DAE 223 Agricultural Process Engineering II
DAE 223 Agricultural Process Engineering II
DAE 223 Agricultural Process Engineering II
DAE 223
This course provides knowledge on cleaning, grading, sorting, size reduction,
parboiling, milling of cereals and pulses, oilseed processing to minimize post
harvest losses to enable the students to acquire skills and to understand the various
processing operations.
Lecture Outlines
Lecture Topic Reference
Unit 1
1 Cleaning and grading – definition; screening; types of 2,3
screens; particle motion; screen openings; ideal and actual
screen; effectiveness of screen.
2 Size reduction – principles; laws; procedures and fineness 3
modulus; Crushers – jaw crusher; gyratory crusher; crushing
rolls; grinders; attrition mills; hammer mills; ball mills;
cutting machines.
Unit 2
3 Rice milling – definition; terminology related to rice; rice 1,3,4
processing; modern rice milling process flowchart; layout of
modern rice mill.
4 Rice milling equipment- types of cleaners, destoner and 1,3,4
Unit 3
5 Rice milling – Types of whiteners-Abrasive and frictional. 1,3,4
6 Types of graders- paddy separator (Satake type) and colour 1,3,4
Unit 4
7 Parboiling of paddy – Introduction; advantages; 1,3,4
disadvantages; process variables; physico-chemical changes
during parboiling, traditional parboiling methods.
8 Modern paddy parboiling methods-CFTRI, Jadavpur and 1,3,4
pressure parboiling.
Unit 5
9 Wheat milling – introduction, unit operations (cleaning, 4
conditioning/tempering, grinding/milling and blending)-
Components of wheat mill.
10 Maize shelling-Introduction, shelling, types of shellers 4
(spring type and cylinder type), dehusker cum sheller.
Unit 6
11 Milling of pulses – introduction; important unit operations in 3,4
pulse milling; cleaning; conditioning; dehusking, splitting,
polishing and grading.
12 Flow charts of wet milling and dry milling of red gram, 3,4
traditional milling of Bengal gram – Mini-dal mill –
Problems of pulse milling in industry – Factors affecting
pulse milling outturn.
Unit 7
13 Oilseed processing – importance; various post-harvest 3,4
operations of oil seeds; handling; drying, grading and
14 Pre-treatments–cleaning; dehusking; size reduction and 3,4
flaking; heat treatment.
Unit 8
15 Processing of oilseeds – mechanical expression devices – 3,4,5
hydraulic press and screw press.
16 Groundnut oil seed processing – stripping, grading, drying– 3,4,5
decortications principle, separation of kernels from shells.
1 Determination of shelling efficiency of groundnut thresher
2 Performance evaluation of power thresher;
3 Determination of shelling efficiency of sunflower thresher
4 Determination of shelling efficiency of castor sheller
5 Determination of winnowing efficiency of winnower
6 Performance evaluation of rubber roll sheller
7 Visit to modern rice mill
8 Determination of oil content of rice bran
9 Visit to rice bran oil extraction plant
10 Determination of bulk density and porosity of grains
11 Measurement of physical properties of wheat
12 Measurement of physical properties of redgram
13 Determination of drying rate of grains
14 Performance evaluation of maize sheller
15 Performance evaluation of groundnut decorticator
16 Practical examination
12. Flow charts of wet milling and dry milling of red gram, 71-75
traditional milling of Bengal gram – Mini-dal mill – Problems of
pulse milling in industry – Factors affecting pulse milling
13. Oilseed processing – importance; various post-harvest operations 76-78
of oil seeds; handling; drying, grading and storage.
14. Pre-treatments–cleaning; dehusking; size reduction and flaking; 79-81
heat treatment.
15. Processing of oilseeds – mechanical expression devices – 82-84
hydraulic press and screw press.
16. Groundnut oil seed processing – stripping, grading, drying– 85-92
decortications principle, separation of kernels from shells.
Cleaning and grading – definition; screening; types of screens; particle motion;
screen openings; ideal and actual screen; effectiveness of screen.
Cleaning and grading are the first and most important post-harvest operation undertaken to
remove foreign and undesirable material from the threshed crops/ grains and to separate
the grains into various fractions. The comparative commercial value of agricultural
products is dependent on their grade factor. These grade factors further depend upon
1. Physical characteristics like size, shape, moisture content, colour, etc.,
2. Chemical characteristics like odour, free fatty acids content and
3. Biological factors like germination, insect damage.
Cleaning in agricultural processing generally means the removal of foreign and
undesirable matters from the desired grains/ products. This may be accomplished by
washing, screening, hand picking etc.
Grading refers to the classification of cleaned products into various quality fractions
depending on the various commercial values and other usage.
Sorting refers to separation of cleaned product into various quality fractions that may be
defined on the basis of size, shape, density, texture and colour.
Scalping refers to the removal few large particles in an initial process.
Screening is a method of separating grain/seed into two or more fractions according to size
alone. For cleaning and separation of seeds, the most widely used device is screen. When
solid particles are dropped over a screen, the particles smaller than the size of screen
openings pass through it, whereas large particles are retained over the screen or sieve.
When the feed is passed through a set of different sizes of sieves, it is separated into
different fractions according to the size of openings of sieves. The screens are generally
suspended by hangers, and when this unit is oscillated by an eccentric unit they have a
horizontal oscillating motion and at the same time a smaller vertical motion. These two
motions cause grain to travel downward to the screen and at the same time the grains are
thoroughly stirred during the passage.
1.2.1 Screen motions
The purposes of screen motion are
1. To spread the material over the surface of screen
2. To cause the fine particles to settle at the sub-surface.
3. To discharge the oversize particles.
1.2.2 Screen fractions
The material which is retained over the screen surface is called oversize or plus material,
while the material which passes through the screen is the undersize or minus material. The
material which passes through a screen and retained over the subsequent screen is the
intermediate material.
1.2.3 Mesh and Space cloth
The wire mesh is usually specified by ‘mesh’ which is the number of openings per linear
inch, counted from the centre of any wire to appoint exactly 1 inch distant, or by an
openings specified in inches or millimeters, which is clear opening or space between the
wires. When the openings are limited to 2 or more in an inch it is called a mesh, whereas
in space cloth the openings are i/2 inch or more than ½ inch.
1.2.4 Aperture
It is the minimum clear space between the edges of the openings in the screening surface
and is generally specified in inches or millimetres.
The open area of square mesh wire cloth may be determined by the following equation
P =(𝑂+𝐷)2˟100 = (OM)2 ˟ 100
P= open area, %
O=size of opening
D=wire diameter
In most screens the grain/seed drops through the screen opening by gravity. Coarse grains
drop quickly and easily through large opening in a stationary surface. With finer particles,
the screening must be agitated in some way. The common ways are,
1. Revolving a cylindrical screen about a horizontal axis and
2. Shaking, gyration or vibrating the flat screen
a) Grizzly
The grizzly is used for coarsest and rough separations. The grizzly is a simple device
consisting of a grid made up of metal bars, usually built on a slope, across which the
material is passed. The path of material flow is parallel to the length of bars. The bars
are so shaped that the top is wider than the bottom.
b) Revolving screen/ cylinder sorter
Trammel or revolving screen is a cylinder that rotates about its longitudinal axis. The
wall of the cylinder is made of perforated steel plate or some time the cloth wire on a
frame, through which the material falls as the screen rotates. The axis of cylinder is
inclined along with the feed end to discharge end. Sizing is achieved by having
smallest opening screen at the feed end with progressive larger opening screens
towards discharge end. This type of sorter is simple and compact with no vibration
problem. The inclination of the cylinder sorter for dry granular material is kept upto
125mm/m. Effective screening area is calculated by multiplying the length of cylinder
by 1/3 of the diameter. The capacity, bed depth and efficiency of these screens can be
changed by changing the speed of operation and the inclination of the cylinder.
c) Shaking screen
Shaker is a rectangular surface over which material moves down on an inclined plane.
Motion of the screen is back and forth in a straight line. Unlike the vibrating screen,
the shaker does not tumble or turn material enroute except that some shaking screens
have a step-off between surfaces having different size openings, so that there may be
two or three tumbles over the full length of the screen. The shaker is widely used as
combined screen and conveyor for many types of bulk material.
d) Rotary screen
Rotary and gyratory screens are either circular or rectangular decked. Their motion is
almost circular and effects sifting action. These are capable of accurate and complete
separation of very fine sizes but their capacity is limited. These screens are further
classified into two categories.
1. Gyratory screens: This is generally a single decked machine. It has horizontal plane
motion, which is circular at feed end and reciprocating at the discharge end.
2. Circular screens: These are also rotary screens but their motion in horizontal plane is
circular over the entire surface. Similar to the gyratory screens, the screening surface
of circular screens are also little bit tilted for allowing the material to move over them.
e) Vibratory Screen:
For separation of undesirable foreign materials from feed mass and sorting the
materials into various size groups according to desired quality standard or grades, the
vibratory screens are extensively used. The vibratory screens are agitated by an
eccentric unit. When materials to be separated are put on a vibratory screen, because
of this vibration, materials are also agitated and separated during their transit over the
The eccentricity is usually of two types, (1) a shaft to which off centre weights are
attached, and (2) a shaft that itself is eccentric or off centered. In the latter case the
eccentricity is balanced by a fly wheel for providing uniform vibration. Generally, up
to three decks are used in vibrating screens. The capacity of vibrating screen is higher
than any other similar sized screen and is very popular for cleaning and grading of
granular agricultural products.
The vibration of screen is responsible for performance of the following functions, (1)
it helps in providing passage to particles through the openings of screen, (2) it restricts
clogging of the screen by particles that become trapped in the opening, (3) because of
vibration the particles are stratified over the screen surface and each particle has a
chance to meet the screen opening and (4) a continuous flow of particles along the
screen is possible.
f) Horizontal screen
Horizontal screens are special case of vibrating screen. These are designed for
operation with low head room. These operate absolutely flat without the aid of gravity.
All sorting, stratification and materials transportation take place on the strength of the
sharp forward thrust which imparts motion to particles with a missile like trajectory,
while the return stroke pulls the deck out from underneath the bed. Effectiveness of
these screens is higher because material is kept on the screen for a longer period in
comparison to inclined screens.
These are four different regime motions that can take place for the rigid particles
placed on a moving trough depending upon the frequency of oscillation:
1. Particles stationary with respect to trough
2. Particles slip during part of cycle and remain adherent to the trough during the rest
of cycle.
3. As regime (2) with slip and gliding motion.
4. Particles purely in stick and slip motion.
3. Horizontal rotary motion: If the screen surface is rotated in a horizontal plane, the
material will travel in the over lapping loop path during the passage from inlet to
discharge end. Rotary motion is provided by an off-centred weight attached to the
screen through the frame and it is rotated at proper speed in horizontal plane. The
speed of eccentric and the amount of eccentricity control the frequency and amplitude
of motion
Fig.1.4 Horizontal rotary motion
Screens are generally constructed by perforated sheet metal or oven wire mesh. The
openings in perforated metal sheet may be round, oblong or triangular. The openings in
wire mesh are square or rectangular. The size and shape and their combination of the
screens available in market are identified by some trade numbers.
ii) Oblong opening: The oblong or slotted openings in a perforated sheet metal screen are
designated by two dimensions, the width and length of the opening. While mentioning
the oblong openings the dimension of width is listed first then the length as 1.8×20 mm.
iii) Triangular openings: There are two different systems used to measure triangular
perforations. The most commonly used system is to mention the length of each side of the
triangle in mm, it means, 9 mm triangle has 3 equal sides each 9 mm long. The second
system is to mention openings according to the diameter in mm that can be inscribed
inside the triangle. This system is identified by the letter V as 9V, 10V etc.
1.5.2 Wire mesh screens
i) Square mesh: The square openings in wire mesh are measured by the number of
openings per inch in each direction. A 9×9 screen has 9 openings per inch.
ii) Rectangular mesh: The rectangular opening in wire mesh screens are measured in the
same way as square wire mesh screen. A 3×6 rectangular wire mesh screen will have 3
openings per inch in one direction and 6 openings per inch in other direction.
Fig. 1.7 Graphical representation of various flows of a screen
O 𝑚𝑓 − 𝑚𝑢
F 𝑚𝑜 − 𝑚𝑢
𝑈 𝑚𝑜 − 𝑚𝑓
And =
F 𝑚𝑜 − 𝑚𝑢
A common measure of screen effectiveness is the ratio of actual amount of oversize
material in the overflow to the amount of oversize material entering with the feed.
Thus, Eo =
And Eu =
𝐹(1−𝑚𝑓 )
𝑂𝑈𝑚𝑜 (1−𝑚𝑢)
𝐹 2 𝑚𝑓 (1−𝑚𝑓 )
Substituting the values of and
Problem: Wheat was milled in a burr mill. The ground product was later on analysed in a
set of IS screens. The screen analysis is given in the following table. Calculate the screen
effectiveness of 1) IS 50 mesh and 2) IS 30 mesh.
Solution: Solving for the cumulative mass fraction of material smaller than screen opening
retained over each screen. This is presented in the following table.
(𝑚𝑓 −𝑚𝑢 )(𝑚𝑜 −𝑚𝑓 ) 𝑚𝑜 ( 1−𝑚𝑢 )
The screen effectiveness E =
(𝑚𝑜 −𝑚𝑢 )2 𝑚𝑓 ( 1−𝑚𝑓 )
= 0.767
= 0.478
The effectiveness of screening or cleaning efficiency for an air screen grain cleaner as
suggested by the Bureau of Indian Standards (BIS) is given below
Cleaning efficiency = F(E−G)2 (1−F)
E= fraction of clean seed at clean seed outlet
F= fraction of clean seed in feed
G= fraction of clean seed at foreign matter outlets
Problem: During the evaluation of an air screen grain cleaner with two screens the
following were observed.
i) The impurities present in feed were 6.5%
ii) The impurities present in clean grain were 0.5%
iii) The outflow of blower contained 0.2% clean seed
iv) The overflow of the Ist screen contained 1% claen seed
v) The underflow contained 0.5% clean seed. Compute the cleaning efficiency of the
i) fraction of clean seed in feed = 100-6.5
= 93.5% or 0.935
= 0.002+0.01+0.005= 0.017
Then E=0.995; F=0.935; G= 0.017
Cleaning efficiency = 0.935(0.995−0.017)2(1−0.935)
Size reduction – principles; laws; procedures and fineness modulus; Crushers – jaw
crusher; gyratory crusher; crushing rolls; grinders; attrition mills; hammer mills; ball
mills; cutting machines.
The term size reduction is associated with all the means by which solid particles are cut or
broken into smaller pieces. In processing stages solids are reduced in size and shape by
various methods for different purposes. In this process, uniformity in size and shape of the
individual grains or resultant product is desired, but it is very difficult to attain. Reduction
in size is brought about by mechanical means without change in chemical properties of the
E=c [𝑋1 𝑝
b )Kick’s law: Kick proposed another law which based on stress analysis of plastic
deformation within the elastic limit. He assumed that the energy requirements for size
reduction is a function of a common dimension of the material, therefore, the value of n
becomes 1, and the energy requirement can be given by the following equation
E = c ln [𝑋𝑋 ]
Kick’s law can also be expressed as the work required for crushing a given quantity of
material is constant for the same reduction ratio within the elastic limit irrespective of the
original sizes. The reduction ratio of crushers is often expressed as the ratio of the feed
opening to the discharge opening.
c)Bond’s law: Bond reported a method for estimating the power required for crushing and
grinding operation. According to this law the work required to form particles of size ‘D p’
from very large feed is proportional to the square root of the surface-to-volume ratio of the
𝑆𝑝 6
Since, =
𝑣𝑝 𝜙𝐷𝑝
𝑓 √𝐷𝑝
Problem: In a wheat milling experiment it was found that to grind 4.33 mm sized grains to
IS sieve 35 (0.351 mm opening), the power requirement was 8 KW. Calculate the power
requirement for milling of wheat by the same mill to IS sieve 15 (0.157 mm opening) using
1) Rittingers law and 2) Kick’s law. Feed rate of milling is 200 kg/hr.
Solution: i) According to Rittinger’s law
=c [𝑋1 𝑝
8 1 1
=c [0.351 −
40 = c (2.618)
C = 15.278
𝑃 1 1
= 15.278 [0.157 −
P = 18.75 KW
E = c ln [𝑋𝑋 ]
= c ln [𝑋𝑋 ]𝑓
8 4.33
= c ln [0.351 ]
40 = c × 2.5125
C = 15.92
𝑃 4.33
= 15.278 [0.157 ]
P = 10.56 KW
1.8.3 Size reduction procedures
The size of agricultural products may be reduced by several ways, but mainly the
following four methods are used in size reduction machines,
1.8.4 Fineness modules
Two heavy smooth-faced metal rolls rotating towards each other at same speed on parallel
horizontal axes are the working elements of the smooth-roll crusher. The size of the
particles/material that can be caught by the rolls depends upon the coefficient of friction
between the material and the roll surface and can be estimated by the following equation
The grinders are used to mill the grains into powder. The grinder comprises a variety of
size-reduction machines like attrition mills, hammer mills, impact and rolling compression
1.10.1 Attrition mills
In an attrition mill the grains are rubbed between the grooved flat faces of rotating circular
disks. These mills are also known as burr or plate mills.
The axis of the roughened disks may be horizontal or vertical. In attrition mill one plate is
stationary and fixed with the body of the mill, while other one is rotating disk. The
material is fed between the plates and is reduced by crushing and shear. Mills with
different patterns of grooves, corrugations on the plates perform a variety of operations. In
attrition mills the materials are slowly fed, overfeeding lowers the grinder's performance,
also heat generation during milling increases. The disks of burr mills are usually 20 to 137
cm in diameter and are operated at 350 to 700 rpm. These mills are used for making whole
grain and dehusked grain flour, but their use in spices grinding is limited. Double runner
disks type attrition mills are also available. These are used for grinding of soft materials. In
these mills both disks are driven at high speed in opposite directions. Feed enters through
an opening in the hub of one of the disks, it passes outward through the narrow gap
between the disks and discharges from the periphery. The disks are operated between 1200
to 7000 rpm, hence the capacity of such mills is large. The fineness of grinding in burr
mills is controlled by the type of plates and the gap between them. The spacing between
the plates is adjustable and usually the arrangement is spring loaded to avoid damage to
plates in case of over loading or to overcome the damage to plates by foreign material
coming along with the feed. The salient features of a burr mill are its lower initial cost and
lower power requirements.
Fig. 1.13 Ball mill
Centrifugal force keeps the ball in contact with the mill wall. Most of the grinding is done
by the impact of balls. Due to centrifugal force, if the speed of rotation of mill is faster, the
balls are carried to more distance. In case of too high speed, balls stick to mill wall and are
not released. This is a stage of centrifuging. The rotational speed at which centrifuging
occurs is known as critical speed. At this speed as the balls are released from the top, no
impact occurs hence little or no grinding results. Therefore, the operating speeds must be
kept less than the critical speed. The critical speed can be determined by the following
1 𝑔
nc = √
2𝜋 𝑅−𝑟
nc = critical speed, revolutions/s
g = acceleration due to gravity, 9.80 m/s2
R = radius of the mill, m
r = radius of the ball, m
The rotational speeds of the ball mills are kept at 65 to 80%f the critical speed, with the
lower values for wet grinding in viscous suspension.
Problem: What would be the operating speed of rotation in revolutions per minute of a
ball mill of 2,000 mm diameter charged with 100 mm balls? The ball mill is grinding solid
1 𝑔
The critical speed, nc = √
2𝜋 𝑅−𝑟
1 9.8
= √
2(3.1416) 2−0.1
= 21.58 rpm
Therefore the operating speed for solid matter grinding
= nc × 0.8
= 17 rpm.
sizing screen open. Therefore, more fine and uniform grinding is possible. Rietz mill is
able to grind materials below 15 micron size.
Rietz machines are normally supplied in rotor diameters from 10 to 60 cm (4 to 24 inches).
The hammer tip speeds are in the range of 5.2 to 111 m/s and horsepower ranges from 0.5
to 200.
Rice milling – definition; terminology related to rice; rice processing; modern rice milling
process flowchart; layout of modern rice mill.
Paddy or rice grain consists of husk and brown rice. Brown rice, in turn, contains bran
which comprises the outer layer and the edible portion. Rice milling is removal or
separation of husk (dehusking) and bran to obtain the edible portion for consumption. The
process has to be accomplished with care to prevent excessive breakage of the kernel and
improve recovery of paddy or rice. The extent of recovery during milling depends on many
factors like variety of paddy, degree of milling required, the quality of equipment used, the
operators, etc. Milling is the process wherein the rice grain is transformed into a form
suitable for human consumption, therefore, has to be done with utmost care to prevent
breakage of the kernel and improve the recovery. Brown rice is milled further to create a
more visually appealing white rice.
After harvesting and drying, the paddy is subjected to the primary milling operation which
includes de-husking as well as the removal of bran layers (polishing) before it is
consumed. In this process the rice which is obtained after milling is called raw rice.
Milling is a crucial step in post-production of rice. The basic objective of a rice milling
system is to remove the husk and the bran layers, and produce an edible, white rice kernel
that is sufficiently milled and free of impurities. Depending on the requirements of the
customer, the rice should have a minimum of broken kernels.
Today rice has become one of the most important and major food grains of the world.
Nearly ½ to 2/3 of total world population has partially or totally adapted rice as their main
food. Paddy grain contains large amount of micro and macro capillaries through which
water can move out or inside of the grain surface.
Paddy undergoes certain processing treatments prior to its conversion into edible form. The
various unit operations are cleaning, drying, storage, parboiling (optional) and milling. The
edible portion of paddy is called rice. The kernel is enclosed by hull or husk. The weight of
hull is 18-22% of the total weight of paddy grain. The endosperm weights about 70 to
72%, where 4-6% bran is removed during polishing. The by-products in rice milling are
rice hull, rice germ and bran layers, and fine brokens.
Rice milling machinery was broadly classified into two groups (1) traditional and (2)
modern rice milling machinery. Traditional rice mills include hand pounding equipments,
single huller, sheller cum hullers and sheller mills. Clean and good quality paddy can
give an yield of 74% rice. But due to several reasons it has not been possible to achieve
74% yield of rice by traditional methods and machines. Use of modern machines like
rubber roll Sheller along with improved methods of drying, paddy separation, bran
removal and graders can give higher out turn.
a) Head rice: It refers to the milled whole rice of 6/8 and more of actual kernel size.
b) Broken rice: Rice kernels which are lesser than 6/8 of the actual size are called
broken rice.
It is further divided into three categories
(1) Big brokens , these include 4/8 to 6/8 of kernel portion
(2) Small brokens, these include 1/8 to 4/8 parts of kernel and
(3) Points- lesser than 1/8 part of rice grain.
(c) Total rice: It includes both head and broken rice.
Table 2.1: Various unit operations and equipment used in a modern rice milling
Bran aspiration/bran aspirator : for removal of bran adhering to the rice kernel
Fig.2.2 Flow chart of Modern rice milling process
Fig. 2.3 Layout of Modern rice milling process
2.2.1 Cleaning
The paddy procured from the farmer is cleaned with the help of paddy cleaners. The
removal of impurities from the grains is very much essential to protect the subsequent
milling machinery from unusual wear and tear and to improve the quality of final product.
Principles of cleaning
Difference in physical characteristics such as size, specific gravity, weight and sometimes
length of impurities compared to paddy grain is utilized in cleaning operation. Light
impurities can be removed by aspiration or by sieving. Impurities larger and smaller than
paddy are removed by sieving whereas impurities of the same size but heavier than paddy
are removed by gravity separation. Iron parts or particles can be removed with the help of
sieve or magnetic separators.
a) Open Double-Sieve Precleaner
In many rice mills in India prior to parboiling, precleaning is performed through open
single or double layer oscillating sieves. Sometimes, single sieve type precleaners are
equipped with suction fans for aspiration of light impurities.
(1) Low cost
(2) Can be manufactured locally
(1) It is open sieve, dust formation in the mill premesis takes place
(2) As no self-cleaning device is there, the bottom sieves with small perforations are often
clogged, resulting in lower separation efficiency.
(3) The separation of impurities having same size of paddy grain is not possible.
Fig. 2.4 Single Scalper drum type cleaner
Stones of about same size as paddy grain can be separated by the gravity separation
2.3.1 Stoner with aspirator
The machine consists of an inclined reciprocating tray having convex slots all over the
surface (Fig.2.5). A large amount of air is blown from underneath through the slotted
separating tray. When a mixture of grain, stone etc., is fed at the top of the tray, the stones
having higher specific gravity slowly go down and occupy the bottom layer of the mixture
and thus come in contact with the reciprocating tray. The heavier stones are carried to the
top by its movement. Paddy being lighter floats on the stone and moves downward by
gravity. Any paddy grain in contact with the stones is separated and returned or blown
back to the tray with the help of another smaller blower installed underneath the tray. The
stones collected under a flap can be unloaded either manually or by an automatic device .
Fig.2.5 Paddy stoner with aspirator
(1) The rotoscalper and the aspirator is capable of removing about 30% impurities.
(2) Large impurities, light impurities , stones, sands and metallic parts are separated by
the same machine
(1) The separating capacity of the stone separating tray is limited up to 2 percent stone
content only.
(2) Careful operation and maintenance are necessary.
Husking or de-hulling is a process for removing the rice hull from the paddy without
damage to the bran layer and rice kernel. Husking machines are known by different names
such as huskers, dehuskers, shellers and hullers.
2.4.1 Types of huskers
a) Impact type paddy husker
The working principle of the impact or centrifugal type husker is based on the utilization of
impact and frictional force for husking of paddy. In the impact type husker, paddy is
thrown against a rubber wall by a rotating disc (Fig 2.6). The impact on the rubber wall
due to the centrifugal force of the rotating disc causes cracking to the hulls with a
minimum damage to the kernel.
b)Rubber-roll Sheller:
Rubber-roll Sheller consists of two rubber rolls rotating in opposite direction at different
speeds. A feeder feeds paddy uniformly to the machine. Paddy is fed in thin layers between
the rotating roll by the feeder (Fig.2.7). One of the roll is fixed while the other is adjustable
to obtain desired clearance between them. The rolls are driven mechanically and the
adjustable roll normally runs about 25% slower than the fixed one. Difference in surface
speeds of rolls develop a shearing force on grain surface resulting in the opening and
breaking of husk.
The clearance between the roll is kept smaller than the thickness of paddy grain. This
clearance should be about half the thickness of paddy and may be adjusted subsequently by
judging the shelling efficiency. If the gap between rolls is properly adjusted, this
equipment can shell upto 95% of paddy fed to it. At decreasing gap excess pressure results
which cause more breakage of grain and can also cause colouring of shelled rice. In
modern machines, the gap between the rolls is adjustable by suction methods, as per need
this gap is automatically maintained.
1. Paddy 2.Brown rice paddy husk mixture 3.Immature grain 4.brown rice 5.husk
Fig. 2.7 Working principle of rubber roller husker
(1) High percentage of sound and whole husked rice is produced as the risk of breaking
the kernel is small.
(2) The mixture of different sizes and varieties of paddy can be used without any
significant increase of brokens in husked rice.
(3) It does not remove germ.
White rice is produced from brown rice by removing the bran layer and the germ. The bran
layer is removed from the kernel by applying friction to the grain surface either by rubbing
the grains against an abrasive surface. It is also termed as "whitening". The amount of bran
removed is normally between 8-10% of the total paddy weight but this will vary according
to the variety and degree of whiteness required. The process used to whiten brown rice can
be classified as either abrasive or friction.
In this process the grain is whitened by the abrasive action of the rice kernel passing
between a moving abrasive surface and stationary screen. The hard rough surface is usually
stone or a carborundum type material. The abrasive process peels off the bran layers from
the brown rice and applies less pressure on the grain than a friction process and is therefore
better suited for long grain varieties. Abrasive polishers can be either vertical or horizontal
in design. The vertical cone whitener is very common in many Asian countries.
In the friction whitener the grain kernels are forced against each other and a metal screen
by a steel-ribbed cylinder rotating inside a metal-plated cylinder. The frictional forces
created between individual rice grains and between the grains and the metal screen surface
remove the bran layer from the grain. Friction polishers are always horizontal in design
and apply more pressure on the grain than an abrasive whitener.
Three kinds of whitening machines are widely used in the rice processing industries, (1) the
vertical abrasive whitening cone, (2) the horizontal abrasive Whitening machine and (3) the
horizontal jet pearler.
a) The Vertical whitening cone
This machine basically consists of a cone shaped cast iron cylinder with an abrasive
coating. The entire rotating cone is encased within a fixed perforated metal sheet known as crib. The
gap between the abrasive surface and the crib is about 10 mm. It is provided with rubber brakes,
placed vertically and spaced equally which protrude into the gap between the abrasive cone and the
crib. The clearance between the rubber brake and crib is about 2-3 mm. The pressure inside the
whitening chamber can be adjusted by pushing in or pulling out the rubber brakes.
Brown rice is fed into the centre of the machine through a hopper. Feeding of brown rice is
adjusted by a sleeve which also uniformly distributes the brown rice to entire surface of cone.
The centrifugal force generated by rotation of cone feed the brown rice between the cone and
wire mesh. Rubber brakes restrict the movement of rice, thus, applies pressure. As a result of
pressure, brown rice is pressed against the abrasive coating of the cone. This friction removes
bran layer, and partly or fully whitened rice leaves the cone through a self unloading
discharge spout (Fig.3.1).
The peripheral speed of the cone should be about 13 m/s, thus larger the diameter of
cone, lower the speed of shaft. Vertical whitening cone removes the bran from the
brown rice by friction, and the friction produces heat. For removing all the bran in one pass,
the residence time of the grain is increased and the clearance between cone and screen
is reduced. This results in generation of heat and causes much breakage and reduces total rice
recovery. It is therefore, recommended that the bran layer be removed in three or even more
The jet pearler is used to remove the final part of the bran layer and simultaneously cool the grain
through an air stream of ambient temperature.It consists mainly of a horizontal partly hollow
perforated shaft on which a cast steel cylinder with friction ridges is clamped (Fig. 3.3). Just
behind the two ridges the cylinder has a long opening which allows the passage for air. The
cylinder runs inside a hexagonal chamber consisting of two halves hexagonal screens with
slotted perforations. A feeding screw with horizontal shaft feeds the rice in to the press chamber
of the machine. The clearance between the hexagonal screen and the cast steel cylinder is
adjustable by a screw controlling the distance between the two halves of the screen.
The rice produced by this machine is free from bran and cool. However for medium and long
grain varieties its performance is not as good as for short grains varieties and there is
considerable increase in brokens.
3.4.1 Grading
Grading of rice is done according to the size of the grain kernel (full, half or brokens).
Grading allows achieving a better yield of head rice and retains broken rice for further
processing. Conventional rice mills use screens to separate brokens from head rice. The
perforations often gets clogged thereby brokens are not separated from head rice
Three machines are used for grading of milled rice, 1) adjustable reel graders 2)
indented cylinder graders and 3) oscillating sieves
This consists of a rotating cylinder made up of wire screen reels or slotted metal sheet. The
dimensions of these perforations are decided as per the varieties of rice (Fig. 3.4). Milled
rice is fed to the machine from one end through hopper. The rice slowly advances to the
other end. The rotating cylinder is divided in three or more parts with different size of
perforations. Different sizes of brokens fall out through these perforations where as head
rice is delivered out of the machine at the other end.
Fig. 3.4 Rotating reel grader
1 &2. Small brokens 3. Big brokens 4. Head rice
3.4.3 Rotating indented cylinder
The machine consists of a cylinder having cup like indents on its inner wall. This cylinder
rotates at a low speed of about 30-40 rpm. It is installed on a slight inclined plane (Fig 3.5).
At the centre of the cylinder, a screw conveyor is fitted along with an adjustable trough.
The indented cylinder grades rice according to length. As the mixture of head rice keeps on
sliding downwards through the inclination. Rotary motion of the cylinder carries the
brokens up inside the cups and throws them out as the cup positions become inverted.
Thrown outs are collected by the adjustable trough and a screw conveyor delivers them
For best performance of indented cylinder graders two precise adjustments are necessary,
1) as per varieties of rice decision regarding appropriate cup sizes and 2) adjustment of
rotational speed of the cylinder.
An oscillating sieve is a slightly inclined sieve supported by flexible wooden or steel bars.
This is moved back and forth by a vertical electric drive from a transmission shaft.
Frequency of stroke varies between 200 to 400 cycles/ min.
The sieves are made from a perforated steel sheet or wire screen of desired sizes. The
brokens are separated with the help of these sieves and the head rice is retained on the
sieves and delivered outside through a spout.
Expressions used to estimate the milling efficiency of rice mill and equipment are :
weight of brokens
1. Broken garins % = × 100
weight of paddy
husked grains
2. Husked rice % =total weight of paddy × 100
The output from the huller is a mixture of paddy rice, brown rice, husk, broken
paddy, and sometimes bran. The huller aspirator removes the lighter material such as husk,
bran and very small brokens. The remainder passes onto the paddy separator where
the unhulled paddy rice is separated from the brown rice. The amount of paddy present
depends on the efficiency of the husker, and should not be more10%. Paddy separators
work by making use of the differences in specific gravity, buoyancy and size between
paddy and brown rice. Paddy rice has a lower specific gravity, higher buoyancy, and is
physically bigger, longer and wider than brown rice
Unshelled paddy is separated from the brown rice kernel with the following equipment.
The compartment type of paddy separator uses the difference in specific gravity and the
buoyancy to separate paddy and brown rice (Fig 3.6). When paddy and brown rice move over
an inclined plane, they move at different speeds depending on their specific gravity, their shape
and contact area, smoothness of inclined surface and the co-efficient of sliding friction. Brown
grains are smaller, heavier, rounder and smoother and will slide faster than paddy grains. The
processing capacity of the compartment separator is dependent on the compartment area.
For a 2-ton/hr capacity rice mill, a 45-compartment separator made up of 15 compartments
on each of three decks is used.
Fig. 3.6 Operational principle of compartment separator
Paddy moves into each tray from the inlet hopper at uniform rate. As it moves across the tray, the
brown rice separated from the paddy. The brown rice has a smoother surface and a greater bulk
density and moves to the top of the trays whereas paddy moves to the lower part of the tray.
Inclination of the table or tray is adjusted according to varieties and other conditions to achieve
maximum separation capacity.
Parboiling is a pre-milling (optional) treatment given to paddy for improving rice quality
and to achieve maximum head rice recovery with minimum breakage. It consists of
soaking, steaming and drying of the rough rice. The major reasons for parboiling rice
include higher milling yields, higher nutritional value and resistance to spoilage by insects
and mold. The paddy grains are mainly composed of polygonal starch granules. The voids
or intergranular spaces are filled with air and moisture. Due to these voids, cracks develop
and it cause breakage during milling. This breakage may be reduced by gelatinizing the
starch. During gelatinization process starch swells and fills the voids.
During soaking of paddy, water penetrates into starch granules and results in swelling of
grains. In heating the energy weakens the granule structure and more surfaces becomes
available for water absorption and results in irreversible granule swelling. This
phenomenon is called gelatinization of starch.The temperature at which gelatinization
takes place is known as the gelatinization temperature and it is specific for particular
variety in near hood of 70 0C.The main objectives of parboiling are (1) To increase the
total head rice yield of paddy (2) to prevent the loss of nutrients during milling (3) to
salvage wet or damaged paddy and (4) to mill the rice according to requirements of
Fig. 4.1 Various steps in parboiling
I.Soaking II. Steaming III. Drying
Theoretically soaking of paddy can be done at or below its gelatinization temperature. The
lower the temperature used, slow is the process and vice-versa. Soaking period can be
reduced by subjecting the paddy to vacuum for a few minutes before soaking and /or
soaking under pressure in hot water. Parboiled paddy may be dried in the shade or in sun
or with hot air. Shade drying takes longer time but gives excellent milling qualities. Rapid
drying in sun or with hot air causes higher breakage during milling. The most convenient
practice is to dry in two passes with a tempering period in the moisture range of 15-19%
(wet basis).
4.1.2 Advantages of parboiling
1. The milling yield increase and the quality is increased, as there are fewer broken
2. The grain structure becomes compact and vitreous, even if some kernels were
entirely or partially chalky.
3. The milled rice becomes translucent and shining.
4. The shelf life of parboiled paddy and milled parboiled rice is longer than in the raw
state, as germination is no longer possible and the kernel becomes hard enough to
resist attach by insects and to adsorption of atmospheric moisture.
5. The grain remains firmer during cooking and less likely to become sticky.
6. A greater amount of water is absorbed during cooking causing the rice to swell.
7. After cooking the rice absorbs less fat from added condiments, the rice keeps longer
and does not become rancid easily.
8. Parboiled rice retains more proteins, vitamins and minerals.
9. Shelling of parboiled paddy is easier.
10. Parboiled rice is more digestible and fewer solids are left behind in the cooking
11. Bran of parboiled rice has more oil.
4.1.3 Disadvantages of parboiling:
1. The heat treatment during parboiling destroys some natural anti-oxidants, hence
rancidity developed in parboiled rice during storage is more than in raw rice.
2. Parboiled rice takes more time to cook than raw rice and may have characteristic
off-flavour which may not be liked by raw rice eaters.
3. Parboiling needs extra capital investment.
4. Parboiling adds to the cost of drying.
5. As paddy is soaked for a longer time during parboiling, it may be attacked by
spores which may cause health hazard.
6. More power is required for polishing of parboiled rice. The process becomes
difficult and lowers the capacity of polisher.
Inspite of the above disadvantages 1 to 2 percent extra rice is obtainable by parboiling
than raw rice milling.
parboiled rice is attributes to the following factors (1) due to hydrothermal treatment the
nutrients from upper layers penetrate to endosperm (2) parboiled rice needs lesser degree
of polishing.
2. Double boiling
before the raw paddy is dumped into it. In this case, the first steaming of the raw paddy is
not required.
Modern paddy parboiling methods- CFTRI, Jadavpur and pressure parboiling.
The main hazards that can be expected in traditional methods are the retention of a
fermented smell in the parboiled rice after milling and the possible development of
mycotoxins. However, parboiled rice is always good in other aspects. The modern methods
being used in different countries have been very successful in overcoming the above
B. Modern method
1. Jadavpur university method.
2. CFTRI method.
3. Avorio process.
4. Converted process.
5. Malek process.
6. Cristallo process.
7. Fernandes process.
8. Schule process.
are filled with clean water and heated to a temperature of about 85oC by passing steam
through the coils placed inside the tank. Sometimes hot water is pumped from other
sources into parboiling tanks. The resultant temperature of paddy water mixture in tank
stays around 70oC. After soaking paddy for 3 to 3.5 hrs, water is drained out. The water
discharge value is kept open in order to remove condensed water during steaming. Soaked
paddy is exposed to steam at a pressure of about 4 kg/cm2 through the open steam coils.
The parboiled paddy is taken out by opening the bottom door and dried either under sun or
by mechanical drier.
Fig.4.3 Inside details of parboiling tank
six hours (Fig 4.4). Soaking of paddy is completed in high temperature water (60-70oC)
within 1-03 hours, while the steaming time is limited to 3.5 minutes. After steaming and
before drying, the paddy is rapidly cooled. Drying taken place in a rotary steam jacketed
high temperature Air dryer. In this process two different systems may be applied. With the
first, the soaking and steaming take place in the same tank, where as in the second, these
two operations are performed separately in a horizontal apparatus. In both the cases
saturated steam is used. The steamed paddy is rapidly cooled in a drought of cold air.
minutes at 85-90 oC. There after it is steamed under pressure for 18 minutes. The water
vapor which penetrates the kernel drives out entrapped air. It is reported that the whole
process is completed in 1 to 1.5 hrs. the rice obtained by this method has a slightly
yellowish uniform color. Reduced soaking period of paddy is the main advantage of this
method. It was also observed that such parboiled paddy has better shelling, has more fat in
bran and increased storage life of rice grain.
Wheat is the principal food grain in many countries of the world. It is one of the most
important cereals and is used as staple food in the form of flour. In India, a large portion of
wheat is used as the familiar atta and maida (wheat flour).The hard wheat are also ground
into suji (semilona).Whole wheat is ground into atta by the traditional stone grinder
without prior separation of bran and germ from it.
Milling is the process by which wheat is ground into flour. The yields of white flour and
byproducts (called mill feed) from wheat milling are about 70 percent and 30 percent by
weight respectively. Wheat consists of bran (12percent), germ (3 percent) and
endosperm(85 percent).The objective of modern flour milling is to obtain maximum
amount of white flour from the wheat endosperm without any bran or germ content.
Modern flour milling consists of six steps:
1. Receiving, drying and storage of wheat
2. Cleaning
3. Conditioning
4. Milling into flour and by products
5. Packaging and storage of finished products
6. Blending
Out of these, the most important operations are selection, cleaning, conditioning and
5.1.1 Cleaning
Wheat is thoroughly cleaned to remove all fine impurities and the dirt sticking to the
surface of the grain. Small pieces of sticks, stones, sand, etc., are removed by sieving and
the light impurities like chaff, etc., are removed by aspiration. Then the wheat is allowed to
pass over powerful magnetic separators to remove pieces of ferromagnetic materials. The
seeds of other food grains, defective grains and weed are removed by disc separators.
For removal of dirt sticking to the surface, wheat is moved by paddles against stationary
emery coated surface. Then the dirt and loose outer coating are aspirated off. The scratches
and cracks formed in wheat help in increasing the rate of moisture absorption at the time of
washing and conditioning. The final cleaning step is washing by water which allows the
dirt and bits of metal to sink. The moisture content of the wheat is increased by one percent
during washing.
Hydrothermal treatment of grain by direct steaming has been popular for the last few years.
It has many advantages over heating by air because both moistening and heating are
carried out simultaneously in a single operation. Moreover, the grain is heated within 20
to30 seconds to about 47 °C. but the grain temperature above 47 °C may adversely affect
the quality of the flour. The rapid rate of heating weakens the intermolecular bonds in
various parts of the grain to a considerable extent resulting in easier separation of bran,
more effective grinding of endosperm and stronger action on proteins and enzymes.
Fig. 5.1 Wheat milling process
5.1.4 Blending
It is the combination of mixing grain of the same or different variety or grade to achieve a
desired result of a consistent quality product.
5.2.1 Break roll
Break roll consists of twin pairs of corrugated steel rolls one roll of apair revolves
faster than the other, differential speed being in the proportion of 2.5 to 1.
5.2.2 Break sifting system
This can be divided into two parts-plan sifter and purifiers.
5.2.3 Plan sifter
Plan sifter is a scalping system removing large bran pieces adhering with endosperm
at the top. The next series, which are finer, remove the bran and germ. The next
layer of still finer sieve removes the endosperm middling and the bottom rough
5.2.4 Purifier
The middling containing finer bran particles are removed by purifier before they
move to reduction roll.
5.2.5 Reduction roll
The reduction roll comprises of two smooth rolls. The rolls in the reduction system
are further divided in to coarse rolls and fine rolls depending on the clearance
between the rollers.
5.2.6 Reduction sifting system
The same plan sifting system is used here. After each reduction the product is
separated by plan sifter where the finished flour is sifted by 120 mesh sieve (silk)
and removed and oversized material is sent back to the reduction rolls for further
5.2.7 Scratch system
If the mill is functioning properly, i.e., good release of endosperm is obtained on the
break rolls, the scratch system can be by passed, if not, the scratch system is
employed to maintain proper release of endosperm from bran. The scratch system is
an extension of the break system and thus used as stand- by system only.
Maize shelling-Introduction, shelling, types of shellers (spring type and cylinder type),
dehusker cum sheller.
Maize is one of the largest cereals produced in the world with a trend of rising production
in India. Maize is cultivated mainly for food, fodder, feed and Industrial use. Maize
shellers are used to separate grain from cobs. Before shelling, the foliage is removed
manually. Maize shellers are either manually operated or power operated. A power
operated maize Sheller uses 30-36 cm diameter cylinder of 80-100 cm lengths (Fig. 5.1 ).
On the periphery of the cylinder, there are pegs that remove the grain from cobs using axial
flow movement. The cylinder speed is maintained in between 500-600 rpm. The cob
moves toward the end of shellerfrom feeding side and during this process grains are rubbed
against drum and posses through the concave. Blower is provided to remove lighter
material. Concave clearance and cylinder speed can vary and adjusted as per
Maize shellers are of two types’ (1) spring type and (2) cylinder type.
5.3.1 Cylinder –type maize sheller
The cylinder-type sheller consists of a cylinder with lugs, concave assembly and a blower
unit. Spiral ribs are provided in the cylinder for smooth movement of cobs. Cobs are fed in
between cylinder and concave and kernels are removed by the action of lugs. Blower
cleans the lighter materials and small pieces of cobs and clean grain is collected. The 5-10
hp electric motor or tractor can operate the machine. It can give output of 5-15 q/h
depending upon the size of power sources and machine.
5.3.2 Spring-type maize sheller
The spring maize sheller consists of a bevel gear fixed adjacent to the shelling disc, which
pulls the cob inside, while a spring loaded tongue which is provided above the bevel gear
holds the cob tight against the shelling disc as shown in Fig 5.2. Shelling is accomplished
with beating and shearing action of the cast iron projections present in the rotating shelling
disc. The shelled kernels with dust are passed through an air stream produced by a blower
which separates the kernels. The cleaned kernels are collected at the bottom. The capacity
of the unit is 500 kg of cob/h and it is operated by an one hp electric motor.
For operation, the cob is inserted in the sheller and is given forward and backward twist or
given clockwise and anticlockwise strokes repeatedly. The tapered edges of the fins dig
into the space between the rows of the grains in the cob and with the forward or backward
stroke the grains are released from the cob. After grains are separated from one end of cob,
the other end is inserted in the sheller to complete the removal of grains from cob.
Working capacity maize sheller is 15 to 20 kg/h and weight of the machine is 0.22 kg.
Fig. 5.5 Maize dehusker cum sheller
Pulses are the main source of proteins for vegetarians in India, where about 15-30%of
daily protein needs are supplied from edible legumes or pulses. India is the largest
producer of pulses in the world, the annual yield nearly 25 million tonnes. Pulses are
consumed mostly in the form of dhal, dehusked and split kernel. Nearly 75% of total
legumes production is converted into the dhal. The world health organization has
recommended 80g per person per day considering the Indian food habits. Variety,
agronomic conditions of pulses production, the seed size, its maturity and uniformity are
few factors which influence the milling outturn. Apart of these factors, improper
conditioning of pulses and machine parameters cause lower yields of dhal by 10 to 20
percent. Dehusking is the primary process which involves removal of the fibrous seed
coat. Considerable amount of breakage and powdering of the kernel occurs in dehusking
and during milling operations. The efficiency of conversion of legumes to dhal by
traditional milling is low. Losses of dhal can be minimized to 8 to 10 percent by adopting
improved technologies.
Milling of edible pulses for the production of dhal is an age old process. There are more
than 10000 pulse mills with average processing capacity of 10-20t/day. Milling procedures
vary widely from place to place. The recovery of dhal varies from 60 to 75% depending
upon the type of pulses and techniques adopted by the millers. There is no standard process
for milling different pulses where various parameters involved are optimized. The amount
of oil mixed with pulses varies from 150 to 500g/q of grain. Similarly addition of water
also varies from region to region from 4 to 20 kg /100 kg of grain. For loosening of husk
and its complete removal 3-8 passes through emery rollers are given. This action causes
breakage and powdering of kernel.
Pulses contain 17 to 25% of protein by weight. The protein content of pulses is about
double of the cereals and more than meat and egg. The pulses contain lipids and fats in low
quantities. Pulses are good source of thiamin, niacin, calcium and iron. Pulses contain
about 60% carbohydrate mainly starch, which in general is well-absorbed and utilized. The
fat content of dhal is between1 to 2 percent.
Flow charts of wet milling and dry milling of red gram, traditional milling of Bengal gram
– Mini-dal mill – Problems of pulse milling in industry – Factors affecting pulse milling
oil requirement in pulse processing varies from 150 to 500 grams per 100 kg of grain
processed. The expenditure on oil alone constitutes about 38% of the total processing cost.
The energy requirement of dry milling method is more than wet milling method. The flow
chart for wet milling of redgram is shown in Fig.6.2.
Fig.6.2 Flow diagram of dry milling of redgram
Bengal gram are cleaned and graded, and then the grains are scratched in a roller mill. The
scratched grains are sprayed with 8-10% water and heaped for 12 hour(overnight). After
overnight tempering, the grains are dried under sun for 2 to 3 days. The grains are
normally dried to 10% moisture content. The conditioned grains are then dehusked and
splitted in a roller mill. After cleaning and aspiration the dhal is recovered.
6.6 Mini dal mill
In the need of finished product, pulses produced in rural areas, are transported to urban
areas, where commercial dal mills are situated. If the pulses are processed at rural level, the
transportation cost on producer can be reduced by installation of mini dal mills. In order to
have solution to these problems a small enterprise at rural level is necessary for which the
PKV Mini dal mill is developed (Fig 6.3). The mini dal mill is used for multipurpose use
such as cleaning, grading of grains and polishing of split dal. It operates using two horse
power single phase electric motor. Almost all pulses can be dehulled with this machine and
the products are quite comparable with that of the available commercial dal mills. This
plant is commercially manufactured and available in the market. The processing capacity
of this dal mill is 100- 125 kg/h for pigeon pea and 125-150 kg/h for green and black gram.
The respective recoveries are 72-75% and 82-85%, which is higher to the tune of existing
burr mill. It avoids dusty atmosphere and provides easy operation.
1. Batch process which is in use, involves excessive material handling which can be
reduced by introducing continuous type processing system.
2. As sun drying is not reliable and during rainy days mill has to be closed, some
economical and reliable mechanical drying system is needed.
3. Improved marketing system where the millers could purchase clean and graded raw
materials. It will reduce the cost of processing of dhal.
4. During milling, lot of dust is generated inside the mill. Development and use of
dust collecting and diffusing devices is needed. Dust inside closed mill causes
pollution and is hazardous to workers.
5. Separation of gota (whole dehusked kernel) from pulse grain after each passes
through abrasive roller.
6. Non standardization of milling processes and equipment. BIS should prepare
standards for milling techniques and machinery.
Theoretically the endosperm of pulse accounts for maximum 87-89 percent of the whole
grain legumes. But in practice, it is not achievable. Some of the important factors
responsible for lower recovery of dhal are given below:
A) Grain parameters
(i) Type of grain
(ii) Species or strain of grain legume
(iii) Chemical constituents
(iv) Moisture content of the grain endosperm
(v) Shape of the grain
(vi) Size, bold, small
(vii) Seed coat surface texture
(viii) Thickness of the gum layer
B) Machine parameters
(i) Size of roller
(ii) Peripheral speed of the roller
(iii) Texture of the abrasive material
(iv) Hardness of the abrasive material
(v) Clearance between the roller and cage
(vi) Inclination of the roller
Fats and oil are one of the five essential ingredients of human diet and the other are
protein, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. Oil seed and animals are the main sources
of fat.
7.1.1 Present status of oil seed crops and vegetable oils in India
Oil seed crops are the 2ndmost important determinant of agricultural economy next to
cereals. The self sufficiency of oil seeds obtained through “Yellow Revolution” during
early 1990’s could not be the sustained beyond a short period. India is also one of the
largest importers of vegetable oils today.
Post-harvest Technology plays a key role in minimizing losses during handling, processing
and preservation of oil seeds and their products. By adopting proper post harvest
technology, the input cost in processing of oilseeds is reduced and oil yield is increased.
Besides several value added products can also be produced even at rural level by
introduction of appropriate post harvest technology and thus farmers can be motivated to
grow more oil seeds.
7.3.4 Storage
The most important factor in proper storage of oil seeds is their moisture content. In case
of inadequate storage, the try glycerides may be decomposed, especially under the
influence of ferments, microorganisms as well as the chemical processes due to the
increased temperature. In order to avoid these negative processes, the seed should dry
below critical moisture point above which the ferments are activated and which depends on
the oil content of seed. The critical moisture contents for sunflower, ground nut, linseed
and soya bean are 8.5, 9.0, 10.5, and 13.0 percent respectively. Besides, a relative
humidity of less than 65% is required for safe storage of oil seeds.
Higher moisture and relative humidity conditions favor the activity of lipolytic enzymes
that increases the FFA content of oils under these conditions. The non- glyceride
constituents of these seeds also degrade and produce oil soluble pigments which darken the
color of the oil. Besides ill -effects on oil quality, extensive deterioration of oilseeds during
improper storage makes their mechanical processing difficult and leads to a low recovery
even if no oil is actually destroyed.
Pre-treatments–cleaning; dehusking; size reduction and flaking; heat treatment.
There are three methods in vogue to accomplish oil extraction. Each of them is based on a
different principle. The three methods are:
1. Emulsion method
2. Pressure extraction method and
3. Solvent extraction method
Irrespective of the method used, certain pretreatment of raw seeds are essentials, if highest
possible recovery of quality oil at an economical rate is to be obtained.
Following pre treatments improve oil yields and their quality.
7.4.1 Cleaning
Normally, the oil seeds are mixed with a variety of foreign materials viz. sand, stones,
stalks, foliage etc., during harvesting, handling and transportation. It is ideal to clean seed
before putting it into store. Stone, iron and wood pieces mixed with seeds can disrupt
mechanical equipment during processing. Foreign matters may lower protein content and
increase fiber content of meal residue after extraction of oil. Moreover, foreign matters
mixed with oilseeds may be having high moisture content which may initiate overheating.
The local hot spots in the oilseeds damage the quality and constitute a fire hazard if not
properly detected and corrected by aeration or rotation. In short, proper cleaning of
oilseeds can increase in crushing capacity of oil expelling units, reduce in-plant
maintenance and improve quality of oil and cake.
oilseeds was shown in Table7.1. Dehulling of oilseeds extraction is advantageous as the
hulls, reduce the total oil yields and the capacity of extraction equipment.
Table 7.1 Approximate proportions of hulls and kernel in important oilseeds of India.
Oil Seed Kernel (%) Hull (%)
Groundnut 75 25
Soyabean 93 7
Saffflower 50 50
Cotton Seed 62 38
Linseed 57 43
7.4.4 Heat Treatment
Almost all the oilseeds yield oil more readily if cooked adequately prior to their
mechanical expression and or solvent extraction. The cooking process coagulates the
proteins present in seed causing coalescence of oil droplets and making the seed preamble
to the flow of oil. The cooking process also helps in imparting proper plasticity to seed
mass. The cooking process destroys the moulds and bacteria to improve the micro-
biological as well as keeping quality of oilcake. Normal cooking of oilseeds has little effect
on oil color, rather it reduces impurities in oil and improves processing quality of oil and
nutritive values of cakes. However, over cooking of oilseeds produces oil and cake of dark
color. Oil thus obtained is difficult to bleach and has low nutritive value. The flow chart
for oil process is shown in Fig.7.1.
The moisture content of cooked oilseeds is critically important in efficiently of their oil
expression/extraction process. If the moisture content is more than the optimal, it results in
slippage of material in the expeller. If such oilseed is solvent extracted the excessive
moisture prevents the proper diffusion of the solvent in to oilseeds as well as creates non-
percolation problems.
Processing of oilseeds – mechanical expression devices – hydraulic press and screw press.
Fig. 8.1 Hydraulic press
8.2.2 Screw Press
A screw press for oil expulsion is shown in Fig.8.2. The press has horizontal main shaft.
The screw assembly is formed integrally with this shaft. This screw rotates with in cage or
barrel. The barrel is made of case hardened, tool steel bars or this may be made out of
assembly of rings. Spacers are used between the line bars or rings to allow drainage of oil
as the pressure on the feed material is increased. At the discharge end, a movable coke or
cone controls the operating pressure. It is achieved by changing the width of annular space
through the oil cake pass. The choke is adjusted by a hand wheel on the opposite end of the
Fig. 8.2 Screw Press
The process of removing groundnut pod from the plants or haulms is known as stripping.
The most common method of stripping is to pull out the pods from the plants manually,
yielding 9 kg pods per hour with stripping efficiency of 91%. TNAU, Coimbatore has
developed two types of manually operated strippers namely; comb type and drum type
(Fig.8.3 and 8.4).
Fig. 8.3 Comb type Fig. 8.3 Drum type
The comb type groundnut stripper consists of a square frame of vertical legs and a
horizontal strip of expanded metal fixed on each side of the frame in the form of comb.
The stripping of the pods is accomplished by drawing a handful of vines across the comb
with a slight force. The structure facilitates its use by four women simultaneously. A small
adjustable stool was fabricated for the operator to sit and perform the stripping operation.
Higher output i.e. 350 kg of pods/day can be obtained as against 200 kg in case of
conventional stripping.
In drum type groundnut stripper, Stripping is done by holding the pod portion of a bunch
over the cylinder. The vines along with the groundnuts are held over the spiked cylinder
and the pods get removed.
8.4.1 Power operated Groundnut stripper
TNAU, Coimbatore has developed power operated groundnut stripper as shown in the
Fig.8.4. It consists of a hopper, double crank lever mechanism, an oscillating sector with
sieve bottom and a blower assembly, all fixed on a frame. A number of cast iron peg
assemblies are fitted in the oscillating sector unit. The groundnut pods are shelled between
the oscillating sector and the fixed perforated concave screen. The decorticated shells and
kernels fall down through the perforated concave sieve. The blower helps to separate the
kernels from husk and the kernels are collected through the spout at the bottom. The shells
are thrown away from the machine.
A power operated groundnut grader has been developed at TNAU, Coimbatore. Fig. 8.5
shows this grader with a capacity of 600kg/hr. The grader consists of slotted oscillating
sieves which run by one hp electric motor. During operation, groundnut is fed into the
grader through the upper sieve that also serves as the hopper. The pods travel towards the
lower part of the grader by gravity through the perforated sieve that was greater than its
major diameter and drops into the lower sieve for further grading. The pods with major
diameter larger than the sieve diameter were retained on the sieve. It thus allows evenly
kernels through the shaking sieve into the collecting trays that were fitted at the front of the
grader. The pods that are retained on a particular tray determine its grade.
Fig. 8.5 Groundnut grader
In majority of groundnut producing countries, the drying process is simple and most often
consists of standing the filled sacks, top open, until the pods are dry enough to be shelled,
stacked or transported. In case of mechanical driers, portable trailer bins, radial drying bins
and vertical flow bins are all suitable for unshelled groundnuts. Continuous flow dryers are
normally suitable for larger producers or cooperatives.
In India, groundnut is traditionally dried in sun which requires 4-6 days for reducing the
moisture content of groundnut pods from 26% to 13% on mud floor. On cement floor, the
drying takes place faster and reduces about 1/3 of total drying time in comparison to
earthen floor. However, Mechanical dryers were developed for drying of groundnut on
large scale. During drying of groundnut, moisture passes quickly from kernels to pods and
since the process continues after drying has ceased, over drying of pods must be avoided.
Overheated kernels are extremely brittle, can change color and lose their flavor, all of
which reduces their value. Slow drying is preferable to fast in terms of final quality.
The process of obtaining kernels from the stripped groundnut pods is known as
decortication. Mostly decortication is usually done by breaking the shell by hand pressure
under the thumb. Manual decortication by hand is laborious, expensive and less
productive. But now, the commercial hand and power operated groundnut decorticators are
being used in the country. Both these machines work on the same principles. The main
difference lies in their capabilities. After decortication, separation of grain from a mixture
of grain and split shells is done in an air stream. The separation is achieved by allowing the
air stream created artificially or naturally and passing the mixture vertically down,
perpendicular to the air blast. The grain being heavier gets collected almost at the place of
dropping, whereas the lighter material (split shells) is blown away to a greater distance.
The hand operated one has a capacity of about 200 kg/h and the mechanical decorticator
has 500 kg/h capacity.
The Groundnut decorticator performs essentially three operations namely 1) Feeding
groundnut to the shelling unit, 2) Shelling groundnuts and separating nuts from the shell
and 3) Cleaning the nuts from the mixture.
The crushing plates are bolted to the externally grooved channels and mounted at an angle
resulting in unequal gaps on both ends between the plates and the grate. The minimum
uniform gap of 2.5 to 3.2 cm between the lower edge of the plates and inner surface of the
grate gives satisfactory operation. The grate is composed of a flat steel bars placed
horizontally on their edges with a small space between the bars can be done by changing
the thickness of the washers used on them, to suit any size of pods. A fan, which is
operated at 450 rpm by the main rotor shaft, is the basic part of the cleaning section. The
blades of the fan are made of iron sheets bolted to angle iron arms on both sides. The blast
of air created by the fan is strong enough to blow away the broken empty shell, so that the
heavy nuts fall into the bottom pan by gravity.
Fig. 8.7 Power operated rocking type decorticator