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Best Practice
Guide to Improving
Network Visibility | TAP vs SPAN 1



3| Introduction: How to Navigate Network Visualization

4| Brief History on Network Access

5| 2 Methods for Network Access

5| Network TAP [Test Access Point]

6| SPAN [Switched Port Analyzer]

7| Today’s Data Access Requirements

8| 4 Fundamental Considerations for Network Visualization Requirements

9| SPAN Port Considerations

10 | SPAN Reality Check

12 | When Is SPAN Port Methodology Ok to Use?

13 | Putting TAP vs SPAN to the Test

14 | TAP to SPAN Comparison

15 | Access Best Practices Conclusion | TAP vs SPAN 2


This whitepaper is an in-depth look into network
visualization access.

Today’s requirements for security, monitoring,

management, compliance, deep or historic captures and
auditing of our networks require full and real time access
to the packets that flow through our network. Today
network, security and management personnel must have
full access and using test access point (TAP) technology is
the only viable and reliable technology for that job.

We will cover the value TAP access will provide, some

fundamental considerations, requirements, best practices
and highlight some disadvantages about SPAN or monitor
access through switches.

The goal of network, security, compliance and application

managers require full visualization of the network and
the packets therein. Real visualization is everything. If you
cannot see an issue, like an attack, misusage, inefficiency,
etc., how are you going to understand it and resolve it? | TAP vs SPAN 3

Until the early 1990’s, using a network TAP (test access point)
from a switch patch panel was the only way to monitor a
communications link. Most links were WAN so an adaptor like the
V.35 adaptor from Network General or an access balun for a LAN
was the only way to access a network. Most LAN analyzers had to
join the network to really monitor it.

As switches and routers developed, there came a technology we

call SPAN/Mirror ports — and monitoring was off and running.
Analyzers and monitors no longer had to be connected to the
network directly; engineers would use the SPAN (mirror) port and
direct packets from their switch or router to the test device for

SPAN was a great way to effortlessly and non-intrusively acquire

data for analysis. By definition, a SPAN Port usually indicates the
ability to copy traffic from any or all data ports to a single unused
port. The SPAN or Monitor port was originally a quality assurance
test point for their manufacturers and became a visualization
access point as an afterthought.

SPAN usage proliferated as an easy method for quick packet

access. Though as networks have evolved and speeds have
increased exponentially, architects now have to consider the
limitations of SPAN, and use a mixture of network TAPs and SPAN
depending on the scenario.

Research found that 83 percent of current

network visibility fabrics use TAPs for at
least half of the fabric access layer.”

-EMA [Enterprise Management Associates] | TAP vs SPAN 4

Network TAP [Test Access Point]
A network TAP is a purpose-built hardware device that allows you to access and monitor your network traffic by
copying packets without impacting or compromising network integrity. Network TAPs sit in a network segment,
between two appliances (router, switch or firewall), and allows you to access and monitor the network traffic.
The TAP allows network traffic to flow between its network ports without interruption, creating an exact copy
of both sides of the traffic flow, continuously, 24/7, 365. The raw packet copies are then used for monitoring
and security analysis.

Diagram 1. A network TAP placed between a switch

and router, sends traffic copies to be monitored.

A network TAP provides strategic, persistent monitoring capabilities. Installing a TAP during deployment means
you have a permanent method of access to network traffic.
• Ensure 100% full duplex copies of network traffic without altering the data.
• Support 10M, 100M, 1G, 10G, 40G, 100G, and 400G.
• Are scalable and can either provide a single copy, multiple copies (regeneration), or consolidate traffic
(aggregation) to maximize the production of your monitoring tools.

EMA recommends that enterprises use TAPs as much as possible in the access layer to
avoid network performance impacts and assure packet fidelity.”

-EMA [Enterprise Management Associates] | TAP vs SPAN 5

SPAN [Switched Port Analyzer]
Port Mirroring also known as SPAN (Switch Port Analyzer), are designated ports on a network appliance (switch),
that are programmed to send a copy of network packets seen on one port (or an entire VLAN) to another port,
where the packets can be analyzed.

Many switches have a limit on the number of SPAN monitoring ports that you can configure. This limit is often a
maximum of two monitoring ports per switch.

Diagram 2. A SPAN port mirrors traffic from

the designated ports between a switch and
router, sending it to be monitored.

Port mirroring best practices vary by switch vendor, as many architectures use non blocking methods that drop
overages if you overrun a port mirror, depending on the switch you use, there can be an adverse effect on traffic
or switch performance.1
• SPAN are programmed ports on a switch, that provide access to packets for monitoring.
• SPAN sessions do not interfere with the normal operation of the switch.
• Low priority processing — the switch will drop SPAN packets if heavily utilized or oversubscribed.

SPANs can add overhead on a network device, and that SPAN port will often drop
mirrored packets if the device gets too busy. Therefore, TAPs are a better option.”

-EMA [Enterprise Management Associates] | TAP vs SPAN 6

To add more complexity and challenges to SPAN port as a data access technology:

1. We have entered a much higher utilization environment with many times more frames in the network.

2. We have moved from 10 Mbps to 40 and 100 Gbps Full Duplex.

3. We have entered into the era of data security, deep packet capture, legal and policy compliance, network
auditing and Lawful Intercept approved by Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies
(CALEA) which requires that we must monitor all of the data and not just “sample” the data, with the exception
of very focused monitoring technologies (i.e. application performance monitoring).

These demands will continue to grow since we have become a very digitally focused society and are all
connected via the Internet of Things (IoT). With the heavy use of VoIP and digital video we have revenue
generating data that is connection oriented and sensitive to bandwidth, loss and delay.

The older methods need reviewing and the added complexity requires that we change some old habits to
allow for real 100% Full Duplex real time access to the critical data. Being able to provide real access is not
only important for Data Compliance Audits and Lawful Intercept events, it is the law. | TAP vs SPAN 7

During any deployment there are many different factors that go into your connectivity strategy and design. Here
are some considerations that may seem like common sense but should always be a part of your mental checklist.

1 - Frame Changes 3 - Access Analysis

Any active device that touches a frame, has changed Before deploying access technology, a good best
the frame timing, even if nothing more than changing practice to always consider:
its absolute timing reference to the network needs • Test more than one device to make sure you are
to be noted. getting what you really need for your tools and that
you and your company can really use the device and
It is essential to keep all changes by a device, linear. If the data it provides.
the frame offset was 10ms then all frames should have • Be sure to test the network before and after the
the same offset, if not, the device is interfering with the access device to compare and get a real baseline of
real time analysis capability of that access point. the access device effects on the frames.
• Always buy quality. TAPs are relatively inexpensive
SPAN access is a great example of variable offset and compared to the tools and infrastructure. Look for
the impossibility of doing authentic time based analysis a trusted vendor with customers to back it up, not
from a SPAN/Monitor port. A network TAP with a tested online overseas knockoffs. Before making a decision
algorithm handles the send and receive integration on which TAP to go with, look into the testing, where
with consistent timing for the best visualization. they are manufactured, hardware warranties, optical
transceivers, Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
2 - Passing All Packets rates and first time pass rate (FTPR) and durability.
A network TAP is the only device that will pass every
bit, byte, and packet, including the interframe gap, 4 - Lawful Capture
bad, large, small and other error packets. Even if one One major and important consideration about access
uses a higher technology filtering device, network technology is legal and lawful capture. Please do
TAPs as your media access guarantees you pass not forget that any access device can be called into
all packets. question in civil and criminal cases. When using the
data captured as the evidence in employee misuse
There is debate about the viability of passing bad or for CALEA/Lawful capture situations a network
packets for capture and post capture analysis. A TAP is your best ally. It presents the evidence with
leading point of view is counting the bad packets/ no chance of changing anything, providing a solid
types are acceptable and many times a requirement time reference. We call this forensically sound data
for baselining analysis. and is a must for court evidence. Another plus to
consider in our security conscious world - a network
TAP cannot be hacked, so any evidence gathered is
usually foolproof. | TAP vs SPAN 8

Cisco warns that “the switch treats SPAN data with a lower priority than regular port-to-port data.” In other words,
if any resource under load must choose between passing normal traffic and SPAN data, the SPAN loses and the
mirrored frames are arbitrarily discarded. This consideration applies to preserving network traffic in any situation.
For instance, when transporting remote SPAN (RSPAN) traffic through an Inter Switch Link (ISL), which shares the
ISL bandwidth with regular network traffic, the network traffic takes priority. If there is not enough capacity for the
remote SPAN traffic, the switch drops it.

Diagram 3: Cisco reference diagram for their Catalyst switch SPAN port.

Knowing that the SPAN port arbitrarily drops traffic under specific load conditions, what strategy should users
adopt so as not to miss frames? According to Cisco,

the best strategy is to make decisions based on the traffic levels of the configuration and
when in doubt to use the SPAN port only for relatively low-throughput situations.”2

Also, consider that a switch’s SPAN access is not fault tolerant and can be a major fault or failure point for your
monitoring and management vision. A network TAP is not a failure point. | TAP vs SPAN 9

Is a SPAN port a passive technology?
No. Some may call a SPAN port a passive data access solution, but passive means
“having no effect” on the packet. Spanning (mirroring) does have measurable
effect on the data packets themselves as well as all the packet timing is affected.

Isn’t SPAN always available?

No. SPAN retention is a real challenge. Many switches have minimal ports
capable of spanning. If a span port is committed for permanent monitoring duties,
sometimes it needs to be reassigned for troubleshooting on a VLAN or other
aspect of the traffic, denying traffic to your monitoring tools.

Do SPAN ports drop packets?

Yes. Dropped packets or packet loss can occur when packets of data traveling
across a network fail to reach their destination. Packet loss can be caused
by network congestion, hardware capacity and bottlenecks, errors in data
transmission, or overloaded devices.

Packet loss is measured as a percentage of packets lost compared to packets

sent. The Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) is the standard that defines
how to establish and maintain a network conversation through which
application programs can exchange data. TCP detects packet loss and performs
retransmissions to ensure reliable messaging. Monitoring packet loss is a
fundamental best practice for network performance.

Network congestion, hardware capacity, bottlenecks and overloaded devices can

all be symptoms of an over reliance on SPAN ports for network monitoring. SPAN
is commonly known to drop packets if a port is oversubscribed. The issue arises
when the total amount of traffic aggregated from the source ports exceeds the
physical limitations of the destination port, it results in some dropped packets on
the destination port.

This does not cause any switch performance degradation, disruption or traffic flow
on the source ports. The only affected port is the destination port, and it drops
packets on a first in first out (FIFO) basis once the egress buffer limit is exceeded.
• Monitoring tools may miss packets due to SPAN port oversubscription.
• SPAN will not pass corrupt packets or errors (bad packets), these are dropped. | TAP vs SPAN 10

Do SPAN ports alter or duplicate packets?
Yes. Duplicate packets are commonly seen when packets are traversing multiple
switches or routers and are copying traffic to the SPAN/mirror port.

You can SPAN packets in or out of a switch port, but typically most applications
require a copy of both sides. SPANs are known to result in trace files with
duplicated packets when the SPAN port is set up to capture both ingress and
egress traffic flows. This common problem when both the ingress and egress
ports are spanned, end up sending duplicate packets to the monitoring tool, which
becomes a whack-a-mole type headache.
• SPAN can change the timing of the frame interactions, altering response times
• The timestamps are can read different but the packet contents are the same
• Can duplicate packets if multiple VLANs are used

Is a SPAN port scalable technology?

No. When we had only 10Mbps links and a robust switch, one could almost
guarantee they could see every packet going through the switch, except for
bad frames. With 10Mbps fully loaded at around 50% to 60% of the maximum
bandwidth, the switch backplane could easily replicate every good frame. Even
with 100Mbps one could be somewhat successful at acquiring all the good frames
for analysis and monitoring and if a frame or two here and there were lost, it was
no big problem.

This has all changed with 1, 10, 40 and 100 Gigabit technologies starting with the
fact that maximum bandwidth is now twice the base bandwidth – so a Full Duplex
(FDX) Gigabit link is now 2 Gigabits of data and a 10 Gigabit FDX link is now 20
Gigabits of potential data flows.

No switch or router can handle replicating/mirroring all of that data, plus handling
its primary job of switching and routing. It is difficult if not impossible to pass
all frames (good and bad ones), including FDX traffic at full time rate with the
interframe gap, in real time at non-blocking speeds. All of this, on say 16 ports, is a
whole lot of data to go through one port. Furthermore, to this FDX need we must
also consider the VLAN complexity and finding the origin of a problem once the
frames have been analyzed and a problem detected.

Is RSPAN (remote SPAN) a viable access technology?

No. Especially if the packets are passed over the WAN as it will gobble up all
your bandwidth passing frames back to your local switch that have already
passed through the network. RSPAN is not considered an acceptable nor viable
visualization access method. | TAP vs SPAN 11

Many monitoring products can and do successfully use SPAN as an access technology. These monitoring products
are looking for low bandwidth application layer events like “conversation or connection analysis,” “application
flows,” and applications where real time and knowing real delta times are not important.

These monitoring requirements utilize a small amount of bandwidth and grooming does not affect the quality
of the reports and statistics. The reason for their success is that they keep within the parameters and capability
of the SPAN ports, and they do not need every frame for their successful reporting and analysis. In other words,
SPAN port is a usable technology if used correctly and the companies that use mirroring or SPAN are using it in a
well-managed and tested methodology.

SPAN could also be used in a remote location that doesn’t justify a permanent deployment, offering temporary
access for troubleshooting. After all, SPAN ports were not intended for long-term use.

Network TAPs can enhance SPAN deployment
Yes, network TAPs provide 100% visibility to your network monitoring and security tools, but as SPAN is still being
used, there are many TAP use cases that can enhance your current SPAN deployment. There are many situations
when there are not enough SPAN/mirrored ports available on a router or switch to allow access to all of the
monitoring tools that need to see the traffic of the link. Introducing a Regeneration/SPAN Mode TAP provides a way
to distribute a link’s traffic to up to multiple network tools.

SPAN Regeneration: Garland’s network TAPs have SPAN or regeneration mode, which allows you to take one
SPAN link and copy the same traffic to multiple tools (1:3, 1:5).

SPAN Aggregation: Another good best practice to follow if SPAN port usage is required, Aggregator TAPs allow
you to take those SPAN and consolidate them into just one or two links (2:1, 8:1, 22:1) . This optimizes and reduces
network complexity.

SPAN Data Diodes: Garland’s Data Diode TAPs are designed to secure SPAN links, ensuring no bidirectional traffic
is sent to monitoring tools.

Diagram 4: SPAN regeneration mode for network TAPs Diagram 5: SPAN aggregation with network TAPs | TAP vs SPAN 12


In a test conducted by Packet Pioneer, Chris Greer set out to see the difference between a data stream captured
on a network TAP versus a SPAN port.

The test connected two PCs to a basic Cisco Catalyst Switch at 100Mbps. A throughput test using iPerf was
configured and run between the two machines. On one of the PCs, he placed a 100Mbps TAP, and a hardware
analyzer to capture. Lastly, he configured a SPAN on the switch to forward all traffic to and from this port to
another hardware analyzer.

The throughput test finished with a result of 93.1Mbps sustained for 10 seconds between the two PCs.

TAP vs SPAN Packets captured Delta Time at TCP Setup

TAP Capture Results 133,126 243uSec

SPAN Capture Results 125,221 221 uSec

The SPAN data capture showed almost 8,000 packets missing from the trace. This represents almost 8% of the
total packets that were captured by the analyzer from the network TAP. We should also point out that this was on
a 100Mbps interface, not a Gigabit interface, and there were no errored frames. The switch bus was not in a near
overloaded state.

Also, the difference in the timing between the TCP SYN and SYN ACK in the two traces shows us that the switch
is not treating both the SPAN and Destination ports the same. In fact, it was forwarding traffic to the SPAN port
faster than the true destination. While the difference is only 21 uSec, it shows that the switch is affected when
SPAN is enabled. It is not as seamless as it would appear, and this delay was under no load test. With the switch
loaded with traffic, the losses and timing will show greater differential and also dropped packets.

Considering the results of their test, Chris Greer, a network analyst at Packet Pioneer, said, “I am now a full believer
in using a real [network] TAP whenever possible, especially when timing and total view of the data is important!” | TAP vs SPAN 13


• Provides 100% full duplex copies of network traffic, • Provides access to packets for monitoring
ensuring no dropped packets for monitoring • SPAN traffic is the lowest priority on the switch
• TAPs are passive or failsafe, ensuring no single point • Switch will drop SPAN packets if heavily utilized
of failure (SPOF) or oversubscribed
• TAPs do not alter the time relationships of frames, • Corrupt packets and low layer errors can be
spacing and response times, which is especially dropped out by a switch/SPAN
important with VoIP and Triple Play analysis • SPAN can duplicate packets if multiple VLANs
including FDX analysis are used
• TAPs do not introduce any additional jitter or • Using SPAN/Mirror ports can change the timing
distortion which is important in VoIP / Video analysis of the frame interactions, altering response times
• VLAN tags are not passed through the SPAN port so • SPAN is not legally compliant for lawful
this can lead to false issues detected and difficulty intercept cases
in finding VLAN issues • SPAN ports can easily be incorrectly configured
• TAPs pass all traffic: IPv4 or IPv6, error packets, impacting network performance, and even
short or large frames, bad CRC frames, interframe cause outages
gap is not dropped nor altered, packets are not • Bidirectional traffic opens back flow of traffic
dropped regardless of the bandwidth into the network, making switch susceptible
• TAPs are fault tolerant to hacking
• TAPs are secure, do not have an IP address or MAC • SPAN retention. SPAN ports are limited in
address, and cannot be hacked number compared to how many are needed for
• CALEA (Commission on Accreditation for Law monitoring and can be costly as available ports
Enforcement Agencies) approved for lawful come at a premium
intercept, providing forensically sound data, • Admin/programming costs for SPAN can get
ensuring 100% accurate data captured with progressively more time intensive and costly
time reference
• Simple, plug and play. TAPs typically have little
setup or command line issues, data is assured and
saves users setup time
• TAPs are timeless - They never need to download or
be upgraded, they do not have access to anything
except the LAN they are monitoring
• Scaleable for traffic optimization, can regenerate
one link to multiple or aggregate multiple links
down to one | TAP vs SPAN 14

Spanning (mirroring) technology is still viable for some limited situations.
But as IT teams are now migrating from 10Mb to Gigabit, to 40 and 100
Gigabit networks, along with the demands of seeing all frames for data
security and policy compliance, deep packet capture and Lawful Intercept,
they must consider the use of real access TAP technology to fulfill the
demands of today’s complex analysis and monitoring technologies.

Creating a foundation of visibility is key for network management. Once

deployed, a network TAP allows you to access that point in your network
at any time. Many organizations have adopted the best practice of tapping
all critical links for easy access during troubleshooting or inevitable
security breaches.

Setting Yourself Up for Visualization Success

Looking to add TAP visibility to your deployment, but not sure where to
start? Join us for a brief network Design-IT consultation or demo.
No obligation - it’s what we love to do.

For more info, please visit:

Contributions from Tim O’Neill OLDCOMMGUYTM and Chris Greer

1 - Port Mirroring and SPAN (Riverbed) |


2 - Cisco |

3 - EMA [Enterprise Management Associates] |

©2021 Garland Technology LLC. All Rights Reserved | TAP vs SPAN 15

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