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Moot Court Project
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Shivani Vasudeva Verma
LLb 6th Semester
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Moot Court Project
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LLb 6th Semester
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Reece er ieee eeeererrerenern es wre fi “ POOF couRT_PROBLELI - 2 CCivie) by. uy iucaiegy | 2 Queslien Zvoleed 4 Aepucpen Gn. flaonhv- grt 4 haut predinb) Cilealtrggs. S. Cope lesion j 77007. COURT. PROBLE™? “8. C chien A)| be ppplicalting per i te. Call 2. tblsilleen —— — 3. Gord , Orefer Ge 4 Wyplcatin far Surrender gf Ge eKser) INTERVIEW) TECHALICS. PRE - TRIAL PRE LERATIONS , —FARTICLPATION int TRIAL ___}. PROCEEDINGMoot couRT no mah otasec ck MBA Commi?» Fg netlist cshig as arte eles Ola, PetPets Set ne ae, predescint Seat ee Ae dabei sao ee speriic cose dridid Duy Wis Comah ort apecitee gudied Om eMart On image. charg coms peepantd cow thi pecfons Moa matter dy Fock, mort cont reas agen poten ait pimubokion im which atodet ont atked ty ont ped oto bebo a fader Cone tae nageined te sceptics coer g 8 ei aot) Aegel A. With Purduatéon he shted meg he Aunidesd cay on ape 1s Suppo Bo ruling oy ae Faget GD ansteon We croitere Bee pom aden} de ant Lenz WwDA ON neprsserdinn, Qi. olrertide ond gus cone may be extn cnclor Creminal 7 ab we also Le a Wels ee poi aL ert se Bird ee s Buartd Osted Lo par noie QULS Gee ieYe EELS OEP ymatien grclemrouh fy canna bee ae ; = : “ Ahammy Sir wean ohn coe (eed Lui, Rete stodntls ae Sire Nwia stages nevi, Ue | btelowodt oA ots dr ds ton Beamer Cine Ore Changes a. t Mery Bs root cont ends} be) Confidence ay kel Awe be Bpeo Feo) Srelone Us cudienca ow wx Coed - she Jenn mow grendin bn ieee ee Ae punpere “tor aseine Se discon, te comme, don peactere , Brim Conkidenes: Be ange Spe ele to Spee eho Pemutlel cack En Qai dice aclmation “en aes xx: Pie 8 ta power ko unpre, Neclena anil od” Lreke Biren, cists aaa @o Gach case Me + todas Zkold Menai ith” geese ean hieg) Sa pict and te arued & prepore ee Plemt sh Le RepueySe ie dete Wook cK Lu lone Atmdlewlt afer sieckd hashing pio 5 prego) onithen A debate Aga Aeon Chases ON Chonged i “Hilenclinng, As ron cord Aeuloy Jel Contidomee oy Dru Lond strdews ~fp Spears Ream thy (ocene Lin clout one laa Com Sie eran ceo hs Chew tees Ween te petupercaten
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Rouls hetphll faut gure dy 1G med cet géssion 2016-17wevevvvIIe Ce eva MOOT COURT PROBLEM-1 (CIVIL)PRomiEm § - ’ ee "3 4 | gfe Hort Janko Rio vill 4 Talal Keane Creal Noida Curd Puneloce® it reat ee cep morn a ¢ 5) we peex Dt, S Rola totes gy aaop Chon d Ah Wehr . mm Msi made gr Hecrwld Kemow Lenit Bae Cte Gnew, Heel prepemqsocalolNs can tem Grek ont Sombiin Sl peal or et eee ee ee Birt of0 Me id Tab pokey, Grebe cut anfiSedel elem pel WL Pontiny Decca) gee Barun ter ANP hace ! or[Plrear chaimy Unvunle tobe fur urnv Om Pespenby Fo gushing drngcel od Heh cckey Acdao Beog poten Lo- 10 1949 done Cen htpenans th corms % condrued Why Porte Hdee® = conplad tbe’) 4-1-2013 ed ps kana Goneiclr- fhe Baye yn Na pe fs Ye Teh ete a: a0 Gusption weve hy Sais cats | Se quastien arate? eee Porto ov ee, dP et ee cures on La preperty” ToS U9 Brick summary ot Uns Cau et —5 : . ge ponBogy Kumeu nidind Ov orstl Kasra + beatort oe putnenca ey Mehra ao Sy b ted sale Dua monde on oid prepety on cote? gate deed clatod 101994 euteted tuy bb Revp ing ne Dhen yh Bh pontesy bemow tnrity Mine bokeqoe. 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Goel a mas S Gogo wea ee a peniosl aducats me radon Freipelrs entered i bhi Chonhy ond weld me bad Jodauy i penkay cast nD pnoceded to attenad Camd Cate POM INeP ras poe Cane nae teeny Bae torr on hd er Luenen elise AM QUWIOM RK Bogut ae) mu © Goyal Came te hee ee a = ee we “ced rcroall clue TUE Cal eNO dsacen erth Shim a9) eee nats at Mis Cord Hd Gut Chiew vent vey Uneety ho Mire Cau Wheoduoale“a wa Jame quks omnept ae Woy ee, fon aa See Te ES Pist came qo tell foo {et roe, © casa ned Face an é Catent No-2 :-7 We had an Ao suleiee fi wee abed lodaur bau ad Ladlilsed 7 pow Read DEM Cent ato Li. elaaelly we Oe jo Ot Jos (olay ck stare ee Seminay aw too sapes Da bode posed ppv ty wre a Debs CUend No-t- yer 0% onert, about b tote Lett ae cadicde steal ast Gadderty gee nie en Se see Padrocals- wok od Remucewsen ee apt Clie = me atbocn cu RR ACA Kalwbeet r= Tet polite Leqak FR agontl ys Cabenk 1 ND nok ah Sod Snes ou DD Bode) Gn Gren W mee gra pote totd we & QD Crd we Lilrtus© pa Ee he eee Aawocale 1 a BR on waedicnl nept Chiend 2 yer we wee no bebe aty Qurnen OF VL ere Rennes © walked | Wipes ee pe | oe ett 2 Speen Chieds- Bhrdd ot Que paper Sele Ve police Repord caec Ms SPAR 3. 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