Environmental Chemistry CY1010 Lecture 1 Posted
Environmental Chemistry CY1010 Lecture 1 Posted
Environmental Chemistry CY1010 Lecture 1 Posted
Challenging problem: How to continue our technologically based civilization without at the same time irreversibly damaging
the environment in which we evolved
Department of Chemistry
Department of Chemistry
Scenario of Global Carbon Emissions
Population growth Heavy dependence on fossil
Industrialization fuels
Global warming
Ozone layer depletion
Our modern technological society, coupled with largely uncontrolled population growth, places extreme stress on the environment
Department of Chemistry
Goal: The Paris Agreement's long-term temperature goal is to keep the rise in mean global
temperature to well below 2 °C (3.6 °F) above pre-industrial levels, and preferably limit the
increase to 1.5 °C (2.7 °F
Department of Chemistry
Paris Agreement". United Nations Treaty Collection. Archived from the 5
original on 5 July 2021. Retrieved 15 July 2021.
Part-2: Organic chemicals in the Environment
Plastic pollution
Department of Chemistry
It is estimated that 1.1 to 8.8 million tonnes of plastic waste 6
enters the ocean from coastal communities each year
Organic Chemicals in the Environment
Organic compounds: Compounds that mainly contain carbon and hydrogen atoms
Glucose: C6H12O
Amino acids
n-butane Proteins
Carbon exhibits catenation property
Department of Chemistry
Organic Chemicals in the Environment
➢ Thousands of different organic chemicals are synthesized each year for use as
cosmetics, insecticides, detergents, and plastics
➢ Some of them are not adequately tested for toxicity before being put on the market
➢ Many of these chemicals persist in the environment for long periods of time
Organic compounds that are resistant to degradation
Persistent organic pollutants (POPs) through chemical, biological and photolytic
Department of Chemistry
Organic Chemicals in the Environment
➢ POPs can enter into water and food chains and can cause serious health and
environmental problems
➢ POPs can go from one place to other via wind and water
➢ POPs generated in one country can affect the people and wildlife in other
countries even though they are very far from each other
➢ Some POPs evaporate from water or land surfaces into the air, then return to
Earth in snow, rain, or mist
Department of Chemistry
Organic Chemicals in the Environment
Approximately 80,000 synthetic chemicals are on the market today and most of them have never been tested
for toxicity
Department of Chemistry
Organic Chemicals in the Environment
➢ POPs contamination is also found in arctic regions, which are thousands of miles
from anywhere the POPs are manufactured or used
Stockholm Convention
In 2001 “dirty dozen” POPs
Department of Chemistry
Organic Chemicals in the Environment
Department of Chemistry
Organic Chemicals in the Environment
DDT (Dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane)
Aldrin Dieldrin Chlordane
Stockholm Convention
Added 8 more substances to the agreement in 2009 and one more in 2011
Department of Chemistry
Organic Chemicals in the Environment
Stockholm Convention
Added 8 more substances to the agreement in 2009 and one more in 2011
➢ Five of the new POPs are also poly chlorinated compounds which are used as
Department of Chemistry
Organic Chemicals in the Environment
Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic (PBT) Pollutants Program
➢ Wider scope than the Stockholm Convention and has the same goals of reducing
the use and release of PBT pollutants while making sure that these chemicals are
disposed of properly
Department of Chemistry
Organic Chemicals in the Environment
Persistent, Bioaccumulative, and Toxic (PBT) Pollutants Program
Department of Chemistry