Prehistoric Art
Prehistoric Art
Prehistoric Art
Stone Age Lascaux, Venus of Willendorf, lions watching prey (Chauvet Cave), Lascaux Cave
Prehistoric Art
Mesolithic Painting, Stonehenge
4,000 B.C.) Bronze Age Cave painting, fertility goddesses, megalithic structures
Iron Age
Mesopotamian Standard of Ur, Gate of Ishtar, Stele of Hammurabi’s Code
Egyptian Imhotep, Step Pyramid, Great Pyramids, The Nefertiti Bust, The Mask of
Greek and Parthenon, Myron, Phidias, Polykleitos, Praxiteles, The Euphiletos Painter
Ancient Art
Hellenistic Panathenaic prize amphora, The Parthenon on the Athenian Acropolis, Statuette
(4,000 B.C.–
A.D. 400) of a draped woman
Roman Augustus of Prima porta, Colosseum, Trajan’s Column, Pantheon, Sarcophagus
with Apollo, Minerva and the Muses
Indian, Chinese, Gu Kaizhi, Li Cheng, Guo Xi, Hokusai, Hiroshige
and Japanese
Byzantine and Islamic (a.d. 476– Hagia Sophia, Andrei Rublev, Mosque of Córdoba, the Alhambra, St Mark's
a.d.1453) Basilica in Venice
Middle Ages (500–1400) St. Sernin, Durham Cathedral, Notre Dame, Chartres, Cimabue,
Duccio, Giotto, The Cross of Mathilde, Church of Maria Laach
Renaissance (1400–1550) (Raffaello Sanzio) The School of Athens, Pietà, David, Mona Lisa, The Last
Judgment (Michelangelo), Portrait of Jane Seymour, Queen of England
Mannerism (1527–1580) In Parmigianino's Madonna with the Long Neck, Laocoön and His Sons, Apollo
Victorious over the Python, Perseus and Andromeda, (Giorgio Vasari) The Holy
Baroque (1600–1750) (Caravaggio) The Calling of Saint Matthew, Ecstasy of Saint Teresa, The Night
Watch (Rembrandt), Chair of Saint Peter, Apollo and Daphne (Bernini)
Rococo (1699–1780) The Embarkation for Cythera (Antoine Watteau), The Swing (Fragonard), The
Triumph of Venus, Diana after the Hunt, The Entrance to the Grand Canal
Neoclassical (1750–1850) The Death of Marat (Louis David), The Valpinçon Bather (Dominique Ingres),
Venus Victrix (Canova), Theseus and the Minotaur, The Death of Socrates
Romanticism (1780–1850) Liberty Leading the People (Eugène Delacroix), Wanderer above the Sea of Fog
(David Friedrich), The Morning (Otto Runge), The Lady of Shalott (William
Waterhouse), Grand Staircase of the Paris Opera
Realism (1848–1900) Woodcutting, miniature from a set of Labours of the Months, The Butcher's Shop,
The Farmers' Lunch (Diego Velázquez), (William Scott) Iron and Coal, Women
Working on Pillow Lace (Ceruti), (Jean-François Millet) The Gleaners
Impressionism (1865–1885) Impression, Sunrise (Claude Monet), Luncheon of the Boating Party (Renoir),
Woman with a Parasol - Madame Monet and Her Son, The Artist's Garden at
Giverny; Boulevard Montmartre. Afternoon, sunny (Camille Pissarro)
Post-Impressionism (1885–1910) A Sunday on the Island of La Grande Jatte (George Seurat), The Starry Night, Café
Terrace at Night (Vincent van Gogh), Vision After the Sermon (Paul Gauguin), The
Card Players (Paul Cézanne)
Fauvism and Expressionism Woman With a Hat (Henri Matisse), The Dance of Life (Edvard Munch), Lady in a
(1900–1935) Green Jacket (August Macke), Fighting Forms (Franz Marc)
Cubism, Futurism (1905–1920) Violin and Palette (Georges Braque), Girl with a Mandolin (Fanny Tellier),
Portrait of Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler, Weeping Woman (Pablo Picasso)
Surrealism (1916–1950) The Son of Man (René Magritte), The Persistence of Memory, Metamorphosis of
Narcissus, Ballerina in a Death's Head (Salvador Dalí)
Abstract Expressionism (1940s– Post–World War II: pure abstraction and expression
1950s) and Pop Art (1960s) without form; popular art absorbs consumerism
Postmodernism and Exhaling Pearls (Joseph Havel )Art without a center and reworking and mixing
Deconstructivism (1970–present) past styles
Paleolithic era Cave painting, fertility goddesses, Lascaux Cave Painting, Woman of
Stone Age megalithic structures Willendorf, Stonehenge
Prehistoric Art
4,000 B.C.) Bronze Age
Iron Age
Mesopotamian Warrior art and narration in stone Standard of Ur, Gate of Ishtar, Stele of
relief Hammurabi’s Code
Egyptian Art with an afterlife focus: Imhotep, Step Pyramid, Great Pyramids,
pyramids and tomb painting Bust of Nefertiti
Ancient Art Greek and Greek idealism: balance, perfect Parthenon, Myron, Phidias, Polykleitos,
(4,000 B.C.– Hellenistic proportions; architectural Praxiteles
A.D. 400) orders(Doric, Ionic, Corinthian)
Roman Roman realism: practical and down Augustus of Primaporta, Colosseum,
to earth; the arch Trajan’s Column, Pantheon
Indian, Chinese, Serene, meditative art, and Arts of Gu Kaizhi, Li Cheng, Guo Xi, Hokusai,
and Japanese the Floating World Hiroshige
Byzantine and Islamic (a.d. 476– Heavenly Byzantine mosaics; Hagia Sophia, Andrei Rublev, Mosque of
a.d.1453) Islamic architecture and amazing Córdoba, the Alhambra
maze-like design
Middle Ages (500–1400) Celtic art, Carolingian Renaissance, St. Sernin, Durham Cathedral, Notre Dame,
Romanesque, Gothic Chartres, Cimabue,
Duccio, Giotto
Early and High Renaissance Rebirth of classical culture culture Ghiberti’s Doors, Brunelleschi,
(1400–1550) Donatello, Botticelli,
Leonardo, Michelangelo, Raphael
Venetian and Northern The Renaissance spreads north- Bellini, Giorgione, Titian, Dürer, Bruegel,
Renaissance (1430–1550) ward to France, the Low Bosch, Jan van
Countries, Poland, Germany, and Eyck, Rogier van der Weyden
Mannerism (1527–1580) Art that breaks the rules; artifice Tintoretto, El Greco, Pontormo, Bronzino,
over nature Cellini
Baroque (1600–1750) Splendor and flourish for God; art Reubens, Rembrandt, Caravaggio, Palace of
as a weapon in the religious wars Versailles
Neoclassical (1750–1850) Art that recaptures Greco-Roman David, Ingres, Greuze, Canova
grace and grandeur
Romanticism (1780–1850) The triumph of imagination and Caspar Friedrich, Gericault, Delacroix,
individuality Turner, Benjamin West
Realism (1848–1900) Celebrating working class and Corot, Courbet, Daumier, Millet
peasants; en plein air rustic
Impressionism (1865–1885) Capturing fleeting effects of natural Monet, Manet, Renoir, Pissarro, Cassatt,
light Morisot, Degas
Post-Impressionism (1885–1910) A soft revolt against Impressionism Van Gogh, Gauguin, Cézanne, Seurat
Fauvism and Expressionism Harsh colors and flat surfaces Matisse, Kirchner, Kandinsky, Marc
(1900–1935) (Fauvism); emotion distorting
Cubism, Futurism, Pre– and Post–World War 1 art Picasso, Braque, Leger, Boccioni, Severini,
Supremativism, Constructivism, experiments: new forms to express Malevich
De Stijl (1905–1920) modern life
Dada and Surrealism (1917–1950) Ridiculous art; painting dreams and Duchamp, Dalí, Ernst, Magritte, de Chirico,
exploring the unconscious Kahlo