TRM263 Notes
TRM263 Notes
TRM263 Notes
• Segmentation
• Targeting
• Differentiation
• Positioning
Marketing is a process by which companies create value for customers and build strong
customer relationships in order to capture value from customers in return.
Marketing myopia: paying more attention to the specific products than to the benefits and
experiences produced
Louis Witton example: girls
– Satisfied customers buy again (Value=Expectation)
– Dissatisfied customers switch to competitors (Value<Expectation)
– Delighted customers (Value>Expectation)
Marketing management is the art and science of choosing target markets and building
profitable relationships with them.
• What customers will we serve (target market)?
• How can we best serve these customers (value proposition)?
1) Production concept:
should be available, affordable.
It holds that consumers will favor products that are available and highly affordable.
Therefore, management should focus on improving production and distribution
The oldest concept.
Coca Cola distributable easily
2) Product concept:
customers focus on best benefits, features.
It holds that consumers will favor products that offer the most in quality, performance,
and innovative features.
For example: Apple, Phillips
3) Selling concept:
The firm should effort to sell products to customers. They should try, persuade you to
sell products.
Insurances etc.
4) Marketing concept:
The firm should understand the needs and wants of customers and should shape their
The job is not to find the right customers for your product but to find the right products
for your customers.
The company’s marketing strategy outlines which customers it will serve and how it will
create value for these customers.
Next, the marketer develops an integrated marketing program that will deliver the intended
value to target customers. The marketing program builds customer relationships by
transforming the marketing strategy into action. It consists of the firm’s marketing mix, the
set of marketing tools the firm uses to implement its marketing strategy.
Attracting new customers is more expensive than keeping the current customers. (making
Ads etc.)
Customer lifetime value is the value of the entire stream of purchases that the customer
would make over a lifetime of patronage.
Share of customer is the portion of the customer’s purchasing that a company gets in its
product categories.
A customer buys from the firm that offers the highest customer-perceived value—the
customer’s evaluation of the difference between all the benefits and all the costs of a market
offering relative to those of competing offers.
Customer equity is the total combined customer lifetime values of all the company’s
the more loyal the firm’s profitable customers, the higher its customer equity
Rather than focusing product oriented def. , it is more important to focus market oriented
Strategic planning is the process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the
organization’s goals and capabilities, and its changing marketing opportunities.
1) Mission statement:
Business objectives
a. Build profitable customer relationships.
b. Invest in research.
c. Improve profits.
Marketing objectives
d. Increase market share.
e. Create local partnerships.
f. Increase promotion.
The business portfolio is the collection of businesses and products that make up the
1st: analyzing current portfolio.
2nd: developing strategies to design new business portfolio.
Market Prentation: Same product, same market. Making more sales to current customers
without changing its original product. It is a growth strategy. “Marketi domine etmek”
For example: Opening A101, BİM everywhere.
Product development: New product, same market. It involves offering modified or new
products to current markets.
For example: Apple, it is developing itself.
Market development: Same product, different market. Managers could consider new
For example: Simit Sarayı, they opened new places in other countries.
Downsizing is when a company must prune, harvest, or divest businesses that are
unprofitable or that no longer fit the strategy.
The firm may have grown too fast or entered areas where it lacks experience.
The market environment might change, making some products or markets less
Some products or business units simply age and die.
1. Customer
2. Marketing Strategy
3. 4 Ps
Market segmentation is the division of a market into distinct groups of buyers who have
different needs, characteristics, or behaviors and who might require separate products or
marketing mixes.
Market segment is a group of consumers who respond in a similar way to a given set of
marketing efforts.
Market targeting is the process of evaluating each market segment’s attractiveness and
selecting one or more segments to enter.
Market positioning is the arranging for a product to occupy a clear, distinctive, and desirable
place relative to competing products in the minds of target consumers.
The marketing environment includes the actors and forces outside marketing that affect
marketing management’s ability to build and maintain successful relationships with target
The Company
The Suppliers:
• Provide the resources to produce goods and services.
• Treat as partners to provide customer value.
Marketing Intermediaries
Firms that help the company to promote, sell, and distribute its goods to final buyers.
• Resellers
• Physical distribution firms
• Marketing services agencies
• Financial intermediaries
Macroenvironment consists of the larger societal forces that affect the microenvironment—
demographic, economic, natural, technological, political, and cultural forces.
a) Demographic:
• size, income level, density, location, age, gender, race, occupation, and other
• Demographic trends include changing age and family structures, geographic
population shifts, educational characteristics, and population diversity.
• Generational marketing: Baby boomers and millennials are now moving over to
make room for younger Generation Alpha. Generational marketing is important in
segmenting people by lifestyle or life stage instead of age.
b) Economic:
Inflation rate, GDP, income level, distribution of income
c) Natural:
The natural environment is the physical environment and the natural resources that are
needed as inputs by marketers or that are affected by marketing activities.
• Growing shortages of raw materials
• Increased pollution
• Increased government intervention
• Developing strategies that support environmental sustainability.
d) Technological:
This environment makes people more powerful.
For example: People can check the prices of products via phones etc.
• Most dramatic force in changing the marketplace.
• New products, opportunities
• Concern for the safety of new products
f) Cultural:
The cultural environment consists of institutions and other forces that affect a society’s
basic values, perceptions, and behaviors.
Core beliefs and values are persistent and are passed on from parents to children and are
reinforced by schools, churches, businesses, and government.
Secondary beliefs and values are more open to change and include people’s views of
themselves, others, organizations, society, nature, and the universe.
“People’s views”
Big data comes from marketing research, internal transaction data, and real-time data
flowing from its social media monitoring, connected devices, and other digital sources.
Big data is the huge and complex data sets generated by today’s sophisticated information
generation, collection, storage, and analysis technologies.
A marketing information system (MIS) refers to the people and procedures dedicated to
assessing information needs, developing the needed information, and helping decision
makers to use the information to generate and validate actionable customer and market
MIS provides information to the company’s marketing and other managers and external
partners such as suppliers, resellers, and marketing service agencies.
• Exploratory research
• Descriptive research
• Causal research
Students will have the following responses for the above questions:
Sampling Plan
Probability Sample:
Nonprobability Sample:
Consumer markets are made up of all the individuals and households that buy or acquire
goods and services for personal consumption.
How & How Much
Stimulus-Response model:
I. Cultural
A. Culture
B. Subculture
C. Social Class
II. Social
III. Personal
IV. Psychological
A. Motivation
B. Perception
C. Learning
A drive is a strong internal stimulus that calls for action. A drive becomes a motive when it is
directed toward a particular stimulus object − a person’s drive for self-actualization might
motivate him or her to look into buying a camera.
Cues are minor stimuli that determine when, where, and how the person responds. For
example, the person might spot several camera brands in a shop window, hear of a special
sale price, or discuss cameras with a friend. These are all cues that might influence a
consumer’s response to his or her interest in buying the product.
Suppose the consumer buys a Nikon camera. If the experience is rewarding, the consumer
will probably use the camera more and more, and his or her response will be reinforced.
Then the next time he or she shops for a camera, or for binoculars or some similar product,
the probability is greater that he or she will buy a Nikon product.
Need Recognition
Need recognition is the first stage of the buyer decision process, in which the consumer
recognizes a problem or need triggered by:
• Internal stimuli
If you are hungry or etc.
• External stimuli
You show a AD etc.
Information search is the stage of the buyer decision process in which the consumer is
motivated to search for more information.
Sources of information:
– Personal sources
– Commercial sources
– Public sources
– Experiential sources
Evaluation of Alternatives
Alternative evaluation is the stage of the buyer decision process in which the consumer
uses information to evaluate alternative brands in the choice set.
Purchase Decision
Purchase decision is the buyer’s decision about which brand to purchase.
The purchase intention may not be the purchase decision due to:
• Attitudes of others
• Unexpected situational factors
Postpurchase Behavior
Postpurchase behavior is the stage of the buyer decision process in which consumers take
further action after purchase, based on their satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
Customer journey: the sum of the ongoing experiences consumers have with a brand that
affect their buying behavior, engagement, and brand advocacy over time.