Q Paper and Instructions - Final

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SardarVallabhbhai National Institute of Technology

Department of Electrical Engineering

B.Tech. 3 Year, Semester V,End Semester Examination
 Read the Instructions carefully before starting the Exam.
 Prepare your answer in A4 size papers, and you can make use of Calculator, if
needed. You will be allotted 3hours time to answer, including the time of
uploading of answer sheet.
 You can down load question paper from Microsoft team ‘file section’ of Control
System Exam group.
 You can upload your answer sheets in the same platform ( assignment section
in the Microsoft Teams) or send it via email to us ([email protected] or
[email protected].
 The format for uploading answer sheet is preferably portable document format
 The name of the answer sheet document should be same as your Admission
 Each page of answer sheet should bear your signature, page number at top
and bottom, and Admission Number.
 Total pages should be mentioned on the first page of answer sheet.
 It shall be noted that answer sheets with poor clarity and hence not readable,
will not be considered for evaluation and no marks will be awarded.
 In case of any doubts or difficulty during the examination, you are encouraged
to contact us. Please consult immediately to us at Emails, whatapp and mobile
number 8866093530 /9924204844 .
 Endsemester examination will be having weightage of 50 marks. Please
click/use below link for your Attendance between 1.45 PM to 2.00 PM on


 You are advised not to indulge inany activity that amount to unfair means of the
 All the students are instructed to keep their camera in on mode during the
examination through google meet in the respected group. You will receive the
link for the meeting by 1.45 PM on 6/12/2021 through Microsoft team ‘file
section’ of ‘Control System Exam’group.
 Please see your group detail as below.

Roll Nos and link Sr. Roll Nos and link Roll Nos and link
Sr. No ( Group -1 DIV-A) NO ( Group -2 DIV-A) Sr. NO ( Group -3 DIV-A)
Google link for exam
Google Link for exam Google Link for exam meet.google.com/qot-
meet.google.com/kuj- meet.google.com/zbi-oeyx- bezg-kfd
zyni-rms nih

1 U19EE001 1 U19EE021 1 U19EE041

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16 U19EE016 16 U19EE036 16 U19EE057
17 U19EE017 17 U19EE037 17 U19EE058
18 U19EE018 18 U19EE038 18 +
Any student of DIV A
U19EE019 U19EE039
19 19 19 not included above
20 U19EE020 20 U19EE040 20
(DIV_B and MED Minor course students )

Roll Nos and link Sr. Roll Nos and link Roll Nos and link
Sr. No ( Group -1 DIV-B) NO ( Group -2 DIV-B) Sr. NO ( Group -3 DIV-B)

Google link for exam

Google Link for exam Google link for exam
meet.google.com/bzx- meet.google.com/xyq- hccp-naq
sdht-nfo ucqo-csi

U19EE059 U19EE080 U19EE101

1 1 1
U19EE060 U19EE102
2 2 U19EE082 2
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16 16 16
U19EE076 U19EE097 U19ME188
17 17 17
U19EE077 U19EE098 U19ME191
18 18 18
U19EE078 U19EE099 +
19 19 19
Any student of DIV
U19EE079 B/Minor subject not
included above
20 20 U19EE100 20
SardarVallabhbhai National Institute of Technology
Department of Electrical Engineering
B.Tech. 3 Year, Semester V,End Semester Examination
Subject: Control Systems (EE303)
Total Marks: 50 Time: 3 Hours

Instructions: Maintain the sequence of answers as per that of questions.

Q. 1(A) Obtain the root locus for a unity feedback system with stating all the steps, for the (06)
system having open-loop transfer function as

𝐺(s)H(s) = .
s(s + 3)(s2 + 14s + 48)

Q. 1(B) What is the motivation to construct the root locus despite the availability of Nyquist (02)
plot and Bode plot.

The open loop transfer function of a unity feedback control system is given by (06)
Q. 1(C) k ( s  1)
G(s)  . Determine the value of ‘k’ and ‘a’ so that the above system
s  as 2  2s  1

oscillates at a frequency of 3 rad/sec.

Q-2 (A) Consider the unity feedback close loop transfer function of the system driven by (05 )
unit step input as
𝐶(𝑠) K2
R(s) s 2 + 0.6Ks + K 2

Obtain rise time, peak time, % over shoot and settling time for the given system
when K=10.

Q-2 (B) Draw the Nyquist Contour and obtain the Nyquist Plot for the system having unity (08)
feedback open loop transfer function as

𝐺 (s)H(s) =
s(s + 2)(s + 6)
Also obtain the close-loop stability.

Q-2 (C) Explain the following about the system. Marginally stable, conditionally stable and (04)
absolutely stable.
Q-3 (A) Obtain the magnitude and phase Bode plot for the system having open-loop transfer (09)
function as

𝐺 (s)H(s) =
s(1 + 0.2s)(s + 30)

Also determine 1) Phase cross over frequency 2) Gain cross over frequency 3)
Phase Margin 4) Gain Margin 5) stability of the system.

(Note: If semi-log graph paper is not available with the students then they may
sketch the Magnitude and Phase bode plot on normal paper with the calculation of
above quantity with the suitable equations)

Q-3 (B) Write the Translation equations for the mechanical system shown below and find all (05)
transfer function.

( Figure 1)

Q-3 (C) For the mechanical system shown above in figure 1, write analogous Force–Voltage (05)
and Force-Current equations and hence find the corresponding analogous electrical
networks based on
(i) Force-Voltage analogy
(ii) Force-current analogy.

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