Prasalnik EN
Prasalnik EN
Prasalnik EN
Dear Hristo,
After numerous attempts and updating the DICOM software, I was now able to examine the MR images
of MISHEVSKA-PERCHINKOVA SNEZANA. The pathology of the spine is pronounced after all:
- pronounced left convex rotational scoliosis of the lumbar spine (parietal vertebra L2)
- Z.n.OP L5/S1 with floor plate impression L5 and absolute discal neuroforamen stenosis on the left,
compression of the nerve root L5 on the left
- Protrusions L1 - L5
- Facet arthroses L2/3 right, L3/4 on both sides, L4/5 on the left
I have enclosed a pain questionnaire (in German), please have Prof. Perchinkova fill it out and return it to
me. This is the best way for me to make a treatment decision.
Best regards
Teks od prasalnik:
Pain questionnaire
3. Gender ◻︎m ◻︎w Height (cm): _____ Body weight (kg): ____
8. Are you in ongoing proceedings (rehabilitation benefit, pension application, disability pension,
compensation)? ◻︎yes ◻︎no
12. Please describe your pain and the current situation in short words:
Is there a specific trigger or cause? When did the pain first appear? In what situation does it appear?
◻︎other:................................................. .............................................
................................................ .....
◻︎no ◻︎yes: ◻︎in the morning ◻︎during the day ◻︎in the evening ◻︎at night
................................................ ..........................................
21. How can you have a beneficial effect on your pain? (sleeping, lying down, going for a walk,
distraction, changing posture or position)
24. List all operations, indicate the approximate time and side operated on:
1. ................................................ .............................................
2. ................................................ .............................................
3. ................................................ .............................................
25. Please indicate all medications and dosages that you are currently taking (blood pressure, blood
sugar, hormones, dietary supplements, blood thinners,...):
◻︎................................................ ..........................................
◻︎................................................ ..........................................
◻︎................................................ ..........................................
◻︎................................................ ..........................................
◻︎................................................ ..........................................
◻︎................................................ ..........................................
◻︎................................................ ..........................................
◻︎................................................ ..........................................
◻︎................................................ ..........................................
b) Diseases of the nervous system, brain and spinal cord ◻︎yes ◻︎no
◻︎yes ◻︎no
n) What else would you like to tell us? (expectations, goals, wishes, etc.)
................................................ ...................
I hereby confirm that all information is correct and am aware that incorrect information may affect the
effectiveness of the treatment.
................................................ .................................
Signature Date