Public Expenditures and Economic Growth
Public Expenditures and Economic Growth
Public Expenditures and Economic Growth
Research Economist
The impact of government expenditures in economic growth is well understood and recognized.
However, most of theoretical and empirical research on determining this role has focused on the
impact of public investments, implicitly assuming that recurrent expenditure of the government is
more or less irrelevant from the perspective of economic growth. Using Pakistani data, this study
not only reiterates the positive impact of public expenditure on economic activity, but also
highlights that primary recurrent expenditure is about as much important as public investment in
enhancing economic activity. This is perhaps because in Pakistan government’s development
expenditure has more inherent inefficiencies than recurrent expenditures, as prolonged fiscal
adversity has stripped that latter to “bare bones” to contain large inefficiencies. However, this also
implies that simply creating structures and infrastructure is not enough to accelerate economic
growth. Each structure has to be adequately financed for its operation and maintenance to give
optimum results, which is done from recurrent spending. As such, this study points to a rethink on
the role of public expenditure and its impact on growth, especially the composition of expenditure.
hypothesis about the state’s role and economic growth but he did not find a significant impact of
expansions. Well, most of the endogenous growth educational expenditures in the short run in case of
models show that public expenditures have either Ghana.
productive or consumptive effects. Now the need is to
Katraklidis and Tsiliki (2009) have found supporting
find out why some governments spend more and
results with the Wagner’s law and Keynesian
some less and also some spend on productive
hypothesis in case of Greece. They even found two
manners while others on only the consumptive way.
way causation between public expenditures and
Many articles concluded that the size of public
economic growth from 1958 till 2004.Kelly (1997)
consumption is negatively related with the economic
found a positive impact of public expenditures;
growth. So the size of government is also very
especially social expenditures on the enhancement of
important to be considered. Freeman (1975)
economic growth.
extracted that the larger the size of government the
higher the inefficiencies. Faris (2010) has estimated the Wagner’s law and
Keynesians’ hypothesis on the GCC countries and he
There are many classifications about public
found the positive impact while he found two way
expenditures like A.C Piguo, a British economist has
causation in case of Bahrain. Ahmed and Qayyum
defined them into transfer and non-transfer
(2007) analyzed the positive linkage between
expenditures while modern economists have divided
government’s development expenditures and private
them into development and non-developmental public
fixed investment. They and Landea (2005) also found
expenditures. Development expenditures are those
that higher or large government size has negative
who occurred by the state bank, local or federal
impact on the private sector’s betterment, which
governments; on infrastructural development,
ultimately effects the economic growth
irrigation and agriculture, human development and
etc are those who are stepping stones toward Research and Development is very essential for
economic activity and growth. While non- finding out the margin for higher economic growth.
development expenditures are those who do not Sylwester (2001) found a positive linkage between
directly pay back like expenses on law and order, industrial R&D and economic growth in G-7
defense spending, pensions etc Gaurav Akran, 2011. countries. Abbot et al (2015) and Tellier (2005) have
discussed about cyclical public expenditures.
Many economists have showed the crowding out
According to Tellier the public spending use to
effect of public expenditures. According to them as
increase before elections and decreased afterwards.
government increases its expenditures then people
foresee about the increment of taxes in future so they According to Chao and Gruble (1998) there is always
decrease their consumption which actually affect the diminishing returns to scale exists so after a certain
aggregate demand in the negative way. Or if time the economic growth starts decreasing with the
Government borrows so it causes the crowding out increase in the public spending. We can see this
effect. Ricardian Equilance is also about the same effect by this diagram:
effect by saying that people are rational and they
8.0 A
start saving for paying off the future increase in taxes.
Friedman (1972-78) said that raising taxes will
Grwoth Rate (percent)
Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2016, 7(2): 33-41
Figure 1, shows that after a certain point (A) the increase in Such a strong consensus in favor of government’s
Government expenditures (as a percent of GDP) the development spending is surprising when there is no
diminishing returns become so large that it causes conclusive evidence in favor of such a hypothesis in the
economic growth to decline. public finance literature. For example, some studies have
found a negative relationship between public investment
According to Bose et all. (2007) aggregate current and economic growth, especially in developing countries.
expenditures have no effect on economic growth while Some recent work on Pakistan suggests the absence of
aggregate capital expenditures have positive impact on
any positive impact of public investment on growth.
economic growth in case of developing countries.
Whereas others concluded that public investment
Delina and Magazzino (2012) found a “tax and spend” have positive impact on the labor productivity,
strategy in case of Italy in the liberal period while there was profitability and the private investment. In general,
“spend and tax” strategy in the war period. Mohsen(1989) public investment is found to be necessary, but not
has analyzed about the developed countries that property
sufficient for sustaining economic growth as other
taxes are much better than consumption taxes. Because
consumption taxes directly affect the economic growth and factors are also important: (i) the enabling
it further enhances the deficit. environment which enhances the productivity of
investment, both public and private; (ii) the mode by
Public Expenditure and Growth – Evidence from which public investment is increased, as the objective
Pakistani Data: There is a remarkable consensus in
of crowding-in private investment may get defeated if
Pakistan among the policy-makers, politicians and a large
segment of general public that public investment is crucial public investment is enhanced by running high fiscal
for economic growth, as it helps to provide for physical and deficits; and (iii) effective use of capital stocks
social infrastructure and other public services which created through investment.
enhance the productivity of private investment and
Looking at the trends in (real) government
generate growth. According to this view, there is direct link
between public investment and economic growth through expenditure and (real) GDP in Pakistan (Figure 2)
increased aggregate demand. However, more important is one could be tempted to conclude that there is some
the indirect link, by which public investments helps provide co-linearity between the two trends. This however
for education, health, municipal services, scientific does not in any sense indicate that there is any
research, and physical infrastructure which generate causal relationship between the two. And even if
positive spillovers in the economy and crowd-in private there is some causality between GDP and public
investment by increasing its productivity, thereby expenditure, the direction of causality is not
stimulating economic growth. This belief has given rise to immediately obvious.
the perception that government’s development spending is
“high quality” spending, especially in comparison with the
recurrent spending, which is generally considered as a
12000 2500
Total Real Expenditure (Rs Billion)
10000 2000
Real GDP (Rs Billion)
2000 500
0 0
ISSN Print: 2156-1540, ISSN Online: 2151-1559, doi:10.5251/ajsms.2016.
© 2016, ScienceHuβ,
Determining causality between GDP and public national/regional output/income and public
expenditure: As a first step towards determining the expenditure. The results of the test are reproduced
quantitative impact of public spending on economic in Table 1.
activity we undertook a Granger Causality Test to
determine if there is any causal relationship between
Table 1: Granger Pairwise Causality Test
Null Hypothesis: Obs Prob.
Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2016, 7(2): 33-41
by very level of adjusted R-squared as well very high As a first step in this direction the public expenditures
elasticity of capital stock variable. are bifurcated on the basis of government’s own
classification of non-development (current) and
The expenditure equation indicates that a 10 percent
development expenditures. The general impression is
increase in (nominal) revenue cause only a 5 percent
that non-development would have much smaller (if
increase in expenditure. This also indicates that at
any) impact on GDP compared to development
every one percent increase in revenue, half goes for
expenditure. We therefore modified the model as
increasing expenditure while remaining 5 percent
goes towards reducing fiscal deficit, ceteris paribus.
Given the past history of government’s fiscal The modified output/income equation
management, this result appears somewhat counter
LOG(GDPFCR) = β0 + β1LOG(EMPN) + G(KAPR) +
However, it has to be kept in view that present level
of government expenditure is also influenced by its Where:
level in the previous year but also the results show
CEXPR = Government’s real current expenditure.
that if previous year’s public spending was higher
(than what it was years before) it leads to Rs 5 DEXPR = Government’s real development
increase in spending in the present year. In other expenditure.
words, there are strong rigidities in public spending.
This rigid component of spending remains unaffected Nominal expenditure equations
by revenue. LOG(CEXPC) = γ0 + γ1LOG(TREVC) +
The revenue equation highlights two important facts. γ2LOG(CEXPC(-1)) (4’)
First, in Pakistan, revenue buoyancy (at 0.59) is very LOG(DEXPC) = µ0 + µ1LOG(TREVC) +
low. A 10 percent increase in nominal GDP leads to µ2LOG(DEXPC(-1)) (4”)
only 5.9 percent increase in revenue. This not only
highlights the fundamental weakness of taxation The estimation results of the modified model are
system, but also points to the fact that, at least in given below:
part, faster growing sectors of the economy (e.g. LOG(GDPFCR) = -3.6393 -0.2338 *LOG(EMPN) +
services sector) is much lightly taxed than slow 0.9805 *LOG(KAPR) + 0.1314 *LOG(CEXPR) +
growing sectors (e.g. manufacturing). The results 0.1255 *LOG(DEXPR)
also show that past level of revenue has a positive
impact on the present level. This may imply that -3.3689 -(1.9296)
revenue targets are set on the basis of last year’s (10.8047) (2.4676)
level of collection. (4.024685)
Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2016, 7(2): 33-41
Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2016, 7(2): 33-41
Durbin-Watson stat = 1.707482 the “productive” recurrent spending, not only lead to
creation of human capital but also finance the
LOG(TREVC) -1.1086 + 0.6159 *LOG(GDPFCC) +
operation and maintenance (O&M) of the
0.3825 *LOG(TREVC(-1))
infrastructure created through development budget.
(-3.9088) (5.0851) (3.2019) In addition, it is this component of public spending
which finances creation and functioning of public
Adjusted R-squared = 0.998203
institutions, which are as much important for
Durbin-Watson stat = 1.683034 economic growth as is the creation of physical
LOG(EMPN) = -0.4105 + 0.0516 *LOG(GDPFCR) +
0.8997 *LOG(EMPN(-1) There is therefore a need for a rethink not only the
level but also the composition of public spending.
(-1.4451) (1.6137) (15.0393) Improved tax, and better debt management can help
Adjusted R-squared = 0.995395 the government to create additional fiscal space to
enhance the level of public spending. In addition, in
Durbin-Watson stat = 2.019813 light of the above discussion, a better balance needs
LOG(KAPR) = 0.3780 + 0.1230 *LOG(GDPFCR) + to be established between development and
0.8676 *LOG(KAPR(-1)) recurrent expenditures to get the optimal growth
outcome from public spending.
(13.1828) (8.6768) (59.8562)
Adjusted R-squared = 0.999964
Abbott, A. and P. Jones (2015). "Fiscal Illusion and
Durbin-Watson stat = 0.867001 Cyclical Government Expenditure: State Government
Expenditure in the United States." Scottish Journal of
Again the results are not much different from the Political Economy.
previous two models. However, the coefficient
(elasticity) of the “productive” non-development Ahmed, I. and A. Qayyum (2007). "Do public expenditure
expenditure in the output equation is20 percent and macroeconomic uncertainty matter to private
higher than in the last (modified) model; indicating investment? evidence from Pakistan." The Pakistan
Development Review: 145-161.
that netting out “non-productive” expenditure
significantly enhances the impact or recurrent Al-Faris, A. F. (2002). "Public expenditure and
spending on GDP. economic growth in the Gulf Cooperation Council
countries." Applied Economics34(9): 1187-1193.
Conclusion: This paper has demonstrated that
public spending in Pakistan does have a positive Aschauer, D. A. (1989). "Does public capital crowd out
private capital?" Journal of monetary economics24(2):
impact on economic activity. As Pakistan has one of
the lowest tax-to-GDP ratio and consequently public
spending in Pakistan is also low in comparison to Aschauer, D. A. (1989). "Is public expenditure
other developing countries, the study makes a case productive?" Journal of monetary economics23(2):
for enhancing public spending (especially by raising 177-200.
more revenue) to accelerate economic growth. Balducci, R. (2006). "Public Expenditure and
Economic Growth. A critical extension of Barro's
In addition, the results also indicate that even from (1990) model." Economiapolitica23(2): 163-172.
growth perspective, the distinction between
development and recurrent expenditure is Barro, R. J. and X. Sala-i-Martin (1995). "Economic growth,
meaningless. This is partly because a significant 1995." McGraw0Hill, New York.
portion of development expenditure of the Bose, N., et al. (2007). "Public Expenditure and
government is not capital spending (and therefore is Economic growth: A disaggregated analysis for
“non-development” in nature). This includes developing countries*." The Manchester School75(5):
expenditure on rehabilitation projects, which rather 533-556.
than augmenting capital stock, simply rebuilds the Chao, J. C. and H. Grubel (1998). "Optimal levels of
infrastructure which got eroded due to negligence spending and taxation in Canada." How to use the
and under-financing of repairs and maintenance. fiscal surplus: what is the optimal size of government:
This also includes wages, salaries and bonuses of 53-68.
project staff and interest during construction (IDC).
On the other hand, recurrent expenditure, especially
Am. J. Soc. Mgmt. Sci., 2016, 7(2): 33-41