Cushing's Syndrome (Lancet)
Cushing's Syndrome (Lancet)
Cushing's Syndrome (Lancet)
Cushing’s syndrome
Mônica Gadelha, Federico Gatto, Luiz Eduardo Wildemberg, Maria Fleseriu
Endogenous Cushing’s syndrome results from excess glucocorticoid secretion, which leads to a myriad of clinical Published Online
manifestations, comorbidities, and increased mortality despite treatment. Molecular mechanisms and genetic November 17, 2023
alterations associated with different causes of Cushing’s syndrome have been described in the last decade. Imaging S0140-6736(23)01961-X
modalities and biochemical testing have evolved; however, both the diagnosis and management of Cushing’s
Endocrine Unit and
syndrome remain challenging. Surgery is the preferred treatment for all causes, but medical therapy has markedly Neuroendocrinology Research
advanced, with new drug options becoming available. Nevertheless, several comorbidities remain even after patient Center, Medical School and
remission, which can affect quality of life. Accurate and timely diagnosis and treatment are essential for mitigating Hospital Universitário
Clementino Fraga Filho,
chronic complications of excess glucocorticoids and improving patient quality of life. In this Seminar, we aim to Universidade Federal do
update several important aspects of diagnosis, complications, and treatment of endogenous Cushing’s syndrome of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro,
all causes. Brazil (Prof M Gadelha MD);
Neuroendocrine Unit
(Prof M Gadelha,
Introduction (isolated or part of Carney complex) involve both adrenal L E Wildemberg MD) and
Cushing’s syndrome is a chronic and systemic clinical glands and are rare causes of ACTH-independent Molecular Genetics Laboratory
condition caused by long-term and inappropriate exposure Cushing’s syndrome, together with McCune-Albright (Prof M Gadelha), Instituto
to glucocorticoids;1 Cushing’s syndrome is an ongoing syndrome and bilateral adenomas or carcinomas.12,13 Estadual do Cérebro
Paulo Niemeyer, Secretaria
clinical challenge.2–4 Exogenous use of supraphysiological Isolated Cushing’s syndrome is rarer in children than Estadual de Saúde,
doses of glucocorticoids is the most common cause of it is in adults.1 Data from a Danish population-based Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Cushing’s syndrome, but in this Seminar we will focus on registry of individuals aged 0–20 years reported an (Prof M Gadelha);
endogenous Cushing’s syndrome.1 Mild autonomous incidence of 0∙89 cases (95% CI 0∙63–1∙16) and a Endocrinology Unit,
Department of Internal
cortisol secretion will not be discussed. We highlight the prevalence of 26 cases (18∙9–35∙8) per million people.14 Medicine, IRCCS Ospedale
substantial progress in understanding Cushing’s Median age at diagnosis was 13∙8 years (IQR 10∙5–18∙2), Policlinico San Martino, Genoa,
syndrome pathophysiology, including novel findings in with a slight female predominance (58%).14 A male Italy (F Gatto MD); Pituitary
genetics and epigenetics, complications, and novel predominance has been observed and might exist in Center, Medicine and
Neurological Surgery, Oregon
pharmacological therapies available for clinical use. infants and young toddlers.1 A corticotropinoma is the Health & Science University,
main cause of Cushing’s syndrome in children (75–80%), Portland, OR, USA
Epidemiology and aetiology particularly those older than 7 years.14,15 Adrenal causes (Prof M Fleseriu MD)
The estimated global incidence of Cushing’s syndrome is are more common in patients younger than 7 years.16 Correspondence to:
1∙8–4∙5 cases per million individuals per year, and its Cyclic Cushing’s syndrome is a challenging condition17,18 Prof Mônica Gadelha, Endocrine
Unit and Neuroendocrinology
estimated prevalence is 57–79 cases per million individuals, occurring in 8–19% of individuals with Cushing’s Research Center, Medical School
with all causes considered.5,6 The latest registry data report syndrome, according to different definitions.17,19 For cyclic and Hospital Universitário
a female-to-male ratio of 4:1, and a mean age at diagnosis Cushing’s Syndrome, Cushing’s disease is the most Clementino Fraga Filho,
of 44 years (SD 14).7 common cause (>50%), followed by ectopic ACTH Universidade Federal
do Rio de Janeiro,
Endogenous Cushing’s syndrome comprises secretion (approximately 25%) and adrenal tumours (10%).17 Rio de Janeiro 21941–913, Brazil
two groups: adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)- [email protected]
dependent causes, which make up the majority
(70–80% of cases), and ACTH-independent causes Search strategy and selection criteria
(figure 1).1,6,7 Cushing’s disease, also known as both We searched MEDLINE from Jan 1, 2015, to March 31, 2023,
corticotroph pituitary adenoma and corticotropinoma, is for articles published in English using the terms “Cushing’s
the most common form of ACTH-dependent Cushing’s syndrome”, “Cushing’s disease”, “ectopic Cushing’s
syndrome (80–90%).4,8 Non-pituitary ACTH-secreting syndrome”, “ACTH-secreting pituitary adenoma”,
tumours (ectopic ACTH secretion) represent 10–20% of “corticotroph tumour”, and “ectopic ACTH secretion” alone
the ACTH-dependent forms.7,9,10 The lung is the most and in combination with the terms “epidemiology”,
frequent site of tumour development, with lung “prevalence”, “incidence”, “genetics”, “epigenetics”,
neuroendocrine tumours accounting for approximately “methylation”, “therapy”, “treatment”, “surgery”, “pituitary”,
25% of cases, followed by small-cell lung cancers, which “radiation therapy”, “radiotherapy”, “medical therapy”,
make up 20% of cases. Other causes include thymic and “preoperative treatment”, “combination therapy”,
pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours, medullary thyroid “adrenalectomy”, “mortality”, “comorbidities”, “quality of
cancers, and pheochromocytomas or paragangliomas.9,10 life”, “assays”, “screening tests”, and “diagnosis”. The relevant
Unilateral adrenal adenomas are the most common references cited in resultant articles were also reviewed. Older
cause of ACTH-independent Cushing’s syndrome (70%), pertinent publications and reviews that provide
and adrenal carcinomas account for the remain comprehensive overviews beyond the scope of this Seminar
ing 20–30%.1,11 Bilateral macronodular adreno cortical were also included, when appropriate.
disease and bilateral micronodular adrenal hyperplasia
Adrenocortical cancers
Age*: <4 years and 40–60 years
Female:male=1–2:1 and 3:1
Figure 1: Cushing’s syndrome: causes, and age and sex distribution per cause
Age ranges refer to average age at first diagnosis. ACTH=adrenocorticotropic hormone. *The two peaks in age are due to a bimodal trend.
Clinical presentation and diagnosis pertinent consideration. Adult patients with unusual
The clinical picture of Cushing’s syndrome varies symptoms for their age (eg, osteoporosis in women who
widely from a mild, insidious presentation to a fully are premenopausal and men younger than 65 years,
developed severe case, with rapid evolution (ie, a few hypertension in individuals younger than 40 years of
months) in disease presentation. A mild disease age), with multiple and progressive symptoms,
presentation is challenging, since signs and symptoms particularly symptoms that are more predictive of
can overlap with those of other common clinical Cushing’s syndrome, as mentioned earlier, or individuals
conditions, such as metabolic syndrome and polycystic with an adrenal incidentaloma, as well as children with
ovary syndrome (figure 2).3 Early suspicion of weight gain and growth impairment, should all be
hypercortisolism is essential for diagnosis. Although no screened.3 Exogenous glucocorticoid use and non-
symptom or sign is unique to hypercortisolism, some neoplastic hypercortisolism (psychiatric disorders,
features are more useful to discriminate alcohol abuse, anorexia nervosa, chronic kidney disease,
hypercortisolism from other conditions—eg, purple intense chronic exercise, and central glucocorticoid
striae larger than 1 cm, easy bruising, facial plethora, resistance) should be ruled out first.20 Three tests are
proximal muscular weakness, and in children, weight currently recommended for screening: late night salivary
gain with decreased growth velocity and alteration to cortisol, urinary free cortisol, and the overnight 1 mg
See Online for appendix typical pubertal development.3,7 As there are few dexamethasone suppression test (figure 3; appendix p 1).4
characteristics that are only found in Cushing’s At least two positive tests are necessary for
syndrome, how to determine who needs screening is a hypercortisolism confirmation in most patients, and
Cushing’s syndrome Signs Symptoms Before transsphenoidal surgery
(main causes) • Central obesity • Decreased libido
• Moon face • Psychiatric disorders
• Facial plethora • Proximal muscle
• Acne weakness
• Hirsutism • Hair loss
• Purple striae • Menstrual
• Pubic hair irregularities
• Growth impairment*
Figure 2: Cushing’s syndrome signs, symptoms, and related comorbidities and the effects of transsphenoidal surgery
(A) Different causes of Cushing’s syndrome (left) result in hypercortisolism, which leads to different signs and symptoms (right), as well as various comorbidities
(bottom). (B) A patient with Cushing’s disease before and 12 months after successful transsphenoidal surgery. *Present in childhood or adolescence.
each test has its own peculiarities and limitations.4,21 The Therefore, in the case of a classic clinical and laboratory
Pituitary Society consensus recommends starting with presentation of Cushing’s syndrome with ACTH
late night salivary cortisol, if available, due to its ease of concentrations between 10–20 pg/mL, an ACTH-
performance, except for patients with adrenal tumours dependent cause should be considered.1,22 In addition,
or night-shift workers in whom the overnight 1 mg some ACTH assays are unreliable in the intermediate
dexamethasone suppression test is preferred.4 Tests range, showing clearly detectable concentrations in
investigating hair cortisol (and cortisone), an estimate patients with adrenal disease. Dehydroepiandrosterone
for long-term exposure to glucocorticoids, are promising, sulphate could also be useful since it is ACTH-stimulated;
although their clinical use is currently low.22 low–normal or suppressed dehydroepiandrosterone
After confirming hypercortisolism, ACTH concen sulphate concentrations suggest an adrenal cause.22
trations should be measured to differentiate ACTH- The most frequent cause in ACTH-dependent cases is
dependent from ACTH-independent causes (figure 3).4 Cushing’s disease, and the next step after establishing that
ACTH concentrations that are less than 10 pg/mL the disease is an ACTH-dependent Cushing’s syndrome
indicate an adrenal cause; adrenal imaging (CT or MRI) is pituitary MRI.22 Macroadenomas (≥10 mm) are found in
is the next step. The mass lipid content on CT, in 10–20% of patients with Cushing’s disease, but
Hounsfield units (HU), is helpful to assess malignancy 40–50% of patients might not present visible lesions.25 The
risk: lesions with a density of less than or equal to 10 HU 3·0 and 7·0 Tesla MRI identifies microadenomas less
are virtually never malignant, whereas a density of more than 5 mm in length more frequently than 1·5 Tesla MRI,
than 20 HU presents a sensitivity of 97% (95% CI 94–98) but the value of identifying these microadenomas is
for malignancy.23 MRI can be used for indeterminate currently unclear, as will be discussed later.26 The role of
lesions; chemical shift technique, in which adrenal molecular imaging is yet to be determined.
adenomas lose signal on out-of-phase versus in-phase A macroadenoma in a patient with ACTH-dependent
images, whereas malignant lesions and pheochromo hypercortisolism confirms a Cushing’s disease diagnosis.
cytomas do not, can be also used.24 If no lesion or a lesion less than 6 mm in length is
ACTH concentrations of more than 20 pg/mL indicate identified, additional investigation is needed, since
ACTH-dependent Cushing’s syndrome, whereas values adenomas can be found in up to 20% of the general
of 10–20 pg/mL are indeterminate and necessitate re- population. The gold standard to differentiate
evaluation.3,22 In adrenal Cushing’s syndrome, mildly Cushing’s disease from ectopic ACTH secretion is
elevated cortisol might not lead to suppressed ACTH. bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling (BIPSS).4 In a
Yes Central:periphery No
ratio ≥2 baseline or ≥3 after
patient with confirmed ACTH-dependent Cushing’s combination of tests, whole body imaging examinations,
syndrome and a lesion of length 6–9 mm, pituitary origin or both has been evaluated; however, more studies
is considered if BIPSS is unavailable (figure 3). A central- are needed.4 Dynamic tests can be used with caution if
to-periphery ratio of 2 or more at baseline or of 3 or more BIPSS is not available (figure 3). In the differential
after stimulation in the BIPSS is compatible with diagnosis of ACTH-dependent Cushing’s syndrome,
Cushing’s disease (appendix p 2).9,27 BIPSS was initially [⁶⁸Ga]-(1,4,7,10-tetraazacyclododecane-1,4,7,10-tetraacetic
developed using corticotropin-releasing hormone; acid [DOTA])-corticotropin-releasing hormone PET
however, due to worldwide unavailability, desmopressin detected an adenoma in 24 evaluated cases (in six cases,
has replaced corticotropin-releasing hormone and shows adenomas measured ≤6mm in length), which coincided
similar performance (appendix p 2).27 BIPSS is safe but with MRI findings; on the contrary, no pituitary or diffuse
invasive and it is not a widely available procedure. uptake was observed in three ectopic ACTH secretion
Dynamic tests, such as the high-dose dexamethasone cases.30 These findings seem promising, but larger
suppression test, the corticotropin-releasing hormone studies are needed.
test, and the desmopressin test can be used as an If ectopic ACTH secretion is suspected, a whole-
alternative, although with lower sensitivity and specificity body thin slice CT scan is performed, followed by
than BIPSS (appendix p 2).28,29 Solitary use of any of these [⁶⁸Ga]-DOTA-Phe1-Tyr3-octreotide (DOTA-TOC) or
dynamic tests is usually not recommended. A [¹⁸F]fluorodeoxyglucose PET or CT if no tumour is
Table 1: Main somatic pathogenic variants of genes associated with Cushing’s syndrome
forms of adrenal hyperplasia and adrenal adenomas.74 Although the pathogenesis of this condition is not fully
Bilateral macronodular adrenocortical disease also has understood, it is probably associated with aberrant
specific methylation, miRNA, and chromosomal glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide (GIP) receptor
profiles.69,74 The bilateral macronodular adrenocortical expression.76,77 Germline pathogenic (or probably patho
disease cluster is associated with loss-of-function genic) variants in the KDM1A gene were identified in all
pathogenic variants in ARMC5.74 This pathogenic variant 17 patients with GIP-dependent bilateral macronodular
was first described in 18 (55%) of 33 patients75 in a adrenocortical disease Cushing’s syndrome, whereas no
homogeneous subset of patients with severe disease patients in the control groups had pathogenic variants.78
who had undergone surgery, whereas a group of The loss of the KDM1A protein leads to alterations of
heterogeneous patients had lower frequencies (15–25%).70 histone methylation, which could result in ectopic GIP
None of 16 patients with ARMC5 pathogenic variants receptor expression in adrenocortical cells and lead to
had food-dependent Cushing’s syndrome, but nine (28%) development of adrenal nodular hyperplasia.70 AMRC5
of 32 patients without pathogenic variants did (p=0∙02).72 and KDM1A pathogenic variants are mutually exclusive,
Food-dependent Cushing’s syndrome is a condition in and patients with each mutation present different
which cortisol secretion is stimulated by food intake. phenotypes (appendix pp 3–8).
Bilateral micronodular adrenal hyperplasia embolism (1∙2–1∙5%) are not commonly observed, and
Bilateral micronodular adrenal hyperplasia is visual field defects and cranial nerve deficits are rare
characterised by adrenal hyperplasia with nodules (<1%).88,89,91 Perioperative mortality is also uncommon
measuring less than 1 cm in length; this condition (<1%).4,88,89
includes primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical Patients with Cushing’s disease are expected to
disease and isolated micronodular adrenal disease.79 develop hypocortisolism postoperatively if they enter
In 258 (73%) of 353 patients with either Carney complex remission;87,93 they require glucocorticoid replacement
or pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease, a germline until the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis is
inactivating pathogenic variant in the PRKAR1A gene recovered.4,87,93 Clinical and biochemical evaluation after
was detected.80 Of 185 families with Carney complex, 3 months and then every 3–6 months is needed.2
114 (62%) had a PRKAR1A pathogenic variant.80 Postoperative testing for remaining pituitary function is
Inactivation of the PRKAR1A gene leads to activation also needed, with hormonal replacement initiated as
of the cAMP and PKA, Wnt and β-catenin, and appropriate.4 The growth hormone axis, which is often
mTOR pathways, which impairs the cell cycle and cell impaired in Cushing’s syndrome, can improve
migration.63,81 Pigmentation of adrenal nodules occurs due postoperatively.4
to autophagy impairment, leading to lipofuscin nodule Despite disease remission, recurrence can occur
deposition.81 In the remaining 30% of patients with Carney frequently.4 Mean recurrence rates in meta-analyses
complex, an affected locus on chromosome 2p16 can be vary from 9∙6% (95% CI 6∙9–12∙7) to 18% (14–22), with
found.82 high variability among single studies.4,88,89,91,94 Follow-up
Germline pathogenic variants in PDE11A and PDE8B duration affects results, since half of recurrences appear
and somatic CTNNB1 pathogenic variants can also be within the first 5 years; the other half of recurrences
found (table 1; appendix pp 3–8).49,83,84 occur up to 36 years postoperatively, thus lifelong
monitoring is needed.4,94 Patients with low or suppressed
Treatment of Cushing’s syndrome postoperative morning serum cortisol concentrations,
Cushing’s disease who require long-term glucocorticoid replacement
Pituitary surgery therapy (1–3 years), and have a non-invasive
Transsphenoidal surgery represents the first-line microadenoma (operated in a specialised centre) have a
treatment, except in cases when the patient is not eligible low recurrence risk.88,91,95–97 Late night salivary cortisol,
or declines intervention.2,4 Transsphenoidal surgery urinary free cortisol, and the overnight 1 mg
should be performed in specialised pituitary tumour dexamethasone suppression test show high specificity,
centres of excellence by an experienced neurosurgeon, as but lower sensitivity when monitoring for recurrence
the highest remission rates are observed in these versus initial diagnosis.4,98 Late night salivary cortisol is
settings.85,86 Postoperative morning serum cortisol within usually a first test to detect recurrence, whereas urinary
the first 7 days is the most commonly performed test; a free cortisol seems to be the last test to become
value of less than 55 nmol/L (<2 µg/dL) is predictive for atypical.98–100 Late night salivary cortisol testing should
remission.87,88 A meta-analysis reported an overall be performed yearly in patients with a restored
remission rate of 80% (95% CI 77–82) after primary hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, unless signs and
transsphenoidal surgery, which was higher in symptoms suggestive of recurrence prompt an earlier
microadenomas (83%, 79–87) versus macroadenomas biochemical assessment.4
(68%, 60–76; figure 2).88 Microscopic surgery has similar In case of recurrence or persistence, a second pituitary
results to the endoscopic approach.89 Delayed remission surgery is a valuable option to be considered by a
occurs in approximately 6% of patients and requires multidisciplinary team, particularly for patients with
careful follow-up.90 High remission rates are reported for visible tumour remnant.86,94 The mean remission rate
microadenomas, without cavernous sinuses invasion, after repeated surgery is 58% (95% CI 50–66), with
visible at preoperative MRI, and with a confirmed enhanced outcomes in patients with recurrences
histological diagnosis.4,88,91 However, a negative MRI does (80%, 68–90) versus those with persistent disease
not represent a contraindication for surgery.88,92 When (54%, 38–69).88 Surgical and endocrinological
pathological results are negative for ACTH staining, complications are slightly higher for repeated surgery
remission seems to be low in most, but not all studies.87,88 than a first surgery.87,88,94
Complication rates are usually low in transsphenoidal
surgery, particularly when performed by experienced Medical and surgical therapy
neurosurgeons.85,86 The most common complications are Medical therapy
transient arginine vasopressin deficiency (9∙4–21∙7%), Medical therapy is an option for persistent or recurrent
new-onset hypopituitarism (9∙4–11∙2%), cerebrospinal disease after surgery, as a bridge treatment while awaiting
fluid leakage (4–12%), and permanent arginine the complete effect of radiotherapy, and as a first-line
vasopressin deficiency (2∙4–4%).88,89,91 Meningitis therapy in patients with severe hypercortisolism that
(0∙1–1∙9%), bleeding (0∙4–3∙7%), and venous thrombo requires prompt biochemical control.1,4,101,102
Adverse events, which correlate with increases in volume reduction (≥25% as measured by MRI) was
mineralocorticoid precursors and adrenal androgens, observed in 41∙2% (22∙9–62∙3) of patients.119 Adverse
include hirsutism and acne in female individuals, events include diarrhoea, cholelithiasis, headache,
hypokalaemia, oedema, and hypertension.101,103,110,111,123 Other abdominal pain, and hair loss.126 However, the main
common complaints include gastrointestinal disturbances, adverse event associated with pasireotide is hyper
dizziness, arthralgia, and fatigue.101,103,110,111,123 glycaemia,120 occurring in 72–83% of patients.118 Although
Osilodrostat also shows preferential inhibitory action on frequent, pasireotide-associated hyperglycaemia is mostly
11β-hydroxylase.122 In a phase 3 study (LINC3), mean mild and manageable with metformin-based or incretin-
urinary free cortisol normalisation was reported in based therapy, or both, with insulin treatment needed in
68% of patients.112 In the LINC4 study, mean urinary free specific cases.120 USP8-mutated adenomas show increased
cortisol normalisation at week 12 was reported for somatostatin receptor subtype 5 (SST5) expression,
77% of patients randomly assigned to the osilodrostat suggesting a favourable response to pasireotide.128,129
group.113 A sustained response was reported in the study’s Other drugs, such as R-roscovitine are being investi
extension phases for more than 72 weeks.112,113,124 Substantial gated in clinical trials (appendix pp 9–10).130
improvements in clinical and biochemical variables were
described, together with increases in quality of life and Glucocorticoid receptor antagonist
decreased depression scores.112,113,124 The most common Mifepristone, the only available glucocorticoid receptor
adverse events include nausea, decreased appetite, fatigue antagonist, is approved for hyperglycaemia associated with
and asthenia, headache, arthralgia, diarrhoea, and adrenal Cushing’s syndrome; it also blocks the progesterone
insufficiency (this latter event occurs in up to receptor.121 Improvements in glucose blood concentration
30% of individuals).112,113,124 Signs and symptoms of adrenal (>60% in clinical trials) and several other clinical features
insufficiency need to be carefully monitored. Hypoka are substantial, but there is no biochemical measure for
laemia and hypertension have also been described, as well monitoring efficacy, as cortisol and ACTH concentrations
as increased blood testosterone, acne, and hirsutism in are increased during treatment. Mifepristone treatment
female individuals.112,113,124 can also lead to hypertension and hypokalaemia due to
Two other adrenal steroidogenesis inhibitors, mitotane mineralocorticoid receptor activation by high circulating
and etomidate, are rarely used for benign Cushing’s cortisol concentration and to endometrial thickness
syndrome, whereas they can be useful in very severe and vaginal bleeding due to progesterone receptor
hypercortisolism (table 2; appendix pp 9–10).4 blockage.126 Relacorilant, a selective glucocorticoid receptor
modulator with no progesterone receptor activity, is
Pituitary targeted treatment currently in clinical trials (appendix pp 9–10).131
Currently available pituitary-acting drugs for Glucocorticoid receptor antagonists can be used in patients
Cushing’s disease include the dopamine agonist with severe Cushing’s syndrome, who are in need of rapid
cabergoline and somatostatin receptor ligand pasireotide control of hypercortisolism, or patients who have not
(table 2; appendix pp 9–10).125 responded to other medical management.121
Two meta-analyses evaluating cabergoline found similar
results with respect to Cushing’s disease remission: 34% Radiotherapy
(95% CI 26–43)115 and 35% (27–43).116 However, Radiotherapy is an adjuvant treatment for patients with
22% of the patients with long-term evaluation had treat persistent or recurrent Cushing’s disease, especially when
ment escape.115 The safety profile of cabergoline is there is aggressive tumour growth.4,132 Two meta-analyses
favourable; mild adverse events (mainly orthostatic found biochemical control rates of 57% (95% CI 51–63) for
hypotension, dizziness, and nausea) occur in 24% stereotactic radiotherapy or radiosurgery and 74% (54–88)
(14∙4–35∙1) of patients.104,115 Potentially serious adverse for radiosurgery.133,134 In a multicentre study (255 patients),
events are cardiac valve involvement (patients receiving gamma-knife radiosurgery induced remission after 5 years
weekly doses ≥2 mg need an echocardiogram yearly) and in 68% of patients; early procedures (<3 months after
psychiatric disorders.126,127 surgery) increased chances of remission compared with
Pasireotide was evaluated in a phase 3 study.125 15% late procedures (hazard ratio 1∙518, 95% CI 1∙039–2∙218,
(95% CI 7–22) of patients in the 600 µg group and 26% p=0∙031).135 Tumour control was observed in 94% of
(17–36) of patients in the 900 μg group had normalised patients.135 Proton beam, which is less frequently studied,
mean urinary free cortisol after 6 months of treatment.117 induced control rates in 65∙8% of patients in three studies.136
Another phase 3 trial reported that monthly intramuscular The main radiotherapy adverse event is new onset of
injections of pasireotide long-acting release led to mean hypopituitarism in 15–50% of patients; serial pituitary
urinary free cortisol normalisation in 41∙9% (30∙5–53∙9) function testing is therefore required after radiotherapy.137
of patients treated with 10 mg and 40∙8% (29∙7–52∙7) of Other adverse events include visual toxicity, cranial nerve
patients treated with 30 mg.118 A meta-analysis showed neuropathy, brain radionecrosis, cerebrovascular events,
biochemical control with pasireotide (as individually neurocognitive impairment, and second brain tumours
assessed) in 44% (30–60) of patients;116 substantial tumour (more rare).
analysing both patient and physician questionnaires, medications for comorbidities need to be serially down-
physicians did not accurately estimate the prevalence of titrated in many patients. Age, BMI, fasting glucose, and
comorbidities.151 Furthermore, treatment of com how many comorbidities were present at diagnosis could
plications, performed mostly by endocrinologists, was predict the number of long-term comorbidities.160 Total,
satisfactory for just 63% of patients, highlighting a need visceral, and subcutaneous fat, weight, and waist
for improvement. circumference all decrease after remission, but three-
Hypertension is highly prevalent (50–75% of patients) quarters of patients will still be overweight or obese at
and seems to be associated with glucocorticoid excess 5 years after remission,152 highlighting the need for
duration and severity.152 It contributes, together with additional medication for obesity.
dyslipidaemia, diabetes, and hypercoagulability or Risk of acute complications is also very high; acute
thromboembolism events, to augmented cardiovascular complications have been reported in 62% of patients with
risk.4 In this regard, prevention of cardiovascular disease Cushing’s disease, 40% with adrenal Cushing’s syndrome
requires very stringent therapeutic targets. (adrenal cancer excluded), and 100% with ectopic ACTH
Other frequent complications include decreased secretion in a large single-centre study.161 The most
bone density, musculoskeletal impairment, psychiatric frequent complications in patients with benign Cushing’s
alterations, and cortical atrophy; many of these compli syndrome were infection-related disorders (25%),
cations will persist after remission. thromboembolism (17%), hypokalaemia (13%), hyper
Bone disease, although present in most patients with tensive crises (9%), cardiac arrhythmias (5%), and acute
Cushing’s syndrome, seems to be worse if the syndrome coronary events (3%).161 In another study, in which the risk
has an adrenal cause.153 Close monitoring (methods and of both arterial and venous thromboembolism was
timeline) remain controversial, as bone mineral density almost 20%, many patients had more than one event, with
improvement could take up to 2 years;153 furthermore, higher risk 30–60 days after surgery than after 60 days.162
bone mineral density measurement by dual-energy x-ray Currently, low-molecular-weight heparin or other
absorptiometry (DEXA) is not always accurate. Reductions treatments (fondaparinux and rarely, direct oral
in bone health give a reduced trabecular bone score; anticoagulants) should be considered in selected patients
trabecular bone score measurements are more accurate at with additional risk factors for thrombosis and in the
predicting vertebral fractures than bone mineral density perioperative setting if there are no contraindications;
measurements.153 Vertebral fractures are seen in more treatment duration remains controversial.4
than 50% of patients with active Cushing’s syndrome and Systematic prophylaxis for Pneumocystis pneumonia in
can be the presenting manifestation of the syndrome, patients with Cushing’s syndrome is suggested if urinary
leading to diagnosis.154 Myopathy could be severe and one free cortisol is more than 5–10 times the upper limit of
of the last conditions to improve, particularly in patients the normal range. Hypokalaemia, catabolic symptoms,
with lower IGF-1 concentrations after surgery.155 Patients and other possible risk factors should also be considered
with Cushing’s disease and hypopituitarism have even when assessing infection risks.163,164
worse impairments to quality of life,93 and the role of Mortality in Cushing’s syndrome remains elevated. In
glucocorticoid withdrawal syndrome in decreased quality a large registry, infectious diseases were the most
of life after remission is being increasingly recognised.156 common cause of death in patients with Cushing’s disease
Several important factors regarding long-term or adrenal Cushing’s syndrome and underlying tumour
comorbidities need to be addressed: can we predict who progression was the most common cause of death for
will develop the most comorbidities, and why sex-based ectopic ACTH secretion.165 Age and male sex, as well as
comorbidities persist after remission? The sex-based myopathy, diabetes, and ectopic ACTH secretion, were
discrepancy remains unexplained, although different predictors of higher mortality.165
clinical presentations, perceptions of the disease, coping In a large meta-analysis of 3691 patients (excluding those
strategies, and long-term durations have all been with adrenal cancer), mortality rates were similar for
suggested.157–159 Low baseline urinary free cortisol for different types of Cushing’s syndrome; the overall stan
Cushing’s disease and adrenal Cushing’s syndrome dardised mortality rate was 3 for all Cushing’s syndrome
could be associated with a number of long-term causes, ranging from 3∙3 for adrenal Cushing’s syndrome
comorbidities,160 possibly due to the extensive exposure to to 2∙8 for Cushing’s disease, with some improvement in
excess glucocorticoids in milder Cushing’s syndrome. the past decade.166 In another study, standardised mortality
Delay in diagnosis seems to be a better predictor for rates for cardiovascular disease (3∙3) and stroke (3∙0) were
long-term psychiatric morbidity and quality of life high; the standardised mortality rate related to cardio
compared with cortisol concentration.157 vascular complications was higher in active
Improvement or comorbidity resolution after Cushing’s Cushing’s disease (9∙5) versus patients in remission (2∙5).167
syndrome remission varies; in one study, diabetes
resolved in 56%, depression in 52%, and hypertension in Future directions and unmet needs
36% of patients.160 Dyslipidaemia persists in most Cushing’s syndrome is still a challenging disease, with
patients (75%).160 Monitoring is essential, as concomitant complicated processes for both diagnosis and condition
management. Improvements in early detection, screening and is an Associate Editor of The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and
methods, genetic testing, management of some Metabolism. FG is an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Endocrinology
(Translational Endocrinology), serves on the Executive Committee of the
complications, and personalised treatment are long
European Neuroendocrine Association, and has received personal
awaited. Two clinical scores have been developed to honoraria for lectures, manuscript writing, and educational events from
attempt to reduce delays in diagnosis, especially for mild Ipsen, Novartis, Pfizer, and Recordati. LEW has received personal
cases, and showed discriminative ability for Cushing’s honoraria for lectures from Ipsen and is on the advisory board for
Crinetics. MF has received funding from Crinetics, Recordati, Sparrow,
syndrome diagnosis of 0∙93 and 0∙84, respectively, as and Xeris (previously Strongbridge) in the last 3 years as a principal
measured by the area under the curve.168,169 Although they investigator at the Oregon Health & Science University, has received
have high predictive power, a recent validation study (in a personal honoraria for consulting and acting on advisory boards from
German population) showed poor sensitivity of these Crinetics, HRA Pharma, Recordati, Sparrow, and Xeris (previously
Strongbridge), is Deputy Editor of the European Journal of Endocrinology,
tools.170 The superiority of mass spectrometry over and serves on the board of the Pituitary Society.
immunoassays for measurement of cortisol concentrations
has also been controversial.21 Although mass spectrometry There was no funding source for this Seminar. Patients provided
has higher specificity to detect cortisol concentrations, informed consent for publication of pictures included in this Seminar.
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sections. All authors revised and approved the final version of the Seminar.
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