The Lion of The Tribe of JUDAH

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When The Lion of the Tribe

of Judah Appeared to me
The November 11, 2013 vision

The Vision that broke me DOWN to tears

hen the sun went down however, I found myself looking up
on that November 10th and gazing into the sky that stood
2013 evening, and darkness right above me. The sky that I saw was
began to overrule the hills that define so glorious as it became unusual, and
the horizons of the earth, little did I consequently appeared more like there
know that the night would bring with it was a terrible rain storm coming. For
one of the most astounding visitations lack of a better word, it presented more
that would remain permanently etched like I was in the lull before the storm.
in our minds. As the clock ticked its It was then that while still looking up
way past the midnight hour, and the into the sky, the amazing vision of
old day greeted the new day into the LORD beheld. That is when all of a
being, all seemed to have been set sudden I saw GOD's heaven open, when
for a major conversation between the huge cloud that had covered the
heaven and earth. When the 11th day gates of heaven rolled away. And in
of November the year 2013 claimed a twinkle of the moment, a most rare
its position within the calendars of vision of the LORD was underway. The
human life, then the fullness of time vision I saw was that of events yet to
struck as the GOD of Israel decided happen and hitherto, most profound
to visit me in a most astounding and towards the close of time. While still
totally unusual manner ever. In that mesmerized by the glory of GOD that lit
formidable visitation of JEHOVAH, HE up the sky, then suddenly and virtually
came down from heaven to speak with unannounced, the most dreadful and
me regarding events about to happen terrifying LION of heaven appeared
on the earth. As that conversation into the sky above. The tremendous
progressed, I soon realized that it LION I saw coming down from
was entirely and fully centred around heaven shocked me very much in the
the most anticipated glorious coming countenance of HIS fierce presentation,
of the Messiah. And in that divine and was as a matter of fact the fearful
discourse, the LORD GOD all of a LION of the tribe of Judah. As HE
sudden lifted me up and took me to suddenly appeared into the sky, I
a place which until this day, I am not saw that HE took control of the entire
able to locate. At that sacred place expanse above the earth. When HE

You are a lion’s cub, Judah;
Brazzaville, Congo / July 12, 2014 you return from the prey, my
BEDRIDDEN FOR 6 son. Like a lion he crouches and
lies down, like a lioness—who
After the PROPHET dares to rouse him? 10 The
OF THE LORD scepter will not depart from
said a 3-minute
Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from
prayer during the
Mighty Healing between his feet, until he to
Service, this whom it belongs shall come and
young girl who the obedience of the nations
was bedridden for
shall be his (Gen 49:9-10).
six years instantly
got up and began This is what especially underscores
to walk.
that when the LORD allowed THE LION
OF HEAVEN to appear before me in that
She was in so much shock that she could get up and walk for the first
time in 6 years that she just held her cheek in deep shock and surprise. vision, HE was essentially highlighting
that the rod of rulership was given to
emerged, THE LION of the tribe of that HIS face was so humongous, and Judah from whom the Messiah would
Judah was so huge and HIS appearance in fact very scary to behold. At that come. When the LORD delivered Israel
so shocking that for a moment I felt place, HE lay there looking and staring from Egypt, HIS mission and vision for
like fleeing from that place. In the at me for some time, as though HE had Israel was that when the fullness of
manner of HIS contact with me, it was something to tell me. Because of HIS time would strike, the Redeemer of all
as though the GOD of Heaven had sent fearful stare, I felt like running away men, our LORD Jesus Christ would come
THE LION of the tribe of Judah to meet from where the LORD had placed me. from the lineage of Judah (Matt 1:2-3;
me, thereby causing HIM to come closer Heb 7:14). However, it is important
and remain above the earth with HIS THE LION KING IS COMING to note that all this constellation was
EYES fixed on me. It was at that critical 'Weep not: behold, the Lion of the designed in order to project forth a
juncture in this vision, that THE LION tribe of Judah, the Root of David, message on the righteousness, holiness
of the tribe of Judah all of a sudden hath prevailed to open the book, and and zero-tolerance to sin, that would
began to advance towards me in the to loose the seven seals thereof' ' is characterize the path through which
sky, and stopped at about 50 meters presented in this scripture to imply the Messiah would come.
above the earth from where I was
standing. Once HE was assured that I
that there was a continued weeping
The Royal Family
and duress in heaven. The appearance 7
Gilead is mine, and Manasseh is
had seen HIM, and that HE had captured of The Lion of the tribe of Judah in mine; Ephraim is my helmet, Judah is
my complete and undivided attention this critical apocalyptic vision implies my scepter (Psalms 60:7).
and fright, then HE chose to lay down that GOD ALMIGHTY in heaven has Despite being the first born in the
on the clouds in the sky, while directly determined that the Ruler and King of house of Israel, Reuben however
facing me. That is when HE looked at the coming Kingdom will be like a lion, lost the right to kingship due to his
me directly into the eyes, and I noticed and the offspring of Judah. abominable sin. The kingly dignity
and rule hence fell on Judah who
POINTE NOIRE, Congo / July 12, 2014 was steadfast in observing the
requirements of the LORD. Thus, while
Reuben may have had the right of first
born, nevertheless the Messiah did not
come as a lion from Reuben, but THE
LION from Judah. This clearly depicts
that right from the beginning, GOD
ALMIGHTY ensured that by design, the
Messiah's coming be far separated
from sin. This is what guaranteed the
projection of HIS life's mission as being
to essentially separate mankind from
BLIND EYE OPENED: sin. HIS coming through the lineage of
purity and sinlessness therefore greatly
This woman's blind eyes popped open when the
PROPHET OF THE LORD walked into the stadium. bespoke the purity and righteousness
HE would restore upon fallen man. HE

For a long time now, the royal tribe

Brazzaville, Congo / July 12, 2014 LOSS OF MEMORY RESTORED: of Judah has not exercised its rule,
but have remained dormant like a
This girl had suffered severe
loss of memory for many tree stump on the ground; a stump
years but when the PROPHET
that gives no evidence of having life.
OF THE LORD commanded
that everybody receive their However, by presenting THE LION of
healing, the LORD restored the tribe of Judah in this vision, the
her mind and memory
and she could now be able LORD was principally depicting that this
to read and remember stump of the royal family of Judah will
everything. It struck her so
much that she even sang a again spring to life when the Messiah
song unto The LORD. springs forth to rule the nations from
that dreadful day of rapture. We see
came as the Only Holy One. Even now present for that sinful act the church that the LORD calls HIM the Root of
as the church moves towards the close may have compromised in. Thereupon, David denoting that HE is the ANCIENT
of time and HE comes as the LION KING, we see that Reuben's first born rights ONE who comes to rule on the Throne
and HIS advent nears, HE comes to were consequently taken away from of David HIS father. It also presents
separate the lineages of sin from those him, thereby being split and divided the Messiah as the ANCIENT One,
of righteousness. Reuben was deprived up such that, the double portion of the One whose tidings are from the
of his first born right and the right to material inheritance went to Joseph, times of old, even before Abraham.
the Messiah because the Messiah had while the priestly dignity went to Levi Furthermore, the presentation of THE
to come as the Only Holy One Whose (Deut 21:15-17; Num3:12; Ex13:15). LION of the tribe of Judah in this vision,
life would befit the Perfect LAMB of the The biggest portion of the Kingship greatly talks about the triumph and
sacrifice. Simeon and Levi were also and Ruler's dignity on the other hand, victory that the Christ scored over
excluded on account of their bloody fell on Judah who was Israel's fourth sin and satan. In other words, the
acts at Shechem. This in itself presents son. Thus, the Messiah from that day LORD is saying that when that day of
as a serious lesson to the present-day on became known as THE LION out of the return of the Messiah comes to
believer because it points to the fact the tribe of Judah (Rev 5:5). pass, the fruit of the price HE paid for
that some of the little sinful acts that redemption by HIS shed blood, will
today's complacent salvation tolerates The Throne of David finally manifest in the triumphant entry
may one day block her at that critical The Deity of Christ as Son and THE LION of the holy church into heaven. The
hour of entry into the Kingdom of GOD. is uniquely the FATHER'S application of LORD is using this vision of THE LION to
Simeon and Levi may have committed the Messiah's GODHEAD. Nonetheless, say that through the defeat of satan
the sin at Shechem as a casual act, but when it comes to describing HIS and the forces of evil, THE LION of the
when the time to present the biggest future Dominion and Kingdom, this tribe of Judah will on the day of HIS
blessing came, then the Shechem act tremendous LION of the tribe of return regain the right to take tenant
caught up with them. So shall that Judah, has an interestingly intrinsic possession of the earth, away from the
little sexual lusting, little lie, little relationship with the sacred Root of evil prince of this world. Therefore, by
unfaithfulness, etc., one day catch up David and the divine Branch out of coming to me in that vision as THE LION
with the church at the point of entry Jesse. of the tribe of Judah, GOD ALMIGHTY
into heaven, when things will be most 11
And there shall come forth was essentially saying that on that day
critical for her. When all will have a rod out of the stem of Jesse, of rapture, Christ will prevail over the
been aligned, like it was with Reuben, and a Branch shall grow out of sin that has disoriented and marooned
his roots (Isaiah 11:1). the present-day church. In so doing,
then finally the moment of shame will
the CREATOR is fundamentally saying
POINTE NOIRE, Congo / July 12, 2014 that not only will THE LION come as the
Massive Deliverance ancient symbol of the tribe of Judah,

After the Mighty

but also for the Messiah's holy church
PROPHET OF THE that pursues righteousness at this dark
LORD descended in the
hour. Thus when YAHWEH presented
Healing Service many
were set free from all THE LION of the tribe of Judah in that
kinds of diseases and November 11th vision, it became a
principal relaying the messages to
two quarters namely the nations, and
the church of Christ. It is a message

to the church a very valuable message

POINTE NOIRE, Congo / July 12, 2014 regarding the fact that HE has
committed all responsibility to the
shoulders of the Messiah, and clothed
HIM with the Robe of strength that
no man can overrule. In this way
we see that responsibility has been
committed into HIS Hands and hence
HE shall be a Father to the inhabitants
of Jerusalem, and the House of Judah,
This woman could not walk or stand without support but when the and consequently unto all the nations
PROPHET OF THE LORD prayed during the Mighty Healing Service, the LORD
restored and strengthened her broken back and damaged spine and of the earth. The most important
she was now able to walk on her own and even follow the MAN OF GOD message that the LORD brings out from
wherever he went. THE LORD BE GLORIFIED.
that vision of November 11th 2013
is greatly anchored onto the role that
that affirms the fact that the Messiah's virtually unassailable. This is because is accomplished by the Key of David
return will be characterized by the the GOD of heaven has given HIM the that the LION KING wields. Since GOD in
enthronement of a rule of strength, Key of David which allowed HIM to open heaven links the LION KING to the Root
courage and sovereignty. In other the scroll of GOD in heaven. It depicts of David, then it can be well said that
words, it will be an incontestable reign. that all the governmental authority of HE as the Beholder of that powerful

And it also talks about the significance King David will be upon the shoulders Key of David, shall have some serious
of HIS sovereignty in opening the of the coming LION KING. It assuredly indisputable powers that cannot be
biblion scroll of GOD in heaven. affirms that when the LORD promised fathomed in our lifetime. With that
that the ruler would arise from the Key, so shall HE open and no one shall
The Lion & the Key of David tribe of Judah, HE would indeed rule shut. Also, with the same Key, so shall
Because the lion always depicts from the Throne of David as the LION HE shut and no one shall open. I will
a reign of strength, courage and KING Whose dominion would have no fasten HIM as a peg in a secure place,
sovereignty, the presentation of THE bounds, even unto the ends of the and HE will become a glorious throne to
LION of the tribe of Judah in this earth. HIS Father's House (Isaiah 22:20-23).

November 11th vision therefore, 16

Your house and your The power of the Key of David that
portrays that the reign of the Messiah kingdom will endure forever the LION KING will behold, consists not
will be one that is characterized by before me[a]; your throne will only the supervisory role in the royal
be established forever.’” chambers of GOD in heaven, but also
GOD's mighty strength, courage and
(2 Samuel 7:13-16) in the decision on who exactly will,
an unchallengeable sovereignty. In
other words, the LORD was saying in Isaiah the Prophet had earlier and who will not, be received by the
that vision, that upon the rapture, the prophesied the reign of this LION GOD THE FATHER. This is the same Key

unfolding reign of the Messiah would KING, as One that would reign over that the LORD Jesus presented to the
be comparable with no other, thereby an eternal Kingdom while seated on New Testament church that chooses
reflecting that no one in heaven, or the Throne of David. Moreover, even to follow this LION KING. This is what
on earth, or under the earth, however Gabriel the Archangel had repeated gave the LION of the tribe of Judah
great they are, was found that was this promise to Mary at the time of Alone the sole right and authority
able to open the scroll of GOD, except annunciation by saying, "He will be to open the scroll of GOD in heaven,
Jesus. Hence by presenting THE LION of great, and will be called the Son of the and initiate the judgments that will
the tribe Judah, heaven was essentially HIGHEST, and the LORD GOD will give deliver upon the earth the Davidic
saying that HE who has authority to HIM the throne of David HIS Father." Kingdom of the Messiah. This Key is
break the seal and open the scroll (Luke 1:32). Hence we see that by the Key to the glorious Kingdom of
of GOD is coming. Unlike the first presenting the LION in that November heaven, and Only the Messiah has
coming though, this time around it 11th vision, GOD ALMIGHTY wanted authority to hold it. By pronouncing
is worth noting that the Messiah will to lay upon the church that the reign in the present continuous tense that
not be coming as a babe swathed in of the coming Messiah would be 'HE opens and no one shuts', and 'HE
the Bethlehem manger, but as the virtually incontestable because HE is shuts and no one opens', the LORD is
courageous strong and sovereign LION the beholder of the Key of David. In carefully speaking to the church on
KING whose reign and scepter will be this way, JEHOVAH is communicating the fact that the Messiah is presently
holding that Key in HIS Hands. It is a

clarion call to the church and all men its gates with this special Key. This Key and counsel embedded inside the scroll
that they must respond and enter now that the LION KING holds in HIS Hands of GOD in heaven is a church that is
while the door is still held open by this today is the same Key to the gospel of very much aware that the Kingdom of
LION KING. Moreover, by the authority the Blood and the Cross because only GOD is nigh, and that this is the hour
conferred unto HIM through this Key of through the gospel can mortal men that she must prepare the righteous
David, we can see that once the door enter into the eternal Kingdom of GOD. way for the coming of the Messiah. We
shuts, no one will be able to open it, are further reminded here about the
and hence there will be no recourse god's hidden counsel scripture that rebukes humanity for
for entry into the Kingdom of GOD. Considering that the scroll of GOD gross complacency on matters of GOD
This Key indeed is the Key that opens that HE opened represents the secret and especially regarding the endtime.
the door to the rapture of the church, purposes of GOD, the coming of THE The LORD extremely laments as to how
and closes it on that fearful day of LION of the tribe of Judah in this vision mankind would be able to tell when it
reckoning when the Messiah will have for that matter, portrays among other is overcast and coming to rain, and yet
kidnapped HIS holy elect, in a flash and things, the coming of the reign of fail to notice the signs of the times.
the twinkling of an eye. And while they the hidden counsel of GOD, unsealed. And in the morning, It will be
went to buy, the bridegroom came, If there was such serious groaning, foul weather to day: for the
and those were ready went in with HIM weeping and gnashing of teeth in sky is red and lowring. O ye
hypocrites, ye can discern the
into the wedding, AND THE DOOR WAS heaven because nobody was found
face of the sky; but can ye not
SHUT (Matt 25:10). Isaiah the Prophet worthy enough to break the seals discern the signs of the times?
also saw the role that this Key of David and open the scroll of GOD, then how (Matt 16:3).
would play in the Hands of the LION of much more should today's church
As a result, we see that this presence
the tribe of Judah, when he said, 'Go weep and moan for not being able to
of THE LION of the tribe of Judah in
my people, enter your rooms and shut access the secret counsel and wisdom
this vision is indeed meant to rekindle
the door behind you ..." (Isaiah 26:20). of GOD that are concealed within the
man's memory on that prophetic
And once the Master of the House gospel for her entry into heaven. The
timeline which the seal HE broke in
shall have risen up and shut the door voice said 'weep not' for THE LION of
heaven has manifested on the earth.
and you begin to stand outside and the tribe of Judah has triumphed, the
The hidden revelation that today's
knock the door saying, "Lord, Lord, LORD essentially meant that the weeping
church needs to uphold in order to
open for us," “But HE will answer, ‘To should now come to an end because
understand the times, is that which
tell you the truth, I know ye not nor the Messiah had attained victory at the
appertains to understanding the
whence ye come from.’ (Luke 13:25). Calvary Cross. When one observes the
spiritual significance of the various
THE LION of the tribe of Judah that behaviour of today's church and the
calamities that are now consuming
the LORD showed me in that vision is apostasy of their salvation, one is quick
the entire world, ranging from the
therefore a serious LION that does not to notice that she has not accessed
Arab bloodshed popularly known as
come to joke around, but to establish the hidden wisdom and counsel of GOD
the Arab uprising, to the attacks on
and rivet the holy agenda of GOD unto concealed within the gospel. Owing
Israel from Gaza. Today's church ought
this rebellious earth. When Jesus came to the apostasy that has ravaged
to also understand what the wars
and performed HIS public ministry today's church, it is just inevitable
in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Nigeria,
on the earth, HE essentially came to that the present-day believers ought
Somalia, Kenya, South Sudan, all
cleanse the souls of the believers from to seriously weep unto the LORD for
the way to Ukraine and Mexico drug
the power and pollution of sin. In that not being able to access the hidden
wars, spiritually impute towards the
way, HE delivered mankind from the wisdom and counsel of GOD that was
coming of the Messiah. Possessing a
yoke of the oppressor. Furthermore, concealed for them in the glorious
revelation on these global events, the
we hence see that when JEHOVAH gospel at this last hour. Moreover, this
economic crisis inclusive, and what
delivered Israel from the oppressor vision of THE LION of the tribe of Judah
they spiritually portend towards the
in Egypt, this was fundamentally the further reminds the present-day church
rapture, is what a prudent church that
shadow of the believer's deliverance that if there was no reason at all for her
has access to GOD's hidden counsel
from the oppressive reign of satan. weeping for help at this hour, then at
and wisdom beholds. This is because
Out of that travail, HE built forth a holy least her failure to perceive the gravity
the LORD is using the LION that HE
church that THE LION KING now comes of the future events of the Christ, and
presented to me in this vision to send
to defend. Isaiah saw that there is a the prospects of the coming Kingdom,
forth the message that HE is coming,
house and a castle that is prepared for should be reason enough for her to cry
but this time around, the day of HIS
this celebrated holy elect, and that it out to the Holy Spirit for help. A church
arrival will mark an irreversible event
has to be opened and accessed through that has access to the hidden wisdom

of reckoning, at which there will be the into the Kingdom of GOD, that will be the monarch of the forest whose rule
gnashing of teeth for the unprepared. the day when for the first time the cannot be contested by any animal
In all this discourse, our memories rulership of Judah will spring-forth and in that jungle! This was yet another
must be continually rekindled to the sprout its life into heaven. That will mighty disclosure of GOD to the fact HE
fact that the lion in the ordinary sense also be the day when the realization has high regard for the Messiah, and
has always symbolized the king of the of the rulership of Judah will sprout has totally entrusted the entire future
beasts, and the monarch of the forests. and flourish on the earth because the of the earth to the Messiah's rule.
That being the case, we can now rapture will have taken place and the Moreover, it is a vision that speaks on
clearly see that in this vision YAHWEH is earth will be preparing herself for the the fact that when HE comes to rule as
awakening not only the church but also reign of the Messiah. Over the years, a victor, an overcomer and conqueror,
the nations, that Jesus is coming with many have longed to point out where so will be HIS followers who walk in his
the emblem of the Kingly authority exactly the celebrated rulership of righteous and holy ways. In this day
and power that will be virtually Judah has been expressed on this and age, the devout followers of Christ
incontestable on the earth. And it also earth, but found none. However, there who choose righteousness and holiness
bespeaks the fact that when HE comes, comes a day when from this decayed are already be default cast into this
Christ who had power to open the fallen wood, shall sprout forth leaves highway of holiness that ensures their
seals, will also have power to rule over of life. This sprouting of life into the living as overcomers, conquerors and
the universe and all events under HIS stump of Judah, happened on the day victors over this dark world. Indeed,
control as the lion rules incontestable when Jesus resurrected and triumphed HIS glorious appearance in that vision
in the forest. In other words, THE LION on the Cross having taken up the entails the fact that HIS victory on
in this vision presents the Messiah as image of sin. This connection with the Cross scored power and triumph
a Ruler Who will wield the iron sceptre David becomes the portrayal of HIS over all the powers of darkness. The
Whose dominion will virtually span glorious monarchy that gives HIM the scroll HE opened in heaven is the
over all creation when HE returns. right to occupy the Throne in Israel as oldest manuscript ever envisaged and
And the scripture that celebrates the One that will rule over the people of ever created by GOD thereby implying
triumph of the LION of the tribe of GOD. It therefore exalts the reign of the that the definition of the lifestyle
Judah does not fail to highlight that LION KING, because only the LION of the prescribed therein and the revelation
HE is also the Root of David. However, tribe of Judah was entrusted with the revealed there, relates to a church
it is important to note that ever since sole propriety and task of opening the that prescribes to the old ancient
the ruler's Sceptre fell on Judah, HIS seals on the scroll of GOD in heaven. In unadulterated holy ways of the LORD.
rulership has not yet been manifest the scripture that celebrates the LION And so shall it be with the glorious
on the earth. Unlike Levi whose of the tribe of Judah, the LORD further bride that comes to rule with the LION
priesthood has been well expressed in proceeds to pronounce that HE 'hath KING after the rapture in Jerusalem. HE
the Levitical covenant, Judah however, prevailed', which essentially associates that openeth the scroll, is HE whose
has had his rulership lay dormant as a the LION of the tribe of Judah with office it is for the scroll to open on
decayed stump whose reality is yet to triumph, victory, and conquest. That that day of rapture, and indeed is the
sprout. When the LORD Jesus went to can only mean that when the LORD LION KING of Judah. Therefore, he says
the Cross HE placed HIS torn back on presented the LION of the tribe of Judah to the holy and righteous 'weep not'
the dead wood that defined the Cross, in that November 11th 2013 vision, meaning the righteous church should
and carried with HIM all the sin and HE basically meant that this LION has cease sorrowing and not allow her
decay of mankind, thereby causing acquired this power as a result of a thoughts to be cast down in despair,
the Cross to be symbolic of decay. In major victory and triumph from a because Christ the LION has great
other words, the Calvary Cross upon bitter conflict and struggle. Therefore, strength, HE being the mighty GOD,
which all the decay of man was laid when the LORD presented Jesus as a the able Saviour, the courageous and
can also be termed as the decayed LION, He indeed wanted on that day to strong Redeemer, yet the Protector
wood. We see that the nailing of the portray the message that the Messiah of HIS church. HE comes to dismantle
LORD thereupon that wood of decay, is is coming, but this time around, not the principalities and powers of satan
what gave it the inherent and intrinsic as a babe in the Bethlehem Manger, with HIS sovereign unassailable rule.
life it beholds. But over the years, but as a Victor and an Overcomer who Indeed, the appearance of THE LION of
that tree of David has still remained is a Conqueror that comes to subdue the tribe of Judah in that vision, was
a mere decayed stump whose life is all HIS enemies and the forces of evil, meant to convey the message to the
yet to be realized in this realm. On under HIS incontestable authority. holy christian that behold THE LION of
the day when the Messiah returns for We are reminded here that the lion the tribe and the Root of David has
the church and honours her with entry is always the king of the jungle and prevailed and loosed the seals thereof


on the Scrolls, and is coming soon. to bring back the fear of GOD in the that day realizes. The LORD is saying,
hearts of men with HIS glory in clear that the body of Christ should not
WHEN THE LION ROARS view. It is also a resounding of how expect commune with GOD unless
The lion has roared — who consequences of refusing to submit they have first sought peace with
will not fear? The Sovereign to this roar can be so dangerous for HIM in total obedience. Where there
Lord has spoken — who can the roar of a lion is a terrible thing. is no friendship, there can never be
but prophesy? (Amos 3:8). And if the lion roar of the earth can fellowship. GOD and man therefore
The appearance of the Lion of the tribe be such dangerous, how much more cannot fellowship together except that
of Judah in the November 11th, 2013 the wrath and the displeasure of the they agree, and this time the lesser
conversation of the LORD essentially KING of Kings - THE LORD. When the would have to conform to the greater.
highlighted a warning unto the church. Lion roared and commissioned Jonah, The LORD is using this dream of the
It is as though the LORD was saying the moment HE declined prophesying Lion to assert to the church that no
that the Lion of the tribe of Judah when the LORD had spoken with him, matter the claim she lays on eternity,
has roared and who will not fear. The the consequences became nasty. Even she cannot presume an outwards
LORD GOD has spoken and who can if it was difficult for him to go, but at privilege without special sanctifying
but prophesy? Often when the LION least he ought to have published it. grace that works on the inward.
roars as the monarch of the jungle, This can also be particularly directed to Therefore, the threatening of the word
his rumble puts panic into his subjects the ministers of the word who have a of GOD through the roar of the Lion
and causes them to move. In the same call and a charge from Christ on whom against the sin of man, certainly show
way, the coming of the LION of the the responsibility has been laid, to that the judgments of GOD are around
tribe of Judah in that conversation, pick the gospel in order to prepare the the corner, if the church conforms
JEHOVAH was meant to foretell future way of the LORD. And should they shut not. As the lion's roar forces everyone
events which the LORD has made that gospel and declare themselves to fear, so does the divine call of
known to come to pass for edification, to service on any other account other GOD force HIS people to conform to
exhortation and reproving of the than preparing the way of the LORD, righteousness and holiness. In this
church. If the LORD has spoken in as fire in the bones, the roar of the way, after the fearsome powers of her
such manner in a dream, these things Lion would cause them to run for their CREATOR have been made known to
that concern that dream, who can lives at the consequences thereafter. her, the church ought to submit herself
forebear doing, especially now that it The LORD is saying that when the LION willingly and more humbly to JEHOVAH
relates to preparing the church for the has roared who is it that can fail to her Defender whose strength is more
glorious coming of the Messiah. In this obey that instruction and follow suit terrible than that of the enemy. For it
way, the roar of the LION by HIS Spirit in preparing the bride. In other words, is certain that he who less understands
has given a call and commissioned the LORD is saying that moralizing the dangers he escapes from, loves not
the gifts of grace to qualify the man can sometimes take the shape his Deliverer. The LORD has Spoken,
church for such service as paving a of a lion's roar in the spiritual sense. who can fail to submit and prepare for
righteous way for the coming of the In other words, if the church does the coming of the Messiah. ■
Messiah, and who can dare refrain not refrain from sin, she shall not be
from the task assigned. It is meant exempt from GOD's punishment when

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