Agricultural Credit
Agricultural Credit
Agricultural Credit
2.Purchase of Implements:
Credit is required by the farmers for the purchase water pumping
sets, tractors, threshers etc. the use of appropriate machinery in
land will increase production by growing more than one crop on
the same piece of land at the same time.
3. Better Management of Risk:
Credit enables the farmers to better to manage the risk of
uncertainties of price. they can borrow money during bad
years and pay back the loans during good years of crops.
I .Short-term Credit:
The short-term credit ranges upto one year. The farmers need
short-term credit for meeting the working capital requirements of
agriculture. For instance, they need short-term credit for the
purchase of seeds, fertilizers, pesticides, bullocks and other
casual expenses. The short-tenn credit is repaid after marketing
the produce of the next crop.
2.Medium-Term Credit:
Medium-term Credit extends from I to 5 years. The farmers
require medium-term credit for the purchase of cattle, purchase of
implements, improvement in water course. The loan is obtained
on the security of movable or irrunovable wealth of the farmers.
3. Loni=-Term Credit;
The duration of long-term credit exceeds 5 years. The farmers
need long-tenn credit for making improvement of permanent
nature in land such as sinking of tube wells, purchase of
machinery and implements etc.
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t- Taccavi Loans:
Taccavi loans are handled by the Provincial Revenue
Department. Necessary funds are allocated for different areas
each year in the provincial budgets. The Taccavi loans are
primarily given to the farmers for meeting emergencies such as
flood, earthquake, famine etc. the farmers take these advances
in the spirit of gift or relief given in calamity and are not serious
in repaying them.
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The shortage of rural credit both in quantitative and qualitative
terms continues to be a limiting factor in the modernization and
growth of production in agriculture. The major problems which are
being met by the farmers in the receipts of agricultural credit from
the institutional sources are summarized below:
I.Less Flow of Credit to Small Farmers;
There are millions ofsmaU farmers throughout the country. The
gain has reached more to the big landlords. It is therefore, an
urgent need that the credit should reach the small farmers who are
the backbone of agricultural industry.
2.compllcated Procedure for Advancing Loans;
the procedure for advancing loans by institutional sources is quite
complicated. The loans are advanced to the farmers on the basis of
pass books which contain the details of land owned by the fanners.
The procedure is quite complicated.
3. Delay in the disbursement of Credit:
the procedure involved for advancing loans to the fanners is
cumbersome. Who-so-ever succeeds in completing the
documents is entitled to receive loans. It has been observed that
the disbursement of credit is delayed even after it has been
approved. It is a serious problem which the fanners are facing
these days.
4. High Interest Rate:
The interest charted by the various institutions on fann credit is
high. The low income fanners can not bear it. As regards the
interest-free loans, they are not reaching the small deserving
5. Amount of bad debts is increasing:
The loans advanced particularly to the big landlords are not
being repaid to the institutions. Since the big landlords have
political influence, they, therefore, manage to get them written
• The credit agencies mostly do not take the risk of advancing
loans to the farmers because heavy rains and droughts etc can
destroy the crops and thus the repayment of loans may become
difficult for the farmers.
• The villagers do not know how to keep the records of the loans
which is a necessary element of proper credit analysis.
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The following measures if taken can solve the problem of the tlow
of agriculture credit to the needy farmers: