District GBl-Block Lar-Waltar B Done
District GBl-Block Lar-Waltar B Done
District GBl-Block Lar-Waltar B Done
Taluk: Lar
District: Ganderbal
State: J&K UT
Land Use (Nine fold classification available with village records): Agriculture
Details of Biodiversity Management Committee (BMC) of the Panchayat (One elected Chairperson and six persons nominated b
the local body ; not less than one third to be women and not less than 18% belonging to SC/ST)
Age: 41 Years
Gender: Male
Area of specialization:
Age: 43 Years
Gender: Female
Address: Watalbagh
Area of specialization:
3) Name:- Subreena
Age: 20 Years
Gender: Female
Address: Watalbagh
Area of specialization:
Age: 52 Years
Gender: Male
Area of specialization:
Age: 35 Years
Gender: Male
Address: Watalbagh
Area of specialization:
Age: 55 Years
Gender: Male
Area of specialization:
Area of specialization:
List of Vaids, hakims and traditional health care (Human and livestock) practitioners residing and or using biological res
occurring within the jurisdiction of the village
1)Name :
Area of specialization:
Medicinal Use:
2) Name:
Area of specialization:
Medicinal Use:
Area of specialization:
Medicinal Use:
Annexure 3
List of individuals perceived by the villagers to possess Traditional Knowledge (TK) related to biodiversity in agriculture,
fisheries, and foresty
Area of specialization:
Area of specialization:
Area of specialization:
Area of specialization:
Details of schools, colleges, departments, universities, government institutions, non-governmental organization and individuals invo
the preparation of the PBR
1) Contact Person:
2) Contact Person:
3) Contact Person:
4) Contact Person:
Detail of access to biological resources and traditional knowledge granted, details of the collection fee imposed and details of the benefit derived and the mode of their sharing
End of Part I
Part II
PBR – Formats
Format 1: Crop Plants
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Local Status
Scientific Landscape Approx Cropping Associated Other Source of Community
Crop Local Name Variety Special features Uses
Name /Habitat Area Sown Season TK Details Seeds / Plants /Knowledge Holder
Past Present
a. C-6, C-8, SMC-4 a. Lower belts 4500 High yielding with tall
Farmer saved
Plenty in high to medium tall plants, KVK/
Food and Staple Diet of seed, Agriculture
Maize Zea mays Makyee Plenty altitudes and rare pests and disease Kharif AGRICULTURE
b. C-15, SMC-4. fodder Higher Belts department
b. Higher Belts in lowlands tolerance with 2.5-3 DEPARTMENT
SMH-1, Shalimar 5000 stores
(85%) Q/kanal yield.
KG Maize-1,2
Used in Farmer saved
Higher belts Being used in
various milk seed, Agriculture
sown as High nutritional values winters as
Soybean Glycine max Muth VLS-47, Bragg 150 Avg. Avg. Kharif Food products and department
intercrop with with good quality oil. nutructional AGRICULTURE
feeding stores and private
maize mainly ingredient DEPARTMENT
infants. seed sellers.
Farmer saved ,
Moderately reasistant to
Solanum Shalimar potato 1 Valley In recipes and Agriculture
Potato Aloo 900 Avg. Avg. early and late blight, Kharif Food AGRICULTURE
tuberosum and 2, Kufrijyotietc Conditions making chips department
yield 250-300 q/ha DEPARTMENT
Peas Mattar Arkel Plains 0ha Rare Plenty High yielding Summer/rabi Food plant used as JKAPD/private Farmers
Used to make
Onion Allium cepa Gande local Plains 2ha Plenty Plenty High yielding Rabi food salad and Private Farmers
Bottle Legenaria
Alle Plains 2ha plenty plenty High yielding kharief food Private Farmers
gourd siceraria
Lycopersicon Used to make
tomato Ruwagun hybrid Plains 5ha rare plenty High yielding kharief food Private Farmers
esculentum jams
cucumber Laer hybrid Plains 5ha Rare plenty High yielding kharief food Used as salad Private Farmers
cucumber Laer Local Plains 5ha plenty plenty High yielding kharief food Used as salad Private Farmers
Raphanus Food/ Domestic/local
Raddish Mujj Gol/shimla Plains 5ha plenty Rare High yielding All season Used as salad Farmers
sativus chutney market
Spinacia Domestic/local
Spinach Palak Kashmiri/Hybrid Plains 5ha plenty Rare High yielding kharief Vegetable Used as salad Farmers
oleracea market
Garlic Ruhun Local Plains 5ha plenty plenty High yielding Rabi Vegetable Flavouring Domestic Farmers
Brassica Pickle
Kale Hakh Local Plains 5ha plenty plenty High yielding Zaid Vegetable Domestic Farmers
oleracea making
Solanum Dried
Egg plant Wangun Local Plains 1ha rare plenty High yielding kharief Vegetable Domestic Farmers
melongena vegetable
Cabbage oleracea var. Bund gobi Local Plains 1ha rare plenty High yielding kharief Vegetable Used as salad JKAPD/private Farmers
Cauliflowe Dried
oleracea var. Fool gobi Local Plains 1ha rare plenty High yielding kharief Vegetable JKAPD/private Farmers
r vegetable
Chilli Marcxagan Local Plains 1ha rare rare High yielding kharief Vegetable Used as salad Local Farmers
campestris Dried
Turnip Gogij Local Plains 1ha rare rare High yielding Rabi Vegetable Local Farmers
subsp. vegetable
Kohlrabi oleracea var. Munj haak Hybrid Plains 1ha rare rare High yielding kharief Vegetable Local Farmers
Coriander Dhanival Local/ Hybrid Plains 1ha rare rare High yielding kharief Vegetable Used as salad Local Farmers
Cucurbita Pumpkin
Pumpkin Dodh alle Local Plains 1ha rare rare High yielding kharief Vegetable Local Farmers
pepo chutney
Broad bean Vicia faba Baegla Local Plains 1ha rare rare High yielding kharief Vegetable Local Farmers
Broccoli oleracea var. Hybrid Plains 1ha Nil rare High yielding kharief Vegetable JKAPD Wel informed people
Red oleracea var. Wazji Salad /
Hybrid Plains 1ha Nil rare High yielding kharief JKAPD Wel informed people
Cabbage capitata Bandgobi Vegetable
Format-2 : Fruit Plants
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Benoni (Hazratbali) Plain /Hilly Temerate area Scare Local Nursery July
Red Delicious Plain /Hilly Temerate area Abundant Local Nursery September
Golden Delicious Plain /Hilly Temerate area Abundant Local Nursery October
Chamura Plain /Hilly Temerate area Scare Local Nursery
Baldwin (Lal Farash) Plain /Hilly Temerate area Scare Local Nursery
Grnad Duke Plain /Hilly Temerate area Rare Local Nursery July
Budding /
Makhmali Plain /Hilly Temerate area Scare May
Budding /
Mishri Plain /Hilly Temerate area Scare June
Root Stock is
Saharnpuri Plain /Hilly Temerate area Scare used for wild June
peach or apricot
Domestic Locals /
Prunus Jams, Jelly and,
Peach Chinun and Horticulture
persica Pudding etc.
Commercial Assistant
Domestic Locals /
Prunus Jams, Jelly and,
Peach Chinun and Horticulture
persica Pudding etc.
Commercial Assistant
Root Stock is
Elberta Plain /Hilly Temerate area Scare used for wild June
peach or apricot
Locals /
Pomegranate Dhaae'n Plain /Hilly Temerate area Rare Cuttings September Domestic Horticulture
Locals /
Thompson seedless,
Grapes Vitis vinifera Duchh Plain /Hilly Temerate area Scare Cuttings Domestic Horticulture
Perlette, Sahibi
Locals /
Mukhdoom Hilly / Temperate Area Scare Seeds August Used in sweets Domestic Horticulture
Almond Badaam
Locals /
Parbat Hilly / Temperate Area Scare Seeds August Used in sweets Domestic Horticulture
Domestic Locals /
Peper Shelled Hilly / Temperate Area Scare Seeds Chutneys etc and Horticulture
Commercial Assistant
Domestic Locals /
Juglans August-
Walnut Doon Burzul Hilly / Temperate Area Scare Seeds Chutneys etc and Horticulture
regia September
Commercial Assistant
Domestic Locals /
Woonth Hilly / Temperate Area Abundant Seeds Chutneys etc and Horticulture
Commercial Assistant
Jams, Jelly and, Domestic Locals /
Cydonia Bama-
Quince Plain /Hilly Temerate area Rare Seedlings September Pudding etc. As and Horticulture
oblonga tchoonth
vegetable Commercial Assistant
Format 3:- Fodder Crops / Species
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Local Status
Landscape Source of Seeds / Community
Plant Scientific Name Local Name Associated TK Part Used Other Details
/Habitat Plants /Knowledge Holder
Past Present
Farmer saved seeds Grains and
Fodder Maize Zea mays Makai Gaseh Highlands Rare Rare Silage making AGRICULTURE
and agriculture stores foliage
Lowlands under Farmer saved seeds Grains and Used to feed
Cowpea Vigna unguiculata Muth Rare Rare Hay making AGRICULTURE
shade and agriculture stores foliage cattle in winters
Extensively grown
Used in certain KVK/
Lowlands and Grown but not in rice fields, Agricultural stores Hay and silage Foliage and
Oats Avena sativa Gaseh Bool food products oat AGRICULTURE
pasturers extensively orchards and and private retailers making grain
meals etc. DEPARTMENT
mountain terraces
Pastures and Hay and silage
Orchard Grass Dactylis glomerata Gaseh Rare Rare Private seed retailers Foliage AGRICULTURE
lowlands making.
Whole plant
MP Chari Sorghum bicolor MP Chari Lower/ Medium Rare Plenty Local Farmers
except roots
Perennial Rye Whole plant
Lolium perenne Kheri gass Lower/ Medium Nil Rare Local Farmers
Grass except roots
Trifolium Whole plant
Berseem clover Berseem Lower Nil Plenty Local Farmers
alexandrinum except roots
Whole plant
Red Clover Trifolium pratense Tripater Medium/ Lower Nil Plenty JKAPD Farmers
except roots
Format-4 : Weeds
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Local Status
Affected Landscape Management Other Details Community
Plant Scientific Name Local Name Impact Uses if any Associated TK
Crop /Habitat Options like exotic /Knowledge Holder
Past Present
Weed Marsilia quadrifolia Souli Paddy 15% Aquatic High Controlled KVK
Weed Cyprus rotandus Poshi Gaseh Maize 20% Wet land High Controlled KVK
Manual Weeding
& Applying of
Weed Cynodon dactylon Dramun Maize 10% High Controlled Weedicides like KVK
Atrazine and
Road side/
Weed Anagallis arvensis Maize 8% High Controlled KVK
Cultivated land
Road side/
Weed Sorghum halepense Durhama Maize 8% High Controlled KVK
Cultivated land
Manual Weeding
& Applying of
Decrease in Road side/
weed Anagallis arvensis Cxari saban Maize High controlled Weedicides like KVK
yield Cultivated land
Butachlor and
Field All Decrease in
Veronica arvensis Zov kach Plains abundant abundant fodder hand weeding Farmers
speedwell vegetables yield
All Decrease in
Chickweed Stellaria media Zov kach Plains abundant abundant fodder hand weeding Farmers
vegetables yield
Annual blue Decrease in
Poa annua Mahi gasse Maize everywhere abundant abundant fodder hand weeding Farmers
grass yield
Lamb's Decrease in hand weeding/
Chenopodium album Kunne Maize, and everywhere abundant abundant Farmers
quarters yield herbicide spray
Decrease in used as hand weeding/
Amaranth Amaranthus blitum Lisse Maize, and everywhere abundant abundant Farmers
yield vegetable herbicide spray
Shepherds Decrease in used as hand weeding/
Capsella bursa pastoris Kral mund Maize, and everywhere abundant abundant Farmers
purse yield vegetable herbicide spray
Decrease in Root bulbs are hand weeding/
Arrowhead Sagittaria sagittifolia keu gasse Paddy everywhere abundant abundant Farmers
yield edible herbicide spray
Decrease in hand weeding/
Water clover Marsilea quadrifolia Solle Paddy everywhere abundant abundant Farmers
yield herbicide spray
Decrease in hand weeding/
Watercress Nasturtium officinale Nag bubbed Paddy everywhere abundant abundant Farmers
yield herbicide spray
Decrease in hand weeding/
Crowfoot Ranunculus trichophyllus Paddy everywhere abundant abundant Farmers
yield herbicide spray
Decrease in
Jointed rush Juncus articulatus Zabbe Paddy everywhere abundant abundant hand weeding Farmers
Common Decrease in
Rotala densiflora Paddy everywhere abundant abundant hand weeding Farmers
Rotala yield
Water Decrease in
Persicaria hydropiper Paddy everywhere abundant abundant hand weeding Farmers
pepper yield
Duckweed Lemna minor Mongol Paddy everywhere abundant abundant hand weeding Farmers
Duckweed Lemna gibba Mongol Paddy everywhere abundant abundant hand weeding Farmers
White clover Trifolium repens Batak nyur everywhere abundant abundant hand weeding Farmers
Black Medic Medicago lupulina everywhere abundant abundant hand weeding Farmers
Wall barley Hordeum murinum everywhere abundant abundant hand weeding Farmers
Japanese Mustard,
Bromus japonicus everywhere abundant abundant hand weeding Farmers
broome oats
Shortawn Mustard,
Alopecurus aequalis everywhere abundant abundant hand weeding Farmers
foxtail oats
Green foxtail Setaria viridis everywhere abundant abundant hand weeding Farmers
All Decrease in
Chamomile Anthemis cotula Fakh gasse everywhere abundant abundant hand weeding Farmers
vegetables yield
All Decrease in
Horse weed Conyza sumatrensis Shal lutt everywhere abundant abundant hand weeding Farmers
vegetables yield
Greater Apple Decrease in
Arctium lapa everywhere abundant abundant hand weeding Farmers
BurdocK Orchards fodder yield
prepared from
Common Vegetable Decrease in
Artemisia absinthium Tethwen everywhere abundant abundant hand weeding the plant is used Farmers
wormwood gardens fodder yield
to cure intestinal
Paddy and hand weeding, prepared from
Decrease in
Knotweed Polygonum sp Kreej other everywhere abundant abundant removed with the plant is used Farmers
fodder yield
vegetables roots to cure intestinal
Format-5: Pests of Crops
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Spray Fenvalerate 20 EC @
Beans Aphid Aphis craccivora Hemb Green leaves August KVK
50ml/100 lit of water.
November –
Spray with Phosolone 35 EC @
Mustard Mustard Sawfly Athalia proximalugens Sey Flowering December , March- KVK
140ml/100 lit. of water.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Major occupation may be farming. Sub-occupations could be fishing, collection of NTFP animal husbandry, artisans, services Examples of depending landscapes are agriculture landscape, rivers, forest etc.
Major resources accessed could be agriculture resources of different nature, fish, birds, water, mud, and etc
How the community manages the landscapes they use for satisfying different needs, their strategies and perception
How the community manages the resources they access for satisfying different needs, their strategies and perception, conflicts etc
Format 8: Landscape
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Major Landscapes
Features and
Sub - General General User Management Associated Other Community
Agricultural approx. Ownership General uses
Pond Fallow land Landscapes flora fauna groups practices TK details accessed
land area
70% 30% NA NA Villagers Paddy Fox Villagers agriculture Agriculture Agriculture Nil Villagers
Format-9: Waterscape
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Nallah/Canal NA NA Irrigation Typha spp. Schizopthera spp. Irrigation Villagers NA Irrigation NA NA Villagers
Format-10: Soil Type
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Soil Type Color & Texture Features Soil Management Plants / crop suitable Flora and Fauna Associated TK Other information
Brown soil Silt loam & clay NA Nil Paddy Datur Nil Nil
Benoni (Hazratbali) Plain /Hilly Temerate area Scare Local Nursery July
Red Delicious Plain /Hilly Temerate area Abundant Local Nursery September
Golden Delicious Plain /Hilly Temerate area Abundant Local Nursery October
American Apirogue
Plain /Hilly Temerate area Scare Local Nursery September Locals /
Malus (American Trel) Jamsn Juices Domestic and
Apple Tchoonth Horticulture
domestica and Candies Commercial
Kulu Plain /Hilly Temerate area Rare Local Nursery September
Chamura Plain /Hilly Temerate area Scare Local Nursery
Baldwin (Lal Farash) Plain /Hilly Temerate area Scare Local Nursery
Grnad Duke Plain /Hilly Temerate area Rare Local Nursery July
Budding /
Makhmali Plain /Hilly Temerate area Scare May
Budding / Locals /
Prunus Double Plain /Hilly Temerate area Scare June Jams, Jelly and, Domestic and
Cherry Gilass Nursery Horticulture
avium Pudding etc. Commercial
Budding /
Mishri Plain /Hilly Temerate area Scare June
Root Stock is
Saharnpuri Plain /Hilly Temerate area Scare used for wild June
peach or apricot
Locals /
Prunus Jams, Jelly and, Domestic and
Peach Chinun Horticulture
persica Pudding etc. Commercial
Root Stock is
Elberta Plain /Hilly Temerate area Scare used for wild June
peach or apricot
Chamgaz Plain /Hilly Temerate area Scare Seeds June
Locals /
Prunus Jams, Jelly and, Domestic and
Apricot Tcheir Horticulture
ameniaca Pudding etc. Commercial
Gilgit Sweet Plain /Hilly Temerate area Scare Cuttings June
Locals /
Pomegranate Dhaae'n Plain /Hilly Temerate area Rare Cuttings September Domestic Horticulture
Locals /
Thompson seedless,
Grapes Vitis vinifera Duchh Plain /Hilly Temerate area Scare Cuttings Domestic Horticulture
Perlette, Sahibi
Locals /
Mukhdoom Hilly / Temperate Area Scare Seeds August Used in sweets Domestic Horticulture
Almond Badaam
Locals /
Parbat Hilly / Temperate Area Scare Seeds August Used in sweets Domestic Horticulture
Locals /
August- Domestic and
Peper Shelled Hilly / Temperate Area Scare Seeds Chutneys etc Horticulture
September Commercial
Locals /
Juglans August- Domestic and
Walnut Doon Burzul Hilly / Temperate Area Scare Seeds Chutneys etc Horticulture
regia September Commercial
Locals /
August- Domestic and
Woonth Hilly / Temperate Area Abundant Seeds Chutneys etc Horticulture
September Commercial
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Location Status
Landscape/ Source of Associated Other details Community know
Plant Type Local Name Scientific Name Variety Uses (usage) Part used
Habitat Plant/seeds TK market/own use Holders
Past Present
Herb Abuj Rumex patentia Herbs Wild Abundant Abundant Vegetable Leaves Medicine Own Botanist/Forester
Fallow land
Herb Datur Datura strominium Herbs Wild Abundant Abundant Antihelminthic Seeds Medicine Own Botanist/Forester
Fallow land
Herb Soi Urtica doieca Herbs Wild Abundant Abundant Medicinal Leaves Medicine Own Botanist/Forester
Fallow land
Taraxacum Homestead/
Herb Hand Herbs Wild Abundant Abundant Common cold Leaves Medicine Own Botanist/Forester
officinale Fallow land
Herb Bung Cannabis sativa Herbs Wild Abundant Abundant Medicinal Leaves Medicine Own Botanist/Forester
Fallow land
Herb Kalwuth Prunella vulgaris Herbs Wild Abundant Abundant Inflamatory Whole Medicine Own Botanist/Forester
Fallow land
Shrub Kawdech Berberis spp. Herbs Wild Abundant Abundant Vegetable Fruit/tuber Medicine Own Botanist/Forester
Fallow land
Contraceptive Pills,
Herb Krench wild Rare Quantity Rare Quantity Not Available Arthritis, intestinal Leaves Leaves Indgenous Local people
tract diseases
Removes parastic
Artemisia Wild/Rural,Urban worms known as
Herb Tethwen Abundant Abundant Not Available Leaves whole both Local people
absinthium areas helminthes & also
in fever
Contains menthol ,
Herb Poodina Mentha arvensis Abundant Abundant Not Available largely used for Leaves Leaves both Local people
stomach disorders
jaundice, diarrhea,
Herb mawal Celosia argentia gardens/parks seed common common seeds Ornamental own use Local people
Foeniculum vulga cough, cold,
Herb badiyan gardens seed common common seeds edible own use Local people
re eyesight
wounds, stomach
roots &
Herb abhuj Rumex nepalensis gardens natural common common pain, abdominal edible own use Local people
Zizyphus cough, cold, fever,
shrub brai plains/slopes natural common common fruit/leaves edible own use Local people
maurtiana blood pressure
Herb Nuner plains natural common common For cough leaves edible own use Local people
meadows, hedge
Herb suchel Malva sylvestris grows, fallow seed common common stomach cramps leaf extract edible plant own use Local people
micturition, skin
seed, aerial Market and own
Herb baber Ocimum basilicum gardens seed common common problems, ……….. Local people
part juse
Format 13: Ornamental Plants/ Trees/Climbers etc.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Herb Mowal Celosia cristata Herb Seed Non commericial Perfumes Medicial use ………….. Botanist/Gardener
Herb Gul aftab Helianthus annuus Herb Seed Both Perfumes Edible oil …………. Botanist/Gardener
Shrub Tahere posh Forsythiax x intermedia Shrub Seed Both Perfumes Medicial use …………. Botanist/Gardener
Shrub Gulab Rosa muiltiflora Shrub Seedling Non commericial Perfumes Medicial use ………… Botanist/Gardener
Tree Boun Platanus orientalis Tree Plant Non commericial Shade Shade ……….. Botanist/Gardener
Avenue plantation,
Shade tree in
Tree Chetri vir Salix babylonica Private nursery Non-commercial - - Gardener, Nursery man
and parks
Departmental Specimen tree for
Tree Booni Platanus orientalis Non-commercial - - Gardener, Nursery man
nursery providing shade
Tree Suji Cryptomeria japonica Private nursery Non-commercial Avenue plantation - - Gardener, Nursery man
Avenue plantation
Tree Maple Acer rubrum Private nursery Non-commercial - - Gardener, Nursery man
and specimen tree
Avenue plantation
Tree Injeer Ficus carica Private nursery Non-commercial - - Gardener, Nursery man
and specimen tree
Solitary plantation
Tree Chetri kul Sophora japonica Private nursery Non-commercial - - Gardener, Nursery man
for shade purpose
Avenue plantation
Tree Sarva kul Cupressus simpervirens Non-commercial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Private nursery
Departmental/ Group plantation
Tree Privet Ligustrum lucidum Non-commercial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Private nursery and for topiary
Used as shade tree
Tree Haamdoon Aesculus indica Private nursery Non-commercial and as specimen - - Gardener, Nursery man
Tree Palm Trachycarpus fortunei Private nursery Non-commercial Avenue tree - - Gardener, Nursery man
Departmental/ Group and avenue
Shrub Weigela Weigela florida Non-commercial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Private nursery plantation
Hedging, Group
Departmental/ plantion
Shrub Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Non-commercial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Private nursery and as
specimen plant
Hedging, group
Departmental/ plantation
Shrub Viburnum opulus Non-commercial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Private nursery and as
specimen plant
Hedging, group
Shrub Buddleia davidii Departmental Non-commercial plantation and as - - Gardener, Nursery man
specimen plant
Shrub Nerium indicum Non-commercial Group plantation - - Gardener, Nursery man
Private nursery
Departmental/ Commercial/Non-
Shrub Rosa floribunda Group plantation - - Gardener, Nursery man
Private nursery commercial
Departmental/ Commercial/Non-
Shrub Gulab Rosa grandiflora Group plantation - - Gardener, Nursery man
Private nursery commercial
Shrub Gulab Rosa sp. Private nursery Non-commercial Group plantation - - Gardener, Nursery man
Shrub Marigold Kerria japonica Non-commercial Group plantation - - Gardener, Nursery man
Private nursery
Group plantation
Shrub Daen Punica granatum Private nursery Non-commercial and as specimen - - Gardener, Nursery man
Group plantation
Shrub Yathur Juniperus erecta Private nursery Non-commercial and avenue - - Gardener, Nursery man
Shrub Yathur Juniperus horizontallis Private nursery Non-commercial Ground cover - - Gardener, Nursery man
Edging, hedging
Shrub Evergreen Euonymus japonicus Private nursery Non-commercial - - Gardener, Nursery man
as topiary
Euonymus japonicus Edging, hedging
Shrub Evergreen Private nursery Non-commercial - - Gardener, Nursery man
var. albomarginatus and topiary plant
Edging, hedging
Shrub Evergreen Private nursery Non-commercial and as topiary - - Gardener, Nursery man
var. aureopictus
Shrub Evergreen Euonymus fortunei Private nursery Non-commercial Ground cover - - Gardener, Nursery man
Edging, hedging
Shrub Evergreen Euonymus microphylla Non-commercial and for topiary - - Gardener, Nursery man
Private nursery
Edging, hedging
Shrub Evergreen Buxus sempervirens Non-commercial and for topiary - - Gardener, Nursery man
Private nursery
Group plantation,
topiary and
Shrub Sarve kul Thuja compacta Private nursery Non-commercial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Shrub Privet Ligustrum vulgare Non-commercial Edge and hedge - - Gardener, Nursery man
Private nursery
Edging, hedging
Shrub Lonicera nitida Non-commercial and for topiary - - Gardener, Nursery man
Private nursery
Creeper Gulab posh Rosa setigera Non-commercial Climber - - Gardener, Nursery man
Private nursery
Creeper Ivy Hedera helix Non-commercial Climber - - Gardener, Nursery man
Private nursery
Creeper Ivy Hedera nepalensis Non-commercial Climber - - Gardener, Nursery man
Private nursery
Creeper Campsis radicans Private nursery Non-commercial Flowering climber - - Gardener, Nursery man
Format 14: Timber Plants / Trees
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Local status
Other uses Associated Community/ Know.
Plant Type Local Name Scientific Name Habitat Wild/ home- garden Other details
(multi) TK holder
Past Present
Farm land/
Tree Kiker Vachellia nilotica Abundant Abundant Wild/ home- garden Firewood Firewood Nil Botanist/Forester
Fallow land
Farm land/
Tree Bran Ulmus villosa Abundant Abundant Wild/ home- garden Timber Timber Nil Botanist/Forester
Fallow land
Farm land/
Tree Veer Salix alba Abundant Abundant Wild/ home- garden Boxes Boxes Nil Botanist/Forester
Fallow land
Farm land/
Tree Doon Juglans regia Abundant Abundant Wild/ home- garden Fruit Fruit Nil Botanist/Forester
Fallow land
Farm land/
Tree Chinar Plantinus orentalius Abundant Abundant Wild/ home- garden Panelling Panelling Nil Botanist/Forester
Fallow land
Farm land/
Tree Frus Populus deltoidea Abundant Abundant Wild/ home- garden Plywood Plywood Nil Botanist/Forester
Fallow land
for making
for making of
Parrotiopsis of Timber, Fire-wood Local People &
Plant Hatab , Poh Wild scattered scattered Wild Agriculture
jacquemontiana Agriculture etc Foresters
for making
for making of
of Handles
Handles of Timber, Fire-wood Local People &
Plant Geur Salix wallichiana Wild scattered scattered Wild of
Agriculture etc Foresters
Timber,Fire- Used in
wild/Rurul/ Provides fodder Local People &
Tree Poplar Populus deltoides Abundant Abundant wild/Rurul/Urban wood making of
Urban also Foresters
Charcoal fruit boxes
Timber,Fire- Used in
wild/Rurul/ Provides fodder Local People &
Tree Bran Ulmus villosa Abundant Abundant wild/Rurul/Urban wood making of
Urban also Foresters
Charcoal fruit boxes
Nettle Tree
Tree Celtis australis sacred places common rare wild fuel wood ………. locals
farm land/ fallow
Tree veer Salix alba abundant abundant Wild/ home- garden boxes boxes nil botanist/forester
farm land/ fallow
Tree doon Juglans regia abundant abundant Wild/ home- garden fruit fruit nil botanist/forester
farm land/ fallow
Tree Chinar Plantanus orientalis abundant abundant Wild/ home- garden panelling panelling nil botanist/forester
Robinia farm land/ fallow
Tree Kiker abundant abundant Wild/ home- garden firewood firewood nil botanist/forester
pseudoacacia land
farm land/ fallow
Tree bran Ulmus wallichiana abundant abundant Wild/ home- garden timber timber nil botanist/forester
Tree budul Abies pindrow Forest common common Wild Multi uses - Constuction Common
Tree Yaer Pinus wallichiana Forest common common Wild Multi uses - Constuction Common
Format 15: Domesticated Animals
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Local Status
Other details
Animal Local Breed (local/ Commercial including Community
Scientific Name Features Method of keeping Uses Associated TK
Type Name hybrid) rearing products and Know.Holders
Past Present
Cow Gaaw Bos taurus Local Milk Home Scare Milk Local Breeders Locals
Horse Gurr Equus caballus Local Load Home Scare Load Local Breeders Locals
Format 16: Culture Fisheries
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Note: Other details include mode of catching fish, time of availability, breeding time, feeds and etc
Format 17: Markets / Fairs for Domesticated Animals, Medicinal Plants and other products
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Places from
Weekly / Fortnightly & Month incase of bi- Number of animals
Name of the Weekly Types of animal where the Places to where the
Location Others Day held annual or annual (average) transacted
Market / Fair bought and sold animals are animals are transported
Bi-annual / Annual market fair in a day
Format 18: Trees, Shrubs, Herbs, Tubers, Grasses, Climbers etc.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Tree Bremij Celtis australis Tree Abundant Abundant Both Leaves,stem Timber Nil Botanist
Fallow land
Tree Ulum thrush Alianthus altissima Tree Abundant Abundant Own use Stem Firewood Nil Botanist
Fallow land
Tree Alchakul Prunus cerasoides Tree Abundant Abundant Friuts Medicinal Nil Botanist
Fallow land
Tree Kikar Vachellia nilotica Tree Abundant Abundant Both Leaves,stem Timber,fodder Nil Botanist
Fallow land
Tree Boomchount Cydonica oblonga Tree Abundant Abundant Both Friuts Medicinal Nil Botanist
Fallow land
Homestead/ Fodder,
Tree Tulkul Morus Spp. Tree Abundant Abundant Own use Fruits, leaves Nil Botanist
Fallow land medicinal
Shrub Chhanch Rubus fruiticosus Shrub Abundant Abundant Own use Friuts Medicinal Nil Botanist
Fallow land
Herb Soi Urtica doieca Herb Abundant Abundant Own use Leaves Medicinal Nil Botanist
Fallow land
Herb Bang Cannabis sativa Herb Abundant Abundant Own use Leaves Medicinal Nil Botanist
Fallow land
Herb Hand Taraxicum officinale Herb Abundant Abundant Own use Whole plant Medicinal Nil Botanist
Fallow land
Herb Datur Datura stramonium Herb Abundant Abundant Own use Seeds Medicinal Nil Botanist
Fallow land
The Tree is
native of Iranian Particular
region and was personot not
Tall green, Rare/ planted here by found /People
Tree Boin Platanus orientalis Rural/ urban areas Abundant Both whole wood
large in size Scattered Mugal from
Charcoal ,
empires,mostly Floriculture
Timber etc
on road sides Deptt.
and Gardens
Homestead/ fallow
Tree kikarkul Robinia pseudoacacia Tree abundant abundnat both leaves,stem timber,fodder Nil Botanist
Homestead/ fallow
shrub poshzand Rosa webbiana shrub abundant abundnat own use flowers medicinal Nil Botanist
Homestead/ fallow
shrub Kawdach Berberis lycium shrub abundant abundnat own use fruit medicinal Nil Botanist
Homestead/ fallow
herb Knap weed Centaurea iberica herb abundant abundnat own use whole plant medicinal Nil Botanist
Homestead/ fallow
herb datur Datura stramonium herb abundant abundnat own use seeds medicinal Nil Botanist
Medium in manufacturing
Fodder &
Trees Bota Vir Salix alba Size having Rural / Urban areas Abundant Abundant Both Whole industry badly Local People
Fire Wood
Soft leaves dependant on
this species
The timber of
this species is
Timber & People from
Tall Green, used in making
Trees Doon Juglans regia Rural / Urban areas Abundant Abundant Both wood and nuts Fire Wood Horticulture
Large in Size of traditional
etc /Local
Furniture items
consuming with
rice as Also as
Herbs Handh Taraxacum officinale Annual Wild/Rural Abundant Abundant Both Whole Local People
vegetable here Medicines
in Kashmir
Paraitic worms
known as
Herbs Tethwan Artemisia absinthium Annual Wild/Rural Abundant Abundant Both Partly
helminthes &
also useful in
Grass Dramun Cynodon dactylon Annual Wild/Rural Abundant Abundant Local use Partly Grass Local People
of Lawns
used as
Grass liveseed grass Urochloa panicoides Annual moist grasslands and lakesides
common common Own use whole plant a fodder for catt Local people
le and horses
winter annual Fodder
Grass cheat grass Bromus tectorum Annual all types of soils common common Own use whole plant Local people
grass Grass
Grass tussock grass Deschampsia cespitosa Annual on grasslands common common Own use whole plant …….. Local people
used to prevent
Grass rye grass Lolium perenne Annual wastelands common common Own use whole plant erosion and to Local people
stabilise soils,
Grass bandh grass Cymbopogon parkeri Annual ……… common common Own use nodes medicinal Local people
Grass khus khus grass Vitiveria zizanoides Annual ……… common common Own use whole plant anti fungal Local people
tuber narkon Phragmites australis Annual wet/dry places common common Own use whole plant ……. …….. Local people
Grass wheat grass Agropyron dentatum Annual ……. common common Own use whole plant ……. Local people
herb suchel Malva sylvestris Annual ……. common common own use leaf extract edible plant …….. Local people
herb baber Ocimum bascilicum Annual ……. common common Own use seed, aerial part …….. Local people
Herb pudina Mentha arvensis Annual moist places common common own use leaf extract edible plant …….. Local people
woody edges, shruby
herb mazar mund Iris napelensis Annual areas, sunny grass common ……… Own use rhizome ……… …….. Local people
herb thol babul Cotula anthemoids Annual open fields common rare whole plant medicinal fractures Local people
Leaves are
herb Hakh Brassica oleracea Annual garden common common Own use whole plant taken as ………. Farmers
Used in Unani
herb Kalvouth Prunella vulgaris Annual wastelands common common infloresence Local people
herb Guer aadoud Euphorbia wallichii Annual wastelands common common whole plant Local people
herb Durham Sorghum halepense Annual wastelands common common whole plant fodder Local people
Abandoned lands,
Herb fakkh gasse Anthemis cotula Annual common common No use Local people
Abandoned lands,
Herb Kend kul Xanthium spinosum Annual common common No use Local people
Abandoned lands,
Herb Gulle Plantago major Annual common common No use Local people
Abandoned lands,
Herb Shall lut Conyza sumatrensis Annual common common No use Local people
Abandoned lands,
Herb Shall lut Conyza canadensis Annual common common No use Local people
Abandoned lands, whole plant
Herb Dand haak Sisymbrium loeselii Annual common common Own use Fodder Local people
roadsides without roots
Graveyards and
Herb Conium maculatum Annual common common Own use leaf extract Medicinal plant Local people
Graveyards and
Herb Arctium lapa Annual common common No use Local people
Herb Mahi gaase Poa annua Annual Everywhere common common Own use whole plant Fodder Local people
Herb Batk nyud Trifolium pratense Annual Everywhere common common Own use whole plant Fodder Local people
Herb Batk nyud Trifolium repens Annual Everywhere common common Own use whole plant Fodder Local people
Herb Geranium nepalensis Annual Shadi places common common Own use whole plant Fodder Local people
Herb Solanum nigrum Annual Abundoned landes common common non use Local people
Herb Kunne Chenopodium album Annual Agricultural fields common common non use Local people
Graveyards and
Herb Soi Urtica dioica Annual common common no use Local people
Herb cxoke cxhin Oxalis corniculata Annual common common Own use Leaves edible Local people
agricultural fields
Herb Medicago polymorpha Annual common common Own use Whole plant fodder Local people
agricultural fields
Herb Kach Stellaria media Annual Agricultural fields common common Own use Whole plant fodder Local people
Herb Setaria viridis Annual Agricultural fields common common Own use Whole plant fodder Local people
Herb Zov gasse Veronica arvensis Annual Agricultural fields common common Own use Whole plant fodder Local people
Herb Jungli tamoke Verbascum thapsis Annual wastelands common common no use Local people
Herb Kund Centauria iberica Annual wastelands common common no use Local people
Shrub Posh Kund Rubus sp. Perrinial wastelands common common no use Local people
Herb Ranunculus lateus Annual Moist fields common common no use Local people
Herb Troped Marubium vulgare Annual wastelands common common Medicinal value Leaves Local people
Herb Gurri sotcsal Euphorbia helioscopia Annual wastelands common common no use Local people
Herb Xanthium strumarium Annual wastelands common common no use Local people
Herb Lactuca sp Annual wastelands common common no use Local people
Herb Creej Polygonum aviculare Annual wastelands common common no use Local people
Herb Creej Polygonum persicaria Annual wastelands common common no use Local people
Herb Silene coronaria Annual wastelands common common no use Local people
Herb Pahel gasse Achillea millefolium Annual wastelands common common no use Local people
Herb Impatiens grandiflora Annual wastelands common common no use Local people
Tree Alamtar Ailanthus altissima Perrinial wastelands common common Fire wood Whole tree Local people
Herb Chicori Cichorium intybus Annual wastelands common common Edible Leaves Local people
Herb Mahi gase Poa bulbosa Annual wastelands common common no use Local people
Used to make local
Herb Pexx Typha latifolia Annual wastelands common common Whole plant Local people
Herb Vinca major Annual wastelands common common Ornamental Whole plant Local people
Herb Nepata cataria Annual wastelands common common no use Local people
Herb Kund Carthamus lanatus Annual wastelands common common no use Local people
Shrub Kend therr Rubus ulmifolius Perrinial wastelands common common no use Local people
Herb Cardamine sp. Annual wastelands common common no use Local people
Herb Verbena officinalis Annual wastelands common common no use Local people
Herb Cxur gasse Hordeum murinum Annual wastelands common common Fodder Whole plant Local people
Used to make local
Herb Lasej Bassia scoparia Annual wastelands common common Whole plant Local people
Herb Nijj gasse Agrostis capillaris Annual wastelands common common no use Local people
Herb Datur Datura stramonium Annual wastelands common common no use Local people
Herb Dryopteris sp. Annual wastelands common common Edible Young leaves Local people
Herb Sotcsal Malva nepalensis Annual wastelands common common Edible Leaves Local people
Herb Galinsoga parviflora Annual wastelands common common no use Local people
Herb Lisse Amaranthus blitum Annual wastelands common common Edible Leaves Local people
Herb Kund Cirsium arvense Annual wastelands common common no use Local people
Climbes to walls and
Climber Hedera helix Perrinial Rare Rare Ornamental Local people
Kulmach or
Shrub Viburnum grandiflorum Perrinial Under shades Rare Rare edible fruits Fruits Local people
Shrub Kawdach Berberis lycium Perrinial Slope area Rare Rare Local people
Format 19: Wild Plant Species of Importance
1 2 3 4 5 6
S.No. Local Name Scientific Name Variety Importance (economic,social,cultural etc.) Status
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Local Status
Community knowledge
Local name Scientific name Variety features Habitat Uses Associated TK Other details
Past Present
Omnivorous, Prolific
Deep laterally compressed
breeder, Bred in farms
body which is dark brown or
Ponds, Lakes, (Feb to March); available
grey dorsally, lighter on sides
Reservoirs, throughout the year,
and whitish underside. Mouth Mahigeers, Local people,
Punjaeb Gaad Cyprinus carpio Exotic Rivers, Sars, Rare Plenty Food Fish Protein Rich Diet composes ample volume
sub terminal with thick lips. Department of Fisheries
Wetlands, Fish of the fish catch, caught
Rostral and maxillary barbels
Farms with cast net in lakes and
present. Scales in a lateral
rivers and drag nets in
series 33-36.
Solle Marsilea quadrifolia Ponds and canals Plenty Plenty Local People
Pudne Mentha aquatica Ponds and canals Plenty Plenty Local People
Format 21: Wild Aquatic Plant Species of Importance
1 2 3 4 5 6
S.No. Local Name Scientific Name Variety Importance (economic,social,cultural etc.) Trends
Barbarea internemedia
3 Winter Cress Habitate for aquatic life
Local status
Plant(herb, Other details c.knowledge
Local Name Scientific Name Variety Landscape/ habitat Associated TK uses Part used
shrub,tree) market/own use holder
Past Present
Homestead/ Fallow
Herb Soi Urtica doieca Herbs Abundant Abundant Medicinal use Kidney stones Leaves Own Botanist
Homestead/ Fallow
Herb Koudach Berberis spp. Herbs Abundant Abundant Medicinal use Dementia Leaves Both Botanist
Homestead/ Fallow
Herb Aelchakul Prunus cerasoides Herbs Abundant Abundant Medicinal use Diarrhea Fruits Own Botanist
Homestead/ Fallow
Herb Padna Mentha arvensis Herbs Abundant Abundant Medicinal use Asthma Leaves Both use Botanist
Homestead/ Fallow
Herb Datur Datura strominium Herbs Abundant Abundant Antihelminthic Seeds Own use Botanist
Homestead/ Fallow
Herb Tethwan Artimisia absinthium Herbs Abundant Abundant Medicinal use Obesity Leaves Both use Botanist
Homestead/ Fallow
Herb Chaer Prunus armenica Herbs Abundant Abundant Medicinal use Antipyretic Fruits Own Botanist
Homestead/ Fallow
Herb Bung Cannabis sativa Herbs Abundant Abundant Medicinal use Piles Leaves Own Botanist
Homestead/ Fallow
Herb Hand Taraxicum officinale Herbs Abundant Abundant Medicinal use Coholesterol Whole Own Botanist
Homestead/ Fallow
Herb Nunar Portulaca oleracea Herbs Abundant Abundant Medicinal use Diabetes Whole Both Botanist
Herb Krench Dioscorea deltoidea Wild Rare Quantity Rare Quantity Not Available Leaves Indgenous Medical
tract diseases
wild/Rular,urban used for stomach
Herb Gulle Plantago major Abundant Abundant Not Available Leaves Both Medical
areas disorders
Herb Pyrethrum Wild Scattered Scattered Not Available safest insecticides Both Medical
Homestead/ fallow
Herb Kalwuth Prunella vulgaris abundant abundant medicinal use inflamatory whole own botanist
Homestead/ fallow
Herb Hapat tamookh Verbascum thapsus abundant abundant medicinal use Asthma seeds own botanist
Format 23: Wild relatives of Crops
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Local Status
Local Scientific Landscape / Uses Part Associated Community / Know
Associated crop Other details
Name Name Habitat (usage) Used TK holder
Past Present
Surface type,
Ring Rachh Fragaria vesca Fragaria ananassa Wild Scattered Scattered Local use Partly Not Avilable Local People
small size
Taraxacum plains and hilly
hund Lycopsis arvensis common common edible leaves medicinal locals
officinale areas
Jungli Strawbery Fragaria nubicola Fragaria ananassa Meadows common common Fruit Fruit locals
Jungli pudna Mentha arvensis Mentha longifolia Along the streams common common Leaf Leaf Flavouring agent locals
Wheat grass Agropyron sp. Triticum aestivum Agricultural fields Abundant Abundant Fodder whole plant locals
Daucus carrota
Gajjar Daucus carrota wastelands Abundant Abundant Fodder whole plant locals
subsp. sativa
Format 24: Ornamental Plants
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Local Name Scientific Name Variety Habitat Associated Tk Any other detail Community knowledge holder
Zinnia Zinnia elegans Herb Homestead Both Medicial use ………… Botanist/Gardener
Mowal Celosia cristata Herb Homestead Non commericial Medicial use ………… Botanist/Gardener
Gul aftab Helianthus annuus Herb Homestead Both Edible oil …………. Botanist/Gardener
Gulab Rosa muiltiflora Shrub Homestead Non commericial Medicial use ………… Botanist/Gardener
Boun Platanus orientalis Tree Homestead Non commericial Shade ……….. Botanist/Gardener
Tahere posh Forsythia x intermedia Shrub Homestead Both Medicial use …………. Botanist/Gardener
Salvia/Scarlet sage Salvia splendens Summer annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Marigold Tagetes erecta Summer annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration/dye extraction - - Gardener, Nursery man
Petunia Petunia hybrida Summer annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Portulaca Portulaca grandiflora Summer annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Floss flower Ageratum houstonianum Summer annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Cock’s comb Celosia cristata Summer annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Cosmos Cosmos bipinnatus Summer annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Zinnia Zinnia elegans Summer annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Globe amaranth Gomphrena globosa Summer annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
China aster Callistephus chinensis Summer annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Garden nasturtium Tropaeolum majus Summer annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Sunflower Helianthus annuus Summer annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration/Oil extraction - - Gardener, Nursery man
Cleome hassleriana Summer annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Balsam Impatiens balsamina Summer annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Love lies bleeding Amaranthus caudatus Summer annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Joseph’s coat Amaranthus tricolour Summer annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Bedding dahlia Dahlia spp. Summer annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Pansy Viola tricolor var. hortensis Winter annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - -
Pot marigold Calendula officinalis Winter annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration/dye extraction - - -
Candytuft Iberis umbellata Winter annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - -
Larkspur Delphinium ajacis Winter annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - -
Corn flower Centaurea cyanus Winter annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - -
California poppy Eschscholzia californica Winter annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - -
Shirely poppy Papaver rhoeas Winter annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - -
Satin flower Godetia grandiflora Winter annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - -
Sweet william Dianthus barbatus Winter annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - -
Carnation Dianthus caryophyllus Winter annuals Terrestrial Cut flower/Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Snapdragon Antirrhinum majus Winter annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Fairy primrose Primula malacoides Winter annuals Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Chrysanths Chrysanthemum indicum Perennials Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
flower/African Gazania splendens Perennials Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Canterbury bell Campanula medium Perennials Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Verbena Verbena hybrida Perennials Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Coreopsis tinctoria Perennials Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Dahlia/Pompons Dahlia pinnata Bulbous plants Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Day Lily Hemerocallis fulva Bulbous plants Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Daffodils Narcissus pseudo narcissus Bulbous plants Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Calla lily Zantedeschia aethiopica Bulbous plants Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Asiatic lily Lilium auratum Bulbous plants Terrestrial Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Canna Canna indica Bulbous plants Terrestrial/shady Garden decoration - - Gardener, Nursery man
Gerbera Gerbera jamesonii Bulbous plants Terrestrial Garden decoration/Cut flower - - Gardener, Nursery man
Scented Geranium
Pelargonium graveolens Pot plants Terrestrial Pot plant - - Gardener, Nursery man
Zabrina Tradescantia zebrina Pot plants Terrestrial Pot plant - - Gardener, Nursery man
Rosemarry Salvia rosmarinus Pot plants Terrestrial Pot plant - - Gardener, Nursery man
Cactus Cactus spp. Pot plants Terrestrial Pot plant - - Gardener, Nursery man
Avenue plantation, as specimen
Ornamental plum Prunus domestica Trees Terrestrial tree for adding colour to the - - Gardener, Nursery man
Crape Myrtle Group plantation, avenue
Lagerstroemia indica Trees Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Specimen or plantation
avenue tree
Green Mapple Ascer pseudo platanus Trees Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Weeping Willow Avenue plantation, Shade tree in
Salix babylonica Trees Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
gardens and parks
Oriental Plane
(Chinar) Platanus orientalis Trees Terrestrial Specimen tree for providing shade - - Gardener, Nursery man
Avenue plantation and as specimen
Judas tree Cercis siliquastrum Trees Terrestrial tree - - Gardener, Nursery man
Magnolia grandiflora Trees Terrestrial Specimen tree - - Gardener, Nursery man
Magnolia/Bull bay
Cryptomeria Cryptomeria japonica Trees Terrestrial Avenue plantation - - Gardener, Nursery man
Black Locust Robinia pseudoacacia Trees Terrestrial Avenue tree - - Gardener, Nursery man
Avenue plantation and specimen
Red Maple Acer rubrum Trees Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Ornamental Fig Avenue plantation and specimen
Ficus carica Trees Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Tree tree
Solitary plantation for shade
Pagoda Tree Sophora japonica Trees Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Avenue plantation
Italian Cypress Cupressus sempervirens Trees Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Himalayan Avenue plantation
Cupressus torulosa Trees Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Broad Leaved
Privet/Glossy Ligustrum lucidum Trees Terrestrial Group plantation and for topiary - - Gardener, Nursery man
Indian Horse Used as shade tree and
Aesculus indica Trees Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Chest Nut as specimen tree
Chinese Wind
Trachycarpus fortunei Trees Terrestrial Avenue tree - - Gardener, Nursery man
Mill palm
For group plantation and also as
Hydrangea macrophylla Shrubs Terrestrial edging and hedging plant along the - - Gardener, Nursery man
Rose Spiraea Spiraea rosea Shrubs Terrestrial Edging and hedging - - Gardener, Nursery man
Edging and hedging also as ground
Lavender Lavandula offcinalis Shrubs Terrestrial cover. The flowers are source - - Gardener, Nursery man
of essential oil
Weigela Weigela florida Shrubs Terrestrial Group and avenue plantation - - Gardener, Nursery man
Forsythia /Easter Hedging, Group plantation and as
Forsythia x intermedia Shrubs Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Tree specimen plant
Hibiscus/Rose of Hedging, Group plantion
Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Shrubs Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Sharon and as specimen plant
Hedging, group plantation
Guelder Rose Viburnum opulus Shrubs Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
and as specimen plant
Hedging, group plantation and as
Lilac/Butterfly Buddleja davidii Shrubs Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
specimen plant
Oleander Nerium indicum Shrubs Terrestrial Group plantation - - Gardener, Nursery man
Floribunda Rose
Rosa floribunda Shrubs Terrestrial Group plantation - - Gardener, Nursery man
Grandiflora rose
Rosa grandiflora Shrubs Terrestrial Group plantation - - Gardener, Nursery man
Miniature Rose Rosa spp. Shrubs Terrestrial Group plantation - - Gardener, Nursery man
Japanese Marigold
Kerria japonica Shrubs Terrestrial Group plantation - - Gardener, Nursery man
Santolina/ Ground cover, edging and as pot
Santolina chamaecyparissus Shrubs Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Lavender-Cotton plant
Ornamental Group plantation and as specimen
Punica granatum Shrubs Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
pomegranate tree
Group plantation and avenue
Juniper Juniperus erecta Shrubs Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Juniper/Creeping Juniperus horizontalis Shrubs Terrestrial Ground cover - - Gardener, Nursery man
Edging, hedging and for topiary
Box Honey Suckle Lonicera nitida Shrubs Terrestrial - - Gardener, Nursery man
Climbing Rose Rosa setigera Climbers Terrestrial Climber - - Gardener, Nursery man
English Ivy Hedera helix Climbers Terrestrial Climber - - Gardener, Nursery man
Himalayan Ivy Hedera nepalensis Climbers Terrestrial Climber - - Gardener, Nursery man
Trumpet Vine Campsis radicans Climbers Terrestrial Flowering climber - - Gardener, Nursery man
Format 25: Fumigate / Chewing Plants
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Local status
Plant Community knowledge
Local Name Scientific Name Variety Habitat uses Part used Ass.TK Other details
(herb,shrub,Tree) holder
Past Present
Homestead/ Fallow
Herb Tethwan Artimisia absinthum Herb Abundant Abundant Own Leaves Medicine Taste Botanist/Gardener
Homestead/ Fallow
Herb Pudhna Mentha arvenues Herb Abundant Abundant Leaves Medicine Taste Botanist/Gardener
Homestead/ Fallow
Herb Meth Trigonella spp. Herb Abundant Abundant Own Leaves Medicine Taste Botanist/Gardener
Homestead/ Fallow
Herb Ddhania Coriandrum sp. Herb Abundant Abundant Own Leaves Medicine Flavour Botanist/Gardener
Oxalis fallow
Herb Csok tschin abundant abundant Eaten leaves taste Botanist/Gardener
corniculata land/agricultur
Ocimum Medium/
Herb Babri byol Rare rare medicine seed
basilicum Higher belts
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Community knowledge
Local Name Scientific Name Habitat Local Other uses, if any Associated Tk Any other detail
Doon Juglans regia Farm land/ Fallow land Abundant Fire wood Firewood Nuts Botanist
Frus Populus species Farm land/ Fallow land Abundant Timber Timber Nil Botanist
Kiker Vachellia nilotica Farm land/ Fallow land Abundant Own Timber Nil Botanist
Bran Ulmus wallichiana Farm land/ Fallow land Abundant Fodder, Fire wood Bark ropes Nil Botanist
Bremij Celtis australis Farm land/ Fallow land Abundant Fire wood Fruit, Medicinal Nil
Ver Salix spp. Farm land/ Fallow land Abundant Fire wood Firewood Nil Botanist
Format 27 A: Coastal and Marine Flora
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Local Status
Parts Collected Commercial Uses Community/ Knowledge
Plant Type Local Name Scientific Name Habitat Other Uses Associated TK
(if any) (if any) Holder
Past Present
Format 27 B: Coastal and Marine Fauna
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Local Status
Parts collected Commercial Uses Community/ Knowledge
Animal Type Local Name Scientific Name Habitat Other Uses Associated TK
(if any) (if any) Holder
Past Present
Format 28: Wild Animals (Mammals, Birds, Reptiles, Amphibia, Insects, others)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Local status
Season when Mode of Other Community/
Animal Type Local Name Scientific Name Habitat Description uses if any Ass. TK
seen hunting details Knowledge Holder
Past Present
Mammal Brair Felis spp Homestead/ Wild - Annual Abundant Abundant - - - - Zoologist
Birds Kaw Corvus splendens Homestead/ Wild - Annual Abundant Abundant - - - - Zoologist
Birds Shoga Psittara heamladue Homestead/ wild - Annual Abundant Abundant - - - - Zoologist
Birds Rang tsar Parus cinereus Homestead/ wild - Summer Abundant Abundant - - - - Zoologist
Birds Sheen pippin Garrulax variegatus Homestead/ wild - Winters Abundant Abundant - - - - Zoologist
Birds Rang tsar Parus cinereus Homestead/ wild ____ summer abundant abundant ____ ____ ____ ____ Zoologist
Birds Sheen pippin Garrulax variegatus Homestead/ wild ____ winters abundant abundant ____ ____ ____ ____ Zoologist
Skin is used
Vulpes vulpes Exceptionall for making of Not Prohibited in forest and Locals. Ahanger
Mammals Loh Forest/ Rural areas Scattered Scattered
montana y Decoration Available Species Rural areas Community
Pycnonotus Not Every
Bird Bulbul Every where All Seasons Abundant Abundant Usually Not Nil Local People
leucogenys Available Where
Not Every
Bird Char Passer domesticus Every where All Seasons Abundant Abundant Usually Not Nil Local People
Available Where
Not Every
Bird Kitji Hirundo rustica Every where All Seasons Abundant Abundant Usually Not Nil Local People
Available Where
Not Every
Bird Rata Kriel Nyctalus leisleri Every where All Seasons Abundant Abundant Usually Not Nil Local People
Available Where
Parasteatoda Not Every
Insects Zaryul Households All Seasons Abundant Abundant Usually Not Nil Local People
tepidariorum Available Where
dogs come in a
if gets
Canis lupus found in association bewildering round the
Mammal Hoon Common Common ……. ……. dustbin hunter vopilent Locals
familiaris with humans variety of shapes year
may bite
and sizes
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Sr. No. Local Name Scientific Name Type of Plants Habitat Flowering Season Remarks (Rare / Common etc.)
Note: Separate format should be used for road side plantation / Parks and Gardens / Housing estate / Commercial buildings/ other institutional areas, Private club premises and also for Aquatic (water) habitat and
Terrestrial (land) habitat
Format 30: Fauna
1 2 3 4 5 6
Sr. No. Local Name Scientific Name Type of Animals (Mammals / Birds / Fish / Insect etc.) Habitat Remarks (Rare / Common etc.)
Format 31: Any other information of local importance
1 2 3
End of Part II