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1. Introduction
Trauma lung injury can result from a direct injury to the lung or secondary to
injury elsewhere. The trauma and the associated aggressive resuscitation lead to
bleeding, edema, and inflammation of the lungs. The trauma can result in acute
lung injury (ALI) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). The goal of
the ventilation is to preserve the lung as well as the brain and other organs that are
injured. Each form of traumatic injury results in an individualized approach to
mechanical ventilation [1].
The primary goal of the trauma patient is to avoid hypoxia and secondary tissue
injury. Mechanical ventilation may be initiated for reasons other than respiratory
compromise, such as brain injury, shock, intoxication, agitation, or combative-
ness. Lung-protective ventilation strategies aim to reduce the volume and pressure
delivered to the lung. For example, the goal tidal volume is 6–8 mL/kg of predicted
body weight regardless of the type of ventilation [1].
Mechanical Ventilation
2. Chest trauma
Mechanical Ventilation in the Trauma Patient
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101578
Blunt trauma often results in pulmonary contusion. The early signs of tachy-
pnea, rhonchi, wheezing, or hemoptysis may indicate pulmonary contusion.
Changes may not be visible on a chest X-ray for up to 4–6 hours. Pulmonary contu-
sions usually resolve in 7 days, which are managed easily by treating with permissive
hypercapnia, conservative fluids, routine lung recruitment, positive end-expiratory
pressure (PEEP), and lung-protective ventilation [1].
2.3 Hemothorax
Mechanical Ventilation
if the leak is too large for proper ventilation. This can be achieved with main stem
intubation, double-lumen tube, or bronchial blocker depending on the location of
the fistula. The use of HFOV has been reported in some cases in addition to extra-
corporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) [1].
• Hemodynamic instability
• Decreased respiratory reserves
• Hypoxemia (PaO2 < 60 mmHg)
• Tachypnea
• Hypercarbia
• Glasgow coma scale of 8 or less
Table 1.
Indications for intubation in a chest trauma patient [6–8].
Mechanical Ventilation in the Trauma Patient
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101578
Table 2.
Initial ventilator settings in the chest trauma patient [6–8].
3. Abdominal trauma
4. Head trauma
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) resulting from a trauma has a primary and sec-
ondary injury component. The primary injury results from the initial trauma and
resulting mechanical deformation of the skull and brain tissue. The secondary
injury is a result of the progressive insult to the neurons (Table 3) [11].
Head injury can occur as an isolated trauma or along with other injuries to the
trauma patient. Isolated head injuries have been shown in clinical and experimental
studies to cause lung damage soon after the injury. Neurogenic pulmonary edema
can occur due to the release of catecholamines. In addition, the injured brain
can display a systemic inflammatory response, which can result in injury to the
Mechanical Ventilation
Table 3.
Causes of brain injury [11].
epithelial cells in the lungs. Subsequent mechanical ventilation (MV) can cause
further pulmonary injury and strategies to minimize further damage to the lungs
should be employed [12].
Mechanical ventilation in a patient with both a brain injury and ALI requires a
balance between the principles that guide brain injury and the mechanical ventila-
tion required to be protective of the lung. High PEEP can lead to elevated intratho-
racic pressure, which results in decreased cerebral venous drainage and therefore
poor cerebral perfusion. This effect is seen less in patients with ALI and ARDS;
therefore, PEEP can often be safely applied in these patients. The key is to maintain
the patient’s volume status and mean arterial pressure. Also, the PEEP must be
lower than the patient’s intracranial pressure (ICP). The goal is to apply the lowest
level of PEEP possible to still maintain oxygenation. Head elevation, avoiding tight
endotracheal ties around the neck, and maintaining normocapnia are all important
measures to monitor when ventilating a patient with head and lung injury [13].
Hypoxia, hypercarbia, and hypocarbia should be avoided in patients with a brain
injury. Oxygenation should be monitored with a continuous pulse oximeter (goal
>90%) and the PaO2 should be >60 mmHg. Hyperventilation can result in cerebral
vasoconstriction and brain ischemia. Prolonged hyperventilation is not recom-
mended and should be avoided in the first 24 hours after injury. Hyperventilation
should only be used as a temporizing measure [11].
Mechanical Ventilation in the Trauma Patient
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101578
Some studies show good results with HFPV in trauma patients with or without
head injury. Using HFPV has resulted in improved oxygenation and reduced ICP [13].
5. Orthopedic trauma
6. Burn injury
Mechanical Ventilation
Upper airway injury is often due to thermal heat injury. This leads to swelling
and upper airway obstruction due to edema of the oropharynx (Table 5) [18].
>60% Death
Table 4.
Carbon monoxide toxicity symptoms [18, 19].
Table 5.
Classic symptoms of impending airway obstruction in the burn patient [19].
Mechanical Ventilation in the Trauma Patient
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101578
Indications for immediate • Respiratory distress and impending airway compromise (increased
tracheal intubation: respiratory rate, increased secretions, stridor, dyspnea, and progressive
• TBSA burn >60%
• Evidence of inhalational injury
• Cardiovascular instability
• Central nervous system depression
Table 6.
Indications for immediate tracheal intubation in the burn patient [18, 19].
Patients with a large percentage of burn, burns to the head and neck, and inha-
lational injury will have an increased likelihood of need for mechanical ventilation.
The large fluid load required to treat a burn can result in fluid overload to the lungs.
Early bronchoscopy after intubation can help with the removal of secretions and
burn-related debris and can help to reduce the length of time required for mechani-
cal ventilation [10].
Non-invasive ventilation can be used for awake patients with minimal facial
trauma that are stable hemodynamically. This can be started early upon arrival to
the hospital (Table 6) [10].
Invasive mechanical ventilation can be lung-protective at low tidal volumes.
Airway pressure release ventilation (APRV), high-frequency percussive ventilation
(HFPV), and high-frequency oscillatory ventilation (HFOV) have been studied and
shown useful in burn patients and to improve morbidity and mortality in com-
parison to VCV. These provide better oxygenation at lower FiO2 than conventional
ventilation with minimal effects on hemodynamics. APRV can be used to improve
lung recruitment and oxygenation. There is no marked improvement in mortality,
but it has been shown to stabilize alveoli, reduce edema of the alveoli, and helps to
prevent the development of ARDS [10, 13].
Polytrauma is the leading cause of death among adults. This is often second-
ary to hemorrhagic shock, hypoxia, acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS),
Mechanical Ventilation
hypothermia, coagulopathy, and brain injury. The lung is often the first organ
to fail in a severe trauma. ECMO has been used for nearly two decades, and its
use has been gradually expanded to treat severe trauma patients, but the indica-
tions are uncertain and clinical outcomes are variable. The mortality of a severe
trauma patient on ECMO is still high. There is much research needed on the proper
initiation time for ECMO in the trauma patient and which patients will have
the most benefit from ECMO. The safety and efficacy of ECMO still needs to be
studied [20].
8. Conclusion
As cases of severe trauma continue to increase, more and more trauma patients
will be arriving in the operating rooms and intensive care units. It is important to
understand how the mechanism of injury in a trauma affects the goals and types of
mechanical ventilation required. The understanding of these individual cases will
lead to improved patient outcomes.
Conflict of interest
Mechanical Ventilation in the Trauma Patient
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/intechopen.101578
Author details
© 2021 The Author(s). Licensee IntechOpen. This chapter is distributed under the terms
of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/
by/3.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
provided the original work is properly cited.
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