Slides Pratica Named Pipes e Select

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Operating Systems

Department of Informatcs Engneerng

Unversty of Combra

Named Pipes &

/O Multiplexing
Named Pipes (also known as FFOs)

Smar to ppes but aow communcaton between

unreated processes.

Each ppe has a name ().

The ppe s wrtten persstenty n the fe system.

For creatng a named ppe, use the "mkffo" command or

ca mkffo(const char* fename, mode_t mode);

Typcay, ke ppes, they are haf-dupex

Means that they must be open read-ony or wrte-ony

They are opened ke fes, but they are not files

You cannot fseek() a named ppe; wrte() aways appends

to the ppe, read() aways returns data from the begnnng
of the ppe.

After data s read from the named ppe, ts no onger

there. Its not a fe, ts an ob|ect n the unx kerne!

Unrelated client/server program (np_server.c)
#de11he PTPE_hAhE "hp_c1eh1_seJveJ"
1h1 ma1h{)
// CJea1es 1he hamed p1pe 11 11 doesh`1 ex1s1 ye1
11 {{mk11o{PIPE_NANE, _CEAT|_EXCL|6666)<0) && {eJJho!= EEXTST)) {
peJJoJ{"Cahho1 cJea1e p1pe. "),
// 0pehs 1he p1pe 1oJ Jead1hg
1h1 1d,
11 {{1d = open{PIPE_NANE, _NLY)) < 0) {
peJJoJ{"Cahho1 opeh p1pe 1oJ Jead1hg. "),
// 0o some woJk
humbeJs h,
wh1e {1) {
read{1d, &n, szeo1{numbers))
pJ1h11{"|SERvER] Rece1ved {d,d), add1hg 11. d\h",
h.a, h.b, h.a+h.b),
Je1uJh 0,
Unrelated client/server program (np_client.c)
#de11he PTPE_hAhE "hp_c1eh1_seJveJ"
1h1 ma1h{)
// 0pehs 1he p1pe 1oJ wJ111hg
1h1 1d,
11 {{1d = open{PIPE_NANE, _WNLY)) < 0) {
peJJoJ{"Cahho1 opeh p1pe 1oJ wJ111hg. "),
// 0o some woJk
wh1e {1) {
humbeJs h,
h.a = Jahd{) 100,
h.b = Jahd{) 100,
pJ1h11{"|CLTEhT] Sehd1hg {d,d) 1oJ add1hg\h", h.a, h.b),
Wr1e{1d, &n, szeo1{numbers))
Je1uJh 0,

Some interesting issues...

If you get a SIGPIPE sgna, ths means that you are tryng to
read/wrte from a cosed ppe

A named ppe s a connecton between two processes. A

process bocks unt the other party open the ppe...

Beng t for readng or wrtng.

Its possbe to bypass ths behavor (open t non-bockng

- O_NONBLOCK), but be very, very carefu: f not propery
programmed, t can ead to busy watng. If a named ppe
s open non-bockng, EOF s ndcated when read() returns

When desgnng a cent/server mutpe cent appcaton,

ths means that ether the ppe s re-opened after each
cent dsconnects, or the ppe s open read-wrte.

If opened "read-wrte", the server w not bock unt the

other party connects (snce, he tsef s aso another


Carefu: n s the number of the hghest fe

descrptor added of one.

Its not the number of fe descrptors

A bt set representng
fe descrptors

FD_ZERO(fd_set* set)
Ceans up the fe descrptor set

FD_SET(nt fd, fd_set* set)

Sets a bt n the fe descrptor set

FD_CLEAR(nt fd, fd_set* set)

Cears a bt n the fe descrptor set

FD_ISSET(nt fd, fd_set* set)

Tests f a fe descrptor s set
Example (printerd.c)
#de11he BbF_STZE 4096
#de11he hbh_PRThTERS 3
cohs1 chaJ* PRThTER_hAhE|] = {
"pJ1h1eJ1", "pJ1h1eJ2", "pJ1h1eJ3"
// The pJ1h1eJ 11e descJ1p1oJs
1h1 pJ1h1eJ|hbh_PRThTERS],
vo1d cJea1e_pJ1h1eJs{) {
1oJ {1h1 1=0, 1<hbh_PRThTERS, 1++) {
mk111o{PRThTER_hAhE|1], 0_CREAT]0_EXCL]0666),
pJ1h1eJ|1] = opeh{PRThTER_hAhE|1], 0_R00hLY]0_h0hBL0CK),
asseJ1{pJ1h1eJ|1] >= 0),
1h1 ma1h{1h1 aJgc, chaJ* aJgv|]) {

Example (printerd.c) (2)
vo1d accep1_Jeques1s{) {
wh1e {1) {
1d_se1 Jead_se1,
1oJ {1h1 1=0, 1<hbh_PRThTERS, 1++)
F0_SET{pJ1h1eJ|1], &Jead_se1),
11 { seec1{pJ1h1eJ|hbh_PRThTERS-1]+1, &Jead_se1, hbLL, hbLL, hbLL) > 0 ) {
1oJ {1h1 1=0, 1<hbh_PRThTERS, 1++) {
11 {F0_TSSET{pJ1h1eJ|1], &Jead_se1)) {
pJ1h11{"|<s> PRThTThC]. ", PRThTER_hAhE|1]),
chaJ bu1|BbF_STZE],
1h1 h = 0,
do {
h = Jead{pJ1h1eJ|1], bu1, BbF_STZE),
11 {h > 0) {
bu1|h] = `\0`,
pJ1h11{"s", bu1),
} wh1e {h > 0),

pJ1h1eJ|1] = opeh{PRThTER_hAhE|1], 0_R00hLY]0_h0hBL0CK),
} } }

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