Synopsis MSRF

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A Project Synopsis


Student Result Management System

Submitted in partial fulfillment of their requirements for
the award of the Three-Year Diploma in

Computer Science And Engineering

Submitted By:-
Ajeet Kumar(E21113835500046)
Under the Supervision
Mrs.Shilpi Rani(Lecturer)
Submitted to:-

Department of Computer Science

Mahamaya polytechnic of Information Technology
Bachhraun Amroha -244225


3.Hardware use use

5.Frontend and backend


7.Advantage and disadvantage

The main objective of this project is to provide results to the
students in a simple way.The students can get results through
the college/institution website through their roll numbers. By
analysing the result status and applying the standard calculation
followed by the University the result are displayed with
individual scores and the equivalent percentage. The system is
intended for the student. The student can login through their
login id and password to check their respective results. This can
be achieved with web development technologies like HTML,
CSS, PhP, Javascript and using the database MySQL. The
faculty can view the overall performance of the students in the
semester examinations subjectwise. The visualisation of the
overall results according to the subject(The percentage of pass
and fail in a particular subject) can be done using fusion charts.
Student Result Management System is a web-based application
that mainly focuses on providing the results to the student and
the faculty. The student check their respective results using their
University registered recognition id’s along with their grades
and percentage of that particular semester. The student
accessing their results through college site is more convenient
and the faculty can easily analyse the pass and failure of a
particular subject. The system is divided into three modules-
Student, Faculty and Administrator. The student using his roll
number can view his results and the faculty using the joining
year and the subject name and view the analysis of pass and
failure count in the selected subject . The administrator uploads
the results file to the database by converting the file to sql
format(.sql) from the PDF format(.pdf).The admin is provided
with the privileges to modify the student results by updating the
results during the changes in supplementary or revaluation
examination. The update of any current score is to done by the

This specification document describes the capabilities that will

be provided by the software application STUDENT RESULT
MANAGEMENT SYSTEM .It also states the various
constraints by which the system will abide. The intended
audience for this document are the development team, testing
team and end users of the product


The application will manage the information about various

students enrolled in this course in different years, the subjects
offered during different semesters of the course, the marks
obtained by the various students in various subjects in different
semesters. The application will greatly simplify and speed up
the result preparation and management process
System Enviroment


 Pentium IV Processor
 512 MB RAM
 40GB HDD
 1024 * 768 Resolution Color Monitor


 OS : Windows XP
 PHP (PHP5.6, MySQL, Apache, and PHPMyAdmin)
Overview of Technology
Front End Technology:-

PHP PHP is a server-side scripting language designed

specifically for the web. Within an HTML page, you can embed
PHP code that will be executed each time the page is visited.
Your PHP code is interpreted at the web server and generates
HTML or other output that the visitor will see. PHP was
introduced in 1994. As of November 2007, it was installed on
more than 21 million domains worldwide, and this number is
growing rapidly. You can see the current number at PHP is an Open Source project.
PHP originally stood for Personal Home Page and now stands
for PHP Hypertext Preprocessor.

Unique Features:-

If you are familiar with other server side language like ASP.NET or JSP
you might be wondering what makes PHP so special, or so different
from these competing alternatives well, here are some reasons: 1.
Performance 2. Portability(Platform Independent) 3. Ease Of Use 4.
Open Source 5. Third-Party Application Support 6. Community Support

Back End Technology:-

MySQL Introduction

There are a large number of database management systems currently

available, some commercial and some free.
Some of them : Oracle, Microsoft Access, Mysql and
PostgreSQL. These database systems are powerful, feature-rich
software, capable of organizing and searching millions of
records at very high speeds. Understanding Databases, Records,

and Primary Keys Every Database is composed of one or more

tables. These Tables, which structure data into rows and
columns, Impose organization on the data. The records in a
table(below) are not arranged in any particular order.

SQL, statements fall into one of three categories.(Types of

SQL) Data Definition Language(DDL) : DDL Consists of
statements that define the structure and relationships of a
database and its table. These Statements are used to Create, drop
and modify databases and tables.

Data Manipulation Language(DML) : DML statements are

related to altering and extracting data from a database. These
statements are used to add records to, update records in, and
delete records from, a database; perform queries; retrieve table
records matching one or more user specified criteria; and join
tables together using their common fields.

Data Control Language(DCL) : DCL statements are sued to

define access levels and security privileges for a database. You
would use these statements to grant or deny user privileges;
assign roles; change passwords; view permissions; and create
rulesets to protect access to data. The Syntax of SQL is quite
intuitive. every SQL statement begins with an “action word”,
like DELETE, INSERT,ALTER etc. it ends with a semicolon.
whitespace, tabs, carriage returns are ignored. Some example of
valid SQL statements : CREATE DATABASE emplyee;
SELECT name FROM users where email
=”[email protected]”; DELETE FROM cars WHERE
year_of_manufacture < 1980;
Advantage and Disadvantages

1. With student result management system, teachers, professors, and

staff can create result analysis reports.

2. Gradebook Management.

3.Exam Timetable Management.

4. Records marks and result on a single database.

5. Add & manage students and Declare Results.

6. Allot seat to students in exam halls.

7. Integrate-able with fee management.

8. Create exams online using School ERP Software.

9. Present a solitary stage to deal with the preparation of all examination

records inside the organization.

10. Generate printouts of examination and test reports instantly.

11. Send/ publish results to parents and students online.

12. Record and search details of every exam/test, student wise/course


13. Admit Card/ Hall Ticket Generation.

14. Calculate scores, percentages and grades.

For Students:-

1. Download report of the results in PDF format.

2. View results of tests and exams online.

3. Search test and exam scores with valid Roll number/ ID.

4. View Semester Results for all Subjects from anywhere using smart


1. The student result management system is prone to hacks.

2. Administration cannot edit or modify scores after the deadline.

3. Extensive modules and features make it difficult for a user to utilize

the application.

4. Minor technical glitches and issues.


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