Periodic Classification of Elements Hand Written Notes

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Netoomd's Law e ocloves

19-1866,Joha Netizlonds Oosonaed

dnoonelemens in tne 0sde nceayno
ted m huaoqem. Osnd. ohbaun
s& etemeht
he ond tut da_evext ea elment
Jhe oherhes

H e enpack ds e tcdows ound

An usiay ic a , e y a mapa, da , n
And in dhe L0eRl AauLeie Adknltu=
do eme,a,la tALeacfae Lalled
La "Ocaie)

ineetcona l=
Lpllium ale aleiam'eudkesal-elenmenl
rpcseteySimiloni o
Netalan sumed. o g
elemen otul
be dilaved n pke.
BullokY, SevenU r elemen wae
Natla odu tooelemens nA
SameQat Lat bul alsOu n e
nude Plemehk_ UndexSameptup
ende.lce.vs nolic able
men Nanaoich 10endelee m
imaatnnt omhnbutaKo eomAeVelt
exiada ahle o elcmen herein
elemenk_esee aAxanged on A, baS
Aeiy gdamenkl_aomie mossc>
nd l ' y l hcmc htske

einne oedlp 1Jid selemenk

e eYomimed he
aehatusasib blu ahmie MUS ano.
e hysic'al And hemicol
olSD Abseallea
pexbd ecumenae _elemenk 1a
Simla physical onaoricdA2sheaiea
Da l_basis Mondelceis omulated
LDLD ohiclh saha
ohthhey Cle ments aneLe 2EoNic

duiakto amc ma SSE

endeleeys erelieae Aon
VahalColeumg Called. t h n
hbaizonal adlds Celleo enod
lendelee leeu' e Sn 0 ap3 1n He.
4nlieable he bold PadiclA
eIyane Soo1e etment d a had
n e tbeen_dischuentd ya kme
mandeleevs narmed
nome pre fedng ehemenin
ane up Se Scadumtaaulwua
aermenum disCaed lak havenh

Letun inc esC e dautd day rld

lat lued n netd Qsoup o rtadu
olkbino de sisng cd
sh PNeseemen ascd. akalloe
mandeleev's lqw
omic mag MACQ e mn
nmannexnpirq satm n e elenk

n e n = Snetos lee ridledhe

Mov Cmanls_Latld be. dklve& bl
Medton iedic Aable HensMosele
01 Hemy mosele Shucd AoAhe
oomic numbei an elemen D os
undamen eil tbeslu dhon iB_amic mOSS

AcCpsina modtan emDdelable la

(opeslic elemehaae, d andie
mceon siC_apmic nUmbrx

heh_ eleme e dwanged n

ebained ableLellksmniean kxio


haS Verheal Columa iCnoan as

gpreoond 2haxtzdna xaLO lnntdna

o elemem in ame Dub_

havee cme nmbes
Valamte eleshnns
umhe Shell 1ncacase dS twe qD

Scme Caltumes
cshtl le aumbex Valenee
elechonsincreose _LueMove l o
in a lonadte le
leto do chd Yesihion element
im nedean edic able,

all Oile elechunde

Contiaunekontano Hhen nd eriod
Ond aDlz numbea bm Mns_eleahLunic
onfla usatos n llboino eN
(eenoelic umbex cn element
L o Ae umbe_elec bon shells
_ aom
aends d dean gesindic doble.

9 dehnds uboa dhe mumbex dValence
eleahoxis hesentin ihe oikimxd 2he
c elemen xtapL21.
Valenlu o Valence elecbos
nheeed do_elemenk ooup i omand
NalmC B-Valence elecsons

elecbonte Contaunabn
elemeatSa al have deSamenumnsY
Nalence eleoban and AL ValenCea olL
elemens up|hale Valentp 1

Nanaknn dipna Iyindshe ValenC mcaeae

L Lo Aen daeoLNe
o 21o

2 13 1S 6 1
Csaou2 3
Valen Cu Z & O
omc Sze.
9 J o ,ulus n afom l MOy
be Visualised as Ah_distance bu
Crpe.. o e -adas_nucleug end e
utamoss Shll d an isala1lrdatom
Aomie She. > DeCacase
elue o nCroSc in nuole
aCanSd-e YedDA
Choe Tatt

AlomicShe I»ccase onuim

beluuse ne shelk aa benaadded.

incole dishne b eukmom eleabeom


Metallic and Non-esalie chaxackx

elements havinqa end Cy oloseane Ox
m e elechnrn) ind s Maive. ians
be Coll ed MeaalS [bedouse Ae ions aamto
ab Cal1ed elecbdpushre. elemesnh)

-Melsant sentn de Aide

as well: a ah t (enhre. Penoekic
le ~anderly e hese clemen to lnse eleche
CalleU omeda fttc Chas cke
lement 1arin OL ndenly_cto4un one
bx mbDeelebhonaaAdkm caatic) ibr
an Called on-me tals erameaatie.
Mallio chnactex
Deatase acDSS mnd
Non-eallc. Chaclex \
eCoeose QAaz dDiomAae aau

Nane c Oides

Dxidles Meal ae basic la makne.

wtle Hhose nencmeul one Aadic
Yerias OeCxeose

Caoou =QeCaeane

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