Impact of GST On FM CG India
Impact of GST On FM CG India
Impact of GST On FM CG India
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4 authors, including:
Aijaz Bhat
University of Kashmir
All content following this page was uploaded by Aijaz Bhat on 18 March 2022.
Goods and services tax (GST) is the biggest tax reform in Indian tax system. It includes excise tax, service tax,
central sales tax, luxury tax, lottery tax, entertainment tax, octroi, state surcharge, and other surcharge on supply
of goods and services. The GST replaced various multiple indirect taxes which were imposed on unlike items of
goods and services. The GST helped in increasing central government revenue from past nine months, since
GST has been introduced (1st of July, 2017) and solved the problem of “cascading effect” of tax. GST has
emerged as “transparent taxation system” in the indirect taxation. Although GST will be more effective in
coming future but presently it may not be free from constraints. The research paper will focus on framework of
GST as well as Impact of GST on Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Sector in India. After implementation
of GST, FMCG Sector improved slightly as GST eliminated multiple-tax system.
INTRODUCTION: It must be noted that in the last few years the FMCG
The fourth largest sector in the Indian economy is Fast market has grown at a faster pace in rural India
Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) Sector. Almost 50% compared with urban India. The FMCG retail market in
FMCG sales comes from food and beverages and 30% India is estimated to reach US$ 1.1 Trillion by 2020
sales from household and personal care. In today’s era of from US$ 672 Billion in 2016 with expectation to grow
globalization, market is full of FMCG companies and at 20-25% per annum which will increase the revenue of
they try to sell their products by creating brand image in FMCG sector. In 2016-17 revenue for FMCG companies
the minds of customers. Fast moving consumer goods was US$ 49 billion and is expected to grow 9-9.5% in
are also known as consumer packaged goods. Growing financial year 2018, which will be $ 54 (app.) billions, if
online shopping habits among Indian youth and change converted to INR, the market size will be Rs. 5400
in their lifestyles is the main reason of growth for the crores.
sector. The urban population is the major contributor to
the overall revenue generation by the FMCG Sector in OBJECTIVES OF STUDY:
India and recorded a market size of around US$ 29.4 1 To study the frame work of GST.
Billion in 2016-2017. 2 To study the impact of GST on FMCG Sector.
The study is based on secondary data collected from
Received on 22.10.2018 Modified on 24.11.2018
various books, blogs, articles published by experts in the
Accepted on 14.12.2018 ©AandV Publications All right reserved
Res. J. Humanities and Social Sciences. 2019; 10(1):24-28. national and international journals.
DOI: 10.5958/2321-5828.2019.00005.6
Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 10(1): January - March, 2019
E. Utilization of input tax credit (ITC): Simple and ease tax structure: GST made indirect tax so
ITC of CGST and SGST/UTGST is available throughout simple and ease. It reduces the various compliances as
the supply chain, but cross setoff of credit of CGST and against present system.
SGST/UTGST is restricted, however IGST Credit can be
utilized for the payment of CGST/SGST/UTGST and Disadvantages of GST:
vice versa. Increase in prices of essential goods: Under GST, tax
rate of some essential goods like cereals increased which
F. Registration: increased their prices too. Service tax also increased
Every Supplier/Dealer whose “aggregate turnover” in a from 14.5% to 18% which made services more costly.
financial year is more than Rs. 20 lakhs, or 10 lakhs if
the supplier is carrying-out business in the special Online filling of returns:
category states (Jammu and Kashmir, Arunachal online taxation is both advantageous as well as
Pradesh, Tripura, Manipur, Mizoram, Himachal Pradesh, disadvantageous. Various returns like GSTR1, GSTR2,
Uttarakhand, Assam, Nagaland, Meghalaya and Sikkim) and GSTR-3B etc. have to be filled online by a taxpayer
is mandatorily to register under Goods and Services tax. on monthly/quarterly basis. Some business owners find it
difficult to processes themselves, and approaches to third
G. Composition scheme: party (CA/GST Practitioner) which increases their
Composition scheme is for small businesses to get them overall cost.
relief from monotonous GST formalities. A taxpayer
whose turnover is less than Rs. 1.5 crores can opt for No GST on petrol/diesel:
composition scheme. But for North Eastern States and Government doesn’t bring petrol, diesel and natural gas
Himachal Pradesh limit is Rs.75 lakhs. Apart from under GST regime. There is very high tax rate on petrol;
composition scheme certain goods have Nil or 0% GST if it would be brought under GST its price considerably
rate to benefit the general public. will fall down.
H. GST common portal: Costly banking and financial related services: There is
GST portal is setup by the government for the considerably high tax rate on banking, insurance and
development of all GST related activities. Activities like financial related services as compare to previous regime.
registration, return filling, payment of taxes, application On one side government promotes digital India dream
for refund, analysis of taxpayer’s profile, claim of input but on other side makes such services costly.
tax credit etc. GST website is controlled by Goods and
Services Network (GSTN). Crash of GST Network:
GST network crushes several times especially during last
I. Compensation cess: date of filling of returns. Recently on the debut day of e-
Compensation cess is a special kind of tax levied as way bill GST network crushes. Crush of network creates
compensation in addition to the GST tax on the value of much trouble for tax payers.
both inter and intra supply of goods or services or both.
It is compensation to the states for loss of revenue due to Impact of GST on FMCG Sector:
implantation of GST, especially for those states whose Under pre GST regime, maximum FMCG products were
revenue mainly comes from the export of goods/services. taxed at rates ranging from 22 percent to 24 percent for
It is imposed on specified luxury items or demerit goods example, detergents were taxed at the rate of 23 percent,
such as tobacco, pan masala, motor cars etc. for 5 years. shampoos and beauty preparations were taxed at the rate
of 24 percent to 25 percent, tax on sanitary towels and
Advantages of GST: napkins was about 10 percent to 11 percent, tax on some
No cascading effect: daily use FMCG products like paneer, ghee, cheese,
GST is free from cascading tax which reduces in overall butter and milk was about 3 to 5 percent.
cost of goods and services, and that leads to GDP
growth. Under the GST regime, FMCG products are taxed under
0%, 5%, 12%, 18% and 28%. However if you deeply
Sustainable growth: GST made indirect tax system examine the impact of GST on individual products, we
simple and ease, which is very helpful in attracting can see that tax rates of some products have increased,
foreign investment. like tax on shampoo (Now taxed at 28%), detergents
(Now taxed at 28%), sanitary towels (Now taxed at 12%)
Reduction in tax evasion: Under GST everything is which is higher than before. Under GST tax on
tracked online. Reconciliation can be done online toothpaste, hair oil, and soaps is deducted from 22
between the parties which decreases the chance of tax percent to 18 percent. Whereas some daily use products
evasion. like milk, eggs, fresh vegetable, wheat, rice, etc. are tax
Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 10(1): January - March, 2019
free. Big companies of this industry like Hindustan Wholesalers as manufactures of FMCG hold up their
uniliver, patanjali, and ITC welcomed GST with open payments due to uncertainty about the tax liability and
arms. However few firms of this sector are negatively the tax sett-off for the supplied goods and services.
affected by the GST tax rate, which still is changing.
Advancement in effective tax rates:
Logistics cost: Products like aerated and beverages now attract 28%
Distribution and Transportation plays a vital role in GST in addition to 12% cess. It is because of such
FMCG industry. Distribution cost of FMCG sector in pre advancement in effective tax rates prices of such goods
GST regime constituted 2 to 7 percent which is dropped increased in the market. Under GST regime, effective tax
to 1.5 percent in GST regime. The FMCG companies are rate of 40% is opposed to policy of maintaining equality
saving a considerable amount in terms of logistic with the pre GST weighted average tax which was below
expenses. Due to true and fair supply chain management, 40, stated by leading beverage companies.
payment of tax, availability of input credit, CST
elimination resulted in reduction of overall transportation FMCG distributors:
and distribution cost. Reduction in cost and taxes lead to FMCG distributors didn’t get much affected by the
cheaper consumer goods. implementation of GST. A distributor gets his Fixed
Margin on purchases from company. Moreover
Warehousing cost: distributor is unable to evade tax under GST as the
Recent study of CRISIL suggested that the warehousing complete value chain is tracked online.
cost for FMCG products is likely to reduce by 25-50
percent due to implementation of GST. Before the GST Common man (Consumer)
regime companies had to setup warehouses in those It is a consumer who bears the burden of indirect tax.
states where the effective tax rate were minimum Overall GST put a mixed impact on common man. Due
irrespective of distance, but under GST companies can to increase in inflation rate from 4% to 8% on many food
maintain their warehouses wherever they like. Reduction items included grains and cereals affected middle class
in warehousing cost also makes commodities cheaper. and below property line (BPL) class badly, apart from it
common man is looted in the market on the name of
Input tax credit: GST.
Reconciliation facility of inward and outward supplies is
available on the GST network, In case of mismatch CONCLUSION:
between the details of “outward supplies” (Sales) Implementation of GST throughout India (included
uploaded by the supplier in GSTR1 and the inward Jammu and Kashmir) is the biggest change in India. It is
supplies (Purchases) uploaded by the recipient an outstanding step for a comprehensive indirect tax
(Purchaser) in GSTR2. Such mismatch is to be reform in India. Implementation of GST has put mixed
communicated to the purchaser. If the mismatch is not impact on FMCG sector. Those FMCG companies
corrected by the vendor within prescribed time period, whose tax incidence lowered, like Dabur, HUL, ITC
the purchaser (Buyer) will be accountable to pay the have started to pass on the effect in the form of low
differential GST amount along with the interest. This prices. Changes in GST rates on regular intervals is very
provision of GST lays down the liability for non- fruitful for some firms but not for other firms in the
compliance on the purchasers, i.e. the FMCG companies, FMCG industry. GST may become game changer in the
as against their vendors. long run for the FMCG sector and may also have deep
impact on Indian economy as well. But the short term
No input credit on free samples: impact reveals that GST has failed in bringing down
In the FMCG industry promotional schemes like Buy 1 overall cost of commodities, interestingly cost of some
Get 1 Free are very common. Under the previous regime products has increased much more than cost of pre GST
no VAT had to be charged on free samples, however regime.
according to sec 17 (5) of the CGST Act, an input tax
credit will not be available for goods given as gifts or REFERENCES:
free samples. Non availability of input credit increases 1. Indirect tax committee, institute of Chartered Accountants of
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Implementation of GST increased working capital costs 3. Dr. Mohan Kumar and CA Yogesh Kumar “GST & it’s Probable
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of FMCG companies, as their payments are getting
International Journal of Research in Finance and Marketing
blocked at various levels in value chain. It also increased (IJRFM) Vol. 7 Issue 4, April - 2017, pp. 183~193 ISSN (o):
working capital requirements of FMCG Dealers and 2231-5985.
Research Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences. 10(1): January - March, 2019