Robotic Urology
Robotic Urology
Robotic Urology
Peter Wiklund
Robotic Urology
Third Edition
Robotic Urology
Hubert John • Peter Wiklund
Robotic Urology
Third edition
Hubert John Peter Wiklund
Department of Urology Department of Urology
Kantonsspital Winterthur Karolinska Institutet
Winterthur Stockholm
Switzerland Sweden
Surgery has been the mainstay of medical treatment for a large number of
diseases. Approximately 100 years ago, many patients undergoing pelvic or
abdominal surgery died from the intervention due to a lack of medical tech-
nology. It was only in the last four decades that we have achieved the highest
standard of surgical interventions through better delineation of the disease,
better selection of patients, and an enormous improvement in medical tech-
nology. The current third edition of Robotic Urology is a good example of
the rapid developments in surgical technology. Robotic urology is also an
excellent example: improving surgical results with less invasive and still
enabling interventions with the same or even better quality and reduced bur-
den for both the patients and the treating physicians. The origination of urol-
ogy on the other hand has been the invention of the Nitze cystoscope in
1879. Since then urology has always been at the forefront of minimalization
of interventions. It’s no wonder therefore that robot-assisted pelvic and ret-
roperitoneal surgery was initially adopted and further developed in urology.
We have seen, however, that robotic urology does not mean that the robot
takes over the entire work from the surgeon. The current versions are intel-
ligent assistance systems that do whatever the surgeon wants it to do. Despite
the best vision, highest precision and smooth movements of the hands, it is
still the urologic surgeon who will be responsible and instrumental for the
good outcome. A good robotic surgeon must be trained. Part of the training
involves traditional skills such as indication and timing of an intervention as
well as knowledge of the respective anatomy. A robotic surgeon must also
have a deep knowledge of the technology he or she is working with and
develop the power of imagination to use all the capabilities of intelligent
surgical assistance. The current book is a perfect reference manual for both
newcomers and experienced surgeons starting or perfecting robotic
Hubert John and Peter Wiklund on the Rotspitz, 2517 meters above sea level in the Swiss
Alps deciding to start the 3th edition of “Robotic Urology”
x Preface
Part II Kidney
xii Contents
Part IV Pelvis
Part V Bladder
Part VI Prostate
Part IX Complications
Index�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 571
Part I
General Robotic Aspects
New Robotic Platforms
Jens J. Rassweiler, Ali Serdar Goezen, Jan Klein,
and Evangelos Liatsikos
US20120265176A1 Braun M Surgical instrument with Tuebingen scientific 18.10.2012 18.10.2032 7DOF-instruments
elastically movable for TELELAP
instrument head ALF-X
US20130204271A1 Brisson G, Mohr Systems and methods for Intuitive Surgical 31.01.2013 31.01.2033 Control system of Da
PW, Nixon TR controlling a robotic Vinci XI
surgical system
US20150150636A1 Hagn, U, Passig G, Minimally invasive German Center for air 09.05.2012 09.05.2032 Basis for EINSTEIN
Lantermann S, instrument for robotic and space (DLR) (Patents from
New Robotic Platforms
US20130197697A1 Schaible U, Brocilo Force feedback system Titan Medical 25.10.2012 25.0.2032 Optional for further
D, Harmen J Titan Medical
US20150018841A1 Seo KH Surgical robot system and Samsung Electronics 27.03.2014 27.03.2034 Control unit (master)
control method thereof as basis for Kyung
Hee SR1 and single
New Robotic Platforms
port system
US20150366625A1 Tognaccini ME, Medical robotic system Intuitive Surgical 24.06.2015 24.06.2035 SP-system for Da
Gomez DH, Diolaiti providing an auxiliary view Vinci XI for LESS
N, Mustafa T, Mitra including range of motion
P, Liligan PE limitations for articulatable
instruments extending out
of a distal end of an entry
WO2016057989A2 Jay W, Penny MP Electromechanical surgical Transenterix 12.10.2015 12.10.2035 Basis of Surgibot
Table 1.2 Historical development of surgical robots for laparoscopy. Apart from ARTEMIS all used clinically (modified from Rassweiler et al. 2017)
Degree of freedom
Device and patents Telescope Console Robotic arms Force-feedback (DOF) Milestones
ARTEMIS (Nuclear 3D–CCD-technology 3D monitor with 2 cable actuated No 7 DOF 1996 first robotic device used
Research Centre controlled by camera- polarized glasses 3 robotic arms plus in experimental surgical
Karlsruhe, Germany) arm (joy-stick) joy-sticks with armrest camera-arm (FIPS) models. Designed for
mounted to OR-table abdominal and cardiac
ZEUS (Computer Motion 2D/3D–CCD- 2D/3D monitor with 2 motorized robotic No 4 DOF First coronary by-pass
aquired by Intuitive technology (voice polarized glasses or arms plus the voice surgery in 1999 including
Surgical) control) helmet and controlled camera arm harvesting of the left internal
microphone (AESOP) mounted to thoracic artery
2 handles (like OR-table 1999 first experimental
chop-sticks) robot-assisted pyeloplasty
2001 transcontinental
2004 use abandoned
(Computer Motion acquired
by Intuitive Surgical)
Da Vinci 2000 (Intuitive 3D–CCD-technology 3D–montor with 2 cable-driven robotic No 7 DOF 1998 first robot-assisted
Surgical) (manipulated by the mirror technology arms plus the camera cholecystectomy
two handles activated Two handles (loops) arm First coronary by-pass
by foot-pedal) with Endowrist- surgery in 1999 including
technology foot-pedals harvesting of the left internal
for focussing, clutch, thoracic artery
camera, monopolar First robot-assisted
cautery laparoscopic radical
prostatectomy in 2000
J.J. Rassweiler et al.
Da Vinci S (Intuitive 3D–CCD-technology 3D–montor with 2 cable-driven longer No 7 DOF Routine clinical use for
Surgical) (manipulated by the mirror technology robotic arms plus the robot-assisted radical
two handles activated Two handles (loops) camera arm, optional prostatectomy
by foot-pedal) with Endowrist- 4th arm for retraction
technology foot-pedals
for focussing, clutch,
camera, mono- and
bipolar cautery
New Robotic Platforms
Da Vinci SI (Intuitive 3D–HD-technology 3D–montor with 2 cable-driven longer No 7 DOF 2009 release of dual-console
Surgical) (manipulated by the mirror technology robotic arms plus the model da Vinci SI surgical
two handles activated Two handles (loops) camera arm, optional system
by foot-pedal) with 4th arm for retraction 2010 first use of VeSPA-
Endowrist-technology system for robotic single-port
Foot-pedals for surgery with only 4
focussing, clutch, DOF-instruments
camera, mono- and 2011 first use of infrared
bipolar cautery, fluorescence imaging using
finger-tip-switch for indocyanine green dye
individual clutching
Da Vinci XI (Intuitive 3D–HD-technology 3D–montor with 4 cable-driven thinner No 7 DOF 2014 used for robotic partial
Surgical) (manipulated by the mirror technology robotic arms with nephrectomy with improved
two handles activated Two handles (loops) additional joint each docking and minimal
by foot-pedal) with applicable as instrument clashing
Endowrist-technology camera-arm (8 mm) 2014 first clinical application
Foot-pedals for Laser crosshairs of SP-system for robotic
focussing, clutch, aligning the patient single-port radical
camera, mono- and cart with designated prostatectomy and partial
bipolar cautery, camera port nephrectomy
finger-tip-switch for In combination with 2016 introduction of
individual clutching Trumpf-medical 7DOF-instruments for the
OR-table no need to VeSPA-system for robotic
undock, when moving single-port surgery
the patients
Table 1.2 (continued)
Degree of freedom
Device and patents Telescope Console Robotic arms Force-feedback (DOF) Milestones
Da Vinci X (Intuitive 3D–HD-technology 3D–montor with 4 cable-driven thinner No 7 DOF 2ß17 CE-mark for this device
Surgical) (manipulated by the mirror technology robotic arms with mainly designed for hospitals
two handles activated Two handles (loops) additional joint each not focusing on general
by foot-pedal) with applicable as surgery
Endowrist-technology camera-arm (8 mm)
Foot-pedals for
focussing, clutch,
camera, mono- and
bipolar cautery,
finger-tip-switch for
individual clutching
TELELAP ALF-X/ 3D–HD-technology 3D–glasses and 3 cable actuated Yes 7 DOF (provided by 2015 experimental use for
SENHANCE (Sofar, Italy; (eye-tracking system) monotor with robotic arms plus Tuebingen robot-assisted nephrectomy
aquired by Transenterix, eye-tracking system telescope arm arranged scientific, Germany) 2016 first clinical application
US) special handles on 2 carts for robot-assisted
providing haptic hysterectomy based on
feedback CE-mark
renamed in SENHANCE
J.J. Rassweiler et al.
1 New Robotic Platforms 11
rests controlling instruments of two robotic arms experimental trials on robot-assisted pyeloplasty
by use of chop-stick-like handles [10]. The and clinical applications with pelvic lymph
robotic arms were mounted at the operating table node dissection [16, 17]. Following some legal
(Fig. 1.2) including the camera-arm AESOP, actions, the two companies announced in 2003,
which was controlled by the Surgeon’s voice that they were merging into one company [18].
[11]. Unfortunately, the instruments provided Consequently all further developments of ZEUS
only 4 degrees of freedom (DOF: jaw, pitch, (i.e. 7-DOF-instrumentation) and AESOP were
insertion, rotation). A 2-D or 3-D-videosystem stopped (Table 1.2).
(with head-mounted screens) was used for
visualization of the OR-field. The ZEUS-system
was initially developed for cardiovascular sur- Da Vinci Series
gery [10]. However, the most impressive demon-
stration of ZEUS represented the transatlantic a Vinci 2000
laparoscopic cholecystectomy (“Lindbergh- The da Vinci Surgical system (Intuitive Surgical,
procedure”) by Marescaux [12]. Although the Sunnyvale, United States) was based on studies
camera-arm AESOP found widespread applica- of SRI International (Menlo Park, USA), a non-
tion for laparoscopic urologic procedures [11, profit research institute, who developed a robotic
13–15], ZEUS was used rarely in Urology: in system for open surgery that caught interest of
the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency
(DARPA) due to its potential to operate remotely
a on soldiers wounded in the battlefield [19, 20]. In
1994, Frederic Moll became interested in the
SRI-system with the idea to use it for robot-
assisted laparoscopic surgery [21]. Even if some
of the previous patents regarding open tele-pres-
ence surgery date back to 1994 (i.e. 3D–mirror
technology), all principle patents for Da Vinci
2000 were registered in 1999 (Table 1.1).
Like ZEUS, the device was initially designed
for robot-assisted coronary artery surgery start-
ing clinically at the Heart Centre of Leipzig in
Germany after gaining CE-mark in 1999 [22]. At
b this time the tele-presence effect was much more
in the focus: When we visited the Heart Centre
early in the year 2000, the surgeon was sitting at
the console in a room next to the OR and all com-
mands were transmitted via a microphone. In
2000, Binder pioneered the first robot-assisted
radical prostatectomy in Frankfurt followed by
other European groups [23–26], here the console
was placed in the OR. In 2001, Menon et al.
achieved the breakthrough in urologic surgery
establishing a full-working clinical programme
Fig. 1.1 ARTEMIS. (a) First experimentally used device [27]. Subsequently, FDA approved the use of the
for laparoscopic telesurgery (Institute for Nuclear system for prostatic surgery.
Research Karlsruhe, Germany). In vitro-study of bedside
master-slave system using one robotic arm. (b) Finally
Already da Vinci 2000 addressed most ergo-
design of the robot with an open console, two manipula- nomic problems of classical laparoscopy suffi-
tors and 3D–videosystem ciently, such as limited depth perception,
12 J.J. Rassweiler et al.
b c
Fig. 1.2 ZEUS. Surgical device with voice-controlled system. (b) Three armes: voice-controlled camera-arm
camera-arm and two further robotic arms mounted on AESOP and two manipulators attached at the OR-table.
OR-table with laparoscopic instruments providing 4 DOF (c) Open console with off-line view and chop-stick-like
(Computer Motion, United States). (a) Overview of the handles to manipulate the 4-DOF-instruments
eye-hand coordination, and range of motion At the tip of the instruments, a cable driven
by introducing the Endo-wrist™-technology mechanical wrist (Endo-wrist™-technology)
(Fig. 1.3). Da Vinci provided a closed console adds three more DOF (including rotation) and
offering a 3D–CCD-video-system with in-line one motion for tool actuation (i.e. grip).
view. The cable-driven instruments with up to However, initially, the device had some limita-
seven DOF and loop-like handles enabled an tions: There were no bipolar instruments and the
ergonomic working position due to the clutch- range of motion of the robotic arms was reduced
mechanism [1, 28]. These slave manipulators providing only a three-arm-systems (Fig. 1.4).
(i.e. surgical arms) provide three degrees of free- In 2015 Intuitive Surgical abandoned the pro-
dom (i.e. pitch, jaw, insertion). The last elements duction and technical support of the first genera-
are the surgical instruments (i.e. end-effector): tion [6].
1 New Robotic Platforms 13
a b
c d
Fig. 1.3 Da Vinci 2000—first solution of ergonomic CCD-camera with mirror-technology providing in-line-
problems at console. (a) Master-Slave device with closed view on manipulators. (d) Foot-pedals for camera control,
console for surgeon (Intuitive Surgical, United States). (b) clutch, focussing of the lens, and mono-polar coagulation
Armrests and two loop-like handles for manipulation of (initially no bipolar instruments available)
7-DOF-instruments (Endowrist™-technology). (c) 3D–
a Vinci S
D were registered in 2007, technical support for Da
Da Vinci S introduced clinically in 2006 provided Vinci S will end in December 2017 (Table 1.2).
better range of motion, longer robotic arms and
optional an HD-video-system respectively fourth a Vinci SI
arm together with implementation of bipolar In 2009, the SI-system was launched offering
energy devices (Fig. 1.5). This allowed perform- integrated HD-videotechnology, finger-based
ing further procedures like robotic bladder diver- clutch-mechanism and isocyanine-green fluores-
ticulectomy [29] or even trans-axillary robotic cence (Firefly™-technology) [5, 31, 32]. The Da
thyroid surgery [30]. Although relevant patents Vinci Si dual console allows two surgeons to col-
14 J.J. Rassweiler et al.
a b
c d
Fig. 1.4 Da Vinci 2000—ergonomic problems for assis- arrows = Da Vinci-trocars). (c) Arrangement of two assis-
tant at OR-table. (a) Arrangement of robot cart and con- tants at the bedside, one has to use bipolar forceps. (d)
sole for cardiac surgery. (b) Trocar placement for Endoscopic view during apex dissection of prostate: two
robot-assisted laparoscopic radical prostatectomy (yellow robotic instruments assisted by the bipolar forceps
laborate during surgery representing an ideal and rectal robot-assisted laparoscopic surgery,
training platform (Fig. 1.6). Although proposed and might be also helpful during a partial
already in 2000 by Autschbach [33], it was real- nephrectomy. The robotic arms are finer to
ized clinically with introduction of Da Vinci SI minimize instrument clashing and the OR-table
(Table 1.2). Additionally, SI-system enabled the can be moved while the robotic arms are con-
use of VeSPA-system for robotic single-sport sur- nected. Additionally, the system can provide a
gery, however offering only 4 DOF-instruments feature in combination with a specific OR-table
[5, 34]. (Trumpf-Medical, Germany), which enables to
move the table without the need to undock the
a Vinci XI
D arms [6]. This is very important for abdominal
In 2014, Intuitive Surgical launched the Da surgery requiring dissection in different quad-
Vinci XI-system (Fig. 1.7) enabling the 8 mm- rants (ie. colon-surgery, Whipple-procedure).
3D-HD-camera to be chosen liberally at all The design of the console is the same as for the
four ports. This feature is important for colonic SI-version (Fig. 1.6), but now it includes
1 New Robotic Platforms 15
a b
c d
Fig. 1.5 Da Vinci S—next step of robotic evolution. (a) range of motion. (c) Better working ergonomics for the
Unchanged basic console design, but with integrated assisting surgeon(s) due to wider range of motion of
bipolar foot pedal, optionally HD-camera and fourth arm- robotic arms. (d) A variety of 7-DOF-instruments with
pedal). (b) New robotic arms (three or four) with wider monopolar and bipolar functions
always the Firefly™-option. The Da Vinci XI Vinci X takes the thinner, more capable arms and
also provides the use of the new robotic SP instruments of the Xi and moves them onto a cart
1098-platform for 7-DOF-robotic single- like the Si model. That means the system sacri-
port-surgery [35]. Intuitive continues introduc- fices some of the versatility of the higher-end
ing technological advancement such as model, like the ability to perform procedures in
7-DOF-stapling devices or 7-DOF-intruments several parts of the body at once, but that’s the
for their VeSPa-single-port system. trade-off for the lower price. Thus, the main pur-
pose for introduction of this device is to reduce
a Vinci X
D the costs for those Hospitals, where General
Recently, the company introduced the X-system, Surgery does not play an important role with
which provides almost all features of the XI, respect to robotics, because it seems to be very
except the table-motion without the need to useful for urologic and gynaecologic applica-
undock, only access to two quadrants. The rest of tions. Intuitive Surgical has now received a CE
the features and all instruments can be used. The mark for the da Vinci X, which promotes its use
new da Vinci X is designed to slip in between the in Europe (Table 1.2). Before it can be rolled out
SI and the XI-model, which is still the top of the in the US though, it will need to undergo FDA
line when it comes to surgery robots. The da approval [36].
16 J.J. Rassweiler et al.
a b
c d
Fig. 1.6 Da Vinci SI—optimizing the design for urologic enabling visualization of renal artery. (c) Simulator train-
indications and robotic training. (a) New design of the ing system applicable with the Da Vinci SI-system. (d)
console with clutch-mechanism also by finger tips— VeSPA-system for single-port surgery with crossover pro-
optional as double console. (b) 3D–HD-camera providing gramming of the handles, but only applicable for
fluorescence filter for isocyanine green (Firefly™) 5-DOF-instruments
a b
Fig. 1.7 Da Vinci XI—optimizing the design for inter- movement of OR-table without undocking the robot. The
disciplinary indications. (a) Finer design of robotic arms software works only with a specific OR-table (Trumpf-
to minimize the risk of clashing of instruments with vari- Medical, Germany). (d) Console enables control of the
able use of all four robotic arms (camera, instruments). new robotic SP 1098-platform for 7-DOF-robot-assisted
(b) Use of 7-DOF-endoscopic staplers can be used with single-port-surgery
the device. (c) Optional module of a software enabling
1 New Robotic Platforms 17
c d
a b
c d
Fig. 1.8 TELELAP ALF X (Transenterix, US). (a) principle (Tuebingen Scientific, Germany). (d)
Robotic arms mounted on 3 individual carts. (b) Console Laparoscopic handles to control instruments with 4–7
with 3D–Monitor requiring polarizing glasses with eye- degrees of freedom
tracking. (c) 7-DOF-instruments based on Radius-