment: Very short assessments of what a participant is “taking away” from their experience.
Should be targeted at a specific learning or program outcome.
Strengths: Challenges:
• Provides a quick summary of take away from • Non-responsive
student perspective • Short (so you may lose specifics)
• Quickly identifies areas of weakness and • Sometimes hard to interpret
strengths for formative assessment • Need very specific prompts in order to get “good” data
• Can track changes over time (short-term) • Plan logistics ahead of time and leave time during
• Non-verbal (provides classroom feedback from program/course
all students) • May need to be collected over time
• Captures student voice
• Short time commitment
• Provides immediate feedback
Resources needed:
• Do you have a strong prompt?
• Have you reserved time to collect data?
• Do you have a system for collecting data in a non-rushed manner?
Visual Methods: Captures images as a main form of data collection, usually also includes captions or a journal to
accompany images. Most often used for photo journals, video projects, and visual art projects.
Strengths: Challenges:
• More detail and depth to data • Beware of threats to alterations of images (especially
• Visual aspect allows for depth in sharing results with technology)
• High levels of student investment • Usually smaller number of perspectives
• Can use images captured for multiple uses • Time for implementation and follow-through
• Very descriptive in nature • Analysis takes time
• Resources may be needed in order to capture images
Resources needed:
• How will your participants capture images (resources)?
• What prompt will you use to make sure participants have a clear direction?
• Do you have time to gather and process information in your timeline?
• Have you accounted for time for member checking?
Case Study: A form of qualitative descriptive research, the case study looks intensely at an individual, culture,
organization or event/incident.
Strengths: Challenges:
• More detail and depth to data • Takes significant time to gather information and
• Multiple perspectives are gathered analyze
• Tells a story • More perspectives = more time
• Very descriptive in nature • Narrow purpose as far as sharing data afterward
• Analysis takes time
• Resources may be needed in order to capture data
• Not meant to be generalizable but can be transferrable
Resources needed:
• How will you capture data?
• Do you have a clear understanding what you are profiling and why?
• Do you have time to gather and process information?
• Have you allocated time for member checking?
Key Performance Indicator: Helps an organization define and measure progress toward organizational goals.
Usually broad-picture, quick snapshots of information.
Strengths: Challenges:
• Provides information on direction of • Determining measures
organization • Deciding how to collect information
• Identifies trends • Lack of context
• Focuses on “key” measures • Identifies trends but often lacks ability to be attached
• Concise in communicating (especially to specific programs, courses, or services
• Often already available
Resources needed:
• How will you capture data?
• Do you have a clear understanding of your measures and how they are linked with goals?
Additional Tips for Choosing Methods:
Build up your assessment toolbox by getting experience with different methods and knowing when it is
appropriate to use them.
Keep it simple! Assessment is “good enough” research choose a method that is manageable so you can
complete the project.
Start with the ideal design for your assessment and then work backwards to what is possible. There is
always more than one source for collecting data, use what works best for you knowing that you can add
on other sources later.
Start off small to get experience; don’t try to complete a “dissertation” sized project the first time
Get feedback from colleagues, peers and your Campus Labs Baseline consultant. A new set of eyes on
your methods may reveal an important piece that you have not seen.
Read the literature and attend conferences through a new lens; look for ideas on how others conduct
assessment and how you may also use the same methods.
Ask if the data already exists somewhere else before choosing a different method that will use valuable
Look for potential to collaborate with other divisions and units.
Include culturally sensitive language and facilitators when using assessment methods. If you are not sure
about language, ask someone who will be to look over your assessment method.
Include stakeholders from the beginning; this builds credibility in your methods and assessment results.
Keep in mind how the method you choose will affect your results and make note that for your report.
Reflect on the process/results of assessment and do not be afraid to change your method. Assessment is
an ongoing process.