LP Briefing - Cargo Liquefaction
LP Briefing - Cargo Liquefaction
LP Briefing - Cargo Liquefaction
March 2010
Loss prevention briefing for North of England Members CARGO
Cargo Liquefaction
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................... 2
What is Liquefaction? ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Consequences of Liquefaction ...................................................................................................................... 2
SOLAS Requirements ..................................................................................................................................... 2
Liquefaction and the IMSBC Code ................................................................................................................. 3
Advice to Owners and Masters on Loading .................................................................................................. 5
Cargo Liquefying Whilst at Sea...................................................................................................................... 7
Protect Your Interests ..................................................................................................................................... 8
Exemplar Shipper’s Cargo Declaration ......................................................................................................... 9
The purpose of this publication is to provide a source of information which is additional to that available to the maritime industry from
regulatory, advisory, and consultative organisations. Whilst care is taken to ensure the accuracy of any information made available no
warranty of accuracy is given and users of that information are to be responsible for satisfying themselves that the information is
relevant and suitable for the purposes to which it is applied. In no circumstances whatsoever shall the Association be liable to any
person whatsoever for any loss or damage whensoever or howsoever arising out of or in connection with the supply (including negligent
supply) or use of information.
Unless the contrary is indicated, all articles are written with reference to English Law. However it should be noted that the content of this
publication does not constitute legal advice and should not be construed as such. Members should contact the Association for specific
advice on particular matters.
North of England P&I Association, The Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3DU, UK
Tel: +44 191 232 5221 Fax: +44 191 261 0540 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nepia.com
What is Liquefaction?
In a fine grained, moisture laden cargo the spaces between cargo grains are filled with both air and water.
Whilst at sea the cargo is subject to forces due to the vibration and rolling of the vessel. These forces cause
the inter-grain spaces to contract. The water in the spaces between grains is subject to a compressive force
but as it is a liquid it cannot be compressed. This has the effect of reducing the inter-grain frictional force that
holds the cargo in a solid state. Where enough moisture is present the reduction in inter-grain friction due to
the ship’s motion and vibration can be sufficient to cause the cargo flow like a liquid i.e. to liquefy.
Consequences of Liquefaction
The most significant consequence for the vessel resulting
from liquefaction is cargo shift leading to loss of stability. This
may produce dangerous angles of list and in some instances
the resulting loss of stability can be such that the vessel and
the lives of those onboard are lost. It is therefore imperative
that seafarers are aware of the types and condition of cargo
that may give rise liquefaction.
SOLAS Requirements
The International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS) Chapter VI – Carriage of Cargoes -
provides the general framework for the carriage of all cargoes.
Shippers Duties
In respect of cargoes with particular hazards, such as liquefaction, SOLAS is explicit in requiring the shipper
to provide the master, or his representative, with the appropriate cargo information sufficiently in advance of
loading to enable the necessary precautions for safe carriage to be put into effect. The format of such
information is also supplied in IMO MSC/Circ.663. A typical format for the shipper’s declaration is included
Additionally there are specific provisions for additional information to be supplied for cargoes which may
liquefy in the form of a certificate of moisture content and transportable moisture limit (TML).
As such shippers are obliged to provide appropriate cargo information to the master before loading
North of England P&I Association, The Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3DU, UK
Tel: +44 191 232 5221 Fax: +44 191 261 0540 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nepia.com 2
Copyright © North of England P&I Association 2010
Cargo Liquefaction
Masters Duties
SOLAS Chapter VI Part B, Regulation 6.2, states that “Concentrates or other cargoes which may liquefy
shall only be accepted for loading when the actual moisture content of the cargo is less than its TML.”
Therefore, a master should not accept such a cargo for loading without first receiving the appropriate
documentation certifying the moisture content and TML of the cargo with the moisture content shown to be
less than the TML.
Shipper’s Declaration
Section 4 of the IMSBC Code requires the shipper of the cargo to provide the master with appropriate cargo
information sufficiently in advance of loading to enable the precautions which may be necessary for the safe
carriage of the cargo to be put into effect. The minimum information to be provided is listed in Section 4.2.2.
This information includes both the TML of the cargo and its moisture content at shipment.
The vessel should receive this documentation well in advance of loading and masters should resist pressure
from shipper or terminal representatives to begin loading in advance of receipt of the certificate. It is better to
delay loading whilst awaiting the certificate than to have to discharge unsuitable cargo loaded in advance of
receipt of the certificate. Such discharge may be highly problematic due to the lack of suitable equipment,
berths or due to local customs or other regulations. Terminals and shippers may simply be unwilling to
North of England P&I Association, The Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3DU, UK
Tel: +44 191 232 5221 Fax: +44 191 261 0540 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nepia.com 3
Copyright © North of England P&I Association 2010
Cargo Liquefaction
accept the discharged cargo. The shipper’s cargo declaration should be accompanied by a signed certificate
stating the cargo’s TML and moisture content.
In addition Section 4.3.2 of the Code states that ‘the certificate of TML shall contain, or be accompanied by,
the result of the test for determining the TML’, which we understand to mean that the FMP must also be
included with the documentation. This should allow the master to calculate the TML to ascertain that it is
stated correctly on the declaration and also provides useful evidence in the event of a dispute.
Unfortunately there have been many instances where the information provided by the shipper has stated that
the cargo has been within the TML but which cargo has later proven to be liable to liquefy. This can come
about through poor testing procedures (despite detailed advice as to the conduct of tests contained within
the IMSBC Code), changes in circumstance since testing was carried out e.g. heavy rain, or through lack of
understanding by shippers’ representatives of the potential dangers posed to the vessel by spurious figures.
As such, even where the certificate states that cargoes are safe to load, masters and their officers must
always be vigilant in monitoring the condition of the cargo as it comes onboard. Different stockpiles of cargo
can have different characteristics so vigilance throughout the duration of loading operations is necessary.
In the event of a dispute arising over the properties of the cargo intended for loading we would recommend
that Members consider the employment of an independent surveyor/expert to assist the master. In such
circumstances Members should contact the Association for advice.
North of England P&I Association, The Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3DU, UK
Tel: +44 191 232 5221 Fax: +44 191 261 0540 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nepia.com 4
Copyright © North of England P&I Association 2010
Cargo Liquefaction
also the inhomogeneous nature of the cargo itself makes FMP determination using the techniques described
in the IMSBC Code problematic as they are designed for more homogeneous cargoes.
Can Test
In order that the vessel can make its own assessment of the
likelihood of the cargo to liquefy the IMSBC Code describes a
shipboard method known as the “can test”. Master’s can refer
to the IMSBC Code (2009 Edition), Section 8, page 33, for
details. The test involves filling a small can with the sampled
cargo and repeatedly banging it on a hard surface. The
appearance of the material at the end of the test can be used to
form an opinion regarding the suitability of the material for
This test should not be a substitute for proper laboratory testing
using an appropriate methodology. However, if can tests
carried out on a cargo presented for loading indicate a
propensity for liquefaction, this is a major warning sign that the
cargo as a whole may be unsafe for carriage.
Expert advice should then be sought. If shippers present
significant amounts of material that fails the can test, this is an
indication that the cargo as a whole is unsafe, and that
documentation provided may be flawed. It should also be borne
in mind that a negative result from the can test (i.e. no free
moisture or fluid condition is seen) does not necessarily mean
that the cargo is safe for shipment.
Decision to Load
The master’s decision to commence loading is critical in avoiding the problems associated with cargoes that
liquefy. High loading rates mean that vessels can have many thousands of tonnes of cargo loaded in just a
few hours. To safeguard a vessel and its crew and to avoid the delays, disputes and other problems
associated with discharging a cargo that is unsuitable for transportation the master must satisfy himself, as
far as can be reasonably determined, as to the suitability of the cargo for loading.
If at all practicable the master should arrange to view the cargo stockpiles to be loaded onboard as the
condition of the stockpiled cargo may indicate potential problems with liquefaction. Samples collected from
these stockpiles may be Can Tested for signs of liquefaction before loading.
Where doubt exists as to the characteristics of the cargo to be loaded the master should delay the start of
the loading operation and contact his owners. In such circumstances it is advisable to appoint an
independent surveyor or cargo specialist for advice. Always remember that removing unsuitable cargo from
the vessel can be highly problematic.
In the case of cargoes known to liquefy and which have resulted in problems for vessels, e.g. iron ore fines
ex India during the South West Monsoon season, it will be to owners’ advantage to appoint independent
surveyors to sample and inspect the cargo to be loaded prior to a vessel’s arrival and to assist the master
throughout the load.
North of England P&I Association, The Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3DU, UK
Tel: +44 191 232 5221 Fax: +44 191 261 0540 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nepia.com 6
Copyright © North of England P&I Association 2010
Cargo Liquefaction
Cargo Unsuitable for Shipment Already Aboard
Suspect cargo should be sampled by an independent laboratory and, if found to be beyond its TML, then the
safest option is to discharge the cargo. This sounds simple but unfortunately experience has shown that
once a vessel has loaded wet cargo getting rid of it at the load port can be highly problematic for the vessel.
Commercial reluctance on the part of the shippers and ports to accept/unload the unsuitable cargo can lead
to severe delays and larges costs. In the worst cases
these situations can drag on for months. There may
also be damage to valuable commercial relationships
should such a dispute arise. It is always best for the
vessel’s safety and in the owner’s interest that iron
ore fines unsuitable for shipment are identified before
they come onboard.
North of England P&I Association, The Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3DU, UK
Tel: +44 191 232 5221 Fax: +44 191 261 0540 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nepia.com 7
Copyright © North of England P&I Association 2010
Cargo Liquefaction
Protect Your Interests
The loading and carriage of cargoes that have the potential to liquefy takes place every day, all over the
world and the vast majority of voyages pass off without incident. However, the potential consequences of
loading a cargo that is unsuitable for carriage due to its moisture content are of such seriousness that
vigilance when dealing with these cargoes can never be relaxed.
Familiarity with the IMSBC Code and an awareness that its Annexes are not exhaustive is important. Always
bear in mind that some cargoes do not appear in the IMSBC Code and that these cargoes may liquefy. The
best way to protect both the crew and the owner’s interests is by ensuring that the provisions and advice of
the IMSBC Code are followed at all times and by being vigilant before, during and after loading.
The Association is very grateful to Ken Grant of Minton, Treharne & Davies (MTD) and Martin Jonas of
Brookes Bell for their advice and guidance in the preparation of this briefing.
North of England P&I Association, The Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3DU, UK
Tel: +44 191 232 5221 Fax: +44 191 261 0540 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nepia.com 8
Copyright © North of England P&I Association 2010
Cargo Liquefaction
Exemplar Shipper’s Cargo Declaration
North of England P&I Association, The Quayside, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 3DU, UK
Tel: +44 191 232 5221 Fax: +44 191 261 0540 Email: [email protected] Website: www.nepia.com 9
Copyright © North of England P&I Association 2010